Corporate History of the City of Whatcom

The following information was printed in "Whatcom City Ordinances" Compiled by authority of the City Council, by Henry C. Beach, 1903.

The present (1903) City of Whatcom comprises the old City of Whatcom which was incorporated in 1883; the town of Sehome (1888); the City of New Whatcom (1890); consolidation of Old Whatcom and New Whatcom (1891), and the City of Whatcom, the name being changed by an Act of the Legislature of the State in 1901.


The original City of Whatcom was incorporated pursuant to an Act of the Legislature of the Territory of Washington, entitled, "An Act to incorporate the City of Whatcom, passed November 24th, 1883, and approved November 28th, 1883, by Governor Wm. A. Newell.

    By said Act the corporate limits were defined as follows:
        "Commencing at the southwest (east) corner of the Henry Roeder Donation Claim, in section 25, township 38 north, range 2 east; thence north to northwest corner of said Donation Claim; thence east along north line of said Donation Claim to west line of section 19, township 38 north, range 3 east; thence north along said section line to the center line thereof; thence east along said center line 40 rods (more or less) to the west line of lands owned by the Bellingham Bay and British Columbia Railroad Company; thence south along the line of said lands 40 rods (more or less) to the southwest corner of said lands of said railroad company, being the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 19; thence south along said center line of said section 19 and along the center line of section 30 in said township and range last aforesaid, to the north line of the H. C. Page Donation Claim in said township and Range; thence west along said line to the northeast corner of the Russell V. Peabody Donation Claim; thence south to the southeast corner thereof; thence west to a bolt in the rock at or near mean high tide in Bellingham Bay; thence along the southeasterly and southwesterly line of said Russell V. Peabody Donation Claim to the west line thereof; thence south along the east line of Henry Roeder's Donation Claim aforesaid 2 chains to the southeast corner thereof; thence along the southwesterly line of said Henry Roeder Donation Claim to the place of beginning; together with the tidal flat lands in front of said Henry Roeder and Russell V. Peabody Donation Claims out to deep water 24 feet in depth at low tide in Bellingham Bay."

The first session of the City Council was held on December 11th, 1883.


