800                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smalley, B. H., of St. Albans and Swan­ton, ii. 126, 127, 128², 492, 503², 531(2); iv. 1050², 1091

Mrs. B. H. (née Marvin), ii. 366, 367²

Catholic church in St. Albans, ii. 338-40

hist. of Catholic church in Franklin co., ii. 383²-4

on Stephen Royce and family, ii. 121-3

Benjamin, from Salisbury (Conn.), of Middlebury, i. 50, 51; iii. 429

Benjamin B., of St. Albans, v. pt. 34, 40²

Benjamin H., of St. Albans and Swanton, ii. 338², 479, 480, 547²; iv. 271², 1053², 1054, 1092, 1093, 1143²

sketch, iv. 1052²

Bradley B. iv. 271²

of Burlington, iv. 1191²

C. W., of Brandon, iii. 500

Cynthia, of St. Albans, ii. 367²

of Swanton, iv. 1092², 1144

D. A., of Burlington, iii. 476(2) note, 1112², 1117², 1118(2)

of Swanton, iv. 1144, 1187²

David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 29, 33², 34²

David A., of Burlington, i. 472(2), 589², 745; ii. 480; iv. 450²

of Jericho and Burlington, i. 832

on Heman Lowry, i. 601²-2

on Gov. Van Ness, i. 608-14

David Allen, of Burlington, iv. 1200

of Franklin co., ii. 94

Rev. E. C., hist., of Charleston, iii. 116-8

Ebenezer Marvin, of Burlington, i. 553

of Swanton, ii. 94², 480; iv. 1053², 1092, 1134², 1144

on Laura P. Smalley, iv. 1091

Francis, ii. 636

H. B., candidate for governor, iv. 587

Col. Henry A., i. 440(2)

James, of Moretown, iv. 603

of Waterbury, iv. 837²

Lt. James, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Rev. John, iv. 152

Mrs. Julia C., of Swanton, iv. 1054, 1089², 1092², 1134²

poem, iv. 1093

Julia (Marvin), 2d wife of Benjamin H. Smalley, iv. 1052², 1144

Laura P., of St. Albans, ii. 339

Laura Pomeroy, of Swanton, sketch, iv. 1091

poem, iv. 1092

Martha Post (Hyde) (Calkins), wife of Francis Smalley, ii. 636

Marvin E., of St. Albans iv. 1053²

Mary Libbie, of Jefferson (O.), iv. 1093

Moses, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

O. A., of Brandon, iii. 482

Sarah (Adams), wife of E. Marvin Smalley. iv. 1053², 1054

Waters B., of Montpelier, iv. 532

William, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28²(2), 30(2), 31(2), 32(2), 33²(2), 34(2), 35(2), 38², 64

Zerah, of Middlebury, i. 50²

of Swanton, iv. 1091

Smalley & Adams, of St. Adams, ii. 547², 662²

of Swanton, iv. 1144

Smart, Caleb, of Croydon (N. H.), iv. 61²

Catherine (Black), wife of Caleb Smart, iv. 61²

J. S., v. pt. 35, 69

Rebecca. m. Dea. Fenno Comings, iv. 61²

Thomas, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120

Rev. W. S., v. pref. p. v.

Rev. William S., of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 422²(2)

of Benson, iii. 412²(2)

Smauley, Benjamin, of Salisbury, i. 90²

Smead, Amasa, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28, 31, 33, 34², 36

Capt. Amasa, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 35², 36²

Benjamin, of Brattleboro, v. 77, 180

pub. Bennington News Letter, i. 252²

Capt. Benjamin, of Brattleboro, v. 48²

Eunice (Field), wife of Joseph Smead, v. pt. 3, 77

Joseph, of Greenfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 77

Quartus, of Brattleboro, v. 42²

Reuben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152², 205²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Smedley, James, grantee of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 684², 685(2), 688²

Jedediah, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

John, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

Joseph, of Fletcher, ii. 208²

Joshua, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Joshua Kilburn, of St. Albans, ii. 93(2), 98, 316, 331²

Kilbourn, of Georgia, ii. 243²

Nehemiah, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

William, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Smeed, William, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Smerrage, Lewis, from Conn., of Lem­ington, i. 1014², 1015

Smiley, Rev. E., of Brattleboro, v. 180

of Putney, v. pt 2, 239




NAME INDEX                           801


Smiley, Nathan, of Cambridge, ii. 606

Smilie, ____, iv. 473

Edward, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486

Melville E.. of Montpelier, iv. 274, 277², 357

of Waterbury, iv. 831², 835², 839²

Nathan, from Haverhill (Mass.), of Cambridge, ii. 95², 530²(2), 587, 590, 618, 621; iv. 271

sketch, ii. 612

Smith, Ithamar, of Waitsfield, poem, iv. 778²

Smith, ____, ii. 520² note

of Albany, iii. 58²

of Brattleboro, v. 36² 58

pioneer of Bridport, i. 16²

of Brookfield, ii. 1009²

of Brownington, ii. 641²

of Cambridge, ii. 648(2), 649², 650²

of Dubuque (Ia.), iv. 179

at Durham (N. H.), iii. 1092

of Franklin, ii. 224²

of Johnson, ii. 647², 652², 670²

of Pawlet, iii. 886²

of Pittsfield, iii. 411²

of Plainfield, iv. 723

of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219

of Tunbridge, ii. 1118²

of Waterbury, iv. 819

of Addison co., ii. 645²

associate of Ethan Allen, i. 258

captain in Warner's regiment, i. 51²

companion of Ethan Allen, i. 97², 107

letter to Col. Thomas Johnson, ii. 929

m. Dr. Charles Backus, iii. 740²

m. Noah Robinson, v. pt. 2, 590 note

m. Roswell Tillie, iii. 804²

m. Seth Wetmore, ii. 314

Dea., of Middletown, iii. 834, 835

Dr., of Brownington, iii. 93

of Fair Haven, iii. 698

of Hanover (N. H.). ii. 912

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

of Phila., i. 586

of Richford, ii. 287²

of St. Albans, ii. 366²

of Shoreham, iii. 444²

of Swanton, iv. 1022

of West Haven, iii. 699

Miss, m. John Tabor, i. 884²

Mrs., of Mendon, iii. 789²

of Moretown, iv. 599, 600

of Waterbury, iv. 837

m. Adin H. Green, iii. 625

Mrs. ____, (née Chase), ii. 1026

(née Mead), iii. 1015

Rev., iii. 1051²

in Alburg, ii. 514²

in Brattleboro, v. 112

of Cabot, iv. 100²

of Fairfax, i. 95²

in Fletcher, ii. 209²

in Georgia, ii. 247²

of Guildhall and Granby, i. 994²

of Lyndon i. 346

of Middlebury, i. 52, 255²

in Newbury, ii. 951

of St. Alban,, ii. 312; iv. 427

Lt., i. 679

commander of boat Growler, i. 672²

Capt., i. 674²

Maj., of Brownington, iii. 376

of Tunbridge, iii. 273

Col., of Burlington, i. 655²

Rev. A., of Northfield, iv. 712²

A. A., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Rev. A. A., of Lowell, iii. 279², 296²

of Tunbridge and Troy, ii. 1125(2), 1129²

in Westfield, iii. 352²

A. Adella, m. Edwin A. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 396

A. B., of Morristown, ii. 590

of Swanton, iv. 1036

Rev. A. C. of Hardwick, i. 329

on Hardwick Methodist church, i. 328²

A. D., of Danby, iii. 601, 604, 647

of Swanton, iv. 1025, 1037(2), 1130

Rev. A. D., of Corinth, ii. 887²

A. G. W., of Castleton, iii. 515², 516², 522²

A. H., iii. 35²

of Randolph, ii. 995², 996

A. J., of Barre iv. 27²

A. V., of Worcester, iv. 888²

Aaron, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 144

of Johnson, ii. 670²

Mrs. Aaron, of Johnson, ii. 670²

Aaron, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Dr. Aaron, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Abel, of Eden, ii. 624²(2), 626²

from Holden (Mass.), of Eden, sketch, ii. 624

of Swanton, iv. 1134

Abida. grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Abidah, of Danville, i. 317²

Abiel, of Williamstown, ii. 1148²

Abigail, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Abigail (Farr), wife of Amos Smith, v. pt. 2, 144

Abigail H., m. Rev. Charles Cavern, iv. 785²

Abner, of Grand Isle, ii. 531² note

of Irasburg, iii. 244

Abraham, of Brookfield, ii. 855

of Charlotte, i. 737²

of Lyndon, i. 344²(2), 347, 354²

m. Eunice Kibbee, ii. 1047




802                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Abraham V., of Worcester, iv. 887(2)

Abram, of Barton, iii. 75

of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

Adin, of Northfield, iv. 672³

of Roxbury and Northfield, iv. 645, 759²

Agnes (Gillett), wife of Asahel Smith, iii. 418

Ai, of Northfield, iv. 696

Alanson G., of Strafford, ii. 1083²

Albert, of Brattleboro. v. 177²

of Brownington, iii. 96

of Castleton, iii. 521²

Rev. Albert, of Milton, sketch, i. 941

of Weybridge, i. 110

Alexander, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

of Montpelier, iv. 532

Alfred Little, lawyer, ii. 95

Alma (Andrews), wife of Maj. Smith, iii. 273

Alonzo E., of Clarendon, iii. 560²

Alonzo W., of Vershire, ii. 1135

Alpheus, of Brownington, iii. 91

Alvin, of Danby, iii. 647²

of Williamstown, ii. 1148

Alvin F., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Amanda, of Northfield, iv. 619²

m. Carlos W. Dwinell, iii. 383

Amanda (Stone), 2d wife of Jonas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Amasa, of Calais, iv. 150²

grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

of Danby, iii. 592

Rev. Ambrose, of Northfield, iv. 655², 656

Ami, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 514

Amos, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 144 of Fairfax, ii. 403²

of (Greensboro, iii. 212²(2)

Mrs. Amos, of Greensboro, iii. 212²

Amos, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28²

pioneer of Shoreham, i. 94²

Rev. Amos, of Boston, i. 545² note

Lt. Amos, from Groton (Conn.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Amos Franklin, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447²

Andrew, of Ryegate, i. 376²(2)

Ann, of Pawlet, iii. 887

m. Dr. H. Craig, v. 86

Ann Maria, of Northfield, iv. 619²

Anna, of Danby, iii. 647²

of Montpelier, iv. 328

of Northfield, iv. 627²

of Pawlet, iii. 926²

m. Charles H. Congdon, iii. 619

m. Capt. Elijah Lillie, iii. 631

m. Elijah Parks, iii. 1200

Anna (Boyce), wife of Daniel Smith, iii. 647²

Anna (Hodges), m. John Richard­son, iii. 566

Anna (Horton), wife of Oliver M. Smith, iii. 444²

Anna R., of Northfield, iv. 672²

Anna (Robinson), wife of Elijah Smith, iv. 619²

Apha, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Apollos, of Fair Haven, iii. 709

Apollos jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 728

Arthur, of Pawlet iii. 926²

Asa, of Danby, iii. 607², 614², 623, 647 (2)

of Fair Haven, iii. 677², 696²

of Grand Isle, ii. 531² note

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

of Uxbridge (Mass.), iii. 627²

of Vershire, ii. 1133, 1134

of Windham, v. pt 3², 12

Asa D., of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Asa K., of Brownington, iii. 96, 97²

Asahel, of Benson, iii. 407², 414², 417²-8

of Ludlow, iv. 573²

from Suffield (Conn.), of Benson, iii. 408²(2)

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Lt. Asahel, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Capt. Asahel. of Benson, iii. 409(2)

Ashbel, of St. Albans, ii. 336(2)

Asher, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Augustus, of Danby, iii. 647²

Augustus D., of Danby, iii. 647²(2)

Augustus N., of Danby, iii. 647²

Austin A., of Roxbury, iv. 760(2), 761

Austis Eustis (Kneeland), 2d wife of Isaiah Smith, v. pt. 2, 448

Azor, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14

Rev. Azro A., of Lowell, iii. 272(2)

sketch iii, 273

of Westfield, iii. 35², 36, 42

Azubah, m. Origin Packard, v. pt. 3³, 20

B. C., buried in Barre, iv. 41

Rev. B. W., of Burlington, i. 532², 536

of Montpelier, iv. 395², 904

Mrs. B. W., of Burlington, i. 536

of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Bareck, of Danby, iii. 647

Barney, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Beach, of Burlington, i. 669², 670

Ben, of Conn., ii. 643²

Benjamin, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499²

from Taunton (Mass.), of West­minster West, v. pt. 2, 639²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622, 625, 641², 648², 652

of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Capt. Benjamin, of New Haven (Conn.), iii. 724²

Benjamin jr., of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 499², 500




NAME INDEX                           803


Smith, Benjamin P., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Benoni, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

of Pawlet, iii. 880², 903

Capt. Benoni, of Pawlet, iii. 885, 903², 910², 924², 926²

Betsey, of Fair Haven, iii. 728

of Northfield, iv. 619

of Pawlet, iii. 926²

Betsy, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Rev. Bezaleel, of Randolph, ii. 999²

Rev. Buel W., of Colchester, i. 777²

of Irasburg, iii. 255

of Montpelier, iv. 288², 390², 391 (2)

C., of Danby, iii. 633²

Rev. C., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Rev. C. A., of Marshfield, iv. 210²

in Moretown, iv. 601

church hist, of Moretown, iv. 599²-601

C. B., from Townshend, v. pt. 2, 392, 542²

Rev. C. B., of Brandon, iii. 496²

of Castleton, iii. 514²

C. Bainbridge, of N. Y. City, in Sheldon, ii. 369(2), 381

C. F., of Swanton, iv. 1039²

Rev. C. H., of Charleston, iii. 116²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 484²

Miss C. S., in Franklin, ii. 373

Rev. C. S., of Montpelier, iv. 391², 733

of Waitsfield, iv. 781²

on Hardwick Cong. church, i. 327²-8

Caleb, of Middletown, iii. 795², 796²(2), 797, 804², 833(2)

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480²

of Shelburne, i. 858, 859, 866², 877

from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Danby, iii. 647

of Wells, iii. 1192², 1195², 1196²

Rev. Caleb, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 237

Capt. Caleb B., of Burlington, i. 669(2)

Calvin, of Barre, iv. 30, 42

of Danby, iii. 603²

Carl L., of Montpelier, iv. 337²

Carlos, of Brandon, iii. 446

Carlos L., of Montpelier, iv. 337, 529²

Mrs. Caroline H., of Milton, on Col. Alpheus Hall and Israel Hall, ii. 583-5

Caroline M., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Mrs. Caroline V., of Milton, iii. 533²

Mrs. Carrie, of Northfield, iv. 689²

Mrs. Carroll, of Barre, iv. 37

Catherine, of Danby, iii. 647²

Catherine (Cutler), m. Christopher Minot, iii. 687, 727, 733²

Caty, of Lunenburg, i. 1020²

Cephas, of Barton, iii. 75²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 165

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Tinmouth, iii. 1141², 1143

Cephas jr., of Rutland, iii. 1062², 1143

Ceylon, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 169

Chandler T., of Bennington, i. 259²

Dr. Chapman C., of Richford and Berkshire, ii. 116

Charity, of Danby, iii. 647²

Charity (Herrick), wife of Augustus D. Smith, iii. 647²

Charles, of Brandon, iii. 495²

of Bristol, i. 20²

of Rockingham, iv. 1194³

of Swanton, iv. 1080

Charles A., of Barre, iv. 25, 33, 39²­-40, 41, 43, 788

sketch of Barre Academy, iv. 24

Charles C., of Corinth, ii. 883

Charles D., of Waitsfield, iv. 787

Charles E., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Charles F., of Montpelier, iv. 358, 472

Charles Franklin, of Montpelier. iv. 552

Charles Strong, of Montpelier, iv. 551²

Charlotte, of Moretown iv. 603²

of Waitsfield, iv. 794²

Chauncey, of Benson, iii. 408², 414(2), 418

of Boston, iv. 785

of Danby, iii. 654

of St. Albans, ii. 393²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13, 22

editor, i. 559²

Dr. Chauncey, of Benson, iii. 414²(2), 415²

Dr. Chauncey P., of Benson and Leroy (N. Y.), iii. 418²

Chester, of Lunenburg, i. 1020²

of Middlesex, iv. 250

Chloe, of Milton, i. 841

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

m. Rutherford Hayes, v. 67², 175

Christopher, from Marlow (N. H.), of Williamstown, iv. 54²

Clara L., poem, i. 119

Clarissa, m. Alfred Green, v. pt. 2, 708

Claudius B. of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541²

Rev. Claudius B., of Brandon, iii. 496², 500²-1

Clement, of Fair Haven, iii. 701

Clementia, m. George Cook, v. pt. 2, 168²

Comfort, of Barre, iv. 41²

Cornelia A, m. Ira Allen, iii. 742

Cornelius, of Cabot, iv. 85, 104², 108²

Corner, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²




804                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Cylinda (Dutton), wife of Manor Smith, v. pt. 2, 42

Cyrus, of Marshfield, iv. 208²

of Tinmouth and Vergennes, iii. 1143

of Victory, i. 1047²

of Walden, i. 426

Dr. D. B., of Plainfield, iv. 734²

D. C., of Brandon, iii. 500

Mrs. D. T., poem, iv. 193

Dan, of Fair Haven, iii. 690², 732²

of West Haven, iii. 687², 699², 728

Danforth A., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Daniel, of Barton, iii. 75

of Cabot. iv. 98(2), 104²

of Clarendon, iii. 1085²

of Danby, iii. 619, 647²

grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191(2)

of Guilford. v. pt. 3, 28, 35²

of Middlesex, iv. 222²

of Milton, i. 841

of Monkton, i. 67

of St. Johnsbury, i. 396²

of Sheldon, ii. 378

grantee of Windham, v. pt. 3³, 6²

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873², 874(2), 876, 879²

Capt. Daniel, of Rupert, i. 200

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Daniel B., of Coventry, iii. 139, 141(2), 143, 159

Daniel C., of Danby, iii. 647²

of Eden, ii. 626

Daniel M., of Brunswick, i. 965²

of Stowe, ii. 763

Darius, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Dr. Darius, of Hancock, i. 43²

David, of Braintree, ii. 852²

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

of Northfield, iv. 619

of Poultney, iii. 991

grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

David C., of Shelburne, iv. 1194³

David H., of Pawlet, iii. 878

David P., of Md., v. pt. 3², 16²

David R., of Pawlet, iii. 907²

Debrah, of Danby, iii. 647

Delia E., of Randolph, ii. 996

Demis (Oatman), wife of Col. Milo Smith, iii. 823²

Denison, of Montpelier, iv. 350², 352

from Plainfield (N. H.), of Barre, ii. 959; iv. 13², 27(2), 28(2), 34²(2), 437², 463², 464

Desire, m. Solomon Miller, iii. 1172

Dinah (Hulett) (Weller), wife of Elisha Smith, ii. 628

Dorman, of Fletcher, ii. 215²

Doton, of Middleboro (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 101

Drusilla, m. Abner Bartlett, iii. 611

Dr. Dudley B., from Williamstown, of Plainfield, iv. 722, 725², 730(2), 731²

hist. of Plainfield, iv. 713-34

Dwight T., from Dummerston, of Dubuque (Ia.), v. pt. 2, 169

E.. iii. 1074²

E. A., of Danby, iii. 627²

of St. Albans, ii. 434²

of Swanton, iv. 1134

Rev. E. B., of Poultney, iii. 994

E. C., of Cabot, iv. 102²

E. G., of Charleston, iii. 109

Dr. E. H., ed. of Collection of Amer­ican poetry, i. 566 note

Eld. E. H., of Wallingford, iii. 1177

E. L., Barre granite, iv. 38-9

of Marshfield, iv. 222

E. M., of Swanton, iv. 1187²

m. Rev. Jay Powell, ii. 288

Dr. E. T., of. Corinth, ii. 882²

Rev. Earl, of Randolph, ii. 999²

Rev. Eben, of Waterford, i. 431²

Eben jr., of Cabot, iv. 108

Eben C., of Northfield, iv. 682²

Ebenezer, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

of Cabot, iv. 95, 102,, 103², 104²

of Danby, iii. 591², 607², 647(2)

of Fairfax, ii. 171², 403

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

from Reading (Mass.), of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24(2)

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Rev. Ebenezer. of Benson, iii. 412²

of Tunbridge, iii. 1124²

Col. Ebenezer, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Ebenezer 2d, of Danby, iii. 647²

Edgar, of Highgate, ii. 421

Edgar L., of Marshfield, iv. 204²

Rev. Edmund H., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 52²

Edward, of Brandon, iii. 500²

of Walden, i. 427

Edward A., of Northfield, iv. 619²

of St. Albans, ii. 386

Gov. Edward C., v. pt. 35, 73²

Dr. Ela. of Swanton, iv. 1098

Rev. Eleazer, of Montpelier, iv. 381²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19

Eli, of Essex, i. 783²

Dea. Eli, pioneer of Shoreham, i. 94², 95², 96, 101, 661²

Rev. Eli B., of Poultney, iii. 993(2)

Rev. Eli Burnham, Pres. Franklin co. teachers' institute, ii. 98²

Eli S., of Swanton, iv. 1055²

Elial, of Benson. iii. 417²(2)

Elias, of Calais. iv. 136. 165², 174(2)




NAME INDEX                           805


Smith, Dr. Elias, of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Rev. Elias, of Waterford, iii. 379²

Elihu, of Clarendon, iii. 432

of Whiting, i. 116

Rev. Elihu, of Castleton, iii. 517²(2), 519, 520², 527²(2)

Elijah, of Northfield, iv. 614, 615², 616, 619, 648², 649, 671, 681²

Elijah jr., of Northfield, iv. 613², 615², 619(2), 667, 683

Eliphalet, pioneer of Panton, i. 79

Elisha, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

of Clarendon, iii. 561²(2)

grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

of Danby, iii. 628

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 108², 2d ed. 161

Rev. Elisha, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 442

Lt. Elisha of St. Albans, ii. 433

Capt. Elisha, of Pawlet, iii. 874², 879²

Col. Elisha, of Sheldon, Rev. sol­dier, ii. 373²

Eliza, of Milton, i. 841

of Pawlet, iii. 926²

Eliza. (Bemis), wife of Loran Smith, v. pt. 2, 63²

Eliza (Walker), wife of S. J. Smith, v. pt. 2, 94²

Elizabeth, of Brattleboro, v. 85²

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670²

m. Capt. Benoni Smith, iii. 926²

m. Jesse Hills, iii. 647²

Elizabeth M., m. Rev. Moses Robinson, i. 937²

Elizabeth (Rogers), wife of Nathan Smith, iii. 647

Elizabeth( Smith), 2d wife of Capt. Benoni Smith, iii. 926²

Elizabeth (Stedman), wife of Ichabod Smith, iii. 417²

Dr. Ella, of Benson, iii. 414²

Ellen J., m. C. J. Gleason, iv. 472

Elvira E., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Emily, of Northfield, iv. 619

Mrs. Emma (Wood), of Windham, sketch, v. pt. 3², 16-7

Emogene (Boyce), wife of Dwight T. Smith, iv. 179; v. pt. 2, 169

Enoch, of Brunswick, i. 964

of Clarendon, iii. 561², 569, 648

of Danby, iii. 665

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 36², 37

Dr. Enoch A., of Huntington, i. 816(2)

Enoch T., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Dea. Enos, pioneer of Chelsea, ii. 870², 871(2), 880², 1167(2)

Dr. Epaphras, of Corinth, ii. 882

Ephraim, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

of Pawlet, iii. 878, 926²

of Swanton, iv. 998

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 582²

Mrs. Ephraim, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²(2)

Ephraim, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 698(2), 723², 724

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Ephraim S., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Erastus, of Irasburg, iii. 243²(2)

Erastus P., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Esther, of Chelsea, ii. 1167

of Roxbury, iv. 757

Esther (Arnold) (Hills), wife of Benjamin Smith, v. pt. 2, 609, 622

Esther (Lyman), wife of Dr. Thomas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Ethan, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Rev. Ethan, of Haverhill (N. H.), in Bradford, ii. 820²

of Poultney, iii. 520², 995², 996

Eunice, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Eunice (Griswold), of Brookfield, ii. 1009²

Eunice (Kibbee), wife of Abraham Smith, ii. 1047

Eunice L., wife of Solomon Smith, ii. 1176

Experience, from Walpole (N. H.), of Newbury, ii. 945

m. Solomon Dunham, iv. 626²

Ezekel, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Ezekiel, of Bennington, i. 153, 2d ed. 155²

of Craftsbury, iii. 381²

of Danby, iii. 591, 592, 599

Ezra, of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 681(2), 682²

Lt. F., of Strafford, ii. 1177²

F. C., v. pref. p. v.

F. E., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

of Montpelier, iv. 355²

of Northfield, iv. 656²

Rev. F. W., in Fairfield, ii. 197²

Fanny, of Northfield, iv. 619

Fanny B., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Fanny (Chipman), wife of William Douglas Smith, iii. 1098

Fida, from Sutton, in Mass., v. pt. 34, 37

Filana (Field), wife of William Smith, v. pt. 3, 78

Frances, of St. Albans, ii. 366²

m. Capt. Edward Hall, iv. 896²

Francis, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

of Swanton, iv. 1080², 1099




806                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Rev. Francis, in Enosburg, ii. 465²

from Providence (R. I.), of Rutland, iii. 1042²

Francis E., of Bennington, i. 259²

Rev. Francis P., from Gilmantown (N. H.), of Guildhall, i. 1010²

sketch, i. 1013²-14

Rev. Francis W., of Brattleboro, v. 33

in Fairfield, ii. 199

in Enosburg, ii. 147, 160

Frank B., from Waitsfield, of N. Y., iv. 785²

Dr. Frank B., from Randolph, of N. Y., ii. 1006, 1007

Frank N., of Waterbury, iv. 871²

Rev. Franklin Gillett, of Benson, iii. 416²(2)

Fred, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352

Col. Fred E., of Montpelier, iv. 279², 299, 336, 352², 353(2), 411², 413, 420, 521², 567²; v. pt 2, 590 note

Frederick, of Burlington, i. 513, 514, 669

of Ripton, i. 87

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Lt. Frederick, grantee of Strafford, ii. 391, 1069. 1070², 1072(2), 1073(2), 1077, 1080², 1083(2), 1084(2), 1088²

Mrs. Frederick, of Strafford, ii. 1068²

Frederick jr., of Strafford, ii. 1083²

Frederick E., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Freeman, of Elmore, ii. 591, 627

of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

Freeman W., of Strafford, ii. 1083²

Friend, of Danby, iii. 607², 618²

Friend R., of Danby, iii. 647²

Rev. Friend W., of Poultney, iii. 995² note, 1047

G. A., poem, ii. 469²-70

G. G., of St. Albans, ii. 338², 366², 386

Mrs. G. G., of St. Albans, ii. 366², 367

Gad, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19², 20

Dr. Gaius, of Bennington, i. 164², 2d ed. 166²

George, of Brownington, iii. 90

of Cabot, iv. 76²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Montpelier, iv. 563

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726

of Newport, iii. 295²

of Rutland, iii. 1046

British agent, i. 918

Rev. George, of Brandon, iii. 474²

of Danby, iii. 606²

of Hebron (N. Y.), iii. 903², 1195²

of Pawlet, iii. 905(2)

George C., of Cabot, iv. 121

of Northfield, iv. 697

George E., of Bridgewater, iv. 1192²

of Brownington, iii. 95

George G., of South Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

George H., of Montpelier, iv. 532

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675

George M., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

George W., of Richford, ii. 282

Gideon, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

of Brunswick, i. 961², 962²

of Newbury, ii. 939²

of Washington, ii. 1139

Gilbert, of Brattleboro, v. 60, 65, 97

Gilbert O., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Gilman, m. Theresa M. E. Bissell, ii. 1015

Grant, of Fairlee, ii. 895, 905²

Gregory, iv. 393²

Gurdin H., of Manchester, i. 202

H. B., of Milton, ii. 480; iv. 1055

Rev. H. H., in Danby, iii. 607

H. M., of Randolph, ii_ 1047²

Rev. H. R., of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164²

H. S., of Montpelier. iv. 354²

H. W., of Burlington, i. 547(2)

Hannah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77

of Goshen, i. 36²

m. Levi Trowbridge, iii. 724²

m. Nathaniel Knight, iv. 1148

m. Paul Dillingham, iv. 861

Hannah (Alexander), wife of Amos Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Hannah (Potter), 2d wife of Daniel Smith, iii. 647²

Rev. Hannibal H., of Fair Haven, iii. 717

Happy John, pseud., of Roxbury, iv. 764

Harlow C., of Enosburg, ii: 135²

Harlow P., of Cabot, iv. 102²

of Franklin co., ii. 94

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Harriet (Brown), wife of Amos F. Smith, v. pt. 2, 447²

Harriet (Leonard), wife of Gen. Heman R. Smith, i. 807²

Harriet N., of Burlington, i. 532²

Harris, of Barton, iii. 75

Harry, of Highgate, ii. 265

of Milton, i. 941

of Swanton, iv. 1134²

Dr. Hart, of Randolph and Mont­pelier, ii. 1006²; iv. 278, 532

Harvey, of Cabot, iv. 87²

Rev. Harvey, of Weybridge, i. 110

Col. Harvey, of Thetford, iv. 896²

Harvey D., of Poultney, iii. 981

Rev. Harvey S., of Enosburg, ii. 146²

Heber R., of St. Albans, ii. 366²

Helen E., of Randolph, ii. 995²

Gen. Heman R., of Hinesburg, i. 795, 798², 807², 808




NAME INDEX                           807


Smith, Henrietta, m. Gen. Franklin H. Fessenden, v. 86, 110²

Henry, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Brattleboro, v. 43(2), 85², 86(2)

of Grand Isle, ii. 531² note, 535²

of Lowell, iii. 269²

of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

of Pawlet, iii. 908²

of Roxbury, iv. 748², 758, 760²

of Washington, ii. 1139

Rev. Henry, of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164

of Weathersfield (Conn.), iii. 417²

Maj. Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 110², 172², 173(2)

Henry D., of Cabot, iv. 121

Henry H., of Marshfield, ii. 763²

of Pawlet, iii. 894²

of Stowe. ii. 768²

Herbert R., of Randolph, ii. 994

Hezekiah, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Hiram A., of Rutland, iii. 1067²

Hiram B., of Georgia, ii. 94², 243²

Capt. Hiram, navigated Conn. river, ii. 955

Hoel, of Pawlet, iii. 926²(2)

Dr. Horace, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722²

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14²

Horace E., of Topsham, ii. 1114

Huldah, m. Col. Stephen Martindale, iii. 1153

Rev. I., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

I. C., of Brownington, iii. 97²

I. H., Orange co. officer, ii. 806

Rev. I. L., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Icabod, of Stanstead (P. Q.), iii. 97²

Ichabod, of Suffield (Conn.), iii. 417²

Ira, of Albany, iii. 66²

of Marshfield, iv. 204², 206²

sketch, iv. 221

of Orwell, iv. 573²

of Pawlet, iii. 926², 931

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 586

Dr. Ira, of Monkton, i. 67

Isaac. of Brownington, iii. 91², 92, 96(2)

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28

of Maidstone, i. 1030(2)

of Manchester, i. 203, 204², 2d ed. 202, 203²

of Shelburne, i. 857, 862

of Franklin co., ii. 92² pensioner, ii. 393

Isaac B., of Glover, iii. 199²

Isaac C., of Brownington, iii. 96²

of Salem, iii. 309²(2)

Isaiah, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Israel, of Brattleboro, v. 57, 175

of Cabot, iv. 104²

of Charleston, iii. 129

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Thetford, Bradford grantee, ii. 811²(2), 812², 813(2), 816², 820², 1092, 1093, 1095

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Orange co. officer, ii. 804²(2)

Gov. Israel, i. 170, 175, 214, 500, 2d ed. 172, 176², 223; ii. 133²; iii. 48, 414, 721², 855²(2), 887, 894², 926², 1013, 1061, 1062; iv. 270²

Maj. Israel, in Rev. war, ii. 389²

Israel C., of Brownington, iii. 90

Israel H., of Thetford, iv. 573²

Ithamar, of Waitsfield, iv. 776, 781², 784², 785

Ithamer, author, iv. 12²

pensioner, ii. 393

Ithiel, of Albany, iii. 48

J., of Brandon, iii. 478²

of Randolph, ii. 1032²

portrait, ii. facing p. 89

Rev. J., of Strafford, ii. 1082

Dr. J. B., in Brookfield, ii. 863

Rev. J. B., in Granville, i. 41

J. D., of Waterbury, iv. 840

J. E., & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

J. Elnathan, of Vershire, ii. 1137

J. M., of Glover, iii. 200

of Groton, iv. 1163²

Rev. J. M., in Shelburne, i. 883²

J. N., of Addison, i. 10²

J. P.. of Groton, iv. 1163²

hist. of Newark, i. 356²-8

Dr. J. Pye, ii. 31 note

J. R., of Highgate, ii. 264², 265

Dr. J. S., of Randolph, ii. 995², 1001(2), 1002, 1003(2), 1005(2), 1007; iv. 1200

Mrs. J. S. (née Sabine), of Ran­dolph, ii. 1001(2), 1006

Dr. J. V., of Glover, iii. 208²

J. W., farm in Addison, i. 14

Jabez, of Braintree, ii. 847²

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

of Newark, iv. 1194³

Jacob. of Fairfax, ii. 171²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Milton, i. 839²

of Montpelier, iv. 279², 330, 549(2)

of Royalton, iv. 440

of Saulsbury (Conn.), ii. 376

of Two Heroes, Grand Isle co., ii. 523

Jacob & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 280

James, of Berlin, iv. 68

of Fairfax, ii. 171²

of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 884²




808                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, James, of Middletown, iii. 820

of Moretown, iv. 603

of Newbury, ii. 945²

of Poultney, iii. 966, 971, 974

of Ryegate, i. 376², 377

of Swanton ii. 445; iv. 1061

of Williamstown, ii. 1141², 1145²

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7², 10

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 20

in War of 1812, ii. 392

Dr. James, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Rev. James, of Cabot, iv. 101

in Bloomfield, i. 952

in Groton, iv. 1167²

of Strafford, ii. 1080

Lt, James, of Poultney, iii. 965²

Rev. James M., in Charlotte, i. 742²

James R., of Pittsford, iii. 946

Capt. James T., iv. 319

Jane, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 512²

Jarvis S., of Cabot, iv. 122²

Jedediah, from Middletown, of N. Y., iii. 804²

of Roxbury, iv. 757, 1199²

of Williamstown, ii. 1148²(2)

Jehiel, in Fairfield, ii. 192²

on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Dr. Jehiel, in Randolph, ii. 1006²

Jemima, of Pawlet iii, 926²

m. Heman Foster, iv. 896²

m. Seely Brown, iii. 910², 924²

Jeremiah, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Jesse, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Eld. Jesse, of Swanton, iv. 1093²

Capt. Joab, from Oakham (Maas.), of Fairfield, ii. 192²; iv. 573²

sketch, ii. 196²-7

Joanna., of Calais, iv. 166

m. George Sheldon, ii. 375²

Joel, of Rutland, iii. 1081

John, of Bennington, i. 143²(2), 146², 153, 158², 2d ed. 145², 155², 160²

grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

of Chester, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

in Clarendon, iii. 557

of Dorchester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 35

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 111

of Fairfax, ii. 176²

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 677², 679²

of Fletcher, ii. 210

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

from Groton (Conn.), of Marl­boro, v. pt. 2, 447

of Guildhall, i. 1000

of Irasburg, iii. 244

of Leicester, i. 44²

of Maidstone, i. 1028², 1029

of Newbury, ii. 947²(2)

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

of Pawlet, iii. 897²

of Poultney, iii. 675²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226(2), 230²

of Randolph, ii. 989²(2)

of Rutland, iii. 1043(2), 1057, 1059, 1080², 1081²

of St. Albans, ii. 93, 301², 302, 314, 329, 331², 365 note, 480, 531(2); iv. 271²

sketch, ii. 316²-17

of Socialborough, i. 126, 2d ed. 127

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42², 43²

of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1045, 1047, 1088, 1132², 1134, 1144²

of Topsham, ii. 1111

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624², 625², 649

pioneer of Whiting, i. 116(2)

of Williamstown, ii. 1140², 1145², 1149

of Franklin co., ii. 93²

discoverer, i. 659

Green Mountain Boy, iii. 558, 582², 585²

Mrs. John (née Goodenow), iii. 448²

Rev. John, in Northfield, iv. 650

in Roxbury, iv. 751

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

circuit preacher, iii. 80²

Capt. John, of Franklin co., in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Capt. John, of Rutland, iii. 1080

of Shoreham, i. 100

Capt. John 2d, of Rutland, iii. 1080

John jr., of Bennington, i. 143², 145(2), 2d ed. 146, 147

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

John A., of Newark, i. 451

John C., of Fair Haven, iii. 705

John D., of Waterbury, iv. 838², 871²

hist. of Panton, i. 77²-83

John E., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Gov. John Gregory, of St. Albans, ii. 94², 96, 97²(2), 102, 298, 303², 308², 310, 329², 331², 365, 454, 480, 531(2); iii. 5, 301, 523²; iv. 271², 307, 325², 587, 622, 1124; v. pref. v, 155²

portrait, ii. facing p. 289²

Mrs. J. Gregory, of St. Albans, iv. 1124, 1196²

Rev. John L., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²




NAME INDEX                           809


Smith, Rev. John L., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 446²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

John R., of Marshfield, ii. 763

of Stowe, ii. 744²

John S., of Hardwick, ii. 590

Dr. John S., of Randolph, ii. 996, 1026²

sketch, ii. 1006(2)

Rev. John S., in Morgan, iii. 288²

John W., iv. 592

of Chelsea, ii. 806(2), 871

of Montpelier, iv. 427²

of Northfield, iv. 645²

of Stowe, ii. 715, 717

Johnson, of Johnson, ii. 670²

of Topsham, ii. 1105² note

Jonas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Jonas N., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Jonathan, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Brownington, iii. 72², 90²(2), 94

of Charleston, iii. 118, 119

of Newbury, ii. 947²

of Richford, ii. 286²

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1126²

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

of Wolcott, ii. 783

Gen. Jonathan, of Brattleboro, v. 51

Brig. Gen. Jones, v. pt. 2, 447

Joseph, v. pt. 2, 161²

of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

of Berkshire, i. 956(2)

sketch, ii. 116²

grantee of Bolton, i. 482

of Cabot, iv. 94²

of Clarendon, iii. 555², 561²(2)

of Danby, iii. 603

grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

of Middletown, iii. 818²(2)

in Pawlet, iii. 905²

of Strafford, ii. 1083²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 674²

of Wells, iii. 1197

lawyer, ii. 92²

Mormon iii. 812, 819(2), 912, 920, 1001, 1057², 1200²; iv. 677²

Mrs. Joseph, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Joseph jr., of Putney and North­field, iv. 626, 628

Joshua, from Ashford (Conn.), of Marshfield, iv. 204, 205

of Brownington, iii. 92

of Woodstock (Conn.), iv. 221

Dea. Joshua, of Richford, ii. 282

Dr. Joshua B., of Northfield, iv. 616

Josiah, of Barton, iii. 80

of Northfield, iv. 627²

of Pawlet, iii. 903², 917², 926²(2)

from Sandwich (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18², 36², 41², 44

Josiah jr., of Pawlet, iii. 926²

Josias, of Vergennes, i. 106²

Judson, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651²

Julia, m. Horace Hollister, iii. 917², 926²

Julia A., of Northfield, iv. 619²

Julia (Knapp), wife of Dr. Orin Smith, iv. 54²

Julia M., m. James Hope, iii. 537

Justice, of Montreal, ii. 308

Dr. Justin, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Rev. Justin A., of Bennington, i. 162², 164, 2d ed. 164², 166; v. pt. 35, 48

Justus, of Brownington, iii. 72², 90²

Katherine, m. William Miller, v. pt. 2, 179²

wife of John Smith, v. pt. 2, 35

Mrs. Keturah, iv. 221

Kirby, ii. 748

L., of Danby, iii. 653²

L. B., of Rutland, iii. 1068²

L. J., of Fair Haven, iii. 728

L. L., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

of Stowe, ii. 715

Mrs. L. M., of Montpelier, iv. 278

L. W., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Rev. Larned, of Brookfield, ii. 863

Laura, of Pawlet, iii. 926²

Lavinia, m. Marshal Howard, ii. 176²

Leander, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55

Leander W., of Montpelier, iv. 532

Lemuel, of Roxbury, iv. 757², 763²

Leonard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 61²

of Roxbury, iv. 757

Levi, of Fair Haven, iii. 702

of Northfield, iv. 645²

of Strafford, ii. 1083²

Rev. Levi, of Barnet, i. 300

of Ira, iii. 782²

of Pittsford, iii. 946

Lewis, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 119

Linda (Dutton), wife of Manor Smith, v. pt. 2, 167²

Lisemore, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Lois (Wilber), wife of Daniel C. Smith. iii. 647²

Loraine, of Fair Haven, iii. 728

Loran, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 63²

Lorane M., iii. 200²

Louis McDonald, of St. Albans, ii. 308²

Louisa, of Northfield, iv. 619²

Loyal, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 168², 202

Loyal jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 169

Lucien P., of Clarendon, iii. 573²

Dr. Lucius, of Fair Haven and Brandon, iii. 743




810                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Lucius E., of Monkton, iv. 1194³

Lucretia, of Newport, iii. 297

m. Wesley Clemons, iii. 1207²

Lucy, of Fair Haven, iii. 728

of Irasburg, iii. 260²

m. Thomas Sanders, ii. 1027

Lucy A., m. Charles A. Reed, iv. 472

Lucy (Allen), wife of Orange Smith, i. 571

Lucy (Hatch), wife of Dr. Orange Smith, iv. 787

Lucy P., m. Samuel A. Willard, ii. 800

Lucy (Rowe), wife of John Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Lucy (Whitney), wife of Jonas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Lurinda, m. John Johnson, i. 596²

Luther, of Brownington, iii. 90²

of Danby, iii. 654

Luther L., of N. Y., iv. 785²

Lydia, of Danby, iii. 647(2)

Mrs. Lydia, of Hadley (Mass.), ii. 320

Lydia W., of Northfield, iv. 672

Lydia (Waterman), wife of Adin Smith, iv. 645²

Rev. Lyman, of Charlotte, i. 743²

of Essex, i. 788², 789

M., of Bridport, i. 17²

of Middletown. iii. 835²

M. D., of Northfield, iv. 697

Rev. M. J., of Middletown, iii. 834²

Miss M. L., of Newport, poem, iii. 386²

Dea. Major, of Tunbridge, ii. 1122, 1125²

Maner, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 104²

Manor, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 42, 167²

Margaret, in Middlesex, iv. 245

Maria W. (Curtis), wife of John Smith, ii. 317

Maria (Willard), wife of Ira Smith, iii. 931

Mariah, m. Freeman Brigham, v. pt. 2, 716

Marshal, taken prisoner, i. 6

Marshall, of Bridport, i. 17²

Martain, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Martha, m. Moulton Fish, iii. 623

Martha (Pierce), wife of Doton Smith, v. pt. 2, 101

Martin, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

from Litchfield (Conn.), of Rupert, i. 224, 2d ed. 223

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 330, 396

of Newbury, ii. 947²

of Northfield, iv. 708

of Sutton, v. pt 34, 43²

of Waitsfield, iv. 1199²

of Worcester, iv. 896²

m. N. Pennock, ii. 1006

Mary A., m. William Hitt, iii. 627²

Mrs. Mary Ann, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Mary Ann (Little), wife of Rev. Worthington Smith, ii. 320

Mary (Bartlett), wife of Rev. Elisha Smith, v. pt 34, 18²

Mary (Brewer), wife of Dr. J. S. Smith, ii. 1006

Mary Cummings, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Mary H., of Danby, iii. 647²

Mary L., of Northfield, iv. 645²

Mary M., of Northfield, iv. 671

Mary (Presson), wife of Leonard Smith. v. pt. 2, 61²

Mary (Walker), wife of Loyal Smith, v. pt. 2, 95, 168²

Mary Warner (Goss), wife of Ora­mel H. Smith, iv. 472, 552

Matthew Hale, of Hartford (Conn.), v. pt. 3, 53²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485²

Rev. Matthew Hale, of Brattleboro, v. 178²

Medad, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

Mehitable, m. Nathaniel Webster, iv. 109

Col. Melancton, i. 674², 679, 682

Mercy, of Danby, iii. 647²

Mrs. Mercy, of Rutland, iii. 1059²

Michael, of Brunswick, i. 964

Col. Milo, v. pt. 2, 49²

of the West, iii. 823²

Milo W., of Benson, iii. 415²(2)

Mima, of Pawlet, iii. 926²

Molly (Mudgett), wife of Dea. Reu­ben Smith, iv. 627²

Moody, of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

Moses, pioneer of Berlin, iv. 53

of North Adams (Mass.), i. 260³

of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

Myron W., of Fairlee iv. 1194³

N. B., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

N. G., of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

N. J., of Clarendon, iii. 557

of Danby, iii. 601

N. W., of Plainfield, iv. 729

Rev. N. W., of Barnet, i. 300

Nabby, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Nancy, of Moretown, iv. 603

of Woodbury, iv. 879²

Mrs. Nancy, from New Durham (N. H.), of Newbury, ii. 945

Nancy L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 169

Nancy (Pierce), wife of Loyal Smith, v. pt. 2, 168²

Napoleon, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125

Nathan, of Burlington, i. 496, 502, 509², 519²

of Danby, iii. 591², 603², 607², 647, 648




NAME INDEX                           811


Smith, Nathan, of Marshfield, iv. 204

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128, 1137

of Swanton, iv. 1003

of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

pensioner, ii. 393

taken prisoner, i. 6

Dr. Nathan, of Burlington, i. 649

of Hanover (N. H.), i. 1042; iv. 54, 154, 445², 446, 511, 582², 1135

Prof. Nathan, of Dartmouth, v. 65²

Maj. Nathan, of Shoreham, in Bennington battle, i. 94²

in Rev. war, ii. 389², 390²; iii. 872²

Nathan 2d, of Swanton iv. 1003

Nathan B., of Clarendon, iii. 575

Nathan J., of Clarendon, iii. 561², 569

Dr. Nathan Ryno, of Burlington, i. 649, 939²

Rev. Nathan W., of Topsham, ii. 1108

Nathaniel, of Danby, iii. 592

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 675, 682²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 18²(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 880² 881

of Poultney, iii. 965, 971, 972(2)

Dr. Nathaniel, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722²(2)

Capt. Nathaniel, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 926

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Dr. Nathaniel R., of Burlington, i. 504

Nehemiah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1125, 1128

Capt. Nehemiah, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128², 1137

Rev. Nelson, of Brookfield, ii. 863

Newell, of Charleston, iii. 119

Noah, i. 500; iv. 256; v. 15; v. pt. 35, 101²

of Bennington, i. 59, 158², 165², 466; ii. 167²(2), 168, 671²; iii. 72²

of Charleston, iii. 129

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

of Milton, i. 841

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

of Pawlet, iii. 887, 894², 926², 927

of Poultney, iii. 972²

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

O., of Swanton, iv. 1129

O. H., of Montpelier, iv. 13², 14, 277², 334², 351

O. J., of Richford, ii. 282, 288

O. L., of Worcester, iv. 888², 893, 907²

Mrs. O. L. (née Ladd), iv. 901

Obediah, of Tunbridge, ii. 1115²

Oliver, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202²

of Stamford, i. 238

Oliver M., of Brandon, iii. 444²(2), 445, 495²

Oramel H., of Montpelier, iv. 273²(2), 274, 282, 302(2), 304², 322, 327², 351², 357², 470², 510², 552, 571²

sketch, iv. 471

Mrs. Oramel H. (née Goss), iv. 471

Oramel L., of Thetford and Worces­ter, iv. 887, 896, 907²

Orange, of Essex, i. 781²

of Highgate, ii. 257², 264²

of Swanton, i. 571; iv. 994², 1003, 1004², 1022, 1132, 1133², 1185²

of Waitsfield, iv. 787², 788, 795

Dr. Orange, of Waitsfield, iv. 784², 787

Rev. Origen, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 348

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²

on Rev. Mansfield Bruce, v. pt. 3³, 19

Dr. Orin, of Berlin, iv. 54²

Orin H., of Marshfield, iv. 205. 221

Orpha (Horton), wife of Dr. Smith, iii. 444²

Dr. Orrin, of Montpelier, iv. 278, 359, 481

of Williamstown, ii. 1149

Orson, of Barre, iv. 41²

Orville J., of Richford, ii. 281

Osheas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Otis, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 620

P. H., of Middletown, iii. 835²

Rev. P. H., in Fair Haven, iii. 717

in Wells, iii. 1194²

Lt. Parker, of Randolph, ii. 999

Patience, wife of Dea. Samuel Smith, ii. 316², 332²

Patrick, of Ft. Edward (N. Y.), i. 462²

Paul, from Marlboro, of Jay (N. Y.), v. pt. 2, 448

Peggy, of Ferrisburg, i. 34²

Penelope, of Pawlet, iii. 926²

m. Orange Hollister, iii. 917²

Peres, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Perrin, of Brattleboro, v. 48

Peter, of Fairfax, ii. 403

Peter G., of Montpelier, iv. 329, 529²

Rev. Peter H., in Benson, iii. 413²

Phebe, m. Charles M. Bruce, iii. 614²

Phebe (Henderson), wife of Harry Smith, i. 941

Philenda, in Alstead (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 67²

Lt. Philip, of Enosburg, ii. 398

Philo, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Phineas, of Randolph, ii. 999




812                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Phineas, of Rutland, iii. 423

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 8

of Rutland co., iii. 423(2)

Pierpoint, of Shelburne, i. 877

Pliny, of Orwell, iii. 926

Polly, of Northfield, iv. 619, 627², 708

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

of Worcester, iv. 907²

m. Abel Farr, v. pt. 2, 144

m. Timothy F. Chipman, i. 100

Polly (Amsden), wife of Joseph Smith, v. pt. 2, 161²

Polly (Ladd), wife of Oramel L. Smith, iv. 896²

Polly (Nichols), wife of Elijah Smith, iv. 619, 671

Rev. Preserved, of Rowe (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 416²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

Quaker, pseud., see Smith, William, of Shelburne

R., of Swanton, iv. 1129²

Rev. R., of Georgia, ii. 250²

Maj. R., of Tunbridge, ii. 1121

R. C., of Waterbury, iv. 839

Rachel, in Newbury, ii. 952

wife of Levi Nichols, ii. 142

Rebecca, m. John Brigham, v. pt. 2, 715²

m. William Scales, iv. 924²

Rebecca B., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Rebecca (Lane), wife of Otis Smith, v. pt. 2, 620

Reuben, iv. 913

of Northfield, iv. 614², 671

of Pawlet, iii. 881, 897, 905², 926²(2), 931

from Warren (N. H.), of Goshen Gore, i. 434, 435²

Dea. Reuben, of Tunbridge and Northfield, iv. 627²

Rev. Reuben, of Burlington, i. 538²

Reuben jr., of Northfield, iv. 627²

Reuben C., of Newport, iii. 297

Rhoda., of Danby, iii. 647

of St. Johnsbury, i. 402

m. William Bromley, iii. 613²

Rhoda (Baker), wife of Asa Smith, iii. 647²

Richard, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Berlin, iv. 68

of Corinth, ii. 882², 887

grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

from Salisbury (N. H.), of Corinth ii. 885²

Richard W., of Benson and Wards­boro, iii. 415²

attorney, i. 473

Capt. Robert H., of Pawlet, iii. 879², 881(2), 926²

Roger, of Brandon, iii. 489

Rollin, of Swanton iv. 1042, 1088

Roswell, of Moretown, iv. 917

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Rev. Roswell, of Randolph, ii. 1064

Ruel, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 13

Rufus, of Montgomery, ii. 278

Rev. Rufus, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392

of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426

of Londonderry, v. pt 3¹, 20²

in Montpelier, iv. 425

Russell. of Fair Haven, iii. 676, 678², 690²

Ruth, of Danby, iii. 647²

of Pawlet iii. 926²

Ruth R., of Newbury, iv. 319

Ruth (Goodrich), wife of Josiah Smith, iii. 926²

S. & N. J., of Danby, iii. 603²

Rev. S. D., of Corinth, ii. 888

Dr. S. H., in Brookfield, ii. 863

S. J., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94²

Salah, of Waitsfield, iv. 795

Salinda, m. Rufus Perkins, iii. 922

Sally, of Newport, iii. 297

of Northfield, iv. 619

of Shoreham. i. 94²

wife of Abel Smith, ii. 624², 625²

Sally (Presson), wife of George Smith, v. pt. 2, 62

Sally (née Wilson), v. pt. 2, 211

Salome, of Bridport, see Grandey, Mrs. Salome (Smith)

