Vol I, No. 4. Joseph W. DORR, Publisher.
Friday, July 18, 1890: A. C. BALCH of BAKER, BALCH & Co., Seattle, came in yesterday to superintend the putting up of the electric light wires. Miss May HOWARD, the English spirit medium and mind reader, will give an illustrated lecture of spirit power, at the opera house to-morrow night. Captain TARTE of the Brick, is negotiating for a steamer at San Diego, about the size of the Idaho, which is to be run on the daily mail route between this place and Fairhaven. The excavation for a basement for a two story brick building 75x1000 feet, was commenced yesterday, on the corner of Martin street and Harrison avenue. It will be constructed and owned by Messrs. MARTIN and CARTER.
There will be a mass meeting of the citizens of school district number 25,
held at the school house in the town of Blaine on Friday, July 18, 1890,
at 8 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of considering the question of the location
of a schoolhouse site, and also the matter of a school building for said
district. All who are interested, both men and women, are requested to attend.
Saturday, July 19, 1890: Blaine now has eleven mails a week. Quite an improvement on three. The work of putting up the wires for the electric light was commenced yesterday. The KINGSLEY wharf is now nearing completion. This gives Blaine three of the best wharfs on the sound. Remember that the Morning Journal will be delivered to subscribers in any part of the city. The grade on Harrison avenue from the KINGSLEY wharf to H street is now complete, and one can get some idea of the striking appearance the town will present when all the street work in complete. P. D. HARNESS the telegraph operator, has been appointed agent at this place, for the Northern Pacific and Alaska Southern steamship companies. Parties going east or anywhere that the fare is over thirty-five dollars will receive free transportation to Tacoma, by purchasing tickets here. The graders on the Fairhaven & Southern railroad are within a mile of town, coming in from the north. It will be but a few days now until the grade work on this road will be finished, as it is not complete to this place from the south.
Frank GROVES, A. MURPHY. Sunday, July 20, 1890: Nooksack City is under the shade of the mountains brown in the eastern part of Whatcom county. It now has about twenty buildings, including a fine four-story hotel, a church and a number of good store buildings. The trains of the West Coast road will be running there in sixty days, and when they do the passengers can look out of the car windows and see a mile and a half of graded street with a twelve-foot sidewalk alongside. Thousands of ties are piled along the grade, and one as he looks at them can almost imagine he hears the cry which will in a few short months ring out as the trains pull up at the union depot which will be located there: "Change cars for Blaine, Vancouver and New Westminster! Change cars for Mission! Change cars for Bellingham Bay!" Rev. J. A. STAYT will address the Y. M. C. A., in their new rooms in the Cain building, to-day at 4 p. m., Ladies will be welcome. Remember that in order to be entitled to a vote in this state, a man must have resided in the state for one year, the county three months and the township thirty days. Therefore the voting population is not very large here, and every man who is qualified should register. James GALLIGHAN of Sehome, was in the city yesterday. H. S. THOMAS and wife, of Tombstone, A. T. were among the Arlington arrivals, yesterday. W. H. DORR, from Wiser Lake, spent yesterday visiting with the Journal family.
It was also decided to build a $10,000 school house, and an election to vote bonds for this purpose, will be held at the earliest possible date. Tuesday, July 22, 1890:
The boy took a horse and buggy, the horse belonging to E. BURGER, and the buggy to J. H. UPSON, from the Herring barn, and drove it across the boundary line, where he unhitched the horse and tied it in the brush, and he also secluded the buggy in the brush, where they were found by the owners. After thus disposing of his stolen property he came back to town and went to work in a saloon, where he was arrested. It appears from the past life of this boy, as given by himself, that he was a pretty tough character for a boy only thirteen years of age. He has served three years in a Minneapolis reform school. He is also the same boy who stole the horse at Fairhaven last week, and after riding it up to this place turned it loose. He stole a watch from a boy, and upon demand from the constable he gave it up. Upon his person was found a bunch of thirteen keys. He claims to have parents in Fairhaven who were in rather straitened circumstances, and gives that as an excuse for his recent exploits.
This is to give notice that the county institute, as provided in section 72 of the school laws of the state of Washington, will be held at the town of Lynden, beginning on Monday, August 3, 1890, and continuing one week. It is desired that every teacher in the county be present. The law provides that they shall be or forfeit their certificate, and also that those who are teaching shall be allowed for their time, the same as if they had continued teaching. The people of Lynden have voluntarily offered to entertain the teachers of the county during the sessions of the institute. Those who prefer can be entertained at public houses at reasonable rate. H. J. SWIM, County Superintendent. Per G. B. JOHNSTON, Deputy. Some of Blaine's real estate men have stopped dealing in options, and are now handling actual dirt. Capt. GREELY the census enumerator, is making the wind up of his work at Point Roberts. This is the last precinct in the county to make a report. The Invigorator bath house, DARCY & DENNISON, proprietors, has been opened. They have everything neatly arranged, and excellent accommodations for the ladies. Yesterday morning J. P. BLAKE, Geo. OVELLETTE and John ACKELS were arraigned before Judge WEST, charged with drunkenness, and after having deposited $6.50 each, toward paying the expenses of our public institutions, were given their liberty. Two more skeletons were plowed up by the graders on Washington avenue, yesterday morning. That locality is evidently one of the spots where the aboriginees (sic) were wont to deposit the mortal remains of their braves and speeded their souls to the happy hunting grounds. Last Saturday a young son of Mr. BOOTHROID, of Clover Valley, B. C., was out gunning near his home, and in drawing his gun over a log it was discharged tearing his left arm nearly from his body and shattering the side of his head. The gritty fellow was all by himself, and finding that he was bleeding to death, he untied his shoe, and taking the string wound it about the shattered arm to stop the flow. Then the poor boy staggered home, where he died in a short time. S. E. BARRET the telegraph operator at Ferndale, was looking over the International city, last evening. Harry HELLER of Whatcom, who has charge of the work on the MILLER wharf, returned Sunday evening, after a few weeks absence. G. W. SHANNON & Co the new hardware firm at the end of the wharf, are now open and mean business. Call and see. Thursday, July 24, 1890:
[Advertisement:] SEMIAHMOO
Those who know this old town best have unlimited faith in its grand future,
and why not? It is located in the center of one of the best harbor's on the
Pacific coast, and by wharves a hundred feet long the greatest ocean vessels
can land at the town. Southeast of Semiahmoo is a fine country which is reached
by boats on tide water, which extends back into the country several miles,
and by a sightly drive which skirts all round the southern shore of the inner
harbor, and this country has always made Semiahmoo its trading
point.Semiahmoo stands upon such ground as prevents it from ever being dusty or muddy. It is the handiest shipping point and a railroad will be built out to the wharves there before long, where they can reach deep water by building on the solid ground. The shell and gravel formation on which Semiahmoo is located contains a quarter section of land which is five or six feet above high tide, and in several respects is the most pleasant place bordering on the salt water, especially in summer when bathing is enjoyable. Semiahmoo will alway form a most interesting part of the International City. R. S. CLARK, Chief Owner, Seattle, Washington.
Samuel SAMUELS, Simon ANDERSON, C. W. CLAPP, Mr. RODIE, Johann KROOG, C. S. HAMSHAW, W. BANKS, Joseph LERNGE, A. J. McKEENE, Lizzie L OHREY. E. J. EGAN, Asst. P.M. The sidewalking of Harrison avenue was commenced yesterday. J. A. MARTIN is putting in a ten ton wagon scale in front of his store, on Harrison avenue. Miss Minnie K. LEWIS, the energetic lady canvaser and collector of the Whatcom Bulletin, called at the Journal office yesterday. Miss LEWIS is a typo of five years experience, as well, and candidly expressed her surprise at finding the best newspaper outfit in the county at the Journal building. The Invigorator bath house, DARCY & DENNISON, proprietors, has been opened. They have everything neatly arranged, and excellent accommodations for the ladies. Friday, July 25, 1890: The boiler for the electric light power house, which arrived yesterday morning weighs seven ton. Angus McLELLAND has the contract for moving it from the dock to the power house. WHITE Brother's meat market, on Washington avenue is the place to buy fresh meats of all kinds, fresh vegetables and spring chickens. A fine ten pound boy was born to the wife of Elias WILSON of this place, yesterday morning. The brick for the LINDSEY building on the corner of Martin street and Washington avenue, was put on the ground yesterday. Postmaster JENKINS of Whatcom, is authority for the announcement that the cost of the daily mail between this place and the bay will be $5000 per annum. The Sehome Morning Gazette is now a thing of the past, and as a result the Evening Bulletin will soon be made a morning paper. The $1,000 bus which is to be run for the Arlington, arrived on the Sehome, yesterday. She is an elegant vehicle, being neat and comfortable in every way. It will be put in service to-day, and will afford quite an accommodation to the traveling public. The steam schooner Michigan, which had on board the boiler for the electric light power house, made its arrival this morning. The Michigan is a genuine ocean steamer, the first to ever land at the Blaine wharf, which feat it accomplished without experiencing the slightest difficulty. At noon yesterday, as J. W. BROOKS was leading his team from the watering place to the stable, they became frightened at an old crockery crate and plunged forward, trampling Mr. BROOKS to the ground and inflicting a very ugly gas on the calf of one leg and severely bruising the other. Dr. Clark was called and soon repaired the injuries. Harry HELLER, the contractor on the MILLER wharf, returned to Whatcom yesterday, having completed his work here.
Saturday, July 26, 1890: Another story is to be added to the Hollinghead building, making it a four story building. The electric light wire (was) put up on E street to Washington avenue, yesterday. J. DORNBURY of Tacoma, who owns a fine ranch near here is looking after property interests in this locality. New Whatcom saloons are now obliged to keep their front doors closed on Sunday and otherwise conduct their business in the quietest manner possible. New Whatcom is earning a reputation of being the most orderly city on the Sound. --Express.