Mayor, James P. de Mattos
Councilmen: C. Donovan, M. C. Latta and E. F. Hemenover, Frank Jackson until November 2nd, when his seat was declared vacant and Alonzo Mayhew was elected in his place.
Note: At the election of city officers the ladies exercised their first right of the elective franchise.
Clerk, M. C. Latta pro tem, A. E. Jones elected
Treasurer, W. T. Coupe
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, Byron Badger
Assessor, E. H. Marcy until February 26th, when W. L. Miller succeeded him.
Surveyor, T. C. Austin
Street Commissioner, George W. Douglas until July 29th, when he resigned.
Justice of the Peace, S. D. Reinhart and F. A. Ellis
     Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Edgar H. Marcy
Councilmen: Wm. Powell, Wm. L. Steinweg, John H. Stenger, and Chas. Donovan until September 15th, when his seat was declared vacant and W. H. Fouts succeeded him.
Clerk, A. E. Jones
Treasurer, W. T. Coupe
Attorney, J. P. de Mattos until October 20th, when his office was vacated owing to non-residence.
Marshal, B. Badger
Assessor, W. H. Penfield
Surveyor, E. Shepard until September 23rd, when he resigned
Street Commissioner, B. Badger
Justice of the Peace, C. H. Stadelman
     Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Edgar H. Marcy
Councilmen: Wm. Powell, P. E. Dickinson, Rufus Stearns until June 21st (resigned), C. H. Stadelman was elected for balance of the term, and John Y. Collins until July 3rd (resigned), D. C. Jenkins until September 21st (resigned), and John Y. Collins succeeded him.
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, Alex Van Wyck
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, F. W. de Lorimer
Deputy Marshal, J. S. Hanlon
Assessor, Wm. M. Leach
Street Commissioner, Wm. Powell until July 3rd (resigned), D. C. Jenkins until September 21st, and Wm. Powell for balance of the term.
    Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Will D. Jenkins
Councilmen, long term: John Y. Collins and Charles Patchin until May 4th (resigned), C. H. Stadelman until September 3rd (removed from district), M. C. Latta until September 20th (resigned), and Dr. E. Van Zandt elected for the balance of the year.
Councilmen, short term: Wm. Powell and P. E. Dickinson.
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, F. W. de Lorimer until January 4th, 1887, when Alex Van Wyck was elected.
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, Jonas Geer
Assessor, Wm. M. Leach
Surveyor, Clinton Bruner
Deputy Surveyor, O. B. Iverson
Street Commissioner, Jonas Geer
    Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Will D. Jenkins
Councilmen, 1888, long term: Wm. Powell and A. J. Pence until April 3rd (resigned), and N. F. Blomquist was elected his successor.
Councilmen, short term: John Hayes until March 6th (resigned), J. E. Nostrom to July 20th (resigned), and C. M. Kellogg for balance of term; holdover, John Y. Collins.
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, Alex Van Wyck until January 24th, 1888, (resigned), and Morris McCarty was elected to fill vacancy.
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, Samuel Belford until December 18th (resigned), when Lewis Stimson was elected in his place.
Health Officer, Dr. E. Van Zandt
Surveyor and Engineer, Banning Austin
Deputy Surveyors, T. C. Austin and Louis W. Bertrand
    Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, M. C. Latta
Councilmen, long term: W. H. Harris until June 18th, 1889, (resigned), and F. N. Bronson succeeded him; holdover, John Y. Collins until October 16th, 1889, (resigned), when Samuel Belford was elected to fill the vacancy.
Councilmen, short term: D. L. Slattery until May 7th, 1889, (resigned), and W. J. Pratt was his successor; holdover, Wm. Powell.
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, Morris McCarty
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, Lewis Stimson until February 19th, 1889, (resigned), and James Gloster, Deputy Marshal, was appointed in his place; October 22nd, 1889, this office was declared vacant and W. T. Coupe was elected for the balance of the term.
Health Officer, Dr. E. Van Zandt
Surveyor, H. C. Bell until January 8th, 1889, (resigned), when W. E. Welch was elected his successor and H. W. Horne was appointed his Deputy; on April 17th W. E. Welch resigned and H. W. Horne was chosen in his place.
Street Commissioner, Lewis Stimson
Assessor, Wm. M. Leach
Justice of the Peace, H. B. Williams
    Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Will J. Pratt
Councilmen, long term: L. U. Stenger, until November 12, 1890 (resigned), and C. T. Likins succeeded him; also Chris Semon until May 14th (resigned), when Wm. Legoe was elected to succeed him.
Councilmen, short term: Wm. Powell and L. W. Marcy
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, Morris McCarty
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger
Marshal, A. J. Lawrence
Surveyor, H. W. Horne
Street Commissioner, A. J. Lawrence, pro tem until August 12th, 1890, when Harry Austin took his place.
Assessor, Wm. M. Leach
Chief of Fire Department, Wm. Powell
Police Judge, H. B. Williams
Justice of the Peace, John Broyles
    Official Paper, The Bulletin.


Mayor, C. Donovan
Councilmen, long term, W. J. Simonds and H. A. White
Councilmen, short term, N. F. Blomquist and F. R. Holmes
Clerk, W. M. Leach
Treasurer, P. M. Isensee
Attorney, A. Rawson, jr.
Marshal, A. J. Lawrence
Surveyor, F. H. Reid
Street Commissioner, H. Austin
Health Officer, Dr. S. N. Kelly
Fire Commissioner, J. H. Ronald, until January 27th, 1891 (resigned), and J. M. Mulvain was appointed to fill the vacancy
Chief of the Fire Department, D. M. Beard
    Official Paper, The Bulletin.
Last meeting before consolidation was held February 16th, 1891.


The town of Sehome was incorporated July 16, 1888, by order of Hon. Richard A. Jones, Judge of the 3rd Judicial District of Washington Territory, pursuant to an act of the Territorial Legislature entitled, "An Act for the Incorporation of Towns and Villages in the Territory of Washington," approved February 2nd, 1888 (See case No. 256, County Clerk's office).