Samuel, of Amenia (N. Y.), iii. 580²

grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

of Brownington, iii. 90, 91, 94, 138²

of Colchester, i. 763

of Essex, i. 778², 779, 781², 787

grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

of Fair Haven, iii. 735

of Fairlee, ii. 902, 914

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

from N. Y., of Bridport, i. 17

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612², 670²

of Roxbury. iv. 735², 759

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290, 314, 316², 317, 332²

of Strafford, ii. 1079

of Swanton, iv. 1003

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

of Vershire, ii. 1132

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 568

hist. of N. J., cited, i. 607² note

Mrs. Samuel (née Grant), of Fairlee, ii. 892², 895

Rev. Samuel, of Windsor, iii. 154(2)

Baptist minister, i. 327

Capt. Samuel, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 891, 905(2)

sketch, 894²-5

in Rev. war, ii. 390²




NAME INDEX                           813


Smith, Maj. Samuel, of Browningon, iii. 72², 90², 91², 96², 97(2), 99²(2)

Samuel jr., of Brownington, iii. 72², 90(2), 94(2)

Mrs. Samuel jr., of Brownington, iii. 96(2)

Capt. Samuel jr., of Brownington, iii. 96

Samuel F., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Samuel N., of Irasburg, iii. 260²

Samuel R., of Stowe, ii. 742²

Dr. Samuel Stanhope, of Princeton, i. 526

Sanford, of Poultney, iii. 999

Sarah, of Randolph, ii. 989²

of St. Albans, ii. 366²

of Strafford, ii. 1084(2), 1177

m. Israel Putnam Dana, i. 317²

m. William Wheeler, v. pt. 2, 168²

wife of Elial Smith, iii. 417²

Sarah Jane m. George Bartlett, iii, 611

Sarah (Merrit), wife of Capt. Joab Smith, ii. 196²

Sarah (Sloan) (Grant), 2d wife of Lt. Frederick Smith, ii. 1072² note

Mrs. Sarah (Soule) (Merrill), wife of Capt. John Smith, ii. 196²

Sarah (Willard), wife of Reuben Smith, iii. 926², 931

Seneca, of Danby, iii. 569, 600², 601, 603(2), 648

Seth. of Brattleboro. v. 23²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77, 111

of Northfield, iv. 614², 615², 621²

of Shoreham, i. 94²

Dea. Seth, of Hadley (Mass.), ii. 320

Shubael, of Barre, iv. 41²

of Washington, ii. 1139, 1182²

Sidney, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 169

of Franklin co., ii. 94

Lt. Sidney, i. 582, 583, 672²

Silas, of Georgia, ii. 249²

from Marlboro, of Springfield (Mass.) , v. pt. 2, 448

of Rutland, iii. 1081

Simeon, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Castleton, iii. 515²

of Fair Haven, iii. 746

of Lyndon, i. 342

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447(2)

of Pawlet, iii. 874²

of Swanton, iv. 1003, 1133, 1185²

of West Haven, iii. 745²

of Williamstown, ii. 1149, 1154²

Dr. Simeon, of Fair Haven, iii. 681, 688, 696², 714², 726², 727, 728

of West Haven, iii. 417², 685(2), 686², 687, 729², 733²

Simon, of Northfield. iv. 632

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Maj. Simon, of Lenox (Mass.), iii. 1153

Dr. Socrates, of Clarendon and Rush (N. Y.), iii. 568²-9

Solomon, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

of Randolph, ii. 1042

Dea. Solomon, of Randolph, in Cor­inth, ii. 881, 1176

Sophia, m. John Allbee 2d, v. pt. 2, 504

m. Stephen Reed, iii. 924

Steel, grantee of Concord, i, 967 note

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Capt. Steel, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Stephen, of Brownington, iii. 91, 94

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64²

surveyor of Manchester, i. 199

pioneer of Shoreham, i. 95²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1122

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Stephen jr., grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Submit (Severance), wife of Asa Smith, v. pt. 2, 419

Susan (Averill) (Johnson), wife of Ephraim Smith, v. pt. 2, 626²

Susanna, of Northfield, iv. 619

wife of Isaiah Smith, v. pt. 2, 448

Susanna (Preston), of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719

wife of Thomas Smith, v. pt. 2, 718²

Sybel, m. James L. Stark, v. pt. 2, 419

Sylvester, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

of Williamstown, ii. 1141², 1145²

T. B., of Brandon, iii. 500

T. P., of Castleton, iii. 516²

Tabitha, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Theodore, of St. Albans, ii. 331²

of Swanton, iv. 1035

Theodore W., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Theresa (Bissell), wife of Gilman Smith, ii. 1015

Thomas, of Barnet, i. 274(2), 275, 276(2), 280²

of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 718²

Dr. Thomas, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

Rev. Thomas, of Portland (Me.), ii. 1027

Timothy, of Middletown, iii. 797, 819²

Truman B., of Stowe, ii. 763²




814                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Smith, Dr. Truman B., of. N. Y. City, ii. 697²

V. M., of Stowe, ii. 590

Vernon M., of Stowe, ii. 721, 763²

W. C., ii. 531(2)

of St. Albans, ii. 386

Gen. W. F., ii. 763²(2); iii. 537²; iv. 1180², 1181²

W. H., of Poultney, iii. 625

W. N. & co., of St. Albans, ii. 307²

Wait, of Strafford, ii. 1068², 1072

Waitstill, of Strafford, ii. 1073, 1082

m. Charles Davenport, v. pt. 2, 35

Wallace, of Clarendon, iii. 575

Wallace F., of Tunbridge, ii. 1128

Walter J., of Montpelier, iv. 532

Walter P., of St. Johnsbury, iv. 1194³

Warren, of Goshen Gore, i. 434(2)

of Randolph, ii. 1042

Warren H., ii. 1057²

of Rutland, iii. 427², 1034

Willard, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1124², 1126²

Willard G., of East Montpelier, iv. 589³

of Montpelier, iv. 590²

William, of East Haven, i. 986²

of Geneva (N. Y.), v. pt. 3, 78

of Highgate, ii. 421(2)

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447

from Mass., of Essex, i. 778²

grantee of Milton, i. 839²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

of N. Y., ii. 808², 809(2), 811²

of Northfield, iv. 627², 708

of St. Albans, ii. 434

of Shelburne, i. 859, 862, 866²

of Strafford, ii. 1083², 1125, 1128²

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

juror, i. 466

William jr., grantee of Milton, i 839²

William Douglas, of Rutland, iii. 1062, 1098

Maj. Gen. William F., i. 439, 440²; ii. 388, 454, 763²; iii. 537²; iv. 1180²-1

portrait, ii. facing p. 384

William L. G., from Fair Haven, of Buffalo (N. Y.), iii. 728

William M., of East Haven, i. 986²

of Northfield, iv. 645²

William S., of Montpelier, iv. 501, 529², 616

William Ward, of Fair Haven, iii. 728

Winchester, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379²

Rev. Worthington, of St. Albans, 523, 525, 530, 652², 841; ii. 98, 313², 333, 335², 365 and note, 469

sketch, ii. 320-1

Worthington C., of St. Albans, ii. 96², 331²

Zachariah, pensioner, ii. 393

Zebina, of Williamstown, ii. 1149, 1154²

Zebulon, of Danby, iii. 591

Zenas, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Rev. Zephaniah Hollister, of Glas­tonbury, iii. 900²

Ziba, of Middlesex, iv. 240²

Smith family, pioneers of Addison, i. 6

Mormons, iii. 819

Smiths, pioneers of Johnson, ii. 670²

of Rutland, iii. 1013²

of Waterbury, iv. 870

Smith & Boardman, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 698

Smith & Collins, of Brandon, iii. 500

Smith & Pierce, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Smith & Shute, of Poultney, iii. 930

Smith & Wells, of Barre, iv. 38²

Smith & Wilkins, of Burlington, i. 684²

Smith Bros., of Montpelier, iv. 280², 281

Smith, Wentworth & Bingham, of Saxtons River, v. pt. 2, 514

Smith, Whitcomb & Cook, of Barre, iv. 35, 36

Smucker, Dr., iv. 1180

Smyth, Gov., of N. H., v. pt. 35, 72²

D. G., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Sneathen, Rev. Nicholas, of East Montpelier, iv. 576²

of Plainfield. iv. 727, 728

of Vershire circuit, iv. 649

see also Snethan

Snell, John, of Fair Haven, iii. 727²

of Pawlet, iii. 878

M. Porter, i. 183² note

Quartus, of Charleston, iii. 109

Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 878

Titus, of Lunenburg, i. 1018²

Snethen, Rev. Nicholas, of Barre, iv. 51²

of Vershire circuit, iii. 470; iv. 374², 375²

see also Sneathen

Snider, Jacob, of Huntington, i. 814², 817², 820

Sylvester R., of Huntington, i. 819² note

Capt. Sylvester R., of Huntington, i. 816

see also Snyder

Snow, Eld., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279

Rev., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Alonzo, of East Montpelier, iv. 578, 584³

Alpheus F., of Mendon, iii. 786

Amy, m. Ezra Davis, v. pt. 2, 103²

Avis, m. Asa Alden, iv. 163²

B. H., of Montpelier, iv. 549

Barnabas, of Montpelier, iv. 529

Mrs. Barnabas (née Bancroft), iv. 529

Barnabas H., of Montpelier, iv. 328²




NAME INDEX                           815


Snow, Barzilla, of Lunenburg, i. 1020², 1021

Betsey, of Lunenburg, i. 1020²

Daniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355

of Lunenburg, i. 1020(2)

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Elias, of Calais, iv. 899

Elihu, of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Rev. Elihu, of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Elizabeth (Munger), wife of Joseph Snow, iii. 681

Francis N., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

Frank, of Roxbury, iv. 747

Frank T., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Freeman, of East Montpelier, iv. 578², 583²

Hannah, of Putney, v. pt 2, 230

m. Isaac Alden, iv. 164

Horace, of Middlesex, iv. 237²

J. C., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

J. M. & B. H., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Capt. James H., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 706(2)

Jeremiah, of Braintree, ii. 847(2), 852²

Rev. Jeremiah, of Braintree, ii. 848

John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

John C., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342, 344

Jonathan, from Rochester (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 266, 578(2)

Jonathan M., of Montpelier, iv. 378², 379

Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 681

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 10

Levi, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531

Levi jr., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Lucy, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Lydia (Hammett), wife of Jonathan Snow, iv. 578

Mary, of Chelsea, ii. 1167

N. Osgood, of Montpelier, iv. 412²

P. H., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Simeon, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549

Timothy, of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Valina, m. Bennett Palmer, iv. 142²

Will, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

Willard, of Montpelier, iv. 524²

William, of Charleston, iii. 108², 115², 122

William H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 344², 352

of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Snow & Bancroft, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Snow, Bancroft & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Snowe, Eld., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9²

Snows, Edna M., poem, iv. 923²

Snyder, ____, of Huntington, iii. 1044²

Eunice, of Moretown, iv. 603

Capt. Heman R., of Port Kent (N. Y.), i. 706

John, of Huntington, i. 815², 824²

of Moretown, iv. 603

of Rhinebeck (N. Y.), i. 824²

Leonard C., of Huntington, i. 815²

Rebecca (Hart), wife of Jacob Snyder, i. 824²

see also Snider

Sohn, Karl F., painter, v. 139

Sohnburger, J. K., of Cincinnati, iii. 538

Solace, Calvin, of Bridport, i. 18; iv. 573²

Solley, Samuel, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 4

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Somerby, J. A., of Morrisville, ii. 589²

Joseph, of Montpelier, iv. 328, 550², 553²

Somers, Bartholomew, of Barnet, i. 274², 275, 278², 286(2)

Cloud, of Barnet, i. 275(2), 286

Elijah, of Middlesex, iv. 237(2)

Henry, of Irasburg, iii. 249², 254

Hugh, of Barnet, i. 275²(2), 276

Robert, of Barnet, i. 275(2)

Seth P., of Greensboro, iii. 222², 229

Rev. William C., of Barnet, i. 287²

Somerville, George, of Fayston, iv. 188

J. G., of Northfield, iv. 683

Jane K. (Vincent), wife of William J. Somerville, iv. 158

Mary, of Moretown, iv. 603²

William J., of Fayston, iv. 158

Soper,____, of Charlotte, i. 736

Capt., of Mass., in Rev. war, ii. 146²

Amos, i. 675² note

B. T., & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Ellen E. (Bradford), wife of George W. Soper, iv. 638

George W., of Northfield, iv. 616, 638

Gilbert, of Poultney, iii. 965(2), 966, 971

H. C., of Randolph, ii. 996

Hastings, of Charlotte, i. 736

Jesse, of Poultney, iii. 974, 989(2)

Joseph, grantee of Danby, iii. 577, 578², 579², 580, 648

Loren, of Coventry, iii. 147², 158², 159²(2), 160

Moody, of Coventry, iii. 159²(2)

Mordecai, of Poultney, iii. 965, 971

Pelitia, of Danby, iii. 588

Prince, from Dorset, of Brandon, iii. 455²

Solomon, of Brandon, iii. 455²

Lt., Solomon, in Rev. war, ii. 391

William J., of Dorset, i. 189², 2d ed. 191

Soper & Cleveland, of Coventry, iii. 147²

Soper & Lord, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Sophocles, ii. 324²

Sorel, Capt. de, i. 754; ii. 559², 560(2)

Sornborger, Rev. Stephen, of Brandon, iii. 473²

in Charlotte, i. 742²

in Huntington, i. 827²

in Shelburne, i. 883²




816                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Sornborger, Rev. Wellington, of Richford, ii. 285²

Soule, ____, ii. 358

Judge, of St Albans, ii. 365²

Albert G., of Fairfield, ii. 96², 200(2)

on Joseph Soule, ii. 197²-8

of St. Albans, ii. 331²

Andrew Jackson, of Franklin co., ii. 93²

Anson, of Fairfax and Swanton, ii. 171; iv. 1050²

of Fairfield, ii. 197²

of Franklin co., ii. 94

Arison, of Swanton, iv. 1098

Charles, of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Chloe, m. Ira Goodridge, v. pt. 2, 621

Elizabeth, m. Elijah Bradley, iii. 612²

Esther (Whitney), wife of Joseph Soule, ii. 198

Eunice (Hungerford), wife of Joseph Soule, ii. 197²

Gardner, of Danby, iii. 663

George, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note (2)

Harmon, of Fairfield, ii. 198

Harry, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Henry, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Hiram, pioneer of Fairfield ii. 192²

Isaac Newton, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

J. J., of Danby, iii. 666

James, of Danby, iii. 591², 599², 612², 663

John, of Danby, iii. 614², 663

John S., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 581², 582(2), 598², 599

from Dover (N. Y.), of Fair­field, ii. 192², 196, 200, 365²

sketch, ii. 197²-8

Pardon, of Danby, iii. 663

Dr. Renselaer, of Fairfield, ii. 197

S., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Samuel H. of Fairfield, iv. 1194³

Salmon, of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Timothy, of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Warren, of Fairfax, ii. 168², 174²

Wesson, of Danby, iii. 653², 663

William, of Danby, iii. 663

Soullard, Rev., of Middletown and Pawlet, iii. 834²(2)

Rev. Edward S., from Saratoga (N. Y.), of Pawlet, iii. 904², 921, 927

Fanny (Crapo), wife of Rev. Edward S. Soullard, iii. 927

Julianna (Barden), 2d wife of Rev. Edward S. Soullard, iii. 927

Southard, Asher, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 602

Rev. David, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349²

Souther, Benjamin, of Warren, iv. 811²

Harriet, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Southerland, Rev., in Northfield, iv. 649²

Rev. David, of Groton, iv. 1149

Southgate, Abigail, of East Montpelier, iv. 584

Daniel, from Worcester co. (Mass.), of Shoreham, i. 94

John, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Richard, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Robert, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Samuel, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Steward, grantee of Charlotte. i. 733² note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Rev. William, of Brattleboro, v. 33

Southier, Claude Joseph, ii. 90; iv. 992

Southmayd, Miss, of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Daniel S., of Castleton, iii. 521²

Rev. J. C., of Montpelier, iv. 395

John W., of Georgia, ii. 235²

Jonathan, of Montpelier, iv. 439²

Jonathan C., of Castleton, iii. 521²

author, iv. 319

Rev. Jonathan C., of Montpelier, iv. 290², 291(2), 541², 543, 551²

Southwick, Daniel, of Danby, iii. 591², 607²

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 591², 599², 603

Hannah, m. Joseph Fletcher, iii. 649

Homer, of Middletown iii. 823²

Homer H., of Middletown, iii. 844²

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 593², 595, 602

Isaac jr., of Middletown, iii. 657

Israel, of Williamstown, ii. 1141²

Josiah, of Danby, iii. 607(2), 611, 648²

Lawrence, of Salem (Mass.), iii. 648²

Mary B., of East Montpelier, iv. 584³

Mary (Baker), wife of Josiah Southwick, iii. 648²

Rachael (Brown), 2d wife of Josiah Southwick, iii. 649

Samuel, of East Montpelier, iv. 587²

William, of Danby, iii. 649

Southworth, ____, of Middletown, iii. 809

of West Fairlee, ii. 908

Mrs. Gordon (née Kent), i. 187², 2d ed. 188²

A. B., of West Fairlee, ii. 913

Asa, of West Fairlee, ii. 909

Constant, of Weybridge, i. 111

Gordon, of Dorset, i. 187, 2d ed. 188²

Rev. J. B., of Montpelier, iv. 386²

J. P., of West Fairlee ii. 914

Lemuel, of West Fairlee, ii. 909

Preston, of Ira, iii. 783²




NAME INDEX                           817


Southworth, S. W., of Middletown, iii. 844

Samuel, of Vershire, ii 1182

William, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 35

William S., from Dorset, of Lowell (Mass.), i. 187², 2d ed. 188²

Sovenberger, Rev. Stephen, of Bristol, i. 21

Sowle, Gardner, of Danby, iii. 649

Hannah, of Danby, iii. 649

Hiram, of Danby, iii. 649

James, of Danby, iii. 649 (2)

James jr., of Danby, iii. 649

John, of Danby, iii. 649

Joseph, from England, iii. 649

Lewis, of Alburg, ii. 492

Lizzie, of Danby, iii. 649

Mary, of Danby, iii. 649

Pardon, of Danby, iii. 649

Patience (McOmber), wife of James Sowle, iii. 649

Wesson, from Westport (Mass.), of Danby, iii. 649, 654

Wesson jr., of Danby, iii. 649

William, of Danby, iii. 649

Sowles, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1009

Judge, of Swanton, iv. 1044

Albert, of St. Albans, ii. 305²-6; iv. 1191

of Swanton, iv. 1100², 1123

Alice (Blake), wife of E. M. Sowles, iv. 1120²

Ann, m. Benjamin H. Smalley, iv. 1052², 1143²

David, from Stephentown (N. Y.), of Alburg, ii. 491(2)

E. M., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1120²

Edward of Swanton, iv. 1123

Edward Adams, of St. Albans, ii. 94², 102, 840; iv. 324, 1039², 1055

Hiram B., of St. Albans, ii. 97²

of Franklin co., ii. 93²

John, of Alburg, ii. 485

Mrs. John, of Alburg, ii. 485, 497

John M., of Alburg, ii. 478, 479, 480, 500², 503²

Lewis, of Alburg, ii. 478(2); iv. 1123, 1143²

Sgt. Lewis jr., of Alburg, ii. 508, 513²

Lewis S., in militia, ii. 514

Lewis W., Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479, 514

Merritt, of Swanton, iv. 1123

Stephen B., in militia, ii. 514

Timothy, in militia, ii. 514

W. L., of Alburg, ii. 507²

William, of Alburg, ii. 489

William L., of Alburg, ii. 479, 481, 498², 500, 503(2), 514

of Swanton, iv. 283, 1031, 1088(2), 1120, 1122², 1123, 1134, 1186², 1187

William T., of Alburg, ii. 491², 514

Spafford, ____, i. 572²

of Burlington, i. 495²

of Richmond, i. 847

of St. Albans, ii. 290²

Col., of Tinmouth, iii. 1152

Abram, of Orange, ii. 956²

Asa, from Piermont (N. H.), of Fairfax, ii. 168, 169², 170, 171²

Capt. Broadstreet, of Fairfax, ii. 165, 167², 168(2), 160(2), 170, 171, 174², 176, 178²

David, of Cambridge, ii. 597²(2), 621

Mrs. David, of Cambridge, ii. 597²

David, of Middletown, iii. 835

of Tinmouth, iii. 1152

Electa (Chittenden), wife of Jacob Spafford, i. 908

Elijah, of Concord, i. 971², 1006

Eliphalet, of Clarendon, iii. 571

George, of Windham, v. pt. 3². 12

Dr. George, of Weathersfield and Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²(2)

H. B., poem, iii. 575-6

Heman, of Clarendon, iii. 571

Jacob, of Richmond, i. 844², 908

Winooski Turnpike co., iv. 6

Job, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

John, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

from Piermont (N. H.), of Cambridge, ii. 596²-7, 597², 605, 610², 617(2), 621

Mrs. John, of Cambridge, ii. 597²

Capt. John, in Rev, war, ii. 390²

Col. John, of Tinmouth, iii. 558

Jonathan, pioneer in Chittenden co., i. 456², 466²

in Williston, i. 661²

Col. Jonathan, ii. 241

from Salisbury (Conn.), of Williston i. 901, 907, 908

Nathan, of Fairfax, ii. 169, 169(2), 170, 171, 176

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Nathan L., of Greensboro, iii. 229²

Nathaniel jr., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Sally, of Clarendon, iii. 571

Samuel, iv. 613

Sarah, from Piermont (N. H.), of Cambridge, ii. 596², 597, 617

Tisdale, of Fletcher, ii. 209

Spafford families of Fairfax, ii. 176

Spague, Rev., in Morgan, iii. 288²

Spaldin, Jacob, of Brattleboro, v. 23²

Spalding, ____. of Lyndon, i. 347

of Panton, i. 9

A. F., of Northfield, iv. 694²

A. W., of Montpelier, iv. 574²

Allen, of Roxbury, iv. 752, 758²(2), 759², 760², 761

Azel, of Montpelier, Plainfield and Kansas, iv. 272², 273, 274, 277², 282², 357², 574², 725




818                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Spalding, Betsey, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Betsey C., of Roxbury, iv. 768(2)

Betsey G., of Roxbury, iv. 752

Bezalleel, of Roxbury, iv. 753², 758

Billings, of Roxbury, iv. 759², 768

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 279, 395²

of Roxbury, iv. 758², 760²

of St. Albans, iv. 768

Lt. Charles C., iv. 522, 523², 524

Charles Carroll, of Montpelier, iv. 551, 558

sketch, iv. 557-8

Darius, of Roxbury, iv. 753², 754, 757²(2), 758, 760², 761(2)

E. N., of Granville, i. 42²

Eliza, of Montpelier, iv. 395², 487

Eliza (Reed), wife of Dr. James Spalding, iv. 447

Erastus, of Roxbury, iv. 759

Erastus N., of Roxbury, iv. 758, 759², 760², 764(2), 768

F. R., of Montpelier, iv. 427²

G. R., of Northfield, iv. 669

George, of Panton, i. 82²

Rev. George B., from Montpelier, of Dover (N. H.), iv. 447, 558

author, iv. 319

George Bailey, of Montpelier, iv. 551

Lt. Gilbert R., of Roxbury, iv. 753²

Harry, of Middletown, iii. 679

Henry, of Panton, i. 80(2)

Henry M., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Hiram, of Panton, i. 82²

Holcomb, taken prisoner, i. 6, 12

Isaac, of Panton, i. 80, 82(2)

Isabella, m. ____ Lounsbury, iv. 447

Jacob, in Bakersfield, ii. 470²

James, of Montpelier, iv. 391²

Dr. James, of Alstead (N. H.), iv. 264

of Montpelier, iv. 278, 319², 351, 358², 359, 445, 558

James R., of Montpelier, iv. 319², 447, 551, 558

Jane, m. Dr. Warner, iv. 447

John, of Montpelier, iv. 273², 274, 278²(2), 281², 282, 304, 328, 351, 435, 487, 489, 518, 548, 557², 558

Mrs. John (née Collins), of Mont­pelier, iv. 487

John, of Panton, i. 82²

of Roxbury, iv. 749², 768²

John & Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 487

John jr., of Montpelier, iv. 487

John M., of Roxbury, iv. 753²

Levi, of Moretown, iv. 602²

Martha E., of Montpelier, iv. 447

Mary A., of Moretown, iv. 603²

Nathan, of Panton, i. 80

Dr. Nathan, B., of Montpelier, iv. 264², 278

Paulina E., of Roxbury, iv. 752

Philip, of Panton, i. 82²

Phineas, pioneer of Addison, i. 4²

of Panton, i. 80², 81², 82²

Dr. Phineas, of Lyndon, i. 347

Phineas jr., of Panton, i. 82²

Dr. Pierce, of Montpelier, iv. 278

Dea. Reuben, of Sharon, iv. 445², 487

Sarah, wife of John Spalding, iv. 557²

Sarah (Holcomb), wife of Phineas Spalding, i. 82²

Silas, of Roxbury, iv. 756,, 759²

Stephen, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Sylvester E., of Roxbury, iv. 752

Thankful, of Moretown, iv. 603

Thomas, of Highgate, ii. 420

Timothy, of Panton, i. 80²

Timothy jr., of Panton, i. 82

Waterman, of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Will, of Roxbury, iv. 761²

William C., of Montpelier, iv. 447

Wright, of Moretown, iv. 917

see also Spaulding

Spalding family of Panton, i. 80²

Spalding & Foster, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Spalding, Storrs & co., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Spardwin, ____, in St. John's (P. Q.), ii. 928²

Sparhawk, Dr., of Morristown, ii. 690

Rev., in Pittsfield, iii. 937

in Mass., iii. 214²

Dr. George, in Randolph, ii. 1007

Joseph, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

L., of Randolph, ii. 996

Rev. Samuel, of Pittsfield, iii. 936²

in Randolph, ii. 999², 1000

Spark, Dr., of P. Q., ii. 489

Sparks, Charles E., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461²

Ebenezer, from Killingly (Conn.), of Dover, v. pt. 2, 338², 339(2), 349, 355

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Henry A., in Poultney, ii. 763²

Jared, American biography, i. 156², 555², 2d ed. 159

Rev. Jared, ii. 931(2)

of Arlington, i. 132², 2d ed.. 133²

John, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355

Margaret (Love), wife of Ebenezer Sparks, v. pt. 2, 339(2)

Rebecca (Wilder), wife of Ebenezer Sparks, v. pt. 2, 167

Samuel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355

Sarah, m. Aaron Wood, v. pt. 2, 339

Sparrow, A. B., of Calais, iv. 136

B. P., of Elmore, ii. 627²

Philip, of Plainfield, iv. 720

Spaulding, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347²

m. Dr. Charles C. Nichols, iii. 1204²

(Gates), v. pt. 2, 56²




NAME INDEX                           819


Spaulding, Dr., in Brookfield, ii. 863

of Tunbridge, ii. 1130

Mrs., v. pt. 2, 210²

of Barre, iv. 52²

Rev., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702²

Lt., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78², 82², 128, 206(2)

Capt., iii. 805²

Dea. A., of Middletown, iii. 801²

A. V., of Waitsfield, iv. 785

Abigail, m. Benjamin Hadley, v. pt. 2, 163

Mrs. Abigail (Gilman), wife of Sewell Spaulding, iv. 155²

Adam, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Allen, of Roxbury, iv. 743², 747², 750, 757², 759, 762

Alvin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Amy, m. John Cudworth, v. pt. 2, 26²

Andrew, of Charleston, iii. 109, 115, 121

of Concord, i. 971²

Anna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

m. Samuel Laughton, jr., v. pt. 2, 26, 59², 86, 152, 205²

Arba, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26², 38², 147

Dea. Asahel, of Middletown, iii. 802, 833

Rev. B. P.. of Waitsfield, iv. 782²

Benjamin A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Bernice (Barnice), of Morristown, ii. 689²(2)

Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

m. Darius Spaulding jr., iv. 743

m. Henry Stevens, v. pt. 2, 26

Betsey (Copeland), wife of Dea. Julius Spaulding, iii. 804

Betsey (McClure), wife of John Spaulding, iv. 743

Betsey (Spaulding), wife of Darius Spaulding jr., iv. 743

Bezaleel, of Roxbury, iv. 748², 759

Billings, of Roxbury, iv. 757², 758, 761

Chancy, of Calais, iv. 165²

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

of Roxbury, iv. 743, 759²

Charles C., of Newport, iii. 306

Clarissa, of Stowe, ii. 715

Clarissa E., m. Ransom C. Farr, v. pt. 2, 26²

D. A., of Roxbury, iv. 747

Darius, from Plainfield (Conn.), of Roxbury, iv. 743, 747, 756, 757, 759

Darius jr., of Roxbury, iv. 743

E., of Brattleboro, v. 58

E. N., of Roxbury, iv. 747(2), 748(2), 749, 761²

Eleanor, of Roxbury, iv. 756

Eleazer, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155.

of Pepperell (Mass.), iv. 1155

Elizabeth G., m. Rev. Roger M. Sar­gent, iii. 89

Ella (Mason), wife of Hoyt T. Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 26²

Emeline (Estabrook), wife of Arba Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 26², 147

Erastus, from Roxbury, of De Kalb (N. Y.), iv. 743², 758²

Esther, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26

Eugene H., of West Windsor, iv. 1192², 1194³

Eunice of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Mrs. Eunice, m. Arad Holton, v. pt. 2, 69², 150²

Eunice (Skinner), wife of Josiah Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 26

Frank E. of Waitsfield, iv. 800

George E., of Waitsfield, iv. 800

Gilbert, from Roxbury, of N. Y., iv. 743

Gilbert R., of Roxbury, iv. 759

H., of Moretown, iv. 599²

Hannah (Ingraham), wife of Darius Spaulding, iv. 743

Hannah (Samson), wife of Allen Spaulding, iv. 743²

Harley, of Middletown iii. 802, 838

Harriet, m. Samuel Wilder, v. pt. 2, 26²

Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Horace, of Wells, iii. 1197²

Rev. Horace, in Northfield, iv. 650

circuit preacher, iv. 376²

Hoyt T., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26², 137

Ira, of Roxbury iv. 750

J. B., iii. 1038

of Roxbury, iv. 758

J. R., of N. Y., v. pt. 34, 52

Sgt. J. W., of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1059, 1060²

Jacob, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

Jacob S., of Bakersfield and Barre, ii. 108; iii. 35²; iv. 24, 35², 38

Jared, of Swanton, iv. 1009², 1133²

Joanna, m. Jesse Frost, v. pt. 2, 25²

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 26(2), 27

of Montpelier, iv. 13², 55²

of Roxbury, iv. 743(2), 747, 749²

Mrs. John, of Roxbury, iv. 743², 747²

Rev. John, of Johnson, ii. 674

of Richford, ii. 285²

John M., of Roxbury, iv. 748, 756, 757, 761, 763

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 25²

Joseph. of Middletown, iii. 795², 796(2), 797, 808², 811, 820, 830², 832, 833, 838

of Wells, iii. 794(2), 1195

Capt. Joseph, of Middletown, iii. 801², 802(2), 834




820                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Spaulding, Joseph jr., of Middletown, iii. 820, 821², 831

Rev. Joshua, of Bennington, i, 161, 2d ed. 163

Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 25², 26(2), 27(2), 29, 69², 79, 110², 429²

Mrs. Josiah (née Skinner), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 69²

Josiah, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155²

Julius, of Roxbury, iv. 761

Dea. Julius, of Middletown, iii. 833

of Poultney, iii. 802, 804(2)

Rev. Justin, of Moretown, iv. 600, 601(2)

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Leonard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88, 205, 208²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 220²

Lt. Leonard of Dummerston, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²; v. pt. 2, 8², 9², 10(2), 11²(2), 35², 37, 56², 76², 83(2), 86, 112², 147, 177², 208(2), 429²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 24-33

of Westford (Mass.), iv. 1155

Capt. Leonard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 53², 58, 59², 161²

Leonard jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26(2), 87²

Leonard 3d, v. pt. 2, 26²(2)

Levi, of Moretown, iv. 601

Lewis M., of Waitsfield, iv. 799

Lovina, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Lucina, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Lucy (Lyon), wife of Samuel B. Spaulding, iii. 454²

Lutheria, of Roxbury, iv. 752

Margaret, wife of Lt. Leonard Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 27

Mrs. Margaret, of Dummerston, v pt. 2, 210

Margaret (Boyden), wife of Arba Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 26², 38²

Margaret (Love), wife of Leonard Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 25², 26(2)

Martha, m. David Davis, iv. 1175²

Martin, of Rutland, iii. 1041

Mrs. Mary, of Moretown, iv. 599²

Mary, of Roxbury, iv. 756

m. David Laughton, v. pt. 2, 26, 58, 86

Mary (Briggs), wife of William Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 185²

Mary W., wife of J. S. Spaulding, iv. 24²

Moses, of Barton, iii 76

Nathan, of Danby, iii. 592

of Moretown, iv. 598²

Nathan B., of Calais, iv. 173²

Rev. Nathan B., of Moretown, iv. 600, 601

Nathan R., of Moretown, iv. 917

Dr. Nathaniel B., of Calais, iv. 164

Nellie, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Rev. Newell, of Moretown, iv. 601

Rev. Newell S., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Noah, of Glover, iii. 201(2)

Olive, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 27

m. David Wilson, v. pt. 2, 26

Oliver, of Stowe, ii. 714²

Mrs. Parthenia, of Burlington, i. 655

Persis (Prescott), v. pt. 2, 25²

Philip, from Roxbury, of Hermon (N. Y.), iv. 743²

Rev. Philip, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Dr. Phineas, of Lyndon, i. 350²

Pierce, of Warren, iv. 807²(2), 811²

Polly, of Dummerston. v. pt. 2, 26²

Polly (Kathan), wife of Squire Spaulding, v. pt. 2, 18²

Polly (Nichols), wife of Philip Spaulding, iv. 743²

Priscilla, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

m. ____ Howe, v. pt 2, 26²

Priscilla (Gleason), wife of Leonard Spaulding v. pt. 2, 26

Renda (McClure), wife of Gilbert Spaulding, iv. 743

Reuben, of Cavendish and St. Johnsbury, i. 410²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26, 56², 77

Mrs. Reuben (nee Gates), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26

Reuben, of Roxbury, ii. 846

Dr. Reuben, of Brattleboro, v. 60², 179²

Rinda, m. Asa Baldwin, v. pt. 2, 26²

Rev. Russel H., of Groton, iv. 1167

S. B., of Northfield, iv. 689²

S. E., of Roxbury, iv. 738²

Sally, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Sally (Fuller), wife of Leonard Spaulding 3d, v. pt. 2, 26²

Samuel, of Brandon, iii. 482

of Charleston, iii. 125

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 25², 31²

of Roxbury, iv. 743

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 586

Samuel B., of Brandon. iii. 454², 455²

Sarah, m. Charles Wilder, v. pt, 2, 26, 86, 167

Sewell, of Jericho, iv. 155²

Silas B., of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Siloam, of Roxbury, iv. 748²

Simeon, of Albany, iii. 67

Sgt. Simeon, of Albany, iii. 49

Solon S., of Waitsfield, iv. 799

Squire, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Mrs. Thankful, of Moretown, iv. 601

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26²

Timothy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 25², 26(2)




NAME INDEX                           821


Spaulding, Rev. Timothy, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426

Van Ness, of Roxbury, iv. 747

Walter, pioneer of Charleston iii. 121(2)

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26², 185²

of Hubbardton, iii. 749², 751² iv. 1171, 1175²

Rev. William, of Franklin, ii. 226²

Zebulon M. P., of Franklin co., ii. 94

see also Spalding

Spaulding family of Roxbury, iv. 743

Spaulding & Colby, of Roxbury, iv. 747

Spaulding & Nichols, of Roxbury, iv. 747

Spawn, Henry, of Chittenden, iii. 548

Spear, ____, iv. 573²

of Colchester, i. 759², 761²

of Worcester, iv, 890²

Dr., of Vershire, iv. 155²

Gen., Fenian officer, ii. 309(2)

A. C., of Burlington, i. 495²

A. H., of Highgate, ii. 265

Abigail, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Amos C., of Burlington, i. 595²

Barney, of Burlington, i. 504²

Barzillia, of Burlington, i. 504²

Benjamin, of Roxbury, iv. 747²

C., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Catherine Maria (Howard), of Burlington, i. 595²

D. L., of Charlotte, i. 931

Dearing, of Burlington, i. 495², 504²

Dr. Elisha, in Randolph, ii. 1005²

F. W., of Highgate, ii. 420²

of Swanton. iv. 1035

Hiram, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Isaac, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

Isaac jr., grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

Jacob, from Mass., grantee of Braintree, ii. 845(2), 846, 852²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

Jacob A. of Braintree, ii. 847²

James, of Corinth, ii. 882²

James, of Newbury, ii. 944²

Joseph, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

Julia Hannah Howard, of Burling­ton, i. 595²

Levi, of Braintree, ii. 846

of Highgate, ii. 421

Mehitable, of Worcester, iv. 902²

Nathaniel, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845, 846(2), 847(2)

Orson, boat builder, i. 707

Capt. Orson S., of Burlington, i. 683²

Richard, of Burlington, i. 505

Sally, m. Leonard Orcutt, iv. 113

Samuel, grantee of Braintree, ii. 845 (2)

Samuel jr., grantee of Braintree, ii. 845

Silas, of Barre, iv. 41²

Stephen, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Worcester, iv. 1199

Susan (Gilman), wife of Dr. Spear, iv. 155²

Thomas, of Berlin, iv. 1188

Victor, of Roxbury, iv. 749

Victor T., of Braintree, iv. 1194³

William, of Newbury, ii. 946²

Spear & Bancroft, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Spears, Messrs., of Colchester, i. 755

Elhanan W., of Shelburne, i. 862², 877

Richard. of Shelburne, i. 859, 862², 863, 866²

Thomas, of Berlin, iv. 1199²

Specht, Gen. J. W., i. 666²

Speeney, Rev. J. S., in Morgan, iii. 288²

Spelacy, Mrs., of Waterbury, iv. 871²

Spellman, Dr., of Essex, i. 783², 784

Spelman, Robert, of Essex, i. 781²

Spencer, ____, in Grand Isle, ii. 526²

m. ____ Eastman, ii. 877

m. Rev. John Barnet, ii. 112²

mate of the boat Pacific, ii. 786(2)

Dea., of Marshfield, iv. 206

Eld., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 202²

Mrs., of Rutland, iii. 432(2)

Rev., in Mendon, iii. 789²

of Pawlet, iii. 904²

of St. Albans, iv. 1123

Aaron, of Roxbury iv. 756²

Abel, of Clarendon, i. 911² note, 912; iii. 561², 562, 1093

of Ira, iii. 783²

Abigail, m. Justus Angier, v. pt. 2, 450

Amasa, of Salem, iii. 307²(2)

Judge Ambrose, of N. Y., ii. 112²

Amos Porter, of Browningon, iii. 99 note

Asa, of Marshfield, iv. 200², 205

Asher, of Brattleboro, v. 173²

Benjamin, of Clarendon, iii. 555(2), 556(2), 557(2), 559, 561², 1092(2), 1093

of Franklin co., ii. 93²

Betsey, m. Dan Storrs, iv. 198

Caleb, of Ira, iii. 783

Calvin, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

Charles, of Shaftsbury, i. 232², 2d ed. 231²

Charles D., of Wilmington, iv. 1194³

Chester, of Castleton, iii. 515², 516(2), 520², 927; iv. 9

of Mt. Holly, iii. 851²

Mrs. Cynthia, of Burke, i. 305

Rev. D., of Fair Haven, iii. 718, 1043²

Daniel, of Marshfield, iv. 212

of Plainfield, iv. 731(2)

David, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Ebenezer, of Vershire, ii. 1134

Elijah, of Brownington, iii. 39 note, 90(2), 91(2), 94(2), 99 note




822                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Spencer, Erastus, of Brownington, iii. 39 note, 90, 91(2), 94(2), 99(2)

Ezra, of Pittsford, iii. 946

G. T., of Lyndon, i. 347

Dr. George P., of Castleton, iii. 522

Gideon, in Bennington, i. 144, 158², 2d ed. 146², 160²

of Marshfield, iv. 198, 200(2), 206², 212, 219²

Mrs. Gideon (née Marsh), of Marsh­field, iv. 212

Gustavus, of Clarendon, iii. 1089

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Rev. H. A., of Derby and Newport, iii. 297²

of Groton, iv. 1167(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 382

in Newbury, ii. 951²

of Orleans co., iii. 44

Newport Methodism, iii. 297-8

H. Ladd, author, i. 558²

Hezekiah, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Horace, of Marshfield, iv. 212

of Montpelier, iv. 328

Hubbard, of Canaan, i. 1067²

Mrs. Ichabod, published husband's sermons, i. 225² note, 2d ed. 224² note

Rev. Ichabod Smith, of Rupert, i. 225, 558², 2d ed. 224

poem, i. 228²-9, 2d ed. 227²-8

Eld. James, of Strafford. ii. 1079²

Jared, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191

Joseph, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Lewis, of Randolph, ii. 999

Loisa (Gibbs), wife of Anson S. Spencer, v. pt. 2, 168²

Lucy (Stimson), wife of Erastus Spencer, sketch, iii. 98-9

Dea. Luke, of Brownington, iii. 91

of St. Johnsbury, iii. 99

Rev. M., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Moses, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701²

Rev. Moses, v. pt. 2, 446²

in Fairlee, ii. 903

in Wells, iii. 1194²

Nathaniel, of Arlington, iii. 557

in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

at trial of Jacob Marsh, i. 125², 126, 2d ed. 126², 127

Polly (Marsh), wife of Gideon Spencer, iv. 198

Porter, of Brattleboro. v. pt. 2, 163

Mrs. Porter (née Babcock), v. pt. 2, 163

Ranney, of Burke, i. 305

Rebecca, m. Job Dickinson jr., v. pt. 2, 618

Robert, of Marshfield, iv. 208

Seth, surveyor of Burke, i. 302²

Simeon, of St. Albans, ii. 291

Rev. Simeon, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 347(2), 349

Simon, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 485

Solomon. of Marshfield, iv. 200²

Stephen, of Marshfield, iv. 198

of Pawlet, iii. 901², 927

Susannah, m. Ebenezer Wells, iv. 201²

Rev. Tracy R., of East Montpelier, iv. 576²

Willard, of Burke, i. 305, 310(2)

William, of Corinth, ii. 877, 882(2); iv. 573²

of Pittsford, iii. 943², 944

Orange co. officer, ii. 805²(2), 806(2)

Dea. William of Brownington, 91, 99

Speratus, Paul, i. 731²

Sperhawk, Andrew, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Sperry, ____, in customs affray, i. 946²

Anson J., of Manchester, i. 202

Benjamin, of Cabot, iv. 86²(2), 117²

Eld. C. W., in Irasburg, iii. 260²

in Wolcott, ii. 778

Ebenezer, of Cabot, iv. 117²

Mehitable, iii. 1039²

Moses, of Manchester, i. 204, 205

William, of Danby, iii. 603²

Spicer, ____, of Conn., ii. 638²

at Guilford, v. pt. 3, 40

Dr., of Middlesex, iv. 238

Rev. O. E., in Highgate, ii. 269²

of Swanton, iv. 1087²

S. S., of Waterbury, iv. 833

Rev. T., in Danby, iii. 622²

Tobias, of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²

Eld. Tobias, in Benson, iii. 412, 472(2), 473²

Rev. Tobias, in Brandon, iii. 1045

in Charlotte, i. 742

of Danby, iii. 605², 606(2)

of Shoreham, i. 96

of Wells, iii. 1191²

Zepheniah, v. 9²

Spiers, Annie, m. Rev. Myron Winslow, i. 930²

Spiller ____ of Cabot, iv. 97²

John, of Cabot. iv. 94

Spillman, Sir John, of England, v. pt. 2, 102

Spinard, Benjamin, in Civil war, iv. 523²

Spinche, Elizabeth, m. Amos Hawley, i. 2d ed. 134

Spink, Edwin I., of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Spinks, Job, of Swanton, iv. 1022²

Spinney, Eld., of Albany, iii. 58², 80²

E., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Rev. J. S., in Groton, iv. 1167²

in Middlesex, iv. 238²

in Moretown, iv. 601

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19

of Topsham, ii. 1108

Rev. James, of Marshfield, iv. 210²

James S., of Worcester, iv. 909

Rev. James S., of Hardwick, i. 329

of Lunenburg, i. 1020




NAME INDEX                           823


Spinoza, i. 592

Spofford, ____, m. Stephen Royce, iii. 1142²

Abraham, of Moretown, iv. 599², 603

Betsey, m. Heman Spofford, iii. 1150(2)

David, in Brandon, iii. 454²

Eleazer, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

Elijah, of Concord, i. 968²

Eliphalet, of Clarendon, iii. 562-3

Guy, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

H. B.. of Clarendon, iii. 571

hist. of Clarendon, iii. 552²-62

Hannah, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

Hannah 2d, m. Rev. Royal Phelps, iii. 1150²

Hannah (Bristol), wife of Horatio Gates Spofford, iii. 1150²

Heman, of Clarendon, iii. 1112

of Tinmouth, iii. 1150², 1151, 1152

Hiram, of Tinmonth, iii. 1150²

Horatio Gates, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150², 1151(2)

Isaac, of Worcester, iv. 901²

John, of Rowley (Mass.), iii. 562²

of Tinmouth, iii. 1141², 1150²

Col. John, of Tinmouth, iii. 1142, 1149

John jr., of Tinmouth iii. 1150²

Mrs. Mary (Angier), i. 326²

Mary (Baldwin), wife of John Spofford, iii. 1150²

Moses, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Phebe, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

m. Abijah Pratt, iii. 1151

Phebe 2d, m. Edward Stevenson, iii. 1150²

Polly, m. Caleb Rice, iii. 1150²

Sally (Carxallar), wife of John Spofford jr., iii. 1150²

Mrs. Sarah, of Moretown, iv. 599²

Sophia, m. Richard Williams, iii. 1150²(2)

Spofford family of England, iii. 563

Spooner, ____, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 636

Vermont Journal, iii. 240²

Rev., in Fairfield, ii. 197²

Alfred, of Westminster and Wood­stock, v. pt. 2, 580, 614

Amasa, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Bathsheba, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614

Betsey, m. David Denny, iv. 625²

Bigford, of Richmond, i. 846²(2)

Lt. Daniel, in Rev. war, ii. 391

Eliakim, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 598, 602, 623, 624², 625

Erastus, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614

Rev. Erastus Carter, of Brandon, iii. 489

Hannah (Harlow), wife of Alfred Spooner, v. pt. 2, 580, 614

James, of Lyndon, i. 340², 341

tory, iii. 1211²

James A., of Highgate, ii. 421

Jedediah, of Burlington, i. 555

Col. Jeduthan, of St. Albans, ii. 116, 331, 547²

Rev. John A., of Fairfield, ii. 199

Joshua, of Highgate, ii. 421

Judah P., of Fair Haven, iii. 693²-4, 695, 696²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601

Julia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614

Mary (Hendee), wife of Dr. Whipple Spooner, i. 655²

Nancy, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614

Paul, i. 911² note; iv. 253²

grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²

of Hardwick, i. 325

of Hartland, ii. 1172²; v. 10², 11

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

grantee of Roxbury, iv. 762

Dr. Paul, v. 11(2), 12, 14², 15², 186

Rhoda 3d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 614

Tilletson Paul, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

Dr. Whipple, of Burlington, i. 655²

Zeruiah, m. Paul Gates, ii. 221², 231²

Spooner & Green, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576, 579², 601², 613²

Spoor, John, of Swanton, iv. 1003

Rev. Orange, of Georgia, ii. 242²

Spotten, Rachel, m. Hiram Hopkins, iii. 1098²

Sprage, Beriah, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Sprague, ____, at Durham [Clarendon], iii. 1092

of Swanton, iv. 1129²

m. Jacob Eddy, iii. 621

Dr., of Shelburne, i. 884

Gov., of R. I., i. 441; iv. 63²

Judge, of Brandon, iii. 1112²

Mrs., of Clarendon, iii. 560, 571

Prof., of Randolph, iii. 652

Rev., of Schenectady (N. Y.), iii. 913

A., of Lunenburg, i. 948²

Alonzo F., of Cabot, iv. 92², 102², 121

Betsey, of Westfield and Homer (N. Y.), iii. 362(2)

Betsey (Edgerton), wife of Rev. Sprague, iii. 913

Burton, of Westfield, iii. 362

Carlos Allen, of Montpelier, iv. 551

Celia, of Westfield, iii. 362

Charlotte, m. Otis Taft, iii. 1205

Charlotte (Glam), wife of Elida Sprague, iii. 1205




824                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Sprague, Daniel, of Poultney, iii. 970², 977², 980²

Darius, of Randolph, ii. 1044²

Dolly, of Randolph, ii. 1044², 1045

Dorcas, of Randolph, ii. 1044²

Durham, of Clarendon, iii. 560

Ebenezer, of Danby, iii. 588²

Edward, of Randolph, ii. 1044²

Dr., Edwin H., of Shelburne, i. 868

Eleazer, of Hinesburg, i.. 794², 796

Elida, of Wells, iii. 1205

Eliza E., m. Rodney V. Marsh, iii. 487

Elkanah, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Capt. Elkanah, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Enoch, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

Eunice, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

Rev. Ezra, of Montpelier, iv. 378², 381²

of Pawlet iii. 904

of Winhall, i. 246²

Farnum, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²

George F., Craftsbury soldiers' record, iii. 178

Harold, of Montpelier, iv. 574

Hezekiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28, 33

Hosea, from Brimfield (Mass.), of Westfield, iii. 346, 347(2), 356²(2), 362, 363²

of Lowell, iii. 280

Mrs. Hosea, of Lowell, iii. 280

Hosea jr., of Westfield, iii. 362

Ignatius, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Isaac, of Winhall, i. 246, 247

Rev. Isaac N., of Geneseo (N. Y.), iii. 973²

Isaac Newton, of Poultney and Cald­well (N. Y.), iii. 996

James, of Calais, iv. 176

of Wells, iii. 1205

John, of Ballston (N. Y.), British captive, ii. 985-9

from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247(2)

of Randolph, ii. 1044², 1045

grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Jonas, of Lyndon, i. 340², 341

Jonathan, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247(2)

of Danby, iii. 587², 588²

from Malden (Mass.), of Randolph, sketch, ii. 1044-5

Jonathan jr., sea captain, ii. 1044²

Joseph, of Danby, iii. 580², 581², 582(2), 586, 587², 588², 599

Joseph jr., of Danby, iii. 587², 588

Laban, of Westfield, iii. 362

Lambert, of Woodbury, iv. 880, 912²

Leonard, of Randolph, ii. 1045

Dr. Leonard, of Winhall, i. 246²

Loammi, of Marshfield, iv. 209²

Dr. Lorenzo, of Winhall, i. 246²

Lorenzo H., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²

Lucy, of Randolph, ii. 1044²

Lydia, of Randolph, ii. 1044²

of Westfield, iii. 362

Mary, of Westfield, iii. 362

Mary Ann, m. Benjamin, F. H. Witherell, iii. 729²

Melissa (Van Guilder). wife of James Sprague, iii. 1205

N. T., of Brandon, iii. 487

N. T., jr., of Brandon, iiI 441², 453², 456

Nancy, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Nathan T., of Mt. Holly, iii. 851, 861²

Nathan T. jr., of Brandon, iii. 498(2), 500

Nehemiah. of Westfield, iii. 362

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

O. B., v. pt. 35, 53²

Ozro, of Wells, iii. 1205

Peleg, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Phebe (Potter), wife of Rev. Sprague, iii. 923

Philip, iv. 529

of Clarendon. iii. 1074

Sally (Story), wife of John Sprague, ii. 1045

Samuel, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Sarah, m. Benjamin Chase, v. pt. 2, 717

Tabitha (Burditt), wife of Jonathan Sprague, ii. 1044²

W., of Montpelier, iv. 334²

Rev. W. B., i. 525² note, 528

William, from Randolph, of Claremont (N. H.), ii. 1032, 1044²

grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671

Rev. William B., of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 518, 1019, 1050², 1052²; v. 72²

