March 11, 1890:
To the visitor who has not seen Fairhaven for two months, nothing is more astonishing that the wonderful change made by the vast amount of building already completed and now in process of construction. Business blocks, warehouses and residences have gone up like magic, but even with such a rapid supply the demand has been ___ and buildings are ___ almost as soon as foundations are laid. A fine three story frame building is fast approaching completion on Twelfth street south of Harris, being erected for Mrs. A. B. SEYMOUR of Chicago. This building will be finished in a first class manner and will cost about $6,000. Frank REESE is building a two story frame, 25x100 feet, corner Eleventh and Mill. Cost $4,300. The Presbyterians are building a fine edifice on the corner of Thirteenth and Columbian streets, which will cost when furnished $6,500. Messrs. GOOCH & FOSTER's building on the corner of Twelfth and Mill streets will have three stores on ground floor and offices or rooms above. Estimated cost $3,000. The Electric Light Company is nearing completion with its building on Cowgill street. Cost about $2,000. A two story frame building for C. W. WALDRON is being erected at the corner of Eleventh and Mill streets and will cost $2,000. Messrs. SINGER & NESTELLE are erecting a two story brick case building, 25x60 feet, on McKenzie avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh streets, to cost $1,500. Immediately adjoining, S. J. EGBERT has an $800 building to be used as a poultry market. The building for the Fairhaven Herald is nearly completed on the corner of Fourteenth and Larrabee streets. Cost $2,000. Among the residences the finest building is for Mr. J. F. WARDNER, on the corner of Fifteenth and Knox streets. This house is a combination of the Queen Anne and Eastlake styles. It will be wired for electric bells and lights and heated by the return system of steam. The windows will be of French plate glass. The interior will be finished in polished redwood, and all fittings and the plumbing will be of latest improved patterns. When finished this residence will cost about $15,000. Mr. Alfred RIEDEL's residence on Fifteenth street, near Douglass, is built in the Eastlake style, and will be finished in a fine manner. Estimated cost, $3,000. Frank AFFLECK is building two Queen Anne cottages on Sixteenth street, to cost about $3,000. One of these will be occupied by Mr. E. H. HOLBROOK.
The Fairhaven Electric Light and Motor Company was organized last January with a capital stock of $100,000. The gentlemen interested, thoroughly awake to the needs of a live energetic and growing city, concluded upon forming an organization for the lighting of Fairhaven after the most approved plan. The company very shortly after organizing, had the work of building the plant at once under way and pushed it to completion. It is situated on Cowgill street, between 12th and 14th streets, on the Fairhaven and Southern Railroad. The building is a frame structure with a boiler house attached. The main room contains the office of the business manager, the engine and the two dynamos. The boiler has a capacity of one hundred horse power, while the engine is of seventy-five horse power. The dynamos are of the most improved pattern and make, the incandescent, or the improved Edison, and they are an American. The former has a capacity of five hundred incandescent lamps of sixteen candle power each, while the arc machine will furnish current enough to light fifty-five of the arc lamps. About eight miles of wife has been strung up to the present time, and the work is not nearly completed, as only a two-wire system is in use, which will be replaced by a three-wire system in a very short time. The latter method of conveying the current gives much better service and can be used to better advantage by the company, as it is less liable to accident, and is also more economical. Sunday, May 4, 1890: Among the numerous residences now under contract for which plans are being made, are seven for Mr. Nelson BENNETT, which are to be ready in the fall, Mr. E. M. WILSON has had plans prepared for a fine house at the corner of Fifteenth and Gambier streets. Mr. Jno. BLACK is building a handsome cottage at the corner of Seventeenth and Larrabee streets and Mrs. E. M. BURGHOFFER another in Eldridge's addition. Contracts have been let for the construction of a handsome residence for Judge GRAZLEY on Gambier street between Eleventh and Twelfth, into which he hopes to have is family moved & settled in the early fall. Mr. Alfred RIEDEL has moved into his new residence on the hill. Frank AULT, laborer, in the employ of D. PLUMMER, while steaming timbers for a small boat, was badly scalded by the blowing out of a plug at the end of a steam pipe, on Friday last. The infant son of Joseph JOSEPHSON and wife, died on Friday morning last in this city. The funeral services will be held this morning at the residence of the family on Marion Avenue between Knox and Douglass streets. Mr. Henry ELLING, on Concord, Missouri, is in the city, the guest of his son, William ELLING, who is connected with the Fairhaven Land company's store. Tuesday, May 6, 1890:
The newly elected mayor, E. A. TURNER, was born in St. George, Maine, in the year 1852. In 1873 he came to the Pacific coast and located at Stockton, California. In 1875 he came to Seattle, having, while engaged in the newspaper business, heard of the wonderful resources of Washington, and last July he came to Fairhaven, where he has made a permanent home. James F. WARDNER, a member of the council, was born in 1845 in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1871 he went to Arizona and engaged in the mining business, where he remained until 1872, when he went to Salt Lake City, Utah, and operated the Wasatch and Columbia mines that year and 1873. He was among the first to go into the Black Hills during the gold excitement in 1876, and remained there until the fall of 1883, when the Coeur de Alene excitement broke out and he followed in its wake. When he went to the Coeur de Alene mines his family took up their residence in Spokane Falls, and remained there until decided to make his home in Fairhaven which he died in the year 1889, early in the spring. M. McKECHNIE was born in Ontario, about the year 1849, and is a wagon maker by trade. He came to Fairhaven seven years ago from Winnipeg, and has lived here ever since. He is a representative man and has endured the hardships encumbent [sic] upon the western frontiersman. J. M. MILLER was born in Iowa, and is thirty-eight years of age, his home being in Winteset, Madison county, where he served one term as mayor of the city and two consecutive terms as prosecuting attorney. He graduated in the Des Moines school of law, and has practiced about eighteen years. Mr. MILLER moved to Fairhaven in the fall of 1888 and proposes to live and die here. W. A. WOODIN was born in Picto Province of Nova Scotia, in the year 1850, and came to Bellingham bay eight years ago. He opened up a little grocer store on the ground where his large building now stands, and has accumulated wealth enough to make him comfortable. E. L. COWGILL is a native of Delaware, and was born in the year 1853. In 1884 he came to Washington and during the month of December, 1888, removed to Fairhaven. He is manager of the Fairhaven Land Company, a large property owner and enjoys the fullest confidence of the citizens of Fairhaven, as was evidenced by the vote given him on Tuesday. J. J. DONOVAN, chief engineer of the Fairhaven & Southern railroad, is a native of New Hampshire and 31 years of age. He graduated from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and came west in 1882. Mr. DONOVAN was the engineer in charge of the Cascade division of the Northern Pacific railroad until it was finished. He afterward held the same position on the Montana branches of the same road, and remained in charge until he became associated with the Fairhaven & Southern in 1888. D. R. HUNTOON, the oldest gentleman on the ticket, was born in Craftsbury, Vermont, in the year 1839. He left his native state for Frisco, Utah, where he was superintendent of the carbonite mines and mill until 1882, when he emigrated to Seattle, Washington, remaining there until 1883, when he moved to Bellingham bay and brought [sic] the first property sold in that town, being the site where the Bellingham postoffice is now located. He still retains that property as a memento of by gone days. Mr. HUNTOON says his nearest neighbor was distant two and a half miles, but that did not shake his confidence in the future greatness of the bay, and now he is receiving his reward. He was elected treasurer of the city unanimously, and no worthier a person could be found upon whom to bestow the honor. Charles W. OWEN, the assessor, was born in Kassan, Dodge county, Minnesota, in 1863, and came to Tacoma in 1882, where he resided until 1888, when he came to Fairhaven. Mr. OWEN is the youngest man on the ticket in years, but in experience will prove a wise head for the office to which he has been elected. Dr. HATHAWAY is a native of Maine, and graduate of Boudoin Medical College. He is an old practitioner and fully acquainted with the duties of health officer, to which office he has been elected. The doctor if one of Fairhaven's substantial citizens and will make a No. 1 officer, discharging his duties fearlessly and to the interest of the general public.
Died - In Fairhaven, Washington, Saturday, May 3, 1890, Florence May, aged six years, youngest daughter of F. A. and Alice PARKER. The funeral took place on Monday, the 5th, from the family residence. The building boom has started and the Chuckanut stone quarry is overtaxed in supplying the demands made upon it for building stone. They cannot obtain sufficient help and are now short twenty-five men. Sunday, May 11, 1890:
The little 6-year old son of F. M. GWINNUP narrowly escaped be killed the fore part of last week by falling through a sky light in the Deitrich building on McKenzie avenue. He was injured internally and was compelled to walk on crutches for several days. He was playing with other children when, unconsciously, he walked into space with the above result. It was a narrow escape.
