Thursday January 3, 1889:
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. BROWN, at Enterprise, have a new girl baby at their house. Frank McCALL says the telegraph business done at the Blaine office has steadily increased the past year. A new road is being slashed out for a mile and a half west along North Bluff from the reserve to Mr. DOLAN's place. The Westminster Columbian notes the death last week of Dr. John L. HALL, of Victoria, brother of Dr. T. S. HALL, of Westminster Messrs. John FRANKLIN and Joseph MCENRY, from Halstead, Kansas, old friends of R. M. ROGERS, were in Blaine yesterday. The expect to settle in this section. A heavy timber fell on a handspike which rested across Peter LARSON's thigh yesterday straining him considerably and leaving him in a stiff and sore condition. Mr. HART has fitted up the second story of his new building for a hall which will seat as many people as the school house much more comfortably. He expects soon to lengthen out the building and fit up a hall that will accommodate an audience of three hundred. Mr. F. M. CAIN has received a letter from his eldest son, W. E. CAIN, dated at Yaquina City, Oregon, December 14th, in which he says he is married and settled down, and doing well clerking for the O. D. company, of Yaquina. There was quite an attendance at the temperance meetings Sunday both morning as afternoon. Rev. James EVA preached a temperance sermon at 11 a. m. and in the afternoon Mrs. W. L. ROGERS, Mrs. EVA and Mrs. UPSON talked to the people. Mrs. KING gave an elocutionary selection, and Mr. BOWERS a temperance essay. Lila EVA, Willie SCOTT and Kate DORR gave recitations. A collection was taken up for the Women's Home. Mrs. C. C. KINGSLEY presided over the meeting, and Professor GRIFFIN at the organ.
-H. A. SMITH sold his sloop to Mr. WILLSON, of Whatcom, who is repairing it to move his family out on his new home in this neighborhood. -Frank CHARROIN, of Montana has come to make his home on the Sound. -Mr. MORSMAN's family have moved into their new home. -Mrs. CHARROIN has gone to Fairhaven to live with her daughter, Mrs. LUCE. -Miss Minnie BREMNER and brother and Mr. A. BREW, of Delta, spent the holidays in Mountain View. -Mr. Sterrit BYERS, of Edison, spent Christmas with his brother and family. -Mr. CLAYTON was thrown from his horse when returning from Ferndale quarterly meeting and quite severely bruised. (Itemizer, December 31, 1888) Thursday, January 10, 1889: Mr. D. ROBINSON, of Enterprise is happy over the arrival at his house of a new boy. Mrs. Ira P. ROCKWELL was accidentally shot and killed by her fourteen year old son at Sidney, W. T., last week Monday. The Press tells of the death last week at Lynden of Austin CHAMBERS, the enterprising stock raiser of that place. Mr. Wallace DEMENT is preparing to build a residence and also a machine and blacksmith shop in Blaine, and will shortly move his family here. The Free Methodists opened their new house of worship last Sunday, having preaching service morning and evening. Rev. GRIGGS will preach there again next Sabbath both at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Mr. Ed. GALER, of Custer, was in Blaine this week and reported the following buildings raised in that neighborhood lately: W. CREASY, dwelling and barn; J. A. BARKER, barn; J. M. KING, house and barn. Also a fine new bridge on California Creek. Mr. Wm. DICKISON has just finished a new skiff. Rev. James EVA will preach in the Blaine school house at 11 a. m. Sunday, the 13th inst. J. A. MARTIN sends the Journal word that school opened in Semiahmoo on Monday the 7th inst. for a three months term. Captain TARTE will build a machine shop on the flats in front of Blaine for the purpose of furnishing repairs for his steamer and doing other work. MILHOLLIN Brothers now have the wharf ready for the stringers and planking out as far as LINDSEY's mill, six hundred feet, and Mr. LINDSEY says the lumber can be ready in a few days. Dr. KING has received some fresh vaccine direct from the eastern farms. As the smallpox is raging in almost every large town in Washington territory, it may not be out of place at this time to put safety on your side by vaccination. The LINDSEY mill is sawing the lumber for the new M. E. church. The ground has been slashed and everything burned but that fit for firewood. To-morrow the ground will be entirely cleared, and the lumber hauled there at once for building. The church is to be completed by the first of May. The Journal has been removed to the STEAUBLI building at the corner of Washington Avenue and C streets. Thursday, January 17, 1889: Mr. John STOOPS has received word that his son Jesse, who is back in Wisconsin, is very ill with the typhoid fever, and hardly expected to recover. Ed. BROWN has been appointed postmaster at Custer vice Custer resigned. We believe the postoffice will hereafter be kept in BROWN BROTHER'S store. Edward OGAN, lately of Michigan, arrived in Blaine on the steamer Brick Tuesday and will remain a few days at least investigating the situation. He is also a Lynden property holder. Mr. F. E. BROWN slipped from the walk between LINDSEY's mill and the shore Monday, and one of the heavy planks fell, striking him on the head, partially stunning him and cutting an ugly gash. Wm. DICKINSON yesterday purchased a lot on E street near Fourth, upon which he will put up a building for business purposes.
R. I. MORSE now has the largest stock of stoves he has ever brought to Puget
Sound, and he is selling them at most reasonable prices. He will be the busiest
man in Sehome until they are sold.
Thursday, January 24, 1889: Mr. Thomas WHITE is clearing his lots on H street, and will build on them just as early as he can possibly procure lumber. Mr. C. C. PAUL met with a painful accident last Monday. While unloading his boat a heavy box fell on his right hand, cutting it badly and splitting the bone. The injured hand was dressed by Dr. KING and is doing very [well] though it will be unfit for active service for some weeks. Frank DEMENT has been hauling up lumber this week for a new house on his lots near the corner of A and First streets. Wm. DICKISON has also commenced Wallace DEMENT's new residence on the corner of B and First streets. Lumber is on the ground and being got out for not less than six buildings in Blaine, while three are under way. Pretty good beginning for the first month in the new year. Mrs. Hannah A. BARBER, eighty-four years old, was baptized and joined the M. E. Church in Blaine one day last week. She is the mother of John BARBER, Mrs. D. S. MILLER and Mrs. GRIFFIN, and came here a short time ago from Pennsylvania. Mr. Peter FOSTER will build a sawmill repair shop on the Blaine waterfront in a few days. C. T. MOORE was elected road supervisor in district No. 13 on the 21st, by a majority of nine. Messrs. RUTLEDGE & GILLESPIE our new real estate firm, arrived with their families on the Geo. E. Starr Saturday evening, and have moved into Mr. BERTRAND's Fourth street building.
Thursday, January 31, 1889: Albert MILLER has been elected road supervisor in district 14. He received two majority. A. J. PENSE, of Lummi sawmill has been in Blaine this week scaling a boom of logs which he has purchased from J. N. LINDSEY, which he will have towed to Lummi to be sawed there. The body of Edgar PHILBRICK, a laborer 44 years old, was found cold in death Friday morning under a tree that had fallen on him during the night. On January 20th at Lynden W. J. MITCHEL, who had been suffering from inflammatory rheumatism for a week, arose from his bed at 4 o'clock in the morning and breaking away from his nurse ran to the river and jumped in. He was taken out in fifteen minutes but was dead. MITCHEL was well-to-do in this world's goods, owning a fine farm at Lynden and valuable property on Bellingham Bay and elsewhere. The literary society discussed Tuesday evening the question of whether it was better to give a boy a trade or a farm. Josh HUGHES, Jimmie CAIN, Alex RUNGE and Sydney GEE spoke in favor of the trade; Alf HAZELTINE, Labe ROPER and Frank HAZELTINE for the farm. The trade won. Bessie MILLER spoke a piece. HICKS & BUCHANAN have purchased a new stage team of J. D. WHEELER, of Ferndale. We see by the Sehome Democrat that Mr. Clements PUARIEA has been selected for principal of the Whatcom schools. The Whatcom people are to be congratulated on their selection. Considerable work has been done during the past week on the tide flats in front of Blaine. Mr. Peter FOSTER and Mr. D. R. McELMON are each enclosing a fractional half block with capped piling, and each will put up a building inside his enclosure. The PAUL Brothers are also enclosing considerable. Much of the work has been done at night. Mr. Z JONES, who came to Blaine in 1872 and lived here and in Semiahmoo a number of years, but for the past six years has been residing in Goldendale, returned to Blaine last week to visit old friends and old scenes. E. SORENSON is getting lumber on the ground for the construction of a business and residence building near the Journal office on Washington avenue.