Wooster, of Berlin, iv. 14

of Boston, iv. 529

of Montpelier, iv. 273², 276², 279², 329², 408², 553²

Wyman, from Conn., of Winhall, i. 247(2)

Zebulon, of Danby, iii. 592²

Ziba, of Randolph, ii. 1042², 1046²

Sprague & Keyes, of Swanton, iv. 1033², 1129²

Sprague & Wells, of Cabot, iv. 93, 98²

Spratt, Capt., of Georgia, ii. 247²

Spring, ____, from Richford, of O., ii. 282(2)

of N. Y., i. 254²

Rev., iii. 1165²

Art, of Grafton, v. pt 2, 556²

Charles E., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 431²




NAME INDEX                           825


Spring, Daniel, of Barre, iv. 33

Samuel, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553

Dr. Samuel, i. 192, 193, 2d ed. 193, 194

Samuel jr., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553

Thomas, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 552²

Springer, ____, of Cabot, iv. 75²

Althea, m. John Pierce, v. pt. 2, 101

S., of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 1020²

Sproat, D. C., of Fair Haven, iii. 709

David C., of Fair Haven, iii. 700²

Sproat & Safford, of Fair Haven, iii. 700²

Sproul, Capt. John, i. 674², 675²(2)

Sprout, ____, of Randolph, ii. 1049

Asa, of Northfield, iv. 613²

Daniel, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Sprowl, Lavina (Knight), wife of Oliver Sproul, v. pt. 2, 144²

Oliver, v. pt. 2, 144²

Spurr, Marcus, in St. Albans raid, ii. 304(2)

Squier, Mrs. (née Marvin), ii. 123²

Almer, of Charlotte, i. 744²(2)

G. W., of Swanton, iv. 1129 (2), 1134²

George, of Swanton, iv. 1130

George W., in Johnson, ii. 674²

Joel, of Enosburg, ii. 146

Joseph, of Fair Haven, iii. 673², 674

Solomon, of Charlotte, i. 734²

Truman, from Woodbury (Conn.), of Manchester and Bennington, i. 166, 2d ed. 168²; iii. 894², 927

Mrs. Truman, of Bennington, i. 172, 2d ed. 174

Squiers, D. S., iii. 1038²

G. W., of Swanton, iv. 1036

Josiah, of Greenfield (Mass.), iii. 726²

Josiah A., of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Newton, of Mendon. iii. 786

Truman, of Manchester, i. 204², 2d ed. 203²

Squire, Rev., in Highgate, ii. 270

in Strafford, ii. 1083

Rev. Joel, of Brandon, iii. 474

Lopher, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Rev. O. J., of Shelburne, i. 884

Odle, of Panton, i. 82

Rev. S. W., iv. 26

Truman, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 34², 35

Squires, A. M. & D. P., of Montpelier, iv. 276

Amasa, of Middletown, iii. 836²

Benjamin, of Washington, ii. 1139

Mrs. Bethiah, of Richmond, i. 846²

Buckley, of Bennington, i. 138², 2d ed. 140²

David F., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 55²

David N., of Bennington, i. 179, 2d ed. 180²

Ebenezer, from Windsor, of Bran­don, iii. 447², 449², 489

Rev. Joel, in Fair Haven, iii. 717

Orlando, of Manchester, i. 253

Rev. S. W., in Glover, iii. 207²

Silas, of Fairfax, ii. 170

Stephen, of Huntington, i. 814²(2)

of Richmond, i. 846²

Uriah, of Fairfield, ii. 468

William, from St. Armand (P. Q.), in Richford, ii. 284²

Squizzle, Simon, pseud. of B. F. Bailey

Stacey, John, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673²

Stackhouse, ____, of Burlington, i. 496²

Stacy, ____, of Burlington, iii. 1112²

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414²

m. ____ Haswell, ii. 959²

Lt. ii. 746

Abel, of Concord, i. 968²

Alvah, of Charleston, iii. 108², 115²

Charles H., of Orange, ii. 969²

Clara, of Burlington, i. 533

Cornish, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414²

Henry B., of Burlington, i. 472, 509², 510, 514, 554², 555; iii. 1113 note; iv. 8

Mrs. Henry B., of Burlington, ii. 969

Henry Baldwin, of Orange and Bur­lington, sketch, ii. 959²-69

Jennie, of Burlington, ii. 967²

John, of Burlington, i. 510

of Orange, ii. 956², 969(2)

sketch, ii. 958²-9

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2)

John jr., of Orange, ii. 969²

Malin, of Barre, iv. 1199²

Maria (Corning), wife of Henry B. Stacy, ii. 961²

Stacy families from Salem (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²

Stafford, Dr., of Roxbury, iv. 741²

Albert, of Pownal, i. 259²

Amos, of Irasburg, iii. 245²

Bartlett, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150

Dr. F. D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723

Frank, of Barre, iv. 27

Ira, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

Isaac B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

J. S., of Brandon, iii. 472², 473 (2)

John, of Danby, iii. 580², 581, 588, 599, 604²

of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866²(2), 867 (2)

of Roxbury, iv. 735², 747(2), 757², 759

of Stowe, ii. 701

John jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30²

Mrs. John A., of Stowe, ii. 717

Lemuel, of Danby, iii. 602, 665²




826                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stafford, Palmer, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867

Rachael (Bull), wife of Stephen Stafford, iii. 616

Rowland, of Danby, iii. 591, 599, 603, 612, 649

Russell A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

Sally, m. Capt. Alonzo N. Colvin, iii. 618²

Samuel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 27². 29²(2), 34²

Stephen, of Wallingford, iii. 616

Stukely, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

Stutely, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867

Sylvester, of Brandon, iii. 495²

Thomas, of Danby, iii. 599

Eld. W. C., of Strafford, ii. 1079

Stafford & Holden, iv. 35, 51

Stafford & Millard, of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219²

Stafford & Phelps, of Brandon, iii. 500

Stakney, Z., of Weybridge, i. 110

Staley, Capt. S. G., of Rutland, iii. 1028²

Stanbury, John, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Josiah, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Stancliff, Willard N. B., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453²

Standcliff, William, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339²

Standish, Asa, from Williamstown (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408², 414(2)

C. O., of Randolph, ii. 996

David, of Fair Haven, iii. 704

Lemuel, of Benson, iii. 407², 408², 414(2), 420

Lt. M. M., in Plattsburg battle, i. 674²

Miles, ii. 1050²; iii. 922²

Olive, m. Abner Washburn, ii. 1050²

Otis, of Montpelier, iv. 278², 351

Dr. Pierce, of Huntington, i. 816(2)

Sgt. Samuel, in Rev. war, ii. 391

William O., of Montpelier, iv. 348², 529², 550

Mrs. William O. (née Smith), iv. 529²

Stanhoop, Joseph jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36

Stanhope, Earl of, i. 686

Ezra, of Richford, ii. 280

Isaac, of Richford, ii. 280

Joseph, from Guilford, of Richford, ii. 280

Mrs. Joseph, of Richford, ii. 280(2)

Joseph jr., of Richford, ii. 280(2)

Leverett, of Richford, ii. 280

Mun, of Richford, ii. 280

Sally, of Richford, ii. 280

Samuel, of Richford, ii. 280(2)

Staniford, Daniel, of Burlington, i. 467², 497², 498², 514²

Julietta, see Robinson, Mrs. Julietta (Staniford)

Stanley, Mrs. (née Gerould), of Greens­boro, iii. 212

A. E., on Rev. Stephen Olin, i. 46

Mrs. A. E., poem, iii. 776

Charlotte, m. Reuben Bates, iv. 1171²

Daniel, of Danby, iii. 600

Gen. David S., v. pt. 2, 200, 201²

Eunice (Huntington), wife of Tim­othy Stanley, iii. 212

F. L., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14

George O., of Randolph, ii. 995²

Hans, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

Henry, of Poultney, iii. 977²

J., of Fair Haven, iii. 709

John, of Castleton, iii. 515²(2)

of Poultney, iii. 977², 980², 981, 984²

Joseph, of Greensboro, iii. 31, 212(2), 214

Lydia, m. Ellis F. Chase, v. pt. 2, 717

Mary (Gerould), wife of Joseph Stanley, iii. 31, 212²

Peter, i. 455²; iv. 963

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Phebe, of Groton, iv. 1166²

Timothy, iv. 802²

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Greensboro, iii. 31(2), 33², 211, 212(2), 213, 214, 231²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

William, of Franklin, ii. 220²

Stanly, ____, of N. C., v. pt. 35, 87, 88²

m. Robin C. Mallory, iii. 524

Stannard, ____, of Fair Haven, ii. 385²; iii. 681, 687²

of Jericho, ii. 640

Rev., missionary, iii. 932²

Amanda (Wooster), wife of Rev. Stannard, iii. 932²

Asa, of Georgia, ii. 249

Betsey, of Fair Haven, iii. 680²

Charlotte, of Fair Haven, iii. 680²

Daniel, of Fair Haven, iii. 680²

of Georgia, ii. 235², 241, 244², 249², 370², 377(2)

of Swanton, iv. 996², 1133, 1185

David, in Pownal, i. 215², 2d ed. 214²

Emily Clark, wife of Gen. George J. Stannard, ii. 389

Gen. George J., of Georgia, i. 439, 709², 710, 714-6, 718²; ii. 241, 245², 454, 531, 763², 766; iv. 16-­19, 299, 1187²

portrait, iv. facing p. 385

sketch, ii. 385²-9

Heman, of Fair Haven, iii. 678(2), 680², 702

Jemima (Wilcox), wife of Samuel Stannard, iii. 680²




NAME INDEX                           827


Stannard, Joseph, of Georgia, ii. 244, 249, 344(2), 393

Lucas K., of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Lucas R., of Georgia, ii. 243²

Rebecca (Petty), wife of Samuel Stannard, ii. 385²

Samuel, of Georgia, ii. 385²

from Killingworth (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 680(2), 686²(2), 690(2), 694², 702², 714², 715², 716

Samuel jr., of Fair Haven, iii. 680²

of Georgia, ii. 241, 242, 249²

Stansbury, Caroline Kirkland, of Holedon (N. J.), i. 849²

Cordelia Agnes, of Holedon (N. J.), i. 849²

E. A., v. 182

Edward A., of Chittenden co., i. 473², 555, 845

Edward Augustus, of N. Y., i. 849²

Hamilton, of Burlington, i. 849²

Lt. John, in Battle of Plattsburg, i. 678²(2), 680²

Josephine Melinda (Briggs), wife of Edward A. Stansbury, i. 849²

Stanton, Andrew, from Roxbury, of Stoughton (Mass.), iv. 752², 760

Anna Gray, of Roxbury, iv. 756

Betsey, of Calais, iv. 166

D. R., of Roxbury, iv. 758

David, of Jericho, i. 466², 829²

Capt. David, of Burlington, i. 519²

David H., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Edwin M., iii. 192; iv. 456², 606

Elijah, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Elizabeth, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Ezekiel, of Northfield, iv. 672²

George B., of Roxbury, iv. 752

Isaac, of Calais, iv. 136

Lt. John A., of Danville, i. 314²

Joshua, grantee of Albany, iii. 46², 47²

of Burlington , i. 499²

of Colchester, i. 761, 762, 763(2), 776²

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

of Westford, i. 891²

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 774, 777²(2)

Joshua jr., of Colchester, i. 762, 763(2)

Rebecca, m. Lt. Charles McArthur, iii. 681²

S. G., of Roxbury, iv. 741², 744², 752², 758

Samuel G., of Roxbury, iv. 757², 759², 760(2), 761

Solomon, of Essex, i. 781²

of Chittenden co., ii. 643

Thomas, of Calais, iv. 165²

Zed S., of Roxbury, iv. 741, 751², 753², 757², 758², 759², 760, 761², 762

Staples, ____, of Old Orchard Beach (Me.), v. 188

Capt., of Sheffield, i. 419

Abraham, of Danby, iii. 592, 649(2)

Almira, of Danby; iii. 649²

m. Joel Colvin, iii. 618²

Alvira (Skeeles), wife of Ellery Staples, iii. 649

Amanda, of Danby, iii. 649²

Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 328

Clark M., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355²

Cyrus, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20

David, of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 608

Edward, of Danby, iii. 613²

Edwin, of Danby, iii. 602, 608², 641, 649²

Elery, of Danby, iii. 618²

Eliza Ann, of Danby, iii. 649²

Ellery, of Danby, iii. 649(2)

Eunice, of Danby, iii. 649²

Hannah, of Berlin, iv. 1189

of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Hannah (Richardson), wife of Peter S. P. Staples, iv. 737²

Jacob, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 340

John W., of Montpelier, iv. 532

Jonathan, of Danby, iii. 592, 600, 609, 649

of Pawlet, iii. 881, 910²

Jonathan jr., of Danby, iii. 649

Louisa (Vail), wife of Edwin Sta­ples, iii. 649²

Lydia, of Danby, iii. 649²

Margaret V. (Lapham), 2d wife of Edwin Staples, iii. 649²

O. A., of Roxbury, iv. 739, 741², 747², 751

Olive, of Danby, iii. 649²

Orpha, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20

Peter S. P., of Roxbury, iv. 737², 752, 754

Phebe m. Lucius M. Carpenter, iii. 910²

Philander, from Westmoreland (N. H.), of Fairlee, ii. 895², 905²

Philip, of Northfield, iv. 683

Rachael, of Danby iii. 649(2)

Rachael (Holbrook), wife of Jonathan Staples, iii. 649

Resolved S., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342, 350

Rhoda, of Danby, iii. 649²

Sally, of Danby, iii. 649

Sarah, m. Jonathan Crocker, iii. 649²

Seth, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Sylvia, of Danby, iii. 649(2)

m. Isaac Allen, iii. 609

Thomas, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Willard, of Danby, iii. 649

William, of Danby, iii. 649²

William Ellery, of Danby, iii. 649²

Star, Jonathan, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²




828                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stark, ____, dau. of Gen. John Stark, i. 263

m. Capt. Jonathan Willard, iii. 930

Lt., commanded schooner Maria, i. 663²

Abigail (Camp), wife of Jedediah Stark, v. pt. 2, 419

Eld. Dyer, in Hubbardton, iii. 778

George Washington, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Harriet, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Horace Goodrich, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

James L., from Halifax, of Chicago, v. pt. 2, 418², 419, 422(2)

James L. jr., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 418²

Jedediah, from Conn., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 419

Jedediah 2d, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Rev. Jedediah L., of Brattleboro, v. 25, 127²

John, of Pawlet, iii. 880², 881²

Capt. John, of Pawlet, iii. 874, 879², 919, 927

in Rev. war, ii. 390², 518² note, 916², 917

Maj. Gen. John, i. 11, 154(2), 155, 156(2), 172², 173², 174, 176, 181, 202, 216, 263, 284, 382, 596², 638, 747², 772(2), 773, 911², 922, 1033², 1037², 2d ed. 156²(2), 157, 158(2), 174², 175², 176, 178, 182², 201², 215; iii. 293², 927, 940, 1037², 1039², 1084, 1147; iv. 56, 1190; v. 22; v. pt. 2, 546²; v. pt. 3, 77²; v. pt. 3¹, 16²; v. pt. 35, 16(2), 17², 19(2), 20², 21², 22(2), 26², 56, 58², 59(2), 61, 64², 66, 69, 76², 79², 93², 108²

portrait, v. pt. 35, facing p. 80

Joshua Leavitt, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

L. J. N., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 683, 685

Landon, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²

Mollie, wife of Gen. John Stark, i. 1033²; v. pt. 35, 77, 81

Nathan, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30, 35², 37

Rachel, m. Ephraim Jones, iii. 919

Royal Houghton, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Samuel, from Pawlet, of Oswego co. (N. Y.), iii. 927

Sarah, m. Col. Samuel Willard, iii. 931

m. William Hyde 3d, ii. 635²

Sereno, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Sybel Livania, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419

Sybel (Smith), wife of James L. Stark, v. pt. 2, 419

William, in Rumney (N. H.), ii. 916²(2)

William H., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422

Starkey, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 175²

B., of Barton, iii. 74²

Duane C., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 352²

Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 175²

Orin, of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Starks, Archibald, of Victory, i. 1046²

Charles, of Derby, iii. 186²

Rev. D., of Clarksburg (Mass.), in Stamford, i. 238

Eunice, of Fairfax, ii. 393²

Rev. H. L., of Burlington, i. 546²

of Esperance (N. Y.), iii. 622²

of Shelburne, i. 884

Rebecca, m. Elijah Hyde, ii. 540²

Samuel. of Grand Isle, ii. 522

Starkweather, Dr., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

of Worthington (Mass.), i. 803

Eld., in Derby, iii. 180

Rev., Baptist minister, i. 796²

Amos, of Northfield, iv. 613

Betsey, m. Luther Blodgett, ii. 1018

Cynthia (Nichols), wife of Capt. John Starkweather, iv. 627²

E. H., of Orleans co., iii. 34(2)

Elisha, of Brandon, iii. 469

Rev. Elisha, of Charlotte, i. 743

Elisha H., of Irasburg, iii. 254(2)-5

Ephraim, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255

Horace, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 541²

John, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

of Northfield, iv. 613², 614, 615², 616, 625², 652

Capt. John, of Northfield, iv. 627²

Oliver, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Orra, m. Dr. Jeptha White, iv. 632²

Stephen, of Pawlet, iii. 901²

Starkwether, Elisha, from Shaftsbury, of Brandon, iii. 449²

Roger, from Shaftsbury,  of Bran­don, iii. 449

Starky & Howard, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Starnes, Rev. Samuel, i. 526²

Starr, Alice, m. William A. Faulkner, v. pt. 2, 710

Barley, of Richmond, i. 844²

Comfort, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34², 64

of Richmond, i. 844²

Capt. Comfort, of Guilford, v. pt, 3, 28(2), 36

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Henry, of Granville, i. 42

Jesse, of Burlington, i. 655

Parley, of Brattleboro, v. 176, 185²

of Huntington, i. 815

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 704-706, 724²




NAME INDEX                           829


Starr, Perley, of Fair Haven, iii. 682

Starr & Estey, of Brattleboro, v. 176

Start, Capt., in Bakersfield, ii. 108²

Charles M., of Franklin co., ii. 95

Henry R., of Bakersfield, ii. 95, 176

Romeo H., of Bakersfield, ii. 95, 222²

S. G., of Bakersfield, ii. 107²

Stasey, ____, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

Alvah, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

Stead, Betsey, m. Rev. Oliver Emmerson, iii. 622²

Rev. Henry, of Danby, iii. 606², 622²

in St. Albans, ii. 334²

in Grand Isle co., ii. 485²(2)

Sarah, m. Rev. Oliver Emmerson, iii. 622²

Steadman, Mary A., m. Edward E. Belding jr., v. pt. 2, 311

Phineas, of Chicopee (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 311

Salmon, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Steady, Augustus, of Waterbury, iv. 867

Stearns, ____, m. Paul Field, iii. 459²

m. William Herschel, v. pt. 2, 66²

Dr., of Claremont (N. H.), iv. 816²

of Pompey (N. Y.), iii. 917

in South Hero, ii. 572²

Rev., circuit preacher, iv. 98²

Capt., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8

Rev. A. H., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 480²

Achsa (Burnap), wife of James Stearns, v. pt. 3², 16

Addie (Hope), wife of G. A. Stearns, iii. 537

Eld. Amos, in Bristol. i. 20²

Benjamin, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 63

of Swanton, iv. 1003

C., of Brattleboro. v. 175²

Catherine (Knapp) (Alexander), wife of John F. Stearns, v. pt. 2, 149, 168²

Charles, of Enosburg, ii. 136

Charlotte (Norcross) (Wiswall), wife of Warren Stearns, v. pt. 2, 100²

Clark, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 11²

Cyrus, of Bradford, ii. 824

Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. 53²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Dr. Daniel, of Hinesburg, i. 799

David, of N. H., v. pt. 2, 568

E. A., of Brattleboro, v. 117

Ebenezer, pioneer of Monkton, i. 65², 66, 67²

Elijah, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 340(2), 342(2), 346(2), 349²

Eliphaz, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339, 342², 345²

Eliphaz jr., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346

Elizabeth (Albee) (Kelley), wife of Dr. William Stearns, v. pt. 2, 67

Emory, of Brattleboro, v. 179²

Felix, of Fairfax, ii. 172

Frances W., m. Jonathan R. Childs, v. pt. 2, 168²

Frank, of Waterbury, iv. 867

Mrs. G. A., of Parana (S. A.), iii. 537

George, of Waterbury, iv. 819

Hannah (Farr) (Hildreth), wife of Samuel Stearns, v. pt. 2, 144

Harriet, m. Homer W. Heaton, iv. 543²

Henry, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110², 178

of Fairfax, ii. 165², 169²

Horace, of Fletcher, ii. 201²

of Swanton, iv. 1039²

J., of Chelsea, iv. 352

J. C., of Montpelier, iv. 273

Lt. J. C., of Bradford, ii. 841²

J. Milton, editor, iv. 312², 315²

J. W., of Rutland, iii. 1041

James, of Highgate, ii. 258²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 16

Capt. James, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 11²

John, of Benson, iii. 417²

of Boston, iv. 543²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 35²

pioneer of Monkton, i. 65²

of Pawlet, iii. 878, 879², 896², 905

in Richford, ii. 283²

Mrs. John, of Cambridge, ii. 603

Rev. John, of Richford, ii. 285²

John jr., of Pawlet, iii. 878

John C., of Bradford, iv. 1191

Col. John C., v. pt. 35, 63²

John F., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 68², 71², 149, 152, 168²

John Milton, editor, iv. 294

Rev. Jonah, of Readsboro, i. 221², 2d ed. 220

Jonathan, from Hardwick (Mass.), of Brandon, iii. 459²

Maj. Jonathan, from Brandon, of Malone (N. Y.), iii. 459²

Joseph, of Hinesburg, i. 797

Rev. Josiah M., of Lunenburg, sketch, i. 1024²

Laura (Bellows), wife of Luman Stearns, v. pt. 2, 450²

Lewis, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Luman, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 450²

Capt. M., of Bakersfield, ii. 393²

Martha, m. Simon W. Houghton, v. pt. 2, 67²

Nancy (Hascall), wife of Dr. Stearns, iii. 917

Nathan, of Brownington, iii. 95²

Nathaniel, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342², 344, 346

of Swanton, iv. 1039

Rev. Nathaniel, of Hardwick, i. 328²

of Strafford, ii. 1080

of Warren, iv. 803²




830                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stearns, Rev. Nathaniel W., of Barre, iv. 52

Peleg, of Cambridge, ii. 603²

Phineas, of Corinth, ii. 882

Polly (Whitney), wife of Elijah W. Stearns, v. pt. 2, 162²

Presson, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 61²

Reuben, of Brattleboro, v. 53², 58², 178

Samuel, of Brattleboro, v. 20

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 144

Dr. Samuel, from Bolton, of Brattleboro, v. 66

from Lancaster (Mass.), of Dummerston, sketch, v. pt. 2, 64-9

Sarah, m. Luther Dustin, v. pt. 2, 168²

2d wife of Dr. Samuel Stearns, v. pt. 2, 67(2)

Seth, of Pawlet, iii. 885²

Susan, m. George Sheldon, v. pt. 2, 168²

Thomas. of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690, 692

Warren, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 100²

Rev. Wellington, in Randolph, ii. 1001

William, of Highgate, ii. 420², 421(2)

of Victory, i. 1047²

Rev. William T., of Panton, i. 81

Stearns & Ray, of Brattleboro, v. 175²

Stebbing, Abigail (Bartlett), 2d wife of John Stebbing, v. pt. 2, 288

Anna (Munden), wife of John Steb­bing, v. pt. 2, 288

Benoni, in Deerfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 288

Elizabeth, from England, v. pt. 2, 288

John, from England, v. pt. 2, 288

John de, of England, v. pt. 2, 288

Rowland, from England, of Rox­bury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 288, 318

Sarah, wife of Rowland Stebbing, v. pt. 2, 288

Thomas, from England, v. pt. 2, 288

Stebbings, H. R,, of Swanton, iv. 1098

Stebbings family, v. pt. 2, 288-9

Stebbins, ____, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 193

Eld., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Rev., in Oakland (Cal.), v. pt. 2, 368(2)

of Rutland, iii. 1022

Capt., of Westfield, iii. 349²

A. Adella (Smith), 2d wife of Ed­win A. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 396

Abigail (Elmer), 2d wife of Capt. Elijah Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289²

Abner, of Guilford. v. pt. 3, 33, 34²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320(2)

Adin, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Adolphus, of Brattleboro, v. 48², 130, 175²

Alfred, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288², 289

Alice, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Alma, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Alonzo, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277, 288²

Anna, m. Thomas Sargeant, v. pt. 2, 171, 216

m. Thomas Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 22², 23

Arad, of Bradford, ii. 823²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Arad jr., of Bradford, ii. 823²(2), 824

Arthur, from Brookline, of Skeene (Tenn.), v. pt. 2, 395

Arthur B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 389

Bathana (Knight), wife of Elijah Stebbins jr., v. pt. 2, 289²

Benjamin, from Brimfield (Mass.), of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394²

Bethuel, of Westfield, iii. 351

Betsey, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Betsey (Dickinson), wife of Gideon D. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289²

Beulah (Dickinson), wife of Elijah Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289

Bliss, of Williamstown, ii. 1149²

Brainard, of Williamstown, ii. 1149²

Calista, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

m. Charles Lyman, v. pt. 2, 289

Caroline (Severance), wife of George P. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289²

Chalmer, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395

Chalmer W., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385², 392-3, 404²

Chandler H., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

Charles Q., from Brookline, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 395

Charlotte, m. ____ McNeil, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

Christana, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Clarinda, of Westfield, iii. 363²

Clarissa, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Clarissa (Blandin), wife of Rufus Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Daniel, v. pt. 2, 288

of Bakersfield, ii. 106²

Dr. E. A. from Brookline, of Shelburne (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 382

Ebenezer, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 24

pensioner, ii. 393

Edith P. (Large), wife of Alfred Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289

Edwin, of Westfield, iii. 363²

Dr. Edwin Alonzo, from Brookline, of Shelburne Falls (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 395

sketch, v. pt. 2, 395²-6




NAME INDEX                           831


Stebbins, Eleanor, m. Diah Flint, ii. 1023

Eli M., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394²

Eliakim, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²(2), 313², 314², 320

Eliakim jr., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Elijah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278, 279, 285(2), 289(2), 301², 320

Elijah jr., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289(2)

Elijah 3d, of Vernon and Fitchburg (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 289²

Elisha. grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Elizabeth (Wright), wife of John Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 288

Ella, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

Elvira, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394²

Emeline, of Westfield, iii. 363²

Ephraim B., of Greensboro, iii. 229²

Francis, of Montpelier, iv. 395²

George Edwin, of Shelburne Falls (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 396

George Parmenter, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

George R., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289 (2)

Gideon D., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289 (2)

Harriet, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289

m. Henry A. Goodrich, v. pt, 2, 288²

m. Samuel Kendall, ii. 155²

m. Stephen Perry, v. pt. 2, 289²

Harriet (Houghton), wife of John Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 288²

Harrison, of Westfield, iii. 363²

Hattie Bell (Lyon), wife of Arthur B. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 389²

Herbert, of Montpelier, iv. 553

Iddo, of Westfield iii. 344²

J. B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 403²

Mrs. J. B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 404

J. W., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 382

Jacob, of Westfield iii. 346(2), 347², 362²

Jairus, of Westfield, iii. 320, 348², 350², 351(2), 363

Mrs. Jairus, of Westfield, iii. 363²

Jairus, of Orleans co., iii. 33²

Capt. Jairus, from Monson (Mass.), of Westfield, iii. 346², 351²

Jane (Nutting), wife of Edwin A. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 396

Jerusha, wife of Benjamin Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 394²

John, of Brattleboro, v. 175²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277, 285(2), 288²(2), 307², 318(2), 321

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

John jr., of Vernon, v. pt, 2, 287, 288², 308

John B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 380, 385²(2), 389, 390², 393

sketch, v. pt. 2, 394-5

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478²

on Walker family, v. pt. 2, 403-4

Jonas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395

Joseph, of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 275², 288; v. pt. 3, 18²

of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 22²

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

of Swanton, iv. 992²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287², 289(2), 313², 314(2)

Capt. Joseph, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

Joseph jr., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287², 288, 289

Joseph 3d, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289² (2)

Josiah, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Josiah jr., grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Jotham, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 378², 379², 383, 384, 385², 394², 395

Jotham 2d, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Rev. L. D., of Burlington, i. 546²

of Poultney, iii. 995² note

Laverna, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

Lorenzo, of Vernon and Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 288²(2)

Lucy, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

Lucy A., of Shelburne Falls (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 396

Lucy (Bond), wife of Joseph Steb­bins 3d, v. pt. 2, 289²

Lydia Houghton, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

m. Lambert J. Bristol, v. pt. 2, 289

Madison, of Troy, iii. 363(2)

Martin, of Westfield, iii. 363²(2)

Mary, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289(2)

of Westfield, iii. 351², 363²

wife of Joseph Stebbins. v. pt. 2, 288

Mary 2d, m. Zadoc Wright, v. pt. 2, 289 (2)

Mary (Barber), wife of John B. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 395

Mary E., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386²

Melissa, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288², 289

Miriam, of Westfield, iii. 351²

Morton, of Westfield, iii. 356

Nancy (Newell), wife of Williams Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289²

Phebe, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 394²

m. Joab Holland, v. pt. 2, 395²

Phebe (Ellenwood), wife of Jotham Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 394²

Rev. R. I., author, iv. 319²

Rev. R. P., iv. 409

Ralph, of Sheldon, in Richford, ii. 282², 283




832                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stebbins, Rebecca, m. Maj. Eli Lee, v. pt. 2, 288², 315², 316²

m. Lovewell Johnson, v. pt. 2, 301²

Rebekah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289

Rebekah (Hawks), wife of Eliakim Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 288²

Rebekah 2d, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289

Roxana, m. Leavitt Hall, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

Roxana (Parmenter), wife of Capt. Elijah Stebbins v. pt. 2, 289²

Rufus, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379, 380², 381, 386, 394², 395(2), 399²

of Westfield, iii. 359

Salmon, in Enosburg, ii. 146

in Richford, ii. 284

Rev. Salmon, in Danby, iii. 606².

of Swanton, iv. 1085, 1087

in Grand Isle co., ii. 485²

Samuel of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379², 380², 381(2), 383, 385²(2), 386, 394², 395(2)

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289

Samuel E., from Brookline, of Dakota, v. pt. 2, 395

Sarah, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386, 395(2)

Sarah (Blandin), wife of Samuel Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 394²

Sarah N., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Sarah (Perry), wife of George R. Stebbins, v. pt. 2, 289²

Shapley P., of Westfield, iii. 363²

Solomon, of Rutland, iii. 1047

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 288²

Rev. Solomon, in Fairfield, ii. 199²

from Sheldon, ii. 380²

Tabitha, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

Thankful, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289(2), 320

Thankful 3d, m. Franklin Streeter, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

Thankful (Belding), wife of Joseph Stebbins, v. p. 2, 288, 289

Thomas, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395

Valonia, m. Thomas W. Titus, v. pt. 2, 289²(2)

Vashti, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 395(2)

Vashti E., m. Walter Bennett, v. pt. 2, 399²

William, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289, 305²

William P., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 378, 379², 385², 386², 395 and note

Williams, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

Zedediah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

Stebbins & Richmond, of Northfield, iv. 695²

Stebbins family, v. pt. 2, 288-9, 394-6

Stebens, Asahel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 496

Asel, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Thomas, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Stedman, A., of Tunbridge, ii. 1121

Daniel B., of Brattleboro, v. 183

Ebenezer, grantee of Brattleboro, v. 19

Dr. I. H., of Brattleboro, v. 43²

Nathaniel, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 456, 725

Steel, Dr. A. J., of Morristown, ii. 690

Abigail, m. John Wilcox, iv. 802

Benjamin H., of Derby Line, i. 949

C. G., of Castleton, iii. 522

David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19²

of Mt. Tabor, iii. 867²(2)

James, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976, 1174², 1175

of Roxbury. iv. 759²

of Essex co., i. 948

Lucy, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

Nathaniel, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Samuel, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Zadoc, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Zadock, iv. 630

Steele, ____, of New Milford (Conn.), iv. 814

Rev., iii. 995² note

in Hubbardton, iii. 178

itinerant preacher, iv. 600

Gen., at Antietam battle, i. 719

Aaron, son of James Steele, ii. 979, 980²

Abel, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 227

Abigail (Huntington), 1st wife of James Steele, ii. 979

Abigail (Makepeace), 3d wife of James Steele, ii. 979

Albert, of Northfield, iv. 688²

Andrew, of Randolph and Brookfield, ii. 979²-80

Azubah (Blodgett), wife of Elezier Steele, ii. 1018²

B. H., on Benjamin Hinman, iii. 182²-5

Benjamin H., ii. 979²; iii. 186²

at Barton, iii. 35

of Derby, iii. 33²

of St. Johnsbury, iii. 182

Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479(2)

of Orleans co., iii. 5, 37

Charles Edward, of Chelsea, ii. 980

Chester H., of Burlington, iv. 1191²

Deborah, m. Dr. Philip Lyon, ii. 980

Don Zeno, of Sharon, ii. 979²

Dorothy (Converse), 2d wife of James Steele. ii. 979

Eliphaz, of Hinesburg, i. 794², 796, 797, 806

Elizur, of Randolph, ii. 980, 1018²

Elizur jr., from Randolph, of Cal., ii. 980

Elva M., of Northfield, iv. 688²

Ervilla, of Roxbury, iv. 752²

Esther S., of Northfield, iv. 672




NAME INDEX                           833


Steele, Esther (Smith), wife of James Steele, iv. 646

F. E., of Northfield, iv. 688²

George, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

George Henry, of Randolph, ii. 980

Hannah (Shurtliff), wife of Zadook Steele, ii. 989

Harriet (Converse), wife of Jason Steele, ii. 980

Henry, of St. Johnsbury, ii. 980

Henry Sanford, ii. 979²

Hiram, of Marshfield, iv. 352

Hiram Roswell, iii. 186²

Horace, of Montpelier, iv. 12, 292, 294², 295, 309

Rev. J., in Dorset, i. 191², 2d ed. 192²

J. A., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485

Dr. J. H., of Castleton, iii. 522

James, from Antrim (N. H.), of Northfield, iv. 646, 672

of Guildhall, i. 948, 1007

of Randolph, ii. 1042²

of Roxbury, iv. 739², 741², 757, 760

of Tolland (Conn.), ii. 979-80

James jr., of Ellington (Conn.), ii. 979²(2), 980²

Jason, of Windsor, ii. 978², 980, 1025²

Rev. Joel, of Barre, iv. 52

of Strafford, ii. 1080

circuit preacher, iv. 377

John B., of Randolph, ii. 980

John W., of Waitsfield, iv. 787

Joseph, of Rutland co., iii. 519

Rev. Joseph, of Castleton, iii. 527²(2), 531

hist. of Castleton, iii. 501-31²

Joseph B., of Castleton, iii. 522

Col. Josiah, of Hinesburg, i. 486², 794², 796, 806²

Rev. Levi B., of Sharon, iv. 1192²

Lydia Maria, dau. of Sanford Steele. iii. 186²

Mary Ellen, dau. of Sanford Steele, iii. 186²

Mary Hinman, dau. of Benjamin H. Steele, iii. 186²

Mary (Hinman), wife of Sanford Steele, iii. 186(2)

Mattie (Sumner), wife of Benjamin H. Steele, iii. 186²

Robert, of Hinesburg, i. 796

S. W. & Son, of Northfield, iv. 696²

Sally, of Roxbury, iv. 757

Samuel, of Roxbury, iv. 756²

Dea. Samuel, of Randolph and Sharon, ii. 979²

Samuel H., of Sharon, ii. 979²

Sanford, ii. 979²

of Stanstead (P. Q.), iii. 186

Sanford Henry, iii. 186²

Solomon, of Derby, ii. 979²

of Ellington (Conn.) and Ran­dolph, ii. 979²

Rev. Stephen, of Hartford (Conn.) and Tolland (Conn.), ii. 978²

William, of Sharon, ii. 979²; iv. 573²

Zadock, of Randolph, ii. 857²(2), 979, 990², 1173², 1174²

sketch, ii. 980²-9

author, iv. 319²

Steembarge, James, in militia, ii. 514

James 2d, of Grand Isle co., ii. 508

Steen, Elizabeth (Wood), wife of James Steen. v. 75²

J., of Brattleboro, v. 41(2)

James, of Brattleboro, v. 175²

of Malpos (Eng.), v. 75²-6

Joe, of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 143²

Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 173, 175(2), 180², 181²; v. pt. 2, 111

sketch, v. 75²-7

Steer, Richard, grantee of Barton, iii. 71²

Steinhour, Henry, of Swanton, iv. 1030², 1186

William F., of Swanton, iv. 1059²

Stenbarge, Lt. G. W., of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

Steno, Peleg, see Stone, Peleg

Samuel, m. Sarah Ann Hawley, i. 2d ed. 134²

Stephen, Eld., of Williamstown, ii. 1145

Rev. Dillin, in Danby, iii. 606²

Rev. Ebenezer, of Rutland, iii. 1044²

Stephens, ____, of Chittenden co., ii. 641

Arvilla, m. George Adams, ii. 133²

Benjamin, of Fairfax, ii. 402(2)

Dillon, of Rutland, iii. 1046

Rev. Dillon, of Swanton, iv. 1087

Henry, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88

Mrs. Henry C., iv. 152

Hiram, of Enosburg, ii. 135

Isaac, of Pawlet, iii. 901²

James, of Richmond, i. 846²

John, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 72²

Lucy, m. Daniel Cobb, v. pt. 2, 546

Martha, wife of John Stephens, v. pt. 2, 72²

Nathan, of Barre, iv. 41²

Rufus, of Richmond, i. 845

Stephenson, Edward, of Lowell, iii. 278

Irvin, of Lowell, iii. 278

James, pensioner, ii. 393

John, of Lowell, iii. 269²

William. of Putney, v. pt. 2, 223²

Sterling, Mrs., in Granville, i. 39²

Baxter, in Barre, iv. 41

Mrs. Dudley, of Barre, iv. 37

Henry, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Joe, in Barre, iv. 41

Joseph, of Barre, iv. 37, 42, 726

of Montpelier, iv. 348

Matthew, of Salisbury, i. 88²

Morris, of Warren, iv. 802

Richard, of Warren, iv. 802², 806





834                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Sterling, Mrs. Richard, of Warren, iv. 806

Samuel, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Stephen, of Warren, iv. 812

Sterner, Reuben, of Victory, i. 1046²

Sternes, Rev. Nathaniel, circuit preacher, iv. 377

Sterns, Eldad, of Highgate, ii. 421

Sterling, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 690²

Thomas, of Whitingham, v. pt 2, 690²

Sterry, ____, grantee of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 24²

Cyprian, grantee of Charleston, iii. 106, 119, 122

Stetson, ____, of Enosburg, iii, 424

of Warren, iv. 802²

Albert C., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696, 707

Alex., of Warren, iv. 807

Alva, of Warren, iv. 810

Ezra, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 344

of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Lt. Ezra, of Montpelier, iv. 16, 522², 559²

Eld. George W., of Rutland, iii. 1022

John M., of Elmore, ii. 627²

N. L., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 723²

Norris L., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 344², 353

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 706, 707, 724²

Royal R., of Fair Haven, iii. 704

Capt. Z. B., of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 706

Stetson & Jones, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 706

Steuben, Baron, v. 93²

Stevens, ____, ii. 358

of Brattleboro, v. 176

from Corinth of Berlin, iv. 74

of Franklin, ii. 224²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 48²

of Moretown, iv. 597

of Springfield, v. 16²

m. David Olmsted, ii. 181²

biography of Hardwick, i. 332, 334²

Dr., v. pt. 3, 76

of Barnet, i. 275

of Boston, ii. 1110

of Brattleboro, v. 96

of Enosburg, ii. 143

of Lyndon, i. 347

in Randolph, ii. 1006²

Mrs., of Brighton, i. 954

of Rutland, iii. 789

Mrs. Dr., of St. Albans, ii. 292

Rev., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 632(2), 633, 635², 636

Capt., v. pt. 2, 433², 434²(2)

of N. Y., i. 492, 760(2)

Col., of Greensboro, iii. 214 note

A., of Northfield, iv. 695²

Miss A., of Hardwick, i. 326, 447

Rev. A., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 155, 622, 633², 635

hist. of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 637-67

Rev. A. C. of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

Methodism in Northfield, iv. 649-51

Rev. A. H., of Brattleboro, v. 31²

Abel, of Brandon, iii. 444²

of Pittsford, iii. 943, 945²

Abigail, m. John Bemis, v. pt. 2, 62

Mrs. Abigail, of Warren, iv. 806

Abraham, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

of Essex, 4 779², 781²

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Abram, of Burlington, i. 499²

of Essex, i. 787

Adam, of Sudbury, iii. 1139

Albert, of Benson, iii. 415(2)

of Essex, i. 472², 780

of Northfield, iv. 613²

Col. Albert, of Hartland and North­field, sketch, iv. 685-6

Alcocke, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Alexander H., v. 70²

Rev. Alfred, v. pt. 2, 173

of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 629 and note

of Waterford, i. 432

of Westminster West, v. pt 2, 134(2), 153, 626, 644², 652², 659, 667²; v. pt. 3¹, 19²

Alonzo, of Wells, iii. 1196

Amasa, of Eden, ii. 623², 624², 625(2)

Eld. Amos, of Strafford, ii. 1079²

Annis, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Anson M., of Bradford, ii. 824

Asa, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Asa Abraham, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18²

Austin, in Chittenden co., ii. 143

Benjamin, of Pittsford, iii. 942, 943, 1071²

of Rutland, iii. 1072²

Benjamin jr., of Pittsford, iii. 943, 1070², 1072²

Benjamin W., of Guilford, v. pt. 8, 55², 58²

Beriah, author, i. 558²

Betsey, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

m. Ashbel Hurlbut, iii. 919

m. Samuel Duncan, v. pt. 2, 207²

Mrs. Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 27

Betsey (Spaulding), wife of Henry Stevens, v. pt. 2, 26

Byron, of Essex, i. 779²




NAME INDEX                           835


Stevens, C. H., of East Montpelier, iv. 575², 576

C. S., of Bradford, ii. 824

Dr. Caleb, of Enosburg, ii. 136²

Capt. Caleb, of Corinth, ii. 876

Caleb A., ii. 145², 146²

Catharine (Miller) (State), wife of Rev. Alfred Stevens, v. pt. 2, 134

Catherine, of East Montpelier, iv. 139², 584

Mrs. Celestia C., poem, iii. 209²

Charles, of Calais, iv. 174

of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

of East Montpelier, iv. 578²

of Maidstone, i. 1030², 1031

from Rochester (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 266

of Swanton, iv. 1054

Chauncey, of Danby, iii. 665²

Clark, of Castleton, iii. 506²

of East Montpelier, iv. 577, 578², 583, 584², 586, 587², 591

sketch, iv. 580-1

of Montpelier, iv. 259, 265(2), 266, 288, 431, 547², 548, 576

Clark & Son, of Castleton, iii. 514

Cornell, of Charleston, iii 122(2)

Cyprian, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 12, 63(2), 64

Cyrus, of Underhill, i. 887

Daniel, of Corinth, ii. 1169

of Northfield, iv. 668, 671, 672, 685

of Pittsford, iii. 943

of Waterbury, iv. 837

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Mrs. Daniel, iv. 685²

Capt. Daniel, pioneer of Corinth, ii. 875

Daniel W., of Walden, i. 427

David, grantee of Brandon, iii. 453²

of Georgia, ii. 249²

from Methuen (Mass.), in St. Albans, ii. 311², 312, 366

David jr., of St. Albans, i. 694; ii. 253 note, 366

Mrs. David jr. (née Fairchild), ii. 253 note

Rev. Dillon, of Brandon, iii. 474

in Highgate, ii. 269²

Dorothy (Stevens), wife of Albert Stevens, iv. 685²

Eben D., of Plainfield, iv. 731²

Ebenezer, of Rutland, iii. 1071(2)

Rev. Ebenezer, of Brandon, iii. 473²(2)

Edwin, of Brighton i. 959²-60

of Northfield, iv. 686²

Com. Edwin A., of Hoboken (N. J.), i. 686

Elias, iv. 736

of Hampton( N. Y.), iii. 658², 726

Lt. Elias, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Elizabeth, m. Dea. Matthias Folsom, iv. 908

Elizabeth (Rich), wife of Isaac Stevens, i. 1038

Elkanah, of Chelsea, ii. 1167(2)

Enos, of Barnet, i. 266², 271², 275(2), 276(2), 277(2), 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 296², 393², 394, 455²

grantee of St Johnsbury, i. 396

Enos jr., i. 282

Ephraim, of Pittsford, iii. 942², 943, 1070², 1071², 1072(2)

of Waterville, ii. 769

Esther, m. Phineas White, v. pt. 2, 245

Esther (Hathaway), wife of Smith Stevens, iv. 139²

Experience, m. James Brown, ii. 543

Mrs. Fanny F., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 327

Fanny (Schoff), wife of Rich Stevens, i. 1038

Francis, grantee of Bradford, ii. 809²(2)

Lt. George, i. 282

George O., in Fairfax, ii. 763²-4

of Stowe, ii. 768²

Dr. H. F., of St. Albans, ii. 253 note

Halsey R., of Lebanon (N. H.), iv. 304²

Harriet, of East Montpelier, iv. 584³

m. Judge Stoddard, v. pt. 3², 18²

Harrison, of Swanton, iv. 1039

Mrs. Harrison, of Montreal, iv. 1120²

Rev. Harry R., of Bloomfield, i. 952

Henry, i. 282; ii. 579² note; v. pt. 2, 178

of Barnet, i. 275², 282, 296², 300, 309, 408², 454 and note, 455², 500, 534, 560², 572, 733² note, 770 note, 839, 851, 857, 860², 886² note, 915² note, 919 note, 920² note, 923² note, 925² note, 926² note, 942², 944 note, 987², 988(2), 995; ii. 234², 592 note; iii. 1211; iv. 265, 284, 322(2), 594, 962²; v. pt. 2, 636(2)

of Burlington, i. 120²; iv. 933

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 26, 62, 109², 174²

Isle La Motte papers, ii. 562

Randolph history, ii. 977

letters from Dr Melvin Barnes, ii. 581², 585-6

soldiers of War of 1812, ii. 391

Vermont state seal, i. 135², 2d ed. 137²

Dr. Henry, v. pt. 2, 32²

Henry jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 174²

Henry M., of St. Albans, ii. 290², 292²




836                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stevens, Hepzibah (Kellum), wife of Nehemiah Stevens, v. pt. 2, 245

Hiram, attorney, i. 473²

Hiram Fairchild, of St Albans, ii. 96², 312, 331², 472; iv. 358

Hoel, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Dr. Hoit C., of Castleton, iii. 522

Dr. Horace, of Lyndon, i. 355²

Huldah (Foster), wife of Clark Stevens, iv. 578², 581

Isaac, of Brunswick, i. 964²

of Goshen Gore, sketch, i. 435²

of Haverhill (N. H.), i. 1038

of Maidstone, i. 1030(2), 1031

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

of Grand Isle co., ii. 475-6

Isaac L., of Northfield, iv. 684

Rev. J. H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

J. M., of Derby, iii. 36

Jacob, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521(2)

of Warren, iv. 806²

Jacob B., of Corinth, ii. 882²

James, of Pittsford, iii. 943

Lt. James, ii. 916²

of Townsend (Mass.), in Wells River, ii. 954²

Rev. James H., in Landgrove, i. 198

of Strafford, ii. 1080

of Wells, iii. 1200

Jared, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Joel, of Pawlet, iii. 899, 927²(2)

John, v, pt. 2, 70²

of Barnet, i. 275

of Brighton, i. 952², 953(2), 959²-60

of East Montpelier, iv. 576², 583²

grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

of Hoboken (N. J.), i. 686

of Montpelier, iv. 291, 377²

of Pittsford, iii. 947²

of Walden, i. 426²

Dr. John, of Newbury, iv. 156²

Capt. John, of Ashford (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 4²

Jonathan, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Pawlet, iii. 884², 885, 927²(2)

Lt. Jonathan, of Lamoille co., ii. 591²

Joseph, of Bloomfield, i. 950² and note

of Glastenbury (Conn.), iii. 927²

Joshua, surveyed Danville, i. 314

     of Wells, iii.. 1199²

L. O., of Glover, iii. 200

in Johnson, ii. 674²(2)

Levi, of Greensboro, iii. 212²(2)

Mrs. Levi, of Greensboro, iii. 212²

Col. Levi, of Greensboro, iii. 212, 214

Lois, wife of Peter Stevens, iii. 1199²

Lois S., m. Elijah Belding, v. pt. 2, 310²

Lora, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Louisa (Johnson), wife of Dr. Hiram Stevens, ii. 312

Lucinda, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Lucy, m. Daniel Cobb, v. pt. 3², 18²

Malona, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Margaret (Riley), wife of Jonathan Stevens, iii. 927²

Martha (Stoddard), wife of John Stevens, v. pt. 2, 70²

Martin from Warwick (Mass.), of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18²

Martin jr., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18²

Mary, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

of Pittsford, iii. 945²

m. Elijah King, i. 276, 282

m. Oscar F. Thompson, iii. 927²

Mary A., m. Willard Tenney, v. pt. 2, 103²

Mary Ann, of Northfield, iv. 686²

Mary Ann (Arnold), wife of Rev. A. Stevens, v. pt. 2, 622

wife of Robert Stevens, v. pt. 3, 78

Mercy (House), wife of Peter Stevens, iii. 927²

Michael, of Corinth, H. 882², 883²

Dr. Morrill, of St. Johnsbury, iii. 299², 300

Moses, on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946(2)

Nancy (Cox), wife of William Stevens, v. pt. 3¹, 22²

Nathan, of Georgia, ii. 249²

of Hinesburg, i. 796

Nehemiah of Plainfield (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 245

O. H., of Bradford, ii. 824

Oliver, of Barnet, i. 275

Orlando, of St. Albans, ii. 93, 94(2), 96, 331², 480

of Swanton, iv. 1050(2), 1187²

Mrs. Orlando (née Fisk), iv. 1050²

Otho, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

P., of Marshfield, iv. 205²

Paulina m. Timothy Davis, iv. 577

Peter, of Pawlet, iii. 874, 880², 910², 919, 927²

from Conn., of Wells, iii. 1199²

Phineas, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Dr. Phineas, of Barnet, i. 280

Capt. Phineas. defended Charles­town (N. H.), i. 281, 455²; iv. 959²; v. pt. 2, 253, 457², 458

Prince, of East Montpelier, iv. 139²

Puah (Millen), wife of Samuel Stevens, iii. 212² note

R. P., of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

Rachel, m. Joel Robinson, iv. 168²

Rachel (Fairchild), wife of David Stevens, ii. 312

Rachel S. (Phelps), wife of Joel Stevens, iii. 927²

Rebecca, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Reliance, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²




NAME INDEX                           837


Stevens, Relief, wife of Henry Stevens, v. pt. 2, 174²

Reuben, of Poultney, iii. 972²

Rhoda, m. James Bennett, iv. 139²

Dr. Rial C., of Huntington, i. 816(2)

Rich, in Brunswick, i. 961

Col. Rich, of Maidstone, i. 948, 1030², 1031, 1037², 1038(2)

Robert, of Jordan (N. Y.), v. pt. 3, 78

of Pawlet, iii. 885

Robert R., of Pawlet and Granville (N. Y.), iii. 927²

Roger, of Brandon, iii. 431 (2), 444²

of Pittsford, iii. 942

of Rutland, iii. 1071², 1072(2)

Roger jr., of Pittsford, iii. 947²

Roswell, of Huntington, i. 818

Roxana, m. Samuel Guild jr., v. pt. 2, 505

Rufus, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Ruth (Howe), wife of Samuel Stevens, iii. 1199²

Sally, of Enosburg, ii. 141², 143

m. Frederick Pember, iii. 1204²

Mrs. Sally (Morrill), of Peacham, iii. 299 (2)

Samuel, of Barnet, i. 264, 266, 275, 276², 277(2), 281(2), 282², 283

of Charleston (N. H.). i. 394; iv. 2²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 13²

pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

of Hardwick, i. 325(2), 326, 332²; iii. 212² note

grantee of Newbury. ii. 944(2)

