VGH Calais, Washington Co., Vt


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Location: In the north-easterly part of Washington Co.; bounded northerly by Woodbury, easterly by Marshfield, south­erly by East Montpelier, westerly by Wor­cester. The easterly line passes its entire length along the summit of the ridge, di­viding the valley of the Winooski in Marshfield from the territory drained by Kingsbury branch, and the westerly line about half a mile west of, and nearly par­allel with, the ridge dividing the waters of Kingsbury branch from those of North branch in Worcester. The northerly line crosses the southern portion of two quite large ponds, that receive the streams, draining the southern and central portions of Woodbury about one-third of the surface of that town.

From Sabin pond, the most easterly of these, Kingsbury branch flows southerly, leaving the town near the S. E. corner. Nelson pond, near the middle of the north line, discharges its waters southerly into Wheelock pond, the largest in town, and thence by the Center branch southerly and easterly into Kingsbury branch, some 2 miles from the S. E. corner of the town. About a mile from the west line, and near its middle, is Curtis pond, discharging its waters S. E. into the Center branch. Near the center of the town, and a mile and a half farther south, this branch re­ceives the waters from Bliss pond, in the S. W. part of the town. All the ponds and streams above mentioned, except Center branch, received their names from early settlers in their vicinity. Near the middle of the south line is Sodom pond, discharg‑




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ing its waters into the Winooski near East Montpelier village. Kingsbury branch drains about four-fifths of the surface of the town; of the remainder about two-thirds is drained into North branch, and the rest into Sodom Pond.

Among our highest points of land are Hersey and Robinson hills, in the western ridge near Worcester line. These cleared to their summits, excellent pasture, and affording fine views of nearly the whole town, and eastward to the eastern range of the Green Mountains, with an occasional glimpse of the White Mountains beyond, while at the west the view includes nearly all of Worcester, and is bounded by the mountains in the western part of that town. The surface is quite broken, but there is very little land in town not available for farm purposes. The soil is generally a fertile loam, in places of a lighter charac­ter, inclining to sand. The underlying rock is slate and limestone, often inter­mixed, and furnishing enough small stones in the surface soil to constantly remind the ploughman that, having put his hand to the plough, he should not look back. At the same time the soil is comparatively free from "cobble stones" and boulders except in limited localities.

The General Assembly of the State, in session at Arlington, October 21st, 1780,


Resolved, that there be, and we Do hereby, grant unto Colonel Jacob Davis, Mr. Stephen Fay and Company, to the Number of Sixty, a Township of Land by the Name of Calais, Situated in this State, Bounded as follows, and lying East of, and adjoining to, Worcester, and north of Montpelier, Containing Twenty-three Thousand and forty acres, and the Gov­ernor and Council are hereby Requested to State the fees for Granting Said tract, and Issue a Grant under such Restrictions and Regulations as they shall Judge Proper. —Extract from the Journals. R. Hopkins, clerk.


The same day in Council it was


Resolved, that the fees for granting the said tract be, and they are hereby, set at four hundred and Eighty Pounds Lawfull Money in silver, or an Equivalent in Con­tinental Currency, to be Paid by the said Jacob Davis, Stephen Fay, or their Attor­ney, on the Execution of the Charter of incorporation on or before the first Day of January Next.—Extract from the minutes. JOSEPH FAY, Sec'y.


One month after the grant was made, the first recorded meeting of the propri­etors was held, and the following record made:


At Public Meeting of the Proprietors of the Township of Calais, at the house of Mr. Elisha Thomson, Inholder in Charlton, Mass., November 20th, 1780, came to the following votes. [viz.] [58 Present]:

1stly. Voted and Chose Colo. Jacob Davis, Moderator.

2dly. Voted and Chose Stephen Fay, Proprietor's Clerk.

3dly. Voted that Mr. Stephen Fay to apply to the Authority of the State of Ver­mont for the Charter of incorporation of s'd Township, and for Each Proprietor to pay their Money to him, the s'd Fay, the sum of Eight Pounds silver money, or Cont'l. Currency equivalent thereto, it being in full for Granting fees for each Right in said Township. By the thirtieth day of December Next (or be excluded from any further Right or Property in Said Township.)

4thly. for the Clerk to give Notice of the above article by Posting.

5thly. Voted for each Proprietor to Pay their Equal Proportion of their Agents time and expenses to obtain the grant of said Township by the 11th Day of De­cember next, and for the Clerk to enter their names, or cause their names to be entered, in the Charter of said Township.

6thly. Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the first Wednesday in April next, at one o'clock afternoon, to this place. Errors Excepted.                                Attest, STE'N. FAY,

                                                                Pro. Clerk.


There is no record of the adjourned meeting, and probably none was held, and the proprietors do not seem to have met the requirements of the grant in regard to payment of the granting fee, as shown:


ARLINGTON, 29th of Jan'y. 1781.

Rec'd of Mr. Stephen Fay, Two Hun­dred and Thirty-three Pounds, fourteen Shillings and three Pence. Lawfull money, Towards Granting fees of the Town of Calais. Rec'd.




The time of paying the balance was ex­tended to March following:


ARLINGTON, 10th of September, 1781.

Rec'd of Stephen Fay, By the hand of Noah Chittenden, three Pounds, thirteen




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Shillings, as Part of the Granting fees of the Town of Calais. Rec'd by me,

                                                     THOMAS CHITTENDEN.


            BOSTON, 28th of September, 1781.

Rec'd of Col. Jacob Davis, Two Hun­dred and forty-two Pounds, Twelve Shil­lings and Ninepence in full of the Grant­ing fees of the Town of Calais, in the State of Vermont, within mentioned.



Previous to the payment of the two last mentioned sums, the charter was issued:


Unto the said Jacob Davis, Stephen Fay, and to the several persons hereafter named, their associates [viz]: Ephraim Starkweather, Lemuel Kollock, Noah Good­man, Seth Washburn, Joseph Dorr, Justin Ely, Abel Goodell, Shubal Peck, Nathan Tyler, David Wheelock, Nehemiah Stone, Nehemiah Stone, Jun'r., Phinehas Slay­ton, Phinehas Slayton, Jun'r., Daniel Bacon, Jun'r., Henry Fisk, Jun'r., Peter Wheelock, Sarah Davis, Ezra Davis, Dan­iel Steeter, Eli Jones, Josiah Town, Peter Sleeman, Salem Town, Samuel Robinson, of Charlton, Ebenezer White, Jun'r., Eli Wheelock, John Mower, David Hammond, Elisha Thomson, Caleb Ammidown, Na­thaniel Wellington, Peter Taft, William Ware, David Fisk, David Fay, of Charlton, Thomas Foskett, Marvin Mower, Jer­emiah Davis, Job Rutter, Jonathan Tucker, Richard Coburn, Jonathan Rich, Ebenezer Allen [Clerk], Abijah Lamb, Ebenezer Lamb, Edward Woolcott, Lemuel Ed­wards, Abner Mellen, Job Merrit, William Comins, Isaiah Rider, Samuel Fay, Elisha Town, Oliver Starkweather, John Stark­weather, Bezaleel Mann and John Morey.

The usual reservation of five rights for public uses follows in the charter, and then the boundaries. And that the same be, and hereby is, incorporated into a town­ship by the name of Calais.

The charter closes with the following:


Conditions and Reservations, viz.: that each Proprietor in the Township of Calais, aforesaid, his Heirs or Assigns, shall Plant and Cultivate five acres of land, and build an house at least eighteen feet square on the floor, or have one family settled on each respective Right within the term of three years next after the circumstances of the War will admit of a settlement with safety, on Penalty of the forfeiture of each respective Right of land in said Township not so improved or settled, and the same to revert to the Freemen of this State, to be by their Representatives regranted to such Persons as shall appear to settle and cultivate the same. That all Pine Timber suitable for a Navy he reserved for the use and Benefit of the Freemen of this State.

In Testimony whereof we have caused the seal of this State to be affixed, In Council this Fifteenth Day of August, Anno Domini, one Thousand seven Hundred and Eighty-one, In the 5th year of the Independence of this, and Sixth of the United States. THOS. CHITTENDEN.

Joseph Fay. Sec'y.


As to the name given this town, we have no positive knowledge, and even tradition is silent, but it seems reasonable to suppose that Colonel Jacob Davis suggested the name of Calais, as he is known to have done of Montpelier. He was largely in­terested in these two proposed towns, the petitions for both grants were probably made at the same time, as they came be­fore the General Assembly together, and as the leading, active spirit in the enter­prise, it was but natural that he should suggest the names. He had become prej­udiced against the custom, so common among the settlers, of giving the name of the old home to the new, and wishing to avoid this in his selection of names, his at­tention was naturally drawn to France, rather than England, by her attitude toward this country at that time, and per­haps, also by thought of a prior claim upon Verd Mont through her daring and gallant son Champlain. And so it came about that two of the beautiful old cities of France had namesakes in the Green Mountain wilderness.


The second proprietors' meeting on record was held at the house of Maj. Salem Town, in-holder in Charlton, May 18, 1783, when the following officers were elected:


Col. Jacob Davis, moderator; Stephen Fay, Pr. clerk; Dea. Nehemiah Stone, treasurer; Maj. Salem Town, Capt. Sam'l Robinson, Mr. Peter Taft, assessors; Capt. Peter Sleeman, collector; Col. Jacob Davis, Capt. Peter Sleeman, Capt. Sam'l Robin­son, a committee to lot out s'd lands. Ad­journed, to meet at the same place, August 20, 1783, (when there was) "granted a Tax of three silver dollars on each Right of Land (exclusive of the Public Rights) to Defray the back charges that have arisen,




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and also to enable the Committee to Lott out said Township."

This was the first tax laid upon the town of Calais, and it was probably immediately following this meeting the first attempt to survey the town was made.