-Mr. WILSON and his two sons-in-law, Messrs. HALEN and HOPPINS, are settling out their forties getting ready for spring work. E. LOPAS and C. HOSKINS have men clearing. -Mr. D. M. JORDON, who with his wife came to Whatcom in '70 built the Whatcom house and remained two years, died recently in St. Helena, California, aged 92. Mrs. JORDON, deceased, was grandmother to Mrs. H. A. SMITH and C. M. McCOMB. -Rev. KINDRED, of the M. E. church, will soon build a new parsonage near MONROE's sawmill, and also talks of moving the M. E. church to this side of the river. -Itemizer. Thursday, February 7, 1889: Mr. Chas. HUNT will fit up a fish market shortly on Semiahmoo spit. Mr. John FISH, of Seattle, a cousin of A. W. STEEN, called on the Journal yesterday. He is spending a few days visiting with his relatives in Blaine. Mr. ABERS was hauling lumber yesterday for Elmer MISSIMER, who is preparing to build a house on his lots near the corner of D and Third streets. The upper story of TAYLOR & NUBER's new building will be fitted up with sleeping apartments to accommodate the hands in LINDSEY's sawmill. Mr and Mrs. A. L. SMITH, relatives of C. C. SMITH and their son Georgie SMITH, from Humbird, Wisconsin, arrived in Blaine Saturday night and surprised their friends here. Miss Emma SMITH, was particularly pleased to see her parents and brother. They have not fully made up their minds yet whether they will settle in Blaine or not. On January 26th a new baby girl came to Mr. Thos. LLEWELLYN's place. Thursday, February 14, 1889: Jerry MERRELL is building a residence for Mr. LIVINGSTONE on C street. J. N. LINDSEY has erected a blacksmith shop for his mill at the foot of D street. No. 4. Born, Tuesday morning, February 12, on BUTLER's ranch, Drayton Harbor, Semiahmoo, to Chas. T. and Lina B. MOORE, a girl. Wm. DICKINSON has commenced the construction, fronting on the Blaine wharf about three hundred feet from shore, of a building 20x30 in size, two stories high. Elmer MISSIMER has about enclosed his two-story house on Third street, which will give him the 7th place. By the way, considerable of the work on this building was done by night. Irving HARVEY, whom we believe will prove himself to be made of the right kind of stuff, has entered the Journal office with the intention of learning the printing and newspaper business. Mr. BERTRAND has been setting piles over about a quarter of a block of tide flat just north of his store. The piling will be surmounted with caps which will be planked over and a lumber yard opened there. Mr. BERTRAND says he may put up a large building there in a short time. By the steamer George E. Starr Saturday evening Mrs. T. POWEL, daughter of Mr. John CAIN and sister of the CAIN brothers, arrived in Blaine from St. Paul. Mrs. POWEL had not seen her relatives here for twenty-three years. She will make her future home in Blaine. During the present week agreements have been entered into between MILHOLLIN Brothers and parties purchasing frontage on the wharf by which that structure is to be widened, wherever frontage is sold, to one hundred feet, thus making one of the finest wharves in the country. Mr. GILFILLEN has moved his family over from Semiahmoo, and is now occupying Elmer SMITH's new house. Word comes over from Drayton Heights this afternoon that Mrs. C. T. MOORE is very low and hardly expected to live. Notice the legal card of Charles W. DORR, of Sehome, in another column. We knew him in Des Moines, Iowa, eleven or twelve years ago, and if he is as good a man now as he was then he will be a safe man with whom to entrust legal business. He is a distant relative of the editor of the Journal. T. G. STEAUBLI left orders while here the other day to have his property just east of Blaine laid out in blocks and lots. The streets will be made the same width as those in Blaine but the lots will be 50x120 feet in size. E street will be opened out through his addition at once and it will become the popular residence portion of the town. Mr. A. A. HART is clearing up the remainder of his Washington avenue lot and has the lumber on the ground to enlarge his store and hall. John R. MILLER is working upon it to-day. The building when completed will be two stories high, and 25 feet wide by 95 feet long. It is calculated to fit the upper story up for a comfortable hall which is intended to accommodate an audience of at least three hundred. John PETERSON has raised the frame of his house on D street. That locality is building up quite fast. J. C. BERTRAND did the sensible thing this week once more by purchasing two more town lots near the City Hotel. Thursday, February 21, 1889: Blaine needs a drugstore; there are 1500 people in Blaine and vicinity. Mr. HART has about enclosed the addition to his hall, which makes the largest building in Blaine. Mrs. C. T. MOORE is now declared to be out of danger by her physician, and the anxiety of her friends is relieved. The Journal was mistaken last week in stating that Captain TARTE's family had moved to Semiahmoo. They were only there visiting. Mr. A. L. SMITH is clearing off his lots on B street, and will commence building a residence thereon as soon as lumber can be got on the ground. We understand that Mason CLARK's large schooner is likely to commence, before long, making regular trips between this place and Port Townsend. Mr. BACHUS, the Lummi Island logger, was in Semiahmoo Tuesday bargaining with Mr. ELWOOD for lumber with which to put up several buildings on the island. Spring work has commenced in ELWOOD's brick yard on California creek. He expects to burn three large kilns there this year, aggregating more than one million bricks. Captain TARTE and John ELWOOD will each have built at KIRBY's ship yard in Semiahmoo a 120-ton scow for lumber and other towing business. These vessels have become a great necessity, as it is injurious to planed lumber to be put it in the salt water, and there are large quantities of brick and shingles to be moved from this harbor. Mr. KIRBY went to Seattle by the Brick Tuesday for iron for the two scows. D. S. RICHARDS has bought of MILHOLLIN Brothers one hundred feet fronting on the Blaine wharf between the mill and deep water. The county commissioners have purchased from the Hall Safe and Lock Co. two steel jail cells and a large safe for county purposes, at a cost of $1750. D. R. McELMON went to Sehome Saturday evening by the steamer Starr. He was accompanied by his children Nellie and Roy, who will hereafter reside in Sehome with the family of the Rev. B. K. McELMON. Mrs. Mahala EVANS, in trying to split a fir knot with a dull ax one day last week severely wrenched her back, so that she will be confined to her bed for several weeks. This will be very unfortunate, as Mrs. EVANS has to depend on her own labor to support her little family. Robert RICHMOND, of Durham mines in this territory, purchased four lots in Blaine to-day. Revs. EVA and BAKER are conducting their revival meetings at Semiahmoo this week. Rev. L. JOHNSON has invested in more Blaine real estate, having this week purchased two more lots in BOBLETT's addition. Thursday, February 28, 1889: Sherman HOOVER came over from Lynden one day last week and purchased two town lots in Blaine. He will probably come here to live before long. Last week Mr. T LLEWELLYN sold eighty acres of land near Blaine to Chas. CUDWORTH, of Whatcom, brother of Commissioner CUDWORTH. Mr. A. E. JONES, of California, last week purchased two lots at the corner of Second and A streets and two on E street. He expects to return to Blaine and make it his home before long. One day last week the roof of Mr. ARNDT's house caught fire and was burning briskly, unbeknown to the family, when Mr. A. J. LOOMIS happened along and saw it and extinguished it before much damage was done. Blaine is likely to have a saloon before it has a church building. The people of this place and Semiahmoo have contended themselves with the use of the two school houses as places of worship, until now we have the spectacle of a population of five hundred within a radius of a mile and a half without one church building, and only one small structure which is used exclusively as a house of worship. This should not be allowed to lag, and the coming quarterly meeting will be a good time to set the matter vigorously moving again. Last Saturday as Thomas WHITE was coming from Westminster he was taken violently ill with inflammation of the bowels. As the stage approached Elgin he became unable longer to hold the reins and turned them over to Mr. Alex ANDERSON, who was a passenger, and who drove into Elgin, where Mr. WHITE was left apparently in a precarious condition. Dr. KING, of Blaine, was at once sent for and left for Elgin about dusk where he found Mr. WHITE very low. Proper remedies were applied, and at our last reports the sick man appeared to be convalescing. For some time he was so sick that his mother, Mrs. VOGHT, of Birch Bay, fearing he would die, went over to attend him. All will be pleased to hear that he is recovering. His mother has returned. Thursday, March 7, 1889: According to the Democrat H. A. JUDSON has sold out his general merchandise business at Lynden. J. E. McDONALD, brother of Mrs. C. A. STILWELL, returned to Blaine from Yakima county this week. He says he is satisfied that this is the best part of Washington. Mr. Henry LOOMIS and Mr. SIVYER have finished cutting the logs from the road between STOOPS' sawmill and Mr. GALER's place, near Custer, thus opening a continuous road southward from the sawmill to the Blaine-Ferndale road. James CAIN will resign the Blaine postmastership, and a petition is being circulated in favor of Mr. T. G. STEAUBLI for the position. Mr. STEAUBLI is perfectly fitted to perform the duties of the office, and if appointed we believe will make a good postmaster. The Journal office received a new imposing stone from the Schniedwend & Lee printers' warehouse, Chicago, a few days ago. The stone was ordered by mail on January 24th, and was just three weeks and two days in reaching Blaine, the shortest time in which we have know any package to make the trip. Mr. T. G. STEAUBLI and family arrived Saturday evening by the steamer Starr, and will occupy departments over the CAIN Brothers' store until he has his own building finished. He has already commenced the construction, of a business building 32x60 in size on Washington avenue, opposite CAIN Brother's store. Word has reached Blaine that D. C. ROBINSON, of Enterprise, died Monday. Mr. ROBINSON was a candidate before the Republican primaries last fall for superintendent of county schools. We believe he leaves a widow and several small children. E. G. EARLE, lately one of the publishers of the Maquoketa, Iowa, Excelsior, and a cousin of the Journal family, walked in and surprised us Saturday evening. He is looking about for a newspaper location, and may conclude to settle in Blaine. Married, Monday evening, February 25th, 1889, at the First Presbyterian church in Seattle, Washington, by the Rev. Elliott W. BROWN, Mr. John McDONALD, of Alder Grove, B. C., to Miss Bertha SETZER, of East Sound. Mr. ABERS has been hauling lumber the past few days for a residence to be built on Peter LARSON's Third street lots. Mr. J. R. THOMAS, of Excelsior, has purchased two lots of Judge WEAT (sic), just south of where the M. E. church will stand, and Mr. WEST has purchased ten acres of Mr THOMAS' farm three miles east of Blaine. General M. A. McPHERSON accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. NESSELROAD, came over from Lynden and spent a day in Blaine this week. They were much pleased with the rush of work which is going on here, and while here purchased two lots fronting on the Blaine wharf. They say Lynden is moving steadily forward. Henry STENDER is about commencing the enlargement of the Blaine hotel. We understand that it will be double in size, and finished off in proper shape inside, and when completed will accommodate seventy-five guests comfortably. Blaine will be the best provided with hotels of any town of its size in Washington within another six months. Mr. MAHAN is getting lumber up to Boblette's addition, where he is about to commence the construction of a new residence. Mr. James CAIN desires us to state that his commission as notary public has expired, and he will not renew the same; therefore those who desire notary business done will need to go elsewhere. R. F. STROTHER, lately from Cincinnati, came to Blaine by the steamer Brick Tuesday, and since then has purchased two business lots, upon which he will erect a large building to be used as a tailoring and millinery and dressmaking establishment. While so many new buildings are going up we should like to see more paint spread. Eleven buildings were painted last fall, which added much to the appearance of the town, especially as viewed from passing steamers across the water. Every painted building makes the place more attractive to the eye of the tourist, and besides it will give more satisfaction and value to the owner. As soon as the rustic in on and dry the paint should follow, which will improve the appearance of Blaine wonderfully.
