Bridgewater (Mass.), people from, settle in Kirby, i. 337
Bridport, hist., i. 16-18
N. H.-N. Y. conflict, i. 16²-17
organized, 1784, i. 17²
Brigham family of Fayston, iv. 181-2
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715-6
Brighton, custom house at, i. 956
formerly named Random, i. 953
hist. by N. P. Bowman, i. 952-60
pioneers, i. 953
proprietors' meeting, i. 952²
town and other officers, i. 953
Brimfield (Mass.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 316²
Bristol, hist. by Harvey Munsill, i. 19-22
organized, 1789, i. 20
pioneers, i. 20
Bristol Flats, see Bristol
Bristol Notch, i. 103²
Bristol scenery, by Mrs. James Tucker, i. 22
British defeat the French at Lake George, 1735, i. 3
expedition against Canada in 1691, i. 2²
fleet captured at Plattsburg, ii. 297²
on Take Champlain, i. 5²
surrenders at Plattsburg, 1814, i. 107²
forces in Bennington battle, v. pt. 35, 17, 19, 20
land claims in Monkton and Starksboro, i. 105
massacred at Fort William Henry, 1757, i. 3²
position at Bennington battle, v. pt. 35, 17²-18
proclamation at Crown Point, 1776, i. 5²
progress from Ticonderoga to Albany, v. pt. 35, 16²-17
spies, Levi Sylvester, iii. 246
troops turned back in Cabot, iv. 75-6
Broad Brook, v. pt. 2, 277, 363
Bromley, part annexed to Mt. Tabor, iii. 867
renamed Peru, i. 207-8, 2d ed. 206-7; iii. 867
Brookfield (Mass.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408²
settle in Goshen, i. 35
Brookfield (Vt.), census 1791-1860, ii. 864
description, ii. 854-6
grantees, ii. 855
hist. by Rev. E. P. Wild, ii. 854-70, 1163
pioneers, ii. 856²-7, 865
professional men, ii. 862-3
settled, 1779, ii. 856²
town and other officers, ii. 858²
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 359²-60
hist. by Charles P. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 377-405
military record, v. pt. 2, 383-4
organized, v. pt. 2, 378
part of Newfane annexed, v. pt. 2, 380
part of Putney annexed, v. pt. 2, 221-2
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 377-8
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 380, 385-6
vital records, v. pt. 2, 386
Brooks free library, illustration, v. facing p. 17
Brooksville, New Haven, i. 70², 71
Brown family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 710-12
Brownington, granted, 1782, iii. 90
hist by Rev. Samuel R. Hall, iii. 90-105, 374-7
military hist., iii. 104-5
physicians, iii. 93
pioneers, iii. 90-2
town and other officers, iii. 90-1
Brownington, town meetings, iii. 91
Lamoille co., early name of Johnson, ii. 669²
Brownington Gore, iii. 376
pioneers, iii. 376
Brownson family, of Arlington, i. 135, 2d ed. 137
Brownville or Brownington, ii. 669²
Brunswick, hist. by Mrs. Margaret G. Marshall, i. 960-6
pioneers, i. 961-4
surveyed, 1788, i. 961
Bruster river, ii. 693²
Buck Hollow, Fairfax, first settled, 1791, ii. 169, 172
Buffum's pond, Peru, i. 207², 2d ed. 206²
Bullwagga bay, i. 2, 8
Bullwagga Mt., see Ogden Mt.
Burgess Bridge, of North Bennington, v. pt. 35, 49²
Burgoyne captured, i. 158², 2d ed. 161
Burgoyne's army, i. 154-5, 2d ed. 156-7; v. pt. 35, 14-22
invasion, 1777, i. 151-60, 2d ed. 153-62
opinion of Vermonters, v. pt. 35, 21²
proclamation, May 1777, i. 5²
Burial places of Indians in Missisquoi valley, iv. 945
Buck family, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 586
Burke, collegiates, i. 311²
hist. by A. Burington, i. 302-12
organized, 1796, i. 304²
Burke mountain, i. 302
Burke's fort, Bernardston Mass., v. pt. 2, 307
Burlington, breweries, i. 514²
census 1791-1840, 1860, i. 517; iv. 274
city organization proposed, i. 508², 537²
co. court at, 1790, i. 466²-7
description, i. 719-25
elections, i. 500
fined for poor roads, i. 500²
flight from, in 1777, i. 157², 2d ed. 159²
granted, i. 487²
grantees, i. 488
hist. by Russell S. Taft, i. 487-656, 937-9
hotels, i. 504²
origin of name, i. 487²
pioneers, i. 491-9
professional men, i. 504
proprietors, i. 490
proprietors' meetings, i. 488-9, 492, 500
public buildings, i. 511-12
seen in mirage, i. 92
streets, i. 515-17
support of poor, i. 505-8
surveys, i. 491
town and other officers, i. 509-10
town lines, i. 504
town meetings, 1809, i. 501-2
vital records, i. 654-6, 937-8
(steamboat), i. 701-4
Burlington Female Seminary, by Rev. John K. Converse, i. 531-5
Burlington Free Press, ii. 960²-3
controversy with Montreal Herald, ii. 299²
Burmah, missionaries to, i. 163, 2d ed. 165
Burnap family, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 15-16
Burned mountains of Middlesex, iv. 229-31
Burr Seminary, of Manchester, i. 205, 2d ed. 204
Butler's Island, in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Button Bay, i. 2²
Buxton family of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 23-4
Byron family of Maidstone, i. 1035-6
Cabot, hist. by John M. Fisher, iv. 74-128
lots drawn, iv. 74²
military records, iv. 116-23
origin of name, iv. 75²
physicians, iv. 101
pioneers, iv. 76-7, 83-6
proprietors, iv. 75
town and other officers, iv. 103-5
town records, iv. 78-9
village incorporated, 1866, iv. 82²
villages, iv. 81-6
Cabot carriage co., iv. 82
Cadysville, ii. 680²-1
Calais, collegiates, iv. 164²
description, iv. 128-9, 154
granted 1780, iv. 129
grantees, iv. 130
hist. by James K. Tobey & Edwin E. Robinson, iv. 128-77
origin of name, iv. 130², 154²
physicians, iv. 164
pioneers, iv. 133-4
proprietors' records, iv. 129-34
settled 1787, iv. 133-4
town and other officers, iv. 135, 172-5
Caldersburg, early name of Morgan, iii. 282²; iv. 714
Caldwell's Upper Manor, ii. 473²
see also Alburg
Caledonia co., census, 1791-1860, i. 270
hist. by Rev. Thomas Goodwillie, i. 261-71
officers, i. 270
origin of name, i. 268
sources of hist., i. 271²
statistics, i. 270², 271, 301
Caledonia co. agri. soc., i. 269²
address before, 1845, i. 300²-2
Caledonia co. farmers club, i. 355-6
Caledonia. co. grammar school of Lyndon, i. 345²
of Peacham, i. 294-5, 360
land given it, i. 369²
Caley Town,. early name of Vershire, ii. 1132
Calkins family, of Waterbury, iv. 850-1
Cambrian cornet band of Fair Haven, iii. 710
Cambrian slate co. of Poultney, iii. 1001
Cambridge, grantees, ii. 596
grants made near, 1779, ii. 90
hist. by Lyman J. Seely, ii. 595-621, 796-7
military hist., ii. 606-10, 797
pioneers, ii. 596²-600, 610-13
proprietors' meetings, ii. 595²-6
statistics, ii. 605
town and other officers, ii. 605-6
villages, ii. 604
vital records, ii. 597, 603, 613, 617
Cambridgeport, in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 501, 552
Camels Hump, Huntington, i. 458, 813²; iv. 21²
seen by Champlain, iv. 2
Canaan (Conn.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 312²
persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91
Canaan (N. Y.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 313²
Canaan (Vt.), granted, 1782, i. 1067²
hist. by H. A. Cutting, i. 1067²-9
pioneers, i. 1067²
settled, 1782, i. 1067²
Canada, extends jurisdiction in Alburg, ii. 490
Canadian garrisons in Grand Isle co., ii. 490
Canadian Radical War, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
Canadian raids, see Fenian invasion
Canadian rebellion of 1837, i. 101²; ii. 244², 266-7, 298-300, 374, 504-14
affected Alburg, ii. 499-507, 504
in Missiseo valley, iii. 327-9
Vt. soldiers during, ii. 403², 417, 420-1, 434-5, 445
Canadian refugees at Swanton, 1837, ii. 299
in Franklin co., ii. 298
Canal between Lake Champlain & St. Lawrence projected, 1792, iv. 300
Canal boats built at St. Albans, ii. 298
Canal route between Champlain and Casco bay surveyed, i. 957
Canal survey of 1826 in Plainfield, iv. 713
Canal surveys through Vt., iv. 6
Canals, projected in Vt., 1825, iv. 300-1
Candlesticks, taken from St. Francis Indians, i. 273
Caniaderi-Guaranti, Indian name for Lake Champlain, i. 2
Canfield family, i. 134, 2d ed. 136
Cannon invented by Cyrus Dodge, v. pt. 2, 306²
taken at Bennington, i. 158, 2d ed. 160
Cannterbury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Hancock, i. 43²
Canton (N. Y.), residence of Silas Wright, i. 111
Cape Breton War, Putney soldiers, v. pt. 2, 219
Capital punishment in Chittenden Co., 1808, i. 467²
Capt. Kidd's gold, iii. 1087-90
in Middlesex, iv. 241-2
in Waitsfield, iv. 776²
Captains on Lake Champlain, ii. 242
on Lake Champlain steamers, i. 705²
Capture and escape of John Stark, i. 263
Capture and rescue of Remember Baker, i. 767-8
Captures and escapes, i. 6
at Addison, i. 11²
at Arlington, i. 133 note, 2d ed. 134 note
at New Haven, i. 69²-70
at Orwell, i. 860-1
at Panton, i. 80², 82-3
at Peacham, i. 359², 362-3
at Shoreham, i. 97², 98
at Waltham, i. 109
at Weybridge, i. 109²
from tories, i. 1028²-9
Carding machine, built in Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673
first in Bennington co., i. 251²
Carleton (British ship), i. 5²
Carleton family, of Barre, iv. 40
Carleton's Island, see Stave Island
Carley family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 721-2
"Carlton 's Prize," i. 666
Carnes granite quarry, Barre, iv. 39
Caroline (Steamer), destroyed by British, ii. 509
Carriage, first in Barnet, 1812, i. 294
Carthage, see Jay
Carver's falls, Fair Haven, iii. 676²-7
Caspian lake in Greensboro, iii. 209²
Cassimere manufacture, at Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 514
Castleton, collegiates, iii. 521²-2
first church building, iii. 525-6
granted, 1761, iii. 501
grantees, iii. 503
hist. by Rev. Joseph Steele, iii. 501-47
in the Revolution, iii. 510-12
lawyers, iii. 523
origin of name, iii. 501²
physicians, iii. 522²
pioneers, iii. 501²-2, 505-10
proprietors' records, iii. 501², 502²
rival of Rutland, iii. 582²
settled, 1770, iii. 502²
town and other officers, iii. 515-16
Castleton battle, 1777, iii. 511
Castleton medical academy, see Castleton medical college
Castleton medical college, iii. 513, 519-21, 528²
Castleton river, Fair Haven, iii. 691²-2
Castleton seminary, iii. 513, 517-19, 528²
Catamount fight, ii. 349
Catamount sign, Bennington, i. 126², 2d ed. 127
Catamount tavern, of Bennington, i. 151, 153², 156, 2d ed. 153²; v. pt. 35, 22², 29
illus., v. pt. 35, p. 23
Catamounts in Dorset, i. 184, 2d ed. 185²
Catlin's flouring mill, Burlington, i. 515
Catts-bane in Newfane, v. pt. 2, 458
Caughnawaga canal, i. 705
Cavalry co. of Franklin co., ii. 175
Cave, in Fletcher, ii. 215²
Caves, in Arlington, i. 122, 2d ed. 121²
in Dorset, i. 182-3, 2d ed. 183-4
in Monkton, i. 67²
Cemeteries, of Barre, iv. 35
Bennington, v. pt. 35, 53-4
Brattleboro, v. 59-60
Cabot, iv. 87
Danby, iii. 608
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 209-10
Essex, i. 783²
Fair Haven, iii. 703
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414
Lyndon, i. 353
Middlesex, iv. 243-5
Middletown, iii. 808²
Montpelier, iv. 532-9
Northfield, iv. 667-70
Pawlet, iii. 898
Pittsford, iii. 950²-1
Poultney, iii. 970
Roxbury, iv. 747
St. Albans, ii. 364²-8
Stowe, ii. 702-6
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522
Swanton, iv. 1039-40
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 309²
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 691²
Cemeteries of Indians in Swanton, iv. 945-6
Census of militia east of Green Mts., in 1766, v. 2²
Census of Champlain valley, 1783-91, i. 667
Census, see also names of towns
Centennial celebration of Vt., v. pt. 35, 72-9
Centennial of Bennington battle, v. pt. 35, 56²
Centennial of Cong'l church of Westminister, v. pt. 2, 630-5
Centennial of Vt. Independence at Westminster, v. pt. 2, 635
Central Vt. railroad, Montpelier, iv. 251²; v. pt. 2, 511
built in Bolton, i. 483
chartered, iv. 6²
first stock subscribed in 1845, iv. 305²
see also Vt. Central R. R.
Centreville, ii. 799²
Chambly, Fort, see Fort Chambly
Champlain, Lake, see Lake Champlain
Champlain & Conn. river R. R. co., iii. 1112
Champlain & St. Lawrence R. R., built, 1836, i. 700
Champlain arsenal, at Vergennes, i. 107
Champlain canal, opened, i. 518
completed, i. 681²
Champlain transportation co., i. 683, 694², 700²-3
officers, i. 705
Champlain valley, common battle field between Iroquois & Algonkins in 1609, iv. 943
geology, ii. 91
natural history, ii. 21-88
Champlain's battle with Iroquois, by J. S., in Vergennes Citizen, Dec. 25, 1857 i. 1 note
Champlain's discovery, iv. 941
Character of the N. H. Grantees, iii. 587
Charcoal creek, ii. 344
Charcoal manufacture in Woodford, i. 248²
Charleston, former name, Navy, iii. 379²
granted, 1780, iii. 105
grantees, iii. 118-22
hist. by Alph Allyn, iii. 105-36, 377-81
pioneers, iii. 107-11, 118-22, 380
town and other officers, iii. 114-15
villages, iii. 122
Charlestown (N. H.), defended, 1747, i. 281
persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 168²
Charlotte, clergy, i. 742
collegiates, i. 737²
granted, 1762, i. 733²
hist. by Rev. Bernice D. Ames, i. 733-53, 939
military hist., i. 736-7
pioneers, i. 734-5
proprietors' meetings, i. 733-4
town and other officers, i. 744
Charlotte co., i. 121
boundaries, i. 462
civil power of, not acknowledged, i. 462²
court, i. 125(2)
est., 1772, i. 461-3
formerly part of Albany co., iv. 3²
included Franklin co., ii. 90
Charter expenses of Barnet, i. 276²
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 411
Charter fees of St. Johnsbury and Danville, i. 392
Underhill, i. 886²
Chase family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 716-8
Chatham (Conn.), people from, settle in Hardwick, i. 331²
Chelsea, granted, 1770, ii. 870
grantees, ii. 870²
hist. by C. W. Clarke, ii. 870-3, 1164-68
lawyers, ii. 871-2
military hist., ii. 1164-7
organized, ii. 871
pioneers, ii. 870²
town officers, ii. 873
Chelsea Green, ii. 870
Chemical works in Highgate, ii. 261
Cherokee Indian mission, i. 335-6
Cherokee Indians, of Tenn. and Ga., i. 366²
Cheshire (Conn.), persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91
Chester, Cumberland co. court est. at, v. 3²
included in Albany co., v. 2²
new county buildings, v. 6-7
Chevelure, Point a la, i. 2² see Point a la Chevelure
Chimney Point, abandoned by French settlers, i. 4
fort built, 1690, i. 1-2, 754²; ii. 560²
horse race course, i. 6²
in Addison, i. 1, 78, 93²
settled, i. 3; ii. 558
Chipman's Point in Orwell, i. 74
Chippewa language, Bible translated into, i. 113²
Chittenden family, of Tinmouth & Williston, i. 907
Chittenden, granted, 1780, iii. 547², 548²
grantees, iii. 548²
history, iii. 547-52
organized, 1789, iii. 548²
pioneers, iii. 548²
proprietors' records, iii. 549²-52
statistics, iii. 547-8
town and other officers, iii. 549
Chittenden co., bounds, i. 453, 458
buildings located, i. 467
census, 1791-1860, i. 457, 470, 474
courts, i. 465-8
description, i. 457-8
divided, 1792, ii. 90
est. 1787, i. 6², 119², 466; ii. 474
natural history, ii. 21-88
officers appointed in 1787, i. 465 note
pioneers, i. 456²
sketch, i. 453-74
statistics, i. 474
Chittenden turnpike, see Winooski turnpike
Chittenden 's reply to congressional resolutions respecting Vt., Dec. 1782, i. 924
Church and state separated in Vt. in 1805, i. 294²
Church expenses a town charge by law, 1783, v. pt. 2, 631
Church of England, glebe, ii. 100²
glebes in N. H. grants, i. 127, 2d ed. 128
Church rate in Dummerston, 1785, v. pt. 2, 87-8
Church records of Pawlet destroyed, iii. 901
Churches of Addison, i. 6²
Albany, iii. 50, 52-3, 57-8, 373²
Alburg, ii. 514²
Arlington, i. 131-2, 2d ed. 132-3
Athens, v. pt. 2, 357², 390-3, 632²
Bakersfield, ii. 104-7, 388²
Barnet, i. 278, 284-7, 209-300, 384
Churches of Barre, iv. 28-31, 51-2
Barton, iii. 80, 86-9
Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 510-11, 515-6
Belvidere, ii. 593-4
Bennington, i. 139, 160-2, 254, 2d ed. 141², 162-4; v. pt. 35, 43-4, 48, 50
Benson, iii. 409-13
Berkshire, ii. 112-14, 119, 124 and note
Berlin, iv. 64-7, 1190
Bloomfield, i. 951-2
Bolton, i. 483
Bradford, ii. 819-23
Braintree, ii. 848-52
Brandon, iii. 463-74, 478-9
Brattleboro, v. 22-33, 177-80
Bridport, i. 17², 18
Brighton, i. 954
Bristol, i. 20-1
Brookfield, ii. 859-61
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 632²
Brownington, iii. 92-3
Burke, i. 305-7, 311
Burlington, i. 500, 536-51
Cabot, iv. 93-101, 920
Calais, iv. 143-7
Cambridge, ii. 605-6, 619-21
Canaan, i. 1067²
Castleton, iii. 512²-14, 525-8, 539-42
Charleston, iii. 115-7, 379-80
Charlotte, i. 103², 738-44
Chelsea, ii. 872-3
Clarendon, iii. 562
Colchester, i. 776-8
Concord, i. 973-5
Corinth, ii. 879-82, 887-8
Cornwall, i. 24-5, 27²
Coventry, iii. 154-7
Craftsbury, iii. 166-70
Danby, iii. 604-8, 670
Danville, i. 315²-6
Derby, iii. 179-81, 390
Dorset, i. 190-2, 2d ed. 191-3
Dover, v. pt. 2, 345-9
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 82-9, 153-7, 172-3, 192-4, 202-3
East Montpelier, iv. 576-7
Eden, ii. 623-5, 797-8
Elmore, ii. 627²
Enosburg, ii. 134, 141-9, 383², 466
Essex, i. 785-90
Fairfield, ii. 193, 197-200, 384
Fair Haven, iii. 714-20
Fairlee, ii. 902-3
Ferrisburg, i. 33²
Fletcher, ii. 208²-11
Franklin, ii. 224-6, 1183
Georgia, ii. 247-53, 384
Glover, iii. 205-8
Goshen, i. 36², 38
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 559-60
Granby, i. 994-5
Grand Isle co., ii. 476, 484-7, 529, 534-9
Granville, i. 40²
Churches of Greensboro, iii. 214-7
Groton, i. 322-3; iv. 1166-8
Guildhall, i. 1009-12
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9-10, 51-4
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 407, 415
Hardwick, i. 326-30
Highgate, ii. 269², 269-71, 384
Hinesburg, i. 796-9
Holland, iii. 236²-7
Hubbardton, iii. 771, 776-8
Huntington, i. 816²-7, 818, 826²-8
Hyde Park, ii. 655-6
Ira, iii. 781-3
Irasburg, iii. 254-5, 260
Isle La Motte, ii. 555²
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426-7
Jericho, i. 830
Johnson, ii. 672-6
Kirby, i. 337²-8
Landgrove, i. 198
Leicester, i. 44²
Lincoln, i. 49
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 18-21
Lowell, iii. 271-3, 280-1
Lunenburg, i. 1019-23
Lyndon, i. 345-6
Manchester, i. 200, 204-5, 2d ed, i. 203²-4
Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 441²-2
Marshfield, iv. 199, 206-11
Mendon, iii. 787-9
Middlebury, i. 52², 54, 56-8
Middlesex, iv. 225²
Middletown, iii. 830-6
Milton, i. 841-2
Monkton, i. 67²
Montgomery, i. 276-7
Montpelier, iv. 288-90, 374-82, 387-428, 568-70
Moretown, iv. 599-602
Morristown, ii. 689-90
Morgan, iii. 287²-9
Mt. Holly, iii. 847²-50
New Haven, i. 69-70
Newbury, ii. 919²-22, 931-4, 951
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 481-6, 725²
Newport, iii. 294-8
Northfield, iv. 616², 648-58, 705, 708
Orange, ii. 957
Orleans co., iii. 36
Orwell, i. 73-4
Pawlet, iii. 896, 900-5
Peacham, i. 269, 359-63
Peru, i. 208²-9, 2d ed. 207²-8
Pittsfield, iii. 936-7
Pittsford, iii. 944-7, 956²
Plainfield, iv. 726-9
Poultney, iii. 989-99
Putney, v. pt. 2, 234-9
Randolph, ii. 996²-7, 999-1006, 1031-2, 1064-6
Readsboro, i. 221, 2d ed. 219²-20
Richford, ii. 284-5, 384
Richmond. i. 845, 848-9
Churches of Ripton, i. 87
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 502
Roxbury, iv. 750-1
Rupert, i. 224-5, 2d ed. 223-4
Rutland, iii. 1016-22, 1041-50
Ryegate, i. 379-80, 383-5
St. Albans, ii. 292²-3, 332-40, 464
St. George, i. 852²
St. Johnsbury, i. 401-2, 404-9
Salisbury, i. 90
Sandgate, i. 231, 2d ed. 230
Shaftsbury, i. 235-6, 2d ed. 235
Sheffield, i. 417-8
Shelburne, i. 872-4, 879-84
Sheldon, ii. 372, 378-80, 383
Shoreham, i. 95-6
Shrewsbury, iii. 1126²
Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²
South Hero, ii. 571, 574, 578
Stamford, i. 238
Stannard, i. 435
Starksboro, i. 103
Stowe, ii. 709-19
Strafford, ii. 1068², 1077-88, 1176-7
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522
Sudbury, iii. 1138-9
Sutton, i. 424-5; v. pt. 34, 14-20, 56²
Swanton, ii. 1186; iv. 1078-96
Thetford, ii. 1095²-6, 1008
Tinmouth, iii. 1144², 1150-1
Topsham, ii. 1107-8
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547-9
Troy, iii. 322-4, 330-1
Tunbridge, ii. 1123-5
Underhill, i. 888-9
Vergennes, i. 107
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278-80
Vershire, ii. 1133, 1135-6, 1183
Victory, i. 1048, 1050
Waitsfield, iv. 780²-4, 794
Walden, i. 427
Wallingford, iii. 1174-82
Waltham, i. 108²
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670 repeated-2
Warren, iv. 803-4
Waterbury, iv. 821-2, 831, 840-1, 868, 876-8
Waterford, i. 431-2
Waterville, ii. 769²
Wells, iii. 1193-5
West Fairlee, ii. 914-5
Westfield, iii. 351-2
Westford, i. 892²-6
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603-9, 623, 629-35
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 640-7, 659-67
Weybridge, i. 110
Wheelock, i. 433
Whiting, i. 116²
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 15-7
Williamstown, ii. 1143-5
Williston, i. 903-4
Churches of Windham, v. pt. 3², 7, 10, 18
Winhall, i. 246
Wolcott, ii. 774-5, 778
Woodford, i. 249²
Worcester, iv. 903-9
Civil rights of Bennington, i. 142², 2d ed. 145
Civil war bounties paid in Highgate, ii. 267²
Civil war confederates from Canada invade St. Albans, ii. 303-8
Civil war episode, June 20, 1862, iv. 1178-84
Civil war officers of Vt. regts., 1-8, i. 443-5
Civil war sermons, ii. 836-41; v. pt. 2, 652-58
Civil war soldiers of Albany, iii. 68-70
Alburg, ii. 514
Bakersfield, ii. 394-6
Barre, iv. 43-6
Barton, iii. 61-2
Belvidere, ii. 593²
Berkshire, ii. 396-8
Berlin, iv. 68-9
Bloomfield, i. 952
Bradford, ii. 841-2, 1155-60
Braintree, ii. 852-4
Brattleboro, v. 54-7
Brighton, i. 957-9
Brookfield, ii. 867-9
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381-2, 384
Brownington, iii. 104-5
Brunswick, i. 964
Cabot, iv. 119-28
Calais, iv. 147-51
Caledonia co. regts. 10-15, i. 449-52
Cambridge, ii. 606²-10
Canaan, i. 1068
Castleton, iii. 529-31
Charleston, iii. 123-5
Chelsea, ii. 1164-6
Chittenden co., i. 475-80, 931-7
Co. A 2d regt. Vt. vol., i. 259
4th regt. Vt. vol., i. 260
Concord, i. 982-5
Corinth, ii. 883-4
Danby, iii. 655-62
Dover, v. pt. 2, 355-6
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 195-8
East Haven, i. 987
East Montpelier, iv. 587-90
Eden, ii. 625-6
Elmore, ii. 627
Enosburg, ii. 135, 399-402
Fair Haven, iii. 712-3
Fairfax, ii. 403-7
Fairfield, ii. 408-11
Fairlee, ii. 906-9
Fayston, iv. 194-7
Fletcher, ii. 412-4
Franklin, ii. 414-6
Franklin co., ii. 393-454
Georgia, ii. 417-20
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 557-60
Grand Isle, ii. 534²
Greensboro, iii. 217-31
Civil war soldiers of Groton, iv. 1164
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58-61
Highgate, ii. 421-5
Holland, iii. 238-9
Hyde Park, ii. 656-9
Irasburg, iii. 261-3
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 436-9
Johnson, ii. 666-8
Lamoille co., ii. 591
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 26-8
Lowell, iii. 270-1
Lunenburg, i. 1018
Maidstone, i. 1045
Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452-3
Marshfield, iv. 217-8
Mendon, iii. 792-3
Middlesex, iv. 247-50
Montgomery, ii. 425-27
Montpelier, iv. 299, 342-50, 520-6
Moretown, iv. 609-11
Morgan, iii. 286-7
Morristown, ii. 690-2
Mt. Holly, iii. 870
Newbury, ii. 947-51
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 489-91
Northfield, iv. 699-704
Orange, ii. 970-1
Orleans co., iii. 36
Pawlet, iii. 875-9
Pittsford, iii. 952-4
Plainfield, iv. 733-4
Putney, v. pt. 2, 227-8
Randolph, ii. 990-2
Richford, ii. 428-30
Roxbury, iv. 754-6
St. Albans, ii. 435-44
Sheldon, ii. 430-3
Sherburne, iii. 1123
Shrewsbury, iii. 1135-7
Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²
South Hero, ii. 576-7, 586
Stowe, ii. 743-68
Strafford, ii. 1088-90
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 523-4
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 53-5
Swanton, ii. 445-52; iv. 1061-9
Thetford, ii. 1178-80
Topsham, ii. 1111-4
Troy, iii. 337-42
Tunbridge, ii. 1126-8, 1182
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 286-7
Vershire, ii. 1134-5
Victory, i. 1050-1
Waitsfield, iv. 7734, 796-800
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 674-5
Warren, iv. 808-10
Waterbury, iv. 841-4
Waterville, ii. 770
Wells, iii. 1197
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601²-2
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 652
Civil war soldiers of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 695-7
Williamstown, ii. 1145-7
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 11-12
Windham, v. pt. 3², 21-5
Wolcott, ii. 776-8
Woodbury, iv. 880-2
Worcester, iv. 910-11
Civil war summary of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541
Clarendon boundary changes, iii. 571-2
granted by N. Y. & N. H., iii. 570²
grants, iii. 553²
hist. by H. B. Spofford, iii. 552-76
military hist., iii. 560-1, 573-5
origin of name, iii. 570²
pioneers, iii. 554, 571-2
settled, 1768, iii. 554
town and other officers, iii. 561-2, 571
vital records, iii. 571
see also Socialboro
Clarendon Springs, iii. 569-70
Clark family of Mt. Holly, iii. 852-61
Clarksville in Landgrove, i. 198
Clary's island, Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305
Clash between military and judicial authorities at St. Albans, iii. 353²
Clergy, N. H. grants to, i. 127
see also Biographical sketches
Clermont (steamboat), i. 686
Clinton co. in Vt. under N. Y., i. 463 note
Clio Hall, Bennington, i. 163², 2d ed. 165²; v. pt. 35, 29²
Clothes wringers of galvanized iron first made in Waterbury, iv. 834
Clothing manufacture in Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650
Cloudburst in Moretown, 1830, iv. 595-6
Clyde river, Brighton, i. 955
Coal mining, i. 30-1
Cobble Hill granite quarry, Barre, iv. 38²
Cohasse intervals, i. 264²
see also Coos
Coit's Gore, early name of Waterville, ii. 769
joined to Bakersfield 1799, ii. 103
Colchester, i. 6²
block house, i. 755²
census, 1791-1860, i. 762
granted, i. 487², 756²
half shire town, i. 465
hist. by David Read, i. 754-78, 931-2
natural history, i. 757-9
pioneers, i. 760-3
town and other officers, i. 763
Colchester Point, i. 2²
Capt. Schuyler's camp in 1690, i. 754²
remains of early settlement, i. 754²-5
Cold July, 1829, in Middlesex, iv. 242²
Cold season of 1816 in Benson, i. 99
Cabot, iv. 89
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 114
Enosburg, ii. 139
Hardwick, i. 325²
Orleans co., iii. 32², 321²
Peacham, i. 362²
Richford, ii. 282², 286²
St. Albans, ii. 297²-8
Cole's mills, in Westport, N. Y., i. 12²
College at Williamstown proposed, 1785, i. 520; ii. 1143
Colon and Spondee, articles by Royall Tyler, v. 95²
Colonial wars, ii. 560; v. pt. 2, 433-5, 457-8
in Chittenden co., i. 455²-6
in Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456²-8
in Pawlet, iii. 871²-2
on Lake Champlain, i. 2-4
official records of 1754-60, iv. 1151-5
soldiers, Jonathan Armstrong, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²
Isaac Farwell, i. 187, 2d ed. 188²
Jonas Fay, i. 171², 2d ed. 173²
Robert Hunkins, ii. 825²
Paul Moore, i. 97
William Raymond, i. 233, 2d ed. 227²
Capt. Samuel Robinson, i. 167, 170, 2d ed. 169², 172
see also Cape Breton war
Coltshill, name changed to Greensboro, iii. 210²
Columbian marble co., iii. 1066-8
Colvin murder case, i. 205-6, 2d ed. 204²-5
Commemoration table, i. e. Donors of portraits and engravings, patronesses and subscribers to the Gazetteer, i. 1071-9; ii. 1191-5
Commercial crisis of 1837 in Swanton, iv. 1011
Commercial Herald, of Phila., v. pt. 2, 247²
The Commerce (boat), ii. 298
Commissioners for sale of confiscated estates, v. 14²
Commissioners of Vt. sent to various states and to Congress, i. 773
Committee of correspondence in Cumberland co., v. 10², 11
in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 494²
Committee of safety of Cumberland co., v. 11²-13
of N. Y. adherents in Cumberland co., v. pt. 2, 27-8
of N. H. grants, i. 128, 2d ed. 129
Common schools, see schools
Competition in boat traffic on Champlain, i. 692-702
"Conant's Furnace," iii. 436
Conant stove, first made in Vt., iii. 425² note
Concord, census, i. 972
description, i. 970
granted, 1780, i. 967
grantees, i. 967
hist. by J. E. Woodbury, i. 966-85
pioneers, i. 967²-8
proprietors' meetings, i. 967
town and other officers, i. 971-2
villages, i. 972-3
Concord Corner, pioneers, i. 973
Confederate sympathizers from Canada raid St. Albans, 1864, ii. 303-8
Conferences between Vt. and Canada, 1780-3, i. 773-4
see also Haldimand negotiations
Confiscated tory estates, i. 201, 2d ed. 201; ii. 322-3
in Danby, iii. 586²
in Georgia, ii. 234
in Panton, i. 79², 81, 83
Conflict between Vt. and N. Y. adherents in Guilford, 1782-4, v. pt. 2, 57; v. pt. 3, 38-40
Conflict between Vermont Central and Rutland and Burlington R. Rs, ii. 301²-2
Congregational Journal, of Concord, N. H., ii. 153²
Congress thanks Stark, 1777, v. pt. 35, 22
treacherous to Vt., i. 923
Connecticut and Passumpsic rivers railroad, i. 269², 339; ii. 803, 955²
Connecticut Courant, quoted, i. 124
Connecticut river, v. pt. 2, 250²
decreed by Crown as western boundary of N. H., in 1764, i. 146², 2d ed. 149
flood heights at Vernon, v. pt. 2, 276²-7
navigation v. pt 3, 62-3
proposed state on, i. 391
R. R., v. pt. 2, 306, 511²
R. R. projected, 1827, iv. 6²
terraces in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 501
Connecticut valley surveyed in 1760-1 from White river to Onion and Lamoille rivers, i. 281; ii. 802
to he settled and fortified by N. H, ii. 916
Constitution (ship), i. 584
Constitution of Vt. adopted, 1777, v. 14
Constitutional convention at Bennington, 1791, i. 136², 2d ed. 138²
Contents of vol. 1 of the Gazetteer, i. pref. p. vii-xi
vol. 2 of the Gazetteer, ii. pref. p. vii-viii
vol. 3 of the Gazetteer, already in type, ii. pref. p. viii-ix; iii. pref, p. vii-viii
vol. 4 of the Gazetteer, iv. pref. p. iv
Contents of Washington co. history of the Gazetteer, iv. 925-32
Contest for location of Vt. capitol, 1805-7 and 1857, iv. 6², 8-9
Continental army, Bennington votes bounties for 20 soldiers in Col. Warner's regt., Apr. 1777, i. 153², 2d ed. 155²
Green Mt. Boys, in, i. 152, 2d ed. 154²
Continental Congress, 1774, v. 11
Vt. agent present at, Jan. 1777-82, i. 171², 2d ed. 173²
Continental money, value, i. 316
Continental store house at Bennington, v. pt. 35, 50²
Contraband dealers, see Smuggling
"The Contrast," by Royall Tyler, v. 93
Contributors and Manuscripts for remainder of the work of the Gazetteer, ii. pref. pp. ix-x
Contributors to the Gazetteer, i. 1071; ii. pref. pp. ix-x
Controversy between Davis and Allen, iv. 713
between Vt. & N. H., ii. 934-43
Conversational club of Northfield, iv. 698²
Cooley creamer made at Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
Cooper's Point, in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277
Coos, Upper and Lower, ii. 802
Coos country, i. 1028
explored by N. H., 1754, ii. 916-7
see also Newbury
Coos meadows, i. 263
Coos road in Berlin, iv. 53
Coosuck Indians, ii. 802²
Copper in Vershire and Corinth, ii. 803, 875
Copper mine in Brighton, i. 955²
in Corinth, ii. 1168
in Vershire, ii. 908², 1137-8
Copperas in Strafford, ii. 1085-8
Copperas Hill, of Strafford, ii. 1067², 1085²
Corinth, granted, 1774, ii. 874
hist. by Insley Dow, ii. 873-8, 1168-9
in Rev. war, ii. 874²
lawyers, ii. 882
military hist. ii. 879², 883-5
physicians, ii. 882²
pioneers, ii. 875-6, 885, 887
settled, 1781, ii. 885-6
town and other officers, ii. 874², 882-3, 1169
vital records, ii. 878-9
Corinth copper company, ii. 875, 1168²
Corinth copper mine, ii. 1168
Corlear's Lake, Dutch name of Lake Champlain, i. 2 and note
Corner stone of Bennington battle monument laid, v. pt. 35, 60-9
Cornish (N. H.), persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 142
Cornton, in Putney, v. pt. 2, 223²
Cornwall (Conn.), persons from, settle in Berkshire, ii. 121
Cornwall (Vt.), collegiates, i. 25²
hist. by L. Matthews, i. 23-31
Indian raids in, i. 24
Literary society see Young gentlemen's society
N. H. and N. Y. conflict, i. 23²
pioneers, i. 23², 26-8
proprietors from Litchfield co. Conn., i. 23²
settled in 1774, i. 23²
Coroner's inquest on W. French's murder, v. 2, 574
Correspondence of Gen. Jacob Bailey regarding Vt., ii. 934-9
Levi Allen, i. 571-4
Thomas Chandler and Capt. Ebenezer Allen, i. 860²
Thomas Chittenden and Ira Allen, i. 858
George Washington and Col. Thomas Johnson, ii. 929-30
Cost of living at St. Albans, 1817, ii. 297²
Cost of State House, 1808, iv. 285²
The Cottage Hearth, of Boston, v. 183²
Cotton, in Iroquois' armor, i. 1²
Cotton gin, in Bennington, i. 251²
Cotton mills, in Burlington, i. 513-4
in U. S., in 1810, iv. 275²
Cottrill family, of Montpelier, iv. 520
"Council room," Bennington, i. 153², 2d ed. 156
Council room hearth, illus., v. pt. 35, 27
Counterfeiters, i. 125², 178², 2d ed. 126, 180; ii. 831-2; iii. 818-9
in Bradford and Middletown, iii. 817
in Morgan, iii. 289
in Rupert, i. 228, 2d ed. 227
Counties of Vermont, i. 461-7; ii. 801; iv. 4
of western Vt. est., i. 464-7
County commissioners for granting licenses, ii. 96-7
County courts, granted licenses, ii. 96²
County fair, of Franklin co., ii. 101
Country grammar schools, see Addison co. grammar school, and names of other counties
County officers elected by general assembly, 1787, i. 465²
see also Franklin co. officers, Rutland co. officers, etc.