Its boundaries were defined as follows:
   "Commencing at the same iron bolt in the bluff adopted as the initial point of the survey of the Town of New Whatcom and running in a southerly direction following the meander line of the shore of  Bellingham Bay, W. T., to a point in the middle of Cedar Street, as shown in said plat of New Whatcom; thence along and through the center of Cedar street for a distance of 1750 feet to the south line of the town of New Whatcom so platted; thence due east 4280 feet; thence due north 6220 feet; thence due west 1010 feet to the east line of Elk street, as the same is shown in said plat of New Whatcom; thence due west about 770 feet to the limits of the City of Whatcom; thence due south about 1910 feet to Virginia street, as shown in said plat of New Whatcom, and along the boundary line of the City of Whatcom; thence due west 310 feet along the boundary line of the City of Whatcom, thence due south about 2625 feet along the boundary line of the City of Whatcom; thence due west about 1400 feet to said iron bolt in the bluff, and along the south line of the City of Whatcom."

In addition to the foregoing petitioned boundary, the following territory was included:
   "Commencing at the southeast corner of the Vail Donation Claim, the said claim being situated in sections 36 and 31, township 38 north, ranges 2 and 3 east and running due east 2320 feet, thence due north 2390 feet; thence due west 950 feet, thence due south 2270 feet. The aforesaid land being a portion of the Jones claim in sections 31 and 32, township 38 north, range 3 east."
   "Also a portion of the Utter Donation Claim, the same being situate in sections 29, 30, 31 and 32, township 38 north, range 3 east and
   "Commencing at the southwest corner of the said Utter Claim, as shown upon the plat of the town of New Whatcom and running due north 2620 feet; east 960 feet south 2620 and west 960 feet.
   "Also a portion of the Page Claim in section 30, township 38 north, range 3 east and
   "Commencing at the northwest corner of the said Utter Claim, thence running due east 960 feet, due north 1230 feet, due west 1010 feet to the east line of Elk street, as shown on said plat of New Whatcom; south about 1180 feet to the north line of Whatcom creek; thence up the bank of said creek to the northwest corner of said Utter Claim."



The first meeting was held at the Keystone hotel, on July 17th, 1888, with the following trustees, named by Hon. Richard A. Jones in his said order of incorporation, president:
   C. W. Carter, R. I. Morse, W. C. Ripley, R. L. Hugenin and H. B. Strand.

Organization was effected at follows:
Chairman, C. W. Carter
Trustees: R. I. Morse, W. C. Ripley, R. L. Hugenin and H. B. Strand
Clerk, W. C. Ripley, pro tem until July 26th; H. E. Waity, until January 18th 1889; H. D. McArthur for balance of term.
Marshal, W. L. Minturn, until March 2nd, 1889, and J. W. Turnbaugh for balance of term.
Treasurer, H. Hofercamp
Attorney, Lester H. Hubbard, until January 23rd, 1889, when he died and Chas. W. Dorr succeeded him.
Street Commissioner, John L. Thomas, until December 20th, and W. L. Minturn for balance fo the term.
Assessor, J. W. Turnbaugh
   Official Paper, Whatcom County Democrat.


Chairman, Carmi Dibble
Trustees: J. L. Quackenbush, Henry George, C. W. Stowers and A. R. Campbell until July 30th, Edmund Cosgrove, balance of the term.
Clerk, John L. Thomas
Marshal, J. W. Turnbaugh, until November 7th, F. M. Sevier succeeded him.
Treasurer, H. E. Waity
Attorney, Chas. W. Dorr
Street Commissioner, W. L. Minturn
Health Officer, Dr. Jameson
Justices of the Peace, H. E. Waity and Phillip Gallaher.
   Official Paper, The Bulletin.


Chairman, Carmi Dibble
Trustees: J. L. Quackenbush, Edmund Cosgrove, George A. Cooper and Ellery Rogers
Clerk, John L. Thomas
Marshal, F. M. Sevier
Treasurer, H. E. Waity
Attorney, C. W. Dorr
Street Commissioner, H. C. Bell
Justice of the Peace, Philip Gallaher

The last meeting prior to going out of business, was held on May 8th, when an adjournment, sine die, was taken. By the decisions post "the Town of Sehome" was an invalid corporation.