Feb. 19, 1889 We the undersigned residents of Blaine, hereby
desire to express our appreciation to the honorable and enterprising manner
in which the MILHOLIN Brothers have undertaken to building of the Blaine
wharf, in the face of such enormous difficulties with which they have been
confronted from time to time. .....
Charles F. STOOPS John OTLY Haynie, W. T., Feb. 21, 1889 Thursday, March 14, 1889: Mr. KIRBY is building at his Semiahmoo ship yard a fine klinker sloop for John LITTLE. It will be twenty-five feet long, and eight feet beam, and is built of eastern oak and fir. Capt. RANDOLPH and the Lynden people have been having an unpleasant time about steamer service on the Nooksack, but at last the people think they have had the question solved for them. Capt. SCHOFF has associated himself with Joseph WELLS, late of San Francisco, and the two have let a contract to F. W. LAKE to build them a steamer, to be run on the Nooksack river. Work on the steamer has already begun. The vessel is to be of the stern wheel pattern, 90 feet in length and 20 feet beam, 4 feet eight inches depth of hold. The carrying capacity is to be about 90 tons. To provide against the danger of being sunk by snags, the hold will be provided with four water tight compartments. In short, everything about the boat will be first class. It is the intention to have the new boat ready for work by the first of May. The United Workmen have paid Mrs.RUNGE the full amount of her late husband's insurance. Mr. Jas. DEWAR has set a good example to other property holders by clearing up and fencing his D street lots. The schooner Gen. Harney, owned by Captain CLARK, and which was expected shortly to visit Blaine, was wrecked a week or two ago on the rocks of San Juan island. She was a total loss but no lives were lost. W. B. POTTER, lately from Wisconsin, has purchased property in Blaine and taken up his residence here this week. Mr. Harvey SLADE, was a visitor to Blaine yesterday from Lynden. He was surprised at our little boom. He reports Lynden as also progressing finely. John R. MILLER set up his stump machine this week in A. W. STEEN's slashing, and by man power pulled four eighteen-inch fir stumps in twenty minutes. He says it will exceed his expectations in the efficiency of its work. Henry HEIDMANN is building a new residence on his Dakota creek farm. The Union school district is building a fine new school house near STOOP's sawmill. Charley PAUL's horse took a little runaway this afternoon, smashing up the wagon considerably, and injured both himself and the horse some. Miss Josie BERTRAND has this week received a new organ. HICKS & BUCHANAN have purchased a new stage team, and in about three weeks will commence making through trips with the Blaine-Whatcom stages, traveling the Birch bay route. A petition has been circulated during the past week for the appointment of Mrs. Laura WILSON as postmaster of Blaine. If she receives the appointment we believe she will make a good postmistress. Mr. Eli BEAM, from Seattle, has been in Blaine this week looking over the field for establishing himself in the drug business at this point. He has bargained with our merchants for their stocks of drugs, and says he will be ready to open up a first-class drugstore here in two weeks. His store will be built near the school house, where he has purchased two lots. E. A. BOBLETTE has donated lots, money has been subscribed, and a new Episcopal church will soon be built in the south part of town. Thursday, March 21, 1889: Mr. John ENGLISH, of Seattle, last week purchased the Chestnut place just east of Blaine, and will arrive here Saturday night by steamer Starr to make it his permanent home. Henry THRIFT has sold his Westminster-Hall's Prairie stage to a gentleman named KIRBY, who will hereafter run it two trips per week, and probably through to Blaine, thus making stage lines on both roads. The wharf is now going forward rapidly, at the rate of 300 feet per day, they say. It is now over half completed, and it is the intention to have it so it can be driven over the whole length by April 6th. J. J. RUTLEDGE has offered to donate $275 if it is completed by the 6th of April, and Messrs. FOSTER, LINDSEY and JACKSON say they are after that $275 hot footed, and will surely win it, and the Journal sets back and watches the race and says sick'em. Monday evening the people of Blaine met at the school house for the purpose of forming a branch of the American Building and Loan Association. Mr. A. WARREN nominated J. J. RUTLEDGE for chairman, and he was unanimously elected. Mr. CARPENTER, from Seattle, explained the objects and workings of the association and the people asked him various questions, after which Mr. G. H. WESTCOTT was elected secretary and subscriptions of stock were called for. Stock was taken in the association to the amount of $13,000. Officers were elected as follows: T. G. STEAUBLI, president; Jas. CAIN, vice-president; J. J. RUTLEDGE, treasurer; G. H. WESTCOTT, secretary; Jas. CAIN, J. J. RUTLEDGE, F. G. STEAUBLI, George CAIN and Peter FOSTER, directors. Mr. G. W. WESTCOTT recently from Maine, will be the first attorney to permanently locate here. Last Friday the first of the four-horse stage coaches of the New Westminster-Blaine-Whatcom stage line passed through here on its way south. It has not returned yet, but we suppose will commence making two regular weekly trips each way in a few weeks. W. L. ROGERS has moved into his new residence, just erected on his farm east of Blaine. Mr. MAHAN has commenced the construction of his new house in BOBLETT's addition. Henry THRIFT is recovering from his recent serious injuries. Mr. ABERS has been hauling lumber this week for a barn and root house for C. C. SMITH. Didleff ANDERSON has taken the contract for clearing the logs from the road from GALER's north to STOOOPS saw mill. J. L. WARNER, proprietor of the new hotel, came in Tuesday on the steamer Brick. He was much pleased with the progress things were making, and is enthusiastic on the future prospects of Blaine. We went down Saturday to see Mr. MILLER's Hawkeye stump machine at work on Mr. STEEN's place. It attracted considerable attention, and it was an interesting sight to see it tear out the stumps. The field looked very much as though a cyclone had been through it. Many of the stumps are eighteen inches in diameter, and the roots when pulled out stood up as high as twelve feet, lifting with them many hundred pounds of dirt. Most of them are solid fir. The machine itself reminds one strongly of a house-moving machine, though the cable is of wire and runs in a fall, and is held in place by a patent devise which prevents it from slipping from its stay. It takes three men and one horse to run it, and its work is very complete. Last Thursday night there arrived in Blaine from the south a middle aged man accompanied by a handsome girl of eighteen summers. They came in a buggy, and seemed in haste to get across the boundary line, which they did, leaving their buggy there and taking the stage the next morning for Westminster. Next day Deputy Sheriff BROWN from Whatcom came along looking for H. W. HART and Nellie GALLAGHER of Bellingham Bay who he said had eloped together. The couple registered at the hotel as uncle and niece, and HART said he was going over to Westminster to place the young lady in the sisters academy there. However, they were arrested there and held until HART's wife and Miss GALLAHER's parents arrived, the first of this week, when they made some sort of an agreement by which the girl returned home with her parents and Mrs. HART brought back her husband. HART is a Whatcom saloonkeeper, and Nellie GALLAGHER has been acting as house-keeper for him while his wife was away on a visit east. The parties passed through Blaine on their way home on Tuesday, taking the steamer Brick. Thursday, March 28, 1889: Mr. Elias WILSON last Thursday injured one of his hands in MOORE's logging camp, which laid him up for a few days, but he was able to return to work this week. Mr. Jas. KING has built a small house on his D street lots. J. C. BERTRAND has commenced the construction of a new residence on his D street lots just east of Washington avenue. It will be a two-story building 20x40 feet in size, and nicely finished inside. On account of the rapidly increasing immigration to Blaine and surrounding country, the Free Methodist brethren of Blaine have called for a supply in addition to their pastor, Rev. P. H. GRIGGS, of Lynden. Bro. H. VANDER VEEN, of Seattle, will be supply this last quarter of the conference year, and there will be from now on regular preaching service every Sunday at the chapel at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Also prayer meeting Friday nights at 7:30. If called upon, prompt attention will be given to funerals and marriages by both Rev. P. H. GRIGGS and H. VANDER VEEN. Dr. E. M. RADCLIFFE, of Lynden, has been in Blaine this week. His home will be here in the future. Mrs. A. M. ROBEY, of Ferndale, is spending a few days visiting with Mrs. M. L. DORR. Mr. Wallace DEMENT and family arrived in Blaine Saturday night from Grey's harbor, G. W. They will establish their future home in Blaine. Mrs. D. E. TUCK, the second white woman to arrive and settle in Whatcom county, died in Whatcom last week Wednesday, aged 65 years. She came to Whatcom in 1854. Miss Lizzie ANENT, of Webster City, Iowa, has been engaged to teach the Blaine school for the coming year. She comes highly recommended, and has stood high in educational circles in northern Iowa. Mr. Geo. STOWELL, a carpenter and builder recently from Dakota, has been investing in Blaine real estate this week. He will bring his family here about the 10th of next month, and make his home in Blaine. Whatcom Bulletin: -Rev. Joseph WOLFE did the job at Samish yesterday by legally uniting Mr. Herbert E. MOON and Miss Maggie M. TURNER. The Bulletin extends congratulations and hopes the satellites may never become fewer. Miss TURNER had many acquaintances in this part of the county, who will wish her well. J. C. BERTRAND and E. M. RADCLIFFE have rented D. S. RICHARD's building at the shore end of the Blaine wharf at the foot of E street, and next week will open up a real estate office there. J. R. THOMAS has been papering and fitting up the building, and it will make a cosy office. Mr. Louis SHAFFER left the first of the week for his old home in Nebraska. He expects to return in a few weeks, bringing his family with him. DIED - March 24th, 1889, at 7 o'clock p. m., at Haynie, Whatcom county, W. T., Elsie May OTLY, age 5 years, daughter of John and Mary E. OTLY. Her death was caused from cerebro spinal menengitis, after a sickness of only 26 hours. The funeral occurred at Excelsior school house, and she was buried in the Blaine cemetery. The funeral was conducted by Mr. HART and funeral services by Rev. A. WARREN, assisted by Rev. Horace WENTZ.
