ADAMS, Charles 70 Co. B, 6th Mass. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
ALEXANDER, Frederick A. 72 Co. A, 18th N. Y. Cav. Bellingham
AMES, Geo. H. 71 Co. C, 2d Minn. Bellingham
AMES, Horace 83 Co. A, 4th Minn. Inf. Blaine
AMMONS, A. 70 Cos. I and G, 51st O., Inf. Bellingham
BAKER, W. I. 73 Co. F, 8th Inf. Cav. Lynden
BARNUM, B. Floyd 76 Co. G, 111 U. S. Col. Troops Bellingham
BATEMAN, H. B. 72 Co. C, 5th R. I., Art. Bellingham
BECKFORD, Matthew 75 Co. G, 8th Mo. Inf. Vol. Bellingham
BIDLCAK?, Wm. 78 Co. G, 44th Ind. Bellingham
BIRDSELL, Reuben 75 Co. F, 42d Ill. Inf. Marietta
BISHOP, J. L. 70 Co. B, 2d Mo. Cav. Bellingham
BUCHANAN, M. M. 68 Co. C, 25th N. C. Inf. Bellingham
CAFFES, E. D. 71 Co. F, 13th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
CALVER, John F. 72 Co. F, 5th Wis. Vol. Bellingham
CANEDY, R. 78 Co. C, 7th Pa. Cav. Acme
CARR, James E. 67 Co. B, 1st Mich. Art. Bellingham
CASEY, Thomas 67 Co C, ?2d Mich. Inf. Kendall
CASWELL, A. D. 73 Co. B, 88th Ill. Inf. Bellingham
CAULKINS, J. B. 67 Co. G, 50th N. Y. Eng. Everson
CHANDLER, W. D. 71 Cos. L and D, 3rd Wis. Cav. Bellingham
CHASE, W. H. 76 Co. I, 28th Wis. Inf. Bellingham
CLAYTON, Jas. 73 Co. K?, 2d Mo. Cal. Ferndale
COLE, Geo. 70 Co. D, 49th Wis. Vols. So. Bellingham
COLE, S. L. 66 Co. D, 18th Wis. Inf. Blaine
COLEMAN, E. V. 76 Co. D, 31st or 81st Wis. Lynden
COLEMAN, Selden 77 Co. A, 3rd Minn. Bellingham
CONDIT, Monroe 70 Co. I, 48th Wis. Bellingham
CORDELL, A. 72 Co. K, 60th N. C. Inf. Sumas
CRUIKSHANK, Andrew 73 Co. A, Bat. Minn. Bellingham
CUMMINGS, J. H. 68 Co. K, 11th Ill. Cav. Bellingham
DANIELSON, Andrew 72 2d Minn. Inf. Bellingham
DAWSON, George 80 Co. K, 129th Ill. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
DAY, E. M. 69 Co. H, 14th Ill. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
DEEDS, James 72 Co. H, 91st Ill. Inf. Bellingham
DICKERSON, J. L. 73 Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. Lynden
DILL, Albert 68? Co. H, 16th Maine Inf. Bellingham
DUNGAY, H. L. 68 Co. L, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. Bellingham
EDENS, John J. 74 Co. 10th Mo., Cav. Bellingham
EMBURY, C. 68 Co. B, 11th Minn. Inf. Bellingham
FABER, Nicholas 74 Co. B, N. Y., Art. Blaine
FERNLEY, John 70 Co. B, 23rd Ill. Inf. Bellingham
FOLLETTE, D. 76 Co. W, 8th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
FORBENSON, Carl 72 Co. C, 15th Wis. Inf. Bellingham
FURNMAN, J. 78 Co. B, 2d Minn. Inf. Bellingham
GERARD, Wm 69 Co. 1, 9th Mich., Cav. Bellingham
GILLESPIE, Thomas 77 Co. F, 11th Maine Vol. Bellingham
GILLETTE, I. W. 73 Co. I, ?4th Wis. Inf. and Cav. So. Bellingham
GOODER, Allen 68 Co. D, 39th Wis. Inf. Custer
GREEN, H. J. 68 Co. E, 37th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
GRIFFIN, Levi N. 70 Co. L, 6th N. Y. Heavy Art. Bellingham
GRIFFITH, J. M. 77 Co. N, 87th Pa. Inf. Bellingham
GRIGGS, P. H. 68 Co. C, 148th N. Y., S. V. Bellingham
GUCKERT, Henry 70 Cos. F and E or D, 29 or 39th Ohio V. V. I. I. Everson
HARRINGTON, M. C. 69 Co. M, 9th Ohio Cav. Bellingham
HART, A. B. 75 Co. C, 44th Mass. Inf. Bellingham
HEGELER, John 79 Co. I, 25th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
HESS, Abraham 76 Co. H, 24th Iowa Inf. Blaine
HODGES, Thomas J. 77 Co. H, 79th Ind. Inf. Bellingham
HOFF, S. V. 73 Co. E, 3d N. J. Cav. Blaine
HOPKINS, A. 80 Co. ?, 8th Wis. Inf. Deming
HOPKINS, B. L. 80 Co. I, 65th Ind. Bellingham
HOPPER, W. H. 73 Co. A, 4th Ind., Cav. Bellingham
HOUGAN, O. G. 75 Co. B, 19th Wis. Inf. Bellingham
HOWARD, Chas. 69 Co. K, 138th Ill. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
HUBBELL, A. N. 73 Co. F, 40th N. Y. Bellingham
HUGHES, S. P. 74 Co. L, 7th Iowa, Cav. Blaine
HUSTON, W. T. 73 Co. G, 92nd Ill. Bellingham