The validity of the incorporation of towns and villages under an Act of the Territorial Legislature, entitled, "An Act for the Incorporation of Towns and Villages in the Territory of Washington," approved February 2nd, 1888, was attacked in the case of "Territory of Washington on the relation of George O. Kelly v. J. P. Steward, A. J. Miller, A. C. Campbell, A. G. Mathews and W. C. Gibbs," which is reported in Vol. 1, Washington Reports. In this case the Supreme Court held as follows:
  "A statue authorizing the creation of a municipal corporation by a Judicial Court, upon petition of a majority of the inhabitants of the territory to be incorporated, is unconstitutional, as delegating legislative functions to the court." Decided February 13th, 1890.

This Act was sustained by the Supreme Court in a case entitled, "In the matter of the application of A. C. Campbell and others for a Writ of Mandate to the Board of County Commissioners of Pierce County." Decided June 2nd, 1890. Vol. 1, Wash. Rpts., p. 287.


The incorporation of the Town of Sehome having been declared illegal, as aforesaid, the inhabitants thereof duly applied to the County Commissioners for incorporation as the "City of New Whatcom," pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the Legislature providing for the organization and government of municipal corporations, passed by the Legislature of the State of Washington and approved by the the Governor on March 27th, 1890.

The said application having been found in due form of law, and being fully advised in the premises, the County Commissioners, on April 18th, 1890, duly granted the prayer of the petition and ordered, adjudged and decreed that the territory referred to therein and the inhabitants thereof, be incorporated and organized as a municipal corporation of the third class under the name of "The City of New Whatcom," and ordering an election to be held for municipal officers on May 3rd, 1890.

The boundaries were described as follows:
    "Commencing at the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 16, township 38 north, range 3 east; thence running west on the half section line three and one-half miles to the center of section 13, township 38 north, range 2 east; thence south on said half section line to the northern boundary line of the City of Whatcom; thence east along the north boundary of said City of Whatcom until it intersects the Guide Meridian line; thence running north along said Guide Meridian line until it intersects Illinois street; thence east along Illinois street 80 rods, more or less, until it intersects the quarter section line in section 19, in township 38 north, range 3 east; thence south on said quarter section line 80 rods, more or less, until it intersects North street; thence east along North street until it intersects Dock street; thence running south and west following the dividing line between the City of Whatcom and the Town of New Whatcom until it intersects the shore line of Bellingham Bay; thence in a general southerly direction following the shores of Bellingham Bay to a point midway between the half section line in section 36, township 38 north, range 2 east, and the township line between townships 37 and 38, which point is 80 rods, more or less, north of said township line; thence running east from said point on the course of the quarter section line to a point where said quarter section line intersects the section line between sections 33 and 34, in township 38 north, range 3 east; thence north on said section line three and one quarter miles to place of beginning."



May 3rd - Election was held pursuant to said order of the County Commissioners.
May 5th - Vote was canvassed. The result was:

Mayor, E. Cosgrove
Councilmen, long term: Peter Halbert, George A. Cooper and Reginald Jones.
Councilmen, short term: Ellery Rogers, A. E. Woolard and M. L. Jameson until December 17th (resigned).
Clerk, John L. Thomas until May 26th (resigned), when J. M. Edson was elected and served until September 17th, when he resigned, and Medill Connell succeeded him.
Treasurer, W. Finley Hall
Attorney, A. H. Morrison
Assistant Attornry, E. H. Farnham
Marshal, F. M. Sevier
Assessor, A. W. Custer
Engineer, A. R. Campbell
Street Commissioner, Dan McTaggart
Health Officer, Charles G. Requa
Police Justice, Phil Gallaher
Chief of the Fire Department, Con Mayer
   Official Paper, Gazette.


Mayor, James P. de Mattos
Councilmen, Peter Halberg, George A. Cooper, Reginald Jones, Edward Fischer, Wm. McKee and A. M. Wolaver.
Clerk, Medill Connell
Treasurer, A. E. Woolard
Attorney, A. H. Morrison
Marshal, F. M. Sevier
Assessor, J. N. Mount
Engineer, A. R. Campbell
Street Commissioner, Dan McTaggart
Health Officer, Dr. S. N. Kelly
Police Justice, P. F. Whiting

Last meeting held February 16, 1891, prior to consolidation with the old "City of Whatcom."


The City of New Whatcom, consisting of the consolidation of the old City of Whatcom, and the old City of New Whatcom was formed pursuant to the provisions of Section 10, Chapter VII. - Cities, of an Act of the first State Legislature, entitled, "An Act providing for the organization, classification, incorporation, and government of municipal corporations, and declaring an emergency." Approved March 27th, 1890.