Sunday July 27, 1890: R. C. ROBERTS and family start today for Centralia, this state, where they expect to make their future home. CROCKEN Brothers the civil engineers, have been surveying and locating the line for the main pipe of the waterworks. The marshal has notified those having tents inside the fire limits, within 100 feet of any frame building, to remove the same on or before Saturday, August 2nd. The funeral of Mrs. HAZELTINE, was preached at her residence in this place, yesterday, at 9:30 a. m. by Rev. LUDWICK. The remains were interred in the cemetery east of town. A. L. ACKLES of this place has taken the sub-contract from C. C. McCOY, for carrying the tri-weekly mail from the bay to this place, for a term of six weeks, when a change will be made in the route. Wm. SUNDERBRUCH returned from Seattle yesterday. He will now devote some time to working up the subscription list to the Morning Journal, and it goes without saying that he will succeed in securing a large list. Lyle HICKS and Burdick LAMPHIER, of Custer, were in Blaine to-day. Mr. HICKS informs us that Thursday the residence of his father, Mr. T. HICKS, of Warnock, B. C., was burned with all its contents, leaving the aged people without a roof or any household goods. Tuesday, July 29, 1890: F. F. FOSTER has commenced excavating beneath his store on Washington avenue, for the purpose of lowering it to the level of the street. M. B. WEBER was arraigned before Judge WEST, yesterday morning, on a charge of assaulting and beating one Martin BUTLER. The evidence showed that the complaining witness had been using abusive language to the accused, and in consideration of that provocation the Judge assessed the punishment at only $1.50 and costs. James BARNES jr. and E. J. BARNES, of Great Falls, Mont., son and grandson of Postmaster BARNES of this place are visiting in the city. Wednesday, July 30, 1890: Mrs. Grace BOWER of Leadville, Col., and Mrs. Etta GENOG of Seattle, old acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Will FOX of this place, are visiting in the city. Will SHAFFER, formerly one of Blaine's energetic real estate agents, but for the past two months a resident of Tacoma, is looking after his property interests here and shaking hands with the boys. ELWOOD & GANNON are starting a new logging camp on PINCKNEY's Drayton property. Thursday, July 31, 1890: A fine six pound girl was born to the wife of Mr. J. WOODS, of this city, yesterday afternoon. Several huge stumps were blown out on D street yesterday, and the flying timbers of one did some very effectual damage to the King building in the way of breaking out window lights and falling through the roof. Several window lights were also broken in J. C. BERTRAND's house. Friday, August 1, 1890: Lynden is taking steps to incorporate as a city of the third class. Lynden, a druggist has been arrested for selling an Indian a bottle of Hostetter's bitters. Once more we will state to the subscribers of the Morning Journal that the subscription list has been sold and that we have nothing to do with the matters pertaining to it. And we wish to emphatically announce that the city editor will not entertain complaints in regard to the non-delivery of papers. Mrs. John BURNHAM and Miss Minnie BIRD both of Fairmount, Minn., arrived in Blaine yesterday. The former's husband had been here for some time, and the latter has two brothers living here. Saturday, August 2, 1890:
Schoolhouse site election to-day. The Y. M. C. A. have purchased a fine upright Emmerson piano, which is now in their rooms. Among the arrivals of July 31st, was a daughter at the home of Wallace DEMENT. It weighs ten pounds. An infant son of J. R. ALLEN died yesterday afternoon at 2 p.m. of cholera infantum. The remains are to be taken to Seattle for intermet. The residence of W. R. COHOON, on H street, is nearing completion. This is to be one of the neatest and most commodious residences in the city. At the school election, to be held at the H street school house, today, the question of the purchase of lots and the building of a schoolhouse will be decided. While there are probably none who are opposed to the purchase of lots and the building of a schoolhouse, each have a preference as to the location. There will be three propositions from which to choose: one in Warren's addition, consideration $1; one in Boblett's 2nd addition, consideration $4000; one on H street, consideration $6000. Dr. R. U. LEITCH of Lynden, is spending a few days in Blaine. Harvey ANWAY and wife and Mrs. L. B. TAPPIN of Seattle, old acquaintances of Capt. GREELEY, are visiting in the city. Sunday, August 3, 1890: C. C. CRANDELL [CRANDALL] starts to-day, on a visit to his old home in North Dakota. He expects to be absent about three weeks. N. A. CORNISH has a tenement house in course of construction, on H. street. F. W. POWER is having a very commodious residence constructed on his Clark street property. H. M. CROCKEN is preparing to build a neat cottage residence 20x 50. FISCHER & BERRY have the contract. ELWOOD & KALSEN are about to open a new general store in the Upson building on Harrison avenue. Mrs. HOYT is just recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia, which has confined her to her bed for several weeks. CAIN Brothers are having a well, seven inches in diameter, bored on the flats at their sawmill. G. R. STOCKWELL has the contract. It is now officially announced that the Great Northern tracklayers will commence working north toward the city of Blaine on August 11th. Messrs. FISCHER very kindly displayed to us yesterday, the designs for the new school house which they will submit to the board for their acceptance. It presents an elegance as they have it planned. The building is to be 75 feet square and three stories in height. Tuesday, August 5, 1890: E. MISSIMER and wife returned from their extended trip through the east, Sunday. The fill in the gulch on Fourth street is now complete. The SCHRODER store building on Martin street, is now enclosed. The office rooms of the International hotel are being refitted and much improved. Rev. A. A. WATSON, has gone to Bellingham Bay to help organize a Swede Baptist church in Sehome. A. L. JOHNSON is have the excavating done preparatory to lowering his store building on a level with the street grade. MILLER & KENNEDY have added a fine phaeton, which they purchased of H. B. STRAND, to the list of vehicles in their livery stable. The railroad graders are now at work on the cut on D street. There is quite at this place but the force is to be increased and the cut will soon be made. Wednesday, August 6, 1890: The Whatcom Evening Bulletin of Monday contains a thrilling account of the drowning in Bellingham bay early Sunday morning of a man named Norris M. STAFFORD. Three young men named STAFFORD, BURROWS and MELSON started Saturday evening to cross the bay to one of the islands in a small sail boat. About 10 p. m. their boat was capsized and they were thrown into the water, where they clung to the boat until 7 the next morning, when STAFFORD fell off and was drowned. The others remained clinging on until noon Sunday, when they were rescued nearly dead, from their perilous position. Dr. REEVES is having a new residence built near the corner of H and Seventh streets. The International hotel now has an elegant waiting room in connection with the office. Mr. Ed. GALER, of Custer, will go into the dairy business as soon as the railroad is completed. The buildings on the south side of Boblett street, between Fourth and Harrison avenue, are being moved back a few feet, owing to the fact that they were in the street. Yesterday morning the graders on Washington avenue, while making the cut near the Interntional hotel, found the considerably decomposed remains of two men. Portions of the coffins were found, and from all appearances not more than thirty years have elapsed since the interment. They are evidently white men, and one of them was over six feet in length. The skulls were in a well preserved state, as were also the lower extremities. Thursday, August 7, 1890: The electric poles were set on Fourth street, yesterday. E. M. ADAMS is having the excavating done for steps in front of his building on Washington avenue. We are requested to announce that Col. Wade HAMPTON (born a slave) will tell the people what he don't know, at the Opera House to-morrow evening. Chas. HANNAMAN, the butcher took a large sail boat and started for Geneva island, a distance of thirty-five miles, yesterday afternoon. He expects to return with a load of sheep, as they are said to be found in abundance on the island. Considerable excitement was created Tuesday afternoon by the departure of A. GERRISH the extensive street contractor. Mr. GERRISH is indebted to considerable extent to his workmen and represented that he was going away to get some city warrants cashed. Great fears were entertained as to his good intentions and as no response to the telegrams which were sent after him the fears increased, and yesterday afternoon intelligence was received from Fairhaven that he was enroute to Vancouver and his bondsmen started immediately for that place. Some maintain that everything will come out all right. L. C. KLEIDSON of Fairhaven, was looking after his property interests in the city. Friday, August 8, 1890:
M. ROSBRUGH was chosen chairman and Mr. W. W. MILLER secretary. The chairman appointed the following committees: On Grounds and Tents --HUGHES, S. P.; POWER, F. W.; NETERER, J.; ROERTS, E.; PERLEY, C. O. Finance and Music -- Ettie ROBERTS, Mrs. I. M. SCOTT, O. D. McDONALD, Mrs. W. C. HAMMOND and J. W. DORR. Entertainment -- G. W. CONRAD, G. W. HOYT and Eugene SEMPLE. Transportation -- Thomas PAINE and W. W. MILLER. The first named in each committee will be the chairman of said committee. The committees are expected to hold meetings in a day or two, and each member will be expected to respond to the call of his chairman. Messrs. O'BAR and ADAMS have made arrangements with the street contractors for the excavating on the lots at the corner of F street and Washington avenue. Mr. O'BAR has purchased the store building recently vacated by CAIN Bros., and will move it as soon as the excavating is done, when it will be remodeled and present a glass front. C. C. HIXSON clerk of Superior court and his brother Birch M. both of Whatcom, were transacting business in the city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. DORR, from Wiser Lake, are visiting with the family of the Journal publisher. They are the parents of the editor of the Journal, and this is their first visit to Blaine. Hugh ELDRIDGE has been informed by his physicians that he is suffering from brain and nervous troubles and accepting their advice will leave this evening for the Atlantic coast. He will remain until his condition is improved. He will visit Southern California before returning. -Bulletin. The reputation of the Swiss Bell Ringers is worldwide, and they need no introduction. Don't fail to hear them at the Opera House to-morrow night. FISCHER & BERRY the architects, have drawn elegant plans for the new Congregational church, which they will donate, and as they are perfect in every particular will be accepted. The plans of Mr. ALEXANDER for the new schoolhouse, was the ones accepted by the board. Mr. GERRISH returned to Blaine yesterday, as he had stated that he would, and will go forward and finish his contracts according to specifications, and pay his men as soon as possible. Saturday, August 9, 1890:
Mrs. EGAN of Semiahmoo, is reported as being quite ill. Mr. ALLEN the W. T. transfer man, has received two more teams. The construction of the warehouse on the MILLER wharf is well under way, and will soon be completed. It is 25x100 feet. The engine for the electric light plant is expected to arrive daily. The foundation is about ready and it will require but one day's work to place it in position. A man by the name of Thomas SHANNON, who lives in Clover Valley, fell and broke his arm yesterday morning, near the St. Leonard hotel. He was probably in that condition when a man is unable to preserve the equilibrium of the body. Dr. CLARK was summoned. The question of the value of the Canadian bills which are so plentiful in the city, has been agitated to a considerable extent during the past week. The bills are perfectly good at present and will be taken at the bank on deposits. While the Canadian money will pass at par here it is discounted as soon as it goes away, and we do not think it advisable to let transients come in here with that which they have taken at a discount, and exchange it for United States money. Sunday, August 10, 1890:
Sometimes a delicate modest little flower in some one's garden by the wayside will wither and die unnoticed by the passing throng, but those who have watched and tended it miss it from the little nook it occupied, and so feel sorrowful at its fading. Only Thursday morning did death come in and rob Mr. and Mrs. James Varet of their little one who had brightened their home but a few short months, and now sorrow broods there. They have the sympathy of all their neighbors in their sad loss. KEENE Brothers are building a house on H street. Mr. F. STEVENS is building a residence for himself near the corner of Harrison and Georgia streets. The steam schooner Michigan made her arrival yesterday morning. This time she was laden with the engine for electric light plant. Water is being brought in for CAIN's mill from the usual source of supply northeast of town and trenches are being run and a reservoir built to receive it near the foot of D street. Last Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents at Custer, were married C. W. SMITH and Bertha H. SCHELL. After the wedding a social dance was indulged in until morning. Tuesday, August 12, 1890: A rather miraculous occurrence took place in the stable of C. RILEY at the foot of D street, yesterday morning. A horse fell from the upper to the lower story of the barn, a distance of about fifteen feet, and received no apparent serious injury. Sunday afternoon Prof. A.HAZELTINE was arrested on a charge of vagrancy and locked up in the jail to await the trial. Some time during the night however, he made his escape. As the officers had secured the locks, the presumption is that he had assistance. We understand that there is a reward offered for his return. Wednesday, August 13, 1890:
Mr. Editor, --Allow me to say a few words in your paper in regard to bonding this county to build plank roads. Now the first thing I wish to say is that a plank road is the most expensive road that can be made, and I claim to know from observration. In the state of Ohio, where I was born and raised, there were hundreds of miles of plank road made, and it soon burned up or rotted out, and it had to be replaced again at great expense. The farmers got tired of humoring a few cranky county officers, and put in some solid men. Then the roads were ditched thoroughly for the first time, then rounded up a little in the centre, and when it had thoroughly settled it was a good road and cost only one-third as much. We cannot have good roads in Whatcom county or any other locality without we keep the water well drained from the road-bed. Now, as to issuing. Whenever this county begins to issue bonds for anything, no matter what it is, right then and there the farmers are made slaves, and no more good enterprising farmers will settle with us, and even now I know of several who would invest, only they fear we are foolish enough to vote an almost everlasting debt upon ourselves. Around Custer we favor good roads, and have as good roads as any part of the county, and want no bonds, but believe in paying as we go. We have those men about Whatcom who favor bonds spotted, and will remember them when election day comes around, and especially the ones who boasted that they would carry the bond question if they had to bring in two or three hundred railroaders to vote for it. All that Whatcom wants of these bonds is to make a few nice driveways leading into Whatcom so they can take a fine ride in their carriages, and also to make a "spec" out of the farmer. The way the law is now, the towns must pay their share of the bonds, if issued, but it is an easy matter for that Whatcom man (?) to run a few hundred voters (if not interfered with) to elect men and get such laws made as suit them. Yours, etc., E. C. GALER. Active work on the Lindsey brick block has been commenced and will be pushed until completion. The ten-foot cut of the railroad on B street is about finished. Eight large dump carts are engaged in hauling out the dirt. Dr. E. W. BURKE was appointed today medical examiner of the New York Life Insurance company and the Equitable Life Assurance society. The police are offering $25 reward for the return of Prof. HAZELTINE, but inasmuch as but few are anxious to have him again in our midst, it is not likely that he will be recaptured. We are informed by Mr. FARNSWORTH that all necessary arrangements for the putting of the waterworks have been made, and that a force of men are now at work. Mr. CURTIS will represent the company here. H. C. CURTIS returned from Westminster with his family yesterday, and will make Blaine their future home. We are always pleased to welcome such live and energetic business men as Mr. CURTIS in our midst. At an election held in New Whatcom (Sehome) Monday, for the purpose of decided the question of consolidating with Whatcom, the proposition was defeated by 41 majority, and they will remain separate incorporations. The successful faction was quite jubilant over the victory and indulged in demonstrations. Last Sunday afternoon Thos. MILLSAP, alias Mark RAYNE, took his departure for parts unknown. MILLSAP had made Blaine his home for over a year and in that time had led some of his friends to have confidence in him, which he apparently takes pleasure in betraying. For the past few weeks he had been engaged in constructing the E street sidewalk, acting in capacity of sub-contractor. When taking his departure he represented to his creditors that it was his intention to go to Birch Bay, but at last account was seen in Fairhaven. James BUCHANAN is in Whatcom, to-day. Mrs. J. F. WARD and daughters arrived yesterday, and will make Blaine their future home. J. S. JOHNSTON, accompanied by his daughter Mary and his son Clarence, arrived in Blaine Sunday from Spirit Lake, Iowa. They will make their future home in the International City. Thursday, August 14, 1890:
Aug. 10th, 1890. -There was a birthday party at the residence of B. W. EVERETT the 7th inst., to Mrs. Mary C. IRVINE aged 71 yrs., below is a list of the presents and the givers names: Mrs. BRONSON, white apron; Mrs. George BROWN, silk pin cushion; Mrs. MILLER and daughter, silk gloves; Mrs. GILBERT, white handkerchief and lace; Mrs. NELSON, velvet pin cushion; Mrs. Bob SHIELDS Sr., apron; Mrs. Robt. SHIELDS Jun., white handkerchief; Miss Tressa BROWN, silk handkerchief; Miss Katie Everet WHITE, cake; Mrs. BLOOM, Moore's poems; Eithel BLOOM, veil; Mrs. Amy EVERETT, silk handkerchief; Mrs. Charles BUCHANAN, lace collar; Mrs. CREASY, pin cushion; Maud EVERETT, silk handkerchief; Willard EVERETT, satten dress; Mollie EVERETT, daughter, large photo album. -The R. R. graders are trying to get out of working or paying their road poll tax, though it is not uncommon for the rail-roader to try to beat the farmer, all will try to do it, from Jay GOULD down to the lowest drunken tramp. The I. O. G. T. will hold a picnic on Point White Horn next Tuesday. The work of filling in the gulch on Washington avenue at the foot of D street was recommenced yesterday morning. We learn from D. K. McELMON that the track for the F. & S. R. R. has been out to a half mile this side of Westminster. There will be a meeting of the Sons of Veterans, held in the H street school house this evening, for the purpose of organizing the camp. It is quite necessary that all should be present. Mrs. William MILLOW died yesterday, at her home on E street. She leaves a daughter (sic), three daughters (sic) and a son in Blaine. We will give further particulars in to-morrow's Journal. There will be preaching at the Methodist church this evening at 8 o'clock, by Rev. John FLYNN. Mr. FLYNN has been preaching for the past fifty years, and his sermon will be quite interesting. Friday, August 15, 1890:
About a hundred acres of slashing was burned off Drayton townsite yesterday. The CAIN sawmill started up yesterday, and is engaged in turning out sidewalk lumber. The work on the new Free Methodist church is progressing finely, and the building when complete, will present an elegant appearance. Considerable complaint comes from near the international boundary line, of the stealing which has been carried on in that region to a considerable extent, of late. In one instance the culprits cut a man's tent to pieces and then stole the entire contents. It is not the supposition that the miscreants are residents of this vicinity, but traveling "professionals." Saturday, August 16, 1890:
The sidewalk is being laid on Washington Avenue. J. R. MILLER is having a large addition built to his livery stable on Harrison avenue. Messrs. COLLINS & STEVENS are constructing a neat residence near the lumber yard on Harrison avenue. Great inconvenience is being experienced in Blaine at present, on account of the scarcity of girls whose services can be procured to do housework. The building formerly used by ANDERSON & COX, and also the one adjoining it, are being moved to the corner of F street and Washington avenue. They were formerly in the street. The wires are being run through the residence of Mrs. Catherine KINGSLEY, prepatory to putting in the incandescent lights. The residence is to have fourteen lights which will add greatly to its already attractive appearance.