JENKINS, Jacob 75 Co. L, 134th Ohio Inf. Bellingham
JONES, E. B. 70 Co. A, 20th Conn. Inf. Lynden
KAYLOR, S. G. 70 Co. F, 39th Mo. Inf. Blaine
KELLY, Joseph W. 70 Co. K, 74th Ind. Inf. Acme
KELLY, M. P. 76 U. S. S. Wyoming Beach
KEPLINGER, E. R. 74 Co. F, 4th Ver. Inf. Bellingham
KING, James M. 79 Co. K, 23d Wis. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
LAMKIN, L. S. 71 Co. K, 2d Iowa Cav. Bellingham
LANE, David R. 72 Co. K, 17th Maine Inf. Bellingham
LANSING, John 75 Co. E, 10th Wis. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
LAUGHLIN, W. B. 69 Co. 1, 205th Penn. Vol. Bellingham
LEWIS, J. P. ? Co. H, 26th Inf.  (no state listed) Bellingham
LINDSAY, Jasper N. ? Co. E, 96th Ill. Blaine
LINDSAY, Llewellyn 71 Co. E, 45th Ill. Inf. Bellingham
LITTLE, N. C. 71 Co. G, 1st Minn. Hvy. Art. Geneva
LOGAN, Wm. 78 Co. B, 2d Bat., Mo., Vol. Cav. Blaine
LONG, David 67 Co. C, 45th Ill. Inf. Ferndale
LUTES, L. 69 Co. M, 5th Mich. Cav. Marietta
MALONIE, W. K. 70 Co. E or F, 16th Me. or Mo. Vol. Bellingham
MATSON, Daniel 74 Co. G, 24th Iowa Vol. Bellingham
MCDONALD, Andrew 71 Co. H, 134th Ohio Vol. Inf. So. Bellingham
MCDONALD, O. D. 69 Co. E, 8th Kan., Inf. & Co. A, 7th Kan. Cav. Bellingham
MCKIVEL, James 76 Co.   35th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
MCLAIN, Miner 70 Co. H, 5th Ky. Vol. Inf. Ferndale
MCMILLAN, Will 71 Co. M, 11th N. Y. Cav. Bellingham
MCREA, R. E. 73 Co. B, 26th Ala. Inf. Kendall
MEDCALF, W. R. 72 Co. H, 25th Ill. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
MEECHAM, Robert B. 75 Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Vol. Bellingham
MILLER, John G. 71 Co. E, 2d Wis. Inf. Bellingham
MILLER, Michael 68 Co. D, 40th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
MILLER, Thomas W. 73 Co. C, 24th Inf. Bellingham
MILLER, W. L. 68 20th Wis. Vol. Inf. Bellingham
MILLS, Peter 73 Co. F, 177th N. Y. Vol. Bellingham
MORLAND, Richard D. 75 Co. 39th Iowa Inf. Bellingham
MORSMAN, W. H. 74 Co. G, 12th V., Inf. Mountain View
MOUSO, M. 72 Co. A, 82nd N. Y. Vol. Bellingham
MURPHEY, Thomas 73 Co. H, 15th N. Y. Heavy Art. Bellingham
NEVERMAN, Wm. 80 Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Bellingham
NEWKIRK, I. 67 Co. A, 13th U. S. Inf. Bellingham
NICHOLS, Albert 66 Co. C, 1st Mich. Cav. Ferndale
NICHOLS, D. B. ? Co. M, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. Bellingham
NICHOLS, Samuel 72 Co. C, 89th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
NICHOLSON, W. O. 72 Co. G, 2nd New Ham. Inf. Bellingham
ORCHARD, John ? Co. 2, Nebraska Cav. Bellingham
OTLY, J. L. 65 Co. B, 1st Wis. Cav. Custer
PALMER, James 69 Co. M, 1st Me., Art. Bellingham
PALMER, W. W. 71 Co. F, 2d Wis., Cav. Lynden
PHILBRICK, Franklin 86 Co. K, 12th Wis. Inf. Bellingham
PHILLIPS, Horace 69 Co. E, 9th Tenn. Cav. Bellingham
PICKNEY, Wm. L. 71 Co. L, 7th Iowa, Vol. Cav. Blaine
POWELL, C. O. 71 Co. H, 6th Mich. Cav. Goshen
PRALL, L. 71 Co. C, 33d Ind. Vol. Inf. and 28th Mich. Inf. Bellingham
PRICE, T. R. 72 Co. K, 18th Wis. Inf. Lynden
PYM, Joe 77 Co. F, 9th N. Y. Heavy Art. Lynden
RAIRDON, L. D. 71 Co. B, 28th Ky. Bellingham
REED, James K. P. 69 Co. I, 102nd Ill. Inf. Bellingham
REEVE, Osa 73 Co. B, 51st Ill. Inf. Bellingham
REID, Milton 73 Co. B, 4th Iowa Cav. Lynden
RICHARDSON, G. W. 76 Co. E, 2nd Ver. Inf. Bellingham
RICKERSON, C. W. 67 Co. B, Hatch's Bat. Bellingham
RINEHART, J. K. 70 Co. K, 5th Iowa Lynden
ROESSEL, George 71 27th N. Y. Light Bat. Ferndale
ROGERS, A. A. 77 Co. I, 140th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
ROGERS, Eliery 69 Co. B, 1st Oregon Inf. Bellingham
ROUSS, A. 78 Co. B, 160th N. Y. Vol. Bellingham
RUSCO, A. J. 76 Co. C, 19th Wis. Inf. Lynden
