The Towns of Windham County, Title, publisher dedication, preface, collator's biography, transcriber dedication, alpha order of towns, index order of towns.
Historical Gazetteer
a local History of
all the Towns in the State,
Civil, Educational, Biographical, Religious and Military.
Vol. V.
The Towns of Windham County.
Collated by
Abby Maria Hemenway.
Published by
Mrs. Carrie E. H. Page,
Brandon, VT.
To the historian of Cumberland County, and to the writers of each
town history, donors of portraits, and to all who have in
any way aided in the completion of this volume,
and to all Vermonters who are true
to the interests of their State.
The death of Miss Hemenway has somewhat delayed the appearance of another volume of the VERMONT HISTORICAL GAZETTEER; but it is chiefly her work, and has been edited, and is published according to the original plan.� It was due both to the author, and to the subscribers, that this should be done; and it is hoped that the work has not suffered either in accuracy or interest by the change.
In compiling and arranging the great mass of materials furnished by writers the editor has been compelled to omit some things the insertion of which would have swelled the volume to an unwieldy size; but the aim has been to retain that which was of permanent value, and essential to correct presentation of the facts of history.� The publisher desires to acknowledge the favors and valuable assistance received, which has greatly lightened the labor of its preparation; and without which hearty co-operation it could not have been made so complete.� It is impossible to mention all, but the following persons should not be omitted, whose aid renders it fitting that their names should be associated with the work:
Ex-Gov. J. Gregory Smith, Ex-Lieut.-Gov. Levi K. Fuller, Col. J. J. Estey, Kitterdge Haskins, Esq., Hon. Gilbert A. Davis, Judge James Phelps, W. S. Smart, D. D., Prof. Hiram A. Cutting, Geo. L. Clark, Prof. J. S. Lee, Mark and Myron Ward, Dr. J. Draper, F. D. Proctor, F. C. Smith, Hon. R. Roberts, L. D. Wilcox, W. E. I. Robinson, J. H. Merrifield, D. L. Mansfield, S. D. Winslow, L. A. Jackson, N. W. Cook, F. C. Gully, O. A. Marshall, C. A. Cleghorn, A. H. Washburn, H. H. Warner, Mrs. E. D. Greenwood, Sylvia and Isabella Whithed, Eva J. Stickney, Miss Jane Hunt, Mrs. W. S. Balch.
To these, and to all others, who have given valuable aid in ways too numerous to be mentioned, our thanks are due.� This volume is offered to the public as another contribution to the history of Vermont, and is a memorial of its editor, who gave to the preservation of its history the indefatigable labors of a life-time.
Brandon, December, 1891.
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was born in Ludlow, Vt., October 7, 1828.� She was educated at the Black River Academy at Ludlow.� Her classmates and fellow students still remember her as an active, earnest scholar, and was eager to make practical use of knowledge when acquired.� She was a great admirer of Margaret Fuller Ossoli, Mrs. Browning, Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, and those enthusiastic workers of forty hears ago.� She taught for three years in Michigan, and soon after returning to Vermont, she began what proved to be her literary career and the work of her life.
She knew of many who had written Poems worth preserving, and the result of her efforts to collect these treasures was "The Poets and Poetry of Vermont," published in 1859.� The collecting of materials for that book introduced her to the prominent men and women of that time, interested her in almost every portion of the State and made her many life-long friends.� The keepers of local anecdotes and traditions of the early settlements were rapidly passing away; each year death decreased their numbers.
Miss Hemenway had shown such fitness for the particularly difficult task of finding interesting material for literary work where none was expected, that at the earnest request of many eminent men, she began her Vermont Gazetteer, thinking to complete it in a few numbers, published in a magazine form.
The work grew on her hands, and has proved to be the labor of a life-time, and so valuable to the State and every lover of Vermont, and indeed to every historical student, that we might feel that she earned for herself a fitting monument, if that were all the record she had left of her residence on earth.�
At intervals, while waiting for publisher of copy, she has written several volumes of poetry and some books of prose, which prove her an enthusiastic Christian woman, and attest her warm love for the friends she found wherever she resided.� Her work as Vermont historian led her to various localities of the State, in order that she might personally super-intend the collecting of material for her Gazetteer.
About six years ago, thinking by the report of friends that there was a better opportunity in Chicago for finishing Vol. V., she went there, where she resided until her death. A fire destroyed a large part of what was done on that volume.
A less determined nature than hers would have sunk under the discouragement.� But she rose to the emergency and went bravely to work, recovered the lost manuscript and had nearly completed it, when death came swift and silent.
>From whichever standpoint we view her life, she was a remarkable woman.� In this age, when woman has taken a position in all professions, not one deserves a stronger need of praise from the present generation, or has bestowed a greater obligation on those that shall come after, than Abby Maria Hemenway.
Miss Hemenway's published works are as follows:
Poets and Poetry of Vermont in 1858.
Revised edition in 1860.
Rosa Mystica in 1865.
Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. I, in 1867.
Rosa Immaculata in 1868.
Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. II, in 1871.
House of Gold in 1873.
Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. III, in 1877.
Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. IV, in 1882.
Vermont Historical Gazetteer, Vol. V, nearly completed, 1890.
Vol. VI was nearly prepared for press, one town printed.
Abby Maria Hemenway died Feb. 24, 1890, aged 61.� She earnestly worked for Vermont up to the last day of her life, and died suddenly with appoplexy; she was brought to Ludlow, her old home, for burial.
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����������� This transcription is dedicated to
���������������� Miss Abby Maria Hemenway
������������� for without her perseverance
�������� our ancestor's history may have been lost.�
�������������������������� also
��������������� to my Maternal Grandmother
������������������� Sadie Jennie Clark
����� born May 21, 1891, West Halifax, Windham Co., VT
���� died April 15, 1964, Greenfield, Franklin Co., MA
������ Fourth generation Clark born Windham County
���� Gr-gr-grandaughter of William "Bille" & Lucy Clark,
����� listed on the Whitingham First Grand List of 1781.�����
�������������������� Susan J. Downhill
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Part I | Part II | Part III |
History of Cumberland by Hon. G. A. Davis 1-17 Brattleboro....17-91
Dummerston.....1-216 Newfane........456-491 Rockingham.....493-518 Stratton.......519-527 Westminster....1-110 |
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Alphabetical Order of the Towns with page numbers.
Jacksonville...705-724 [incl. with Whitingham]
Westminster W..77-110� [incl. with Westminster]
Williamsville..727-728 [incl. with Newfane]
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This is a work in progress, town histories will be submitted as time allows.� My thanks to Rod Skinner for his cooperation in this project.� Thank you to RootsWeb for hosting this site.� You may use the information provided on these pages for your personal genealogical use.� No part of these pages may be harvested and sold for profit.� Copyright 2001, Sue Downhill