The Blaine Journal

Friday, April 15, 1898:

Died in this city on Sunday, the 10th inst., of spinal meningitis, Blanche Estelle, daughter of Martin A. RICHBAW, aged 18 months. The funeral services were held on Tuesday at 10 a.m. from the residence of Mrs. WARD on Cherry street, Rev. W. E. DAWSON of the Union church officiating.

We inadvertently neglected to mention the arrival of a healthy heiress to complete the family circle of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. ADAMS, which event occurred on the 25th of last month.

E. G. J. McDONALD, of the Northwest Packing Company has returned to the city for the summer, bringing his sister with him.

William WOLTEN, who has been a sufferer from la grippe for the past two or three weeks, is once more able to attend to business.

Geo. CLARK, jr., of New Westminster, B. C., was in the city on a visit to Mrs. Florence HUGHES.

The following named twenty-four jurors were drawn Friday to serve during the May term of the superior court:

Sumas: Sewall MARSH
Ferndale: John EVANS, Henry DEWITT
Point Roberts: J. P. GOODFELLOW
Goshen: Merrett WHEELER
Birch Bay: Geo. L. BROWN
Ten Mile: Wm. M. MYERS, E. S. PROUTY
Baker: Harry NELSON
Harrison: James MITCHELL, J. W. RIDDLE
Columbia Valley: C. W. SMITH
Semiahmoo: J. H. MERRITT
Woodland: G. W. MEAD
Laurel: C. G. SIEGLE
Fairhaven: G. A. GURNEA

A. P. FELISIANO, a former resident of Whatcom county, has just returned from a five years' sojourn in California and will make this county his future home. He intends to engage in the logging business.

R. E. JOHNSON and G. D. SHANNON of Anacortes were up this week. Mr. SHANNON was formerly located here with his father and brother, the firm being engaged in the hardware business. Mr. SHANNON noted the improvement in Blaine since his departure. He is now is business in Anacortes.

Mrs. C. E. DORR of Weiser Lake, mother of J. W. DORR of this city, died on Monday of this week. She was 74 years old, and Monday was her birthday. She had been married 50 years. The family is all grown up. Three of the sons being residents of the county. The funeral occurred Wednesday from the family residence at Weiser at 11 o'clock.

The Ocean Wave brought in 75 Chinese for the AINSWORTH & DUNN cannery early in the week.

Nelson HUGHES has moved his blacksmith shop one block further south of his former location on Washington avenue, and now has equally good quarters to handle all work in his line.

James MARTIN has leased the flat over George TERRY's store, and we understand will fit up a portion of the rooms for lodging purposes.

Frank FOX, a brother of W. L. FOX the druggist, arrived Wednesday from Tekama, Neb. Mr. FOX came to the coast to cast his lot among us, though he is as yet uncertain as to just where he will locate.

    Last Sunday evening, at the residence of the bride on B street, was celebrated the nuptials of Miss Annie B. NASH and Charles A. GOTCHY, Geo. D. C. PRUNER, J. P. officiating. The young bride was becomingly attired in blue silk and was a picture of loveliness. The parlor was beautifully festooned with evergreen, the center of the room being occupied by a large arch, under which the happy couple plighted their troth. At the conclusion of the ceremony the guests sat down to a wedding feast prepared by the hand of the fair bride.
    Among the invited guests were A. GOTCHY and family, W. GOTCHY and family, J. GOTCHY and family, G. RANDALL and family, Joseph P. GOODFELLOW and wife, Chas. NOLTE and family of Whatcom, Geo. D. C. PRUNER and wife, Allie WYRICK, Bethel MILLOW, James LUND, Lida FROST of Whatcom, J. D. NASH and family and John P. DAVID.
    Among the gifts were the following:
From C. W. GOTCHY, cups, saucers, plates and teapot; Joseph P. GOODFELLOW, green and gold sauce set; J. P. DAVID, Japanese cups and saucers; Miss Lida FROST, pickle dish; groom, set of silver knives and forks; Mr. and Mrs. A. GOTCHY, feather pillows and rocker; Harry GOODFELLOW, fruit dish; Martha WALL, salt and pepper set; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. NOLTE, afternoon china tea set; Mrs. Eveline PRUNER, Japanese card stand; Allie WYRICK, hand-made doyle; Japanese bamboo centre table, Harry COWDEROY. The young couple have gone to housekeeping on A street, near the residence of the bride's mother.

Harry COWDEROY has rented the building lately occupied by Nelson HUGHES, and is having the same fitted over for a billiard and pool room. It is his intention to rearrange his present quarters somewhat, his increasing trade demanding additional room.

