Compiled from " Newfane's First Century,"  and other Sources.














JULY 4TH, 1874.


Newfane, the shire town of Wind­ham County, is situated eleven miles west of Connecticut river, and is bounded north by Townshend, east by Dummerston, Putney and Brook­line, west by Wardsboro and Dover, and south by Marlboro. The town­ship contained originally within its chartered limits thirty-six square miles; but, in 1820, that part of the town lying northeast of West river was annexed to Brookline, which materially reduced the chartered area of the town. The original charter of the town was granted in 1753, by Benning Wentworth, gov­ernor of New Hampshire, to Abner Sawyer and others, by the name of Fane. There was a current tradi­tion, seventy years ago, that it was called Fane after Thomas Fane, one of the "men of Kent," who was en­gaged in an insurrectionary move­ment under Sir Thomas Wyat, in 1554, during the reign of Queen Mary, for the purpose of elevating Lady Jane Grey to the throne, in consequence of the odious Spanish match which Mary had formed with Philip 2d. Abner Sawyer and sixty-five others were the original grantees of Fane. Their names were as fol­lows:

Abner Sawyer, John Milling, Ebenezer Morse, Vespasian Millar, Joseph Baker, Thomas Adams, James Ball, John Ball, Samuel Brown, Jabez Beaman, John Hazel­tine, Ross Wyman, John Young, John Adams, Charles Bridgman, Joseph Dyer, jr., John Chadack, Barnet Wait, Ebenezer Taylor, Ebenezer Prescott, Isaac Temple, Edward Goodale, John Holland, Phineas Wilder, Joshua Houghton, Asa Boucher, David Osgood, Jonathan Osgood, Asa Whitcomb, Sam­uel Bayley, Thomas Sawyer, Saul Houghton, Ezekiel Kendall, Samuel Kendall, Daniel Allen, Ebenezer Taylor, jr., Joseph Bayley, Nathaniel Houghton, John McBoide, Philip Goss, Joseph Glazier, Jacob Pike, Benjamin Glazier, Abner Wilder, Josiah Wilder, William Densmore, Barzillai Holt, John Glazier, Nathaniel Bexby, Reuben Moore, Aaron Newton, Peter Larkin, Matthias Larkin, Samuel Moore, Jonathan Wilder, Tille Wilder, Ezra Sawyer, Ezra Sawyer, jr., John Stone, Fortunatus Taylor, Hy. Sherburne, Theodore Atkinson, Richard Wibird, Samuel Smith, John Downing, Samuel Solley, Sampson Sheaffe, Daniel Warner, and John Went­worth, jr.

In 1761 the charter was returned




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to Governor Wentworth, and a new one issued to Luke Brown and his associates, containing the same pro­visions that are embraced in the orig­inal charter. The 11th day of May, 1772, the governor of New York made a grant of this township, by the name of Newfane, to Walter Franklin and twenty others, most of whom resided in the city of New York. This New York charter is a literal copy of the original charter granted by Governor Wentworth. The 12th of May, 1772, Walter Franklin and his associates, the grantees named in the New York charter, assigned and conveyed all their right in said township to Luke Knowlton and John Taylor, Esqs., of Worcester County, Mass. The titles to the lands in said township are derived directly from the New York charter. The township was surveyed in 1772, and duly organ­ized May 17, 1774. The town was first settled in 1766, by Jonathan Park, Nathaniel Stedman and Eben­ezer Dyer, who emigrated from Worcester County, Mass. The first clearing was made by Park and Stedman on the Nathan Merrifield farm, north of the Newfane Hill Common, in the spring of 1766. In In 1774, Judge Knowlton, one of the original proprietors under the New York charter, was allowed some 300 or 400 acres in and about the present site of Fayetteville.

Deacon Park's clearing covered the old common on Newfane Hill and the Knowlton farm. Judge Knowlton exchanged his lands in and about Fayetteville with Deacon Park for his clearing of eighty acres and a log cabin thereon. The dea­con went down and cleared up the land in and about Fayetteville. In 1787, the judge succeeded in remov­ing the shire from Westminster to Newfane Hill; but in 1824 — thirty­-seven years thereafter — the shire was removed from the Hill to Fayette­ville. Had Judge Knowlton made his pitch upon the lots originally allotted to him on Smith's Brook, and contributed as liberally towards the growth and prosperity of a vil­lage where Fayetteville now is, it would have changed materially the destiny of Newfane. Starting, a hundred years ago, a settlement where Fayetteville now stands, with no rival villages near, it would have secured such a concentration of wealth and business as would have made it one of the most important villages in the county. For several years the early settlers suffered all the hardships and privations incident to the settlement of a new country. Without roads, or teams, or any of the ordinary means of transporta­tion, they were under the necessity of conveying. by their own personal efforts, all their provisions and farming tools from Hinsdale, N. H. — a distance of twenty miles — through an unbroken forest. At that early day there was no road or pathway up the valley of the West river, from Brattleboro; but they were obliged to cross Wicopee Hill, in Dummerston by marked trees. Elizabeth, a child of Jonathan Park, was the first child born in town, — February 20th, 1768.




The early settlers of Newfane were never molested by the Indians, for the reason that no permanent settlements were made in this town until after the storming and taking of Quebec by Wolf, in 1759, and the capitulation of Montreal in 1760, when the French lost their control over the Indian tribes in the Cana­das. June 27, 1748, before any set­tlement was commenced, a battle was fought in the south part of this town or north part of Marlboro; the precise place of the battle cannot be fixed. Captain Humphrey Hobbs, with forty men, was ordered from Charlestown, No. 4, through the forest to Fort Shirly, in Heath, one of the frontier posts in Massachu­setts. The march was made with­out interruption until Hobbs arrived at a point about twelve miles north­west of Fort Dummer, "on a low piece of ground covered with alders




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intermixed with larger trees, and watered by a rivulet," where he halted to give his men an opportun­ity to refresh themselves. A large body of Indians, commanded by a half-breed of the name of Sackett, who was said to have been a descend­ant of a captive taken at Westfield, Mass., discovered Hobbs' trail, and endeavored to cut him off. Hobbs had carefully posted a guard on his trail, and, while his men were re­freshing themselves, the enemy came up and drove in the guard. Hobbs then arranged his men for action, each man selecting his tree for a cover. The enemy rushed forward, and received a well-directed fire from Hobbs' men, which check­ed their progress. A severe conflict ensued. Sackett and Hobbs were well known to each other, and both were distinguished for their intrep­idity and courage. Sackett could speak English, and frequently called upon Hobbs to surrender, threaten­ing to sacrifice his men with the tomahawk if he refused. Hobbs, in a loud voice, returned a defiant an­swer, and dared his enemy to put his threat in execution. The action continued about four hours, each party retaining their original position. During the fight the enemy would approach Hobb's line, but were immediately driven back. Sackett, finding his men had suffered severely, retreated, carrying off his dead and wounded. Hobbs lost only three of his men — Ebenezer Mitchell, Eli Scott and Samuel Green; and three were wounded. The loss of the enemy was supposed to be greater. In all battles the In­dians made extraordinary efforts to conceal their loss, and to effect this would incur greater exposure than in actual combat. When one fell, the nearest comrade was accustomed to crawl up and, under cover of the trees an brush. fix a "tump line" to the dead body and cautiously drag it to the rear. Hobb's men stated that in this action they often saw the dead bodies of the Indians slid­ing along the ground as if by enchantment. As late as the year 1810, a large number of graves were visi­ble on the lower portion of the Rob­inson flats, so-called, under a cluster of chestnut trees, near the South branch below Williamsville, where the bodies of the Indians who were killed in this fight were supposed to have been buried; at least, such was the current tradition for fifty years or more among the early settlers of Newfane. Stevens, in his journal, states that Capt. Hobbs started for Fort Shirley from Charlestown, No. 4, with forty-two men, officers in­cluded, on Thursday, June 23, 1748, and camped the first night at Bel­lows Falls, and the next day marched for West river, which they reached Saturday, 25th; "Then traveled down the river and came to the South branch, then traveled up the branch two miles and camped, then traveled six miles southwest, and came to a small brook, where we boiled our kettles, and just as we began to eat, the enemy came upon us." The late General Field, who furnished a sketch of Newfane for Thompson's Gazetteer, about fifty years ago, was evidently misled by the prevailing traditions in relation to the fight with the Indians by Melvin's party, for he fixed the scene of the battle at the mouth of the South branch, in Newfane; and Belknap, in his history of New Hampshire, and Beckley, in his his­tory of Vermont, adopt the same error. The publication of Capt. Melvin's journal, in the New Hamp­shire historical collections, fixes the place of the fight with Melvin's party in Jamaica, some seventeen miles above the mouth of the South Branch in Newfane, and about four miles below the mouth of Winhall river, which, during the old French wars, was regarded as the upper fork of West river, and the South branch in Newfane as the lower fork there­of. After the fight with Hobbs, Sackett retreated and passed down the Wantastiquet to its mouth, and crossing the Connecticut, marched down to a point opposite Fort Dum‑




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mer, where they ambushed a party of seventeen men who were march­ing from Hinsdale to the fort, under command of Ensign Thomas Taylor, and killed four of the party. Four escaped, and the remainder, with Ensign Taylor, were taken prisoners. Ensign Taylor, in a journal describ­ing his march to Canada, which he wrote after his return, describes his route to Crown Point, on Lake Champlain, as follows: "Crossed the Connecticut at a place called 'Catts-bane,' two or three miles above the mouth of West river. which, which we fell in with at the lower fork; thence proceeded up that river, part of the way on the flats, over the ground where Capt. Melvin's affair happened, three or four miles below the upper fork; thence to the source of the river." This would seem to settle the ques­tion conclusively, that the fight with Melvin's party took place some two hundred rods northeast of Jamaica village, on the banks of West river. At the commencement of this cen­tury, the graves on the Robinson meadow, about one hundred rods below Williamsville, near the left bank of the South branch, were plainly to be seen; and the writer of this remembers when a boy, as late as 1812, two graves were dis­tinctly visible on Newfane hill, and the current tradition was that two scouts from Fort Dummer were at one time engaged in shooting salmon at the mouth of the South branch, and being driven by the Indians to the summit of Newfane hill, were killed, and afterwards buried about sixty rods northwest of the site of the old court house. The theories of Beckley, Belknap, and others, in relation to the origin of the graves on the Robinson meadow and on Newfane hill, are all contradicted by the journals of Melvin and Stevens. The ploughshare has long since rudely obliterated every trace of their existence.




The Wantastiquet, commonly called West river, rises in Weston, Windsor county, and, passing through Newfane, empties into the Connecticut at Brattleboro. The South branch, so-called, rises in Dover, and, after receiving a number of tributary streams, passes through the southerly part of the town and empties into the West river near the eastern boundary line of said town. Baker's brook, a tributary of the South branch, rises in Wards­boro, and empties into the South branch at Williamsville. Smith's brook rises in Wardsboro, and, run­ing through the entire northerly part of the town, empties into West river, two miles below Fayetteville. These streams afford many eligible mill sites and water privileges.




The intervals afford excellent till­age land, and the uplands are in­ferior to none in the state for graz­ing. The town is diversified with high hills and deep valleys; but there are no elevations that deserves the name of mountains; there is little or no broken or waste land that is unsuitable for cultivation.




The geological character of the town is uniformly primitive; few continuous ranges can be traced with certainty. The rocks in place are principally mica slate and horn‑blende. Granite is by no means an uncommon rock; boulders and roll­ed masses of granite are scattered in profusion over every part of the town, and sometimes they are found on the summits of the highest hills which are composed entirely of mica slate. These boulders by skillful split­ting, are wrought into fence-posts and building-stone. Horn-blende is a very common rock; it forms a range which extends through the entire town. It is the variety call­ed horn-blende slate, and is often curiously curved and twisted, and occasionally passes into primitive greenstone and greenstone porphyry. Mica slate is the most common rock




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in town, yet no connected range can be traced. It forms the summits and frequently the sides of the hills, and in the valleys it is a common rock; but horn-blende is constantly thrust­ing itself from underneath the mica slate, and interrupting the conti­nuity of its ranges. In the north part of the town are extensive strata of mica slate, which are occasionally quarried and wrought into flagging stones. Talcose slate better deserv­es the name of a range than any other in town. It traverses the whole county, passing through Whit­ingham, Wilmington, Marlboro, Newfane, Townshend, Windham, Athens and Grafton. In Grafton, Athens and Townshend it is exten­sively quarried, and wrought into fire-jambs, etc. There is an exten­sive bed of this rock in the west part of Newfane, bordering on Wards­boro and Dover, which, at some future day will be successfully wrought, whenever the railroad fa­cilities shall be such as to furnish a cheap mode of conveyance to mark­et. Serpentine associated with tal­cose slate forms a range extending four or five miles on the western border of the town, presenting perpendicular precipices in some places forty or fifty feet in height. The crystalline appearance of this rock demonstrates it to be of the most primitive kind. Its texture is close, and it is extremely tough and hard, though in some cases it is easily broken on account of the fissures that pass through it. Chloride slate occurs in this town, in which is em­bedded splendid specimens of garnet. A nugget of native gold, weighing eight and one-half ounces; was found in this town in 1827, about one hun­dred rods east of the village of Williamsville. It was of a conical shape, and there were adhering to it a number of small crystals of quartz. It was found in alluvion consisting of thin strata of sand, clay and water-worn stones. The rocks in situ are all of a primitive class, consisting of horn-blende, horn-blende slate and greenstone porphyry, which are often found alternating with mica slate. At the time this mass of gold was found, it was supposed to have been a piece that was accidently lost by a band of coun­terfeiters, who formerly resided in the immediate neighborhood, al­though their operations were confined exclusively to the counterfeiting of silver coin. Gold at that time had not been discovered elsewhere in New England; but since then its discovery at Somerset, Plymouth, Bridgewater, and other places in Vermont, seemed to favor the theory that it existed originally in the bed of serpentine and talcose slate in the west part of the town. near the head waters of the South Branch, and was swept out of place by some freshet and deposited in the alluvion some six miles below. All the gold which has thus far been found in Vermont has been associated with the serpentine and talcose slate range, which extends from Massa­chusetts north line to Canada. This town probably furnishes the richest and most extensive variety of miner­als of any town in the State.