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2)

of Swanton, iv. 1039², 1046²

Mrs. Samuel, of Swanton, iv. 1039²

Samuel, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1199²

Samuel Hayward, of Enosburg, ii. 96²

Sector, of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Simeon, of Barnet, i. 273²

of Charleston, iii. 108², 110², 121, 122

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944; iv. 56²

surveyed Sherburne, iii. 1121

Capt. Simeon, of Newbury, ii. 945²-7

Rev. soldier, i. 332²; ii. 390²

Col. Simeon, of Newbury, ii. 944², 947

Col. Simeon 2d, of Newbury, ii. 947

Simeon jr., of Newbury, ii. 944(2), 946²

Simeon H., of Hardwick, i. 332²

in Johnson, ii. 674²

Simon, v. 16

of Barnet, i. 281²

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 10

of Moretown, iv. 603²

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

of Springfield, v. 11

Maj. Simon, v. 12, 13

Smith, of East Montpelier, iv. 139², 266, 578², 583²

Smith jr., of East Montpelier, iv. 139²

Solomon, surveyor of Barnet, i. 276(2), 277, 281², 282²

Sophia C., m. Stephen W. Hitch­cock, i. 534

Sophia (Grout), wife of Enos Stevens, i. 282

Mrs. Stephen, of Greensboro, iii. 214

Stephen F., of East Montpelier, iv. 548, 575, 586²

Sullivan, of Charleston, iii. 109, 121

Susan (Shepard), wife of Col. Levi Stevens, iii. 212

T. B., of East Montpelier, iv. 586²

Tappan, iv. 1200

of Newbury, ii. 945²-7, 1018

Tappen, Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Thaddeus, iii. 1135; v. pt. 35, 91

from Danville, of Pa., iii. 299

in Peacham, i. 360, 367(2)

Theodore, of Pawlet, iii. 893

Thomas, of Charleston, iii. 108²

Thomas B., of East Montpelier, iv. 586, 589², 591

of Glover, iii. 209²

Rev. Timothy, of Glastenbury (Conn.), iii. 927²

Uriah H., of Strafford, ii. 1082-3²

W. B., of Bradford, ii. 824

W. C., of Highgate, ii. 265

Walter C., of Highgate, ii. 92², 421

Willard, of Barnet, i. 274, 276(2), 278, 281², 282, 283, 296²

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

William, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 22²

of Pawlet, iii_ 874², 897

William A., of Northfield, iv. 686²

Stevens Brothers, of Vergennes, i. 107

Stevens family of Waterbury, iv. 870

Stevenson, Dona Senorita, wife of Gen. I. B. Richardson, ii. 188

Edward, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150²

James, pioneer of Franklin, ii. 220², 231²

Phebe (Spofford), wife of Edward Stevenson, iii. 1150²

Thomas J., of Boston, iii. 1117²

Turner, of Lancaster (N, H.), i. 949

of Lunenburg, i. 1018²

William, of Barnet, i. 275, 279(2), 285, 286(2)

Steward, Rev., in Bradford, ii. 819

Aaron F., of Richford, ii. 282(2)




838                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Steward, Amherst, of Brownington, iii. 94(2)

Ethel, of Calais, iv. 136, 176

Russell, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Dr. William E., of East Dorset, iii. 1170²

see also Stewart

Stewart, ____, iv. 393²

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 23²

of Scotland, iii. 632²

Rev., ii. 902; iv. 903²

in Fair Haven, iii. 717

in Mendon, iii. 789²

Mrs., i. 586

Abraham, of Danby, iii. 587²

Alvin, of Westford, sketch, i. 897-8

Amherst, of Brownington, iii. 91², 96², 97(2), 100², 102, 140, 159(2)

Anna (Carlisle), wife of Amherst Stewart, iii. 100²

Bazzel, of Essex, i. 780

Dea. Benjamin, from Danby, of Brandon, iii. 448

Gen. C. A., of N. Y., iii. 477², 478

Dr. C. L., of Randolph, ii. 995², 1007

Charles, v. pt. 35, 54²

of Brattleboro, v. 58

Com. Charles, i. 581²-2, 584((2), 586

Rev. Charles James, Bishop of P. Q., ii. 198², 379²

Cynthia P., m. Dr. W. H. H. Rich­ardson, iv. 482²

Col. Daniel, of Brattleboro, v. 178

Darwin A, of East Montpelier, iv. 589²

David, of Duxbury, iv. 140

of Lowell, iii. 269²

Dugal, of Rutland, iii. 1116², 1117²

Dugald, of Middlebury, i. 465 note, 558²; iii. 162

E. A. of Derby, iii. 374, 382, 390²

hist. of Derby, iii. 179-95

on James A. Paddock, iii. 176²-7

on Nathaniel Kelley, iii. 186²-7

Ebenezer, of Burlington, i. 546

Edmond, of Brownington, iii. 97

Edward A., lawyer, iii. 37, 44

Elizabeth, m. Robert Brock, i. 378

Emily (Brigham), wife of Thomas C. Stewart, iii. 100²

Emory, of Orleans co., iii. 33²

Ira, iii. 1112

Gen. J. B., of Brattleboro, ii. 764²(2); iii. 391

James, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190², 191²

of Moretown, iv. 917

Jesse, of Warren, iv. 808²

John, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²; ii. 597²

of Berlin, iv. 1188²

of Brattleboro, v. 20

of Pawlet, iii. 880²

in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Capt. John, from Amherst (N. H.), of Berlin, iv. 68, 1189²

John A., of N. Y. City, iii. 538

Gov. John W., of Middlebury, i. 441², 442; iii. 1030, 1129; iv. 272, 587; v. pt. 2, 733(2); v. pt. 35, 62², 63², 66², 73²

Jonas, of Claremont (N, H.), i. 189²-90, 2d ed. 191

Jonathan, of Lowell, iii. 278², 279(2)

Joseph, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 21²

Rev. Lemuel, of Swanton, iv. 1087²

Lila, m. Jonathan Powers, iii. 279²

Mary, see Saxton, Mrs. Mary (Stewart)

Matthew, ii. 324²

Rev. Milton H., of Charlotte, i. 742²

Nancy, m. Maj. Aaron Hinman 2d, iii. 186

Nathan, of Huntington, i. 819

Persis, m. Charles Kingsbury, iii. 391

Philo P., of Pawlet, iii. 902², 927²

Phineas, of Brattleboro, v. 177², 179²

Relief, m. Jonathan Powers, iii. 270

Relief M., of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

Rev. Robert, of Strafford, ii. 1177

Capt. Rufus, of Derby, iii. 381²

Maj. Rufus, of Morgan, iii. 186, 284², 285², 286(2), 289²

Samuel, pioneer of Bristol, i. 19², 21

of Poultney, iii. 995(2)

Samuel jr., of Lowell, iii. 269²

Sarah Ann, m. Earl Hathaway, iv. 140

Simpson, of Berlin, iv. 64(2), 1188, 1189²(2)

Rev. T. F., of Burlington, i 547

Thankful, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Thomas, of Clarendon, iii. 561²(2)

Thomas C., of Brownington, iii. 93², 97

sketch, iii. 100-1

William, ii. 475²; iii. 1077

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

see also Steward

Stickney, Mrs., pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 175², 181²

Rev., in Franklin, ii. 226²

Col., of N. H., v. pt. 35, 19²(2)

Abigail (Wellman), wife of Peter Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Adeline (Kendal), wife of Rufus Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714²

Allen, of Highgate, ii. 421

Capt. Almon L., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 715

Amos, of England, v. pt. 2, 145²

Asa, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Aurelia M. (Cox), wife of Elbridge H. Stickney, iv. 142²

Barzillai, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 383²(2), 386, 388




NAME INDEX                           839


Stickney, Benjamin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146(2), 179, 194

Betsey (Preston), 2d wife of Silas R. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Betsey (Tenney), wife of Benjamin Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 146

Mrs. C. P., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 383²

Carrol W., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 388²

Charles P., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377², 385², 386, 388², 395

hist. of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 377-405

Charlotte, m. Martin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714, 715

Clarissa (Foster), 2d wife of Mar­tin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Clement R., of Ann Arbor (Mich.), v. pt. 2, 401²

Rev. D., of Barre, iv. 52

Daniel K., of Berlin, sketch, iv. 68²

David, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 553

of Highgate, ii. 265², 267, 420

Diana, m. Daniel A. Cheney, v. pt. 2, 715

Lt. Edward J., of Montpelier, iv. 522², 523², 524

Elbridge H., of Calais iv. 142²

Eliphalet, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Elizabeth, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

wife of William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Emeline (Powers), wife of Stillman Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Emily (Lanfair), wife of William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Eunice N., m. Ira Barrett, v. pt. 2, 146

Eunice (Wilson), wife of Thomas Stickney, ii. 183²

Eunice (Wood), wife of Silas Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Eva J., v. pref. p. v.

Fanny, m. David Edwards, v. pt. 2, 715

Frances (Hastings), wife of Charles P. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 388²

George, of Highgate, ii. 421²

Hannah, m. John S. Trott, v. pt. 2, 715

Hannah (White), of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

wife of Martin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714²

Harvey, in Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 715²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²(2)

I. L., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 715²

Isaac, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Jonathan, of Rowley (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 145²'

Joseph, of Highgate, ii. 421

Joshua, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Judith (Wait), 2d wife of William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Lewis, of Jacksonville, v. pt. 2, 714²

Lois, m, Caleb Burbank, v. pt. 2, 146

Lucy, m. Seth B. Hudson, v. pt. 2, 146

Lydia, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Lydia W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146

M. W., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 714², 715²

of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 706

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 706²

Margaret (Brazer), wife of Prentice B. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 715

Margaret (Pierson), wife of William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Martha, m. Daniel Cobleigh, v. pt. 2, 715

Martha (Preston) (Lamb), 2d wife of Martin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714, 718², 719

Martin, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693, 714(2), 715(2), 718²

Mary, m. Safford Cummings, iv. 60²

Mary A. (Lake), wife of Harvey Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714²

Mary (Fisk), wife of Jonathan Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Mary Jane, m. Wright P. Hall, v. pt. 2, 715

Mary (Morrison), 2d wife of Benjamin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Mary (Palmer), wife of Benjamin Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Mary (Russell), wife of Capt. Almon L. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 715²

Matilda, wife of Silas Stickney, v. pt. 2, 715

Matilda (Garner), wife of Silas Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Moses, from Rowley (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 145²

O. H., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 715²

Olive (Darling), wife of Warren B. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 401²

Olive H., m. Robert R. Edwards, v. pt. 2, 715

Oliver, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Orin, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Peter, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 145, 146, 179

Prentice B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

Robert, of Frampton (Eng.), v. pt. 2, 145²

Rufus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Sally, m. Benjamin Zwears, v. pt. 2, 146, 184²

Sally Betterley, wife of Benjamin Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 146




840                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stickney, Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146

Samuel B., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

Sarah, m. (1) Duane Stimpson, (2) Calvin Clark, v. pt. 2, 714

m. Reuben M. Call, v. pt. 2, 146

Sarah (Morse), wife of Amos Stick­ney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Sarah P., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

Sarah (Perham), wife of Barzillai Stickney, v. pt. 2, 388

Sarah (Upton), wife of Silas R. Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Sibyl, m. Joseph Gleason jr., v. pt. 2, 146, 182

Sibyl (Hudson), wife of Samuel Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Silas, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

Silas jr., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714(2)

Silas R., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²(2)

Silas Richard, of Whitingham. v. pt. 2, 713²

Stephen, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Stillman, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714

Susan, m. John Haradon, v. pt. 2, 714

Sybel (Farnsworth), wife of Moses Stickney, v. pt. 2, 145²

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 146

of Fairfax, ii. 171², 183²

pensioner, ii. 393

Col. Thomas, at Bennington battle, i. 153(2), 2d ed. 157

W; B., from Brookline, of Ann Arbor (Mich.), v. pt. 2, 382

Warren B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 385²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 401-2

William, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

in Greenfield (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 146

of Highgate, ii. 421

of Montpelier, iv. 532

of England, v. pt. 2, 145(2)

William jr., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556², 557

Stickney family of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 145-6

Stiles, ____, of Berlin, iv. 565

of Morgan, iii. 376²

Dr., of Strafford, ii. 1071²

Aaron, of Washington, ii. 1139

Abel, of Stowe, ii. 697²

Abial, of Stowe, ii. 699²(2), 720²

Allen, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Asahel, from Granville (N. Y.), of Benson, iii. 408², 417²(2)

Ashbel, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Caleb, of Barnet, Rev. soldier, i. 278², 286

Danforth, of Middlesex, iv. 241²

of Worcester, iv. 887²

Danforth W., of Middlesex, iv. 234², 235

David, of Northfield, iv. 613²

Ebenezer, from Wilton (N. H.), of Peru, i. 211, 2d ed. 210

Enos, of Middlesex, iv. 233, 237, 241², 242²

Ephraim, of Morgan, iii. 286

Ezra, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

grantee of Sherburne, iii. 1121

Pres. of Yale College, iii. 186

Rev. Ezra, grantee of Montgomery, ii. 275

Fidelia, m. John Herrick, v. pt. 2, 103

Francis. of Windsor (Conn.), iii. 185²(2), 186

George, of Morgan, iii. 284²

Hannah, m. Sgt. Edward Hinman, iii. 185²

James W., of Stowe, ii. 717, 764

John, of Brandon, iii. 451², 455(2)

grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Jonathan, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Lotty, of Morgan, iii. 376²-7

Molly, m. Col. Benjamin Hinman, iii. 186 (2 )

Oliver, of Newport, iii. 305

Polly, m. David Hamblet, iii. 377

Sally, of Moretown, iv. 603

Samuel, of Enosburg, ii. 140²

Sarah, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548²

Mrs. Sarah (Killam), from Wil­mington (Mass.), of Peru, i. 211, 2d ed. 210

Seth P., of Pawlet, iii. 904²

Stephen, in Enosburg, ii. 146

Rev. Stephen, in Benson, iii. 413²

of Charlotte, i. 743

in Richford, ii. 284²

in Sheldon, ii. 380²

Stilkey, Henry, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Stillman, ____, sermons, iii. 154²

Rev. S. L., of Shelburne, i. 884

Stillmon, Rev. S. L., of Castleton, iii. 528

Stillson, H. L., v. pt. 35, 64

of Poultney, iii. 999²

Stillwell, Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Stilphen, C., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Col. C., of Highgate, ii. 420²

C. W., of Swanton, iv. 1130

Charles, of Swanton, iv. 1009², 1058²

Cornelius, of St. Albans, ii. 331², 434²

Col. Cornelius, of Swanton, iv. 946², 1009²

Stimets, John, of Highgate, ii. 420²




NAME INDEX                           841


Stimpson, ____, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 234

of Troy, iii. 354²

Mrs. Agnes (Gibson), of Bangor (N. Y.), ii. 489

Alba, of Craftsbury, in Corinth, ii. 881²

Amos, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

David, iii. 657

Duane, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Ephraim, of Brattleboro, v. 64²

James M., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Joel C., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Martin D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 714²

Sarah (Stickney), wife of Duane Stimpson, v. pt. 2, 714

Simeon, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

William, of Danby, iii. 602²

Stimson, Ashbel, of Montpelier, iv. 574

Enos, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

I. G., of Waterbury, iv. 832

J. G., of Waterbury, iv. 834², 840(2), 870²

Lucy, m. Erastus Spencer, iii. 99

Margaret, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Robert, with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

William, of Danby, iii. 599², 601

of N. Y., iv. 871

Stimson & Arms, of Waterbury, iv. 840

Stimson & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Stinehour, Catharine, of Highgate, ii. 269²

David, of Highgate, ii. 421

G. N., of Highgate, ii. 258, 420

Godfrey, of Highgate, ii. 420²

Henry, of Highgate, ii. 263, 265, 272²

Mrs. Henry, of Highgate, ii. 261

Luther, of Highgate, ii. 421

Peter, of Highgate, ii. 272, 353

Ralph T., of South Hero, ii. 586

William H., of Highgate, ii. 420²

Stinehous. see Stinehour

Stinehouse, Henry, in Highgate, ii. 254², 260²-1

John, in Highgate, ii. 254²

Stinemats, Hannah, of Highgate, ii. 269²

Stiner, Rev. Peter R., in St. Albans, ii. 335

Stinets, ____, of Highgate, ii. 273

John, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 255, 258, 269²

Stinson, ____, of Richmond, i. 848

Daniel, in Rumney (N. H.), ii. 916²(2)

Robert, of Bolton, i. 482²

Stoadley, James, of Portsmouth (N. H.), iv. 992

grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Stocker, Mrs., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427

Daniel, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427²

Ephraim, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

George, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 427²

Samuel, iv. 99

Stockman, Fannie Loraine (Putnam), wife of J. B. Stockman, iii. 738²

J. B., of Roxbury (Mass.), iii. 738²

Stockwell, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1017

of Waterbury, iv. 870, 871

Mrs., of Charleston, iii. 380²

of Moretown, iv. 599

A. E., of Roxbury. iv. 752

Abel, from West Springfield (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 441, 443, 447²

Abi, of Highgate, ii. 263

Abigail, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Adaline, m. Hiram Rove, v. pt. 2, 190²

Andrew J., of Stowe, ii. 764

Mrs. Anna, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152²

Anna (Halladay), wife of Rufus Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190(2)

Anna (Nichols), wife of Luke Stevens, v. pt. 2, 190

Anson, son of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190

Arad, of Brattleboro, v. 59, v. pt. 2, 190

Arthur E., of Stowe, ii. 745, 764

Caroline, m. Charles Tracy, v. pt. 2, 190²

David, of Guildhall, i. 998

of Moretown, iv. 603

Mrs. David, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Denslow M., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 190²

Dinah (Fay), wife of Peren Stock­well, v. pt. 2, 443

Ebenezer, of Highgate, ii. 259²-60, 264²

Emmons, from Lancaster (Mass.), of Guildhall, i. 997-8; iii. 376²(2)

Emmons jr.. of Guildhall, i. 998

Ephraim, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Eugene, from Williamstown, ii. 764

George W., in Johnson, ii. 589²

Ichabod, of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219

Joel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 189², 190, 476²

John, of Moretown, iv. 599

John W., son of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190

Jonas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 189², 190, 476²

from Newfane, v. pt 2, 76

Jonas F., son of Rufus Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190²

L., of Lancaster (N. H.), i. 1020²




842                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stockwell, Lucinda, m. John Estabrook, v. pt. 2, 190

Lucinda (Jillson), wife of Jonas F. Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190²

Lucy, dau. of Rufus Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190²

Luke, son of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190

Luther, of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Mrs. Lydia, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Mary (Wheeler), wife of Joel Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²

Melinda, dau. of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190

Perez, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 444

Perren, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443

Rufus, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 190(2)

Rufus D. jr., v. pt. 2, 190²

Mrs. Ruth (Page), i. 998(2)

S. R., of Stowe, ii. 712²

Sally (née Harris), v. 190²; v. pt. 2, 144²

Sarah, m. John Clark, v. pt. 2, 96, 190

Mrs. Sarah, from Chesterfield (N., H.), of Brattleboro, v. 190²

Seth, of Bolton, i. 483

Susanna, dau. of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt, 2, 190

Susanna 2d, m. George Nichols, v. pt. 2, 190

Susanna (Wheeler), wife of Jonas Stockwell, v. pt. 2, 190, 476²

William, of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

editor of The Ploughman, i. 252

Stoddard, ____, m. Levi Peck, v. pt. 2, 600

Dr., of Waitsfield, iv. 782²

Eld., in Windham, v. pt. 3², 7²

Rev., missionary, iv. 66²

A., of Poultney, iii. 1001

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551

Abiel, from Westminster, of Sutton, v pt. 2, 619

Abigail, v. pt. 2, 187

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619(2)

m. Shadrack Herrick, v. pt. 2, 103

Abishai, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556², 557(2); v. pt. 35, 35(2)

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 544², 550

from Westminster, of Sutton, v. pt. 2, 619

Alonzo, of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

Alonzo D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Alpheus, of Newark, i. 357(2)

Amasa, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589, 619²

Ann, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Anna, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 187

of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Anna C., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Anna (Willard), wife of Amasa Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 619²

Anthony, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 1, 3², 4², 9, 44², 70², 72²

Rev. Anthony, of Woodbury (Conn.), i. 133², 561², 2d ed. 136

Asa, v. pt. 2, 187

Charles, of Middletown, iii. 828²

Clement, of Morristown, ii. 690²

Cyrus, of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

D. S., of Fayston, iv. 188²(2)

Daniel, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589, 619

David, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186², 187, 213²

of Sutton, v. pt. 3², 43

Rev. David S., m. Sophia Hazen, i. 318

Dorrie S., poem, iv. 196-7

soldiers of Fayston, iv. 194-6

E., of Middletown, iii. 835²

Ebenezer, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Eleazer, v. pt. 2, 187

Eliakim, pioneer of Arlington, i. 123², 133²; iv. 257²

Eliza A., of Waitsfield, iv. 777²

Eliza L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Ephraim S., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Ermine (Wyman), wife of Levi Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 187

Eunice, of Greensboro, iii. 213²

Ezra, of Westminster and Sutton. v. pt. 2, 589, 619, 620²; v. pt. 34, 36²

Mrs. Ezra (née Goodell), v. pt. 2, 589

Ezra jr., of Sutton, v. pl. 2, 589, 619

Ezra 2d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Frederick, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Gracia, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Hannah, m. Levi Peck, v. pt. 2, 619, 621²

Harlan P., of Waitsfield, iv. 799

Harriet (Stevens), wife of Judge Stoddard, v. pt. 3², 18²

Harvey, from Westminster, of Sutton, v. pt. 2, 619

Horace B., of Waitsfield, iv. 799

Horace R., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187, 205²

Humphrey, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Isaac, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Dr. J., of St. Albans, iv. 1005²

J. D., of Waterford, i. 432(2), 949

Capt. Jacob, of Brattleboro, v. 49

James, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Jasper, of Worcester, iv. 910




NAME INDEX                           843


Stoddard, Jasper M., of East Montpe­lier, iv. 587²

Jemima. v. pt. 2, 187

m. Joseph Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63, 113²(2)

Jerusha (Goodell), wife of Ezra Stoddard, v. pt, 2, 619, 620²

Jesse, of Fairlee, ii. 895, 905²

Joanna (Kingsly), wife of David Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 186², 213²

John, of Jamaica, v, pt. 2, 426²

of Savannah (Ga.), v. 174²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589, 619²

Dr. John, of St. Albans, ii. 344(2)

Col. John, of Northampton (Mass.), v. 45²

John 2d. of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²(2)

Jonathan, of Brattleboro, v. 58²

of Pawlet, ii. 688

Joseph, v. pt. 2, 187

of Charleston, iii. 121 (2)

Joshua, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20, 41², 43²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 589(2), 600, 619, 621²

Joshua jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Mrs. Joshua jr. (née Lawrence), v. pt. 2, 619

Joshua 3d, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Josiah, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 502

Rev. Judson B., of Pawlet, iii, 902²

of Conn., iii. 928

Keziah, m. Amasa Washburn, v. pt. 2, 619²

L. Thompson, of Waitsfield, iv. 799

Lawrence, of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

Lemuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 86, 187

Levi, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 187(2)

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2)

Lucy, m. Rev. Septimius Robinson, ii. 688

Luther, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 20², 42², 45²

Lydia, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 187

Lyman, of Waitsfield, iv. 799

M. W., of Newark, i. 451

Marcia, of Brookfield, ii. 861

Marcus, of Middletown, iii. 835²

Mrs. Marcus, iii. 805²

Marilla, from Westminster, of Sut­ton, v. pt. 2, 619

Marshall, of Newark, i. 357(2)

Martha, m. John Stevens, v. pt. 2, 70²

Mrs. Mary (Curtis), wife of Eliakim Stoddard. i. 133², 2d ed. 136

Mrs. Mary (Hawley), wife of Eliakim Stoddard, i. 132², 133², 2d ed. 133²

Mary (Hendrick), wife of John Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 619²

Melinda, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Miriam (Parsons), wife of Isaac Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 619²

Nancy, m. Daniel Sunderlin, iii. 805²

Nathan, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Capt. Nathan A., from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 927²

Olive, m. Joseph Hazen, ii. 567²

Capt. Osearl, of Brattleboro, v. 49

Phineas, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619

Polly, of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

Polly (Thomas), wife of Lemuel Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 86

Prosper, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Reuben, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Rhoda, m. Moses Webster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Richard Henry, iii. 1102

Rose A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Rucard, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Ruth (Judson), wife of Capt. Nathan A. Stoddard, iii. 927²

Dea. S. S., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 623², 624², 625², 626, 629

Salina, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

m. ____ Buxton, v. pt. 2, 609

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 186²(2)

of Middletown, iii. 797, 819²

from Mass., of Chesterfield (N. H.), sketch, v. pt. 2, 186²-7

Samuel jr., v. pt. 2, 187

from Chesterfield (N. H.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187(2)

Sarah (Humphrey), wife of Joshua Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 589, 619

Sarepta, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 619²

Sibyl, of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 187

Simeon, v. pt. 2, 70²

grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

Solomon, iv. 322

of Pittsfield, iii. 935

Prof. Solomon, of Middlebury col­lege, i. 55²

Sophia Dana (Hazen), wife of Rev. Stoddard, i. 318; iv. 66²

Sybil, m. Amasa Brown, iv. 894

Sylvester, from Westminster, of Sutton, v. pt. 2, 619

Sylvester S., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 606²

Thomas, v. pt. 2, 187




844                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stoddard, Thompson, of Morristown, ii. 690²

William, iii. 932

of Chesterfield (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 187

of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

Dea. William H., of Northampton (Mass.), iv. 66²

Zeraviah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 152

Zurviah (Richmond), wife of Sam­uel Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 187

Stodder, Edwin, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Stone, ____, of Barre, ii. 848 note (2)

of Brattleboro, v. 58

in Corinth, ii. 876²

grantee of Rutland, iii. 1014²

of Westfield, iii. 359²

m. N. W. Kingman, ii. 311²

m. Jacob Collamer, ii. 311²

m.. Philip H. Moore, iii. 311²

Dea., of Cabot, iv. 90, 102, 110²

Dr., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603

Eld., v. pt. 2, 192²

Rev., of Hartford (Conn.), ii. 636²

of Middletown, iii. 832²

of Montpelier, iv. 102

A., of Readsboro, i. 221, 2d ed. 219²

Eld. A., of Eden, ii. 676

of Richford, ii. 286

A. F., of Richford, ii. 427²

A. G., of Montpelier, iv. 280², 396²

A. R., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 33, 34, 36, 46²

Abigail, m. Isaac Fletcher, i. 351²

Abigail (Duncan), wife of Samuel Stone, v. pt. 2, 93

Abijah, of St. Albans, ii. 93, 311², 331², 336, 366

Albert, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Rev. Albert, of Johnson, ii. 674

of Richford, ii. 285²(2)

Alice (Knowlton), wife of Nathan Stone, v. pt. 2, 464

Allen, of Westford, i. 891²

Alpheus H., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²(2)

Amanda, m. Jonas Smith, v. pt. 2, 447

Ambrose, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 693

Amherst W., of Franklin co., ii. 94²

Amos, of Brandon, iii. 431, 445

Ashley, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14

B. F. of Worcester, iv. 893²

Rev. B. P., v pt. 2, 154

from Enosburg, of N. H., sketch, ii. 153-4

Benjamin, from N. H., in Berkshire, ii. 112(2)

Betsy (Huntoon), wife of Col. John Stone, iv. 111²

Calvin, of Vernon v. pt. 2, 286²

Charles, of Roxbury, iv. 759

Dea. Charles, of Lyndon, i. 346

Charles F., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Charles M., of St. Johnsbury, v. pt. 2, 507

Clarissa, m. Simeon Draper, iv. 188

Clark, of Roxbury, iv. 759

Dr. D. C., of Vergennes, i. 120

Dr. Dan, of Monkton, i. 67

Darwin W., of Randolph, ii. 1176

David, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Franklin co., ii. 94

Rev. David, of Reading and Enosburg, ii. 153

Capt. David, of Greensboro, iii. 212² note, 214

Mrs. David, of Greensboro, iii. 212² and note

Davis, of Burlington, i. 504

of Hinesburg, i. 796

Dimond, of Island Pond, i. 956

Lt. Dow E., of Waterbury, iv. 867

E. G., of Poultney, iii. 999

Ebenezer, grantee of Calais, iv. 131², 132, 133²

of Hinesburg, i. 794²

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 255

of Wilmington, v. pt. 2, 450²

Eli B., of Cabot, iv. 77

Capt. Elias, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 705²

Elijah P., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 718²

Ephraim, of Charlotte, i. 734 note

of North Hero, ii. 566

F. C. & co., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Fannie, of Charlotte, i. 736

Frank B., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421

Frederick H., of Lyndon, i. 349²

G., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, 252²

Rev. George, of Troy, iii. 330

George E., of Cabot, iv. 122²

George W., of Cabot, iv. 102², 103²

from N. H., of Berkshire, ii. 112

H., of Swanton, iv. 1028, 1046², 1130

H. B., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

H. H., of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 516

H. J., m. Rev. George Severance, iii. 207²

H. R., of Halifax v. pt. 2, 422²

Henry M., of Swanton, iv. 1014², 1015(2), 1019, 1036², 1089, 1128², 1132², 1134², 1186(2)

Mrs. Henry M., of Swanton, iv. 1088²

Henry M. & Son, of Swanton, iv. 1129 (2)

Dea. Harvey, of Swanton, iv. 1023², 1036², 1103², 1134

Rev. Harvey M., of Cabot, iv. 102²

Henry, of Calais, iv. 176²

Henry B., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419²

Hervey, of Swanton, iv. 1080




NAME INDEX                           845


Stone, Horace W., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 625²

Ira, of Montpelier, iv. 202

of Plainfield, iv. 721², 724², 730², 734²

Isaiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 192

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 77

Ithiel, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Capt. Ithiel, of Charlotte, i. 736²

J. A. B., of Hinesburg, i. 795²

Rev. J. F., of Waterbury, iv. 838², 904

of Worcester, iv. 905

J. P., author, iv. 319²

Jacob, of Charlotte, i. 736

James, of Brandon, iii. 440²

of Danby, iii. 579², 648

from N. H., of Berkshire, ii. 112

Rev. James P., of Cabot, iv. 102

in Derby, iii. 179²

in Greensboro, iii. 215²(2)

hist, of Greensboro, iii. 209-31

of St. Johnsbury, i. 405²

Jason, grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Jeduthan, of Eden, ii. 588(2), 622, 624²(2)

Jeremiah, of Stamford, i. 238²

of Sudbury, iii. 1137²

of Westford, i. 891²

Jeremy, of Plainfield, iv. 721², 724(2), 730(2)

Jeremy jr., of Plainfield, iv. 724²

Rev. Jesse, of Me., iv. 724²

Joel, of Charlotte, i. 744²

John, of Cabot, iv. 103²

grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

of Richford, ii. 427²

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

from N. H., of Berkshire, ii. 112

Dr. John, of Greenfield (Mass.), v. 65²

Rev. John, of Cabot, iv. 97², 207²

Col. John, from Claremont (N. H.), of Cabot, iv. 87, 111², 117(2)

Rev. John F., of Berlin, iv. 1190

of Cabot and Montpelier, iv. 95², 102, 329², 727

John M., of Cabot, iv. 85²

Rev. John S., iii. 1054²

Jonas, of Eden. ii. 624²(2)

of Pittsfield, iii. 935², 936

Jonathan, of Eden, ii. 797²

grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528², 531²

Joseph, of Cabot, iv. 117

of Peru, i. 208, 212, 2d ed. 207, 211

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702

Rev. Joseph, of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²

Joseph. jr., grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Josiah, pioneer of Peru, i. 208, 212, 2d ed. 207, 211

Josiah S., of Stowe, ii. 764²

Mrs. L. H., of Hinesburg, essay, i. 811-12²

Rev. L. H., in Northfield, iv. 655²

of Waitsfield, iv. 781

Laura (Bellows) (Stearns) (Has­kell), wife of Ebenezer Stone, v. pt. 2, 450²

Laurinton L., from Cabot, of Stowe, ii. 591

sketch, ii. 764²-5

Rev. Levi H., v. pt. 2, 270²

in Barton iii. 87

of Cabot, iv. 94², 96, 102

of Glover, iii. 205²(2); iv. 644

from Northfield, of Pawlet, iii. 887, 902, 928

Capt. Levi H., of Cabot, iv. 118(2)

Lewis, of Fair Haven, iii. 715, 716

Luman, of Litchfield (Conn.), iii. 676²

Luther, of Charlotte, i. 472², 737², 744

Lydia, wife of David Stone, ii. 153

Lydia P., of Montpelier, iv. 330

Lyman, of Royalston (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 713²

Mrs. Lyman (née Waste), v. pt. 2, 713²

M. J., of Cabot, iv. 100²

Matthias, of Cabot, iv. 103

Mrs. Mindwell (Baker), wife of Peleg Stone, i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Moses, from Charlton (Mass.), of Calais, iv. 133(2), 134, 168(2)

from N. H., of Cabot, iv. 84, 88, 93², 94², 95, 96²(2), 97², 103, 117

Rev. N., of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Nabby, m. Rufus Kahan, v. pt. 2, 17²

Nahum, of Burlington, i. 552²

Nathan, of Barre, iv. 27

of Lyndon, i. 346

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 461, 464

of Pittsfield, iii. 936²

of Rutland, iii. 1040

of Windsor (Conn.), iii. 1015

Nathan & co., grantee of St. Albans, ii. 90

Lt. Nathan, of Barre, iv. 41²

Col. Nathan, of Chester and Windsor, v. 3², 4(2), 5, 9, 15

Nathaniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

of Pittsfield, iii. 936²

Nehemiah, grantee of Calais, iv. 130(2), 131²

     of Charlton (Mass.), iv. 168

Nehemiah jr., grantee of Calais, iv. 130

Lt. Newton, of Bennington, i. 259




846                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stone, Col. Newton, of Bennington, v. 155(2); v. pt. 35, 54

Olive, of Cabot, iv. 108²

Oliver A., of Worcester, iv. 891²

Peleg, of Lenox (Mass.), i. 133, 2d ed. 134²

Peter 3d, grantee of Charleston, iii. 120

Peter M., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 529²

Philip, from Groton (Mass.), of Orwell, i. 661²

Col. Philip, of Groton (Mass.), pioneer of Bridport, i. 16², 17

Pratt, of Readsboro, i. 259²

Col. R. G., of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 938²

Rebecca, of Pittsfield, iii. 936²

Rhoda, of Pittsfield, iii. 936²

Dea. Richard, of Lyndon, i. 346(2)

Col. Roby G., of Bolton, sketch, i. 485-6

S., in Bolton, i. 481

Sally, of Berlin, iv. 1189

m. Abel Adams, iv. 998

Sam, border ruffian, iii. 767², 768

Samuel, of Brookfield, ii. 864

of Ireland, v. pt. 2, 93

from N. H., of Berkshire, ii. 112

of Peru, i. 208, 212, 2d ed. 207, 211

Samuel B., of Worcester, iv. 884², 891²

Sarah, m. Ebenezer Sanderson, ii. 230²

Simon, of Pawlet, iii. 880²

Lt. Simon, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Solomon, of Montpelier, iv. 299

Sophia, of Fairfax, ii. 185

Sophrona (Preston), wife of Elijah P. Stone, v. pt. 2, 718², 719

Lt. Stilman, of Lamoille co., ii. 591

Sylvanus, of Middletown, iii. 797, 821²

Thankful, m. Nehemiah W. King­man, ii. 313²

Thankful (Dodge), wife of Lanson Stone, v. pt 2, 136²

Theodosia, m. Rev. Rufus Cushman, iii. 735²

Uriah, of Worcester, iv. 885

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

W. D., of Berlin, iv. 67²

Walter, of Westfield, iii. 351(2)

Capt. Walter, of Cabot, iv. 118²

William T., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 280

Stone & Clark, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421

Stone & co., of St. Johnsbury, i. 402²

Stoneman, Eld. Jesse. of Poland (Mass.), ii 1032

Stoner, Richard, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521

Stonnage, Thomas, of Fair Haven, iii. 682

Stoors, Capt. Aaron, grantee of Ran­dolph, ii. 976(2)

Experience, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Huckins, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Maj. Huckins, of Randolph, at Plattsburg (N. Y.), ii. 998

Huckins jr., grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Seth, see Storrs, Seth

Store, Rev., of Bradford, ii. 819(2)

Storer, E. Gilman, in Arlington, i. 252²(2)

Rev. P. R., of Poultney, iii. 995² note

Stores, Aaron, grantee of Randolph, ii. 1173

Asa, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Tom, of Brattleboro, v. 62²(2)

Storey, Rev., ii. 902

Asa, of Randolph, ii. 806(2), 999

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Lucy. m. Asshur Hatch, ii. 867

Storm, David, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

James, of Alburg, ii. 493(2)

Storrs, Judge, of Randolph, ii. 1015

Miss, in Newport. iii. 386²

Lt. Col., in Plattsburg battle, i. 674²

A., of Randolph, ii. 1032²

Aaron, of Randolph, ii. 804²(2), 805, 1036²

Capt. Aaron, grantee of Randolph, ii. 1028(2), 1029, 1039²(2), 1172², 1173

Aaron A., of Randolph, ii. 994²

Betsey (Spencer), wife of Dan Storrs, iv. 198

C. W., of Montpelier, iv. 47², 279², 280, 335, 336, 395²

Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 525

Charles W., of Montpelier, iv. 525

Dea, Constant W., of Montpelier, iv. 316², 329, 396, 512², 532², 537, 592

portrait, iv. facing p. 391

Mrs. Constant W. (née Cadwell), iv. 512², 557

D. S., of Island Pond, i. 956

Dea. Dan, iv. 198

Daniel, of Plainfield, iv. 727

Gilman D., of Montpelier, iv. 525, 559²

J., of Burlington, i. 495², 504, 668

John, attorney, i. 473

Maria Cadwell, iv. 590

Mary D., of Montpelier, iv. 330

Mrs. Mary (Dodge) (Wallace), wife of William Storrs, iv. 501²

Miranda, C., of Montpelier, iv. 329², 590

Col. Seth, from Mansfield (Conn.), of Middlebury, i. 6², 55², 63, 241² note 465²

sketch, i. 59




NAME INDEX                           847


Storrs, Sophronia, see Turner, Mrs. So­phronia (Storrs)

William, of Montpelier, iv. 279², 396, 501²

William S., of Montpelier, iv. 529²

Storrs & Fuller, of Montpelier, iv. 279²

Storrs & Jones, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Storrs & Langdon, of Greensboro, iii. 214 note

of Montpelier, iv. 279

Story, ____, of Essex, i. 783²

pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Dea., of Randolph, ii. 1053

Judge, of Cambridge (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 319, 369²

A., of Randolph, ii. 1032²

A. D., of Alburg, ii. 490²

of Swanton, iv. 1024², 1025, 1044(2), 1059², 1103², 1134

A. P., of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128

Adrian D., of Swanton, iv. 1030², 1116

Amos, pioneer of Salisbury, i. 90²(2)

Andrew, of Cambridge, ii. 177

of Fairfax, ii. 171², 403, 526²

Mrs. Ann, sketch, i. 90², 91²

Dea. Asa, of Randolph, ii. 1045

Benajah, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

Charles, of Coventry and Newbury, iii. 34, 152, 158(2)

Daniel, of Fairfield, ii. 101²

Elijah, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

of Fairfax, ii. 165², 177(2), 403(2)

Ellen, of Fairfax, ii. 182²

Ezekiel, of Randolph, ii. 1042²

Francis, of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Francis E., of Stowe, ii. 697²

George L, of Montpelier, iv. 355

Harrison, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Helen L., in Johnson, ii. 589²

Heman, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Sgt. Hiram, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Isaac F., of Fairfax, ii. 403(2)

J. W., v. pt. 2, 410 note

Jacob, from Bennington, of Fairfax, ii. 169, 177

John, of Addison, iii. 1038

of Madrid (N. Y.), ii. 177

Joseph, of Braintree, ii. 852²

of Fairfax, ii. 177, 402², 403

of Mass., ii. 593; iii. 394²; iv. 12, 449², 496; v. pt. 2, 466²

Judson, of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Louisa (Platt), wife of Adrian D. Story, iv. 1116

Luke, of Albany, iii. 67²(2), 68

Mary, m. Eliphalet Bates, ii. 1053

Sally, m. John Sprague, ii. 1045

Samuel, of Fairfax, ii. 402

of Swanton, ii. 444²; iv. 1060

Seviah, of Bennington, ii. 177

Solomon, from Dalton (Mass.), of Salisbury, i. 90(2), 91

grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Stephen, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Susanna (Merrill), wife of Jacob Story, ii. 177

Thomas, of Bennington, i. 143², 153, 2d ed. 146, 155²

pioneer of Fairfax, ii. 170², 174², 175

Stoughton, ____, of Westfield, iii. 354²

Capt., i. 683²; ii. 509²(2)

Col., in Civil war, iv. 526

Col. C. B., of N. Y City, iii. 538

Claudin, of Westfield, iii. 361²

Ebenezer, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Edward W., v. pt. 35, 73²

Col. Edwin H., i. 440(2), 716²

F. W., in militia, ii. 514

George, of Westfield, iii. 351, 361²(2)

Guy, of Westfield, iii. 351, 358², 361²

H. E., iii. 1118²

of Rockingham, v. 138; v. pt. 2, 500

H. R., of Randolph, ii. 995²

Harvey, of Westfield, iii. 361²

Capt. Homer R., i. 440(2)

John, of Westfield, iii. 361²

Joseph, of Westfield, iii. 347², 364

Lemuel, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Luke, of Westfield, iii. 361²

Nancy of Westfield, iii. 361²

Nancy P., m. Dr. Gurley A. Phelps, iv. 791²

Nathaniel, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

Seymour, of Westfield, iii. 361²

Thomas, from Weathersfield, of Westfield, iii. 325², 326, 347², 348², 351, 358, 360, 361²-2

sketch, iii. 346²

Thomas jr., of Westfield, iii. 361²

W., of N. Y. v. pt. 35, 77²

Lt. Gov. William, of Mass., iv. 241

Stout, Hannah, m. Dr. Henry Wells, v. 64²

Stover, A. H., of Rockford (Me.), ii. 842

Rev. Ensign of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164²

Stow, C. E., of Montpelier, iv. 281

Clark, of Weybridge, i. 69², 109²

David, of Weybridge, i. 69², 70, 109² (2)

Mrs. David, of Weybridge, i. 109²

John, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Leonard J.. of Fair Haven, iii. 708²

Stowe, Alonzo, of Calais, iv. 166²

C. E., of Montpelier, iv. 355²

Caleb, of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Prof. Calvin, v. 174²

Delia (Davey), of Ferrisburg. iii. 732²




848                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Stowe, Eliza, of Calais, iv. 166²

Mrs. Harriet Beecher, i. 1044²; iii. 1056; v. pref. p. v.

Israel, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

Lewis, of Calais, iv. 151

Lorenzo, of Calais, iv. 150², 151

Susanna, m. Edmund Baldwin, i. 805

Rev. W. T., of Brattleboro, v. 180

Warner W., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 419²

William H., of Calais, iv. 167²

Rev. William T., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

Stowel, Asa, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30(2)

Daniel, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28, 29, 30²

David, of Guilford, v. pt 3, 30²(2)

Capt. David, of Guilford, v. pt, 3, 29(2), 31²(2), 32²

Hezekiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 26(2), 27, 28, 29²(2), 30, 31²

Luther, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 19

William, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28²

Stowell, Mrs., of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651²

Rev. A. H., of Hinesburg, i. 796²

from Monkton, of Seekonk (Mass.), i. 67²-8, 256²

Abijah, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 426²

Aladuren, of Moretown, iv. 603

Mrs. Aladuren, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Avery, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24²

Benjamin, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 712

of Waterbury, iv. 871²

David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19²(2), 20(2), 21, 24(2), 33(2), 34(2), 35(2), 64

of St. Johnsbury, i. 405

Capt. David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 28(2), 32, 34², 36, 37(2)

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

David C. of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Duran, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Ebenezer, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 8²

Ebenezer W., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 25

H., of Cambridge, ii. 590², 605², 606

Rev. H. H., see Stowell, Rev. A. H.

H. J., of Cambridge, ii. 605², 606

Harvey, of Moretown, iv. 603

Henry, of Cambridge, ii. 606(2), 621

from Mansfield (Conn.), of Middlebury and Cambridge, ii. 619

Hezekiah, of Guilford, v. 11; v. pt. 3, 6(2), 19², 20(2), 21, 22(2), 24(2), 25, 37, 38

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Capt. Hezekiah, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 32

Hollis, of Windham, v, pt. 3², 11²

Isaac, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Ens. Isaac, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 508

Jerusha, of Strafford, ii. 1084

John, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Josiah, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

from Mansfield (Conn.), of Middlebury, ii. 619

L. P., of Stowe, ii. 712²

Lucinda, of Moretown, iv. 603

Luther, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Dea. Luther, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 10(2)

Mary, wife of Josiah Stowell, ii, 619

Reuben, v. pt. 3², 20

Mrs. Reuben (née Bennet), of Wind­ham, v. pt. 3², 20

Samuel H., of Waterbury, iv. 872²

Thomas of Middlesex, iv. 232², 237(2), 239

W. A., of Wells River R. R., iv. 563

William C., of Middlesex, iv. 237²

Stowers, John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²

Strafford, Rowland, of Danby, iii. 590

Strague, Willard, of Woodbury, iv. 882

Strait, John, of Fletcher, ii. 207², 208²

Mrs. Lota, of Fletcher, ii. 208²

Stranahan, Col. F. S., v. pt 35, 63²

F. Stewart, of St. Albans, ii. 308²

Straton, Joshua, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Stratton, ____, of Fairlee, ii. 896²

Rev., in Isle La Motte, ii. 557

Ens., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 253, 314²

Capt. Benjamin, from Roxbury (Mass.), of Fairlee, ii. 895², 896

David, of Peru, i. 208, 2d ed. 207

Ebenezer, pioneer of Brookfield, ii. 857²

Electa, m. Dr. Cyrus Washburn, v. pt. 2, 281, 331

Elizabeth, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334

wife of Samuel Stratton 3d, v. pt. 2, 329²

Elizabeth (Hawks), wife of Hezekiah Stratton, v. pt. 2, 329², 334

Hannah (Wheat), 2d wife of Samuel Stratton 2d, v. pt. 2, 329

Hezekiah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287², 311², 329², 334

J. B., of Swanton, iv. 1083², 1087

Rev. J. B., in Fairfield, ii. 199²

of Grand Isle, ii. 535²

of Wells, iii. 1194²

John, of Fairlee, ii. 896, 902, 903²(2)

of Hinsdale (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 281

of Vernon, v. pt 2, 331(2), 334(2), 335

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 601

John B., of Mt. Holly, iii. 849²

of Swanton, iv. 1087²




NAME INDEX                           849


Stratton, Rev. John B., of Burlington, i. 546, 742, 896; ii. 334², 485(2)

Rev. John S., of Danby, iii. 606²

Jonas, v. pt. 2, 30²

Lt. Joseph, iv. 1153

Julia M. (Robinson), wife of Luke Stratton, iv. 168²

Luke, iv. 168²

Margaret, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334

Margaret (Parker), 2d wife of Samuel Stratton, v. pt. 2, 329

Mariah, in. Norris D. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719²

Mary (Frye), wife of Samuel Strat­ton 2d, v. pt. 2, 329

Richard, of Arlington, i. 122²

Roxana, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 331, 334, 335

Roxana (Field), wife of John Stratton, v. pt. 2, 331, 334(2), 335

Ruth, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 334

Ruth (Wright), wife of Samuel Stratton, v. pt. 2, 330², 331, 334²(2)

Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 874

Mrs. Samuel, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Samuel, from England, of Water­town (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 329, 333

Ens. Samuel, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 277, 287², 297², 309², 311², 313², 314, 320, 332, 333(2), 334(2)

portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 329

sketch, v. pt. 2, 329-31

Samuel 2d, from England, of Water­town and Concord (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 329

Samuel 3d, of Concord (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 329², 334

Sarah (Fillebrown), wife of Capt. Benjamin Stratton, ii. 896

Thankful, m. Lt. Job Wright, v. pt. 2, 331

Thomas, of Fairlee, ii. 896²(2), 905²

Straw, Abigail, of Strafford, ii. 1084²

David, of Waterbury, iv. 840

Harriet., of Stowe, ii. 715

John, of Stowe, ii. 715

Jonathan, of Stowe, ii. 706², 742²

Mrs. Jonathan, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Leonard, of Stowe. ii. 712²

Mary A., m. George W. Jenney, ii. 706, 715

Philena, of Stowe, ii. 717

Samuel, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Thomas A., of Stowe, ii. 706, 708², 714²

Mrs. Thomas A., of Stowe, ii. 708²

Stray, John, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Street, Alfred B., poem, v. pt. 35, 79²-83

Benjamin, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 538

John, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Streeter, ____, of Lowell, iii. 280

Rev., in Northfield, iv. 649², 652

Abigail (née Haven) (Kathan), wife of Benjamin Streeter, v. pt. 2, 34

Adam, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Anna, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Capt. Argillas, of Brattleboro, v. 49

B. A., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Benjamin, of Charleston, iii. 109

of Concord, i. 968²(2)

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 34

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18², 38, 40

Benjamin 2d, of Concord, i. 968²

C., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

Comfort, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33

Daniel, grantee of Calais, iv. 130, 132², 133(2)

pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 121(2), 122

David, of Charleston, Rev. soldier, iii. 125

Enoch, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Esther of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Franklin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

H. B., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 194

Harris, of Richford, ii. 428

James, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305², 320

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 62

Joseph J., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

Joshua, of Westfield, iii. 345²

Louis, of Mt. Holly, iii. 610

Lucy, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Lucy (Bemis), wife of John Streeter, v. pt. 2, 62

Luther, of Vernon, v. pt, 2, 305²

Dr. M. H., from Hebron (N. Y.), of Pawlet, iii. 893², 928

Mary (Gould), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Mercy L. (Bowen), wife of Warner Streeter, v. pt. 2, 709

Naomi (Baker), wife of Louis Streeter, iii. 610

Rev. Nathan C., in Huntington, i. 827²

Noyes, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 304, 315, 321²

P. H., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Paul, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Rufus, in Barre, iv. 46

Russel, of Mendon, iii. 788

Rev. Russel, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 548²

of Strafford, ii. 1082²

of Woodstock, iii. 787²

Rev. Russell, iv. 408²

of Brattleboro, v. 178²

Salem, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Solomon Thayer, of Vernon and N. Y. City, v. pt. 2, 304

Rev. Squire, of Barre, iv. 52, 377





850                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Streeter, Susannah, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Thankful (Stebbins), wife of Frank­lin Streeter, v. pt. 2, 289²

Truman H., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 724²

Warner, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 709

Wealthy, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Willard, of Woodbury, iv. 877

Zebulon, of Concord, i. 968²

Rev. Zebulon, in Strafford, ii. 1081

Strickland, Benjamin, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Betsey, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Horace, of Bradford, ii. 807(2), 823², 824(2)

Oliver, of Waterbury, iv. 837²

William, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Striker, Grant, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Stringling, John, grantee of Fairlee, ii. 889²

Strives, ____, from Hoosic (N. Y.), iii. 703²

Strobridge, William, of Barnet, Rev. sol­dier i. 275², 278²

Strokes, Moses R., of Charleston, iii. 120(2)

Strong, ____, iv. 770(2)

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447²

of Montpelier, iv. 574

from Pittsfield (Mass.), of Benson, iii. 408²

of Rutland, iii. 1026

of Strafford, ii. 1071²

Dea., of Brownington, iii. 94²

Dr., in Brookfield, ii. 863

Judge, iv. 1197

Rev., of Conn., iii. 214²

of Poultney, iii. 995² note

Gen., at Plattsburg battle, ii. 194², 195, 240², 243

Aaron, of Berlin, iv. 53

Abigail (née Pinney), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447²

Absolom, of Orange, ii. 950², 969²

Adonijah, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note

Agnes (McCure), life in Addison. i. 7-10

Amos, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

of Montpelier, iv. 327

Ann F., m. William F. Bascomb, iii. 928

Anna (Field), wife of Phineas Strong, iii. 928

Asa, of Addison, i. 4²

of Panton, i. 80²

flight from Burgoyne, i. 9(2)

Asabel, of Brownington, iii. 90, 94²

Ashbel, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Barnabas, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Betsey, m. Jonathan Bidwell, iii. 909²