RUSSELL, W. E. 66 Co. K, 12th Ill. Cav. Bellingham
SCOTT, J. C. 73 Co. I, 5th Iowa Cav. Bellingham
SCOTT, J. M. 67 Co. H, 49th Ind. Blaine
SIMMONS, James S. 73 Co. G, 1st Bat. 17th U. S. Inf. Kendall
SIMPLOT, D. B. 72 Co. G, 5th Wis. Vols. Geneva
SHAW, W. W. 68 Co. D, 77th Penn. Bellingham
SHEFFER, Matthew 68 Co. I, 152d Ind. Inf. Sumas
SHOEMAKER, B. P. 77 Co. F, 1st Booden S. C. Co. and 5th Wis. Inf. Lynden
SMITH, C. O. 78 Co. C, 6th Mich. Cav. Bellingham
SMITH, G. D. 68? Co. B, 4th Iowa Cal. Sumas
SMITH, R. P. 77 Co. B, 18th Ia. Vol. Bellingham
SPAULDING, J. C. 68 Co. B, 9th Me. Inf. Lynden
SPOHN, Thomas J. 67 Co. K, 189th Ohio Vol. Inf. Blaine
STANBAUGH, George 71 Co. H, 11th Ind. Vet. Vol. Inf. Sumas
STOCKWELL, Elisha 67 Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Beach
SWAN, I. W. 74 Co. K, 13th Wis. Bellingham
SWIGER, Jeremiah 76 Co. G, 6th W. Va., Cav. Bellingham
TAPPING, S. P. 69 Co. K, 5th Ohio Inf. Bellingham
THALLHEIMER, S. 75 Co. K, 2d Iowa Inf. Sumas
THOMPSON, D. H. 74 Co. G, 5th Wis. Inf. Geneva
THOMPSON, John N. 75 Co. G, 186th Ohio Vol. Inf. Bellingham
TIMMERLEE, Jas. 64 Co. F, 46th Wis. Inf. Everson
TREADWAY, W. H. 78 1st Wis. Cav. Lynden
TRUE, Geo. 70 Co. B, 4th Iowa Cav. Lynden
VAN BUREN, W. B. 86? Co. D, 1st Wash. Bellingham
VAN ELTON, Harlin 73 Co. I, 107th N. Y. Bellingham
VAN HORN, William 76 Co. G, 8th Penn. Cav. Bellingham
VAUGHN, C. W. 79 Co. C, 150th Ohio Inf. Bellingham
WADE, Harvey 70 Co. B, 58th Ind. Inf. Bellingham
WAMPLER, A. H. 72 Co. D, 99th Ill. Vol. Inf. Lynden
WELLS, C. H. 70 Co. B, 106th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
WELLS, Elva 76 Co. D, 13th Wis. Inf. Blaine
WHITFORD, Chas. H. 85 Co. H, 14th Wis. Inf. Blaine
WIGHT, C. H. 68? Co. D, 6th Mich. Heavy Art. Bellingham
WILCOX, Marcus 70 Co. I, 71st N. Y. and 144th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
WILLIAMS, H. L. 69 Co. G, 48th Wis. Lynden
WILLIAMS, J. G.? 66 Co. I, 100th N. Y. Inf. Bellingham
WILMOX, L. D. 75 Co. G, 47th Ill. Inf. Blaine
WILSON, J. H. 71 Co. H, 87th Ind. Inf. Goshen
WILSON, W. W. 69 1st Texas, Battery Bellingham
WOODY, J. F. 70 Co. H, 12th Wis. Bellingham
WOOLEY, Jno. P. 70 Co. A, 18th Ind. Bellingham
WORDEN, Z. 71 Co. F, 45th Penn., Inf. Bellingham
WORTHERN, C. E.or F. 77 Co. H, 15th Vt. Vol. Lynden
WRIGHT, Joseph 75 Co. K, 20th Ill. Inf Bellingham
YEOMAN, R. J. 83 Co. I, 168th Ohio Inf. Bellingham
YOHE, Solomon 78 Co. F, 6th W. Va. Cav. and 113th W. Va. Inf. Ferndale
ZELLERS/ZEILERS, J. 70 Co. K, 68th Ill. Vol. Bellingham

AKIN, R. L. 67 Co. G, 5th Minn. Inf. Spokane
ALKIRE, Thomas 69 Co. H, 12th Ohio Cav. Tacoma
ALLEN, Henry C. 76 Co. F, 6th Mass. Inf. Seattle
ALLISON, N. C. 67 Co. K, 150th Ill. Inf. Everett
ALVORD, Wm. 65 Co. H, 43rd Mo. Inf. Orting
ANDERSON, A. ? Co. M, 4th Ill. Vol. Cav. Shelton
ANDERSON, Michael 78 Co. A, 6th Minn. Inf. Olympia
ARGES, John 75 Co. C, 20th N. Y. Inf. Anacortes
ARMSTRONG, H. P. 70 Co. B, (nothing more) Bremerton
ARMSTRONG, W. E. 70 Co. C and H, 15th Ohio Vol. Inf. Everett
AUSTIN, George O. 77 Co. I, 12th Mass. Inf. Everett
BABCOCK, O. N. 68 Co. C, 141st Ill. Inf. Mount Vernon
BADGER, Wm. 74 Co. K, 68th Ohio Inf. North Yakima
BAKER, Newell 71 Co. K, 15th Mich. Inf. Anacortes
BALL, R. H. 70 Co. D, 83rd or 93rd Ohio Vol. Inf. Seattle
BALLINGER, J. I. 70 Co. H, 13th U. S. Inf. North Yakima
BAMFORD, Geo. 69 Co. A, 170th Ohio Inf. Orting
BANKS, Lyman 71 Co. H, 11th Iowa Inf. West Sound
BARLEY, W. A. 69 Co. H, 7th Iowa Inf. Seattle
BARRETT, C. E. 75 Co. E, 75th Minn. Inf. Seattle
BARTLETT, Charles M. 84 Co. C, 4th Iowa Cav. Anacortes
BEARDSLEY, S. D. 74 Co. K, 14th Wis. and Co. H, 17th Seattle
BEARY, L. D. 72 34th N. Y., Battery Tacoma
BERGGNESS, Francis 74 Co. C, 4th Minn. Seattle
