January 3, 1896:
Married, at the residence of D. S. MILLER, on Tuesday, December 31st, at 8 p.m. by Rev. C. T. WHITTLESY, Theodore Alton HUNTER and Dora Ella WEST, both of Blaine. ... Burrell ATKINS, of Whatcom , is assisting his father at the store, this week. A postoffice has been established at Rome, Whatcom county, with Marcus OWEN in charge. Dr. WILBUR, of Lynden has been discharged from Steilicoom (sic) and has been returned to his friends in good health, it is reported. W. L. PATCH, formerly cashier of the "kerflumixed" Puget Sound Loan Trust & Banking Co., is now bookkeeper for the Linington Bank of New Whatcom. Arthur and Chester WADHAMS, who have been on a tour of the eastern states, have returned home ... C. C. OSIER, recently of Blaine, has bought the Great Northern restaurant in New Whatcom. Chris will make lots of friends in the Bay Cities, and will conduct a first-class place in every respect. Geo. YEAGER, one of our substantial farmers, met with a painful accident a few days ago. He was engaged in burning stumps, when one burned off, and in falling struck him on the shoulder, dislocating it and injuring him otherwise. Charles BARCH, of Haynie, was in the city, Monday. James CHARLES, of Douglas, B. C. was in town Tuesday. E. C. JOHNSON, of Hall's Prairie, B. C., was in the city on business the first of the week. Postmaster Bill LOGAN, of Hillsdale, was making "calls" in the city, New Year's day. C. T. MOORE has leased the CAIN saw mill and will start cutting lumber in a short time and will add machinery for box making, and will make salmon cases and other boxes. W. H. DOBBS, late of the Lynden Pioneer Press, was married at Arvado, Wyoming, Christmas day, to Miss Winifred D. BRIDGES. They will make their home in Whatcom county. Misses Libby BRADSHAW and Winnifred ELSPERMAN were passengers on the Utopia, Monday. They have gone to Friday Harbor for a visit. Geo. ELLSPERMAN, T. A. KENNEDY and P. W. BROWN received last Saturday a coop of thoroughbred fowls, twelve in number from Mr. Phil ELLSPERMAN, a cousin of our deputy collector. ... A young son of Mr. G. H. TUPPER, of the Dakota Creek shingle mill, had the misfortune to fall from a shingle car, Monday, and dislocate his elbow. The dislocation is an aggravated one, from the fact that he had lately recovered from a fracture of the same elbow. He is being attended by Dr. W. A. KING. The sudden death, last week, of Miss Mamie ROGERS, money order clerk in the Whatcom post office, was a sad blow to the parents and friends. Miss ROGERS was the daughter of Ellery ROGERS, late treasurer of Whatcom county. She was 22 years old, and was born in Yamhill county, Oregon. Her death was caused by peritonitis. Frank LORD, of Ladner's Landing, B. C. was a south-bound passenger on the Utopia, the first of the week. He is on his way to Anacortes, where he goes to superintend the construction and operation of a fish cannery. He is a cannery man of experience, and will no doubt make a success of the venture if anyone can. Friday, January 10, 1896: T. S. PEPIN, of Douglas, was in Blaine the first of the week. W. L. OAKLEY, of Hall's Prairie, B. C., was in the city Thursday. Miss Nellie McELMON now smiles on customers in SEELY Bros. dry goods emporium. John CONKLING of Humboldt, California, is visiting his sister, Mrs. T. A. KENNEDY. Miss Nellie CRILLY returned to school at the Annie Wright Seminary, Saturday. Emil STRAUSCH, the market gardener of Hillsdale, was in the city Thursday. William HOYT, after spending the holidays with his parents, returned to school in Seattle by train, Sunday. A crusade has been inaugurated by the saloon men of this town against minors who have been visiting the saloons. Hereafter they will be fired bodily for the good of all parties concerned. Mrs. W. E. SMITH returned Wednesday on the stage from Dell Rapids, S. D., where she has been making an extended visit. She came via the Northern Pacific