Betsey M., m. Rodney C. Royce, 132²

C., of Addison, i. 7

Caleb, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

Caleb jr., grantee of St. Athens, ii. 290

Clarissa, of Greensboro, iii. 215

of Northfield, iv. 654

Cynthia, m. Caleb Hill, ii. 555²

Rev. Cyprian, v. pt. 2, 605 note

of Chatham (Conn.), i. 331²

Cyrus, in flight from Burgoyne, i. 9

David, of Stafford (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 447²

Davis, of Montpelier, iv. 291

Deborah, m. Solomon Tuttle, iii. 439, 441²

Desire, wife of Capt. Elisha Strong, iii. 445²

E., of Brownington, iii. 90²

E. T., of Addison, i. 755² note

Eben, of Holland, iii, 231²(2), 232

Ebenezer, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Elijah, of Brownington, iii. 31(2), 41², 90(2), 91(2), 93², 94(2), 97², 107², 109². 141², 367, 377(2)

sketch, iii. 376

Elijah G., of Brownington, iii. 92

Mrs. Elijah G., of Brownington, 96²

Elisha, of Brandon, iii. 430, 431(2), 438², 439

Mrs. Elisha, of Brandon, iii. 438

Elisha, of Brownington, iii. 90

Capt. Elisha, of Brandon, iii. 441², 443², 445²(2)

sketch, iii. 438

Elisha jr., of Brandon, iii. 439, 455

Dea. Elnathan, of Hardwick, iv. 143

sketch, i. 331²-2

Rev. Elnathan, of Peacham, i. 367

Ephraim, of Brandon, iii. 432², 438², 439², 452²

of Greensboro, iii. 213, 215(2), 216(2) and note

Mrs. Ephraim (née Ambler), iii. 438²

F. M., of Vergennes, iii. 497²

George O., of Thetford, ii. 1098

George W., of N. Y. City, i. 524

of Rutland, iii. 1113(2)

Gustavus, of Pawlet, iii. 928(2)

Rev. Guy C., of Pawlet, iii. 902², 928

H., of Rutland, iii. 1059²

Helen, m, Dr. Moses Porter, iii. 923, 928

Henry of Mendon, iii. 787²

of Rutland, iii. 1057




NAME INDEX                           851


Strong, Rev. Henry P., of Franklin co., ii. 101, 332²-3

Hiram Bigelow, of Brandon, iii. 438²

Ida, from Litchfield (Conn.), of Middlebury, sketch, i. 54²

Isaac, of Brandon, iii. 439, 452

J. S., i. 255

J. W., of Addison, i. 13

on Rev. Job Swift, ii. 466

James, of N. Y., i. 631

James W., of Pawlet, iii. 878

Janet, m. Lyman Bronson, ii. 568²

Jedediah, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Joel, from Hebron (Conn.), of Thetford, ii. 1093, 1103², 1104

John, of Addison, i. 6², 59, 182 note. 465(2), 661², 1044, 2d ed. 183 note; ii. 207

hist. of Addison, i. 1-7

sketch, i. 7 10

grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 550²

grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

of Pawlet, iii. 878, 884², 927², 928(2)

of Rutland, iii. 1029²

Mrs. John, of Rutland, iii. 1039

Dr. John, of Charlotte, i. 736²

Capt. John, v. 13

of Roxbury, iv. 762(2)

of Thetford, ii. 1093, 1094², 1096²

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Col. John, on land committee, iv. 253²

Gen. John, of Addison, i. 4, 66², 80², 596

in Dorset, i. 187(2), 2d ed. 188

in Panton, i. 79

John jr., in Addison co., i. 4²

John 2d, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

John Stoughton, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447²(2)

John W., of Addison, i. 755² note, 756 note

hist. of Addison, ii. 558², 559

Mrs. John W. (née Tudor), i. 755² note

Jonathan, grantee of Arlington, i. 2d ed. 122

Rev. Joseph, of Williamsburg, (Mass.), ii. 866²

Josiah, of Brandon, iii. 438²

Josiah B. of Northfield, iv. 614, 615², 648², 654

Justin, of Pawlet, iii. 928

Kesiah, m. Samuel Kelsey, iii. 439, 445²

Laura D., of Pawlet and Manchester, iii. 928

Laura (Davis), wife of Return Strong jr., iii. 928

Lewis, of Northampton (Mass.), iii. 739²

Lydia (Ambler), wife of Dea. Ephraim Strong, iii. 439²

M. S., of Fayston, iv. 188² (2)

Marcellus, from Pawlet, of Madison (Wis.), iii. 928²

Margaret, of Fayston, iv. 188

Martin D., of Pawlet, iii. 878, 880², 881(2), 893, 928

Mrs. Mary H., of Glover, iii. 200

Milla, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Moses, of Berlin, iv. 67

of Mendon, iii. 788

of Rutland, ii. 132²; iii. 1013

of Shoreham, i. 94²

Moses M., of Rutland, iii. 1027², 1081

Nancy, m. John Damon, iv. 114

Nancy (McNaughton), wife of John Strong, iii. 928²

Nathan, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Noah, of Brandon, iii. 431(2), 432(2), 433, 434, 441, 442², 445, 446², 448

sketch, iii. 438

Olive, m. Jacob Bacon, iii. 439, 443²

Oliver, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

of Poultney, iii. 972²

P., in War of 1812, ii. 286²

Patty, m. Simeon Burk, v. pt. 2, 586, 616²

Phineas, of Pawlet, iii. 881(2), 893, 906, 923, 928

Dr. Phineas jr., from Pawlet, of Buffalo (N. Y.), iii. 893², 894, 928

Polly, in Addison, i. 4²

Rachel (Holton), wife of Thomas Strong, v. pt. 2, 150

Return, of Pawlet, iii. 874²(2), 881(2), 893, 901² 928

Mrs. Return, m. Daniel Welch, iii. 929²

Return jr., of Pawlet, iii. 928

Reuben, of Brandon, iii. 441²

sketch, iii. 438-9

Rollin F., from Pawlet, of Middleburgh (N. Y.), iii. 886², 894², 928

Russell, from Bolton (Conn.), of Berlin, iv. 61², 1189

S. P., iii. 1114

Samuel, of Addison, i. 4², 7, 9(2); ii. 530²; iv. 270²

Maj. Gen. Samuel, at Plattsburg battle i. 100, 107²-8, 679², 680², 790

Samuel P., iii. 1113

Gen. Samuel P., of Vergennes, iv. 319

Seth, of Isle La Motte, ii. 557²

Simon, of Amherst (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 593²




852                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Strong, Solomon, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

of Thetford, ii. 1178

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Stephen, of Washington, ii. 1139

Susan (Powers), wife of Noah Strong, iii. 434, 438²

Susanna, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Susanna, (Webster), wife of Russell Strong, iv. 61²

Tamar (Whitney), wife of John S. Strong, v. pt. 2, 447²

Theodore, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Thomas, of Northampton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 150

Dr. Thomas, from Pawlet, of Westfield (N. Y.), iii. 928

Dr. Thomas D., of Pawlet, iii. 894

Thomas Davis, of Montpelier, iv. 551²

Thomas J., of Pawlet, iii. 878, 928²

Capt. Timothy, from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 896², 928

Timothy F., of Burlington, i. 509²

W. L., of Burlington, i. 509²

Walter, of Pawlet, iii. 881²

Capt. Walter, from Pawlet, of Cleveland (O.), iii. 879², 928

Willard E., of Benson, iv. 1194³

William, of Hartford, iv. 817²

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

William H., of Randolph, ii. 999

William L., of Burlington, i. 511(2)

William P., of Montpelier, iv. 574

Strong family, i. 79

Strong & Ross, of Brandon, iii. 498(2)

Strongs of Brandon, iii. 439

Stroud, Ira, of Stamford, i. 238²

James, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Stuart, ____, of Barnet, i. 274²

Bishop, in Franklin, ii. 224²

Rev. A., of Pittsfield and Berlin, iv. 65

Abraham, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Rev. Amasa, of Essex, i. 788

Archibald, of Barnet, i. 286(2)

Claud, from Scotland, of Barnet, i. 275(2), 280², 283(2)

Henry Luther, from Berlin, of N. Y., iv. 73²

Gen. J. E. B., iii. 900

James, of Barnet, i. 274²(2), 275

of Peacham, i. 367²

John, of Pawlet, iii. 886²

Prof. Moses, of Andover (Mass.), i. 242(2), 930; iv. 9

Nathan, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Rev. Robert, of Waitsfield, iv. 781²

Thaddeus, of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Walter, of Barnet, i. 274², 275(2)

Stubbs, Emily (Houghton), of St. Albans, v. 85²

Stufflebean, J. H., of Sheldon, ii. 373²

Stults, George, of Danby, iii. 662

Sturdevant, Justus, of New Haven and Weybridge, i. 69², 109²

Mrs. Justus; of Weybridge, i. 109²

Mercy, of Castleton, iii. 525²

Perez, of Castleton, iii. 525²

Silas, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

see also Sturtevant

Sturgeon, Daniel, on Almon H. Read, i. 884-5

Sturges, Albert, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

Andrew, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 191

Ezra, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

William, of Sheldon, ii. 430

Sturtevant, ____, of Castleton, iii. 409²

pioneer, of Fairfield, ii. 192²

C. W., of Eden, ii. 624²

Charles, of Weybridge, iv. 1191²

Cyrel, of Barton, iii. 80

Lemuel, of Barton, Rev. soldier, iii. 73(2), 74, 752, 80, 85²-6

Mrs. Lemuel, of Barton, iii. 74

Lemuel, of Charleston, iii. 111², 112, 114, 115(2), 120(2), 126(2), 380

Lemuel jr., of Charleston, iii. 107², 108(2), 115

Olena (Batchelder), wife of Sewell Sturtevant, iv. 717²

Perez, of Castleton, iii. 525

Polly, of Plainfield, iv. 726²

Priscilla (Thompson), wife of Lemuel Sturtevant. iii. 80², 86

Ralph O., of Swanton, iv. 1015, 1055, 1129, 1186²

Mrs. Ralph O. (née Burgess), iv. 1055

Ralph Orson, lawyer, ii. 95

S. D., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Samuel, of Barton, iii. 86²

Sewell, of Plainfield, iv. 717², 722²

Zilphia (Cory), wife of Lemuel Sturtevant, iii. 112

Zopher, from Worcester (Mass.), of Plainfield, iv. 722², 726²

see also Sturdevant

Stutson, Thomas G., of Newport, iii. 295²

Styles, Eld. C., of Morristown, ii. 683

Enos, of Middlesex, iv. 276

Justus, of Georgia, ii. 249

Dr. M. F., of Northfield, iv. 616

William, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Stymas, Christopher jr., grantee of Essex, i. 778²

William, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Suddard, Rev. John, in Pittsfield, iii. 936²

Sulham, A. F., of Cabot, iv. 91²(2)

Horace, of Greensboro, iii. 229

Lemuel H., of Greensboro, iii, 229²

Thomas P., of Greensboro, iii. 229

Sullings, Charles jr., of Brandon, iii. 472²

Sullivan, Gov., of Mass., iv. 303²

John, of Fair Haven, iii. 706

Gen. John, i. 456², 492, 761; ii. 340², 796, 935; v. 86




NAME INDEX                           853


Sullivan, John L., of Mass., iv. 301(2) and note, 302², 303(2), 305, 306

Timothy, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Sulloway, Mrs. L., of Wheelock, poem, v. pt. 34, 12

Sumerix, Joseph, of Swanton, iv. 996

Summerbell, Rev. B. F., in Randolph, ii. 1001

Summers, Charles, of Montpelier, iv. 337, 355²

Hick, grantee of Stowe, ii. 695

John, grantee of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 3²

of Winchester, v. pt. 2, 70

Sumner, ____, of St. Johnsbury, i. 397

of Troy, iii. 350

Capt., of Cabot, iv. 90

of Iowa, ii. 181²

Col., iii. 737

of Middlebury, i. 53², 256

of N. H., iv. 830

Gen., ii 187²

Adam, of Morristown, ii. 690²

Almira, m. Thomas Hutchinson, iv. 898

Benjamin, grantee of Groton, iv. 1145

Charles, i. 651²; ii. 357²; iv. 196(2)

of Boston, v. 157²

Clap, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Clement grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

Rev. Clement, of Keene (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 631

of Thetford, ii. 1093², 1094 and note, 1096, 1098², 1101²

Daniel, of Morristown, ii. 682

David H., iv. 830

Deborah (Waste), wife of Levi Sumner, v. pt. 2, 713²

Ebenezer, pioneer of Middlebury, i. 52

Ebenezer, of Wells, iii. 1195²

Ebenezer jr., of Wells, iii. 1192²

Mrs. Eleazer, in Middlebury, i. 52

Capt. George, of Cabot, iv. 117

H. A., of Brandon, iii. 447², 483

Harriet E. (June), wife of H. A. Sumner, iii. 483

Henry, of Calais, iv. 166²

I. G., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425

James, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Jemima, m, Epaphras Nott, iii. 1204²

John, of Morristown, ii. 681²

Rev. Joseph, of Shrewsbury (Mass.), ii. 105; iv. 1119

L. W., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421(2)

Lewis W., of Halifax, iv. 1194³

Mattie, m. Benjamin Hinman Steele, iii. 186²

Oscar A., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 713²

Philander H., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707, 724

Polly, of Calais, iv. 166²

Reuben A., of Clarendon, iii. 561 note

Salem, of Brattleboro, v. 172²

Samuel, of Bakersfield, ii. 394

of St. Albans, in Coventry, ii. 332²; iii. 152

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

of Orleans co., iii. 34(2)

hist. of Missisquoi valley, iii. 41², 359

hist. of Troy, iii. 309-42

Rev. Samuel, of Bakersfield, ii. 104²-6

Samuel jr., of Franklin co., ii. 94

Gen. Samuel S., iv. 1180, 1183²

Sarah, m. William Jennison, iv. 1119

Seth, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Mrs. Seth, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1128²

Shubael, of Wells, iii. 1196²

Thomas, of Gloucester co., ii. 871

of N. Y., iv. 56²

grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

W., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Willard S., of Readsboro, i. 260³

Sumner & Brimhall, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 425

Sumpter, Lt., i. 679

Sunderland, ____, m. John B. Mitchell, ii. 193

Rev., of Washington (D. C.), iii. 193²(2)

Sgt. David, of Highgate, ii. 420

James, of Highgate, ii. 420²

John, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192, 193

Peleg, of Clarendon, iii. 557(2)

of Sunderland, i. 126, ed. 127; iii. 558(2), 582², 585², 1059

Samuel, of Highgate, ii. 420²

Sgt. W. M., of Highgate, ii. 420

Sunderlin, Byron, from Shoreham, of Washington (D. C.), i; 103; iii. 805²

Daniel, of Middletown, iii. 805²

David, of Highgate, ii. 265

Edwin, of Middletown, iii. 805²

Erwin, of Middletown, iii. 805²

Eunice, m. Ohel Brewster, iii. 825

John, of Middletown, iii. 796², 797, 805²(2), 819², 823², 833²

Nancy (Stoddard), wife of Daniel Sunderlin, iii. 805²

Samuel, of Middletown, iii. 796², 797, 805²(2), 819²

Sunderling, Peleg, at Pittsford, iii. 1092²

Supp, Benjamin, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Surname Unknown:

B____, Joshua, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

C____, James, of Westfield, iii. 356²




854                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Surname Unknown:

D_____, Charley, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 278

see also Charley Dickinson

K____t, John, of St. Johnsbury, i. 399²

Susap, Capt., Indian, in Troy, iii. 315

Suter, D., of Swanton, iv. 1129², 1130(2)

Sutham, Horace, of Greensboro, iv. 321

Sutherland, Rev., In Derby, iii. 180

Rev. David, of Bath (N. H.), ii. 1108; iii. 102², 156, 254²

James, of Brandon, iii. 444²

John, from Rutland, of Brandon, iii. 432², 448

sketch, iii. 444-5

John jr., grantee of Danby, iii. 577

Sutliff, Richard, of Fair Haven, iii. 701, 734

Sutton, Benjamin, of Shelburne, i. 859, 871²

Dr. Benjamin F., of Stowe, ii. 727², 744², 746

Charles, of Charleston, iii. 120

Dora, pseud., see Colby, Mrs. Emily J.

Rev. George, of Middletown, iii. 836

Rev. George F., of Shelburne, i. 861 note, 877-9, 884

James, of St. George, i. 852

Mary S., m. Broughton White, v. pt. 2, 270

T. & J., of Worcester (Mass.), v. 144²

William, tory, iii. 1211²

Sutwyche, Edward G., see Lutwyche, Ed­ward G.

Suydam, Jacobus, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Minne, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Swager, Charles Moore, in St. Albans raid, ii. 304

Swain, Dr., of Fletcher, ii. 203²

Rev. A. M., of Manchester, i. 204², 2d. ed. 203²

A. N., from Reading, of Bellows Falls, v. pt. 2, 511, 629, 634²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 507

portrait, v. pt. 2, facing p. 507

Chipman, of Brattleboro, v. 171²

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421²

Daniel, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 42

Dr. Marcus, of Essex, i. 784

Susan (Putnam), wife of A. N. Swain, v. pt. 2, 507

Swallow, Capt. Thomas J., of Pawlet, ii. 879², 881², 893

Swan, Mrs., of Cabot, iv. 108²

B., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²

Benjamin, of Woodstock, iii. 48, 303²; iv. 270², 556, 573², 802²

Ebenezer, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Elizabeth, m. Samuel Hubbard, ii. 227

Frank, of Pittsfield, iii. 938

George, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Gustavus, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Eld. Isaac, of Woodbury, iv. 876²

Joshua, of Berlin, iv. 54

Lavinia, m, Lt. Gov. Jonathan Hunt, v. pt. 2, 289²

Luther, of Cabot, iv. 117², 118, 119

Phineas V., lawyer, ii. 94²

Sarah, m. Philip E. Burke, v. pt. 2, 617

William, grantee of Dunmore [Wat­erford], i. 386², 387

William W., of Vershire. ii. 1135

Swanton, Oliver, of Swanton, iv. 1009²

Capt. William, of Swanton, iv. 991

Sward, Orange, of Highgate, ii. 421

Swartwout, Bernardus, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Swartz, Rev. W. H., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Swasey, Anna (Richards), wife of Rev. John Swasey, iii. 377²

Charles D., of Montpelier, i.. 277², 358, 523², 524, 551²

Dudley, of Wheelock, i. 432²

Jarock, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Rev. John, in Charleston, iii. 377²

Swazey, E. A. M., of Charleston, iii. 108²

H. M., of Charleston, ii. 108²

H. M., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 119, 120

J. E., of Charleston, iii. 109

Joseph A., of Charleston, iii. 108²

Parker, of Cabot, iv. 122²

Sweat, David, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 10, 17²

Elisha F., of Danby, iii. 662²

Isaac A., of Danby, iii. 663²

James, of Danby, iii. 665²

James jr., of Danby, iii. 665²

John, of Danby, iii. 587²

grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Sukey, m. Nathaniel Reed, i. 337²

Thomas, grantee of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 520²

William, of Danby, iii. 657, 662²

Sweatland, Rev., of Cabot, iv. 100²

Henry, of Charleston, iii. 119

Lewis, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 133, 155

Sweeney, Edward, of Northfield, iv. 706²

James, of South Hero, ii. 586

Sweeny, Eunice, of Marshfield, iv. 220

Sweet, Rev., of Pawlet, iii. 904²

A. A., of Montpelier, iv. 279, 567

Rev. A. H., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 347²

Dr. Abel, of Huntington, i. 816(2)

Alfred, of Highgate, ii. 421²

Andrew A., of Montpelier, iv. 274, 277, 329², 801

Anson, of Highgate, ii. 420²

Charles A., of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 700²




NAME INDEX                           855


Sweet, Rev. D., in Corinth, ii. 888

David, from Mt. Tabor, of Hebron (N. Y.), iii. 868

Rev. David, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²

Davis S., Grand Isle co. officer, ii. 479

Deborah (Hyde), wife of Simeon Sweet, ii. 635²

John, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 868

Josephine M., of Montpelier, iv. 572

poems, iv. 572²

Mitchell of Montpelier, iv. 356

Rebecca, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

Samuel, in Bennington, i. 144, 2d ed. 146²

Samuel N., of St. Albans. edited The Franklin Journal, ii. 331

Simeon, m. Deborah Hyde, ii. 635²

Simon, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Solomon, in militia, ii. 514

Rev. William, in Calais, iv. 145

Sweetland, Benjamin, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Clark, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Rev. J. A., of Peacham, i. 361²

Roxany, in Morgan, iii. 287²

Thomas, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Sweetling, Lewis, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

Sweetser, Joseph, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 673

William, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Dr. William, Pres. of Castleton Med. college, iii. 521

Sweetzer, William, of Waitsfield, iv. 770²

Swetland, Betsey, of Marshfield, iv. 204

Peter, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Swett, Rev., iv. 1117

David, in Sutton, i. 424²

Eld. David, of Strafford, ii. 1079

Elisha, of Hardwick, i. 325²(2)

Mrs. Elisha, of Hardwick, i. 325²

Rev. J., in Fairfield, ii. 199

John, of Tinmouth, iii. 1152

Rev. Josiah, of Fairfax, ii. 197²; iv. 1089

in Randolph, ii. 1002², 1003(2)

of Swanton, iv. 1089²

at Norwich Univ., iv. 673, 678²

Rev. Josiah, author, iv. 319², 657

L. J., of St. Albans, ii. 340

Luke, of Danville, i. 314²

Swichel, Rev., of Cabot, iv. 101

Swift, ____, of Fairfax, ii. 129², 176

Dr., preacher in Vt., ii. 194

Rev., in Colchester, i. 777

in Hubbardton, iii. 778

of Middlebury, i. 255²

in Pawlet, iii. 900²

Rev. A. B., on Rev. Benjamin Swift, ii. 326-8²

Rev. A. S., in Brookfield and Braintree, ii. 849, 860², 862²

of Plainfield, in Pittsfield, iii. 937; iv. 716, 727

Rev. Alfred B., of Enosburg, ii. 143²

Benjamin, of St. Albans, i. 605 note, 609²; ii. 100², 316, 317(2), 323², 331², 365, 480, 531(2), 547²; iv. 573

sketch, ii. 326-8

Charles, of Huntington, i. 821²

Charles B., officer of Franklin co. Bible soc., ii. 101

Dr. Charles H., of Huntington, i. 816

Capt. Chipman, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7², 8, 14, 22

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

E., in Addison co., i. 7

Edson C., of Topsham, ii. 1106²-7, 1111(2)

Edward. H, son of Dr. Noadiah Swift, i. 165, 2d ed. 167

Erastus, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 134, 138², 155

Dr. F. J., of Wilmington, v. 3³, 15, 23(2)

Dr. H. Sedwick (Sedgwick), son of Dr. Heman Swift, i. 165, 2d ed. 167

Dr. Heman, of Bennington, i. 165, 2d ed. 167

Gen. Heman, of Cornwall (Conn.), i. 168, 2d ed. 170

Mrs. Jennett (Henderson), wife of Dr. Noadiah Swift, i. 164², 165, 2d ed. 167

Jesse, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7², 14, 23

Rev. Job, of Bennington and Addi­son, i. 53, 151, 2d ed. 163; ii. 134, 326, 466; iii. 525²

of Hinesburg, i. 796

Rev. Joel, of Bennington, iii. 1061

Rev. John, of Bennington, ii. 196

Joshua, of Fairlee, ii. 902²

Lot, of Huntington, i. 821²

Lucy C., m. Rev. William Albert Robinson, iii. 88²

Dr. Noadiah, of Bennington, i. 178², 179, 2d ed. 180(2)

sketch, i. 164², 2d ed. 166²

Capt. Otis, of Huntington, i. 816

Persis, m. John C. Hopson, iii. 1202

Mrs. Ruth (Robinson), wife of Dr. Heman Swift, i. 165, 2d ed. 167

Rev. S. S., in Peru, i. 209², 2d ed. 208²

Samuel, of Middlebury, i. 106² note, 107², 120, 255-6, 558², 599², 671²; iii. 405², 458², 1112(2), 1113, 1116²

hist. of Middlebury, i. 50-4, 60, 120²

Sarah P., m. Rev. Amos. Drury, iii. 744²




856                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Swift, Mrs. Sarah (Robinson), wife of Gen. Heman Swift, i. 168, 2d ed. 170

Serenus, of Manchester, i. 199², 204²(2), 2d ed. 203²

Vinsa, m. Winslow Goodspeed, iii. 1201²

Warren, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

William, of Elmore, ii. 627²

Zephaniah, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7(2)

Swifts of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 30²

Swing, Rev. David, of Chicago, iv. 607

Swinton, Mercy (née Averill), v. pt. 2, 609

Switzer, C. T., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549²

Charles, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55²

Dea. Francis, of St. Johnsbury, v. pt. 34, 41²

Gordon, of Greensboro, iii. 229²

Hiram, of Greensboro, iii. 229²

Martha (Campbell), wife of Dea. Francis Switzer, v. pt. 34, 41²

Sykes, Gen., Gettysburg battle, i. 709

Abigail, m. Rev. Dan Kent, iii. 411

Asa, notice of, ii. 118

Asbut, see Sykes, Ashbel

Ashbel, pioneer of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²

Augustus, of Pawlet, iii. 894²

Elijah, of Dorset, i. 189², 190, 2d ed. 190², 191

Gilbert M., of Dorset, iv. 1195

Israel, of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²

Jacob, from Conn., of Pawlet, iii. 874, 928²

of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²

Laura, m. Jonathan Robinson, iii. 924²

Samuel, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285(2)

Sylvanus, of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 1872

Titus, of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²

Victory, of Dorset, i. 186, 2d ed. 187²

Sylvester, ____, of Albany, i. 149, 2d ed. 151²

of Charleston, iii. 120

Rev., in Huntington, i. 827²

in Waterville, ii. 769²

Abner, of Coventry,. iii. 158²

Harriet Hoyt, of Northfield, iv. 672³

Rev. J., in Cambridge, ii. 605²

John, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339

Rev. Joseph B., of Georgia, ii. 242²

Levi, of Barnet, i. 275

of Irasburg, iii. 241², 242(2), 244²(2), 246, 249

Mrs. Levi, of Irasburg, iii. 246(2)

Levi, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

of Newbury, ii. 929(2), 939²

Peter, of. Barnet, i. 274², 275, 283

of Waterford, i. 431

Richard, of Georgia, ii. 235², 249²

Symes, William, of Swanton, iv. 992²

Symomes, ____, of Coventry, iii. 140²

Symonds, Hannah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

Joel, of Pawlet, iii. 822

Lycas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

Mary, m. Eli Oatman, iii. 822

Patience, wife of Joel Symonds, iii. 822

Symons, Paul, of Brandon, iii. 500²

Syms, William, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²



T. D. P., initials of Thompson, Daniel Pierce

Taber, Rev. C., circuit preacher, iii. 80²

Joseph, of Barton, iii. 80

Tabor, Dr., of Irasburg, iii. 244, 253

of Maidstone, i. 1030

Mrs., of Maidstone, i. 1030²

Annis, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Arden, of Danby, iii. 663, 869

Rev. C., in Craftsbury, iii. 166²

C. A., of East Montpelier, iv. 575²

C. F., of Troy (N. Y.), on John Tabor, i. 884²; iii. 869²

Charles A., of East Montpelier, iv. 585

Church, of Swanton, iv. 1088

Rev. Church, Presiding elder, iv. 100², 382, 1086

Dauphna (Curtis), wife of Rev. L. H. Tabor, iv. 153

Edward, of Danby, iii. 653, 663

Edward C., of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

Gideon, of Danby, iii. 588, 649², 653, 663

of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866², 867(2), 868², 869

Gideon S., hist. of Mt. Tabor, iii. 866-70

Hannah, of Danby, iii. 649²

m. John Brock, iii. 614²

Hannah (Carpenter), wife of Gideon Tabor, iii. 868²

J. M., of Swanton, iv. 1134, 1186(2)

James M., of Swanton, iv. 1059²

James M. jr., of Swanton, iv. 1088

Jemima (Trowbridge), wife of John Tabor, i. 884²

John, of Danby, iii. 649², 663

of Shelburne, i. 733² note, 859, 877, 884²

John C., of East Montpelier, iv. 586

Dr. John W., of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869

L. H., of Concord, i. 971²

Rev. L. H., iv. 153

of Burke, i. 306²(2)

of Concord, i. 975(2) note

of Glover, iii. 207(2)

of Lyndon, i. 346

in Marshfield, iv. 208




NAME INDEX                           857


Tabor, Rev. L. H., of Northfield and Plainfield, iv. 652, 729

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 41²

Lemuel, of Topsham, ii. 1106, 1109, 1111

Dr. Lemuel, of Groton, iv. 1183²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 41²

Lemuel H., of Topsham, ii. 1111

Rev. Lemuel H., of Calais, iv. 146²

Levi, of Topsham, ii. 1110², 1111

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Luther, of Grand Isle, ii. 525

Capt. Luther, of Grand Isle, ii. 533²

Lydia, of Danby, iii. 649²

Mary, of Danby, iii. 649²

N. C., iv. 529

Mrs. N. C. (née Snow), of Mont­pelier, iv. 529

Nancy (Hutching), wife of Dr. Lemuel Tabor, v. pt. 34, 41²

Noah, of Grand Isle, ii. 525

Peleg, of Danby, iii. 649²

Phebe, of Danby, iii. 649²

Mrs. R. A. D., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 486

Rhoda, m. Elnathan Hathaway 2d, iv. 139²

Rosamond, of Danby, iii. 649²

Sophia, of Mt. Tabor, iii. 868²

Thomas, of Fairfax, ii. 208

Walter, of Danby and Mt. Tabor, iii. 588, 868², 869

Water, from Tiverton (R. I.), of Danby, iii. 649², 653

Water jr., of Danby, iii. 649²

Tadford, Christopher, from Ireland, in Stowe, ii. 765²

Tafft, Chrispin, of Rutland, iii. 1043

Gideon, from Brookfield (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 687²

Taft, Dea., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 256²

Col., of Brattleboro, v. 53(2)

A. F., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44², 46

A. P., of Newark, i. 357

Aaron, from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 545

grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Abner, of Danby, iii. 603²

Albert L., of Wells, iii. 1205

Alphonso, v. pt. 2, 374²

Alphonzo, from Townshend, of Cin­cinnati (0.), v. pt. 2, 432, 545²

Amariah, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Dea. Andrew P., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 12²

Anna (Bartlett), wife of Levi Taft, iii. 611

Anna (Rice), wife of Josiah Taft, v. pt. 2, 186²

Arnold F., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 45

Asa, of Hubbardton, iv. 1177

Asa P., in St. Johnsbury, v. pt. 34, 51²

Asa S., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21²

Asahel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 110², 148²

Austin, of Wells, iii. 1205

Betsey, m. Abel Walker, v. pt. 2, 211

Bezelial, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², note

C. S., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 36², 37², 51²

Caleb, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186²

Chapin, from Cambridge, of Fletcher, ii. 210²

Charles, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 164²

Charlotte (Sprague), wife of Otis Taft, iii. 1205

Cynthia, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Cyrus, of Wells, iii. 1205

D., iv. 406²

D. & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 280²

Denison, of Montpelier, iv. 549

Denison & Son, of Montpelier, iv. 280

Ebenezer, of Mendon, v. pt. 2, 188²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Edwin A., of Wells, iii. 1205

Eleaser, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Elisabeth, m. Chapin Keith, iv. 47

Emmons, of Plainfield, iv. 721, 727

Fanny, m. Gardner Knapp, v. pt. 2, 148²

Frederick, grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

George D., in Barre, iv. 46

Hannah, m. William Ward, v. pt. 2, 676²

Harriet, from Cambridge, of Fletcher, ii. 210²

Henry, of Barre, iv. 726

Isaac, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 379

J. A. & co., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Jerusha, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

John, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346

Josiah, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 384², 391

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110², 174, 181², 186², 205

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 485²

Josiah W., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551

Julia (Walker), wife of Charles E. Taft, v. pt. 2, 94²

Laban, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43², 51(2)

Mrs. Laban (née Putnam), v. pt. 34, 51²

Laban jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 51²

Lavina (Caldwell), wife of Asa Taft, iv. 1177

Levi, of Danby, iii. 592, 611

Lewis, of Wells, iii. 1205




858                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Taft, Linsey, of Wells, iii. 1205

Lyman, from Montague (Mass.), of Westfield, iii. 344², 355, 357, 360

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

M. A., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 5², 34², 45, 46²

Martha, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Mary, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Mary (Burnett), wife of Caleb Taft, v. pt. 2, 181²

Mary T., m. Isaac A. Grout, v. 163

Matteson, of Danby, iii. 592²

Moulton A., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 51²

Mrs. Moulton A. (née Putnam), v. pt. 34, 51²

Nancy, of Dummerston, v, pt, 2, 186²

Nathaniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 181, 186²

Olive (Willard), wife of Nathaniel Taft, v. pt. 2, 181

Mrs. Orinda Kimball, of Burlington, i. 655²

Otis, of Wells, iii. 1205

Mrs. Otis (née Porter), iii. 1205

Peter, grantee of Calais, iv. 130(2)

Peter R., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 545, 550

from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Ja­maica, v. pt. 2, 433

sketch, v. pt. 2, 431-2

R. S., of Burlington, ii. 480

Rachel, m, Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211

Reuben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186²

Russell S., of Burlington, i. 473², 509², 519, 520, 937²

sketches of hist. of Burlington, i. 487-99

hist. of Williston, i. 901-3

Sally, m. Wheaton Wilson, v. pt. 2, 211

Sarah (Goss), m. Ebenezer Taft, v. pt. 2, 188²

Seymour, of Montague (Mass.), iii. 355² note

Silas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77, 109², 110²

Sylvia (Howard), wife of Peter R. Taft, v. pt, 2, 432, 545²

Willard, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 225², 230², 236

Taggard, Archibald, of Concord, i. 971², 972, 975

Robert, of Concord, i. 971²(2)

of Waterford, i. 432

Taggart, ____, m. John Templeton, iv. 578

Dr. Hugh, of Hinesburg, i. 798²

of Shelburne, i. 868

Isaac, of Pittsfield, iii. 935

James, of Montpelier, iv. 265², 266, 548, 577², 578²

Capt. James, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 551²

Jenna, iv. 578

Rev. Samuel, v. 26²

Taggett family, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 412²

Tailor, Rev. Eli W., of Williamstown, ii. 1144²

Tainter, Alice C. (Green), wife of Nor­man F. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 710

Betsey, m. David Chase, v. pt. 2, 718, 719

Catherine (Lake), wife of James M. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719²

Elizabeth (Gorham), wife of Dr. Stephen Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719²

Elizabeth (Russell), wife of Josiah W. Painter. v. pt. 2, 719²

James M., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719(2)

Jemima A., m. Joel C. Shumway, v. pt. 2, 719²

Jemima (Root), wife of Jonathan Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719(2)

Dea. Jonathan, from Westboro (Mass.), of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719(2)

Mrs. Jonathan (née Bowman), v. pt. 2, 719²

Josiah W., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719(2)

Lydia, m. Joseph Farnum, v. pt. 2, 719²

Mariah (Stratton), 2d wife of Norris D. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719²

Molly (Davis), wife of Josiah W. Tainter, v. pt. 2, 719

Norman F., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 710

Norris D., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719

Rebecca, m. Benjamin Eames, v. pt. 2, 719

Dr. Stephen, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719², 722²

Taintor, ____, of Rutland, iii. 1057

Samuel, of Rutland, iii. 1090

Taisey, Elizabeth, m. Isaac N. Hall, iv. 1160², 1166²

James, of Groton, iv. 1164

John, from Scotland, of Groton, iv. 1160, 1164

Judith (Darting), wife of William Taisey, iv. 1160

Lydia, m. Orson Ricker, iv. 1166²

Robert, from Scotland, of Groton, sketch, iv. 1160

T. H., of Groton, iv. 1168

William, of Groton, iv. 1160(2)

William jr., from Scotland, of Groton, sketch, iv. 1160




NAME INDEX                           859


Talard, ____, of N. Y., ii. 644

Talbert, John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 233

Talbert & Barnes, of Poultney, iii. 1001

Talbot, Hannah, m. Dr. Richard H. Huntley, ii. 1109

Dr. J. H., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 15

Talbut, John, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 223²

Talcott, Dea. David, of Williston, i. 901

Eunice, m. Dea. David Hibbard, i. 977²

Harvey, of Richmond, i. 846²

Henry H., atty., i. 473²

Jonathan R., of Williston, iv. 1191²

Talesky, Mrs., ii. 968²

Talmadge, Dr., of Keeseville (N. Y.), i. 629

Catharine (Thompson), of Keeseville (N. Y.), i. 629

Talmage, Rev., Pres. Oglethorpe Univ., i. 527

Talmon, Sam, Indian, in Rev. war, ii. 787²

Talmouth, Viscount, i. 127, 2d ed. 128

Talon, Mons., ii. 560²

Talton, John, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Tandy, Rev. L., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 703²

Tanner, Benjamin, of Danby, iii. 588

John, of Searsburg, i. 231

Joseph, of Swanton, iv. 1132²

L. L., of Montpelier, iv. 280

Mrs. L. L., of Williamstown, ii. 1145²

Taplin, ____, m. George R. Thompson, iv. 463

Dr., of Corinth, iv. 482²

Capt., of Montpelier, ii. 350²(2)

Aristarcus, of Corinth, ii. 875, 882²

C. P., of Worcester, iv. 909

Mrs. C. P., of Newbury, iv. 385²

Rev. C. P., in Groton, iv. 1167²

of Waitsfield, iv. 792²

Caleb, of Corinth, ii. 880(2)

Rev. Caleb jr., of Corinth, ii. 880

Catharine (Lovell), wife of John Taplin, iv. 57

Caty, m. Jacob Davis jr., iv. 262

Lt. Eben, Civil war record, iv. 523

Edward, of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Edward L., of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Flora, m. Luther Henry, iv. 859

George E., of Montpelier, iv. 411²

Gouldburn, of Corinth, ii. 880

Gouldsbourn, of Corinth, ii. 875, 882²

Gouldsbourne jr., Orange co. officer, ii. 806² (2 )

Gouldsburn jr., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Guy C., of Montpelier, iv. 532

H. N. jr., iv. 282

of Montpelier, iv. 411²

Capt. H. Nelson, Indian relics, iv. 1²

Harriet L., of Montpelier, iv. 330

Heman, iv. 246²

Horatio N., of Montpelier, iv. 329²

J. C., of Montpelier, iv. 281²

John, in Berlin, iv. 53, 262, 265(2), 529²-30

of Corinth, ii. 882², 1169

of Montpelier, iv. 327

pioneer of Newbury, ii. 943²

of Gloucester co., ii. 871(2)

Judge of court in Kingsland, i. 462 note

Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Col. John, of Berlin, iv. 11², 56, 57

grantee of Corinth, ii. 874, 875

John jr., of Gloucester co., ii. 871(2)

at Washington(?), i. 462 note

Maj. John jr., from Marlboro (Mass.), of Montpelier, iv. 56-7²

Mrs. Lydia, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

Lydia A., (Herrick), wife of Heman Taplin, iv. 246²

Lydia (Gove), wife of John Taplin, iv. 57

M. B. of Moretown, iv. 917

Mansfield, of Corinth, ii. 882², 883, 1169

on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

Micah B., of Berlin, iv. 1189²

of Moretown, iv. 603

Nathan B., of Corinth, ii. 883²

Nehemiah jr., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Rev. .Nelson of Corinth, ii. 880

Sally, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

Dr. Thomas C., of Montpelier, iv. 278, 329, 352²-3, 359, 463

Rev. Warren, of Corinth, ii. 880

William, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

Tappan, Christopher, grantee of Huntington, i. 813²

Harriet A., author, m. William E. White, i. 83

Rev. James, of Arlington, i. 132, 2d ed. 133

Mason W., of N. H., v. pt. 35, 72²

Tappen, Capt., Rev. officer, ii. 935²

Tarbell, Rev., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19

Charles E., of Northfield, iv. 697

Charles G., of Northfield, iv. 682

D. jr., of Granville, i. 41²

D. & co., of Waterbury, iv. 840

Dan, of Roxbury, iv. 749

Edmund, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Fletcher, of Swanton, iv. 1014², 1015(2), 1020, 1033², 1034², 1045, 1108², 1128², 1132², 1185², 1186

Gilman, of Randolph, ii. 996, 1040²

James, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Lucinda, m. Minor Chase, v. pt. 2, 717²

Lucy, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702²




860                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tarbell, Marshall, of Mt. Holly, iii. 846²

Mrs. Miriam Stone, of Plainfield, iv. 724²

Sally, m. Amos Brown, v. pt. 2, 712

Rev. Sumner, of Worcester, iv. 908²

Tarbell & Farrar, of Swanton, iv. 1037

Tarble, F., of Highgate, ii. 265

Fletcher, see Tarbell, Fletcher

Polly, m. Asa Dutton, v. pt. 2, 41²

Tarbox, ____, of Randolph, ii. 1037²

m. O Charles Dewey, iv. 478²

Rev. iv. 368²

Betsey, of Randolph, ii. 1052(2)

m. Charles Dewey, iv. 411²

Betsey (Lund), wife of James Tar­box, ii. 1051

Elhanan Winchester, of Randolph, ii. 1052

Hannah, of Randolph, ii. 1052

Isaac, of Randolph, ii. 1052

Ens. Isaac, of Randolph, ii. 998, 1052

James, of Randolph, ii. 1040²(2), 1043², 1051-2, 1066

Orange co. officer, ii. 805(2)

James jr., of Randolph, ii. 1052

Julia (Converse), wife of James Tarbox jr., ii. 1052

     m. Sylvester Griswold, ii. 1010²

Lucy (Woodard), wife of Isaac Tar­box, ii. 1052

Lund, of Randolph, ii. 1052

Solomon, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Susan (Edson), wife of Lund Tar­box, ii. 1052

Mrs. Susan L., m. Dr. Julius Y. Dewey, iv. 478²

Thomas, of Randolph, ii. 1052

William, of Randolph, ii. 1052

Taring, Adam, of Caldwells Manor (P. Q.), ii. 549²

Tarleton, Albert G., of St. Albans, ii. 331², 434²

Tart, Nicholas, in militia, ii. 514

Peter jr., in militia, ii. 514

Tasker, Rev. L. B., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18

Tassil, John, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Tatten, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Taybor, Preston, of Fairfax, ii. 403

Taylor, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 61²

of Dummerston v. pt. 2, 110²

of Middletown, iii. 794(2)

of Morgan, iii. 287

of Sunderland, i. 239

of Wells, iii. 1197

from Wolcott, of Hyde Park, ii. 653²

of Worcester, ii. 848, note

Dr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

in Stowe, ii. 702²

Mrs., ____, of Morgan, iii. 287

Rev., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478, 483

in Richford, ii. 284²

Capt., of Berlin, iv. 68

of Wolcott, ii. 652(2)

Abijah, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Abraham, of Worcester, v. pt. 2, 72

Absalom, of Milton, i. 839²

Rev. Adolphus, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Albert, of South Hero, ii. 577

Almira, of Derry, i. 403²

Alonzo, of N. Y. City, iv. 142², 160

Alpheus, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Alvin, of Bradford, ii. 823²

Andrew J., of Brunswick, i. 963²

Arad, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 471²

Archibald, of Ryegate, i. 376², 377

Asa, grantee of Orange, ii. 950

of Roxbury, iv. 747, 761, 762

Rev. B. of Montpelier, iv. 381²

B. F., of Westford, i. 896

Bayard, ii. 190, iv. 459

Benjamin F., of Montpelier, iv. 525

Betsey, wife of Israel Taylor, v. pt. 2, 186

Billings, of Winhall, i. 247²

Rev. C., in Alburg, ii. 514²

Dea. C. B., of Johnson, ii. 674

C. L., of Stowe, ii. 715

C. S., of Stowe, ii. 717

Dr. Cephas R., of Irasburg, iii. 253(2)

Charles P., of Pawlet, iii. 879

Charles W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Rev. Chauncey, in Fletcher, ii. 210²

Chauncy, of Chittenden, iii. 549

Rev. Chauncy, of Colchester, i. 777²

of Hinesburg, i. 796, 809 note

Chester, of Middlesex, iv. 244²

Coolidge, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Eld. D. T., of Castleton, iii. 541

Rev. D. T., of Rouses Point (N. Y.), i. 938²; ii. 488 note

Dan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 77²

Daniel, of Berlin, iv. 1188

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76², 162, 181², 186, 205

of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 74(2), 461

of Waitsfield, iv. 778²

Capt. Daniel, of Berlin, Rev. soldier, iv. 59²

Daniel jr., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 476²

Daniel & Luke, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Daniel P., of Pawlet, iii. 881²

Daniel T., hist. of Sherburne, iii. 1121-4

Rev. Daniel T., of Castleton, poems, iii. 542-5

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Daniel W., of Sherburne, iii. 1122², 1124

Dr. David, in South Hero, ii. 572²




NAME INDEX                           861


Taylor, Desire (Vincent), wife of Cool­idge Taylor, iv. 719

E. jr., of Northfield, iv. 669

Dea. E. B., of Johnson, iii. 280²

Ebenezer, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Ebenezer jr., grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Edward J., from Canada, in Civil war, ii. 765²

Edwin C., of Clarendon, iii. 573²

Eldad, of Sunderland, i. 240²

Elhanan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Rev. Eli W., of Hinesburg, i. 796, 808² note

Elias, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

of Brunswick, i. 961²

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Maj. Elias, of Waitsfield, iv. 597², 598

Capt. Elijah, from Brookfield (Mass.), of Fair Haven, iii. 686²(2), 687

Capt. Eliphalet, iv. 1151²

Elizabeth, wife of Isaac Taylor, v. pt. 2, 186

Elizabeth L., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Elizabeth (Wheeler), wife of Daniel Taylor jr., v. pt. 2, 476²

Elon N., of Wardsboro v. pt. 2, 675

Emeline (Dutton), wife of H. E. Taylor, v. pt. 2, 168

Emily H., m. Moses H. Wells, v. pt. 2, 173²

Emory, of Moretown, iv. 603

Ezekiel, of Caldwell's Manor (P. Q.), ii. 344², 491

Rev. Ezekiel Dunton, of Hinesburg, i. 808² note

F., of Waterbury, iv. 832

F. & T. R., of Brasher Falls (N. Y.), iv. 636

F. B., of Waterbury, iv. 871

Fortunatus, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Francis G., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

Frank L., of Essex, i. 259²

G. G., of Fletcher, ii. 203²

Gamaliel, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

George, of Dummerston, v. pt. 3, 186

George W., of Pawlet, iii. 879

Gershom, from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Giles, of Fairfax, ii. 402²

Giles S., of Fairfax, ii. 403²

Gurdon, of Huntington, i. 819

Rev. H., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 133²

Col. H. E., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 420²

Hannah, m. John Robinson, iv. 169

m. Josiah Farrar, v. pt. 2, 85

Hannah (Robinson, wife of Arad Taylor, v. pt. 2, 471²

Harriet, m. Roderick 'Richardson, iv. 594²

Harriet E., m. Roderick Richardson jr., iv. 547

Harriet (Goss), wife of Daniel Tay­lor, v. pt. 2, 105², 186, 188

Dr. Hector, of Hinesburg, i. 798²

Henry, of Winhall, i. 246²

Henry B., of Isle La Motte, ii. 485²-6

Herbert E., of Guilford, v. pt. 2, 60²

Hezekiah, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 477²

Rev. Hezekiah of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 87, 339, 460, 462, 464², 465, 471, 481², 728

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 549

Holloway, of Maidstone, i. 1030

Col. Holloway, from Northboro (Mass.), of St. Albans, ii. 291², 318

Horace, of Pawlet, iii. 878

Huldah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

m. Lt. Phineas Mathew, v. pt. 2, 446(2)

Isaac, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78, 109², 127², 186(2), 434²

Sgt. Isaac, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 434²

Israel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 186

grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

J., of Richford, ii. 428

J. Dorsey, of St. Albans, ii. 292

Dr. J. H., obit. note

of Gen. I. B. Richardson, ii. 190

J. S. D., of St. Albans, ii. 98, 99; iv. 1200

poem, ii. 355²-60

James, of Cambridge, iv. 1007

of Montpelier, iv. 329

of Ryegate, i. 377

grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

of Swanton, iv. 1003

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537

Rev. James, of New Fairfield (Conn), v. pt. 3, 77²

Rev. James F., of Hinesburg, i. 796

James M., of Brattleboro, on C. K. Field, v. pt. 2, 475

of Weston, iv. 1192²

Janette, m. Isaac W. Brown, iv. 630²

Jemima, m. Dr. Julius Hoyt, ii. 318

Job, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

of Marshfield, iv. 200²

John, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

grantee of Essex, i., 778²

of Greensboro, iii. 216

of Northboro (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 85

of St. Albans, i. 681²; ii. 298, 344², 491




862                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Taylor, John, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566, 567²

of Worcester co. (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 456

of N. Y., iii. 696², 699

in War of 1812, ii. 392

with Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

John P., of Middletown, iii. 805, 821², 836²

John W., of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 291

Jonathan, from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Dr. Jonathan, of Georgia and Shel­burne, i. 868; ii. 243

Joseph, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596, 611²

grantee of Fair Haven, ii. 681

from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Joseph W., of St. Albans, ii. 308²

Joshua, of Irasburg, iii. 244²(2), 245²

Rev. Justin, of Hinesburg, i. 796

Justin B., of Hinesburg., i. 808 note

Levi, of Wolcott, ii. 774²

Levy, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Lewis, of Waitsfield, iv. 777

Louisa (Knight), wife of Daniel Taylor, v. pt. 2, 137²

Luke, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184², 186, 193(2)

Dea. Luke, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 188

Luke jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Luther, of Richford, ii. 428

M., of Moretown, iv. 598²

Rev. M., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 482

Martha, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

of Winhall, i. 246

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 327

m. Rev. Aaron Crosby, v. pt. 2, 465

wife of Luke Taylor, v. pt. 2, 186

Mary (Field), wife of Rev. James Taylor, v. pt. 3, 77²

Mary W., m. J. S. Spaulding, iv. 24²

Matilda. (Goodell), wife of Alonzo Taylor, iv. 142²

Miranda, m. Joseph Duncan, v. pt. 2, 92², 93²

dau. of Joseph Taylor, v. pt. 2, 93²

Moses, of Chittenden, iii. 549²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 75, 83², 186

from Montague (Mass.); of Winhall, i. 247

N. A., from Montpelier, of Council Bluffs (Ia.), iv. 357²

Nathaniel, from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Dr. Nathaniel, of New Milford (Conn.), i. 572

Dea. Nehemiah, of Williamstown and Hinesburg, i. 808 and note

Nelson A., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 299, 521²

Oliver, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Capt. Oliver, of Thetford, ii. 1178

Rev. P., of Waitsfield, iv. 904

Patience, m. Elon Robinson, iv. 169

Peter, of Barton, iii. 72

Phebe (Burnett), wife of Daniel Taylor, v. pt. 2, 181²

Philena (Burnett), 2d wife of Daniel Taylor, v. pt. 2, 186

Polly, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

m. Benjamin Fisk, iii. 623²

Preston, of Franklin co., ii. 92²

Rev. Preston, ii. 463²

of Berkshire, ii. 113

in Sheldon, ii. 379

of Strafford, ii. 1177

of Waitsfield, iv. 781

of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 644(2)

Rachel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

m. John Brooks, i. 246²

Rebecca, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Reuben, from Schaghticoke (N. Y.), of Alburg, ii. 491

Reuben E., of Alburg, ii. 503

Robert F., trustee Vt. Central R. R., ii. 329²

Robert W., of Wolcott, ii. 774

Roderic, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Mrs. Roderic, of Plainfield, iv. 731

Rose, from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Rowland, of Moretown, iv. 603

Roxana Sophia, m. Orvis D. Edger­ton, iv. 636²

Ruhama, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Ruhamah (Ellis), wife of Capt. Dan­iel Taylor, iv. 59²

S. W., of Burlington, i. 509

Sally, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

m. Capt. John Metcalf, v. pt. 2, 214

m. Zaruger Bartlett, v. pt. 2, 450

Samuel, v. 9²

of Pawlet, iii. 879, 901², 928²

Sarah, m. John Metcalf, v. pt. 2, 72

m. Jonathan Robinson, v. pt. 2, 471

m. Joseph Bruce, v. pt. 2, 186

wife of Moses Taylor, v. pt. 2, 186




NAME INDEX                           863


Taylor, Sebastian F., atty., i. 473

Seth, from Montague (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247

Seth jr., of Winhall, i. 247²

Dr. Simon, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 728

Solomon, grantee of Chittenden, iii. 548², 550, 551², 552

Stephen S., of Bradford, ii. 842

Sylvester, of Pawlet, iii. 878(2)

T. M., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Terzah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Thaddeus, of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 556²