A melancholy catastrophe occur­red in this town on the night of the 2d of February, 1782, in the burn­ing of the log house of Henry Sawtell, which created great sorrow, bordering upon terror, in the minds of the inhabitants of the vicinity, for the house was not only burned, but Mr. and Mrs. Sawtell and five children were consumed therein. The morning after the fire the neighbors saw a cloud of smoke gathered over the Sawtell place, and smelt an unusual odor in the air like burning flesh and clothing. The site of the house was hidden from the view of all the neighboring in­habitants, being situated in a deep valley; but as they approached the ruins they discovered, to their great horror and astonishment, the Sawtell house in ashes. Some of the




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larger logs were still burning, and the charred bodies of Mr. and Mrs. Sawtell and five of their children were smouldering in the ruins. They gathered up, with pious care, the charred remains of the family, placed them in a coffin, and a public funeral was holden at the center of the town on the fourth, when a great crowd of people from the town and vicinity were assem­bled, and an appropriate sermon was preached by Rev. Hezekiah Taylor, the pastor of the church. From an old copy of his sermon, in the pos­session of the writer of this sketch, it appears that he exhorted his hearers not to construe this painful and violent death of a whole family as a judgment of God by reason of any great or unusual wickedness, for the manner of a person's death was no evidence of his righteousness or sinfulness before God. He ap­pealed in pathetic and eloquent terms to the neighbors and towns­men of the deceased family, to take warning by this terrible and appall­ing calamity to be "always ready," for they know not at what hour the Lord would come, "whether at the second or third watch, whether at nightfall or at midnight." Mr. Henry Sawtell and his wife came to Newfane about 1774, and began the clearing of a new farm at a point midway between Newfane Hill and Williamsville. He was highly es­teemed for his integrity. His wife was regarded as a pious, amiable woman, an exemplary, affectionate mother. After having undergone the hardships and vicissitudes at­tending the commencement of a new settlement, though not wealthy, Mr. Sawtell was in comfortable circum­stances, and contemplated the erec­tion of a more convenient and suita­ble dwelling for his family. But fate had decreed "that but for a little time" and they would need no earthly dwelling.




In the early settlement of the town, a village grew up on the sum­mit of a hill, which rose like a cone in the center of the town, and in 1787 Newfane was constituted the shire town of Windham county, and the courts were removed from West­minster to Newfane Hill, so called. From 1790 to 1820, the village con­sisted of a court house, jail, meeting house, academy, three stores, two hotels, a variety of shops, such as were found in all New England villages at an early day, and about twenty private residences. The village stood upon the summit of the hill, and afforded a prospect as extensive and picturesque as any in New England. From the summit, near the meeting house, might be seen not less than fifty townships, lying in Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. On the west, Haystack in Wilmington, and Manicknung in Stratton, towered above the ridge of the Green moun­tains which formed the western boundary of the county. On the north, Ascutney was plainly visible to the naked eye, and on a clear summer day, the White Hills in New Hampshire could be distinctly seen by the aid of a telescope. The Highlands of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, extending for a distance of more than eighty miles from Sunnapee to Holyoke, were distinct­ly visible on the east, while Monad­nock and Wachusett, with their cloud-capped summits, seemed to mingle with the heavens; and along the margin of the horizon to the southeast, little was to be seen but a broad sea of mountain tops, display­ing, in wild disorder, ridge above ridge, and peak above peak, until the distant view was lost among the clouds.




In 1825, the site of the public buildings were changed from New­fane Hill to what is now called Fay­etteville, a village two miles east of the old centre in the valley of the Wantastiquet or West river. The




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present site of the shire is three miles east of the geographica1 cen­tre of the county, and one mile south of the centre of population. It is easy of access from all parts of the country. A new court house and jail were erected at an expense of $10,000. In 1853, by act of the General Assembly, commissioners were appointed, who altered and im­proved the public buildings at a cost of $13,000. After the removal of the shire from the hill to the val­ley below, the owners of the real estate on the hill commenced re­moving their buildings to Fayette­ville and Williamsville, the two vil­lages that have sprung up since the removal of the public buildings, and as late as 1860 not a building re­mained to mark the pleasant site of the old shire of Windham county. Fayetteville, the present site of the shire, has entirely grown up since 1825.




The following is a list of the town clerks from the first organization of the town, in 1771, to the present time:

Luke Knowlton, from 1774 to 1783; Hezekiah Boyden, from 1783 to 1784; Luke Knowlton, 1784 to 1789; Calvin Knowlton, from 1789 to 1792; Nathan Stone, from 1792 to 1834; Joseph Ellis, from 1834 to 1836; William H. Hodges, from 1836 to 1839; Otis Warren, from 1839 to 1867; Marshall Newton, from 1867 to 1868; Dennis A. Dickenson, from 1868 —.




Ebenezer Myrick, 1779; William Ward, 1780; Ebenezer Myrick, 1781; Daniel Taylor, 1782; William Ward, 1783; Luke Knowlton, 1784-5; Wm, Ward, 1786-7; Luke Knowlton, 1788-9; Calvin Knowl­ton, 1790-91; Luke Knowl­ton, 1792; Moses Kenny, 1793; Ebenezer Allen, 1794 to 1804; Luke Knowlton, 1805-6; Elijah Elmer,1807; Joseph Ellis, 1808-9; Martin Field, 1810; Sylvanus Sherwin, 1811; Luke Knowlton, 1812-13; John Brooks, 1814; Luke Knowl­ton, 1815; Sylvanus Sherwin, 1816; Horace Dunham, 1817; Luke Knowlton, 1818; Martin Field, 1819; Sylvanus Sherwin, 1820; Mar­tin Field, 1821; Sylvanus Sherwin, 1822; Jason Duncan, 1823-4; Syl­vanus Sherwin, 1825; William H. Williams, 1826; D. W. Sanborn, 1827; Sylvanus Sherwin, 1828; Joseph Ellis, 1829-30; Henry Whee­lock, 1831-2; George Williams, 1833-4; Roswell W. Field, 1835-6; James Elliott, 1837-8; Walter Eager, 1839; Nahum Eager, 1840-1; Walter Eager, 1842; Otis Warren, 1843-4; Oliver P. Morse, 1845; no representative in 1846; Marshall Newton, 1847; George Arnold, 1848; Sir Isaac Newton, 1849-50; F. O. Burditt, 1851-2; Chas. K. Field, 1853-4-5; Marshall Newton, 1856; Otis Warren, 1857; Emory Whee­lock, 1858; Otis Warren, 1859; Charles K. Field, 1860; O. L. Sher­man, 1861-2; A. J. Morse, 1863-4; H. T. Robinson, 1865-6; John Rice, 1867; Holland Plimpton, 1868; E. P. Wheeler, 1869; Dana D. Dickin­son, 1870-72; Alvin B. Franklin, 1874-76; John H. Merrifield, 1878-80; M. O. Howe, 1882; Alvin B. Franklin, 1884; Charles F. Sparks, 1886; Albert T. Warren, 1888; Chester E. Perry, 1890.




By a strange perversion of legal principles, which prevailed among the early settlers of Windham coun­ty, it was supposed that whoever married a widow who was adminis­tratrix upon the estate of her de­ceased husband represented insol­vent, and should thereby possess himself of any property or thing which had been purchased by the deceased husband, would become an executor de son tort, and would thereby make himself liable to an­swer for the goods and estate of his predecessor. To avoid this diffi‑




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line, with his relatives and friends, but the jailer refused to permit the body to be taken away; insisting if he permitted the body to be re­moved it would be regarded as an escape, and he and his bail would be made liable to satisfy the original judgment, and not until the cred­itors had consented, would the jailor permit the body to be removed.




At an early day corporal punishments were inflicted at every term of the Court on Newfane Hill. The writer of this sketch, when a mere boy, well remembers witnessing the whipping of old Mother White, of Wardsboro, in August, 1807. She was convicted of passing counterfeit money, and sentenced to receive thirty-nine lashes upon her bare back. A great crowd of men and women collected to witness the whipping. The Post was in the form of a cross, with a transverse strip near the top, to which her bare arms were bound, and her body was stripped to the waist. The High Sheriff applied a certain number of stripes, and the balance were allott­ed to his Deputies, some seven in number, and some of whom applied the blows with great vigor. Near the close of the whipping her back became raw, and she suffered exces­sive pain and she shrieked and scream­ed terribly in her agony. The wri­ter of this sketch, although very young, remembers the scene distinct­ly. The Meeting House and Acad­emy stood a few rods above the site of the Whipping Post, and their windows were filled with women, gazing intently upon the revolting scene. This was probably the last woman publicly whipped in Ver­mont, for the Legislature abolished the Whipping Post that fall and provided for the building of a States Prison at Windsor.





was born in Shrewsbury, Mass., Nov. 4, 1738. He served as a soldier in the old French War, and in 1759 was stationed at Crown Point awhile, and suffered great hardships during his march from Grown Point to Charlestown, No. 4. From a jour­nal he kept during his service as a soldier, we learn that his company, in marching through the wilderness, exhausted their stock of provisions and were obliged to kill a pack-horse to save themselves from starvation. He married Sarah, daughter of Ephriam Holland, of Shrewsbury, Mass., January 5, 1760, and with his family moved to Newfane in Feb. 1773, which was the fourteenth family that settled in town. He continued to reside in this town until his death, which occurred Dec. 12, 1810, at the age of 73 years. His wife died Sept. 1, 1797. He was chosen first Town Clerk, at the or­ganization of the town in 1774, and continued to hold that position for fourteen years. He was Town Representative in the General Assembly of the State of Vermont during the years 1784, 85, 88, 89, 92, 1803 and 1806, and a member of the old Council from 1790 to 1800; Judge of the Supreme Court in 1786 and a Judge of the Windham County Court from 1787 to 1793.

He was a Loyalist, and in conse­quence of the great sacrifices he made in behalf of the British Gov­ernment. in the early part of the Revolutionary war, he received a large and valuable grant of land in Lower Canada, upon a part of which the present town of Sherbrooke is built.

Previous to the year 1784 Judge Knowlton gave in his adherence to the government of Vermont, and voluntarily became a citizen of the State. He was liberal and generous to the poor, entered heartily and zealously into all the public enter­prises of the day, gave to the County of Windham the land for a common




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on Newfane hill, at the time of the removal of the shire from Westmin­ster to Newfane, and contributed largely towards the erection of the first Court House and Jail in Newfane. His family consisted of seven children, three sons and four daugh­ters, as follows:

Calvin, born in 1761, died January 20, 1800; a graduate of Dartmouth college, class of 1783; married Sophia Willard, of Petersham, Mass., in 1793; studied law and practised his profession in Newfane until he died. Patty, born in 1762, died in Ohio in 1814. She married Daniel Warner, and was the grandmother of Hon. Willard Warner, late United States Senator from Alabama, and a mem­ber of General Sherman's staff in his celebrated "March to the Sea." Silas, born 1764, married Sarah Hol­brook at Newfane, November 30, 1786, died in Canada aged eighty. Sarah, born May 2, 1767, married John Holbrook at Newfane, Novem­ber 30, 1786. She died March 22, 1851. Alice married Nathan Stone April 24, 1788. She died November 14, 1865. Lucinda, born August 8, 1771, married Samuel Willard. They lived awhile in Sheldon, Vt.; from thence they removed to Canada where she died, May 4, 1800.

Luke Knowlton, jr., was born in Newfane, March 24, 1775; died at Broome township, Canada East, September 17, 1855, aged eighty. Luke Knowlton's grandsons were men of marked ability, among whom were Paul Holland Knowlton, Broome township, Lower Canada, son of Silas Knowlton, who occupied distinguished political positions in the province, and was for many years a member of the Canadian Parliament; Rev. John C. Holbrook, of Syracuse, N. Y., an eloquent di­vine, highly esteemed for his piety and learning; Hon. Willard Warner, of Alabama; Hon. George W. Knowlton, of Watertown N. Y.; Hon. Frederick Holbrook, of Brat­tleboro, who for two years during the War of the Rebellion, was Gov­ernor of the State of Vermont, andwho in the discharge of his official duties exercised the prudence and discretion, united with the energy and ability which characterized his worthy ancestor, the subject of this notice.



the first pastor of the Congrega­tional church in Newfane was born in Grafton, Mass., in 1748; gradu­ated at Harvard college in 1770, and was settled as pastor of the Congregational church in Newfane the 30th day of June, 1774. The church was organized the same day of his settlement, and at that time there were but fourteen families in the town, and the church consisted of only nine members. He died August 23, 1814. He was possessed of a firm and vigorous constitution, of great endurance, an indomitable will, and a resolution unshaken by the care of his flock and the labor and hardship incident to the early settlement of the town. Possessing habits of great industry, with a lib­eral education, and a disposition of great kindness and benevolence toward all with whom he was con­nected, he faithfully ministered to the spiritual and temporal wants of his people. Of an exceedingly genial temperament, overflowing with wit and humor, he was the delight and ornament of the social circle. His efforts and example contributed em­inently to the happiness and pros­perity of the early inhabitants of the town.



was born in Medway, Mass., 1758; removed to Newfane in 1785. He represented the town in the General Assembly, for ten years, from 1794 to 1804. He was for a time a Judge of the County Court, also a Judge of Probate for the District of Marl­boro, and was actively engaged in public business until his, death De­cember 16, 1805. He was an enterprising, active, and eminently prac­tical man, and highly esteemed for his patriotism and public spirit.