County road in Washington co., iv. 6. 11
County supt's of common schools, ii. 98
Court House Hill, Westminster, v. pt. 2, 494²
Court of Confiscation of Vt., v. 14² (2)
see also Confiscated tory estates
Coventry (Conn.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 333
Coventry (Vt.), granted, 1780, iii. 136
hist. by Rev. Pliny H. White, iii. 136-64, 381
military hist., iii. 153²
pioneers, iii. 136-50
settled, iii. 136, 137
town and other officers, iii. 158-9
vital records, iii. 153
Coventry Gore, iii. 150
Craftsbury, first organized town in Orleans co., iii. 31
formerly in Chittenden and Caledonia counties, iii. 165²
granted, 1781, iii. 165
Craftsbury, grantees, iii. 170
hist. by W. J. Hastings, iii. 164²-78, 281
military hist., iii. 178
physicians, iii. 166²
pioneers, iii. 165
town and other officers, iii. 165², 170-1
town records, iii. 165²
villages, iii. 165²
vital records, iii. 1702
Cranberry river see Saranac river
Cream hill in Shoreham, i. 95, 96², 97
Credulity about hidden gold in Essex, i. 784-5
Crown Point, abandoned by Americans, 1776 & 1777, i. 5²
burned by French, 1759, i. 4
Champlain reached, i. 1
in 1758 & 1760, v. pt. 2, 28, 31
New York's objective, 1690, i. 2
possession disputed, i. 3
rebuilt by British, 1759, i. 4
repaired by British, 1778, i. 12
strength of, i. 4
taken by Col. Warner, i. 5
see also Fort St. Frederick
Cuba, expedition against, 1762, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²
Cumberland (township), never chartered, v. pt. 2, 684
Cumberland co., affairs in Congress, v. 17²
attempts to remove co. seat from Chester, v. 3-9
bounds, i. 261²
buildings at Chester, v. 3, 6-7
census, v. 10
committee of correspondence, v. pt. 2, 539
committee of safety, v. 11²-13
conflict over location of shire town, v. 8²
disallowed by King, v. 3²
est. by N. Y., 1766, iv. 3; v. 3
1772, i. 461²-3
est. by Vt., March 1778, v. pt. 2, 273²
1779, i. 262, 463²
first civil officers appointed by Vt., v. 14², 15
hist. by G. A. Davis, v. 1-17 in 1779, ii. 474
militia, v. 13
N. Y. officers, v. 2, 3
propose petition to King, v. 2², 11²
records, v. 3²
reestablished, v. 3²
represented in N. Y. Provincial congresses, v. 10-13
resists N. Y., v. 11², 13²
Cumberland co. congress, of 1774, v. pt. 2, 208
Cumberland co. conventions, v. 10-13; v. pt. 2, 538-9
Cumberland co. court at Westminster, v. 9²
broken up, v. 5-6
est. by N. Y., 1776, v. 3
officials arrested, v. pt. 2, 574
Cumberland co. courts est. by Vt. June 1778, v. 14²
Cummington (Mass.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 318²
Curtis family, of Calais, iv. 152-4
Custom house at Brighton, i. 956
Cutler family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 393-4
Cut-off Territory, v. pt. 2, 251²
Cuttingsville, iii. 1126
Dairy machinery manufacture in Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511
Dalton (Mass.), persons from, settle in Hancock, i. 43²
persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91
Danby, census 1791-1810, 1870, iii. 591, 593, 666
changes between 1765 and 1815, iii. 594-5
charters, iii. 576²-7
Civil war record, iii. 654-62
Committee of safety, iii. 586
gift of school fund, iii. 597²-8
grantees, iii. 577
hist. by J. C. Williams, iii. 576-672
in Rev. war, iii. 586
military hist., iii. 652-63
militia companies, 1775-1864, iii. 662-3
organized, iii. 581
pioneers, iii. 579²
political parties, iii. 598
poor farm purchased 1859, iii. 596²
proprietors' records, iii. 577²-8, 580
surveyed, iii. 578
town and other officers, iii. 581-2, 585-6, 588, 598-60
town house voted, iii. 595-6
town meetings, iii. 581-2, 585-98
town records, iii. 578²-9
vital records, iii. 666
Danville, charter quieted, i. 314
granted, 1786, i. 313²
hist. by M. T. C. Alexander, i. 312-21
origin of name, i. 312², 389²
pioneers, i. 313
productions, 1860, i. 316
rank, in early history, i. 314
surveys, i. 314
Danville circuit, i. 316
Dark day, in 1780, v. pt. 2, 689
Dartmouth Coll., given grant of Wheelock, i. 269², 432², 521
Davis and Allen controversy, iv. 713-5
Daye printing press, v. pt. 2, 601
Day's mills of Barre, iv. 35
Deed Creek, in Addison, i. 4, 81
Debating club of Pawlet, iii. 899
Poultney, iii. 981²
Debt, imprisonment for, i. 35²
Declaration that Vt. ought to be free made at Dorset convention, i. 771²
Dedication of vol. 1, i. pref. p. v.
2, ii. pref. p. iii.
3. iii. pref. p. iii.
4, iv. pref. p. iii.
5, v. pref. p. iii.
"Deer licks," in Highgate, ii. 261²
Deer rifts in Pawlet, iii. 890
Deerfield (Mass.), captives' route to Canada in 1704, i. 455²
persons from, settle in Grand Isle, ii. 539²-40
Deerfield river, v. pt. 2, 338, 519, 686; v. pt. 3³, 5
Defence of Seth Warner, i. 154, 156-7, 2d ed. 156, 158-9
Dellins, N. Y. patent, 1696, iii. 405²
Derby history, iii. 178-95
lawyers, iii. 182
physicians, iii. 182
Deserters in war of 1812, ii. 295
Dewey family, of Berlin, iv. 61
Deweysburgh, i. 314, 358²
Dexter family, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 356
Diadamus Island in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Diary of Jabez Fitch, ii. 638-53
Eben Judd, i. 944-6
Lt. Spaulding, in 1758, v. pt. 2, 28-33
Dimick place, Bennington, i. 154, 176, 2d ed. 156², 178
Diocese of Burlington, R. C. church, ii. 339
Diocesian school for girls, Montpelier, Ga., ii. 361²
Discovery of Lake Champlain, ii. 89 and note
Discovery of supposed early records in lead tube in Swanton, 1853, iv. 934
Disorders in Bennington co., i. 124-6, 2d ed. 124-7
Distillery in Cabot, iv. 89-91
Cambridge, ii. 605
Enosburg, ii. 136, 155-6
Montpelier, iv. 275
Plainfield, iv. 720
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649
Documentary history of N. Y., map of Lake Champlain, ii. 89², 90
Dodge family, of Montpelier, iv. 501
Dog river, iv. 21², 694
Dog river valley ass'n, Northfield, iv. 686-7
Donors of portraits and engravings, in vol. i. of Gazetteer, i. 1071
in vol. 2, of Gazetteer, ii. 1191
Donors of portraits for Dummerston history, v. pt. 2, 216²
Montpelier history, iv. 591-2
Swanton history, iv. 1144
Westminster history, N. pt. 2, 670
Dorrilites in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10 note
Dorset, description, i. 192², 2d ed. 193²
eccentric characters, i. 188-9, 2d ed. 189-90
hist. by L. B. Armstrong, i. 182-96, 2d ed. 183-96
Dorset convention of 1776, delegates and proceedings, i. 128, 185-6, 2d ed. 128², 186-7
Dorset conventions, iii. 1166; v. 13-14; v. pt. 2, 339
Dorset Mt., named Mt. Eolus, i. 183 and note, 2d ed. 184 and note
Dorset street in Burlington, i. 182 note, 2d ed. 183² note
Dover (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Bridport, i. 17
in Fairfield, ii. 197²
Dover (Vt.), census, v. pt. 2, 344
described, v. pt. 2, 337-8
hist. by K. Haskins, v. pt. 2, 337-56
hotels, v. pt. 2, 351-2
physicians, v. pt. 2, 353
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 338-9
set off from Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 337
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 339-44
town records, v. pt. 2, 339-44
traders, v. pt. 2, 352-3
Draper, early name of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7
Dred Scott decision, Vt. legislature report on, iii. 487²
Drinking cup of Gov. Chittenden, i. 135² note, 2d ed. 137² note
Dual government in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 5-7
''Duchess of St. Albans," ii. 291²
Dummerston, census. 1761-93. v. pt. 2, 110-11, 178-9, 209²
charters, v. pt. 2, 1-3, 5
collegiates, v. pt. 2, 203-4
description, v. pt. 2, 4-5
first discovery, v. pt. 2, 1
grantees, v. pt. 2, 3-4
hist. by David L. Mansfield, v. pt. 2, 1-216
military hist., v. pt. 2, 115-28
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 89-107, 161-71, 214
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 205, 208-9
town records, v. pt. 2, 8-13, 111-3
vital records, v. pt. 2, 86, 152
western bounds, v. pt. 2, 171-2
Duncansborough, early name of Newport, iii. 303²-4
Dunmore, Lake, see Lake Dunmore
(township), N. Y. grant on Conn. river, i. 261², 277, 387-8
original name of Waterford and adjacent lands, i. 387
Durham, boundaries, iii. 405
former name of Clarendon, iii. 553²
Dutch in Pownal, i. 214-5, 2d ed. 213-4
Dutch refugees in Franklin, ii. 227
Highgate, ii. 255
Dutchess co. (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Ferrisburg, i. 33
Manchester, i. 200, 2d ed. 199²
Panton, i. 81², 82²
Dutchman's Point in North Hero, ii. 490
Dwinell family, of Calais, iv. 161-3
Eagle (ship), i. 582-3
Ear marks for cattle, ii. 175²; v. pt. 2, 232²
Early rose potatoes, iii. 775².6
Earthquake of 1780, in Randolph, ii. 1047
East and West Unions, of Vt. abandoned, i. 922
Edit Hampton (Long Island), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 101
East Haven granted, 1790, i. 985²
hist. by Kitridge and D. C. Hudson, i. 985-7
military hist., i. 1069
pioneers, i. 985-6
town officers, i. 986-7
East Montpelier, casualties, iv. 584-5
hist. by S. S. Kelton, iv. 575-92
military affairs, iv. 587-90
settled, 1788, iv. 577-8
town officers, iv. 586
villages, iv. 575
vital records, iv. 577, 583-4
East mountain in Starksboro, i. 103²
East Village, Brattleboro, v. 33-4
Eastern boundary of N. Y. decreed in 1764 to be at Conn. river, v. pt. 2, 274
see also N. H.-N. Y. conflict
Eastman family, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 5-12
granite quarry, Barre, iv. 39
Eaton family, of Calais, iv. 160
Eden, granted to Warner's reg't, ii. 622
hist. by Frank Plumley, ii. 621-6
town and other officers, ii. 624
Edge tool and hoes made in Berlin, iv. 62
Editorial notes are numerous throughout the work. Among the more important not including the dedications and prefaces are the following:-the paper covers of the different nos. of vols. i and iv; and i. 50, supplementary p. 2 after p. 240, 257 note, 520², 1039 note, 1070; ii. 364-8, 952; iii. 176, 494, 933; iv. verso of title page 538-9, 591-2, 975-88 (Review of Rev. J. B. Perry's hist. of Swanton), 1191-4 (relating to state and town aid for the Gazetteer), 1195, editor's last note.
Editorial recognition, see Excerpts from periodicals noticing the Gazetteer
Educated ministry of M. E. church promoted by Rev. Wilbur Fisk, v. pt. 3, 76
Education, expenses in Fairlee, ii. 903²
in Chittenden co., i. 470²
Education, State Board of, est. 1856, ii. 98
see also Academy; Schools; Names of county grammar schools, as Caledonia co. grammar school; and of colleges
Education of women in Bennington, i. 164, 2d ed. 166
Educational development in Vt., i. 521; iii. 958-60
Educational grant in Vt. secured by Dartmouth, i. 521
Egremont (Mass.), persons from, settle in Georgia, ii. 235²
Ejectment suits for taxes in Vt., ii. 324²
Ejectment trials against N. H. grantees at Albany, 1770, i. 148, 164², 2d ed. 150², 166²
Election day in Montpelier, iv. 155
Election of Gov. in 1813, i. 620
Election sermon before the governor, iv. 296
Elections in Grand Isle, ii. 530-1
in Shelburne, i. 874
Electioneering methods, ii. 349
EIectoral vote of Burlington, i. 508
Electric dynamo, self-regulating, invented by George H. Niles, v. pt. 2, 421²
Electric lighting in Bennington, v. pt. 35, 46²
Electric motor, invented by Thomas Davenport, ii. 1153; iii. 485-6
Electro-magnetism applied to machinery at Brandon, iii. 486
Elephant's tusk found in Brattleboro, v. 191
Richmond, i. 843²
Elgin spring in Panton, i. 81²
Elmore, granted and settled, ii. 626²-7
hist. by E. Henry Willey, ii. 626-8, 798-9
town officers, ii. 627
Embargo of 1812, ii. 228
effect upon Richford, ii. 286²
St. Albans, ii. 293²-4, 342-3
Emigration from Worcester to Ohio, iv. 893
Emigration to the West, from St. Albans, ii. 297²-8
England, people from, settle in Arlington, 2d ed., i. 123²
English in Chittenden co. before 1790, i. 456-7
English settlement, first on Lake Champlain, i. 661
on Missisquoi about 1765, iv. 964-6, 971
Enosburg, hist. by George Adams, ii. 134-65
military hist., ii. 135
physicians, ii. 136²
pioneers, ii. 149-53
proprietors' meetings, ii. 132-3
"the pattern town," ii. 160²
villages, ii. 134
Enosburg brass band, ii. 160
Enosburg "Rifle Corp," ii. 398-9
Enosburg young men's temperance society, ii. 136²
Eolus Mt., see Mt. Eolus
Epidemics in Middlebury, i. 52², 53²
in Shoreham, 1814, i. 95
in Stowe, ii. 707-8
Epistle of Artemas the Scribe, v. pt. 2, 312
Epitaphs in Dorset, i. 186², 2d ed. 188
Strafford, ii. 1085
Epsom (N. H.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 292, 340²
Equinox Mt., i. 203², 2d ed. 202²
Equinox range, i. 121², 182², 2d ed. 184
Equivalent lands in Vt. granted by Mass. to Conn pt. 2, 1, 9, 44-5, 171-2, 563², 564²
Errata in vol. 1 of the Gazetteer, i. 1070; also for pp. 143-221, i. supp. p. 2 after p. 240
Washington co. hist., iv. 574², 592, 932, 1144²
Erysipelas, in Burke, 1842, i. 309
Danville, 1843, i. 315
Essays: Ball, C. M., Ravages of Time, i. 42-3
Barlow, Mrs. J. B., Children, i. 118²
Battell, Philip, The Cemetery, i. 62-3
Godding, A. W., Education, i. 311-2
Grandy S., The Noteless Grave, i. 108²
Hemenway, Abbie M., Wayside Sketch, i. 50
Howard, Rev. R. H., Mountains—Their Moral Use, i. 729-30
Morgan, C., The Heavenly Recognition, i. 93
Parker, Mary A., My Hood, ii. 668-9
Stone, L. H., Never Grow Old, i. 811-12
Stowell, H. H., Beneficence the End of Life, i. 67-8
Tappan, H. A., Tomb of the Gifted, i. 83
Wilcox, Carlos, What Manner of Child Shall This Be? i. 742
Essex, census, 1791-1860, i. 783
collegiates, i. 784²
description, i. 785
grantees, i. 778²
hist. by L. C. Butler, i. 778-91
organized, i. 781
pioneers, i. 778²-81
town and other officers, i. 781²-2
Essex circuit, ii. 333-4
Essex co. (Mass.), people from, settle in Danville, i. 313
(Vt.), attorneys, i. 948-9
census, i. 947
courts, i. 947-9, 1006
description, i. 1057-8
est. 1811, i. 262
history, i. 943-50
natural hist. by H. A. Cutting, i. 1051-65
officers, i. 948-9
scenery, i. 949
statistics, i. 1052²-5
grammar school at Concord, i. 973, 976, 1005
Estabrook family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146-7
Ethan Allen (horse), i. 97
Eureka marble co., iii. 1069
Evans quarry in Kirby, i. 337
Evidence of white men, in Missisquoi valley, iv. 934
Excerpts from periodicals noticing the Gazetteer, i. supp. p. 13 after p. 240, ii. 1200, iii. 1243-5, iv. 1196-8, iv. Nos. 1 and 2, p. 3 of paper cover
Exodus westward from Hardwick, 1816, i. 325²
Expedition of Gen. Burgoyne, i. 666-9
Expenses for surveying grantees rights in Westminster, v. pt. 2, 565, 568²
Factory Point in Manchester, i. 199-200, 203-4, 2d ed. 200, 203
Factory Point cemetery, i. 204², 2d ed. 203²
The Fair Captive, see in name index under, Howe, Mrs. Jemima
Fair Haven, description, iii. 691-2
granted, 1779, iii. 672²
grantees, iii. 672²
hist. by A. N. Adams, iii. 672-746
in Rev. war, iii. 673
military hist., iii. 711-14
organized, iii. 683²
park, iii. 702²
pioneers, iii. 673-6
proprietors' meetings, iii. 674, 682-3
settled, iii. 673²-4
town and other officers, iii. 745-6
Fair Haven marble and marbleized slate co., iii. 706²
Fairbanks scales co., of St. Johnsbury, i. 407; ii. 680²
Fairfax, granted, 1763, 1779, ii. 90, 166²
grantees, ii. 166²
hist. by John A. Ufford, ii. 165-90, 467
pest house, ii. 171
pioneers, ii. 168-9
proprietors' meetings, ii. 167-8
taverns, ii. 174
town and other officers, ii. 169-71
town meetings, ii. 169²-71
villages, ii. 166
voters, 1787-1800, ii. 169², 171²
Fairfield, granted 1763, 1779, ii. 90, 190²
hist. by Samuel Perley, ii. 190-200
lawyers, ii. 193², 197²,. 200
part joined to Bakersfield, 1792, ii. 103
physicians, ii. 197
pioneers, ii. 192
proprietors' meetings, ii. 191-2
town and other officers, ii. 200
original name of Rutland, iii. 1014²
Fairlee, charter, 1761, ii. 888-9
description, ii. 892
divided, ii. 891²-2
grantees, ii. 889
hist by William Child, ii. 888-908, 1169
military hist., ii. 906-7
pioneers, ii. 890-1
proprietors' records, ii. 890-1
settled, 1766, ii. 891²
town and other officers, ii. 904²-6
vital records, ii. 901²
Fall Brook falls, v. pt. 2, 113
Fall Fight township, v. pt. 2, 307
Fall Mt. in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 496
Fall Mt. paper co., Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
Fall Town, early name of Bernardston (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 273, 275²
Fall Town Gore, v. pt. 2, 275²
Falls, at Vergennes, i. 4², 11², 106²
Fallstown, v. pt. 2, 493
see also Rockingham
Famine, in Coventry, of 1816, iii. 146
Georgia, ii. 241²
Middlebury, 1790, i. 52²
Panton, i. 80²-1
Richford, ii. 282²-3
Fane, see Newfane
Farm stock of Pawlet, iii. 899
Farmers' club, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601
Farmers' company, of Perthshire and Stirlingshire, i. 268², 282, 284
Farmer's mutual fire ins. co., iv. 282, 484-5
Farmer's Weekly Museum of Walpole, N. H., v. 95²; v. pt. 3, 42²
Farmington (Conn.), persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 177
Farms in Dummerston, v. 70-8
Waterbury, iv. 827-30
Fayetteville, Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456, 460-1, 725-6
Fayston, description, iv. 177
hist. by Mrs, Laura B. Boyce, iv. 177²-97
pioneers, iv. 178
town officers, iv. 188
vital records, iv. 188
Federal party favored smuggling, ii. 343
Fees for charter see charter fees
Fees for grant of Salem, iii. 307
N. Y. land grants, iii. 404
Feld family see Field family
Female Bible and prayer book society, Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10
Fenian invasion of Canada, June, 1866, ii. 268, 308-10
Fenians, in St. Albans, 1866, ii. 308-10
Ferries, of Alburg, ii. 502²-3
Grand Isle, ii. 527²-8
Grand Isle co., ii. 502²-3
Larrabee's Point, i. 94²
Panton, i. 81²
Swanton, iv. 1040-1
on Lake Champlain, i. 5²
Ferris bay, of Panton, i. 79², 80
see also Arnold's bay
Ferrisburg, granted, i. 487²
grantees, i. 32
hist. by R. E. Robinson, i. 31-4
pioneers, i. 32²-3
records burned, i. 32², 34²
settled in 1769, i. 32²
Ferris's ferry, see Adams ferry
Fictitious names used for grantees, i. 857²
Field family of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 76-8
Financial distress in Vt. 1786, i. 926
Financial operations of Vt. in 1861, i. 440-1
Fires in Calais, 1873, iv 164-5
Lunenburg, 1849, i. 1016-7
Mendon, iii. 791
Montpelier, iv. 275-6, 333-8
Panton, i. 81
Swanton, iv. 1043-6
Waitsfield, iv. 778, 793
Waterbury, iv. 834
First falls of Otter Creek originally called New Haven falls, i. 32²
First martyr of Revolution, v. pt. 2, 575
First meeting-house society in Stowe, ii. 719
First settlement in Vt., ii. 558-63; v. pt. 2, 628²
on Isle LaMotte, 1665, i. 754
First settler in Wash. co., iv. 4
Fish, legal tender in Swanton, 1815-16, iv. 1009
Fish Bladder island in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Fitchburg railroad, v. pt. 2, 505²
Cheshire Div., v. pt. 2, 511²
Flag of U. S. first carried at battle of Hubbardton, iii. 760²
Flaxseed oil made in Middlesex, iv. 233
Fletcher, granted, 1781, ii. 200
hist. by Ben Akinsley, ii. 200-17
physicians, ii. 203-4
pioneers, ii. 200
town and other officers, ii. 201²
vital records, ii. 208
Fletcher circuit, ii. 334
Flight of 1776, from Ryegate, i. 377
Flight of 1777, from Rupert, i. 223-4, 2d ed. 222-3
Flint family, of Randolph, ii. 1019-24, 1058-62
"Floodwood" militia co. of St. Albans, ii. 350
Florence, Italy, art of, v. pt. 2, 325²-6
Florida war soldiers, i. 238, 2d ed. 237²; iii. 1197
Flouring mills of Swanton, iv. 1019²
Flower Brook manufacturing co., iii. 906²
Fluor-spar in Putney, v. pt. 2, 218²
The Fly (revenue cutter), ii. 344-6
Food brought from Mass. to Danville, 1789, i. 313²
Forestdale iron co. of Brandon, mined in Leicester, i. 45
Forgo, in Bennington, i. 137², 2d ed. 139
Salisbury, i. 89²
Form for organizing a township, iv. 4-5
Form of petition for township, iv. 4²
Fort at Corinth, ii. 874²
Fort at falls on Otter Creek, i. 69²
Newbury, ii. 924
Pittsford, iii. 943, 1072-4
Strafford, ii. 1073
Troy, iii. 321
Wells River, ii. 955²
Westfield, iii. 348
Fort built by French on Missisquoi, iv. 958
Fort Chambly, ii. 89²
Fort Dummer at Brattleboro, v, pt. 2, 45-6, 277²
built 1724, i. 754²
Vt. settled at, ii. 558², 559
Fort Edward, British troops at, 1757, i. 3²
co. seat of Charlotte co., i. 462²
Fort Edward battle, 1758, v. pt. 2, 28-31
Fort Frederick, at Colchester, i. 760²
on the Winooski, i. 456
see also Fort St. Frederic
Fort Harrison, captured, ii. 388²
Fort Hill at Putney, v. pt. 2, 219, 251
Fort Hinsdale, v. pt. 2, 277²
Fort La Motte, originally named Fort St. Anne, i. 22, 754
Fort Ranger, at Rutland, iii. 1082-4
Fort St. Frederic, at Crown Point, N. Y., i. 660; ii. 89², 559 note
built 1731, i. 3
Fort St. Louis, ii. 559²
Fort Sainte Anne, first settlement in Vt., ii. 559-62
on Isle La Motte, 1665, i. 2, 754; ii. 554²
Fort Ste. Therese, i. 2; ii. 559²
Fort Sartwell, in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277², 327
Fort Sault de Richelieu, ii. 559
Fort William, at Vergennes, i. 860²
Fort William Henry, Brit. massacred at, 1757, i. 3²
Forts on Lake Champlain, i. 2
Upper Conn., i. 1028
Fortifications Hill, in Cabot, iv. 75²
Fossils of Grand Isle co., ii. 477
northwestern Vt., ii. 75-9
Fourth of July in Montpelier, 1804, iv. 554
Franklin (Mass.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 322²
(Vt.), granted, 1787, ii. 218
hist. by Edwin R. Towle, ii. 217-33
lawyers, ii. 222²
physicians, ii. 222²
pioneers, ii. 218-20
proprietors' meetings, ii. 219, 221
town and other officers, ii. 222, 1183
Franklin (steamer), on Lake Champlain, ii. 298²
Franklin co. boundaries est. 1797, ii. 90
Franklin co. census 1791-1860, ii. 102-3
est. 1792, i. 467
French giants, ii. 89-90
hist. by G. F. Houghton, ii. 89-103, 1183-9
lawyers, ii. 93-5
military hist. by Warren Gibbs, ii. 384²-454
natural hist., ii. 21-88
natural resources, ii. 91
officers, ii. 92-7, 103
organized 1792, ii. 90, 474
stripped of its militia in 1813, ii. 294²
successively part of Albany, Charlotte, Bennington, Rutland, Addison and Chittenden counties, ii. 90
towns, 1792, 1835, ii. 90
Walling's map, ii. 91²
Franklin co. agricultural society, ii. 101-2
Franklin co. Bible society, ii. 100-1
buildings, ii. 92
court appointed co. supts. of schools, ii. 98
Franklin co. grammar school, ii. 97-9
Franklin co. union agric. soc., ii. 276
fair at Richford, ii. 281
The Franklin society of Montpelier, iv. 290, 444²
Fray between Matthew Lyon and Roger Griswold, i. 457
Frazier falls in Ferrisburg, i. 33 (2)
Freedom of the press, i. 176², 2d ed. 178²
Freeman's oath taken in Enosburg, ii. 133
Fairfax, ii. 171
St. Albans, 1788, ii. 291
Stowe, 1802, ii. 697
Freemasons of Barre, iv. 37
Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Brattleboro, v. 42²-3
Burlington, i. 512²
Cabot, iv. 102²
Danby, iii. 665-6
Fair Haven, iii. 708
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 48²
Ira, iii. 783
Montpelier, iv. 350-5
Newbury, ii. 947
Northfield, iv. 683-4
Pawlet, iii. 905²
Plainfield, iv. 731
Randolph, ii. 1060-1
Stowe, ii. 717
Vt., i. 59²
Waterbury, iv. 845
West Fairlee, ii. 914
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23
Freemasons opposed by Gen, John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 72
see also Anti-masonic party
Freemen of Danby, 1778, 1800; iii. 587-8, 591-2
in Waitsfield, in 1797, iv. 772
of Warren, 1800, iv. 811
Frelighsburg (Can.), Fenian skirmish in, ii. 309²
French and English struggle for America, ii. 559
French and Indian war, see Colonial wars; Hobb's battle; Melvin's battle
French and Indians, at Missisquoi, 1760, iv. 966²
French expedition against Mohawks, Jan. 1666, i. 1²-2
Sept. 1666, i. 2
French family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 213
Maidstone, i. 1039-41
French, first settle in Vt., ii. 559
govt. in Canada, see New France
grant of Addison, 1743, i. 3
grants on Lake Champlain, iv. 951-2
claimed by English, iv. 952
grants on Missisquoi rest on Champlain's discoveries in 1609, iv. 941
improvements on the Missisquoi, 1759, iv. 955²-8
in Swanton, iv. 933-82
in Chittenden co., i. 455-7
league equals 2.4 statute miles, iv. 951², 963-4
mill on Missisquoi by tradition destroyed by Eng., iv. 958
mission est. on Missisquoi by Jesuits, iv. 953-5
of Canada lukewarm toward Eng., 1775-83, iv. 973
French rebellion in Canada, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
French river, early name of Winooski, i. 757; iv. 251
French seigniores on Lake Champlain, i. 3, 4; ii. 89
seigniory Contrecoeur fils included in Ferrisburg, i. 32
settle at the falls of Missisquoi unknown date, iv. 954-5, 975
in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
settlements in Addison, i. 3
Freshets: in Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 498-9
Bennington, i. 141-2, 2d ed. 143-4
Bolton, i. 481
Brookline, 1821, v. pt. 2, 380
Granville, i. 41
Lincoln, i. 49²
Middlesex, iv. 231-3
Middletown, 1811, iii. 827-9
Montpelier, 1785-1869, iv. 338-41
New Haven, i. 71
Poultney, iii. 980²
Putney, v. pt. 2, 228²
Richford, 1804, 1817, 1822, ii. 282-3
Rupert, i. 226, 2d ed. 225
Waitsfield, iv. 779-80
Waterbury, iv. 830
on the Conn., ii. 923²
Friends of liberty, Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 494²
Friends, society of, i. 33², 49, 67², 103², 110
in Grand Isle, ii. 537-9
Frontier of Vt. guarded, 1777-1783, i. 159², 2d ed. 162
Frost-proof water tank, v. 129-30
Frozen well, in Brandon, iii. 479-82
Fruit raising in Salisbury, i. 89
Fruit trees in Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414
Fulling mill of Brandon, iii. 435
Fullum, early name of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 1
Furnace brook, of Bennington, i. 140², 2d ed. 142²
Gageborough, early name of Chelsea, ii. 870²
Gaghegans, of Groton, i. 321
Gale's survey under N. Y. in Plainfield, 1773, iv. 713²
Game in Pawlet, iii. 890
Geer's Patent reversible gravitating knob latch, iv. 812²
General McComb (boat), seized by U. S. officers, ii. 505²
Geology of Addison co., i. 119² note
Bakersfield, ii. 109
Bolton, i. 480
Champlain valley, ii. 21-88
Danby, iii. 663-4
Geology of Fair Haven, iii. 692
Grand Isle co., ii. 476²-8
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 11
Highgate, ii. 268-9
Northfield, iv. 691-4
Pawlet, iii. 895²
Richford, ii. 281
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 501
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 687
Geometrical solutions illustrated to pupils, iv. 776
Georgia, census, ii. 245
chart, ii. 235
confiscated estates, ii. 234
French grant in, ii. 89
granted, 1779, ii. 90
hist. by O. S. Bliss, ii. 233-54
lawyers, ii. 243²
physicians, ii. 242-3
proprietors, ii. 233
proprietors' meetings, ii. 233-5
town and other officers, ii. 244-5
town meetings, ii. 235
records, ii. 234-5
Georgia riot, see Smugglers' riot
Gettysburg battle, i. 708-19; ii. 387²-8
Giant boy of Sutton, i. 425
Gift to Vt. for Civil war use by T. W. Park, i. 250
Gilman family, of Calais, iv. 155-8
Glaciers in Vt. valleys, ii. 973
Glass factory, at Lake Dunmore, i. 89²
sandstone, in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 276²
Glastenbury, hist. by H. Hall, i. 196
Glazier family, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 525
Gleaner (canal boat), i. 681²; ii. 298
Glebe lands, now used for support of schools, v. pt. 3, 41²
Glebe Mt., in Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 17
Glebe of Church of England in Arlington sold, i. 131², 2d ed. 132
in N. H. grants, i. 127, 2d ed. 128
Globes, first made in Bradford, ii. 817²
St. Albans, ii. 817, note
Gloucester co. annulled by Vt. gov't., iv. 4
est. 1770, i. 261², 461²-3; ii. 871; iv. 3
court, 1771, i. 462
held at Newbury, ii. 943²-4
records, iv. 561-2
Glover, census, iii. 205
granted 1781, iii. 195²
hist. by Rev. Sidney K. B. Perkins, iii. 195-209
lawyers, iii. 208
military hist., iii. 202-3
origin of name, iii. 195²
physicians, iii. 208
pioneers, iii. 195-9
settled, iii. 195²
town and other officers, iii. 199
Goddard Seminary, of Barre, iv. 26-7, 31
"Gods of the valleys not the gods of the hills," i. 148², 150², 2d ed. 150², 152²
Gold in Granville, i. 42
nugget found in Newfane, v. pt. 2, 459
Golden Cross, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
The Golden Rule, of Boston, v. 183²
Good Templars, of Barre, iv. 36
Cabot, iv. 108-9
Northfield, iv. 688-90
Westmore, iii. 395²
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23
Goodwillie family, of Barnet, i. 287-99
map of Barnet, i. 281
Goold's tavern, Westminster, v. pt. 2, 563
Gores of Essex co., i. 944
Vt., i. 434
Washington co., Harris Gore and Goshen Gore, iv. 5
Goshen, hist. by N. Capen, i. 35-9
part added to Addison co., i. 119²
pioneers, i. 35
Goshen Gore, in Addison co., i. 434; note:—organized as Goshen, 1814
near Hardwick, hist. by Joseph Clark, i. 434-6; note:—Name since 1867 is Stannard
location, i. 434
pioneers, i. 434²
in Washington co., i. 434; iv. 5, 713
Governor's garden, in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 496
guard of Vt., service discontinued 1836, iv. 296
lot in Guildhall, i. 1004²
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 41²-2
Salisbury, i. 88², 91
messages, 1861, i. 436-42
mountain, Guilford, v. pt. 3, 41
Graduates of Univ. of Vt., i. 530
Grafting wax, invented by David Millington, i. 235, 2d ed. 234²
Grafton, annexed parts of Athens & Avery's Gore, v. pt. 2, 553
chartered as Tomlinson, v. pt. 2, 552
description. v. pt. 2, 552
grantees, v. pt. 2, 552
hist. by Christopher W. Hall, v. pt. 2, 552-60
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 557-60
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 556-7
town records, v. pt. 2, 553
Grafton industrial association, v. pt. 2, 556
Grain used for money, ii. 143²
Grammar school, at Addison, i. 6²
Granby, description, i. 987
early survey, i. 988
grantees, i. 987 note
hist. by Loomis Wells, i. 987-95
military hist., i. 993, 1068-70
origin of name, i. 987
proprietors' records, i. 988-91
reorganized, i. 991
settled, 1783, i. 989²-91
Grand Army of the Republic, veterans of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420
Montpelier, iv. 355
Grand Isle, boundaries, ii. 517²
granted, 1779, ii. 518²-9
grantees, ii. 518
hist. by D. Webster Dixon, ii. 517-54
military record, ii. 533-4
pioneers, ii. 519²-23
proprietors' meetings, ii. 519
settled about 1783, ii. 519²
Grand Isle, town and other officers, ii. 530-33
town house, ii. 528²-30
town meetings, ii. 523 (2)
vital statistics, ii. 531-2
Grand Isle co. buildings, ii. 475
census, ii. 483
county and other officers, ii. 478-80
during Patriots war in Canada, ii. 504-14
est. 1802, i. 467; ii. 90, 474
hist. by D. Webster Dixon, ii. 473-586, 1189-90
lawyers, ii. 480-1
natural hist., ii. 21-88
organized, 1805, ii. 474², 523-4
settled, ii. 473
vital records, ii. 482
Grand Isle co. court, ii. 475²-6
Grand list, see Tax list
Grand Trunk R. R., i. 949, 955²
Granite in Ryegate, i. 379²
quarries, of Barre, iv. 38-40
Grants, French, on Lake Champlain, see French grants
Granville, annexed to Addison co., i. 119²
hist. by A. G. Allen, i. 39-42
Grasshopper plague, 1821, in Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380
Grassy Brook, part of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 359-60, 377, 382²
Gravestones, in Richford, ii. 280
St. Albans cemeteries, see Cemeteries, St. Albans
Gray family, in Arlington, i. 134²; 2d ed. 136²
Great Falls (Bellows Falls), v. pt. 2, 251², 497
Great Falls, in Fairfax, ii. 165², 168², 171-2
Great Meadows, in Putney, v. pt. 2, 217², 218², 250-5
on the Conn., ii. 802
Great Ox Bow, Newbury, ii. 917
Greek cause, sympathy for, ii. 116
Green family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707-10
Green mount cemetery, of Montpelier, iv. 300
Green Mountain Boys, at Manchester, 1777, i. 202, 2d ed. 201²
Quebec, 1776, i. 152², 2d ed. 154²
in Clarendon, iii. 555-9
origin, i. 150², 2d ed. 153
proclamation against, by N. Y., iii. 582-5
resist N. Y., iii. 558
take Ticonderoga, i. 5
Green Mountain Boys of 1812, ii. 244²
Green Mountain brass band, Granville, i. 42
Green Mountain central institute, iv. 26
The Green Mountain giant in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 687²
"Green Mountain riflemen," of Fletcher, ii. 412, 445
Green Mountain seminary, of Waterbury, iv. 831
Green Mountain slide, in Fayston, 1827, iv. 185
tavern, Bennington, i. 126², 2d ed. 127
Green Mountains, iii. 267
Greenbank's village, Danville, i. 315
Greenfield, in Hampton, N. Y., petitioned for charter from Vt., iii. 674
Greensboro, granted 1781, iii. 210²
hist. by Rev. James P. Stone, iii. 209-31, 383-4
military hist., iii. 217-31
pioneers, iii. 211-4
town records destroyed by fire, iii. 214 and note
Greenwich, (Conn.), persons from, settle in Sheldon, ii. 370
Gretna Green, of Vt., v. pt. 2, 282
Griswold family, of Randolph, ii. 1008-10
Groton (Mass.), persons from, settle in Bridport, i. 16²
Groton (Vt.), charter, iv. 1145
description, iv. 1145, 1164-5
hist. by Rev. O. G. Clark, i. 321-3
by Gen. A. Harleigh Hill, iv. 1145-68
military affairs, iv. 1164
pioneers, i. 321²-2
town and other officers, i. 321; iv. 1163-4
Growler (ship), i. 583
Guard-roll of Gov. Chittenden, i. 135² note, 2d ed. 137² note
Guildhall, granted, 1761, i. 996²
grantees, i. 997 note
hist. by Milton Cutler, i. 996-1014
pioneers, i. 998-1000
settled, 1764, i. 944, 997²
town and other officers, i. 1004-7
town records, i. 998-9
Guilford (Conn.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 318
persons from, settle in Sunderland, i. 241 and note
Guilford (Vt.), a republic, v. pt. 3, 5-7
agriculture, v. pt. 3, 10-11, 49-50
authors, v. pt. 3, 42-7
census, 1791-1860, v. pt. 3, 40
collegiates, v. pt. 3, 55
grantees, v. pt. 3, 3
hist. by Gen. J. W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 3-80
interest in Conn. river navigation, v. pt. 3, 63
military affairs, v. pt. 3, 55-61
N. H. charters, v. pt. 3, 3, 13-16
N. Y. partisans in, v. pt. 3, 5-7
physicians, v. pt. 3, 10, 55
pioneers, v. pt. 3, 4², 8-9
proprietors' records, v. pt. 3, 16-19
qualifications of voters, v. pt. 3, 5²
residence of Royal Tyler, v. 94, 97
statistics of 1840-60, v. pt. 3, 12, 50
town and other officers, v. pt. 3, 64-5, 80
town records, v. pt. 3, 7, 19-38, 63
unsettled government, v. pt. 3, 12²-3
Vt. govt. vs. Yorkers, v. pt. 3, 38-40
villages, v. pt. 3, 42
vital records, v. pt. 3, 10
Guilford light infantry co., v. pt. 3, 57
Gull Island, in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Guns at Plattsburg in 1814 heard in Westfield, iii 348
Hackleburnia, Shoreham, origin of name, i. 94²
Hadley (Mass.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 320
"The The Hague," in Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 105, 107, 113
Haldimand negotiations, i. 172, 773-4, 917-21, 2d ed. 174
Hale's bridge, Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 498
Half shires of Cumberland co., v. pt. 2, 571
Halfway covenant, Craftsbury, iii. 167² and not.