BIRD, J. W. 74 Co. B, 154th N. Y. Inf. Anacortes
BLAIR, Joseph I. or L. 80 1st Minn. Light Art. Friday Harbor
BLAKESLEE, H. N. 70 Co. G, 23d Mich. Inf. Seattle
BOARDMAN, G. H. 72 Co. F, 22nd Me. Inf. Tacoma
BORGESON, Bernard 69 Co. K, 28th Mich. Inf. Tacoma
BOWERS, John 64 Co. E, 1st U. S. Cav. Spokane
BRADLEY, J. C. 76 Co. A, 111th Penn. Inf. Orting
BRAYLES, John 81 Co. C, 4th Mo. Cav. Burlington
BRIDGE, James 72 Co. G, 120th Ill. Inf. Mead
BRISTOW, Edward 70 Co. M, 8th Mo. Cav. Buckley
BROOKS, Allen 77 7th Wis., Bat. Bremerton
BROOKS, John D. ? not given Orting
BROWN, Albert 68 Co. A, 8th Minn. Vol. Inf. Anacortes
BROWN, D. C. 67 Co. I, 13th Ind. Cav. Seattle
BROWN, Ira 73 Co. F, 7th Iowa Inf. Sedro-Woolley
BROWN, J. S. 69 Co. A, 7th Maine Inf. Rochester
BROWN, John 75 Co. C, 1st N. Y. Light Art. Orting
BROWN, Thomas 72 Co. B, 11th Mo. Inf. Spokane
BUNDAGE, A. A. 73 Co. E, Mich. Heavy Art. Snohomish
BURDICK, Henry P. 65 Co. E, 1st Minn. Hvy. Art. Tacoma
BURGESS, I. F. 84 Co. A, 31st Wis. Orting
BURNS, Frances 76 Co. 1, 26th Ill., Inf. Orting
BURTON, E. D. 7? Co. D, U. S. Eng. Burlington
BUZARD, James 78 Co. K, 63d and 105 Pa. Inf. Seattle
CALLAHAN, Jas. 73 Co. G, 181st Ohio and 7th Ind. Mount Vernon
CAMPBELLL, J. P. 87 Co. D, 79th Ill. Inf. Tacoma
CAROSN, John (CARSON?)  68 Co. E, 39th Iowa Inf. North Yakima
CARRISH, Allen 68 Co. D, 4th Minn. Inf. Everett
CARSON, F. D. 69 Co. H, 5th Wis. Inf. Sedro-Woolley
CARSON, Theodore 70 Co. F, 23d Mich. Inf. Orting
CARY, Wm. W. 73 Co.'s E and F, 23d Wis. Vol. Inf. Bremerton
CASE, Alonzo 69 Co. A, 7th Maine Inf. Oak Harbor
CHAMBERS, Peter 74 Co. K, 1st Iowa Cav. Port Angeles
CLAGHORN, J. L. 81 Commissary, 116th N. Y. Inf. Seattle
CLARK, J. O. 75 Co. C, 14th Vermont Inf. Seattle
COBERLY, J. R. 65 Co. F, 12th Mo. Vol. Cav. Anacortes
COLEMAN, M. N. 74 Co. A, 3d Minn. Vol. Inf. Seattle
COLIM, Wm. ? Co. C, 32nd Iowa Inf. North Yakima
COLMAN, W. M. 69 Co. L, 31st? Minn. Inf. Port Orchard
COMSTOCK, J. M. 75 Co. F, 1st Wis. Cav. Spokane
COOK, John A. 71 Co. B, 7th Conn. Vol. Inf. Seattle
CORNEE, John Lee 79 Co. F, 25th Iowa Inf. Walla Walla
COUCH, E. B. 72 Co. I, 2nd Ill. Inf. Centralia
COVILL, W. S. 71 Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Shelton
COWEN, Jacob ? Co. C, (nothing more) not given
CRANE, R. E. 67 Co. C, 191st Ohio Inf. Puyallup
CRESSY, W. H. 75 Co. D, 20th Penn. Inf. Burlington
CROCKER, R. 83 3d Minn. Bat. Lt. Art. Seattle
CROLESANT?, L.? R. 66 Co. C, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Seattle
CURTIS, A. 77 1st Wis. Bat. Light Art. Snohomish
DALY, John 68 Co. M, 9th N. Y. Cav. Orting
DANIELSON, J. F. 67 Co. C, 4th Iowa Cav. Tacoma
DARDSON, James 71 Co. A, 31st Wis. Inf. Tacoma
DAVIS, D. J. 73 Co. E, 2d Minn. Cav. Anacortes
DAVIS, G. F. 70 Co. A, 12th N. H. Ellensburg
DAVIS, J. C. 67 Co. B, 147th Ill. Inf. Winslow
DEAN, L. H. 76 Co. H, 94th Ohio Vol. Inf. Prosser
DE HUFF, J. Q. A. 87 Co. D, 3d Iowa Cav. Tacoma
DEMMONS, Oliver 67 Co. B, 5th Mich. Inf. Port Orchard
DILDINE, A. 69 Co. C, 38th Wis. Inf. Port Orchard
DONOHUE, Michael 72 Co. K, 123d N. Y., S. V. East Sound
D'OYLEY, Chris ? Co. I and F, 2nd and 7th Conn. Vol. Inf. Seattle
DRUMMOND, John 68 Co. C, 54th Ill. Inf. Anacortes
DRUSE, D. L. 72 Co. A, 2nd Minn. Inf. North Yakima
DUFFEY, Jacob 71 Co. A, ?th Mich. Cav. Orting
DUNCAN, John C. 75 Co. E, 2d(?) Iowa Inf. Seattle
EDENS, T. P. 69 Co. D, 21st Mo. Inf. Anacortes
EATON, A. E. 74 Co. E, 9th Minn. Inf. Bay View
EATON, Henry 73 Co. H, 3rd Minn. Inf. Bay View
ECKLEY, E. T. 77 Co. F, 20th Iowa Inf. Colville
ELY, Jerome 70 Co. A, 57th Penn. Inf. Whidby Island
EVERS, W. J. 71 Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. Burlington
FAIRCHILD, A. 67 Co. G, 112th N. Y. Orting
