Historical Gazetteer
a local History of
all the Towns in the State,
Civil, Educational, Biographical, Religious and Military.
Vol. V.
The Towns of Windham County.
Collated by
Abby Maria Hemenway.
Published by
Mrs. Carrie E. H. Page,
Brandon, VT.

Transcribed as it appears in the book with the exception of the last 
names changed to all CAPS.

GRAFTON. By Christopher W. HALL. Pages 552 - 560

Boundaries: Chester on the N., Rockingham on the E., S. by Athens and Townshend. W. by Windham: Village about 10 miles from Bellows Fall: a daily stage through from the Falls to Townshend.

is broken; hills which do not seem to belong to any clearly defined range, rise up in all parts of the town and stand facing each other in all conceivable positions. Yet the soil is fertile, the farmer is repaid for his labor by the yield of the staple products of this section of Vermont. It is a good grazing town. The sunny hillsides yield sweet, rich feed, so that the cattle and horses of Grafton have become widely known as among the best in the State.

which rises in Windham, and flows southerly through this town, is its principle stream. It furnishes a good waterpower at Houghtonville, Grafton Village and Cambridgeport, at which latter place it flows into Rockingham.

A stream called South Branch, rises also in Windham, flows southerly across the S. W. of Grafton into Townshend, and thence back into Grafton and unites with Saxton River at Grafton Village.

The town was first chartered, Apr. 6, 1754, but as possession was not taken of the grant, it was rechartered, Sept. 1, 1763, by name of Thomlinson.

Johnathan WHITNEY, Nathaniel HOLT, Nathaniel HARRIS, Benoni BOYNTON, Jr., Johnathan WOOD, Benj. WEATHERBEE, Isaac HOLDEN, Samuel PRESTON, Jona. WHITCOMBE, Eleazer DAVIS, Oliver COREY, Stephen SHATTUCK, Ezekiel CHASE, Thomas BELL Esq., Jacob GOULD, Jr., Jacob GOULD. Stephen GOODRIDGE, John BUTTRICK, Stephen STICKNEY, Nehemiah BOWERS, Nathan CHASE, Joseph WORCESTER, Thomas WARREN, William HOLT, Phillip GOODRIDGE, Peter READ, Ephriam WHITNEY, Samuel LARABEE, Eleazer LAWRENCE, Jr., James PRESTON, Joseph BAKER, Jr., John BAKER, Jacob FOX, Stephen CHASE, Benj. SHATTUCK, Matthew LIVERMORE, Oliver GOULD, Thomas GOULD, Jr., Roger KING, Zachariah WHITNEY, Oliver STICKNEY, James ALLEN, Simon TUTTLE, Simon TUTTLE, Jr.. Jonas WARREN, Oliver WARREN, John FOX, Jr., Daniel FOX, John TOMLINSON, Jr., Theodore ATKINSON, Esq., Dan WARNER, Esq., Joshua STICKNEY, James KING, Peter FOX, Thomas NEWMAN, Esq., John WENTWORTH, Esq., Speaker SHERBURNE, John THOMLINSON, Esq.

On condition of their becoming actual settlers, they were given undisputed title to this tract of containing 23,050 acres together with 1040 acres free.

The conditions were the same as in all the New Hampshire town charters.

It appears that Thomlinson never was settled by these proprietors. A meeting for the election of town officers was appointed for the 1st Tuesday of Dec. 1763, which was notified by Oliver COREY, who signed himself, moderator.

I find no proof that the town was settled for some years after the last charter was granted. It is said a Mr. SLACK was the first settler.

The first permanent settlement was made in the spring of 1780. Samuel SPRING built a house and commenced a clearing on the hill between where Samuel SPRING, Jr., afterwards lived, and where Daniel BARTON now lives. He was accompanied into town by Amos FISHER, Benjamin WETHERBEE, and Edward PUTNAM. They came from Winchester and located in different parts of the town. They were soon followed by David STICKNEY, Moses and Aaron PUTNAM, Job GLEASON, Thomas KINNEY, Asa FISHER and several other families.