Thankful, m. David Field, v. pt. 3, 77²

m. Stephen R. Bradley, v. pt. 2, 596

Thankful (Hawks), wife of Thomas Taylor, v. pt. 3, 77²

Thomas, ii. 587; iii. 41²; v. pt. 2, 458

grantee of Fair Haven, iii. 672²

grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

of Montgomery, ii. 276²

Mrs. Thomas, of Montgomery, ii. 276²

Thomas, of Northfield (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 77²

of Wolcott, ii. 622, 774(2), 775, 778², 781², 782, 783(2)

sketch, ii. 775²-6

Mrs. Thomas, of Wolcott, ii. 775²

Timothy, grantee of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 495²

Rev. Vernon D., of Hinesburg, i. 796

Willet, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

William, of Pawlet, iii. 878

of Worcester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 72

in War of 1812, ii. 392

William B., of Warren, iv. 807²

Pres. Zachary, i. 238, 282, 472, 508, 554², 682²; ii. 358, 530, 654, 905; iii. 191; iv. 269², 662; v. pt. 35, 37, 38

Zephaniah, grantee of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Taylors, of Waterbury, iv. 870

Taylor & Prentiss, of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Teachem, Mrs., pseud., author, iv. 319²

Teachout, ____, pioneer of Highgate, ii. 255

Dell, of Calais, iv. 167

Lafayette, of Calais, iv. 167

Minard, of Highgate, ii. 256²

Minord, of Highgate, ii. 258

Paterson, of Highgate, ii. 421

William, of Highgate, ii. 265, 420²

Teal, Benjamin G., of Charleston, iii. 380

Teall, Anna, m. A. Sidney Hollister, iii. 917²

Asaph, of Pawlet, iii. 903²

Teasdale, Rev. Thomas, of Bennington, i. 162, 2d ed. 164

Teavis, Squire Turner, in St. Albans raid, ii, 303²-4(2)

Tebo, Peter, of Montpelier, iv. 523², 525

Tecumseh, i. 733

Tedder, James, in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Teel, B. G., of Charleston, iii. 115, 1-20

Benjamin, of Charleston, iii. 108

Tefft, John, of Huntington, i. 815

Tegg, Thomas & Son, of England, iv. 674

Tell, William, of Switzerland, iv. 458, 459²

Temple, ____, of Franklin, ii. 224

of Rutland, iii. 1026

m. Huntington, v. pt. 2, 57²

Amos, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90², 92

Amy, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 92²

m. Alfred Bennett, v. pt. 2, 92

Amy (Perry), wife of Joseph Temple, v. pt. 2, 92

Anna (Laughton), wife of Parmenas Temple, v. pt. 2, 58², 90²

Anna (Lawton), wife of Lemuel Presson, v. pt. 2, 61²

Chancey, of Swanton, iv. 1088

Chauncey L., of Randolph, ii. 989²(2)

Cyrus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 707

Dr. Cyrus, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 722²

D. W., of Montpelier, iv. 281

Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90²

Elijah, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24²

Elizabeth, m. Anthony Mason, v. pt. 2, 91²

Elizabeth (Wilder), wife of Joseph Temple jr., v. pt. 2, 91²

Emeline, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 92

Enos, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Ethan, of Mendon, iii. 786

F. B., of Mendon, iii. 787²

Dr. Fred, of Jacksonville, v. pt. 2, 722²

Hon. Holcom, see Temple, Hon. Wil­liam

Holland, of Troy, iii. 342

Isaac, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Joanna, m. John Crawford, v. pt. 2, 90²

John, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note




864                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Temple, John A., of Eden, ii. 626

Jonas, of Charleston, iii. 108²

Jonathan jr., grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 12, 57², 71², 83², 109², 110², 163², 178²

sketch, v. pt. 2, 90-2

Joseph jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 40, 84, 88, 902, 91(2), 92(2)

Joseph 3d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 92²

Josiah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76

Lois, wife of Joseph Temple, v. pt. 2, 91², 92²

m. Samuel Murdock, v. pt. 2, 91²

Lois (Hubbard), wife of Joseph Temple jr., v. pt. 2, 91²

Manilla (Bennett), wife of Amos Temple, v. pt. 2, 92

Mary (Laughton), wife of Joseph Temple, v. pt. 2, 57², 90²

Moses, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90²

Nahum, of Franklin, ii. 222²

Parmenas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 58², 74², 75², 76, 90², 99²

Phebe, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 91

Richard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90²

Robert of Castleton and Rutland. iii. 507, 508², 524, 997, 1013; iv. 437, 573², 594

of Rutland co., iii. 423, 519

Sally, m. Calvin Bradley, v. pt. 2, 92

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90²

Mrs. Samuel (née Wing), v. pt. 2, 90²

Sarah, m. Lewis Fisher, v. pt. 2, 91²

Thomas, grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

Thomas jr., grantee of Swanton, iv. 990²

William, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

grantee of Essex i. 778²

grantee of Huntington, i. 813²

grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Zilpha, m. Willard Dodge, v. pt. 2, 92, 136²

Temple family, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90-2

Temple & Sheldon, hist. of Northfield (Mass.), quoted, v. pt. 2, 89

Templer, Alice (Ells), wife of J. Templer, v. pt. 2, 398²

J., of Kansas City (Mo.), v. pt. 2, 398²

Templeron, Dr. J. M., of Montpelier, iv. 278

Templeton, Mrs. Abigail, of Worcester, iv. 901²

Anna, m. Hugh Miller, v. pt. 2, 182

Austin, of East Montpelier, iv. 578, 582², 586², 589³, 1192

Charles, of Barre, iv. 26(2)

F. E., of Worcester, iv. 912

H., of Worcester, iv. 912

Dr. H. E., of Montpelier, iv. 359²

H. H., of East Montpelier, iv. 589³

Horatio, of Worcester, iv. 892, 901², 907²(2)

Rev. I., in Barre, iv. 29²

Rev. J., of Barre, iv. 52(2)

in Newbury, ii. 951

circuit preacher, iv. 377

Dr. J. M., of Montpelier, iv. 359²

James, of East Montpelier, iv. 586²

Dr. James, of Montpelier, iv. 278, 328²

Rev. James, of Montpelier, iv. 378², 381²

Jenny (Miller), wife of Samuel Templeton, v. pt. 2, 182

Joel, of Montpelier, iv. 298²

of Worcester, iv. 897²

Joel H., of Worcester, iv. 887, 893², 897(2), 898, 901², 910

John, of Montpelier, iv. 266, 549²

from Peterboro (N. H.), of East Montpelier, iv. 577², 578(2), 582

Lorane, of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Louisa, m. Alden Hathaway, iv. 139²

Lucy, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Mahala, of East Montpelier, iv. 584

Mary, of East Montpelier, iv. 578²

Milo Latimer, of East Montpelier, iv. 551

Nahum, of East Montpelier, iv. 584²

of Montpelier, iv. 133²

Samuel, v. pt. 2, 182

of Montpelier, iv. 548, 582(2), 583, 586

Dr. W. F., of Glover, iii. 208²

Wilbur F., of Glover, iv. 1194³

William, of East Montpelier, iv. 139², 584³

William jr., of East Montpelier, iv. 583³

Tenbroack, Col., of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 584

Ten Brocke, Rev. James, of Panton, i. 81

Ten Brooke, Rev. J., of Charlotte, i. 743²

Ten Eike, Andrew jr., grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Peter jr., grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Ten Eyck, ____, of Schodack (N. Y.), iii. 564²

Henry, sheriff of Albany, i. 149-50, 2d ed. 151²

Tenney, ____, of Essex co., i. 948

A. B. W., of Newbury, in Corinth, ii. 806, 881², 944²(2)




NAME INDEX                           865


Tenney, A. W., atty., iv. 277²

Allen, of N. H., v. pt. 2, 270²

Almerin T., from Richmond (N. H. ), ii. 766

of Stowe, ii. 717

Amos C., of Corinth, ii. 882²

Anna, m. George Everleth, v. pt. 2, 103²

Anna (Laughton), wife of Jonathan Tenney, v. pt. 2, 59², 103²

Arathusa (Underwood), wife of Moody Tenney, v. pt. 2, 186

Arvilla, m. Frederic H. Elmore, v. pt. 2, 103²

Asa, of Newbury, ii. 944²(2)

Rev. Asa P., from Corinth, of Concord (N. H.), ii. 882

Benjamin J., atty., i. 473²

Bennett, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Betsey, m. Benjamin Stickney jr., v. pt. 2, 146

Dr. Charles H., of Brattleboro, iv. 380²

Chester, from Hanover (N. H.), of Albany, iii. 51, 65², 67²(2)

Daniel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

of Grand Isle, ii. 536²

Elzim, m. C. B. Park, v. pt. 2, 560

Ephraim, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103², 204

Rev. Erdix, of Lyme (N. H.), in Corinth, ii. 881(2), 882, 1169

Fanny W. (Nutt), wife of Charles H. Tenney, iv. 380²

Dr. George Nelson, from Albany, of N. Y., iii. 65²-6

H., of Northfield, iv. 652²,

H. A., of Brandon, iii. 500²

J. A., of Corinth, ii. 874

John, of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 35²

John A., of Corinth, ii. 882², 883

Jonathan, of Corinth, ii. 882

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 592, 186²

Mrs. Jonathan, m. Nathaniel Her­rick, v. pt. 2, 103²

Jonathan jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186²

Dr. Joshua, from Salem (N. H.), of Corinth, ii. 877, 882(2)

Josiah, from Barre (Mass.), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 106(2), 186

Julia M., m. Luther L. Durant, iv. 791²

Rev. L., iv. 407

L. P., of Albany, iii. 57², 66, 67(2), 68(2)

Rev. Leonard, of Barre, iv. 28², 29

of Thetford, ii. 1096

Lucinda, m. Charles Baggs, v. pt. 2, 103²

Luther, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 19

Mrs. Luther, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 19

Martha, m. Samuel Bond, v. pt. 2, 96, 106

Mary Ann, m. Merrit Coughlan, v. pt. 2, 103², 191

Mary (Stevens), wife of Willard Tenney, v. pt. 2, 103²

Matilda (Livermore), wife of Josiah Tenney, v. pt. 2, 106

Moody, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 184², 186

Nan (Farmer), wife of Oliver Ten­ney, v. pt. 2, 103²

Oliver, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103²

Mrs. Orra M. of Stowe, ii. 717

Pamelia, wife of Chester Tenney, iii. 65²

Reuben, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 186

Rev. Samuel G., in Bakersfield, ii. 106²

of Waitsfield, iv. 509, 781

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670²

Rev. T. J., of Glover, iii. 200

Willard, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

Tennien, Jeremiah, of Brandon, iii. 500²

Tennis, Richard, grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

Tenny, Rev., of Lyndon, i. 346

B. J., in Johnson, ii. 674²

David, of Northfield, iv. 613

Rev. T. J., in Glover, iii. 207²

William, of Mendon, iii. 789²

Terieo, Paul, of Montpelier, iv. 856

Terrell, Josiah, pioneer, of Enosburg, ii. 133

Simeon, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 34²

Terrill, Dr., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 543²

Mrs. dau. of Bela Caswell, iii. 821

Isaac, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 36²

Lewis, of Fletcher and Cambridge, ii. 202, 205, 602²

Moses, of Morristown, ii. 800²

Samuel, of Fletcher, ii. 202

Dea. Thaddeus, of Middletown, iii. 833, 836²

Mrs. Thaddeus, dau. of Fitch Loomis, iii. 802², 821²

William, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 161

Terrence ii. 324²

Thomas, of Georgia, ii. 236

Terry, Brig. Gen., conducted burial of Gen. Richardson, ii. 188

Ebenezer, of Brownington, iii. 92

Jonathan, of Huntington, i. 818²

Lucy, m. Abijah Prince, v. pt. 3, 79

Tertieus, John A., grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²





866                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tewksbury, Dr., of Hartland, iv. 156²

A. W, & Sons, of Randolph, ii. 996

Annette, of Stowe, ii. 715

Bradford, of Randolph, ii. 994

Charles D., of Waitsfield, iv. 800

George D., of Worcester, iv. 890²

Isaac Norton, of Waitsfield, iv. 800²

Jacob, of Calais, iv. 174

Mrs. M. A. (née Weston), of Ran­dolph, ii. 1045²

Thacher, Benjamin, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Dr. Benjamin B., v. pt. 35, 21²

Dr. James, military journal of the Rev., quoted, i. 156², 173², 2d ed. 158², 175²

Patridge, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Samuel, of Barton, Rev. soldier, iii. 75²

Thales, Greek philosopher, i. 601²

Thatcher, ____, of Mass., v. 87²

Dr., see Thacker, Dr. James

Brit. soldier in Rev. war, ii. 789²

Col., of New Milford (Conn.), in Jericho, i. 836

A., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Amos, of Tunbridge, ii. 1120, 1126²

Amy (Tracy), wife of Amos Thatcher, ii. 1120

Benjamin, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

of Winhall, i. 246

C. Welling, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 46

Caroline E., m. Henry Davis Hall, v. pt. 35, 92²

Charles, of Bennington, iv. 1195, v. pt. 35, 44²

of Tunbridge, ii. 1126²

Eli, of Irasburg, iii. 243²

Israel, of Waterbury, iv. 837

John M., of Barre, iv. 24², 25

Joseph, of Plainfield and Barre, iv. 727

Rev. Joseph, of Barre, iv. 29

of Tunbridge, ii. 1124²(2)

Partridge, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note, 734 note

grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Col. Partridge, of New Milford (Conn.), iv. 227, 814

Patrick, see Thatcher, Partridge

Patridge, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

grantee of Randolph, ii. 975²

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Peter, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241, 242(2), 247²

Samuel, of Barton, iii. 80, 86²

Thomas, of Boston, iii. 1118(2)

Thatcher & Welling, in Bennington, i. 139²(2), 2d ed. 141²

Thayer, ____, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 608(2)

m. Austin Dean, v. pt. 2, 188²

m. Joshua Bromley, iii. 613²

m. William May, v. pt. 2, 621²

Dr., of Guildhall, i. 1005

of Thetford, i. 1091²

Rev., i. 542

of Lyndon, i. 346

Adin, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 103², 162

of Hoosick (N. Y.), v. 83 note

of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676

of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 698, 707

Adin jr., v. pt. 35, 92²

Alonzo D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 94

Amherst, of Swanton, iv. 1023², 1117

Amherst 2d, of Mich., iv. 1117

Andrew M., of Swanton, iv. 1041², 1059², 1117

Aretus, of Warren, iv. 810

Arlo, of Calais, iv. 147²

Asa, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Betsey, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

in Middlesex, iv. 245

Bill, of Middlebury, i. 51, 255²

Dr. C. P., of Boston, v. pt. 35, 64

Charles H., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Dr. Charles P., of Sheldon, ii. 378

Chester, of Guildhall, i. 1005

Dr. Chester, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 676²

Cynthia, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Cynthia (Case), wife of Jerijah Thayer, v. pt. 2, 301

Daniel, of Waitsfield, iv. 783

David,. of Calais, iv. 165², 176

David jr., of Calais, iv. 176

Lt. E. N., v. pt. 35, 54

Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Eli, of Shelburne, i. 866², 867, 869

Elisha, of W. Fairlee, ii. 905(2), 909, 912(2), 913(2), 914

Orange co. officer, ii. 805(2)

Eliza Davis (Hall), wife of Adin Thayer jr., v. pt. 35, 92²

Ellis, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359

of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 364

Emma, of Shelburne, i. 869

Esther (Walker), wife of Alonzo D. Thayer, v. pt. 2, 94

Ezekiel from Smithfield (R. I.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 447², 448

Col. Ezra, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Fanny, of Calais, iv. 166²

Fanny E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Fanny (Holton), wife of Luther Thayer, v. pt. 2, 161², 162(2)




NAME INDEX                           867


Thayer, H. A., of Roxbury, iv. 762²

H. B., of Northfield, iv. 697

Hannah, m. Frederic Porter, v. pt. 2, 162, 207

Henry W., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Horace A., of Roxbury, iv. 759²

Isaac, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 35²

Isahad, of Danby, iii. 592

J. C. B., of Northfield, iv. 626, 682², 683², 684(2)

Jackson O., of Randolph, ii. 994

James Cary Barrel, from Braintree, of Northfield, iv. 640, 656², 657², 668, 687², 695²

James E., of Montpelier, iv. 525

James M., of Waitsfield, iv. 799²

James S., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 677²

Jerijah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287², 320²

Capt. Jerijah, from Bolton (Conn.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 300², 314²

John, of Burlington, i. 547

of Warren, iv. 807²

Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt 2, 162(2), 213

grantee of Shrewsbury, iii. 1127²

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 567², 576², 584²

Jonathan jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Joseph, iii. 613

Maj. Joseph, pioneer of Orange, ii. 956²(2)

L. D., of Brattleboro, v. 177²

L. O., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

L. P., editor, iv. 293

Laura (Blin), wife of Lyman Thayer, i. 867

Lewis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Lewis P., from Randolph, of Barre, iv. 35²

Lorenzo D., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Lucine (Miller), wife of Lewis Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162

Lucy, of Swanton, iv. 1117

Luther, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 101, 104, 162

Lydia, m. Frazier Campbell, v. pt. 2, 162

Lyman, of Shelburne and Burling­ton, i. 835 note, 864, 867, 878, 941(2)

hist. of Shelburne, i. 854-86

Martha, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Martha A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Mary (Ball), wife of Adin Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162

Mary (Sheperdson), wife of Ezekiel Thayer, v. pt. 2, 448

Millicent, m. Simon Kellogg, iv. 1117

Mollie (Shafter), wife of Ellis Thayer, v. pt. 2, 364

Rev. Nathaniel, of Lancaster (Mass.), v. 29

O. A., of Roxbury, iv. 736²

Olive (Bennett), wife of Reuben Thayer, v. pt. 2, 187²

Oliver, of Danby, iii. 592

of Georgia, ii. 249²

Orson, of Berkshire, ii. 120

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 453

Otis, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162(2)

Polly (Pierce), wife of Luther Thayer, v. pt. 2, 101, 162

Reuben, from Dummerston, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 187²

Rhobee, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Rhobee (Titus), wife of Thaddeus Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162(2)

Rufus, of Warren, iv. 806²

of Windham, v. pt. 3², 6²

Mrs. Ruth (Messenger), sketch, i. 866-7

Sally (Dutton), wife of Jonathan Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162(2)

Dr. S. W., of Burlington, i. 655 and note; ii. 847²; iv. 189, 622, 681²

Dr. S. W. jr., of Burlington, i. 504², 524²

Sally (Dutton), wife of Jonathan Thayer, v. pt. 2, 213

Dr. Samuel, of Braintree, ii. 847²

Samuel C., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Samuel W. jr., of Northfield, iv. 656², 667

Dr. Samuel W., of Braintree, iv. 640

of Northfield, iv. 616, 684(2)

Dr. Samuel W. jr., of Burlington, i. 442

Dr. Samuel White, of Randolph and Burlington, ii. 1007

Sarah A., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Sarah C. 2d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Sarah K., m. Lewis Allbee, v. pt. 2, 503²

Seymour E., of S. Burlington, iv. 1194³

Simeon, of Readsboro, i. 220², 2d ed. 219

Solomon, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Stephen, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521²

Thaddeus, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109², 162, 207

Thaddeus jr. of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162




868                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Thayer, Thirza (Sheldon), wife of Col. Ezra Thayer, v. pt. 2, 448

Vinal, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285

W. S., of Swanton, iv. 1023², 1111², 1185, 1186

W. S. & A. M., of Swanton, iv. 1187

W. & A., of Swanton, iv. 1042²

Wheelock S., of Swanton, iv. 1117, 1134

Willard, of Peacham, i. 367²

of Warren, iv. 810

William, of Calais, iv. 176, 308²

Dea. William, of Thetford, in Corinth, ii. 880²

Capt. William, of Rockingham, v. pt. 2, 503²

Zenas, of Braintree, ii. 850²

Thayr, Isaac, of Randolph, ii. 989²

J. C., of Randolph, ii. 989²

Theodet, Bro. Gabriel Sagard, iv. 982

Theresa, dau. of Michel, Indian, i. 455²

Thibault, Dr. William, of Swanton, iv. 1058

Thibets, Thomas, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²

Thing, ____, of Fairlee, ii. 901

Think, Dodrich, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Thirston, Enoch, grantee of Newbury, ii. 944

Thomas, ____, of Burlington, i. 504²

of Walpole (N. H.), v. 95²

Rev. Dr., of Brandon, iii. 461²

Rev., in Stowe, ii. 702²

Col., of Burlington, i. 532(2)

Gen., Gettysburg battle, i. 713²

Rev. A. C., author, iv. 319²

Abigail, m. Joseph B. Morse, iii. 309

Abijah, of Stowe, ii. 699, 744

Abraham, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

Adonijah, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Albert, of Brandon, iii. 496²

Allen, of Stowe, ii. 706

Mrs. Allen, of Stowe, ii. 706

Almon C., of Waterbury, iv. 867

Amanda, m. Luther Newcomb, iv. 510²

Amos, of Belvidere, ii. 594², 595

Mrs. Amos, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Capt. Amos, v. 21², 22

Apha, of Fletcher, ii. 209

Asahel, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²

Benajah, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Rev. C.. A., of Brandon, iii. 469, 497, 500, 1050²

hist. of Brandon Baptist church, iii. 468-9

Caroline, pseud. of Mrs. Julia C. R. Dorr Chester, of Lunenburg, iv. 1191²

Clarissa, m. Luther Mathew, v. pt. 2, 446

Clark, iii. 657

Rev. Cornelius A., of Brandon, iii. 496²

D., of Northfield, iv. 683²

Daniel, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Darius, of Northfield, iv. 696

David, of Middletown, iii. 838²

of Richford, ii. 282

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Mrs. David, dau. of Ezekiel Perry, iii. 822

E. H., of Brattleboro, v. 182²

Edwin, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Eleanor, of Brattleboro, v. 59

Elias, grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

Elihue H., of Brattleboro, v. 130

Elijah, pioneer of Bristol, i. 19²

Eliphalet, of Strafford, ii. 1080²

Elisabeth, m. Joseph Shaw, v. pt. 2, 86

Enoch, trustee of Derby lit. & theol. inst., iii. 181²

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Dea. Enoch, from Middleboro (Mass.), of Lunenburg, i. 1020(2), 1021

Dea. Enoch jr., of Lunenburg, i. 1021

Mrs. Esther, of Burlington, i. 55

George, of Northfield, iv. 697

George B., of Belvidere, ii. 594²

Harry, of Randolph, ii. 1050

Col. Hurry, of Burlington, i. 689², 690(2), 691(2)

Henry, of Burlington, i. 506²

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Henry G., of Stowe, ii. 766

Henry H., of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Ichabod, of Moretown, iv. 603

Isaiah, grantee of Orange, ii. 956

of Worcester (Mass.), i. 176, 364², 2d ed. 178; iv. 469²; v. pt. 2, 15², 498

Jacob, of Benson, iii. 417²

James, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Jean Jacques, of Charleston (S. C.), iii. 1100

John, of Cabot, iv. 105

of Danby, iii. 671

of Fletcher, ii. 206²

from Guilford, of Fair Haven, iii. 704²

of Grand Isle, ii. 475², 522, 523², 525, 532²

of Hubbardton, iii. 772²

of Huntington, i. 814², 818, 819², 825

of North Hero, ii. 562²




NAME INDEX                           869


Thomas, John, of St. Albans, ii. 434

of Woodbury, iv. 875, 880²

Mrs. John, of Woodbury, iv. 876²

Lt. John, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 407²

Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Gen. John, i. 79²

John jr., grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Jonah, pioneer of Montgomery, ii. 275²

Mrs. Jonah, of Montgomery, ii. 276²

Jonathan, of Lunenburg, i. 1020²

Joseph, of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 676 note

Josiah S., of Manchester, i. 203, 2d ed. 202

Dr. L. H., poem, i. 23

of Waterbury, iv. 839

Lemuel, of Stowe, ii. 699

Lucas, of Pittsford, iii. 943²

Mrs. Lucy A. (Frisbie), of Middle­town, iii. 801²

Mrs. Mary, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Mary, of Lunenburg, i. 1020²

Mary (McDonald), wife of John Thomas, i. 825

Nathan H., of Stowe, ii. 712, 721(2), 726

of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

Mrs. O. E. (née Paine), iii. 490

Dr. O. F., of Middletown, iii. 843

Mrs. Olive E. Paine, poems, iii. 962-4

Peter, of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1073²

Philadelphia, m. Henry Pierce, v. pt. 2, 101

Polly, m. Lemuel Stoddard, v. pt. 2, 86

Rev. Porter, in Huntington, i. 827²

Reuben, pioneer of Sandgate, i. 230(2), 2d ed. 229(2)

Richard, of Cambridge, ii. 617

of Fletcher, ii. 208

Ruamy (Ainsworth), wife of John Thomas, iv. 875

Rueamy, of Woodbury, iv. 880²

Samuel, of Sandgate, i. 230(2), 2d ed. 229(2) note

Seneca, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241, 242(2)

Simeon, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

Solomon A., of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Stephen, of Northfield, iv. 683²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Col. Stephen, of West Fairlee, ii.1169², 1170(2)

Gen. Stephen, of Montpelier, iv. 273(2), 489², 510²

of West Fairlee, ii. 910², 913(2), 914

Stephen A., in Granville, i. 42

Mrs. Sukey, wife of Richard Thomas, ii. 208

Susan, of Cambridge, ii. 617

m. ____ Sheldon, v. pt. 2, 61²

Susanna (De Lacy), wife of Jean J. Thomas, iii. 1100

Dea. U., of Waterbury, iv. 835

W. L. of Stowe, ii. 712², 715

Walter J., of Leicester, iv. 1194³

William, of Fletcher, ii. 202

Dea. William, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 392²

Zebulon, pioneer of Montgomery, ii. 275²

Zerah, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²

Zulma Caroline, m. William Y. Rip­ley, iii. 1100

Thomas & Carlyle, of Brattleboro, v. 109

Thomas & Thompson, of Waterbury, iv. 832²

Thomas & Woodcock, v. 76, 130, 175²

Thomas, Thompson & Seabury, of Water­bury, iv. 832²

Thombury, Philip, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Thompson, ____, of Barre, ii. 848 note; iv. 716²

of Castleton, iii. 513²

of Jericho, i. 830

of Lyndon, i. 347(2)

in Strafford, ii. 1176²

of Waterbury, iv. 819, 866²

hist. of Vt., ii. 100²

Dr. ____, iv. 238

in Brookfield, ii. 863

of Pawlet, iii. 890²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 279²

Judge, of Orleans co., iv. 1197

Mrs., of Cambridge, ii. 603, 613²

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Prof., geologist, ii. 28 note, 32, 53², 62, 67 note, 80², 81, 82 note, 84

Rev., iv. 903²

of Chelsea, in Brookfield, ii. 860

of Poultney, iii. 990(2)

Capt., in Johnson, ii. 672²

A., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

Mrs. A. N., of Roxbury, iv. 768

Aaron, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 339(2), 342²

Abel, pioneer of Ferrisburg, i. 33(2), 465²

grantee of Ripton, i. 85

of Addison co., i. 6², 34²

Alexander, of Barnet, i. 274², 275, 286

Alfred Bowers, of Berlin, iv. 551(2)

Alice (Baker), wife of P. W. Thompson, iii. 610

Amasa F., of Greensboro, iii. 230

Amos, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

of Poultney, iii. 980², 981, 984²

of Rutland Co., iii. 517², 519




NAME INDEX                           871


Thompson, Jonathan, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 52

pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241², 243², 248²

Joseph, in Barre, iv. 41

of Chelsea, ii. 1167

pioneer of New Haven, i. 70

of Waterbury, iv. 828

L. H., of Craftsbury, iii. 374

Mrs. L. P., of Clarence (Ia.), iv. 768

Laforest H., of Irasburg, iv. 1194³

Rev. Lathrop, in Chelsea, ii. 872²

Lemuel, of Brattleboro, v. 51²(2), 52, 53²

Leonard S., of Stowe, ii. 744²

lawyer, iii. 37²

Levi, of Wells, iii. 1196²

Capt. Lucien D., of Waterbury, iv. 16, 867

Lucy, m. Daniel H. Bromley, iii. 613

Lucy (Ingrama), wife of Silas Thompson, iii. 649²

Lydia, of Danby, iii. 649²

Lyman, of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217

Miriam, of Danby, iii. 649²

Marion (Aldrich), wife of Israel Thompson, iii. 649²

Martha, m. Ebenezer Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189

Mary (Stevens), wife of Oscar F. Thompson, iii. 927²

Michael, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 52

Moses, of Stowe, Rev. soldier, ii. 741

Mrs. Nabby, of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219 .

Nancy (Patrick), wife of John C. Thompson, i. 655² and note

Nancy (Whitehorn), wife of John Thompson, iii. 649²

Mrs. Noah, of Bridgewater, iii. 1038²

Olive, dau. of Benoni Thompson, v. pt. 2, 52

Oliver P., of Montpelier, iv. 337

Oscar F., of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 927²

P., of Barre, iv. 41²

Miss P. A., of Goddard Seminary, iv. 26²

P. W., of Mt. Tabor, iii. 610

Percis A., of Barre, iv. 25

Phebe (Boyce), wife of Zadock Thompson, i. 646²

Phebe (Bull), wife of Elias Thomp­son, iii. 616

Phineas, of Barre, iv. 27(2)

Priscilla, m. Lemuel Sturtevant, iii. 85²

Eld. R. of Woodbury, iv. 877

Rebeckah, wife of Daniel Thompson, iv. 69

S., see Thomson, Samuel

S. F., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

Sally, m. Luke B. Osgood, v. pt. 2, 398

Sally (Freeman), m. Larabee, iv. 716²

Samuel, of Coventry, iii. 143, 248²

of Danby, iii. 614, 649²

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3², 5, 15, 17, 21², 23², 24

of Topsham, ii. 1106, 1111

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7²

Rev. Samuel, of Barre, iv. 51²

circuit preacher, iv. 377

Lt. Samuel, iv. 1153

Samuel jr., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24

Samuel F., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550

Samuel H., of Cabot, iv. 122

Shark, pseud., see Thompson, Sam­uel, of Coventry

Silas, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359, 360

of Danby and Wallingford, iii. 649²

Solon, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24

Sumner S., of Lyndon, i. 354²; iv. 1191

Susanna, wife of Benoni Thompson, v. pt. 2, 52

Susannah, of Strafford, ii. 1084²

Thomas W., of Concord (N. H.), i. 691²

Dea. Timothy, from Pownal, of Cambridge, ii. 600², 602²

Mrs. Timothy, of Cambridge, ii. 600², 602²

Timothy, of Woodbury, iv. 875

Uriah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Walter, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24

William, of Strafford, ii. 1084²

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 46

of Topsham, ii. 1110²

Sir William, of London, v. pt. 2, 325

Rev. Zadock, iii. 40, 766², 778², 794², 795, 796, 1095, 1121, 1138²

geology of Addison, i. 16 note; ii. 22, 85² and note, 487² note, 519 and note, 520(2), 521; iii. 230(2)

hist. of Vt., cited, i. 840²; iv. 203, 320, 1197²; v. pt. 2, 733

of Burlington, i. 33², 72², 73² note, 74, 106² note, 107, 108², 122, 182 note, 201, 218², 272, 321², 431, 453², 454 note, 456 and note, 457², 464² note, 465 note, 466 note, 555(2) 558²-9, 563, 603² note, 646², 655², 657, 660 note, 663 note, 667² note, 734 note, 738, 751 note, 757 and note, 764 note,




870                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Thompson, Andrew, of Burlington, i. 473, 510², 548², 641, 693², 694²

sketch, i. 628-9

Capt. Barnabas, of Bridgewater, i. 646²

Barnum, of Dorset, i. 190, 2d ed. 191

Benjamin, in Barre, iv. 41

of Danby, iii. 592

Benoni, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 52, 109²

Bezer, of Irasburg, iii. 244²(2)

Rev. Bradley S., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3, 20²

Rev. C. W., in Northfield, iv. 655²

Carlos W., of Greensboro, iii. 230

Catharine, m. Dr. Talmadge, i. 629

Mrs. Catherine, of Barre, iv. 29²

Charles, of St. Albans, iii. 485

poem, iii. 264

on Thomas Davenport, ii. 1152-4

Charles F., of Brattleboro, v. 69

Charles Wheeler, of Berlin, iv. 551²

Cyrus, of Highgate, ii. 421

Daniel, of Charlestown (Mass.), and Berlin, iv. 69

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 178²

Capt. Daniel, iv. 62²

Daniel Greenleaf, author, iv. 319²(2), 357², 463, 553

Daniel Pierce, i. 90, 557² note, 558², 201, 912 and note; ii. 1142

of Montpelier, iv. 11², 12², 13², 55, 56, 145², 230², 234, 241, 254², 258², 259², 260(2), 261, 262 and note, 263(2), 266, 273², 274(2), 277²(2), 278, 289, 292(2), 294², 295(2), 307², 308, 312, 317, 319², 320, 322(2), 323, 325², 328², 335, 357², 375, 388, 429, 430², 462², 463, 472, 476², 491, 537², 547², 549(2), 551², 554², 556, 580, 584, 824, 830

sketch, iv. 69-70

bursting of a cloud in Moretown, iv. 595-6

description of Randolph, ii. 971-7, 994, 1048²

extract from hist. of Mont­pelier, iv. 47-8

hist. of Montpelier, iv. 266-9

the great wolf hunt on Irish hill, iv. 70-2

David, of Bradford, ii. 812

Dolly, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 52

E. C., in Highgate, ii. 261

E. W., of Montpelier, iv. 562²

Eben, of Danville, i. 314

Ebenezer, pioneer of Readsboro, i. 220, 2d ed. 219

Elias, of Danby, iii. 616

Elizabeth, m. Samuel Ames, i. 629

Esther m. Rev. Clark Kendrick, iii. 987²

Eunice (Robinson), wife of Daniel P. Thompson, iv. 69

Fanny, m. Rev. William Perrin, iv. 62²

Festus, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Frank, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542²

George, author, iv. 320

George Robinson, of Montpelier, iv. 13², 273², 357²-8, 412², 462-3, 507, 508², 551

H. B., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Harvey, from Westford, of Stowe, ii. 766

Henry, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 24

Henry G., of Danby, iii. 656

Hezekiah, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Isaac, of Brattleboro, v. 51²

Isaac S., of Barre, iv. 23, 27², 29²

Isaiah, of Greensboro, iii. 230

Israel, iii. 657

from Swanzy (N. H.), of Danby, iii. 649²

Israel jr., of Danby, iii. 649²

J., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 346

Dr. J. A., of Cabot, iv. 101²

J. C., iii. 1038²

of Danby, iii. 603²

Mrs. J. C., iii. 1038², 1039

J. E., of Montpelier, iv. 314

from Poultney, of St. Paul (Minn.), iii. 1002

J. F., of Burlington, ii. 480

J. S., of Barre, iv. 42

Jacob, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 8², 52, 178²

Jacob, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 24²

Lt. Jacob, iv. 241

Rev. James, of Pawlet, iii. 900²

of Poultney, iii. 995²

Jemima, of Northfield, iv. 672

Joanna, m. Samuel Croff, iii. 649²

Job, of Richford, ii. 428

of Williamstown, ii. 1145², 1149²

John, of Barre, iv. 41²

Mrs. John, of Barre, iv. 36²

John, from Danby, of Granby (N. Y.), iii. 649²(2)

grantee of Granby, i. 987 note

grantee of Pawlet, iii. 404, 880²

of Richford, ii. 428

Rev. John, in Fair Haven, iii. 717

of Sudbury, iii. 1139

John C., iii. 1038

of Burlington, i. 468² note, 471², 472², 498, 504, 655² note




872                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Thompson, Rev. Zadock-continued 878(2), 882, 902, 1001², 1059 note, 2d ed. 121, 183² note, 200², 217; ii. 252, 456, 558², 559, 588, 637, 802(2), 891², 915², 974, 976², 995², 1173²; iii. 176, 195², 212², 277², 310², 367, 409, 415, 499, 511², 548, 569², 571², 760; iv. 12², 131, 259², 286 note, 292², 294², 295, 631², 825, 835², 915, 947²; v. 94², 122, 191²; v. pt. 2, 670

Rev. Zadock, of Bridgewater and Burlington, sketch, i. 646²-7

on Ethan Allen and family, i. 560-71

see also Thomson

Thompson & Seabury, of Waterbury, iv. 834²

Thompson, Seabury, & Blanchard, of Waterbury, iv. 832²

Thompson families, of Waterbury, iv. 870

Thomson, Elisha, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

of Charlton (Mass.), iv. 129²

Hezekiah, of Windsor, v. 14²(2)

James, of Fairfax, ii. 171²

grantee of Warren iv. 801

editor, i. 559, 877²

John, of Landgrove, i. 197²

L. H., of Craftsbury, iii. 166

Samuel, of Bradford, ii. 812

New guide to health, iv. 320

William, of Bradford, ii. 812

Thonhpol, John, Indian, iv. 197²

Thonian, Lucius L., of South Hero, ii. 586

Thorington, James, of St. Albans, ii. 291

Thorn, Leonard C., poem, i. 15²

Thorndike, George, of Waterbury, iv. 835

Henry, of Waterbury, iv. 835

R., of Waterbury, iv. 835

William, of Waterbury, iv. 835

Thorns, Abram, of Eri co. (N. Y.), iii. 621²

Mary (Eddy), iii. 621²

Thornton, Maj., v. pt. 3, 307

Rev. C. C., of Waitsfield, iv. 783²

Flora, m. Robert E. Maranville, iii. 545²

G., of Chittenden, iii. 548

George, of Moretown, iv. 598²

Harry I., of Ala., v. pt. 35, 89²

Jerry C., of Mendon, iii. 786

Jesse, of Moretown, iv. 602²

Levi, of Danby, iii. 592

Phebe, of Moretown, iv. 603

Thorp, David, of Guildhall, i. 997

Henry, of Charlotte, iv. 1191²

of Underhill and Oregon, i. 887

Joel, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

John, of Charlotte, i. 517², 744², 819

in War of 1812, ii. 391²

Thomas, from Baltimore (Md.), of Highgate, ii. 255

Thrall, ____, of Castleton, iii. 513²

Aaron, of Rutland, iii. 1080²

Chauncey, of Rutland, iii. 1081(2)

J. C., of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Mrs. Jesse, of Rutland, iii. 1041²

Luther, of Rutland, iii. 1081²

Reuben R., of Rutland, iii. 513², 1070²

Rev. Samuel, in Hubbardton, iii. 778

Samuel Rowley, of Rutland, iii. 1063²

Rev. Samuel Rowley, from Rutland, in Wells River, ii. 922

Rev. Stephen C., of Rutland, iii. 1029²

Thralls, of Rutland, iii. 1013²

Thrasher, Abigail, of Stowe, ii. 707

Benjamin, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 364

of Coventry, iii. 96, 159²

C. N., of Brownington, iii. 96, 97²

Charles, of Coventry, iii. 148, 152², 159²

Comfort, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

Esther (Shafter), wife of Benjamin Thrasher, v. pt. 2, 364

H. S., of Northfield, iv. 688

Mrs. Harriet, of Northfield, iv. 688

Holland, of Coventry, iii. 147², 148²(2), 151(2), 158(2), 159²(2)

John H., of Coventry, iii. 153²

John R., of Coventry, iii. 160(2)

Sally, S., of Northfield, iv. 672

Stephen of Northfield, iv. 671³

W. C., of Brownington, iii. 90

Thresher, ____, of Roxbury, iv. 761

Bathsheba (Rice), wife of Benjamin Thresher, v. pt. 2, 618²

Benjamin, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 618²

Freeman, of Northfield, iv. 615², 616

Hugh S., of Northfield, iv. 651

Dr. Leonard, of Montpelier, author, iv. 294², 320, 616²

Sophronia (née Cone), of West­minster, v. pt. 2, 609

Throop, ____, of Chelsea, ii. 871², 872

m. Elijah G. Galusha, iii. 723

Mrs. (née Vail), of Baton Rouge (La.) iii. 723²

Capt., iii. 723²

Betsey, iii. 723²

Chauncey L., of Randolph, ii. 1175

John, v. pt. 2, 690

of Eddyville (Ky.), iii. 723²

grantee of Northfield, iv. 612²

grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

grantee of Warren, iv. 801




NAME INDEX                           873


Throop, Capt. John, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

John W., of Fair Haven, iii. 686²

Joseph, pioneer of Cornwall, i. 23²

Nathaniel, ii. 1176

of Randolph, ii. 1175

Sarah, m. Edmund Weston, ii. 1176

Thunderbolt, Capt., v. pt. 2, 173²

see also Wilson, Dr. John

Thurber, ____, of Hubbardton, iv. 1171²

m. Perin Miller, iii. 364²

A. L., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421

Barnabas, of Burke, i. 304²(2), 311

Benjamin, of Brandon, iii. 448²

C. C., of East Haven, i. 986²

David, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518², note

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 64

E. H., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

E. W., iii. 364

Edward, grantee of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 24²

Edward jr., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 37

Enos W., of Westfield, sketch, iii. 364²

hist. of Westfield, iii. 353-64

Frank P., of Barre, iv. 37²

James, of St. Johnsbury, i. 397

John, of Burke, iii. 364²

Joseph, from N. H., of Berlin, iv. 53

Capt. Joseph, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Samuel, of Barre, iv. 46

Eld. Samuel, of Woodbury, iv. 877

Rev. Samuel W., of Cabot, iv. 101

Mrs. Sarah B., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 420²

Thurber, David, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 30

Thurman, Allen G., of O., iv. 543

Thurstin, Dea., of Fairfax, ii. 184

Sampson, of Orange, ii. 969²

Timothy, of Orange, ii. 969²

William, of Orange, ii. 969²

Thurston, ____ (née Sessions), wife of Rev. Thurston, v. pt. 2, 585²

Rev., of Fall River (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 585², 617²

Adolphus, of Barre, iv. 37, 41

Almon R., of Topsham, ii. 1114

Charles, of Randolph, ii. 996

Charles T., of Montpelier iv. 337

E. O., of Northfield, iv. 695²

Rev. Elisha M., in Orange, ii. 957²

Fanny (Witherell), wife of James T. Thurston, iv. 411², 489²

Hannah Bolton, wife of Moses Thurston, iv. 488²

James T., iv. 282(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 283, 411², 519, 532², 533, 547², 549

sketch, iv. 488-90

Mrs. James T., sermon on, iv. 316²

John, v. 5²

grantee of Charleston, iii. 121

of Corinth, ii. 883

John B., of Montpelier, iv. 489², 553

John H., of Orange, ii. 969²

Joseph, of Fairfax, ii. 170, 171²

Julia Ann (Sessions), wife of Rev. Thurston, v. pt. 2, 617²

Moses, of Cambridge, iv. 488²

of Northfield, iv. 615²

Paul, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 521

Rev. Pearson, of St. Johnsbury, i. 405²

Peter, of Cambridge, ii. 621

Dea. Peter, of Fletcher, ii. 201 and note, 201², 202, 210

Phebe, m. Rev. Stephen Fuller, ii. 1136

Phineas, of Barnet, i. 275

Mrs. Sevira J. (Currier), wife of James T. Thurston, iv. 489²

Ward, on Newbury muster roll, ii. 946

Thwing, James, grantee of Williams­town, ii. 1140² note, 1142²

Joshua, of Barre, iv. 276²

Thyn, James, iii. 1091

Tibbals, Samuel, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Tibbets, Rev., v. pt. 35, 75

Love P., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

William M., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 55

Tibbetts, John, of Woodbury, iv. 876²

John C., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38, 45-6

Peter, of Lyndon, i. 342²

Tibbitts, Josiah, of Swanton, iv. 1060

Tice, Capt. L. D., of Lamoille co., ii. 591

William, of Barnet, Rev. soldier, i. 275, 278²

of Newbury, ii. 947²

Tichenor, Gov. Isaac, of Bennington, i. 157, 161², 165², 169, 178², 215², 393, 397, 466², 500, 510, 511², 585², 586, 623, 794², 2d ed. 159, 163², 167², 171², 180², 214²; ii. 104, 133², 150, 280², 286(2), 349(2), 353, 377², 390², 530², 613; iii. 48, 72², 141², 142(2), 243², 303², 414, 640², 721², 1061², 1155²; iv. 104, 135, 254², 255², 270(2), 496, 555², 613, 725, 736, 802², 814; v. 90², 98², 99²; v. pt. 3, 79²; v. pt. 35, 31(2), 108²

from Newark (N. J.), of Bennington, sketch, i. 174²-5, 2d ed. 176²-7

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Tichenors, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 30²

Tichout, Eunice, of Highgate, ii. 269²

William, of Swanton, iv. 998², 999(2), 1000

on Missisquoi river, i. 454(2)

Ticknor & Fields, of Boston, iii. 961²




874                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tiff, Joseph, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Tiffany, Dr. Benjamin, from Hanover (N. H.) of Randolph, ii. 1005², 1039²

Betsey, of Randolph, ii. 1039²

C., of Greensboro, iii. 230

Christopher, of Cambridge, ii. 611², 621

E. S. & co., of N. Y. City, ii. 1176

Ebenezer, of Randolph, ii. 1039²

Ezekiel, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75²

Capt. John, from Hanover (N. H.), of Randolph, ii. 998², 1005, 1039(2), 1173²

Gideon, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Myron C., of Greensboro, iii. 230

Nancy, of Randolph, ii. 1039²

R., of Grand Isle, ii. 528

Sylvester, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Thomas J., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 38, 41

W. H., in Stowe, ii. 716

Rev. W. H., of Waterbury, iv. 839²

William, of Chittenden co., ii. 640²

Rev. William, in Wells, iii. 1194²

Tiffany Bros., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45²

Tiffany & Cooper, v. pt. 35, 45

Tift, Mrs., of Morristown, ii. 682²

Alexander, of Danby, iii. 665

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 605²

Tilden, Judge, of Barre, iv. 26

Miss, m. ____ Averill, iv. 27

A. N., of Roxbury, iv. 757²(2), 758, 761(2)

Mrs. A. N., of Roxbury, iv. 743²

A. N. & Son, of Roxbury, iv. 761

Ai N., of Northfield, iv. 646²

C. B., of Northfield, iv. 616

Cloe, dau. of Diah Tilden, ii. 1023²

David R., of Northfield, iv. 646², 652

Diah, of Randolph, ii. 1013, 1023

George, iv. 768

George W., of Barre, iv. 26², 27, 37(2), 355

of Montpelier, iv. 348², 354

of Northfield, iv. 683²

Harvey, of Barre, iv. 26², 27

of Northfield, iv. 615², 652

Irene (Flint), wife of Diah Tilden, ii 1013, 1023²

Dr. Ithamar, of Pawlet, iii. 893², 894

Dr. Ithamer, of Braintree, ii. 846², 847²

John, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

of Poultney, iii. 965, 966, 971

Joseph, of Boston, v. pt. 2, 188

King, son of Diah Tilden, ii. 1023²

Levi, Young Gentlemen's soc., Corn­wall, i. 25

Rev. L. L., of Weybridge, i. 110

Lory, of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Rev. Lucius Linsey, of Rutland, iii. 1018

Lucy, dau. of Diah Tilden, ii. 1023²

Lydia, dau. of Dials Tilden, ii. 1023²

Martin, son of Diah Tilden, ii. 1023²

Melinda (Goss), wife of Joseph Tilden, v. pt. 2 188

Dr. Philo, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Miss S. C., of Goddard Seminary, iv. 26²

Samuel J., of N. Y., iv. 270, 559, 587², 606²; v. pt. 35, 99

Stephen, of Hartford, v. 14²(2)

Turner, son of Diah Tilden, ii. 1023²

Webber, of Barre, iv. 27, 37(2)

Wilber, in Barre, iv. 46

Rev. William, of Boston, iii. 1022

Tileston, Rev. Spencer, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238²

Tiley, James, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Tileston, Ens. ____, of Berlin, iv. 68

Tilley, B., iii. 1038²

Tillie, Erwin E., of Tinmouth, iii. 804²

Ezra T., of Tinmouth, iii. 804²

Roswell, of Tinmouth, iii. 804²

Tillinghast, Charles, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Rev. W., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 16²

Tillison, Daniel, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

Daniel jr., grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

J., of Swanton, iv. 1042

Joseph, of Swanton, iv. 1026, 1030, 1059²

Tilliston, John N.,. of Northumberland (N. H.), i. 948²

of Essex co., i. 948

Tillotson, Rev. B. M., in Concord, i. 975²

Curtis, of Belvidere, ii. 593²

Daniel, grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Daniel jr., grantee of Thetford, ii. 1092

Rev. John, of England, v. 73

John M., i. 1004²

Nathaniel, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Rev. O. H., of Northfield, iv. 652²

Dea. Richard, of Belvidere, ii. 594(2)

William, of Warren, iv. 808

Tillson, David, of Woburn (Mass.), iii. 704²

Tilmon, ____, of Highgate, ii. 273

Tilson, George, of Randolph, ii. 1039²

John, in War of 1812, ii. 391²




NAME INDEX                           875


Tilson, Rev. Jonathan, of Braintree and Hingham (Mass.), ii. 848

sketch, ii. 851-2

Josiah, of Randolph and Braintree, ii. 851

Martha D. (Anderson), wife of Rev. Jonathan Tilson, ii. 852²

Rhoda, of Randolph and Braintree, ii. 851

Mrs. V. H., in Johnson, ii. 589²

Willard, of Randolph, ii. 995²

Tilton, Dr., of Calais, iv. 164²

A. F., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 542

Aaron, of Concord, i. 968²

Calvin, of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Daniel, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

Isaac, pensioner, ii. 393

Mary, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43

Mrs. Rebecca L., m. Dr. Reuben Green, v. pt. 2, 710

Samuel, of Irasburg, iii. 244

Sarah, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 19²

Theodore, of N. Y. City, iii. 538

Timothy, ____, iv. 647

Tinker, A., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

A., Pres. Vt. Central R. R., lib. assoc., ii. 330

Abram, of Brattleboro, v. 42²

Almerin, of Morristown, ii. 587², 690

Almon, ii. 587

Anna (Town), wife of Dr. James Tinker, ii. 687

Elihu, of Worthington (Mass.), ii. 687

James, of Fletcher, ii. 207²

Dr. James, from Worthington (Mass.), of Morristown, ii. 690

sketch, ii. 687

Lydia (Huntington), wife of Elihu Tinker, ii. 687

Dr. Ralph, of Morristown, ii. 687(2), 690

Tinkham, Almon, of Randolph, ii. 999

Rev. Daniel, of Shaftsbury, i. 236, 2d ed. 235²

Emily, m. Rev. Otis Warren, v. pt. 2, 477²

Hezekiah, of East Montpelier, iv. 583², 587²

of Montpelier, iv. 1199

Isaiah, of Pomfret, v. pt. 2, 477²

Jeremiah, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 359, 360

John, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701

Joseph, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 376

S. S., of Brownington, iii. 93, 296²

Tyler, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²

Tinkham family, of Athens, v. pt. 2, 361²

Tinney, Mrs. Harriet, of Orwell, ii. 230²

J. Eugene, of Franklin, atty., ii. 222²

Jesse, in Bennington, i. 144², 2d ed. 146²

Mary, m. Dr. Enoch Pomery, ii. 220

Oliver, iii. 1038

Tisdale, Capt. H. G., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 683², 697, 698², 706

Israel, grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564, 576²

Rev. James, from Taunton (Mass.), of Guildhall, i. 994², 1010, 1012, 1013i v. pt. 2, 681²

Job, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576²

Joseph, of Taunton (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 251², 564²

grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564, 565, 576²

Joseph jr., grantee of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 564

Mrs. Rush, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 576²

Seth, of Calais, iv. 176

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 252

Tisdell, Joel, of Barton, iii. 226²

Joseph, of Barton, iii. 226²

Titcomb, Mrs., taught in Berlin, iv. 53²

Elizabeth, of Berlin, iv. 1188

m. Alvan Dickinson, v. pt. 2, 618

James, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 625², 634

Col., Moses, iv. 1152

Titcome, Col. Moses, iv. 1151

Tittemore, Dr. N., of Lowell, iii. 43²

Titus, ____, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Mrs., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 9²

Benjamin, of Highgate, ii. 420²

Carlo, of Vershire, ii. 1135²

Demis, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320², 321²

E. J., of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 23

Mrs. Elizabeth (Kelsey), wife of Jonathan Titus, i. 91²

Ephraim, of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 7², 9², 14

H. R., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 347²

Hannah, m. Wing Rogers, iii. 644

Jonah, of Troy, iii. 324

Mrs. Jonah, of Troy, iii. 324(2)