FARBES, L. D. 70 Co. K, 1st Wis. Cav. Port Orchard
FERAING, F. W. 70 Co. I, 44th Seattle(?) Inf. Seattle
FERRIN, Ira P. 68 Co. B, 42d Mass. Wenatchee
FINLEY, C. H. 68 Co. C, 1st Wis. Heavy Art. Anacortes
FISHER, Benj. ? Co. K and B, 2nd Ill. Cav. Edmonds
FISHER, J. R. 70 Co. A, 12th Ill. Cav. Spokane
FISKE, S. T. 73 Co. M, 1st N. Y. Cav. Tacoma
FLEMING, John 68 Co. K, 88th Penn. Inf. Anacortes
FOSTER, A. J. 72 Co. E, 2nd Kan. Bat. Lt. Art. Orting
FOSTER, Thomas 66 Co. C, Minn. Bat. Tacoma
FOX, Wm. 71 Co. C, 21st N. Y. Inf. Seattle
FRENCH, W. H. 78 Co. I, 34th Ill. Inf. Seattle
FREREDEUSTEIN, A. 77 Co. K, 6th Mo. Vol. Inf. Tacoma
FRODENBURGH, A. 74 Co. H, 122nd N. Y. Vancouver
FULLER, E. A. 77 Co. G, 12th Mich. Inf. Puyallup
FULLER, I. L. 70 Co. D, 81st N. Y. Inf. Seattle
FURRY, G. W. 67 Co. G, 147th Ill. Seattle
GALE, Hiram 67 Co. K, 46th Wis. Bremerton
GALLEP, P. W. 71 Co. C, 77th Ill. Inf. Seattle
GANNON(?), John 78? Co. F, 14th Ind. Inf. Orting
GEMBERLING, G. W. 77 Co. D, 23rd Ind. Inf. Orting
GIBBONS, Oliver 66 7th Wis. Bat. Orting
GODDARD, F. H. 70 Co. H, 140th Ill. Inf. Seattle
GRADENBURGH, W. H. ? Co. I, 15th N. Y. Cav. Hoquiam
GREEN, W. G. 70 Co. A, 214th Penn. Inf. and Navy Sequim
GREENE, W. S. 73? Co. K, 10th or 19th Ill. Inf. Tacoma
GREGORY, E. S. 78 Co. M, 7th Iowa Cav. Everett
GREGORY, Solomon ? Co. K, 41st Ill. Vol. Inf. Dayton
GRIMES, B. F. 68 Co. *C, 8th Iowa Vol. Larson
HAAS, A. F. 67 Co. G, 30th Mich. Inf. Seattle
HAGADORN, J. 78 2d Minn. Light Art. Kent
HALL, Mahlon 68 Co. D, 16th N. Y. Inf. Port Orchard
HALLISTER, H. B. 77 Co. B, 8th Ill. Cav. Seattle
HAMBRIAS, J. J. ? 79th Penn. Inf. Seattle
HAMMER, Hiram 64 Co. I, 138th Ind. Inf. Sedro-Woolley
HAMMER, L. C. 67 Co. E, 43rd Mo. Inf. Palouse City
HAMMERLY, John 68 Co. C, 7th Ill. Cav. Cheney
HANKS, David A. 72 Co. C, 3d Wis. Cav. Edison
HANNA, Wm. 68 Co. K, 19th Penn. Inf. Tacoma
HAPTONSTALL, S. W. ? Bat. 5th, 5th U. S. Inf. not given
HARDING, R. R. 81 17th Inf. and 102d Inf. Ill. Port Angeles
HARDY, F. P. 72 Co. A, 6th N. Ham. Anacortes
HARMONY, B. D. 68 Co. K, 3d Wis. Cav. Burlington
HASFORD, A. T. 66 Co. H, 17th Wis. Inf. Centralia
HASSEY, J. H. 73 Co. H, 1st Minn. Cav. and 11th Minn. Inf. Snohomish
HASTI_, A. W. 67 Co. H, 122d Ill. Inf. Seattle
HASTINGS, W. P. 67 Co. G, 35th Wis. Inf. Tacoma
HAWTHORNE, W. C. 74 Co. D, 28th Maine Seattle
HAYDEN, P. A. 68 Co. I?, 4th Wis. Cav. Bremerton
HEALD, J. 67 Co. C, 184th N. Y. Inf. Puyallup
HEGADORN, J. G. 70 Co. A, 17th Ill. Cav. Seattle
HENRY, Edward 73 Co. I, 37th Ill. Inf. Port Orchard
HEUTCHINGS, James M. 75 Co. H, 11th Mo. Inf. Orting
HILOVER, Eli 70 Miss. Navy Spokane
HIMBERGER, Wm. 72 Co. A, 3rd Ohio and 34th Ken. Seattle
HOADLEY, C. B. 77 Co. F, 26th Ill. Inf. Orting
HOFFMAN, Frederick 78 Co. F, 3rd Mass. Inf. Seattle
HOFLIN, W. G. 71 Co. E, 3rd Mass. Cav. Tacoma
HOLLINGSWORTH, Ira 76 Co. E, 148th Ind. Everett
HOPKINS, J. H. 72 48th O. Vol. Inf. Okanogan
HOPKINSON, E. B. 68 unassigned, 20th Maine Inf. Spokane
HOTENKISS, Chas. 75 Co. C, 1st Minn. Inf. Orting
HOUGHTON, E. P. 69 Co. I, 14th Wis. Inf. Puyallup
HOWIE, J. L. 72 Co. K, 144th Penn. Vol. Tacoma
HUDSON, Chas. 67 3d Iowa, Battery Anacortes
HUMPHREY, G. S. 67 Co. D, 11th Kan. Cav. Orting
HURD, F. H. 70 Co. G, 14th Conn. Inf. Seattle
IRBY, James 69 Co. E, 1st Ark. Cav. Orting
IVERSON, O. B. 69 Co. D, 6th Iowa Cav. Olympia
JACK, Alonzo 82 Co. C, 8th Mich. Inf. Ellensburg
JOHNSON, A. A. 75 Co. G, 3rd Col. Cav. North Yakima
JOHNSON, A. F. 70 Co. F, 4th Wis. Inf. Tacoma
JOHNSON, Edward 72 Co. D, 88th N. Y. Vol. Orting
JOHNSTON, William 68 Co. H, 78th Penn. Inf. Bothell
JONES, G. S. 69 Co. A, 3d Iowa Cav. Spokane
JONES, Thomas Capt. 80 Navy Port Townsend