The eleventh anniversary of the married life of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. TARTE was celebrated at their residence on Monday evening last by the gathering of a number of their many friends. Dancing and various like amusements were indulged in and a right good time had. Among those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. H. COWDEROY, Mr. and Mrs. A. WHITE, Mr. and Mrs. BYWATER, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. FOX, Mr. and Mrs. C. John H. DAHL, Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul JONES, Mr. and Mrs. Tom QUIRT, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. DAHL, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. LOOMIS, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. DAHL, Mrs. O. V. HALL, the Misses Emma DAHL, Grace SCAMON, Janie SMITH, Iola LOOMIS, Belle WILSON, Roxie WILSON, Dora TYSON, Minnie STONE, and Messrs. Paul WOLTEN, Joe HALL, C. ALEXANDER, H. THOMAS, JONES, JOHNSON, J. FOX, Norman TYSON, W. SMITH, D. WILLIS, John MERRITT, J. KALLSEN, J. R. YOUNG and B. L. WILLIAMS.


Friday, August 5, 1898:

On Monday, Aug. 1st, Harry PARCHER and Miss Anna BICE were united in matrimony at the home of the bride's parents, near Custer. Many friends of the bride and groom were present, including Rev. E. W. DAWSON who performed the ceremony. Miss Ella CROY was the bridesmaid and L. D. STEPHENSON officiated as best man. Among the guests present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. F. L. HAMMOND, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDONALD, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. PAUL, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. BOBLETT, Mr. and Mrs. T. BICE, Mesdames Eliza RICHARDS and Sarah E. BROWN, Misses Milda BOBLETT, Panora, Iowa, Ollie BICE, Alice BICE, Edith BICE, Messrs. Arthur HOTCHKISS, D. C. RAMSDELL, M. B. MILLER, J. S. MAGUIRE, A. G. ZIEBELL, E. W. MATHEW, A. L. SMITH, Frank BICE, George BICE and Bert BICE. After the services were over an elaborate dinner was provided, and it was a grand success throughout. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Harry PARCHER started for Blaine, where they will reside in the future. Among a large number of other gifts was an elegant wedding present given by the Monarch shingle weavers and other friends. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. PARCHER and wish them joy and happiness in the future.

A. W. WATTS and family of Chicago, who have been spending a few weeks vacation with the family of A. B. BARRETT, left on Monday's train via the Canadian Pacific, for their home. They spent a pleasant fortnight in Blaine and surrounding country.

Mrs. J. M. CLINE and Mrs. C. A. BAUGHMAN left over the Canadian Pacific Tuesday for their home in Des Moines, Iowa. They have been visitors at the home of Mrs. E. ROBERTS on Harrison avenue, and came to the coast in search of health and rest.

Thomas QUIRT and James LUND have opened a second-hand store on Martin street, in the building recently vacated by the CARTER market. Success to them in their new venture.


Friday, September 16, 1898:

Death of Eva Smith.
After a lingering illness, extending over a period of about a year, the sweet, gentle spirit of little Eva, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. SMITH winged its flight to "the land beyond the skies." About a year ago the little sufferer was stricken with brain fever in Snohomish, the former home of her parents, and everything that medical skill could do was applied to allay the ravages of the disease; but never a strong child her system was completely demoralized by the protracted spell of illness from which she never fully recovered, and when a change for the worse set in a few days previous to her death, the attending physicians, Drs. SUTHERLAND and KING entertained very slight hopes for her ultimate recovery. Finally the end came, Monday afternoon at three o'clock the little sufferer calmly passed into that sleep which knows no earthly waking. The funeral services were held at the home of the parents on G street Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. Rev. Father VAN, of Snohomish, officiating. The sorrowing parents have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad affliction.

        The public schools of the city reopened for the fall term last Monday with a full, in fact an increased attendance in every department. The attendance at the south school is so large that the directors have been compelled to engage the services of an additional teacher.
        In the north ward the high school department will be under the management of E. P. YOUNG as principal and Miss Jessie A. KNIGHT, assistant, Miss Mabel HOUGHTON will have charge of the primary department. In the south school Miss Clara M. VINUP has been assigned the intermediate and Miss Gipsy PATTON the primary department. Miss VINUP's department is overcrowded, and the directors have wisely decided to engage the services of an additional teacher therefor.
        With the splendid beginning this promised to be one of the most successful and important years in the history of the city schools. The attendance in the several departments has already reached 201, and it is confidently expected that it will be increased to 225.

The two-story frame building which was formerly occupied as a real estate office by BAIRD & HOYT, and recently purchased by J. G. CRANDALL, has been removed to the lot next the Russell House on Martin street, between Third and Fourth streets.

Rev. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. WADSWORTH have received the Dungeness appointment for the ensuing year.

Moss BARBER and Johnny KING, Blaine's soldier boys, have returned from Tacoma on a 30-days' furlough. On their return to Tacoma they confidently expect to be mustered out of the service, unless complications should arise in the meantime which would require the government to dispatch the Washington boys to Manila.

C. C. McDONALD, A. Y. SEELY and Chas. PERLEY rode to Ferndale on their bicycles last Sunday.

Copied by Susan Nahas 2002-2005


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