The town records on its early history are very meagre, some parts of them having been destroyed. First, is recorded a warrant of Nov. 2, 1781, from Ira ALLEN, treasurer of the State of Vermont, to Amos FISHER, constable of the town of Thomlinson, notifying him of a tax of 10 s on each 100 acres of land, and to collect it: to seize and dispose of the goods or estate of such person or persons as should refuse or neglect to pay the same, after giving the land owners of the town due notice, "Forthwith to pay the said tax or I shall make sale." The constable did sell at public vendue, Aug. 5, 1782, 118 pieces of land, and 61 of those pieces contained 100 acres and upwards.

The first death recorded was that of Asa FISHER, Jr., son of Asa and Esther FISHER, June 19, 1780.

The first birth recorded was in 1783; the first marriage in 1784.

The first town meeting of which we have any record was in 1783. Aaron PUTNAM was first town clerk.

They voted to have preaching from the neighboring towns that season and appointed a committee to obtain it.

In 1785, March 21, they voted at the town meeting that each man in town should give one day's work towards clearing off a piece of land to be used for a burying ground.

It was also voted that all their ox sleds should be four feet wide. In this warrant was an article to see if the town would take any steps towards building a meeting house, but no action was taken.

The town meetings were held in private houses till a meeting house was erected, 1793; they were held there until 1857, when the town bought the store of John BARRETT and fitted up the second story for a town hall.

In these days, the office of holding the key of the meeting house was invested with considerable dignity. At the annual meeting the key was struck off to the lowest bidder, who was to open the house whenever it should be used that year, and sweep the house five times. The usual price paid for this high trust was 75 cents per year.

Town taxes and other dues were paid in grain. One year, 1788, £30 was raised, the whole paid in rye at 4 s per bushel; money was scarce.

Since the town was organized, there have been many changes: the first was the change of its name from Thomlinson to Grafton, Oct. 31, l79l.

In 1816 its limits were extended to take in parts of Athens and Avery's Gore.

In 1808, John BARRETT and Barzillai BURGESS, selectmen, determined on being strict guardians of the interests of the town, pursued the old practice general then in the towns "warning out" -[ordering the departure from the town of all persons they pleased to think liable in the future to need assistance from the town. A law they had the power to promulgate, but not to enforce. See warning out, proceedings and definitions of, in the history of other towns in the past volumes. And, see here!] Among many others, Mr. Daniel JOSLYN, an easy, mirth-loving, whole-souled farmer, was warned to leave. Of which he took no notice except to joke over. And the energetic young bachelor, BARRETT, little thought that he was commanding his future wife to depart, upon the plea that he believed that she might be at some future time a town pauper. Had the jovial old gentleman seen fit to have obeyed the summons, the people of Grafton would not have been gladdened years afterwards by the genial countenance of that kind old lady, whose sympathetic heart and benevolent hand carried joy and gladness to many a sinking heart, and supplied the wants of so many needy ones.

Also, a young physician came into town with no worldly goods but his saddle bags and a good name. The sleepless eyes of the guardians of the town were immediately upon him. A paper was put into the hands of the constable and read:

"To Caleb HALL, Constable: You are hereby directed to summons Dr. John BUTTERFIELD to depart this town forthwith; hereof fail not, but make due return.


And to the fact that the doctor did not obey this mandate, Grafton has ever since owed much of the business energy for which the town has been and is still distinguished. It is a noted fact that no merchant has ever failed in town; on the contrary, all have retired from business with a good property.

The first saw mill was built by Mr. BOLLES on land now owned by Metcalf WALKER; for building it he was to receive one lot of land. He erected his mill and sawed one log, which gave him a title to the land.

The first grist-mill was built by Dr. FISHER, the first physician who moved into town in 1780, and also a saw-mill was built on a branch of Saxtons River. These it appears were the first mills.

In 1788 two men from Jaffrey, N.H., opened a store near the Centre, but soon left, and a man from Westminster opened one at the Centre.