JORDAN, W. H. 72 Co. C, 12th Iowa Inf. Cashmere
KEEFE, Timothy 66 Gunboat Tawak Seattle
KELLOGG, H. E. 79 Co. H, 26th Mich. Inf. Seattle
KELLY, Robert ? Co. H, 11th W. Va. Cav. Spokane
KEENE, Isaac V. 70 Hospital steward 7th Pa. Inf. Port Townsend
KENT, A. M. 69 Co. D, 132d Penn., Inf. Seattle
KING, Ben 75 Co. M, 2nd Iowa Cav. Seattle
KINKADE, D. 71 Co. B, 78th Ill, Inf. Ellensburg
KIRKHAM?, Thomas H. 76 Co. G, 1st border sharpshooters Burlington
KNAPP, V. J. 72 Co. I, 16th Ver. Vol. Inf. Anacortes
KNIGHT, A. A. 79 Co. E, 35th Col., U. S. C. T. Tacoma
KNIGHT, J. H. 68 Co. C, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. Orting
KOCH, David 79 Co. D, 23d Mo. Inf. Burlington
LANE, M. D. 69 Co. I, 8th Tenn. Cav. Anacortes
LARSON, Michael 78? Co. F, 15th Wis. Inf. Port Orchard
LEMASTER, Theodore 68 Co. C, 3rd West Va. Cav. Sedro-Woolley
LESTER, John H. 79 Co. I, 15th Ohio Port Orchard
LIPTON, J. R. ? Co. C, 10th Kan. Inf. not given
LONG, J. B. 76 Co. E, 23rd Mo. Inf. Orting
LUCE, B. F. 90 Co. A, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Port Orchard
LUCE, W. W. 65 Co. A, 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Edmunds
MAROT, H. L. 68 Co. B, 50th Ill. Inf. Sedro-Woolley
MARTIN, B. F. 67 Co. H, 1st Minn. Heavy Art. Spokane
MASON, John O. 72 Chicago Mercantile Bat. Tacoma
MCALISTER, Amos 72 Co. B, 63d Ill. Granite Falls
MCCAFFERTY, J. P. 70 Co. A, 3rd Iowa North Yakima
MCCLEARY, James 77 Co. H, 78th Penn. Inf. Port Orchard
MCCORMICK, S. H. 69 Co. G, 38th Ind. Vol. Atlanta, Kansas
MCGRAY, O. C. 75 Co. A, 4th Maine Inf. Port Orchard
MCGREW, C. M. 69 Co's. G and I, 72d and 33d Ill. Inf. Everett
MCKEAN, Geo. W. 71 Co. D, 51st Ohio Inf. Orting
MCKENZIE, C. W. 70 Bat. A, Maryland Port Orchard
MCMURTRIE, H. 75 Co. E, 2d Minn. Cav. Tacoma
MCWHINNEY, M. H. C. 73 Co. C, 102d Ill. Bremerton
MILLER, A. 74 Co. F, 10th Ill. Cav. Mount Vernon
MILLER, B. R. 69 188th Ind. Vol. Everett
MILLER, Cyrus 70 Co. C, 128th Ohio Inf. Seattle
MILLER, David 78? Co. B, 19th U. S. Reg. Tacoma
MILLER, G. B. 69 Co. A, 92nd Ill. Inf. Seattle
MILLS, B. F. 70 Co. H, 105th Inf. (no state listed) Burlington
MILLS, Charles 74 Co. B, 26th Ind. Inf. Sedro-Woolley
MITCHELL, D. L. 72 Co. C, 104th Ill. Inf. Port Angeles
MOEN, George R. 74 Co. I, 4th Minn. Inf. Anacortes
MOORE, B. F. 74 Cos. H and K, 10th and 59th Ill. Inf. North Yakima
MOORE, J. A. 68 Co. H, 13th N. Y. Heavy Art. Granite Falls
MOORE, John W. 77 Co. C, 49th Wis. Bothell
MOORE, Robt. 67 Co. A, 9th Mich. Cav. Mount Vernon
MORRIS, P. A. 70 Co. G, 45th Kentucky Inf. Seattle
MORSELANDER, R. H. 72 signal corps, U. S. A. Tacoma
MUMFORD, M. E. 73 Co. D, 31st Wis. Inf. Seattle
MUNCEY, Wm. H. 71 Co. D, 23rd Mo. Inf. Richland
MUNSKELL, J. W. 76 Co. I, 7th Mich. Inf. Seattle
MURPHEY, G. F. 75 Co. F, 80th Ill. Inf. North Yakima
NEELY, John 68 Co. E, 37th Iowa Vol. Inf. Tacoma
NELSON, E. E. 70 Co. D, 1st U. S. Sharpshooters Port Angeles
NOLAP, J. G. 76? Co. I, 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Seattle
NORTH, H. W. 70 Co. K, 95th Ill, Inf. Everett
OSBORN, E. C. 74 Co. A, 1st Me., Heavy Art. Bay View
OUSTOT?, B. F. 72 Co. A, Mo. Eng. Asotin
OWEN, John J. 71 Co. C and F, 57th Ill. Inf. Port Orchard
OYER, Clark E. 78 Co. G, 154th N. Y. Inf. Orting
PALMER, John J. 72 Co. A, 71st and 135th Ill. Inf. North Yakima
PARAMORE, D. Lou 73 Co. B, 12th Ind. & 134th Ind. Inf. Snohomish
PARR, M. G. 78 Co. C, 40th Iowa Inf. Walla Walla
PATTERSON, C. T. 68 Co. C, 7th Mich. Cav. Tacoma
PAUL, J. H. 66 Co. G, 15th Iowa Inf. Walla Walla
PEACOCK, W. L. 70 Co. C, 2nd Maine Cav. Port Orchard
PECK, David L. 72 Co. E, 12th Penn. Cav. North Yakima
PERRIGO, W. W. 78 Co. E, 6th Me. Inf. Pilchuck
PETERMAN, Edward 65 Co. G, 3rd Del. Inf. Orting