Halifax, clergy, v. pt. 2, 408
grantees, v. pt. 2, 411², 423-4
hist. by Rev. H. Eastman. v. pt. 2, 407-22
N. H. charter, 1750, v. pt. 2, 410-12 noted
people, v. pt. 2, 421²
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 412, 417-8
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 408², 422
Halifax, town records, v. pt. 2, 407
Hall family, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 92-8
Hampshire hill, Worcester, iv. 893
Hampton (N. H.), persons from, settle in Peacham, i. 359²
Hancock (Mass.), persons from, settle in Richford, ii. 288²
Hancock (Vt.), hist. by C. G. Robbins, i. 43-4
pioneers, i. 43²
Hand bellows used for heating iron to weld at Brandon, iii. 435
Hanover (N. H.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 327²
Hard family, in Arlington, i. 134, 2d ed. 135-6
Hardwick (Mass.), persons from, settle in Bennington, i. 142, 168, 171, 172, 2d ed. 145, 170, 173, 174
persons from, settle in Enosburg; ii. 156²
persons from, settle in Hardwick, Vt., i. 327², 332, 334
Hardwick (Vt.), hist. by Rev. J. Torrey, i. 323-36
pioneers, i. 324-5
Harlem Extension R. R., in Bennington, v. pt. 35, 43
Harlow Bridge tragedy, in Northfield, iv. 705-6
Harmonyville, Townshend, v. pt. 2, 532
Harrington granite quarry, Barre, iv. 39
Harris Gore, Wash. co., iv. 5
Hartford (Conn.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 319²
Hartwellville, site of soldiers' camp, 1759, i. 219, 2d ed. 218
Harvey family, in Barnet, i. 282-4
Harvey tract, Barnet, i. 279, 282-4
Harvey's Hollow, Danville, i. 315
Harvey's lake, i. 262², 271²
Harwick, see Mount Tabor, iii. 866², 867
Haswell's printing office burned, i. 176², 2d ed. 178²
Hatfield vs. Bushnell, suit of ejectment in Starksboro, i. 105
Hathaway family, of Calais, iv. 139-41
Haverhill (Mass.), persons from, settle in Cambridge, ii. 612, 618
persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 158²
Haverhill (N. H.), persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 183²
persons from, settle in Peacham, i. 363
surveyed, ii. 807²-8
Hawaii, i. 140², 2d ed. 143
missionaries to, i. 163, 2d ed. 165
Hawley family, in Arlington, i. 132², 2d ed. 133²
Hayes family, of Brattleboro, v. 67-8
Haystack mountain, v. pt. 2, 338; v. pt. 3³, 5-6
Hazel rod hoax in Middletown, iii. 810-19
Hazen road, i. 266², 269², 283², 323², 359², 426; ii. 947²; iii. 37², 55, 210
began building, 1776, ii. 919²
extended northward from Peacham, iv. 3, 75-6
Hazen road cemetery in Hardwick, i. 324², 331²
Hazen road village in Hardwick, i. 326
Hazen tract owners "quieted," ii. 828²-9
Hazen's Notch, i. 266²
Hebron (Conn.), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 98²
Hen Island in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Henderson family, of Bennington, i. 173, 2d ed. 175
Henry family, of Bennington, i. 173, 175, 2d ed. 175
of Waterbury, iv. 858
Heros, The, named, ii. 581 note
Herrick 's rangers, at Bennington, i. 157(2), 176, 2d ed. 159², 178
organized in Pawlet, iii. 872²
Hessian barracks, Bennington, i. 137², 2d ed. 139²
Hessians, in Fair Haven, iii. 673
settled on Missisquoi bay, ii. 227
High prices, see Cost, of living
Highgate, French grant, ii. 89
grantees, ii. 256
hist. by Amos Skeels and others, ii. 254-75
lawyers, ii. 264
military history, ii. 267
pioneers, ii. 254-5, 259
physicians, 'ii. 263-4
proprietors' meetings, ii. 256², 258
town meetings, ii. 256²-7
town and other officers, ii. 256-8, 264-5
vital records, ii. 263
Hilliker's landing, ii. 344
Hills of Braintree, ii. 844
of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 686
Hill's Island, in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Hillsboro (N. Y.), grant, i. 312²
Hillsborough (township), i. 261²
Hinesburg, census, i. 798
clergy, i. 796
collegiates, i. 796
description, i. 792
granted, 1762, i. 792²
grantees, i. 792-3
hist. by Rev. C. E. Ferrin, i. 791-812, 939-40
militia, i. 795
origin of name, i. 793
physicians, i. 798
pioneers, i. 794-5
proprietors' meetings, i. 793-4
town and other officers, i. 798
Hinesburg, in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 42, 66
Hinman family of Derby, iii. 182-6
Hinsdale (Vt.), v. pt. 2, 251²
Hinsdale Gore, v. pt. 2, 275²
Hinsdillville, Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²
Historical paper at Westminster, by Rev. A. Stevens, v. pt. 2, 629
Historical recognition of the Gazetteer, see Excerpts from periodicals noticing the Gazetteer
Hobb 's battle in Newfane, v. pt. 2, 457
Hochelaga, early name of Montreal, iv. 934
Hocquart Seigniory, i. 3-4
Hodges family, in Clarendon, iii. 565-8
Hoes, early made in Berlin, iv. 62
Hogback Mts. of Middlesex, iv. 229²
Hogback range, ii. 695
Holland, description, iii. 231
hist. by Mrs. George A. Hinman, iii. 231-9, 384
military hist., iii. 238-9
organized, iii. 233
professional men, iii. 237²
proprietors' meetings, iii. 231²
settled in 1800, iii. 232
vital records, iii. 232
Holley, Field and Kent, of Dorset, i. 188, 2d ed. 189
Hollis (N. H.), persons from, settle in Peacham, i. 364
Holliston (Mass-), persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 59²
Holton family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 149-51
Hoosic river, Pownal, i. 213, 2d ed. 212
Hoosick (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Highgate, ii. 271²
Hoosick Corners (N. Y.), v. pt. 35, 18²
Hoosick Fort (Mass.), i. 143, 2d ed. 145²
attacked by St. Francis Indians, 1747, iv. 959²
destroyed by Indians, i. 3, 143, 2d ed. 145²
Hopkinsville, early name of Kirby, i. 337²
Horse hay rake made by Warren Parker, v. pt. 2, 246
Horse racing prohibited in Vt. in 1823, i. 253²
Hosmer pond in Peacham, i. 321²
Hortonville, in Hubbardton, iii. 754²
Hospital Creek, in Addison, i. 1, 2², 4, 5
Hospitality in northern Vt., ii. 121²
Hostility to Vt. Government in Windham co., i. 925
Hough's sentence, i. 239
Houghton family, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 51-2
Houghtonville, in Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552
House of Correction in Burlington, i. 505-8
Howard family, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 545-6
Howe scales, iii. 497²-9
Hubbardton, description, iii. 755-6
granted, 1764, iii. 746²
grantees, iii. 746²
hist. by Amos Churchill, iii. 746-78
hist by E. H. St. Johns, iv. 1169-84
surveyed, iii. 746²
in Rev. war, iii. 749²-51
land controversy, iii. 747-9
military hist., iii. 772-5
origin of name, iii. 746 note
pioneers, iii. 749², 752
settled, iii. 751²
town and other officers, iv. 1184
Hubbardton battle, i. 154, 2d ed. 156; iii. 511-2, 749², 759
Hugh family, of Maidstone, i. 1032
Hungerford, granted, 1763, ii. 191
early name of Sheldon, ii. 368²-9
Hunt family, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289-92
Hunting anecdotes, i. 177², 2d ed. 179²
Hunting in Stowe, ii. 732
Huntington, casualties, i. 820-3
description, i. 813
granted, i. 487²
grantees, i. 813
hist. by James Johns, i. 812-29
lawyers, i. 817
militia, i. 815²-6
organized, i. 815
physicians, i. 816
pioneers, i. 814-5
settled, 1786, i. 814
town and other officers, i. 815
vital records, i. 819²-20
Huntington river, i. 813²
Huntsburgh, early name of Franklin, ii. 221²
Huntstown, proposed name of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 275
Hurons, with Champlain, 1609, ii. 89
Husking bees in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 65
Hutchins Tavern, Montpelier, iv. 262²
Hyde Park, co. seat, ii.. 634
grantees, ii. 629
hist. by D. H. Bicknell, ii. 628-9, 799
military hist., ii. 656-9
pioneers, ii. 654-5
Hyde Park, proprietors' meetings, ii. 630-2
statistics, ii. 662-3
town and other officers, ii. 659
town records, ii. 632-4
villages, ii. 654-5
Hydeville, in Castleton, iii. 514
Illustrations: Argus & Patriot building, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 565
Bank block, Burlington, (woodcut in text), i. 722
Baptist church, of Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 570
Bethany church, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 387
The Brooks free library, Brattleboro, by G. W. Howard, (full page woodcut), v. facing p. 17 repeated
Burlington, view of, (woodcut in text), i. 719
Burlington female seminary, by Baxter, Phila., (full page woodcut), i. 2d frontispiece of no. 6, facing p. 521
Catamount tavern, (woodcut with text), v. pt. 35, 23
Central Vermont depot, (woodcut in text), iv. 560
Christ church, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 410
Church of St. Augustine, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 422
Church of the Messiah, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 566
Council room fire place, (woodcut with text), v. pt. 35, 27
Elmwood cemetery, Northfield, (woodcut in text), iv. 667, 669
Estey organ factory, Brattleboro, (full page woodcut), v. facing p. 143
Gov. Charles Paine's monument, Northfield, iv. 666
Interior of Bethany church, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 568
Lewis college, Northfield, (woodcut in text), iv. 673
Miller family coat of arms, (woodcut in text), v. pt. 2, 46
Montpelier Union school building, (woodcut in text), iv. 571
New town hall at Westminster, (full page woodcut), v. pt. 2, facing p. 570
Northfield graded and high school, (woodcut in text), iv. 681
Old Masonic hall, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 350
Old meeting house and inset of the Old Tavern, Westminster, (full page woodcut), v. pt. 2, facing 628
Old Parsonage—erected for the Rev. Asa Burton, Thetford, 1779, (woodcut in text), ii. 2d frontispiece
Pavilion hotel, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 562
Residence of M. D. Gilman, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 572
Joseph Poland, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 569
George C. Shepard, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 567
Rialto Block, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. 563
Riverside house, Montpelier, not found, see iv. 592
Rockingham public square and opera house, (full page plate), v. pt. 2, facing p. 492
State capitol, (3d building), (woodcut in text), iv. 573
Town hall, Bellows Falls, (full page plate), v. pt. 2, facing p. 501
Trinity Methodist church, Montpelier, not found, see iv. 592
Unitarian church, Brattleboro, (full page woodcut), v. facing p. 28
University of Vt., (woodcut), frontispiece of i. nos. 7-11, i. 2d plate, facing p. 541
Vermont academy, Saxtons River, (full page woodcut), v. pt. 2, facing p. 512
Vermont asylum for insane, Brattleboro, (full page woodcut), v. facing p. 150
Vermont Episcopal institute, (steel engraving), i. first frontispiece of no. 6 facing p. 521
Vermont Methodist seminary and female college, Montpelier, (full page woodcut), iv. 384
Vermont mutual fire ins. co's building, (woodcut in text), iv. 561
Vermont capitol; the coat of arms and the state flag, on one page on 2d frontispiece of iv. no. 1
Illustrations: Vermont first and second state houses on one page (steel engravings) first frontispiece of iv. no. 1
Washington county court house, Montpelier, (woodcut in text), iv. no. 1, p. 564
Watchman & Journal building, (woodcut in text), iv. 563
Imprints of Fair Haven, iii. 695
Incapables under orders of selectmen, in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 691
Independence of Vt., 1777-1791, v. pt. 35, 30
favored by Jonathan Arnold, i. 391²-2
Independent meeting house soc., iv. 516²
Independent order of Odd Fellows, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Brattleboro, v. 43, 185
Burlington, i. 513
Fair Haven, iii. 708
Montpelier, iv. 355
Northfield, iv. 684-5
West Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419²
Independent town government of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 4-7
Index to biographical names of vol. 2, iii. 27-9
names of Orleans co., iii. 396-402
names of vol. 1, pp. 1-600, i. 1083-92
names omitted in Index of vol. 2, iii. 26-7, 30
subjects and papers of vol. 1, i. 1081
subjects not in Table of contents of vol. 1, ii. 20
subjects not in Table of contents of vol. 3, iii. 1242
subjects of vol. 2, iii. 29-30
vol. 1, ii. 11-20
vol. 2, iii. 9-30
vol. 3, Rutland co-, iii. 1231-42
vol. 5, v. pt. 35, 109-17
Indian alarm, in Athens, v. pt. 2, 357²
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 393
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 115-6, 128
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 16²
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567
Indian annals, at Missisquoi, to 1763, iv. 959-61
barbarity, v. pt. 2, 292-7
burying ground, Newbury, ii. 924
camp, in Manchester, i. 199
Thetford, ii. 1093
captives, i. 455²
captivity of Mrs. Jemima Howe, by Rev. Bunker Gay, v. pt. 2, 292-7
castle at Swanton, iv. 948, 949²
children educated in Enosburg, ii. 144
claims in Arlington, i. 124
disturbances in Swanton, 1788, iv. 998-1000
Indian falls, in Waterbury, iv. 813²
Indian farms on Missisquoi under English, iv. 966²-7
fishing places in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277
grant to Dellius, i. 2²
Indian hill, in Cambridge, ii. 603
Indian lease to the French on Missisquoi, 1765, i. 454-5
legend, i. 213², 2d ed. 212²
missions in Canada, iv. 980-3
offer of marriage in Minnesota, i. 84
place names, i. 32; ii. 89, 289, 344
preacher in Shoreham, i. 95
raid on Bridport, i. 17
Deerfield, Mass., i. 757; v. pt. 2, 495
Greensboro, 1781, iii. 210
Kilburn 's fort, v. pt. 2, 497²
Indian raid on Randolph, ii. 977, 981, 994
Royalton, iv. 1²
Shelburne, 1775, i. 875
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278
relics and traditions, Newbury, ii. 924-6
relics, in Brattleboro, v. 22
Colchester, i. 453
Manchester, i. 198²
Middlebury hist. Soc., i. 129²
North Hero, ii. 565²
Richmond, i. 847²-8
Waitsfield, iv. 777²-8
Washington co., iv. 2
route in Essex co., i. 956²
Waterbury, iv. 813
Williamstown, ii. 1140
routes in Orleans co., iii. 380
skeleton in Swanton, iv. 946²
trade across Vt., iii. 1013
village in Colchester, i. 757 note
Shelburne, i. 878
war of 1794, iv. 295²
Indians at Coos, ii. 924-6
associated with King Philip, iv. 949²
at St. Albans bay, ii. 290
from the Missisquoi, in Deerfield raid, 1704, iv. 950
in Addison, i. 8²-9
Barton, iii. 82²
Brandon, iii. 442
Dorset, i. 184, 2d ed. 185
Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Highgate, ii. 255²
Pownal, i. 214, 2d ed. 213
Putney, v. pt. 2, 219
St. Johnsbury, i. 408
Shelburne, i. 859, 878
Swanton, iv. 933-82
Troy, iii. 315
in the Revolution, i. 6, 24, 44², 50², 70, 98, 109²
Vt., i. 408
Winooski valley, ii. 1140
on Missisquoi river, ii. 279, 371
with British on Lake Champlain, in battles during Revolution, iv. 973-4
see also Abnakis, Algonkins, Hurons, Iroquois, St. Francis Indians
Industrial association, of Grafton, v. pt. 2. 555²
Industries hampered by Embargo of 1808, ii. 343
Industries, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376²
Bakersfield, ii. 108
Barnet, i. 273
Barre, iv. 32, 35-6, 38-40, 51
Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511
Belvidere, ii. 592-3
Bennington, i. 138-40, 2d ed. 140-2; v. pt. 35, 42-50
Bennington co., i. 250-1
Bradford, ii. 824
Bristol, i. 20²
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379
Brownington, iii. 97²
Brunswick, i. 965²-6
Burke, i. 305
Burlington, i. 513-5
Industries of Cabot, iv. 81-2
Calais, iv. 170-1
Cambridge, ii. 605
Castleton, iii. 513-5
Charleston, iii. 122
Chelsea, ii. 873
Chittenden co., i. 458²-60
Colchester, i. 762
Cornwall, i. 25²-6
Coventry, iii. 152
Danby, iii. 601-4
Dover, v. pt. 2, 349-51
Eden, ii. 623
Enosburg, ii. 134, 149-50, 160
Fair Haven, iii. 699-707
Fairfax, ii. 165², 169², 171-2, 175-6
Fletcher, ii. 202², 215
Franklin, ii. 218, 221²
Georgia, ii. 242
Grand Isle, ii. 518, 525
Granville, i. 41²
Highgate, ii. 258-62
Hubbardton, iii. 756
Huntington, i. 817-9
Irasburg, iii. 244-5
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425
Lamoille co., ii. 589
Lincoln, i. 49²
Lowell, iii. 277²-8
Lyndon, i. 353-4
Middlebury, i. 53-4
Middlesex, iv. 232-3
Montgomery, ii. 276-7
Montpelier, iv. 485-6
Morgan, iii. 289
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725, 727, 729
Northfield, iv. 694-7
Orange co., ii. 803
Pawlet, iii. 871, 884-5
Poultney, iii. 1001
Putney, v. pt. 2, 222²-3
Richford, ii. 278², 281-4
Randolph, ii. 1036²-7, 1041
Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219
Richmond, i. 844-5
Ripton, i. 86
Roxbury, iv. 748-9
St. Albans, ii. 310
St. Johnsbury, i. 406²-8
Salisbury, i. 89-90
Sheldon, ii. 371²-2
Shoreham, i. 94²
South Hero, ii. 570
Swanton, ii. 1188; iv. 1016-33
Starksboro, i. 104
Thetford, ii. 1092
Troy, iii. 332-3
Vergennes, i. 107
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 284²
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672-3
Warren, iv. 806-7
Industries of Waterbury, iv. 832-4
Waterville, ii. 771
West Fairlee, ii. 908²
Westfield, iii. 350, 355
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602²
Wolcott, ii. 776
Worcester, iv. 889-91
Inflexible (British ship), i. 5²
Influence of Nathaniel Chipman in Vt.—N. Y. settlement, iii. 1158
Infusorial marl, in Peacham, i. 359
Inscription on William French's stone at Westminster, v. pt. 2, 575
Insurance cos., of Montpelier, iv. 282-3
Intemperance at June trainings, ii. 348
Intemperance, in Alburg, ii. 502
Cabot, iv. 90-1, 99, 108
Coventry, iii. 151
Enosburg, ii. 135-6, 160-2
Fletcher, ii. 209
Grand Isle, ii. 526²-7
Lowell, iii. 275
Salisbury, i. 89
Shelburne, i. 870-1
Waitsfield, 1821, iv. 774-5
Westford, i. 897
Inventions, Cooley creamers, v. pt. 2, 511²
electric motors, iii. 485-6; v. pt. 2, 421²
grafting wax, i. 235, 2d ed. 234²
horserake, v. pt. 2, 246
made in Brandon, iii. 485-6
in Warren, iv. 812
mechanical, of Salisbury, i. 89²
sap feeders, iv. 243
screw plate, i. 89²
steelyard invented in Salisbury, i. 89²
triphammer invented in Brandon, iii. 485²
Vt. bee hive, i. 92²
windmill, by D. Halladay, v. 129
Inventors of Vt.: Frederick Baldwin, v. pt. 2, 673
Clark E. Billings, iv. 812
Thomas Davenport, ii. 1153
Cyrus Dodge, v. pt. 2, 306²
Warren Fish, v. pt. 2, 421²
Don C. Geer, iv. 812
Rev. Samuel R. Hall, iii. 375
Daniel Halladay, v. 129
Gen. Alonzo Jackson, iv. 679
David Millington, i. 235, 2d ed. 234²
Joseph Mott, ii. 493
George Newman, v. 130
G. H. Niles, v. pt. 2, 421²
living in Brandon, iii. 485-6
Ira, hist., iii. 778-84
military hist., iii. 784
pioneers, iii. 780
town and other officers, iii. 779, 784
town records, iii. 778-80
vital records, iii. 784
Irasburg, co. buildings, iii. 245
granted, 1781, iii. 239-40
grantees, iii. 239
hist. by E. P. Colton, iii. 239-65, 384-5
land sales and resales, iii. 241
Irasburg, military hist., iii. 261-3
physicians, iii. 253
pioneers, iii. 241²-4
proprietors' meetings, iii. 240²-1
shire town of Orleans co., iii. 32
settled, 1798, iii. 241²
surveyed, iii. 240
town and other officers, iii. 242-3, 254-5
Irish Corners, Bennington, i. 139², 173-4 177², 2d ed. 142, 175-6, 179
Iron forge, in Chittenden, iii. 547²
Morristown, ii. 659-60
Sheldon, ii. 372, 378
Iron manufacture, in Swanton, iv. 1020-3
ore, in Belvidere, ii. 592
Brandon, iii. 499
Bristol, i. 19
Berkshire, ii. 110
Chittenden, iii. 547²
Leicester, i. 45
Lincoln, i. 49²
Shoreham, i. 97
Troy, iii. 312², 325-7
Iron Point, in Alburg, ii. 490 note
Iroquois, at Burlington, i. 657²
foes of the Algonkins, iv. 941²
in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
N. Y. and western Vt., iv. 942-3
Vt., i. 31², 453 note; ii. 89
on Lake Champlain, i. 120²
Iroquois rivel, early name of Sorelle, iv. 942
Iroquoisia, Indian name of Vermont, i. 1²; ii. 89
Island Meadow brook, Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277
Island Pond, i. 954, 955²-6
Isle La Motte, i. 2
French at, earliest settlement in Vt., i. 754; ii. 89², 558-63
granted, ii. 473²
grantees, ii. 554
hist. by Ira Hill, ii. 554-63
marble manufacture, iv. 1026-30
pioneers, ii. 554²
settled, 1788, ii. 554²
town and other officers, ii. 555, 557-8
vital records, ii. 558
Isle Longue, French name for North Hero, ii. 563²
Isles Aux Boiteux, i. 2², 3
Jackson family, of Dorset, i. 192-6, 2d ed. 193-6
Jacksonville in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 686-7, 705-7
Jails of Franklin co., ii. 292²
Jamaica, calamities, v. pt. 2, 427-8
hist. by J. G. Eddy, v. pt. 2, 423-39
hotels, v. pt. 2, 424²
military hist., v. pt. 2, 433-9
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 423²
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 432²-3
vital records, v. pt. 2, 432²
Jaqueni and Hicht land grant in Monkton and Starksboro, 1774, i. 105
Jay, formerly named Carthage, iii. 265
granted, 1780, iii. 265, 312²-3
hist. by Rev. Pliny H. White, iii. 265-9
military hist. iii. 266²
origin of name, iii. 268
Jay, settled, 1828, iii. 266, 318
town and other officers, iii. 266²-7
Jay Peak mountain, ii. 275²-6; iii. 267-8, 343
Jefferson co., est. 1810, i. 467
now Washington co., ii. 801²; iv. 1
Jennings family, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 102
of Hubbardton, iv. 1169-72
Jennison family, of Swanton, iv. 1119
Jericho, block house, i. 456²
granted, 1763, i. 829²
hist. by Dr. George Lee Lyman, i. 829-39, 940
town records, i. 829²
Jersey (prison ship), i. 26²
"Jersey Slick," nickname of Gov. Isaac Tichenor, i. 175, 2d ed. 177
Jesuit influence on Missisquoi river, iv. 593-4
Jesse Lee House, Vernon, by J. S. Lee, v. pt. 2, 313-5
Joe's pond, origin of name, i. 262², 265², 315, 425-6; iv. 88²
The John Ledyard (steamboat), v. pt. 2, 305²
Johnson, granted, 1780-82, ii. 669²-670 and note
hist. by Thomas Waterman and T. M. Merriam, ii. 669-80, 799-800
military hist., ii. 676.9
pioneers, ii. 670-1
settled, 1784, ii. 670
town and other officers, ii. 671²
town meetings, ii. 671²
vital records, ii. 672²
Johnson's Island, ii. 211²
Johnson's Plain, in Cabot, iv. 76²
Journal of James Elliot, v. pt. 3, 43-6
Joy's landing on Onion river, ii. 344²-5
June training, "burial of," ii. 355
in Georgia, ii. 241²
in Guilford, v. pt 3, 56
in Montpelier, ii. 350²
in Vt., ii. 347²-55
in Washington co., iv. 5²
mimicked at University of Vt., ii. 354²-2
Juniper Island, in Champlain, i. 456
Justice of the peace, appointed by Vt., i. 168, 2d ed. 170
Kah-sha-quah-na, Indian name for Whitehall, N. Y., i. 2²
Kathan family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 13
Kayingehaga, otherwise called Iroquois, iv. 941²
Kelleyvale, see Lowell, iii. 269², 312²
Kellybrook (Fairfax), granted 1779, ii. 90
Kendall's falls, in Barnet, i. 280²
Kennebunkers, of Groton, i. 321
Kent family, of Calais, iv. 158-60
Kent (Conn.), persons from, settle in Arlington, i. 134², 26 ed. 136²
Kent, N. Y., name of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15
Kent's tavern in Dorset, i. 185, 2d ed. 186
Kentucky dragoons in Danville, 1812, i. 314²
Kibby's Island, in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Kilby, N. Y., name of Montpelier, iv. 3², 252
Killingworth (Conn.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408²
Killington, early name of Sherburne, iii. 1121
Killington Peak, in Sherburne, iii. 1121
"King's Highway," Westminster, v. pt. 2, 562-3
Kingsboro, N. Y. grant included Montpelier, East Montpelier and part of Plainfield, iv. 252, 713²
Kingsland co. court at, 1771, i. 462 note
early name of Washington, ii. 871, 1138²
Kingsland, shire town of Gloucester co., ii. 871; iv. 3
Kingston, early name of Granville, i. 39²
Kinsley family, of Fletcher, ii. 213
Kirby, hist. by Charles H. Graves, i. 336-8
location, i. 336²
pioneers, i. 337-8
town meeting, i. 337²
Knapp family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 148-9
Knight family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 137-45
Knights of Honor, of Montpelier, iv. 355
Knight's Island, in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Knitting mills of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44²-5
Knowlton lake, of Brighton, i. 954²
Knowlton's Gore, ii. 97, 103
Kowoskioni, or the Iroquois, iv. 941²
Lady Washington (boat), i. 669
Lacole battle, ii. 509
Lake Champlain, battle on, 1609, i. 1
battle on 1776, i. 5
battle ground, between French and Eng., ii. 559
bridging for railroad purposes, ii. 301²-2
canal boats built at St. Albans, ii. 298
captains, ii. 242
discovered by Samuel Champlain, claimed by French, ii. 89
first forts on, i. 2
French map of, 1748, i. 32
in American Revolution, i. 5-6
in possession of British, 1777-83, i. 158² 2d ed. 161
map, ii. 89²
mirage, i. 92
named, i. 1²
navigation and navigators of, by Thomas H. Canfield, i. 656-707
Palmer's history of, ii. 89² note
route of traffic, ii. 301
shore survey, 1773, i. 456
smuggling on, ii. 342²-7
Lake Champlain steamboat co., i. 687²-8
Lake Dunmore, i. 89², 90, 92
named by Lord Dunmore, i. 91²
Lake Dunmore agricultural soc., Salisbury, i. 89
Lake Dunmore hotel co., i. 89²
Lake House, Groton, i. 321²
Lake Memphremagog, iii. 293², 307
Indian council at, i. 11²
Lake of the Clouds, ii. 587²
Lake Sunapee (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 250²
Lake Willoughby, in Westmore, iii. 365
Lakes of Castleton, iii. 514
Orleans co., iii. 38²-9
Lamoille co., census, 1790-1860, ii. 591²
chartered towns, ii. 591²
hist. by Lyman J. Seely, ii. 587-800
inc. 1835, ii. 90²
natural hist., ii. 21-88 notes, ii. 1190
officers, ii. 590
papers, ii. 783-800
part of Addison co., i. 119
settled, ii. 588²
Lamoille co. grammar school, ii. 589², 673-5
Lamoille. river, i. 458², 757²; ii. 91, 680-1, 723; iii. 209²
settlements, ii. 670
Lamoille valley railroad, ii. 1184; iv. 1012, 1042
proposed connection with the Vt. Central, ii. 1184
see also St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain R. R.
Lana cascade, in Salisbury, i. 89²
river, Salisbury, i. 89²
Land battle at Plattsburg, 1814, i. 675-6
claims on Isle La Motte, ii. 562-3
Land claims, see N. H.-N, Y. conflict
Land disputes, see N. H.-N. Y. conflict
granted to Univ. of Vt. in Franklin, ii. 223²
grants, method of securing, iii. 239
jobbers, epithet applied to N. Y. claimants of Vt. lands, i. 151, 2d ed. 153²
prices in Ferrisburg, i. 33
in Pawlet, iii. 871²
sales in Rutland co. for taxes, i. 464
Troy, iii. 313
tax sales, in Coventry, iii. 137
Highgate, 1794, ii. 257²-8
titles, index of, in Barnet, i. 278
in Alburg, ii. 492
in Waterbury, iv. 830
in Worcester, iv. 890
quieted, 1787, i. 927²
Land titles, see also N. H. grants; and N. H.-N. Y. conflict
Land-slide, in Orwell, i. 74
Langdon family, of Montpelier, iv. 502-4, 544
Landgrove boundary, i. 197
hist. by A. Benson, i. 197-8, 2d ed. 196-8
Lane library assoc., Cornwall, i. 25²
Lanesborough (Mass.), persons from, settle in New Haven, i. 72
Laprairie, 1. 2²
Larrabee 's Point, home of Thomas Rowley, i. 98²
in Shoreham, i. 94²
The Last Indian, by Hiram Powers, v. pt. 2, 326²
Laughton family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 204
Lawrence mfg. co., i. 187², 2d ed. 188²
Laws of Moses govern Rutland, iii. 1023²
Lawyers, see names of towns, subdivision, lawyers
Lead in Belvidere, ii. 592
Westfield, iii. 354²-5
Lead tube with ms. discovered in Swanton, 1853, iv. 934
genuineness questioned, iv. 936-41
Lease of land to Abnakis, i. 454²-5
Leavitt's rock, in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305
Lee family, of Jericho, i. 833²
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 316-8
Lee (N. H.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 332
Legal maxims, perverted, v. pt. 2, 461-2
Leicester, boundary dispute, i. 44², 88²
hist. by T. L. Perry, i. 44-8
Leicester river, in Salisbury, i. 91
Leland & Gray seminary, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542
Lemington, hist. by Arthur T. Holbrook, i. 1014-5
pioneers, i. 1014²
Lemon Fair river, i. 26, 73², 97, 109
Leni Lenape, otherwise Algonkins, iv. 941²
Leominster (Mass.), persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 142, 151
Lewis College, see Norwich University
Lewis Creek in Ferrisburg, Indian name Sungahnee-tuk, i. 32, 34
Librarian soc., Pittsford, iii. 951²
Libraries; of Barre, iv. 35²
Burke, i. 308²-9
Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511
Bennington, v. pt. 35, 40-2, 49
Berkshire, ii. 160
Brookfield, ii. 861²
Burlington, i. 566
Cabot, iv. 102²
Calais, iv. 171²
Charlotte, i. 737²
Chittenden co., i. 470
H. A. Cutting's, i. 1039
Dorset, i. 187², 2d ed. 188²
East Montpelier, iv. 576
Fair Haven, iii. 708
Goodwillie's i. 294²
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²-1
Hinesburg, i. 795²
Marshfield, iv. 206²
Montpelier, iv. 290
Pawlet, iii. 887
Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211²
Pittsford, iii. 951², 959-60
Poultney, iii. 967, 975
Putney, v. pt. 2, 222²
Randolph, ii. 995²
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 507²
St. Albans, ii. 330
Shoreham, i. 95
Stowe, ii. 720
Strafford, ii. 1071²
Univ. of Vt., i. 524
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 280²
Waterbury, iv. 846
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601²
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 646
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23
Williamstown, ii. 1143
License vote in Worcester, 1847-50, iv. 889
Licenses granted by co. courts, ii. 96²
Lt. Cargill's grant, i. 261²
Light infantry co. of Montpelier, 1812, iv. 297-8
Lime industry in Swanton, iv. 1024
Lime kilns, in Sutton, v. pt. 34, 25
Lime pond, Williamstown, ii. 1140
Lincoln, granted, 1790, i. 49
hist. by J. T. Gove, i. 48-50
Linen manufacture, in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 61²
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 16
Lion (boat), 1813, ii. 528
"Little Egypt," in Enosburg, ii. 137²
Little Ox Bow, Haverhill, N. H., ii. 917
Litchfield (Conn.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408²
persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 330
persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 59²
persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91-2
Litchfield co. (Conn.), persons from, settle in Burke, i. 302²
Little Otter Creek, in Ferrisburg, navigable 3 miles, i. 34
Indian name Wonakake-tuk, i. 31², 32, 34
Little Otter Creek falls, i. 33 (2)
Little Panton, i. 79²
Little pond, in Groton, i. 321²
Little R. I., in Shaftsbury, i. 232
Littleton, early name of Waterford, i. 431
Live stock, in Shoreham, i. 97
Location of early villages in Vt., ii. 972²
Logan's Point, Shelburne, i. 877²
Long boat lines on Champlain, i. 683²-4
Londonderry, census, 1790, v. pt. 3¹, 17
charters, v. pt. 3¹, 15
collegiates, v. pt. 3¹, 21-3
financial troubles, v. pt. 3¹, 17²
granted by N. Y. as Kent, v. pt. 3¹, 16
hist. by Nancy Cockran, pt. 3¹, 15-29
military records, v. pt. 3¹, 26
town divided, v. pt. 3¹, 17; v. pt. 3², 6
town meeting, v. pt. 3¹, 15
Long Island in Lake Champlain, ii. 562², 563²
Long Pond, in Charleston, iii. 117²-8
in Groton, i. 121²
Loom run by water power in Montpelier about 1816, iv. 275²
run by water power, first in America at Waltham, (Mass.), 1815, iv. 275²
Losses in Bennington battle, v. pt. 35, 20²
Gettysburg battle, iv. 21
Lost children, iv. 184²
soldiers pass through Readsboro, i. 219, 2d ed. 218
Lotbiniere seigniory, i. 4
Lotteries in Vt., v. pt. 2, 691²
Lottery granted to Anthony Haswell, i. 176², 2d ed. 178²
in Brattleboro, v. 36²
Loudon (N. H.). persons from, settle in St. AIbans, ii. 341
Loup Indians, see Abnakis
Lovejoy family, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 590
Low prices, see Cost of living
Lowell & Boston R. R., iv. 6²
Lowell census, iii. 270
description, iii. 278
former name, Kelleyvale, iii. 269²
granted, iii, 312², 313
hist. by D. Eugene Curtis, iii. 269-82, 386
land titles, iii. 275²-6
military hist., iii. 270-1, 280
organized, iii. 269²
pioneers, iii. 269²
settled, 1764, iii. 318, 1015
town and other officers, iii. 269-70
vital records, iii. 280
mountains, iii. 278
Lower Falls village, Weybridge, i. 110 (2)
Lower Salmon brook, Vernon, v. pt. 2, 276²
Loyalists flee to Canada, i. 128²-30, 2d ed. 129-31
Loyalty of Vt. to the country, 1812, i. 469, 471
Lumber trade in Burlington, i. 517-19
Lumbering in Worcester, iv. 889-90
Lund's pond, i. 262²
Lunenburg, granted, 1763, i. 1015²
grantees, i. 1015²
hist. by Jonah Brooks, i. 1015-25
physicians, i. 1018²
pioneers, i. 1015²-16
Lunenburg, town records, i. 1016
Lutterloh, former name of Albany, iii. 47²-8
Lyceum of East Highgate, ii. 263²
Lyceums of Swanton, iv. 1099
Lydius land claims, i. 105
in Clarendon, iii. 572
purchase from Dellius, i. 2²
title to Clarendon, iii. 553²-4
Lyndon, description, i. 338²-9
granted, i. 339²
hist. by George C. Cahoon, i. 338-56
pioneers, i. 340, 343, 346
produce, i. 339²-40
town and other officers, i. 354-5
town meetings, i. 341-4
villages, i. 352²-3
Lyonaise marble, iv. 1030
McConnel's falls, in Johnson, ii. 679
MacDonough (boat), on Lake Champlain, ii. 298²
McIndoe's Falls, Barnet, i. 279, 280²
McIntosh house, Vergennes, i. 107
McKee place, West Arlington, 2d ed. i. 123²
Mack's Leg, Windham, v. pt. 3², 6²
Mackville, in Hardwick, i. 326
Mad river, i. 41; iv. 21², 597, 769²
Madison (Conn.), persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 52²
Magazine club of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601²
Magnetic variation at Middlesex, iv. 233
in northern Vt., i. 270²
Magnetism applied to mechanics by Thomas Davenport, ii. 1153
Maidstone, boundaries surveyed, i. 1027, 1029²
granted, 1761, i. 1025
hist. by Moody Rich, i. 1025-45
pioneers, i. 1026-30, 1045
proprietors' records, i. 1025²-6
town and other officers, i. 1030-1
Maidstone lake, i. 1043²-4
Mail for Richford sent through Enosburg post office until 1817, ii. 281²
Mail received weekly at St. Albans, ii. 292²
route to Barnet, in 1808, i. 294²
routes, v. pt. 2, 383²
Mallet's bay, early called Ouynouski bay, i. 756
Manchester, granted, 1761, i. 199, 2d ed. 198²
hist. by H. E. Miner, i. 198-207
in Charlotte co., i. 201
in the Revolution, i. 201
included in Princeton grant, i. 146, 2d ed. 148²
proprietors meet in Amenia, N. Y., i. 199
town and other officers, i. 202-3
Manchester convention, 1772, i. 200²-1
Manchester shire, i. 121
Manganese in Brandon, iii. 499²
Chittenden, iii. 547²
Mann granite quarry, Barre, iv. 39
Mansfield (Conn.), persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 59
Mansfield (Vt.), annexed to Stowe, ii. 695²
charter, 1763, ii. 680
description, ii. 696
hist. by E. Henry Willey, ii. 680
pioneers, ii. 670
town and other officers, ii. 680
Mansfield family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 211-2
Mansfield house, Stowe, ii. 731
Mansfield Mt., see Mount Mansfield
Manufacturers, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 44-6, 49
Brattleboro, v. 42
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 61
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421
Middlebury, i. 53²
Salisbury, i. 89²
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650
Manumission, in Pawlet, iii. 889-90
Manuscript in lead tube discovered in Swanton conjectured to be of early date, iv. 934
record of Lt. Gov. Stoughton, of Mass., 1696, iv. 241
Maple hill, Arlington, 2d ed., i. 123²
Maple sugar, ii. 135; iii. 319²
first product in Danville, i. 313
Maple sugar industry, v. pt. 3³, 23²
on the Missisquoi, (?), iv. 957
of Newark, i. 357
of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 26
Maple sugaring in Hardwick, i. 325²
Maps: Addison co., by H. F. Walling, error in, i. 109²
Barnet, map of 1790, locates 90 settlers, i. 281
Blanchard and Langdon map of N. H., 1761, i. 261
Lake Champlain, 1732, iv. 952²
1748, i. 32; ii. 89²
from Fort Chambly to Fort St. Frederick, 1732, ii. 89
Lydius grant, i. 120²
N. Y., 1779, i. 261²
Chorographic map, ii. 89-90
grants in Vt., ii. 89-90
route from St. John's to N. Y., belonging to Col. Pfister, i. 158, 2d ed. 160
Vermont, 1761, i. 261
1770, iv. 251²
about 1779, iv. 251²-2
in preparation, 1785, mentioned by Allen, i. 389²
Walling's map of Franklin co., ii. 91²
Whitelaw's map of Vt., 1793, ii. 90
1796, i. 268², 380²
Maquam bay, ii. 289²; iv. 991²
Creek, ii. 344 (2)
Marble in Brandon, iii. 499
Shoreham, i. 97
floor tile, iv. 1028
industry, of Middlebury, i. 53
of Panton, i. 81²
quarries, of Castleton, iii. 513²-4, 528²
Cornwall, i. 26
Danby, iii. 602
Dorset, i. 189-90, 2d ed. 190
Fair Haven, iii. 707
Glens Falls, N. Y., iv. 1026
Isle La Motte, ii. 477, 557; iv. 1026
Rutland, iii. 1065-9
Rutland co., iii. 1066
Swanton, iv. 1025-30, 1188-9
Maria (British ship), i. 5²
Marietta college, Ohio, address by Rev. Joel H. Linsley, i. 29²
Marine hospital at Burlington, i. 512
Markets of Enosburg, ii. 139²
Marl beds of Grand Isle co., ii. 477
Marlboro, charters, v. pt. 2, 441
hist. by Rev. Ephraim H. Newton, v. pt. 2, 441-53
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 443-5
supports American Revolution, v. pt. 2, 441²
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 443², 446²
town records, v. pt. 2, 441
Marriage ceremony, by Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 282-3
Marriage custom in Fairfax, ii. 175
Shelburne, i. 871
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 578
Marsh fund for churches in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 280
Marshfield, dealers, iv. 205²
freemen in 1800, iv. 200²
granted 1790, iv. 197
hist. by Mrs. H. C. Pitkin, iv. 197-222
military hist., iv. 216-8
physicians, iv. 206
pioneers, iv. 197-9, 200-2
purchased from Indians, iv. 197
taverns, iv. 205
town and other officers, iv. 204-5
town records, iv. 200-2
vital records, iv. 206
Martial law in Canada, 1837, ii. 505
Martin's bay, ii. 244²
Marvin's Gore, ii. 229
Masons, see Freemasons; and Anti-masonic party
Mass meeting in Franklin co., 1837, resolutions passed, ii. 299²-300
Massachusetts claims southern Vt. & N. H., v. pt. 2, 251
claims Vt., i. 914²
equivalent land grants to Conn., in Vt., see Equivalent lands in Vt.
