Referred to on p. 325.
THE annexed report, prepared by the committees of Cumberland county, and which forms the basis of the abstract given in the text, is taken from the MS. George Clinton Papers, in N. Y. State Lib., vol. v. doc. 1645.
"Copies of Returns made by Committees of Sundry Towns in the County of Cumberland of the Number of Inhabitants in their Towns, and an account of their Principles, so far as respects a separation from New York.
"Those in Hinsdale that are for the State of New York, 11th August 1778,
are in number . 39
" For the State of Vermont. 1
" Neuters . 2
" Total . . 42
"The Town of Guilford did not make a Return, but they reckon 53 Voters for New York, not so many for Vermont, and a number of Neuters.
" In Halifax, For New York, August 11, 1778 63
" For Vermont . 36
" Neuters . . 20
" Total . 119
"The Number of Voters in Brattleborough who dissent from the pre‑
tended State of Vermont, August 11, 1778 165
"Number who are for Vermont 1
"Total 166
"The Town of Marlborough sent a Representative to ye first Session of Assembly for Vermont, but have lately as a Town, Voted not to intermeddle further in the Dispute until Congress shall declare their sense upon the matter.
"In Wilmington (or Draper) for New York, August 7, 1778 12
"For Vermont . . 15
"Neuters . 8
"Total 35
"From Fulham, no Return is yet made, but upon a Division of the Town, ye major part were against Vermont, ye chief of which are also against New York.
"From New Fane, no Return made, but ye Inhabitants being about equally divided, have come to some agreement of neutrality.
"The Account and Number of the Inhabitants of the Town of Putney from the age of 16 and upwards, taken the 10th of August, 1778, [is] as followeth:
"Men of Age that signed to continue under the State of New York, in
Number 69
"The account of those of the Inhabitants that have signed and sworn to
the State of Vermont, is . 26
"The Remaining part of the Inhabitants of Age and under Age, are. 41
"Total 136
" Taken by us, the Subscribers, as Committeemen for ye said Town of Putney.
"James Clay, Samuel Minott.
"Westminster sent no Return; is about equally divided — the Number of Voters for New York about 40
"Rockingham Committee did not come or send.
"In Springfield, For New York 21
" For Vermont 19
" Neuters 4
"Total 44
"In Weathersfield, For New York 11
" For Vermont 12
"Total 23
"No Towns higher up the River have chosen Committees for the Purpose of opposing the pretended State of Vermont."
Another calculation as to the numerical strength of the Yorkers in Cumberland county, may be stated as follows. When in the month of July, in the year 1780, a company of fifty men was formed in Cumberland county, by the advice of Governor Clinton, for the continental service, every twelfth or thirteenth person of those required to bear arms, was drafted for that purpose. The number of Yorkers, therefore, between the ages of sixteen and sixty, must at that time have amounted to more than six hundred. — See George Clinton Papers in N. Y. State Lib., vol. x. doc. 3081.