In 1782, James RHOADES, a Revolutionary soldier, whose baptism of fire and blood was at Lexington, moved here from Keene, N.H., and built the first framed house. It had but two or three rooms and the windows were of ising-glass.

In 1824, there were 11 school districts, 10 school houses, 4 saw-mills, 3 grist-mills, 2 fulling mills, 2 carding machines, 3 stores, 2 tanneries, which would indicate nearly as much business as at the present. Many old trades have passed away, but industries then comparatively unheard of are now flourishing, such as free-stone quarrying and the manufacture of various articles of wooden ware.

The people of Grafton have always been characterized by zeal for public schools; their district schools have been good, and the academies at Townshend and Chester have ever received a liberal support from this town: at goodly number have been college graduates, one,

BENJ. W. DEAN, served as Secretary of State four years, also Register of Probate 11 years.

EBENEZER BURGESS, another, is now a missionary to India.

CHARLES BARRETT, a Grafton graduate, has served as State senator two terms, besides holding other offices of public trust.

DAVID PALMER, studied theology at Newton Seminary.

FRANK B. DANIELS graduated at Harvard College.

Many terms of select schools have been taught in town, and in 1866 a graded school with a high school in connection, where one may fit for college or business, was established and has been well supported.


Grafton is rich in mineralogical specimens. Much of the rock is Green Mountain gneiss, together with such other kinds as are found in the surrounding towns.

Serpentine exists in small quantities; cyanite or sappar is found about one mile southwest of the village. It is in compressed hexagonal-prisms in mica slate and massive garnet: sulphuret of iron in small, brown cubes, and various kinds of quartz.

or soapstone. Quite an extensive bed of it lies in the southern edge of this town and in the northern part of Athens. Work was commenced on the quarry in Grafton first. This has been worked longer, with more profit, and has produced more stone than any other quarry in Vermont.

It has been excavated about 15 rods in length, 5 or 6 in width and at a depth varying from 10 to 25 feet. The stone lies in stratified beds, as can easily be seen in the edges of the quarry. There are seams of rhomb spar and talc that extend along in line or are disseminated through in small imperfect crystals which upon long exposure become decomposed and wash out, tarnishing the surface of the rocks below.

Immediately upon the soapstone is found black mica and shady talc, and in the latter a dark colored actinolite, and above this is a bed of hard, compact hornblende of varying thickness which proves a protector against atmospheric agency. In some places upon these quarries a layer of hornblende is often found between two of steatite. (See HITCHCOCK's Geological Report of Vermont, Vol. II.)

The Lower Quarry is the one in Grafton. This and the one in Athens lie in the same vein of stone about 60 rods apart. That soapstone existed there has been known ever since the settlement of the town. The settlers were accustomed to go with their axes, cut out blocks and fashion them for their hearthstones, but quarrying was not commenced as a business until about 1825, and then first on a small scale, chiefly manufactured for pipes, for water-courses. Col. MINER owned the land, sold out lots for working, and a number of men quarried each for himself; but now the whole quarry is under the supervision of one firm.

BBUTTERFIELD & SMITH have owned and worked the quarry a number of years. They have two mills at Cambridgeport where they saw with a common mill-saw and prepare for market all the stone they quarry, which amounts to about 400 tons annually, worth in the block at an average of $28, but prepared for market makes a total of $l5,000.

Woolen cloths have been the chief article of manufacture. A factory was first built by DEAN & ALEXANDER in 183l. Jan. 9, 1839, it was burned. ALEXANDER sold out his interest after the fire, but it was rebuilt the same year by Peter W. DEAN, in 1854 enlarged and new machinery added. In 1863 it was changed to a corporation and called the "Grafton Manufacturing Company," which, in 1867, was sold out to Messrs. SABIN & FAIRBROTHER of Saxtons River. FAIRBROTHER sold his interest to SABIN who has since conducted the business alone, manufacturing annually 75,000 yards, - cassimeres, doeskins, but chiefly kerseymeres.