land grants in Vt., v. pt. 2, 251²
in Vt. & N. H., v. pt. 2, 563-4, 628
men settle Montpelier, iv. 257
settles Conn. river towns, ii. 916
Masts cut in Bradford for France, ii. 829
Mathematical genius, Z. Colburn, iv. 114
Mathew family, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 445-6
May Martin founded on incident in Middlesex, iv. 241-2
Meadows of Newbury, ii. 915
Meaker murder in Waterbury, iv. 916
Medical society of Franklin co., ii. 99-100
of Vt., ii: 99²
Medicinal springs of Bridport, i. 18
of Brighton, i. 955²
in Bristol, i. 19
in Brookline, v. pt. 2, 382²
Brunswick, i. 965
Cabot, iv. 89
Clarendon, iii. 569
Cornwall, i. 26
Danby, iii. 664
Grand Isle co., ii. 477²
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 11, 62
Highgate, ii. 258², 261-2
Middlebury, i. 60
Middletown, iii. 843-4
Mt. Tabor, iii. 869
Medicinal springs of Panton, i. 81²
Sheldon, ii. 160, 369, 381
Shoreham, i. 97
South Hero, ii. 571
Stowe, ii. 702
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 26
Tunbridge, ii. 1128
Waterville, ii. 773
Wheelock, v. 433
Williamstown, ii. 1140
Medway, see Mendon
Meech reminiscences, iii. 1130-2
Meeting house, attempt to build by town tax in Bennington, i. 161, 2d ed. 163
Meetings for promoting building of R. R. through Vt., 1830, iv. 302-4
Melvin's battle in Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 457-8
Memorial day speakers at Bennington, v. pt. 35, 54-5, 69
Memorial of recently died Vermonters, i. 1080; ii. 1196; iii. 1242; iv. 1200
Memorials of a Century, by Rev. Isaac Jennings, v. pt. 3, 18²
Memory, a remarkable, i. 279
Memphremagog, Lake, see Lake Memphremagog
Men with Ethan Allen at Ticonderoga, see Soldiers in Allen's party at capture of Ticonderoga
Mendon, granted 1781, iii. 784²
hist. by Mrs. Anna B. Boorn, iii. 784-93
military hist., iii. 792-3
organized 1806, iii. 784²
pioneers, iii. 785²
town and other officers, iii. 785²-6
vital records, iii. 786
Mengwe, or Iroquois, iv. 941²
Merchant's line on Champlain, i. 683²-4
Merrifield family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 396, 401
Merrill's Bay, in Panton, i. 80²
Messeepsque, see Missisquoi
Messiskon, Missisquoi, v. pt. 2, 294²
Metcalf's island, at mouth of Missisquoi, iv. 965²
Method of securing land grants, iii. 239
Methodist seminary and female college, iv. 299²
Metric system, v. pt. 3, 72
Mettawee, or Pawlet river, i. 182², 2d ed. 184; iii. 871
Mexican war soldiers, Lt. Jenks Beaman, iii. 985²
Joel Beaman, iii. 734
Daniel Bemis, iii. 1197
Charles Bigelow, iv. 41
Maj. Jacob Brown, i. 238, 2d ed. 237²
Daniel Cutler, iv. 587
Andrew Foster, of Brighton, i. 957
William M. Fuller, v. pt. 2, 508, 522
William Green, iii. 625
George Kilborn, iii. 1197
Parker Langmayd, iii. 125
Orange McKay, iv. 587
Gen. John Wolcott Phelps, v. pt. 3, 69
James Preston, iii. 874²
Israel Bush Richardson, ii. 187
Col. Martin Scott, i. 167, 178, 2d ed. 169, 179²
Capt. Truman Seymour, iii. 985²
Israel Sheldon, iii. 646²
Return Strong, iii. 874²
of Calais, iv. 147
Clarendon, iii. 560
Mexican war soldiers of Danby, iii. 653-4
Groton, iv. 1164
Montpelier, iv. 341
Middlebury bounds, i. 69
hist. by S. Swift, i. 50-65
origin of name, i. 50
pioneers, i. 4², 50-2
Middlebury college, i. 52², 241 note
faculty, i. 155²
gave medical degrees through Castleton medical college, 1820-7, iii. 519-20
hist., i. 55-6
Middlebury falls, i. 2², 119
Middlebury female seminary, i. 52², 111
Middlebury hist. soc., i. 120
Middlebury river, i. 54
Middlesex census, iv. 235²
charter, 1763, iv. 222
clergy, iv. 238
description, iv. 226²
first settled town in Wash. co., iv. 234
grantees, iv. 222
hist. by Stephen Herrick, iv. 222-50
minerals, iv. 233²
natural curiosities, iv. 228-9
Narrows, iv. 825
natural hist., iv. 233-4
pioneers, iv. 222-6, 240-1
town and other officers, iv. 236-8
traders, iv. 225²
vital records, iv. 245
Middlesex (Orange co.), original name of Randolph, ii. 974, 1027-9, 1171²
Middletown (Conn.), persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 179²
persons from, settle in Fairfield, ii. 196
persons from, settle in Georgia, ii. 241
persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 61
Middletown (Vt.), boundaries, iii. 796
charter, iii. 794-6
eccentric persons, iii. 810-19
freemen, iii. 819²-20
granted 1784, iii. 794
hist. by Barnes Frisbee, iii. 794-844
military hist., iii. 838-42
organized, iii. 796
origin of name, iii. 794
pioneers, iii. 794-5, 797
prosperous period, iii. 826
settled, iii. 794²-5
town and other officers, iii. 796², 837-8
Middletown Springs, iii. 843
Middletown Springs hotel co., iii. 844
Military land grants in Rutland co. by N. Y., iii. 403²
see also N. Y. military land grants
Military records of Vt., in 1861, by Gov. Horace Fairbanks, i. 436-52
supplies at Bennington, i. 154, 2d ed. 156
Militia inspection, see June training
law repealed, 1844, ii. 354
muster at Sutton, 1824, v. pt. 34, 13
of Bennington, 1764, i. 143², 153, 2d ed. 146, 155
of Franklin co., ordered to N. Y., 1813, ii. 294²-5
of Highgate, ii. 265, 352-3
of Pawlet, iii. 879
Miller family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 45-51, 122-3, 129-36, 169-70, 182-4, 204²-5
Miller's river, Wheelock, i. 433
Millerism, in Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427
Waterbury, iv. 846
Mills built at falls of Missisquoi by English about 1765, iv. 966, 967²-8
at Alburg, ii. 498²
of Arlington, i. 123, 2d ed. 123²-4
Bakersfield, ii. 108
Barnet, i. 276, 281²
Bennington, i. 137-8, 144², 2d ed. 138-40, 147; v. pt. 35, 49
Berlin, iv. 53²
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379²
Burke, i. 304²-5, 310
Cabot, iv. 81
Cambridge, ii. 603, 604
Castleton, iii. 503
Concord, i. 969, 972
Fairfax, ii. 179
Fletcher, ii. 215
Franklin, ii. 227²
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554
Granville, i. 42²
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414², 421
Highgate, ii. 259²
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425²
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 17, 18
Marshfield, iv. 206
Middlesex, iv. 231-2
Montpelier, iv. 261², 275
Mt. Tabor, iii. 867
Newbury, i. 376²
Pittsford, iii. 947-8
Ryegate, i. 376²
St. Johnsbury, i. 393²
Shelburne, i. 876
Stratton, v. pt. 2. 521²
Sunderland, i. 239
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 25
Victory, i. 1047
Waterbury, iv. 832³
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 565, 568, 602
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649-50
Weybridge, i. 110
Woodbury, iv. 875
on Lake Champlain, 1766-9, iv. 967
on Missisquoi burned about 1775 by uncertain parties, iv. 969-70
Milton, grantees, i. 839²
hist. by Hector Adams, i. 839-43, 941
organized, 1788, i. 840
pioneers, i. 839²
sand bar, see Sand bar between Milton and South Hero
Minden, see Craftsbury, iii. 165
Minehead, original name of Bloomfield, i. 950 note
Mines in Concord, i. 970 note, 972
Minerals, in Hyde Park, ii. 629
Lamoille co., ii. 588
Orange co., ii. 803, 875
Orleans co., iii. 38
Stowe, ii. 696²
Tinmouth, iii. 1150
Minister Brook mining co., iv. 884
Ministerial support by town, ii. 821
Minister's lot in Bakersfield, ii. 104², 105², 107²
Barnet, i. 290
Bradford, ii. 820²-1
Fairfax, ii. 170²
Grand isle, ii. 530
Lyndon, i. 344, 345
Mendon, iii. 787
Monkton, i. 67, 160², 2d ed. 162²
Ryegate, i. 379
Salisbury, i. 88², 90
Minnesota, first daily newspaper in, ii. 181
Minute men of 1794, of Montpelier for protection against Canada, iv. 295-6
Mirage on Lake Champlain, i. 92
Missionaries from Bennington, i. 140², 163, 2d ed. 143, 165
from Dorset, i. 191², 194², 2d ed. 195-6
from Rupert, i. 226, 2d ed. 224²
to Indians, from Windham, v. pt. 3², 14, 19²
Missionary life among Indians, i. 335-6
Missisco, former name of Troy, iii. 316
see also Missisquoi
Misisco Leg, see Alburg
Missisco river, in Orleans co., iii. 38²
Missisco Tongue, see Alburg
Missisco valley, description, iii. 309-14
Missisquoi, see also Missisco
Missisquoi Annals to 1783, iv. 973
Missisquoi, origin of name, iv. 991
Missisquoi bay, claimed by Indians, i. 453-5
Indians on, i. 31²
smugglers' route, ii. 344
Missisquoi Indians, described by Mrs. Jemima Howe, iv. 960
Missisquoi river. ii. 109²-10, 368²; iii. 355, 361; iv. 991
smugglers' route, ii. 344
valley once a lake, ii. 91
Mohawks, i. 2
Mohegans, granted Addison and Rutland counties, i. 120²
Molly's falls, Marshfield, description, iv. 219
Molly's pond, i. 265²
Monadnock Mt., v. pt. 2, 250, 338
Money diggers of Middlesex, iv. 241
Money, scarcity of, i. 378
Monkton, Brit. land grant in, 1774, i. 105
hist. by O. L. Nimblet, i. 65-7
Montebello of Newbury, iv. 40²
Montgomery, changes in boundaries, ii. 275
hist. by N. W. Clapp, ii. 275-8
pioneers, ii. 275², 277²
town officers, ii. 278
Montpelier, appropriation for state house, 1832, $15,000, iv. 7²
casualties, iv. 330-41
census 1791-1870, iv. 274, 299
charters, 1781 and 1804, iv. 253²-5
collegiates iv. 551-3
chosen for state capital, 1805, iv. 284
deeply interested in R. R.s, iv. 301²-5
description, iv. 251
detached militia, 1812, iv. 298
early statistics, iv. 263 note
epidemics, iv. 263²-5
errata in history, iv. 592
Montpelier fire cos., iv. 300, 549-50
first four allotments made, iv. 258-9
first town meeting, iv. 265-6
food in 1787, iv. 260²-1
founder, Col. Timothy Bigelow, iv, 256-7
freemen in 1791, iv. 266
funds raised for state house, 1806, iv. 285
grantees not among N. Y. grantees, who received $30,000, iv. 252
grants, iv. 251-6
hist. by Eliakim P. Walton, and others, iv. 251-574
hotels, iv. 287-8
lawyers, iv. 277-8
military hist., iv. 295-9, 520-6
named by Col. Jacob Davis, iv. 253²
named Kilby by N. Y., iv. 3²
N. Y., attempt to survey in 1773, iv. 252²
newspapers, iv. 13
organized, 1791, iv. 265
petitioned for, from Vt. assembly, 1780, iv. 252-3
physicians, iv. 278, 358-9, 479-82
pioneer town in promoting R. R. building, iv. 305²
pioneers, iv. 257-62
political hist., iv. 269-74
proprietors, iv. 254, 256
proprietors' meetings, iv. 257-9
soldiers from, in U. S. army, 1812-60, iv. 523-6
streets & buildings raised above river, iv, 299
survey, voted by proprietors, 1785, iv. 258
town and other officers, iv. 272-4, 547-9
traders, iv. 278-81
vital records, iv. 327-30
votes cast for U. S. Pres. & Vt. governors, 1792-1880, iv. 269-72
water supply, iv. 485²-6
Montpelier & Wells River R. R., iv. 92², 218-9, 251², 306², 316², 526-32, 563, 729²
Montpelier classical school, iv. 291
The Montpelier lyceum, iv. 290
Montpelier mfg. co., iv. 275, 486
Montpelier savings bank & trust co., iv. 485
Montreal, visited by Cartier, ii. 89; iv. 934
Monument of Ethan Allen, i. 571
to William French, in Westminster, v. pt. 2, 575, 636²
to Seth Warner, by Conn., i. 174, 2d ed. 176
to victors of Plattsburg battle, i. 681
Moody family, of Waterbury, iv. 860
Moore Town, early name of Bradford, ii. 808-11
Moortown, early name of Bradford, iv. 713²
Moo-sa-la-moo mountain, Salisbury, i. 90, 92
Moose river, in Kirby, i. 337
sleds, i. 303²
Moretown, history, iv. 593-611
military affairs, iv. 609.11
paper by George Bulkley, iv. 917
town and other officers, iv. 917
town records, iv. 593-4
vital records, iv. 602-3
Morgan, granted, 1780, iii. 282²
grantees, iii. 282
hist. by Jacob S. Clark, iii. 282-93
military hist., iii. 286-7
physicians, iii. 285²
pioneers, iii. 284
Morgan, town and other officers, iii. 285²-6
Mormonism in Charleston, iii. 380
Middletown, iii. 818-9
Pawlet, iii. 905²
Morristown, granted, 1780, ii. 681
history, ii. 680-93, 800
pioneers, ii. 681
proprietors' meetings, ii. 681²
surveyed, ii. 681²
town officers, ii. 681-2, 800
vital records, ii. 682
Morrisville history, ii. 680-1
Morrisville, see also Morristown
Morse's Tavern, of Montpelier, iv. 309
Moscow, in Stowe, ii. 700²
Moss Glen Falls, i. 41; ii. 701²-2
Mortars, used for crushing grain, i. 4²
Moultonboro (N. H.), persons from, settle in Sutton, i. 423²
Mounds in Isle La Motte, ii. 561²
Mt. Anthony, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 42²
Mt. Antony, of Rupert, i. 221²-2, 228, 2d ed. 220², 227
Mt. Eolus, formerly Dorset mountain, i. 182-3, 2d ed. 184
marble quarries, i. 189, 2d ed. 190
Mt. Hamilton, of Fair Haven, iii. 680², 691
Mt. Holly, description, iii. 845-6
hist. by Dr. John Crowley, iii. 845-66
organized, 1792, iii. 845²
physicians, iii. 850-1
pioneers, iii. 845, 862
settled, 1786, iii. 845
town and other officers, iii. 851
villages, iii. 846²-7
vital records, iii. 862²
Mt. Hunger, in Middlesex, iv. 229-30
Mt. Independence, origin of name, i. 73²
Robinson's regt. at, 1777, i. 168², 2d ed. 170²
two companies of Bennington men at, July, 1777, i. 153², 2d ed. 155²
Mt. Mansfield, i. 458; ii. 587², 694, 738-41
seen by Champlain, iv. 2
sketch, by Gay H. Naramore, i. 889
Mt. Mansfield hotel, Stowe, ii. 737
Mt. Royal, see Montreal
Mt. Tabor, freemen, 1788, iii. 867
grantees, iii. 869
hist. by Gideon S. Tabor, iii. 866-70
military hist., iii. 869-70
organized, 1788, iii. 866
pioneers, iii. 867²-8
Mt. Tabor's Leg, i. 208, 2d ed. 207
Mount Vernon house, in Hancock, i. 43²
Mountain views, v. pt. 2, 250, 338, 382²
Mountains of Dorset, i. 182², 2d ed, 184
Eden, ii. 622²
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 423
Pawlet, iii. 870²
Movement for new state, v. pt. 2, 539
Mud creek, see Little Otter Creek
Museum of Antiques, of Northfield, iv. 711-2
Muster roll of Capt. Thomas Johnson's co. in Revolution, ii. 946
of Dewey's co., i. 153. 2d ed. 155
of Plattsburg volunteers from Montpelier, 1812, iv. 298
Muster roll of Robinson's co., Aug. 16, 1777, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²-1
Mystic Lodge, of Stowe, ii. 717
Narrative of the Captivity of Mrs. Jemima Howe, by Rev. Bunker Gay, v. pt. 2, 292-7
"The Narrows," of Middlesex, iv. 228²
National Life Ins. Co., iv. 283
Naturalized citizens of Vt., i. 389
Naval battle at Charlotte 1756, first on Lake Champlain between Eng. & French, i. 756
Navigation of Conn. river, ii. 955; iv. 301; v. 21², 39; v. pt. 2, 304-5, v. pt. 3, 62-3
Navigators on Lake Champlain, i. 669²
Navy, early name of Charleston, iii. 107-8, 379²
Nebraska bill, speech by James Meacham, i. 63-5
Negro slaves, ii. 370, 372
Neshobe, charter name of Brandon, iii. 428²; see Brandon
New Boston (N. H.), persons from, settle in Johnson, ii. 671
New Braintree (Mass.), people from, settle in Hardwick, i. 327², 333²
New Cheshire, charter desired, iii. 674
New Concord (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 94
New Connecticut, original name of Vt., v. 14
New England chemical co., ii. 1085²-8
New England Homestead, of Springfield, Mass., v. 183
New Fairfield (Conn.), persons from, settle in Sheldon, ii. 370
New Flamstead, see Chester
New France, grants on Lake Champlain, i. 756
occupied Isle La Motte, 100 years, i. 754
southern limits in Vt., i. 461
N. H. charters in Vt., iii. 969²
civil officers of N. H. grants, i. 122
claims to Vt., i. 914²
determines to secure Coos Meadows, 1752, ii. 916
granted Washington co. towns, iv. 3
map, see Blanchard & Langdon, map of N. H., 1761
persons from, settle in Berkshire, ii. 112, 117², 118
persons from, settle in Danville, i. 313
raise troop to meet Burgoyne, v. pt. 35, 16
surveyed Conn, valley, ii. 802, 807
western bounds disputed, v. 1
on Lake Champlain, i. 3
N. H.-N. Y. boundary, 1764, i. 146², 2d ed. 148-9
boundary conflict, i. 16, 391, 462-3, 767-71, 908-16; iii. 404²; v. pt. 2, 568-70
in Addison, i. 4², 5, 11
Arlington, i. 124-7, 2d ed. 124²-8²
Bennington, i. 145²-51, 164², 2d ed. 148-53, 166²
Cambridge, ii. 611
Clarendon, iii. 553-60, 571-3
Cornwall, i. 23²
Ferrisburg, i. 32²
Manchester, i. 200²-1
New Haven, i. 69²
Panton, i. 79
Pownal, i. 167, 215, 2d ed. 169², 214
Rupert, i. 223, 2d ed. 222
Shaftsbury, i. 233²-4, 2d ed. 233
Starksboro, i. 105
Sunderland, 1. 239²
Vergennes, i. 11
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684
letter from Jonathan Arnold, i. 391
N. H. grantees, appoint agents to send to London, 1772, i. 126²-7, 2d ed. 127²
arrested, i. 167², 2d ed. 169²
claim right to secede from N. Y., v. 12²
declare themselves to be a free state, Jan., 1777, i. 128
indicted as rioters, i. 148, 2d ed. 150²
petition the King for relief, 1767, i. 127
purchased land in good faith, i. 123²
resist N. Y. adherents, v. pt. 2, 27-8
resist N. Y. claimants in Halifax, v. pt. 2, 412²
send agents to London, 1767, i. 147², 167², 2d ed. 149², 169²
send agents to London for relief from N. Y., 1772, i. 173², 2d ed. 175
send agents to N. Y., 1765, i. 146, 2d ed. 148
township committees of, meet at Arlington, Mar. 1774, i. 127², 2d ed. 128²
N. H. grants, v. 1-3
census, 1755, v. pt. 2, 495
in Rutland co., iii. 403
civil officers of, i. 167², 2d ed. 169²
Iegality of, recognized by England, i. 127, 2d ed. 128
no of, v. 1²
New Hampton institute, moved to Fairfax, ii. 173
New Hampton literary and theological institution, ii. 98²
New Haven (Conn.), persons from, settle in Middlebury, i. 58²
New Haven (Vt.), bounds, i. 68²
hist. by W. Bullard, i. 68-72
pioneers, i. 70
records lost, i. 71²
New Haven falls, at Vergennes, i. 32²
New Haven river, i. 19, 48², 50, 71
New Huntington, see Huntington
New Ipswich (N. H.), persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 142²
New Lights, in Hardwick, i. 329-30
New Milford (Conn.), persons from, in Arlington largely adherents of Church of England, i. 131, 2d ed. 132
settle in Arlington, i. 123²
settle in Shoreham, i. 100²
New Salem (Conn.), persons from, settle in Hancock, i. 43²
N. Y., authority in Charlotte co. flouted, i. 462²-3
authority never recognized in Bennington, i. 151², 2d ed. 153²
builds fort at Chimney Point, i. 2²
civil government compared with that of N. E., i. 145², 2d ed. 148
civil officers in Cumberland co., 1777-82, v. 15
claims against Vt. settled, i. 262
claims to N. H. grants, i. 145, 2d ed. 148
claims to Vt., i. 121
commission authorized to appoint military officers, ii. 946
committee of correspondence, 1774, send letter to Cumberland co., v. pt. 2, 538², 569²
convention, claims jurisdiction over Vt., v. 15²
chorographic map, ii. 89-90
eastern boundary determined by King, v. 2
proclaimed 1764, v. pt. 2, 536²
expeditions against the French, 1690-91, i. 2
grant of Maidstone, i. 1026
grant to Col. Wooster in Addison, i. 4
granted to Duke of York, i. 1²
granted Washington co. towns, iv. 3²
grants annulled, i. 262
in Panton and New Haven, i. 79
in Rutland co., iii. 403-4
in Vt., i. 146, 147, 2d ed., 148², 149²; ii. 90
on Champlain, i. 756²
on Otter Creek, from mouth to Sutherland Falls, i. 69²
N. Y. jurisdiction in western Vt., failed, i. 462-3
rejected in several Cumberland co. towns, v. 16
land disputes, see N. H.-N. Y. boundary conflict
loyal to the King except Bennington mob, i. 152, 2d ed. 154²
military grants on Lake Champlain, i. 32
offers bounty for arrest of leading N. H. grantees, i. 127², 2d ed. 128²
ordered to respect N. H. grants, i. 127, 167², 2d ed. 128, 169²
prohibited from disturbing N. H. grantees, i. 147², 2d ed. 150
resisted by Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 9-12
state men from, settle in Berkshire, ii. 114²
surveyor frightened from Montpelier by Ira Allen, iv. 713²
adherents in N. H. grants punished, i. 125-6, 2d ed. 126-7
proceedings in Cumberland co., v. 15-7
N. Y.-N. H. conflict, see N. H.-N. Y. boundary conflict
N.Y.-Vt. boundary, ii. 179
see also N. H.-N. Y. boundary conflict
N. Y. charter, basis of land titles in Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456
claims, chief interest at Dorset convention, i. 128
claimants, in Putney, v. pt. 2, 221
"N. Y. land jobbers," i. 151, 2d ed. 153
N. Y. Rutland and Montreal R. R., v. pt. 35, 43²
Newbrook, N. Y. name of Montpelier, iv. 251²-2
Newark, hist. by J. P. Smith, i. 356-8
pioneers, i. 356²
town and other officers, i. 357²
Newbury, directory, ii. 944-5
explorers visit, ii. 954²
granted, 1763, ii. 918²
grantees, ii. 944
half way resting place between Canada and Atlantic, ii. 918
harassed by tories, ii. 926-7
history, ii. 915-56, 1170
in the Revolution, ii. 926-8, 945²-7
military hist. ii. 945-51
pioneers, ii. 917²-9, 943²
settled, i. 265²; ii. 917
shire town, i. 261-2
surveyed, 1761, ii. 807²-8
town and other officers, ii. 944
town meetings, ii. 919²
vital records, ii. 945
Newbury seminary, ii. 804, 951-2
Newfane, census, v. pt. 2, 479-80
centennial address by Charles K. Field, v. pt. 2, 455-9
charters, v. pt. 2, 455-6
collegiates, v. pt. 2, 487-8
description, v. pt. 2, 458-9
first named Fane, v. pt. 2, 455
grantees, v. pt. 2, 455²
hist. by John H. Merrifield, v. pt. 2, 455-91
land titles rest on N. Y. charter, v. pt. 2, 456
mountain views, v. pt. 2, 460²
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
portion annexed to Brookline, v. pt. 2, 380, 455
shire town, v. pt. 2, 455
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 461
vital records, v. pt. 2, 477-8
Newport (N. H.), persons from, settle in Orwell, i. 74
persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 101²
Newport (Vt.), early name was Duncansborough, iii. 303², 304
grantees, iii. 302²
Newport (Vt.), hist. by D. H. Simonds, iii. 293-306, 386
physicians, iii. 298-302
pioneers, iii. 293²
settled, 1793, iii. 293²
town and other officers, iii. 303²-5
town records, iii. 303²-4
Newspaper delivery in Cabot, iv. 91
Newspapers of Vt.:
The American Baptist, v. pt. 2, 712²
American Citizen of Morrisville, i, 589²
American Journal of Swanton, iv. 1100
American Observer, ii. 589²
American Protector, ii. 818
American Register of Arlington, i. 252²
American Yeoman of Brattleboro, v. 181
Anti-masonic Republican, i. 92
Argus and Patriot of Montpelier, iv. 13, 292², 294, 310²; v. pt. 2, 511
Aurora of the Valley, ii. 818
The Banner, iii. 710
The Barre Enterprize, iv. 35²
The Barre Herald, iv. 35²
The Barre Times, iv. 35²
Barton Monitor, v. pt. 34, 30²
Bellows Falls Argus, v. pt. 2, 511
Bellows Falls Gazette, v. 182; v. pt. 2, 505, 511
Bellows Falls Intelligencer, v. pt. 2, 511
Bellows Falls Times, v. pt. 2, 505, 507, 511
Bennington Banner, i. 141, 2d ed. 143; v. pt. 35, 37, 43
Bennington Co. Whig, of Manchester, i. 253
Bennington Gazette, i. 392-3; iii. 693², 977; v. pt. 35, 34, 36
Bennington Newsletter, i. 252²
Bennington Reformer, v. pt. 35, 43
Bradford Enquirer, ii. 818
Brandon Gazette, iii. 495
Brandon Monitor, v. 183
The Brandon Post, iii. 495
Brattleboro Messenger, v. 77, 181, 182
Brattleboro Reformer, v. pt. 2, 322
Brattleboro Reporter, v. 77
Burlington Courier, i. 555
Burlington Free Press, i. 554-5; ii. 960²-3
Burlington Gazette, i. 555
Burlington Mercury, i. 555
Burlington Sentinel, ii. 274
Burlington Times, i. 555
Cabot Advertiser, iv. 89
Caledonian of St. Johnsbury, i. 402²
Champlain Reporter, ii. 330²
Christian Advocate and Journal, i. 57
The Christian Luminary, ii. 720
Christian Messenger, iv. 13, 293-4
Christian Repository, ii. 713; iv. 13, 292², 409-10
Columbian Patriot, Middlebury, i. 28
Commercial Register, Burlington, i. 555
Courier, of Burlington, v. 182
Daily Herald, iii. 1064²
Daily Messenger, St. Albans, ii. 331
Daily Transcript, St. Albans, ii. 331²
Democrat, of St. Albans, ii. 331
Eagle, of Brattleboro, v. 182
Epitome of the World, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 30
Newspapers of Vt.: Fair Haven Advertiser, iii. 710²
The Fair Haven Gazette, iii. 693²
Fair Haven Journal, iii. 711
Family Visitor, ii. 589²
Farmer's Herald, St. Johnsbury, i. 402²
Farmer's Library, of Fair Haven, iii. 693², 1064
Farmer's Library, or Fair Haven Telegraph, iii. 693²
Farmer's Library, or Vermont and New York Intelligencer, iii. 694
Federal Galaxy, of Brattleboro, v. 77, 180
Flail, of Brattleboro, v. 77
Franklin Co. Herald and Swanton Advertiser, iv. 1101
Franklin Co. Herald of Swanton, iv. 1100
Franklin Co. Journal of Burlington, iv. 1101
Franklin Journal, ii. 331; iv. 1101
Franklin Republican, ii. 373²
Free Press of Burlington, v. 182
of Montpelier, iv. 13
Freeman, of Montpelier, v. 182
Freeman's Press, Montpelier, ii. 1050; iv. 154², 292, 307²
Friend, St. Johnsbury, i. 403
Genius of Liberty, of Ludlow, i. 327
Golden Sheaf, iii. 710²
Green Mountain Boy, Burlington, i. 555
Green Mountain Democrat, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 138
Green Mountain Eagle, of Castleton, iii. 516²
of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23
Green Mountain Express, iii. 36², 254, 306
Green Mountain Farmer, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 30
Bradford, ii. 818²
Green Mountain Freeman, of Montpelier, iv. 13, 69, 292², 294, 511-3; iv. 556; v. pt. 2, 734²
Green Mountain Gem, ii. 818
Green Mountain Patriot, Montpelier, iv. 291²
Peacham, i. 269²; iv. 443, 469²
Green Mountain Post Boy, see Vermont Gazette or Green Mountain Post Boy
Green Mountain Repository, Burlington, i. 555
Guard of American Liberty, iii. 1065
Harrisonian, iv. 294
Herald, St. Johnsbury, i. 403
Herald of Vermont, i. 176², 2d ed. 178²
Herald of Vermont, or Rutland Courier, iii. 1064
Horn of the Green Mountains, of Manchester, i. 253
Independent Freeholder, of Brattleboro, v. 180²
Independent Inquirer, of Brattleboro, v. 77, 182; v. pt. 2, 138
Independent Standard, iii. 253²
Investigator, ii. 589²
Journal of the Times, of Bennington, i. 252²-3
Lamoille Banner, ii. 589
Lamoille Newsdealer, ii. 855
Lamoille River Express of Johnson, ii. 589; iii. 36²
Lamoille Standard, ii. 589
Lamoille Whig of Johnson, iv. 556
Loco Foco of Swanton, iv. 1100
Ludlow Gazette, v. pt. 2, 270²
Manchester Journal, i. 253
Middlebury Galaxy, i. 53
Middlebury Mercury, 1801, i. 53
Middlebury Register, i. 53
Montpelier Watchman, v. 182
Monitor of Brandon, iii. 495
Newspapers of Vt.: Morning Star of Danville, v. pt. 34, 49
National Opinion of Bradford, ii. 818; iii. 387²
National Telegraph, ii. 818
Newport Express, iii. 37, 306
Newport News, iii. 36², 306
Newport Republican, iii. 36², 306
North American of Swanton, iv. 1100
North Star of Danville, i. 269², 318-9; ii. 174²; iv. 91
North Union, iii. 36², 253²
Northern Christian Advocate, iii. 495
Northern Enquirer of Bradford, ii. 818
Northern Galaxy, i. 53, 110²
Northern Oziris, iii. 36
Northern Sentinel, Burlington, i. 555
Northern Spectator, iii. 981², 999
Northern Visitor, iii. 495
Northfield News, iv. 695
Orange Co. Eagle of Randolph, ii. 1067
Orange Co. Journal, ii. 818
Orleans Co. Gazette, iii. 36², 253²
Orleans Co. Independent Standard, iii. 254
Orleans Independent Standard, iii. 36², 387
Patriot of Montpelier, v. 182
People's Journal, iii. 710²
People's Press, i. 53
Phoenix of Brattleboro, see Vermont Phoenix
Ploughman, i. 252²
Poultney Bulletin, iii. 999²
Poultney Gazette, iii. 981², 999²
Poultney Journal, iii. 999²
Poultney Owl, iii. 999²
Le Protecteur Canadinne, St. Albans, ii. 331²
Record of Irasburg, iii. 385
Reformed Drunkard of Montpelier, iv. 294
Reformer of Montpelier, iv. 294
Reporter of Brattleboro, v. 109, 180²
Repertory, Burlington, i. 555
Repository of Burlington and of St. Albans, ii. 331
Republican of Brattleboro, v. 182²
Rutland and Addison Co. Whig, iii. 494²
Rutland Co. Advertiser, iii. 710²
Rutland Courier, iii. 1064²
Rutland Daily and Weekly Globe, iii. 1064²
Rutland Herald, i. 551²; iii. 693², 977, 1064²
Rutland Independent, iii. 1064²
St. Albans Adviser, ii. 330²
St. Albans Messenger, ii. 331
St. Johnsbury Caledonian, v. pt. 2, 507
St. Johnsbury Republican, v. pt. 2, 735
Scorpion, ii. 589
Scribbler of Burlington, i. 938²
Semi-Weekly Eagle of Brattleboro, v. 181²
Sentinel of Burlington, v. 182
Spirit of the Age, Woodstock, iv. 506
Star of Vermont, Northfield, iv. 169
State Banner of Bennington, i. 253; v. pt. 35, 34
State Journal, Montpelier, iv. 63², 292²
Statesman of Brattleboro, v. 182²
Swanton Courier, iv. 1101²
Swanton Herald, iv. 1100
Swanton Journal, iv. 1100²
Newspapers of Vt.: Synchronist of Swanton, iv. 1100²
Telegraph, ii. 818²
Tablet of the Times of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 30
Temperance Star, iv. 294
Theological Repository of North Hero, ii. 565
Times of St. Johnsbury, iii. 381²
Transcript of St. Albans, ii. 331²
Union Whig, iii. 1064²
Universalist Watchman of Montpelier, ii. 731²
Stowe, ii. 713
Woodstock, iv. 293
Vergennes Citizen, i. 107
Vermont Argus, iii. 494²
Vermont Autograph and Remarker, i. 825²
Vermont Centinel Supplement, i. 501
Vermont Christian Messenger of Montpelier, iv. 382-3, 553
Vermont Chronicle, ii. 143², 818²; iv. 293
Vermont Church Messenger, iv. 712²
Vermont Courier, iii. 1065
Vermont Family Visitor of Montpelier, iv. 312²
Vermont Family Gazette, ii. 818
Vermont Farmer of Brattleboro, v. 183
of Montpelier, iv. 293
of Newport, iii. 387
of Northfield, iv. 695
of Rutland, iii. 1065
Vermont Free Press of Fayetteville, v. pt. 2, 139²-40
Vermont Gazette of Bennington, i. 161², 176², 252, 2d ed. 163², 178²; v. pt. 35, 29, 36
Vermont Gazette of Montpelier, iv. 12²
Vermont Gazette or Green Mountain Post Boy, v. pt. 2, 601
Vermont Journal of Windsor, i. 397²; iii. 1065; v. pt. 2, 507
Vermont Observer of Middlebury, i. 326²
Vermont Patriot, iv. 13, 506²
Vermont Patriot & State Gazette. iv. 292, 309-10
Vermont Phoenix of Brattleboro, v. 145-8, 181-2; v. pt. 2, 138
Vermont Precursor, Montpelier, iv. 291², 313², 443
Vermont Record of Brandon, iii. 495; v. 183
Vermont Record of Brattleboro, iv. 50
Vermont Record and Farmer of Brattleboro, v. 183
Vermont Republican of Montpelier, iv. 297
of St. Albans, ii. 331
of Windsor, v. 181
Vermont Sentinel, i. 252²
Vermont Sentry, Swanton, iv. 1101²
Vermont Standard, i. 41
Vermont Statesman of Brattleboro, v. 77, 182
Vermont Statesman of Castleton, iii. 516²
Vermont Telegraph, iii. 494²
Vermont Transcript, ii. 322
Vermont Tribune of Brandon, iii. 495
of St. Albans, ii. 331²
Vermont Union, iii. 36², 306, 494²
Vermont Watchman of Montpelier, iv. 13, 91², 443, 469
Vermont Watchman & State Gazette, iv. 291², 541²
Vermont Watchman & State Journal, iv. 291², 294, 542
Vermonter of Bennington, i. 253
Voice of Freedom of Brandon, iii. 494²
of Montpelier, iv. 13, 63², 292², 311, 556
Walton's Daily Journal, iv. 293
Wanderer of Randolph, ii. 238²
Newspapers of Vt.: Watchman of Montpelier, iv. 291²
Watchman and Journal of Montpelier, iv. 311, 556
Weekly Messenger or Connecticut and Passumpsic Valley Advertiser, St. Johnsbury, i. 402²
Weekly Wanderer, Montpelier, iv. 292
Randolph, ii. 1016, 1050, 1066-7
Western Vermont Transcript, iii. 495
What's the News, iii. 1065
White River Advertiser of White River Jct., iii. 818
White River Advertiser and Vermont Family Gazette, iii. 36²
Wilmington Valley Times, v. pt. 3³, 24
Windham Co. Democrat of Brattleboro, v. 77, 181
Woodstock Standard, v. pt. 2, 507
The Yeoman of Brattleboro, v. 77
The Yeoman 's Record, iii. 36², 253
Newspapers of Brattleboro, v. 180-5
of Castleton, iii. 516
of Chittenden co., i. 470² and note
of Middlebury, i. 53
of Montpelier, iv. 291-3
Newspapers and publications of Brattleboro, v. 76-7, 102, 180-5
Newspaper , see also Periodicals
Newton academy, of Shoreham, i. 95-7
Newtown (Conn.), persons from, settle in Arlington, largely adherents of Church of Eng., i. 123², 131, 2d ed. 132
Nine Partners (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 94²
Non-attendance at church at Sutton, v. pt. 34, 16
Non-importation act adopted at Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 12²
Norfolk, see Canaan, i. 1067²
Normal school at Castleton, iii. 519
at Johnson, ii. 589²
at Randolph, ii. 995
first taught in Concord by Rev. S. R. Hall, iii. 375²
North Bennington, i. 136², 139-42, 2d ed. 138²
North Bennington village, v. pt. 35, 47-50
North branch, in Montpelier, iv. 251
North Hero, granted, ii. 473²
hist. by Marie S. Ladd, ii. 563-70
named, ii. 563²
pioneers, ii. 563²-4
records, ii. 564
town officers, ii. 566
vital records, ii. 566
North Kingston (R. I.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 321²
North Mountain, in Huntington, i. 813²
North river (steamboat), i. 686²
North Star, of Danville, early circulated in Richford, ii. 281²
hist. of, i. 318²-9
Northampton (Mass.), persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91
Northboro (Mass.), persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 291²
Northern Christian Advocate, extract from, i. 104
Northern transportation line, i. 683, 684²
Northfield (Mass.), formerly Squakheag, v. pt. 2, 275
Northfield (Vt.), anecdotes, iv. 646-8
collegiates, iv. 697
description, iv. 694
hist. by Rev. John Gregory, iv. 612-712
lawyers, iv. 616
military hist., iv. 699-704
physicians, iv. 616
proprietors, iv. 612
Northfield (Vt.), town and other officers, iv. 613-6
town meeting, iv. 612-3
vital records, iv. 671-2
Northfield debating club, iv. 698²
Northumberland toll bridge co., i. 1004²
"Northwest passages," Forbisher's voyages, iv. 935
Northwestern consociation, met in Bakersfield, ii. 106²
Norton's tavern, in Westminster, v. pt. 2, 563, 572
Norwalk (Conn.), persons from, settle in Elmore, ii. 626²
Norwich (Conn.), persons from, settle in Bristol, i. 21-2
persons from, settle in Cornwall, i. 27
persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 177²
persons from, settle in Grand Isle, ii. 540
persons from, settle in Hyde Park, ii. 635-71
persons from, settle in Johnson, ii. 671²
Norwich University, by Rev. F. W. Bartlett, iv. 673-81
early name, Lewis college, iv. 673
professors, iv. 673-81
No-tsi-io-ne Indians, ii. 473
Noyes & Hayes store, Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 158
Noyesism unveiled, by Rev. H. Eastman, v. pt. 2, 236²
Noyesism, see also Perfectionism, v. pt. 2, 236²
Nutting family, of Randolph, ii. 1055-8
Oakham (Mass.), persons from, settle in Fairfield, ii. 196²
Oath of allegiance required of Am. citizens in Canada, in 1812, ii. 225
Oblong (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 91
Ochre manufacture in Woodford, i. 248²
Odd Fellows, see Independent order of Odd Fellows Ogden Mt., i. 3²
Ogdensburg railroad, ii. 302
opened to Rouse's Point, i. 699
Old Flood Wood, militia of Wash. co., iv. 5²
"Old hemp yard," in Swanton, iv. 945²
Olive Branch (ship), captured by English, i. 775
Olive Branch slate co., of Poultney, iii. 1001
Ompompanoosuck river, in Orange co., ii. 803, 1091², 1096², 1131
Oneida community, v. 83
Onian, wrong spelling of Onion, iv. 251
Onion river, early name of Winooski river, i. 757
Onion river flat, i. 814
Onion river land co., i. 490, 770
Onion river navigation and tow path co., incorporated 1825, iv. 303
Onion river pond, in Peacham, i. 358²
Operative slate co., of Poultney, iii. 1001
Oracles of Reason, by Ethan Allen, unprofitable, i. 252
Orange, granted, 1781, ii. 956
grantees, ii. 956
hist. by Carlos Carpenter, ii. 956-71, 1171
military hist., ii. 969-71
pioneers, ii. 956²
proprietors' meetings, ii. 956²
settled 1793, ii. 956²
town and other officers, ii. 956-7, 969
Orange co. census, 1840-60, ii. 803²
description, ii. 802-3
divided, 1792, ii. 90
est. i. 262; v. 17²; v. pt. 2, 274
hist. by Rev. Silas McKeen, ii. 801-7
officers, ii. 804-7, 1095
papers, ii. 1155-83
towns, ii. 801²-2
Orange co. court, ii. 871², 1095
Orange co. grammar school, at Randolph, ii. 995, 1036
Oregon bill, speech by S. S. Phelps, i. 60-1
Orleans co. Bible societies, iii. 41
bounds, iii. 37²
census, iii. 33
courts, iii. 31-2
description, iii. 37²-40
history, iii. 31-402
jubilee, iii. 373²-4
lawyers, iii. 37
officers, iii. 31, 33-4
organized, iii. 37²
papers, iii. 368-402
partly included in Addison co., i. 119
pioneers, iii. 31
settlements, iii. 313²
societies, iii. 41-6
Orleans co. fair, iii. 46
Orleans co. hist. society, celebrated Runaway pond disaster, iii. 204 note
Orleans co. historical society, see Orleans co. soc. of natural sciences
Orleans co. medical society, iii. 43
Orleans co. natural and civil historical society, iii. 41
Orleans co. society of natural sciences, iii. 43-4
Orleans liberal institute, iii. 200
Orwell, added to Addison co., i. 119²
granted by N. H., i. 73²
hist. compiled by Abbie M. Hemenway, i. 73²
pioneers, i. 73²
Osgood family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 397-8
Otter Creek, ii. 723
first falls originally called New Haven falls, i. 32², 34
military post built at mouth, 1690, i. 2
navigable to the falls, i. 106²
Otter Creek & Castleton river canal co. incorporated, 1825, iv. 301
Ouynouski bay, early name of Mallet's bay
Ouynouski river, early name of Winooski river, i. 757
Owl's head, in Dorset, i. 182², 2d ed. 184
The "Ox Sermon" by Rev. Merrill, in Peacham, i. 366, 372-4; v. pt. 2, 259²
Paine turnpike, iv. 31²
Painter falls, in Weybridge, i. 109²
Palaeontology, see Geology, and Fossils
Palmer family, of Calais, iv. 142
Panoplist, edited by Jeremiah Evarts, i. 242
Panther, see Catamount
Panton boundary, see Addison-Panton boundary
charter, i. 78
flight from, 1777-8, i. 80²
French forsake, i. 4
granted by N. H., i. 4
hist. by J. D. Smith, i. 77-83
hunting ground, i. 4
land titles, i. 78
origin of name, i. 78
pioneers, i. 4², 80²
proprietors' records, i. 78²-9
Paper machinery improved at Brattleboro, v. 41²
Paper manufacture at Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
Paper Mill village, in Bennington, i. 173, 2d ed. 174²
Weybridge, i. 110²
Papermills of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 505
Paper-making machine foundry, in Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
Papineau rebellion, 1837, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
Paran creek, in Bennington, i. 139², 2d ed. 142
Paran creek mfg. co., Bennington, i. 140, 2d ed. 142²
Park Guards, Pennington, v. pt. 35, 47
Parker family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722
Parker's Gore, annexed to Sherburne, iii. 1121
see also Mendon
Parkerstown, see Mendon
Parkyille, proposed name of Fayetteville, v. pt. 2, 725²
Parsons family of Hubbardton, iv. 1173-4
Partiality of Rev. J. B. Perry, iv. 976-8
Parties in Vt. for union with N. H. or with N. Y., ii. 934-9
Partisan warfare in Arlington, i. 129-30, 130², 2d ed. 129²
Partisanship aroused by smuggling, ii. 346-7
Party politics in War of 1812, i. 468²-9
Party spirit affected enforcement of law of 1808-14, i. 468
in Chittenden co., in 1810-12, i. 468-9
Passing of turnpike travel, iv. 6²
Passumpsic R. R. through Sutton, i. 424
Passumpsic river, i. 262-3, 272
Passumpsic village, in Barnet, i. 280²
Passumpsic turnpike co., i. 269², 280
Patriot war, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
Patriotism, a sermon, ii. 836-41
Patriotism of Vt., i. 911-12
Patriots, moved to Arlington to quiet town, i. 130², 2d ed. 132
Patriots' war in Canada, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
Patronage table, i.e. subscribers to the Gazetteer, i. supplementary, pp. 1-8
between pp. 120 and 121, also pp. 3-13 of supplementary pp. between pp. 240 and 241
Patronesses, of the Gazetteer of vol. 1, i. 1071
of vol. 2, ii. 1191
Paulette, see Pawlet
Pavilion hotel, in Montpelier, iv. 262²
Pawlet, donation festivals, iii. 898²
granted, 1761, iii. 871
hist. by Hiel Hollister, iii. 870-934
lawyers, iii. 894
military hist. iii. 871-9, 900
origin of name, iii. 870²
physicians, iii. 893²-4
poor farm, iii. 897
settled in 40 acre lots, iii. 871
slaves set free, iii. 889-90
town and other officers, iii. 880-1
traders, iii. 893
vital records, iii. 895
Pawlet and Wells agricultural society, iii. 898²-9
Pawlet band, iii. 879².