Sunday, September 7, 1890: The official census returns gave Whatcom 3,977, New Whatcom 2151, Fairhaven 4057, Bellingham 216. As Bellingham is a part of Fairhaven and no longer exists under that name the real population of Fairhaven at the time of taking the census was 4,273, thus giving Fairhaven 296 more population than Whatcom, the place where resides the gentleman who had charge of taking the census for Western Washington and where his office was established. The increase of entermitting (sic) and other fevers in this city is said by the physicians to be mainly due to the lack of sewerage. A professional sanitary engineer is now at work arranging for a perfect sewer system, but of course it will take some months to complete the work of putting in the sewers. In the meantime the people should use unstintedly (sic), disinfectants in all the places about the premises which can possibly creat nauseous and dangerous gasas (sic). Use lime and every other obtainable disenfectant (sic) freely and promote public health. Friday, September 19, 1890:
Calvin F. KEESLING, chairman of the Whatcom County Board of Commissioners for the past four years, died at 2:30 a. m. yesterday, at Steilacoom, where he was taken for treatment only five days ago. Mr. KEESLING's first illness dates back to about May 10, at which time the commissioners were in session and had under advisement important business, which, as chairman of the board, he was prone to leave incomplete, and in consequence taxed himself beyond his strength -- he grew gradually worse until in July, when he again rallied and was able to be around -- going out driving occasionally with his wife. When the time for the August term of the board came round, he was urged not to attend by his family and friends, but being possessed of more hope than strength he undertook to be present as a member of that board, and his strength has failed him gradually from that time to the hour of his final departure.
Mr. Keesling was born in Henry County, Indiana about the year 1833, and was, therefore, 57 years old. He emigrated to California at an early day, crossing the plains with a wagon train: thence to Oregon, and from Oregon to Whatcom County about the year 1872, where he first settled on Ten Mile Creek, near Yager post office. He first settled on the site of his Whatcom home in 1878, when it was yet a wilderness. He has accomplished by patient toil and well directed efforts much, and his acres planted in trees, berries, flowers, evergreens, etc., in endless variety, are admired by all. No place in the county is a better advertisement of the capabilities of our soil than is his. As a neighbor he was ever kind and true. It can be truthfully said of him that he was honest. He was sober: he was industrious; he was careful; he was reliable; he was not an extremist, and in every sense of the word, a true, conscientious man. His taking away to many unexpectedly, will cause many of the old pioneers to grieve who have long known and learned to love him. His place in our midst is not easily filled, and his wife and family have the sympathy of the entire community.
Monday, December 29, 1890:
Mr. WILSON was born in Onondago (sic) county, N. Y., August 13, 1812. He removed when a young man to Australia to seek his fortune. While there he wooed and won a bride, Miss Mary A. SLY, the ceremony taking place November 4, 1844. Mrs. WILSON survives her husband and is now residing with her daughter in Pendleton. Five daughters and two sons (sic) blessed their union, one of the latter, Mr. E. M. WILSON, being a partner of Nelson BENNETT, the railway contractor. Mr. and Mrs. WILSON removed from Australia to the Sandwich Islands, removed again in 1847 to Oregon, each voyage occupying three months. They located at Oregon City, then a small village, and came to this country in 1863, where they have resided until Mr. WILSON's death. The deceased will be remembered by his old-time friends as a man who possessed the good qualities of the ideal pioneer, intelligence, honesty, industry and the determined spirit which rises superior to all obstacles in the task of rearing homes in the wilderness". Edward M. WILSON, of whom this sketch is written, attended the best educational institutions of the coast until 1866, when at the age of 19 he went to Chicago and took a course of about one year in a commercial college, after which he went to Wyoming territory as a clerk for NOUNAN, ORR & Co., contractors on the main line, then being constructed, of the Union Pacific railroad. With this firm he remained until the completion of the road in 1869. Mr. Wilson then went into the newspaper business at Corinne, Utah. At that time Corinne was the only "gentile" town in that Mormon territory. It was also the outfitting and shipping point for the settlements in Montana and Idaho. The stage lines for numerous places in those regions ran from Corinne and the traffic was large. It was expected that this place would be the junction of the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads, and would therefore be a place of great importance. The newspaper, with which Mr. WILSON was connected, as business manager, was called The Corinne Reporter, and it was established for the purpose of waging war against Mormonism and for the building up of the city of Corinne. Hon. D. J. TOOHEY, now judge of the Superior Court