and was delayed a few days enroute by snow. Geo. E. BRAND has purchased the flour and feed business formerly conducted by COLE & SCOUTEN in Whatcom. Wm. CRAWFORD and George YEAGER have received their final receipts from the land office at Seattle on their homesteads, recently proved up on. On Christmas day Henry CAYOU and wife and son, Miss REED and Miss Rhode LEE capsized in a small boat near Capt. HUDSON's place, Orcas island, and were rescued by Messrs. Lee WAKEFIELD and George FOWLER. W. McKEE and E. G. McDONALD, of Vancouver, stated to a Reveille Reporter the other day at Whatcom that work would be commenced on the new fish cannery, next week. The cannery will be fifteen miles from Whatcom and Village Point, on Lummi island. Friday, January 17, 1896:
Borax By Mistake
Word came to Mr. Jas. WILLIAMS Monday, that a man living on his ranch about nine miles from the city, named PETERSON, was dying from the effect of strychnine poisoning. Mr. WILLIAMS hurried to the scene and found the man in a very bad condition. He had used a quantity of powdered borax for baking powder, which he found in a baking powder can, in his preparation of flap-jacks. After making a hearty meal of the stuff, he became very sick and suffered hemorrhage of the bowels. He is now out of danger but still very weak.
The suit of Jack FALLON vs. the Blue Canyon Coal Co., for $30,000 damages alleged to have been sustained through injuries sustained while employed in the company's mine, was decided by the jury in his favor after thirty minutes deliberation. Born - To the wife of A. E. MEAD on Sunday 12th inst., a boy. Mother and child both doing well. The many friends of Mrs. Kate WALLER will be pleased to learn that she has at last received the patent for her land at Point Roberts. Miss Lessie DEMENT came over from Ladners for a few days stay with her parents, returning Thursday. W. A. HARDY, formerly in the drug business at Whatcom, now traveling for STEWART & HOLMES, Seattle, is in the city. Mr. P. A. HENEY, who has been under the treatment of Dr. PARDY, for a few weeks, says the "doctor" has almost cured him of a terrible attack of rheumatism, from which he suffered the tortures of the damned. He is another convert for the PARDY treatment. P. BELLEW has moved his household goods to Blaine. He will supervise the work in the MOORE saw mill. Wm. McMENEMY of Hall's Prairie was in the city on Saturday. G. JORDON of Ladners, B. C. was in the city on Tuesday, having driven over. Mrs. RICH of Ladners, B. C. is visiting at the home of E. A. WADHAMS. Cecil BACON, of LILLY, BOGARDUS & BACON, Whatcom, was in the city this week on business. County Funds: W. H. BRACKETT [for the] burial of Ida SPIERMAN, balance, $10. J. T. MEAD an old farmer and pioneer in the Nooksack Valley, died last Friday morning at 3 o'clock at Roeder, of pneumonia, aged 57. Friday, January 24, 1896: Charles WADE of Paonia, Colorado, son of S. WADE of Blaine, is visiting his parents. E. A. BOBLETT has received a letter from S. A. HOTCHKISS, who is residing at Vulcan, Colorado. He says he has some good mining claims and hopes to do well out of them, but would rather live in Blaine. ... The following named persons were appointed as a board of health for the term of 1896: Chairman, Robert GILDAY; secretary, T. B. SHANNON; treasurer, L. B. JOSEPH. The board of health appointed Isiah LIVINGSTON health officer for the ensuing term of 1896. D. R. GOTT was appointed street commissioner for the term of 1896. J. B. RAMAGE was appointed city marshal for the present term. Wm. H. WEST was appointed to serve as police judge for the term of 1896. Miss Ida ROGERS, well known in Blaine, is very ill at her home in New Whatcom. J. H. WHITE is engaged [in] building a wharf and seine house for the new cannery at Point Roberts. E. A PARTRIDGE, editor of the Washington Oddfellow, was a caller on the Journal Wednesday of this week. J. B. RAMAGE had the