A smaller manufacture of woolens was also carried on many years by Mr. WOOLEY, half a mile below the village. A few years since his mill was turned into a shop for the manufacture of wooden ware.

In February, 1860, a Farmers' Club was organized, with S. D. CONANT, president, and Charles BARRETT, secretary. Grafton claims to have organized the first club of this character in Vermont.

did much damage in this town. Roads were so washed away in many spots, they had to be made in new places, and nearly all the bridges were carried off. It cost the town about $12,000 to repair its highways.

was born in Grafton, 1811. His parents were not wealthy and he only had the advantage of a common school and a few terms at an academy, when he commenced the study of law in the office of Daniel KELLOGG, Esq., at Saxtons River. After admission to the bar, he opened his office in Grafton, and rose rapidly in his profession. His ability as a legal adviser and advocate was marked for a man of his years.

In 1836 he was chosen judge probate, and about this time he began to show evidences of insanity, which was hereditary, and for a long time was of a mild form; his mind appeared to be sound, he was keen in business and well-balanced in judgment; yet upon one subject he was most grievously at fault; he thought - he was a single man - that Queen Victoria was his wife. Impressed with this idea he fitted up a snit of rooms in almost regal style for her but kept in waiting with his table richly spread, a supply of dainty food fresh prepared each day. He was expecting her and went down to meet her when the stage came in; constantly disappointed he never abandoned the idea.

At first he was rather reticent except with a few particular friends. He watched and waited, and at last to ease his disappointments took to alcoholic drinks and squandered his property, finally became wholly insane, was taken to Brattleboro and died there.

Aaron PUTNAM 1780-84, Stephen HAYWARD 1785, 88. Amos FISHER 1789, 1786, 95, 1801, 3, 6, 7, Henry BOND 1790, 94. John B. WHEELER 1802, 4, 5, Peter WHITCOMB 1808-14, Rev. Wm. GOODELL 1815-20, David BANCROFT 1821-22, Art. SPRING 1823-32. Benjamin H. BRIDGMAN 1833-57, Charles BARRETT 1858-68, Henry FOSTER 1869. N. H. BIXBY 1869, L. S. WALKER 1891.

Among the

held in town, we notice: John BARRETT, state senator, two terms; P. W. DEAN, state senator, three terms; Charles BARRETT, state senator, two terms; Abishai STODDARD (now a resident of Townshend), judge of probate, 21 years; David L. PUTNAM, judge of probate, two years; P. W. DEAN, assistant county judge, 5 years; Francis DANIELS, county commissioner.

Ebenezer BURGESS 1786, William STICKNEY 1787, 88, Charles PERKINS 1789, Henry BOND 1790-92, Stephen HAYWARD 1791, Ezra EDSON 1793, David PALMER 1794, 6, 7, Enos LOVELL 1795, Amos FISHER 1796, 97, Thaddeus TAYLOR 1798-1800, 1, 2, 8, 9, Wm. HALL, Jr., 1799, John B. WHEELER 1803, Enoch HALE 1804, 5, Thos. K. PALMER 1810, John BARRETT 1811, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 27, Nathan WHEELER 1815, 17, 18, 26, Barzillai BURGESS 1820, 21, 2, 3, William STICKNEY, Jr., 1824, 5, 7, 8, 9, 1830, 1, 4, Erastus BURGESS 1832, John GIBSON 1833, 35, Ambrose BURGESS, 1836, 7, 50, 51; Thomas HILL 1838, B. H. BRIDGEMAN 1839, 40, 41, 47, Wm. WHITCOMB 1842, 43, Abishai STODDARD 1844, 5, 6, J. L. BUTTERFIELD 1848, 49, 65, 66, Lewis S. WALKER 1852, 3, Joseph Howard 1854, 5, Benj. W. DEAN 1856, 57, Francis DANIELS 1858, 9, 63, 4, Nathan H. HALL 1860, Charles BARRETT 1861, 2, S. D. CONANT 1867, 8, Francis PHELPS 1869, Harlem PHELPS, 1891.