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Born in Shrewsbury, Mass., No­vember 27, 1744; graduated at Harvard in 1770, married Mary Taylor, sister of Rev. Hezekiah Taylor, August 22, 1774. His family resided in Newfane from 1774 until his death, in 1824, with the excep­tion of the term of his pastorate over the church in Dummerston, Vt., from 1784 to 1804. He died January 13, 1824. He was for many years a missionary among the Indians on the head waters of the Susque­hanna. He acted under the patron­age of a society in Scotland. The war of the Revolution interrupted his labors and compelled him to return to New England.






The subject of our sketch, son of Bezaleel and Persis Eager, was born in Northboro, Mass., April, 1750. His mother's maiden name was Ward, and she was related to the Wards of Wocester County, Mass., who distinguished themselves in the war of the Revolution by their patriotism and loyalty. He came to Newfane about the time of the commencement of the war, in which he served awhile as a soldier. He was engaged in the battles of Bennington and Saratoga, but the perils he encountered and the hardships he endured he never communicated to his family in after years, for he was excessively modest and taciturn, and never talked of himself. The musket and cartridge box he bore at the battle of Benning­ton and the taking of Burgoyne at Saratoga, he retained with scrupu­lous care until his decease. He came to Newfane when it was little more than a wilderness, and when the land he purchased was a dense forest. He married a Mrs. Abigail Pike, a widow lady, whose maiden name was Holland.

He cherished a passionate foundness for mathematical studies, particularly geometry, and for many years was the only practical surveyor in the town and vicinity. He took a lively interest in the study of astronomy, and prepared the astro­nomical calculations for two or three almanacs. The only office he was ever known to accept was that of Town Treasurer, which he held for many years. He was reticent, taciturn and generally regarded as unsocial, for he loved seclusion and quiet, and much preferred his books to a free social intercourse with his neigh­bors, or the society of the many cul­tivated men for which the town was distinguished at an early day. He was a member of the Congregational church, although he differed with his bretheren upon the subject of baptism. It is said of him that without consulting his family or friends he quietly rode away one Sabbath morning into a neighboring town and received the ordinance of baptism by immersion, and the fact was studiously concealed from his family for a long time. Quietly and serenely, in the retirement he so much loved and coveted, his days passed away until his life had reach­ed almost four score years, when he died, March 24, 1824. He left at his death three sons and three daughters.

His sons, Benjamin, Nahum, and Walter, were prominent men in town, distinguished for their enterprise, probity and practical good sense. Nahum and Walter Eager represent­ed the town two years, respectively, in the General Assembly of this State, and for more than thirty years they filled many of the most responsible offices in town.



was born in Leavitt, Mass., Febru­ary 12, 1773; graduated at Williams College in 1798, and received the honorary degree of A. M. from Dart­mouth College in 1805. He studied law with his uncle, Lucius Hub­bard, Esq., of Chester, Vt., and upon the decease of Calvin Knowl­ton, in 1800, and at the special in‑




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opinions always had great weight in the Superior Courts of the State, and at the time of his decease, he was esteemed as the ablest lawyer at the Missouri bar. He gained a national reputation in the famous Dred Scott case, which he started and carried on until the appeal was en­tered in the United States Supreme Court, when he turned it over to Montgomery Blair, then residing at Washington. In the dark days of the rebellion, during the years 1861 and 1862, when the friends of the Union in St. Louis and Missouri felt that they were in imminent danger of being driven from their homes and their estates confiscated by rebels and traitors, Gen. Lyon, Gen. Blair, and R. M. Field were among the calm, loyal and patriotic men who influenced public action and saved the city and State.

Eugene Field of Chicago, son of Roswell M. Field, is one of the leading humorous newspaper writers of the country. Several volumes of his character sketches and short poems have been published.



son of Larkin and Anna Williams, and grandson of Col. Abraham Wil­liams, was born in Chester, Mass., February 24, 1776. At an early age he was bound out to a farmer who proved to be a hard master, depriv­ing him almost entirely of school privileges. He came to Newfane, in October, 1797, and took charge of the cloth dressing and oil making works of Thomas and Darius Wheel­er. In 1801, he bought the mills of the Wheeler's and worked them until his decease. He engaged in the mercantile business in 1814, and continued in trade for more than forty years. During the war of 1812 he was extensively engaged in the manufacture of potash and woolen cloth. He erected a large flouring mill, also a carding machine and saw-mill.

He was a resident of Newfane about 70 years, gave a name to the village where he resided and died; contributed largely towards the erec­tion of the village church in 1834, and was at all times liberal and gen­erous in his donations for the sup­port of the gospel.

He was a member of the Metho­dist church, represented the town in the General Assembly, filled many municipal offices and faith­fully discharged the duties incident to the same. He was enterprising, industrious and eminently practical in all his views and efforts. He was liberal in his contributions for the furtherance of all public enterprises which stimulated the growth and prosperity of the town, and although he suffered severely by fire and flood at different times during his life, yet by his untiring industry and perse­verance he repaired all his losses and accumulated a handsome fortune, which he left to his family. He married Abigail Robinson, October 17, 1802. She was born March 25, 1781, died July 6, 1821. He mar­ried Rosanna Miller for his second wife, February 22, 1826. She was born May 19, 1794; died Oct. 1, 1884. He died Dec. 9, 1866. Here follows the names, births and deaths of his children, only two of whom survived him

George Williams, born September 1803, died May 26, 1841.

Anna Williams, born January 24, 1805, died January 26, 1805.

Hastings Williams, born March 5, 1806, died December 26, 1808.

Mary Williams, born May 26, 1808, died May 27, 1834. She mar­ried Roswell Robertson, January 26, 1831.

Sarah R. Williams, born March 30, 1810. Married Roswell Robert­son, December 10, 1835, and died October 9, 1839.

Louisa Williams, born October 26, 1811, married John A Merrifield, January 17, 1843, died Aug. 15, 1884.

William L. Williams, born Dec. 9, 1813, died at Dubuque, Iowa, January 11, 1864.

Abigail E. Williams, born March




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3, 1816, married Charles Converse, of Ohio, September 25, 1808, died — John W. Williams, born January 9, 1818, married Gertrude Brown, April 22, 1841, and died May 25, 1851.



was born in Newfane in February, 1776, died August 17, 1862, aged 86. He married, for his first wife, Milli­cent Durren, of Newfane, in 1797. She died. in 1813. He married, for his second wife, Miss Priscilla Rit­ter, of Walpole, N. H., in Septem­ber, 1815. She died June 9, 1862. His children, by his first wife, were Clark Fisher; Lydia, who married Nathaniel Sampson, of Brattleboro; Orrison Fisher; Caroline, who mar­ried Richmand Dunklee of Newfane; Millicent, who married Richard P. Pratt, of Newfane; Hannah, who married Isaac Bur­nett, of Dummerston, and Simon Fisher, the only surviving son. Daniel Fisher, Sr., the father of the subject of this sketch, was born in Milford, Mass., in 1752, and removed to Newfane in 1771. He purchased a large amount of real estate, situate in the eastern portion of the town, supposed to exceed one thousand acres in quantity, and embracing within its limits the fertile and pro­ductive meadows on West river. At an early day he was known and called by the name of Corn Fisher, for the reason that he raised upon his meadows great crops of Indian corn, which he sold to the early set­tlers on the hills and mountains west of Newfane. He was exceed­ingly thrifty and prudent, and at his decease he left a large estate. He died in 1820, aged 68. Daniel Fisher, the subject of this sketch, inherited a large property from his father, which he judicionsly distrib­uted among his children and grand­children before his decease. He was generous and even munificent in his donations and subscriptions for vari­ous public enterprises. He was distin­guished for his integrity and benev­olence, cordial and kindly in his greetings and generous in his hospi­talities; liberal and kind to the poor and suffering, never closing his door or his hand to their applications for relief. He was of a tall, command­ing figure, and manly and dignified in his deportment. He early united with the First Congregational church in Newfane, and died at an advanc­ed age, universally respected and beloved for his integrity and benev­olence. The father and son were both distinguished for their practi­cal good sense, and were often elect­ed to the most important municipal offices in town, and faithfully dis­charged their official duties.



Born in Newfane, July 2, 1797, died April 5, 1873. He was nearly 76 years of age at the time of his decease. His death resulted from injuries received by a fall from his carriage, in the month of November, 1872. He was greatly distinguished for his energy and enterprise. He represented Windham County in the State Senate for two years, and for the last 50 years of his life lie had filled the most important municipal offices in his native town. As a cit­izen he faithfully discharged all his duties, and greatly distinguished himself by the zeal and energy with which he entered into all the enterprises which were calculated to pro­mote the growth and prosperity of his native town. He was munifi­cent in his contributions for public improvements, and generous and liberal in his gifts for the relief of the suffering poor. It was oftentimes said of him, that he had a great heart and it was in the right place. His friendships were endur­ing, and his heart was full of the kindest charities for the poor and of sympathy for the suffering and dis­tressed.



was born in Northboro, Mass., Sept. 11, 1747, died in Newfane,




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June 23, 1808, aged 61 years. He was supposed to have descended from a family by the name of Keayne, as there were many of that name in the vicinity of Boston and Lynn from 1630 to 1670, and none by the name of Kenney until after that period. (See Shurtliff's Records, second volume.) He married Azu­bah Parmenter, about the year 1770. She was born in Sudbury Mass., Jan. 17, 1751, and died in Newfane, Jan. 3, 1837. They removed to Newfane during the year 1774. They had 12 children, four of whom died in infan­cy and early childhood. The others all lived to in age past middle life. Sally, who married Zadock Chapin, was born Sept. 11, 1771, removed to Pennsylvania with her husband, and died in 1831. John, born April 18, 1773, died in Newfane Sept. 6, 1849. Lucy, wife of Capt. Chan­dler Carter, born August 27, 1777, died in Newfane in 1825. Captain Carter was a prominent citizen, a skillful mechanic, a fine military officer, highly respected for his honesty and industry. He died in Michigan about 1864. Halloway Kenney, born February 18, 1781, removed to Lower Canada, and the day and place of his death is un­known. Charlotte, born May 26, 1783, died in Lower Canada, Febru­ary 22, 1843. She married Luke Knowlton, jr., of Newfane, March 18, 1799. Silas Kenney was born April 12, 1785, died May 5, 1863. In 1813 and 1814 he commanded a company of cavalry composed of citizens of Newfane and Wardsboro. While he held a subordinate position in the company, and it was under the command of Captain Barnard, of Wardsboro, they as­sembled at the dwelling-house of Silas Kenney, and ascending a stone wall which he had just com­pleted, they marched and conter­marched upon its top which was at least six feet across. The wall was built upon the roadside and twenty rods or more in length. After his discharge from the com­mand of the cavalry company he organized and commanded a company of riflemen, who were the pride and boast of the town, the rank and file numbering not less than one hun­dred tall and stalwart men, beauti­fully uniformed with green frocks, and caps ornamented with black plumes. For a few years it was re­garded as the best drilled and most attractive military company in the State.

Olive, wife of Jonathan Hall, was born April 25, 1787. Munnis Ken­ney, born December 10, 1788, died April 5, 1863. He fitted for college at the old academy on Newfane hill, graduated at Middlebury college, studied law and practiced his pro­fession in Townshend, Vt., for a number of years represented the town of Townshend in the State Legislature many times. In 1830 he removed to Webster, Washtenaw county, Michigan. While living in Michigan he was a prominent and influential citizen of the town and county where he resided. Sewell Kenney, born April 1, 1791, died in Chicago, Illinois, October 14, 1844.

Deacon Kenney possessed a vigo­rous and robust constitution, and in all his farm labors was exceedingly active and industrious. He left a large estate to his children, and of the thousand acres or more of wild forest land which he originally pur­chased, he had cleared and fenced, with heavy stone wall, more than six hundred and fifty acres. He built the first grist mill in town, at the outlet of Kenney Pond, so-called, within a hundred rods of his homestead; represented the town in the General Assembly, filled many municipal offices in the town, was a deacon in the church at the time of his decease, and in all his relations in life was distinguished for his in­dustry, probity and public spirit.









Marshall Newton (gunsmith), of




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hand. He was greatly respected while living and sincerely morned at his decease. Marshall Newton was married to Lydia Duncan of Dummerston in 1833. Their only child Evelyn died at about the age of 14. He married Nancy Tufts, daughter of Rev. James Tufts of Wardsboro, Dec. 14, 1836, who is now living. Of their eight children seven lived to maturity: Fanny W., John, Seraph, James H., Mary, Chas. Marshall, and William Henry.

Marshall Newton like his grand­father furnished three sons for the war. James H. Newton was killed at the battle of Spottsylvania Court House. Three sons and three daugh­ters are living. There are five grandchildren.



