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Referred to on p. 58.


The names of those persons who were admitted grantees, or proprietors of town­ship No. 1, on the 19th of November, 1736, were:


Capt. Joseph Tisdale,                               Deacon Samuel Sumner,

James Williams,                                        Ensign Seth Sumner,

Capt. James Leonard,                               Lieut. Morgan Cobb 2d,

Edmond Andrews,                                   Lieut. John Harney,

James Leonard 3d,                                    Ensign Edward Blake,

Joseph Willis,                                           Eliakim Walker,

Josiah Lincoln,                                         Jonathan Paddleford, Jr.,

Joseph Barney,                                         John Smith 2d,

Joseph Wilbore,                                        Jonathan Barney,

Ebenezer Dean,                                       James Walker,

Joseph Eddy,                                            James Leonard 2d,

Ezra Dean,                                               Ephraim Dean,

Ebenezer Cobb,                                       Israel Tisdale.


Capt. Joseph Tisdale on the rights of John Crossman, Benjamin Crossman, Samuel Darby, Joseph Jones, Jeremiah Wittnell, and Stephen Wilbore.

Deacon Samuel Sumner on the rights of Benjamin Willis and Stephen Macomber.

Thomas Clapp on the rights of Nicholas Stephens and Samuel Pratt.

Lieut. Eliphalet Leonard on the rights of William Hodges 2d, Henry Hodges, Francis Liscomb, Stephen Wood, and William Hoskins.

Jonathan Paddleford, Jr. on the rights of Thomas Lincoln 3d, and Samuel Wil­liams 2d.

Joseph Tisdale, Jr. on the rights of John Tisdale, Robert Woodward, and Joseph Drake.

Joseph Eddy on the rights of Nathaniel Caswell and William Leonard.

Capt. James Leonard on the rights of David Cobb and Morgan Cobb.

Benjamin Ruggles           on the right of Henry Richmond.

James Williams                  "         "           Abraham Tisdale.

Seth Staples                      "         "           John Andrews.

Ensign Seth Sumner          "         "           Isaac Merrick.

Lieut. John Harney            "         "           Stephen Gary.

Ebenezer Dean                 "         "           Joseph Richmond.




                                                    APPENDIX D.                                          739


Ebenezer Smith                      on the right of Thomas Gilbert.

James Walker, Jr.                    "          "             James Walker.

Lieut. Morgan Cobb 2d          "          "             Simeon Cobb.

William Ware                         "          "             William Thayer.


In addition to the allotments made to these grantees, two rights were set apart for the first and second settled ministers, and one right was assigned for school purposes.