David PALMER 1791, Amos FISHER 1793, Ebenezer BURGESS, Jr. 1814, Wm. STICKNEY, Jr. 1822, 8, 36, B. H. BRIDGMAN 1843, Abishai STODDARD 1850, Henry HOLMES, 1869-70.



1861-1865. With the age of each, and his history so far as known. Compiled from the Adjutant General's reports:

Frank H. AMSDEN, 20, enlisted Aug. 24, 1863, 11th Vt., Co. G. transferred to Co. A, June 21, 1865, mustered out Aug. 25, 1865.

Solon AMSDEN, 22, enlisted Oct. 1, 1861, 1st SS, Co. F, discharged Feb. 8, 1862.

John H. AYRES, 19, enlisted Oct. 16, 1861, 2d SS, Co. H; died Oct. 3, 1862.

Frank J. BLOOD, 18, enlisted Dec. 1, 1863, Cav. Co. K; missing in action, March 1, 1864.

Albert H. BURGESS, enlisted Oct. 1, 1861, 2d SS, Co. H. corp., discharged Feb. 13, 1862.

Ambrose H. BURGESS, 21, enlisted Aug. 8, 1862, prom. corp., Feb. 1865; mustered out June 24, 1865.

James C. BUTTERS, 18, enlisted Nov. 24, 1863, Cav. Co. C.

Rufus J. CARVER, 31, enlisted Sept. 1861, Cav. Co. F; discharged June 27, 1863.

Myron C. CHAPMAN, 18, enlisted March 22, 1862, 4th Vt., Co. F; killed at the Wilderness May 5, 1864.

John W. CURTIS, 25, enlisted Oct. 14, 1861, Cav. Co. F, blacksmith; re-enlisted Dec. 30, 1863; transferred to Co. D. June 21, 1865; mustered out Aug. 9, 1865.

Major S. DAMON, 28, enlisted Feb. 27, 1862, 7th Vt., Co. G, prom. Serg't, re-enlisted for Grafton, March 4, 1864; discharged July 29, 1865 for wounds.

George M. DAVIS, 23, enlisted Sept. 4, 1861, 4th Vt., Co. F, transferred to Invalid corps, March 15, 1864; mustered out Dec. 12, 1864.

John B. DAVIS, 28, enlisted Oct. 13, 1861, 2d SS. Co. E, wagoner; discharged March 22, 1862.

Geo. M. DIMOND, 18, enlisted Oct. 31, 1861, 2d SS. Co. H, prom. Corp.; mustered out Dec. 31, 1864.

Randolph DODGE, 23, enlisted Jan. 8, 1862, 8th Vt., Co. H; mustered out June 22, 1864.

Nahum B. DWINELL, 19, enlisted Sept. 4, 1861, 4th Vt., Co. C, drummer, discharged May 1, 1862; re-enlisted Dec. 15, 1863; mustered out July 13, 1865.

Silas O. DWINELL, 19, enlisted Sept. 29, 6th Vt., Co. E, prom. Sergt. re-enlisted Dec. 15, 1863; transferred to Co. K, Oct. 16, 1864; mustered out June 26, 1865.

Lewis H. EASTMAN, 18, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; discharged July 4, 1863.

Watson S. EATON, 26, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G, Sergt. prom. 2d Lieut. Dec. 28, 1863; dishonorably discharged, Oct. 1, 1864.

Lucius C. EDSON, 26, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; discharged Dec. 20, 1862.

Jeremiah FALLOON, 26, enlisted Dec. 17, 1863, 7th Vt., Co. B; re-enlisted for Grafton, Feb. 29, 1864; prom. Corp. June 1, 1865; died Sept. 13, 1865.

John E. GATES, 23, enlisted Dec. 9, 1861, 8th Vt., Co. H; re-enlisted Jan. 5, 1864, and mustered out June 28, 1865.

Orson G. GIBSON, 18, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; killed at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864.