At the meeting of the Sons of Veterans held Thursday evening, for the purpose of organizing, the following officers were elected:
E. C. STILLWELL, captain; J. E. McDONALD, first lieutenant; Chas. PAUL jr., second lieutenant; Mr. LOOMIS, Wm. RADCLIFFE and Rufus WILSON, members of the camp council. A short time ago Mr. GEIGER, a brother of the tailor, came to this country with the hopes of improving his health, being a sufferer from Phthisis. But as the disease is one upon which climate has no effect, he could entertain but little hope from that source. He placed himself, however, under the treatment of Dr. E. W. BURKE of this place, and finds that the Doctor is meeting with phenomenal success, as he is rapidly improving, gaining at the rate of one and a half pounds per week. When Mr. GEIGER came here the two lobes of his right lung were consolidated, and he had been given up by the hospital physicians at St. Louis. This certainly speaks a volume for Dr. BURKE and we are pleased to chronicle his success. Sam BARRETT, merchant and telegraph operator at Ferndale, is in the city.
On Arrangements: - Messrs. E. H. THOMAS and H. O. WARD. On Tickets: - Misses POWELL, DAVIES, GEARY, THOMAS and TYSON. On Table: - Mrs. DAVIES, Mrs. OSTROM and Mrs. CLARK, and Misses MERRIT, SLOAN, KELLER and HAMMOND. Sunday, August 17, 1890: At Zion Congregational church, Harrison avenue, on Sunday next, the Rev. R. A. BEARD, of Seattle, superintendent of the American Home Missionary society for the state of Washington, will preach at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Superintendent BEARD is an able and eloquent preacher. Come and hear him. All are welcome. Collections on behalf of the society.
-The dance at Wm. PARR's was hugely enjoyed by those present. -There is an unsafe bridge at the mouth of California Creek. Supervisor take notice. -Mr. VOGHT and lady visited L. KLEY Sunday. -Some crankiness between the school children and their teacher at our school house is likely to terminate in breaking up the school. ---Frank JAMES. Mr. Ferdinand CUSTER is erecting a very neat residence on H street, just west of the gulch. The work of laying the brick wall on the Lindsey building is progressing finely. A force of six masons are at work. Quite a number of our merchants are taking city script at par, for trade. This is very convenient for those who are in need of goods, and at the same time the merchants are taking no risk as it is only a question of a very few days when the bonds will be sold and the entire amount of the script issued redeemed. Tuesday, August 19, 1890: R. S. CLARK will to-morrow sell at public auction the valuable ALBERTSON property located on California creek. The sale will be in Whatcom. CAIN Bros. received their mammoth safe yesterday. It weighs 6,600. Large clearing fires are burning on Warren's and Boblett's second additions. Dr. REEVES is having a well bored just back of his office on Washington avenue. Those desiring to have sewing done by the day, can procure the services of Miss Ella M. SWEET by addressing her through the postoffice. Col. Wade HAMPTON was arrested yesterday, on a warrant sworn out by MURPHY & FALLOWFIELD charging him with having obtained goods under false pretense. It appears that the goods were obtained upon the representation that they were for someone else, but the question of his guilt or innocence is yet to be decided. The trial is set for 10 a. m., to-day.
Wednesday, August 20, 1890: Chas. ROSS of Tacoma, is visiting at W. C. HAMMOND's. There will be a meeting of the Sons of Veterans held at the H street school house, to-morrow evening. At the trial of Col. Wade HAMPTON, which was held yesterday morning, before Judge WEST, the defendant was acquitted. There will be a ball and oyster supper at the corner of Boblett and Third streets Friday evening. Everybody is invited. Good music. Tickets $1.50. D. ANDERSON, C. H. WIFLER. The HOLLINGSHEAD building which is nearing completion, is to be one of the best buildings in the city. It is four stories in height containing about seventy-five rooms. It is to be illuminated with seventy incandescent lights. The building is to be occupied as a hotel, and will be quite commodious. A number of our citizens are taking recreation over at Semiahmoo, this week. They have pitched tents and are living the most rustic mode. It is doubtless quite novel and pleasant. Semiahmoo is destined to be a great summer resort and this is one of the stepping stones to the establishment of the fact. Excavating was commenced yesterday morning at the corner of F street and Washington avenue. F street is to be excavated to a level of the avenue grade, back the depth of the lots, and first four lots between F and G streets are also to be excavated. This is a wise plan, as the excavating is much easier done before the buildings are erected than after. The present dry weather demonstrates the urgent necessity of a good system of water works for Blaine. To build them at the present time is quite a serious undertaking for any one, and if the company puts it throught it will be done by shear force of push and enterprise. The company proposes to furnish a good system, and in return ask a small bonus, considering that it is not required in cash, but in land at a good valuation. The bonus has not been raised, but it should be in a very short time, if our citizens wish to have the works completed and in operation this year. It seems to us there is nothing out of place in requesting a bonus to aid in carrying out such an expensive public enterprise. The company has been getting its construction work well in hand, and as soon as the bonus is completed the water works will be pushed rapidly to completion. Thursday, August 21, 1890: Dr. E. C. FOWLER returned yesterday from his visit with his family at Vancouver. Mr. CAMPBELL of Schuylerville, Neb., an old acquaintance of F. W. SCOTT of this place, is looking over the city with a view to investing. Mr. Martin THOMPSON, one of the original sawmill men of Blaine has been in Blaine the past few days looking over valuable property interests. He is now a resident of Seattle. The steamer Etta White, whose advent to this harbor used to delight the dwellers here eighteen or nineteen years ago, ran on a rock over at the west side of the gulf a week or so ago and sunk. She is now a British boat. We see by the Vancouver World that Capt. WHITELAW, the San Francisco wrecker, has taken the contract to raise the sunken steamer, though her mast is two feet under water at low tide, so she is not likely to be a thing of the past after all, at least right away.
Hasty investigation was made for any culprit who might be lurking around, but without avail. Superintendent STANGROOM advertises a reward of $500 for evidence which will convict the perpetrators of this dastardly undertaking. --Bulletin. The work of grading H street, west of Fourth, was commenced yesterday morning. The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. LUDWICK fell from a chair and seriously injured itself. The eighteen months old daughter of E. A. CUSTIS had the misfortune the other day, to fall down the stair steps and break its arm. We are pleased to state that it is rapidly recovering. We are sorry to note that Miss Dillie BOWERS has been engaged as one of the teachers in Whatcom schools. She is one of the best teachers in the county, and we had hoped to retain her in Blaine. The Postal telegraph boys are having a picnic with the wires. They went out yesterday morning eleven miles north to a point where the wires were down, and after repairing them returned to Blaine, where they learned that they were down again in the same spot. So there was nothing to do but ride out again. Forest fires are the cause. The Blaine Brick and Tile Co. has just opened up its third kiln of brick, which contains 250,000 and turns out to be as fine as any they have burned. Two large scow loads of them go to Laconner where they have been sold, and most of the others will go into buildings in Blaine. The company is putting in a gridiron at the Kingsley dock 30x80 feet in size, down to which will be built an incline driveway, so that scows may be loaded with brick right from wagons. That same gridiron may also become useful in repairing the hulls of steamers. Friday, August 22, 1890: The lumber for the D street sidewalk was placed on the grounds yesterday, and will be laid immediately. W. H. PINCKNEY and family came in from Seattle yesterday, to take possession of their summer home in Semiahmoo, where they expect to remain some time. R. S. CLARK came in from Seattle yesterday, to look after his extensive interests in Semiahmoo. Mr. D. McKELLAR of Glencoe, Ontario, mother of our Dan, is visiting with her son. Mrs. S. A. DAVIES and Mrs. C. A. OSTROM went to Seattle yesterday, on a week's visit to relatives and friends. Saturday, August 23, 1890:
The building now proposed will be a seven room structure, built of brick and stone, and will be the equal of any school building in the county when it is completed. It will stand on a block of ground which will be owned by the district. The street is being opened to the grounds, and broad walks will be laid clear up to the building. Bids for construction the new building will be advertised for next week, and the bond election will be called so soon as the county commissioners announce the equalized assessment.
By order of the School Board of Directors of School District No. 25. James BARNES, Clerk. A fine upright Emerson piano has been placed in the Opera House, and adds much to its already attractive appearance. Jerry NETERER, M. T. GEE and A. GILFILLAN, the delegates from this place to the Democratic county convention, which convenes in Whatcom to-day, went down yesterday afternoon. About one hundred of what is known as the Northern Indians, are camped just north of the city on the British side. They intend remaining here until the hop picking season, when they will move southward. There will be a meeting of the business men, held at the Opera House this evening, for the purpose of reorganizing the board of trade. The waterworks question will also be discussed, and decisive steps taken. Let every business man be presented and take an active part in the meeting. Rev. W. M. LUDWICK will deliver his farewell sermon at the M. E. church, Sunday evening. Mr. LUDWICK has been an ardent and effectual worker during his labors at this place, and the many friends he has acquired will much regret to have him take his departure. Everyone is invited to attend the services to-morrow, and the congregation doubtless will be a large one. The Journal begs leave to call the attention of the street commissioner to the manner in which the sidewalk at the corner of D and Washington avenue. The inner edge of that walk will have to be provided with some better support or after the first rain it will look like a worm fence struck by a Kansas cyclone. It will do no harm to give all the walks being put in a good inspection. The ground under the walks should be higher that that in the streets in front of them. Sunday, August 24, 1890:
-We are glad to see Blaine prosper, as it will be a benefit to the farmers, and we are looking anxiously forward to the completion of the road that goes direct to Blaine. Mountain View will then be but ten miles distant, whereas the present road travelled is a distance of nearly twenty. P. NEILSON is constructing a neat residence on F street near E. Noncompletion of the water works this fall means no water through the dry season of next year. Christ Church of Blaine feels very grateful for a donation of $20, which has just been received from the All Saints Sunday School Association of Portsmouth, Ohio. The donation was procured through the effort of Mrs. J. P. TERRY, mother of George TERRY, of this place. The Sons of Veterans camp at this place will be mustered one night during the coming encampment, by Major RANDOLPH. Everyone who desires to go in as a charter member should be present at the meeting to-morrow evening. Messrs. D. J. McKENZIE and Fred LAUE, jr., from Alma, Wis., are in this city for the purpose of putting in a sawmill to cut 100,000 feet of lumber per day. They assure us that if the water works are constructed they will have the mill running in the shortest possible time. J. V. CHOWN, secretary of the waterworks company, is in the city looking after the company's interests. C. H. DUNTON, of Port Angeles, is in the city on business connected with the waterworks. Mr. Ed LINSE, of the Pacific Harness company, is visiting Blaine, and the branch of their house located here. Mr. Joseph MICHOUD came into this city yesterday from Langley Prairie. He had not been in Blaine for two years and said he could hardly find himself. Mr. A. G. MORRISON, an attorney from Nevada, Missouri, is visiting his friend, Capt. D. P. GREELEY, of Blaine. He expresses himself highly pleased with the sound country.