of San Francisco, was one of the gentlemen interested in the journalistic venture, and J. H. BEADLE, the well-known writer for magazines and newspaper syndicates, a series of whose illustrated articles on a trip through Europe, have lately been running in the Fairhaven Herald and in other leading newspapers throughout the country, was the editor of the Reporter. Other and more powerful interests, however, diverted from Corinne its prestige and chances, especially the then very strong influence of the Mormon Church, and the city went down, after a hard fight of two years, in which the editor frequently suffered from personal rencontres (sic) with irate Mormons. Mr. WILSON then, in 1871, went to Salt Lake City and took the business management of the Salt Lake Review, another anti-Mormon publication which made a strong, aggressive fight for one year, against the hosts of that earthly so-called Zion. It was during this time that Brigham YOUNG, the head of the Mormon Church, was arrested for high crimes and misdemeanors in connection with outrages against Gentlies and as the claief director of the murderous band known as the Danites." At that time, also, Hon. George L. WOOD, formerly governor of Oregon, was governor of Utah, and Hon. George A. BLACK of Fairhaven, was the territorial secretary. After the demise of the Review, Mr. WILSON went into mining operations in Utah and held high places of trust with several strong companies in that business. In those days the only politics in Utah was Gentiles vs. Mormons, and Mr. WILSON being in a county which was the only one having a Gentile majority--that because the voters were for the most part miners--(Tooele county) was nominiated and elected as a member of the Utah legislature. All the other members of that body being Mormons, he was voted out of his seat by the other members, notwithstanding that the governor had issued to him a certificate of election. On account of Mr. WILSON's overwhelming majority, however, the Mormon legislators did not dare to seat his opponent, so the county went unrepresented. Mr. WILSON's immediate predecessor, Col. FOOTE, had been rejected in the same manner by the Mormons in power. While in Utah Mr. WILSON was the Grand Master of Oddfellows in the territory and was the youngest Grand Master in the United States. He was also the Worshipful Master of the Masonic Lodge to which he belonged. In 1879 Mr. WILSON went to Idaho and was among the first discoverers and locators of the Wood River and Saw Tooth mines in Alturas county of that territory. Among the mines which he discovered and located was the famous Vienna mine. Mr. WILSON remained in that region mining and merchandising until 1884, and part of the time was interested with Mr. Nelson BENNETT whom he had known in Utah. In 1882 he was elected to the legislature of Idaho from Alturas county by the largest majority in the territory, and was nominated for speaker of the House by the Republicans of that body. The two parties, Republicans and Democrats were equally divided in that body, there being twelve of each and hence there was a "deadlock," as to the speakership, until both Mr. WILSON and his opponent, the Democratic candidate, withdrew from the fight and a third man was elected. In the summer of 1884 at the solicitation of Nelson BENNETT, who had the contract for building the Cascade division of the Northern Pacific, Mr. WILSON came to Washington to take the management of a large part of BENNETT's contract, and in 1884-5-6, he had charge of some of the most important work on that division, outside of the famous Stampede tunnel. In 1887-8 Mr. WILSON was the senior partner in the firm of E. M. WILSON & Co., which firm built many of the Northern Pacific branch roads in Montana, and in which a large quantity of the heaviest work on that road was successfully carried out, in both time and character, and the results were exceedingly profitable to E. M. WILSON & Co., and everybody else concerned while the work was of the most acceptable kind and stands today a credit to that, great system of railroads. After completing his railroad work in Montana, Mr. WILSON went to Tacoma and invested there and at Olympia in real estate, when it was comparatively cheap, and of course added largely thereby to his capital. In February 1888, Mr. WILSON and Mr. E. L. COWGILL came to where Fairhaven now stands at the instigation of Mr. Nelson BENNETT, and from this point, made a careful exploration of the surrounding country and especially of the proposed route of railway from Bellingham bay to Seattle, which is today the Fairhaven and Southern railway and shortly to be transferred to the Great Northern system, and it already connects Fairhaven with the Canadian Pacific railroad on the north and the Northern Pacific railroad on the south. These gentlemen, Messrs. WILSON and COWGILL made a close and thorough investigation of all the advantages that would accrue to the proposed line of road, its resources for the shipment of timber, agricultural products, iron, coal, stone and passengers, and their report to Mr. BENNETT gave an exhaustive account, in minute detail, of the topography of the country through which the line would be built, the advantages and obstacles, the streams to be crossed and their character, the probable cost of construction per mile, the results to be obtained and all and