The following is from Hon. Shubael Wheeler's account of Calais, published in Thompson's Gazetteer:


In the summer of 1783, the proprietors sent a committee, consisting of Col. Jacob Davis, Capt. Samuel Robinson and others, to survey a division of this town of 160 acres to the right. "A Mr. Brush, from Bennington, was the surveyor. The committee and surveyor found their way to Calais with their necessary stores, and after running four lines on the north side of the first division, they abandoned the survey. Of their stores, then left, was a much-valued keg, containing about 10 gallons of good W. I. rum, which in coun­cil, they determined should be buried, which ceremony was said to have been performed with much solemnity, and a sturdy maple, towering above the sur­rounding trees on the westerly side of Long (Curtis) pond, with its ancient and honorable scars, still marks the consecrated spot."


At the next meeting of the proprietors, held Dec. 25, 1783, "the Committee Re­ported by Presenting a Plan of said Town­ship, Part of the first Division Lotts sur­veyed as said Committe saith."

Sixty-four of these first division lots, each one-haif mile square, are included in a square of 4 miles on each side. It is supposed that these lots were intended to have been in the center of the town, leaving an undivided space one mile wide on either side of them, but by some mistake, their north-easterly boundary is only 37 rods from the town line.

At the s'd meeting, Dec. 1783, this first division was drawn by lot to the several proprietors, and they also voted and granted a tax of 54 £. 8s. 8d. silver money, assessed on the rights of land, exclusive of public rights.


Apr. 26, 1784, a meeting was held, and the following officers elected to fill vacan­cies occasioned by resignations:

Major Salem Town, treasurer; Caleb Ammidown, Esq. and Lieut. Jonathan Tucker, assessors; after, nothing for 2 years seems to have been done toward completing the survey or settling the town­ship.


May 29, 1786, a meeting held; Capt. Samuel Robinson chosen to make applica­tion to a justice in Vermont, for a warrant to call a proprietors' meeting agreeably to the laws of that State, at the house of Maj. Calvin Parkhurst, in Royalton, August 15, following, Aug. 1, 1786, a meeting held; instructions given to proprietors who should attend the meeting at Royalton. The de­sign seems to have been at this time to bring the transactions of the proprietors within the jurisdiction of Vermont, by authorizing the surveying party about to leave for this State, to hold meetings here.

Warrant granted by the Hon. Moses Robinson, published in the Vermont Ga­zette, June 26, 1786; this being the first meeting held in Vermont, we will give the record in full:


At a Proprietors' Meeting, held at Maj'r Calvin Parkhurst's, in Royalton, in the State of Vermont, on Tuesday, the fifteenth Day of August, 1786, Proceeded as follow­eth [viz.]:

1stly. Voted and chose Capt. Samuel Robinson, Moderator.

2dly. Voted and chose Mr. Stephen Fay, Pro. Clerk.

3dly. Voted and chose Mr. Eben'r Waters, Clerk pro tem; Voted and chose Maj'r Calvin Parkhurst, Collector.

4thly. Voted and chose Dea'n Nehe­miah Stone, Treasurer.

5thly. Voted to establish the former Votes of said Proprietors (except such as refer to the sale of Lands and a former vote to Raise Twelve Shillings on each Proprietor's Right, to Defray Charges.)

6thly. Voted that the Proprietors com­plete the Survey of the first Division Lotts already begun in said Township; also to lay out a second Division of Lotts in said Town to each Proprietor.

7thly. Voted and chose a Committee of five for the above Purpose.

8thly. Voted and chose Mr. Eben'r Waters their Surveyor and one of the Com­mittee, and Capt. Sam'l Robinson, Lieut. Jonathan Tucker, Mr. Eben'r Stone and Mr. Parla Davis for their Committee.

9thly. Voted that the above Committee be Empowered to Draw the Second Di­vision Lots when the survey of the same is completed.




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10thly. Voted for those Proprietors that have advanced Money more than their Pro­portion of Taxes, Interest until paid.

11thly. Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Thursday, Seventh Day of September Next, one o'clock P. M., to the Grand Camp in Calais, in the County of Addison, in the State of Vermont.


After the above meeting, the committee started for "Grand Camp." I again copy from Judge Wheeler's account:


In August, 1786, Capt. Samuel Robin­son, E. Waters, J. Tucker, E. Stone and Gen. Parley Davis came from Charlton to complete the survey of the first division and survey another. This party, after arriving at the settlement nearest this place, which was at Middlesex, laden with pro­vision, cooking utensils, blankets, axes, surveying instruments, etc., passed a dis­tance of 13 or 14 miles to the camp erected by the party, who commenced the survey three years previous; often- on the way ex­pressing their anxiety to arrive, that they might regale themselves with the pure spirit which had been permitted to slumber three 'years, and which they imagined must be much improved in quality by its long rest; but judge of their surprise, astonish­ment and chagrin when in raising the earth they discovered the hoops had become rotten, the staves parted, and the long-anticipated beverage had escaped. Whatever tears were shed, or groans ut­tered, at the burial of the keg, they were not to be compared with the bitter agonies of its disinterment.

The party must have soon recovered from their disappointment, and proceeded to their work with a will, for in less than a month from the meeting at Royalton, they were on their way homeward, with the survey of the first and second divisions completed.

The following record was made of the first meeting held in town:

Sept. 7th, 1786, Grand Camp in Calais, the Proprietors met according to adjourn­ment.

1stly. Voted to and Drawed the Second Division Lots in said Calais.

2dly. Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Wednesday, the thirteenth Day of Sep­tember, this Instant Month, at eight o'clock P. M., to the house of Mr. Seth Putnam, in Middlesex.


Clerk, Pro tem.


The two next meetings were held by the party while on their homeward journey. From the record of the first of these:


1stly. Voted to give to any Person that will erect a Good Grist-Mill and a good Saw-Mill within Two years from this date, as near the Middle of said Township of Calais as he conveniently can, shall have one hundred Spanish Milled Dollars and one hundred acres of Land in said Town­ship.

2dly. to give to Mrs. Dailey Putnam, wife of Mr. Seth Putnam, one hundred acres of Land in said Calais, Provided she shall Move into said Town before the last Day of June next, and continue to Live in said Town of Calais Two years at least.

Adjourned, to meet two days afterward at the house of Calvin Parkhurst, in Roy­alton.

The following record shows the party to have been early risers; given for an ex­ample:


September 15th, 1786, the Proprietors met, according to the adjournment.

1stly. Voted and chose Lieut. Jonathan Tucker, Clerk, Pro tem.

2dly. Voted to adjourn this meeting until to-morrow Morning, at six o'clock, to this Place.


The following day (Saturday) was spent in adjusting and allowing accounts for ser­vices and money advanced, and providing for their payment, and in arranging various other matters mostly pertaining to the fi­nances of the proprietary.


The Record closes:


15thly. voted to adjourn this meeting to the second Tuesday' in June next, at Nine o'clock A M., to this Place.

Attest.                                                 JONA. TUCKER,

Clerk Pro tem.


Previous to the time to which the meetings in Vermont were adjourned, as above, three meetings were held in Charlton, Jan. 1, 1787, at the house of Capt. Samuel Rob­inson, the accounts of the surveying com­mittee under consideration.


Voted to leave it with the Committee's generosity whether to abate any of their Charges or not.


Mar. 1, 1787, Daniel Streeter, Caleb Ammidown, Phinehas Slayton, Sam'l Rob­inson and Peter Wheelock chosen a com­mittee to agree with Esquire Kollock (who had drawn the lot on which the first mill was built some 6 years afterwards) to build mills on his right, or dispose of it to some one who would agree to build.




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The last recorded meeting of the pro­prietors in Massachusetts was May 21, 1787, at the house of Salem Town, in Charlton, where all previous meetings not otherwise noted had been held. Dea. Daniel Streeter was chosen agent to act for the proprietors, under instructions at this time given him, at the meeting to be held in Middlesex the next month.

In accordance with a warrant published in the Vermont Gazette of May 21, 1787, a meeting was held the 15th of June follow­ing, at the house of Seth Putnam, in Mid­dlesex, when Jacob Davis, Daniel Streeter and Peter Wheelock were chosen to lay out and make roads, and a tax of 12s. per right voted for that purpose.

At a meeting held at the house of Col. Davis, in Montpelier, in September follow­ing, $1 per right was added to the road tax, and each proprietor was to have the privilege of working out his portion of the tax at 5s. per day, "they finding their own boarding."

The following account of settlements begun this year is given by Judge Wheeler:


The settlement was commenced in the spring of 1787, by Francis West, from Plymouth Co. Mass., who begun felling timber in a lot adjoining Montpelier.

The first permanent settlers, however, were Abijah, Asa and Peter Wheelock, who started from Charlton, June 5, 1787, with a wagon, two yoke of oxen, provisions, tools, etc., and arrived at Williamstown, within 21 miles of Calais, the 19th.

They had hitherto found the roads al­most impassable. Here they were obliged to leave their wagon. Taking a few nec­essary articles upon a sled, they proceeded towards this town, cutting their way and building causeways as they passed along. After a journey of two days, and encamp­ing two nights in the woods, they arrived at Col. Jacob Davis' log hut, in Mont­pelier, where they left their oxen to graze upon the wild grass, leeks and shrubbery with which the woods abounded, and pro­ceeded to Calais, and opened a resolute attack upon the forest.

They returned to Charlton in October. Francis West also left town, and returned the following spring, as did also Abijah and Peter Wheelock, accompanied by Moses Stone. This year they built log houses, the Wheelocks and Stone returning to Massachusetts to spend the following winter, and West to Middlesex.