-Mr. SISSNA [CISSNA], brother of Mrs. BYERS, is up from Seattle. -Mrs. AITKEN & Mrs. Edd BROWN of Enterprise, spent last week in this neighborhood. -Mr. MORSMAN's son and daughter lately arrived from Kansas. -Mr. POTTER and others of the committee are making arrangements to build the M. E. Parsonage near Ferndale. Thursday, April 5, 1889: Mr.FREES sold 80 acres of his land to the HARVEY Bros. W. T. BURNET, of Vancouver, arrived in Blaine this week. He expects to go into the boot and shoe making business at this place. He is very much pleased with our town. Messrs. OTLEY, ROBINSON, ROSBROUGH and MOTT are pushing ahead the M. E. church building. If there be no delay for material, the church will be ready for dedication in a few weeks. Mr. F. L. WHITNEY has about finished the survey and platting of Messrs. MARTIN, STEEN, BOBBLET, ROSBROUGH and KINGSLEY's addition to Blaine. The additions to Blaine will cover nearly a hundred acres of ground. Yesterday morning Mr. SORENSON, who was working in the LINDSEY mill, met with a sad accident, which nearly proved fatal. While working with a log with the rest of the mill men, the log happened to roll back some way, rolling against him and a post of the mill, crushing him severely, and breaking several ribs. He is in critical condition at the present time. Mr. LULL and family arrived in Blaine on the Emma Haywood. He brought the material with him with which to construct a steam pile driver, which is to be built in Blaine. A gentleman named MURRAY, who is a partner of Mr. LULL, also arrived on the same boat. Mr. Chas. R. MOULTON, formerly of Portland, Me., has decided to locate in our midst, and he has opened a real estate office here. He has been traveling throughout the Pacific slope for some time, and finds this place after all, his choice as a home, and like many others, he is delighted with our townsite location. From the Sehome Gazette: Harry HANSLEY and Miss Abbie WEED, of Bellingham, were last Saturday granted a license to wed. Harry is seventeen and Abbie is fourteen years of age.
---Semiahmoo, W. T., April 1889--- Thursday, April 11, 1889: The Journal's fourth birthday. J. J. RUTLEDGE is putting up a business building on the new wharf. J. N. LINDSEY is putting up a restaurant building fronting on the new wharf. Chas. STILLWELL and Thomas McDONALD have commenced the construction in BOBLETTE's addition of a livery stable, which they have well underway. CAIN Brothers have commenced the building of a fine new residence 40x60 with ornamental front and observatory in the center. Mr. P. NIELSON will do the work of construction. T. G. STEAUBLI has lumber and brick on the ground for a business building on Washington avenue near the corner of H street. It will be 24x50 in size two stories high and front to the east. Fred FABER, S. T. SHUMWAY, Chas. LINDSTRUM and A. BICKFORD, the first named a brother of Mrs. Jas. H. MILHOLLIN, and all from Champlin, Minnesota, have arrived in Blaine during the past week. Mr. ELWOOD has received the largest stock of wall-paper ever brought to this locality. Just 2000 rolls of it are piled up in his store in Semiahmoo. Go and examine it, and cheer your house up with new walls. The card of another physician appears in this issue of our paper: Dr. SPROULE, of Sehome. The doctor has only been a few months on Bellingham bay, but in that time has managed to build up a wonderfully widespread reputation. His qualifications are of the first order, being a graduate of the renowned Dublin University, and having served as surgeon in the British naval service. Blaine should take warning from Whatcom and Sehome. Those places are losing population which might stop and settle there just because there are no houses for them to move into. Not less that fifty families to-day are living in tents around Bellingham bay, and as many more are existing in shanties built of shakes or small logs. We hope to see a number of small houses for rent put up at once in Blaine, so we can take care of the increase of population which is sure to come in. C. T. MOORE has two yoke of good ranch oxen for sale at his place on Drayton Heights. Mr. LINDSEY has had dug a the foot of the log way at his mill a basin to hold logs enough so there may be no delay between tides., Henry STENDER has again taken control of the Blaine hotel, and his farm at Hall's Prairie, which is one of the best in that fine tract of country, is for rent. John BARBER, through the real estate agency of RATCLIFF & BERTRAND, has sold the relinquishment of his homestead claim to Peter LARSON. Mr. BARBER, we understand, will go to Alaska. Messrs. RUTLEDGE & GILLESPIE have had drawn in India ink a most elegant map of the town of Blaine, with accompanying additions. It now hangs on the walls of their office, and will be distributed in photographic editions all over the country, thus serving as a grand advertisement of our beautiful location. That firm deserves much credit for this latest effort in behalf of Blaine.
Saturday, April 6, 1889, at the residence of the bride's parents, just east
of Blaine, Rev. P. H. GRIGGS officiating, Rev. H VANDER VEEN, pastor of the
Free Methodist congregation, to Miss Lizzie C. HARVEY, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John HARVEY. Miss HARVEY came here from Dakota about eighteen months
ago and has been an active member of the F. M. church for the past year.
Mr. VANDER VEEN previous to his coming to Blaine for a number of years had
been acting as colporteur for the American Tract Society on the Pacific coast.
He came to Blaine as supply to this charge until conference, though he has
preached here several times since the beginNing of the year.
Both the Brick and the Purdy landed at the wharf Tuesday, and hereafter its dock will be one of the most busy places in Blaine. No more forever will the bending ferryman toil ashore through the mussel shells and wet sand with a two hundred-pound woman in his arms or an equipoise man astride of his shoulders. No more will the tenderfoot look swearingly across the expanse of tide flats over which he must walk barefoot or spoil his shoes. S. MORSLANDER, cook for the new International hotel, accompanied by his wife, arrived in Blaine by the Emma Hayward Saturday. Mr. GOTT and family from Iowa arrived in Blaine Saturday by the Emma Hayward. Mrs. GOTT is a daughter of M. ROSBRUGH. They will make their future home in Blaine. Thursday, April 18, 1889: From and after this date the CAIN Brothers relinquish the ownership of the Blaine Journal, and the paper will hereafter be published by myself. Joseph W. DORR A. GILFILLAN has about enclosed his new residence at the corner of Fourth and H streets. A. A. HART last week sold ten acres of his farm near Blaine to his brother F. W., of Vancouver. He proposes to invest in more Blaine real estate, as also does his sister, Miss Tillie HART. Mr. John WAGNER will at once have surveyed in five-acre tracts forty acres of his farm one mile east of the Blaine postoffice, and the property will be placed for sale in the hands of Mr. Chas. R. MOULTON. Messrs. DAVIES & DUNN, hardware merchants, and Mr. BARNES, a druggist, invested in Blaine property this week, and the latter, before the sills of Mr. STEAUBLI's building were laid had leased it at a large rental for a drugstore, which will be opened as soon as the building is completed. Articles of incorporation of the First Bank of Blaine have been filed with the Territorial Secretary at Olympia. At the first meeting of the directors Geo. P. PERLEY, for thirteen years treasurer of the Bridgeton, Maine, Savings Bank, was elected cashier of the new bank, with his bond fixed at $25,000. He will be here on the 26th inst., and it is expected to have the new institution in full running order soon after that time. John R. MILLER has got Frank DEMENT's new house well under way. It is located at First street near B. Mr. Chas. WORTHEN, of Lynden, was in Blaine the first of the week. He is a contractor and builder, and we understand is figuring on one or two proposed buildings here. RUTLEDGE and GILLESPIE have given J. N. RUCKER, the contract for clearing off the McPHERSON block, which they have purchased, and they will soon commence the construction there of two fine residences. HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage has begun making weekly trips between Blaine and Whatcom, arriving at this place Thursday evenings and leaving Friday mornings at 7 a.m. The Whatcom city jail is now being built and will contain seven cells, five being timbers spiked on top of each other, and the two steel cells put in by the county. This city is overrun with toughs and robbers, and the city and county authorities propose to board them on an economical plan and plain diet. The jail is conveniently located near the court house on 13th street. Both city and county can use the jail to advantage. ---- Reveille M. R. STAIGHT, of Lynden has been in Blaine this week looking after his property interests. Good potatoes for sale by B. N. KINGSLEY, delivered anywhere in Blaine at 1 cent per pound. M. H. MAHAN has been very sick with typhoid fever for several weeks past, but is now about recovered. Sibrant E. LORENZEN, the man who was injured on the railroad right-of-way out at Hall's Prairie a few weeks ago died in New Westminster last week. F. W. HART, the enterprising furniture and opera house man of Vancouver, B. C., evidently sees the grand future before Blaine, as he has recently invested both in town and suburban property. D. P GREELEY, lately from Missouri, is fitting up the small building on Washington avenue on J. A. MARTIN's lots, for a lodging place.