The boundaries of the (new) City of New Whatcom were the same as thoses of the old City of Whatcom and old City of New Whatcom. In addition thereto the following additional territory was annexed to the city by a vote of the people taken at a Special Election held in said City and new territory on June 18th, 1892.

It is defined as follows:
   "Beginning at the point of intersection of the North line of Indiana Street in the said City of New Whatcom with the Western limits of the City of New Whatcom; thence West to the Northeast corner of the Eldridge Donation Claim; thence West along the line of the said Eldridge Donation Claim to its intersection with the section line between sections twenty-three and twenty-four, township 38 North, range 2 east; thence South along the said section line to the center of the County road leading from the City of New Whatcom to Marietta; thence Westerly along said road a distance of 313 feet; thence Southerly 22 degrees West to the Northwesterly boundary of the Squalicum Creek waterway; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly side of the Squalicum Creek waterway to the outer harbor line; thence due South over the waters of Bellingham Bay to a point directly West of the point where the boundary line between the City of New Whatcom and Fairhaven intersects the shore line of Bellingham Bay; thence due East to the point where the South boundary line of New Whatcom intersects the shore line of Bellingham Bay; thence starting in a Northerly direction and following the boundary line of the City of New Whatcom with its various lines, corners, angles and meanders to the place of beginning."



On February 10th a special election was held for City Officers of the consolidated city of New Whatcom, in accordance with the provisions of Section 10, Chapter VII, Session Laws of the State of Washington, 1889-90. The following were elected:

Mayor, Will D. Jenkins
Councilman-at-Large: Morris McCarty
Councilmen, Long Term: Edward Fischer, George A. Cooper and Ellery Rogers.
Councilmen, Short Term: W. J. Simonds, N. F. Blomquist and J. L. Quackenbush
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, P. M Isensee
Attorney, Hiram E. Hadley
Marshal, A. J. Lawrence
Health Officer, Dr. H. E. Henderson
Assessor, L. W. Marcy
Street Commissioner, Dan McTaggart
Engineer, H. W. Horne until December 30th (resigned), when L. G. Comstock was appointed acting engineer.
Police Justice, John Broyles until April 15th, when John N. Mount was elected in his place, who presented his resignation which was not received, as they did not recognize him (Broyles) as Police Justice. John N. Mount died December 4th, and H. S. Braught was elected to fill out his term.
Chief of the Fire Department, Con Mayer
Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, D. M. Beard
Police Captain, F. P. Luther
Poundmaster, T. J. Heady
Scavenger, W. J. Manuel
   Official Paper, The Reveille.


Mayor, W. L. Miller
Councilman-at-Large: N. F. Blomquist
Councilman, 1st Ward: M. C. Latta (1 year)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: T. G. Nicklin (1 year) until December 28th, (resigned) and A. E. Jones was elected in his place.
Councilman, 3rd Ward: J. L. Likins, (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: D. C. Jenkins (1 year)
Councilman, 5th Ward: J. R. Taylor, (2 years)
Councilman, 6th Ward: George A. Cooper, (2 years)
Clerk, Wm. M. Leach
Treasurer, P. M. Isensee
Attorney, E. H. Farnham
Marshal, B. W. McIntosh
Health Officer, Dr. S. N. Kelly
Assessor, James N. Mount
Street Commissioner, Harry Austin
Engineer, C. M. Adams
Sanitary Engineer, G. N. Miller
Police Justices: Phil Gallaher and J. D. Lester
Police Judge, H. B. Williams
Supervising Architect, A. Lee
Sewer Expert, C. W. Benson
Chief of the Fire Department, Con Mayer
Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, J. C. Allen
Scavenger, W. F. Golden until March 16th, when the office was declared vacant and W. J. Manuel was elected in his place.
   Official Paper, The Reveille.