Born in Milford, Mass., July 12th, 1754, married Sarah Taylor, sister of Rev. Hezekiah Taylor, and re­moved to Newfane in the early part of 1775. He bought of John Wheeler November 13th, 1575[sic], a farm in the parish, so-called, which he occupied until September, 1796, when he exchanged farms with Lieut. James Lamb. The Lamb farm which he received in exchange embraced an extensive meadow a hundred rods or more below Will­iamsville, where Sackett's men who were killed in the fight with Hobbs, June 25th, 1748, were buried.

Jonathan Robinson died April 14, 1819.

Sarah Robinson, his wife, died March 9, 1809.

They had ten children as follows:

Simon T. Robinson, born April 19, 1779, died in Townshend, May 11, 1813.

Abigail Robinson, born March 25, 1781, married William H. Williams, died July 26, 1821.

John H. Robinson, born August 3, 1783, died September 17, 1843.

Aaron C. Robinson, born October 3, 1785, killed by a fall from his wagon June 4, 1864.

Jonathan Robinson, born November 5, 1787, died July 23, 1829, at Wardsboro.

Hezekiah Robinson, born March 31, 1791, died February 7, 1851, at Waterloo, Canada.

Sally Robinson, born January 12, 1795, died April 16, 1871.

Hannah C. Robinson, born July 5, 1798, married Arad Taylor, Jan­uary 11, 1821, died September 1, 1853.

Mary C. Robinson, born July 29, 1800, died in infancy.

Hollis T. Robinson, born August 25, 1803, died ———.



the third son of Jonathan Robin­son, sr., succeeded his father in the possession of the farm and occupied the same until his decease, in 1864, and during his possession added to it largely by the purchase of adjoin­ing lands. He possessed more than ordinary ability. His strong sense and excellent judgment gave him great prominence among his towns­men. For thirty years or more before his death, he was uniformly selected and appointed road commis­sioner at almost every term of the Windham County Court, upon peti­tions to lay roads and bridges in the several towns in the county.

It is creditable to his superior judgment that there are more or less highways in every town in the coun­ty, that were surveyed and laid out under his especial direction and su­pervision, and since they were built they have greatly subserved the in­terest and convenience of the public.

He married Betsey Crosby of Brewster, Mass , June 18, 1816 She was born July 12, 1791, died Octo­ber 20, 1867.

They had four children, as fol­lows:

Mary C. Robinson, born July 18, 1817, married Dennis A. Dickinson, February 25, 1845.

Eliza A. Robinson, born August 10, 1831.

Aaron W. and Betsey C. Robinson, twins, born August 9, 1833




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Aaron W. died December 13, 1838. Betsey C. married O. L. Sherman, of Newfane, September 10, 1856.



the fourth son of Jonathan Robinson, Senior, was educated for a merchant and was largely engaged in mercantile business in Wardsboro, where he resided at the time of his decease. He was highly respected and honored by his townsmen; rep­resented the town in the General Assembly, was for a few years a Judge of the Windham County Court, and was highly esteemed for his ability and enterprize.




son of Jonathan Robinson, Sr., was born at Newfane, Vt., March 31st, 1791. He received a good element­ary English education at the Acad­emy of his native town.

In 1817 he married Seleucia Knowlton, oldest daughter of As­sistant Judge Luke Knowlton, of Windham county.

His father-in-law having removed to Canada, Mr. Robinson followed him in 1821, and settled in Stukely, Shefford county, where he built a carding mill. The following year he purchased a valuable mill site in the adjoining township of Shefford, with small grist and saw-mills, and to which he removed his carding mill. A few years later he rebuilt the mills and opened a store. At Judge Knowlton's suggestion he called his new purchase Waterloo.

His unswerving integrity com­manded the respect and confidence of the community. He was repeat­edly chosen to municipal and other offices, which he filled with ability and credit. By the governor of the Province he was, in 1831, appointed Justice of the Peace for the District of Montreal, and in 1836, the first postmaster of Waterloo. From the time of his appointment to the date of his death, in 1851, he was the leading magistrate in the neighbor­hood.

In 1815 he became a member of the Congregational society in his native town, then under the pastor­ate of the Rev. Jonathan Nye. Shortly after his removal to Canada he became a member of the Church of England (Episcopal) and was ever after warmly attached to her Scrip­tural Liturgy, a constant attendant upon her worship, and a devout and regular communicant. He contrib­uted liberally towards building the first church (Episcopal) in Water­loo, and gave seventeen acres of val­uable land, now comprised within the village limits, towards the en­dowment of the parish.

The village which he practically founded, is now, in 1876, a thriving town of nearly three thousand in­habitants, the seat of public business of the county, and the commer­cial centre of a wealthy and enter­prising district.

Mr. Robinson's family consisted of five sons and four daughters, all of whom, with the exception of one daughter, who died in childhood, married and settled in Waterloo, or its vicinity.



the youngest son of Jonathan Rob­inson, Sen., was bred a merchant in the store of his brother Jonathan, and for several years was engaged in mercantile business. He represent­ed the town of Newfane in the Gen­eral Assembly, and for many years he was trial justice in Newfane. He resided seventeen years in Canada, and for fourteen years was a Sheriff's bailiff in one of the eastern counties. He died Feb. 1, 1885.

He married Eliza Tufts, daughter of Rev. James Tufts of Wardsboro, and they had four children.




Luke Knowlton, jr., son of the Hon. Judge Luke Knowlton, of the Supreme Court of Vt., and of Sarah




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Holland, his wife, was born in New­fane, March 24, 1775, and educated first at the elementary school, at Westminster, Vt., then at Chester­field academy, N. H., and finally as a private pupil and law student of his brother Calvin, a graduate of Dartmouth College, N. H., at New­fane, wherd he was admitted to the bar about 1796. He was a success­ful practitioner although he had no special fondness for the profession, and became assistant judge of Wind­ham county, and also represented Newfane for several years in the General Assembly of Vermont.

In 1799 he married Charlotte, daughter of Deacon Moses Kenney of Newfane, who was then under 16 years of age. Her father opposed the match on three grounds, viz.:

First — "She is too young." Sec­ond — "I cannot spare her." Third — "I can give her no dower."

To this demurrer the young ad­vocate replied:

First — "She will grow older every day, and as fast in my hands as in yours." Second — "You have a wife and other daughters, and can better do without her than I can." Third — "It is your daughter that I want and not a dower."

The man of law was successful in his suit — the demurrer of the Deacon being withdrawn.

This union proved to be fruitful, the issue being ten daughters and five sons.

Previous to his father's death in 1810, Mr. Knowlton became inter­ested with him in wild lands in the Province of Lower Canada; this led to repeated journeys, on horseback, to that district and eventually re­sulted in his settling, in 1821, in Stukeley, Lower Canada.

In 1825 Judge Knowlton removed to Brome, then in Shefford county, and settled upon a farm, where he remained thirty years, till his death, aged 80, in 1855, having survived his wife twelve years.



was born at Wilmington, Vt., De­cember 5, 1793. In June, 1805, he went to Saratoga Springs with his father, who died there the 22d of August following. After the death of his father he lived at Wilming­ton with his mother, employed on the farm and in the tavern, until her death, which occurred March 3, 1813, with the exceptions of a few months, when absent at school or attending store.

In April, 1815, he engaged himself to the late Hon. Samuel Clarke, of Brattleboro, for two years, as clerk in his store. In April, 1817, he en­tered into partnership for two years with the late Hon. John Noyes in a store in Dummerston as active part­ner, under the firm name of Noyes & Birchard. At the end of two years the firm was dissolved, and his brother Roger was received as his partner in trade, under the firm name of A. & R. Birchard, and bus­iness continued at the same place.

In April, 1819, he married Rox­ana, eldest daughter of the late John Plummer, jr., of Brattleboro. Soon after their marriage they vis­ited Saratoga for her health, but she continued to decline and died July 9, 1820.

In April. 1822, he removed to Newfane Hill, the county seat, and continued trade under the firm name of A. & R. Birchard.

In September, 1824, he married Mary A., daughter of the late John Putnam of Chesterfield, N. H., by whom he had four children, two sons and two daughters. Sardis, his youngest son, gave his life for his country in the war of the Rebell­ion, and died a prisoner at Ander­sonville, Ga., August 22, 1864.

On the shire being located at Park's flat, now Fayetteville, in 1825, he immediately commenced building a store at that place and had it finished about the first of May, 1825, and filled with goods.

The subject of this sketch was an early advocate of railroads and other




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public improvements; cheerfully la­bored on the building committee and other committees of the society formed for building the first meet­ing-house in Fayetteville; also, on the prudential and other important committees of the Congregational society for many years. He was elected a member of the old council in 1833, at that time a co-ordinate branch of the State Government, and re-elected in 1834. He was elected one of the board of the Council of Censors, in 1841, and proposed an amendment to the constitution, abolishing said board and providing a different mode of amend­ing the organic law of the State, which failed of adoption, but the proposition was renewed in 1870, and adopted by the Constitutional convention of that year. In 1846 he was elected State Senator. In April, 1850, he retired from trade, his constant occupation for thirty-five years. In January, 1854, he was appointed treasurer of the Windham County Savings Bank, and held the office twenty years.

He was a strenuous opponent of slavery and secret societies, from early manhood. A cheerful contributor to the Missionary and Bible societies, and other public and private charities. In 1864 he united with the Congregational church.



Dea. John Grout, who lived in the southwest part of the town, came from Westminster to Newfane about the year 1810. He was the fourth in descent from Capt. John Grout of Watertown, Mass., who came here from England about the year 1634, and is believed to have been the son of Richard Grout (or Groutte,) whose lineage has been traced back to the Grudii, a Belgic tribe spoken of by Julius Cæsar. John Grout married Azubah Dunklee of West Brattleboro, in 1811, and in 1836 went there to live, and there died in 1851. He was the father of nine children, of whomeight were sons. Of these, Lewis, the eldest, Admatha, the second, and Henry Martyn studied for the ministry. Admatha, a graduate of Dartmouth College, and of Union Theological Seminary, died in Kan­sas in 1855. Henry Martyn, a graduate of Williams College, from which he received the honorary title of D. D., died in Concord, Mass., in 1886. Of the living, aside from Lewis in West Brattleboro, one resides in Kansas, one in Illinois, one in California, and one in Medford, Mass.



Rev. Lewis Grout was born in Newfane, Vt., January. 28, 1815, at­tended Brattleboro Academy in 1834, '5, '6 and '7, and Burr Seminary in Manchester, Vt., in 1838; graduated at Yale College in 1842; taught in a military, classical and mathematical school, at West Point, N. Y., for nearly two years; studied theology at Yale Divinity College two years, 1844 and 1845, and graduated from Andover Theological seminary in 1846. He was ordained as a missionary and married to Miss Lydia Bates,  in Springfield, Vt., October 8,1846; set sail from Bos­ton for South Africa October 10; stopped for a few weeks in Cape Town, and reached Port Natal, Africa, February 15, 1847. Here, among the Zulus, in the District of Natal, he labored as a missionary in the service of the American Board, for fifteen years, and at the end of that time, with health impaired, he returned to America, and landed in Boston, June 7, 1862. Health some­what restored, he preached a year for the Congregational Church in Saxton's River, and then accepted a call to the church in Feeding Hills, Mass., where he was installed and labored till the first of October, 1865. He then received an appoint­ment from the American Missionary Association as secretary and agent of that society for New Hampshire and Vermont, and in their employ has continued till the present time,




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now, September, 1876, about eleven years, having his home in West Brattleboro.

He has had two children, one son who died in Natal; the other a daughter, Annie L. Grout, who graduated at Abbott Female Acad­emy, Andover, Mass., in 1870; had charge of Belair Institute, in West Brattleboro, for four years; taught in a Ladies' Seminary in Philadel­phia a year, and is now teaching in Atlanta University, Atlanty, Ga.



the third son of William H. Wil­liams, was a clerk in his father's store during his early youth, and when he attained to his majority he entered into a copartnership with his father in the mercantile business, which he prosecuted successfully for many years. He removed to Du­buque about 1860, and was exten­sively engaged in business as a pro­duce broker at the time of his de­cease. He was exceedingly popular in his manners and highly esteemed for his intelligence and sound prac­tical judgment. While residing in Newfane he manifested a lively in­terest in the growth and prosperity of his native town, was munificent in his donations in aid of all the en­terprises that would contribute to its progress and advancement. He gave generously to the poor, was kind to the sick and suffering; he was courteous and affable in his bearing, proverbially honest and up­right in all his business relations, modest and familiar in his deport­ment. His, whole life was without reproach and his death at the com­paratively early age of fifty, was a source of great regret to all his friends and associates. He accu­mulated a handsome property which he bequeathed to the two sons of his deceased brother, John W. Wil­liams.




Charles K. Field, the oldest son of Martin Field, was born in Newfane, April 24, 1803; fitted for col­lege at Amherst, Mass.; entered Middlebury College at the age of 15 and graduated in 1822. After study­ing law three years in the office of his father he was admitted to the bar in this county and commenced the practice of his profession in Newfane. In 1828 he moved to Wilmington, where he resided for ten years, representing that town in the Legislature in 1835, '36, '37 and '38. He was a delegate to the State Constitutional Convention in 1836. In 1838 he returned to Newfane, where he resided until 1861, repre­senting the town in the Legislature in 1853, '54, '55 and '90, and also representing it in the Constitution­al Convention in 1842, '50 and '57. In 1861 he moved to Brattleboro, where he resided until his decease, Sept. 16, 1880. He was elected a member of the Council of Censors in 1869, and chosen president thereof at its first session, and in 1870 rep­resented Brattleboro in the Consti­tutional Convention. Thus it will be seen that he had large experience in legislative bodies where he always exerted great influence and did much toward shaping the legislation of the State.

