The Blaine Journal

Friday, January 6, 1893:

Mrs. A. C. BOND was the fortunate winner of the album which was given by Messrs. CLARK & FOX, the druggists. A number has been given to each purchaser for the past month, and on Saturday night duplicate numbers were put in a hat, and the first to come out proved to be No. 87, the lucky possessor being Mrs. BOND.

License to wed has been issued to James H. HAZELTON of Blaine and Miss Mary Ann FRANKLIN of Whatcom and J. W. LEGGETT and Miss Mary E. GRANFIELD? of West Ferndale.

    The following arraignment of the girls is from a neighboring exchange, and we trust is not applicable to the girls of our city:
--Girls, did you ever think of it, that boys have more self- respect than those of your sex? There is not a young man of any respectability that would be seen walking up and down the streets with a drunken girl. You might search our streets with a fine tooth comb and not find a young man who would lock arms with a young lady who was puffing a cigar or spitting tobacco juice around on the sidewalk. Girls have no hesitancy in accepting the company of the two latter characters, and too many of them are only too anxious to accept the company or heart of anything that wears pants. Society will become refined when girls will demand of boys who wish to pay them attention the same purity of character that boys now demand of girls. Over the head of the young ladies of the land hang the possibilities of the greatest moral reform that ever swept over this country of ours. Will they rise up equal to the emergency?
     Say, young man, there is one thing you cannot do. You can't make a success in life unless you work. Better men than you have tried it and failed. You can't loaf around street corners and saloons, smoke cigars, tell foul stories, drink whiskey, and sponge on someone else without making a failure of life. You must learn a trade or get into some honest business. If you don't you will make a chronic loafer, despised by all, producing nothing-- simply making yourself a burden on your parents or the state. There is no place in the world for loafers. The ripe fruit is all at the top of the tree. You must climb to get it. If you wait for it to fall at your feet you will jump up and pluck it all. Move. Do something, no matter how small. It will be a starter. Help yourself and others will help you. There is no royal path to success. Toil, grit, endurance--these are the requisits. Wake up and see what you can do. We don't claim that these suggestions are original but they are just as good now as they were when they were new.

Laura Bell HARVEY, nee LINDSEY, was born in Franklin County, Iowa, May 6, 1866. She came to Blaine with her parents in 1872, was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1874 under, the ministry of Rev. J. N. DENNISON. As long as circumstances and health would permit she was active in church work. She was married to Mr. George HARVEY in 1889. She departed this life December 31, 1892. For a number of months the dread disease, consumption, was fastening itself upon her system. She suffered much, but bore it all with Christian patience. Though stricken so early in life she did not complain. In the last hours her faith did not fail her. Spoke to her friends of her departure and asked them to meet her in heaven.

E. A. WADHAMS, who has leased the WALLER property at Point Roberts, has commenced the erection of his cannery. The institution will be one of the largest canneries on the Sound, and will combine cold storage with the putting up of fish. It is Mr. WADHAMS intention to build a sufficient amount of wharfage for the business of a large concern, and with the settlement of his help about the institution it will be quite an affair.

Mrs. Frank WILLIAMS presented her husband with a fine girl Tuesday evening. Frank has our congratulations.

Oscar GARD, the cousin of the late Martin WARE, has arrived from the east for the purpose of settling up the estate.

T. G. NEWMAN, the new county attorney, has been to Iowa settling up the business affairs of his recently deceased father.

Miss May DAVID of Chicago, who has been visiting the family of her brother here for the past three months, departed on Sunday for Spokane and from thence to Portland, San Francisco, Los Angles and various other points on her trip eastward.

E. N. GRAY, who recently came here to assume charge of the Postal Telegraph office, left with his family on Wednesday for San Diego, California, having secured a position there much more to his advantage. He will be succeeded at the Blaine office by Tom PAYNE.

Material has arrived for the enlargement of the DRYSDALE cannery. A. NELSON has a contract to supply 800 trap sticks for use during the coming season.

The International mill is moving their logging camp from Drayton to Birch point. This is rendered necessary to keep up the supply of logs.

Sunday evening Prof. C. WHITE, a spirit medium, was at Kingsley's Hall to give a lecture and a public test. Only some 30 or 40 persons were present, and it was pronounced a very tame affair.

John DAHL has been appointed as special administrator for the estate of Martin WARE. He has filed a bond of surety, taken an inventory of the property, and been placed in charge of deceased's affairs by the coroner, pending further orders of the court.

Class No. 7, of the M. E. Sabbath school Miss Gertie CHENEY teacher, gave their instructor a fine New Years gift.

George B. JOHNSTON, superintendent of the New Whatcom schools was granted a life diploma at Tacoma last week, which makes five of these valuable documents now held in this county, by W. J. HUGHES, of Fairhaven; J. W. TANNER, of Blaine; Harry PATTISON, J. M. HITT and George B. JOHNSTON. These certificates allow the holder to teach anywhere in the state, as long as the holder may live. There are three of the old territorial life certificate now in the state which are held by Miss COUPE and J. R. BEADLEY [BRADLEY], of Whatcom; and H. J. SWAN [SWIM], of Lynden.

Last Wednesday night parties entered the room of Ben WELCHER and took therefrom his trunk and clothing. The trunk was afterwards found on the bay shore rifled of nearly all of its contents. What makes the curious part of it is the fact that Mr. WELCHER was sleeping in the room at the time the trunk was removed. A fine gold watch and chain, $365 in money and various other articles of value were taken from the trunk. The same night the bath house of Donald ROSS was entered and something over 100 towels taken therefrom. Most of the towels are marked with the characters "87." There is no clue to the robbers, but Marshal OVERMAN is using all efforts to capture them, and it is to be hoped he will succeed. If vigilance will accomplish their capture they will not long remain at large.

Miss Lizzie VANDERVENE has gone to visit her brother at Buckley, Wash.

F. L. BARTLETT of Portland was a visitor at Blaine Monday.

The funeral of the little child of Rev. H. L. BROWN was held Wednesday afternoon. The exercises were conducted by the Rev. F. W. LOY. Mrs. BROWN is quite ill. Deep sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. BROWN in their affliction.

Jas. DWYER of New Westminster, B. C., was a caller at our office last week.

Miss Stella POWER is here from Seattle spending the holidays with her family and friends.

Mrs. John ELWOOD left on Thursday for San Francisco to be absent three or four months.

W. R. MOULTRY, secretary of the Whatcom county shingle association is in town.

-Miss Dora WELLMAN of Fairhaven has been spending a few days with friends in Lynden.
-Miss Clara MALTBY left here on Monday for Seattle, where she will spend part of her vacation visiting with her parents.
-Miss Addie PALMER has been engaged to teach a five months, term of school in district No. 59, west of Lynden.
-Miss Anna HELMS has accepted a position as clerk in KILDALL Bros. store in Lynden.
-Mrs. Carrie KING has resigned her position in the public schools, and Miss Carrie PALMER has been hired to fill the vacancy.

Friday, January 13, 1893:

A sixteen foot coal vein has been discovered in Whatcom county.

Whatcom county has 41 shingle mills, running over 110 blocks.

New Whatcom has decided by a vote of 678 to 209, to purchase the CORNWALL Water Works system at a cost of $250,000.

A fire at Sumas last Friday originated from sparks from a Northern Pacific engine, destroyed the LAMBERT building and another adjoining. Loss, $1,000; no insurance.

Upon petition of Oscar GUARD and other parties interested in the estate of Martin WARE, E. R. JENNINGS of Whatcom was made administrator of deceased's effects, and will immediately proceed to close of his affairs. Mr. GARD (sic) will return to Tacoma at once, where he has a lucrative position with the street motor line.

The North Star Band and Opera House company held their annual election on Thursday the 5th. The following officers were elected:
P. I. EARLY, president; A. RUNGE, vice-president; H. E. THOMAS, secretary; Willie McDONALD, treasurer; E. A. ROBERTS, janitor.

Mrs. E. W. OVERMAN, wife of our marshal, visiting at Cedar Falls, Iowa, for some time past, is just recovering from a six weeks illness having been afflicted with malarial fever.

H. B. POTTER, the undertaker, has been confined to his residence during the past two weeks by an attack of lagrippe. He is now about.

Tom PAYNE, who has recently been placed in charge of the Postal Telegraph office here, has renovated and rearranged the premises in pleasant shape.

A. BURNLEY is progressing rapidly with his new laundry on H street.

Last Friday night a public installation was held at the Masonic hall by Deborah lodge No. 50 D. of R. A. A large number of invited guests were in attendance. Luncheon was served at the conclusion of the ceremonies. Following is a list of the officers installed:

N. G. - Francis E. ELLIS
V. G. - Laura R. WILSON
Secy - J. B. WEBSTER
P. Secy - Minnie HOMOYER
Treas. - Lucy WEBSTER
J. G. - Nellie TAYLOR
Chap. - Mrs. HORTON
Con. - Mrs. Percy HAZELTINE
Warden - Precilla GILLESPIE
L. S. N. G. - Jas. PRIVETT
R. S. V. G. - John LITTLE
L. S. V. G. - O. P. CARVER
P. N. G. - Mrs. W. A. KING
Among those present were the following:
Mr. and Mrs. BEARDSLEY, Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON, Mrs. PERRY, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. KINGSLEY, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. JOHNSTON, Mr. and Mrs. Ray PASSAGE, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. SHANNON, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. DAVIES, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. STAYT, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. COLE, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. LOOMIS, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. DUNN, Messrs. T. A. HUNTER, C. PHILLIPS, C. W. JOHNSTON, D. HERALD, W. STAYT, J. B. WEBSTER, Misses Ella THOMPSON, Maude KENNEDY, Nellie THOMPSON, Etta ROBERTS, Gertrude CHENEY, Flora DAVIE, Jessie DAVIES, Ella CROY, Cora BEMIS, Winnie McELMON, Nellie McELMON, Nellie CORNISH, Mattie DUNN, Nettie BEARDSLEY; Mrs. Edith WILLIAMS, D.D.G.M., Chas. WORTHEN, Lynden; F. S. YORK, Seattle.