-Mrs. Willie TARTE went away on the steamer Brick last week to secure medical treatment. -Mr. J. R. JARVIS has rented the PETERS farm and is now busy putting in his spring crop. -Mr. George CRUPPER, from Illinois came here last week and will live for a time on California Creek. -Chas. UPSON has just plowed up ground on the north side of the creek for the new brick yard, and a large kiln will be burned there. Thursday, April 25, 1889: Marion BARRACKLAW came from Seattle with the Blaine Improvement Company's steam pile driver, of which he is engineer. He says he will remain here at least two months. John R. MILLER's stump puller has been working this week taking out some big stumps on Mr. John H. MILHOLLIN's lots just north of the Journal office. Mr. MILHOLLIN will at once commence the erection of a new residence there. Wm. DALY, of Bertrand's Prairie is putting in a large field of hops this spring. Mr. A. A. HART is fitting up the upper part of his furniture building for a lodging house. Assessor CUSTER has been making glad the hearts of the people of Blaine this week by placing their names on the tax rolls for this year. The assessment is about trebbled this year, and still no one grumbles. One of Mr. S. W. VAN LUVEN's little daughters had a severe attack of cerebro-spinal-meningetis last week, and for a long time it seemed likely to prove fatal, but at our last account she appeared to be on the road to recovery. The First Bank of Blaine has this week ordered from the Hall Safe and Lock company a new 8000 pound safe. Cashier PEARLY, will arrive on Saturday's boat, and work on the new building will be commenced at once. It will be constructed where now stands J. C. BERTRAND's store, and will only be used temporarily for the bank. Before many months a fine large brick building will be put up for the bank on Washington avenue. James VARET has commenced construction of a new residence in Boblette's addition. J. R. MILLER is the contractor. Some time ago Mr. Joseph PROTHERO of Hall's Prairie sold his farm to T. G. STEAUBLI, of Blaine, and on Saturday next will move to Seattle with his family. J. G. BRUCE, a shingle mill owner of Silver Lake, Washington, has been spending a week looking about Blaine. He will invest quite heavily in real estate before leaving. Blaine now has two legal firms. We take pleasure to-day in calling attention to the new legal card of Mr. A. E. MEAD, lately from Kansas, who has located among us. Mr. MEAD is a young married man, and we believe will be a desirable addition to our community.
-Mrs. Robert McCOMB of Seattle, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. SMITH. -Mrs. GILLETT, of Lynden made a short stay in this vicinity the past week. -Rev. Mr. KINDRED preached to a well filled house last sabbath. Mr. RATCLIFF preaches the alternate Sundays. -Mr. CHILDS of Michigan, has been visiting his daughter Mrs. ROBINS. -Itemizer, April 21st. Thursday, May 2, 1889: Blaine has put up thirty buildings already during '89. Three more than all that were built in '88. Mr. ELWOOD has put a 34-foot extension on his warehouse, as a receptacle for a large stock of farm machinery which he will receive in a few days. Capt. Thos. JOHNSON, formerly mate of the Evangel, will take charge of the steamer Brick. Captain TARTE is suffering with poor health, and will retire for a few months to rest and recuperate. ELWOOD's mill will hereafter cut lumber for home consumption. Mrs. Whit. TARTE, who went to Seattle for medical attention some time since is recovering. A. A. HART has fitted up the second story of his building as a lodging house, in which he has sixteen beds, all occupied, and this week he has been obliged to fit up two beds in the rooms below to accommodate people who wanted places to sleep. H. D. McARTHUR, the Sehome insurance man has been spending several days in Blaine this week. F. EDWARDS is having the foundation driven near the old sawmill for a building to be used as a restaurant. LULL & Co's pile driver has driven the foundation for a boat house for D. S. RICHARDS near the outer end of the Blaine wharf. Prof. MENZIES, the magnetic healer, very much pleased his friends in Blaine by returning here Monday and taking up several cases which he was before attending with marked success. He will in future make his permanent residence in this part of the world, attending patients in British Columbia and on Puget Sound. It will be necessary before long to provide in Blaine for some kind of a system of water works to supply private families, hotels, mills and steamers, and it is proposed to get the first supply by a system of high pressure pipes from a large spring near the international boundary line about a mile east of Blaine near A. A. HART's place. We believe the spring is about fifty feet above the level of Blaine and about eighty above the outer end of the wharf. It is said the spring is capable of furnishing a supply for 2000 or 3000 people. Last Friday evening as we stood on the wharf and watched the MILHOLLIN Brothers, tearing off the sweeps and drum from the old horse-power pile driver, to give place to the steam engine, we could not help thinking how much even a horse-power pile driver can do in a community, and what improvements it can put in, which will mark the place for a generation at least. That old pile driver has planted no less than 2,000 piles in this northwest corner of Uncle Sam's domain, which went into the following structures: ELWOOD's mill 300, the Blaine wharf 800, LINDSEY's mill 300, Birch Bay wharf 125, ELWOOD's wharf 50, ELWOOD's second wharf 50, for MARTIN and EDWARDS 36, besides California creek bridge, Campbell creek bridge and a large number at different places about the harbor. However, as the town of Blaine becomes important it has to be replaced by steam, and every enterprising citizen will be glad to see the change. Alvia HILTON, of Lynden, is acting as assistant to Surveyor JUDSON in his work in Blaine this week. The Blaine Improvement Company has put in the foundation for a new shingle mill at deep water off C street. The real estate has been so rushing with Mr. MOULTON that he has been obliged to purchase a new saddle horse. Jerry MERRELL is building J. C. BERTRAND's store on the south side of the Blaine wharf about 300 feet from the shore. John R. MILLER is moving RUTLEDGE & GILLESPIE's office building around from its former site to the north side of E street. Messrs. Frank MCCALL and John WAGNER each invested through the agency of Chas. R. MOULTON in lots in block 4 of Boblette's addition this week. Yesterday Mr. F. L. WHITNEY commenced laying out forty acres of John WAGNER's farm just east of Blaine in five acre lots, which will soon be thrown on the market. Mr. F. L. WHITNEY has received a fine set of surveying instruments from the manufactory of W. & L. E. GURLEY, of Troy, New York, the leading manufacturers of such instruments in this country. The new transit is a beauty with all the modern improvements and attachments and cost alone $150. Mr. VANLUVEN's little girl died last Friday and was buried Sunday. It seems as though his troubles are falling upon him with a weight almost too heavy to be borne.
At 8 o'clock in the evening the bride and groom entered the church attended by Mr. Alfred WHITE, brother of the groom and Miss Minnie WALKER, sister of the bride, Mr. Albert MILLER and Miss Lizzie FLINN; they then paused under a beautiful bell of apple blossoms where the ceremony was performed. The bride was attired in a beautiful heliotrope cashmere trimmed in cream colored lace. The groom wore the usual black evening costume. After the ceremony they returned to the home of the bride where a bountiful supper was served to about fifty of their friends. The bride received a number of useful and handsome presents. They will reside in Blaine, where the groom is engaged in business. --Saturday night Misses Emma BRUNS, Winnie GRIMETTE, May PARR, Day BUTLER, Ethel McELMON, Emma HENSPETER, Harriet HAZELTINE, Mrs. PARR, Mrs. LOGAN and Mr. and Mrs. JAMES, accompanied by escorts attended a reception to the young couple at Chas. VOGHT's at Birch Bay, and passed an enjoyable evening. Thursday, May 9, 1889: Mr. J. LAUTENSCHLAGER has opened a shoe shop on the water front near the boundary line. Mr. GEE has put an addition on his H street building for the accommodation of his meat market. Mr. R. F. STROTHER has returned to Blaine, and will make his future home here. In a few months his daughter will arrive from Cincinatti; and they will put up a fine building on their Washington Avenue lots. We received a pleasant call last Friday from Wm. PINKNEY [PINCKNEY], of Seattle, who owns some of the most valuable suburban property on the south side of the harbor. He informs us that he will at once have platted his land on Drayton heights, a part of it in five acre blocks and a part in lots. F. E. BROWN has moved into FABER's new C street house. T. N. CLARK has opened a meat shop next door to LINDSEY's office. Jas. KEMP has up the frame of his new house on Boblette street. Miss Tillie HART, of Vancouver, B. C., spent Sunday at her brother A. A.'s. Mr. Fred FABER has been engaged by the CAIN Bros. to put in a tin roof upon their new residence. Mr. Robert McMAHON, lately from New Hampshire, an attorney arrived in Blaine last Friday and has taken up his residence here. The Democrats have nominated for delegates to the constitutional convention Judge TAWES, of Ferndale, and Mr. MCGINNIS, of Whatcom. Only two were placed in nomination for this district. GEE & BARBER's Meat market on H street near the school house. A stock of all kinds of fresh meats kept constantly on hand. Mr. NEWELL is building a dwelling house for A. W. STEEN on Boblette street near Sixth street, which house Mr. NEWELL will occupy as a residence. J. C. BERTRAND's new residence