Mayor, Thomas Slade
Councilman-at-large: Edmond Cosgrove
Councilman, 1st Ward: Victor A. Roeder
Councilman, 2nd Ward: Leonard U. Stenger (on November 20th, he resigned to take effect January 18th, 1894).
Councilman, 3d Ward: (holdover), J. L. Likins
Councilman, 4th Ward: M. M. Arnold (died November 27th)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover), J. R. Taylor
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover), George A. Cooper
Clerk, B. W. McIntosh until September 18th, when J. K. Appleby was elected.
Assistant Clerk and Auditor, F. Christman
Treasurer, P. M. Isensee until September 11th, when W. H. Penfield was elected to succeed him; he declined the office, and Alex Van Wyck was his successor.
Attorney, Jerry Neterer
Marshal, J. F. McAndrew
Health Officer, W. Appleby
Assessor, James N. Mount
Street Commissioner, T. C. Darnell
Engineer, C. M. Adams
Sanitary Engineer, G. N. Miller
Police Justices: John Broyles and J. D. Lester
Supervising Architect, A. Lee
Sewer Expert, G. W. Scott
Chief of Fire Department, Con Mayer until October 2nd, when J. C. Allen filled the office and was succeeded by W. I. Brisbin.
Assistant Fire Chief, R. F. Briley
Captain of Police, C. H. Wright
Poundmaster, Thomas Watson
Scavenger, Joseph Grayson, wo failed to qualify and W. J. Manuel was elected to fill the office.
   Official Paper, Bellingham Bay Express.


Mayor, Thomas Slade
Councilman-at-large: Wm. Powell
Councilman, 1st Ward: (holdover), Victor A. Roeder
Councilman, 2nd Ward: (to fill vacancy), Wm. Legoe
Councilman, 3rd Ward: John L. Likins (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: (to fill vacancy), E. Sturgeon
Councilman, 5th Ward: A. M. Wolaver ( 2 years)
Councillman, 6th Ward: L. D. Drake (2 years)
Clerk, J. K. Appleby
Treasurer, Alex Van Wyck
Attorney, J. W. Rayburn
Marshal, J. F. McAndrew
Health Officer, Dr. D. E. Biggs
Street Commissioner, T. C. Darnell
Engineer, C. M. Adams
Police Justice, John Broyles
Superintendent of the Water Works, F. P. Andrews
Chief of the Fire Department, W. I. Brisbin
Assistant Chief of the Fire Department, R. T. Brisley, until September 10th, when John Kastner succeeded him.
   Official Paper, The Reveille.


Mayor, A. L. Black
Councilman-at-Large: C. G. Cole
Councilman, 1st Ward: George H. Bacon (2 years)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: Wm. Powell (2 years)
Councilman, 3rd Ward: (holdover), John L. Likins
Councilman, 4th Ward: W. W. Wyatt (2 years)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover), A. M. Wolaver
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover), L. D. Drake
Clerk, J. K. Appleby
Treasurer, Alex Van Wyck
Attorney, John H. Sargent
Marshal, C. C. Taylor
Health Officer, Dr. J. W. Goodheart
Street Commissioner, A. E. Jones
Auditor and Janitor, J. C. Musgrave
Engineer, G. N. Miller, from February 4th until the end of the year.
Justice of the Peace, Ed. E. Hardin until April 29th, when John Broyles was elected.
Chief of the Fire Department, W. I. Brisbin until January 14th, when he resigned, and John Kastner, who was Assistant Fire Chief, succeeded him. George Spence was elected in place of Kastner.
   Official Paper, The Reveille.


Mayor, James P. de Mattos
Councilman-at-Large: W. M. Frizell
Councilman, 1st Ward: (holdover), George H. Bacon
Councilman, 2nd Ward: (holdover), Wm. Powell
Councilman, 3rd Ward: John L. Likins (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: (holdover), W. W. Wyatt
Councilman, 5th Ward: C. W. Stoddard (2 years)
Councilman, 6th Ward: Henry George (2 years)
Clerk, J. K. Appleby
Treasurer, C. W. Roberts
Attorney, D. W. Freeman
Marshal, G. E. McKnight
Health Officer, Dr. W. H. Hayes
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, A. E. Jones
Auditor and Janitor City Hall, J. C. Musgrave
Police Justice, John Broyles
Engineer, G. N. Miller (resigned January 20th), no successor
Chief of the Fire Department, John Kastner
Assistant Fire Chief, J. R. Christle to September 1st (resigned), and A. S. Clark for balance of the term.
Poundmasters: W. L. Miller and John Grossman
   Official Paper, The Reveille.