Fred J. R. GROUT, 24, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, Cav. Co. F; died June 21, 1863.

William GRAVES, 27, enlisted Nov. 27, 1863, 6th Vt., Co. E; killed at the Wilderness, May 5, 1864.

Amos GOULD, 20, enlisted Aug. 22, 1864, Cav. Co. E; transferred to Co. A, June 21, 1865; mustered out Aug. 9, 1865.

Orange S. HARRIS, 26, enlisted Sept. 2, 1861, 4th Vt., Co. F; mustered out Sept. 30, 1864.

Albert L. HOLLAND, 2d SS. Co. H.

Don A. HOUGHTON, 30, enlisted July 31, 1863; killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864.

Charles H. HOWARD, 18, enlisted Oct. 21, 1861, 2 SS. prom. Corp. re-enlisted Dec. 21, 1863; prom. Sergt. March 12, 1864; killed at Petersburg, June 1864.

Ellery HOWARD, 19, enlisted Sept. 7, 1861, 4th Vt., Co. K; re-enlisted Dec. 15, 1863; transferred to Co. D, Feb. 25, 1865; mustered out July 13, 1865.

Lucius S. HOWE, 27, enlisted June 1, 1861, 3d Vt. Co. A; mustered out July 27, 1864.

Edward M. KNOX, 20, enlisted Jan. 6, 1862, 7th Vt., Co. A. Corp; prom. Sergt; re-enlisted for Grafton, Feb. 29, 1864, prom. 1st Lieut. Oct. 28, 1864, prom. Capt. Sept. 1, 1865; mustered out March 14, 1865[6].

Benj. F. LITTLEFIELD, 25, enlisted June 1, 1861, 3d Vt., Co. A; dropped June 21, 1863.

Geo. J. MILLER, 25, enlisted Dec. 3, 1861, Corp. 7th Vt., Co. C, re-enlisted for Grafton, Feb. 29, 1864, prom. Sergt. July 29, 1864; mustered out March 14, 1865.

James OAKMAN Jr., 18, enlisted on Dec. 19, 1861, 7th Vt., Co. I, re-enlisted for Grafton, Feb. 29, 1864, prom. Corp. Dec. 13, 1864, Sergt. May 1, 1865; mustered out March 14, 1865.

Austin W. PARK, 18, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; mustered out of service June 24, 1865.

Leonard I. PARK, 29, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G, mustered out June 24, 1865.

Isaac L. PARK, 24, enlisted Sept. 23, 1861, 6th Vt., Co. E, transferred to Invalid Corps July 1, 1863; discharged Oct. 15, 1864.

Dan H. PERHAM, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, Cav. Co. F; killed in action June 29, 1864.

Eldridge G. REED, 18, enlisted Dec. 14, 1861, 8th Vt., Co. H; discharged June 27, 1862.

Augustus J. ROBBINS, 21, enlisted May 7, 1861, 2d Vt., Co. A, prom. 2d Lieut. Co. D, Dec. 2, 1862.

Eugene W. ROBBINS, 18, enlisted Dec. 23, 1863, 2d Vt., Co. C, mustered out July 15, 1865.

Lucian A. ROGERS, 24, enlisted Dec. 1, 1861, 7th Vt., Co. H, Sergt. re-enlisted for Grafton, Feb. 29, 1864, prom. 1st Lieut. July 13, 1865; mustered out March 14, 1865[6].

Charles E. J. ROSS, 21, enlisted Sept. 14, 1861, 4th Vt., Co. F, transferred to Invalid Corps, Sept. 30, 1863; discharged Jan 19, 1865.

G. B. ROUNDY, 20, enlisted Aug. 21, 1862, Cav. Co. F; missing July 13, 1863, supposed to have died at Richmond, Oct. 19, 1863.

Charles C. SHERWIN, 22, enlisted Sept. 11, 1861, 1st SS., Co. F, musician; discharged Nov. 5, 1861.

Harlan SHERWIN, 22, enlisted June 1, 1861, 3d Vt., Co. A; mustered out July 27, 1865.