is beginning to make quite a presentable appearance. It is about enclosed and the roof is under way. Mr. GILFILLAN has charge of the construction work. Mr. RHUE, formerly traveling agent for the wholesale stationery house of LOWMAN & HANFORD, Seattle, arrived on the Brick Tuesday and entered the position of book-keeper and clerk for CAIN Brothers. T. G. NICKLIN has been appointed clerk of the district court at Whatcom. The Excelsior school opened last week with H. A. WINTZ as teacher and twenty-two pupils in attendance. Edward ROBERTS, late of Panora, Iowa, but formerly a druggist of Des Moines, a nephew of E. A. BOBLETTE, arrived in Blaine Tuesday. He is looking for a place to locate his business, and may settle down in Blaine. E. M. ADAMS returned to Blaine Friday by the steamer Hayward. He says building operations are slacking up very much in Seattle and he will remain in Blaine some months if building continues as active here as it gives promise of doing. Chief Engineer BROWNFIELD, accompanied by James LITTLE, L. P. SPENCER and Johnny O'NEILL, of the government snag boat, which is at WATSON's landing about six miles below Lynden, gave us a call Tuesday. They will work about a month in the Nooksack river. -Lynden Press. Judge WEST Tuesday tried his first case in Blaine, John BARBER vs LULL & MURRAY, A. E. MEAD for plaintiff and Robert McMAHON for defendants. Suit was brought to recover payment for certain timbers furnished by plaintiff to defendants. Judgment was reserved until to-morrow. Last Saturday, before Mr. Geo. P. PERLEY had been in Blaine twenty-four hours he purchased of MILHOLLIN Brothers the mill tract, joining Washington avenue on the west and between E and F streets, paying therefore $2,000, which is a very good demonstration of his faith in the future of Blaine. Nellie and Roy McELMON are home on a visit. Will BERTRAND went up to the mountains last week and brought down some specimens of ores which have been sent to the assayers to be tested. John R. MILLER's stump puller has cleaned out the stumps in front of the International hotel, very much improving the street there, and is now engaged at Jas. MILHOLLIN's doing likewise. C. T. MOORE was well enough yesterday to pay a visit to Blaine. He says the piling is all ready and as soon as lumber is got on the ground the new water tank at Drayton heights will be built which will probably be in a few days. The Blaine Improvement Company has commenced the construction of a building 25x72 feet fronting on the county road at the corner of C street, and one 25x72 fronting on Washington avenue at the corner of C street. Both buildings to be two-stories high. Miss GRIFFIN who has been ailing for some time, is now fast recovering under the care of Prof. MENZIES, and takes daily walks upon the long wharf and out into the country. She seems to gain and retain strength daily, and her friends are confident that she is on the road to permanent robust health. Thursday, May 16, 1889:
M. T. GEE, Thomas H. WHITE D. R. MCELMON, Witness Messers. E. H. FULLER, R. B. KEELER & Son from Whatcom are papering the new M. E. church and are doing a neat job which they will finish today. The carpenters are rapidly nearing the completion of their part of the work, and the painters are keeping pace with the other workmen that all things may be ready for the dedication next Sunday. Blaine now has a barber shop. Mr. W. J. LEISHMAN has secured rooms in the northeast corner of the new International Hotel, where he will hereafter be found ready to wait upon customers in his line. D. C. JENKINS, father of W. D. JENKINS, has been appointed postmaster at Whatcom. Julius OTTO, lately from the east, yesterday bought three lots in Blaine through the agency of RUTLEDGE & GILLESPIE. Blaine now has a barber shop. Mr. W. J. LEISHMAN has secured rooms in the northeast corner of the new International Hotel, where he will hereafter be found ready to wait upon customers in his line. Mr. John OTLY, of Haynie, is moving his family to Blaine to reside permanently. He moves into Mr. MAHAN's house for the present, but will immediately commence the construction of his own house in Boblette's addition. The new hall at Lynden being built by H. A. JUDSON is nearing completion. It is 40x80 feet, two stories high. The lower story will contain stores and the hall will have an arched ceiling 23 feet in the clear. This is a very creditable building. -Reveille. Five new dwelling houses are being rapidly built on Boblette street. Frank ROGER's house, the last one raised is on the east line of the town plat in Jabe WEST's addition. The fine new bridge on that street is just completed and the street is being opened up the full length. Mr. J. LAUTENSCHLAGER has built a small house near the schoolhouse. Messrs. MOORE & CRAGEN have built them summer residences on Drayton Heights. Mrs. Christine JOHNSON, formerly Christine OHLSON, who is well known to all old residents of Blaine, came up on the Brick Tuesday very ill with consumption, and her many friends fear for her life. Many acquaintances about Blaine will be pained to hear it, as she is highly respected here. Rev. A. WARREN informs us that the first services in the new M. E. church at Blaine will be the dedicatory services at 11 a. m. on the 19th, conducted by Dr. J. N. DENNISON, of Port Townsend, and others. It is expected that Port Townsend, Seattle, Whatcom, Lynden, Nooksack Crossing and Ferndale will be represented by ministers and friends to participate in the services. All far and near are invited to be present. Mr. H. STUMPH has put up a small temporary house on C street, which he will occupy until he can get lumber to build a larger one. We see by the Westminster Columbian that $50 has been raised over there for the benefit of the VAN LUVEN children at Hall's Prairie. Mr. Edward LAMAR, of Seattle, who has painted the new International hotel, has also been doing that work on the new M. E. church, and will also paint the CAIN Brothers' new residence. Miss Sadie SEVIER, of Custer, has acquired fame as a detective in Seattle, it is said, by obtaining a confession from Miss BRANTER that she had entered a conspirasy (sic) to ruin WICKERSHAM who was tried and convicted of seduction last fall. While playing on the picnic ground yesterday Miss Josie BERTRAND had the misfortune to catch her foot in a branch and fall, at the same time twisting and spraining her ancle (sic). She is unable to walk to-day, and is suffering considerable pain. Memorial day will be observed in Blaine, by a sermon at the church on Sunday the 26th, and observances in Boblette's grove on the 30th under the auspices of the W. R. C. and the G. A. R. The procession will meet at the postoffice at 10 a. m. and march to the grove, where will be arranged the floral cross upon which will be placed the offerings of those who have departed soldier friends in whose memory they may wish to decorate. Those who wish to bring a wreath or other appropriate floral memento for such a purpose should attach a card to the same bearing the name of the departed, date of enlistment, regiment, etc. Everyone is invited to bring or send flowers, and all are invited to attend the exercises at church on the 26th and in the grove on the 30th. I. M. SCOTT is putting in a foundation and frontage on the Blaine wharf for a tin shop, we understand. E. A. BOBLETTE has Mr. MILLER's stump puller at work clearing out Harrison avenue in his addition, which street will be cleared out and opened to H street. The International hotel has dug a large well and put in a force pump on the east side of Washington avenue. Above the well is placed an elevated tank from which the water is carried across the street in pipes to supply the hotel. J. A. MARTIN is putting in the foundation for a large new store building on the Blaine wharf near LINDSEY's sawmill. If the building along the wharf keeps on for another six months at the same rate it has for the past three the first six hundred feet of the wide wharf will be finished. Thursday, May 23, 1889: Master Henry HAZELTINE has undertaken to supply Blaine people with fish, clams and crabs. Give him your orders in that line. DUNN and DAVIS, a firm of hardware merchants have received a part of their stock of goods and now are filling the building just vacated by Mr. BERTRAND. James BARNES, Blaine's druggist, was in town over Sunday, and has rented Frank DEMENT's new cottage and will return with his family from Seattle next week. He has a daughter who is a teacher in the Denny school building, Seattle. Mr. V. D. BARRACKLAW is just finishing on his Fourth street lots a new building 18x26 feet in size one story. Mr. Marion BARRACKLAW is the builder, and has put on the neatest store front in Blaine, and, in fact, the first glass front with recess doors and ornamental work. In front of the building will be hung the first street lamp in Blaine. Blaine has become large and prosperous enough to attract the notice of undesirable parties. Last Friday night the house of Wallace DEMENT was entered by burglars who were frightened off before securing anything of value except Mr. DEMENT's pants and vest which they dropped outside of the house after a hurried search of the pockets. This we believe is Blaine's first burglary. Frank ROBERTSON has been suffering for the past week with inflammatory rheumatism. He has our sympathy. J. A. STAYT Presbyterian minister from Nooksack, late of Kansas, has been a visitor to the Journal office this week. Mr. PINKNEY [PINCKNEY] came up last week with a surveying party to lay out his property over at Drayton heights into five and ten acre lots which are intended to be sold for summer residences.
MARRIED, Thursday May 9, 1889, at the residence of the groom's father,
Mr. Chas. SCHRIMSCHER, of Ten-Mile, Mrs. Mary NESSLROAD, daughter of Gen.