Mr. Field inherited many of his father's characteristics, especially his sarcasm, humor and faculty for relating stories, of which he possess­ed an inexhaustable store. He was a great reader and the best ancient and modern authors were as familiar to him as were his village neighbors. His memory was wonderful; he re­membered all of value that he ever read or heard, and had it at instant command, which, with his quick perception, originality, powers of description, wit and humor, made him a most entertaining man in con­versation, a brilliant public speaker and a formidable adversary in foren­sic debate. His judgment of men was unerring. A distinguished jurist of this State once said of him, that it made little difference what men said to him, he seemed to look right into their minds and read their




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real thoughts. He was a skillful lawyer, few men wielding a keener rapier than he, and he apparently possessed every requisite of a most effective jury advocate; but though he always commanded a large prac­tice, he mainly left the trial of jury cases to others, regarding that as an uncertain and unsatisfactory field of enterprise. He was widely known throughout this State and highly regarded for his brilliant abilities. He possessed a kind sympathetic heart, retained the strongest attach­ment for his friends, and was an honest man. He was the last of that generation of men composed of the Bradley's, the Kellogg's, the Shafter's and the Fields,' who for more than half a century gave em­inence to the bar of Windham county, and whose names will always shine in the galaxy of Vermont's distinguished men.

Mere casual acquaintances were sometimes repelled by his somewhat rough exterior and blunt remarks, but those who knew him intimately looked below the surface into his heart and esteemed and loved him.

Mr. Burnham, in his sketch of Mr. Field, in his history of Brattle­boro, quoted Byron's couplet upon Sheridan,


"God never made but one such man,

And broke the die in moulding Sheri­dan."


Mr. Field was married in 1828 to Julia A. Kellogg of Cooperstown, N. Y., by whom he had four chil­dren, three of whom survived him. Mrs. E. P. Jewett of Montpelier, Mrs. H. C. Willard of Brattleboro and Henry K. Field of San Fran­cisco.



John Wheeler, one of the early settlers of Newfane, was a descend­ant of the fourth generation, from Thomas Wheeler, of Concord, Mass , who was living there in 1640. Capt. Thomas Wheeler and Shadrach Hapgood, with twenty others, went to Brookfield to treat with the Indians in 1675. They were drawn into am­bush, where Capt. Thomas Wheeler was wounded and Hapgood was killed A decendant of the one mar­ried a decendant of the other in 1717, and were the parents of John Wheeler, born 1735.

John Wheeler's wife was Jedidah Bigelow of Marlboro, Mass.

Their children were,

Darius Wheeler, born in 1761, married Francis Balcom and went to Alleghany county, N. Y., about the year 1815.

Susanna Wheeler, born in 1762, married Jonas Stockwell of Dum­merston Hill.

Thomas Wheeler, born in 1765, married Amy Wood of Dummers­ton, settled in Newfane, where he died about the year 1813, and his widow afterwards became the second wife of Elijah Elmer, Esq., of New­fane.

Mary Wheeler, born in 1767, married Joel Stockwell of Dum­merston Hill.

Elizabeth Wheeler, born in 1769, married Daniel Taylor, Jr. of New­fane.

Catherine Wheeler, born in 1771, married Gamaliel Arnold of Dum­merston Hill.

The children of Thomas and Amy Wheeler were:

Austin Wheeler, born in 1797, went to Waterloo with Hezekiah Robinson, in 1821. Married first, Charlotte Sophia, daughter of Luke and Charlotte Kenney Knowlton. His second wife was Charlotte, daughter of Samuel and Sylvia Keep Miller of Dummerston. His third wife was Melona Ann, daughter of George and Orilla Pease Williams of Newfane. He settled in Brome, Quebec, where he died in 1866.

George Wheeler, born in 1799, married Ferona, daughter of George and Orilla Pease Williams. He lives in Newfane.

Thomas Wheeler, born in 1801, married Julia Lucy, daughter of Jason Duncan of Newfane, now liv­ing in Muskegon, Mich.




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Franklin Wheeler, born in 1803, died unmarried in Newfane, in 1843.

Julianna Maria Wheeler, born in 1807, married Asa Blunt of Bolton, Quebec.

Laura Ann Wheeler, born in 1809, married Luke Morgan Knowl­ton, of Brome, Quebec, died in 1845.

John Elhanan Wheeler, born in 1812, married Mary Ann Roylance of New York city, died in Kewanee, Ill., in 1867. He was employed for many years by Mr. Greely as foreman in the office of the New York Tribune, and still later was one of the editors of the Chicago Tribune. He was a man of genius and good literary taste.




Died at his residence in Fayette­ville, (Newfane,) Vt.. May 17, 1867, Rev. Otis Warren, in his fifty-ninth year.

He was born in Pomfret, Vt., No­vember 23, 1807. His father, Oli­ver Warren, died when Otis was but seven years old, leaving him and three younger sisters in the care of an affectionate and faithful mother. At the age of fourteen he was ap­prenticed to learn the cabinet­maker's trade, in Barnard, and as it was his natural inclination to do well whatever he did, be became an exact and efficient mechanic.

Having become intensely interest­ed in the doctrine of a universal Father and an all-efficient Saviour, he procured the works of Ballou, Balfour, Hudson and others. These with a pocket Bible were his con­stant companions, generally having a well-worn book upon his bench or in his hand, and midnight and often the gray light of morning would find him with unclosed eyes and book.

The sacred Scriptures became familiar to him as "household words," and a determination to become a teacher in our spiritual Israel was fixed in his mind.

October 30, 1832, he married Miss Emily, second daughter of Isaiah Tinkham, Esq., of Pomfret, a lady of many accomplishments, and every virtue, his constant com­panion and able coadjutor in his public labors and domestic life.

After studying awhile with the lamented Rev. A. Bugbee, he preached his first sermon in West Brattleboro, in the summer of 1833. In the autum he returned to his native town and preached there and in the vicinity, until he received an invitation to become pastor of the Union Society, in Newfane, Vt., to which place he with his family re­moved in August, 1836, where he was ordained the September follow­ing, and where he lived in happi­ness and peace with the society and acquaintances, in a ministry of more than twenty years. His stand­ing may be known from the fact that for four years he represented the town of Newfane in the Legis­lature of Vermont. and was twenty-nine consecutive years elected town clerk, and held the office at the time of his death.






The first white woman and un­doubtedly the oldest person that ever lived in town, was Mrs. Jane Hazelton, who died on the Franklin farm, February 16, 1810, at the advanced age of one hundred and three years, eleven months and eleven days. A venerable lady who well remembers this centenarian, says of her, that the day she was one hundred years old she spun a full day's work, and then called her son and told him to set her wheel away, as she had spun her last thread. Tradition says that Mrs. Dyer was the first white woman that ever wintered within what was then supposed to be the chartered limits of Fane. We find her death re­corded November 27, 1789, at the age of eighty-nine, and that of Joseph Dyer, September 2, 1790, at the age of ninety. The names of




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Ebenezer Dyer, who is reported in Thompson's Gazetteer as one of the original trio of settlers, is not men­tioned in the town records or Heze­kiah Taylor's notes; but inasmuch as the early historians have handed down the name, it is probable that there was such a name in the family. We have been able to obtain the least authentic knowledge of this family of either of the original three.

Isaac Goodnough and wife lived in the married state sixty-six years. She died October 8, 1804, aged eighty-seven, having been a member of the church seventy-two years. He died July 6, 1805, aged ninety-two. Thomas Green and wife lived to­gether sixty years, dying July 10 and 24, 1804, at the age of eighty. Artemas Bruce and wife were married fifty-five years. He died July 31, 1811, aged eighty-four. She died the 29th of August, follow­ing, aged seventy-eight. The first grown person whose death we find recorded by the Rev. Mr. Taylor, is that of Ebenezer Merrick, who was killed by a falling tree, January 9, 1779, aged seventy-five. April 20 and 21, 1795, five children died in town under twelve years of age.




The Windham County Savings Bank, located at Newfane, Vt., was charted in 1853, and in December of the same year was organized with the following officers: Hon. John Roberts, President; Emery Wheelock, Vice President; Austin Birch­ard, Treasurer.



Wm. R. Shafter, William Harris, Jas. H. Phelps, Daniel Read, Preston F. Perry, Lewis F. Walker, Thomas White, Jonas Twitchell, William L. Williams, Aaron C. Robinson, John Rice, jr. Marshall Newton, Franklin Sawyer, Jacob Dunklee, jr., Charles K. Field.



William L. Williams, John Rice, jr., Jonas Twitchell, Charles K. Field, Franklin Sawyer.

The first deposit was made Feb. 7, 1854. Amount, $2.00. From this small beginning it has increased to over half a million. Its growth and standing at the expiration of one year, and at the close of each decade thereafter, may be learned from the following figures:


                          Deposits.                      Surplus.                   Resources.

Jan. 1855,      $11,677.82                       $253.72                  $11,521.73

Jan. 1865,        93,497.28                      3,714.89                    97,212.17

Jan. 1875,      176,509.13                      5,358.67                  181,867.80

Jan. 1885,      397,735,17                    16,780.58                  414,515.75

Jan. 1891,      504,687.06                    37,197.73                  541,884.79


In its early days the bank kept its papers and transacted its business in a small room in the dwelling house of the treasurer, aftewards and until 1883, in a building which it owned, but rented most of it for a store. Since 1883 it has occupied a fine brick building, erected in the village of Newfane, for the purposes of the bank. It is one of the most substantial edifices of the kind in the state. From the first the institu­tion has been under conservative management, and to this fact alone has been largely due its past pros­perity.

Its presidents have been, Hon. John Roberts, from 1853 to 1869, Col. Jonas Twitchell from 1869 to 1878, Dea. Samuel D. Winslow, from 1879 to 1891, when he tendered his resignation.

Its treasurers have been, Austin Birchard from 1853 to 1874, and Milon Davidson from 1874 to 1891, and he is the present incumbent. The officers at this date are, ——— President; N. M. Batchelder, Vice President; Milon Davidson, Treasurer. Board of Trustees, Wm. T Bruce, I. K. Batchelder, P. H. Rutter, H. H. Holbrook, John B. Stebbins, E. B. Batchelder, N. M. Batchelder, W. C. Halladay, B. C. Eager, E. C. Benedict, A. A. Wy­man.

Board of Investment, I. K. Batch‑




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elder, Wm. T. Bruce, B. C. Eager,  M. Davidson, P. H. Rutter. Auditors, N. M. Batchelder, W. C. Halladay, H. H. Holbrook.






One hundred and twenty years ago, or in 1771, three years before its organization as a town, there were 52 inhabitants in Newfane. By the several U. S. censuses the popu­lation of the town is given as fol­lows:


1791, 660.                                                1840, 1,403.

1800, 1,000.                                             1850, 1,304.

1810, 1,276.                                             1860, 1,191.

1820, 1,506.                                             1870, 1,113.

1830, 1,441.                                             1880, 1,031.

                                                                 1890,  952.


These figures show a loss of popu­lation in each decade since 1820, and a total loss of 554 since that date. The decline of population in New­fane has something more than a local interest, for similar condi­tions have led to a like result in more than half the towns of the State. A loss of population oc­curred generally in the farming towns; only two towns in Windham county (Brattleboro and Rocking­ham) have as large a population as they had sixty years ago, and the growth of these two is in their pros­perous villages. The loss of popu­lation in Newfane cannot justly be accredited to the want of a fertile soil or less attractive homes than can generally be found elsewhere. Statistics of agricultural products and their values prove beyond refu­tation that the farmers of Vermont realize more profit from their labor and investments than the average farmer in any one of more than thirty other States, yet our people emigrate and often settle in a less desirable country than they leave.

There are two direct causes for the decrease of population in New­fane, which, without seeking for any precedent cause, fully account for it; these are: (1) A low birthrate; (2) Emigration. In the early history of the town families of from eight to twelve children were not uncommon. At this time it is rare to find a family with more than four or five children, and a large number of families have none. The average number of persons in a Newfane family, as found by the census of 1890, was only 3.76. The average annual birth rate in the United States is estimated by good authori­ties at about 35 per thousand of liv­ing inhabitants. The average num­ber of births in Newfane for the past 30 years, as shown by a com­pilation from the registration re­ports, was as follows:

Average annual number of births for ten years ending with


1870 ----------------------------------------- 17.7

1880 ----------------------------------------- 17.1

1890 ------------------------------------------ 17.

Average annual births for 30 years, 17.27.


At the normal birth rate the whole number of births in 30 years would have been about 1155

The whole number of births in the past 30 years was 518

Deficiency  637


There are no complete records from which the birth rate at the time when the town had more than 1,500 inhabitants can be ascertained, but it was then, probably, above rather than below the normal rate, or more than twice as great as at the present time. In 1824 the number of children in the common schools of Newfane, as stated in the town history, was 518. Last year (1890) the number of scholars in town at­tending any school was 184. In 1824 the children in the schools were 34.5 per cent of the total population; they are now but 19.3 per cent.

The proportion of deaths to whole number of inhabitants, for the pe­riod covered by the registration re­ports, has been about the same in Newfane as the general average for the country. For the decade end­ing with 1870 the annual average of




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deaths in town was 21.3; for the decade ending with 1880, 18.1; for the decade ending 1890, 17.1. The annual death rate for 1,000 inhab­itants for the thirty years was about 17. The whole number of deaths in the thirty years was about 566. The deaths excelled the births for the corresponding period by 48. The loss in population during the same period was 241, which leaves a loss of 193 to be accounted for by the ex­cess of emigration over immigration.