Pawlet mfg. co., iii. 906
Pawlet river, source in Dorset, i. 182 note, 2d ed. 183² note
Peacham, abandoned in 1776, i. 359
census, i. 359
hist. by Rev. A. Boutelle, i. 358-75
pioneers, i. 359²
proprietors' meetings, i. 359
proprietors met at Hadley, Mass., i. 359
Peat, in Pawlet, iii. 895²
in Williamstown, ii. 1140
Peck family, of Waterbury, iv. 913
Pecunk-tuk, Indian name of Otter Creek, i. 31²
Pelham (Mass.), persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 151²
Pensions for Franklin co. soldiers in War of 1812 unpaid, ii. 403²
Peoples Rest, Montpelier, iv. 309
Perfectionism, by John Noyes, v. pt. 2, 236², 257
Periodicals of Vt.:
Amateur Herald, iv. 712²
Autumn Leaf, ii. 1067
Botanic Advocate, iv. 312²
Church Messenger, iv. 712²
Enterprise, ii. 1067
Era, iv. 313
Green Mountain Boys, of Montpelier, iv. 313
Green Mountain Emporium, iv. 294, 312
Green Mountain Farmer, of Bradford, ii. 818
Hatchet, iv. 712²
Household, of Brattleboro, v. 183²; v. pt. 2, 319
Iris and Burlington Literary Gazette, i. 555
Magnet, by Thomas Davenport, ii. 1153²
Mental Repast, i. 176², 252, 2d ed. 178²
Monthly Miscellany or Vermont Magazine, i. 176², 252, 2d ed. 178²
Monthly Reporter, Northfield, iv. 695
Montpelierian, iv. 313
Nonpariel, ii. 1067²
North Star, of Northfield, iv. 712²
North-eastern Christian Advocate, iii. 490
Northern Visitor, iii. 490
Postage Stamp Reporter, iv. 313
Quarterly Journal, iii. 710²
Reveille, of Northfield, iv. 695
Rural Magazine, iii. 1064², 1095-7
School Journal, of Brattleboro, v. 183²
Scourge of Aristocracy, iii. 695
Star of Vermont, iv. 712²
Thunderer, of Northfield, iv. 712²
Union Magazine, of Arlington, i. 252²
Vermont Family Visitor, iv. 312²
Vermont Record, Brattleboro, iv. 50
Vermont Register and Law Magazine, i. 53
Vermont School Journal, i. 520²; iv. 50
Vermont Temperance Banner, iv. 313
Vermont Temperance Star, iv. 312²
Vermonter, iv. 313
Watchword, iv. 312²
Winooski Impetus, of Montpelier, iv. 313
Young American, iv. 313
Periodicals, pub. in Burlington, i. 555
taken in Troy, iii. 332²
see also Newspapers
Perkins' pitch, in Plainfield, iv. 715²
Perry, Rev. John B., criticism on, by Editor, iv. 975-83, 1144
Peru, hist. by N. M. Haynes, i. 207-13. 2d ed. 206-12
origin of name, i. 208², 2d ed. 207²
Pest houses, in Bennington, i. 179-80, 2d ed. 180²-1
Petawabouque lake. possibly early name of Champlain, iv. 941
Petersburg, seige, ii. 388
Petition to King by N. Y. adherents, v. 6
proposed in Cumberland co., v. 11²
that Socialboro be shire town, iii. 1090-1
for Vt. grants 1779-80, iv. 257
Peton-bonque, Indian name for Lake Champlain, i. 637²
Petrifaction of human body, in Middlesex, iv. 245
Pews of church at Bennington, sold, i. 161², 2d ed. 163²
Philadelphia society, Middlebury college, i. 55
Philomathesian society, of Middlebury college, i. 25, 55
The Philomathic club, of Barre, iv. 49
Phippen family, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 588-9
Physicians, see names of towns subdivision, physicians
Pickerel in Otter Creek, i. 89²
Piermont (N. H.), persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 168, 176
Pillory and stocks, in Thetford, ii. 1097
see also Whipping post
Pilots on Lake Champlain steamers, i. 508
Pine timber, in Highgate, ii. 258²-9
Pinnacle in Dorset, i. 182², 2d ed. 184
Pioneer life, in Addison, i. 7-9
Alburg, ii. 497
Bakersfield, ii. 103²
Bennington, i. 143, 144², 2d ed. 145², 147
Bridport, i. 17²
Brighton, i. 953-4
Burke, i. 302²-4
Concord, i. 969
Cornwall, i. 24
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 79-82
Enosburg, ii. 156²-9
Fairfax, ii. 168-71, 174-6
Ferrisburg, i. 34
Fletcher, ii. 202
Franklin, ii. 218-9, 227, 230-1
Georgia, ii. 235-6, 241-2
Goshen, i. 35-6
Granby, i. 991-2
Granville, i. 40
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 413
Hardwick, i. 330²
Highgate, ii. 271
Hubbardton, iii. 760-5
Hyde Park, ii. 641-53
Leicester, i. 45
Lincoln, i. 49
Middlebury, i. 51-2, 58²
Middlesex, iv. 238-40
Monkton, i. 65²
Moretown, iv. 593
Pawlet, iii. 891-2
Peru, i. 210, 2d ed. 209
Ripton, i. 86
Ryegate, i. 375-80; ii. 828
St. Albans, ii. 291-3
St. Johnsbury, i. 395
Salisbury, i. 90²
Searsburg, i. 231², 2d ed. 231
Sheffield, i. 412-4
Shelburne, i. 870-2, 875-6
Shoreham, i. 97², 100-1
Stowe, ii. 697-700
Swanton, iv. 1001-2
Thetford, ii. 1100-2
Troy, iii. 318-22
Underhill, i. 886-8
Warren, iv. 802-3
Pioneer life, in Waterbury, iv. 814-6
Winhall, i. 246²
Wolcott, ii. 778-83
Worcester, 1866, iv. 898-900
Pioneer mfg. co., of Montpelier, iv. 486
Pioneer mechanics' shop, Burlington, i. 514
Mount Pisgah, of Sutton, i. 424; iii. 373
"Pitch" defined, iii. 318-9; iv. 715
"Pitches" in Castleton, iii. 502-3
Plainfield, iv. 715²
Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529
Pitching for settlement in Brandon, iii. 429²-30
Pittsfield (Mass.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408
persons from, settle in Ferrisburg, i. 32²
Pittsfield (Vt.), granted, 1781, iii. 935
hist. by Rev. W. R. Blossom, iii. 935-9
military hist., iii. 938
pioneers, iii. 935
settled 1786, iii. 935
town and other officers, iii. 936, 937²
Pittsford explored, 1730, iii. 939
granted, 1761, iii. 939²
hist. by A. M. Caverly, iii. 939-64
in the Revolution, iii. 942-3
military hist., iii: 952-4
physicians, iii. 949-50
pioneers, iii. 940²-2
proprietors' records, iii. 947
settled 1769, iii. 941
town and other officers, iii. 954
Plainfield, altitudes, iv. 713
Davis-Allen suit, 1799-1802, iv. 714-5
hist. by Dr. Dudley B. Smith, iv. 713-34
lawyers, iv. 725
location of pioneers, iv. 716-24
physicians, iv. 725
pioneers, iv. 715-25
settled, iv. 715²
surveyed, 1773, iv. 713²
town meetings, iv. 724²
town officers, iv. 730-1
vital records, iv. 730-1
Plan of Baum's positions, v. pt. 35, 18²
Planing machine, invented by Joseph Mott, ii. 493
Plattsburg battle, i. 676-81
cannons of, heard in Highgate, ii. 266
forces at, i. 107²
St. Albans service at, ii. 296²-7
Plot river of Shelburne, i. 875, 878
Pocock, original name of Bristol, i. 19
Ploughs, early made of cast iron in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 61²
Plumping mills for grinding corn, ii. 493; iv. 1019
Advertisement, The Widower in Jail Exposed to Sale, by Samuel Stearns, v. pt. 2, 68
After the Crucifixion, by Mrs. F. E. Fisher, iv. 800²
Agriculture and Industry, by John White, jr., ii. 240
The American Hero, by Nathaniel Niles, ii. 911
Anahita, by William Morris Hunt, v. 140
Anniversary Ode, by Oliver Johnson, i. 374-5
Anniversary of Bennington Battle, by A. Selden, i. 181, 2d ed. 182
Poems: The Anniversary of the Assassination, by W. J. Baxter, iv. 192
The Apple Blossom, by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 510
Athenwood, by Julia Wallace, iv. 847-8
Atlantis on the Heiress, by Samuel L. Parsons, v. pt. 2, 303
Autumn, by Mrs. Mary A. Parker, ii. 669
The Autumn Days, by G. C. Aiken, v. pt. 3², 14
The Autumn Winds are Sighing, by Egbert Phelps, i. 62
The Autumnal Season, by James Elliot, v. pt. 3, 43
Away from Home, by Robert E. Maranville, iii. 545-6
A Ballad of Judgment and Mercy, by William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 595
Ballad on the Black Snake, i. 503-4
The Banks of Clyde, by N. Boynton, iii. 194
Baptismal Hymn, by Celestia C. Stevens, iii. 209
A Bargain, by Sarah A. Boyce, iii. 667
The Battle of Bennington, by Dr. G. N. Brigham, iv. 189
by Alfred B. Street, v. pt. 3, 79-83
The Battle of Plattsburg, anon., ii. 352
by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 509
by Samuel Woodworth, iv. 12
Be Not Weary, by Emily R. Page, ii. 844
Bear Back the Dead, by Rev. Alva H. Roe, iii. 1008
The Beautiful Hills, by Daniel T. Taylor, iii. 544
Because He Came, by Addie F. Davis, v. pt. 2, 322
Beneficent Providence, by W. Walker, i. 117
Bennington Battle, by Edward H. Chapin, v. pt. 3, 78-9
Bereft, by M. L. Smith, iii. 386
The Blood Drops of Christ, by James D. Butler, iii. 1106
Birthday poem, by Thomas Rowley, i. 99
Bite Bigger Bill, by Lt. Hunting, i. 842
Bonnie June, by Mary Robinson, iii. 883
The Book of Human Life, by Jesse Walker, i. 118
Breathings from the South, by Susan E. Pierce, iii. 195
Buds and Blossoms, by Sabrina Baxter. iv. 193
Burlington, by Charles L. Heyde, i. 726
The Burning House, by Mr. Smith, iv. 779
Burning of the State House, by Joseph Wing, iv. 338
Bury Me Not in Funeral Array, by Mrs. L. S. Walker, i. 72
By-Gone Years, by Rev. Elnathan E. Higbee, i. 854
By-Gones, by Norman Wright, i. 843
By My Cottage Window Sitting, by Ellen E. Phillips, iii. 177
By the Connecticut, by A. A. Earle, iii. 388
Calais poems, by I. M. Dana, iv. 920-2
Call of the Politicians, by Addle F. Davis, v. pt. 2, 322
Celestialism, by Rev. William Ford, iii. 490²
Cemetery Dedication Hymn, by Rev. Charles L. Walker, iii. 962
A Century Old Story, by Mrs. Sarah V. Mansfield, iv. 764
Charles G. Eastman, by Joseph A. Wing, iv. 546
Christ on the Sea, by Daniel T. Taylor, iii. 544
Christian Fellowship, by Rev. William B. Mitchell, iii. 1097
Christina, by Rev. George L. Walker, iii. 962
Christmas, by Harriet A. Chapin, iii. 934
Christmas Eve, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 1094
Christmas Gifts, by Mrs. A. H. Bingham, iii. 493
Christmas Hymns, by A. A. Earle, iii. 389
Christ's Burial and Resurrection, by Susan S. Button, iii. 1187
The Chrysalis, by Chas. H. Congdon, iii. 670
The Clyde, by Franklin B. Gage, iii. 131
Church of the Hallig, by Mrs. George P. Marsh, i. 732
Contentment, by C. F. Pomeroy, i. 632
Country Life, by M. A. Simonds, i. 213, 2d ed. 212
Day, by Gen. John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 73
Poems: Dead Leaves, by S. E. Hall, i. 77
Death of the Young Volunteer, by F. O. Hodge, ii. 692
December at Underhill, by Gay H. Naramore, i. 889-90
Dedication Hymn, by Rev. John King Lord, iv. 396
Died in Hospital, by Mrs. S. A. Watson, ii. 364
The Dim Traditions, by Peter E. Pease, i. 747-9
Dirge, by S. N. Welch, i. 310
Dirge for the Indian of Cossack, by Edson Carolus Bailey, ii. 953
Disappointments, by R. F. Holley, i. 196
Don't Tell Me of Tomorrow, by H. C. Colby, i. 115
The Doomed Willow, by B. F. Gage, i. 412
The Dye Tub, by Daniel Parker, iv. 644
Dying Christian, by W. Marks, i. 221², 2d ed. 220
The Dying Christian's Adieu to Earth, by Rev. Elisha J. Scott, iv. 383
The Dying Student, by Emma Wood, v. pt. 3², 17
Early Rose Potatoes, by Mrs. A. E. Stanley, iii. 776
Earthly Friends in Heaven, by Dwight Bliss, iii. 1004
Echoes, by Asahel C. Kendrick, iii. 988
An Eclipse, by Mary Edgarton, iii. 882
Effusions of the Heart, by A. Selden, i. 181, 2d ed. 182
Elegy, extract from, by Clara H. Hosford, iii. 1211
Elegy on His Wife, by Thomas Rowley, i. 99
Elegy on Samuel Stratton, by Rev. Bunker Gay, v. pt. 2, 297
Emma Dean, by N. W. Bingham, iii. 263
The Enchanted Vale, by Dr. Fisk, i. 888
Enormous Head Dress, by Jabez Fitch, ii. 796
The Ephemera, by Lucelia Read, i. 886
Epigrams, by Thomas Rowley, i. 99
Evening at Fern Hill, by J. N. Pomeroy, i. 729
Ever Changing, by Mrs. Cornelia A. Van Vliet, i. 751
Extracts from Pluck, by John A. Wing, iv. 545
Fanum Laetitiae, by Gertrude I. Dexter, v. pt. 3, 25
Farewell, by Abbie Metcalf, iii. 281-2
by William Perrin, iv. 63
Farewell My Youth, by A. Burington, i. 309
Farewell, to Summer, by Rev. William Ford, iii. 490
Farewell to the Old Hemlock Tree, by Moses Cheney, i. 422-3
A Farewell to Vermont, by Mrs. Almira L. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 74
The Farmer, by Maria S. Ladd, ii. 586
The Farmer's Girl, by Isaac W. Sanborn, i. 356
Fashion, by Levi Allen, i. 573
Fight at "The Bars," Deerfield, Mass., by Mrs. Lucy T. Prince, v. pt. 3, 80
The First Flower of Spring, by Ziba W. Boyce, iv. 193
The First Sabbath, by Mrs. E. A. Severence, i. 93
The First Settler. by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 508-9
The Foot Bridge, by Maria S. Ladd, ii. 586
Forever With the Lord, by Martha A. Rood, ii. 217
Forgiveness, by F. O. Hodge, ii. 693
From Axel, by Mrs. George P. Marsh, i. 732
Frost and Sunshine, by F. Phelps, i. 62
Fugitive's Directory, by Samuel Goss, iv. 470
Funeral Dirge, by Selah Gridley, iii. 535
Funeral Hymn for Garfield, by Mrs. E. E. Yaw, iv. 734
The Garden of the Heart, by Mrs. E. A. Dana, iii. 463
The Gift, by Mrs. Sophia (Watrous) Bemis, iv. 12, 498
The Gloom of Autumn, by Selah Gridley, iii. 535
God Be With Thee, by Sarah S. Miles, ii. 693
Going to the Fair, by Dr. Cobb, i. 733
Golden Sands, by Lizzie Parmalee, iii. 964
The Golden Wedding. by Nancy T. Colamer, i. 886
by Mrs. M. R. H. Mason, iii. 568
Poems: Good-Bye, by Sarah E. Felton, ii. 232
by Jean Wells, i. 995
A Good Man Has Departed, by "Sarah Elizabeth," i. 410
Good Night, by Rev. J. H. Hopkins, i. 731
Grand Army Republic 's Response to Sumner 's Bill, by D. S. Stoddard, iv. 196
The Grass, by Stella Phelps(?), v. pt. 3, 47
The Grave of Allen, by Mary Hunton, i. 572
Grave of Burr, by J. S. Ford, i. 207, 2d ed. 206
The Green Mountains, by Rev. Bennett Eaton, ii. 162-3
Guardian Spirits, by Mrs, E. A. Dana, iii. 462-3
The Hand That Wrought With Mine, by Mrs. E. A. Dana, iii. 463
Hang Old John Brown, by Franklin B. Gage, iii. 131
A Happy Face, by J. C. Mansfield, v. pt. 2, 177
The Harvest Home, by Gen. F. W. Hopkins, iii. 1099
The Harvest Moon and Other Poems, by Dr. G. N. Brigham, iv. 12, 189
Haunted, by Emily R. Page, ii. 842
He Is Gone! by Mary Robinson, iii. 883
The Healing Waters, by F. W. Bartlett, iv. 698
Hebrew Poets, by Rev. John W. Carhart, iii. 490
Henry Clay, by Robert E. Maranville, iii. 546
Henry H. Vaughn, by Mrs. S. A. Nichols, iii. 668
Home, by J. W. Turner, v. pt. 2, 249
by Jesse Walker, i. 118
Home From the War, by Jason Kinsley, ii. 213
The House of Prayer Becomes a Den of Thieves, by Jabez Fitch, ii. 796
Household Band, by N. L. Butterfield, i. 247-8
How Did He Look When He Was Young, by Rev. O. G. Wheeler, i. 752
Hudson River Highlands, by T. S. Fay, i. 181, 2d ed. 182
Hymn, by Electa Bostwick, i. 810
by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 536
by Rev. O. G. Wheeler, i. 899
I Am Passing Though the Valley, by J. A. Porter, i. 335
I Sat, a Boy, on a Chieftain's Knee, i. 213, 2d ed. 212
I Think of Them Often, by A. P. Bliss, iii. 1005
I Would Not Forgot, by C. D. Noble, i. 62
The Imbecile, by Mrs. Sophia (Watrous) Bemis, iv. 498
Impromptu, by Mary W. Rice, i. 995
In Memoriam, by A. Burington, i. 309
by Julia C. R. Dorr, iii. 1103
by Clara H. Hosford, iii. 1209
by Mrs. Mary J. Perkins, iii. 386
In Times of Yore, by John White, jr., ii. 239
Indian Captive, by Zadock Steele, ii. 989
The Infidel and His Daughter, anon.,. i. 569
The Invalid's Request, by M. A. Dickerman, iii. 866
The Invalid's Welcome to Spring, by M. S. R. Young, i. 108
Ireland—Invocation to America, by Myron R. Hurlbut, ii. 545
Isidore, by William McLeod, iii. 1005
The Lake of the Clouds, by Cornelia J. Child, iv. 609
Jefferson Davis, by V. D. Rood, ii. 217
June, by S. H. Davis, i. 850
June Morning, by Mrs, M. E. Leavenworth, i. 810
Lament, by Oscar L. Shafter, v. pt. 2, 370
Lament for Dr. E. K. Kane, by Sarah A. Boyce, iii. 667
Lamentation, by William C. Bradley (?). iv. 572
Lamentation on Vt. Legislature 1826, iv. 572
The Last, by A. B. Foote, iii. 1108
The Last of Six, by Julia C. R. Dorr, iii. 1104
Laura's Lament for Her Niece, by Laura P. Smalley, iv. 1092
Poems: The Lawyer and Sawyer, by G. A. Smith, ii. 469-70
A Leap for Life, by Walter Colton, iii. 1097
Lillie and Isabel, by Alice B. Colburn, iii. 546
Lines, by Dr. L. C. Butler, i. 791
by P. Meeker, i. 231, 2d ed. 230
by Julia C. Smalley, iv. 1093
Lines Addressed to a Gentleman Made Blind By Sickness, iii. 89
Lines on a Contest Betwixt Whelp and Hog, iii. 748
Lines on a Young Lady Embarking for a Sea Voyage, by Josias L. Arnold, i. 398
Lines on My Fiftieth Birthday, by O. A. Bowe, iii. 1206
Lines on the Death of a Father, by Elizabeth Peck, v. pt. 3, 47
Lines to the Friends of Fred McIntire, by J. E. Willard, v. pt. 34, 22
A Link With the Past, by Addie F. Davis, v. pt. 2, 322
Little Ben, by Sarah B. Mansfield, iv. 192
Little Children, by Dwight S. Bliss, iii. 1004
Little Eva, by D. G. Dexter, v. pt. 3³, 26
Little Katie, by Olive E. P. Thomas, iii. 963
by E. R Towle, ii. 232
Little Household Pet, by Mrs. Emily J. Colby, v. pt. 34, 53
Little Nora to Her Mother, by H. A. Scott, ii. 679
Little Things, by Rev. Uzziah C. Burnap, v. pt. 3², 15
The Lone Indian, by Harriet E. Bishop, i. 84-5
The Lost Child, by T. McKnight, iii. 336-7
Love's Anniversary, iii. 89
Mabel, by Emily R. Page, ii. 843-4
Mad Math, by Laura Hearton, iii. 264
The Maniac's Prayer, by Mrs. Roena Mason, iii. 569
Mansfield, by Gay H. Naramore, i. 889
Mansfield Mountain, by Mrs. Churchill, iv. 172
Mary's Grave, by F. C. Harrington, iii. 132, 390
May Day Song, by Marion H. Roe, iii. 1008
May-Blooms, by Mary Robinson, iii. 882
Mayflower, by Philip Battell, i. 92
Meditations in a Cemetery, by Rev. H. H. Saunderson, iii. 1188
Meditation on the Death of his Wife, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 646
Memorial, by Mrs, Irene D. Dwinell, iv. 922
Memories, by Mrs, M. S. Beattie, i. 386
by M. Hawley, i. 109
Memory's Dream of the Dead, by Mrs. M. M. Johnson, i. 966
Missing, by Mrs. Ellen F. Collins Blodgett, i. 732
Monkton Cannon, by Ebenezer Finney, i. 66
Moonbeam, by Gen. John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 74
Morning in the Valley of Castleton, by James Hope, iii. 538
The Moss-Covered Trough, by S. Minerva Boyce, iv. 193
Mother and Babe, by Mary Robinson, iii. 934
Mount Algonquin, by D. C. Geer, iv. 810
My Best Friend, by Charles Thompson, iii. 264
My Child, by L. S. Walker, i. 48
My Childhood Home, by B. Wallace Hight, iii. 62
My Early Home, by Sarah T. Landon, i. 196
My Father and His Old Meeting House, by Eliza D. W. Parson, i. 1025
My First Love and My Last, by Walter Colton, iii. 1098
My Jenny Bay, by N. W. Bingham, iii. 263
My Lady Wept for Me, by Norman Wright, i. 843
My Mother Died, by J, F. Mobbs, i, 88
My Mother's Tray, by Carrie E. Greenslit, iv. 811
My Mountain Home, by A. S. Baker, iii. 669
by C. L. Smith, i. 119
My Native State, by O. W. Turner, i. 981
My Own Green Mountain Home, by Alma Ballou, iii. 1186
Poems: My Rose for Thee, by Nancie W. Barber, iii. 778
Nathan Rowley's Tax List for the Year 1795, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 645
Nearer Home, by Abbie Metcalf, iii. 282
The Neglected Bible, by Mrs. Celia Brigham, iv. 191
Never Too Late to Mend, by John G. Saxe, ii. 275
New England, by Gen. John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 47
The New Year's Prayer, by D. G. Dexter, v. pt. 3³, 24
Night, by Gen. John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 74
No Discord, by S. H. Davis, i. 850
No More a "Flaunting Lie," by Myron B. Hurlbut, ii. 545
No Rose Without Thorns, by Jennie B. Lowell, i. 23
Nora, Blossom of the May, by A. Webster, iv. 768
Not Yet, by Chas. H. Congdon, iii. 669
Nothing Left Undone, by Mrs. Alma Vaughn, iv. 250
Observation to a Whail, by Julia Pepper, i. 751
October, by Rev. William Ford, iii. 491
Ode, by A. C. Lynch Botta, i. 181, 2d ed. 183
by Byron Sunderland, i. 103
Ode for Independence, by John White, jr., ii. 239
Ode Occasioned by Death of George Washington, by Samuel Goss, iv. 469
Ode to Equality, by James Elliot, v. pt. 3, 43
An Ode Written on the Banks of the Passumpsic, i. 399
Of Love and Wine, by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 509
An Offering, by Mrs. S. B. Herrick, i. 791
The Old Bridge, by Emily R. Page, ii. 843
The Old Drum, by Selah Gridley, iii. 535
The Old Fifer, by Dr. N. W. Gilbert, iv. 710
The Old School-House, by Delia L. Hosford, i. 749
The Old Settler's Family Gathering, by C. W. Willard, v. pt. 34, 11-12, 55
The Old Squire, by George B. Bartlett, v. pt. 2, 114
On Death, by E. Higley, iii. 536
On Predestination, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 645
On Receiving the Gift of a Tuberose, by Charlotte V. Fay, ii. 263-4
On Safety, by E. Higley, iii. 536
On the Banks of the Otter, by Mrs. F. L. D. Conger, iii. 1188
On the Death of Dr. John Fox, by A. S. Baker, iii. 669
On the Shore, by Mrs. Maria M. Johnson(?), i. 966
Only a Little While, by Mrs. Laura Boyce, iv. 187
Ordination Hymn, by William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 609-10
Our Ancestral Dead, by Mrs. L. Sulloway, v. pt. 34, 12
Our Christmas Tree at the Church, by Mrs. Alma Vaughn, iv. 250
Our Country, by Jesse Walker, i. 118
Our Darling, by A. A. Earle, iii. 388
Our Darling Sleeps, by A. A. Earle, iii. 389
Our National Flag, by W. Gibbs, i. 900
Our Own Green Hills, by Hannah G. Luce, iv. 855
Our Poetical Favorites, by Asahel C. Kendrick, iii. 988
Our Powers, by Andrew J. Hyde, iii. 71
Our Stephen, by A. B. Foote, iii. 1108
Out in the Cold, anon., ii. 367
The Oyster Supper, by Rev. O. G. Wheeler, ii. 578
Past and Present, by James Hope, iii. 538
Perfect through Suffering, by Rev. William Ford, iii. 492
Pictures of Character, by Carlos Wilcox, i. 75
Pilgrim's Thanksgiving, by S. Olin, i. 48
The Plaint of the Cypress-Tree, by Mrs. Helen L. Warner, ii. 570
Pleasures of Association, by G. C. Lane, i. 115
The Pleasures of Memory, by Clara P. Joslyn, iii. 375
Poem on Happiness, by J. N. Pomeroy, i. 728
Poem on Time, by J. S. Spencer, i. 225, 2d ed. 224
Poems: Poems, by J. Wheeler Turner, v. pt. 2, 249
The Poet of Highgate, by Mrs. M. E. W. Skeels, ii. 273
Prayer, by A. H. Baker, ii. 465-6
by Mrs. M. R. H. Mason, iii. 569
Prayer in Sickness, by Mrs. A. H. Bingham, iii. 492
Purer Than Snow, by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 509
Putney West Hill, by J. W. Turner, v. pt. 2, 249
The Quaker Girl, by Mrs. H. M. Crapo, iii. 669
The Railroad Song, by Gen. Clarke, iv. 662
The Rain, by Mrs. D. T. Smith, iv. 193
The Red Vapor, by Frederic A. Gage, iii. 130
Reflections, by Selah Gridley, iii. 536
by Thomas Rowley, i. 99
Reflections on a Deserted Ware House, by B. J. Kennedy, i. 487
Reflections on the Rapidity of Time, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 645
Resignation, by Amy R. Himes, ii. 232
Rest, by Mrs. D. M. F. Walker, i. 23
Rest in Heaven, by M. S. Robbins, i. 44
Reverie, by Nelson Fairchild, ii. 253
A Reverie, by Delia L. Hosford, i. 750
Revolutionary War, by Charles G. Eastman, v. pt. 2, 561
A Rhyming Letter, by Rev. S. H. Tupper, i. 747
The Rich and Poor Man's Son, by N. Boynton, iii. 194
The Right Shall Triumph, by Alson Woodward, ii. 569
The Rights of Youth, by William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 593
Rob Anderson, My Jo, by William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 611
Rock Me to Sleep, by Addie F. Davis, v. pt. 2, 322
Rock Point, by Charles L. Heyde, i. 726-7
Roses, by Charlotte B. Fay, ii. 363
Rural Sketch, by M. B. Cole, i. 229
Rutland Song, by Thomas Rowley, iii. 1093
Sabbath Morning, by W. J. Malby, i. 196
Sadness and Joy, by Rev. John Goadley, iii. 1005
St. Domingo Indian Dirge, by Mrs. Anne Warren, iii. 1188
Salvation Comes, by Rev. J. H. Hopkins, i. 731
Scene of Our Youth, by Philip Battell, i. 92
September Sunset, by Mrs. Mary E. Davis, iv. 923
A Sermon in Flowers, by Addie F. Davis, v. pt. 2, 322
Seven Wonders of Geology, by Miss D. W. Godding, i. 312
Sewing Circle Song, by Marion H. Roe, iii. 1008
The Sirens, by Rev. F. W. Shelton, iv. 421
The Skeptic to His Soul, by Rev. F. W. Shelton, iv. 420
Sleep, by John G. Saxe, ii. 275
Smile, Weep, Pray, by H. R. Whitney, ii. 383
Soldier Boy to His Green Mountain Mary, by Rev. F. W. Shelton, iv. 421
Soldier Guy, by V. D. Rood, ii. 216-7
Some Day, by M. M. N., iv. 868
Something New, by Susannah S. Burt, i. 356
Song, by E. D. Barber, i. 56
by G. N. Brigham, iv. 538
Song of Our Home, by Mrs. Mary Rockwell, i. 31
Song of Peace, by Marion H. Roe, iii. 1008
Song of the Invalid, by Carrie S. Gibson, i. 386
Song of the Dying Year, by Josephine M. Sweet, iv. 572
Son of the Hyacinth, by Dr. G. N. Brigham, iv. 538
Song to the Emigrant, by Mrs. H. M. Crapo, iii. 668
Sonnet, by O. A. Bowe, iii. 1206
by Elisha A. Brigham, iv. 192
A Sonnet, by Lt. Hunting, i. 842
The Spring Already Has Appeared, by C. R. Cook, i. 18
Poems: Spring, And We Never, Never More Shall Hear, by Elizabeth Allen, iii. 176
Spring in Castleton, by Robert E. Maranville, iii. 545
The Star of Nations, by Mrs. Julia Hutchins, iv. 872
The Stepmother, by Clark Stevens, iv. 586
Sunlight on the Mountains, by Susan S. Button, iii. 1186
Sunny Hours, by Rev. John W. Carhart, iii. 490
Sunset on Champlain, by Mrs. Jennie L. Leavenworth, i. 750
by Mrs. C. E. Doolittle, i. 727
Sunshine Will Follow the Rain, by Mrs. Alma Vaughn, iv. 250
Sweet Home of My Childhood, by B. A. Webster, i. 108
Sweetly She Sleeps, by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 506
Take Me Home, by A. McCannon, i. 48
A Tear, by H. R. Whitney, ii. 383
Ten Thousand Slain, by Franklin B. Gage, iii. 131
Their Grandsire, by L. C. Thorn, i. 15
There Are Memories, by Mrs. M. H. Case, i. 22
The Thirst of Man for Immortality, by Rev. J. H. Hopkins, i. 731
Though Fortune Now May Darkly Frown, by J. A. Barber, i. 77
A Thought, by Mrs. H. C. Pitkin, iv. 218
Thoughts About Castleton, by Nathaniel Hoyt, iii. 536
The Three Brothers, by Levi Allen, i. 573-4
Threescore Years, by Mrs. E. A. Dana, iii. 461-2
Thy Will Be Done, by Mrs. E. D. Gray, iv. 911
To a Little Daughter on Her Birthday, by Rev. William Ford, iii. 491
To a Lump of Northern Ice, by Charlotte Fay, ii. 362
To Robin, by Julia W. Hutchins, iv. 914
To an Autumn Bough, by Theoda P. Howe, iv. 697
To an Unseen Angel, by Mrs. Celia Brigham, iv. 191
To Be, by L. H. Thomas, i. 23
To E____, by Charles Linsley, i. 30
To France, by H. B. Spofford, iii. 575
To Jane, by Rufus W. Griswold, iii. 428
To Mattie, by E. Summers Dana, i. 31
To Mother, by Rev. Bennett Eaton, ii. 163-5
To My Angel Child, by Cassius A. Castle, i. 731
To My Cousin Jack, by E. J. Phelps, i. 61
To My Daughter Jessie, by James Hope, iii. 538
To My Dog Jowler, by J. Dorr Bradley, v. 137
To My Friend in Affliction, by Julia C. Smalley, iv. 1093
To My Grandfather, by Mrs. Celia B. Brigham, iv. 608
To My Mother, by Mrs. E. A. Dana, iii. 462
To My Old Boots, by H. D. Hopkins, iv. 572
To My Sleeping Babe, by Mrs. Celia Brigham, iv. 191
To My Weeping Willow, anon., iii. 89
To My Wife, by James D. Butler, iii. 1107
To the Departed, by Mrs. F. L. D. Conger, iii. 1187
To the Green Mountains, by Cassius A. Castle, i. 730
To the Itinerant's Wife, by Mrs. H. C. Pitkin, iv. 218
To the Memory of Col. Blodgett, by James O. Grady, i. 940
To the Old Church in West Glover, by Frederick P. Cheney, iii. 209
To the Sky, anon., iii. 89
To Young Ladies, by Mrs. A. H. Bingham, iii. 493
Trust in God, by Rufus Weeks, i. 115
The Two Angels, by Ellen E. Phillips, iii. 177
The Two Crowns, by Fanny W. Nutt, iv. 380
The Two Homes, by Marion H. Roe, iii. 1007
Under the Apple Boughs, by Edna M. Snows, iv. 923
The Utmost Stretch of the Moral Muse, With Her Mistake, by James Blodgett, ii. 1017
United States, by S. H. Tupper, i. 35
Poems: Vanity of Life, by Horace Wilcox, i. 75
Vermont, by Julia C. R. Dorr, v. pt. 3, 74; v. pt. 35, 105-8
by E. H. Phelps, i. 76-7
by Mrs. Olive E. P. Thomas, iii. 962
Vermont Camp Song, by Mrs. D. Gilbert Dexter, v. pt. 3, 25
Vermont in the Revolution, by Dr. N. W. Gilbert, iv. 704
Vermont, the Star That Never Sets, by Mrs. S. B. Herrick, i. 900
The Vermont Volunteer, by Julia C. R. Dorr, iii. 1102
by Rev. William Ford, iii. 492
by Heman L. P. Moon, iii. 384
by Theodore A. Thomas, iv. 502
Vermont Volunteers, by Rev. Daniel T. Taylor, iii. 542-4
Vermont's Volunteers, by Clara H. Hosford, iii. 1209
Verses by A. G. Allen, i. 42
by Rosetta H. Allyn, iii. 390
by N. W. Bingham, i. 958
by Sarah A. Bingham, ii. 361
by James Cowen, i. 37
by Samuel Damon, i. 87
by Joshua M. Dana, iv. 883
on Capt. John Barnes, i. 410
to John M. Darling, i. 981
by D. Gilbert Dexter, v. pt. 3³, 26
by Amos Eastman, i. 22
by James S. Hight, iii. 63
by Mary A. (Straw) Jenney, ii. 706
by Eliphalet Johnson, v. 117-8
by James Johns, i. 826
by Mary J. Laughlin, i. 386
by Mrs. Stephen Pitkin, iv. 211
by William Rogers, ii. 288
by Thomas Rowley, i. 926; iii. 585, 1163
by I. S. Spencer, i. 229, 2d ed. 228
by Joseph D. Tyler, v. 106
by Royall Tyler, v. 83-5
by Mrs. Helen L. Warner, ii. 566
by Rev. O. G. Wheeler, i. 751, 899
by Lucy B. Wood, v. pt. 3², 19
Verses for a Marriage Ceremony, by Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 282-3
on a Watch, by William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 610
on Clarendon's Heroes, iii. 560
on Green Mount Cemetery, iv. 539
on Maj. Edward Dillingham, by J. A. Wing, iv. 866
on Rev. David Goodwillie, by Mary J. Laughlin, i. 386
on Revolutionary Soldiers in Danby, iii. 653
on Shelburne Battle, i. 878
on the Village Sexton, iv. 475
to His Wife, by Charles G. Eastman, iv. 506
The Victory of Lake Champlain, by N. H. Wright, i. 60
The Village Doctor, by Samuel S. Luce, iv. 855
The Violet, by Elizabeth P. Ranger, v. pt. 3, 80
The Voice of the Invalid, by Edson C. Bailey, ii. 953
The Voices of the Night, by Mrs. A. M. Phillips, v. pt. 33, 24
A Wail, by Joseph A. Wing, iv. 545
The Wanderer's Lost Song, by Mrs. H. M. Crapo, iii. 668
The Watcher of the Falling Leaf, by Abbie Metcalf, iii. 282
Weary Not, by Susannah S. Burt, i. 356
What Is It to be Happy, by Elizabeth Peck, v. pt. 3, 80
What Shall We Do? by Joseph A. Wing, iv. 545
What They Do at the Springs, by J. G. Saxe, ii. 274
The Wheat and the Tares, by Rev. William Farwell, iv. 919
Poems: When I Mean to Marry, by John G. Saxe, ii. 274
When I Would Die, by Olive E. P. Thomas, iii. 963
Where? by Carrie S. Gibson, i. 386
Where Is My Child Tonight? by Emily J. Colby, v. pt. 34, 53
Which Is Best? by Louis McDonald, i. 62
The Whip-Poor-Will, by Mrs. F. L. D. Conger, iii. 1187
The White Cross Banner, by Maj. R. B. Crandall, iv. 920
The White Dove, by F. O. Hodge, ii. 693
The Wicket Gate, by Julia A. Eastman, i. 320
Winnie, by H. A. Burington, i. 309
The Withered Rose Bud, by Clara H. Hosford, iii. 1209
The Wounded Vulture, by A. C. L. Botta, i. 181, 2d ed. 183
The Wyandot's Farewell, by J. Worth, i. 105
Yankee Characteristics, by M. B. Rugg, iv. 1128
The Yankee on the War, by J. S. D. Taylor, ii. 355-60
Ye Sons of Freedom, by A. A. Forbes, i. 826
Zephyr and Maiden, by M. Beebe, i. 230, 2d ed. 228
Poetry, by Rev. C. W. Walker, i. 22²
Point a la Chevelure, in Addison, French fort at, 1730, i. 2²
settlement, 1749, i. 3
see also Chimney Point
Point Algonquin, French name for Alburg, ii. 487²
Point au Fer, ii. 490 and note
Point du Detour in Alburg, ii. 488²
Point Henry, see Port Henry
Political parties in Pawlet, iii. 881²
in Vermont, ii. 326²
Political strife in Chittenden co., 1810-12, i. 468-9
Politics in Bakersfield, ii. 107
Pomeroy's island, v. pt. 2, 278²
Pompanoosuc river, Thetford, ii. 1091²
Ponds of Berlin, iv. 72-3
Brookfield, ii. 855
Brunswick, i. 964
Cabot, iv. 88², 128
Caledonia co., i. 262²
Fairlee, ii. 892²
Franklin, ii. 221, 224
Groton, iv. 1146
Lamoille co., ii. 587²-8
Marshfield, iv. 202²
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 519
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 25²
Thetford, ii. 1096²
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 686²
Williamstown, ii. 1139²
Pondville, origin of name, v. pt. 2, 729
Poor farm, of Bradford, ii. 818
of Castleton, iii. 516
Poor family, of Worcester, refused domicile in Middlesex, iv. 234-5
Poor house to be secured in Calais, iv. 135
Popasquash Island, ii. 289²
Popoquamanee-tuk, Indian name of Au Sable, i. 32 note
Porcelain shade lamp, invented by Warren Fish, v. pt. 2, 421²
Port Henry (N. Y.), i. 8
Portland & Ogdensburg R. R., see Lamoille Valley R. R.