Tuesday, August 26, 1890:
In this great cedar was first observed an aperture shaped in the style of a cabin window; men entered and found they were in a room about six by four feet and seven feet high. A long unused board, evidently calculated for a bunk, a roughly carved chair, and a miniature table completed the furniture. On recovering from their surprise the men proceeded with an investigation and found what might have been trail. Since then old mountaineers have visited this creation of the past and authoratively state that there has been from a quarter of a century to thirty years growth in the tree and surrounding shrubbery since this unique piece of carving was done. The tree will not be toppled over, but preserved as curiosity. --Bulletin.
[BAER (sic) was in Blaine a few days ago, and stopped at the International hotel, from which he departed forgetting to pay two days board, so we are told.] The Indians which have been camped just north of the city the past few days, after indulging in a wholesale drunk and jolification Sunday morning, embarked for the hop-fields. Dr. KING has just been having some very desirable improvements made to his sail-boat, aside from having it repainted. The Doctor has one of the fleetest boats on the bay, of which he may feel proud. Last Friday in Seattle were married J. R. WINN, superior judge of this district, and Miss Augusta PILES, sister of Attorney PILES, of Seattle.
At a meeting of citizens of Blaine who belong to the Episcopal church, for the establishment of a parish at Blaine the following action was taken: Moved by Mr. WESTCOTT, seconded by Rev. Mr. BELL, that Mr. HAMMOND be secretary of the meeting. Carried. Moved and carried that articles of incorporation be drawn. Moved by WESTCOTT, seconded by SEMPLE that the number of vestrymen be eight. Passed, and the following gentlemen were elected: G. H. WESTCOTT, S. R. EVA, W. C. HAMMOND, J. J. RUTLEDGE, F. W. SCOTT, W. A. KINA (KING?), W. B. DUNN. The organization was then declared complete. A meeting of the vestrymen was then held. Mr. WESTCOTT was selected for First Warden, and Mr. SEMPLE Second Warden. Mr. HAMMOND was elected treasurer and Mr. SCOTT secretary. Wednesday, August 27, 1890:
Large delegations from all parts of the county are in attendance, and the following which is taken from Monday evening's Bulletin, shows what the Whatcom delegation will be when they all arrive: "The Sons of veterans will be mustered in to-night and expect to go up uniformed and about thirty strong. The James B. Steadman post will go up twenty strong. They will remain during the two days' ceremonies." Last evening a hundred or two veterans gathered in the opera house for a social good time, and listened to quite a number of short speeches from various comrades, and there were sprinkled, too, quite a number of ladies, members of the W. R. C., and Sons of Veterans. A good time was enjoyed and many amusing stories were told. Their numbers will be largely augmented to-day. Following is the programme for the encampment: Order of the day for Wednesday: 10 a. m. - Selection of camp; pitching tents. 11 a. m. - Assembly music. 12 m. - Dinner. 2 p. m. - Roll call; business meeting. 4 p. m. - March in column to music. 5 p. m. - Speeches, songs, music. 7 p. m. - Supper, campfire, songs. Order of the day for Thursday: 6 a. m. - Reveille. 7 a. m. - Breakfast. 10 a. m. - Music, speech by prominent comrade. 12 m. - Dinner. 2 p.m. - Election of officers for the ensuing year, and adjournment. A large number of tents are pitched on the grounds, in MILLER's field, and are occupied by a goodly company of visitors, while others scattered out among the homes of citizens and at the hotels. Dr. CLARK is suffering at home with a severe case of blood poisoning contracted while attending the young man who a short time since fractured his knee. The poison seams to have gotten into one of the doctor's hands, from which he is suffering great pain.
-Mr. J. H. McCAULEY, an old and respected settler on California Creek, has gone home to Pennsylvania. He left behind him here a good name, a splendid reputation and many friends. --F. H. M. M. CLOTHIER, of Tenmile, paid the Journal a pleasant visit last evening. He is attending the veterans' reunion, in which he takes a lively interest every year. This is his first visit to the International City.
The merry-go-round will be set near the veterans' camp to-day. J. A. MARTIN now has a new delivery wagon running for his Harrison avenue store. The force of masons at work on the Lindsey block, has been increased to eight men, and the rapidity with which the work is being pushed is simply astounding. Yesterday surveyors were laying out the railroad depot ground and side tracks for Blaine, B. C. They will be located immediately north of the boundary line, and as close to it as possible. At a meeting of the Sons of Veterans, held Monday evening, the resignation of E. C. STILLWELL, as captain, was accepted and Mr. LOOMIS elected to fill the vacancy. The mustering of officers is to be here to-day, and the camp is to be mustered this evening. Something near a hundred of the Lyndenites are already in the city, for the purpose of attending the encampment, and quite a number more will be here to-day. We are pleased to see Lynden so well represented and hope they may have the grand time they anticipated. Mammoth preparations are being made for the Knights of Pythias ball, which is to be given in the Hollinshead building, to-morrow evening. The services of a fine orchestra from Whatcom have been procured, and everything necessary to making the occasion enjoyable, has been secured. The waterworks company has purchased four acres of land from Thomas SAVINGS for the consideration of $1,000. On this land is located a fine spring, from which a portion of the water is to be obtained, as it will easily supply an eight inch pipe. The spring is about two miles from town, and very favorably located. Mrs. O. D. McDONALD is numbered among the very sick ones. Rev. PATTERSON, who has had charge of the Indian Mission at Nooksack City, the past year, was in the city yesterday. T. G. LEE and wife, of Port Townsend, are visiting in the city. D. R. McELMON returned to Blaine yesterday, passing along the railroad right-of-way between Clover Valley and this point. He reports seeing 150 men, thirty Chinamen and fifteen teams at work on the last five miles. Thursday, August 28, 1890:
The W. R. C. of Whatcom is expected to be in attendance at the encampment to-day. The electric light shades and racks were hung yesterday. Messrs. CROSS and BOGARD of California creek, have just returned from a trip to the mountains. Fine specimens of coal have been discovered on Mr. ROHART's place only one mile east of Blaine. The Sons of Veterans camp at this place was mustered in by Major RANDOLPH last evening. The charter application contained about twenty-four names, but only about twenty were mustered. Johnie WALQUEST, the thirteen-year-old horsethief, succeeded in breaking jail at Whatcom, the other day, but was captured before he had gone far. This is the lad that stole Mr. BURGER's horse, at this place, a few weeks ago. From the way the prisoners are escaping from the county jail, it appears that the county commissioners would be doing better work in making public improvements, instead of hurridly granting license to saloons and thus depriving the city governments of the revenue. Yesterday the publisher of the Journal was pleased at receiving a visit from Mr. Fred. SUITER and Capt. W. H. HALL, from DeWitt, Iowa, his boyhood home, which friends he had not seen for a dozen years. They are accompanied by their neighbor, Mr. A. J. SMITH from the same place, and are making a tour of the Pacific coast. Owing to the fact that the foundation of the LINDSEY building had settled much more than expected, the walls were thrown out of plumb, and it was deemed necessary [to] throw down fifty feet of the north wall, which was done yesterday. This will be quite an expense to the contractor, and will also delay the work a few days. Geo. McALLISTER of Nanaimo, is in the city. Friday, August 29, 1890: Among the prominent persons who was in attendance at the encampment, was W. J. GOODE of the 16th Ill., cav., and who was also a survivor of the horrors of Andersonville prison having been in confinement there for several months. Mr. GOODE was one of a party of six who hung six of their fellow-prisoners for robbing and murdering the weaker ones, and the execution took place under the threat of fire from already pointed cannons. Mr. GOODE's story is evidently authentic as he has a letter dated from John McELROY, author of "Andersonville" in which that distinguished gentleman states that he distinctly remembers of having seen our visitor on the scaffold assisting in the work. Mr. GOODE also bears many other evidences of his sufferings.
Master Ralph CLARK, the six-year-old son of Rufus S. CLARK, living at the corner of Second and Spring streets, fell from the kitchen, and broke his leg yesterday. He had climbed up to get a look at the Charleston, and when he jumped off, he miscalculated the distance, and dropped hard on the ground instead of a pile of sand, which he aimed for. H. C. CONDON and wife, returned yesterday, to their home at Arlington, after having spent a few weeks visiting at this place. Parties having bills against HELLER & McGREGOR for work on Miller's wharf can obtain settlement of the same by calling at the office of D. S. MILLER in Blaine. Saturday, August 30, 1890: Sydney KING, who was for sometime employed as book keeper at the First Bank of Blaine, but has been on a trip to the mountains for the past month, is visiting in the city.
Captain TARTE, of New Whatcom, has gone to Portland to bring around to the Sound, the tug Argonaut, which has been plying on the Columbia. The Argonaut will be remodeled and will go [on] one of the mail routes on the Sound.
Word has just been received here announcing the death in Los Angeles, Cal., on August 17, of Daniel J. HARRIS the original owner of the Fairhaven townsite. The cause of his death was dropsy of the heart, which has been known to have troubled him since the first part of last May. In a letter to the Lynden Press Geo. REHBERGER, referring to the article published in the Journal a short time ago about exhuming of the skeletons on Washington avenue, says: "In your issue of the 14th inst., in the Blaine items, I saw an article about the finding of two bodies, and the estimate of the writer, as to how long they had been buried was about correct. The name of one of the men was LUCAS and was buried in 1859. We erected a cross over his grave. He was drowned in about six inches of water. The other, named John TOICE, died on the 11th of June, 1890 (sic). I made his coffin (7 feet long) and buried him." The first coat of paint has been put on Fred POWER's residence. R. S. JACKSON is building a neat fence around his Harrison avenue property. The Y. M. C. A. meeting on Sunday, will be led by Edwin STAYT, who will give a Bible reading. All men are cordially invited. Robt. STEVENS is constructing a building about 16x30 on Harrison avenue, which is to be used fro a restaurant and lodging house. The sidewalks on H street were moved yesterday, to be out of the way of the street graders, and the new walk will soon take its place. At a meeting of the democrats of this place, which was held at the school house last evening, a Democratic Auxiliary Club was organized. STOOPS sawmill just east of town is being dismantled, and will be removed to the Kingsley wharf, where it will be put in operation in a few weeks. From the comparative few brick that were broken in the falling of the wall of the Lindsey building is demonstrated that they are of a superior quality. The large sail boat which has just been constructed by Wm DICKINSON for Frank HURLBURT, was placed in the water yesterday and will be rigged up immediately. This is the largest boat of the kind on the bay and when fully equipped will present an elegant appearance. Sunday, August 31, 1890: The foundation of the new Baptist church was laid yesterday. The building will be a handsome gothic structure with a tower and a wing for a lecture room, baptistry, robing room and consultation room. The building will stand upon the corner of Fifth and G streets and is intended to seat about 375 people with the lecture room doors thrown open.