misfortune to mangle the ends of three fingers and thumb on a shingle saw at the Dakota creek mill, yesterday morning. Oliver SEELY shouldered his blanket, Monday morning and started for the gold fields, afoot - a nice litte walk. He arrived home Wednesday night. C. T. MOORE is giving the CAIN mill leased by him, a thorough overhauling in readiness to start up, which he expects to be able to do in a few days. J. D. LEEDY, formerly in business in Whatcom, who has valuable claims on Slate creek and in British Columbia came to town last Saturday and made a visit to Point Roberts. J. W. BLACK, Sam MAYHEW, George ODELL and Mr. Van HOUTEN, from Bellingham Bay, with a span of mules, a wagon, a black pony and camp outfit, passed through town, Monday en route to the mines. Friday, January 31, 1896: Mr. CADE, the B. C. logger, is in the city. His camp is in the neighborhood of Grief Point. Edward LADNER of Ladner's, B. C. is spending a short time visiting the family of E. A. WADHAMS. Lester W. DAVID has bought the machinery in the Drayton mill, which was burned a short time ago, and will utilize a portion of it in his Dakota Creek shingle mill. A good portion of it is only slightly damaged and can be reconverted to use. Phil WATERS has been suffering from inflammation of the eyes for a few days back. Inspector FLANNAGAN [FLANAGAN] of Sumas, has been favored with an assistant. It is a girl, and Larry says she needs more attention than the boundary line.
Out of a petit jury list of 300 names selected by the commissioners for 1896 names of persons residing in Blaine, Semiahmoo and Birch Bay precincts occur as follows:
Friday, February 7, 1896: Capt. L. M. ALEXANDERSON, formerly a pirate on the Swedish coast but of late years a peaceful navigator of Puget Sound waters, was in port Tuesday with a consignment for Blaine parties. As soon as the weather permitted he set sail for Point Roberts to discharge the rest of his cargo. The captain lost his vessel in an engagement with the Russians in the North Sea, and subsequently shipped on board the British brig Golden Victory as a common sailor, for the Pacific coast. He still holds his papers of discharge, signed by the master of that vessel, in which he is rated as an able seaman of good character. Mr. ALEXANDERSON has sailed with Capt. LEAMING in his regatta contest on the sloop Myth, the prize-winner of the sound, and not much afraid of wind or high water. He is now in command of the sloop Effort, fourteen tons burden, owned by CURTIS of Whatcom, and doing a coastwise and island trade. Died -- At the residence of Carl LEVINE [LEVIEN], on Sunday, February 2, Andrew HOSTRUP. Deceased was a native of Denmark, and father-in-law of Carl LEVINE. The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Rev. J. W. WHITE at the residence on Tuesday, the 4th inst. Mrs. WAGNER who was taken to St. Luke's hospital, Whatcom for treatment for cancer, had an operation performed last Saturday morning. Great uneasiness was felt by the friends of Tom BERTRAND on account of his long-continued absence on Tuesday. He became separated from his companions while hunting and did not return home that night. Tom turned up all right though and brought a deer home to explain his absence. J. KALLSEN has bought the stock of goods in the "Store" formerly operated by the Consolidated Mills and Merchandising Company and is having the same assorted and classified. Joseph DONNELLY has removed to the British side, where he is employed by McCOLLOM & CRANDALL, who are operating a logging camp on the Royal City works. Herr von STEMME of Birch Bay, was in the city the first of the week. In addition to being a champion rifle shot, which he blushingly admits, he gave evidence of high ability as a vocalist while in town. It is intimated that in his younger days he was a famous tenor and sang in the capitals of Europe with great eclat under the name of Signor Orseclami. It is