In this year, also, Gen. Parley Davis, afterward a resident of Montpelier Center, cut and put up two or three stacks of hay upon a beaver meadow in Montpelier, upon a lot adjoining Calais, (now known as the Nahum Templeton farm) a part of which hay was drawn to Col. Davis', in Montpelier, in the following winter, which served partially to break a road from Mont­pelier to Calais line.


In 1788, two proprietors' meetings were held, one June 3, at the house of Col. Davis, and Sept. 30, at Peter Wheelock's new house, in Calais. At the last meeting Peter Wheelock was chosen proprietor's clerk, and the meeting adjourned to June 2, 1787, at the same place, but as Wheelock had not returned from Charlton, the record simply shows an adjournment to the 16th of June, at the house of Col. Davis, in Montpelier, when Moses Stone was chosen collector, and the meeting adjourned to meet Nov. 10, at his house in Calais.

In 1790, four proprietors' meetings were held at the house of Peter Wheelock. At the one June 8, 1791, Dea. Daniel Streeter, Samuel Fay, Peter Wheelock, Godard Wheelock, Daniel Bacon, Moses Stone, James Jennings, Abijah Wheelock, Shubel Short, Jesse Slayton, Capt. Samuel Rob­inson, Ebenezer Stone, Parley Davis, Col. Jacob Davis, Moses Harskell, Francis West, presented accounts for work done on the highways in town. The whole amount allowed was 72 £.


There were recorded present at this meeting:


James Jennings, Samuel Twiss, Shubel Short, Asa Wheelock, Francis West, Ed­ward Tucker, Abijah Wheelock, Moses Harskell, Peter Wheelock.


June 6, 1792, Col. Jacob Davis, Abijah Wheelock and Peter Wheelock were chosen a committee to survey the undivided lands, and make a 3d division, and Col. Davis and Samuel Twiss were given the privilege of "pitching" 400 acres of the undivided land, provided they should build and com­plete a good saw-mill and a good corn-mill within a year.


From record of a meeting, Oct. 2, 1793:


1stly. Voted to accept of the Corn-Mill & Saw-mill built in Calais, by Col. Jacob




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Davis and Mr. Sam'l Twiss, they being done according to agreement.


Jan 21, 1794, Joshua Bliss was chosen pro treasurer; at a meeting held Feb. 6, 1794, 40 rights were represented as fol­lows:


Jacob Davis, 26; James Jennings, 1; Sam'l Twiss, 5; Sam'l Fay, 3; Jedediah Fay, 1; Peter Wheelock, 4.

Voted to accept the survey of the Third Division, and establish the Corners as the Committee have made them.

The proprietors' record closes with a meeting held June 5, 1794, when the third division lots were drawn to the several proprietors, by Kelso Gray and Spaulding Pearce, appointed for that purpose, and in March following the town was organized. The first families settling in town came in the spring of 1789. Judge Wheeler tells the story of their journey as follows:


In February or March, 1789, Francis West moved his family on to his farm, where he lived several years. Also, in March of this year, Abijah Wheelock, with his family, Moses Stone, Samuel Twiss, with his new married lady, accompanied by Gen. Davis, from Charlton, arrived at Col. Davis' house, in Montpelier, with sev­eral teams. His house was a mere rude hut, constructed of logs 20 feet in length, with but one apartment, a back built at one end for a fire-place, and covered with bark, with a hole left in the roof for the smoke to escape; and this on their arrival they found to be preoccupied by several families, emigrants from Peterboro, N. H., and in that mansion of felicity there dwelt for about a fortnight, three families with children in each, one man and his wife re­cently married, three-gentlemen then enjoying a state of single blessedness, and a young lady; and among the happy group were some of the first settlers of Calais.

On the 13th of April, racket-paths having been previously broken, Messrs Wheelock, Twiss and Stone prepared hand-sleds, loaded thereon their beds, and some light articles of furniture, and accompanied by Mrs. Wheelock and Mrs. Twiss, and Gen. Davis, proceeded to this town over snow 3 feet in depth, Mrs. Wheelock traveling the whole distance on foot, and carrying in her arms an infant 4 months old, while their son, about 2 years of age, was drawn upon the hand-sled. Mrs. Twiss, the re­cently married lady, also performed the same journey on foot, making use of her broom for a walking-cane.

During the day, the snow became soft, and in crossing a marshy piece of ground, Mrs. Twiss slumped with one foot, and sank to considerable depth, and was unable to arise. Gen. Davis, with all the gallantry of a young woodsman, pawed away the snow with his hands, seized her below the knee, and extricated her. This incident was a source of no small merriment to the party generally, of mortification to the amiable sufferer, and gratification to Mrs. Wheelock, who felt herself secretly piqued that Mrs. Twiss did not offer bear her precious burden some part of the distance.

They arrived in safety the same day, and commenced the permanent settlement of the town. A large rock, now in the orchard on the farm owned by J. W. E. Bliss, once formed the end and fire-place to the log cabin of the first settlers of Calais.

In 1790, James Jennings arrived with a family. In the winter of 1794, Mr. Jen­nings, being upwards of 60 years of age, lost his life by fatigue and frost, while on his return through the woods from Mont­pelier to this place. There was not at this time a sufficient number of men to constitute a jury of inquest.

The first settlers lived at some distance from each other, and it was not uncommon for a woman to travel several miles to visit a neighbor, and return home after dark through the woods, brandishing a fire­brand to enable her to discover the marked trees. For one or two years the settlers brought the grain for their families and for seed from Williamstown, Brookfield and Royalton, a distance of 30 miles or more. After they began to raise grain in town, they had to carry it 15 miles to mill. This they did in winter, by placing several bags of grain upon the neck of an ox, and driving his mate before him to beat the path.


Dates, as near as can be determined, when some of the first settlers moved their families into town: Francis West, AbijahWheelock and Samuel Twiss in the spring of 1789; Peter Wheelock and Moses Has­kell in the fall of that year; James Jennings in 1790; Asa Wheelock and David Good­ale in 1791; Edward Tucker and others in 1792, and in 1799, considerable additions were made to the settlement.


On Mar. 2, 1795, David Wing, Jr., of Montpelier, issued a warrant notifying the inhabitants of Calais to meet at the house of Peter Wheelock, on the 23d of that month, to choose all necessary town officers and transact any other necessary business.




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At this, the first town meeting, the officers chosen were: Joshua Bliss, mod­erator; Peter Wheelock, town clerk; Joshua Bliss, Edward Tucker and Jonas Comins, selectmen; Samuel Fay, treasurer; Jonas Comins, collector and constable; Jedediah Fay, Abijah Wheelock and Aaron Bliss, listers; Amos Ginnings, grand juryman; Edward Tucker, Frederick Bliss and Goddard Wheelock, surveyors of highways; Amos Ginnings, sealer of leather; Moses Haskell, keeper of the pound; John Crain, tithingmen; Aaron Bliss, James Ginnings, Samuel Fay and Jennison Wheelock, hay wardens; Asa Wheelock, Stephen Fay and Abraham Howland, fence viewers; Jona­than Tucker, sealer of weights and meas­ures.


Voted that the place of posting and holding freeman's, and other town meetings, be at the house of Peter Wheelock.


In September following, Peter Wheelock was chosen to the General Assembly. Thos. Chittenden received 8 votes for Governor, and Isaac Tichenor, 7 votes. For David Wing, Jr., for treasurer, and for each of the councillors, 17 votes were cast.


At a town-meeting Sept. 5, 1797, it was


Voted that the Town petition the Gen­eral Assembly of the State at their next session to alter the name of this town from Calais to Mount Vernon, and that the ex­pense of such alteration be paid from the town treasury.


In the same year, a meeting was warned for the purpose of electing a Representative to Congress, to fill a vacancy occasioned by the member-elect refusing to serve. The record of the meeting closes as fol­lows: "No votes being offered, the meeting was dissolved."


The warning for the town meeting, March, 1800, contains: "6th. To see what measures the Town will take to keep in employ Idle and Indolent persons who do not employ themselves," but at the meeting the article was "passed over."


In 1813, what funds had accumulated for "support of worship," nearly $40 were given to Elder Benjamin Putnam, and in 1815, the amount then on hand was voted to Elder Benjamin Page. At this time there had been received on the right granted to the first settled minister, $628.34. Of this, $284.80 had been appropriated for town expenses, and $100 for support of schools.


In March, 1815, the committee to settle with the town treasurer found that 38 pounds of lead had been lent out of the town stock to Samuel Rich, Esq.

In 1818, it was voted that the selectmen provide a house for the poor, and that the money arising from lands appropriated to the use of first-settled ministers be used for town expenses. In 1829, that town officers be allowed $1 per day.

1827, Caleb Curtis was authorized to sell the town military stores, and in 1828, the powder on hand was presented to the La Fayette Artillery Co.

In 1836, Alonzo Pearce, Jesse White and Loved Kelton were chosen a committee to locate and build a town-house near the center of the town, and the freeman's meeting, held Sept. 5, 1837, was called at the center school-house, and adjourned to the new town-house, but it was not completed at that time, and the first meeting warned there was in March, 1839. Previous to this, meetings had been held:


In 1795, and '6, and freeman's meeting in '97, at Peter Wheelock's: town meet­ings, 1797, 1800, '2 and '4, at Asa Whee­lock's; freeman's meetings, 1798, '9, 1800, and town meeting, '99, at Abdiel; town meetings, 1801 and '3, and freeman's meeting, from 1801 to 1804, at Alpheus Bliss's; all meetings from 1805 to spring of 1808, at Isaac Kendall's; from fall of 1808 to 1817, at Gideon Wheelock's; then at Center school-house until 1839; since 1868, at the vestry of the Christian church.




CLERKS.—Peter Wheelock, 1795 to 1801; Gideon Hicks, 1802 to 9, and 1818 to 47; Gideon Wheelock, 1810 to 15; Lemuel Perry, 1816, 17; Nelson A. Chase, 1848 to 64; Alonzo Pearce, 1865; Marcus Ide, 1866 to 75; Samuel O. Robinson, 1876 to 81.