PETTET, Wm. 70 Co. A, 1st Maryland Inf. Puyallup
PETTIT, G. H. 73? Co. H, 3d N. J. Inf. Tacoma
PICKERING, E. 69 Co. F, 3rd Wis. Cav. Sedro-Woolley
PIER, O. D. 78 Co. F, 9th N. Y. Cav. Granite Falls
PINNICK, W. D. 73 Co. I, 35th? Ind. Vol. Bastor Springs
POPE, J. D. 71 Co. B, 8th Mo. Inf. Seattle
POTTS, E. E. 69 Co. E, 149th Ill. Tacoma
POWELL, J. W. 71 Co. A, 97th Ind. Vol. Port Orchard
POWELL, S. J. 78 Co. D, 1st Mich., Eng. Seattle
PRICE, James ? Co. B, 98th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Seattle
PROCTOR, J. W. 69 6th Wis. Bat. Lt. Art. Burlington
PULLMAN, J. W. 67 3rd Iowa Cav. Port Orchard
QUINN, G. D. 68 Co. D, 7th or 17th Ill. Cav. North Yakima
RANDLE, J. L. 70 Co. E, 2nd Tenn. Inf. Centralia
RANDOLPH, Joseph F. 71 Co. E, 125th Ohio Vol. Seattle
RAMAKER, Garrett 72 Co. A, 32d Wis. Inf. Seattle
REDDICK, Payton 69 Co. L, 1st Mo. St. Vol. East Sound
REEVES, W. F. 76 Co. E, 1st Mich. Cav. Centralia
REID, David M. 69 Co. G, 118th Ind. Vol. Inf. Vancouver
REID, M. 76 Co. I, 3rd Iowa Cav. Seattle
REYNOLDS, B. R. 73 Co. A, 134(?)th, N. Y. Vol. Bremerton
RICE, Henry C. 77 Co. M, 1st Col. Cav. Port Orchard
RIES, Henry ? Co. F, 9th Mich. Inf. Dayton
RIPPEY, T. Y. 76 Co. K, 16th Ill. Vol. Inf. Bremerton
RITCHEY, D. E. 75 Co. C, 33rd Ill. Inf. Port Orchard
ROBERTS, Edward 72 Co. F, 22nd Wis. Inf. Seattle
ROBERTS, J. H. 73 Co. D, 68th Ind. Inf. Seattle
ROBERTS, Joseph 71 Co. H, 76th Ill. Port Orchard
ROBINSON, W. H. 67 Co. K, 91st or 81st Ill. Tacoma
ROCKWELL, J. O. 80 Co. E, 897th N. Y. Inf. Seattle
ROLLINS, Dudley A. 71 Co. I, 15th Vermont Inf. North Yakima
ROLPH, W. D. 67 Co. K, 27th Mich. Anacortes
ROSE, D. C. 68 Co. M, 15th N. Y. Hvy. Art. LaConner
ROSEBOOM, Howard 74 Co. G, 94th N. Y. Spokane
ROUSE, G. M. 71 Co. D, 11th Mich. Inf. Port Angeles
RUSSELL, J. W. 71 Co. F, 1st Wis. Cav. Snohomish
SALIE, D. D. 71 Navy Port Angeles
SCHRECK, Val. 67 27th N. Y. Light Bat. Everett
SCOTT, C. L. 70 Co. D, 3rd Wis. Cav. Seattle
SCOTT, J. R. 69 Co. B, 19th Ill. Inf. Charleston
SCRAMTON, T. M. 74 Co. A, 30th Iowa Centralia
SEVILLE, B. B. 68 Co. G, 140th Ill. Inf. Enumclaw
SHAFFER, D. W. 71 Co. J, 8th Minn. Inf. Orting
SHEPARD, Geo. ? Co. F, 2nd Cav., Minn. Seattle
SHIELDS, H. S. 67 Co. E and Co. C, 3rd Wis. Cav. Seattle
SHORES, E. A. 69 Co. I, 20th Ind. Inf. Tacoma
SHORETT, L. 67 Co. B, 34th Ill. Inf. Seattle
SHREVE, C. A. 69 Co. E, 39th Iowa Veteran's Home
SHULL, Leonard 69 Co. D, 113th Ind. & Co. K, 136th Ind. Vol. Puyallup
SHUMWAY, F. N. 72 Co. H, 96th Mass. Inf. Anacortes
SICKLES, W. H. 64 Co. D, 7th Wis. Inf. Orting
SIMMONS, Wm. 75 Co. H, 1st Mich. Cav. Snohomish
SIINCERBEAUX, Ira 70 Co. K, 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Sedro-Woolley
SKINNER, L. G. 68 Co. A, 31st Ohio Inf. Spokane
SLOAN, H. J. 67 Co. B, 62d Ill. Inf. Bremerton
SMITH, C. C. 61 Co. D, 134th N. Y. Inf. Tacoma
SMITH, H. A. 70 Co. B, 41st Wis. Inf. Cashmere
SMITH, John L. 69 Co. H, 3rd New Jersey Cav. Spokane
SMITH, N. A. 70 Co. A, 15th Ohio Inf. Tacoma
SMITH, R. F. 73 Co. G, 1st Cal. Cav. Grand Falls
SMITH, S. B Capt. 84 Co. H, 115th N. Y. Inf. Seattle
SMOOTS, J. W. 69 Co. G, 7th Mo. Cav. Friday Harbor
SNETHEN, J. L. 73 Co. G, 41st Ohio Inf. Granite Falls
SNODGRASS, A. W. 75 Co. I, 32d Iowa Inf. Burlington
SNUTTLE, Albert 64 Co. B, 135th Ill. Inf. Seattle
SOMERS, R. R. 68 U. S. S. Sacramento Anacortes
SPAULDING, A. F. 75 Co's D and E, 1st Dist. of Col. Cav. Seattle
SPENCER, Richard 72 Co. F, 96th Ill. Inf. Christopher
STARCK?, George S. 73 16th Iowa Inf. Port Orchard
STEVENS, A. A. 69 Co. H, 2d Minn. Wenatchee
STEVENS, J. S. 70 Cos. M and H, 2d Ill. Light Art. Seattle
STEWART, J. E. 70 Co. C, 127th Ill., Vol. Inf. Spokane
STEWART, J. W. 69 Co. C, 21st N. Y. Cav. Everett