MCPHERSON, to Mr. Ephraim SCRIMSCHER, by Rev. Mr. VAIL, of Ten-Mile, late
of Kansas. Not less than two new steamers to ply the Nooksack have been launched within the past week, one by Mr. SCHOFF and one by Mr. MALTBY. Out of sympathy for the people of Lynden and Ferndale we hope they can be successfully run. Last evening a lamp was tipped over at the residence of Jas. H. MILHOLLIN, spilling oil upon Mrs. MILHOLLIN's dress and catching fire, and in trying to extinguish the flames Mr. MILHOLLIN's hands were somewhat burned, but she was uninjured. Dr. E. A. REEVES, lately from Lincoln, Nebraska, who was in Blaine a week ago, returned with his family the first of the week and now proposes to settle down among us and make his home here. Willie CRAWFORD, of Ferndale, is in Blaine acting as assistant, to Mr. WHITNEY, the Surveyor. Thursday, May 30, 1889: Didlev ANDERSON, of Haynie, is building him a new house which he has about completed. L. W. COLE, from Arlington, Dakota, a brother of Mrs. O. D. McDONALD, arrived in Blaine last week, and will likely select this as a home. On Monday A. A. HART set six men to work digging trenches for water works from the spring in front of his place. He says he will have the water running down into Blaine in ten days. J. H. WALKER, lately from Iowa is constructing on D street near Third two store rooms 20x36 each for W. M. JOHNSON, of Seattle. The building is two stories and will have a regular store front. The Haynie people are proud of their new school house which has just been completed. The building is a frame structure 20x30 feet in size, and stands on an acre of ground donated for a building site by F. KITZEL, about half a mile east of the PORTER places. E. BARON, M. C. WYNKOP and E. C. PORTER acted as building committee and Mr. BARON as superintendent of construction. There will be religious service held there next Sabbath, and an interesting time is expected. Curtis MARR, who has been in Seattle for some months, returned to Blaine Friday, and will remain here for a time at least. He says that while he is here he will finish his house which has stood for a long time in an incomplete state near the corner of B street and Washington avenue. He will have no trouble in renting it when it is finished. All who are interested in vocal music should be at the school house to-night and attend the opening of the singing class to be started by Mrs. ROBINSON, of Custer. She is said to be a first-class teacher. At the late W. C. T. U. election of officers Mrs. C. KINGSLEY was re-elected president; vice presidents, Mrs. L. ROGERS, Mrs. M. H. UPSON, Mrs. I. M. SCOTT. Mrs. L. ABERS, corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. L. DORR, secretary; Mrs. Kate THOMAS assistant secretary; Mrs. L. BOBLETTE, treasurer. Geo. W. TURNER, lately in business in Lynden, has come to Blaine and will immediately commence the construction of a bakery near the shore end of the wharf. A petition has been circulated and signed by almost everybody in Blaine, asking Captain TARTE to make daily trips between Whatcom and Blaine. He will require considerable support to make the business pay as well as his jobbing business now does, but the business men of Blaine have promised to do their share, and we hope the captain will see his way clear to comply with their request. Mr. Ben. WELCHER has again demonstrated his faith in Blaine by purchasing four more lots. Mr. Chas. BLACK has taken the agency for the Missouri Steam Washer. We gave the Washer a fair trial and found it just as good as represented. The other night Henry and Frank HAZLETINE, aged about eleven and thirteen respectively, while cruising in the British harbor in front of Blaine caught a sturgeon seven feet long. He nearly got away with the boys, but by hard work they managed to land him at the Blaine wharf and he was soon divided up among the fish-eating people. Thursday, June 6, 1889: Dr. FOWLER, dentist, made his regular visit to Blaine last Friday. He went back by HICKS & BUCHANAN's stage Wednesday morning. We see by the Press that on Friday, May 24th, KILDALL BRO'S store of Lynden was burned, causing a loss of $11,000, insured to the amount of $7,200. School commenced at Union schoolhouse on Monday, with Ed THOMAS as teacher. Mr. W. G. FARNUM, who owns property in Blaine, was in the Journal office on Tuesday. He will make a short stop here and will then take a trip to Alaska. The Blaine Justice Court has been the scene of two trials during the past week, which is another indication of the progress the town is making. All we lack now is a calaboose and a marshal; then we would amount to something. Dr. REEVES, whose card appears in this issue of the Journal, has been engaged in the practice of medicine over twenty years, and has been second to none, and during the last year has been associated with the Omaha Medical Institute, in Omaha, Nebraska. References: McNIGHT, railroad surgeon, Lone Pine, Nebraska; Rev. W. W. MALLOY, D. D., Lincoln, Nebraska, and the Omaha Medical Institute, Omaha, Nebraska. Many noticed the fine new flag carried by the veterans on Memorial Day, but all did not know that it was made at home. It was six feet by nine and represented the united work of Mrs. BOND and her daughter Carrie. We suppose that every business firm in Blaine will want a flag made just like that one, they they may fling it to the breeze on July 4th (there is a dearth of flags in Blaine), but please remember each such flag represents a week's work, at ten hours a day, and the Journal filed the first order for a flag to be done on or before the Fourth. Mr. James BARNES, our druggist, has arrived in Blaine and, we believe, is now settled in Frank DEMENT's cottage. Mr. L. R. LULL raised the large new pile-driver last Monday and commenced work on the addition to Semiahmoo wharf. Mr. A. W. STEEN has got back from Seattle with his fine new team. They are about the largest horses in Blaine and cost $500, the wagon and harness included. Last winter, during the rainy or muddy season, many little children were deprived of school privileges, first, because the schoolhouse was not comfortable for cold weather, next, it would not accommodate all the children of school age living in Blaine, and also the smaller children who had far to go could not get through the mud and water without being in danger of becoming ill from the exposure. Now the month of May has passed by with no school, must we wait for November rains to begin before our school shall commence. All ladies interested in organizing a guild for the purpose of building an Episcopal church in this place will meet at the home of Mrs. GILLESPIE on Wednesday afternoon, June 12th, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. ROBERTSON has organized a singing class in Blaine, which will meet every Thursday evening. Every young person and some older ones should attend. A vocal music teacher has long been needed in Blaine. Mr. H. BENKE has returned from Seattle and expects to remain some days looking after his real estate interests. Messrs. John FRASER, J. W. PARKER and W. J. ADAIR are up from Whatcom for the purpose of securing a site for a brickyard. Albert MILLER has just finished a new house on his farm between Blaine and Custer. Mr. PARR is also doing much work on his place as are also James BUCHANAN, Lyle HICKS, Messrs. SHIELDS and others. The town of Lummi at the mouth of the Nooksack is growing fast, and presents a very fine appearance, with many new buildings. At Ferndale Mr. SISSON is putting up a new store building on the north side of the river, and many of the farmers are making extensive improvements.
The first of 1889 dawned with healthy blood flowing through the veins of the young city, and every prospect for a growth compatible with our salubrious climate and beautiful location. Building operations commenced early, and though not phenomenal in their advancement have kept steadily forward until the present time. This harbor, which has become quite a point for the manufacture of lumber, has seen, since the year commenced, work begun on two new mills and one shingle mill (it already had two sawmills and two shingle mills), and the product of lumber should not be less than 125,000 feet daily, and 100,000 shingles when the mills are all run to advantage. One of the mills will also be supplied with stock and machinery for the manufacture of sash, doors and blinds. As a result of having a mill in active operation in the proper location a wharf has been completed from Blaine to deep water by the MILHOLLIN Bros., which added 90 per cent to the commercial importance of the town. A four-story forty-room hotel has been completed for the accommodation of the visiting public, and J. L. WARNER, formerly landlord of the Axtell House, Milwaukee, has been installed as keeper of the new house, which has been named the International. The M. E. society has built a pretty new church, which has just been dedicated. CAIN Brothers have built them a new residence, at a cost of $4,000. Mr. J. C. BERTRAND has also built himself a very nice residence, the cost of which we have not learned. W. M. JOHNSON, of Seattle, has had constructed a large double store building. A. A. HART has enlarged his furniture store. T. G. STEAUBLI has built a large double store. J. C. BERTRAND has had a new store constructed on the wharf, and F. F. FOSTER is building a new store. About fifty new buildings have been constructed since the first of the year, mostly residences. To the business enterprises of the town since January 1, 1889, have been added four enterprising real estate firms, a hardware firm, a drug firm, a dry goods firm, blacksmith shop, shoe shop, one physician and three lawyers. The original town plat of Blaine contained less than one hundred acres, but during this year a large quantity of fine outlying property has been added to it. Most notable among the new additions may be mentioned Lincoln addition, just east of the original town,lying as level as a floor and divided into fine large residence lots. A little over a month ago the Blaine Improvement Co., an association of capitalists from a distance, came to Blaine and immediately commenced extensive improvements on the tide lands in front of town. Since that time they have driven several thousand piles, putting in the foundation for a shingle mill and a large office building, and they will soon commence on a sawmill. Mr. John McCAFFERTY, prominently known in political circles, is the manager for the company in Blaine, and they have secured the sale of the beautiful Lincoln addition, besides much other valuable property, and we believe their coming will be a valuable addition to the growth of Blaine. A bank has been incorporated and has ordered all its fixtures and is preparing for the construction of a fine brick bank building. An eastern company has expressed its intention to build a railroad east from Blaine if a subsidy of sufficient value is guaranteed them. Work on securing the same has been begun and is progressing favorably. A water company has been formed to supply the town with a water works system. Of course a stranger will at once ask what there is to build the foundations of a town upon. Well, we have the best of this western slope farming land naturally tributary to our location. We have a first-class harbor, most convenient to the Pacific, the best climate of any point on the coast, undeveloped mines easily accessible, the fisheries most convenient to our harbor and the lumbering industry. Blaine has doubled in population in the past twelve months and promises to treble in the next. It is the threshold of two nations, and will, without doubt, some day be a large city, with railway terminal establishments and two custom-houses. Mr. LAHON has been doing some good work on the stumps in front of the City Hotel during the past week. Mrs. Mahala EVANS desires us to inform her patrons that she has stopped taking washing, and will hereafter take table boarders at her house on E street. Albert MILLER has just finished a new house on his farm between Blaine and Custer. His crops look remarkably fine this year, as also do Mr. STOLLENBERG's a little farther on. The latter is building considerable new fence and enlarging his clearing materially this year. Mr. PARR is also doing much work on his place, as are also James BUCHANAN, Lyle HICKS, Messrs. SHIELDS and others. The town of Lummi, at the mouth of the Nooksack is growing fast, and presents a very nice appearance, with many new buildings. At Ferndale Mr. SISSON is putting up a new store building on the north side of the river, and many of the farmers are making extensive improvements. Thursday, June 13, 1889: Rev. A. WARREN's building already has the walls up, and under the supervision of Mr. John OTLY is making good progress. The Blaine & Lynden Plank Road Company held a meeting Monday evening and decided to suspend operations for the present at least, or until the country assumes a more favorable aspect towards the scheme. The Lynden Pioneer Press comes to hand this week a seven column home print paper. W. H. DOBBS and Geo. W. MORGAN are now managers of the paper and L. D. PANGBORN editor. We are glad to see the paper progressing along with the town where it is published. While we were absent in Seattle last week no less than five new buildings were raised in Blaine. J. N. LINDSEY put up an office building fronting on the wharf. Geo. W. TURNER built a bakery near the foot of E street, M. P. ANDERSON put up a small house on his A street lots. E. MISSIMER raised his neat new residence on F street, and J. A. MARTIN has up the walls of a large new store building on Fifth street. The number of buildings for '89 now reaches forty-six. Curtis MARR has commenced work on his building on B street. Rev. Mr. STAYT will hold service in Excelsior school-house on Saturday evening next, and will likely preach in Blaine on Sunday. Mr. MALTBY, of Lynden, lost the boiler of his new Nooksack steamer in the Seattle fire. The boat was about ready to make her first trip, but this will delay her for some weeks. William MURRAY is building some very nice boats on Semiahmoo spit. He says he believes it will pay to establish a permanent boat yard here. Mr. J. LAUTENSCHLAGER has sent to Minnesota for his family which he expects out here before many weeks. He is very much pleased with the location of Blaine, and feels no hesitancy in recommending it to his friends in the east, and quite a number of them will likely follow him out here. O. D. McDONALD, of Blaine, was a witness of the great fire at Seattle last week, but came out of it without material damage. Among the losses at the Seattle fire was the machinery of the Drayton sash, door and blind factory which we believe was on the dock there. We understand that this will only cause a delay of a few weeks, as other machinery will be supplied at once, and other work at the mill will be more fully completed. W. H. RADCLIFFE, brother-in-law of Wm. LOGAN, and lately from Rosita, Colorado, gave the Journal a call Monday. Mr. KIRBY has built a pile driver, at his Semiahmoo boat yard, which he will take over to Point Roberts for work on his fishing traps there. Rev. R. A. ROWLEY, lately from Rochester, New York, and now located on Bellingham bay, came to Semiahmoo this week in the interest of the Congregational Sabbath School Union, and next Sunday will establish there a Sabbath School. He will also establish one at Birch Bay.