[For remainder of tables, see last page.]




The first record of the roads in town was made Mar. 4, 1799, the names of present




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owners or occupants being in parenthesis; Beginning at the south line of the town by Duncan Young's (Sodom), Capt. Abdiel Bliss' (A. S. Bliss), Edward Tucker's, (W. H. Kelton), Peter Wheelock's (S. S. Fuller's) Jedediah Fay's (A. C. Guernsey), the mills (S. O. Robinson) Gideon Whee­lock's (J. W. Hall) and Levi Wright's, (Otis Rickord) to the north line of the town. A road leaving the above north of Levi Wright's, by Holden Wilbur's (J. Q. Haskell) to Amos Jennings' (Mrs. Balen­entine). A road from Edward Tucker's by Joshua Bliss, 2d, (J. W. E. Bliss) David Bliss (A. Sanders), Rufus Green's (Lewis Wood), Abijah Wheelock's (B. Wheeler), Joel Robinson's (Harvey Ains­worth), Thomas Hathaway (C. A. Wat­son), to Caleb Curtis' (A. J. Mower). From the N. W. corner of Abijah Whee­lock's lot (Kent's Corner), to the first-men­tioned road, below the mills (near T. C. Holt's). From near Edward Tucker's by Winslow Pope's (south of A. D. Sparrow), to Ethel Steward's (O. A. Wood).

From Peter Wheelock's by his saw-mill, (on the brook north of Caleb Bliss) by Shubel Shortt's (T. LeBarron) and David Fuller's (A. P. Slayton) to Montpelier line. From Abdiel Bliss' by James Jennings', Isaac Kendall's (E. L. Burnap) Abraham Howland's (on lot east of Burnap's), cross­ing the East branch, and by Jennison Wheelock's (Alfred Wheelock's) and David Goodell's (S. Bancroft), to Asa Wheelock's (Isaac Stanton). From near Isaac Kendall's to Samuel White's (Kelso Gray). From near Isaac Kendall's, southerly by Simeon Slayton's, Jesse Slayton's (Jerra Slayton), Oliver Palmer's (Luther Converse), Goddard Wheelock's (E. Pray) and Elnathan Hathaway's (L. M. Cate) to Montpelier line. From Oliver Palmer's to Gershom Palmer's (W. P. Slayton). From the south line of the town by Stephen Fay's (Walter Merritt) Phinehas Davis' (J. P. Carnes), Joshua Bliss' (L. Con­verse), Elijah White's (G. Holmes), Asa Wheelock's, Samuel Fay's (Palmer Paine), Amasa Tucker's (Henry Wells) Aaron Bliss' (Elias Smith), Noah Bliss' (C. H. French), Jonathan Tucker's, (Marcus Waite), Jonas Comings' (N. W. Bliss) and Noah C. Clark's, to Marshfield line. From Jennison Wheelock's by Asahel Pearce's (W. Lilley) to Aaron Lamb's. From Joshua Lilley's (L. G. Dwinell), to Aaron Bliss'.

This record no doubt describes all the roads in town at that time, but some other settlements had been made.

Ebenezer Goodenough was on the farm where C. B. Marsh now lives; John Crane where Zalmon Pearce lives; Moses Has­kell had been ten years or more on C. S. Bennett's farm; at about the date of this record, Zoath Tobey began on C. O. Adams' farm; Elisha Doan on the lot north of Harvey Ainsworth's; Frederic Bliss owned the lot where G. B. W. Bliss now lives; Simon Davis the land where W. C. Bugbee lives, and Solomon Janes, Salem Wheelock and Jonathan Eddy were residents, but their location at that time is not satisfactorily determined.

In 1810, 11, all the roads in town were surveyed, and the record shows the follow­ing roads not described above: The west county road was surveyed in 1808, and the road from it to Sodom was opened pre­vious to 1810; also from the county road to Edward Tucker's. From the county road near Thomas Hathaway's, by the center of the town, to Aaron Lamb's. From Marsh­field line westerly by Aaron Bliss', Zoath Tobey's (Dr. Asa George) Lilley's Mills (Moscow), Artemas Foster's (M. C. Ken­iston), Phinehas Goodenough's (O. W. White), to the road near Amos Jennings', (Mrs. Balentine).

From Lilley's Mills by Emerson's, to Woodbury line. From Woodbury line by E. Goodenough's, to Jonathan Tucker's. From the center of the town, through Pekin, and by where A. N. Chapin and W. C. Bugbee now live, to John R. Dens­more's (J. P. Carnes). From near Oliver Palmer's, southerly by Moses Haskell, to the south line of the town.

In 1809, Reuben D. Waters bought the lot on which Andrew Haskell lives, and soon after a road was laid from the mills near the center to his house, and in 1814, this road was extended northerly to Wood-




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bury line. The road from near Harrison Bancroft's, and by W. V. Peck's to the East branch was surveyed in 1814. The center county road in 1815, and the road from Woodbury line to Moscow in 1821; from Maple Corner to Worcester in 1825.

The first action of the town in regard to schools, was in March, 1796. "Voted to raise two pence on the pound on the Grand List of 1796, for schools," and the selectmen divided the town into the East and West school districts.

In 1798, what is now No. 4 and the east­erly half of No. 13, was made the South-east district, what is now No. 2 was named the East district, and the remainder of the former East district was styled the North­east district. Ebenezer Goodenough was chosen trustee of the last-named district, and Oliver Palmer of the South-east.

School trustees chosen in 1800 were: Abijah Wheelock, West district; Joshua Lilley, east district; Doct. Samuel Dan­forth, South-east district; Noah C. Clark, North-east district; scholars in West district between 4 and 18, 96; in S. E. dis­trict, 27.

In 1802, the North and Center districts were set off, trustees, Abijah Wheelock, West district; Joshua Lilley, East district; Oliver Palmer, South-east district; Jonas Comins, North-east district; Levi Wright, Center district.

In 1805, scholars reported between 4 and 18 years of age, 207; of whom 100 were in the West district, and the next March the North-west district was set off; 1808, the South-west district was formed. In 1812, the town voted "to pay the school tax for the year ensuing in good corn, rye or wheat." This is the first year that we find a complete record of the families in town having children between 4 and 18 years of age, 100 having 329 children; 16 of these, 1 each; 25, 2 each; 18, 3 each; 14, 4 each; 14, 5 each; 10, 6 each; Jason Marsh, 7; Isaac Wells and Frederic Bliss, 8 each.

In 1818, the South district was estab­lished, and in 1825 the Blanchard dis­trict, and March, 1826, the districts were numbered: West district, No. 1; East, No. 2; Center, No. 3; South-east, No. 4; North-west, No. 5; North-east, No. 6; South-west, No. 7; North, No. 8; South, No. 9; Blanchard, No. 10; at the same time Nos. 11 and 12 were established; nearly the same territory as now.

In 1828, Shubael Wheeler, Asa George and E. C. McLoud were chosen a committee to examine teachers and visit schools. In 1829, district No. 13 was established; in 1832, No. 14.




[From Genealogical and Biographical Sketch of the Stayton Family, 1879.]


PHINEAS SLAYTON, son of Thomas, and grandson of Capt. Thomas, from England, b. in Barre, Mass., 1736, m. Jane Gray, 1761. He was an officer in the Revolu­tionary war, and a magistrate of his town; children, Jesse, Simeon, Elijah, Abigail, Eleanor, Hannah, Elisha; moved to Montpelier about 1790, settled on a farm near the Calais line. He was called by his descendants and neighbors ''Long Stocking," because he wore short velvet breeches, with long stockings and silver knee-buckles. His quaint old English style of dress will be remembered by many of the older residents of Washington County.


JESSE SLAYTON, b. Barre, Mass., 1764; m. Betsy Bucklin , children, Bucklin, Jesse, Phineas, Darius, Lucy, Betsy, Eleanor, Mahala, Aseanath. He moved to Calais about 1790, and built a house and cleared the farm where Jerra Slayton now lives. Many, if not all, of the children were born in Brookfield, and moved to Vermont with their parents, and all settled in Calais or vicinity, and most of them reared large families of children. Moving into the settlement before the town was organized, their father, Jesse Slayton, was one of the original 25 who voted on the organization of the town, and a revolutionary soldier.


BUCKLIN SLAYTON, son of Jesse, b. in Brookfield, Mass., 1783; moved to Calais with his father; m. 1804, Sally Willis, b. in Hardwick, Mass.; dau. of Edward Willis and Nancy Fuller, of Bridgewater, Mass., who were among the early settlers of Calais; children, Harriet, Dulcenia J.,




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Orrin B., Aro P., Sarah, George J., Fanny and Hiram K. Slayton.

He was a master carpenter, and planned and set out many of the frame dwelling-houses and stores of Montpelier and Calais. He was the firstman, according to common report, who set out buildings by square rule; previous to that time buildings had been built by scribe rule. Whether he was the originator of the square rule or not, is not known beyond a doubt by the writer; but it would seem there were few, if any, who set out by square rule at that time, for in 1827 and '29, he was sent for to set out the factories at Nashua, N. H., and when asked how long a building he could set out, he said if they would fur­nish the lumber, he could set out a build­ing that would reach from Nashua to Boston. In the war of 1812-14, Bucklin, Jesse, Phineas and Darius all enlisted in the company from Calais and Montpelier, raised and commanded by Capt. Gideon Wheelock, to meet the British at Platts­burgh.


ORRIN B., his son, m. Dulcena Andrews; children, Joseph, Austin C. Aro P. Jr., Rufus, Amanda, Amelia and Alfred.