Of the first cause of the decline in our population I forbear to com­ment here. Our loss from emigra­tion has been the country's gain; for Newfane, like other country towns of New England, has sent out many persons who have helped to develop other localities and to give sterling character to other communities. Of late, the people of the town have a better appreciation of the privileges of their own homes, and there is reason to believe that hereafter there will be fewer removals from the old homesteads, and that the population may be increased by additions from abroad.




This church was organized October 29th, 1794, from members of the Dummerston church, fifteen males and seven femals. At the close of the council, the infant church met and elected John Phillips, jr., as clerk, who served them in that rapacity, with the in­terruption of only two or three years, till 1840, when Joseph Morse, came into office. These two men served the church in the capacity of clerk for more than eighty years.

In 1802, Nehemiah Fisher was called deacon, and the membership doubled in two years.

In 1803, Eld. Benj. Cole was preacher, and was still with them in August of 1804.

In November, 1804, Matthew Bennett was authorized to improve his gifts.

In 1806, James Ball and Mans­field Bruce were chosen deacons, the latter of whom, with twenty others, were added to this little church dur­ing the last seven months of this year.

In March, 1807, the church "voted, that it is the deacons' duty to call on brethren that do not go to meeting, to know the reason and in­vite them to their duty."

In July, 1809, Dea. N. Fisher was licensed to preach, and Bro. John Phillips and Stephen Otis chosen deacons. In September of the same year, Dea. M. Bruce was ordained and became the first settled and salaried pastor of the church, and remained such till the close of 1818. During the last years of his pastorate, he did not preach all the time to this people; the rest of the time was occupied by their licensed deacon, Nehemiah Fisher. Elder Bruce baptised into this church, 85 converts.

From the close of Eld. Howe's pastorate till the commencement of Foster Hartwell's in October, 1884, the church was supplied one year by a licentiate named Caleb Smith. Eld. Hartwell closed his labors about September, 1848. They were destitute a short time, when Rev. C. L. Baker supplied them till the fall of 1849; and, sometime before September, 1850, Rev. A. H. Stearns became pastor, and was pastor three years. During this time he receiv­ed into the church thirty-six by baptism and nine by letter.

In 1852 the church passed the fol­lowing resolution:

"Resolved, That we disapprove of all secret societies, whether it be Odd Fellowship, Freemasonry, or called by any other name."

After a destitution of about one year, Rev. J. P. Huntington became pastor, and was pastor till about the last of 1856. In January, 1857, Bro. Baldwin labored as an Evangel­ist. In March following, I. C. Car­penter became pastor. Twenty-two baptisms were reported in the asso­ciation letter as the result of this re‑




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vival. Eld. Carpenter remained pastor till March, 1862, and was fol­lowed in the pastorate by C. D. Ful­ler in July next. The latter was pastor till March, 1864, when J. M. Willmarth succeeded him in this office till April, 1867.

From the last date till December, 1868, the church was destitute of a pastor, but not destitute of revival interest, as several were converted and added to the church. At that time, S. S. White became pastor, closing in April, 1871. During the winter of 1870 and 1871 the church was refreshed, and nine were added by baptism. From April, 1871, to June, 1872, they were without a reg­ular preacher, but were supplied at intervals. During this time they repaired their house of worship at an expense of about $1,500. In June, 1872, John A. Rich became pastor and continued in that rela­tion till September, 1873. He was succeeded in February, 1874, by A. J. Walker, who preached two years. During Mr. Walker's pastorate twenty-six were added to the church. William Beavins was pastor from April 1876, to March, 1879; ——— Shepardson from June, 1879, to April, 1882; Wallace Crocker from April, 1882, to August, 1884; Geo. Green from October, 1884,; E. F. Mitchell from May, 1886, to April, 1889, and was succeeded by E. F. Hatfield the present pastor.

Since 1802, there have been added to this church, by baptism, 400; 8 have been licensed to preach, the most of whom were subsequently ordained, and 8 have been called to the deacon's office.

Present membership of the church is about 100.

The following vote, passed Sep­tember 5, 1810, shows the early practice of the church on the subject of the Lord's Supper:

"WHEREAS, The church has formally given liberty to those members that were received into this church to commune with an unbaptized de­nomination, we now see our error; and now, voted, to unfellowship the practice."

In 1817 the church built their first meeting house within the lim­its of the town of Marlboro.

The church was supplied by Dea. N. Fisher during 1819 and a part of 1820, when Eld. Paul Hines became pastor and served as such for two years. The church was prospered during his pastorate, and forty-three were added by baptism. From the close of Elder Hines' labors till the ordination of Phineas Howe, the church was supplied with preaching by Dea. N. Fisher, assisted, in 1823, by N. McCullock.

With the exception of three years, from 1832 to 1835, when D. H. Grant and other licentiates supplied the church, Eld. Phineas Howe was pastor till 1842. During this pastor­ate the church enjoyed, at least, four periods of revival, and nearly one hundred and seventy-five were added by baptism, and had numbered as many as one hundred and ninety-five in 1841.

In 1838 a man 97 years of age was baptized, who had waited 67 years to become fit for the ordinance.

About 1840 a new meeting house was built, and the location changed to Pondville. This change created a dissatisfaction in a part of the membership, who, for a time, held a separate meeting. This same meet­ing house was extensively repaired at an expense of $1,500, and re-ded­icated May 30, 1872.








The town was organized May 17, 1774. The church was organized and the first pastor, the Rev. Heze­kiah Taylor, was settled about six weeks later, on June 30, 1774.

This was the eleventh Congrega­tional church organized in the State. It was organized at a time which, emphatically, tried men's souls. It was only two years before the Declar­ation of Independence, when the whole country was agitated by those events which resulted in the Revo‑




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lutionary war. Here there were neither roads nor bridges; neither horses, oxen, nor wagons, and the traveler must guess his way along, or find it by marked trees. All supplies must be brought on foot from Hinsdale, 20 miles distant.

The church, at its organization, consisted of the following persons Luke Knowlton and wife, Thomas Green and wife, John Wheeler and wife, Jonathan Park and wife, and the wife of Mr. Henry Balcom. On the fourteenth of December, 1774, the church made choice of Luke Knowlton, Esq., as Deacon. Moses Kenney was chosen the 2d Deacon, March 11, 1783. Brother Knowlton, was appointed to wait on the com­munion table and read the psalm. To the younger portion of this audi­ence this statement may need some explanation. One hundred years ago books were scarce, and there might have been but one hymn book in the whole congregation, and that in the hands of the minister. He would select the psalm, and hand the book to the deacon, who would read two lines. Then the chorister, pitchpipe in hand, would pitch the tune, and the singers would sing them. The deacon would then read two more, which would be sung, and so on to the end of the psalm.

We find upon the nineteenth of November, 1781, a town meeting was called "To see if the inhabitants of Newfane would vote the Rev. Mr. Taylor to be their minister." Also, "To see what means they would choose in regard to having the salary of the Rev. Mr. Taylor assessed upon the inhabitants." At this meeting it was "Voted unanimously that the town approve of and accept the Rev. Mr. Taylor to be minister of the gospel for said town." Also, "Voted to raise two hundred HARD DOLLARS to pay the salary due to the Rev. Mr. Taylor on the thirtieth day of December next." Also, "Voted a salary of sixty pounds, meaning two hundred Spanish milled dollars, per annum, to be assessed annually so long as the Rev. Mr. Taylor, remains a minister of the gospel in said town." Thus it appears that the minister's salary was raised by assess­ment, the same as other taxes, on all inhabitants. At that time this was well enough as the people were all of one way of thinking, or were all Congregationalists.

Let us consider their efforts to build a meeting house.

September 17, 1792, at a town meeting, the following action was taken: "Voted to build a meeting-­house, forty feet by fifty. Voted to set said house betwixt the court house and Mr. Taylor's lane. Voted the sum of fifty pounds for the purpose of setting up a frame for a meeting-house. Voted to appoint Lieut. Ward Eager, Capt. Ephraim Holland, Deacon Moses Kenney and Mr. Ebenezer Morse a building com­mittee."

After many delays, embarrassments and changes, on the 8th of January, 1798, arrangements were made, by which the materials for the house were to be delivered at the place of building. One man agreed to fur­nish four sills of specified dimen­sions, for a certain price; another undertook to furnish the plates, rafters, or braces, and so on. In this way the materials for the house were furnished by some twenty or thirty persons. On the 17th of July, 1799, the house was raised. The raising of a meeting-house in those days, was an affair of great importance and the master workman must have picked men, tried and true. Accordingly the men were selected from all the neighboring towns, and to distinguish them from all others, each wore a handkerchief around his head. Col. Tyler, of Townshend, fell from the frame and was taken up for dead; but he re­vived at length, and in due time re­covered. On the 12th of Novem­ber, 1799, a contract was made by the building committee with Mr. Joseph Pond, of Warwick, Mass., to finish the house. The mate­rials were to be all furnished for him except the sash and




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pews, which were to be made at Warwick and brought to this place. The workmen were to be furnished with board while here, and twenty-five gallons of West India rum was to be supplied for their use. Mr. Pond was to do the work "in a workman-like manner," and to re­ceived therefor $1146; $50 in cash within one year from date, and $1096 was to be paid in beef at cash price in the month of October next ensuing after date. Mr. Pond's re­ceipt for his pay on the contract bears date November 19, 1800. The whole cost of the house as shown by the bill was $3,731.32.

During the pastorate of the Rev. Mr. Taylor, of something more than thirty-seven years, there were re­ceived into the church, not includ­ing the nine at its organization, one hundred and twenty-six members, forty-eight males, and seventy-eight females.

The Rev. Jonathan Nye, the sec­ond pastor of this church, was in­stalled November 6, 1811, and was dismissed December 29, 1819. Dur­ing his pastorate of eight years and more, there were received into the church eighty-eight members, twen­ty-seven males and sixty-one females.

The Rev. Chandler Bates, the third pastor, was settled July 4, 1821, and was dismissed January 12, 1831. During his pastorate of nearly ten years, eighty-five were re­ceived into the church, eighteen males and sixty-seven females.

In 1832-3 the Rev. C. M. Brown supplied the pulpit and received six into church fellowship, one male and five females. Mr. Brown preached the first temperance sermon in the place.

In 1833, the Rev. Rodger C. Hatch labored here eight weeks. The Rev. John F. Griswold was installed pastor of this church April 1, 1834, and was dismissed July 30, 1839. Rev. L. S. Coburn was settled here October 2, 1839, and this present house was dedicated to the worship of God, at the same time. Because of continued ill health, Mr. Coburn was dismissed June 14, 1842.

May 18, 1843, the Rev. Dana B. Bradford was installed pastor of this church, and was dismissed June 10, 1845. The Rev. Darwin Adams was installed pastor of the church, Jan­uary 28, 1846, and was dismissed February 21, 1850. The Rev. Mr. Plimpton supplied about ten months, in 1850, and was followed by Rev. Charles Whiting, who continued here till his death, in May, 1855. The Rev. Mr. Estey supplied about six months, in 1855, and was follow­ed by the Rev. Mr. Eastman in 1856. The Rev. Mr. Bixby came in 1857, and remained five or six year. He was dismissed from the church in May, 1863, and was succeeded by the Rev. Benjamin Ober, who con­tinued about five years, and was fol­lowed by the Rev. Messrs. Parkinson, Chase, Shurtleff and Dow, who averaged about one year each.

During the past hundred years this church has had twenty pastors and acting pastors, beside those who have supplied for a few weeks only. The average pastorate has been less than five years.

The whole number of members in this church from its organization until this time, has been four hundred and seventy-one; one hun­dred and eighty-eight males, and two hundred and eighty-three fe­males. The present number of members is ninety-five; twenty-four males, and seventy-one females.

The first Sabbath School was opened here in the summer of 1818, by Miss Lucy Burnap, sister of Dea. Asa Burnap.

Seven Congregational ministers have here been nurtured, trained and sent forth into the world to do their work.

The Rev. Bliss Burnap was brought up in the family of the Rev. Aaron Crosby; he was a good man, and still lives to bless the world by his ex­ample, faith and prayers. He has preached in Malone and Bangor, N. Y., and in other places of which I am not informed.




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The Rev. Luke Whitcomb was born in this town in 1789. He pos­sessed a strong mind, and was fond of books, and ardently desired an education. After many struggles he fitted for college, and was admitted to the Junior class, at Middlebury, where he graduated in due course. He preached in several places while a licentiate, but soon received a call to settle in Townshend, Vt., which he accepted. The church at Townshend has been made distracted by divisions, but by his wise and judi­cious labors, it became united and prosperous. This was his only set­tlement, which continued about five years, until his death, Jan. 2, 1821.

The Rev. Hollis Read graduated at Williams college, and was sent by the A. B. C. F. M., as a missionary to the Mahratta mission, in India. Here he continued till the failure of his health led him to return to his native land, where he still lives. He is the author of a number of works of great value; "God in History," "India and her People," "The Palace of the Great King," "The Footprints of Satan in History," a counterpart "God in History," and a prize essay, "Commerce and Christianity." This last is a work of rare merit, and does honor to the head and heart of its author.