Erastus B. TARBELL, 30, enlisted June 1, 1861, 3d Vt., Co. A. Corp; discharged Dec. 14, 1861.

George M. TAYLOR, 22, enlisted Feb. 23, 1862, Cav. Co. F, bugler; missing in action June 1, 1864, paroled prisoner, mustered out, March 17, 1865.

George W. WALKER, 25, enlisted Aug. 11, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G, prom. Sergt. Dec. 27, 1863; mustered out June 24, 1865.

Henry WILLARD, 17, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; mustered out, June 25, 1865.

John WYMAN, 32, enlisted Aug. 9, 1862, 11th Vt., Co. G; mustered out June 24, 1865.

Loring WYMAN, enlisted Oct. 21, 1861, 2d SS., Co. H; transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 1, 1863.

Mitchell VASA, 36, enlisted Nov. 27, 1863, 10th Vt., Co. C; discharged March 23, 1864.



David BRINN, 38, enlisted Aug. 1864, 7th Vt., Co. C; mustered out July 14, 1865.

John R. GIBSON, 18, enlisted Aug. 20, 1864, 11th Vt., Co. G; mustered out June 24, 1865.

Henry C. HADLEY, 11th Vt., Co. G.

Thomas LYNCH, 27, enlisted Sept. 8, 1864, 7th Vt., Co. F; mustered out July 14, 1865.

Henry PAQUIN, 22, enlisted Aug. 19, 1864, 7th Vt., Co. C; mustered out June 21, 1865.

Patrick SPILLAM, 27, enlisted Aug. 13, 1864, 3d Vt., Co. I; mustered out July 19, 1865.

Julius W. WHITCOMB, 18, enlisted Aug. 27, 1864, 7th Vt., Co. C; mustered out July 14, 1865.


(All in the 16th Regiment.)

Andrew J. BLODGETT, 19, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862, Co. D, mustered out Aug. 10, 1863.

James C. BATTELL, 18, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862, Co. D, mustered out Aug. 10, 1863.

Parker J. CHAPMAN, 32, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862, Co. D, mustered out Aug. 10, 1863.

(All the soldiers listed here mustered out on the same day, Aug. 10, 1863, not otherwise specified.)

Henry M. CLARK, 36, enlisted Sept. 15, 1862, Co. K.

Levi W. DERBY, 18, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862.

Fernando C. DWINELL, 26, enlisted on Sept. 15, 1862, Co. I.

James B. FULLER, 37, enlisted on Sept. 15, 1862, Co. K.

Henry A. GOULD, 26, enlisted Sept. 15, Co. K, Corp. prom. Sergt. March 16, 1863.

Francis T. HARRIS, 24, enlisted Sept., Co. K, died Feb. 20, 1863.

Mason J. HOWARD, 18, enlisted on Aug. 29, Co. D; mustered out Aug. 10, 1863.

Leroy S. HOWE, 24, enlisted Aug. 29, Co. D, prom. Corp. May 7, 1863.

Newell MCQUADE, 19, enlisted Aug. 18, 1862, Co. I; mustered out July 14, 1863.

Alden W. PARKS, 19, enlisted Aug. 29, Co. D.

Ed. H. PETTINGILL, 29, enlisted Aug. 29, 1862, (and the remainder of these soldiers enlisted, the same date.) Ellery C. TENNEY, 22, Corporal; Marcus B. WAITE, 18; Ezra F. WALKER, 30; Sidney A. WHIPPLE, 19; Russell H. WYMAN, 32; James T. ZUILL, 21.

Oscar W. SHERWIN, 2d Lieut., resigned Dec. 26, 1862.

Henry C. SPRING, 18, died July 12 1863, of wounds received in the battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863.


The first church was organized in this town, June 20, 1785. "The Congregational Church of Thomlinson" - Eight. men and their wives, and one other person having met and spent the day in fasting and prayer, Rev. Mr. WHEELING of Rockingham, and Rev. Mr. SARGEANT of Woburn, gave their public and solemn assent to a covenant that enjoined upon them love and obedience towards God, and affection towards each other.