AUSTIN C. SLAYTON, son of Orrin B., enlisted in the 3d Vt. Regt., and served 4 years in the war of the Rebellion in the army of the Potomac. He was a good soldier and in a great many battles. His regiment belonged to that famous Vermont brigade called the "Old Iron Brigade," whose valor reflected imperishable honor on the State which furnished the men, and on the nation whose life they fought to maintain. He is now living in Chicago.


RUFUS SLAYTON, brother of Austin C., enlisted in the 7th Vt. Regt., served faith­fully, and died from sickness, occasioned by his service in the army, soon after reaching his home. Aro and Alfred still live in Montpelier, and Joseph in Calais.


ARO P. SLAYTON, son of Bucklin, en­listed in the war of the Rebellion, was elected 1st lieut. of Co. H. 13th Regt. V. Vols. This company was composed largely of citizens of Calais. He was in the battle of Gettysburg, and in command of his company through that battle, and was pro­moted to the captaincy of that company. He represented Elmore in the Legislature. He married Lucy White, by whom he had seven children: Florence, Katie, Frank, Herbert, Lucy, Calvin and Orrin. He and his family now live in Elmore.

Geo. J., bro. of Aro P., m. Fanny An­drews: children, Willis, Marinda, Cortez, Henry, Fremont and Melvina. He and some of his children are living in Morris­ville.


HON. HIRAM K. SLAYTON, son of Buck­lin, b. in Calais, 1825, m. Eliza A. Mitch­ell, of Manchester, N. H., 1850; have one son, Edward M. Slayton. He was ed­ucated at the common schools and Mont­pelier Academy, taught school 2 winters; at 18 years entered as a clerk in a counting-room on India street, Boston, for three years; returned to Calais and opened a country variety store; also bought country produce; was appointed a delegate from Vermont to the first Republican National Convention at Philadelphia, in 1856, and alternate delegate in 1860; was elected a representative from his native town in 1858 and '59; moved to Manchester, N. H., in 1863; went to Cuba in the fall of '63; thence to New Orleans; wholesaled dry goods through the winter; returned to Manchester the spring of '64; commenced and built up a large wholesale and produce and provision business; was elected from Ward Three a representative to the New Hampshire Legislature in 1871; re-elected in '72; spring of '73 he gave up his mer­cantile business to his son, visited Eng­land, Scotland, and passed the summer in Antwerp, Brussels, Cologne, Berlin, Dres­den, etc.; at the World's Fair in Vienna, at Augsburg, Basle, Paris, etc.; in 1876, was elected a member of the constitutional convention to revise and amend the con­stitution of the State; in '77, a senator to represent the city of Manchester in the New Hampshire Senate; re-elected in '78, and he is more widely known throughout the country for his efforts in favor of specie payments and able financial articles, orig­inating the maxim, viz.: "The nation which has the most valuable legal tender dollar, (other things being equal), will



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outrun in wealth and prosperity the nation whose dollar buys less, as sure as death follows existence"; is the author of the resolutions in favor of specie payments which passed the New Hampshire and Ver­mont Legislatures, and the resolution passed by the Vermont Legislature in the fall of '78 in relation to the Bland silver bill. His efforts in favor of resumption, an honest dollar and honest payment of debts were continuous for many years. His articles on finance are widely copied by the public press of the country, and their soundness is endorsed by such lead­ing financial thinkers and writers as Amasa Walker, David A. Wells, B. F. Nourse, Abram S. Hewitt, Jas. A. Garfield and others.


EDWARD M. SLAYTON, son of Hiram R., b. in Calais, 1851; m. Jennie Hovey, of Rockland, Me., 1874; has one daughter, Olive May; sons, Hovey Edward and H. K. Slayton, Jr.; now living in Manchester, N. H., wholesale produce and provision merchant.


DARIUS SLAYTON, son of Jesse, had 2 sons, Henry and Edson, and 2 daughters. He is a good citizen, and still lives on his old homestead farm in Calais. His son Edson has reared a large family of chil­dren, and is a respected citizen of Wolcott.


OTIS SLAYTON married a daughter of Wm. Peck, has no children, and lives in Calais.





Among the few familiar names intimately connected with the early history and set­tlement of Calais, are found those of Silas Hathaway and his sons, Elnathan, Thomas and Asa. Cotemporaries of the Whee­locks, the Blisses, Slaytons, Fays and Tuckers, they shared their full measure the hardships incident to a new settlement.


SILAS HATHAWAY, son of Elnathan, (who died at New Bedford, aged 90) was born in New Bedford, Mass., July 3, 1742. Silas married Mary Griffeth, of Rochester. Mass.; of their 9 children, all born at New Bedford, 6 married and raised families: Elnathan, Esther, Thomas, Eleanor, Asa, Sarah, West, in order of age. Mr. Hathaway emigated to Calais in 1796, whither some of his family had already preceded him. He resided for many years on the farm now (1879) owned and occupied by Caleb Bliss, his residence being near the old cemetery on that farm. He died June 1, 1812.


ELNATHAN, son of Silas, born Feb. 3, 1770, came to Vermont earlier than any others of his family, the exact date un­known; but certain it is that he came sev­eral years prior to his father's coming. He married 1st, Rhoda Tabor, of Mass.; 2d, Esther (Buel) Bassett, of E. Montpelier; 3d, Jane Burchard, of Starksboro; chil­dren by 1st wife, 3—but one, Alma, grew up—by 2d wife, 6; three, Rhoda, Alden, Martha, attained majority.

Elnathan was a farmer and blacksmith, and resided on the farm now (1879) of Lemuel Cate. He was for many years a prominent member of the society of Friends, who had a church in E. Mont­pelier, and were quite numerous in that and neighboring towns. His parents re­sided with him in their decline of life. He died Jan. 1835. Of his descendants, none in town. His daughter Alma m. James Lebaron, and lived many years in Calais, but removed some years since to Mass., where she died, Dec. 1872, leaving two daughters. His daughter Rhoda m. Alonzo Redway, and lives in East Montpelier. His son, Alden, m. Louisa, dau. of Wil­liam Templeton, of E. Montpelier, where he died Jan. 1843, age, 47.

ESTHER, dau. of Silas, b. Sept. 1771, m. Smith Stevens, son of Prince Stevens, of E. Montpelier, and lived there in the decline of life with James Bennett, who m. Rhoda Stevens, a daughter. But two of this family living, Catherine and Smith Stevens, Jr., of E. Montpelier.

THOMAS, son of Silas, born Aug. 1773; m. 1st, to Susannah Coombs, of Roches­ter, Mass., Jan. 1797; 2d, to Philana Pray, of Calais, (from Oxford, Mass.) Sept. 1845. He came with his family from Rochester. Mass., to Calais in 1799, locating on the farm where he resided till his death. He first came to Calais in March, 1794, and cut the first tree on his land June 1, 1795.




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He returned to Massachusetts in the fall, and came back in the spring, for several years before he moved his family on. He had 10 children; 8 married: Susan, Caleb Coombs, Loam, Earl, Sorton, Almeda, Lora, and Philander; Loam, Almeda and Lora only survive. Thomas lived in de­cline of life upon the old homestead with his son Lorton, dying Apr. 1856. Of his children, Susan, b. in 1800, m. Calvin Foster, of Moretown; died there July, 1874; no descendants; Caleb Coombs, b. 1801, m. Polly Ainsworth, of Calais. He died in N. Montpelier, where he had resided many years, Dec. 1878. He was a farmer; had 6 children. The widow and two daughters alone remain of his family.

LOAM, son of Thomas, b. 1803, a farmer, m. Catherine H., daughter of Lyman Dag­gett, a farmer of Calais, from Charlton, Mass. He removed to Hardwick in 1866; resides at the South Village; 4 children in this family. Lyman Daggett, the oldest son, is a lawyer at Hardwick; Fernando Cortez, the youngest, graduated at Dart­mouth in 1868; was principal of Valley Seminary, N. H., Hardwick Academy, and People's Academy, Morrisville. He attained a high reputation as a teacher, but broke down from over-work, dying July 6, 1873. He was a member of the State Board of Education at his death.

EARL, son of Thomas, b. 1806, in. 1st, to Nancy, daughter of Gains Allen, of Calais, (formerly of Maine); 2d, to Sarah Ann Stewart, dau. of David Stewart, of Duxbury. His farm was near his father's old homestead, in Calais. He died Feb. 1861. He had but one son, Mahlon S., with whom his mother resides. He was b. 1844, m. Stella C. Shedd, of Hardwick, b. 1851. He follows the same occupation as his father, varying it for some years past by school-teaching for a portion of the year. He has also filled positions of re­sponsibility and trust in town affairs with much acceptance.

LORTON, b. Aug. 1808, m. Hannah N., dau. of Jonathan Hamblet, of Worcester, Vt.; he resided through life on the old homestead of his father, in Calais; died, 1858. His children were Mary Jane and Julia Emma. Mary J. m. Carlos Jacobs; resides in Calais. Julia E. m. Charles Watson; resides upon the old Hathaway homestead. His widow m. Jonas G. Orms­bee; resides at North Calais.

Almeda, dau. of Thomas, b. 1810, Martin W. Hamblet, who died 1869. She resides with her only son at Middlesex. Lora, son of Thomas, b. July, 1812, m. Judith Cilley, of Worcester; is a farmer in Woodbury; has 2 sons, 2 daughters.

Philander, son of Thomas, b. 1816, m. Nancy E. Coats, of Windsor. He was a mason by trade; died in Windsor, 1857; left a widow and two children; all reside in Boston. His widow m. John C. Hutch­inson, of Windsor, a blacksmith and gla­zier.