reported that KILLDALL Bros. will put in a fish trap at Cherry Point. The divorce case of HENSPETER vs. HENSPETER, tried in the superior court all day on Thursday and until noon on Wednesday resulted in her favor. Thos. G. Newman, one of the leading attorneys on the Bay, represented Mr. HENSPETER, and subjected Mrs. HENSPETER, the plaintiff, to a rigid cross examination lasting over three hours. The court granted the plaintiff an absolute decree of divorce and changes her name to Eliza J. SCOTT, her maiden name. PAYNE & PIRKEY represented the plaintiff. Friday, February 14, 1896: Miss DUNN, of North Arm, B. C., is visiting at Mr. QUIRT's. Samuel CHURCHILL, a merchant of North Arm, B. C. drove over to Blaine on Sunday. E. GOODWIN and Mr. PALMER started today for Alaska, where they go to work in a saw mill, under the superintendency of Mr. BENNETT, who was identified with the Drayton Manufacturing Company in the mill at Drayton. We understand the mill will be operated by the Alaska Packer's Association. The petition of W. J. GILLESPIE et al to fill the vacancy caused by C. C. PAUL having permanently removed from the state was granted. Miss Libby BRADSHAW was a south bound passenger on the Utopia, Saturday. Bob SHIELDS, who operates a store, ranch, creamery, butter factory, and shingle mill at Custer, was in the city the first of the week. Friday, February 21, 1896: Postmaster Bill LOGAN was in town, Wednesday. The Blaine public school will start again on Monday, with J. W. TANNER as principal. H. B. KIRBY and Arthur and Chester WADHAMS came over from the Point on Sunday in the steamer Chinook.
Phil WATERS, who has been in Whatcom under treat for ulcerated sore eyes, returned yesterday, much improved, and hopes to throw away his goggles in a short time. Mrs. Amanda SMITH was granted a divorce from her husband George H. SMITH in the superior court Friday last. She was represented by PAYNE & PIRKEY. Joseph GOODFELLOW, the Point Roberts gold miner, has imported from Ladner, B. C. lumber for sluice boxes and also a quantity of quick silver for catching the fine gold. Friday, February 28, 1896: Arthur WADHAMS came in from Point Roberts, Sunday night. He says that the new store of CURTIS of Whatcom is going up on the beach in front of the BREWSTER mansion; the frame work of the building was shipped ready to put up. Charley WRIGHT has committed matrimony and brought home his bride Sunday; she was a Miss BROWN of New Westminster, and they were married in that city on Thursday last the 20th inst.
-The grippe has got Paul WOLTON
-Mr. D. DRYSDALE left for 'Frisco Sunday morning. -Jay THOMAS has been quite ill for some days past with the grippe. -Mrs. Jennie V. CLINE returned from Tacoma, Tuesday. -Geo. A. ELLSPERMAN has been afflicted with neuralgia for the last few days. -J. D. NASH has been wrestling with the grippe for several days. -H. MAHON is seriously ill with the prevailing malady - la grippe. -Charley JENSEN the restauranteur of Whatcom was in the city Wednesday. Charles is an experienced and accomplished cook, thoroughly honest and reliable. -T. B. SHANNON is the admiration of the city as he glides over our twelve miles of planked sidewalks on his new Eagle wheel. He learned to control the machine in a phenomenally short time. -Wm. H. CAMPBELL, of Iowa, who has been visiting the family of W. L. FOX for the past three months, left for his home in Cambell, Iowa, on Sunday's train. Mr. CAMPBELL is a nephew of Mrs. FOX. -Fred G. WARLOCK, a capitalist of Victoria, B.C., was in the city on Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. WARLOCK is interested in fishing operations, having secured a location at Point Roberts, where he has begun the erection of a wharf, net house, and boating house. J. H. WHITE is superintending the building of the plant and will have charge of the fishing the coming season.
-J. CORBETT and family of Elgin, B. C. were in the city Wednesday.
