Bellingham  Bay Express

Saturday, April 26, 1890:

MARRIED -- Mr. Silas W. MEANS and Miss Mollie B. HALL were married last Tuesday evening. Mr. MEANS is an energetic young business man of Fairhaven, and the bridge is well known, having resided in Seattle for a number of years. The Express wishes you luck. Good bye, old friend, remember your wife Means biz if she Halls you over the coals.


Thursday, May 1, 1890:

A young couple named Henry O'CURENS and Miss Gypsey KASCH eloped from Anacortes Friday night. They were arrested at Seattle on the strength of a telegram from the girl's mother, but on explaining that they were both of age were released. Judge MILLER subsequently made the young people happy by performing the marriage ceremony.


Saturday, May 3, 1890:

Fred PETTIBONE and wife returned last evening after an extended bridal trip. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. PETTIBONE presented the happy couple with a beautiful gold and silver tea set valued at $250. May you married life be one of unalloyed pleasure is the wish of the Express.


Tuesday, May 6, 1890:

W. A. McKEE and bride arrived yesterday. Mr. McKEE is one of our solid enterprising citizens. May you live long and die happy is the wish of their many friends.


Thursday, May 8, 1890:

On Tuesday last Fairhaven witnessed one of the most happy events which go to make life worth living and time shorter than eternity. It was the marriage of Mr. W. A. CRANDALL of the Plaindealer to Miss Lucy MORVANT. Immediately after the ceremony was performed the happy couple took the boat for a wedding trip to Tacoma and lower Sound ports. The Express wishes them every happiness.

Copied by Susan Nahas


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