Portraits:—Samuel Adams, of Grand Isle, eng'd by J C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 554
Ira Allen, eng'd by A. H. Ritchie, sc., in unbound nos. of vol. i. this port. occurs as 1st frontispiece of nos. 7-11. Note:—Some copies have this port. in v. pt. 2, facing p. 534
Ira Hayden Allen, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, iii. facing p 257
Portraits: Hiram Atkins, iv. facing p. 310
Capt. Jesse Averill, iv. 671 (wood cut in text)
J. Warren Bailey, by Forbes co. Bost., iv. facing p. 287
Daniel Baldwin, by Bufford Lith. Boston, iv. facing p. 516
Aaron Bancroft, (found only in dealers' copy), iv. facing p. 475; see iv. 591
Dr. Carlos Bancroft, iv. facing p. 280
Col. E. L. Barney, iv. facing p. 1125
George Barney, iv. facing p. 989
Portus Baxter, photo by John Galdin, eng 'd by J. C. Buttre, iii. facing p. 193
E. E. Belding, v. pt. 2, facing p. 310
Dr. S. M. Blake, v. pt. 2, facing p. 505
C. W. Blandin, v. pt. 2, facing p. 377, full p. woodcut
Col. Levi Boutwell, iv. facing p. 494
P. D. Bradford, iv. facing p. 637
Jonathan Dorr Bradley, by Bufford, v. facing p. 136, usually lacking
Stephen R. Bradley, v. pt. 2, facing p. 561, full p. woodcut
William C. Bradley, v. pt. 2, facing p. 593, full p. woodcut
Lewis Joseph Bridgeman, iv. 363, woodcut in text
G. V. Brigham, by Galaxy Pub. co., Phila., iv. facing p. 189
Rev. Elisha Brown, iv. facing p. 498
John Burnham, by H. B. Hall & Sons, v. facing p. 128
Dr. Daniel Campbell, eng'd by H. B. Hall's Sons, v. pt. 2, facing p. 506
Maj. Alfred L. Carlton, iv. facing p. 500
H. Carpenter, iv. 709, woodcut in text
Clark H. Chapman, v. pt. 3², facing p. 25
Dr. Charles Clarke, iv. facing p. 278
Stoddard B. Colby, iv. facing p. 468
M. Cottrill, iv. facing p. 262
Mrs. Mahlon Cottrill, iv. facing p. 520
Luther Cross, iv. facing p. 515
Hiram A. Cutting, printed by Metropolitan Pub. & Eng. co., Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 730
John M. Darling, i. facing p. 969
Gen. Parley Davis, not found, see iv. 591
Julius Y. Dewey, by Forbes co., Boston, iv. facing p. 478
Paul Dillingham, iv. frontispiece
Eben H. Dorman, iv. facing p. 1080
Lorenzo Dow, iv. 360, woodcut in text
Peggy Dow, iv. 361, woodcut in text
Joseph Duncan, by Belknap, not found, see v. pt. 2, 216²
Alonzo Dutton, by Bufford, Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 42, see v. pt. 2, 216²
Charles G. Eastman, by F. T. Stuart, Boston, J. H. Daniels, printer, iv. facing p. 506
George F. Edmunds, v. pt. 35, facing p. 52
Jacob Estey, by Van Slyck & co., Boston, v. facing p. 142
Erastus Fairbanks, eng'd by A. H. Ritchie, i. facing p. 341
Rev. John A. Farnsworth, eng'd by H. B. Hall's Sons, v. pt. 2, facing p. 510
V. S. Ferris, iv. facing 1048, see iv. 1144
George M. Fisk, iv. 696, woodcut in text
Levi K. Fuller, v. facing p. 144
Marcus Gilman, iv. facing p. 558
Martin H. Goddard, v. pt. 3, facing p. 80
Francis Goodhue, by Bufford, v. facing p. 119
William H. Greenwood, by J. A. J. Wilcox, Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 198, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
John Gregory, iv. 686, woodcut in text
George M. Hall, iv. facing p. 1137
Portraits: Gov. Hiland Hall, eng'd by A. H. Richie, i. facing p. 121; Note: some sets have a second copy of this port. in v. pt. 35, variously placed
Homer W. Heaton, iv. facing p. 356
Abby Maria Hemenway, by Beacon Lith. co., Boston, v. frontispiece
Gen. A. Harleigh Hill, found only in dealers' set iv. facing p. 984
Sally Morse Hill, V. L. Chandler sc. found only in dealers' set, iv. facing p. 985
Theophilus Hoit, by H. B. Hall's Sons, v. pt. 2, facing p. 513
Henry D. Holton, by Charles Robson, v. facing p. 166
Lt. Gov. Jonathan Hunt, v. pt. 2, facing p. 288
B. W. Hyde, iv. facing p. 487
Gen. Alonzo Jackman, iv. 691, woodcut in text
Col, Albert B. Jewett, iv. facing p. 1061
Elisha P. Jewett, iv. facing p. 484
Capt. Nathan Jewett, iv. facing p. 483
Rawsel R. Keith, iv. facing p. 510
A. Keyes, by Bufford, Boston, found only in dealers' set, v. 134
Nathaniel C. King, iv, facing p. 582
Hon. Asa Knight, by L. W. Miller, 1883, v. pt. 2, facing p. 141, full p. woodcut
Esther (Farr) Knight, by Belknap, by Beacon Lith. co., Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 138
Joel Knight, by Belknap, Beacon Lith. co., Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 137
Joel Knight, jr., by Beacon Lith. co., Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 140
Susan Miller Knight, v. pt. 2, facing p. 144, full p. woodcut
George Langdon, by Forbes co., Boston, iv. facing p. 502
James H. Langdon, iv. following p. 435
James R. Langdon, iv. facing p. 544
Mrs. James H. Langdon, iv. fronting p. 434, see iv. 591
J. L. Lee, v. pt. 2, facing p. 316
Rev. William H. Lord, iv. facing p. 392
Asa Lyon, of South Hero, eng'd by T. C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 473
David L. Mansfield, by Bufford, Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 1
Col. Z. M. Mansur, v. pt. 35, facing p. 62
Gov. John Mattocks, eng'd by A. H. Ritchie, i. facing p. 241
Hon. Larkin G. Mead, v. facing p. 151, rarely found
Larkin G. Mead, jr. (the artist), by Bufford, Boston, v. facing p. 152, rarely found
Asa Miller, not found listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Capt. Isaac Miller, from a pen and ink sketch from life, by L. W. Miller, del. 1882, v. pt. 2, facing p. 129, full p. woodcut
Joseph Miller, by Bufford, v. pt. 2, facing p. 135
William O. Miller, by Bufford, Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 134
Justin S. Morrill v. pt. 35, facing p. 76
George Nichols, iv. 687, woodcut in text
A. F. Nines, by Bufford, Boston, v. facing p. 132; found only in dealer's set
Gov. Ebenezer Jolls Ormsbee, v. pt. 35, facing p. 62, full p. woodcut
Gov. Carroll S. Page, eng'd by J. H. Daniels & Son, v. frontispiece
Hon. John A. Page, iv. facing p. 548
Gov. Charles Paine, iv. 661, woodcut in text
Gov. Asahel Peck, iv. facing p. 496
Lucius B. Peck, iv. facing p. 463
George Perry, by H. B. Hall's Sons, v. pt. 2, facing p. 514
Rev. John B. Perry, iv. facing p. 933
Gen. Perley P. Pitkin, iv. facing p. 554
Hon. Frank Plumley, iv. 689, woodcut in text
Hon. Joseph Poland, iv. facing p. 556
Dr. Benjamin Porter, iv. 672, woodcut in text
W. W. Porter, found only in dealers' copy, iv. facing p. 187
Portraits: Samuel Prentiss, by G. Batner, sc. iv. facing p. 447
Dr. Sumner Putnam, iv. facing p. 480
Timothy P. Redfield, by Forbes co., Boston, iv. facing p. 540
Charles Reed, by Bufford's Lith. iv. facing p. 513
Anna Miller Rice, by L. W. Miller, 1883, v. pt. 2, between pp. 96 and 97, full p. woodcut, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Clark Rice, by L. W. Miller, 1883, v. pt. 2, facing p. 97, full p. woodcut, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Elijah Rice, by L. W. Miller, 1883, v. pt. 2, between pp. 96 and 97, full p. woodcut, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Maj. Gen, Israel B. Richardson, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 187
Hon. Roderick Richardson, by F. T. Stuart, Boston, iv. facing p. 546
Hon. Moses Robinson, of Northfield, iv. 670, woodcut in text
Benjamin A. Scofield, by H. B. Hall's Sons, v. pt. 2, facing p. 517
Epaphro Seymour, by Bufford, v. facing p. 121, usually lacking
Rev. Frederick W Shelton, iv. facing p. 419
Jonathan Shepard, iv. facing p. 477
Gov. William Slade, i. frontispiece
I. (Gov. Israel?) Smith, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 89
J. Gregory Smith, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 289
Maj. Gen. William F. Smith, photo by Brady, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, ii. facing p. 384
Maj. Gen. George J. Stannard, photo by Styles, eng'd by E. Halpin, pub. by Jno. B. Batchelder, ii. facing p. 385
Gen. John Stark, v. pt. 35, facing p. 80; see acknowledgment of Stark portrait in v. pt. 35, 108²
Edwin A. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, facing p. 395
Clark Stevens, iv. facing p. 580
Constant W. Storrs, iv. facing p. 391
Ensign Samuel Stratton, v. pt. 2. facing p. 330
Hon. A. N. Swain, v. pt. 2, facing p. 507
Rev. Zadock Thompson, eng 'd by J. C. Buttre, ii. 1st frontispiece
Sarah Upham, by Forbes co., iv. facing p. 456
Hon. William Upham, by Forbes co., Boston, iv. facing p. 454
C. P. Van Ness, eng 'd by A. H. Ritchie, i. facing p. 441
Hon. Eliakim P. Walton, iv. facing p. 543
Ezekiel P. Walton, iv. facing p. 442
Prussia Walton, iv. facing p. 445
Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, facing p. 280
Hon. William W. Wells, iv. facing p. 852
Col. Asa Wentworth, v. pt. 2, facing p. 515
Rev. Pliny H. White, photo by F. B. Gage, eng'd by J. C. Buttre, iii. frontispiece
Addison Whithed, v. pt. 2, facing p. 336
Marshall Whithed, v. pt. 2, facing p. 332
R. H. Whittier, iv. facing P. 335
Hon. Charles W. Willard, iv. facing p. 492
J. E. Willard, v. pt. 34, facing p.
Rosanna Miller Williams, v. pt. 2, p. 144, full p. woodcut, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Rev. Joel Winch, iv. 683, woodcut in text
Joseph A. Wing, iv. facing p. 358
John Wood, by T. W. Wood, iv. facing p. 519, rarely found
Zenas Wood, iv. facing p. 550
Rev. Jonathan Woodman, v. pt. 34, facing p 49
J. Edson Worden, by Bufford, Boston, v. pt. 2, facing p. 165, unually lacking, listed in v. pt. 2, 216²
Rev. Chester Wright, iv. facing p. 388
list of, and donors in History of Montpelier, iv. 591-2
several found in the Vt. State House and in the Vt. hist. soc., iv. 325²
list of, in Dummerston history, v. pt. 2, 216
Portraits: list of, in History of Swanton, iv. 1144
in History of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 670
Postage stamps, v. 190
Postmaster General of Vt., Anthony Haswell, i. 176², 2d ed. 178; iii. 977
Postmasters, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728
of Stowe, ii. 700
Swanton, iv. 1187
Thetford, ii. 1098
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 626
Williamstown, ii. 1149²
Postmasters' fees, at Plainfield, 1823, iv. 730
Postoffice, in Barre, iv. 32²
Bennington, one of first five in state, v. pt. 35, 30, 32-40
Brattleboro, v. 36
one of first five in state, v. pt. 35, 30
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 383
Cabot, iv. 91-3
Calais, iv. 171
Clarendon, iii. 552²
Corinth, ii. 882
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164-5
Enosburg, ii. 134
Fairlee, ii. 905
Grand Isle, ii. 528
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 28-9
Middlebury, 1793, i. 53
Montpelier, iv. 307²
Morgan, iii. 285
Newbury, one of first five in state, v. pt. 35, 30
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726, 729
Rutland, one of first five in state, v. pt. 35, 30
Salisbury, i. 90
Somerset, 1870, v. pt. 2, 530
Westfield, iii. 350²
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 706-7
Windham, v. pt. 3², 11-12
Windsor, one of the first five in state, v. pt. 35, 30
Worcester, iv. 891
Postoffices, in Caledonia co., i. 270
first five in Vt., i. 176², 2d ed. 178; v. pt. 35, 30
Post rider, in Northfield, iv. 616
Post riders, from Fair Haven, iii. 694
pay, v. pt. 35, 30
Post route, in Cabot, iv. 92²
Calais, iv. 143
Chelsea, ii. 870
Fairfax, from Danville to St. Albans, ii. 174²
Montpelier, iv. 494
Plainfield, 1808, iv. 729²
Roxbury, iv. 749
Post routes, in Missisco valley, iii. 325
in Western Vermont, iii. 977
to St. Johnsbury, i. 400²
Potash bay, i. 4
Potash industry, i. 304; iv. 1023-4
in Franklin co., ii. 343
Potato Hill, of Warren, iv. 810
Pothole, in Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520
Poton, see Potton, P. Q.
Potter's Island, in Lake Champlain, ii. 289²
Pottery clay, in Westminster, v. pt. 2, 562
Pottery manufacture, in Bennington, i. 138², 2d ed. 141
Burlington, i. 515
Pottier's Point, in Shelburne, i. 456, 877²
Potton, P. Q. settlers enter, iii. 314
Poultney, centennial, iii. 967²
gave 100 acres to Seth Warner, i. 233²
granted, iii. 995
grantees, iii. 997
hist. by Elias Ashley, iii. 964-1008
in War of 1812, iii. 981
pioneers, iii. 964-5, 970-1
proprietors' record, iii. 969²
settled, 1771, iii. 964, 970-1
town meetings, iii. 971²-3
Poultney mfg. co., iii. 1001
Poultney river, Fair Haven, iii. 676²-7
Poultney river flood, Middletown, iii. 827-9
Poverty of pioneers, of Plainfield, iv. 718
Powers family, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 370-4
Pownal, hist. by T. E. Brownell, i. 213-8, 2d ed. 212-7
in part, granted by N. Y., i. 146, 2d ed. 148²
in Revolution, i. 216-7, 2d ed. 215
public safety committee, i. 217, 2d ed. 216
Pratsburg, see Sheldon; and Swanton
Preface of vol, 1, i. pref. pp. iii-iv
vol. 2, ii. pref. pp. v-vi
vol. 3, iii. pref. pp. v-vi
vol. 5, v. pref. p. iii.
Prehistoric lake, in Westfield, iii. 354
Presbyterian church, in Caledonia co., i. 269
Presidents of Univ. of Vt., i. 521-30
Press notices, see Excerpts from periodicals relating to the Gazetteer
Preston family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 718-9
Prices for food, 1774, i. 267
Price fixing by town meeting, Guilford, v. pt. 2, 22-3
of land, in Danby, iii. 581
Plainfield, iv. 715
Rutland, iii. 1015-6
Prices, in Fairfield, ii. 198
of mdse., in Montpelier, about 1800, iv. 269
in Washington co., iv. 5
Primitive inhabitants of Champlain valley, iv. 941-3
Prince family of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 78-80
Princetown, N. Y. grant, i. 121, 146, 2d ed. 148²
Printer, Anthony Haswell, i. 176-7, 2d ed. 178-9
Printing, first in Vermont, at Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576², 601
in Bennington co., i. 252-3
Prisoners of war, from Peacham, i. 359²
treatment by British, ii. 783²-96
Probate court officers of Franklin co., ii. 95
Proclamation by N. Y. against Allen and others, i. 151, 767², 2d ed. 153², 768²-9
by Allen and others against Duane and others, v. pt. 35, 26
by Allen and others against N. Y. claimants, i. 151, 2d ed. 153²
by Gov. Martin Chittenden, i. 671
of N. Y. against N. H. grantees, 1769, i. 148, 2d ed. 150²
promulgating the King's boundary decision of 1764, i. 145², 2d ed. 148
Products of Westfield, iii. 349
Prohibitory law accepted in Danby, 1853, iii. 596
of 1852, and commissioners in Orleans co., iii. 34
Proprietors' meetings, of Brandon, continued after organization of town, iii. 433
Proprietors' "rights" only 30 acres each in St. George, i. 851²
Prospect Park, Montpelier, iv. 307
Protestant Episcopal church heir of the soc. for prop. the Gospel in foreign parts, v. pt. 3, 41²
title to lands in N. H. grants, i. 69
Providence Island, in Grand isle co., ii. 473
Providence (R. I.), persons from, settle in Lyndon, i. 339
Public morals and education, in Washington co., iv. 12
Publishers of Brattleboro, v. 76-7
Pucker street, Stowe, ii. 701
Pumping mills, see Plumping mills
Putney causalties, v. pt. 2, 228-9
charters, v. pt. 2, 220-1
collegiates, v. pt. 2, 224
first settled 1742, v. pt. 2, 251
forts, v. pt. 2, 219-20
granted to Palmer Goulding, v. pt. 2, 251²
hist. by Rev. Amos Foster, v. pt. 2, 217-70
military hist., v. pt. 2, 226-8
natural hist., v. pt. 2, 217-8
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 219
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 221, 223
vital records, v. pt. 2, 230-2
Put's Creek, near Port Henry, i. 12²
Quicklime, produced in Colchester, i. 758
Williamstown, ii. 1140
"Quieting Act" of Vt. legislature, iii. 573²
Quiltings, in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 65
Quit rent commissioners of N. Y. for settling N. H. grantees' claims, i. 148, 2d ed. 150²
in N. H. charters, v. pt. 2, 410²
of Bennington, i. 142², 2d ed. 145
Quonekticut, Indian name of Connecticut river, v. pt. 2, 276²
Radical rebellion in Canada, see Canadian rebellion of 1837
Railroad across Champlain, ii. 502²
buildings at St. Albans, ii. 329-30
built between Rutland and Troy, N. Y., i. 700
charter through central Vt., secured 1833, iv. 6²
chartered from Brattleboro to Bennington, 1769 (1879), v. pt. 3³, 14
extension westward and in Canada, iv. 306
law proposed in 1871 by L. C. Kellogg, iii. 424
matters fill many columns of Montpelier newspapers in 1830, iv. 301²
miniature, invented at Brandon, iii. 486
narrow gauge, to Athens, v. pt. 2, 382
needed in Missisquoi valley, ii. 373
projected between Boston & Lake Ontario, 1827, iv. 301-7
proposed through Athens, v. pt. 2, 381²
proposed between Island Pond & St. Johnsbury, i. 956²
struggle for, in Franklin co., ii. 301²-3
through Cabot, iv. 86²
Railroads, through Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511
see also names of roads, as Connecticut and Passumpsic rivers R. R.