Personnel of the New City Officials.
David S. MILLER is a native of Ohio and came to Blaine some 20 years ago. He is one of the first platters of an addition in Blaine, known as MILLER's Park, and wisely chose what is perhaps one of the most pleasant and desirable parts of the city. Mr. MILLER is 63 years old, a shrewd, conservative business man, and will make an enviable record as their chief executive of the city of Blaine. He is a man of large means and will have in mind the welfare of the tax payer. Mr. M. is a man of fine, commanding and keen appearance, and will ably fill the position to which he has been elected.
C. J. H. DAHL, who was selected as councilman at large, came to this city from Nebraska on the 27th of April in 1890. He in company with Charles HANNAMAN conducted a meat market [on] Washington avenue for some few months during the boom. From this Mr. DAHL embarked in the dry goods and grocery business with his brother Charles, the firm being styled DAHL Bros., puchasing the stock of the Messrs. WAGGONER Bros., on Washington avenue. Mr. DAHL is a property owner here and has had a somewhat varied business experience, which will prove of service in his new position. Mr. DAHL resides on Washington avenue and has a pleasant home.
J. G. MERRILL, who has been delegated to fill his own unexpired term came to Blaine in the winter of 1888 from Champlain, Minn. Mr. MERRILL was selected as a councilman at the city election in 1891 but an enforced absence from the city compelled his resignation, George CAIN succeed him by appointment. Mr. MERRILL, is a carpenter by occupation and has a keen perception of the duties of a councilman. He will no doubt make an efficient official. Mr. MERRILL resides on C street.
J. S. JOHNSTON came to Blaine some two years ago from Spirit Lake, Iowa, where he was engaged in business as a furrier. Mr. JOHNSTON served a couple of terms as a member of the board of supervisors of his native county, which makes him particularly fitted for his position on the new council. He was a candidate for commissioner from this part of the county at the last election. He is a man of some means, conservative in his ideas, and well qualified for his new position. Mr. JOHNSTON resides on E street.
J. B. SMITH is a native of Michigan and came to this city some three years ago. He is extensively engaged in the logging camp industry of the Sound, and at the present time is proprietor of the Russell House on Martin street. Mr. SMITH is a man of keen perception and always takes a logical, common sense view of all measures presented to him, and will serve his constituents with credit and honor. Mr. SMITH is a man of push and rustle, always on the alert and cannot help but have in his mind's eye the municipal interests of Blaine.
George DAVIES came to Blaine some four years ago from Minneapolis, Minn. He embarked in the hardware business in company with W. B. DUNN under the firm of DAVIES & DUNN soon after his arrival, and conducted the business some two years. From this Mr. DAVIES embarked in the real estate business after his retirement from the partnership. Mr. DAVIES is at present the senior member of the firm of DAVIES & HUNTER, shingle manufacturers. Mr. DAVIES is also one of the school board directors. He is a man ably qualified for a seat on the council, and will watch the interests of the city with keen interest.
A. L. JOHNSON, hardware merchant, is one of the councilmen who has an unexpired term to fill. Mr. JOHNSON came to Blaine from Minnesota in the fall of 1889, and has made a good record as a business man. He has property interests here, has the finances of the city at heart, and will watch with a keen eye the affairs of Blaine. His past record on the council is a sufficient index of what will be his future deeds.
Allen T. HUNTER is a native of Pennsylvania and has been a resident of Blaine for the past three years. He is a young man of ability and push, and has shown a keen business foresight in the management of the varied affairs of D. S. MILLER, whose agent he is. Mr. HUNTER is a member of the shingle mill firm of DAVIES & HUNTER. He has a full knowledge of the needs of the city from his experience in the past council, and has the confidence of all who have any acquaintance with him.
Came to Blaine six years ago and entered the employ of John ELWOOD, who then had a place of business at Semiahmoo. Two years ago Mr. ELWOOD transferred his base of operations to his present quarters on Harrison avenue. Mr. KALLSEN has been in charge of Mr. ELWOOD's business for a long time, and the large and varied interests connected therewith have particularly fitted him for the position of treasurer of the city. Mr. KALLSEN enters upon the duties of his office with the full confidence of all, and will ably fill the position.
M. A. BARRICLOW, the new assessor, has been a Blaine resident for the past four years, coming here from Idaho. He was the builder of the old LINDSEY mill and at present is in the employ of the DAVIES & HUNTER shingle mill as engineer. Mr. B. is a millwright by occupation. He will make an efficient official and his good judgment of values will count for much in the assessorship.

Mrs. PERRY, sister of Mrs. BEARDSLEY returned to her home in California Tuesday.

Captain TARTE of the steamer Seattle is the happiest man on the Spit, since this (Monday) morning. He says he had rather it had been a boy, but since it is a girl he won't kick and has already sent for prices on nursing bottles.

The city has secured the premises, formerly occupied by Martin WARE on Washington avenue as a flour and feed store, for the purpose of a hose house.

Tuesday morning at about 8 o'clock Andy RICHMOND, a prospector, was almost instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a gun which he had thrown into a boat he was about putting out from the shore for duck hunting. He, in company with John BERGHER, were getting the boat out to go in search of ducks, having left the gun over a log on the shore. After the boat had been gotten into the water RICHMOND caught hold of the gun and threw it into the boat. The weapon seems to have been arranged to be exploded on short notice, for as the hammer struck the side of the boat the contents of both barrels were fired, taking effect on RICHMOND's right side just below the lung. The young man was at once taken into the house of Mr. BERGHER and medical aid summoned, but he died a short time after the accident. RICHMOND was 28 years of age, a native of Scotland and had no relatives in this country. He had but recently returned from a prospecting trip to the Okanogan country in company with John BARBER. He was affiliated with the Blaine Lyceum and the Christian Endeavor society, and although a regular attendant upon the meetings of the Epworth League was not a member. He was respected by all who had his acquaintance. The remains were buried from the Presbyterian church Wednesday, Rev. J. A. STAYT, officiating.

-Our school is progressing nicely with Mr. STEADMAN as teacher, an evening session is held on Monday and Thursday nights. Quite a number are in attendance.
-The I.O.G.T. lodge meets in the church on Friday evenings.
-The organ for the church was received last week.
Dr. THORNTON, agent for the Lewis Combination Spray Pump, was taking orders in this vicinity this week.
-Mr. MEAD and family of Woodland were guests of Mr. and Mrs. DEEDS Sunday.
-Miss Effie HODGSON, of Enterprise was the guest of Mrs. Ed LOPAS on Sunday.

-Fred SLADE has rented a house of S. L. PALMER, and will move into town this week.
-Miss Lulu ALDRICH returned on Sunday from Alder Grove, B. C., where she has been spending vacation.
-The little baby that has been sick with consumption at the Indian school for some time, died Saturday. The funeral service, conducted by Rev. COVINGTON, was held in the M. E. church, and the remains interred in the Indian cemetery. -Mr. CHANDER has moved his family into the house formerly occupied by Mrs. HAWLEY.

Friday, January 20, 1893:

The Blaine Social club was organized last week with the following officers:
President, L. W. DAVID; vice-president, William SUNDERBRUCH; secretary and treasurer, G. M. ROBERTS; executive committee, J. P. STUART, T. A. KENNEDY, R. M. TAYLOR, J. M. GORE and G. A. GEIGER.
It is the purpose of the club to inaugurate a series of fortnightly dances, the second of which will take place at the opera house on the 27th.

Chas. A McLENNAN, deputy collector of customs, is moving from his residence on Harrison avenue to E street. It will be nearer his office and will be much more convenient in many ways.

J. B. SLOAN is now clearing away his lots on the CAIN's original townsite on Fourth street, preparatory to erecting a residence. It is his intention to put up a good house thereon early in the spring.

John BURNLEY is progressing rapidly with his new laundry on H street, and expects to have it in operation in the course of a couple of weeks. He will have his residence detached from the wash house, and will have much more convenient and commodious quarters than at present.

Saturday afternoon last the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Blaine National bank was held and the same old board of officials elected. The following are the officials:
H. W. WHEELER, president; James BARNES, vice president; E. R. WHEELER, cashier; D. S. MILLER, Byron N. KINGSLEY, E. R. WHEELER, Jas. BARNES and H. W. WHEELER, directors.

Documents were signed last week which makes James M. HOLLAND of Seattle the owner of the Lindsey block, sitting on the corner of Washington avenue and Martin street. The sum named in the conveyance is $20,000. This is one of the finest pieces of rental property in the city, being built of brick and in every way central and convenient. Mr. HOLLAND is to be congratulated on coming into possession of this fine piece of real estate, and it can but prove a remunerative investment. Mr. HOLLAND, as is shown by this investment, has an abiding faith in the future prosperity of Blaine.

Sunday evening, as Dan D. LEWIS was passing along Washington avenue near the residence of Dr. REEVES he was surprised at the sudden appearance of a big burly fellow in front of him armed with a club, who made a swift move to assault him. Mr. L. dodged the blow and started for the road when the would be foot pad disappeared. It is high time a rounding up was made of the subjects who now seem to infest our city. Unless some action is taken it is only a question of a short time when they become more bold, and the loss of property and perhaps lives will occur.

Messrs. PERLEY Bros. have received their new steam drag saw, and Mr. PHILLIPS was engaged Wednesday in hauling it to the mill. It was made in Grand Rapids, Mich., and is quite an affair. Work on the new mill will now be completed and soon we will have another new mill in operation.

The case of petty larceny against Alf. HAZELTINE, was called before Judge ADAMS Thursday morning, but as the complaining witness failed to make a case there was no alternative but to discharge the case on payment of costs amounting to something over $11.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., Jan. 18th, 1893:

DOWNEY, Miss May

ASK, Fred G.
FERRY, Miss Amelia
JACOB, Francis
PORTER, Frank H.
WATSON, John 4

The mill of Messrs. DAVIES & HUNTER is receiving thorough overhauling and in the course of a fortnight will again be in operation.