Rev. Ephraim H. Newton, D. D., was born in Newfane, June 13, 1787. In his younger days he as­sisted his father in the blacksmith's shop, but having an ardent desire for knowledge, and after many hard struggles he fitted for col­lege and entered at Middlebury, in 1806, graduating in 1810. He then entered the Theological Semi­nary, at Andover, and graduated there in 1813. His first settlement was at Marlboro, Vt., March 16, 1814. His ministry there continued near­ly twenty years and was very suc­cessful. 133 additions were made to the church under his ministry. He was afterwards settled at Glen's Falls, N. Y., where he continued more than three and a half years. In 1837 he was settled at Cambridge, Washington county, N. Y. In each of these places he was great­ly blessed in his labors. He died Oct. 26, 1864.

The Rev. Lewis Grout was horn in the southwestern part of New­fane, January 28, 1815, the eldest of nine children, of whom eight were sons.

Rev. Admatha Grout was born in Newfane, February 19, 1817, fitted for college at Brattleboro Academy, graduated at Dartmouth College 1845, and at Union Theological Seminary, in 1851. But failing health did not allow of his being settled in the ministry. He died in Kansas, in 1855.

Rev. Henry Martyn Grout, broth­er of Lewis and Admatha, was born May 14, 1831. Graduated at Williams College, in 1854, after which he taught for a time as prin­cipal of the Brattleboro Academy, and subsequently as principal of Monson Academy. He was licensed to preach in 1856, and labored for a time in Marlboro. He was ordain­ed and installed over a church in Putney, September 1, 1858. Sub­sequent to this he was called to the church in West Rutland, where he was installed, August 26, 1862. His next pastorate, a term of four years, was over the church in West Springfield, Mass. He is now set­tled in Concord, Mass. He was, for several years, associate editor in the literary department of the Con­gregationalist of Boston.

The pastorate of Rev. Charles Burnham commenced in May, 1874, and continued to Jannary, 1880. Mr. Burnham was succeeded by Rev. George Porter, who preached about two years, and was followed by Rev. W. W. Nason for two years. Then came Rev. George W. Law­rence for one year, Rev. William H. Marble for two years, and Rev. C. H. Smith, the present pastor, who entered his fifth year August 1, 1891.



An organized society was formed in 1830, under the direction of Guy




                                                        NEWFANE.                                             485


Beckley and James M. Fuller, members of the Vermont Confer­ence, who, for about two years, di­vided their time between Fayette­ville, Williamsville and Wardsboro. They were succeeded in this town, in 1832, by Wm. H. Hodges, who preached at the two villages, alter­nately, most of the time till 1838. Then followed Elder Guernsey, till May, 1839, after which time, till 1848, the society was destitute of preaching, with the exception of oc­casional supplies. E. B. Morgan was stationed at Williamsville, by Conference, in 1848, followed by John A. Wood in 1850, O. S. Morris in 1851 and '52, C. P. Ingraham in 1853, and Simeon Spencer in 1862. In addition to the above, the society was often supplied, temporarily, by local preachers. The public services of the society were held at Fayette­ville, in the Court House and in Union church; at Williamsville, in Wm. H. Williams' hall, and after­ward in the church, a half interest in which, until its sale to the First Universalist society in 1868, was controlled by this denomination.

In 1878 Conference united Williamsville and East Dover as one charge and stationed A. S. Maxham here. Mr. Maxham was followed by J. E. Knapp in 1881, Geo. F. Arms in 1882, Frank Handy in 1885, J. A. Steele in 1888, and F. H. Roberts in 1891. In 1881 the society erected at Williamsville a church at a cost of about $3000, and in 1885 a parsonage at a cost of $1500, from funds con­tributed mostly by Mrs. William H. Williams, one of the original mem­bers of the society.



The present society was organized in 1825. That Universalism existed in town, in an organized form, at a much earlier period, however, is shown by the following extract from the first volume of town records:


"NEWFANE, AUGUST YE 14, 1787. This may certify all persons whom it may concern that the follow­ing persons, Whose names are here­in inserted, are professors of the doctrine of Universal Salvation by Jesus Christ, and are constant attenders to hear the preaching of the same, and also do contribute to sup­port the preaching of that doctrine, viz:"     *     *     *     *     *

It also appears, from the same source, that there was inserted in the warrant for the annual March meeting, in 1820, an article which reads as follows:


"8th. To see if said Town will vote to permit the Universalists to occupy the Meeting House four Sabbaths in each year;" which article, according to the record of the meet­ing, it was voted to dismiss. In November, 1825, a new society was organized by Charles Hudson, under the name of "The First Restoration­ist Society in Newfane," the con­stitution being signed by Josiah Taft and 70 others. Jonathan Whitcomb was the first regular minister, but there is nothing to in­dicate the dates of the commence­ment and expiration of his term. At the annual meeting of the society, Nov. 23, 1827, it was "Voted that the committee should hire Mr. Wm. Balch to preach one-fourth of the Sabbaths in eight months, to commence in March or April, on condition that Mr. B. does not want more than five dollars per Sabbath, and his board­ing." From information received from Mr. Balch, it seems that he preached his first sermon in New­fane, and the fifth in his ministry, at the schoolhouse in Williamsville, September 23, 1827, and, occasion­ally, at other places in town till the following April, at which time he commenced a regular engagement with the society for one-half the time, which was continued till No­vember 15, 1829. From the latter date to 1836 the society was supplied for short periods by A. L. Pettee, —— Maynard, Matthew Hale Smith, and others, but was destitute of preaching the greater portion of the time. Otis Warren became pastor




486                              VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


in 1836, which relation he occupied till 1859.

At a meeting of the society, held December 10, 1839, it was voted that the old constitution be considered null and void, and a new constitu­tion was adopted, under the name of "The First Universalist Society of Newfane,"

W. W. Hayward was preacher in charge from May, 1860, to March, 1862; M. B. Newell from June, 1862, to June, 1863; and Joseph Barber during the summer of 1865, and till 1871, the society was wholly destitute of preaching. In 1870 the meeting house at Williamsville was extensive­ly repaired, and was dedicated June 28, 1871, as a Universalist house of worship. N. C. Hodgden was preacher from July, 1871, to Sep­tember, 1872; D. C. White from the latter date till the spring of 1874. From the close of Mr. White's term the pulpit was supplied by different persons till October, 1874, at which time Mrs. R. A. D. Tabor com­menced her labors. which were ter­minated in April, 1876.

Lucius Holmes was pastor 1878-80, followed by J. H. Farnsworth, State missionary, 1880-81, Edward Smilie, 1881-83, and William N. Barber, 1884-89. Mr. Barber's five years term rounded up a ministry of half a century. Most of the public services of the society, prior to 1836, were held at Fayetteville, at first in the court house, but in the Union church after its dedication in 1832. From 1836 to 1854, the time of the preacher was divided between the two villages, meetings being held one-half the time in each, respec­tively.




The first recorded action of New­fane in regard to schools, was taken March 15, 1784, when it was voted to divide the town into five school districts.

At a meeting held September 7, 1790, the town was divided into seven districts, and March 20, 1792, it was again divided into eight dis­tricts. March 4, 1799, the 9th dis­trict was added to the list, and the sum of one hundred pounds voted for the support of schools. March 22, 1802, the 10th district was form­ed; March 20, 1809, the 11th dis­trict, and March 10, 1817, the 12th and 13th districts.

There are at present ten organized school districts in town.

District No. 1 comprises Whitakerville, and the immediate surround­ing territory; No. 2 includes the village of Fayetteville; No. 3 is sit­uated midway between Fayetteville and Williamsville; No. 5 is known as the parish district; No. 6 includes the village of Williamsville; No. 7 occupies the north-west corner of the town; No. 8 includes the village of Pondville; No. 9 is the first dis­trict north of Fayetteville; No. 10 embraces the Adams neighborhood; No. 11 takes in Stratton Hill, now called, and is a joint district with No. 14 in Marlboro.

The following table shows the number of weeks of school sustained by the several districts in 1874, the rates per cent raised on the grand list for support of the same, and the population of the town, by districts, in January, 1877:


                                   No. of              Rate                 Pop.

Districts.                  weeks.        per cent

                                   1874.           of tax.               1877.

No. 1                                20                 57                    73

   2                                   24                 12                  255

   3                                   24                 24                    71

   5                                   20                 22                    41

   6                                   30                 15                  175

   7                                   20                 45                    60

   8                                   24                 50                  121

   9                                   24                 50                  104

  10                                  22                 60                    42

  11                                  20                 50                    25

Townshend and

         Newfane,                24                 23                      6

Dummerston and

         Newfane,                24            112½                      6

Dover and New'fne          24                 25                      9


Population of town, January, 1877,  988

The following table may be of in­terest as showing the number of scholars attending the common schools of the town in 1824 and in




                                                        NEWFANE.                                             487


1874, the fiftieth and one-hundredth years, respectively, of its existence as an organization:


Districts.                       Scholars,                                 Scholars.

                                            1824.                                       1874.

No. 1                                         23                                            26

"  2                                            26                                            34

"  3                                            42                                            14

"  4                                            58

"  5                                            65                                            12

"  6                                            80                                            35

"  7                                            47                                            19

"  8                                            62                                            33

"  9                                            50                                            28

" 10                                           31                                              9

" 11                                           25                                              6

" 12                                             9

Townshend and

   Newfane                                                                                  5

Dummerston and

   Newfane                                                                                  2

Dover and

   Newfane...                                                                               2

                                              ——                                          ——

Totals,                                    518                                          225


Decrease in scholars, 56 per cent.

Population of town, 1820,                    1506

"                "              1870,                    1113

Decrease in population, 26 per cent.


The practice of school supervision by a committee chosen by the town, commenced in 1828. At the annual March meeting held in that year, Chandler Bates, Roswell M. Field, Geo. A. Morse, Roger Birchard and Huntington Fitch, were chosen a committee to superintend schools. This practice evidently soon came into disrepute, as men of a lower standard of intellect were choson at each successive election till 1833, when the office was filled by persons said to be chiefly noted for ignorance.

In 1847 the practice was renewed, and Foster Hartwell, Otis Warren and Darwin Adams were chosen superintendents. Since the latter date the position has been occupied by the following persons: 1851, Otis Warren; 1852, '53, O. S. Morris and Otis Warren; 1854, George Fisher and Phineas Howe; 1855, J. P. Huntington; 1856, George Arnold; 1857, Phineas Howe; 1858, '59, Sol­omon Bixby; 1860 and 1866, D. B. Morse; 1861, W. W. Hayward; 1862, '63, '65, '68, R. M. Pratt; 1864, Ben­jamin Ober and J. W. Willmarth; 1869, J. W. Croker; 1870, '71, '72, J. H. Merrifield; 1873, '74, '75, A. M. Merrifield; 1876, '77, '78, Charles Burnham; 1879, '80, '81, '82, '83, '84, M. O. Howe; 1885, '86, H. W. Bailey; 1887, '88, Frank L. Fish; 1891, Charles E. Brown. Member of County Board of Edu­cation 1889, '90, J. H. Merrifield.

The inhabitants of this town, quick to detect a necessity for bet­ter educational facilities than were afforded by their common schools, took measures, at an early date, to secure the establishment of an acad­emy. An act incorporating the Windham County Grammar School was granted by the Legislature, October 31, 1801, in which the following persons were named as the first board of trustees: Luke Knowlton, Jason Duncan, Asa Wheelock, Sam­uel Fletcher, Jonas Whitney, James Shafter, Martin Field, Esqs., and Mr. Joseph Ellis. A suitable build­ing was erected, and for several years the institution enjoyed high repute. Many persons who after­ward occupied honorable positions in the affairs of the county and State, received their education at this place. This school had a run of about fifteen years, and then be­came a subject of that general de­cline which about that time began to attach itself to all the public enterprises of the village on the hill. The academy building was used for several years for the district school purposes and was finally taken down and removed to Fayetteville.

For many years the inhabitants of the town have supported one or more select schools for a portion of the time, which, though not of an academic character, have been very useful as aids to the common school work.

The following is a list of the na­tives of Newfane who have graduat­ed from colleges:


Ephriam H. Newton,                       Middlebury,                                          1810

Luke Whitcomb,                                      "                                                   1813

Charles K. Field,                                      "                                                   1822

Roswell M. Field,                                      "                                                   1822

Chesselden Ellis.                           Union, N. Y.,                                          1823

Lewis Grout,                                         Yale,                                                1842

Hollis Reed,                                       Williams,                                             1826

Admatha Grout,                              Dartmouth,                                           1845




488                              VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Henry M. Grout,                               Williams,                                             1854

Henry K. Field,                                  Amherst,                                             1869

Webster Merrifield,                              Yale,                                                1877

Aaron C. Dickinson,                            Tufts,                                               1878

R. Morton Sherman,                                "                                                   1880

John N. Shipman,                        Madison U'ty,                                         1880

Marshall A. Howe,                          U'v'ty of Vt.,                                           1890

Abel J. Grout,                                          "                                                   1890


The following, though not natives, have received a collegiate educa­tion while residents of the town: Calvin Knowlton, moved to New­fane with his father in 1772, fitted for college here, and graduated at Dartmouth in 1784; Edward J. and Samuel R. Warren, sons of Dr. John P. Warren, graduated, — Edward at Dartmouth in 1846, and Samuel at Yale in 1860.

William H. Hodges, graduated at Colby University, Waterville, Maine, in 1851.








When our military stores at Ben­nington became in danger, and the call came for the Green Mountain Boys to rally for the rescue, Lieut. Jonathan Park and others from this grant, volunteered, and after a two day's march reached Bennington in time to participate in the glorious struggle of that memorable day.