Rainfall in July, 1830, in Middlesex, iv. 233
Randolph charters, ii. 1171-3
description, ii. 971-2
epidemics, ii. 1061²
granted, ii. 974-6
grantees, ii. 976
hist., by H. A. Ruse, ii. 1171-6
by Rufus Nutting, and others, ii. 971-1067
Indian raids, ii. 977-89
Randolph, military hist. ii. 990-4
organized 1783, ii. 995
physicians, ii. 1005-7
pioneers, ii. 996²-7, 1045²
proprietors' records, ii. 1027²-31
scenery, ii. 1064²-5
settled, 1775, ii. 977
statistics, ii. 995
town and other officers, ii. 996, 1042
town records, ii. 1027²-32
vital records, ii. 1175²-6
Randolph farmer's club, ii. 1040-1
Random, see Brighton
Ranger company organize in Manchester, i. 202, 2d ed. 201²
Rangers, in Bennington battle, v. pt. 3, 19
Robert Rogers', spy Crown Point, 1. 3
Rangers, or the Tory's Daughter, by D. P. Thompson, quoted, i. 201², 2d ed. 201
Ransom Guards, St. Albans, ii. 435
Raspberries sold in Worcester, iv. 891
Rattlesnake den, in Bristol, i. 19
hill, i. 457²
Point, Salisbury, i. 90
Raven rock, i. 133, note; 2d ed. 134², note
Readsboro, boundary, i. 219², 2d ed. 218²
hist. by W. H. Follet and others, i. 219-21, 2d ed. 218-20
records burned, 1793, i. 220, 2d ed. 219
returning soldiers stopped at, in 1759, i. 219, 2d ed. 218
Recipe for "pound cake," iv. 53²
Reciprocity aid to Richford trade, ii. 283²
The Recording Angel, by L. G. Mead, jr., v. 152
Recruiting station at Bennington, i. 136², 2d ed. 138²
Red Men, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Red Sand-rook Mountains, ii. 217²
Reef bridge, Panton, i. 79²
Rehoboth (Mass.), persons from, settle in Lyndon, i. 340
Relics of Bennington battle, i. 158, 186, 2d ed. 160, 187²
Champlain valley, oldest of Iroquois origin, iv. 943
St. Francis Indians, in Champlain valley, iv. 943-7
Religious services in Caledonia co., by Scotch, i. 268-9
services practise at Missisquoi by Indians, iv. 961-2
Report by Ira Allen on conference with Canada, i. 774
Reports on projected canals in Vt. 1826, iv. 300
Republican press association of N. H. Biog. sketch of Edmund Burk, of Westminster, Vt., v. pt. 2, 627²
Republican town government, Guilford, v. pt. 3, 5
Resolutions of Cumberland co. committee of safety, June, 1776, v. 12
Rescue of Remember Baker, i. 124-5
Resources of Grand Isle co., ii. 477²-8
Ressegne family, iv. 1175
Restorationist society of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485²
Retributive justice for Ira Allen's practises, iv. 715
Return of Ethan Allen to Bennington, 1778, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
Riviere a la Moelle, early name of the Winooski river, iv. 251
Review notices, of the Vt. Hist. Gazetteer, see Excerpts from periodicals noticing the Gazetteer
Revolutionary conventions in Cumberland co., v. 10²-13
war claims of Va., i. 180, 2d ed. 182
war monument, in Weybridge, i. 109² note
Revolutionary war officers of Franklin co., ii. 389²-91
Pensioners of 1840, of Barton, iii. 75, 374
Bradford, 1840, ii. 1160
Revolutionary war pensioners of Braintree, 1840, ii. 1161
Brookfield, 1840, ii. 1163
Burlington, i. 510
Chelsea, 1840, ii. 1167
Corinth, 1840, ii. 1169
Franklin co., ii. 392-4
Fairlee, 1840, ii. 1169
Middlesex, iv. 247²
Orange, 1840, ii. 1171²
Randolph, 1840, ii. 989²
Rutland co., iii. 1212-20
Topsham,, 1840, ii. 1182
Thetford, 1840, ii. 1178
Vershire, 1840, ii. 1182
Vt., iv. 1199
Washington, 1840, ii. 1182
West Fairlee, 1840, ii. 1169
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 670²
Revolutionary war soldiers, buried in Orwell, i. 73²
Col. Ebenezer Allen, ii. 572²
Elisha Bartlett, ii. 241
Josiah Brush, ii. 183
Capt. Joshua Clapp, ii. 275
George Cutting, v. pt. 2, 730
Capt. Thomas Dixon, ii. 573²
Jabez Fitch, ii. 638²
Hezekiah Goff, ii. 287²
Micah Hatch, iv. 226
Robert Hunkins, ii. 827
Seth Hubbell, ii. 775
Capt. Jedediah Hyde, ii. 543, 635²
Jedediah Hyde, jr., ii. 543
Lent Ives, iii. 1167
Maj. Amos Morrill, ii. 340²
Nathan Murray, ii. 176²
Lt. Jonathan Park, v. pt. 2, 488
Joseph Randall, iii. 1168
Nathaniel Read, ii. 614
Maj. Reuben Read, ii. 614
Daniel Rice, v. pt. 2, 529
James Rhoades, v. pt. 2, 554
Thomas Stickney, ii. 183²
Jacob Story, ii. 177
Dr. John Warner, ii. 348²
Josiah Wood, iii. 1121²
Rev. Benjamin Wooster, ii. 193²
Revolutionary war soldiers, of Addison, i. 6, 9, 13-4
Barnet, i. 278², 283
Barre, iv. 41
Bennington, i. 152-3, 157-8, 164², 167, 169², 171-6, 2d ed. 154-5, 160-1, 166², 169, 171², 173-8
Benson, iii. 417-20
Berkshire, ii. 110, 117, 119, 121, 123
Braintree, ii. 852
Brandon, iii. 438-40, 446, 449, 489
Brattleboro, v. 53
Bristol, i. 21
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384
Brownington, iii. 377
Cabot, iv. 119
Calais, iv. 147
Revolutionary war soldiers, of Castleton, iii. 505-9, 529, 533²-4, 547², 549²
Charleston, iii. 98, 105, 125
Charlotte, i. 737
Clarendon, iii. 560, 565²
Cornwall, i. 26-7
Craftsbury, iii. 171
Danby, iii. 590², 615-7, 619, 622, 624, 627-32, 637, 641, 643, 649, 653
Danville, i. 314, 316², 320
Dorset, i. 184², 186-8, 2d ed. 185², 187-9
Dover, v. pt. 2, 354-5
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 117-28
East Montpelier, iv. 587
Essex, i. 784
Fair Haven, iii. 682, 686², 690², 720, 724, 726, 728, 731, 735, 738
Ferrisburg, i. 32²
Franklin, ii. 220, 228, 231
Franklin co., ii. 389-91
Georgia, ii. 243²-4
Glover, iii. 105, 107²
Goshen, i. 36²-7, 39
Grand Isle, ii. 539-41, 1189²
Groton, iv. 1164
Hardwick, i. 324, 332²
Hinesburg, i. 804, 806-7
Holland, iii. 233
Hubbardton, iii. 757-8, 772
Hyde Park, ii. 656²
Ira, iii. 780
Irasburg, iii. 238², 249²-50
Isle La Motte, ii. 557
Landgrove, i. 197²
Leicester, i. 44²
Lyndon, i. 343, 353
Maidstone, i. 1032
Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452
Middlebury, i. 51
Middletown, iii. 795, 801, 806-7, 822
Monkton, i. 66
Montpelier, iv. 341
Morristown, ii. 683-685²
Mount Tabor, iii. 868²-9
New Haven, i. 69², 70, 72
Newbury, ii. 919, 928, 934, 946-7
North Hero, ii. 567
Orange, ii. 957-8
Orwell, i. 73²
Panton, i. 80-3
Pawlet, ii. 872-4, 886, 898, 907, 909, 913-5, 917-25, 928, 931-2
Peacham, i. 363²
Pittsford, iii. 940, 942-3, 956
Poultney, iii. 974, 978-9, 982-3, 989
Pownal, i. 213, 218², 2d ed. 211², 217²
Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²
Randolph, ii. 969², 1015, 1020, 1048, 1050
Richmond, i. 843²
Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 507, 508
Rupert, i. 223², 226, 2d ed. 222², 224
Rutland, iii. 1051, 1077, 1084-5, 1099
Salisbury, i. 91
Sandgate, i. 230
Shaftsbury, i. 232-4, 236
Revolutionary war soldiers, of Sheffield, i. 418
Sheldon, ii. 373²
Shoreham, i. 94², 97², 100
Shrewsbury, iii. 1137
Stamford, i. 238, 2d ed. 237²
Stowe, ii. 741
Strafford, ii. 1074-5, 1083², 1088²
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522
Sudbury, iii. 1139
Sunderland, i. 239-40
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 53
Tinmouth, iii. 1142-5, 1149, 1152
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540
Tunbridge, ii. 1125-6, 1131
Underhill, i. 887²
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673, 680²-1
Wells, iii. 1197-1208
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 591, 596², 597²
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 652
Whiting i. 116
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719²
Williamstown, ii. 1145²
Windham, v. pt. 3³, 7, 20
Winhall, i. 246²
Woodbury, iv. 879
Rhinebeck (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Highgate, ii. 272²
Ribbed knitting machine works, v. pt. 35, 45
Richardson family, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 31-2
Richford, charter, ii. 278
hist. by Rev. Jay Powell, ii. 278-89
mail received through Enosburg postoffice until 1817, ii. 281²
North Star, of Danville, early circulated in town, ii. 281²
physicians, ii. 287
pioneers, ii. 279-80, 284
town and other officers, ii. 280-1
Richmond, hist. by S. H. Davis, i. 843-51
settled, i. 844²
town and other officers, i. 844²
vital records, i. 846²
Richville, in Shoreham, i. 94²
Ripton, hist. by S. Damon, i. 85-7
natural history, i. 85-6
Riptown, see Ripton
Road from Newbury to St. John's (P. Q.), i. 266²
Road breaking in Worcester, iv. 895
designed by N. H. to Coos Meadows, 1752, ii. 916
from Portland to St. Albans, ii. 667
from Wilmington to Bennington, v. pt. 33, 8
military, from Crown Point to Charlestown, N. H., i. 93²
to Crown Point through Rutland, built 1759, iii. 1014
Roads of Albany, iii. 55
Arlington, i. 123², 2d ed. 124
Barton, iii. 83
Barnet, i. 280
Bennington, i. 138, 2d ed. 140; v. pt. 35, 29
Berlin, iv. 53, 260²
Brighton, i. 953²
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385
Brownington, iii. 376
Brunswick, i. 963², 965
Roads of Burlington, i. 500²
Cabot, iv. 86
Calais, iv. 135-7
Castleton, iii. 503
Charleston, iii. 106
Coventry, iii. 141-2
Danby, iii. 578², 582, 591, 597
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78-9
Fair Haven, iii. 673
Fairfax, ii. 170, 174
Fairlee, ii. 890-1
Fayston, iv. 178
Grand Isle, ii. 527
Greensboro, iii. 213
Guilford, v. pt. 3. 37²-8
Guildhall and Granby, i. 1004²
Hyde Park, ii. 634²
Landgrove, i. 198
Lowell, iii. 278²-9
Lyndon, i. 340²
Montpelier, iv. 260²
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456²
North Hero, ii. 565
Orleans co., iii. 380²
Pawlet, iii. 897
Peru, i. 208, 2d ed. 207
Pittsford, iii. 939²
Ripton, i. 85²
Roxbury, iv. 735²
St. Johnsbury, i. 392, 395-6, 401
Sheldon, ii. 373
Shrewsbury, iii. 1124²
Stowe, ii. 699²
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46²
Victory, i. 1046, 1047²
Waterbury, iv. 826²-7
West Fairlee, ii. 908²
Westfield, iii. 346²-7
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 562, 565, 630²
Westmore, iii. 366-7
Wheelock, i. 433²
Williamstown, ii. 1142
Worcester, iv. 884
none from Newbury to Boston, ii. 922²
see also Stage lines; Turnpikes; Post routes
Roberts family, of Groton, iv. 1162
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 720-1
Robinson family, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589
Robinson meadow, Newfane, v. pt. 2, 458
Robinson's regt. at Mount Independence, July, 1777, i. 153², 2d. ed. 155²
Rochester and Granville range, in Braintree, ii. 844²
Rock Island, in Conn. river, v. pt. 2, 276²-7
Rock Point, in Shelburne, i. 456
Rock Retzio, i. 2²
Rocking-stone, in Braintree, ii. 844²
Manchester, i. 254²
Rockinghan, attempt to secure county buildings, v. pt. 2, 494
census, 1764, 1771, v. pt. 2, 494, 499-500, 503
charter, v. pt. 2, 494
Civil war record, v. pt. 2, 508²-9
first settlement, v. pt. 2, 493
Rockingham, grantees, v. pt. 2, 495
hist. by E. A. Derby & E. B. Albee, v. pt. 2, 493-509
in the Revolution, v. pt. 2, 508
military hist., v. pt. 2, 507-9
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 503-5
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 499-500, 503
town records, v. pt. 2, 496-7
villages, v. pt. 2, 501-2
Rocky slope, of Mansfield, appeared to Champlain as snow-covered, iv. 942
Rogers' expedition against St. Francis Indians, in 1759, i. 263-5, 272-3, 756; ii. 271, 815
journal, 1756, i. 660
Roll call at June trainings, ii. 348²
Rood's island, near Swanton, iv. 949²
Round island, in Passumpsic river, i. 264, 272-3
Rouses Point, supersedes St. John's as shipping terminus, i. 699
terminus of Ogdensburg R. R., ii. 302
Roxbury (Conn.), people from, settle in Arlington, i. 123
Roxbury, centennial celebration, iv. 761²-4
hist. by Mrs. Sarah B. Mansfield, iv. 735-68
military record, iv. 753-6
pioneers, iv. 737-46
town and other officers, iv. 757-61
town meeting, iv. 735²-6
vital records, iv. 756-7
Royal American regt., i. 158, 2d ed. 160
Royal order, prohibiting N. Y. from disturbing N. H. Grantees, disregarded, i. 127², 147², 167², 2d ed. 128², 150, 169²
Royalston (Mass.), persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 90²
Royalton, burned, ii. 857
Indian raid, ii. 1173-4
Runaway pond, in Glover, iii. 203²-4
Rupert, hist. by H. Sheldon, i. 221-8, 2d ed. 220-7
land divisions, i. 223, 2d ed. 221²
pioneers, i. 224-5, 2d ed. 222-3
records, i. 226-7, 2d ed. 225
records lost, i. 222², 2d ed. 221²
Shays' hiding in, in 1787, i. 226, 2d ed. 225
Rural magazine, cited, i. 185, 2d ed. 186
Rutland, centennial celebration, iii. 1009-41
charter cost $100., iii. 1014
collegiates, iii. 1062-4
famous men, iii. 1013
granted, 1761, iii. 1014
hist. by Chauncy K. Williams, and others, iii. 1009-1120
newspapers, iii. 1064
noted men, iii. 1026
origin of name, iii. 1014
original name Fairfield, iii. 1014²
pioneers, iii. 1015
settled 1770, iii. 1015
surveyed, iii. 1014², 1016
town and other officers, iii. 1080-2
Rutland and Burlington R. R., iii. 1113-8
chartered, ii. 301²
connected with Rouse's Point, i. 699
Rutland and Washington R. R., in. 826, 981
Rutland co. boundaries, i. 464
divided, 1785, ii. 474
est. 1781, i. 464
Rutland co., history, iii. 403-1230
items, iii. 1211-30
N. Y. controversy, iii. 403-5
organized, i. 121
pension list, 1840, iii. 1212-30
successively a part of Albany, Charlotte and Bennington counties, iii. 403
Rutland co. court, attempt to silence in 1786, ii. 229²
in Tinmouth, iii. 1144-5
Rutland co. grammar school, iii. 517²
Rutland fort, 1778, i. 12
Rutland marble co., iii. 1068
Rutland R. R., i. 518²
history, iii. 1112-3, 1118-20; v. pt. 2, 511²
Ryegate, granted, 1763, i. 375
hist. by Rev. J. M. Beattie, i. 375-85
pioneers, i. 375-7
villages, i. 379²
Sack of Royalton, 1780, i. 835
Sacketts brook, Putney, v. pt. 2, 217
Saddles, price of, i. 33
Sadawga village, Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 687²
Sage's City, see North Bennington
Sail vessels on Lake Champlain, 1756, i. 660-2
Sailboat traffic on Champlain, i. 683
St. Albans, character defended, ii. 293
French grant, ii. 89
granted 1763, 1779, ii. 90, 290
grantees, ii. 290
hills, ii. 289²
hist. by L. L. Dutcher, ii. 289-368
hotels, ii. 310²-1
pioneers, ii. 290-3, 311, 340-1
shire town, 1793, ii. 291²
town and other officers, ii. 331²
town meetings, ii. 291
village, ii. 310-1
St. Albans steam-boat co., ii. 298²
St. Albans Methodist circuit, ii. 334²
St. Albans Point, ii. 289²
St. Albans raid, 1864, ii. 303-8, 374
in Highgate, ii. 267²-8
St. Andrew's Gore, location 1788, iv. 714
St. Augustine lake, see St. Austin lake
St. Austin lake, in Poultney, iii. 995 note, 1190
St. Catherine lake, origin of name, iii. 1190²
St. Francis Indians, i. 262-3
at Coos, i. 265²
attacked by Maj. Rogers, 1759, iv. 960
in Franklin, ii. 218
in Missisquoi valley, iv. 941, 943-4
in Vt., iv. 2²
lease lands at Missisquoi to English, iv. 962-4
lease to Hilliker, on Missisquoi 1779, iv. 972²
menace to Sheldon, ii. 371
mode of living. iv. 947-9
on lower Missisquoi about 1650, iv. 944²
on the Conn. river, iv. 943²
resist English settlement of Coos valley, ii. 916-8
traditions, i. 31²
supposed so called because followers of St.. Francis, of Sales, iv. 944
St. Francis Indians, visit Lyndon, i. 339
St. George, granted, 1763, i. 851
grantees, i. 851
hist. by Henry Lawrence, i. 851-4
origin of name, i. 851²
pioneers, i. 852
settled, 1784, i. 852
St. John Baptist benevolent society, of Montpelier, iv. 356
St. John's, Canada, i. 2
superseded by Rouses Point, as shipping terminus, i. 699
St. Johnsbury, census, i. 406²
charters, i. 386-90
description, 1860, i. 411-2
granted by Vt., i. 388²
grantees, i. 390²
hist. by Rev. Edward T. Fairbanks, i. 386-412
origin of name, i. 388-9
pioneers, i. 390-1, 396-7
proprietors' meeting, i. 393
surveyed, i. 392-3
town lines, i. 392²
town meetings, i. 395², 399
town records, i. 393, 395-6, 399
St. Johnsbury & Lake Champlain R. R., 1877, iv. 1012
St. Johnsbury Plain, i. 411
St. Lawrence entered by Cartier 1534, iv. 934
Salem, granted, 1780, iii. 367
hist. by Pliny H. White, iii. 306²-9
military hist., iii. 308²-9
pioneers, iii. 307²-8
proprietors' meetings, iii. 307²
settled, iii. 307²
town and other officers, iii. 308²-9, 395²
Salisbury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Addison, i. 7
persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 169
persons from, settle in New Haven, i. 69²
persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 290²
persons from, settle in Salisbury, i. 90²
persons from, settle in Sunderland, i. 239
persons from, settle in Tinmouth, iii. 1141²
Salisbury (Vt.), bounds, i. 69, 88², 91²
hist. by J. M. Weeks, i. 88-92
origin of name, i. 88²
Salt licks in Addison, i. 4
Salts of lye, i. 304
"Sam Patch outdone," incident in Pownal, i. 217², 2d ed. 216²
Sanbornton (N. H.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 327²
Sancoick (N. Y.), v. pt. 35, 18
Sand bar, between Milton and South Hero, i. 458; ii. 244, 301²-2, 341²
Sand Bar Bridge, South Hero, ii. 575-6
Sand Point, early name of Colchester Point (?), i. 2², 754²
Sandgate, description, i. 230, 2d ed. 229²
hist. by W. Randall, i. 230-1, 2d ed. 229-30
Sandisfield (Mass.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408²
Sandusky, in Granville, i. 41²
Sandwich, (N. H.), persons from, settle in Lyndon, i. 340
persons from, settle in Sutton, i. 423², 424
Sandwich Islands, see Hawaii
Sandy Point, i. 1, 7², 8
Sap feeder invented in Middlesex, iv. 243
Saranac river, camp of Vt. militia, Sept. 1814, i. 107²
Savage Island, near Grand Isle, ii. 473, 540²
Sawmill built by French on Missisquoi, iv. 957
Sawmill hill, Cabot, iv. 81
Sawtell family, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 459-60
Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 358, 499, 501, 552
Saxtons Elver seminary, Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Schaghticoke, Indians, i. 3
Schenectady (N. Y.), i. 2
attacked by Indiana in 1690 from Missisquoi, iv. 950
Schenectady slate co., of Poultney, iii. 1001
School fund, of Danby, iii. 595²
Pawlet, iii. 898
School lot of Fairfax, ii. 170
superintendents in Orleans co., iii. 34
Schools, co. Supts., ii. 98
for girls, i. 110
Schools of Albany, iii. 54
Alburg, ii. 496²-7
Bakersfield, ii. 108
Barnet, i. 280
Barton, iii. 86
Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511
Bennington, i. 139, 163-4, 2d ed. 141², 165-6; v. pt. 35, 43, 47
Berkshire, ii. 111
Bradford, ii. 816-8, 828
Braintree, ii. 846
Brandon, iii. 500²-1
Brattleboro, v. 39-41, 44
Brookfield, ii. 862
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 383
Brownington, iii. 92
Brunswick, i. 963²
Burke, i. 304²
Burlington, i. 519-20, 536
Cabot, iv. 87²-8
Caledonia co., i. 269²
Castleton, iii. 513, 517-21
Charleston, iii. 112
Charlotte, i. 737²
Chittenden co., i. 470
Clarendon, iii. 570²-1
Concord, i. 973-4, 976
Cornwall, i. 25
Coventry, iii. 143²-4, 148, 160
Craftsbury, iii. 166
Danby, iii. 597², 604
Dover, v. pt. 2, 344-5
Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 174, 194
East Haven, i. 986
Enosburg, ii. 134-5, 141, 152
Essex, i. 783
Fair Haven, iii. 714
Fairfax, ii. 170, 172-3
Fairfield, ii. 192², 193
Fairlee, ii. 903²-4
Fletcher, ii. 203
Franklin, ii. 223-4
Franklin co., supts., ii. 98
Georgia, ii. 246
Glover, iii. 199-200
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 554²
Schools of Granby, i. 994
Grand Isle co., ii. 476
Granville, i. 42
Guildhall, i. 1005-6
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10, 54
Greensboro, iii. 213²
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 409
Hardwick, i. 325-6
Highgate, ii. 255, 263
Hinesburg, i. 795²
Holland, iii. 236
Hubbardton, iii. 755
Huntington. i. 817²-8
Irasburg, iii. 244
Isle La Motte, ii. 555²
Johnson, ii. 673
Lincoln, i. 49
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 17
Lowell, iii. 275²
Lunenburg, i. 1018²
Manchester, i. 211, 2d ed. 210²
Middlebury, i. 54²
Middlesex, iv. 236
Montgomery, ii. 277²
Montpelier, iv. 262, 290-1, 571
Morgan, iii. 287
Morristown, ii. 689-90
Mt. Holly, iii. 847
Mt. Tabor, iii. 867²-8
New Haven, i. 70²
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486-8
Newport, iii. 304
Northfield, iv. 613, 681-2
Orange co., ii. 804
Orleans co., iii. 42-3
Panton, i. 81
Pawlet, iii. 886-8
Pittsfield, iii. 936
Pittsford, iii. 948-9
Plainfield, iv. 729-30
Putney, v. pt. 2, 224
Randolph, ii. 996²-7, 1011², 1032-6
Richford, ii. 281-4
Ripton, i. 87
Roxbury, iv. 747
Ryegate, i. 378², 379²
St. Johnsbury, i. 402-3
Salem, iii. 308²
Salisbury, i. 88²-9
Shoreham, i. 95
Stowe, ii. 699-700, 718², 720
Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522
Sudbury, iii. 1139
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33-4
Swanton, iv. 1097-9
Thetford, ii. 1097
Topsham, ii. 1107
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541-2
Troy, iii. 332
Vershire, ii. 1133²
Victory, i. 1048
Schools of Waitsfield, iv. 775-6, 793
Wallingford, iii. 1170
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673
Waterbury, iv. 830-1
Waterville, ii. 769
Wells, iii. 1193
Westfield, iii. 347, 356
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600, 626
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 645
Weybridge, i. 110²
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23²
Windham, v. pt. 3², 7, 13
Woodbury, iv. 875
Worcester, iv. 888
see also Academy; Normal Schools
Schuyler's expedition against French in 1690, i. 754
Scotch, in Barnet, i. 278-84
Caledonia co., i. 266, 268
Scotch-American co. of farmers, i. 375-6, 378²
from Renfrewshire, Scot., i. 268²
Scotchmen, in Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15
Scouting during Revolution, iii. 1070-2
Screwplate invented in Salisbury, i. 89²
Seabury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Addison, i. 10²
Seal of Vt., see Vt. State seal
Searsburg, boundaries, i. 232, 2d ed. 231²
hist. by G. J. Bond, i. 231-2, 2d ed. 231
Second Battle of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 69-79
Second regt. band of Vt. volunteers 1861, i. supp. p. i. after p. 240
co. A of Vt. volunteers 1861, i. supp. p. i. after p. 240
Secret societies, i. 512-3
Seekonk (Mass.), persons from, settle in Lyndon, i. 340
Seigniories, on Lake Champlain, see French Seigniores
Seminary of Brookfield, ii. 862
Sanhalenac-tuk, Indian name of Saranac river, i. 32 note
Saparatism, in Bennington, i. 160-1, 2d ed. 162²-4
Sequestration commission appointed in Vt. i. 912
commissioners in Arlington, i. 130², 2d ed. 131²
of Tory property, results, i. 772²-3
Sermon, at Montpelier, 1865 by Dr. F. W. Shelton, iv. 413
by Rev. W. H. Lord, iv. 396-406
by Rev. Silas McKeen, ii. 836-41
April 9, 1865, by Rev. Alfred Stevens, v. pt. 2, 652-8
at funeral of Judge Washburn, by Rev. Foster, v. pt. 2, 259-68
by Dr. Shelton, v. pt. 2, 259
in Bethany church, Montpelier, v. pt. 2, 259²
Seven years' war, see Colonial wars
Shafter family, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 363-70
Shaftsbury, hist. by M. Mattison, i. 232-6, 2d ed. 231-6
Sham fights, at June trainings, ii. 351²
in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 57
Sharon (Conn.), persons from, settle in Berkshire, ii. 123
persons from, settle in Elmore, ii. 626²
Shays' rebellion in Vt. ii. 229; v. 89-92
Sheep raising, Addison co., i. 102, 119²
in Fairlee, ii. 892
Sheffield, granted, 1793, i. 412²
hist. by Alfred S. Lamb, i. 412-23
Shelburne, blockhouse, 1778, i. 66, 91
boundaries, i. 856-7
charter, i. 854-6, 876-7
Shelburne, grantees, i. 941
hist. by Lyman Thayer, i. 854-86, 941-2
in the Revolution, i. 860-1
land titles, i. 857-8
origin of name, i. 857
physicians, i. 867-8
pioneers, i. 858-9
town and other officers, i. 877
Shelburne battle, i. 859, 878; iii. 1084-7
Shelburne Point, on Lake Champlain, i. 456
Sheldon, granted 1763, 1779, ii. 90, 369², 376²
hist. by H. R. Whitney and Rev. George B. Tolman, ii. 368-83
physicians, ii. 378
pioneers, ii. 370
records, ii. 377-8
town and other officers, ii. 377-8
Sheldon family, in Sheldon, ii. 374-6
Sheldonvale, ii. 90
Shell marl, in Orleans Co., iii. 39²-40
Shepard tavern, Montpelier, iv. 262²
Sherburne, granted 1761, iii. 1121
hist. by Daniel T. Taylor, iii. 1121-4
military hist., iii. 1122-4
settled, 1785, iii. 1121
Sherman Hollow, i. 814², see also Huntington
Ship building in Swanton, iv. 1031-2
on Otter Creek, i. 106²
Ship canal proposed between St. Lawrence and Lake Champlain, i. 771, 774-5
Shire town of Caledonia co., i. 314, 315
Cumberland co., v. pt. 2, 494
Windham co., v. pt. 2, 460², 571
Shire towns, i. 261, 262
of Bennington co., i. 121
of Orleans co., iii. 31²-2
Shoemakers, Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651
Shoreham, granted by N. H. 1761, i. 93²
hist. by J. F. Goodhue, i. 93-102, 257 and note
natural history, i. 96-7
pioneers, i. 94
rendezvous at capture of Ticonderoga, May, 1775, i. 94
Shoreham Bard, see Rowley, Thomas in name index
Shoreham union library soc., i. 95
Shorthorns, in Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13
Shrewsbury, granted 1761, iii. 1124
grantees, iii. 1127
hist. by Charles W. Hemenway, iii. 1124-37
military hist., iii. 1135-7
town and other officers, iii. 1127-8
vital records, iii. 1128
Shrewsbury' Peak, iii. 1124
Sideboards made in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 61²
Signer of Declaration of Independence, John Witherspoon, i. 383²
Signpost for notices, Fairfax, ii. 170
Silver Gray's, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 58
Simpsonville, Townshend, v. pt. 2, 532
Simsbury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Panton, i. 83
Singing masters of Montpelier, iv. 570-2
schools, i. 838
Skeensboro, see Skenesboro
Skenesboro (N. Y.), i. 121, 125
co. seat of Charlotte co., i. 462
Slate quarries in Brattleboro, v. 21²
Castleton, iii. 514, 528²
Fair Haven, iii. 703-6
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 62
Poultney, iii. 1001
Slave owned in Bennington, 1780, i. 161, 2d ed. 163
Slavery, by R. S. Cushman, i. 75-6
agitation in Brattleboro, v. 44, 104
denied in Vt., iii. 560
in D. C., denounced by Mattocks, i. 368²
in Vt., ii. 580 note
by Loyal C. Kellogg, iii. 424
Vt. legislature committee rep't. on, iii. 487-8
in Waterbury, iv. 844²
sentiment in Randolph, ii. 1060
Slaves in Vt. in 1791 numbered 16, i. 457
organized as soldiers in 1861 by Gen. John W. Phelps, v. pt. 3, 70
Slayton family, Calais, iv. 137-9
Sleeper's river, origin of name, i. 315, 393
Small pox, ii. 171
at Crown Point, i. 5
in Bennington, i. 179-80, 2d ed. 180²-1
Smith street, Shoreham, i. 94²
Smithfield, ii. 90, 97
annexed to Fairfield, 1792, ii. 192
granted 1763, ii. 191
part joined to Bakersfield, 1792, ii. 103
see also Fairfield
Smugglers' Notch, in Lamoille co., ii. 587², 694, 740²
Smugglers' pond, Cabot, iv. 80²
Smugglers' riot in Georgia, ii. 245-6
"Smugglers' road," ii. 222²
Smugglers' route, on Lake Champlain, ii. 344
Smuggling in Albany, iii. 55-6
Alburg, ii. 493²-5
Barton, iii. 76
Brownington, iii. 95²
Cabot, iv. 90
Coventry, iii. 145
Derby, iii. 381²
Enosburg, ii. 140
Essex, i. 780²
Franklin, ii. 222²-3, 228
Highgate, ii. 265²-6
Irasburg, iii. 245
Johnson, ii. 672²-3
Northern Vt., i. 467²-8
Richford, ii. 286²
St. Albans, ii. 294, 323², 342-7
Sterling, ii. 694²
Swanton, iv. 1005-6
Snake mountain, of Addison and Weybridge, i. 1, 9, 71, 109
Soap-man, at June trainings, ii. 351
Soapstone, in Lamoille co., ii. 588
Social customs, i. 870-2
Socialboro (Clarendon), i. 125², 2d ed. 126
boundaries, iii. 404²
included parts of Rutland, Pittsford and Brandon, iii. 1014²
see also Clarendon
Society for propagation of Gospel in foreign parts,. i. 167², 2d ed. 169², ii. 100²
land claims, i. 69
Society for propagation of Gospel in N. H., grants to, i. 127
petition 1767, i. 127, 2d ed. 128
secured title to grants in Vt., v. pt. 3, 41
Society of Friends, see Friends, Society of
Soldiers burial in Bennington, v. pt. 35, 53-4
Soldiers from Chittenden co., in 1st Vt. regt., 1861, i. 476
Soldiers home, at Bennington, v. pt. 35, 51-3
Soldiers monument of Derby, iii. 382
of Swanton, ii. 447-8, 1185
Soldiers, of Colonial wars, see Colonial wars, soldiers
of Mexican war, see Mexican war soldiers
of Revolutionary war, see Revolutionary war soldiers
returning home, pass through Bennington, i. 142²-3, 2d ed. 145
Somerset, chartered 1761, v. pt. 2, 528
grantees, v. pt. 2, 528
hist. by Hollis Town, v. pt. 2, 528-31
laid out in pitches, v. pt. 2, 529
part of, annexed to Dover, v. pt. 2, 338
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 528
portion annexed to Stratton, v. pt. 2, 519
Wilmington and Stratton, v. pt. 2, 529, v. pt. 3³, 10²
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 531
Sons of Liberty, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 84²
Worcester, (Mass.), v. 66
Sons of Veterans, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Sorelle river, formerly the Iroquois, iv. 942
South Hero, hist. by Dr. R. K. Clark, ii. 570-86
military record, ii. 586
notes, ii. 1190
oyster suppers, ii. 578
pioneers, ii. 572-3, 581 note
settled, ii. 519²
town meetings, ii. 571-2
vital records, ii. 571²
South Hero Sand bar, see Sand bar between Milton and South Hero
South Island, granted to Ethan Allen, ii. 473²
Southampton (Mass.), persons from, settle in Franklin, ii. 220
Southbury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Arlington, i. 135, 2d ed. 137
Spaulding family, of Roxbury, iv. 743
Spies, David Redding, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
in Arlington, i. 132²-3 and note, 2d ed. 134 and note
Spirit of 1812, in Washington co., iv. 9
Spooner 's Vt. Journal, see Vt. Journal; and Newspapers
Sports in Cambridge, ii. 613
Spring needle machine works, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45²
Springs, of Arlington, i. 122
Newark, i. 357²
Squakheag, early name of Northfield, Mass., v. pt. 2, 275
Indian name of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 273
Squirt-gun, i. 303
Stage coaches, of Barre, iv. 32
Stage lines, to Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²
Stamford, hist. by A. W. Goodnow, i. 237-8
records, lost, i. 237²
Stamp Act, effect of, i. 147, 2d ed. 149²
Stannard, formerly Goshen Gore, hist. by Joseph Clark, i. 434-6
Stark house, in Bennington, i. 138², 2d ed. 140²
Stark paper co., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 49
Stark camp, in Manchester, i. 202, 2d ed. 201²
Stark's regt., at Manchester and Bennington, i. 154, 23 ed. 156²
Starksboro, British land grant in, 1774, i. 105
Starksboro, hist. by W. Worth, i. 103-5
joined to Addison co., i. 119²
State and town aid for the Vt. Hist. Gazetteer, 1878, iv. 1191-5
State Arsenal buildings, at Montpelier, iv. 307
State Arms house, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 50
State House of 1808, cost, iv. 285²
supt. for building, iv. 7²
of 1833, architect, iv. 7²
burned, iv. 8
cost, $132,077, iv. 8, 286
of 1857, cost about $150,000, iv. 286
State Houses, in Montpelier, iv. 7², 283-6
State seal, see Vermont state seal
State supt. of common schools, ii. 98
Staubbach falls, v. pt. 2, 113
Stave (Carleton's) Island, ii. 473
Steam navigation on Champlain, i. 682²-5
Steam power first applied in navigation on the Connecticut, 1791-2, ii. 893-4
Steamboat, invented by Robert Fulton, i. 686
by Capt. Samuel Morey, ii. 893²-4
traffic on Champlain, i. 686-700
Steamboats, built on Lake Champlain, i. 705, 707
of Grand Isle, ii. 527-8
on Lake Champlain, ii. 298²
on the Connecticut, v. pt. 2, 3055
Steatite in Grafton, v. pt. 2, 555
Stebbins family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394-6
of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288-9, 323-4
Stebbins island, v. pt. 2, 277
Steele family, of Randolph, ii. 978-89
Steelyard, invented in Salisbury, i. 89²
Sterling, annexed to Morristown, ii. 680²
Stowe, Johnson and Morristown, ii. 695²
divided, ii. 694
granted, ii. 693²
hist. by Lyman J. Seely, ii. 693-4
in Franklin co., ii. 90
settled, 1799, ii. 693²
town officers, ii. 693²
Sterling mt., in Lamoille co. ii. 587², 693-4
Stevens family, of Barnet, i. 281-3, 958-9
Stevens' documents, of Barnet, i. 274, 282
Stevens Mills, early name of East Hardwick, i. 325
Stevens river, i. 262², 272
Stickney family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 145-6
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713-5
Stile's pond, i. 262²
Stockbridge Indians, i. 124
Stocks and whipping post, built in Cabot, 1793, iv. 79, 83
Stoneware pottery, of Bennington, v. pt. 3, 46
Stone hatchet from Waitsfield, iv. 1²
Storms in Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10
Stove, first in Barnet, 1798, i. 294
St. Johnsbury, i. 397
manufacture in Brandon, iii. 435
Stowe, care of poor, ii. 709
granted 1763, ii. 695
grantees, ii. 695
hist. by Mrs. M. N. Wilkins, ii. 695-768
in Chittenden, Washington and Lamoille counties, ii. 698²
lawyers, ii. 727-32
Stowe, military hist., ii. 741-70
physicians, ii. 724-7
pioneers, ii. 697
proprietors' meetings, ii. 696²-7
settled, 1794, ii. 697
town and other officers, ii. 697, 720
town records, ii. 697
traders, ii. 701
vital records, ii. 706, 768
villages, ii. 700
Stowe and Mansfield meeting-house society, ii. 719
Stowe circuit, ii. 335
Strafford, census, 1791-1860, ii. 1083
granted, 1761, ii. 1067²
grantees, ii. 1084
hist. by Justin S. Morrill, ii. 1067²-90
lawyers, ii. 1071²
military hist., ii. 1088²-90, 1177²
physicians, ii. 1071
pioneers, ii. 1068-9, 1073²-4
town and other officers, ii. 1068, 1083, 1085
vital records, ii. 1084
Stratton family, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 330-6
Stratton, description, v. pt. 2, 519
granted, 1761, v. pt. 2, 520
grantees, v. pt. 2, 520-1
hist. by Lyman E. Knapp, v. pt. 2, 519-27
military record, v. pt. 2, 522-4
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 521
received portion of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 521-2
Stratton Gore, v. pt. 2, 519
Stratton turnpike, in Sunderland, i. 240
Streams, of Albany, iii. 55
Barnet, i. 271²-2
Barton, iii. 79
Belvidere, ii. 592²
Bennington, v. pt. 35, 42²
Berlin, iv. 53²
Bradford, ii. 815
Calais, iv. 128²
Charleston, iii. 106²
Danby, iii. 576²
East Montpelier, iv. 575
Fayston, iv. 177²
Glover, iii. 195
Holland, iii. 231²
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 423
Lamoille co., ii. 588
Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 442²
Marshfield, iv. 202²
Montpelier, iv. 251
Newbury, ii. 915²
Newfane, v. pt: 2, 458²
Orleans co., iii. 38²
Pawlet. iii. 871
Plainfield, iv. 713
Ripton, i. 86
Roxbury, iv. 735
Shelburne, i. 875
Shoreham, i. 97
Streams, of Shrewsbury, ii. 1124²
Stowe, ii. 696
Troy, iii. 310
Warren, iv. 801
Waterbury, iv. 825-6
West Fairlee, ii. 909
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 565
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 5
Strong family, in Addison, i. 9-10
Strong mansion, in Addison, i. 4
Sturbridge (Mass.), persons from, settle in Craftsbury, iii. 165²
Subscribers of the Gazetteer, i. 8 supplementary pp. between pp. 112 and 113; also pp. 3-13 of 8 supplementary pp. between pp. 240 and 241; at end of nos. 1 and 2, respectively, of the unbound vol.; also pp. 1071-9
Subscribers of the Gazetteer, ii. 1091-5
Sudbury, collegiates, iii. 1141²
dairy products, iii. 1138²
granted, 1761, iii. 1138²
hist. by Pliny Holmes, iii. 1137-41
pioneers, iii. 1137
settled, 1789, iii. 1137
town records, iii. 1137
Suffield (Conn.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408²
Sugar Loaf, in Champlain, i. 456
Suit of Ira Allen for recovery of the Olive Branch, i. 775-6
Sumac leaves, smoked by Indians, i. 32
Summer resort, in Sheldon, ii. 381-2
Sunday schools, i. 106
in Brattleboro, v. 25²
Cabot, iv. 97
Concord, i. 973, 975²
Enosburg, ii. 144
Guildhall, i. 1012
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10
Hardwick, 1814, i. 327²
Lowell, iii. 273
Montpelier, iv. 394-6
Orleans co., iii. 216-7
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 608-9
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 645
Windham, v. pt. 3², 16
Woodbury, iv. 877
Sunderland, hist. by G. B. Bacon, i. 238-45
included in Princetown grant, i. 146, 2d ed. 148²
Sungahnee-tuk, Indian name of Lewis Creek, i. 32
Superior court in Cumberland co., 1779, v. 15
Superstitions, iv. 776²-7
Supplementary pages of Gazetteer are found in some copies of vol. i; pp. 1-8 after p. 120, and pp. 1-14 after p. 240
Supplies sent to Ticonderoga by Bennington, 1776, i. 152², 2d ed. 155
Survey, from Winooski river to Shelburne bay, i. 456
Surveys, difficulty about, in Enosburg, ii. 150²
for canals in Vt., made by U. S., iv. 301
in Vt., i. 380²
Sutherland Falls, i. 69²
Sutherland Falls marble co., iii. 1068-9
Sutton, charter, v. pt. 34, 23
early records, v. pt. 34, 12-4
errata in its history, v. pt. 34, 55
great muster of 1824, v. pt. 34, 13
hist. by John Beckwith, i. 423-5
by J. E. Willard, v. pt. 34, 5-56
index of history, v. pt. 34, 55-6
Sutton, "lotting," v. pt. 34, 24
natural history, v. pt. 34, 25
organized, i. 423²
originally named Billymead, i. 423²; v. pt. 34, 13
pioneers, v. pt. 34, 55-6
proprietors' meetings, v. pt. 34, 23-4
town and other officers, v. pt. 34, 20-2, 45-6
vital records, v. pt. 34, 42-4
Swanton, bought up by Ira Allen, iv. 993
casualties, iv. 1046-8
census, 1791-1880, iv. 1187
charter, iv. 989-91
description, iv. 991²
early records, iv. 996-7, 1002²-6
French grant in, ii. 89
granted 1763, iv. 972²
grantees, iv. 990
Hilliker's lease from Indians, iv. 973
hist. by George Barney, ii. 1183-9; iv. 933-1144
Indian and French hist. of Swanton, iv. 933-82
Indian settlement in, ii. 89²
inns, iv. 1039
lawyers, iv. 1048-55
military hist., ii. 1185-6; iv. 1012, 1058-69
N. Y. granted under name of Pratsburg, ii. 90
organized, 1790, iv. 996
origin of name, iv. 991
physicians, iv. 1055-8
pioneers, iv. 994-8
political parties, iv. 1069
pretended ms. history found in, iv. 933
proprietors' records, iv. 992
raided by British 1813, iv. 1007-8
settled under N. H. titles, iv. 993²-1001
soldiers monument, iv. 1063-4, 1132, 1144
statistics, 1881-2, iv. 1128-30
town and other officers, iv. 1132-4, 1185-7
traders, iv. 1033-9
vital records, iv. 1002
Swanton Falls academy, iv. 1098
Sword of Col. Baum, i. 158, 2d ed. 160
Tabor's Leg, Dorset, i. 182, 2d ed. 183²
Taconic system in Dorset, i. 182², 2d ed. 184
Tainter family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719
Tamworth (N. H.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 327²
Tannery, in Enosburg, ii. 140²
in Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 650
Tanning leather in Swanton, iv. 1030
Tariff, speech of Silas Wright, i. 113
Tavern kept without liquor sales in Brownington, iii. 376
of Abel Hawley, tory, rendezvous in Revolution, i. 129, 2d ed. 130
Taverns, in Bennington, i. 138², 151, 170²-1, 2d ed. 140², 153², 172²-3
Dorset, i. 185, 2d ed. 186
Hardwick, i. 334
Landgrove, i. 198
Londonderry, i. 210, 2d ed. 209
Manchester, i. 200-1
Peru, Buttersfield's inn, i. 208, 210, 2d ed. 207-8
Tax, assessed in pounds until 1798 in Sutton, v. pt. 34, 32²
for highways not raised in Westfield, iii. 347²
Tax for support of church in Bennington, i. 161, 2d ed. 163
in Fayston, iv. 178
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553²
Granby, i. 992²
St. Johnsbury, 1800, i. 400
Victory for road, i. 1046
see also War tax
Tax bills of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 111
Tax-exemption for militia, ii. 351²
Tax list of Barton, 1800-10, iii. 74
Burlington, i. 504-5
Calais, 1795-1840, iv. 175-7
Danby, 1778, iii. 586²-7, 589, 591
Dummerston, for 1802, v. pt. 2, 107-10
Middlesex, iv. 235
Montpelier, iv. 265 note, 269
St. Johnsbury, 1790-1800, i. 400
Sutton, 1803-6, v. pt. 34, 5
Swanton, 1800-10, iv. 1002-4, 1012
Whitingham, 1781, v. pt. 2, 690
Tax sales, in Jericho, i. 832
in Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 692
of Ira Allen's property, i. 776
Taylor's Island, v. pt. 2, 250²
Teachers' institutes, ii. 98²-9
in Grand Isle co., ii. 476²
in Orleans co., iii. 34-6
Teacher training in Concord, i. 974², 976
Teaching of grammar in school resisted, v. pt. 35, 84
Teaming through Cabot, iv. 86²
Telegraph based to Davenport's electric motor, ii. 1153-4
service in Cabot, iv. 93
Telegraphic cable demonstrated possible by Gen. Alonzo Jackman, 1846, iv. 679
Temperance Herald and Journal, Albany, N. Y., i. 113²
Temperance, a sermon, by Rev. D. Merrill, i. 372-4
Temperance society, of Lamoille co., ii. 590
Temperance societies, of Orleans co., iii. 42
Swanton, iv. 1101-4
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 284²
Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 649
Temperance, see also Intemperance; Prohibitory law of 1852, ii. 96-7
Templeton (Mass.), men from, settle in Bakersfield, ii. 190
Terms of the Gazetteer, ii. pref. p. iii.