Mayor, J. J. Weisenburger
Councilman-at-Large: C. M. Varden
Councilman, 1st Ward: D. H. DeCan (2 years), resigned at the end of one year.
Councilman, 2nd Ward: C. F. Nolte (2 years)
Councilman, 3rd Ward: (holdover) J. L. Likins
Councilman, 4th Ward: W. W. Wyatt (2 years)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover) C. W. Stoddard
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover) Henry George
Clerk, F. B. Graves
Treasurer, C. W. Roberts
Attorney, D. W. Freeman
Marshal, George E. McKnight
Health Officer, Dr. E. Van Zandt
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, D. C. Jenkins
Auditor and Janitor, Oliver Olesen
Police Judge, P. F. Whiting
Engineer, no regular one
Chief of the Fire Department, John Kastner until October, when A. S. Clark succeeded him.
Assistant Fire Chief, A. S. Clark until October, when Al Hershe was elected to fill his place.
Harbormaster, Frank P. Dow from May 24th until September 20th, when he resigned.
Poundkeeper, John Grossman
   Official Paper, Tri-Weekly Blade.


Mayor, James P. de Mattos
Councilman-at-Large: J. E. Ryus
Councilman, 1st Ward: Henry Korthauer (unexpired term)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: (holdover) C. F. Nolte
Councilman, 3rd Ward: C. A. Horst (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: (holdover) W. W. Wyatt
Councilman, 5th Ward: C. W. Stoddard (2 years)
Councilman, 6th Ward: Henry George (2 years)
Clerk, F. P. Graves
Treasurer, C. W. Roberts
Attorney, D. W. Freeman until July 18th, when the office was declared vacant, Freeman having skipped out; Charles H. Hurlbut succeeded him.
Marshal, George E. McKnight
Health Officer, Dr. H. E. Henderson
Street Commissioner, Albert Clark
Water Superintendent, D. S. Jenkins
Auditor and City Hall Janitor, Oliver Olesen
Police Judge, P. F. Whiting
Engineer, A. R. Campbell
Chief of the Fire Department, A. S. Clark until February 21st, when he resigned, and on March 7th withdrew the same.
Assistant Fire Chief, Al Hershe
Harbormaster, Cecil H. Bacon
   Official Paper, Tri-Weekly Blade.


Mayor, Ed E. Hardin
Councilman-at-Large: A. Pancoast
Councilman, 1st Ward: Charles I. Roth (2 years)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: Wm. Powell (2 years)
Councilman, 3rd Ward: (holdover) C. A. Horst
Councilman, 4th Ward: J. B. Byron (2 years)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover) C. W. Stoddard
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover) Henry George
Clerk, Victor I. Bradway
Treasurer, C. W. Roberts
Attorney, Charles H. Hurlbut
Marshal, Andrew J. Land
Health Officer, Dr. E. Van Zandt
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, Albert Clark
Auditor and City Hall Janitor, C. F. Park
Police Judge, P. F. Whiting
Engineer, A. R. Campbell and C. M. Adams
Chief of the Fire Department, E. E. Sherwood
Assistant Fire Chief, J. A. Marz until November 6th, when T. Warwick succeeded him.
Harbormaster, C. H. Bacon until April 3rd (resigned), and on May 22nd J. H. Bigelow was elected in his place.
   Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, Ed. E. Hardin
Council-at-Large: Carmi Dibble
Councilman, 1st Ward: (holdover) Charles I. Roth
Councilman, 2nd Ward: (holdover) Wm. Powell
Councilman, 3rd Ward: C. A. Horst (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: (holdover) J. B. Byron
Councilman, 5th Ward: C. W. Stoddard (2 years)
Councilman, 6th Ward: A. H. Pratt (2 years)
Clerk, Wm. H. Hildebrand
Treasurer, C. W. Roberts
Attorney, Charles H. Hurlbut
Marshal, Andrew J. Land
Health Officer, Dr. C. S. Teel
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, Albert Clark
Assistant Street Commissioner, etc., C. W. Rickerson
Auditor, Frank Wilson
Police Judge, P. F. Whiting
Board of Health, appointed March 5th by the Mayor: Wm. Powell, C. A. Horst and J. B. Byron.
Engineer, A. R. Campbell and C. M. Adams
Chief of the Fire Department, E. E. Sherwood
Assistant Fire Chief, Thomas Warwick until October 1st (resigned), and W. M. Clary succeeded him.
Harbormaster, John Templin
   Official Paper, Tri-Weekly Blade.