singular the benefits to be derived and the difficulties to be encountered. In short the report was a pen picture of the country from Bellingham bay to Seattle along a belt tributary to such a road and is in every particular an admirable paper of its character, a copy of which, dated March 1, 1888, being in possession of this editor at the time of writing. The report concludes with these words, some of them prophetic, "Important towns would, in all probability, be built up at Bellingham bay, and at the crossings or in the valleys of the Samish, Skagit, Stillaguamish and Snohomish rivers. The harbor at Bellingham bay is one of the finest on the coast. The bay lies in a semi-circle, with fine anchorage, and shipping is perfectly safe, during the severest storms, and at the southern portion of the bay, (Where Fairhaven now stands, Ed.) vessels can come to within a few feet of the mainland. This examination and report we have made by your request from a disinterested standpoint and would add that we were surprised at the vast natural resources, principally undeveloped as yet, and think the field presented for a profitable railroad enterprise is the very best on the coast." This report was endorsed by Mr. BENNETT in the following terms: "Messrs. WILSON and COWGILL are both experienced in the available resources of the West, and are also practical railroad builders. They are personally known to me and I am confident the above report is not overdrawn, as it was made at my instigation for the purpose of deciding whether I should embark in the proposed enterprise or not. The fact of the proposed road being a trunk line north and south, connecting the Canadian Pacific and the entire British Northwest by rail communication with the entire Pacific coast, should guarantee its speedy construction outside of all local advantages mentioned in the report." In the summer of 1888 Mr. WILSON returned to Montana for a few months and in September of 1889, came to Fairhaven and took charge as general manager of the the (sic) Fairhaven and Southern railroad, which position he holds yet, and is also treasurer of that company and of the Fairhaven Land company. He was one of the prime movers and is a large stockholder in the Skagit Coal and Transportation company and is president of the First National bank of Fairhaven, treasurer of the Bellingham Bay Gas company, president of the Cascade Club, was interested in the organization and establishment of the Water and Electric Light company and in short has taken part in the organization and establishment of nearly every valuable Public enterprise in the city. At the last municipal election he was chosen by the people, with a handsome majority, to be mayor of Fairhaven and is altogether a public-spirited, liberal, enterprising and progressive citizen. He has built for himself a handsome residence in Fairhaven and though yet a bachelor, his splendid home is presided over by his sister, Miss Elbry WILSON, and his mother in a charming and hospitable manner. Personally, E. M. WILSON is a prince among men. He is brave, generous, whole-souled and happy. He is possessed of a high order of intelligence and has a ripe discriminating judgment. No man is more highly esteemed among his fellowmen and his friends partaking of his own exalted and chivalrous nature, are faithful, ardent and admiring. Indeed in E. M. WILSON such graces of character combine as "Give the world assurance of a man." copied by Bob Wilson Thursday, July 2, 1891:
The following new suit[s] were filed with C. C. HIXON, clerk of the superior court, yesterday:
--Prudence O. MITCHELL vs. William MITCHELL -- The plaintiff in this suit states that they were married at Port Townsend in 1889; that ever since their marriage the defendant has neglected and failed to provide for her, and that he has been guilty of habitual drunkenness for more that a year passed, wherefore the plaintiff prays for a dissolution of marriages. --The State of Washington vs. John COSTELLO -- This criminal action has been brought over from Judge STILLWELL's court of Blaine, wherein the defendant is accused of assault and battery with intent to kill upon the person of John BAKER, who resides at Semiahmoo. The trouble arose from BAKER trying to prevent COSTELLO from shooting his wife. Tuesday, July 21, 1891:
-Considerable building activity is displayed in various parts of the city. The Rother block on thirteenth street, and the Bellingham Bay National Bank building corner of Elk and Holly streets, are two imposing and substantial structures, built entirely of Chuckanut stone.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McKINLEY had a narrow escape from what might have proved a serious accident on Sunday while driving from Lake Whatcom. Their horse becoming frightened, started at a mad pace down the hill, near the city limits, but Mr. McKINLEY was able to check it before any accident other than a general shaking occurred. -Contractor FOYE is in Tacoma, it is said, looking after men to work on his street contract. The men employed by him demanded $2.00 per day instead of $1.75, also that they be paid in coin instead of time checks. There will probably be trouble should he succeed in importing men to work the contract. The sympathy of the citizens is largely in favor of the strikers.
--C. H. GEST returned yesterday from a trip to Seattle and Tacoma.