Terraces at Westminster and Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 562
Terrible Tractoration, by T. G. Fessenden, v. 111
Thanksgiving day, discourse in Halifax, 1847, v. pt. 2, 409-18
Theipian societies, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 48
Thetford, granted 1761, ii. 1092
grantees, ii. 1092
hist. by Rev. Isaac Hosford, ii. 1090-1104, 1178-83
lawyers, ii. 1097²
military hist., ii. 1094-5
physicians, ii. 1098
pioneers, ii. 1106, 1192-3
settled, 1764, ii. 1092
town and other officers, ii. 1093
town records, ii. 1106, 1193
villages, ii. 1181
Thomas Clark & co.'s grant, i. 261²
Thompsonburg, in Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20
Three thousand men required from Vt. in 1812, iv. 297²
Threshing, ii. 137²
Thunderer (British ship), i. 5²
Tibbetts place, Bennington, i. 154², 2d ed. 157
Ticonderoga, Bennington's part in capture of, i. 151², 152, 2d ed. 154
captured by Allen in 1775, i. 5; iii. 510
by British, 1759, i. 2², 3²
July, 1777, i. 153², 2d ed. 155²
Champlain at, i. 1
muster of troop to capture, issued at Bennington, v. pt. 35, 26
Tiffany knitting mill, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45²
Tinmouth, co. court in, iii. 1144²
grantees, iii. 1148²
hist. by O. Noble, iii. 1141-61
lawyers, iii. 1151²
military hist., iii. 1149-50
organized, 1774, iii. 1141²
physicians, iii. 1151
pioneers, iii. 1141-2
town and other officers, iii. 1149
town records, iii. 1148-9
vital records, iii. 1149²
Tip Top house, Mt. Mansfield, ii. 738
Title p., Preface; Dedication, The Vermont Quarterly Gazetteer anagram, and contents of vol. 1 are found at beginning of nos. 7-11 which were issued together
Titles and documents relating to Seigniorial tenure of Canada, iv. 951
"To our patrons," i. supp. page 2, after p. 240
Tomlinson, early name of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552-3
Topsham, charter, ii. 1104
grantees, ii. 1105²
hist. by Carlos Bill, ii. 1104-14, 1178-83
military hist., ii. 1111-14
settled, 1781, ii. 1105²-6
town and other officers, ii. 1110-11
villages, ii. 1107
Tories capture and lose Remember Baker, i. 233
in Arlington, i. 129-30, 132, 134, 2d ed. 129-31, 133-6
Barnet, i. 281², 394
Bennington, i. 139², 154², 159², 2d ed. 142, 157, 161
Danby, iii. 652²
Dorset, i. 184, 186², 2d ed. 185, 188
Dummerston, 1802, v. pt. 2, 107-10, 115
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 5-7
Manchester, i. 201²
Monkton, i. 66
New Haven, i. 71²
N. Y. & Vt. caused continual alarm, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
Panton, i. 79², 82
Peacham, i. 362
Pownal, i. 216-7, 2d ed. 215-6
Putney, v. pt. 2, 241-2
Rupert., i 222²-3, 2d ed. 221²-2
Salisbury, i. 90²
Shaftsbury, i. 233, 2d ed. 232²
Shoreham, i. 94, 98
Vt., v. 14²
Weybridge, i. 109²
repair to Castleton, 1777, v. pt. 35, 14-5
use of, in Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²-8
Tornado, see Whirlwind
Torringford (Conn.), persons from, settle in Enosburg, ii. 159²
Tory, Benajah Benedict, i. 12, 13²
Henry McLaughlin, i. 21²
arguments in Arlington, i. 128, 2d ed. 129
attack on Richmond, i. 847
"Tory breastwork," Bennington battle, i. 155, 2d ed. 157-8; v. pt. 35, 18²
Tory estates confiscated, see confiscated tory estates
prisoners in Bennington, i. 168, 2d ed. 170
property sequestered in Vt., i. 772²; v. pt. 35, 15²
rocks, in Monkton, i. 66
Total abstinence society, of Enosburg, ii. 136²
Town charters of Vt. oldest claimed by Vernon, v. pt. 2, 273
fairs in N. H. charters, v. pt. 2, 411
Townshend, attorneys, v. pt. 2, 543-5
census, 1771, v. pt. 2, 538
charters, v. pt. 2, 533-4, 536²
description, v. pt. 2, 532²
favored new state idea, v. pt. 2, 539²
grantees, v. pt. 2, 533²
hist. by James H. Phelps, v. pt. 2, 532-51
Howard legacy for support of poor, v. pt. 2, 550²
inn keepers, v. pt. 2, 551
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 539-40
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
physicians, v. pt. 2, 542
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 535-8
proprietors' meeting, 1774, v. pt. 2, 536²-7
records, v. pt. 2, 534-5, 536²-8
represented at Dorset convention, v. pt. 2, 539
resisted partisans of N. Y., in 1784, v. pt. 2, 540
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 539, 542, 550
traders, v. pt. 2, 542²
Township committees west of Green Mts., meet at Arlington, Mar. 1774, i. 127², 2d ed. 128²
grant of Westminster, first in Vt., v. pt. 2, 564²
system in Rutland, iii. 1024
Townships, granted by Gov. Wentworth in Vt., iv. 4²
Trade by barter in Windham, v. pt. 3², 8
routes, through Richford, ii. 282
Tragedy at Grand Isle, ii. 296
Training day in Monkton, i. 66
Traitors, so-called, of Vt., i. 917² note 3
Travelling in early days in Vt., ii. 123²
Trenton limestone in Grand Isle co., ii. 477
Trial of David Redding, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
Jacob Marsh, i. 125²-6, 2d ed. 126-7
Trip hammer invented at Brandon, iii. 485²
Troops in Swanton, 1808-14, iv. 1006-9
Trout river in Montgomery, ii. 275²-7
Troy (N. Y.), market for Vt. products, i. 250²
persons from, settle in St. Albans, ii. 317²
Troy conference academy, of Poultney, iii. 981², 995²
Troy Gazette of Troy, (N. Y.), i. 252²
Troy (Vt.), charters, iii. 312²
early name Missisco, iii. 316
hist by Samuel Sumner, iii. 309-42
land sales, iii. 313
military hist., iii. 337-42
organized, iii. 316
pioneers, iii. 313-16
political affairs, iii. 331-2
Troy and Boston railroad, i. 136, 2d ed. 138
Truairism in Fletcher, ii. 210
Truro, early name of Plainfield, iv. 713 (2)
Tryon's offer of reward for Allen, v. pt. 3³, 25-6
Tsin-on-drosie, Indian name for Ticonderoga, i. 2²
Tunbridge, destroyed by Indians, 1780, ii. 1116-8
granted, 1761, ii. 1115
hist. by Rev. O. S. Morris, ii. 1114-31
settled, 1776, ii. 1115
vital records, ii. 1128-9
Turnersburgh, early name for Chelsea, ii. 870²
Turnpike on Mt. Hunger, in Middlesex, iv. 230²
Turnpikes, in Barnet, i. 269², 280
Barre, iv. 31-2
Calais, iv. 135-6
Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 18
Northfield, iv. 31²
Warren, iv. 811
Washington co., iv. 5²-6
Waterbury, iv. 827²
Williamstown, ii. 1142²
Woodford, i. 248²
Winooski turnpike from Montpelier to Burlington, 1808, iv. 6, 300
Turnpikes, see also Roads
Two Sisters, (island), in Grand Isle co., ii. 473
Tyler's branch, in Sheldon, ii. 368², 369
Unadilla (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Bristol, i. 19²
Underhill, granted, 1765, i. 886² .
grantees, i. 886 note
hist. by Gay H. Naramore, i. 886-90, 942-3
origin of name, i. 886²
Union copper company, ii. 875
Union house, Montpelier, iv. 262
Union mining company, ii. 1168²
Union mutual fire ins. co., iv. 485, 550
Union of N. H. towns with Vt., ii. 939-43
Union slate co., Fair Haven, ii. 706
U. S. army, enlistment during war of 1812. iv. 296
custom house at Burlington, i. 512
future progress of, by Jeremiah Evarts, i. 244-5
pension list for Rutland co., 1840. iii. 1212-30
pension lists, see also Revolutionary war pensioners
troops protect Vt. border in 1837, ii. 299-300
troops in St. Albans, 1866, ii. 309²
Unity co. est. by Vt. 1778, v. pt. 2, 273²
University of Vt., i. 521-31
illustration, eng'd by Fierce, i. 2d frontispiece
located at Burlington, i. 771
presidency, ii. 320²
proposed seal, i. 389
visited by La Fayette, i. 523
Unorganized towns, in Essex co., i. 943²
Upper salmon brook, Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277
Utley branch, of Landgrove, i. 198
Utley Flats, i. 197, 2d ed. 196²
Vaccination for small pox, in Randolph, ii. 1014-5
Valcour battle, 1776, i. 5², 80
Vale of Tears, in Brighton, i. 957
Valentine knitting mills, v. pt. 35, 45
Valley fair, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 726
Valley mills, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 3, 52
Valor of Vermonters, ii. 351²-2
Verd antique marble, in Roxbury, iv. 749
Vergennes, hist., i. 106-8
in War of 1812, i. 106²
organized, 1788, i. 78
origin of city, i. 106²
origin of name, i. 389²
pioneers, i. 107²
Vergennes Citizen, poem quoted from, i. 61² note
Dec. 25, 1857, Champlain's battle with Iroquois, by J. Strong, i. 1 note
Vergennes falls, i. 32²
Vermont, admitted to Union, 1791, i. 136², 928, 2d ed. 138²; v. pt. 2, 684
an independent state, 1777-91, v. pt. 35, 30
apportionment of representatives in Congress, iv. 542²-3
asks for arms from U. S. govt. in 1812, iv. 297²
asylum for insane, v. 147-8, 150-1
battle flags, iv. 286²
bibliography, i. 555-60
Board of education, i. 28; ii. 98
extracts from repts., i. 29; ii. 98
Board of war, Proceedings, 1778-80, iii. 1074-6
born on Breakenridge farm, i. 150², 2d ed. 153
Centennial anniversary, v. pt. 35, 56, 72-9
coinage, i. 227-8, 2d ed. 226-7
conflict with N. Y. see N. H.-N. Y. boundary conflict
constitution, i. 772 and note
constitutional conventions, 1791, v. pt. 2, 228²
see also Dorset convention, 1776; Westminster convention, 1777; Windsor convention, 1777
Council of safety, i. 130², 772, 2d ed. 131²
at Bennington, 1777, i. 153², 201, 2d ed. 156; v. pt. 35, 15²
at Manchester, 1777, i. 153², 2d ed. 156; v. pt. 3³, 15²
ceased, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
commended by Stark, v. pt. 35, 22
order of, respecting tories in Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²-8
records, iii. 872-3
counties, i. 262
declared to be a free state, Jan., 1777, i. 128
described in Eng. geography, 1808, i. 254
divided into counties, 1797, ii. 90
financial policy, i. 301
first regt. in Civil war, v. pt. 35, 6²
first seen by Cartier in 1535, ii. 89
first settler, 1741, v. pt. 2, 628²
frontier exposed to British, 1777-83, i. 158²-9, 2d ed. 161
Governor and council, in Arlington, i. 130², 2d ed. 131²
importance in national affairs, i. 921-2
in summer, iv. 407
in Civil war, 1861, i. 436-42
in the Revolution, i. 1802, 2d ed. 182
independence advocated by Jonathan Arnold, i. 391
legislature at Burlington, i. 500²
first, at Windsor, 1778, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
second, at Bennington, 1778, i. 159, 2d ed. 161
at Castleton, iii. 526
at Danville, 1805, i. 314; iv. 7
at Manchester, i. 202
est. at Montpelier, iv. 7
met Apr. 23, 1861, v. pt. 35, 6²
legislatures, 1778-1807, iv. 14², 283; v. pt. 2, 208
Vermont, maps, 1761, i. 261
see also Maps
military officers of regts., 1-8, in Civil war, i. 443-5
militia at battle of Plattsburg, i. 107²
during Patriot's war in Canada, ii. 512-4
money, i. 301²; v. pt. 2, 636
natural history cabinet, iv. 326
northern boundary, i. 461; ii. 489, 496 note
occupied by British army, 1780, iv. 253
Indians, ii. 89
official war records of 1861, i. 436-52
political purpose, 1778-90, i. 667
politics, v. pt. 35, 30-2
proposed as a separate state, v. 13²
protects N. Y. from British army, iv. 253
Rangers organized, Aug., 1777, v. pt. 35, 16
records, fragmentary, iv. 283-4
reform school at Waterbury, iv. 854, 867
burned, 1874, iv. 867
removed to Vergennes, iv. 867
regts. during War of 1812, iv. 297
in the Battle of Gettysburg, iv. 16
relied on its own resources, iv. 253
on policy rather than arms, in 1780, iv. 253
Revolutionary supplied, i. 301
secure funds by sale of wild lands and confiscation of tory property, iv. 253
soldiers at Gettysburg, ii. 387-8
state bank, at Burlington, i. 510
at Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576
library, iv. 286², 324-5
pay of soldiers in Civil war, v. pt. 35, 6²
seal, i. 135² note, 389, 2d ed. 137² note
supports in part Warner's regt. which protects her enemy, N. Y., from the British, iv. 253
troops called in 1861, i. 436-52
from Bennington co. in Civil war, v. pt. 35, 7-14
in battle of Plattsburg, 2,500, iv. 299
university, see University of Vt.
war levies in 1782, v. pt. 2, 540
Whitelaw's map, 1793, ii. 90
The Vermont (steamboat), i. 686²-7; v. pt. 2, 305²
Vermont academy, Saxtons River, with illus., v. pt. 2, 512-3
Vermont academy of medicine, iii. 519-20
see also Castleton Medical College
Vermont & Boston telegraph co.; iv. 562²
line, in Swanton, iv. 1042
Vermont & Canada R. R. ii. 302, 328-30; iv. 1042
chartered, 1845, ii. 301²-2
Vermont & Mass. R. R. in Vernon, v. pt. 2, 306
Vermont & Massachusetts Western R. R., v. pt. 2, 381²
Vermont and N. H. conflict, ii. 934-43
Vermont and N. Y. boundary settled, 1790, i. 6²; iii. 1158
Vermont Autograph and Remarker, i. 825², 828-9
Vermont Baptist state convention, v. pt. 2, 512²
bee-hive, invented by J. M. Weeks, i. 92²
bar association, iv. 358
Bible soc., ii. 101; iv. 374
brigade, in Civil war, ii. 443²; v. pt. 2, 509
Central R. R. i. 518²; ii. 301², 328²-30; iv. 516
buys Winooski turnpike for roadbed, iv. 6
Vermont, charters granted, 1835, 1843, iv. 304
extended to Barre, iv. 23²
library assoc. 1856, ii. 330
opened to Rouses Point, 1849, i. 699
proposed route, iv. 6
see also Central Vt. R. R.
classical high school, at Castleton, iii. 517
colonization society, iv. 516²
copper mining co., ii. 1137
copperas co. see New England chemical co.
Editors' & publishers' assn., v. pt. 2, 601
farm machine co., Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511²
historical gazetteer, origin, i. pref. i.
reviewed, i. 257-8
Windham and Windsor counties unpublished in 1882, iv. pref. p. iv
see also Excerpts from periodicals respecting the Gazetteer
hist. magazine, see Vt. historical gazetteer
historical society, i. pref. i; iv. 286²; v. 185-6; v. pt. 3, 72
has ms. record book of Georgia, ii. 234²
meeting at Brandon, iii. 497²
publications, iv. 322-4
international telegraph co., iv. 93
Italian quarry, i. 189², 2d ed. 190²
Journal, Spooner's, first paper received in St. Johnsbury, i. 397²
medical college, Woodstock, i. 110²
medical soc., i. 119²; ii. 99²
Methodist conference, iv. 385²
seminary and female college, iv. 385-7
mineral factory co., see New England chemical co.
missionary soc., i. 52²
Mutual fire ins. co., i. 318; iv. 282, 516-9
quarterly gazetteer, acrostic, by A. S. Lamb, i. pref. p. vi
see also Vt. historical gazetteer
R. R. assoc. formed at Montpelier, 1830, iv. 302
state teachers assn., i. 520; iv. 24; v. pt. 3, 71²
Valley R. R. v. pt. 2, 250², 381²
Western railroad, i. 136, 2d ed. 138
Vermonters, Burgoyne's opinion of, v. pt. 35, 21²
Vermont's appeal, by Stephen R. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 591², 592²
Vernon, claimed by four states, v. pt. 2, 273
former names, v. pt. 2, 274²
forts in, v. pt. 2, 277²
grantees, v. pt. 2, 275²
hist. by A. H. and Lucinda W. B. Washburn, v. pt. 2, 273-336
survey, v. pt. 2, 274², 276
town records, v. pt. 2, 287²
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 285
vital records, v. pt. 2, 309, 319-21
Vershire, description, ii. 1131-2
formerly named Caley Town and Arlington, ii. 1132
granted, 1780, ii. 1132
grantees, ii. 1132
hist. by Dr. T. G. Simpson, ii. 1131-8, 1182-3
military hist., ii. 1134-5
proprietors' records, ii. 1132
town and other officers, ii. 1132²-4
town records, ii. 1132²-3
Vessels built on Lake Champlain, 1790-1814, i. 670
Victims of Westminster massacre, v. pt. 2, 574-6
Victory, census, i. 1047²
description, i. 1045²-6
granted, 1780, i. 1045
hist. by George A. Appleton, i. 1045-51
organized, 1841, i. 1047²
pioneers, i. 1046
taxes for road, i. 1046
View from Equinox mountain, i. 203², 2d ed. 202²
Mt. Antony, i. 222, 2d ed. 220²
Peru, i. 209, 2d ed. 208
Views on Dred Scott case by Hiland Hall, v. pt. 35, 95
Violent party politics in Vt. 1808-12, i. 468-9
Virginia bounty land claims, by Hiland Hall, i. 180-1, 2d ed. 181-2
Virginia Revolutionary claims, v. pt. 35, 87-9
Visit of Pres. Monroe to Montpelier, 1819, iv. 565-6
Prince Edward at Williamstown, ii. 1142
Volcanic eruption in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 11²
Voyage de la Nouvelle France Occidentate, by Champlain, ii. 89 note
Wachusett Mt., v. pt. 2, 250², 338
Wagon, first in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 66
Waits River, early name of Bradford, ii. 808
Waits river, in Orange co., ii. 803, 815, 1106²
Waits River village, ii. 1107
Waitsfield, charter, iv. 769²
erroneous surveys, iv. 770-1
hist. by P. B. Fisk, iv. 769-800
military hist., iv. 796-800
origin of name, iv. 769
reputed center of state, iv. 769²
settled, 1789, iv. 771
town and other officers, iv. 784, 794
traditionally offered state house, iv. 769²
vital records, iv. 794
war record, iv. 773-4
Waitstown, early name for Bradford, ii. 808²
"Waking up officers," ii. 241²
see also June training
Walker family, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 402-3
Walden, hist. by James C. Bell, i. 425-30
organized, 1794, i. 426²
Walden Gore, i. 314
Wallingford centennial, by Rev. H. H. Saunderson, iii. 1183-6
description, iii. 1162
collegiates, iii. 1170
granted, 1761, iii. 1161²
hist. by Rev. H. H. Saunderson, iii. 1161²-89
lawyers, iii. 1170
physicians, iii. 1170²
pioneers, iii. 1163²-9
settled, 1763, iii. 1163²
town and other officers, iii. 1169-70
Walloomsac house, Bennington, v. pt. 35, 50
Wallomsac river, i. 136, 137², 143, 154; 2d ed. 138², 140, 145², 157; v. pt. 35, 17-8, 42²
Walloomsack grant, i. 147²-8, 173, 2d ed. 150-1, 175
river, see Wallomsac river
Waltham, formerly part of New Haven, i. 69²
history, i. 108-9
origin of name, i. 108²
Walton's Vt. register, iv. 293-4, 542
Walumscoick river, see Wallomsac river
Wantastiquet river, v. pt. 2, 382², 457-8
see also West river
Wapanachki, otherwise the Algonkins, iv. 941²
War material bought by Ira Allen in France, 1796, i. 77
War meeting, 1861, in Bennington, v. pt. 35, 6
War of 1812, and smuggling, ii. 222²-3
arbitration of disputes in Richford, ii. 286²
declared June 18, 1812, i. 670; iv. 297²
effect in Brownington, iii. 95
Burlington, i. 501-3
Coventry, iii. 145
Lowell, iii. 275
Orleans co., iii. 32
Richford, ii. 286²
Troy, iii. 320²-1
Westfield, iii. 348
in Champlain valley, i. 670-81
in Chittenden co., i. 468²-9
meeting in Montpelier, iv. 9-11
soldiers, Roswell Carpenter, ii. 770
Asahel Clark, iii. 855²
Maj. Elijah Dee, ii. 240²
Ens. John Elithorp, ii. 373²
Squire Elmer, v. pt. 2, 682
Jonas Harrington, ii. 625
Ira Hawley, ii. 606²
Gen. S. B. Hazeltine, ii. 109
Capt. Joseph Hazen, ii. 565²
Eli Hinds, ii. 625
Maj. R. B. Hyde, ii. 654
Ben Alvah Kinsley, ii. 211²
Sands Niles, ii. 913
Joseph Randall, iii. 1168
Nathaniel Read, jr., ii. 616²
Joseph Soule ii. 197²
Gen. Strong, ii. 240²
Benjamin Swift, ii. 326
John Warner, ii. 617
Capt. Thomas Waterman, ii. 800
Capt. Samuel Wead, ii. 373²
Lt. Weston, ii. 373²
Merritt Wilson, ii. 606²'
Josiah Wood, jr., iii. 1121²
Rev. Benjamin Wooster, ii. 194
of Addison, i. 7
Barre, iv. 41
Barton, iii. 75-6
Bennington, i. 140², 167, 171-3, 177², 252², 2d ed. 143, 169, 173-5, 179²
Berkshire, ii. 396
Berlin, iv. 68
Bolton, i. 937
Braintree, ii. 852
Brandon, iii. 453, 484
Brattleboro, v. 49
Bristol, i. 22
Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384
Brunswick, i. 964
Burlington, i. 574
Cabot, iv. 119
Calais, iv. 147²
Charleston, iii. 127
Charlotte, i. 737²
Chittenden, iii. 549
Clarendon, iii. 560
Corinth, ii. 883, 886
Danby, iii. 615, 653
Danville, i. 314², 317²-8
Dorset, i. 186, 188, 2d ed. 187, 189
Dover, v. pt. 2, 355
East Montpelier, iv. 587
Enosburg, ii. 155, 398-9
Essex, i. 790
Fair Haven, iii. 711², 725², 729-31, 738
Fairfax, ii. 178-9, 183, 402-3
Fairfield, ii. 408
Franklin, ii. 221²
Franklin co., ii. 391-4, 396, 398-9, 402-3, 408, 417, 420, 427-8, 430, 433-4, 444-5
Georgia, ii. 244, 417
Glover, iii. 200-1
Goshen, i. 37²
Grand Isle, ii. 534
Groton, iv. 1164.
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 47², 56-8
Highgate, ii. 265-6, 420
Hubbardton, iii. 757, 772
Hyde Park, ii. 799²
Ira, iii. 783²
Irasburg, iii. 238², 247, 249
Isle La Motte, ii. 555²
Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 435
Landgrove, i. 197²
Lyndon, i. 352
Marshfield, iv. 216
Mendon, iii. 786
Middlebury, i. 53²-4, 59²
Middlesex, iv. 250
Middletown, iii. 838
Monkton, i. 66²
Montpelier, iv. 298
Morristown, ii. 690²
Mt. Tabor, iii. 869
New Haven, i. 72
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 488²
Orange, ii. 969
Pawlet, ii. 874, 896-7, 911², 915
Peacham, i. 367²
Pittsford, iii. 943-4, 956
Pownal i. 218, 2d ed. 217
Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²-7
Randolph, ii. 998-9, 1053², 1059
Richford, ii. 286², 427-8
Roxbury, iv. 753-4
St. Albans, ii. 296², 333-4, 341²
Salem, iii. 308²
Sheffield, i. 419
Sheldon, ii. 430
Shoreham, i. 100
Shrewsbury, iii. 1132, 1137
Stamford, i. 238, 2d ed. 237²
Stowe, ii. 742-3
War of 1812, soldiers of Strafford, ii. 1070, 1083²
Sutton, v. pt. 34, 53
Swanton, ii. 444-5; iv. 1060
Thetford, ii. 1178
Tinmouth, iii. 1152
Tunbridge, ii. 1126
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540²-1
Underhill, i. 887²
Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²
Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 674
Wells, iii. 1197
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10
Williamstown, ii. 1145
Winhall, i. 246²
Worcester, iv. 910
War tax, 1781-1782, i. 267²
of Barnet, i. 274²
Bennington, 1780, i. 136, 2d ed. 138
Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540²
Ward's Creek, in Addison, i. 13
Wardsboro, census, 1791-1870, v. pt. 2, 672
freemen, 1796, v. pt. 2, 671
grantees, v. pt. 2, 671
hist. by Dr. John P. Warren, v. pt. 2, 671-83
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 673-5
organized, 1786, v. pt. 2, 337
physicians, v. pt. 2, 676
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 671
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 675
town divided, v. pt. 2, 671
Warner's cave, i. 90
men voted bounty by Bennington, Apr., 1777, i. 153², 2d ed. 155²
Warning out of town, iii. 588; iv. 113; v. pt. 2, 213, 553-4
Warren (Conn.), persons from, settle in Fairfax, ii. 178²
Warren (Mass.), persons from settle in Cambridge, ii. 611², 614, 615, 616
persons from, settle in Georgia, ii. 236²
Warren (N. H.), persons from, pioneers in Goshen Gore, i. 435²
Warren (Vt.), grantees, iv. 801
hist. by Charles W. Hemenway, iv. 801-12
military affairs, iv. 808-10
natural bridge, iv. 812²
pioneers, iv. 802
town and other officers, iv. 867-8, 811
vital records, iv. 806, 810
Warwick (Mass.), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 100²
Washburn family, of Randolph, ii. 1050-2
Washington (Mass.), persons from, settle in Cornwall, i. 26
Washington (Vt.), granted, 1781, ii. 1138²
hist. by F. A. White, ii. 1138-9
pioneers, ii. 1138²-9
town and other officers, ii. 1139
Washington (American boat), i. 5²
Washington (galley), i. 80
Washington artillery, the Governor's Guard, iv. 296
Washington benevolent soc. of Pawlet, iii. 906
Washington co. buildings, iv. 7, 286-7
Civil war record, iv. 14-21
description, iv. 1²
early survey, 1760-3, iv. 2²-3
est. by Vt., 1780, i. 464
formerly Jefferson co., iv. 1
Washington co. hist. by Dr. G. N. Brigham, iv. 1-23
history contents, iv. 925-32
incorporated, 1810, iv. 1
items, iv. 913-24
military affairs, iv. 5²
name changed to Rutland co., i. 464; ii. 474
natural history, iv. 21-3
officers, iv. 6²
partly included in Addison co-, i. 1192
town and other officers, iv. 13-4
towns, iv. 1
under N Y., i. 463 note
Washington co. bar, iv. 356-8
grammar school, at Montpelier, iv. 290-1
"Washington rifle co." of Highgate, ii. 420
Washingtonian soc., ii. 185
temperance reform, ii. 328²
Waste family, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713
Watch factory, of Roxbury, iv. 749
Watch Point, Shoreham, i. 95
Water power, in Barton, iii. 79²
Berkshire, ii. 109²-10
Brattleboro, v. 34
Fairfield, ii. 192²
Fletcher, ii. 203
Franklin co., ii. 191
Guilford, v. pt. 3, 12, 42
Highgate, ii. 259
Lyndon, i. 338²-9
Marshfield, iv. 203
Middlesex, iv. 231-3
Montgomery, ii. 277²
Plainfield, iv. 713
Salisbury, i. 89²
Swanton, iv. 1016, 1130²
Waterbury, iv. 825²
on Otter creek, in Weybrdge, i. 109²
Water street, Arlington, i. 125², 2d ed. 126
Waterbury casualties, iv. 834-5, 916
description, iv. 824-5
granted, 1763, iv. 813²
grantees, iv. 824
hist. by Rev. C. C. Parker, iv. 813-72, 913-6
military record, iv. 841-4
origin of name, iv. 813²
physicians, iv. 839
pioneers, iv. 814-20
surveyed, 1782, iv. 814
town and other officers, iv. 811, 838-40
villages, iv. 831-3
vital records, iv. 871
Waterbury lyceum, iv. 846
river, iv. 825²
Waterford, description, i. 430²
granted, 1780, i. 431
hist by T. A. Cutler, i. 430-2
pioneers, i. 431
professional men, i. 432
town and other officers, i. 432
Watertown (Conn.), persons from settle in Cornwall, i. 26²
Waterville, ii. 97
description, ii. 768, 772-3
early name Coit's Gore, ii. 769, 800
granted, 1788, ii. 768-9
hist. by E. Henry Willey, ii. 768-73
military hist., ii. 770
organized, 1824, ii. 769
pioneers, ii. 770
resources, ii. 772²
town and other officers, ii. 769, 800²
Watrous family, of Montpelier, iv. 497-8
Waubanakees, see Abnakis
Weeping rocks of Pownal, i. 213², 2d ed. 212²
Welch slate co., of Poultney, iii. 1001
Welden house, St. Albans, ii. 290²
Wells, description, iii. 1189²-90
granted, 1761, iii. 1191
grantees, iii. 1191
hist. by Almon C. Hopson, iii. 1189²-1211
military hist. iii. 1197-8
settled, 1768, iii. 1191²
town and other officers, iii. 1195-7
town records, iii. 1191²-2
Wells freeze in Castleton, iii. 504²
natural, in Arlington, i. 121²
Wells river, i. 262², 321²
origin of name, ii. 955 pond, i. 262²
Wells River, (village) directory, ii. 955-6
hist. by Rev. J. D. Butler, ii. 953-6
roads from, i. 280
settled, ii. 954
Wenusoo river, early spelling of Winooski river, iv. 251
West family, of Calais, iv. 167-8
West Brattleboro academy and female seminary, v. 20²-1, 188²-9
West Concord manufacturing co., i. 973
West Fairlee, census, 1860, ii. 908²
hist. by Alva Bean, ii. 908-15, 1169-70
military hist., ii. 909-10
set off from Fairlee, ii. 908²
town and other officers, ii. 909, 913-14
town meetings, ii. 909 see also Fairlee
West Haven, separated from Fair Haven, iii. 689²-90
West Hill, in Putney, sketch, v. pt. 2, 248-50
West Parish, Westminster, v. pt. 2, 561²
West river, v. 21; v. pt. 2, 250², 338, 457-8, 519, 532
see also Wantastiquet river
Western Vermont railroad, i. 139, 141, 2d ed. 141, 143²; iii. 598; v. pt. 35, 43²
Westfield (N. Y.), persons from, settle in Bristol, i. 21
Westfield (Vt.), charter, iii. 343
committee of safety, in 1812, iii. 347²-8
description, iii. 353-5
granted, iii. 312²
grantees, iii. 343²
hist. by Don A. Winslow, iii. 342-64, 395²
military hist., iii. 352-3
organized, 1802, iii. 344
physicians, iii. 358
pioneers, iii. 344-6
settled, 1798, iii. 316², 343
Westfield (Vt.), town and other officers, iii. 347², 350-1
Westford, collegiates, i. 897
description, i. 891
granted, 1763, i. 890²
hist. by Rev. J. H. Woodward, i. 890-900
pioneers, i. 891²
in Orleans co., changed to Westmore, iii. 367
Westminster (Mass.), persons from, settle in Hardwick, i. 327²
Westminster (Vt.), capitol of state, v. pt. 2, 576
census, 1771-1885, v. pt. 2, 568², 600², 623
church meadow, v. pt. 2, 567
co. buildings erected, v. 9
court house, 1774, v. pt. 2, 571
description, v. pt. 2, 561
divided into parishes, v. pt. 2, 637, 651²
East Parish, v. pt. 2, 635
first township grant in Vt., v. pt. 2, 564²
formerly No. 1 of Mass. grants west of Conn, river, v. pt. 2, 564
Governor's meadow, v. pt. 2, 568
granted by Mass., v. pt. 2, 251²
grantees of 2d N. H. charter, v. pt. 2, 567²
grantees' records, v. pt. 2, 564-6
hist. by Rev. F. J. Fairbanks, v. pt. 2, 561-636
hotels, v. pt. 2, 602
largest town in Vt. in 1771, v. pt. 2, 631
Lower meadow, v. pt. 2, 568
Mass. grantees, v. pt. 2, 564
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 601²-2
money, v. pt. 2, 636
monument to French and Houghton, v. pt. 2, 635², 636²
N. H. charters, v. pt. 2, 566-7
grantees, v. pt. 2, 566-7
grantees' records, v. pt. 2, 566-7
N. Y. charter, v. pt. 2, 569
original grant, by Mass., v. pt. 2, 563
originally named New Taunton, v. pt. 2, 564²
periodicals subscribed for in, about 1870, v. pt. 2, 601²
physicians, v. pt. 2, 603
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 565²-7, 577-600
Revolutionary acts in, v. pt. 2, 569-71
slave town, v. 9
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 623-8
town records, v. pt. 2, 563, 568²
West Parish, v. pt. 2, 635
boundary, v. pt. 2, 637
Westminster West, blacksmiths, v. pt. 2, 651
clergy, v. pt. 2, 646²
collegiates, v. pt. 2, 647²
hist. by Rev. Alfred Stevens, v. pt. 2, 637-70
hotels, v. pt. 2, 648
lawyers, v. pt. 2, 647²
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 651-2
physicians, v. pt. 2, 647
traders, v. pt. 2, 651
Westminster convention, 1777, i. 128; ii. 801; v. 14; v. pt. 2, 570
Westminster massacre, i. 151², 2d ed. 154; v. ii; v. pt. 2, 115, 494², 570-6
Westmore, formerly Westford, Orleans co., iii. 367
granted, 1780, iii. 365, 367
grantees, iii. 365
hist. by Calvin Gibson, iii. 365-8
military hist., iii. 366²
Westmore, organized, iii. 365², 366
pioneers, iii. 367
resettled, 1830, iii. 366
Wetmore & Morse quarry, Barre, iv. 39²
Weybridge, bounds, i. 109
collegiates, i. 111
hist. by Isaac Drake, i. 109-11
pioneers, i. 109-10
ketch, 1. 113-4
Weybridgoons, i. 114
Wheat raising in Pawlet, iii. 883
Wheelock, given to Dartmouth college, i. 269², 432²
granted, 1780, i. 432²
hist. by T. C. Cree, i. 432-3
Whigs in Guilford, v. pt. 3, 3-7
Whipping post, in Burlington, i. 504²
Castleton, iii. 516
Newfane, v. pt. 2, 463
Wells, iii. 1199
Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576
Whipping post and stocks, in Bradford, ii. 831
Whirlwind, in Washington co., 1841, iv. 22
West Fairlee, ii. 914
Whitcher's Mt., Groton, i. 321
White Creek meadows, Rupert, i. 223, 2d ed. 221²
White river, i. 41; ii. 854², 971
starting point of Stevens' survey in 1760, iv. 2²
White-face Mt., ii. 587², 694
The Whitehall Chronicle, i. 102²
Whitelaw charts of Barnet, i. 281
Whitelaw's field book and maps, i. 277
grant, location, iv. 714
map of Vt., 1793, ii. 90
Whithed family, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 330-6
Whiting, collegiates, i. 116²
hist. by W. Walker, i. 115-7
origin of name, i. 115
petition, v. pt. 2, 684
pioneers, i. 116
proprietors' meetings, i. 115
railroad depot, i. 45
Whitingham, census, 1770, v. pt. 2, 688²
description, v. pt. 2, 685-6
grantees, v. pt. 2, 684-5, 692
hist. by Clark Jillson, v. pt. 2, 684-729
land grants, v. pt. 2, 692
military affairs, v. pt. 2, 694-7
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 685
original charter, v. pt. 2, 684
petition for charter, v. pt. 2, 685²-6
petition for grant from Vt. General assembly, v. pt. 2, 689², 691
pioneers, v. pt. 2, 688-9, 693, 705
selectmen assume overseership over incapables, v. pt. 2, 691
town and other officers, v. pt. 2, 690, 723-4
town records, v. pt. 2, 690-2
Why the inhabitants of Vt. disclaimed jurisdiction of N. Y., by Hiland Hall, v. pt. 35, 91²
"Wild justice," whipping, i. 325
Wilder family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 147-8, 166-7
Wildersburgh, early name of Barre, iv. 23
Willard family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 179-81
The William Holmes (steamboat), v. pt. 2, 305²
Williams magazine, see Rural magazine
Williams river, in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495-6, 498², 502
Williamstown (Mass.), persons from, settle in Benson, iii. 408
persons from, settle in Georgia, ii. 236² 240²
Williamstown (Vt.), census, ii. 1149
collegiates, ii. 1154²-5
description, ii. 1139
granted, 1781, ii. 1140²
hist. by H. S. Davenport, ii. 1139-55
lawyers, ii. 1149
military history, ii. 1145-8 notes, ii. 1190
origin of name, ii. 1140² note
Piane's turnpike, 1803, ii. 1142²; iv. 6
physicians, ii. 1149
pioneers, ii. 1141
proprietors' records, ii. 1141
settled, 1784, ii. 1140²-1
town and other officers, ii. 1141², 1148-9
town records, ii. 1141²
vital records, ii. 1149
Williamstown Gulf, ii. 1139²
Williamsville, Newfane, v. pt. 2, 458, 727-8
Williston, census, i. 901²-2
granted, 1763, i. 900²
hist. by Harry Miller and Russell S. Taft, i. 900-30
pioneers, i. 901-2
vital records, i. 902
Williston convention, 1812, i. 469
Willoughby lake, iii. 371²-3
Willow cabs manufacture in Waterbury, iv. 833²-4
Wilmington, census, 1791-1870, v. pt. 3³, 10
charters, 1751, 1764, v. pt. 3³, 6, 7
former name, Draper, v. pt. 3³, 7
grantees, v. pt. 3³, 6²
hist. by Rev. Volney Forbes, v. pt. 3³, 5-26
lawyers, v. pt. 3³, 15
military affairs, v. pt. 3³, 9-12
origin of name, v. pt. 2, 532
physicians, v. pt. 3³, 14
pioneers, v. pt. 3³, 8-9
portion of Somerset annexed, v. pt. 2, 529; v. pt. 3³, 10²
town and other officers, v. pt. 3³, 14
town records, v. pt. 3³, 8-9
village, v. pt. 3³, 13
Wilmington agricultural soc., v. pt. 3³, 13
temperance soc., v. pt. 3³, 23
Winchester (N. H.), persons from, settle in Lyndon, i. 340
Windham, collegiates, v. pt. 3², 13-18
hist. by Mrs. Lucy B. Wood, v. pt. 3², 5-26
military affairs, v. pt. 3², 21-5
origin of name, v. pt. 3², 6²
pioneers, 1773, v. pt. 3², 5-6
singers, v. pt. 3², 18², 19
town and other officers, v. pt. 3², 10-12
vital records, v. pt. 3², 20
Windham benevolent soc. members, v. pt. 3², 19²
brass band, v. pt. 3², 19
Windham co. est., v. 17², 262; v. pt. 2, 262, 274
Windham co. fair, v. pt. 2, 725²
Windmill at Colchester Point, i. 755
Windmill for grinding wheat, ii. 493
invented by D. Halladay, v. 129
Windmill Point, on western shore of Alburg, ii. 344
revenue post, ii. 294
settled by French, 1731, ii. 488
Window glass manufacture, Burlington, i. 513
Windsor (Conn.), persons from, settle in Bristol, i. 21²
Windsor co. est., i. 262; v. pt. 2, 274
Windsor convention, June and. July, 1777, v. 14
appointed council of safety, i. 153², 201², 2d ed. 156, 201
Winhall, hist. by O. Chamberlain, i. 245-7
origin of name, i. 245²
pioneers, i. 247
Winooski falls, in Waterbury, iv. 825, 915
Winooski Falls Village, fires, i. 762
Winooski gorge, in Colchester, i. 759²
marble in Swanton, iv. 1029-30
origin of name, iv. 1030
marbles, i. 759
Winooski mill co., Burlington, i. 513
Winooski river, i. 458², 843; ii. 91², 723; iv. 1, 23², 251
formerly Onion river, i. 757
longest in Vt., iv. 251
route of French raids against English, i. 757
skirmish with Indians at, in 1709, i. 455²
see also Onion river
Winooski turnpike co., iv. 6, 300
Witchcraft in Pownal, i. 215, 2d ed. 213²
Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 692
Wolcott, granted, 1781, ii. 774
grantees, ii. 777²-8
hist. by Rev. Horace Herrick, ii. 773-83
military hist., ii. 776-7
pioneers, ii. 775, 778-82
proprietors' meetings, ii. 774
settled, 1789, ii. 774
town and other officers, ii. 783
Wolf hunt, by D. P. Thompson, iv. 70-2
Woman, education of, i. 54²
"Womans's rights" advocated in Windham co. Democrat, v. 181²
Women given land in Granville, i. 39²
Women's relief corps, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²
Wônakáke-tuk, Indian name of Little Otter Creek, i. 31²
Wood engravings of the Gazetteer, see Illustrations
Wood family, of Montpelier, iv. 519-20
Wood buttons, v. pt. 2, 502²
"Wood Scraps," in Middletown, iii. 810-19
Woodard 's cave, in Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408²
Woodbury (Conn.), persons from, settle in Arlington, 2d ed. i. 123²
persons from, settle in. Cornwall, i. 27
Woodbury (Vt.), charter, iv. 873
description, iv. 878
early records, iv. 874-5
grantees, iv. 873²
hint. by Fernando C. Putnam, iv. 873-82
military hist. iv. 879-82
origin of name, iv. 874
pioneers, iv. 873, 879
town and other officers, iv. 875-6
Woodbury (Vt.), vital records, iv. 879
Woodcuts, see Illustrations
Wooden wedding at Vernon described, v. pt. 2, 312-3
Woodford, hist. by S. Gleason, i. 248-9
pioneers, i. 248
Woodford bay, in Panton, i. 81
Woods Island, in Lake Champlain, ii. 289²
Wool, bonus on wool produced, i. 301
Woolen mills, in Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 514
Bennington, v.. pt. 35, 46
Grafton, v. pt. 2, 555-6
Swanton, iv. 1024
Worcester, casualties, iv. 900-2
description, iv. 884
disposes of undesirable poor, iv. 234-5
granted 1763, iv. 883
grantees, iv. 883
hat manufactury, iv. 890
hist. by Charles C. Abbott, iv. 883-912
military hist. iv. 909-11
neighborhoods, iv. 893-4
physicians, iv. 892
pioneers, iv. 884-7
pounds, iv. 888-90
settled, iv. 884-8
town and other officers, iv. 891-3, 912
town records, iv. 884, 887-90
vital records, iv. 902
Worcester co. (Mass.), persons from, settle in Shoreham, i. 94, 97
Worm plague in Conn, valley, 1770, ii. 923
Wright family, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 331-6
Yellow House, headquarters for smugglers in Cabot, in 1812, iv. 78, 80²
Yorkers, i. 151, 2d ed. 153
tried and punished at Bennington, v. pt. 35, 25, 26
Young gentlemen's society, Cornwall, i. 25
Young ladies' school, of Burlington, i. 536
Young ladies' seminary, Burlington, by Rev. B. W. Smith, i. 536
Young men's association, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 42
Young men's Christian ass'n, Brattleboro, v. pt. 3, 54
Fair Haven, iii. 709
Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23²
Young men's institute, Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 512
Zoquageers, in Vt., i. 31²
Zoquagees, alias Algonkins, iv. 943²