C. A. LOOMIS, the popular merchant, has recently embellished his place of business with a large sign. It is quite an addition to his store front.

The Blaine Shingle Mill company's mill at Dakota creek is now running full line and turning out a superior quality of shingles.

Point Roberts now represents an unusual degree of activity. With the preparations for the new cannery many men are given employment, and the point will soon be a hive of industry. The new cannery will be quite extensive in its appointments and will no doubt be an important factor in the salmon pack in this section.

Henry HARPER of Hall's Prairie was a Journal office caller Monday.

Burton GLENWOOD of New Westminster was in the International city Tuesday.

Paul WALTON, has bought the skating rink of Chas. MERRITT, and will move the same to Everett.

As will be seen by reference to the Blaine city council proceedings, an ordinance to license the sale of liquor has been introduced.

-Mr. Harry FEILDING [FIELDING?] of Glenwood has gone on a visit to his old home in Guelph, Ontario, and will not be back for some months.
-Mr. Henry HARPER of Hall's Prairie is going back to Smith Falls, Ont., on a visit next week.
-Mr. and Mrs. T. WRIDER have left Hall's Prairie for good.

Friday, January 27, 1893:

Judge HILL and Jerry NETERER of Whatcom, as will be seen by their professional card, have formed a co-partnership at Whatcom for the practice of law. With two such disciples of Blackstone working together fame and shekles should come early. Success to the new firm.

County Auditor COLDIER has issued a marriage license to John HOPE and Mrs. Jane WILLIAMS, both of West Ferndale.

A fire broke out Saturday night at 11 o'clock under HALLER's warehouse at Edison, and quickly spread to SMITH's warehouse. The LOOMIS drug store, adjoining, caught next. There is no fire department there. The water comes two miles in pump logs, and at very low pressure, and worthless in case of fire. The flames jumped across McTaggart avenue, caught DOZER's large store, the post office and warehouse, and JOUAK's harness store. CAIN's hotel, office and bar caught next. The entire city buildings were consumed. Insurance very light; loss about $25,000.

Monday last Justice ADAMS, acting as ex-officio deputy coroner of the county, forwarded to the relatives of Ed JACOBSON, who met his death in the International hotel fire, a trunk containing his effects. The trunk was consigned to No. 29 Abbott Court, Chicago, Ill. Some little delay was made necessary in closing up of the estate as power of attorney from two of the sisters who reside in Sweden was necessary. The value of his effects, after a final settlement, was something upward of $150.

Will SMITH is putting up a new house on Blaine avenue. It will soon be ready for occupancy.

A. MANSFIELD of New Whatcom has asked the city for issuance of duplicates of the city and town of Blaine warrants stolen from his safe in September last.

Semiahmoo now presents a lively appearance with the arrangement of timbers and scows to put in the new cannery and cold storage plant at Point Roberts. The scows for the pile drivers and being made at Semiahmoo, and at Point Roberts a crew are (sic) at work getting out the timbers for piles, etc. A part of the machinery for the new enterprise has already arrived. Mr. WADHAM's move will make business lively at the Point.

D. R. GOTT, with his assistants, was busy Monday in moving the boiler and engine of the old STOOPS' shingle mill to the cars for transportation to Whatcom, where it is to be used by B. W. MILLER in the operation of brick yard machinery.

Material for hand painting in oil and water can be found in good assortment at ROBERTS Bros.

Frank MacKENZIE was arrested Monday night on a warrant sworn out by L. A. WALDO, charging assault. He was lodged in the city prison over night and in the morning brought before Justice ADAMS, who assessed a fine of $10 and costs, amounting to $23, against him, in default of which he will spend eight days in the county jail.

When in Whatcom call at GILES & MEYER's Oyster Parlor, on the Holly street viaduct, if you happen to want lunch at any time, day or night.

Thursday next, Feb. 2nd, Miss N. A. THOMPSON will place on exhibition at the store of Messrs. ROBERTS Bros. her entire collection of paintings, to which inspection is invited. They are gems of art, and will repay a visit from those interested.

Joe HALL has accepted a position in the shingle mill of Messrs HUTCHUF & SMITH of Ferndale, and will enter upon his duties this week.

The Nooksack river was frozen over Thursday night for the second time this season.

M. V. WICKERSHAM passed through on the train from Surrey Center, B. C. to his home in Seattle Sunday.

The following program was rendered at the opera house last Saturday night by the Blaine Blue Ribbon club:

Recitation --- Harry PAVY
Song ------- Dora WEST
Reading ---- Willetta CROY
Recitation --- Dorris BRIGGS
Violin Solo --- Mamie MILLER
Essay ------- Mrs. HOYT
Recitation --- Stella KENNEDY
Violin Solo ---- C. BLACK
Recitation --- Gertie QUIRT
Nellie CRILLY --- Organist

Brother CALLVERT, late of the Lynden Pioneer Press, has assumed the business management of the Argosy at Whatcom. The field is large and he may fill it to the satisfaction of both his friends and himself.

-I. D. ROBINSON is spending this week in Fairhaven visiting his brother, C. H. SHANK.
-Miss Mamie STEWART, formerly of Lynden but now of Whatcom, is visiting friends in this city.
-Miss Hilda BERKMAN returned Tuesday from Whatcom, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. CEDERBURG.
-Mrs. Carrie R. KING, who recently resigned her position in the public school here, left this place on Tuesday for Michigan.
-Lewis SATTERTHWAITE and Asa PALMER returned on Monday from B. C. where they have been enjoying the past week with friends.

Friday, February 3, 1893:

J. M. HOLLAND who recently purchased the Lindsey building, corner of Martin street and Washington avenue, was up from Seattle Saturday, and on Sunday passed on to New Westminster, where he has large holdings of the same nature. Mr. HOLLAND speaks very sanguinely of the future of Blaine. He will return here the last of the week.

Frank McKENZIE has been released from jail.

Monday night was one of the coldest that has been experienced in Blaine for many a year, the thermometer showing five degrees below zero.

E. R. JENNINGS of Whatcom, administrator for the estate of Martin WARE, has given notice to file all claims with him within one year.

License to wed was issued Saturday to William H. ROGERS and Miss Maggie BIGLIN, both of Fairhaven, and to Stephen DARNELL and Miss Lizzie LEWIS, of Blue Canyon.

The following program was rendered at the Blue Ribbon club meeting at the opera house last Saturday night:

"Minister's Sermon" -- Ona GORE
Song -------- Miss MILHOLLIN
Song ------ Mrs. J. P. STUART
Recitation ------ Jay THOMAS
Recitation ------ Annie NASH
Recitation ------ Frank GORE
Recitation ----- Roy McELMON
Violin Solo -------- C. BLACK
Reading ------ Willetta CROY
Song -------- Gracie SCAMON
Music -------- Charlie UPSON
Song -------- Will HAMLEY
Miss J. DAVIES, organist

Representative Albert E. MEAD of Blaine, who represents this district was born in Manhattan, Kas., in 1861, where he spent a portion of his boyhood days, the family afterward removing to southern Illinois. He resided at Anna, Ill., for 10 years and graduated from the Southern Illinois university at Carbondale in 1882. He then went to Chicago, attending Union college of law for a year, and was admitted to practice at Mount Vernon, Ill. in 1885. From there he removed to western Kansas, going through the boom there. Mr. MEAD then cast his eye further westward, and came to Blaine, where he has since resided, having been elected mayor of the city in December of 1891, which position he ably and acceptably filled until his election to the legislature. Mr. Mead is a young man of ability and talent.

Friday, February 10, 1893:

Three new shingle mills started up at West Ferndale during the week. HUTCHCRAFT & SMITH, ELLIS, SMITH & GRIFFIN and J. B. HATEN's mills all have good orders ahead and will probably push right along.

Messrs. SEELY Bros. are selling 40 pounds of dried peaches for $1. They have a large consignment and wish to close them out.

John BURNLY, the laundry man has moved into his new building on H street, and now has everything in good working order. His new quarters are a vast improvement on those vacated, being much more convenient and in many ways better adapted to his business.

List of Letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., Feb. 8th, 1893:

COLE, Mrs. A. J.
DOANE, Mrs. Allen
EDWIN, Alfred
McCORMACK, Henty (Henry?)

The family of M. A. BARRICLOW has been augmented by the addition of a daughter. Saturday last was the date of the event.

Will R. PETTIBONE has an addition to his family in the way of an infant daughter. The happy event occurred Friday Feb. 10th. Dr. W. A. KING was the attendant physician.

MARRIED - February 8th, 1893, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. John A. CAMERON of Langley, B. C., and Miss Mary ECKFORD of Blaine, Wash. Mr. CAMERON is a thrifty and prosperous rancher of Langley, and is fortunate in securing so excellent a young lady for his rancheress. Success attend them.

Wednesday last Gus BRUNS of Birch Bay killed a grey eagle, which measured 7 1/2 feet from tip to tip of the wing. It is a mammoth bird and affords a fine opportunity for the taxidermists skill.

-John HOPE and bride have settled on the HOPE farm.
-There was no school during the heavy storm. The snow was about two foot on a level and the thermometer fell to 12 degrees below zero. The coldest known to the oldest inhabitant of Mountain View, which is more than 20 years.
-John HORN, who was accidently shot by Will LANG and removed to the Fairhaven hospital, at last accounts was on a fair way to recovery.

Friday, February 17, 1893:

Thomas A. HUNTER of Union city, Pa., father of Fred and Al HUNTER of this city is expected soon. He comes west to look the ground over with a view of locating.

Friday night a sleighing party attended an oyster supper at the residence of M. A. UPSON. Nearly 30 people participated and a pleasant evening was had.