ASA, son of Silas, b. Dec. 1777, came to Calais with his father in 1796; M. Mary, dau. of John Peck, of E. Montpelier, (from Royalston, Mass.) He resided the re­mainder of his life here for the most part on farms in the south part of the town, now (1879) occupied by E. H. Slayton and H. H. McLoud, where he died in 1830. He was a farmer and blacksmith; raised 7 children; 6 married; 5 are living: Tilmus, Elnathan, Hiram, Stillman, and Asa Peck.

Tilmus, b. 1805, m. Lois K., dau. of Enoch Blake, of Cabot; resided till re­cently on his father's old farm; now at E. Cabot; has two sons, Asa Sprague and Clarence Lockwood. Asa has for some years past been engaged in mercantile pur­suits in Boston, Mass.

Clarence is a graduate of Norwich Uni­versity, Northfield, Vt.; studied theology with Rev. Dr. Hepworth, then of Boston; visited the Argentine Republic, South America, as an attachee of Prof. Gould's scientific expedition; after his return, studied medicine, and established himself in practice in Boston, where he now re­sides.

Elnathan, son of Asa, b. 1808, m. Dul­cenia, dau. of Bucklin Slayton, of Calais; is a farmer; resides near the old home­stead of his father.

Hiram, son of Asa, b. 1811, m. 1st, Ruth H. Johnson; 2d, Esther Ann Pren‑




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tiss, both of Moretown; children, 5 by 1st and one by 2d marriage, of whom Chas. Johnson, Edna Ruth, Asa Peck and Frank Luce are now living. The two oldest sons, married, farmers, reside near their father; the youngest with; the daughter married Henry A. Slayton, a merchant of Morris­ville. Hiram, farmer, resides in Moretown village; has long been a prominent citizen of that town, and leading member of the Methodist church.

Stillman, son of Asa, b. 1813, m. Calista D. Harrington, of Bennington; has resided in Boston, Philadelphia, Pt. Kent, Bennington, Wisconsin, etc. He was a photographer; now a farmer in Highland, Minn. He has 2 daughters, 1 son; all of Minnesota.

Asa Peck, son of Asa, b. 1817, m. 1st, Sarah Carlton, of Dorchester, Mass.; 2d, Ann Maria Hilton, dau. of John Hilton, Esq., of Lynn, Mass.; residence, Boston and Lynn, Mass.; a wholesale and commission dealer in grain, flour and pro­visions, senior member of the firm of Hath­away & Woods, 24 Commerce and 111 So. Market st., Boston. He went to Boston in 1836, and has resided there ever since, except 2 years spent at Huntsville, Ala. He is classed financially with the solid, and is certainly among the heavy men of Boston.

LYMAN DAGGETT, son of David, (an of­ficer of the Revolutionary war, dying in that service at Oxford, Mass., 1777) came as a member of his uncle, Peter Wheelock's family, with them to Calais, Sept. 1789, at the age of 14. He was a farmer; lived before married on the farm now of his grandson, Willard C. Bugbee, son of Chester Bugbee, with whom he lived in the decline of life; where he died, Apr. 1871. He m. Sarah W., youngest daughter of Silas Hathaway; b. Feb. 1785; d. Aug. 1872; children, 3; 2 attained maturity: Cath­erine H. who m. Loam Hathaway (noticed), Clarissa Amanda, widow of the late Chester Bugbee, of Calais, residing with her son upon the old homestead, cleared of the primitive forest by her father. Only two bearing the family name are now (1881) counted among our citizens: ELNATHAN, son of Asa, and MAHLON S., son of Earl Hathaway, the former standing upon the edge of the dark valley, wearing the snows of three score years and ten; the latter, but just passed the threshold of active business life. Beside these, there remain in town the descendants of Lorton Hath­away and Chester Bugbee, who can claim direct lineage from Silas Hathaway.


CHARLES DUGAR, born in France, came to Nova Scotia with his father's family, and when about 12 years of age, to Charlton, Mass.


GLOAD, son of Charles, born in Charl­ton, 1775, married Sarah Dunton, of Stur­bridge, Mass., and removed to Calais in June, 1809. He settled first near where Allen Morse now lives, then where John Sabin now is, and afterwards on land now owned by his son Abner, the only one of his 11 children now living in this vicinity.


ABNER, son of Gload, was born 1805, in Charlton; when about 5 years old, an ac­cident rendered him totally blind, and his career has been remarkable for one placed in the circumstances he was. His father was poor, and he was early thrown upon his own resources, but natural intelligence and energy have in great measure com­pensated for his loss of sight. He attended school, and made considerable progress by hearing the recitations of other scholars, and engaged in nearly all the sports and labors of boyhood, taking long tramps in the woods in fishing and trapping.


He began business for himself by peddling small articles from house to house, and when about 21, having accumulated a little capital, bought a farm, and married Hannah Jacobs, of Montpelier. Since that time he has made farming his business, and with more than average success. He has reared a family of 6 children, and given them as good advantages as are enjoyed by the average of farmers' families, and now owns a good farm, part in this town and part in Worcester. He performs nearly all kinds of farm labor, and upon a recent visit, was found going about his barns caring for the stock. He is a good judge of cattle, even distinguishing




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their different colors by some unaccounted for sense.

Near his house when a boy was a mill; this he clambered over until he be­came so familiar with it, that he has during the leisure hours of his busy life made two models of it, complete in all their details.

While clearing his farm, he made a con­siderable business of burning charcoal, and one winter drew 900 bushels to Mont­pelier, some 10 miles, with a pair of two-years-old steers.

He once engaged of a neighbor one of a lot of young pigs. One among them was of slightly better form than the others, and this the neighbor intended to keep himself. But when Dugar came, he could not quite refuse a blind man his choice; so Dugar entered the pen, and after careful examination, came out with the identical pig the other had selected.




OLIVER PALMER married, Dec. 1786, Asenath Barnes; removed from Woodstock to Calais in 1796; lived some 20 years on the farm now owned by Luther Converse, and returned to Woodstock. While in Calais, he held the offices of town treasurer, selectman and lister. His chil­dren were: Orpha, b. 1789, m. 1808, An­drew Nealey; lived some years on the farm now owned by George Chase; Millie, Har­riet, Alden, 1795, mill-wright, married, lived in Calais, Montpelier and elsewhere; Walter, b. 1805; Laura, 1810.


GERSHAM PALMER, younger brother of Oliver, married Mercy Bennett in Wood­stock, probably about the time of his re­moval to Calais in 1797; lived on the farm north of his brother Oliver; was prom­inent in town business; moderator in town meeting 6 years, selectman 8 years; lister 2 years; was the fourth representative from Calais; served 7 years; in 1810, judge of probate in what was then Caledonia Co.; 2d justice in town; served 12 years, and by act of the Legislature, Nov. 1, 1810, was made one of a committee of three to locate and build county buildings in the new County of Jefferson, now Washing­ton.

He died Oct. 11, aged 37 years. His children, all born in Calais, were Hannah W., b. 1798, m. 1827, Alvah Elmore, lived on the Col. Curtis farm, where she died, Aug. 1843; Rispah, b. 1800, m. in Wood­stock, 1820, Eben Cox, son of Daniel and Celia (Darling), born Jan. 1, 1796. They came to Calais in 1827, and began on the farm where he died, Nov 1877. Only one of their family of 9 daughters resides in Calais: Aurelia M., b. Oct. 14, 1829, m. Mar. 28, 1855, Elbridge H. Stickney.

Mercy, dau. of Gersham, was b. in 1802; Lucia D., in 1803.


BENNETT, son of Gersham, b. Nov. 10, 1805, was ordained to the ministry in the Church of Christian Brethren, Calais, Aug. 29, 1830; married Valina Snow, of Pomfret, and went to New Hampshire to live, and while there was a member of the N. H. Legislature. He returned to Calais in 1845, where he remained till his death, May 12, 1851. Children of Bennett and Valina Palmer: Lucia Ellen and Sarah Snow, b. in Washington, N. H., 1835, '37; Gersham Bela, b. in Marlow, N. H., 1840; Charles Bennett, b. in Springfield, N. H., 1844; Redora Valina, b. in Calais, Aug. 26, 1847.

Dulcenia, dau. of Gersham, was born 1808; Fanny, 1810; Mercy, Lucia, Dul­cenia and Fanny are married, and reside in Woodstock.



settled on what is now known as the Smilie Bancroft farm, about 1791. He died Feb. 1, 1808, and his wife, Martha, Aug. 29, 1809. Their children: Pamelia, b. 1787, m. Asaph King; Polly, b. 1789, deceased; John, b, 1792; Orange, b. 1795, deceased; Tamar, b. 1801, m. Jason Chase.


JOHN GOODELL, son of David, m. 1818, Lucy, dau. of Elijah White; settled in Cabot; in 1825, returned to Calais, where he resided until his death, July, 1860; children, Diana, b. 1824, m. Alvin Chapin; Matilda, b. 1827, m. Alonzo Taylor; resides in New York City , Sidney, b. 1830, m. Elizabeth Darling, of Meriden, Mass.; resides in Milford, Mass.; Lucy, b. 1840, m. 1857, Alonzo, son of Shepherd Wheeler; their dau. Flora, born Dec. 1862.




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BARNABAS DOTY, Jr., b. in Rochester, Apr. 30, 1771, 2d on of Capt. Barnabas, went to Montpelier in the spring of 1789, with his brother Edmund, where they built, under the direction of Col. Larned Lamb, the first framed-house in that town, for Col. Jacob Davis. He worked as a housewright there each summer, returning to R. in the winter, till 1792; m. in Rochester, Mass., Jan. 19, 1793, Thankful, dau. of David and Sarah (Parker) Wing, b. July 2, 1769, and settled in Montpelier the following spring. He was commissioned ensign of Washington Artillery by Gov. Jonas Galusha, 1811, and captain 3 years later, by Gov. Martin Chittenden. He rode post some years from Montpelier to Hardwick, 20 miles, to which latter place he removed, and carried on the busIness of a blacksmith, saddler, watchmaker and merchant, doing most of the magistrate's business in town; was postmaster 1821-5, until having buried his son, Horatio Gates, 1827, and his wife, 1831, he went to live in Georgeville, C. E., then in Irasburgh, Vt., and spent the last 16 years of his life in Calais, where he died Dec. 1864, aged 93; was buried in Hardwick. [Philo Club, p. 39].