Jonathan, of Salisbury, i. 91²

Lt. L. R., of Troy, iii. 395²

Lenox, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132(2), 1133(2)

Lyman, of Wolcott, ii. 783

Martha, m. Nathan West, ii. 1133²

Mikel, grantee of Vershire, ii. 1132

Nathan, of Corinth, ii. 883

Platt, of Troy (N. Y.), i. 681²

Rhobee, m. Thaddeus Thayer, v. pt. 2, 162

Richard, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Rosannah, of Vershire, ii. 1133²

S., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 313²




876                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Titus, Sumner, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 285, 315, 318², 321

Mrs. Sumner, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Capt. Sumner, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²(2)

Thomas W., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 289²

Mrs. Thomas W., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321²

Timothy, of Burlington, i. 493

Valonia (Stebbins), wife of Thomas W. Titus, v. pt. 2, 289²

Tobe, Capt., see Jennings, Justin Tobey, Dr., of Calais, iv. 164²

Allen, of Calais, iv. 170, 173, 174

Allen jr., of Calais, iv. 170

Alpa A., of Hammond (Mass.), iv. 170

Rev. Alvan, of Durham (N. H.), iii. 89

Anna, of Calais, iv. 167

Anna C., of Calais, iv. 170

Arthur, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Avery, from Calais, of Russellville, (Ill.), iv. 169²

Clara Leone, of Calais, iv. 170

Delia Irena, m. Thomas Bell, iv. 170

Elizabeth, m. David Daggett, iv. 169²

Elbridge A., from Calais, of Warren (N. H.), iv. 170

Elvira (Ellis), wife of Allen Tobey, iv. 170

James K., iv. 154², 167, 169, 170, 172², 174(2), 175, 889²

hist of Calais, iv. 128-77

Jennie B., of Hammond (Wis.), iv. 170

Kate (Doty), wife of Elbridge Tobey, iv. 170

Keziah, m. Isaac Raise, iv. 169²

Laura C., of Calais, iv. 170

Lelia M., of Calais, iv. 170

Lemuel, of Calais, iv. 176²

Lena J., of Hammond (Wis.), iv. 170

Lydia M., of Calais, iv. 170

Lydia (Tucker), wife of Richard W. Tobey, iv. 170

Martha (Mastin), wife of William E. Tobey, iv. 170

Martin D., of Calais, iv. 170

Martin E., of Calais, iv. 170

Mary, of Calais, iv. 169²

Mary C. (Robinson), wife of James K. Tobey, iv. 169, 170

Nancy M. (Hargin), wife of Orvis S. Tobey, iv. 170

Orvis S., from Walden, of Ham­mond (Wis.), iv. 170

Phebe Roxana, m. Amos W. Eddy, iv. 170

Polly, m. Alexander White, iv. 168, 169²

Richard W., of Calais, iv. 106, 170, 173, 174(2)

Sally (Norton), wife of Avery Tobey, iv. 169²

Sarah (West), wife of Zoeth Tobey, iv. 169²

Mrs. Sarah (West), m. Peter Whee­lock, iv. 169²

Sewell, of Russellville, (Ill.), iv. 169²

William Elliott, of Calais, iv. 170

Zoath, of Calais, iv. 136², 176

Zoeth. from New Bedford (Mass.), of Calais, iv. 169²

Zoeth 2d, of Calais, iv. 170

Tobias, Hiram, of Grand Isle, ii. 532(2), 533²

Jacob, of Poughkeepsie (N. Y.), ii. 541

James, from N. Y., of Grand Isle, ii. 522, 523²(2), 524², 528² note, 532, 536², 541

Capt. James, of Grand Isle, ii. 527² and note

John B., of Grand Isle, ii. 527², 528, 532²

Joseph M., of Grand Isle, ii. 527²

Mary (Bloodgood), wife of James Tobias, ii. 541

Solon, of Grand Isle, ii. 527² and note, 528, 532², 533², 541

Tobin, T. M., of Swanton, iv. 1101², 1129²

Rev. Thomas, of Middletown, iii. 835

Toby, Capt., iii. 856

Azro, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Betsey, m. David Carver, iii. 910²

Chipman J., of Pawlet, iii. 898², 928²

Ebenezer, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 20²

Emily, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

George, of Pawlet, iii. 908², 928²

Isaac, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 33²

James K., of Calais, iv. 146, 147

Josiah, from Falmouth (Mass.), of Pawlet, iii. 880², 903, 910², 928²

Capt. Josiah, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Col. Josiah jr., of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Leon, of Goshen, i. 37²

Lorette (Upham), wife of Col. Josiah Toby jr., iii. 928²

Lydia (Baker), wife of Josiah Toby, iii. 928²

Phebe, m. Samuel Allen jr., ii. 540

Rebecca, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Rebecca (Weeks), wife of Reuben Toby, iii. 928²

Reuben, from Falmouth (Mass.), of Pawlet, iii. 881, 904², 928²

Mrs. Reuben, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Reuben jr., of Pawlet, iii. 928²




NAME INDEX                           877


Toby, Richard W., of Calais, iv. 146

Sally, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Zenas, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Tocqueville, Alexis C. H. C. De, iii. 10

Herve, L. F. J. C., Count de, iii. 758

Todd, ____, of Poultney, iii. 980²(2)

of Rutland, iii. 1047

Dr., of Arlington, ii. 318

Rev., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

of Pittsfield (Mass.), iii. 1033

Col. Andrew, v. pt. 2, 182

Rev. C. I., of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 164²

Capt. Edward A., of Brattleboro, v. 154²

Dr. Eli, of Hartford (Conn.), iii. 174; v. 147

Dr. Eliel, of Pawlet, iii. 893², 894, 925, 928²

Lt. Eliel, of Pawlet, iii. 874

Enos, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 and note

Eunice, m. Gov. Samuel C. Crafts, iii. 174

George W., of Glover, iii. 35²(2), 37, 200(2), 201², 206², 208²

Gershom, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997(2) and note

James, of Fairfield, ii. 199²(2)

Jane, m. William Miller, v. pt. 2, 182

Job, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

John, of Georgia, ii. 249

Rev. John, from Rutland, of Pittsfield (Mass.), i. 241 note; iii. 88², 1009², 1010, 1012, 1056(2)

Jonathan, of Pawlet, iii. 928²

Rev. Jonathan, of East Guilford (Conn.), i. 241 note

Medora, of Fairfield, ii. 199²

Samuel, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 119, 140, 155

Thomas, grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2), 393(2)

Timothy, iii. 1096²

of Arlington, iii. 72²

of Guilford (Cann.), i. 241 note

Rev. Tolman, in Danby, iii. 606²

William, of Rutland, iii. 1046

Rev. William, of Burlington circuit, i. 896(2)

in Franklin co., ii. 146, 199², 284², 380²

Togisheat, ____, of Swanton, iv. 967

Tolford, Maj., exploring party, ii. 916²(2)

Tolls, Dr. Nathaniel, of Waitsfield, iv. 923²

Tolman, ____, Laws of Vt., ii. 90, 644²; iii. 409²

Dr., of Danby, iii. 628², 629

Rev., in Greensboro, iii. 210²

Benjamin, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

David, of Montpelier, iv. 262²

Dr. Ebenezer, of Danby, iii. 588, 590(2), 591, 649²

Experience, of Dorchester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 35

Rev. George B., of Shelden, ii. 99, 372², 379

H. S., of Greensboro, iii. 213

Jemima, of Dorchester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 35

Lyman, of Middlesex, Rev. soldier, iv. 243², 247²

Thomas, iii. 1096²

of Arlington, iii. 307

of Dorchester (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 35

of Greensboro, iii. 137², 212², 216² note

grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note

grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254(2), 256, .257², 258, 259

grantee of Woodbury, iv. 873²

Sec'y to Gov. Thomas Chittenden, i. 952²; ii. 630, 870²; iii. 41²

Rev. Thomas, in Cornwall, i. 24²

Tolton, Gilbert, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Tomahamaha, King, of Hawaii, ii. 833

Tombling, Elisha, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Tombs, ____, ii. 356

Tomlin, Abner, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Achsah, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Cybil, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

John Webster, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Lucy, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Polly, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Rochsena, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Seth, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Susanna, wife of Timothy Tomlin, v. pt. 2, 448

Theda, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Timothy, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Timothy jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Tomlinson, ____, m. James Hard, i. 134, 2d ed. 135

Mrs., of Richmond, i. 846²

Agur, agent of Maidstone grantees, i. 1026

Beach, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

of Fairfield, ii. 191²(2)




878                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tomlinson, Eliphalet, of Richmond, i. 846²

John, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

John jr., of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 552²

Tompkins, Gov. Daniel D., of N. Y., ii. 194²-5, 352; iii. 911², 934²

J., of Stanstead (P. Q.), iii. 297²

Joseph, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Newcomb jr., of Swanton, iv. 1058²

Tompson, E. J., of Shoreham, i. 95

Tomson, Abil, see Thompson, Abel

Tone, Siloame, of Morgan, iii. 286

Tood, Timothy, of Sunderland, ii. 167(2)

Toof, E. M., in Johnson, ii. 674²

Tooker, Lucia D., m. Albert H. Merrifield, v. pt. 2, 401²

Tooley, Horace, of Wells, iii. 1197²

Lucy, m. Elhanan McWain, iii. 920²

William, of Wells, iii. 1197², 1205

Tooly, Amos, of Wells, iii. 1205

Mrs. Amos, of Wells, iii. 1205

Horace, of Wells, iii. 1205

John H., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 696

Toombs, Col. Robert, iv. 1178²

Toomelik, Indian, son of Molly, ii. 924²-5; iv. 1154²

Toothaker, James, of Hyde Park, ii. 799

Polly, wife of James Toothaker, ii. 799

Roger, of Hyde Park, Rev. soldier, ii. 656²(2 )

Torrence, ____, Green Mountain Boy, i. 107

Olive, of Middlebury, i. 50², 255²

Orleans P., iii. 1037²

Robert, of Middlebury, i. 50(2), 51; iii. 1037²

Mrs. Sally (Peck), wife of Robert Torrence, i. 50²

Torrey, ____, m. Gen. Levi House, ii. 315

Prof., of Univ. of Vt., i. 113²; ii. 321

Rev., in, Marshfield, iv. 207

Rev. C. C., of Georgia and Stone, ii. 250², 711²

of Westford, i. 899

Cornelia A. (Buffam), wife of Elijah M. Torrey, v. pt. 2, 527²

E., of Maidstone, i. 1028

Elijah M., of Dorset, v. pt. 2, 525

of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 526, 527

Elisha Hyde, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 527

Eunice (Hyde), wife of Luther Tor­rey, v. pt. 2, 526

Henry, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

John, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 690²

Rev. Joseph, Pres. Univ. of Vt., i. 523(2), 524(2), 525, 530(2), 531², 558, 560², 659(2), 801²; ii. 320 note, iv. 323, 933, 1200

on Pres. Marsh, i. 527-9

on Pres. Wheeler, i. 529-30

Rev. Joseph jr., of Hardwick, i. 328

hist. of Hardwick, i. 323

Newlights in Hardwick, i. 329-30

Luther, from Ware (Mass.), of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 526, 527(2)

Nathaniel B., of Georgia, ii. 242, 249² 315

Nathaniel M., in Georgia, ii. 242

Samuel, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Sgt. Samuel, of Newbury, ii. 927(2)

Torry, Dr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

Elijah M., of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 433

Totten, Peter jr., grantee of Fairfax, ii. 166²

see also Tatten; Tolton

Tousley, Bostwick, of Burlington, i. 509²

Tower, Elvira, of Ira, iii. 784²

J. H., of Underhill, i. 887²

Mrs. James, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 577²

John, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 651

Joseph, iii. 1038²

Dea. Joseph, of Ira, iii. 783(2)

Lucy, of Ira, iii. 783²

Lyman, of Ira, iii. 784²

Mary (McCoy), of Ira, iii. 784

Dea. Nathaniel, of Ira, iii. 783(2)

Noyes, of Northfield, iv. 672

Persis (Averill), wife of James Tower, v. pt. 2, 626²

Sarah, iii. 1038²

Tower & Oaks, of Underhill, i. 887

Towers, James, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600

Lucinda, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232

Reubin, of Danby, iii. 587²

Robert, of Richmond, i. 845

Servia, of Ira, iii. 780²

Towgesheat, Indian, i. 455; iv. 962²

Towle, Angeline, m. Jonathan Lawrence, i. 1046²

Mrs. Annis, of Corinth, ii. 874²

Bracket, pioneer of Corinth, in Rev. war, ii. 874(2)

David, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Edwin Ruthven, hist. of Franklin, ii. 217²-33

letter about Ebenezer Marvin, ii. 228²-30

poem, ii. 232²

Ira, of Corinth, ii. 1169

J., of Sheldon, ii. 370², 372

James, from St. Johnsbury, of Vic­tory, i. 1046², 1047²

John, of Craftsbury, iii. 170²

of Moretown, iv. 603²

of Waitsfield, iv. 793²

Nella, of Corinth, ii. 1169




NAME INDEX                           879


Towle, Reuben, from Chester (N. H.), of Franklin, ii. 222, 231

Sarah (Clough), wife of Reuben Towle, ii. 231(2)

Towle & Lovejoy, of Moretown, iv. 598²

Town, Dr., of Marshfield and Montpelier, iv. 529²

Abner, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 110²

of Woodbury, iv. 873², 875², 876

Albert P., of Woodbury, iv. 875², 876, 877²

Dr. Amos, of Bakersfield, ii. 108²

Amos W., of Stowe, ii. 715, 766

Anna, m. Dr. James Tinker, ii. 687

Asa, of Essex, i. 783²

of Vershire, ii. 1133²

of Waterbury, iv. 841

Asaph, of Woodbury, iv. 14, 875², 876(2), 877(2)

Barnard, of Montpelier, iv. 529²

Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 529²

Chauncey W., from Montpelier, of N. Y. City, iv. 348³, 357², 552

David, of Waterbury, iv. 820, 867

E., of Lamoille co., ii. 590²

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Mrs. E. of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Edmond, of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217

Edmund, of Georgia, ii. 236², 240²

from Simsbury (Conn.), in Fairfield, ii. 192², 200(2)

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Elihu, of Stowe, ii. 712

Mrs. Elihu, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Elijah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72², 86, 110²

Elijah jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 72², 88, 150²(2)

Elijah 3d, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 150²

Elisha, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

of Montpelier, iv. 275², 387², 529²

of Stowe, Rev. soldier, ii. 741

of Waterbury, iv. 841

Elisha A., of Mansfield, ii. 680

Eliza, of Woodbury, iv. 877

Emory, of Montpelier, iv. 354

of Stowe, ii. 708², 712², 717, 721(2)

Enos, of Barre, iv. 41²

Ephraim, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Mrs. Evaline M., of Stowe, ii. 717

Eveline N., of Stowe, ii. 715

Frances Miretta (Witherell), wife of Ira S. Town, iv. 552²

George, of Mansfield, ii. 680; iv. 206

of Richford, ii. 428

Dr. George M., of Marshfield, iv. 220

H. F., of Stowe, ii. 712

Hollis, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531(2)

hist. of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528-31

Hollis jr., of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 530², 531(2)

Mrs. Huldah, of Stowe, ii. 706²

I. S., of Montpelier, iv. 335

I. S. & G., of Montpelier, iv. 278²

Ira, of Montpelier, iv. 334²

of Waterbury, iv. 841

Ira S., of Montpelier, iv. 280, 330, 336, 352², 529², 548, 552

J. W., of Woodbury, iv. 875², 876

Jabez, of Woodbury, iv. 873, 876, 880

Jacob, v. pt. 2, 164

James, of Stowe, Rev. soldier, ii. 698(2), 706², 741

Mrs. James, of Stowe, ii. 706²

James C., of Stowe, ii. 717, 766

James M., in Militia, ii. 514

Jesse, of Stowe, ii. 699², 712²

John, of Fairfax, ii. 403

Josiah, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

of Montpelier, iv. 529², 532

Josiah jr., of Montpelier, iv. 529²

Judith, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Lucy, of Woodbury, iv. 880

Luke J., of Stowe, ii. 698, 721

Luther G., of Plainfield, iv. 731²

Lydia, of Waterbury, iv. 820

Mabel (Andrews), wife of Asa Town, i. 783²

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 330

Mary (Reed), wife of Elijah Town, v. pt. 2, 86

Moses, of Stowe, ii. 706², 712²

Nancy, of Montpelier, iv. 328

Orwell D., of Woodbury, iv. 876

Parila, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Perley, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 90

Phebe, of Woodbury, iv. 877

Polly, in Alstead (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 67²

Polly (Butler), wife of Perley Town, v. pt. 2, 90

Polly (Cutter), wife of Jacob Town, v. pt. 2, 164

Polly (McMaster) (Sabin), m. Capt. Solomon Bliss, ii. 236², 2402

Salem, of Stowe, ii. 712²

Mrs. Salem, of Stowe, ii. 706²

Maj. Salem, of Charlton (Mass.), grantee of Calais, iv. 130(2), 131, 133

Sally, of Stowe, ii. 715

Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 330, 529²

Sarah, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 84

Sarah (Holton), wife of Elijah Town jr., v. pt. 2, 150²

Seth, of Elmore, ii. 627

of Waterbury, iv. 840²

Silas, of Barre, iv. 36², 41




880                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Town, Silas jr., of Barre, iv. 27²

Snow, of Montpelier, iv. 329², 529², 556²

Thomas, of Barre, iv. 27², 37, 41(2)

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 19²

True A., of Cabot, iv. 83, 84(2), 104²

of Woodbury, iv. 882

Wavie, of Cabot, iv. 109

Dr. William, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 603

Town families, of Waterbury, iv. 870

Town and Witherell, of Montpelier, iv. 279

Towne E. H., of Montpelier, iv. 281, 336²

Emory, of Northfield, iv. 683²

Rev. Josiah, of Hanover (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 154²

Mary, m. Rev. Uzziah C. Burnap, v. pt. 3², 15²

Towner, ____, pioneer in Bridport, i. 16², 661²

E. P. of Montpelier, iv. 281

Dr. James, of Charlotte, i. 734(2), 736

Rev. James, of Charlotte, i. 744²

James jr., of Charlotte, i. 737²

S. S., of Montpelier and Lynn (Mass.), iv. 280², 427²

Shaler, of Sudbury, iii. 1137²

Dr. William, of Charlotte, i. 744²

Zaccheus, of Charlotte, i. 741²

Townsend, ____, of Brownington, iii. 97²

Mrs., of Cambridge, ii. 613²

Abraham, from Westboro (Mass.), of Berlin, Rev. soldier, iv. 60², 68, 1188, 1189

Benjamin, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Col. Dyer, of Wallingford, iii. 1183

Elias, grantee of Cabot, iv. 75

Rev. G. H., in Wells, iii. 1194²

Lord George & co., Sheldon land grant, ii. 90

Isaiah, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688, 695(2)

James, of Sheffield, i. 416²

John, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688

John E., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 193²

Rev. M., in Rutland, iii. 1047²

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Micah, of Brattleboro, iii. 433², 1155²; iv. 324; v. 15²

Rev. Micajah, in Alburg, ii. 487²(2)

of Brandon, iii. 474

in Enosburg, ii. 146

Molly, of Berlin, iv. 1188, 1199²

Nathaniel, of Plainfield, iv. 722(2), 730(2)

Mrs. Nathaniel, iv. 731

Nathaniel jr., of Plainfield, iv. 730

Nicholas, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Phebe (Hall), wife of Samuel Townsend, iii. 1173

Polly, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Samuel, from Hancock (Mass.), of Wallingford, iii. 1172²

Thayer, of Worcester, iv. 886², 887

Timothy, pioneer of Groton, iv. 1158

Warren, of Highgate, ii. 264²

Townshend, Mrs., of Cambridge, ii. 603

Maj., ii. 392

Betsey, m. Gardner Kathan, v. pt. 2, 18

Betty, m. William Mansfield, v. pt. 2, 212

Charles, of England, v. pt. 2, 532

Daniel S., of Burke, iv. 1191²

Maj. David S., ii. 391(2)

Rev. Jesse, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624

John, of Brandon, iii. 494(2)

Micah, of Brattleboro, v. 20(2), 57², 60, 64², 65, 122; v. pt. 3, 9

Micajah, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Sally (Nye), wife of Nathaniel Townshend, iv. 722

Thayer, of Montpelier, iv. 328²

of Worcester, iv. 893²

Townsley, Calvin, of Brattleboro, v. 20, 57²; v. pt. 2, 34²

Towslee, Dr. Norman, of Pawlet, iii. 894

Towsley, Adelbert A., v. pt. 35, 54²

Leander M., of Shaftsbury, i. 259²

Linus M., of Bennington, i. v. pt. 35, 54²

Tracey, James, of Swanton, iv. 99

Dr. James 2d, of Hartford, iv. 156²

Rev. L., from New Hampton (N. H.), of Burlington, i. 548

Tracy, ____, of Brandon, iii. 495

m. Albert Culver, iii. 1207

surveyor, iii. 1112

of Vt. Chronicle, iii. 216²

M. de, Gov. of Canada, at Fort St. Anne, i. 2, 669², 754; ii. 554², 560²(2), 562

Col., from Rutland, v. pt. 35, 72²

A. A., of East Montpelier, iv. 586²

Abraham, of Brownington, iii. 92

Ahira, of Sheldon, ii. 393²

Alpha H., of Tunbridge, ii. 1120²

Amy, daft. of Elijah Tracy, ii. 1119²

m. Amos Thatcher, ii. 1120

Andrew, in Middlesex, iv. 245

of Woodstock, iv. 304

candidate for governor, iv. 271, 587

Andrew A., of East Montpelier, iv. 1194³

of Middlesex, iv. 236²

Anson, of Randolph, ii. 1022²

Arza, from Hampton (Conn.), of Brandon, iii. 457²

Barton, of Roxbury, iv. 756




NAME INDEX                           881


Tracy, Baxter W., iii. 1118²

Bela, of Washington, ii. 1139

Benjamin, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Capt. Benjamin F., iv. 1179

Bolivia, m. Abner Bemis, v. pt. 2, 63²

C. A., of Northfield, iv. 616

Rev. C. B., of Northfield, iv. 655²

Caroline (Stockwell), wife of Char­les Tracy, v. pt. 2, 190²

Castle, of Wells, iii. 1207

Charles, of Vernon (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 190²

Charles D., of Wells, iii. 1207

Clarence, of Roxbury, iv. 752

Cyrus, of Tunbridge, ii. 1120², 1125²

Mrs. Cyrus, of Tunbridge, ii. 1121²

Sir D. Burnham, of Mich., iv. 684

David, of Middletown, iii. 820

Dimick, of Randolph, ii. 999, 1022²

E. C., of Windsor, i. 244,

on Jeremiah Evarts, i. 241-5

Rev. E. C., of Thetford, ii. 1051

Eleonor (Washburn), wife of Rev. E. C. Tracy, ii. 1051

Elias, of Washington, ii. 1139

Dea. Elijah, of Tunbridge, ii. 1119², 1120², 1124², 1125²

Mrs. Elijah, of Tunbridge, ii. 1120

Elisha, of Manchester, i. 201

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2) ??9²;

Elisha, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Elisha L., Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Eunice (Cutler), wife of Azra Tracy, iii. 457²

Frederick, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

George, of South Hero, ii. 586

Guy, of Shelburne, i. 869, 877

Harry, of Barre, iv. 33

Hezekiah, of Shelburne, i. 859

James, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 155

of St. Albans, ii. 291

of Swanton, iv. 997², 1003, 1132

Jared, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629

Capt. Jared, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Jeremiah, of Brownington, iii. 92

Jerusha, m. Rev. Jedediah Hyde, ii. 635²

Joseph, iv. 197²

Rev. Joseph, of West Fairlee, ii. 915

L., of Shelburne, i. 884

Miss L. A., of Brandon, iii. 500

Lee, of Shelburne, i. 866²

Rev. Leonard, hist. of Randolph Baptist church, ii. 1064

Levi, from Randolph, of Grand Haven (Mich.), ii. 1022²(2)

Mrs. Levina, in Middlesex, iv. 245

Lovina, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Luther G., of Roxbury, iv. 760²

Martha Sherman (Evarts), wife of E. C. Tracy, i. 244

Martin, of Randolph, ii. 1022²

Mary, m. ____ Cady, ii. 643

Mary Ann (Fletcher), wife of Guy Tracy, i. 869

Rev. Milo, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 52²

Nathan J., of Sunderland, i. 259²

Olive (Flint), wife of Perez Tracy, ii. 1012, 1022²

P., of Randolph, ii. 996²

Perez, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

from Windham (Conn.), of Randolph, ii. 999, 1011², 1012, 1022², 1024

Mrs. Phebe, of Brandon, iii. 489

Dr. Philemon, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Safford, of Washington, ii. 1139

Samuel, of Middletown, iii. 820

Selina, of Randolph, ii. 1022²

Semantha, of Randolph, ii. 1022², 1023

Solomon, from Walpole (N. H.), of Brandon, iii. 455

Susanna, m. Asa Hazen, iv. 66

Thomas, of Morristown, ii. 689²

Timothy, pioneer of Randolph, ii. 996²

Uriah, of Conn., i. 169 (2), 2d ed. 171

grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Dr. W. A., of Burlington, i. 504

Wilson H., of Tunbridge, ii. 1129

Tracy, Converse & Barnes, iii. 1118

Trafford, Col., in Civil war, iv. 127²

Train, John, of Tinmouth, iii. 1142², 1145², 1146(2), 1147², 1149²

Oliver, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 518² note

Orange, of Tinmouth, iii. 1142², 1149

Capt. Orange, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Trainor, ____, of N. Y., v. pt. 2, 350²

Trall, Titus, of Georgia, ii. 249

Trask, Dr. Charles M., of Wells River, ii. 955²

E., of Springfield (Mass.), iv. 26

Henry, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 312

Nancy, of Beverly (Mass.), ii. 862

Samuel, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Travellas, ____, iv. 459²

Traver, Christiana, m. David Kellogg, i. 103²

Frances A., m. Maj. Gen. I. B. Richardson, ii. 188

Simon A., of Kalamazoo (Mich.), ii. 188

Travers, Miss, in Sheldon, ii. 373





882                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Traverse, Jeremiah, grantee of Mans­field, ii. 680

Traversey, Capt. de, killed at fort St. Anne, ii. 560

Travis, Melancton W., i. 675² note

Rev. Robert, of Burlington, i. 546

Uriah, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

William A., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 683(2)

Travis & co., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 683²

Travis, Eddy & co., i. 683

Treadwell, Capt. Ephraim, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Samuel, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Thomas, of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 682

William, grantee of St. Albans, ii. 290

William Earl, grantee of Swanton, iv. 991

Treat, ____, m. Phebe Hawley, i. 2d ed. 134

Charles, from Glastonbury (Conn.), in Newbury, ii. 954

Joan, m. John Hollister, iii. 917²

Joseph, of Bridport, i. 669²

Philo, of Guildhall i. 999

Thomas, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

Tredicke, Henry, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

William, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Trefethen, Capt. Abraham, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Abraham jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

George, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Henry jr., grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

John, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

William, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Trenor, Thomas, in Bennington, i. 140², 2d ed. 142²

Trescott, Jonathan, grantee of St. Johns­bury, i. 390²(2), 391, 397

Savage, grantee of Highgate, ii. 256

Solon, mail carrier, ii. 174(2)

William, grantee of St. Johnsbury, i. 390²(2), 391, 393², 400²(2)

Tressell, Salma, of Cabot, iv. 92

Treudo, Edward, of Swanton, iv. 1060

Trevellian, Rev., of Corinth, ii. 1108²

Trevillian, Rev. T., of Middlesex, iv. 238²

Thomas, of Plainfield, iv. 727²

Trim, John, of Tinmouth, iii. 1141²

Trimble, Gen., at Gettysburg battle, i. 712², 716, 719

Alexander, of Larrabee 's Point, i. 94²

George, of Larrabee 's Point, i. 94²

Trimbler, James, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Trinett, Dr., of Boston (Mass.), i. 690

Tripp, Rev., in Lunenburg, i. 1021

Anthony, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

Benjamin, of Charleston, iii. 121

Jacob, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

Jesse, of Grand Isle, ii. 522²

Joseph, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Rev. Joseph, of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522²

Lot, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

Robert, grantee of Charlotte, i. 733² note

Rufus, of Charleston, iii. 109

Theodore L., pioneer of Charleston, 108², 121

Capt. Theodore, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 44

Thomas, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Trobridge, ____, m. John C. Wilson, iii. 725

A. V., of La Grange (Ia.), iii. 725

Alfred P., of St. Paul (Minn.), iii. 725²

Anna, m. Lemuel G. Brown, iii. 725²

Annie E., m. ____ Ogden, iii. 725²

Archibald, from Fair Haven, of Montreal (P. Q.), iii. 725²

C. C., of Tryone (Ia.), iii. 7

Catherine (Fish), wife of Chauncey Trobridge, iii. 725²

Chauncey, from Fair Haven, of N.. Y., iii. 709, 725²

David S., of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725

F. N., of Red Oak Station (Ia.), iii. 725

F. M., of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725²

Hannah P., m. A. T. Blake, iii. 725²

Isaac, of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725²

Israel D., of Chenoa (Ill.), iii. 725²

Jacob, from Fair Haven, of Ohio,. iii. 725²

John, of Swan Creek (O.), iii. 725²

Lemuel, of Paris (Ill.), iii. 725²

Levi, of Fair Haven, iii. 699

Polly (Boomer), 2d wife of Jacob Trobridge, iii. 725²

R. M., of La Grange (Ia.), iii. 725

Sarah (Shepard), wife of Jacob Trobridge, iii. 725²

see also Trowbridge

Trombly, A., of Brandon, iii. 500²

Trompe, Francis, of Grand Isle, ii. 531²

Troop, ____, preached in Conn., ii. 638²

John, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 519 note

Sarah, m. Edmund Weston, ii. 1053

see also Throop, John W.




NAME INDEX                           883


Trott, Hannah (Stickney), wife of John S. Trott, v. pt. 2, 715

John S., of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 715

Trotter, Hannah (Brooks), m. Col. William Barron, ii. 833, 835²

John, of Charlotte, i. 736

Capt. William, of Bradford, ii. 816²(2), 822²

from England, of Bradford, sketch, ii. 833(2)-5

Mrs. William, of Bradford, ii. 833², 835

Troville, John, of South Hero, ii. 586

Louis, of South Hero, ii. 586

Peter, of South Hero, ii. 577², 586

Trow, Dexter, of Barre, iv. 51²

Ira, of Barre, iv. 51²

Jones, of Berlin, iv. 642

Kendrick, of Cabot, iv. 122²

Lucy R., of Northfield, iv. 671²

Luke, of Barre, iv. 51²

Preston, of Montpelier, iv. 412², 529²

Seth, grantee of Middlesex, iv. 222

Trowbridge, ____, m. William R. Hayes, v. 68

Miss, of Worcester, i. 403²

Abigail, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²(2), 720²

Anna, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²

Clement, of Cambridge, ii. 621

David, from Fair Haven, of Ohio, iii. 725

Elizabeth, of Fair Haven,. iii. 678²

m. Dr. Osee Dutton, iii. 678²(2)

Hannah, m. Jeremiah Durand, iii. 720²

m. Olney Hawkins, iii. 678²

Hannah (Smith), wife of Levi Trowbridge, iii. 724²

Isaac, of Stratford (Conn.), iii. 678²

Israel, from Derby (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 672², 678²(2), 720²

James, i. 675² note

of Norwalk (Conn.) and Stratford (Conn.), iii. 678²

Jemima, m. John Tabor, i. 884²

Keeler, of Shelburne, i. 859

Levi, from Derby (Conn.), of Fair Haven, iii. 678², 724²

Lucy, of Montpelier, iv. 329

Martha (Blake), wife of Philo Trowbridge, iii. 725

Mary, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²

m. Ralph Carver, iii. 678²(2)

Philo, from Fair Haven, of Ohio, iii. 725

Sarah, of Fair Haven, iii. 678²

m. Caleb Wheeler, iii. 725

Sophronia (Howe), wife of David Trowbridge, iii. 725

William, of Hubbardton, iii. 749²

see also Trobridge

Truair, Rev. John, in Bakersfield, ii. 106²

in Cambridge, ii. 620(2), 621

in Eden, ii. 797², 798

in Enosburg, ii. 141²

in Fletcher, ii. 210

author, iv. 320

Truax, Rev., of Fletcher, ii. 210²

Rev. A. B., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 313², 315

of Northfield, iv. 651, 689², 690

of Swanton, iv. 1086, 1088

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Elias, from Albany (N. Y.), of Franklin, ii. 232

of Swanton, iv. 1016²

Elias jr., of Franklin, ii. 232

L. B., of Swanton, iv. 1129²

True, ____, of Albany, iii. 66

Mrs., of Albany, iii. 66

Dea., of Derby, iii. 179

of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 28

Betsey, of Newport, iii. 297

Charles B., of Montpelier, iv. 532

Daniel, of Derby, iii. 154²

of Newport, iii. 297

Elijah, of Hardwick, i. 324²

Enoch, from Sandwich (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 5, 15², 20, 37², 38, 45²

Ezekiel, of Corinth, ii. 882², 883, 887²

Rev. Ezekiel jr., of Corinth, ii. 887²

George W., of Coventry, iii. 46², 149, 159(2)

Henry, pioneer of Charleston, iii. 108², 120(2)

Rev. Henry, at Newbury, ii. 919²

John, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 21

Mary, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 43²

Mary A., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 18²

Pearson, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 40

Sarah, m. John Howard, ii. 798²

Silas H., of Coventry, iii. 149

Thomas, from Sandwich (N. H.), of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 14, 21²(2), 38, 40, 43², 45(2)

Thomas jr., of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38

Z. R., of Montpelier, iv. 562²

Truesdell, Richard, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Trufont, Thomas, of Washington, ii. 1139

Trulan, A. G., of Montpelier, iv. 562²

Trull, Dr. Daniel, of Lyndon, i. 355²

Joel, of Burke, i. 305²

Truman, Almas, of Burlington, i. 660 note, 669²

Capt. Almas, of Burlington, i. 687, 691

L. W., of Waitsfield, iv. 787²

Nicholas, of Fairfax, ii. 402




884                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Truman, Susannah, m. Rev. Amos Beck­with, v. pt. 34, 38²

Trumble, Asaph, grantee of Strafford, ii. 1084

Trumbull, ____, of Craftsbury, iii. 211

Alexander, of Pawlet, iii. 902²

Asahel, of North Hero, ii. 564, 566(2)

Benjamin, history of Conn., i. 607² note

G., of Barre, iv. 919

James H., on name Winooski, iv. 1²

John, grantee of Warren, iv. 801

Dep. Adj. Gen , i. 153, 2d ed. 155; v. pt. 2, 120²

Col. John, of Conn., v. 88

Gov. Jonathan, of Conn., i. 665²; iv. 738², 739

Robert, pioneer of Craftsbury, iii. 165(2), 170

Trundenborough, William, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Trundy, William, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Truss, Hiram, pub. Brandon Gazette, iii. 495

Trussell, Reuben, of Brownington, iii. 91²

Tyron, Capt. David, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

E. jr., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Elijah, from Conn., of West Haven, iii. 682²

Elisha, of Danby and Manchester, iii. 592, 600, 603, 634², 635

Honor, m. David Nye, iv. 58²

Jesse, of St. Albans, ii. 434

Moses, grantee of Westmore, iii. 365

Socrates H., of Pawlet, iii. 887, 894

Gov. William, of N. Y., i. 72², 125², 159, 160², 171², 200², 261², 755², 768(2), 769, 909², 2d ed. 126, 161, 162², 173²; ii. 89; iii. 405, 553², 554², 582², 673, 1090², 1096; iv. 252 note; v. 8(2), 10; v. pt. 2, 5, 9², 241, 586², 588; v. pt. 35, 25²

Tubbs, Mrs., of Marshfield, iv. 204

Amasa, of Northfield, iv. 671

Ananias, from Gilsum (N. H.), of Northfield, iv. 624, 708

Annie, of Northfield, iv. 624

Elizabeth, of Northfield, iv. 624

Hannah, of Northfield, iv. 708

Hannah (Hill), wife of Ananias Tubbs, iv. 624

Mrs. Hill, of Northfield, iv. 671

Ira, of Essex, i. 789²

Isaac D., of Tinmouth, iii. 1149; iv. 1194³

Jeremiah, of Northfield, iv. 624

Julia, of Northfield, iv. 624

m. Richard Hedges, iv. 624²

L. M., of Topsham, ii. 842

Lucinda, of Moretown, iv. 603²

Patty, of Northfield, iv. 624

Polly, of Northfield, iv. 624

Remember, of Essex, i. 783²

Ruth, of Essex, i. 783²

Sally, of Northfield, iv. 624

Samuel, of Bennington, i. 143², 2d ed. 146

judge at trial of Jacob Marsh, i. 125², 126, 2d ed. 126², 127

of Fairfax, ii. 171²

Simon, pioneer of Chittenden co., i. 456², 781², 787

Dr. Simon, of Essex, i. 784

Capt. Simon, of Essex, i. 779, 782²

Simon jr., of Essex, i. 781²

Solomon, of Northfield, iv. 624²

Wait, of Essex, i. 781²

William, of Northfield, iv. 613, 624

Tubs, Samuel, of Arlington, iii. 557

Tucker, ____, of Calais, iv. 331

of Northfield, iv. 341

Dr., of Irasburg, iii. 253

of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

A. H., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²(2)

Aaron, of Calais, iv. 158, 166², 172²

Abijah, grantee of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 528²

Albert J., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422²

Alex, of Randolph, ii. 1008

Amasa, of Calais, iv. 136, 146², 147², 165², 166², 167, 176

Amos, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422

Anna S. (Cook), wife of Rev. Joshua Tucker, iv. 804

Ashbel, of Randolph, ii. 1011

Azubah, of Calais, iv. 166²

Benjamin, of Strafford, ii. 1069, 1088²

Dr. Benjamin, of Randolph, ii. 1031

Cynthia M., m. Joseph Lance, iv. 113²

Dea. D. of Charlotte, i. 743²

David, of Calais, iv. 176

Delia, m. Remember Kent 2d, iv. 158

E., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Dr. Ebenezer, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

Dr. Ebenezer jr., from Phillipstown (Mass.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 448

Rev. Ebenezer, of PhiIlipstown (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 448

Edward, of Calais, iv. 133², 134², 135(2), 136(2), 147², 158, 170, 173(2), 176

George, of Barton, iii. 75²

of Northfield, iv. 632²

Gideon J., i. 486²

on. Col. Roby G. Stone, i. 485-6

H. F., in Enosburg, ii. 146

Rev. Harris F., of Charlotte, i. 744²

Henry, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Dr. Henry, of Brattleboro, v. 43²

Eld. J., of Brookfield, ii. 861




NAME INDEX                           885


Tucker, Mrs. James, Bristol scenery, i. 22

Rev. Jireh, of Bennington, i. 162², 2d ed. 165

Joel, of Calais, iv. 147²

of Fairfax, ii. 402

Jonathan, grantee of Calais, iv. 130, 131(2), 132(2), 135, 136(2), 165², 173², 176

Joseph, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 422

of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Joshua, of Strafford, ii. 1068, 1073², 1085(2)

Rev. Joshua, of Huntington, i. 817

of Middlesex, iv. 238²

from Salem (Mass.), of Starksboro, iv. 804

of Williamstown, ii. 1145

Rev. Judson, of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 408

L. M., of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 421, 422²

Leuma s, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Levi L.. of Newbury, iv. 1192

Luther, from Brandon, of N. Y., iii. 453²

Lydia, m. Richard W. Tobey, iv. 170

Marcus F., of Calais, iv. 150²

Rev. Mark, of Troy (N. Y.), iii. 526²

Martha, of Strafford, ii. 1177

Mary, m. Jonathan Dodge, iii. 447²

Mary (Hunt), wife of Dr. Ebenezer Tucker jr., v. pt. 2, 448

N. A., i. 698²

Nehemiah, of Lyndon, i. 340², 341(2), 343

P. C., of Brattleboro, v. 43

Philip C., i. 80i iv. 271²

of Burlington, on John Howard, i. 596

Dr. Pulsipher, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 443²

Rachel, of Calais, iv. 166²

Rachel Bliss (Kent), wife of Aaron Tucker, iv. 158

Sally, of Calais, iv. 166²

Samuel, of Brandon, iii. 453²

Silas H., of Huntington and Corinth, ii. 766

Stedman C., of Warren, iv. 810

Stephen, of Brandon, iii. 447², 453

of Mt. Holly, iii. 851, 852, 861², 862

of Randolph, ii. 998

Stillman, of Mt. Holly, iii. 862

Theoda P. (Howe), poem, iv. 697²

Thomas L., of Newbury, ii. 842²

William Arlo, of Calais, iv. 150²

William R., of Northfield, iv. 616, 642², 697²

Woodward, of Pittsfield, iii. 935²

Tuckerman, John, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Tudas, Mert, of Somerset, v. pt. 2, 531²

Tudor, Dr. E., of East Windsor (Conn.), i. 755² note

Dr. Edward, of Middlebury, iii. 1062²

Emeline, m. ____ Hard, i. 755²(2)

Henry S., of Hartford (Conn.), v. pt. 2, 596²

John, grantee of Danby, iii. 404

Mary (Bradley), wife of Henry S. Tudor, v. pt. 2, 596²

Tufts, ____, of Montpelier, iv. 262

Rev., of Wardsboro, in Peru, i. 209², 2d ed. 208

Dr. A. H., from Wardsboro, of Sioux Falls (Dak.), v. pt. 2, 671²

D. S. (Barber), wife of John Tufts, v. pt. 2, 671²

Eliza, m. Hollis T. Robinson, v. pt. 2, 472², 671

Fanny Woodbury, m. Dr. John Cooke, v. pt. 2, 671²

Henry, of Danby, iii. 653²

Rev. James, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 345²

from New Braintree (Mass.), of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 472², 522, 671(2), 677², 679²

Rev. James jr., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671, 677²

sketch of Wardsboro Cong. church, v. pt. 2, 670²

John, from Wardsboro, of Geneseo (Ill.), v. pt. 2, 671², 675(2), 679²

Margaret, wife of William Tufts, v. pt. 2, 671

Mary (Warren), wife of Rev. James Tufts jr., v. pt. 2, 671

Nancy, m. Marshall Newton jr., v. pt. 2, 470², 471, 671

Submit (Hayden), wife of Rev. James Tufts, v. pt. 2, 671

Submit J., m. Allen Morron, v. pt. 2, 671

William, of New Braintree (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 671

Tuld, Elihu, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Tullar, Oman, of St. Albans, ii. 311²

Tuller, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1044²

B. F., of St. Albans, ii. 434²

Martin, of Montpelier, iv. 532

O. B., of St. Albans, ii. 434

Tully, Dr. William, iii. 520², 521(2)

Tumble, .see Trimble

Tupper, Mrs., of Charlotte, i. 748²

Absalom, pioneer of Ferrisburg, i. 33

Archelaus, on Capt. Samuel Robinson's roll, i. 158², 2d ed. 160²

Sgt. Archelaus, killed, i. 765, 919²

Benjamin, of Stamford, i. 237²(2)

Charles, of Pittsfield    (Mass.), pioneer of Ferrisburg, i. 32²

Darius, of Bennington, i. 733² note

Hiram, of Brattleboro, v. 182

Jeremiah, of Stamford, i. 238




886                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tupper, Josiah, of Stamford, i. 237²

L. W., of Troy, i. 701(2)

Lemuel H., of Troy (N. Y.), i. 705²

M. F., English poet, ii. 368²

Mariah H., iii. 671²

Royal, of Pittsfield, iii. 935

Rev. S. H., of Charlotte, on Ephriam Sawyer, i. 746-7

on Capt. Preserved Wheeler, i. 753

poems, i. 35, 747²

Simeon, of Pittsford, iii. 944²

Zuriel, of Ferrisburg, i. 32², 734²

Turkham, Daniel, of Clarendon, iii. 561²

Turkington, Nicholas, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 350²

Turner, ____, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 230²

of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

Rev., from Conn., of Colchester, i. 777

Capt., at Turners Falls (Mass.), v. pt. 3, 76²

Maj., in charge of Libby prison, ii. 765

Abel, of Huntington, i. 814², 815², 816, 817², 818, 820

Anna, m. Charles Brewster, i, 824²

Bates, of Fairfield and St. Albans, i. 604; ii. 100², 108², 129², 192², 197², 200, 322, 323, 346², 365, 393(2), 455², 478(2), 480, 616²; iv. 443², 1052²

sketch, ii. 312-3

Bela, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Bela jr., grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Bradbury H., of Stowe, ii. 744²

in Civil war, ii. 766

Charles H., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 401

Chloe (Wilson), wife of John Turner, v. pt. 2, 211

Clara, m. Rensselaer Johonnott, iv. 918

Cloe (Wait), wife of Thomas Turner, v. pt. 2, 215

Edward, of Middlebury college, sketch, i. 55²

Elias, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Emma S., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 401

Eva J., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 401

George A., of Shaftsbury, i. 260²

H. I., from Brookline, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 396²

Hannah, of Calais, iv. 166²

m. Stephen Bennett, v. pt. 2, 187

Henry, of Dover, iv. 1194³

Henry I., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 343², 348

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 401

Henry J., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 342

Horace, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 187

Isaac, of Fair Haven, iii. 690

J. W., of Cambridge, ii. 605²

J. Wheeler, poems, v. pt. 2, 249

John, of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 386

grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 75, 109², 111

of Highgate, ii. 421²

grantee of Milton, i. 839²

of Stowe, ii. 697²(2)

grantee of Worcester, iv. 883², 885²

John jr., grantee of Milton, i. 839²

John B., of Brookline, v. pt. 2, 381, 386

Josiah jr., lawyer, ii. 94

Julia, m. Alanson Gates, v. pt. 2, 57

Mary J. (Merrifield), wife of Henry I. Turner, v. pt. 2, 401

Mehitable (Bennett), wife of Horace Turner, v. pt. 2, 187

Sgt. Moses, of St. Albans, ii. 433

Rev. Nathaniel, of Mass., in Fairfield, ii. 198

O. W., poem, i. 981²-2

Patience, of Berlin, iv. 1188²

Mrs. Persis (Humphrey), wife of Bates Turner, ii. 312²

Dr. Philip, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Ralph, of Waitsfield, iv. 784

Richard, ii. 765

Sally, m. Zena Butterfield, v. pt. 2, 189

Samuel, of Grand Isle, ii. 525²

Samuel C., of Warren, iv. 806²

Sarah, m. Maj. Elias Duel, ii. 136² note

m. Ezekiel Wilson, v. pt. 2, 210²

Mrs. Sarah (Webb), wife of Bates Turner, ii. 312²

Mrs. Sophronia (Storrs), wife of Prof. Edward Turner, i, 55²

Thomas, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88, 109², 215

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 75, 248²

Turrill, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1114

Ebenezer, from New Milford (Conn.), pioneer of Shoreham, i. 100²

L. D., of Swanton, iv. 1039, 1044

Tursis, Fr. Charles, iv. 982

Turville, ____, in Newport, iii. 386²

Tute, Mrs., in Swanton, iv. 960

Mrs. (née Howe), iv. 976

Amos, v. 96

of Hindsdale (N. H.), v. 16

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 313(2), 314

sketch, v. pt. 2, 299-300

Jemima, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Mrs. Jemima (Howe), of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 23²

wife of Amos Tute, v. pt. 2, 299²(2), 313

Jonathan, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 313




NAME INDEX                           887


Tute, Ziba, of Lyndon, i. 343(2)

Zibe, of St. Johnsbury, i. 401²

Tuthill, Abraham G. D., artist, iv. 519², 592

Rev. Anson, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 646²

Daniel, of Landgrove, i. 197

David, of Montpelier, iv. 387²

John, of Montpelier, iv. 327²

from Southhold (L. I.), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 624²(2), 625², 639²

Mary M., m. Joshua Y. Vail, iv. 519²

Phebe, of Montpelier, iv. 327

Stephen, of Westminster West, v. pt. 2, 652, 659

William, of Montpelier, iv. 532

Tuttle, Eld., of Hardwick, iii. 214²

Dr. A. F., of Clinton (Mich.), v. pt. 2, 96²

A. T., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²

Aaron, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Albert H., of Rutland, iii. 801, 1041, 1043², 1064²

Amelia, of Burlington, i. 537

Amos, of Fairfax, ii. 175²

Rev. Amos, of Fairfax, ii. 170², 184²(2), 185(2)

sketch, ii. 186

of Hardwick, i. 325(2), 326², 327², 334²

sketch, i. 330-1

of Johnson, iii. 155(2)

Chandler, of Brandon, iii. 438², 439(2), 441²

Mrs. Cynthia, of Rutland, iii. 1043²

Cynthia S., m. Rev. John C. Hol­brook, v. 160

Daniel, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

Capt. David, of Hardwick, i. 325, 330(2), 334²(2), 335

Deborah (Strong), wife of Solomon Tuttle, iii. 439, 441²

Elias S., of Newbury, ii. 944²

Ephraim, grantee of Tinmouth, iii. 1148²

Frank W., of Montpelier, iv. 357²

Dr. George, of Castleton, iii. 522

George A., of Rutland, iii. 1041, 1043²(2)

Mrs. George A., of Rutland, iii. 1043²

George A. & co., of Rutland, iii. 564, 781², 1064²

Harley C., of Rutland, iii. 1041, 1043²

Harry, of St. Albans, ii. 434

Hezekiah, from Williamstown (Mass.), of Hinesburg, i. 794²

Isaac, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

Ithamar, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

J. W., of Sheldon, ii, 373²

Jedediah, of Sheldon, ii. 372

of Swanton, iv. 1024²

Jesse, of Brandon, iii. 446

Jessie, of Danby, iii. 587²

John, of Brandon, iii. 449²

John L., of Montpelier, iv. 274², 550

Josiah, of Essex, i. 472²

of Sheldon, ii. 155², 378

Dr. L. M., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 284

Laura (Clark), wife of Dr. A. F. Tuttle, v. pt. 22, 96²

Luther, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38²

Lydia, m. Capt. Nathan Daniels, iii. 439²

Martha, m. Joseph Barker, iii. 442²

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 329²

m. Henry Davis, v. pt. 35, 93

Nathan, of Rutland, iii. 1089(2)

Noah, of Castleton, iii. 735

Oscar F., of Essex, i. 782, 787

Patience (Bull), widow of Joseph Tuttle, m. Eli Bradford, iii. 616

Reuben, of Brunswick, i. 962(2)

Mrs. Rosabella, of Pawlet, iii. 895, 929

Russell of Peru, i. 212², 2d ed. 211

Mrs. Russell, (née Bigelow), i. 212², 2d ed. 211

Simeon, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 note

Simon, grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 522²

Simon jr., grantee of Grafton, v. pt. 2, 522²

Solomon, of Brandon, iii. 439, 441²

Stephen, grantee of Bolton, i. 482

Thaddeus, of Burlington i. 504, 510, 515², 516², 518, 630²; iii. 137²; iv. 6

of Shelburne, i. 863²

Thomas, of Brandon, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²; iii. 232, 430(2), 440², 444, 449(2)

of Pittsford, iii. 942

Capt. Thomas, from Pittsford, of Brandon, iii. 432², 433, 439(2), 442²(2), 452²

sketch, iii. 441

in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Thomas jr., of Brandon, iii. 432

Titus, grantee of Guildhall, i. 997 and note (2)

William, of Sutton, v. pt. 34, 38

Tuttle & co., of Rutland, iii. 672, 1041, 1064², 1200 note

Tuttle & Dewey, of Montpelier, iv. 313

Tuttle & Gay, of Rutland, iii. 1064²

Tuttle & Redington, of Rutland, iii. 1064²

Tuttle, Gay & co., of Rutland, iii. 1064²




888                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tuxbury, Rev. Franklin, of Brandon, iii. 466², 467, 500

Twaddell, Robert, of Barnet, i. 274², 275, 278, 286(2)

Mrs. Robert, of Barnet, i. 279², 280²

Twain, Mark, pseud., v. 189

Tweedale, Robert, of Ryegate, i. 376², 377

Twesten, Prof., in Univ. of Berlin, i. 195²

Twichell, Dr., of Keene (N. H.), v. 63; v. pt. 2, 283²

Ginery, of Mass., v. pt. 2, 305²

Twilight, Rev. A. C., of Brownington, iv. 731²

Rev. Alexander, of Corinth and Brownington, ii. 882; iii. 42²(2), 92(2), 180², 395

sketch, iii. 101

Mary, wife of William Twilight, iii. 101²

Mercy Ladd (Merrill), wife of Rev. Alexander Twilight, iii. 104²

William, of Corinth, ii. 882; iii. 101²

Twing, Rev. A. T. at Vergennes, i. 107

John, of Barre, iv. 27, 37, 42

Joshua, from Wilbraham (Mass.), of Barre, iv. 35, 48-9

Twining, Prof., of New Haven (Conn.), v. 160²

A. C., of Middlebury, iii. 266

Bemeley, of Shrewsbury, iii. 1137

Twiss, Capt., engineer, i. 771

C. C., of Wolcott, ii. 590

Samuel, of Calais, iv. 133², 134(2), 168, 170

Mrs. Samuel, of Calais, iv. 134(2)

Twist, Capt., see Twiss, Capt.