--Mrs. F. M. DONNELLY returned yesterday from a few weeks visit at Puyallup. --A. G. DUNCAN, formerly of the Seattle Press, made the Herald a pleasant call last evening. --A. G. ELMORE, the gas engineer, who constructed the Bellingham Bay Gas works, is in the city. --Geo. O. EVANS, late of the steamer State of Washington, is spending a few days in the city. --Colonel W. H. HAKES returned yesterday morning from a business trip to Jefferson and Clallam counties. --Lieutenant J. M. DOUGAN returned yesterday from Tacoma, and from active duty at the scene of the late mining difficulties in King county. --Work on Joe ALSOP's cold storage warehouse is being pushed rapidly, and the building will be ready for occupancy in three weeks. --Paul THOMSON was drunk on Sunday and yesterday morning he was fined three dollars and costs, in Judge CLARK's court. The fine was paid. --The brick work on Mr. WALDRON's big block, corner of McKenzie and Twelfth streets, is going up rapidly. The foundations to the building are massive. ---The grading of McKenzie avenue and the cross streets in the southwestern part of the city is about completed, and the planking is progressing admirably. Altogether it is one of the costliest and most excellent pieces of street work ever done in the state. The hill at the point is to be cut away and the dirt thrown into the bay at the little cove at the foot of McKenzie, Larrabee, Donovan, Wilson and Cowgill streets, all of which will very much alter topography of that part of the city. Wednesday, July 22, 1891: The rails of the electric street railway have been laid from the New Whatcom line to the intersection of Eleventh and Front streets, a distance of about a mile, and the road will probably be completed to Harris street by the end of the week. Ten days or two weeks from now will see the entire line complete and in operation, and it will be the best street railway on the Pacific coast. Ole T. TRYGSTAD prays for letters of administration on the estate of John L. OLSEN, deceased. The estate is valued at $1,600. Charles BUCKLEY asks that letters of administration be granted him on the estate of his brother, Asa BUCKLEY, deceased. The estate is valued at $1,100. Perry N. DELLINGER has invented an engine which promises to revolutionize this branch of mechanics. C. F. WALDRON returned to the city yesterday after an extended absence. Mr. and Mrs. Frank WILKESON and Sam returned yesterday from a pleasant sojourn to Hamilton. Colonel J. S. MUNDY leaves this morning for a business trip to a Mississippi river point for the purpose of closing an important business transaction which will be conducive to the interests of Fairhaven. He will probably be absent from the city three weeks.
Thursday, July 23, 1891:
Institution of Fairhaven Lodge No. 73, A. F. and A. M.
Last night was the occasion of a very interesting event among the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Bellingham bay. It was the institution of Fairhaven Lodge No. 73, which has heretofore been working under dispensation,installation of officers and dedication of the new hall in the Knights of Pythias block on Eleventh street. ... visiting brethren, Deputy Grand Master A. A. PLUMMER, of Port Townsend, as grand master, assisted by Past Grand Master J. A. KUHN, of Port Townsend, as deputy grand master. Sir Knight W. S. PARKER, of Fairhaven, as deputy grand senior warden; Brother R. E. HELMS, of Fairhaven, ad deputy grand junior warden and Sir Knight Carmi DIBBLE, of New Whatcom, as grand chaplain.
These officials performed the ceremony of instituting the lodge, and the grand master and deputy grand master, assisted by the entire assembly, installed the officers of the lodge as follows:
F. C. POTTS, of Mission, B. C., is in the city. Fred T. ALBEE arrived from Cloverdale, Cal., Tuesday. A. L. BLAINE and wife of Tacoma, are registered at The Fairhaven. W. B. DAVEY left yesterday for California, where his wife is seriously ill. He will probably be absent three weeks. Henry A. McLEAN, of Marion, Kansas, a prominent attorney there and assistant counsel for the A. T. & S. F. R. R., is visiting Fairhaven. He is an old friend of Dr. WEST. J. A. KUHN, of Port Townsend, who has so many friends in Fairhaven that he seems to be at home in the Focal City, is here as one of the officers of the Masonic Grand Lodge. Dr. WEST's family moved to Fairhaven yesterday and began housekeeping, and now the genial doctor and his pleasant family are fully established as a part of Fairhaven's excellent social circle. D. L. MOODY returned last evening from a trip up the Sound. Mr. MOODY, it will be remembered, came out in charge of E. E. HILL's stud of horses, and is one of the best posted men on Kentucky stock pedigrees. A. A. PLUMMER, deputy grand master of the Washington Grand Lodge of Free Masons, says that Fairhaven is a delightful and astonishing city, which has grown in the most wonderful manner. He is proud to have officiated in instituting the Fairhaven lodge, of which he predicts the most flattering things. Colonel C. H. HOLDEN, who is the prime mover in the establishment of the Chatauquan grounds and university near Port Townsend, called on the Herald yesterday. He came to the Sound last April from Chicago on a visit and liked the country so well that he has determined to dispose of his Chicago property and remain here. E. Y. GRASSET, deputy city clerk, who has been ill for the past two weeks is again at his desk.
Yesterday afternoon, while the city council was in session, Councilman DARLING received a telegram stating that his father, A. DARLING, of Towanda, Bradford county, Pa., had died that morning. Councilman DARLING, who was filling the chair in the absence of Mayor WILSON, called Councilman KINGHORN to the chair, and immediately left the council chamber, explaining to his colleagues the cause.