Over Into a Twenty-five-foot Gulch. A TEAM OF HORSES AND THREE PEOPLE GO DOWN Mr. D. GRIFFIN, of Blaine, who witnessed the accident, describes the scene at this juncture as being terrible in the extreme. As the hind wheels of WARTZ's wagon went over the bridge an old man who was riding with them rose up to jump out. Mrs. WARTZ clutched at him as if to drag him down with them. He leaped, however, and alighted in safety on the bridge. The wagon went over, followed by the horses, who did not realize their danger until their hind legs went off. Then they pawmed madley at the planks and for an instant stayed their fall and threw the wagon under the bridge, tumbling the occupants into the gulch below among the logs and brush. Then the wagon pulled the horses down and they fell with a great crash down upon the people below. The horses fell backs down upon the logs and were instantly killed. Mrs. WARTZ was crushed down and probably fatally injured. She was unconscious when Mr. GRIFFIN left. The others were apparently not much injured. Capt. TARTE's buggy came very near following the other team, but fortunately was stopped before it went over.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. CONDON, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. WESTCOTT, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. RUTLEDGE, Ex-Governor SEMPLE, F. T. HURLBURT, H. A. SCAIFE, Dan McKELLER, J. A. BOYD, Sydney KING, Misses Laura HAMMOND, Nella CORNISH, Georgia POWELL, Flora DAVIES, Hattie HAMMOND, Maud SEMPLE, Ethel SEMPLE, Zoe SEMPLE and Day BUTLER. G. E. CANKIN, of Portland, is in the city. L. L. MOUNCE is spending Sunday with friends in Whatcom. The residence of W. R. COHOON on H street, is being painted. R. T. MALTBY and W. D. FIELD, real estate agents of Seattle, are looking over the International City. Dan McKELLAR and his force of street graders report having seen a huge bear on the railroad crossing at D street yesterday. The stock of furniture belonging to HANNON & Co. has been placed in charge of Mr. MILLOW, and will be opened up in the BAIRD building. CAIN Bros. had an interior view of their mammoth store photographed yesterday. Besides the attractiveness of the store there will appear the likeness of several noted personages. Tuesday, September 2, 1890: Sumas City is now a postoffice. Sidewalks will taste good when they are placed in position. Telegraph poles are being placed along Fourth street and Harrison avenue. W. A. WOLLARD, one of Fairhaven's city fathers, is inspecting the International City. The home of Mr. and Mrs. James KEMP was brightened by the arrival of a little daughter yesterday. Yesterday morning the steam schooner, Lucy Low came in the new engines for the electric light company. It took six horses to haul the engine up from the dock. A special telegram to the Journal from Whatcom states that Rev. KINDREN [KINDRED] is assigned to the M. E. charge at Blaine. Rev. LUDWICK goes to Winlock, and Rev. LESOURD is made presiding elder for the Whatcom district. Wednesday, September 3, 1890: W. E. MILLER, representing RICHMOND & STOPPENBACH, of Tacoma, is in the city. Isabelle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James PARKS of this place, died yesterday morning. Funeral services to-day. Rev. A. WARREN, Mrs. C. A. OSTROM and Mrs. S. A. DAVIES, delegates from this lodge to the grand lodge convention of the I. O. G. T., returned yesterday. Miss EMENT of Seattle is visiting at J. J. RUTLEDGE's and was also a guest of Camp Georgia, last evening. J. W. DORR is in attendance at the Press Association meeting, which is in session at Fairhaven. J. C. BOYD started yesterday, for an extended trip through the extreme eastern states. He expects to be absent about three months. HANNAMAN & DAHL are constructing a building on Washington avenue near the corner of Martin, which is to be occupied by them as a meat market. Everybody is invited to attend the Baptist Dime Social, which is to be given at the Holbrook House, this evening. P. D. HARKNESS received the sad intelligence yesterday, of the death of the ten-month-old child of his sister, at Nooksack City. Robert McMANN now presides over the barber chair in the Arlington, the former proprietor having embarked for parts unknown. Bob is a good workman and we wish him success. People who drive over the low bridge between Martin and Steen street on Fourth, should be careful, as it is dangerous and liable to throw a horse. A hard-working deserving citizen was honored last evening, when the Blaine camp of Sons of Veterans named their organization for O. D. McDONALD, who had been actively instrumental in securing the organization of the camp here. O. D. McDONALD Camp S. of V. will be a lively and earnest one if it follows the example of the man for whom it was named.
Notice is hereby given that the firm of SCAIFE & BOYD is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. BOYD retiring and Mr. SCAIFE continuing the business. All bills or other unfinished business with the firm, should be submitted to Mr. SCAIFE for settlement. H. A. SCAIFE. J. C. BOYD. Thursday, September 4, 1890: Sam HUTCHCRAFT went down to Sehome yesterday. The lumber for the frame of the Baptist church has been placed on the grounds, and active work will be commenced immediately. The building formerly occupied by WESTON & MERRITT, has been moved to the opposite side of the street, and it is reported is to be occupied by a fruit and confectionery stand. The "Nella" Frank HURLBUT's new sailboat, is a pronounced success so far as speed is concerned, and when fully equipped will be one of the fleetest boats on the Sound. Friday, September 5, 1890: The Miller wharf warehouse is having a finely displayed sign painted on the roof. E. RIDD of Vancouver, is among the late arrivals in the city. W. L. AMES and wife of Seattle, are among the latest guests at the Arlington. J. V. CHOWN, secretary of the Waterworks company, is in the city attending to the letting of the contract for excavating ditch for the main pipe. L. H. GRIFFITH, president of the L. H. GRIFFITH Realty and Banking Company, of Seattle, is in the city, looking after his extensive interests here. L. D. ROSS of Seattle, is spending a day or two in the International City. Among the late noted arrivals in the city, is General S. M. STRICKLER of New Mexico. The General is one of the most extensive stock dealers and capitalists of the southwest, and his visit here certainly means something of an encouraging nature. Pigeon shooting is the favorite sport with our pleasure seekers at present, and the birds are said to abound in the forests just across the boundary line. At the special election held yesterday, for the choosing of a justice peace, twenty-six votes were cast; twenty-two for W. B. DUNN, and the other four scattering. Saturday, September 6, 1890: The home of H. A. RUSSEL was made happy at 7 o'clock yesterday morning by the appearance of a fine ten pound baby. It is of the female gender; first person; singular number; objective case - object of its father's midnight walks; and will not admit of comparison. Of course that smile of Mr. RUSSEL's is greatly enlarged and he made the mistake yesterday, of wrapping up a bottle of Soothing syrup instead of benzine. Sunday, September 7, 1890:
The brick walls for the first story of the Lindsey building were completed yesterday. The Y. M. C. A. meeting will be led to-day, by J. W. DORR. All men are earnestly invited to attend. A rather novel building is being constructed on Fourth street near H. The lumber used being slabs of native timber. The excavating, prepatory to loweing on a level with the street grade, is being done under Martin & Palmer's hardware store. It was John MATZ, wife and daughter who were in the buggy when it was backed over the bridge near Ferndale a week ago, and not Mr. WARTZ, as was reported. J. W. PIERCE of Santa Clara, California is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. TERRY. Mr. PIERCE is one of Californias Millionaires and is looking at Blaine with the view of investing. H. M. and T. M. CUNNINGHAM of New Westminster called at the Journal yesterday afternoon. They rode in from Westminster and report track-laying as progressing rapidly on the W. S. R. Tuesday, September 9, 1890: Miss Nella CORNISH went to Seattle Sunday, where she will attend the St. Mary's college during the coming winter. Mrs. JORDAN, of the schooner Earnest, received word Sunday of the death of a niece, and took the afternoon boat for Olympia. Mr. Frank FULLERTON late of Rock Island, Illinois, arrived in Blaine Saturday, after a very quick trip, and is now a member of the Journal force. The second intermediate department of the public schools, opened yesterday morning, in the Ohlson building on Harrison avenue, with Mrs. BRIGGS as teacher. W. W. MILLER is preparing for the construction of a brick building 25x60 on Harrison avenue, which will be occupied by the International Post printing company. Saturday evening as Albert McCAULEY was working with a team on H street, one of the horses became tangled in the harness and began to kick. As Mr. McCAULEY was in a stooped position he received a kick in the face which fractured his lower jaw and broke out a number of teeth. The hemorrhage from the wound was very profuse, and it was with great difficulty that it was stopped. As he appears to be getting along nicely, he will soon recover, and aside from the loss of the teeth no serious damage was sustained. Wednesday, September 10, 1890: Yesterday morning C. C. OSIER began the construction of his residence on the corner of Martin and Mitchell streets. G. W. BRITAIN who has been working in Seattle for the past two months will return to his home in this city next week. Thos. CAHILL, of Peterboro, Ont., a large property holder near White Rock City, B. C., has been visiting the International City the past few days. Mr. T. G. LEE returned to Port Townsend Tuesday after his household goods. He is pleased with the International City and has decided to make it his home for a while. Albert WATSON, son of A. A.WATSON of this place, who has been spending the summer at Westminster, has been in the city the past few days, started for his home at Minneapolis yesterday. His father accompanied him to Whatcom. Rev. W. M. LUDWICK, with his family and household effects started for their new home at Winlock, yesterday, to which place Mr. LUDWICK has been assigned for the coming year. Their many friends here much regret their departure, and the best wishes of the entire community go with them. Attorney Jerry NETTERER [NETERER] moved with his family to Whatcom yesterday, where he has made arrangements for the opening of an office. Mr. NETTERER is an able and energetic young man, and while we are sorry to have him leave Blaine we are pleased to learn that he will not leave the county. Thursday, September 11, 1890: The CORNISH tenement house on H street has been painted, will soon be ready for occupancy. The work of grubbing clearing Martin street preparatory to grading, was commenced yesterday. The typhoid fever is said to be prevalent in Whatcom, over one hundred cases appearing in one day. The contract was let last evening for the construction of the Central school building. CARPENTER & RILEY get the job at $13,000. The work of laying the H street sidewalk was commenced this morning as the lumber is all on the ground, the work will progress rapidly. J. N. LINDSEY is making preparations for the construction of an 18x30 frame building just north of the brick. It will be occupied by Wm. SUNDERBRUCH's confectionery store. A carpenter named MOORE, who died in Whatcom Saturday from a wound received from a drunken man who attacked him with a knife, recently was employed in Blaine, and boarded for a time at the residence of Mr. I. LIVINGSTONE on C street. Blaine will not be behind, so far as climbing the great white robed mound, Mt. Baker, is concerned. A party of seven, consisting of Mr. E. A. BOBLETT and wife, Charles PAUL and wife, Victor PAUL, Charles ROSBRUGH and John WAGNER, leave this morning for the foothills. Messrs. BOBLETT and Charles PAUL, who have some knowledge of the country around the north side of the mountain, feel confident the mound can be scaled from the side, although the little party will not go farther than the snow limit. The male members will prospect, and their friends here will look expectantly for their return to examine the rich specimens of quartz they will bring with them. They will be gone two or three weeks. Friday, September 12, 1890: W. B. MARTIN, of the Globe mills at Sehome, was in the city yesterday on business. A large awning has been attached to the front of the THOMAS store building on H street. Wm. CLOUGH has nicely cleared up has C street lots, and built himself a small house thereon. A. D. SCRAGGY, General Traffic manager of the Union Pacific, was in the city yesterday in the interest of the company. W. J. McCRACKEN, foreman of the Winnipeg Free Press, is visiting his brother W. R. McCRACKEN, of this city. He will remain here about two weeks. The force of men went to work clearing and grubbing for the waterworks ditch yesterday. There are two crews employed, one under the supervision of E. H. THOMAS, and the other under Mr. TYLER. The force is not as large as desired, and as they are paying good wages, it was evident that work must be plentiful. Saturday, September 13, 1890: The excavating is being done underneath COHOSN & SEELEY's grocery. The work of surveying and locating the schoolhouse site was done yesterday. Chas. RANDLE is constructing a story-and-a-half residence on Boblette street in Warren's addition. About fifteen laboring men came in on the Brick yesterday. They are to go to work on the railroad. Supervisor SAVINGS informs us that an extensive bridge is being built over the gulch at I. M. SCOTT's place. The New Arlington restaurant on Harrison avenue has changed hands. Mrs. WEBSTER will henceforth have control. Albert McCAULEY, the young man who was kicked in the face by a horse one day last week, is able to be on the streets again. The old CAIN store building is being moved to the corner of Washington and F street. It will be refitted and furnished with a glass front. Mr. and Mrs. D. SPOT of Tacoma, are visiting at C. C. OSIER's. Mr. SPOT is quite favorably impressed with our city, and will probably locate permanently. Rev. KINDRED's family and household goods arrived yesterday. They will reside, temporarily, in the building just vacated by Rev. LUDWICK, until the parsonage is completed. Seven years ago there were only six hundred people in Whatcom county, and only half a dozen wheeled vehicles in the whole county. Now there are hundreds of wagons and many beautiful buggies, phaetons, carts and carriages. ... Sunday, September 14, 1890: An addition has been built to the People's Meat Market, which is to be used for a warehouse. Mrs. CASTON and family took their departure yesterday, for Ellensburg, where they will make their future home. The PERLEY building at the corner of Washington avenue and H street is being lowered to a level with the street grade. Mr. Wm. MILLOW yesterday commenced excavating on his lots between Second and Third on E for a furniture