Justin, of Highgate, ii. 421(2)

Twitchel, David, grantee of Lunenburg, i. 1015²

Twitchell, Dr., of Keene (N. H.), ii. 1006²

Mrs., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 111

Col., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Cyrus, lawyer, ii. 94²

Ginery, v. pt. 2, 319²

Hannah, m. Joshua Greenwood, v. pt. 2, 199²

Jonas, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 478(2)

Col. Jonas, from Winchester (N. H.), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547², 550

Mrs. Jonas (née Felton), v. pt. 2, 547²

Mrs. Jonas (née Robbins), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 547²

Joshua, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Wooster, grantee of Bloomfield, i. 950 note

Rev. Zeb., of Dover, v. pt. 2, 349

Rev. Zed., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548²

Twitchell, Z., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 672

Two for one Cheney, pseud., see Cheney, William, of Bennington, i. 178, 2d ed. 180

Twombly, Andrew, of Morgan, iii. 285²

J., of Brownington, iii. 90

Jacob, of Brownington, iii. 99²

John, of Brownington, iii. 91, 95², 99(2)

Samuel, of Morgan, iii. 291²

Capt. Samuel, of Sheffield, i. 414

Tamson (Hill), wife of Jacob Twombly, iii. 99-100

W., of Brownington, iii. 90

Tyler ____, v. 137²

Col., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 482²

Aaron, of Wells, iii. 1196(2)

Abbie, of Northfield, iv. 672²

Abiel Winship, of Brattleboro, v. 101²

Amelia, of Washington (D. C.), v. 83²

Angelia S., of Brattleboro, v. 44, 101², 153²

sketch, v. 107-8

Annie, m. Rev. Royal Gage, iii. 129²

Asahel, of Brookfield, ii. 865

Dr. B. O., of Montpelier, iv. 279, 359, 529²

Benjamin, of Claremont (N. H.), ii. 1032²

Rev. Bennett, iii. 1019²

Betsey, from Uxbridge (Ma. ?? 136²

Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

m. Joseph W. Eldridge, iv. 804²

Betsey R., of Northfield, iv. 671

Betsey (Rood), wife of Parley Tyler, iv. 625

Betsy, m. Dr. James Mosher, iii. 1204

Dr. Buckley O., of Montpelier, iv. 328, 892²

Charles, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Dr. Cyril C., of Thetford, ii. 1181

Daniel, of Northfield, iv. 625(2)

David, of Essex, i. 779, 780, 781², 782, 784

of Piermont (N. H.), iii. 129²

Edson O., of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 286²

Edward, of Brattleboro, v. 98

of Northfield, iv. 625

Rev. Edward, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Edward Judson, lawyer, ii. 95

Rev. Edward R., from Brattleboro, of New Haven (Conn.), v. 44

sketch, v. 104-5

of Guilford, v. 101²

Dr. Eli, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12²

Elijah, of Montpelier, iv. 387²

Elisha, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 778




NAME INDEX                           889


Tyler, Erastus, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 305²

Mrs. Erastus, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 321

Esther, in. Nathaniel Gove, iii. 1062²

F., of Brattleboro, v. 38

George, of Essex, i. 779, 790(2)

George E., of Readsboro, i. 259²

George O., of Burlington, iv. 355

Rev. George P., from Lowville (N. Y.), of Brattleboro, v. 25², 28²(2), 58, 101², 131

Mrs. Harriet, v. pt. 2, 308²

Irene (Heaton), wife of Jeremiah Tyler, ii. 1181

J. M., of Brattleboro, v. 183²

of Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 14, 15

J. P., of Charleston, iii. 109

James, of Thetford, ii. 1178²(2)

James M., of Brattleboro, v. 151²; v. pt, 2, 506

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 55

James P., of Charleston, iii. 121(2)

Jason, of Northfield, iv. 625

Jason C., of Northfield, iv. 625

Jeremiah, of Thetford, ii. 1178², 1181

John, of Boston, v. 94, 98

of Randolph, ii. 1043²

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Gen. John, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²(2)

Pres. John, i. 112, 613²; iv. 311²; v. pt. 2, 256(2), 526²; v. pt. 35, 33², 34

John jr., grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

John A., of Northfield, iv. 625

John C., of Brattleboro, v. 58

John S., of Brattleboro, v. 98

Lt. John S., of Brattleboro, v. 107²

Gen. John S., from Brattleboro, of Boston, v. 92², 93, 101²

sketch, v. 102-4

John Steele, of Boston, v. 153²

Col. John Steele, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 153-6

Jonathan, of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 15

of Piermont (N. H.), ii. 1101

Joseph, v. 16

grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 16²

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

of Uxbridge (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 536

from Uxbridge (Mass.) of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537, 538, 540, 550

sketch, v. pt. 2, 546.7

Rev. Joseph, of Brattleboro, v. 58

Capt. Joseph, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Joseph jr., of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

Rev. Joseph D., from Brattleboro, of Staunton (Va.) sketch, v. 105-7

Rev. Joseph Dennie, of Brattleboro, v. 101²

Capt. Josiah, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 540

Juliet, of Northfield, iv. 625

L. M., of Waitsfield, iv. 794²

Laura Elvira, m. Dr. Gershom N. Brigham, iv. 189

Lewis A., of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 675

Lorenzo D., of Montpelier, iv. 532

Lorin, of Essex, i. 780, 789²

Louisa, of Northfield, iv. 625

Lucius M., of Waitsfield, iv. 1192

Lucy P., of Somerville (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 549²

Mrs. Lydia, v. pt. 2, 308²

Lydia, of Uxbridge (Mass.) and Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

Lyman, of Strafford, ii. 1083

Martin P., of Northfield, iv. 625

Mary, of Boston, v. 87²

of Brattleboro, v. 97, 98, 128², 130

of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

Mary B., of Northfield, iv. 672²

Mary (Clark), wife of Thomas P. Tyler, v. 153²

Mary (Palmer), of Brattleboro, v. 96

Mary Whitwell, of Brattleboro, sketch, v. 107-8

of Guilford, v. 101²

Matilda, of Northfield, iv. 625

Mehitabel, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

Mehitable, of Fayston, iv. 188

Merrill, of Fayston, iv. 181², 189

Milton R., of Essex, i. 784²

of Irasburg, iii. 35², 254², 255²

lawyer, ii. 95

Nathan, grantee of Calais, iv. 130

P., pioneer of Charleston, iii. 121

Rev. P., in Cambridge, ii. 605²

Parley, from Conn., of Northfield, iv. 625, 670²

Rev. Payson, of Hardwick, in New­port, iii. 295(2)

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Perley, of Northfield, iv. 671

Phinehas, grantee of Brookfield, ii. 855²

Polly, m. Raymond Hotchkiss, iii. 1202

Porter, of Charleston, iii. 121

Royall, from Boston, of Brattleboro and Guilford, i. 467², 522, 524²; ii. 346²(2); v. 20(2), 53², 57², 60(2), 65, 104², 122, 135², 136, 153², 154. 181; v. pt. 2, 143²(2), 689; v. pt. 3, 8², 43, 55², 64², 79², 80, 87²




890                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Tyler, Royall, sketch, v. 83²-102

author, i. 559(2), 560

poems, v. pt. 3, 42, 46

Mrs. Royall, of Brattleboro, v. 100

Royall, of Northfield, iv. 625

Maj. Royall, v. 90

Royall jr., from Framingham (Mass.), of Brattleboro, v. 58, 98, 101²

Royall 3d, of Brattleboro, v. 101²(2)

Rufus C., of Brattleboro, v. 155

Ruth, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

wife of Joseph Tyler, v. pt. 2, 546²

Samuel, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 702²

Sarah, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320²

Sarah F., m. Joseph K. Egerton, iv. 623²

Solomon, grantee of Wolcott, ii. 777²

Sophia, of Brattleboro, v. 100

Squire, of Northfield, iv. 625

Mrs. Susannah, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Dr. Thomas, of Brattleboro, v. 155²

Rev. Thomas P., of Brattleboro, v. 58, 83², 84-5, 153²

Rev. Thomas Pickman, of Brattleboro, v. 101²

on Royall Tyler, v. 87

Timothy, attorney, i. 473

at Univ. of Vt., ii. 616²

Walter, of Essex, i. 780

William, of Brandon, iii. 495²

of Brooklyn (Conn.), iv. 804²

Bishop William, of Hartford (Conn.), iii. 933²

William B., Irasburg soldiers, iii. 261-3

of Roxbury, iv. 756²

of Warren, iv. 811²(2)

William Clark, from Brattleboro, of Boston, v. 101²

William D., of Irasburg, iii. 255²(2)

lawyer, ii. 95

William H., of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 80²

William M., of Thetford, ii. 1178²

Zacheus, from Uxbridge (Mass.), of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 546²

Zuriel, of Essex, i. 779

Tylor, John, of Whitingham; v. pt. 2, 701²

Tyndale, William, martyr, v. pt. 2, 308

Tyndall, Pronecey B., m. Rev. Truman Perrin, iv. 63

Tyng, Col. Ebenezer, of Groton (Mass.), iv. 1155

Tyron, Gov., see Tryon, Gov.

Elisha, of Danby, iii. 649²

Tyrrel, Mrs., of Stowe, ii. 706²

Tyrus, Frederick, of Dover, v. pt. 2, 355²

Tyson, Isaac, of Baltimore (Md.), ii. 1137 (2)



Udell, Joseph, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Thomas, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Uffatt, Samuel, grantee of Concord, i. 967 note

Ufford, ____, of Fairfax, ii. 182, 183

Albert, of Fairfax, ii. 166, 171, 173², 182², 184

Eunice (Page), wife of Samuel Ufford, ii. 176², 180

John, of Fairfax, ii. 181²

sketch, ii. 182-3

John A., of Fairfax, ii. 467

hist. of Fairfax, ii. 165-82, 190

N. B., of Fairfax, ii. 180

Samuel, of Fairfax, ii. 171, 175², 176², 403²

Samuel D., of Fairfax, ii. 176²

Shores, of Fairfax, ii. 169, 176²

Unamprey, Isaac, Indian, iv. 197²

Underhiden, Mattathias, of Flat Bush (N. Y.), iv. 1154

Underhill, Abraham, from N. Y., pioneer of Dorset, i. 182, 184², 185, 189². 191, 2d ed. 183, 185², 186², 190², 192

Capt. Abraham, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Abram, of Winhall, i. 246

Amos, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Andrew, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Benjamin, grantee of Milton, i. 839²

grantee of Orwell, i. 73² note

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Isaac, of Dorset, i. 189(2), 2d ed. 190²

grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

Jacob, grantee of Shelburne, i. 941²

John, grantee of Huntington, i. 813

Joseph, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Joshua, grantee of Worcester, iv. 883²

Phebe, m. Joseph Brownell, iii. 614²

Samuel, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Thomas, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Underhill & Ferris, of Swanton, iv. 1026, 1030

of N. Y., iv. 1025², 1034²

Underwood, ____, of Enosburg, ii. 150

of Halifax, v. pt. 2, 414²

Judge, of Wells River, ii. 915²

Rev., from Hardwick, of Guildhall, i. 1011²




NAME INDEX                           891


Underwood, A., of Wells River, ii. 944²

hist. of Wells River, ii. 955²(2)

Abel, of Newbury, ii. 944²(2)

of Wells River, ii. 945²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Dr. Abel, of Lyndon, i. 347

Judge Abel, iv. 1200

Amos, of Concord, i. 968²

Arathusa, m. Moody Tenney, v. pt. 2, 186

Asa, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 670(2)

Benjamin, of Bradford, ii. 841², 842, 1160

grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Cornelia Van Ness (Chamberlain), wife of Levi Underwood, i. 636²

Deborah (Morgan), wife of Jonathan Underwood jr., v. pt. 2, 451²

E., of Lyndon, i. 347

Eliza K., of Putney, v. pt. 2, 232²

George W., of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 725²

Hannah, m. Simeon Adams, v. pt. 2, 450

Hannah (Richardson), wife of Jonathan Underwood, v. pt. 2, 451²

Henry, of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 550

Israel, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 432²

Rev. James, in Lowell, iii. 273

John, of Bradford, ii. 820, 823²

of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 522

Jonathan, of Suffield (Conn.), v. pt. 2. 450, 451²

grantee of. Wilmington, v. pt. 3³, 6²

Jonathan jr., of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 451²

Joseph, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Rev. Joseph, of Hardwick, i. 328, 650²; iv. 1200

Levi, of Burlington, i. 472², 510², 636², 937²; ii. 480; iii. 395; iv. 271²

Rev. M., of Burke, i. 307

Mary, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 231²

Mary (Farr), wife of Thaddeus Underwood, v. pt. 2, 452

Dr. Ozri, v. pt. 2, 449²

Phineas, of Charleston, iii. 108(2), 115(2), 119, 135

of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452

Rosalinda (Bromley), wife of Thomas Underwood, iii. 613²

Sabra, of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452

Samuel, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Thaddeus, from Suffield (Conn.), of Marlboro, v. pt. 2, 452

Thomas, iii. 613²

Timothy, of Putney, v. pt. 2, 238

from Shrewsbury (Mass.), v. pt. 2, 78

Rev. W., of Swanton, iv. 1087²

of Waterbury, iv. 839²

Rev. Walter, of Barre, iv. 52

Unger, Prof., ii. 52 note

Upham, ____, congressman, iv. 661

of Washington co., ii. 129²

Mrs. (née Hatch), iv. 226

Prof., in Fairfax, ii. 183

Maj., of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 600

Abbie E., wife of Maj. Charles C. Upham, iv. 456²

Ada H. (Richardson), wife of Denslow Upham, iv. 805²

Ann, m. Arch Bishop, iii. 929

Asahel, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 11²

Benjamin, in War of 1812, ii. 392²

C. W., of Barre, iv. 791²

Capt. Charles C., of Montpelier, iv. 297², 456²

Denslow, of Montpelier, i. 352

of Warren, iv. 14, 802, 805², 807², 808(2), 810, 811²(2)

Mrs. Denslow, of Warren, iv. 810

E. F., of Pittsfield, iii. 937²

Dr. E. F., of Randolph, ii. 995², 1007

Ebenezer, grantee of Montpelier, iv. 254²

Elizabeth, m. John Grout, v. pt. 2, 622²

Gardner, of Guilford and Windham, v. pt. 3², 18

Mrs. Gardner (née Emory), v. pt. 3², 18

Huldah, m. Rev. Nehemiah Nelson, iii. 929

Isabel, of Montgomery and West­field, iii. 358

James, from Mass., of Montgomery, ii. 275²(2), 278

of Putney, v. pt. 2, 226²

hist. of Windham, v. pt. 3², 20

Rev. James, of Granville (N. Y.), iii. 1195

of Franklin co., ii. 98²

Rev. James H., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 18

Jonathan, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 11²

Joseph jr., of Brooklyn (N. Y.), iii. 929

Joseph P., of Pawlet, iii. 881, 905², 921², 928², 929

Lorette, m. Col. Josiah Toby, iii. 928²

Mrs. Lucy M., m. Ormando S. Howard, v. pt. 2, 546

Maria, m. Charles A. Eldridge, iii. 929

Mary Annette, of Montpelier, iv. 456²

Rev. N. L., of Manchester, i. 204², 2d ed. 203²

Mrs. Phebe, of Warren, iv. 806²




892                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Upham, Samuel, of Montpelier, iv. 298², 327², 377², 378²

of Worcester, iv. 888², 893, 898²

lawyer, iii. 37

Capt. Samuel, of Leicester (Mass.), iv. 454

of Randolph, Rev. soldier, ii. 990

Samuel jr., of Montpelier, iv. 379

Samuel B., of Highgate, ii. 421

Mrs. Sarah (Keyes), iv. 455²-6

portrait, iv. opp. p. 456

Sarah Sumner, m. George Langdon, iv. 456², 502²

Sina, m. Elihu Orvis, iii. 921²

Sylvester, of Warren, iv. 806²

Rev. W. D., in Townshend, v. pt. 2, 548

William, grantee of Grand Isle, ii. 319, note

from Leicester (Mass.), of Montpelier, sketch, iv. 454-6

of Montpelier, i. 60, 545²; ii. 506², 729², 990; iv. 12, 13, 47², 235², 272², 273, 274, 277², 320, 357², 414², 464, 468, 474², 484, 502², 513, 591, 638², 909²

portrait, iv. opp. p. 454

Mrs. William, iv. 319, 592

Capt. William, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

William H., of Montpelier, iv. 357², 590

William K., of Montpelier, iv. 277², 320², 551

William Keyes, from Montpelier, of Ohio, iv. 456², 590

Z. M., of Brookfield, ii. 870

Zenas, of Brookfield, iv. 226

Judge Zenas, of Brookfield, iv. 898

Zenas H., of Windham, v. pt. 3², 12(2)

Upton Mrs. (née Farnum), of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 719²

Albert, of South Hero, ii. 586

Benjamin, of Bakersfield, iv. 895

Mrs. Benjamin, of Worcester, iv. 895(2)

C. W., of Barre, iv. 34²

Clark, of Waukegan (Ill.) iv. 36²

Daniel, of Milwaukee (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 620²

Elisha, of Jay, iii. 266²

Esther (Lane), wife of Daniel Up­ton, v. pt. 2, 620²

Henry, of Milwaukee (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 620²

John, of East Montpelier, iv. 583²

Martha, of Milwaukee (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 620²

Mary A., of Milwaukee (Wis.), v. pt. 2, 620²

Sarah, m. Silas Richard Stickney, v. pt. 2, 714

Uran, James, pioneer of Pawlet, iii. 872, 874

Usher, John, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566

Robert, of Merrimac (N. H.), v. pt. 2, 77², 568

of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 566

Utter, Abraham, grantee of Mt. Tabor, iii. 869²

Utley, ____, of Windham, v. pt. 3², 6

Asa, from Conn., of Landgrove, i. 197(2), 2d ed. 196², 197

grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

Elisha, pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241²

Fidelia (Hanks), wife of Capt. Leonard Utley, iii. 929

Jane, m. Jonathan Goodrich, iii. 929

Capt. Leonard, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 885², 929

Levi, of Goshen Gore, i. 434²

pioneer of Irasburg, iii. 241, 243(2)

Oliver, of Landgrove and Man­chester, i. 197

Col. Peabody, of Landgrove, i. 197²

Mrs. Sarah, wife of William Utley, i. 197

William, grantee of Chelsea, ii. 870²

of Isle La Motte, ii. 555, 558

of Stowe, ii. 697(2), 698, 702², 720²

Mrs. William, of Stowe, ii. 698(2)

Capt. William, of Bromley, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²

from Conn., of Landgrove, i. 197(2), 2d ed. 196²

William jr., of Stowe, ii. 698

of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 537²

Utleys, of Irasburg, iii. 242

Utter, Abraham, of Fair Haven, iii. 690²

Utton, Edmund, of Worcester, iv. 901²



Vail, ____, of Pawlet, iii. 897

A. L., of Worcester, iv. 891

Aaron, of Danby, iii. 603²

of White Creek (N. Y.), i. 595

Aaron R., of Danby, iii. 630², 650²-1

of Fair Haven, iii. 706

Albert, of Danby, iii. 651

Allen, of Danby, iii. 650², 663

of Middletown, iii. 639², 805, 836², 838

of Worcester, iv. 886², 887, 888², 891², 892², 901, 902², 903², 905²(2), 906²

Allen L., of Worcester, iv. 887², 892, 906(2)

Almon, of Danby, iii. 651

Anson, of Danby, iii. 651

Betsey H., of Montpelier, iv. 328²




NAME INDEX                           893


Vail, Catherine, m. Capt. Alexander Bar­rett, iii. 612

m. Anson Button, iii. 616²

Catherine (Weller), 2d wife of Capt. John Vail, iii. 650

Charity, m. Rev. Harvey Cromley, iii. 620

Charles J., of Irasburg, iii. 255²

Constant, of Danby, iii. 587²

David, of Wis., iii. 822²

Deborah, of Danby, iii. 650

Edward, of Danby, iii. 586, 587(2), 588(2), 589(2), 590(2), 591², 592(2), 593(2), 595, 598², 599(2), 600², 650(2), 663(2)

Edward jr., of Danby, iii. 594², 595², 598², 599(2), 600, 601, 650², 651, 663, 665²(2)

Edwin, of Danby, iii. 599², 601, 651

Eunice, of Danby, iii. 650(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 395²

Frances (Oatman), wife of David Vail, iii. 822²

George, of Danby, iii. 603²

George O., of Danby, iii. 651

H. D., of Worcester, iv. 912(2)

Hannah, of Danby, iii. 650

m. Sion E. Howard, i. 595

Hannah (Randall) wife of Ira Vail, iii. 650²

Harry, iv. 282

Henry, see Underwood, Ozri

I. J., of Brandon, iii. 500

Ira, of Danby, iii. 599², 615², 649², 650(2), 663

Ira H., of Danby, iii. 599², 600², 601, 608², 613, 651(2), 664

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 594², 603², 616², 620, 650(2), 653²

Isaac J., of Danby, iii. 650², 665

J. A., of Swanton, iv. 1036², 1130

attorney, iv. 277²

J. Y., of Montpelier, iv. 13, 277²

Jackson A., of Montpelier, ii. 506²; iv. 272², 274, 357², 530

Jane, wife of Allen Vail, m. William Otis, iii. 639²

John, of Danby, iii. 591, 594², 595, 598², 599(2), 600(2), 601, 630², 650², 653²

Capt. John, of Danby, iii. 590(2), 608², 612, 646², 650(2), 653

John 3d, of Danby, iii. 650², 651

John H., of Brandon, iii. 468(2), 602², 665

of Danby and Dorset, iii. 650

Joshua Y., of Montpelier, iv. 6², 273², 274, 282, 291, 302(2), 307², 308² 329, 339, 358, 387², 518, 519², 530, 543, 547², 551²

Julia Ann, m. Dr. James S. Skinner, iv. 892²

Laura F. (Andrus), wife of Isaac J. Vail, iii. 650²

Lois (Allen), wife of Capt. John Vail, iii. 650

Louisa, of Danby, iii. 650, 651

m. Edwin Staples, iii. 649²

Lovisa, of Danby, iii. 651

Lucretia, of Danby, iii. 650

Lucy, of Danby, iii. 605²

M. E., of Middletown, iii. 827, 836², 837²

M. E. & Son, of Middletown, iii. 825²

Margaret, of Danby, iii. 651

Margaret (Allen), wife of Edward Vail, iii. 650²

Mary, of Montpelier, iv. 396

m. Dr. Ira M. Frazer, iii. 624, 651

Mary (Briggs), wife of Capt. Micah Vail, iii. 650

Mary M., of Montpelier, iv. 327

Mary M., (Tuthill), wife of Joshua Y. Vail, iv. 519²

Mary (Raleigh), wife of Aaron Vail, i. 595

Micah, pioneer of Danby and Mid­dletown, iii. 579², 580, 581(2), 582(2), 585²(2), 586, 599, 608², 801², 814², 836²

Capt. Micah, from Huntington (L. I.), of Danby, iii. 650, 653, 663

Micah jr., of Danby, iii. 650

Micah 2d, of Danby, iii. 650²

Capt. Michael, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Minerva E., m. Jonas Abbott, iv. 906

Moses, of Danby, iii. 582, 592, 599, 605², 650(2), 663

of Huntington (L. I.), iii. 650

Moses 2d, of Danby, iii. 651

Moses E., of Middletown, iii. 838

Nancy, of Danby, iii. 650

m. Ira Seley, iii. 646²

Oscar J., of Montpelier, iv. 282, 519²

Phebe, of Danby, iii. 650

Platt, of Danby, iii. 603²

Platt G., of Danby, iii. 651

Polly (Gregory), wife of Allen Vail, iii. 915²

Ruth (Rogers), wife of John Vail 3d, iii. 651

Sally (Herrick), wife of Edward Vail jr., iii. 651

Samantha, m. Charles K. Bucklin, iii. 615²

m. John H. Vail, iii. 650

Samuel, of Baton Rouge (La.), iii. 723²

Seley, of Danby, iii. 595, 600(2), 601, 663

Semantha, of Danby, iii. 650²

m. George Fish, iii. 623²

m. Henry Lapham, 'iii. 630²




894                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Vail, Semantha 2d, of Danby, iii. 651

Semantha 3d, of Danby, iii. 651

Solon J. Y., of Montpelier, iv. 330, 519²

Sophronia (Lapham), wife of A. R. Vail, iii. 630², 651

William, of Danby, iii. 651, 666

Vaile, Dr. Joel, of Winhall, i. 246²

Jonathan, of Winhall, i. 246²

Col. Jonathan, from Upton, (Mass.), of Winhall, i. 247²(2)

Rawson, of Winhall, i. 246²

Valentine, Dr., of N. Y., v. 167

Mrs., of Tinmouth, iii. 1143²

A. B., of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45, 55² 56², 57(2), 60, 62² 72, 75²

Hannah, of Tinmouth, iii. 1149²

J. B., of Tinmouth, iii. 1149

Joel, of Bennington, v. pt. 35, 45

Valiance, David, pioneer of Addison, i. 4², 5², 185², 2d ed. 186²

pioneer of Panton, i. 79

T., pioneer of Addison, i. 4²

Vallentine, Mary m. William D. Jenni­son, iv. 1119²

Vallette, Lt., i. 679

Van Allen, Peter, of Highgate, ii. 421

Van Auken, Miner, in Benson, iii. 413²

Vanbibber, ____, of Brattleboro, v. 176

Van Buren, Pres. Martin. i. 112-3, 252, 471², 508, 554², 605², 608², 609, 612²; ii. 530², 1004², 1005, 1109²; iii. 300, 475²; iv. 269², 270, 309², 312²; v. 77, 118², 164²; v. pt. 35, 32, 33², 40²

Van Buskirk, Elizabeth (Hyde), wife of John Van Buskirk, ii. 636

John, ii. 636

Vance, ____, of Glover, iii. 374

Mrs., dau. of Nathaniel Webster, iv. 109²

David, of Greensboro, iii. 212²(2)

of Groton, i. 322²; iv. 1162, 1164

Mrs. David, of Greensboro, iii. 212²

Capt. David, of Groton, iv. 1163²

Hannah (Abbott), wife of James Vance, iii. 196

James, from Londonderry (N. H.), pioneer of Glover, iii. 196(2), 197², 198²

Keneday, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Lytle, of Danby, iii. 603

Stephen, of Albany, iii. 58²

Van Cleve, Gen., iv. 1128²

Van Cortlandt, Augustus, grantee of Middlesex, ii. 1172

Pierre, of Albany (N. Y.), iii. 1096²

Vandenter, James, in War of 1812, ii. 392

Vandercook, Emma (Oatman), wife of Frederick Vandercook, iii. 822²

Frederick, of Bennington, iii. 822²

Vanderhoof, Capt. Henry, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Vanderwort, Peter, grantee of St. George, i. 851 note

Van Deusen, Abraham, of Warren, iv. 806²

H. G., of Warren, iv. 811²

Henry H., of Warren, iv. 810

Dr. J. M., of Waitsfield, iv. 784², 794²

of Warren, iv. 808

Mrs. Louis, of Warren, iv. 810

Van Doorn, Anthony, of Brattleboro, v. 175 and note, 189

Moses T., of Brattleboro, v. 175 note

Vandoozen, ____, smuggler, ii. 493²

Vandozer (Vandozen), James, of Fair Haven, iii. 675², 676

Jemima, m. Abraham Sharp. iii. 676

John, of Fair Haven, iii. 676²(2)

Vandreuil, Gov. de, v. pt. 2, 293²

Vandusen, Abraham, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Conrad, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Isaac, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503

grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Jacob, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

John, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Matthew, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Vanduzee, I. A., of Swanton, iv. 1030, 1034, 10452, 1059, 1103(2), 1129²

I. A. & W. D., of Swanton, iv. 1027², 1029

Ira A., of Swanton, iv. 1133², 1185

W. D., of Swanton, iv. 1103²

Vandyke, Col., iii. 1078²

Vanerum, John, of Pownal, i. 218, 2d ed. 217

Vanesst, Rev. Peter, in Essex, i. 789

Van Gilder, Andrew, of Georgia, ii. 249²

Van Guilder, Andrew, from Egremont (Mass.), of Georgia, ii. 235²(2), 236

Melissa, m. James Sprague, iii. 1205

Thomas, of Danby, iii. 662²

Van Lennep, Rev., missionary, v. pt. 2, 622²

Mrs. (née Bliss), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622²

Van Ness, ____, of Burlington, ii. 673(2)

of Chittenden, ii. 129²

Capt., in Troy, iii. 328², 329

Cornelia, m. J. J. Roosevelt, i. 614²(2)

Cornelius, of Burlington, i. 614²

Gov. Cornelius P., of Burlington, i. 351², 467², 468² and note, 471² 472, 504, 510(2), 580², 595², 605 note, 616², 622, 624², 625, 645², 688, 693, 695; ii. 93² 286²(2), 295², 323², 346², 349, 475², 480,




NAME INDEX                           895


Van Ness, Gov. Cornelius P.-continued 524², 530², 531, 540², 548(2); iii. 308², 328²; iv. 270², 271, 300², 301, 457², 474, 496², 645², 836², 872², 1187²; v. 164²; v. pt. 2, 323

sketch, i. 608-14

Mrs. Cornelius P., 2d wife of Gov. Van Ness, i. 614

George, of Burlington, i. 614²

I., classmate of Rev. Dana Lamb, ii. 252²

James, i. 614²

Gen. John P., of Ghent (N. Y.), i. 608(2), 613², 614(2)

Marcia, m. Sir W. G. Ousley, i. 614²(2)

Peter, of Columbia co. (N. Y.), i. 608

Rhoda (Savage), wife of Cornelius P. Van Ness, i. 609, 614; ii. 540²

William P., of Ghent (N. Y.), i. 608(2), 609

Judge William W., of Claverack (N. Y.), i. 608²

Van Nest, Rev. Peter, in St. Albans, ii. 333²(2)

Vannest Peter, of Whitingham, v. pt. 2, 701

Van Neste, Barnardus, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Van Norman, in Pownal, i. 214, 215, 2d ed. 213, 214

Van Nortwick, John, of Chicago, v. 129²

Vanolendo, Daniel, of Danby, iii. 580², 581

Van Ormand, John, of Franklin, ii. 224

Van Rensselaer, Gen. Stephen, of N. Y., i. 167, 2d ed. 169

Van Schairk, Chaffe, grantee of Castleton, iii. 503

Vanshans, Coffee, grantee of Poultney, iii. 997

Van Sicklen, Edward, attorney, i. 473²

John jr., of Burlington, i. 472²

Vansicklin, Dr., of Barre, iv. 34

Edward, of Hinesburg, i. 799

Van Sicklin, Elizabeth, i. 493²

Dr. James, of Burlington, i. 639²

James P., of Buffalo (N. Y.), i. 639²

John, of Burlington, i. 493(2), 496, 508², 509², 510, 639²

John jr., born, 1790, i. 493², 506²

Sarah (Jones), wife of Dr. James Van Sicklin, i. 639², 640

Van Sicklin & Walker, of Burlington, i. 669²

Van Steenburgh, Dr. Warner, of Hines­burg, i. 799

Vantyne, Abraham, of Grand Isle, ii. 521

Jacob, of Grand Isle, ii. 521

Van Vechten, Tunis, of Albany (N. Y.), i. 688(2), 692²

Van Veck, Henry, iii. 1091

Van Vliet, Mrs. Cornelia A., poem, i. 751

Van Wick, Abraham, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Thomas, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

William, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

William jr., grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Vanwort, Eldad, grantee of Mt. Tabor, ii. 869²

Van Wyck, Samuel of Burlington, i. 488

Stephen, grantee of Essex, i. 778²

Theod's, iii. 1091

Thomas, from Oyster Bay (L. I.), grantee of Burlington, i. 902

Van Yandt, Gov. Charles C., of N. J., v. pt. 2, 327²

Van Zandt, Gov., v. pt. 35, 73², 74, 77

Jacobus, iii. 1091

Van Zant, Jacobus, grantee of (Barre and Williamstown?), iv. 251²

Varain, Col., in Civil war, iv. 127²

Vargeson, Dr. Jacob P., of Montpelier, iv. 278

Varin, Nathan, of Pownal, i. 213², 214, 218², 2d ed. 212, 213, 217

Varney, Betsey, of Berlin, iv. 1189

Dudley, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Huldah, of Northfield, iv. 672

James, of Lincoln, i. 49

M. F., of Troy iii. 35²

Moses, of Danville, i. 314²

Moses C., of Barton, iii. 76

Varnum, ____, father of George Varnum, iii. 107

Benjamin, of Morgan, iii. 284², 287, 377

of Westmore, iii. 367

George, of Charleston, iii. 107

George L., of Charleston, iii. 118

of Morgan, iii. 284², 286(2), 376

Hannah, wife of George L. Varnum, iii. 286²

Isaac, of Charlotte, i. 733² note

James, of Morgan, iii. 376²

James H., of Morgan, iii. 286

Gen. John, of Fla., iii. 422²

Molly, of Morgan, iii. 287

Polly, of Morgan, iii. 288

William, of Peacham, i. 363, 367²

Zebediah, grantee of Hyde Park, ii. 629²

Vaughan, Capt. A. D., of Whitehall (N. Y.), i. 676, 706

Benjamin, at Bennington battle, i. 94²

Rev. Benjamin, of Manchester, i. 254

Harrison, of Danby, iii. 662²

Henry H., of Danby, iii. 662², 668

Sgt. Henry H., at Gettysburg battle, i. 711




898                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Vaughan, John, of Danby, iii. 602, 665

Levi, of Grand Isle, ii. 522

Lucy (Allen), wife of Warren Vaughan, iii. 651

Warren, of Danby, iii. 596², 641, 651

William, of Tinmouth, iii. 1150

Vaughn, A. & F., of Poultney, iii. 1001

Mrs. Alma R., poems, iv. 250

Alma R. (Herrick), wife of V. V. Vaughn, iv. 246²

Daniel, of Pomfret and Middlesex, iv. 245(2)

Rev. Daniel, of Pawlet, iii. 905

Frank Waldo, of Middlesex, iv. 246²

George, iv. 241

Ida Alma, of Middlesex, iv. 246²

James, of Middlesex, iv. 241, 245

of Rutland, ii. 1153; iii. 485²(2)

Ens. Joseph, iv. 241

Mabel, of Middlesex, iv. 246²

V. V., of Middlesex, iv. 236², 246²

sketch, iv. 226-9

William, grantee of Hinesburg, i. 793

Wilmar Herrick, of Middlesex, iv. 246²

Veal, Capt. Micah, of Danby, i. 185², 2d ed. 186²

Veazey, Col. W. G., of Rutland, iii. 1030, 1041

Wheelock G., of Rutland, iv. 358, 492²

Col. Wheelock G., Gettysburg battle, i. 710, 711, 713², 715²

Veber, Herbert L., of Charlemont (Mass.), i. 260³

Veller, Sammy, iii. 1088²

Velpeau, Dr., of Paris, iv. 482

Venen, Joseph, of Wheelock, i. 432²

Vennard, Capt. William, grantee of Topsham, ii. 1105²

Vent, Betsey, m. Daniel Averill, v. pt. 2, 626²

Verback, William, of Derby, iii. 179²

Verder, Dr., of Rutland, iii. 1029

Vernas, David, grantee of Brandon, iii. 440²

Vernernum, Isaac, of Pownal, i. 122², 125

Vernet, Horace, of Paris, v, 139²

Vernon, Georgianna H., m. Chalon F. Davy, iii. 733²

Ver Planck, Samuel, grantee of Brad­ford, ii. 809²(2)

Vezey, John M., of Coventry, iii. 157²

Vial, Jasper, of Manchester, i. 202

Nathaniel, of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 435(2)

Viall, Thomas S., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 20²

Vibbard, Richard, grantee of Wilming­ton, v. pt. 3³, 7

Vickery, H., of Burlington, i. 547

Joseph, of Warren, iv. 806²

Victor, Josiah, of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 670²

Victoria, Queen,, of Gt. Bt., iv. 262

Victory, ____, pioneer of Bridport, i. 17

Videto, Stephen, grantee of Danby, iii. 577²

Viel, Fr. Nicholas, iv. 982

Viele, Rev. A., in Fair Haven, iii. 717

William B. of Hinesburg, i. 798²

Viets, Harriet (Shaw), wife of Capt. Henry Viets, iii. 929

Capt. Harvey, of Pawlet, iii. 879²

Capt. Henry, of Pawlet, iii. 879², 929

Seth, of Pawlet, iii. 874, 929

Mrs. Seth, of Pawlet, iii. 895

Seth jr., of Pawlet, iii. 929

Viger, Bonaventure, iv. 1077

Vilas, Caroline, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Freeman, of Randolph, ii. 1023²

H. M., of Fletcher, ii. 215

Harrison, of Colchester, ii. 1023²

Joseph, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Levi B., of Chelsea, ii. 873²; iv. 304

of Morristown, ii. 682

of Randolph, ii. 1023²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806(2)

Lucy, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Mercy (Flint), wife of Moses Vilas, ii. 1012², 1023(2)

Moses, of Randolph, ii. 1012², 1023

Permelia, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Ransom, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Samuel, of Randolph, ii. 1023

W. R., of Burlington, i. 513²

William, of Randolph, ii. 1023

Vilas family, of Sterling, ii. 693²

Villas, Levi B., of Franklin co., ii. 94

Vincent, Col., at Gettysburg battle, i. 709

Caroline, wife of Ishmael Vincent, ii. 682

Dennis, of Plainfield, iv. 718², 719

Desire, m. Coolidge Taylor, iv. 719

Diana (Kent), wife of Enoch H. Vincent, iv. 158

E. H., of East Montpelier, iv. 577², 586

Ella D., of Middlesex, iv. 158

Enoch H., of Middlesex and East Montpelier, iv. 158

Eunice, of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Dr. George, of Lunenburg, i. 1018²

Horace M., of East Montpelier, iv. 578²

Irena Lois, of Morristown, ii. 682

Isaac, of Calais, iv. 176²

of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Capt. Isaac, iv. 577

Ishmael, of Morristown, ii. 682

J. P. W., of Montpelier, iv. 353, 575, 586²

Rev. James, of Barre, iv. 31²

Jane, of Middlesex, iv. 158




NAME INDEX                           897


Vincent, Jane K., m. William J. Somer­ville, iv. 158

John, of Middlesex, iv. 236(2)

of Montpelier, iv. 548

of Plainfield, iv. 719(2), 725, 727², 730(2)

John jr., of Plainfield, iv. 719

John P., iii. 1134

Eld. Joshua, of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Moses, grantee of Randolph, ii. 976

Philip, of Calais, iv. 176

Dr. Philip, of Montpelier, iv. 278

from New Braintree (Mass.), of East Montpelier, iv. 578²

Prentiss J., of Middlesex, iv. 158

Sally, of East Montpelier, iv. 584

Sally (Boyden), wife of Capt. Isaac Vincent, iv. 577

Stephen, of Chelsea, iv. 719

Temperance, in Coventry, iii. 141

Thomas, iv. 1153

from New Bedford (Mass.), of Plainfield, iv. 719(2), 724², 725, 727², 730(2)

Dr. W. S., of Waterbury, iv. 839

Dr. Walter S., of Plainfield, Burlington, etc., iv. 725²

Vining, Freeman, of Derby, iii. 179(2)

of Holland, iii. 233

Vinson, Maj. i. 674²

Olive, wife of Timothy Vinson, iv. 806

Mrs. Sarah, of Warren, iv. 810

Timothy, of Warren, iv. 806

Vinton, ____, of O., iv. 456²

Timothy, of Brattleboro, v. 59, 185²

William H., of Brattleboro, v. 43

Vin Vleck, Henry, grantee of Ira, iii. 404

Viol, Constant, of Danby, iii. 592

Mason, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 109²

Virgil, ii. 324²; iii. 1157²

Virginia, Jeremiah, of Fairfax, ii. 403(2)

of St. Albans, ii. 303²(2)

Luther, of Highgate, ii. 262², 298, 403²

Voodrey, Lewis W., of Calais, iv. 150²

Voodry, John, of Woodbury, iv. 877

Voorhees, Daniel, grantee of Burlington, i. 488

Voorhis, Daniel, of N. Y., i. 227², 2d ed. 226²

grantee of Underhill, i. 886² note

Vorce, S. C., of Randolph, ii. 1031

Vorhes, see Voorhis

Vosburg, ____, of Alburg, ii. 500²

Jacob, grantee of Albany, iii. 46²

Vosburg family, of Alburg, ii. 499², 511-12

Vose, ____, of N. H., i. 351²

Betsey, of Moretown, iv. 603

Catherine, m. John May, v. pt. 2, 622

Gilman, of Braintree, ii. 848²

H. A., of Northfield, iv. 690

John B., of Berlin, iv. 1189

Samuel, of Northfield (Mass), iv. 447²

Voss, ____, in Pownal, i. 214, 215, 2d ed. 213, 214

Votee, Ann R., m. Moses H. Wells, v. pt. 2, 173²

Vradenburgh, Thomas, of Starksboro, i. 103



W., P. H., see White, Rev. Pliny H.

Waas, Deborah, m. Rufus Griswold, iv. 1176²

Wabashaw, Indian, ii. 180²

Waddams, Rev. Noah, grantee of Bloom­field, i. 950 note

Waddel, see Waddell

Waddell, Dr., of Athens (Ga.), v. 70²

John, of Barnet, i. 274, 275(2), 286(2)

John jr., of Barnet, i. 275

Waddle, John, of Ryegate, i. 376

Wade, A. Z., of Worcester, iv. 909

Aleathan, grantee of Cambridge, ii. 596

Alpheus, from R. I., of Pawlet, iii. 929

Rev. Alpheus jr., from Pawlet, of . Amsterdam (N. Y.), iii. 929

Amasa, iii. 612

Charles, of Berlin, iv. 1189²

Hiram, iii. 657

Isaac, of Danby, iii. 653, 657

James M., iv. 332²

Dr. John, from Pawlet, of O., iii. 929

Joshua, of Montgomery, ii. 393²(2)

Nathaniel, grantee of Waterbury, iv. 824

Rev. R. T., of Castleton, iii. 528

of Shelburne, i. 884

Rhoda (Barnum), wife of Amasa Wade, iii. 612

T., of Waterbury, iv. 835²

William, grantee of Westfield, iii. 343²

Wadge, Eastman, of Lowell, iii. 280

Wadham, ____, m. Guy Catlin, i. 562

Alice wife of Solomon Wadham, iii. 80²

Solomon. of Barton. iii. 72(2), 73²

Wadhams, ____, of Goshen (Conn.), i. 562

Mrs., i. 568

Alice (Huntington), wife of Solo­mon Wadhams, iii. 85(2)

Melinda, m. Guy Catlin, i. 594

Solomon, from Brookfield, of Barton, iii. 85², 86²





898                              HEMENWAY'S HISTORICAL GAZETTEER


Wadkins, Edward, grantee of Newport, iii. 302²

Jared, of Rutland, iii. 1080(2)

Wadleigh, Rev., of Berkshire, ii. 128²

Rev. Frederick A., of Arlington, i. 132, 2d ed. 133

hist. of Arlington, i. 121-35

of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 9², 53

of Montgomery and Berkshire, ii. 113², 277 note

Theophilus, of Guilford, v. pt. 3, 25², 28, 36(2), 57²

Wadsworth, ____, of Corinth, ii. 877 (2)

m. Horace B. Sawyer, i. 588

Gen., Gettysburg battle, i. 710²

David, of Pittsford, iii. 946²

Fenn, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Hezekiah, grantee of Wells, iii. 1191²

Horace, of Grand Isle co., ii. 479

Luke, grantee of Morgan, iii. 282²

Wager, Sebastian, of Pownal, i. 218², 2d ed. 217

Waggoner, John, on Missisquoi river, i. 454(2)

Peter, in Highgate, ii. 254²

Wagoner, ____, of Swanton, iv. 1021²

John, of Highgate, ii. 256², 257², 258, 265

of Swanton, iv. 994(2), 998²(2), 999(2), 1000, 1047

Waid, James, of Granby, i. 991

Mrs. James, of Granby, i. 992²

Waight, Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 88

Wainwright, Alfred, of Montpelier, iv. 276², 408², 532, 548

Alonzo A., atty., i. 473

John, of Middlebury, i. 53²

Rev. Jonathan, A. iv. 1137²

Jonathan Allen, of Montpelier, iv. 551

Lucy, m. Edward Downing Barber, i. 92, correction, i. 256

Rufus, of Middlebury, i. 53²

Samuel, i. 692

Wait, ____, m. George Coughlin, v. pt. 2, 190²

m. Horace Clark, iii. 911²

Rev., iii. 902²

in Rupert, i. 225, 2d ed. 224

Capt., of Swanton, iv. 998²

Col., Rev. soldier, ii. 874²

Aliphal B., of Stowe, ii. 715

Mrs. Aliphal B., of Stowe, ii. 717

Allen, of Westmore, iii. 365²

Rev. Archibald, of Hinesburg, i. 796²

of Pawlet, iii. 904², 929²

Augustine, author, iv. 320²

Barnet, grantee of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 455²

Barnet S., of Londonderry, v. pt. 3¹, 29

Benjamin, grantee of Isle La Motte, ii. 554 note

Capt. Benjamin, v. 9², 11, 13

commanded Stevens' Rangers, ii. 946²

Maj. Benjamin, ii. 563(2)

Col. Benjamin, in Rev. war, 389²(2)

Gen. Benjamin, of Waitsfield, iv. 11, 55, 769(2), 770(2), 771, 772(2), 776², 777², 784, 788, 790²

Mrs. Benjamin, of Waitsfield, iv. 777

Benjamin jr., of Waitsfield, iv. 795

Benjamin F., in Windsor, ii. 766²

Betsey, m. Dr. David Andrews, iii. 609²

Caroline, m. Dr. Gardner, Eaton, iii. 621

Cloe, wife of Benjamin Wait, v. pt. 2, 215

Daniel, of Stowe, ii. 715, 717

of Grand Isle co., ii. 479

Daniel jr., of Stowe, ii. 712²

David, of Pawlet, iii. 874²

Dora L., of Stowe, ii. 715

E., of Highgate, ii. 420²

E. C., of Swanton, ii. 445; iv. 1061, 1186

Ebenezer, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 76², 110, 157, 214²

Edmund C., of Swanton, iv. 1133

Elmer, from Northfield (Mass.), of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 287²

Gardner, of Isle La Motte, Rev. soldier, ii. 557²

George, in Highgate, ii. 258²

George E., of Stratton, v. pt. 2, 526²

Gilbert jr., of Waitsfield, iv. 777

Griswold, of Fayston, iv. 178

Harry, of Isle La Motte, ii. 555²

Hattie N. (Well), wife of George E. Wait, v. pt. 2, 526²

Hiram, of Danby, iii. 653², 654

of Tinmouth, iii. 911²

Horace, of Eden, ii. 624²

Huldah, of Highgate, ii. 263

James, of Fayston, iv. 178

Dr. James, of Brandon, iv. 156²

Jason, grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Jonathan, of Swanton, iv. 1132², 1134, 1186

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Jonathan jr., grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Joseph, v. 4(2), 5

of Brunswick, i. 944, 947², 948, 961², 962, 963, 1006




NAME INDEX                           899


Wait, Judith W., m. William Stickney, v. pt. 2, 146

Lillie, of Stowe, ii. 715

Lorene (Whedon), wife of Archi­bald Wait, iii. 929²

Lucia, of Fayston, iv. 178

Luther, at Univ. of Vt., ii. 616²

Lynde, pioneer of Fayston, iv. 178, 179(2), 180², 181², 182, 183

Marcia E., of Stowe, ii. 715

Martha, of Vernon, v. pt. 2, 320

N., of Sheldon, ii. 430

N. D., of Highgate, ii. 261

Nathaniel, of Brunswick, i. 944², 961², 962, 963

of Danby, iii. 591², 657

grantee of Townshend, v. pt. 2, 533²

Oliver, of Swanton, iv. 1003²

Patty, m. Reuben Fisk, iii. 624

Capt. Richard, in Rev. war, ii. 390²

Roswell, of Plattsburg (N. Y.), i. 676 note

Ruth (Dean), of Sheldon, ii. 380

Col. S. M., of Brattleboro, v. pt. 2, 306²

Smith, of Middletown, iii. 799², 836²

Washington Z., of Pawlet, iii. 904²

William, of Fayston, iv. 197

     of Grand Isle co., ii. 479, 485

Rev. William, in Isle La Motte, ii. 487², 555, 557²

Waite, Miss, v. pt. 35, 74²

Capt., of Rogers' Rangers, ii. 815

Benjamin, of Montpelier, iv. 350²

Caroline (Arnold), of Westminster, v. pt. 2, 622

Daniel, of Braintree, ii. 851

of Stowe, ii. 706²

Daniel jr., of Braintree, ii. 847²

John, of Braintree, ii. 847², 848²(2), 851

of Randolph, ii. 1000²

Orange co. officer, ii. 806²(2)

Marcus, of Calais, iv. 136

Maria, m. Charles Adams, i. 616

Morrison R., v. pt. 35, 99

Noah, of Pittsford, iii. 942

R. R., of Lamoille co., ii. 590(2)

Richard R., of Stowe, ii. 706², 712², 715; iv. 1192

Sally, of Braintree, ii. 851

Silas M., of Brattleboro, v. 38, 57², 59

William, of Fayston, iv. 1199²

Wake, Jonathan, see Weeks, Jonathan

Wakefield, ____, of Lyndon, i. 347

Dr., of Fair Haven, iii. 734²

Alvah, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Benoni, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Mrs. C. H., of Swanton, iv. 1038², 1129, 1130

Calvin, of Lowell, iii. 280², 281

Chandler, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 726²

Ebenezer, of Stowe, ii. 697(2)

Elias, of Montpelier, iv. 378

Elizabeth, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Hannah, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Joanna, of East Montpelier, iv. 583

Joseph, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Lyman, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

Mary F. (Fuller), wife of Dr. Thomas E. Wakefield, iii. 743²

Miriam, of Lowell, iii. 280²

Obediah, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162

Olive, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 162

wife of Samuel Wakefield, v. pt. 2, 161², 162

Orenso P., of Lyndon, i. 355

Polly, of Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162

R., of Montpelier, iv. 264²

Rufus, of Montpelier, iv. 548, 549²

Rev. S. W., of Fairfield, ii. 197²

Samuel, of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 78, 110, 192(2), 193(2)

sketch, v. pt. 2, 161-2

grantee of Jamaica, v. pt. 2, 424

Samuel jr., of Dummerston, v. pt. 2, 161²

Sibyl (Belknap), wife of Samuel Wakefield jr., v. pt. 2, 161²

Rev. Silas N., in Huntington, i. 827²

Thomas, of Fair Haven, iii. 709²

from Newfane, v. pt. 2, 162

Dr. Thomas E., of Fair Haven, iii. 708, 738², 743²

William, pioneer of Brookfield, ii. 857², 858²

grantee of Orange, ii. 956

Wakely, Robert, of Wells, iii. 1197, 1206²

Wakeman, Ebenezer, of Fairfield, ii. 191²

Isaac, pioneer of Fairfield, ii. 192²

Levi, from Norwalk (Conn.), in Fairfield, ii. 192²

Moses, grantee of Fairfield, ii. 190²

Walbridge, ____, pioneer of Enosburg, ii. 137²

of Franklin, ii. 218²

Col., of Brattleboro, v. 190²

Adolphus, of Burlington, ii. 221

Allen, of Cabot, iv. 108²

Charles, of Danby, iii. 665

Don C., of Cabot, iv. 122²

Col. Eben, grantee of Wardsboro, v. pt. 2, 671²

Ebenezer, iv. 736

of Bennington, iii. 873

grantee of Concord, i. 967

grantee of Fayston, iv. 178

grantee of Franklin, ii. 218²(2)

Col. Ebenezer, ii Rev. war, ii. 389²; iii. 1076