Mr. A. DARLING was an old resident of Towanda, and was 84 years of age, having been born in 1807. Although ailing for some time past, the news of his death was not expected, and was a severe shock to Major DARLING and his family. Jack ROUSE and a party of four left for the Cascades yesterday to develop some rich claims held by the ROUSE brothers. Friday, July 24, 1891: J. S. McMILLAN, of Roche Harbor, was in the city yesterday. I. William ADAMS, of Seattle is registered at The Fairhaven. James POWERS, of La Conner, is stopping at the Fairhaven. A. G. DUGAN, inspector and special agent of George EASTON & Co.'s Insurance agency of San Francisco, is in the city. ... Several buildings are being connected with the Eleventh street sewer. D. W. FELT has removed his meat market from McKenzie avenue to new and handsome quarters in the Beadle block on Twelfth street. Saturday, July 25, 1891: George VAUTIER, one of the owners of the coal mine below the Chuckanut quarries, reports the work of development going on steadily, and that the mine is showing up first-class. Joseph DUSENBERRY, of the late firm of DUSENBERRY & BATEMAN, left last evening for his home in Cincinnati. Mr. DUSENBERRY has been a resident of Fairhaven nearly two years. ... Sunday, July 26, 1891: County Superintendent G. B. JOHNSON has returned from holding examinations of pupils throughout the county, who have completed the common school course. He reports a marked improvement, in not only school houses, but the quality of of work done. Colonel P. A. WOOLLEY, of Woolley, was in the city yesterday. Tuesday, July 28, 1891: M. M. CLOTHIER, of Ten Mile, in the Nooksack Valley, was here yesterday on business connected with the county encampment of Veterans, that is to be held at Ferndale Aug. 26 and 27. Comrade CLOTHIER has secured for the association a spacious tent, which will be erected on the grounds to be used as an audience room, that will seat about 700 people. The grounds for the encampment - at a sightly place on the banks of the Nooksack river - have been cleared and leveled for the purpose. ... B. W. LORING, of Lynden, one of the tide-land appraisers for this county was in Fairhaven yesterday. ... W. G. GOOCH is back again from Sauk City. ... Kirk E. SMITH, who has been spending the summer in Fairhaven, left Sunday for Southern California. Wednesday, July 29, 1891:
--J. S. WATSON was admitted to final citizenship.
--Clarence F. WHEELER and Helen JUNTIE have taken out a license to wed. --Another grist mill is to be erected on the tide flats in the neighborhood of the G street wharf.
--ADAMS' bath house in now in complete running order at WOODIN's wharf. If you want a good salt water bath, take it in.
--James LEONARD drew a knife on C. B. WISNER last night on Eleventh street. The quarrel seems to be the result of an old feud of long standing. LEONARD was promptly arrested, and yesterday was examined before Justice CLARK, and in default of $500, was committed to jail. --Chas. P. THORE, a business man of San Francisco, is stopping at the Fairhaven. --W. H. MOHR and family, Mrs. Max KUNER and Miss RICHARD are rusticating at Orcas. --Mrs. William PEASLEE of Taylor Falls, Minn., is visiting Fairhaven, a guest of Mrs. R. L. and Mrs. A. M. CLARK. --T. DENOON, formerly a prominent citizen of Butte, Montana, is in the city, and will make his permanent residence here. Dr. C. L. ERWIN, the pioneer dentist of Fairhaven, in order to accommodate his patients has opened an office in New Whatcom. The doctor graduated from Philadelphia dental college in 1884, and was demonstrator in the college of Baltimore for one year. Prior to his coming to Fairhaven he owned and conducted four of the finest offices of Eastern Pennsylvania and has practiced dentistry in the offices of the most skillful practitioners of Philadelphia. Dr. ERWIN started with this city and his practice has grown with it. ... Thursday, July 30, 1891: M. WARNOCK, a young gentleman from Minneapolis, arrived in Fairhaven yesterday. ... Mr. WARNOCK will remain for some time in the city and will probably locate here. Fire escapes are being placed in THISTLE's opera house. W. M. REMBAUGH's logging camp at Lake Samish, and all his outfit, except oxen, were burned Saturday night. Miss Fannie BUTZ, of Visalia, Cal., is visiting Fairhaven, the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. L. VISSCHER. Friday, July 31, 1891:
Superior court
- Estate of George H. JUDSON, deceased - Signed order appointing Flora A. JUDSON administratrix. Her bond was fixed at $250.