store room 22x40. TRAVIARE & SALVADOR are constructing a building 16x24 feet, on Washington avenue near the corner of Clark street, which will be used by a confectionery. Mr. J. COUSE, of Bellingham Bay, came to Blaine yesterday to visit his old friend, Mr. G. P. PERLEY, and may decide to stayy and make his home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. WHEELER, the Sunday school workers, arrived in this city yesterday and will mostly have charge of the Baptist Sunday school to-day at noon, at the opera house. One of the railroad contractors who has a camp on Dakota creek, was in town yesterday, in quest of men and teams. He will pay $6.50 per day. Anyone having teams which are unemployed can find work by making application, as he did not succeed in getting as many as desired. Horses For Sale -- by R. J. ALLEN, Hollingshead Building, Blaine. Will take script. Tuesday, September 16, 1890: The ADAMS building on Washington avenue, is being lowered into the excavation just in front of it. H. HOOK of Arlington, Oregon, formerly purser on the Sehome, is visiting friends and transacting business in the city. THOMAS & GARMON have succeeded to the SHUMWAY logging camp, which is just back of Drayton, and put a force of men at work yesterday morning. The first intermediate department of our public school opened in the OHLSON building on Harrison avenue yesterday morning, with Miss LeROY as teacher. Mrs. Dr. MALLORY and her two daughters, Mother and sisters of Mrs. Dr. REEVES of this place, arrived in the city Sunday and expect to make Blaine their future home. Frank ELLIS who has been for the past two months proprietor of the Palace logging house, rather suddenly took his departure yesterday, much to the regret of some of his creditors, one of whom was just a few minutes too late to prevent his embarkment. G. V. HAMMOND, representing the Ganetson-Woodruff-Pratt Company, of Tacoma, has been transacting business in the city and visiting with his brother, W. C. HAMMOND, of this place, the past few days. Wednesday, September 17, 1890: Ten Mile school commenced a week ago with Mr. HAWKINGS as teacher. F. W. POWER returned yesterday from a week's sojourn at Banff Springs, Vancouver and Victoria. The present muddy weather enables us to fully appreciate the necessity and benefit of our new sidewalks, but it is a much regretted fact that they are not complete. Monday evening when the steamer Brick landed at the Sehome dock, Capt. TARTE stepped ashore and found himself at once surrounded by a bewildering bevy of young people, and as the captain is rather a retiring disposition it was rather startling to him. It was plain, too from his actions, he had done something for which the young people were determined to take immediate action upon him. It was the Sehome Grammar school headed by their teacher, Mr. LIVERMORE, and they proceeded to perform a somewhat unusual, though occasionally performed, surgical operation; they cupped the captain, with a beautiful silver drinking cup, upon which was engraved handsomely the word: "Captain TARTE, from the Children of Sehome Grammar school." A set of silver soupe (sic) spoons also mysteriously made their appearance, and Capt. TARTE was so overcome with emotion he found it difficult to express his feelings. All this was done in remembrance of a free excursion given the children to Lummi island and back by the steamer Brick last Saturday. Thursday, September 18, 1890: W. F. CHURCH and wife returned yesterday from a week's visit at Olympia. Mrs. E. W. JONES and son of Nebraska are in the city, and will probably make this their future home. The work of grubbing and cleaning C street was commenced yesterday morning. C. RILEY has the contract. The management of the International hotel has changed hands, Mr. TAYLOR retiring and B. K. SHORT assuming control. P. C. ARMFELT will hereafter have control of the subscription list of the Morning Journal until further notice. It is old news to-day, having occurred last Thursday, but the MUNROE sawmill at Ferndale was burned on that day, together with a large quantity of lumber. That sawmill has been a great benefit to the country in its neighborhood, as a large number of substantial residences and barns testify, and its loss, unless it is immediately rebuilt, will be deeply felt. Friday, September 19, 1890:
Chas. HANNAMAN is constructing a neat one story residence on Fourth street near the corner of Steen. Miss Cora POWER has been on the sick list for several days, but is now able to resume her duties as cashier in CAIN Bros. store. Wm. MILLOW is constructing a two story 20 x 34 foot building on E street, just east of his residence, which he will use for a furniture store. T. R. CARPENTER returned yesterday, from Seattle, where he had been purchasing material to be used in the construction of the school house. Misses Maud, Zoe and Ethel SEMPLE took their departure yesterday for their home in Seattle, where the two latter will attend school during the coming winter. The estimable young ladies have made many friends during their summer's residence at this place. All of whom much regret their departure. Saturday, September 20, 1890: Whatcom, Sept. 17 -- Will J. REID, a shoemaker, 30 years old and single, killed himself at Ferndale last night by walking out of a door in the second story of the Hatch building. His lifeless body was found on the ground this morning, this being the first that anyone knew of the accident. Liquor was probably the cause. Railing has been placed on the sidewalk adjacent to the gulch. Dr. R. S. CLARKE and wife went to Whatcom yesterday on horse back. Anyone desiring to make wagers on the date of the arrival of trains in Blaine, from Westminster, can be accommodated by calling Dan McKELLAN. Sunday, September 21, 1890: Mrs. S. P. HUGHES was summoned to Seattle on Friday by telegraph, her father being in a low state of health. Mr. D. W. BROWN of Hall's Prairie, came yesterday to Blaine to purchase a double seated carriage, paying $35 duty thereon. He was unable to get the right sort in Westminster, and preferred paying the duty and securing the style desired. The steamer Eliza Anderson made her arrival yesterday. She will hereafter make but one run per week to this place, which will be on Saturday. Tuesday, September 23, 1890: John GANGLER is about to build a roomy cottage on Martin street, opposite the brick yard. A bouncing boy made his appearance at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. PETERSON on A street Saturday. J. SAVAGE, of Custer, who was accidentally injured by a charge of shot, is doing fairly well, but is not yet certain if his foot can be saved. The ankle is very badly shattered. Wednesday, September 24, 1890: Mrs. G. P. PERLEY has started on a visit to Portland, Maine. Twelve miles of track have been laid from the Frazer river toward Blaine. Wm. SHARP has been appointed postmaster at Sumas City. Frank WILLIAMS is having erected a commodious building on Harrison avenue, which he will use as a shaving parlor. The Rev. Mr. DAILEY is in the city with a view to perfecting the arrangements for building a brick church for the Congregational Society. The Congregationalists will shortly begin the erection of a brick church on Cedar street, between Third and Fourth streets. The structure will be 35 x 70 feet. Thursday, September 25, 1890: Horses For Sale -- By R. J. ALLEN, Hollingshead building, Blaine. Will take scrip. The PERLEY Brothers' office has been moved a few feet north, to meet the sidewalk and is now being lowered. A brick block is to be erected on Washington avenue, which will extend from Martin street to Clark street. This will be a big jump for Blaine. J. R. ALLEN has started a two story building on Washington avenue, near Martin street, of 25 x 60 dimensions which will be used as a store. Friday, September 26, 1890: Born - To J. H. KAGEY and wife, a son, on Wednesday. Mrs. G. H. ABERS is seriously ill at her home on C street. Telegraph poles are being erected on H street and Harrison avenue. Mrs. and Mr. HUNTINGTON, a sister and brother-in-law of Geo. H. SMITH, arrived in the city lately from Minneapolis. Mr. (sic) GEARY is about to open a large millinery store on Harrison avenue with a stock of the latest goods which is now on the way. Miss Clara and Miss Beth McLELLAN, accompanied by their brother Dan, went to Westminster yesterday to attend the fair. A party consisting of A. E. BOBLETT and wife, C. PAUL and wife, V. PAUL, C. C. ROSBRUGH, Fred SCHULTZ and John WAGNER have returned from a visit to Mt. Baker. They report having spent a most enjoyable time and say that bear hunting is a very exciting sport with a good trail to follow. Saturday, September 27, 1890: Dr. Henry THOMPSON of Nooksack is paying the city a visit. Mr. GERRISH has just purchased five acres in the Blaine addition to Drayton. District Lodge I.O.G.T. will meet for organization Tuesday morning at Whatcom. The construction of sidewalks is being pushed with great energy in all parts of the city. Mr. McLELLAN, the E street contractor, is now engaged in lowering Martin & Palmer's hardware store. As the stock is of a heavy nature this is an undertaking requiring considerable judgment. H. M. CROCKEN's house is being fitted up in readiness for the supply of water, which will shortly be furnished our city. He will have hot and cold water apparatus, bath tubs, closets wash-stands, etc. Sunday, September 28, 1890: Telegraph wires are being fixed on the poles lately erected along H street and Harrison avenue. STOOP's mill situated on Kingley's wharf has now been running for several days, and lumber is being cut for the erection of the frame besides planking for the sidewalks of Cherry street. Tuesday, September 30, 1890: Mr. J. R. SMITH and wife, together with their son and his wife, arrived in Blaine on Sunday from Reno county, Kansas. They are so favorably impressed with our enterprising young city that they have concluded to make it their home. Mr. SMITH, who is a cautious investor, says Blaine's advantages are certainly superior to any town on the sound. Mr. and Mrs. SMITH, sr., is an uncle and aunt of Mrs. LAMAR and Mrs. CRABB, of this place, who welcome their arrival. The electric light is being introduced in the Arlington restaurant. The sidewalk is being laid across the gulch on Washington avenue. We regret to state that Mrs. McKAY is again confined to her bed after undergoing another operation. Wednesday, October 1, 1890: Mr. MILO has almost completed the erection of his two-story store on E street. The frame of the Baptist church on the corner of 6th and G streets was raised to-day. Jas. BUCHANAN today rented his hotel "The Golden Gate," to Mr. McLEAN, lately proprietor of the Holbrook House. The customs business will, however, still be carried on in the building. Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, S. A. HOTCHKISS was united to Miss Stella MOORE in the bonds of matrimony. The Rev. Geo. KINDRED performed the ceremony, which took place at the home of the bride's parents. The couple started on the Sehome for a trip to Colorado. Yesterday morning the Journal announced that the military post on Point Roberts had been abandoned on an order from the war department, and several of our citizens have gone over there with a view of taking up homesteads. There is some very good land on the Point and provided that the action taken by the would-be settlers is legal it will be a case of "the early bird securing the worm." Thursday, October 2, 1890: Mr. O. D. McDONALD is building a commodious residence on Boblett street. Mr. JONES who lately arrived from the east, has purchased a house and lot on Harrison avenue. Mr. W. J. DOBBIE, who has just returned from a trip to Glasgow, Scotland, was in town yesterday, enroute for Fairhaven. Friday, October 3, 1890: The foundation for the Congregational Society's church is being dug. G. J. KAUDY and B. F. NORRIS are about to erect two cottages on their lots on Fourth street. They recently purchased four lots from Mr. ADAMS. Messrs. Geo. CAIN and L. L. MOUNCE returned yesterday from Portland, Ore., where they had been attending the Y. M. C. A. convention as delegates from Blaine. Saturday, October 4, 1890: P. A. C. ARMFELT is now writing up the local news for the Morning Journal, and anything which will make an item of interest will be gladly received and noted by him. F. CUSTER and H. HOLT have started a bakery on Martin street at the corner of Harrison avenue. They have an oven of large capacity and intend to supply a much felt want. There will shortly be a two horse bus running down to the boats, in connection with the International hotel. A handsome vehicle has been ordered which is expected to arrive during the early part of next week. Sunday, October 5, 1890: Having sold out my blacksmith business to W. M. BENNETT, who is now located on the corner of Boblett and Third streets, Blaine, I take great pleasure in recommending him as a good thorough workman and a gentleman, to my old customers and patrons. His work will be found reliable and his terms reasonable. J. F. STAINTON Mr. HUNT is building a brick chimney in J. BUCHANAN's building on the wharf. The foundation for the school house is now finished, and the bricklayers are at work. C. H. DAHL and C. HANMAN have each built a cottage on Fourth street, near the trunk factory. Peter HARVEY of Fairhaven, whilst chopping wood fell down dead. Heart disease is said to be the cause. Tuesday, October 7, 1890: Mr. OSIER's house on Martin street is now nearly completed. Wanted men to work for the water works at $2.50 a day. Mr. Geo. McPHERSON, who used to be an active citizen in Blaine, and helped to build the first wharf in this city has been surprising himself about our streets for the past few days, having been in eastern Oregon the past two years. He owns valuable property in Blaine. Mr. McPHERSON is a brother of Mrs. John H. MILHOLLIN of this city. Wednesday, October 8, 1890: The new street crossings are now going in at a good rapid rate, and people will soon be able to cross the streets on the principal thoroughfares without trouble in rainy weather. Thursday, October 9, 1890: The sidewalk along the front of the bank is being laid. Several buildings on the west side of Washington avenue are in the street and will have to be moved back in a few days. Some of our readers will be surprised and pained to hear that the steamer Edith, which used to ply the Nooksack, but was taken out to lake Whatcom at a great expense, was burned to the water's edge and totally destroyed last week. No insurance. Mrs. Daniel DORCHESTER, wife of the U. S. Commissioner of Public Schools, and a prominent divine of Boston, has been in Lynden the past week with the object in view of completing arrangements for locating and erecting a suitable building for a public school for Indian children. The school will be built on the opposite side of the river from Lynden, on the ranch owned by Indian Jim, who has generously donated twenty-five acres for that object. The plans will be immediately drawn out by Rev. TENNANT, and as soon as completed work on the building will commence. The U. S. government donates $120 per year for the education of each pupil. --Lynden Press.