STEWART, Thomas 72 Co. H, 3d Ohio Inf. Cashmere
STINE. Joseph 67 Co. K, 48th Wis. Inf. Puyallup
STULTS, F. M. 65 Co. B, 3rd Mich. Inf. Orting
SUMMERS, H. 69 Co. K, 116th Ind. Vol. Inf. Orting
SWAN, E. W. 77 Co. B, 92d Ill. Inf. Seattle
SWANK, A. 74 Co. A, 184th Ohio Inf. Vancouver
SWIFT, Lee 66 Co. K, 1st Ark. Cav. Orting
TATE, W. H. 67 Co. C, 12th Mo. Cav. Port Orchard
TAYLOR, Moit? 71 Co. G, 30th Mich. Pullman
TEMPLE, J. A. 72 1st Iowa Bat. Pinehurst
THACKERY, James 76 5th Co., unattached, Mass. Orting
THOMPSON, C. L. 71 Navy from Mass. Seattle
TIFT, S. B. 71 Co. H, 2d Ill. Cav. Everett
TOBIN, John 75 Co. I, 1st Wis. Inf. Tacoma
TOWNSEND, W. W. 75 Co. G, 3d Wis. Inf. Sedro-Woolley
TUCKER, G. M. 67 Co. C, 153rd Ill. Seattle
TWILLIGEAR, S. C. H. 69 Co. B, 13th Ky. Inf. Ellensburg
URBAN?, W. F. 77 Co. H, 22nd Wis. Inf. Seattle
VANDERHOOF, John 84 Co. F, 15th U. S. Inf. Orting
VAN DUSSED, Brazil 74 Co. K, 128th N. Y. Inf. Orting
VOTTIER, A. G. ? Co. H, 5th Mass. Seattle
WADE, George M. 75 Co. E, 6th W. Va. Inf. Montesano
WADSWORTH, D. C. 65 Co. I, 51st Wis. Inf. Tacoma
WALDRIP, I. S. 64 Co. B, 5th Inf. Cal. Vols. East Sound
WALDRON, W. F. 67 Co. E, 29th Iowa & Co. W, 7th Iowa Walla Walla
WALKER, Ed. S. 70 Co. H, 6th Kansas Cav. Bremerton
WALSWORTH, H. E. 70 Co. A, 30th Wis. Vol. Tacoma
WALTERS, J. W. 71 Co. K, 126th Ohio Inf. North Yakima
WARD, E. 75 Co. F, 33d Ind. Inf. Seattle
WARNER, Ed C. 67 Co. E, 40th Wis. Inf. Everett
WARNER?, R. T. 72 Co. A, 19th Wis. Inf. Everett
WATERS, W. H. 74 Co. A, 3d Mich. Inf. Anacortes
WATKINS, J. P. 72 Co. E, 1st Oregon Inf. Port Orchard
WEAGRAFF, Henry C. 67 Co. I, 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Seattle
WEBER, J. W. ? Co. E, 1st Mo. Engineers North Yakima
WEISER, W. F. 80 Co. I, 19th Minn. Inf. Everett
WELSH, Henry 71 Co. I, 29th Wis. Inf. Bothel
WEST, Leonard 69 Co. B, 46th N. Y. Inf. Cashmere
WEST, Sanford C. 80 Co. E, 13th Ill. Inf. Port Orchard
WESTACOTT, Wm. 68 Co. K, 14th Ill. Cav. Garfield
WESTER, Jacob ? not given Orting
WESTOVER, Alexander 73 Co. C, 11th Minn. Vol. Inf. Anacortes
WHEELER, J. R. 64 Co. H, 9th W. Va. Wenatchee
WHEELER, James A. 72 Co. F, 46th Iowa Inf. Tacoma
WHERLER, Lester 71 Co. I, 13th? Mich. Seattle
WHITE, Edward K. 75 Co. F, 15th Maine Inf. Sedro-Woolley
WHITE, Elias ? Co. C, 18th? Inf. Portland, OR
WHITE, F. A. 74 Co. B, 72d Ind. Inf. Port Orchard
WICKARD, P. J. 67? Co. G, 189th Ohio Inf. Port Orchard
WIGHTMAN, C. F. 78 Co. C, 26th Ill. Inf. Spokane
WILBUR, Egbert 66 Co. K, 4th N. Y., H. A. Sedro-Woolley
WILCOX, Alred R. 74 Co. I, 71st N. Y. Vol. Inf. Orting
WILEY, John H. 73 Co. E, 102nd Ill. Inf. North Yakima
WILHELM, Fred 72 Co. E, 2d U. S. Art. Seattle
WILHON, F. E. 68 1st Minn. Bat. Anacortes
WILKES, A. W. 66 Co. C, 156th Ill. Inf. Puyallup
WILLIAMS, Fred 67 Co. I, 118th N. Y. and Co. C, 96th N. Y. Inf. Tacoma
WILSON, Charles 77 Co. A, 11th Iowa Inf. Everett
WINEBERG, Henry C. 77 Co. E, 6th West Va. Inf. Puyallup
WITGEN, S. R. 72 Co. D, 4th W. Va. Vol. Inf. Port Orchard
WOLFE, H. W. 77 Co. B, 40th Ill. Inf. Seattle
WOOD?, C. L. 70 Co. A, 8th Wis. Inf. Bremerton
WOOD, M. D. ? Co. C, 66th Ill. Cav. Centralia
WORLDS, W. G. 74 Co. E, 27th Mich. Inf. Tacoma
WRIGHT, Brazil B. 84 Co. G, 4th Cal., Inf. Orting
WRIGHT, Martin 70 Co. G, 25th Penn. (Col.) Art. Orting
YORK, S. A. 77 Co. H, 9th Maine Inf. Snohomish
YOUNG, L. J. 76 Co. B, 6th Minn. Inf. Tacoma
ZIMMERMAN, Chas. 78 Co. F, 139th Ind. Inf. Port Angeles

*newspaper typo, service was in Co. G

Note: The Washington State Soldier's Home is located at Orting, Pierce, WA.

Copied by Susan Nahas, January, 2001. Source: Bellingham Herald June 24-25, 1914.

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