Mr. BEHME of Custer was a visitor at Blaine last week. He has his engine ready for business again, and will have his mill in operation early in March.

Thursday morning last there passed away at St. Luke's hospital, Seattle, Miss Maggie THOMPSON, who was well known in Blaine. The cause of her demise was consumption. Miss THOMPSON was for upward of a year a member of Chas. PERELY's family, and left here in October last. She was endeared to many here by reason of her quiet and unassuming ways and was the sole support of a younger sister, the parents being both dead. She came here from Minnesota some two years ago.

A. J. JOHNSON, aged 28, is ill with typhoid pneumonia at his boarding house on E street. At last accounts he was some better.

March 4th an election will be held in this city to determine on the question of making a tender of the unoccupied school house on the WARREN addition to the state for the use of a state normal school. The proposition should, and undoubtedly will, be carried by a large majority. It would be of great advantage to Blaine to have the institution located here, and if the proper interest be manifested there is every reason to believe the commission appointed to locate will look favorably on our city.

The banks of British Columbia will hereafter discount American silver 20 per cent.

Chester BROWN of Sumas was in Blaine the first of the week.

John McMILLIN postmaster at Cloverdale, B. C., was in town Monday.

Leonard PRESCOTT of Whatcom was in town on Saturday on legal business.

E. D. BROWN of Saginaw, Mich., a brother of Station Agent BROWN, of the Great Northern, is in the city on a visit.

Frank CARLYSLE of Everett has made an engagement to accept a responsible position in the new shingle mill of Messrs. PERLEY Bros.

Friday, February 24, 1893:

J. W. MOUNCE is suffering from a broken collar bone, brought about by a fall. He is being attended by Dr. W. A. KING.

Henry C. RICHARDSON, at one time a member of the BUTLER & RICHARDSON logging firm at Drayton, was in town this week. Mr. RICHARDSON is at present assessor for the county of Okanogan.

The creations of a school district at Point Roberts is being agitated.

Vic PAUL we learn, is about to ship again to Alaska, this time on a seiing (sic) trip. He will sign at Victoria.

Horace BREWSTER of Point Roberts was in town the first of the week.

W. PASSAGE of New Westminster was visiting his son, Ray, this week.

Geo. ROOT, who has been suffering from an attack of lagrippe, is once more about.

The Presbyterian church, needing more room for their congregation, have leased the Baptist church building for six months.

William HAMLEY has moved his furniture to Everett, where he has secured a lucrative position at his trade.

Noble and Joe PENDERGAST, with their mother, have removed from? New Westminster, B. C., to Blaine, bringing their household effects with them. We are told they have a timber cutting contract.

-Miss Laura SMITH has returned from Lummi island, where she has been teaching a six month's term.
-Mrs. TRIP, sister of J. W. WELLS, is having an operation performed on her eyes at the Fanny Paddock hospital, Tacoma. Mrs. TRIP has been deprived of her sight for several years, and great hopes are entertained of the restoration of this much needed faculty.

Friday, March 3, 1893:

C. W. HOMOYER, the baker, is moving his present quarters on Washington avenue 30 feet to the rear, and will erect a new frame front, which will be an ornament to the avenue. It is to be 25 x 30 feet in dimension, with two large doors in the centre and a side door for the up stairs entrance. Ornamentation with stained glass will be used and the plan of architecture is agreeable and harmonious. D. R. GOTT is in charge of the moving of the old building to the rear. Peter NIELSON is to be the constructor. May this enlargement of facilities bring to Mr. HOMOYER an increase of patronage is the wish of his many friends.

The DAVIES & HUNTER mill is now full blast, and 17 men are at present employed. The mill has recently been placed in charge of Albert L. HUNTER of Union city, Pa., and a very superior article of shingle is being put out.

On the 22d of January at the home of the bride's parents in Indianapolis, Mr. Abe GREENBURG was married to Miss Ray JACOBS. The wedding was a fashionable event, and upon its conclusion the happy couple departed for New York on a visit to the parents of the groom, whom he had not seen in 13 years. The bridegroom is a well known clothing merchant of New Whatcom, one of the GREENBURG Bros., and, while his friends are taken by surprise by his new departure, will congratulate him upon securing the lady of his choice.
-Whatcom Reveille.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., March 1st, 1893:
DORLEY, John; GARRISON, F. E.; GRADIN, Nils; PORTER, Jas.; REIR, Joseph L.; RICE, Thomas; STOLTENBURG, H.; THOMAS, Alfred; TENSIN, N. C.; WALTER, Wilh. (3).

Wallace ROOT, employed as a filer in the DAVIES & HUNTER mill, had the misfortune, Thursday of last week, to fall through a hole in the floor at the mill and fractured some of the bones of the left foot. At last accounts he was progressing nicely and will soon be about again.

Columbian postage stamps are now on sale at the Blaine postoffice.

H. B. KIRBY of Semiahmoo left on Monday for Seattle.

S. E. LARRABEE of Montana is visiting his brother, C. X. LARRABEE, at Whatcom.

James KUPPENBURG, with his nephews, took the train for Michigan Thursday morning, where they will in future reside.

Miss Clara HOGELIN of Panora, Ia., is visiting the ROBERT's family. Miss HOGELIN is a graduate of the Chicago college of vocal and instrumental music. She has been offered a position in the First Presbyterian church of Tacoma.

-Mr. and Mrs. John BYERS spent Sunday with Mrs. Quincy TAWS of Ferndale.
-Edward CHICHESTER, while working in the shingle mill at West Ferndale a few days ago, was struck by a flying splinter in the face.
-G. F. STEDMAN closed a successful term of school on March 3d. The afternoon was given to appropriate exercises, consisting of recitations, dialogues and singing.

Friday, March 10, 1893:

Mrs. S. LAMPHIER of Lander's Landing, B. C. died at 10 a. m. on Sunday last from an internal abscess. The lady was 42 years old at the time of her demise, and leaves a mourning husband and family. The remains were interred at the Blaine cemetery Monday last, Rev. F. W. LOY, of the M. E. church, officiating. Mr. LAMPHIER was the owner and proprietor of the old Blaine hotel at the corner of Washington avenue and E street some six years ago. He was succeeded in the hotel by A. B. TAYLOR. It was the request of Mrs. L. that her remains be buried here.

C. W. HOMOYER is progressing finely with the new front to his Washington avenue property, and will soon have an edifice that will be a credit to the locality in which it is located. The new premises are now well under cover and begins to assume proportions, giving one a fair idea of its appearance upon completion. A plan of the front shows several windows and a goodly array of stained glass surrounding them, in general appearance making a structure harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

Last Monday two persons, giving the names of James BURKLEY and James THOMPSON, were apprehended under the vagrancy ordinance and on examination were assessed $10 and costs each. Marshal GORE has been utilizing their services on street work for the past week and they have proven to be quite efficient workers.

O. P. CARVER has been appointed postmaster at Semiahmoo, vice P. JONES, resigned. The office has also been removed to the business premises of Mr. CARVER.

The family of M. A. BARRICLOW have removed from Washington avenue to the upper end of Fourth street.

C. A. LOOMIS has taken the premises on Martin street at one time occupied by the Senate, and will use the same to store his surplus furniture and housekeeping stock in.

The International Shingle mill is now taxed to its utmost capacity to keep pace with orders on hand. They are turning out a good quality of shingle which gives the best of satisfaction.

The family of C. A. LOOMIS have removed from Garfield avenue to the premises on Martin street adjoining Mr. LOOMIS' place of business. This will prove a most convenient change and is much more desirable.

Messrs. TRAVIS & SALVADOR have recently treated their premise on Washington avenue to a new coat of paint, papered the interior and otherwise improved the general appearance of their store, and are now "in the swim" to supply all with goods in the line of groceries and provisions which cannot fail to give satisfaction.

Messrs. PERLEY Bros'. mill has been placed in operation and works to perfection. These gentlemen have perhaps one of the finest mill plants on the Sound.

C. M. GREGORY, salesman for J. A. FOLGER & Co., of San Francisco, was in town this week.

T. M. FISHER, an attache of the Port Townsend customs house, was in town Monday on business.

J. C. THRALL of Toronto, Can., was a caller at the Journal sanctom Saturday. Monday he started on a return trip to his home.

Mrs. CARLYSLE, wife of Frank CARLYSLE, who has charge of PERELY Bros. mill, joined her husband here Saturday. She has been sojourning at Port Angeles, Wash.

The condition of Mr. James BARNES, the postmaster, who has been ill for the past fortnight, remains much the same, though at the present writing the prospects are favorable for his recovery.

A neat and clean shave can be had at Frank WILLIAMS' on Martin street.

Saturday at a special election in the school district of Blaine to vote on the proposition of tendering the brick school house on the WARREN addition to the state for the use of the Whatcom county normal school recently authorized by the legislature the ballots cast tallied up 102 in favor and none opposed. This result demonstrates a unanimity on the proposition to donate the property, and now is some of the public spirited Blainites will manifest the same amount of zeal that is shown by some of our neighboring cities we can secure the prize.

Howard ELLIS was run over by a large wagon Saturday afternoon. The wheel struck the right shoulder, but owing to the lad's presence of mind he sustained no serious injuries.

Inspector of Customs R. EVANS arrived Sunday last to officiate in the customs service here in the absence of Deputy Collector McLENNAN, who has a week's absence to visit Orcas island, where he has landed interests.

The family of Mr. EVANS, residing three miles east of Blaine, have been blessed with the advent of a 10-pound girl. Dr. W. A. KING was present on the occasion. Mother and babe are coming along finely.

The postoffice at Reader, Whatcom county, has been discontinued. Mail goes to Everson.

At the regular meeting of the Ladies aid society of the M. E. church Friday afternoon of last week the following officers were elected for the coming six months.
President, Mrs. P. FOSTER; first vice-president, Mrs. KINGSLEY; second vice-president, Mrs. RAMAGE; secretary, Mrs. LOY; treasurer, Mrs. BURNETT.