- Prudence A. MITCHELL vs. William MITCHELL - Decree of divorce granted. H. D. BREWSTER, of New York city, is a guest at The Fairhaven. He has been looking over the Sound country with a view to locating. Newell S. BARR and Carrie E. FESENBECK have received permission to wed. C. Ferris WHITE has on exhibition an elegant design for the proposed city hall. Mr. WHITE prepared the plans of many of the best buildings in Seattle and Spokane. A lodge of the Ancient Order of Foresters was organized last night with a membership of thirty. TAYLOR & MOLLER have completed the plans for the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, which will be erected this summer. The building will be of stone and will cost about $40,000. Guy FENTON, driver of the Bellingham Bay Ice company's wagon, was severely injured yesterday afternoon. The team became frightened at the approach of a train and started down Railroad avenue, throwing FENTON to the ground. He was cut about the face and head, besides sustaining severe bodily injuries. The horses and wagon received little damage. A longshoreman named DANDELION, fell off the Hill-Welbon dock yesterday afternoon. He was rescued by a companion, none the worse for his involuntary bath. Work on the cold storage warehouse, on the corner of Bennett and Railroad avenues, is being pushed rapidly, and it will be ready for occupancy in ten days or two weeks.
Following are the names of the officers of the Blue Canyon Coal Mining company:
Tuesday, August 4, 1891:
Joe GROSMAN [GROSSMAN], proprietor of the Green Tree saloon, died Sunday evening of cancer of the stomach. S. TAYLOR, of Dunkirk, N. Y., an uncle of Manager TAYLOR of the Fairhaven, arrived in the city yesterday. F. V. DUNHAM, formerly of this city, but now a live real estate man and rancher of Friday Harbor, is in the city greeting old time friends. Wednesday, August 5, 1891:
Thursday, August 6, 1891:
Friday, August 7, 1891:
Wednesday, August 26, 1891:
Miss Laura S. KERR, teacher of vocal and instrumental music. Rooms in St. James' Parish building on Thirteenth, between Mill and Knox. Blue Canyon City now has two saloons. The directors of school district No. 2 are examining plans for a brick and stone school building on Virginia street. The building will cost about $20,000.
Miss BUNYARD has been a resident of Fairhaven for over two years, and is, therefore, while a young and fair citizen, one of the oldest residents of the Focal City. She is the daughter of Mrs. Nannie STODDARD, whose residence is on Fourteenth street, first door north of the DAVY House. The present Mrs. VANDERFORD is a charming and accomplished young lady, and she and Mr. VANDERFORD became acquianted some years ago in the Coeur d'Alene, where their acquaintance and friendship terminated in the love that has resulted as herein mentioned. Mr. VANDERFORD is one of the staunch and solid citizens of Fairhaven, a gentleman of large means and becoming enterprise. Cordial, genial, warm-hearted, popular and public-spirited, of course his legion of friends will congratulate both him and his bride, but the jolly coterie of bachelors among whom he has been such a notable factor will regret to lose him from their brotherhood. Mr. and Mrs. VANDERFORD will leave Seattle today for a trip to Tacoma and Portland and it had been their intention to go as far as San Francisco, but preemptory business demanding Mr. VANDERFORD's presence in this city within a fortnight the happy couple will return to Fairhaven in about ten days when they will take up their future and permanent residence. In the immediate future they will occupy the handsome cottage on Fourteenth street, the third from the corner of Douglas, lately occupied by Colonel HOLTON. ....
W. R. NEWNAN, acting G. V. C.; A. C. GRUBE, acting G. P.; George CHAPPELL, acting G. M. at A.; George W. BUTTNER, acting G. K. OF R. and S.; S. A. BRIEST, acting G. M. of Ex.; A. S. BALCH, acting I. G.; T. C. COURTENAY, acting O. G.; J. O'NEAL, Herald. After the dedicatory services were concluded Major Ell WILKIN delivered an eloquent opening address, in which the rise and growth of Pythianism were graphically depicted. .... A piano dues by Misses KERR and EGGLESTON, a bass solo by Mr. John BLACK, a recitation by Mr. H. D. COOLEY and a quartette consisting of Messrs. CRESSWELL, BLACK, GATES and COHN were admirably rendered, as well as a piano solo by Miss EGGLESTON, and a solo by Mr. A. P. COHN, who received a hearty encore. Mr. LIVERMORE, of New Whatcom, delivered a brief closing address and the night's ceremonies and entertainment were over. Call and leave your measure for shirts. Patronize home industry. W. R. NEWNAN, 1103 Harris avenue. Sunday, September 6, 1891:
For the first time in the history of Fairhaven the ladies voted and their presence at the polls was a novel feature of the election. Mrs. Lizzie HODGES and Mrs. Delila BLANKENSHIP were the first ladies to deposit their ballots, early in the afternoon, encouraged by their example, about seventy-five women voted during the day.