CARD OF THANKS The DEXTER homestead at the head of the harbor has been brightened by the arrival of a little boy last Sunday, claimed by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph KAGEY as their own. Both mother and baby are doing finely at last accounts. LINDSEY's sawmill has been on fire twice this morning. F. F. FOSTER still retains his faith in Blaine, and again demonstrates it by purchasing, through the agency of E. M. RATCLIFF, lot 5, block 30, for $600, and lot 3, block 22, for $800. The condition of the Blaine cemetery is not satisfactory. It has never been cleared up, nor fenced. There will be circulate this week a subscription paper for the purpose of raising funds to clear, fence and seed down the place, and make it presentable. The site of our cemetery is one of the most beautiful imaginable. From it can be seen almost the whole of Whatcom county, much of British Columbia, thousands of picturesque mountains, and beautiful stretches of sea. Let us fix it up so we shall not feel ashamed of the place where we may soon have to lay our dead. Thursday, June 20, 1889: Capt. SCHOFF's new steamer, the Mabel, has been finished in Seattle, and will run on the Nooksack. She is said to have cost $12,000. L. D. PANGBORN retired from the Lynden Press last week and DOBBS & MORGAN are now running it. They give promise of running a good paper with Mr. MORGAN as editor and Mr. DOBBS business manager. The Rev. Mr. ROWLEY organized a Sunday school at Haynie last Sabbath with 22 in attendance. Rev. Horace WENTZ will be superintendent. He also organized a school in Semiahmoo with 25 members, and next Sunday will start one at Birch bay, which has a large attendance promised. The Lynden Press reports the robbery last week of the cabin of Wm. FOX between Blaine and Lynden. Up to within the past few months a settler's cabin was sacred whether he was at home or not, but lately nothing but bulldogs or shotguns seem to make it safe for men to leave their houses alone even for a few hours. T. G. STEAUBLI deserves credit for putting so fine a building on Washington avenue, and we certainly hope it will be a paying investment for him. The structure is two stories high in front with a large high basement in the rear, making three stories. It is 30x50 in size and has two store rooms on the first floor. The upper story will be devoted entirely to a hall and a nice acquisition it will be to Blaine. A public hall is something which has long been necessary, and when the town grows larger and requires a larger audience room this one will probably be turned into a Masonic hall. The whole building will be plastered and the outside is covered with a double coat of white paint. A portico extends along the front and it is provided with large store windows. One of the store rooms will be occupied by BARNES & Co's drugstore and the other will soon be taken for other business. Rev. A. WARREN is building a new barn on his farm just east of Blaine. The building will be 40x60 in size, and is built to accommodate his large hay crop. Last Friday was a big day at STOOP's sawmill. Over 33,000 feet of lumber was hauled away from it to Blaine. There were seven teams working, and Jas. PORTER's team hauled one load containing a trifle over 5,000 feet. People are rushing STOOPS for lumber now. The mill has been run night and day for some time past. Messrs. Wallace DEMENT and D. P. GREELY have staked out oyster claims near the boundary line and planted them with bivalves secured at Mud Bay, B. C. They will go over in a few days for another cargo which they will plant on their claims which are located out near deep water in front of the school section. Mr. Wm. CRAWFORD, who has bought a place a few miles east of Blaine, came in this afternoon with his family, who arrived from the east over the C. P. R. PANDOLA's brewery at Savona's B. C., was burned Monday. Loss $10,000. PANDOLA is the man who owns the most of the beautiful Hall's prairie. We hope he will sell it now. Mr. Fred HUGHES, of the Blaine improvement Co., came up by the steamer Brick Tuesday. He was a sufferer by the Seattle fire to the extent of several hundred dollars, but with those misfortunes upon him did not forget Blaine, and is still very cheerful for the outlook. To-day Josie and Jimmie BERTRAND were riding down Washington avenue when the pony upon which they were riding became frightened and ran away. In passing a pile of stumps near the International hotel the pony swerved and turned the saddle throwing Jimmie off and swinging Miss Josie under the horse where she was dragged for several rods and cut and bruised considerably before the horse was fortunately stopped by Capt. McCAFFERTY. Jimmie was cut and bruised quite severely but it is hoped that the injuries of neither will prove serious, though Josie's chances for life looked slender indeed when the saddle turned with her. Mrs. A. M. ROBEY, of Ferndale, has been spending the week visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. W. DORR, of Blaine. Miss Lizzie AMENT, sister of Mrs. J. J. RUTLEDGE arrived from Webster City, Iowa last week, and we understand will commence teaching the Blaine school Monday next. Chas. R. MOULTON has moved into his new office at the corner of E street and Washington avenue, and is now provided with a very convenient place. He has a private office and a business office in the south side of the building, and on the north side of the building are two other business rooms. The upper rooms will be used for sleeping apartments. The whole has been repapered and repainted making very attractive as well as very comfortable quarters. Thursday, June 27, 1889: The contract for clearing Washington avenue has been let to Jas. CARNS and Wm. McCULLOM, and work commenced on it Tuesday morning. Mr. F. G. BOWER has just completed a school census of Blaine. He found over ninety pupils of school age in this district. Quite and increase in a year. There were not over forty a year ago. Miss Belle EVANS, of Excelsior, has arrived home from Seattle, and is now prepared to do all kinds of dressmaking and sewing. Those wishing her services for such work can secure them on reasonable terms at their houses by sending for her. A. W. STEEN and Matthew HARVEY have dissolved their joint ownership of their large grey team, A. W. STEEN now owning and operating the team, with Allan HARVEY as driver. He is ready to do all kinds of hauling at reasonable prices. Mr. A. GILFILLEN, who built STEAUBLI's hall and did a good job on that, also fitted up BARNES & Co's drugstore for them, making the drawers and shelving, and the counters, which are the finest in Blaine, all by hand. Take a look at them when you go into the store. During the two past weeks there has been considerable work done on the Blaine cemetery. Messrs. WARREN, BOBLETTE, OTLY, KINGSLEY and ROSBRUGH having cleared up their lots nicely and fenced them. We hope more will be done until the whole ground shall be cleared and fenced and a good smooth road built out to it from town. Mr. Julius OTTO, lately from Wisconsin called at the Journal office Monday. He and his family have passed through some thrilling experiences in the past few weeks. While they were coming through Montana two of their children, the older a boy of nine and the other some younger got off the cars to pick flowers. When the train started the children ran to catch it, and the older one succeeded, but the younger only caught hold of the car to be thrown down and cut very badly in two places, and knocked senseless. The train had left the unfortunate little fellow ninety miles behind before the family found out about the accident, and then they could get no word about him by telegraph. The little fellow lay beside the track a long time before he was found, but at last a cowboy came along and lifting the child's limp form to his saddle took him carefully to the farm of a rich cattle man. A doctor was sent for twenty miles away and everything done to make the wounded comfortable. The family came on to Seattle and rented rooms, while the father went back for the lost one. He found the child doing nicely and the cattle man wanted to adopt him as his own child, but little Julius could not be spared by his parents, and so came on to Seattle. When the fire came the OTTO family was among the sufferers, losing everything they had in the house but the clothing they wore and some goods at the docks; among other things lost were several chests of valuable tools with which Mr. OTTO worked at his trade. Then they came on to Blaine, and are now living about three miles east of here on the township line road, while Mr. OTTO gets a large slashing burned off his place just over the line in British Columbia. They have had a pretty warm reception to Washington territory, but we hope fortune will smile so favorable on them hereafter that they will not be sorry they came. Mr. F. G. BOWER has built him a notary office on Harrison avenue near the corner of Steen street. Chas. STILWELL has built the finest piece of fence in Blaine in front of his E street lots, and this week has commenced the construction of his new house. Mr. and Mrs. John M. MERRITT, lately from Fairmount, Minn., and formerly neighbors of C. C. SMITH, have been in Blaine the past week. We understand they have completed arrangements with I. M. SCOTT for the purchase half of his farm three miles east of Blaine. Mr. Fletcher EDWARDS, of Semiahmoo, has lately purchased Matia island just north of Orcas island, and has been down looking at it. Mr. John OTLY has commenced building himself a new residence on Harrison avenue south of Boblette street. Mr. A. A. HART spent several days in Vancouver last week, and while there attended the wedding of his brother F. W. HART, one of the leading business men of that city. The Indians are finishing up a nice new church on the Campbell river reserve, and for the past few days Mr. John OTLY has been engaged in finishing up the inside of the building for them. When completed the building will be a very comfortable house of worship.
--At Lynden, Wash. Ter., Tuesday, June 25th, 1889, George L. HARVEY to Laura LINDSEY, the Rev. John TENNANT performing the marriage ceremony, Kenney LINDSEY, brother of the bride, acting as groomsman and Miss Jessie ECKFORD, cousin of the groom, as bridesmaid. Mrs. HARVEY is the eldest daughter of J. N. LINDSEY, Blaine's enterprising sawmill man, whose family lives at Hillsdale, a short distance south.
Copied by Susan Nahas 2001
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