Friday, March 17, 1893:

The residence of C. D. HILTON, four miles east of Blaine, was destroyed by fire last Monday night, together with its contents. The loss is a sad blow to Mr. HILTON, as he had no insurance and all he possessed burned.

J. D. STAGE, an attache of the DAVIES & HUNTER shingle mill, was made the happy father of a bouncing boy last Monday morning.

George RANDALL, employed at the PERLEY Bros. shingle mill, had the misfortune to drop a stick of timber on his foot at the mill Monday, and thereby received injuries which will temporarily confine him to his home.

On December 15th A. Wayne ALEXANDER and Jesse MERRILL left here in a small open boat for Mud bay. Nothing has been heard from either, until Saturday last the sheriff at Ladner's Landing telegraphed that ALEXANDER's body had been found on the shore of Boundary bay. ALEXANDER was 21 years of age, and has a mother living at Grinnell, Ia., who has been notified. The body was in a badly decomposed state, but was identified by means of a bunch of keys and certain papers in the pockets of his clothing. What has been the fate of his companion is still unknown. The remains were interred at Ladner's Landing on Sunday last.

The Odd Fellows Mutual Aid and Accident Insurance company of Piqua, O., have made W. J. GILLESPIE of this city their agent.

Report is current that Charley HUNT, who is now in New Westminster, B. C., has fallen heir to quite an inheritance in England.

Mrs. E. L. MARSH, daughter of J. BARNES, is in the city visiting her parents.

Mrs. John ELWOOD has returned to Whatcom from a visit to relatives in California.

A brother of C. C. OSIER and his son are here on a visit. Mr. OSIER is a resident of Sheboygan, Mich.

The shingle mill of Messrs. PERLEY Bros. on Miller's wharf has now been placed in successful operation and the workings of the machinery will satisfy the most exacting. They certainly have a fine plant, and everything is new and modern. Frank CARLYSLE has been placed in charge of the mechanical portion of the mill.

John BURR, a British Columbia log camp manager, was in town Monday on a business trip.

Abe GREENBURG, of the firm GREENBURG Bros., New Whatcom, is in the city visiting his cousins, Messrs. HACKMAN Bros.

At the jewelry store of L. W. DAVID, on Washington avenue, can be seen a fine deer head, a specimen of the taxidermieal (sic) skill of Capt. D. P. GREELY. The deer was killed not long since by John ROPER, and must have been a noble animal.

Last Sunday morning there was born to the wife of our esteemed contemporary E. C. WILLSON, a son.

The home of D. B. LEWIS, three miles from Custer, was burned down Friday last. The fire was supposed to have originated from a defective flue. The wind being high, and no assistance being handy, nothing could be done. The building was insured for $800.

C. W. HOMOYER's new structure on Washington avenue is rapidly approaching completion. He already has the front in, Mr. LAMAR is doing the painting, the stained glass being placed in position, plasterers are about ready to begin, and another week will see it partially ready for occupancy.

John BURNLEY is erecting a new fence around his premises on H street and otherwise beautifying the yard.

Miss Marion MOORE of Whatcom a sister of Mrs. A. M. BIGGS, principal of the Blaine public schools, was in Blaine on a visit early in the week.

Chas. BROACH left on the train Thursday going south. He has an order to purchase telegraph poles for the new Port Townsend Southern railroad.

Rev. Levin JOHNSON is again in the city. Mr. JOHNSON has been quite a traveler since he left Blaine in November last, having visited a large portion of California and Mexico. He returns looking much improved from his trip. He will probably remain in the city for a time.

S. WADE of Paonia, Colo., is a visitor in the city. Mr. Wade will be remembered as having resided here some two years ago, and is the owner of quite a large body of land near the city. Mr. WADE has a large fruit farm in Colorado, which has proven remarkable remunerative. He is at present engaged in erecting a winter residence in California.

List of Letters remaining unclaimed in the postoffice at Blaine, Wash., March 15, 1893:

COLE, Mrs. A. J. 4
DOAN, Allen
DOAN, Williams
McKEE, Geo. L.
McCAWLEY, Thos. J.
SMITH, Robert

--Hall's Prairie is commencing to boom. Two mills are coming in soon, one from Vancouver and another from Blaine and a cannery in connection.
--It takes the good templars to go ahead, as they are erecting a grand hall.
--Messrs. William JUDD and George THRIFT are going into hen raising and expect to do well.
--We expect to lose a prominent farmer soon, Mr. Henry FIELDING is going east of the mountains.

Friday March 24, 1893:

Last Saturday evening Mr. A. C. HAWKINS of Ferndale and Miss Emma HOSKINS of Whatcom were married at the residence of the bride's parents, the Rev. W. B. McMILLAN of the First M. E. church officiating.

The old Lindsey building is fast putting on an improved and pleasing appearance under the hand of L. E. LAMAR and his assistants. The interior has been painted and varnished throughout and the exterior has been treated to a coat of paint, removing much of the weather-beaten appearance it formerly possessed.

Wm. MILLOW has recently completed a curly maple desk for a local patron, which evinces much taste and mechanical ingenuity. He is also at work on a chamber suit, which is a fine specimen of workmanship. Those in want of anything in the way of furniture, curtains, carpets or upholstery work would well to drop into his wareroom (sic) on E street, get his prices and look over the stock.

Joe HALL, employed in the SMITH & HOTCHCRAFT shingle mill at Ferndale, had the misfortune to have a small part of the ends of the second and index fingers of the left hand taken off by one of the saws Friday last. The injury will rather inconvenience Joe for a short time, but aside from that nothing serious will result from the mishap.

S. S. LESTER of Whatcom has been in the city during the past week making arrangements to place his boat Island Belle, on a weekly run between Tacoma and this port. He feels much elated over the prospects and will put his boat on this service next week arriving here with the first cargo on Tuesday next. The Island Belle will carry passengers as well as freight.

Frank WILLIAMS is making all arrangements to put his new bath room in operation at an early date. It is quite an undertaking, and requires time to perfect it.

The New York meat market has recently purchased from John GEISTER six head of fine cattle for their business.

City Attorney McPHERSON is about to erect a residence on the corner of Second and B streets, 16 x 24 feet with an L 14 x 20 feet. The structure will be one and one half stories in height.

The DAVIES & HUNTER mill managers are putting in a drag saw.

A. H. WADHAMS now has the tug Maggie H. Yarno of Detroit in service. She will be operated by the new cannery under construction at Point Roberts.

Friday last Deputy Collector McLENNAN was placed under arrest by the sheriff of Jefferson county and Special Agent FISHER on a charge of embezzlement. The crime is alleged to have occurred through some irregularity growing out of an import to Point Roberts. Saturday he was taken to Seattle, and on Monday a preliminary examination was held before Commissioner EMORY, who bound the accused over to appear for trial before the United States district court at Seattle, bail being fixed at $250. The ruling of the commissioner was that he be suspended from the service for 30 days.

J. D. STAGE left on the noon train for a visit to Port Angeles, his former home.

R. E. CALHOUN of Port Townsend has been filling the position of deputy collector of customs during the past week.

Mrs. C. A. McLENNAN was suddenly called to her home at Whatcom Thursday, on account of the serious illness of her aunt.

Friday, March 31, 1893:

C. A. LOOMIS will, without much bantering, "trade" a little when the opportunity affords. When you understand, gentle reader, that he started into business in this city, about two years ago, with a can of condensed milk, a gallon of syrup and a pair of overalls, as his complete stock in trade, you will be impressed ... "he knows his business."

Miss Anna M. PENCE of Whatcom died suddenly in Seattle Monday evening. The deceased was about 24 years of age, the eldest daughter of Captain A. J. PENCE, a well known and highly respected citizen, who has been a resident of that city for many years, coming here from Kansas. For the past five years she has been employed as a copyist in the office of the county auditor, commencing with the first term of Hugh ELDRIDGE in that office. In this position she gained a wide acquaintance in the community, and enjoyed a universal popularity and esteem. She left a large circle of acquaintances.

D. R. McELMON, of this city, is still engaged in making assessments for the municipality of Surry, B. C.

John T. SHAW, who has been conducting the Arlington hotel for the past two years, has moved into his new residence on Alder street on the Miller park addition. The family of J. B. SLOAN will succeed him in the management of the hostelry, taking possession at once. It is Mr. SLOAN's intention to keep a first-class place and with his past experience, he will undoubtedly make a success of it.

At a meeting of the Sunday school board of the M. E. Sunday school last Wednesday evening the following officers were chosen for the coming months:
Superintendent - Mrs. C. H. BURNETT; assistant superintendent - Miss Etta ROBERTS; secretary - Cora BARRICKLOW; treasurer - F. W. LOY; librarian - J. B. RAMAGE; organist - Effie OSTROM.
The present orchestra composed of Messrs. Ed. THOMAS, Geo. CAIN and Allen BOGARD was retained. The school under the faithful and wise management of J. B. RAMAGE, has had a steady growth during the last six months. Over one hundred names are enrolled. The attendance has reached as high as 84.

The funeral of Miss Prudence WARE, who died at the residence of her sister, Mrs. D. J. McARTHUR, in Whatcom on Thursday last, was held from the residence at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Miss WARE was an aunt of the wife of Chas. A. McLENNAN of this city.

Mr. S. H. HORTON is a daisy, and believes in home enterprise. To show his faith by his works, he has started up the logging camp at Douglas, B. C., having bought Mr. WEBSTER's interest therein some months ago. Mr. HORTON says the outlook is very bright for the logger, and that he has contracted all the logs the camp put in this year, and proposes to make things hum. He is prepared to furnish piles, spares or dimension stuff up to 80 feet in length, and either fir, cedar or spruce logs. Mr. WEBSTER will be at the wheel as foreman.