Copy of a letter presented Silas Ketchum by A. S. Bliss:


            MONTPELIER, Mar. 30, 1814.

To Silas Williams, Esq., Maj. Steven Pitkin, Mr. Elihu Coburn, Maj. Joel Walker, William Mattocks, Esq., Alpha Warner, Esq.; Elnathan Strong, Esq., Ralph Parker, Esq., Wm. Baxter, Esq. and Wm. Howe, Esq:


Gentlemen:—The bearer, Mr. Barnabas Doty, a man of integrity and faithfulness, has undertaken to carry the mail and dis­tribute papers, on the route formerly rode by Mr. Henry Dewey, and from our ac­quaintance with him, we are persuaded he will give as good and as general satisfac­tion as did Mr. Dewey. As he is a stranger, your influence in his behalf in encouraging his business, may be of considerable ben­efit to him. Yours with much respect,

            WALTON & GOSS.


He made first trip, date of above letter. The route book also presented with above letter, shows the route to lay from Montpelier through Calais, Plainfield, Marshfield, Cabot, Peacham, Danville, Wal­den, Hardwick, Greensboro, Glover, Iras­burgh, Salem, Derby and Dunkensborough. [Philo. Club].



came from Charlton, Mass., to Calais in the summer of 1797, and began chopping in the east lot now owned by Lewis Ban­croft, but abandoned it, and the next sum­mer began on the lot in the south-easterly part of the town, where he resided until his death, 1832. In Feb. 1797, he brought his newly-married wife, Ruth Needham, to Calais. She died about 1847; children, all born in Calais; Lucy, b. 1800, m. John, son of David Goodell; Adams, b. 1802; Larnard, 1805; Ruth, 1813, m. 1835, Amasa Hall; settled in Marshfield.

Adams, m. 1825, Alfreda Bryant; lived in Calais and Woodbury; died, 1873; his wife in 1877; both in Woodbury; chil­dren, Florilla, Clarissa, Elijah, Ruth and George. Larnard m. 1828, Roxana, dau. of Nathan Kelton; lived in the S. E. part of the town; deceased.




In August, 1823, a call was issued, signed by Caleb Curtis, Medad Wright and Nathan Bancroft, asking all interested in building a meeting-house in Calais, to meet at the house of Medad Wright on the 18th of that month.

At this meeting, the above society was organized, by-laws adopted, and the fol­lowing officers elected: Caleb Curtis, moderator; William Dana, clerk, and Joshua Bliss, treasurer. Caleb Curtis, Isaac Davis, Alpheus Bliss, Medad Wright and Joel Robinson, committee to select a plan and agree with Caleb Bliss for land on which to set the house.

On the 30th of the same month, a meet­ing was held and the committee reported they had agreed upon a building lot and drawn a plan "40 by 42 feet, 40 pews on the lower floor, 5 feet by 6, and 18 above of the same bigness." The report was accepted. It was decided to put up the frame the ensuing fall, but to be 3 years completing the house; also "that payment for pews be made in three equal instalments,




            144                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


payable one-half in neat cattle, the other moiety in grain, the first payment of stock in one year from the first day of October next, and the grain part in one year from January next, and so annually." Chose Col. Caleb Curtis, Dea. Joshua Bliss, and Mr. Joel Robinson a committee to super­intend the building of the house, and "Capt. Remember Kent, Capt. Isaac Da­vis and Mr. Joseph Brown, a committee, to examine the work whether it be well done."

Following the record of the above meet­ing are the names of members of the society, as follows: Caleb Curtis, Isaac Davis, Alpheus Bliss, Joshua Bliss, 2d., Medad Wright, William Dana, Vial Allen, Pliny Curtis, Joel Robinson, Jabez Mower, Linnus Richards, Isaac Robinson, William Robinson, Welcome Wheelock, Oliver Sheple, Benjamin Page, Gaius Allen, Curtis Mower, Ira Brown, Joseph Brown, Daniel Harris, Caleb Bliss, Remember Kent, Shubael Shortt, Thomas Hathaway, Ephraim Pray, John Robinson, Joshua Bliss, 3d., Joshua Bliss, 4th, Gload Dugar, Dwight Marsh, Charles Clark, Amasa Mc­Knight, Hosea Brown, Weston Wheeler, Mason Wheeler, Nathan Bancroft, Loam Hathaway, James Morse, Ira Kent, Brad­ley Webber, Abdiel Kent, Ezekiel Kent, Hiram Robinson, J. V. R. Kent, Joshua M. Dana, Abdiel Bliss, Kendall T. Davis, Jesse White, Joseph W. E. Bliss, Samuel O. Robinson, Moses Clark.

Some of the last names on the list have become owners since the building of the house.

The frame of the house was prepared and raised about the middle of October, 1823, under the direction of Lovell Kelton, Esq. As first framed there was a projec­tion in front, supporting the steeple, but subsequently the corners were filled out leaving the building in its present shape. During the two next summers, 1824 and '5 the house was completed, under the direc­tion of Mr. Griffin of Hardwick, Vt. In Nov., 1825, a meeting was held and the house accepted, at a cost of $2005, and the society was found to be indebted to the building committee some $460. Probably about the last of Nov., 1825, the house was dedicated, the dedicatory ser­mon by Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Hartland. Six religious societies were represented in the ownership of the house and its use was apportioned among them according to the interest owned by each. The first appor­tionment on record is that for 1828: Bap­tists, 10 Sabbaths; Universalists, 20; Congregationalists, 9; Christians, 6; Free Will Baptists, 4; Methodists 3, and there is no change on record, of this division of the time, until 1848, when it was Univer­salists, 32; Congregationalists, 7; Meth­odists, 5; Baptists, 4; Christians, 4. There is no further record. There was no stove in the house until 1831, though used almost every Sabbath summer and winter.

William Dana was clerk of the society from its organization until 1834. Welcome Wheelock from 1834 to '65, and J. V. R. Kent since. The house has been little used for some years past, but the pride of the present generation has induced them to keep in repair the work of their fathers, though their religious zeal has not been sufficient to use it for the purpose for which it was designed.






The first Christian church was organized in Calais, Dec. 2, 1810, by Elder Reuben Dodge and Benjamin Putnam. There is but little account of the church on record till 1824. Elder Dodge and Elder Putnam supplied them with preaching part of the time.


In October, 1824, Elder Edward B. Rollins and Elder Seth Allen re-organized the church, and introduced the Rollins' discipline, (so called).


Ezekiel Burnham was chosen Ruling Elder or Bishop of the church. Edward B. Rollins and Seth Allen were invited to take the oversight of the church. The number of members at this time was about thirty.

Previous to this organization, the church had no written creed or articles of faith; taking the Scriptures as their rule of faith and practice. In 1835 or 1836, the Ver-




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           145


mont Conference laid aside the Rollins discipline, and returned to their former rule. During this time the church was supplied by a number of ministers, who occasionally met with them to preach the word. Among them were Jasper Hazen, Elhanan Winchester, R. Allen. Among those who have been instrumental in building up the church are the following, viz.: Elders Benjamin Page, John Capron, Abra­ham Hartshorn, Isaac Petingal, Leonard Wheeler, Wm. Sweet and — Goolet, etc. The church now numbers 85 members. They have built a house for worship near the center of the town, and are supplied with preaching every Sabbath.

There is a flourishing Sabbath-school, and a good interest manifested among both scholars and people.

This church is now associated with the Vermont Western Christian Conference. During the 60 years since its organization, there have been a number of revivals of interest, and quite a number of young men have been ordained as ministers of the Gospel.

Previous to 1824, Jera Haskell and Royal T. Haskell were set apart for the work of the ministry, and were eminently success­ful in building up the denomination; also, Jared L. Green and Bennet Palmer, but at exactly what time they were ordained does not appear to be known.

After a few years Elder Palmer moved to New Hampshire and spent several years and then returned to this town, where he died May 12, 1851.

Elder Green labored with the church for many years, and contributed much to its prosperity; then moved to Bradford, where he resided several years, preaching a part of the time in adjoining towns, and then moved to New Hampshire, where he now resides, but still remains a member of the Vermont Eastern Conference.

Elders Jera and Royal Haskell went to Wisconsin, where Jera soon died, and Royal still resides.

Orrin Davis, son of Isaac Davis, one of the early members of the church, and one who did much for the prosperity of the church, was ordained in 1850. He is the present pastor of the church, and has been since 1860.




The church in 1810 was organized with about 50 members; there was a monthly conference established, which has been maintained until the present time. The ordinances have been observed all, or nearly all, of the time during the 70 years of its existence, and it has sustained preach­ing the most of the time by the following ministers, viz.: Elders B. Putnam, R. Dodge, B. Page, E. B. Rollins, J. Cap­ron, I. Petingal, S. Allen, William Has­kell, J. Haskell, J. L. Green, B. Palmer, L. Wheeler, A. Hartshorn, S. Wheelock, J. D. Bailey and O. Davis. It has sustained constant preaching the last 20 years; the present membership about 80, according to the records, but there are only from 50 to 60 resident members. The church will seat about 300. The Sabbath-school has for some years past numbered from 100 to 130.






