The Champion
New Whatcom, Washington

Saturday, May 27, 1893:

Joseph BRICE and family came from Nevada ten years ago and settled on their place near Enterprise. He has 120 acres of land, 30 acres of which is in a fine state of cultivation and produces wonderful crops of fruit, oats, potatoes, peas, hay, etc. Mr. BRICE is wide awake to the necessity of laying the old political parties on the shelf and running the government in the interest of all the people.

-Married: on Thursday, May 18th, by justice FOSS, Geo. W. WORTHEN and Miss Trina TOBIASSEN, both of Delta.
-Mr. FOSTER, who lost his house by fire last winter, has a new one completed.
-Mr. Frank O'NEIL is putting a picket fence around his house and garden.
-Mr. SETZER is improving the looks of his farm by getting rid of some huge stumps.

-Jim McCOY is putting up a hotel and bar at this place.
-The people out here think it very strange that a warrant cannot be obtained for the arrest of the party who shot at Joseph BLACK and F. WICKERSHAM on the night of the 12th inst. Evidence to convict is not lacking.
-A large wolf with three pups appeared on our streets the other day; their threatening howls aroused the settlers and they were soon driven to their lair.
-Wickersham people were again awakened at 2 o'clock this morning by the snarling and howling of a pack of wolves that had gathered near the depot. It is suggested that a bounty on scalps be offered, and thus rid the country of these dangerous animals.
-Pat McCOY will soon be loading logs at his new spur. His camp presents a busy scene of industry.

-Born - May 16, unto the wife of Earl SMITH, a daughter. Also, on May 20, unto the wife of Homer ANDERSON, a daughter.

Saturday, June 3, 1893:

Billy BUCHANAN of Woodlawn, who was drowned at GAUDETT's logging camp on Lake Whatcom last week, was the mainstay and support of his old father and mother, and his untimely death is a crushing blow to the parents for whom he delighted to work and provide.

Tommy MONAHAN, who has been seriously ill for several months past, is now able to be out on the street occasionally.

Hard times and scarcity of money has pushed the International Shingle Mill company of Blaine, to the wall, an assignment having been made on the 1st inst.

F. J. BARLOW, the Thirteenth street saddler is building roads, planting fruit trees and otherwise improving his fine ranch near Silver Beach.

James C. DRAKE, of Tacoma, the newly appointed United States Marshal, is a brother of John and Ed. DRAKE of this city.

S. E. LEITCH, of the Sumas News, paid this office a fraternal call last Thursday. He was accompanied by his brother, Dr. LEITCH. The Sumas News is a republican paper that is distinguished from the ordinary run of journals of that political faith by the reason that it does not vilify and misrepresent its political opponents.

E. A. HEGG, the Photographer, permits only first class work to go out. When in town call and see him. Studio on Elk street, near Holly.

Saturday, June 10, 1893:

The many friends of Mr. A. C. MARSTON, the old pioneer who lives on Front street, will regret to learn that he is very low. All that kind care and nursing can accomplish is being done to make his final hours as pleasant as possible.

Zeno DOTY, Dell COOPER, J. C. INKS, F. B. LEAMING, Spencer VAN ZANDT and other members of the Whatcom Rod and Gun Club will leave tomorrow for Victoria to take part in the shooting tournament at that place next week.

John BARWICK, a rancher living near West Ferndale in this county had a domestic tilt with his wife to whom he had been married less than three months. He went out doors in a rage. The wife closed the door, and John fired a charge of buckshot through it. The wife escaped through the back door, and gave the alarm. Constable WHITE of this city went up to make the arrest. John stood him off, one the day following, sheriff REQUA and deputy CONLIN, armed with a warrant, went after the belligerent BARWICK. When the forced open the door BARWICK placed the muzzle of his gun to his face and blew his own head off. They buried him the next day.

George MALLON, of Fairhaven, was drowned in the Bay near the Great Northern depot Wednesday morning. His hat blew off, and in attempting to rescue it, he fell from a boom of logs, and before help could be rendered, sank to be recovered only when life had become extinct.

Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between B. A. CURLEY and C. A. NICHOLS, known as the Fairhaven Wood Working Company, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. B. A. CURLEY collects all debts due said firm and assumes all the liabilities.

Yager Notes
-Owen DEWEY, of Van Wyck, visited friends at Yager Sunday.
-Dave MYERS, of Whatcom, is visiting at Yager this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PIPER spent Sunday at Yager visiting friends.
-E. L. SCRIMSCHER has gone to the Crossing to bale hay for Mr. KILE.
-Mr. SHELTER and family have moved to the KENOYER mill, on AXTON's place to take charge of the boarding house.
-James McLEOD is home from JAMESON's logging camp, nursing a wound he received in his leg from a glancing axe.
-Miss Lizzie SCRIMSHER and Mary PROUTY visited at Van Wyck last week and attended the dance there Saturday evening.
-Dr. WRIGHT, a former physician at Lynden, who has entered the ministry, preached at the school house last Sunday.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2004


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