Mayor, George H. Bacon
Councilman-at-Large, Carmi Dibble
Councilman, 1st Ward: M. J. Marsh (2 years)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: Charles Cissna (2 years)
Councilman, 3rd Ward: (holdover) C. A. Horst
Councilman, 4th Ward: J. B. Byron (2 years)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover) C. W. Stoddard
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover) A. H. Pratt
Clerk, Wm. H. Hildebrand
Treasurer, M. C. Latta
Attorney, J. J. Weisenburger until April 29th, when he was taken ill and Charles H. Hurlbut was appointed during his absence. He died June 6th, and, on July 1st, H. M. White was appointed to fill the vacancy.
Marshal, Andrew J. Land
Health Officer, Dr. W. D. Kirkpatrick
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, Albert Clark
Assistant Street Commissioner, etc., C. W. Rickerson
Auditor, Frank Wilson
Police Judge, Wm. Powell
Engineer, E. C. Lyle
Special Engineer, C. M. Adams
Harbormaster, John Templin
Poundmaster, A. D. Rogers, H. M. Cade and A. J. Land, consecutively.
Chief of Fire Department, E. E. Sherwood
Assistant Fire Chief, J. J. Marsh
   Official Paper, Tri-Weekly Blade.


The City of New Whatcom, consolidated, was by Act of the Legislature of the State of Washington, approved February 19th, 1901, changed to "The City of Whatcom." Its boundaries are the same as those of the City of New Whatcom, consolidated.



Mayor, Ed. E. Hardin
Councilman-at-Large: R. I. Morse
Councilman, 1st Ward: (holdover) M. J. Marsh
Councilman, 2nd Ward: (holdover) Charles Cissna
Councilman, 3rd Ward: Jere Brisbin (2 years)
Councilman, 4th Ward: (holdover) J. B. Byron
Councilman, 5th Ward: T. S. Dahlquist (2 years)
Councilman, 6th Ward: S. E. Mullin (2 years)
Clerk, Wm. H. Hildebrand
Treasurer, O. P. Woody
Attorney, H. M. White
Marshal, C. M. Logsdon
Health Officer, Dr. W. D. Kirkpatrick
Street Commissioner and Water Superintendent, Albert Clark
Auditor, Frank Wilson
Police Judge, Alex Campbell
Engineer, E. C. Lyle
Chief of the Fire Department, E. E. Sherwood
Assistant Fire Chief, J. J. Marsh
Harbormaster, John Templin
   Official Paper, Reveille.


Mayor, J. B. Bennett
Councilman-at-Large, John A. Blomquist
Councilman, 1st Ward: W. A. Eckardt (2 years)
Councilman, 2nd Ward: Wm. Powell (2 years)
Councilman, 3rd Ward: (holdover) Jere Brisbin
Councilman, 4th Ward: G. C. Blakeslee (2 years)
Councilman, 5th Ward: (holdover) Thos. S. Dahlquist
Councilman, 6th Ward: (holdover) S. E. Mullin
Treasurer, Frank Wilson
Clerk, Wm. H. Hildebrand
Attorney, H. M. White
Health Officer, Dr. H. E. Henderson
Marshal, C. M. Logsdon
Street Commissioner, W. N. Smith
Water Superintendent, Albert Clark
Auditor, D. C. Jenkins
Police Judge, Alex Campbell
Engineer, E. C. Dyle
Chief of the Fire Department, E. E. Sherwood
Assistant Fire Chief, J. O. Lemach
Harbor Master, John Templin
   Official Paper, Reveille.


312. August 5th, 1895. An Ordinance providing for a special election to be held in the City of New Whatcom on the 21st day of September, 1895, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city the proposition whether or not the contiguous cities of Fairhaven and New Whatcom shall become consolidated as a city of the third class under the name of "The City of Bellingham," and fixing the polling places and appointing the election officers for said election. (This Ordinance was never engrossed. It was published in the Reveille on August 8th, 1895.)

Copied by Susan Nahas, May 2003

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