The town voted to have preaching in 1783, [See early notes by Mr. HALL.] In 1786, to hire Mr. BALLOU to preach on trial. They gave him a call but he was not settled.

In 1787, Mr. FISHER preached on trial, but the people were not united on him.

The same year they gave
a call. The agreement was signed on Nov. 6, 1788, and the same day he was ordained and installed; his salary to be £30 the first year, and increased annually until £60, at which it should afterwards stand, and this should be paid in rye at 4 s per bushel, or wheat at 5 s.

The town also voted to give him 10 acres of land for five years, and each man in town was required to clear his proportion of the same; but as there was trouble in bringing each to do his part, in 1789, it was voted to raise a silver money tax upon all delinquents. This is said to be the first money tax the town ever raised.

Dr. C. B. PARK was born in Grafton, Vt., on the 14th day of December, 1834. He was the son of C. B. PARK, Sr., and Elzim TENNEY, and was a descendant of that branch of the PARK family which early settled in Connecticut. His grandfather moved to Vermont when that State was nearly covered with forests. His great-grandfather served in the continental army.

At an early age C. B. PARK, Jr., showed an inclination for books and study. He read medicine with Dr. L. G. WHITING of Chester, Vt., and with Prof. James H. ARMSBY of Albany, N.Y. At the age of 19 he entered the Albany Medical College, taking three courses of lectures there and one in the University at New York city, and graduated in 1856.

He was married to Miss Nancy D. CARLTON of Andover, Vt., July 3, 1856. They have had three children, William L., Jennie May, and one who died in infancy.

After their marriage the doctor and his wife started for the West, and settled at St. Ansgar, Mitchell county, Iowa, where they remained four years. They then returned to Vermont and lived at Grafton, where the doctor practiced his profession until the year 1862, when he entered the service as surgeon of the 16th Vermont Infantry. After serving with this regiment some months he, at the solicitation of Governor HOLBROOK, accepted the position of surgeon of the 11th Vermont Heavy Artillery, holding the place until the war closed.

We cannot better give the character of his work in the war than to copy from the work entitled "The Vermont Brigade in the Shenandoah Valley," by Aldace F. WALKER*, lieutenant-colonel of the doctor's regiment, as follows:

Among all the faithful soldiers of the Brigade, the one who will be longest remembered with affection by the greatest number and with the greatest reason, is Castanus B. PARK of the 11th Regiment, the Brigade Surgeon. As a worker Dr. PARK was indefatigable, and his skill was equal to the requirements of his position. At and after the battle of Cedar Creek Dr. PARK was at his table for 48 hours consecutively. The number of amputations which be performed was exceedingly large, but he traced with care the after history of each patient, and in no single instance did one fail of recovery.

When the war closed Dr. PARK returned to Vermont where he remained until the spring of 1867, when he again went to Iowa. In 1869 he located at Grand Junction, the year the town started, and bought land here and built a home. He engaged in the lumber business here, and later in the hardware business. Dr. PARK, by his constant endeavor, superior business qualifications and energy, accumulated a good property, and while yet engaged in farming and stock raising, opened a bank with his brother, B. A. PARK, as partner.

Some time after engaging in the banking business he sold his farm, bought out his brother's interest in the bank, and conducted it in his own name until he sold out four years ago to Mr. DUTTON.

He was a matter-of-fact man, who was always candid and took a practical view of both public and private affairs.

August 21, 1891, he was stricken the third time with paralysis, from the effects of which he never recovered.

Dr. PARK leaves a wife and daughter to mourn his loss.


Transcribed by a Volunteer List Member of the VTWINDHA-L.This is a work in progress, town histories will be submitted as time allows.   Thank you to RootsWeb for hosting this site.  You may use the information provided on these pages for your personal genealogical use.  No part of these pages may be harvested and sold for profit.  Copyright 2001, Sue Downhill