R. A. EVANS has been placed in charge of the customs office, and has entered upon the discharge of his duty.

Friday, April 7, 1893:

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Blaine, Wash., April 1st, 1893:

ANTERY, Mrs. J. C.
BEBN, Jacob
ES__M, Fred
JOHNSON, Mrs. Rosa

I have a good young horse which I wish to exchange for a yoke of oxen. A bargain will be given. Apply to
John R. MILLER, Harrison avenue stable

James L. WILDER was seriously injured at the SMITH & S__ logging camp last week.

B. H. BRUNS of Birch Bay reports that he had lost one hundred head of sheep during the winter, all of which were killed by dogs.

E. A. WADHAMS now has the steamer Maggie H. Yarno in good shape and she is now engaged in carrying freight and supplies for the buildings Mr. WADHAMS is putting up for the new cannery. The boat has been placed in charge of Capt. DAVIDS of Seattle an experienced master. Mr. WADHAMS will have his cannery ready for operation by the first of July and is sparing neither labor nor expense to have as modern and thoroughly equipped plant as it is possible to make.

C. E. WILSON of Astoria was in the city during the past week visiting his friend of boyhood days, J. S. JOHNSTON. Mr. WILSON is a native of Spirit Lake, Iowa, but has been a resident of Portland and Astoria for some years. He has some intention of embarking in a business enterprise here, presumably of a banking nature.

Saturday night some person entered the warehouse on CAIN's wharf and purloined a quarter of beef belonging to Messrs. GLEN & HORTON. The lock was broken to effect an entrance and an investigation showed that the meat had been dragged on the wharf for some distance.

We hear it rumored that Miss Minnie SHAW is soon to open a kindergarten school here.

C. E. WILSON, late of Astoria, Ore., is soon to open a bank of loans and discount in the old First National bank quarters on the corner of Washington avenue and E street.

Operations at the CAIN Bros. mill have been suspended at present for want of logs.

Capt. AMEY of the sloop Rosie was in the city Wednesday.

Miss Laura WADHAMS returned from Ladners Landing Thursday.

C. W. PACKARD, editor of the Snohomish Eye, was in town Friday.

Deputy Sheriff A. H. CONLIN of Whatcom was in town Wednesday on official business.

Joe HALL of Ferndale, formerly of this city, was on a visit among friends early in the week.

Miss Maude KENNEDY departed on Wednesday for Snohomish, where she will remain for a time. She will be missed by her numerous friends in Blaine.

Friday, April 14, 1893:

The construction of the new cannery at Point Roberts is now being pushed forward rapidly. Mr. WADHAMS has upward of 30 men employed and aims to have everything in readiness for packing by the last of June. He is to erect one building 50x160 feet in size and another 40x260, besides the numerous adjuncts necessary for the business he has undertaken. His operations are rapidly bringing the Point to prominence and his embarking in the cannery trade will make it a lively business section during the fish season.

City Clerk McCALL has been putting up a barn on his premises on G street. It is quite an improvement, the only trouble being that Frank has shingled the sides instead of the roof.

G. A. HOYT has been appointed deputy collector of customs at the sub-port of Blaine, Vice Charles I. McLELLAN, resigned. Mr. HOYT has entered upon the discharge of his duties and my be found at his office on E street during business hours.

Rev. Harry VANDERVEEN of Blaine, according to his wife Lizzie, is a brute. She claimed he has treated her in a very unchristian like manner, threatening to kill her and beating her. She sues for a divorce. -Snohomish Democrat.

Last Friday night OSTERMAN & ELDER's dry goods store and the postoffice in the same building at Nooksack were burgalized (sic). The thieves got all the cash and small change in the drawers. The stock of goods was scattered promiscuously around in their search for the best and most valuable articles. The show cases were stripped of goods that cannot be readily identified. The cash value of the goods stolen is $200.

William JUDGE, employe at the Bellingham Bay Improvement company's mill at Whatcom was instantly killed last Friday night by the recoil of a plank which he was feeding into the planning machine. He was about 30 years of age, and a twin brother to Jas. JUDGE of Whatcom. He was a Canadian by birth, and was highly respected by his fellow workmen in the mill.

The Palace millinry (sic) store has been removed from the quarters adjoining the postoffice to the store on Martin street recently vacated by Messrs. BARKER & LEWIS. Mrs. George RANDALL has purchased the interest of Mrs. William E. SMITH in the business, and will hereafter conduct it alone. Mrs. RANDALL will very soon be in receipt of a large consignment of spring goods in the line of millinry (sic) and ladies' furnishings, to which she invites attention.

George SINTZ of Fairhaven, engine manufacturer, was in town Wednesday.

Chas. ROTH, of ROTH Cigar company, Seattle, was in the city early in the week.

Percy LEWIS of Port Angeles, a timber dealer, was looking up business in this vicinity last week.

County Auditor COLLINS has issued a marriage license to John BARWICK and Mrs. Julia A. ARNOLD, both residents of West Ferndale.

J. V. CHOWN, formerly of this city, but now reported as located at Buffalo, N.Y. was visiting at Whatcom early in the week.

C. E. WILSON, the new banker, is now in Oregon, whither he went to get his family, prepatory to settling in Blaine and engaging in business. He is having his new quarters in the old First National bank building repainted and placed in first-class shape. The new institution will be known as the Bank of Blaine. Mr. WILSON is expected back on Monday next, and will throw open the doors of the new institution on May 1st.

Miss Etta McMENNY or McMEONY is to be married on Wednesday, April 12th, to Alex. THOMPSON of Langley Prairie, B.C. She is a sister to Mrs. M. M. THRIFT of this place. We wish her much happiness and a shower of old slippers.

Lester W. DAVID has purchased the entire property of the Dakota creek shingle mill company, and is now building a new dry house 18x65 feet, and is operating the mill to its utmost capacity, having sold the entire output of his mill for the season.

The family of J. MORRISON, residing on F street, are the proud possessors of a bouncing baby girt. Dr. REEVES was present on the occasion.

Victor STAEUBLI has been appointed deputy county assessor.

On Monday, April 10th, the remains of the late Mrs. CHANTRELL, wife of H. D. CHANTRELL of M. H. customs, Blaine, were buried in the cemetery of Christ church, Surrey, B.C., of which she had been a member for several years before removing to Blaine, Wash. Being well known and very highly esteemed, her death is the cause of much sorrow to her many friends. A number of beautiful floral emblems were placed on the bier by members of the congregation. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. CHANTRELL in his affliction. He has lost a faithful, loving wife, but she has found joy and happiness, for her last moments were full of assurance and peace in the Saviour. Mrs. CHANTRELL was 32 years old at the time of her death, and a victim of consumption.

S. H. HORTON has recently begun the erection of a new residence on B street, which is a credit to his taste and a model of convenience.

The Messrs. HACKMAN Bros. are soon to open a branch store at Ferndale. They are to carry a general stock of dry goods, clothing, ladies furnishings, etc., and the people of Ferndale will no doubt find it a source of much convenience.

Friday, April 21, 1893:

A terrible tragedy was enacted at South Fairhaven, on Chuckanut creek, Saturday afternoon. Henry HORN and Chas. SCHMIDT, who has been running a chicken ranch on Chuckanut creek for some time had trouble, and concluded to dissolve partnership. Yesterday SCHMIDT went into Fairhaven with a team and light wagon, and on his return drove up in front of their house when HORN came out of the building and the old quarrel was renewed. SCHMIDT at once jumped out of the wagon with a shot gun in his hand and fired a load of shot into bowls of HORN. Seeing that his victim was still alive, SCHMIDT made a fiendish assault upon HORN with the gun he held and broke it in two over his head. The murderer then walked into the house and took another shot gun out around to the other side of the building, and placing the muzzle to his breast reached down and pulled the trigger. The dying man called upon those around him to end his misery by killing him, and his appeals were most pitiful. Coroner BRACKET arrived and ordered the body of the dead man taken to New Whatcom to the undertaking rooms, and after taking a statement from HORN, who was still conscious, the dying many was left in his cabin in charge of neighbors. It is stated that the division of property between SCHMIDT and HORN had been made, all but one calf, worth eight or nine dollars, and over this the quarrel, which resulted in murder and suicide, was had. It is thought that these are the thieves who robbed D. D. FAGAN's store some time since, and their chicken transactions were the result of pilfering from Eliza Island and other places. -Reveille.

Albert MOHRRMANN, of Lummi, is the inventor and patentee of an improved damper for stoves. It is a simple construction, and one excellent(?) feature of the invention is that it can be placed in stove or furnace pipe without taking the pipe apart.

Fred HUGHES, at one time a prominent real estate dealer of this city, on Sunday while under the influence of liquor assaulted a Fairhaven barber. He was with difficulty arrested and brought to this city. HUGHES is now under $500 bonds to appear and answer to the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. -Whatcom Argosy.
HUGHES is well known to many of our citizens, having resided here for some time about two years ago.

Colonel SINTZ is making arrangements for the manufacture of the celebrated SINTZ noiseless gasoline engine in Fairhaven.

A neat and clean shave can be had at Frank WILLIAM's, on Martin street.

Mr. OSTER and his brother, who lately arrived from Michigan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. HENSPETER at Birch Bay last Monday evening.

B. W. EVERETT of Custer was in town Saturday.

Delos HAWKS of Victoria was visiting in Blaine Wednesday.

County Auditor COLLIER has issued a marriage license to Harry B. CHICHESTER and Miss Delia HARNDEN, both of Mountain View.

Chileon RILEY and family of Whatcom have gone to Mexico.

Henry G. WINCHELL of Port Townsend was in town early in the week.

W. C. CLUTE is still representing her Majesty's customs service at Blaine.

W. H. WEBB of Tacoma is in town visiting relatives. He is the guest of C. C. McDONALD.

Z. G. GOLDBERG of Westminster, B. C., has been spending a few days in Blaine. He is one of the leading clothers of that city.

Friday, April 28, 1893:

Two men have been killed in the CORNWALL mill at New Whatcom within the past month. Both were struck by slabs.