The following is all the official record we have been able to find that in any way connects this town with the war for our independence: "March 8, 1781, they voted to raise the soldiers, for the defense of the frontiers, by a town tax."


WAR OF 1812-15


September 29, 1812, a town meet­ing was called to see if the town would vote to raise the wages of the Cavalry and Militia, that should be compelled to march, to ten dollars per month. They voted to dismiss the article and adjourned without day.

There is a tradition that at one time the militia expected to be call­ed to Plattsburgh, and the company volunteered. Many of the men worked all night, running bullets, making cartridges, etc. But the order came the next day to disband, instead of march. The soldiers who actually enlisted from this town were Lyman Holden, a man by the name of Gambel, a Mr. Bullard, and Nathaniel Holland, who died at Plattsburgh, Oct. 6, 1814. Isaac Hovey, of Williamsville, enlisted in January, 1841, from the town of Craftsbury, and served for a period of eighteen month in the engineer's department. He was in only one engagement, the battle of Bridge­water.




                                                        NEWFANE.                                             489




Names.             Regiment Company Age                     When     Remarks.



Carpenter, Edwin J.           2    C   18    Aug. 10, 61    Discharged Jan. 28, 63.

Howe, Edmund P.              2    C   22    May, 61         Pro. Ser. mustered out June 29, 64.

Lamb, Henry L.                 2    C   22    May, 61         Taken pris. at Savage Station;

                                                                                discharged Jan. 25, 63.

Mason, Albert                    2    C   21    May, 61         Taken pris. at Spottsylvania; dis-

                                                                                charged Dec. 24, 64. [May 10, 64.

Miller, Frederic E.              2    C   24    May, 61         Pro. Ser. killed at Spottsylvania,

Miller, Morris                    2    C   40    May, 61         Discharged June 2, 63.

Pratt, R. M                        2    C   22    May, 61         Lost right arm and taken pris. at

                                                                                first Bull Run; dis. Nov. 1, 61.

Allison, Everett M.             3    H   23    June 1, 61      Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 64.

Cooley, Geo. C.                 4     I    20    Aug. 21, 61    Pro. Ser. Must. out July 13, 65.

Hall, James                       4    F   29    Sept. 2, 61     Discharged March 14, 62.

Nelson, Stephen H.            4    F   38    Dec. 6, 63      Taken pris.; died at Andersonville,

                                                                                Dec. 13, 64.

Perry, Daniel                     4    F   25    Sept. 5, 61     Discharged Oc. 22, 62. [July 13, 65.

Perry, Henry                      4    F   22    Sept. 3, 61     Taken pris. June 23, 64; Must. out

Sexton, Thomas B.            4    F   21    Dec. 6, 63      Taken pris. June 23, 64; died at

                                                                                Andersonville, Sept. 11, 64.

Greene, George E.              6    F   34    Drafted          July 13, 63. [Mar. 14, 66

Hazelton, Edward L.          7    G   24    Nov. 30, 61     Pro. 1st Lt. July 31, 65; Must. out

Alls, Horace                      8     I    25    Dec. 11, 61     Mustered out June 22, 64.

Bemis, Leonard C              8     I   36    Nov. 30, 61     Prom. Corp. Trans. to Vet. Reserve

                                                                                Corps. April 25, 65.

Betterley, Alfred                8     I    19    Nov. 29, 61     Mustered out June 28, 65.

Betterley, Geo. S.              8     I    19    Nov. 30, 61     Discharged May 4, 63.

Betterley, Gilbert W.          8     I    18    Nov. 29, 61     Discharged July 16, 62.

Betterley, Thomas F.         8     I    21    Nov. 26, 61     Deserted June 30, 63; dishonorably

                                                                                discharged June 12, 65.

Blashfield, Henry C.          8     I    18    Dec. 2, 61      Killed at Port Hudson, June 14, 63.

Brown, Clark                     8     I    23    Dec. 3, 61      Discharged July 17, 63.

Carpenter, Eben B.            8     I    18    Dec. 2, 61      Mustered out June 28, 65.

Charter, Samuel                8     I    32    Jan. 16, 62     Mustered out June 22, 64.

Church, Henry                  8     I    33    Dec. 15, 61     Mustered out June 22, 64.

Davis, Enos L.                   8     I    18    Dec. 9, 61      Died March 18, 62, while on pas‑

                                                                                sage to Ship Island.

Davis, Hiram                     8     I    44    Dec. 9, 61      Discharged July 15, 62.

Downs. Henry W.              8     I    18    Nov. 28. 61     Pro. 2d Lt. April 18, 65;

                                                                                Must. out June 28, 65.

Estabrooks, Sidney J.        8     I    19    Aug. 11, 64    Mustered out June 28, 65.

Forbush, Wm. F.               8     I    15    Jan. 13, 62     Musician, discharged July 15, 62.

Fairbanks, Wayland          8     I    20    Dec. 24, 63     Pro. Ord. Ser.; died Jan. 24, 65.

Franklin, Alvin B.              8    H   23    Nov., 61         1st Lt. Jan. 17, 62; Capt. Oct. 27,

                                                                                63; Major Nov. 24, 64; Lt.-Col.

                                                                                Mar. 8, 65; Must. out June 28, 65.

Gates, Alvin                      8     I    21    Dec. 28, 61     B. drummer; Must. out June 28, 65.

Holland, Geo. N                8     I    27    Nov., 61         1st Lt.; resigned Oct. 25, 62.

Hudson, Bonaparte           8     I    20    Nov. 20, 61     Corp.; d. at N. Orleans, May 24, 62.

Ingram, Charles E.            8     I    18    Dec. 6, 61      Mustered out June 28, 65.

Ingram, John H.                8     I    19    Aug. 15, 64    Mustered out June 28, 65.

Ingram, Jonathan M.         8     I    38    Aug. 10, 64    Mustered out June 28, 65.

Lamson, Daniel                 8     I    27    Nov. 27, 61     Died March 10, 63.

Mills, Alonzo                     8     I    21    Dec. 24, 63     Mustered out June 28, 64.

Morse, Joshua C.              8     I    30    Nov., 61         2d Lt. Pro. 1st Lt.; res. July 10, 63.

Morse, Luke J.                   8     I    23    Nov. 27, 61     Mustered out June 22, 64.

Park. Oscar E.                   8     I    18    Dec. 5, 63      Mustered out June 28, 65.

Park, Otis                         8     I    20    Dec. 6, 61      Discharged November, 63.

Peavey, Augustus C.          8     I    18    Nov. 30, 61     Discharged Nov. 28, 62; re-en. in

                                                                                regular army.




490                             VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.




Names.                 Regiment  Age      When                Remarks.

                                Company          Enlisted


Plummer, Geo. F.        8       I    17   Dec. 2, 61         Mustered out June 28, 65.

Stearns. Henry M.      8       I    19   Dec. 14. 63        Mustered out June 28, 65.

Stratton, Asa H.         8       I    22   Jan. 16. 62        Mustered out June 22, 64.

Tyler, Stephen M.       8       I    28   Feb. 7, 62          Mustered out June 22, 64.

Warner. Frank R.        8       I    22   Jan. 13, 62        Pro. 1st Lt.; Must. out June 28, 65.

Warren, Francis E.      8       I    23   Dec. 23, 61        Cor. Pro. Capt.; Must. out June

                                                                             28, 65.

Allen, Warren             9       F   33   Aug. 23, 64       Mustered out June 13, 65.

Newton. James H.       9       K  18   June 9, 62         Pro. Ser. Killed at

                                                                             Spottsylvania, May 12, 64.

Waller, Edgar G.         9      F   19   Aug. 18, 64       Mustered out June 19, 65.

Birchard, Sardis         11      L   21   June 27, 63       Taken pris.; died at Andersonville,

                                                                             Aug. 20, 64.

Carpenter. Henry A.    11      E   21   Aug. 9, 62         Pro. Cor.; Must. out June 21, 65.

Johnson, Edward H.   11      E   21   Nov. 13, 63        Mustered out Aug. 25, 65.

Miles, Linus P.            11      E   20   Aug. 9, 62         Died Feb. 8, 63

Morse, Amherst          11      E   23   July 29, 62        Pro. 1st Lt. Co. K; dis. May 8, 65.

Mullett, Daniel A        11      E   37   Dec. 4, 63         Mustered out Aug. 25, 65.

Newton, Charles M.    11      L   17   July 6, 63         Mustered out Aug. 25, 65.

Park, Otis                   11      E   21   Dec. 5. 63         Mustered out Aug. 25, 65.

Ramona, Geo. W.       11      E   20   Aug. 9, 62         Mustered out June 24, 65.

Patch, Albert              11      E   19   Aug. 9. 62         Pro. 2d Lt.: Must. out June 24, 65.

Smith, Everett N.        12      I    18   Oct. 4, 62          Mustered out July 14, 63.

Adams, Aden.             16      I    26   Sept. 20, 62

Brooks, Wm. A           16      I    23   Sept. 20, 62

Cook, James F.           16      I    20   Sept . 20, 62      Killed at Gettysburg, July 3. 63.

Corbett, John N          16      I    24   Sept. 20, 62

Donahue, Patrick        16      I    38   Sept. 20, 62

Dunklee, Addison R.   16      I    19   Sept. 20, 62       3d Sergt.

Fairbanks, Wayland E.         16 I     19   Sept. 6, 62  Promoted Corp.

Goodnow, Wm. H.      16      I    19   Sept. 20, 62       Musician.

Haskins, Kittredge      16      I    26   Sept. 20, 62       1st Lieut.: resigned March 19, 63.

Jones, John D.           16      I    25   Sept. 20, 62

Lincoln, Samuel B.     16      I    18   Sept. 20, 62       Taken pris. at Gettysburg, July 3,

                                                                             63; died at Richmond, Nov. 20, 63.

Morse, Charles E.       16      I    31   Sept. 20, 62

Morse, William           16      I    25   Sept . 20, 62      Died April 26, 63.

Powers. Jeffrey            16      I    21   Sept. 20, 62

Stone, Henry B.          16      I    26   Sept. 20, 62

Sexton, Thomas B.     16      I    19   Sept. 20, 62

Wallen, Harrison        16      I    26   Sept. 20, 62       Sergt. reduced to ranks, July 4, 63.

Willis, Monroe C.        16      I    19   Sept. 20, 62       Wounded at Gettysburg, July 3, 63.

Coburn, Charles H.     17      E   18   March 10. 64     Mustered out July 14, 65. [64.

Day, Henry A.            17      F   21   Oct. 24, 63        Killed at Petersburg, Va., June 24,

Mayraw, John            17      H  30   March 31, 64     Deserted May 22, 64.

Strong, Lewis             17      F   41   March 20, 64     Mustered out May 13. 65.

Taylor, Franklin J.      17      E   18   March 26. 64     Discharged Nov. 4, 65.

Thompson, Thomas.    17      E   40   March 25, 64     Deserted July 1, 65.

Betterley, Frank W.    1V C  F   26   Sept. 21, 61       Mustered out Nov. 18, 64.

Donahue, Patrick        1V C  F   39   Jan. 3, 64         Taken pris. at Ashland, Va.; died

                                                                             at Andersonville, Aug. 17, 64.

Goodnow, Orwell S.    1V C  F   21   Sept. 16, 61       Discharged Sept. 20, 62.

Pond, William W.        IV C   F   21   Dec. 15, 63        Missed in action at Ridley's shop,

                                                                             June 30, 64.

Brown, Lewis G.         2F C  F   18   Jan. 3, 65         Mustered out June 27, 65.

Mullett, Chas. M.  20,S.SS.  H  21   Oct. 20, 61        Discharged March 22, 62.

Robbins, Geo. W.        "        H  37   Oct. 20, 61        Discharged July 2, 62.

Willis, Daniel H.         "        H  23   Oct. 14. 61        Killed at Sulphur Springs, Va.,

                                                                             Aug. 26, 62.


The 16th was mustered in Oct. 23, 62, mustered out Aug. 10, 63.




                                                        NEWFANE.                                             491




Fairservis, Robert; Green, James; Ham, Geo. W.; Merrick, Nicholas; Shaw, Benj. F.; Smith, William.




Bowker. S. W.; Dunklee. A. B.; Lam­son, J. D.; Redfield, Geo. W.; Sherman, O. L.; Bemis, W. L.




Adams. Jos. O.; Merrifield, Hollis R.; Mixer, Chas.; Morse, Thomas A.; Russell, Sylvanus; Walker, Henry W.; Wheeler, E. P.




Aldrich, Harrison, Capt. Co. K, 21st Mass.; Bennett, Henry L., enlisted at Royalton, Mass.; Davis, David H., en­listed from Dummerston in Co. D, 8th Vt.; Gould, Lyman W.. Capt. 41st Mass.; Higgins, Sam'l B., 1st Wisconsin and 16th U. S. Infantry; Higgins, Ira S., musician, 4th Vt.; Ingram, Ira O., Co. K, 1st Wisconsin Cavalry; Kenney, John C.. 101st Illinois; Newton, John, 18th U. S. Infantry; Newton, John, 2d Wiscon­sin; Newman, John L., enlisted from Brattleboro in Co B, 16th Reg.; Pratt, Myron, Capt. Co. G, 1st Mass. Cavalry, killed at Snicker's Gap, Va., Nov. 3, 62; Ray, Sam'l B., enlisted from Jamaica in Co. I. 4th Reg., mortally wounded at Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 62; Sibley, Isaac H., enlisted from Dummerston in Co. E, 11th Reg.; Ward. John S., 3d Minnesota and 7th Vt.; Worden, James C., Co. E, 71st New York.