-Miss Ella CROY has opened a private school on Dakota Creek. -Ben STEVENSON of Elgin, B. C., was in the city Wednesday, on business. -Col. James WILLIAMS has recovered from a severe attack of la grippe. -Col. J. S. CRILLY, of the Northwest Water Company is suffering with the grippe. -L. D. PIKE and Joseph GOODFELLOW, jr., were over from Point Roberts Wednesday. -Dr. FEGAN, of New Westminster, B. C., was in the city Wednesday, on a professional trip. -Alvin JOHNSON is attending the store of P. A. WOLTEN during the latter's attack of the grippe. -Capt. Charley HUNT had the misfortune to nearly sever his left hand with an axe on Tuesday. He was engaged in "splitting some kindling," when the axe handle caught in his coat, and descended in the wrong place gave the captain an ugly gash across the hand just below the thumb. Thy physician thinks he can save the hand, with a probability of a stiff index finger.
April 3, 1896:
A son of Joseph GOODFELLOW was drowned at Point Roberts last Friday, while he and five companions were attempting to recover a pile driver which had broken loose and was drifting ashore, by the upsetting of their boat. The water was intensely cold and but a short time would suffer to chill the swimmers.
April 10, 1896: At last accounts Joseph GOODFELLOW had not found the body of his youngest son who was recently drowned off Point Roberts.
May 22, 1896: On May 4th there was born to the wife of J. P. HUGHES a seven-pound son. The mother is rapidly convalescing from her confinement, and the son is a picture of health. The father who has been quite ill with an attack of appendicitis, is now on the road to recovery. Monday evening the family of James CRUTCHLEY was blessed with a daughter. Mother and child doing well. Dr. Reeves was present. May 29, 1896: Joseph GOODFELLOW received a telephone message on Tuesday, announcing the death of his wife. He started for Tacoma at once to bring the body to Blaine for interment. Mrs. GOODFELLOW has long been a sufferer, and while all deplore her sad demise, she has been released from her sufferings. The bereaved family have the entire sympathy of the community in this the hour of their bereavement.
July 31, 1896: John JORDAN and Miss Anna BENSON of Point Roberts were married at the Catholic church in New Whatcom last week. They will continue to reside at the point.
August 28, 1896:
Passed to the higher life from his home in Blaine, on Aug. 21st, 1896, Joshua P. HUGHES of nervous exhaustion, from which he had been a sufferer for several months. Deceased was in the twenty-sixth year of his age. He was generally known in Blaine, and was very highly esteemed and respected by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and one child, besides his parents and three brothers to mourn his loss. His family and friends have the warmest sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement.
Yesterday, August 27th, was Grandma WHITCOMB's 92nd birthday; the old lady is remarkably well preserved for one of her years and bids fair to be with us yet for a number of years. Mrs. C. W. GOTCHY came up on the train last Saturday for a visit to her husband who is employed in the MILLER mill. September 4, 1896: Two young girls, daughters of J. H. TUPPER, while playing on the boom at the Dakota Creek shingle mill on Sunday last, fell into the water and before they could be reached, one of them had gone down for good. Her father dived and recovered the body and, though she had been under water for five minutes, by persistent work in chafing and rubbing, the people succeeded in resuscitating her and with good care she will soon be up and around again but it was a close call. Auditor DILLON has issued a marriage license to David KING of Seattle and Mary S. SNELL of Blaine. Mrs. E. P. JULIEN of Birch Bay, while driving home from Blaine last Sunday, was thrown from her buggy and badly injured by the horse running away. The bridle in some manner came off, and the horses becoming frightened ran off, and the buggy striking a stump, Mrs. JULIEN was thrown out and the vehicle completely wrecked. Mrs. JULIEN made her way to the home of Mr. MERRITT, where she is being cared for. No bones were broken, but fears are entertained that she is injured internally.
September 25, 1896: Died, Sept. 15th, 1896, infant son of Joshua P. and Florence HUGHES, aged 4 months and 11 days. October 2, 1896: Born, Sept. 28th, to the wife of J. O. COULTHARD, a daughter. Mother and child doing well. Dr. KING of this city was in attendance, assisted by Drs. BOGGS and DAVIS of New Westminster and Dr. HENDERSON of New Whatcom.