The HOTCHKRAFT SMITH shingle mill at Ferndale has been compelled to close down from a want of cars.

Charley MOORE, the logger of Drayton, is looking for a location on Lake Whatcom. He has an excellent logging outfit and will probably start a camp on Sam FORTEATH's claim. The logging business on the lake is rapidly assuming large proportion. -Fairhaven Herald.

John MARSHAL(?) a Portuguese resident about one and one-half miles from Sumas in British Columbia, was murdered Wednesday night about 10 o'clock. He was a bachelor and had resided alone on his ranch for several days past. During his residence here he has prospered, and though he always claimed to "broke," we known to have accumulated considerable, cash, as well as other property.

Miss Gertrude CHENEY left on the noon train Wednesday to visit relatives in the east.

A. S. FARMER, of the Columbia Valley, is home from Blaine after a few days sojourn. -Sumas Vidette.

The ever welcome Joe HALL, now employed at the SMITH & HATCHCRAFT shingle mill of Ferndale, was in town Tuesday.

F. W. STEVENS, at one time a member of the firm of COLLINS & STEVENS of this city, but at present located at Everett, was in town during the past week.

E. W. OVERMAN, ex-marshal of Blaine, now resident of Everett is in town.

--Thomas E. FIELDING has hired Geo. M. THRIFT, the Hazelmere expressman, to move him to Hazelmere, where he takes the train to Seattle.
--H. T. THRIFT is commencing to take out logs for the Pacific Lumber company, New Westminster.

To The Editor:
      A petition is being circulated in Blaine asking the city council to deed the land known as the Blaine cemetery to the Blaine Cemetery association. That a better understanding may be had a few facts concerning the earlier history of the matter may be be a miss.
      On the spring of 1888 the citizens of Blaine and vicinity met in mass meeting and agreed to form themselves into an association to be known as the Blaine Cemetery association. The object of the association was to procure, plat and maintain a burying ground which was to be viatually (sic) free to all. A committee was appointed to procure a suitable piece of land. This committee purchased the land in question Called a meeting and reported.
      This meeting requested the same committee to have the land deeded to E. A. BOBLET, Byron N. KINGSLEY and A. W. STEEN, to be held in trust for the association till the association was legally formed and to have a part of the land platted and to draw up articles of association and at their pleasure call a meeting and report. Later the land was deeded to the city of Blaine.
      The city proposes to charge twenty-five ($25) dollars for a lot for the cemetery instead of its being a nominal sum as originally designed. Now the city council is asked to deed the land to the Blaine Cemetery association, as many believe that the public interest will be better protected by the people maintaining a fee burying ground than for the city to control it and add to affliction expense and in many cases a burden.
      It is urged that the burying ground is in need of much improvement. True but the same is true of all our surroundings in this new country. About all we can hope to do in these matters is to lay broad and liberal foundations that those who follow may better build.      M

Friday, May 5, 1893:

Lee RANDALL, an employe of the PERLEY Bros. shingle mill, met with an accident at the mill Tuesday noon. The flesh on the right forearm was badly lacerated, but fortunately no bones were broken. It will prevent the young man from laboring for some little time, and perhaps he is fortunate the mishap was no greater.

William HAMLEY has purchased a new Mason & Hamlin piano, which proves to be a very superior instrument.

Jesse STOOPS is putting another dry kiln into his shingle mill.

The International logging camp, under the supervision of Mr. REDFIELD, now has 25 men at work and is pushed to its fullest capacity.

PERLEY Bros. have increased the capacity of their mill by the addition of an automatic single block machine. Their mill is now doing good work and turns out a superior quality of shingles.

A painful accident overtook Charles RUDINE, employed at the International logging camp, last Saturday which will probably lay him up for a few weeks at least. His injury came about by the spring board on which he was standing giving way and participating him on the running saw. He sustained an injury to the right arm. The flesh was cut away and some on the tendrons (sic) of the hand severed. The flesh was sewed up and the wound is rapidly healing.

The Messrs. DAVIES & HUNTER have been enlarging the capacity of their shingle mill by the addition of a knee bolter and drag saw. They also have a new boiler of enlarged capacity now on the way here, which will soon be in position. These additions will enlarge the output of their mill some 15,000 shingles per day. An inspection of their plant shows that they have a good mill and that everything is running smoothly.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in post office at Blaine, Wash., April 1st, 1893:

BROWN, Mrs. C. A.
BARTON, Mr. Robert
BROWN Shingle Co.
CATO, Chas.
CAR. Waine (?)
COLE, Mrs. A. J.
CRANDAL, Miss Ella
HANER, Miss Georgia A.
KING, Thomas
SMITH, Geo. S. 2
WADE, Samuel

J. S. CRILLY has taken the CHENEY residence on Blaine avenue, vacating the house of the Rev. Mr. STAYT on H street.

Mrs. L. B. STONE of Langly Prairie, B. C., has purchased the residence of Ex-Marshal OVERMAN.

Friday, May 12, 1893:

Carl Peterson HOIER and Miss Mary I. WYRICK were united in marriage last Monday morning. Rev. A. E. JOHNSON performing the ceremony.

Ferndale has a new Congregational clergyman in the person of Rev. O. S. HAINES, formely of Brooks, Ore. Mr. HAINES leaves a record of having accomplished much good in the charge which he left.

Mrs. A. B. BRIGGS, principal of our schools, was in attendance on the teachers' institute at Whatcom this week.

W. L. FOX leaves on Friday for Portland, Ore., to meet his wife and son who have been visiting in the east for the past six months. He will stop in Tacoma and Seattle on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. FOX will resume housekeeping on the former residence of O. D. McDONALD, corner of H street and Boblett avenue, on her return.

Friday, May 19, 1893:

Friday evening last the friends of Capt. W. R. TARTE gathered at his residence, on the spit, and gave him an impromptu surprise, the occasion being his birthday. An enjoyable time was had by all who were present, and a wish for the return of many anniversaries of the happy occasion were freely expressed.

Frank WILLIAMS has completed the bath room in connection with his shaving parlor and the same is now in operation. Frank has this new acquisition to his business neatly arranged for convenience, and invites a call.

Elias WILSON captured a hair seal at the head of the bay last week, from which he took four gallons of oil.

C. H. STILWELL, a brother-in-law of J. B. CHOWN, is a visitor in the city.

Gardner GILDY, a former resident of Blaine, but at present domiciled at Everett, has been in town during the past week.

Bart OSTROM, who is in attendance upon the Seattle university, returned home on Thursday to spend vacation with his parents. He will return for the opening of the term, Aug. 15th.

Sunday Wm. SUNDERBRUCH and wife took the South-bound train, Mrs. SUNDERBRUCH going to Seattle and Mr. SUNDERBRUCH to North Yakima, to attend the grand lodge, K. of P., which convened at that place on Tuesday for a few days session.

The examination for graded teachers certificates were held at New Whatcom last week. The whole number examined was 39. Thirteen received second grade, and thirteen third grades of the thirteen who failed to receive certificates five were under the required age. Following are the names and places of residence of the fortunate ones:
Second Grade - Charles H. PARK, Everson; Charles E. KAGAY, New Whatcom; Ira GRAFFS, New Whatcom; Emma CAMPBELL, New Whatcom; Alice M. BRIGGS, Blaine; Carrie SEANOR, Laurel; Emma RATCLIFFE, West Ferndale; Gertrude WALRATH, Sumas; Sarah TRUSWELL, Sumas; Winifred McMILLEN, West Ferndale; Eliza M. DUFFY, West Ferndale; W. A. LEAVING, New Whatcom; Florence E. LEES, New Whatcom.
Third Grade - Mary PARKINSON, Sumas; Nettie L. HOPKINS, Sumas; Daisy I. BELL, New Whatcom; Alice A. THALHEIMER, Sumas; Belle P. ROGERS, Blaine; James A. CAMPBELL, New Whatcom; Helen R. GLEASON, Fairhaven; Mary WILSON, Lynden; Cora V. TURNER, Fairhaven; Mable SHAW, Blaine; Mrs. Anna FROST, Nooksack; Mollie P. CARPENTER, New Whatcom; Frank W. SMITH, Fairhaven.

John G. MERRITT returned last Sunday from Alaska. Mr. MERRITT left this city in March of 1892, and has had quite a varied experience on the fishing grounds of our Alaskan tributaries. He has covered a distance of some 2000 miles in making the further-most point reached.

Friday, May 26, 1893:

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Blaine, Wash., May 22, 1893.

COLE, Mrs. A. J.
JONES, Mrs. Hattie
McGRAIN, Mr. Peter
DEZOLT, Mrs. J. T.
MADIEN, Mrs. Harriet

A daughter was born to the family of George PENNINGTON, of Haynie, on Sunday morning last, Dr. W. A. KING being present on the occasion.

The postal telegraph office is soon to be removed to the Dr. REEVES building on Washington avenue, at least so says Operator PAYNE.

Patrick KINNEY, 5 feet 5 inches tall, 60 years of age, and dressed in a dark tweed suit is wanted at New Westminster for the larceny of $300, at least, so says a dispatch received by Marshal GORE Thursday.

Wednesday morning last Frank ALLISON and Rose E. A. ROPER were united in marriage by Rev. J. A. STAYT, of the Presbyterian church, at his residence on H street. The happy couple will take up their residence at Everett. Mr. ALLISON was a one time a resident of our city, and the young lady is well and favorably known here.

H. C. CARVER, who has been absent in Nebraska since last fall, has returned to this city. His many friends will welcome him back.

Jerry CORLISS, who has been ill at the North Star hotel for some weeks, does not seem to be improving. His malady has developed into typhoid fever, and his condition is pronounced rather precarious by his physician, Dr. KING. Mr. CORLISS has a sister in LaCrosse, Wis., who has been telegraphed and will probably soon arrive here. He is a member of Whatcom lodge, A.F. & A.M., and all possible is being done by that order for his comfort.