--S. C. TRACY has built a kitchen, L. MARTINSON a good granary, P. C. JAMES and F. STEGALL are each building root houses, J. KIRKPATRICK a woodshed, and E. NIXON a barn.
--WINN Brothers have been around with their steam thresher, cleaning up the grain for the farmers, which they do in good style and fine order. --Mr. TARTE, of Semiahmoo, visited his sons, John and William TARTE, last week. --L. MARTINSON will seed down nearly all of his marsh land for hay, as the cost of harvesting and threshing grain takes too much off the profits. Friday, October 10, 1890: Mr. SCHROEDER is building a commodious barn on his property on Martin street. Dr. M. M. DODGE and his wife of Tacoma are visiting their friend Mr. DAVIES of this city. Miss Addie ROPER has returned to her home in Port Townsend after a week's visit in Blaine. The Rev. Mr. KINDRED of the M. E. church has just moved into the new parsonage provided for his accommodation. This building is well situated on Fourth street and contains nine rooms and will therefore be found roomy and comfortable, besides presenting a handsome appearance. Sunday, October 12, 1890: The spire of the new Baptist church will reach an altitude of ninety-seven feet. Mr. ECKFORD has built himself a neat residence on H street near the cemetery. C. A. STILLWELL has built him a house, and taken up his residence on his property just east of Blaine. Mr. C. E. COLE, one of our prominent contractors, and family, will leave today for Minneapolis to spend the winter. Mrs. J. C. ROBEY, wife of Captain ROBEY, of the steamer Advance, has been spending a day with her sister, Mrs. M. L. DORR. Tuesday, October 14, 1890: Mr. Levin JOHNSON is very sick with eresipelas. The family of E. P. JULIEN has removed from New Westminster to Birch Bay. The employes of the electric light company were putting in lights north of E street yesterday, which have made quite improvement in that part of the city. Wednesday, October 15, 1890: D, S, MILLER's barn which is now standing in the centre of Washington avenue is being taken away and will be placed on the west side of the avenue. G. W. BRITTAN returned to Seattle Sunday accompanied by his wife. He has taken the contract for putting in an artesian well for the Denny Hotel Co. They will be gone about three months. Thursday, October 16, 1890: The primary department of the Blaine school has been closed for several days owing to the illness of Miss Anna JACOBS, teacher. The Blaine brick yard until recently owned by HARVEY, ACHILLES & Co., has changed hands and is now in the hands of Messrs. SLAYTON & COLLINS. Miss LEROY has accepted a position in the Seattle schools. Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS is teaching in the higher department, and Miss Ettie ROBERTS has been engaged to conduct the intermediate department. The contract for building Messrs AMES & BARNES' 50 foot front brick building on the corner of Third and Martin streets, has been let to COLLINS, SLAYTON & Co., and the work of clearing and leveling the lots is being pushed. Friday, October 17, 1890: Mr. F. WENTZ is building himself a residence on Blaine avenue. The Y. M. C. A. will thankfully receive donations of good books at their reading room, corner of Fourth and E. Sunday, October 19, 1890: Mr. C. STEWART while out boating yesterday was capsized by wind and sea, and got a wet shirt. Mr. P. J. LAIR, of Lynden, has been a surprised visitor in Blaine the past few days. It was his first visit. Mr. W. H. PINCKNEY, who was in Blaine last summer has sold out his business in Seattle and is going to locate in our city. Tuesday, October 21, 1890: C. C. SMITH is building quite a large addition to his barn on First street. A little stranger in the shape of a baby boy, arrived at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. SORENSON on Sunday. T. J. TOLBERT, of Ashborne county, Kansas, is visiting C. A. STILLWELL, and has decided to take up his residence here. The sickness of Geo. CAIN has developed itself into typhoid-pneumonia, and a Whatcom physician has been telegraphed to come for consultation. There is a large washout on the corner of E street and Washington avenue, which is not at all surprising seeing the city engineer made no provision for carrying off the surface water on any of the streets, as suggested long ago by the Journal. A large washout is also to be found on Boblett street. Wednesday, October 22, 1890: Mr. F. POWER, father of Fred POWER, with a daughter and two sons, arrived on the Sehome yesterday. Mr. POWER is from the east, and several families he knows there intend to follow shortly. Mr. Frank WILLIAMS has moved his tonsorial establishment from Washington hotel to Harrison avenue near ELWOOD's store. A man by the name of HAWKSWORTH, suicided at Birch Bay Sunday by shooting himself. Health and despondency were the cause. W. H. RADCLIFFE has been appointed street commissioner for Blaine city. He is an energetic and experienced man, and we do not doubt will fill the post with credit to himself and the city. The latest addition to the hotels is the Russell house on Martin street near Harrison avenue. Everything is in good order and clearly, and Mr. J. E. SMITH, will we hope, make a success of this undertaking. Thursday, October 23, 1890: Mr. F. SCOTT was yesterday, moving into his new residence on Clarke street. S. W. VAN LUVEN, of Hall's Prairie, has purchased him a fine new span of horses and a wagon. The primary school building on H street, with its broken and dilapidated windows, is unfit for the occupancy of either pupils or teacher. It should be repaired at once.
-Mrs. ANDERSON was telegraphed for Tuesday, her cousin Mr. MILLS, in Fairhaven, was at the point of death.
-Miss CHARROIN and Miss Emma HOSKINS came from Fairhaven. Miss HOSKINS goes, next week, to attend school in Olympia. -It is a treat to the old settlers to again be connected with the out-side world by car, after so many years of confinement. Many are the days and nights tide and wind have kept us from getting the necessaries of life. The cars come in to Ferndale daily, and there will be no need of hauling over the rough roads to Whatcom any more. -Our school which has been going on for six weeks is in a flourishing condition. Mr. HAWKINS, the teacher does not confine himself to "book larnin," but interests himself in the cleanliness and morals of the pupils, a feature that all teachers would do well to consider. -Mrs. BYERS' sister, Miss CISSNA has arrived, and has a room in Mr. HATCH's new house where she is ready to accommodate the people with dressmaking and millinery. -The M. E. Parsonage is nearly completed, it is clothed and papered and a new rag carpet awaits it at the weavers.
Early yesterday morning news was brought to Blaine that the boom of logs, which was reported as being piled against the bridge at the Ferndale crossing of the Nooksack river, had carried away the bridge. The river had been rising for some time owing to the recent rains, and the force of the current pressing the logs against the piles of the bridge utterly baffled all the attempts of the railroad men to relieve the pressure.
The ever increasing pressure bent the piles over little by little, and it soon became evident that nothing could save the bridge. The only hope was that the river might fall before the work of destruction was completed, but at 8 o'clock yesterday morning the bridge gave way, and the logs passed over the wreckage of the bridge on their way down stream. Railway iron was bent and twisted like twine timbers were shivered, and the work of destruction was complete and terrible. Beyond the destruction of the bridge, there is great danger of the fresh logs breaking the boom at the mouth of the river, and millions of feet of valuable timber being lost in the gulf.
William H. RADCLIFFE, Protestant, vs. Orwell S. GOODNOW, Com. .. cash entry No. 9484, made Sept. 26, 1885.
... a hearing has been ordered based upon the application of William H. RADCLIFFE, alleging that you did not, either between the date of your filing on April 24, 1884, and the date of your final proof, Sept. 1885, reside upon, or cultivate or improve the land embraced in your said homestead entry, or did you at any time reside upon the land above described. ... T. M. REED, Register. Friday, October 24, 1890: The population of Blaine has been increased by the advent to Mr. and Mrs. R. PAINTER of an infant boy. A large drain is to be put in on Harrison avenue with the view of carrying off the water behind the school house which has accumulated there to a depth of several feet. Saturday, October 25, 1890:
At 3 a. m. Friday morning, October 24th, 1890, Anna I. GOTT, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. GOTT. Funeral service today at 1:30 at the residence on Fourth street near Alder.
Mr. COLEMAN, of the Champion clothing store, yesterday moved his stock into the store he has rented in the Lindsey block. Geo. W. SMITH, son of C. C. SMITH, of this place, arrived in Blaine from Fairmount, Minnesota, Thursday. His family accompanied him, and Blaine will be their future residence. Miss Anna JACOBS, who has been suffering from typhoid fever for the past twelve days, is now attacked by diphtheria. She is in a very low state, and it is feared she may not recover. Sunday, October 26, 1890: L. L. MOUNCE will lead the young men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mrs. J. A. MARTIN has just returned from Ontario, after being away from Blaine six months on a visit.
During the recent floods in the Nooksack river a canoe occupied by four men was capsized by the current and one of their number, Chas. FORBES was drowned. A log driver named PATTERSON has also lost his life near the crossing.
Tuesday, October 28, 1890: Bath House on Blaine wharf will be comfortably opened for business on Thursday, October 30th, by KNUPPENBERG & GILLIS. Go down and have a wash. Hot salt water. Wednesday, October 29, 1890: Street crossings are going in all over town in a lively manner. A large force of brick layers are working on the Congregational church which is going up rapidly. McELMON & McCALL's business is being moved into Mr. McELMON's building on Washington avenue. There will be a Baptist social at the residence of Mrs. A. McLELLAN, C street, on Thursday evening, October 30. All are cordially invited. Mr. A. WARREN is fitting up and enlarging his real-estate office in the Washington building on Fourth street. Thursday, October 30, 1890: The building on Washington avenue owned by V. C. PAUL and J. C. BERTRAND is being lowered to the level of the sidewalk. Friday, October 31, 1890: There are at present six brick buildings underway in Blaine, and the cost of them all will reach $50,000. During the course of excavating under the PAUL & BERTRAND building a skeleton was exhumed which Dr. CLARKE pronounced to be that of a woman. Saturday, November 1, 1890: Mr. RUSSELL of RUSSELL & AYRES is having a residence built on Fourth street near Martin street. Sunday, November 2, 1890: The foundation is being dug for the AMES & BARNES brick block on Martin street. The oven of the Blaine bakery, which recently caved in, has been rebuilt on a different and improved plan. Yesterday's school election resulted in the choice of Mr. Geo. DAVIES for director and L. L. MOUNCE for clerk. The contract was yesterday signed which awards the building of the REECE & DAVID block to Messrs. COLLINS & STEVENS. This building will occupy the same frontage as the Lindsay block, but will be higher. A roomy hall will form the upper story. Tuesday, November 4, 1890: About 5:30 last evening the bridge across the Nooksack was completed and trains crossed over it. Measures have been taken to guard against the structure being again carried away and an immense shear boom has been placed above it. Wednesday, November 5, 1890: Mr. STEEN is building a brick root house on his property at a cost of about $300. Mr. REECE is shortly going to open a bakery on Washington avenue. The roof of Mr. ADAMS' building took fire from the overheating of the smoke stack, yesterday, but the flames were extinguished before much damage was done. The Dorcas Sewing Circle meets at the residence of Mrs. A. McLELLAN on C street at 2:30 this afternoon. The society has been lately organized and has for its object the furnishing of the new Baptist church. All ladies interested in the work are invited to join. Thursday, November 6, 1890: G. W. HUNT is building on his property on F street. Rev. J. A. STAYT is building a cottage on H street. A petition to the city council praying that the cemetery may be cleared and put in good order, is being circulated. Friday, November 7, 1890: Yet another birth; the wife of Mr. E. MOORE has given birth to a daughter. Mr. & Mrs. L. DAVID have moved into the Episcopal parsonage on D street. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. OTLY on Wednesday weighing fourteen pounds. Both mother and son are doing well. Messrs. FISHER & BERRY's office was rather demoralized yesterday. During the progress of lowering, owing to the front end being lowered too much, the jackscrews tilted forward and the whole building took a shoot onto the sidewalk to the destruction of lamps, glasses and ink bottles. Sunday, November 9, 1890: A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs Chris. JACOBSON of this city. Tuesday, November 11, 1890: Miss E. CARKEEK is in the city visiting her sister Mrs. HUNT. Mr. H. KINCAID an attorney of many years practice, has gone into partnership with Mr. O. PIRKEY. Mr. KINCAID was for a number of years joint senator from the counties of San Mateo and San Francisco in the California legislature. Thursday, November 13, 1890: Wallace DEMENT is building an addition to his house. J. R. MILLER is erecting a building on his property on Harrison avenue. Mr. Geo. W. SEARCY has rented the International hotel. Mr. J. T. HARLING, expects his wife and family to arrive on the steamer Sehome to-day. They will come from Chicago, where they have been visiting for some time. Many people about Blaine will be pained to learn that Mrs. J. T. LEWELLEN died in Whatcom last week. She leaves a husband and several small children to mourn her loss.