Elmer B. SMITH, editor of the Ferndale Clipper, was a friendly caller at the Journal sanctum the first of the week.

J. KINGHORN of Fairhaven, a representative of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance company, was in town early in the week.

Robert NORRIS, a brother of Ben NORRIS, is in the city. Mr. NORRIS resides at Union City, Ore., at which place his brother is at present sojourning in search of health.

HACKMAN Brothers Store Devastated.
Last Wednesday evening at about 10 o'clock a lamp hanging in the show window of Mrssrs. HACKMAN Bros. store in the Lindsey Block, exploded and set fire to the goods in the window which, from their light nature, burned rapidly, the whole front of the store soon being in flames. N. S. HACKMAN, who was about closing up the store for the night, immediately gave the alarm and soon a bucket brigade was on had with pails. Prompt action succeeded in confining the flames to the window and its adjuncts. By the time Chief McCALL and his fire brigade arrived the fire was extinguished. Much credit is due the company and citizens for their promptness in responding, as undoubtedly a much more serious conflagration was averted. The firm carried a stock of something like $8,000 which is only partially insured. The goods which remain are badly scorched and filled with smoke, which, owing to their nature, will destroy their value very much. Pending the arrival of the adjuster it is a difficult matter to place the loss, but it will probably aggregate the sum of $3000. The building was recently purchased by James M. HOLLAND, and was probably damaged to the amount of $200, and is covered by insurance. Had the structure not been of brick the result would have been different.

W. B. DUNN and W. H. BEARDSLEY have leased the CAIN mill property, and will place the lumber cutting portion of the mill in operation as soon as a supply of logs can be got in. They intend to cut principally siding and such like lumber. Mr. BEARDSLEY says they already have lumber orders on hand to take the cut of the mill for some little time.

Friday, June 2, 1893:

The first annual commencement exercises of the Blaine public school will be held at the Baptist church on Monday next at 8 o'clock. There will be a class of two graduates and a fine program of recitations, music, etc. rendered.

George F. SMITH, on First street, celebrated his tenth wedding anniversary on Thursday evening. About thirty couples were present and the assortment of tin-ware left by them would fit a small sized room.

Miss Nellie CORNISH gave a recital to a select number of her intimate friends Thursday evening, which was a success in all respects. Among those present were: The Misses Lottie THOMAS, Ella CROY, Jessie SLOAN, Gertie, OSIER, Effa OSTROM, Nellie CRILLY, Flora DAVIES and Nellie CORNISH, Mrs. N. A. CORNISH, Messrs. E. A. ROBERTS, E. H. THOMAS, E. C. SEELY, W. OSIER, D. HERALD, H. C. OSTROM, W. C. CLUTE, P. W. BROWN, H. HORTON and Willie CORNISH.

The CAIN mill property, which has been leased by the Messrs. DUNN and BEARDSLEY, was put in operation last Monday morning, to cut lumber of various sizes and dimensions. The firm has a large amount of work on hand to fill present orders, and as they are both thorough practical men the enterprise must prove a success.

Indulging in the game of baseball is a fine sort of exercises, but when [one] gets his nose disjointed, as John KING did last wee, he looses much of his interest in the game for the time being.

Tom PAYNE has moved the postal telegraph office into the former residence of Dr. REEVES, on Washington avenue, where he will be found prepared for business.

Died. -- At the North Star house on Friday afternoon last at 3 o'clock of typhoid, Gerry CORLISS, aged 38 years.
Mr. CORLISS has been in the city but a short time, and was an attache of the International shingle mill. Some six weeks ago he was stricken with the illness which proved fatal. The remains were taken to Whatcom on Tuesday by J. W. TANNER, from whence they are to be shipped by express to Ripon, Wis., where he has an uncle residing. Deceased also has a sister at La Crosse, Wis. He was a member of Bellingham Bay lodge No. 44, A.F. & A. M., who, in connection with our masonic lodge, have thus far borne the expense and care of his illness. Much could be said of the noble work the brethren have performed in this case.

R. NORRIS started for Union City, Or., Saturday.

Abe GREENBERG, of GREENBERG Bros., of Whatcom, was in town last week.

C. W. SPARLING and wife left on Saturday for San Francisco, where they will in the future reside.

Friday, June 9, 1893:

Gold for Blaine warrants at Lester W. DAVID's, the jeweler.

TAYLOR & ZOBRIST of Acme are putting in a new hand mill that will cut 50,000 shingles a day.

MORRISON Bros. of Ferndale have received machinery for their new shingle mill.

of the
Blaine Public School
For the first time in the history of Blaine public schools, the year closed on Monday evening with a graduating class and commencement exercises. ... Miss Blanche B. GETCHELL and Nellie A. CRILLY, daughters respectively of our honored townsmen D. GETCHELL and J. A. CRILLY, formed the graduating class for '93. ...

John G. BOWMAN, who has been a denizen of Delta for the past two and one-half years, left Wednesday on a visit to his old home in Minnesota. He will soon return, and says there is no place like the coast for a young man who has a desire to "get on in the world."

Last week a party consisting of Peter FOSTER, Chas. LINDSTROM, Henry MOONEY, J. T. SHAW and Art DUNN left on pack horses for a prospecting trip to the mountain regions of British Columbia. ...

F. S. TOWNSEND, vice-president of the GRIFFIN Chemical company, is in the city.

Mrs. M. BLUE left on Tuesday for Panora, Iowa, and thence to the World's Fair.

Rev. Levin JHONSON left on the train Thursday for Seattle, where he will for a time make his headquarters.

Friday evening last a social gathering was held at the residence of Wm. MILLOW on E street by Gracie SCAMON and Gertie MILLOW, the occasion being the 14th birthday anniversary of Miss MILLOW, who received several tokens of remembrance. Refreshments were served and a pleasant time had. Following are the names of those who were in attendance: Mattie DUNN, Gracie SCAMON, Gertie MILLOW, Roxie WILSON, Belle WILSON, Bethel MILLOW, Gertie CAUFFMAN, Fred SCAMAN, Elmer BARRICKLAW, Ira GOODEL, Loyd GORE, Frank GORE, Marion BARRICKLAW, Harry CAUFFMAN and Leon SCAMON.

The fire committee have pursuant to instructions from the city council, purchased a 12 foot triangle and suspended the same at the intersection of H street and Washington avenue, to be used for fire alarm purpose. This instrument is capable of ringing a good alarm, and admirably serves the purpose for which it was erected.

Friday June 16, 1893:

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., June 12, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ...

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John JERN of Custer, Wash., James WILLIAMS of Delta, Wash., J. G. JOHNSON of Custer, Wash., and C. M. ANDERSON of Custer, Wash.
T. M. REED, Jr., Register

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., June 12, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ...

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Louis POLSON of Haynie, Wash., James WILLIAMS of Delta, Wash., J. G. JOHNSON of Custer, Wash., and C. M. ANDERSON of Custer, Wash.
T. M. REED, Jr., Register

Land Office at Seattle, Wash., June 12, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim ...

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: S. P. THOMPSON of Delta, Wash., John OTLEY of Haynie, Wash. and David KITZEL and George KITZEL of Blaine, Wash.
T. M. REED, Jr., Register

Miss Effa OSTROM has opened a select school in the North ward school building, to continue during vacation. She is meeting with good success, and already has 26 pupils.

Saturday last Dr. GETCHELL and family removed to Ferndale. We regret to see Mr. GETCHELL leaving the city, and the many friends of himself and family can only hope they may in time return.

--We have lost another prominent farmer, J. B. BUTCHART, who has left for Northwest Territory.
--A postoffice has been located here with H. T. THRIFT as postmaster, which makes it more convenient for the farmers.

Friday, June 23, 1893:

The new residence of Mrs. H. HENSPETER, now in course of erection at Birch bay, is assuming shape rapidly, and will be a commodious and handsome domicile.

Mrs. A. M. BRIGGS, late principal of our public schools, left for the east Monday.

The Blaine and Ferndale base ball clubs will test their mettle in a game at Ferndale on Sunday next.

A. A. DAY, who has been a resident of Blaine for a year past, left on Tuesday for a visit to his former home at Leeds, N.D., intending to be absent three or four months. Mr. DAY leaves many warm friends here who wish him all manner of enjoyment in his journey.

J. S. JOHNSTON is engaged in raising the HAMLEY house of Cherry street, which he has lately come into possession of. He found it too near the ground, and is arranging it so a current of air will be carried under it for health and comfort.

Geo. R. LINDSLAY of Lynden was lately married to Miss Kate ULRICH at Alton, Ill.

C. D. HILTON appeared and stated owing to his having been burned out and losing his wages by the failure of the shingle mills his family was in destitute circumstances and asked that the city would help him till he could repay it.

T. J. FOLEY received word yesterday that we are soon to have two roads built from the cannery inland for about two miles and a half. This is joyful news to the settlers, who are now compelled to walk five miles around the beach to reach the Point, which is their only way of getting to Blaine.

Friday, June 30, 1893:

A marriage license has been issued to W. H. KING and Miss Anna DAHL of this city.

Miss ALTSHULER, a sister of the Whatcom clothier, who has been visiting her brother, Sam, left for San Francisco Monday.

Mrs. M. B. CUTTER of Chicago, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. SHAW of this city, is with her parents on a visit, having arrived Tuesday last.

Prof. Harry PATTISON, principal of the Whatcom high school, has gone on a visit to his home in Pennsylvania, via the World's Fair. He returns in September.

Mrs. Martha MARTIN and Mrs. William COVERLY of Los Angeles, Cal., were among the arrivals Monday, the former being a sister of Mrs. G. H. ABERS of this city.

Mr. JULIAN and family have moved into the city and will occupy the former residence of C. C. WILSON on Clark street.

P. BENSON and family are among the new arrival[s], during the week.

Extracted by Susan Nahas

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