--On last Thursday evening Wheeler hall was filled and over flowing to listed to a medal contest, the names of the contestants were Julia BARRETT, Ella BOSTON, Ida FOX, Lizzie BARSTONE, Lulu KEIGHLY, Edga RODGERS, Harry RICHARDSON. Miss Nellie SMITH and Mr. Sam. BARRETT, also gave selections, being over age for contestants.
--Miss Nellie SMITH who is home from her school in Lynden, which closed on account of scarlet fever among the pupils, returned on Friday. -- Mr. HERNDON's residence is nearing completion. Friday, November 14, 1890: Mr. OSIER has moved into his new residence on Martin street. Tuesday, November 18, 1890: Jack WHIPPLE was drowned in Lake Whatcom Saturday night. He capsized a small boat while fastened under the seat, and was found dead Sunday morning. Wednesday, November 19, 1890: Mr. C. L. WARNER, formerly the landlord of the International hotel, is in Blaine, registered at the Metropolitan hotel. Friday, November 21, 1890: The erection of the Presbyterian church has been commenced. Mr. O. D. McDONALD is about to open a grocery store in his building on the corner of Boblett street and Harrison avenue. Mrs. George CROOKER died at Custer yesterday morning of typhoid fever. She was thirty-five years of age, and leaves a husband and several children. Saturday, November 22, 1890: A. N. CAVE, of Lynden, was in the city yesterday. The wife and son of Mr. MERRYMAN accompanied by a sister, Miss PETTITT have arrived from Fremont, Nebraska. Mrs. MERRYMAN intends to open a dressmaking establishment in the Washington building. Thomas ELLIS, while pulling stumps at Custer on Tuesday had three ribs broken. The end of the stump broke off and struck him in the side. He was thrown thirty feet and one of his boots was thrown a hundred feet, while the other boot was left where he had been standing. Dr. REEVES is attending the suffer. Mr. John CAIN, whose sight is somewhat defective, had the misfortune to fall from the bank in front of his residence onto the sidewalk. He was very much shaken and unable to walk for some minutes, but was able to get into the house with the prompt assistance of two gentlemen. He is not thought to be seriously hurt. Sunday, November 23, 1890: Mr. Jasper CAIN, son of Mayor CAIN, returned to Blaine yesterday after a long absence. Mr. Leslie WALLS of Whatcom has been employed by the Pacific Postal telegraph company, as lineman to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. KELLOGG. Tuesday, November 25, 1890: Mr. F. EDWARDS, who is in Blaine from Matia island, says he will soon be able to lay down in Blaine first class building stone cheaper than brick. Thursday, November 27, 1890: Mrs. W. E. COLLINS is the mother of a fine nine pound boy. Saturday, November 29, 1890: The school lots on D street are being cleared by Mr. E. McLELLAN. A man named MARTINEAU was killed by caving earth in Bellingham Wednesday. Sunday, November 30, 1890: The First National Bank of Blaine will be opened for the transaction of business on Monday morning, Dec. 1. Mr. G. P. PERLEY has purchased the unfinished house of Mr. F. McCALL on Clark street and will complete the building and take up his residence in it. Wednesday, December 3, 1890: Judge WEST yesterday united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Mr. William HIGGINS and Dottie BROWN, both of this city. Captain TARTE is now commander of the steamer Mountaineer, which brought the mail up yesterday. This boat is larger than the Brick and very much faster. She is provided with a cabin, well furnished, and has excellent sea-going qualities. For some time she has been engaged in the Columbia river trade. Thursday, December 4, 1890: A new bakery has just been opened on the corner of Third and Boblett streets. We would like to ask the gentlemen who are stopping their advertisements because "money is close" if they think money is particularly loose with the newspaper at such a time, and what would be the view of the outside world if the business men of the town should withdraw their support until the newspaper should fail? Then we should be very glad if several hundred people who owe the Journal for subscriptions would save enough out of their tobacco money to come in and settle all old accounts at once. We need several hundred dollars before next Wednesday, and if you owe the Journal come in and settle, either in money or produce.
--Our first term of school closed last Friday. Mr. HAWKINS gave good satisfaction, the directors hired him for another term, to commence next Monday.
--Mr. O. NORTON has gone to Lynden to attend the normal, also Fred HOPE, Tom SLATER and Tom WINN, of Ferndale precinct. We are glad to see our young people take advantage of good schools in the county. --Mrs. HOSKINS spent two days of last week in Fairhaven, her family will move there in the spring. Friday, December 5, 1890: Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus W. FIELD celebrated their golden wedding Tuesday. Miss Ella LOGAN, of Hillsdale, had a painful accident the other day. While riding from a neighbor's with a sack of apples on her horse the sack became untied, and the apples poured out upon the ground and so frightened the animal that he threw her off. Her foot caught in the stirrup, and before it could be disengaged Miss LOGAN's leg was broken in two places. Saturday, December 6, 1890: A very much needed street crossing is being made on Washington avenue, near the postoffice. Sunday, December 7, 1890: Dr. BURKE has removed from the office he has lately been occupying and is located on the corner of Third and Martin street. An office is to be built on H street to serve as justice office and also as treasurers office. Messrs. DUNN & DAVIS will be the builders. Wednesday, December 10, 1890: J. S. McMILLAN, the manager of the Roach Harbor Lime company, is in the city. Thursday, December 11, 1890: Mr. Wm. PINCKNEY has received a large consignment of fruit trees for his farm. C. C. OSIER left for Whatcom last evening where he has secured the contract for building a house. Mr. A. W. STEEN intends to move his store into the vacant lot adjoining it. The new site is being prepared. Mr. J. ARDREY, formerly of Seattle has come to Blaine to live and has located in the old chop house in the bank block.
--Peter SNYDER and Mrs. Charity FRANK were married the 8th inst. at the home of the bride near Birch Bay. Rev. George KINDRED officiating. Mr. SNYDER gave a dance at Martin DUKE's house that night, all enjoyed themselves well.
--A temperance society will be organized at Enterprise school house in a few days, success to it. Friday, December 12, 1890: Mrs. Geo. P. PERLEY is very sick in Maine and it may be some time before she returns to Blaine. A. O. PARSONS and J. F. ZOOK, lately from St. Louis, were callers at the Journal office yesterday. A new meat market has been opened on Martin street between Fourth and Harrison Avenue under the style of MILLER & Co. It is a branch of the E street market. Saturday, December 13, 1890: Misses Winnie and Nellie McELMON, accompanied by their brother Roy, have returned to Blaine from Vancouver, where they have been for several months. Wednesday, December 17, 1890: Lincoln GILLIS is on the sick list at ROSS' lodging house. Mr. C. C. WILSON who is about to start a new weekly paper is in the city. From this date to the end of the present month Mrs. CORNISH will take scrip at the current rate in her millinery store on E street. The Northwest Water Co. has nearly completed the digging of the reservoir, and is now constructing the dams. Pipe making is progressing rapidly. Thursday, December 18, 1890: Mr. J. LOCKHEAD, Mr. Samuel TIRVEY and another gentleman, all from Kansas, were callers at the Journal office yesterday. They say a large number of Kansas people are coming this way. R. I. MORSE, the leading Bellingham bay hardware merchant, was a caller at the Journal office last evening. He owns some valuable property on D street, with which he is highly pleased since the grading has been done. Friday, December 19, 1890: 1847 Rogers Bros. best quality knives and forks, $2.25 per set, at DAVID, the jewelers. Mr. SPOTT and family left town to-day for Tacoma where they will spend the winter, returning to Blaine again in the spring. The ROBERTS brothers have just completed a 300 foot drain box to drain their lots. If others would follow this good lead we would have less water on the streets. Saturday, December 20, 1890: There is a red heifer wandering about the streets of Blaine, which said beast has a dangerous habit of knocking over children. She needs looking after. Marshall RADCLIFFE wishes it to be understood that an ordinance exists against riding or driving on the sidewalks, and that the next person found infringing the ordinance will be arrested. The Blaine schools opened with four departments instead of three, though the attendance is not large owing to the fact that there is but one week of school before the holidays. Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS, teacher of the grammar department, reports twenty pupils in attendance at her school in the Thomas building on Fourth street, E. H. THOMAS, who conducted the first intermediate, in the Ohlson building on Harrison avenue, reports nineteen enrolled, and Miss Rebecca BALL, of the second intermediate, in the same building has forty-seven in her care, while the primary school under Mrs. KNUPPENBERG, has twenty-eight little fellows. As there are nearly two hundred pupils in Blaine who should be in school, the rooms are likely yet to be filled to their capacity before spring. Sunday, December 21, 1890:
This time they chimed at the resident of Judge HARRIS. The occasion was the marriage of C. C. HIXON and Mary E. HART, sister of Mrs. HARRIS. Only the intimate friends were present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. V. DIMON at 7:30 last evening. After the ceremony an elegant supper was served. The new couple begin housekeeping at once on Williams street, where a home has been already prepared. The bride and groom are well known in this city and county, Mr. HIXON having been clerk of the superior court of this district for one term and was re-elected this fall for another term. Miss HART has been clerk of the probate court for several years and by her pleasant ways and winning manners pleased all who had business before the court. -Bulletin.
Mrs. THOMPSON and children arrived in Blaine to locate, yesterday. Mrs. THOMPSON is a friend of Mr. and Mrs. KEMP, and comes from their native town, Pineville, Wis. Willie HUGHES died last night, after quite and long and painful illness. He was the first white child born in this place, and we believe was about eighteen years of age. Yesterday about noon a young man named JACOBSON, while fixing the elevator in the Fairhaven hotel, had his head caught between the "cage" and the frame work and crushed. The mechanism was not in perfect working order and he was engaged in regulating it. -Reveille. Wednesday, December 24, 1890: Mr. PASSAGE is now ready to accommodate the public with hot fresh water baths on the corner of Fourth and H streets. Mr. Thomas WHITE has purchased the building, up to now, belonging to Mr. R. J. ALLEN on Washington avenue. Thursday, December 25, 1890:
Certain parties who publicly profess temperance principle, but privately owe bills at the Josh saloon, are requested to call and settle within seven days from date, or they will be publicly exposed.
E. O. ALLEN, late of Winnipeg is at the lightening desk in the telegraph office during the holiday of Mr. HARKNESS.
-Lila MOORE gave a temperance lecture in Ferndale on last Saturday evening.
-Mr. SISSON is very sick with typhoid fever. -A quilting bee was held at the residence of Mrs. POTTER on Wednesday. The quilt is for a Christmas present to Mrs. BEETS, the M. E. Minister's wife. -Mr. PIATT from near Lynden attended service in Mountain View last Sunday. -Ferndale has a plank sidewalk on its principal streets. Saturday, December 27, 1890: Mr. KAMMERER shot a large seal from the Blaine wharf yesterday. It was hit in the head, and weighed about 150 pounds. The wife of Mr. F. WILLIAMS presented her husband with a very unusual Christmas gift in the shape of a very fine baby boy. Both mother and child are doing well. The bridge over the Nooksack river is now completed. It is an iron swing bridge and is said to be the finest one of this class on the Pacific coast. The wooden piles and other parts of the old wooden bridge are now being removed. Sunday, December 28, 1890: Miss BOWERS, who taught school in this city last summer, is visiting Mrs. KINGSLEY. Mr. Geo. MERRYMAN has given up the management of the Washington House and Mr. GEERY has rented it from Mr. A. WARREN. Ch. BARNETT, a relative of Mr. COLLINS, with his wife and three children, are at present visiting Mr. COLLINS, and they will very probably make Blaine their home in the future. Tuesday, December 30, 1890: Ten men are now working on the Birch Bay hotel, and the work is progressing favorably on the building. Wednesday, December 31, 1890: Mr. Chas. DORR, cousin of our editor, is in town. We notice in the Vancouver World of the 25th, that Miss Ethel McELMON has been promoted to the high school of that city. Her many warm friends in Blaine will be glad to learn of the good work which Miss McELMON has been doing in school.
Copied by Susan Nahas 2002-2008