The venerable William Farwell first promulgated our sentiments in Washington County; Hon. D. P. Thompson, says in his History of Montpelier, Mr. Farwell advocated our faith in a debate with Rev. Chester Wright,—the grandfather of J. Edward. This public discussion was held in the street of Montpelier, under the first shade trees of the village; a multitude of people were present in the streets to hear this debate, and we doubt not some of the fathers whose names here follow listened with intense interest to that discussion, and returned to organize a "parish" in Calais, just 60 years ago; dated at Calais, Dec. 14, 1820, we have this document:


We, the subscribers, inhabitants of Calais in Washington County, do hereby voluntarily associate and agree to form a society by the name of The Universalist Society in Calais for the purpose of having meetings, or supporting a minister to preach with us according to the "first sec­tion of an act entitled an act for the sup­port of the gospels," passed Oct. 26th, A. D. 1798. Subscribed to by Gideon Wheelock, Sabin Ainsworth, Abijah Wheelock,




            146                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Caleb Curtis, Backus Pearce, Levi Wright, Medad Wright, William Robinson, Aaron Lamb, Salem Goodenough, and others called a meeting, to meet at the dwelling-house of Gideon Wheelock.


The record states this first meeting was held at Gideon Wheelock's dwelling-house, in Calais, Feb. 21, 1821; Levi Wright, moderator, of said meeting; Gideon Wheelock, clerk. A constitution and by­laws were adopted at this meeting to gov­ern the society and the following officers chosen: Aaron Lamb, Caleb Curtis, Levi Wright and Medad Wright, prudential com. The 4th article of this constitution reads:


That any member wishing to withdraw from said society, it shall be his duty to make his wishes known to the clerk, in writing, and no member may withdraw without he pay his tax, or subscription.


January 6, 1849, the new constitution and some articles of religious belief were adopted, which were recorded in the commencement of the "second book of records." Not all who have acted with the society have have had their names on the book of records, but I find the names of 25 members who have been moderators at annual meetings since the organization, viz: Levi Wright, Jedediah Fay, Jonas Hall, Nathan Kelton, Abijah Wheelock, Medad Wright, Welcome Wheelock, Pliny Curtis, William Robinson, Abdiel Kent, J. V. R. Kent, John Robinson, Jesse White, Samuel O. Robinson, Richard W. Toby, Alonzo Pearce, Nathaniel Eaton, Jacob Eaton, Moses Sheldon, Sylvester Eaton, Lester Warren, E. A. Hathaway, Ira S. Dwinell, Z. G. Pierce, B. P. White.


These have also been on committees and acted as officers of said society; some of them many times. The clerks, or sec­retaries of this society have been only ten, serving the society as clerks an average of 6 years each, viz: Gideon Wheelock, Wil­liam Robinson, John Robinson, Elon Rob­inson, W. Wheelock, A. Goodenough, J. V. R. Kent, James K. Toby, Alonzo Pearce and Simeon Webb.

1840, and serving until the time of his death in 1865—25 years.

Welcome Wheelock was society clerk longer than any other, being elected in

In the year 1825, or when Calais Meet­ing-house was dedicated, the Universalist families in this town were able to own and control the same only 20 Sabbaths in the year; a little more than one-third; in 1845, their share was 32 Sabbaths. Now, in 1880, we count about 100 families, but they are so scattered all over town, it is difficult to get one-half to meet at any one place, and meetings are held in different places. The past year, 1879, and '80, the Universalists of Calais have had meetings of their order, one service each Sabbath in East Calais, and each alternate Sabbath in the west part of the town; also evening service in S. H. Foster's grove in North Calais. To lead the singing in their meet­ings they have had such talent as afforded by Pliny Curtis, Mr. Wheelock, E. W. Ormsby, Ira A. Morse, J. M. Dana, Sam­uel O. Robinson and wife, Abdiel Kent, I. R. Kent, L. A. Kent, Murray A. Kent; also in East Calais, Alonzo Pearce, A. D. Pearce; by Amasa Tucker was played the bass viol, the first instrument of music in our meeting. Mrs. Dr. Ide and Mrs. Bur­nap have also been very efficient leaders in the choirs; Mrs. Ide in the west, and Mrs. Burnap in the east part of the town. Those who have played the organ, are Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mrs. Edwin Burn­ham, Miss Josie M. Kent, Alice Pearce and Ellen Whitcher.

About so Universalist ministers have preached in Calais occasionally. Those who have been employed by the society for any length of time are William Farwell, Paul Dean, John E. Palmer, Thomas Browning, Mr. Amiers, Lemuel H. Tabor, Lester Warren, Sylvester C. Eaton, John Gregory, George F. Flanders, D. D., Geo. Severance, J. H. Little, J. Edward Wright, E. A. Goodenough, S. C. Hayford, and at the present time George E. Forbes, (one service each Sabbath in the east part of the town.) I should not forget to mention that the ladies of the society have done their part nobly. They solicited the sub­scription, and hired S. A. Parker to preach a part of the time for one year, about 20




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           147


years ago. They have also been active in getting the reading meetings and Sunday school started, which have been the main cause of the present effort in the west part of Calais.

Sunday schools which were first started by Mr. Raikes of England, 100 years ago, were not much thought of here when Uni­versalist meetings commenced, but we had a small school in 1844, mostly Bible class. In 1852, a school was commenced with Sidney H. Foster, superintendent, and N. A. Chase, librarian. From that it has continued, in the west part of the town until the present time. Now, the superin­tendent is J. K. Toby, with Mrs. Carrie Robinson assistant superintendent; and Mrs. William H. Kelton is teacher of the juvenile class; and, with prospects bright for future usefulness, the Universalist par­ish in Calais now commences to have preaching service both in the west, and east, every Sabbath the ensuing year (1881) I hope.




who afterwards became residents of Calais: John Beattis, who deserted from the Brit­ish; Seth Doan, Jonas Comins, Backus Gary, Ebenezer Goodenough, Stephen Hall, Moses Haskell, Francis Lebarron, Job Macomber, John Martin, Shubael Shortt, Jesse Slayton, Samuel White, Ed­mund Willis, Duncan Young, deserted from the British, David Fuller, Asa Wheelock, Joshua Bliss.




Danforth Ainsworth, Welcome Ains­worth, Benjamin Bancroft, John Goodell, David Green, Isaac Hawkins, Enoch Kel­ton, Ansel Lebarron, Shubael Lewis, Azel Lyon, Jason Marsh, 28 months; Perry Marsh, 14 months; Dwight Marsh, 28 months; John Martin, Jr., Jabez Mower, Ephraim Pray, Isaac Robinson, Joel Tucker, Josiah White, Daniel Young.




Vial Allen, Joshua Bliss, 2d, Joshua Bliss, 4th, Ira Brown, Pliny Curtis, Elias Drake, Samuel Fuller, Simeon Guernsey, Bemis Hamilton, Thomas Hathaway, Par­don Janes, Jabez Mower, Noah Pearce, Joel Robinson, Cyrenus Shortt, DarIus Slayton, Jesse Slayton, Phineas Slayton, Simeon Slayton, Edward Tucker, Reuben D. Waters, Hiram Wells, Schuyler Wells, Josiah White, Gideon Wheelock, Jonathan Wheelock, Levi Wright, Medad Wright.




James M. Ainsworth, died at Jalapa, Mexico, Feb. 29, 1848. Dexter S. Good­ell, served in war of 1861-5, died 1878. Arlo Thayer.


Amasa Tucker, an old resident and a man of remarkable memory, has aided largely in the preparation of the foregoing lists of soldiers, and they are perhaps as near correct as it is possible to make them at this time.




            Names.                         Reg.     Co.       Enlistment.       Remarks.

Ainsworth, Geo. W.                 11        I           Dec 8 63          Dis. June 16, 65.

Ainsworth, Lavake                    do                    "   3 63           Deserted July 26, 64.

Ainsworth, Marcus                 13        H          Aug 19 62        Must. out July 21, 63; re-enlist. 11 Reg. Co. I. Nov. 30, 63; tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Bailey, Robert M.                    11        I           Aug 15 64        Missed in action Oct. 19, 64.

Bancroft, Horace D.                8          B          Dec 31 61        Killed at Port Hudson, June 14, 63.

Barrett, George W.                  11        I           Aug 15 64        Must. out June 24, 65.

Batchelder, Chas. M.                 do                  Dec 5 63          Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Benjamin, Thos. W.                   do                  Dec 3 63          Tr. to Co. A.; disch. June 13, 65.

Bennett, L. Austin                     do                  July 21 62       Died February 19, 63.

Blake, Stephen D.                     do                  Dec 3 63          Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D; pro. corp. July 12, 65; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Bigelow, George                      6          B          July 11 63       Drafted; tr. to Co. Co. H. Oct. 16, 64; tr. to V. R. C. Nov. 22, 64; must. out July 15, 65.

Bliss, Frederick D.                  11        I           July 16 62       Corp.; pro. sergt. Dec. 26, 63; red. Sept. 27, 64; must. out June 24, 65.




            148                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


            Names.                         Reg.     Co.       Enlistment.       Remarks.

Bliss, Zenas H.                        9          I           June 24 62      Pro. sergt.; disch. for pro. in colored troops August 19, 64.

Brown, James W.                    11        I           July 26 62       Pro. corp. Sept. 27, 64; must. out June 24, 65.

Bruce, Joel                              4          G          Sept 2 61         Killed at Fredericksburg, Va., Dec. 13, 62.

Burke, Walter                         13        H          Aug 19 62        Died March 4, 63.

Burnham, Melvin V.               9          I           June 16 62      Died March 8, 63.

Burnap, Charles H.                 11        I           July 17 62       Mustered out June 24, 65.

Burnap, Wyman R.                     do                    " 19 62           Pro. sergt. Sept. 1, 64; died Sept. 21, 64, of wounds rec'd in action Sept. 19, 64.


Carr, Lemuel B.                      11        I           Nov 30 63        Deserted Nov. 2, 64.

Carvell, Henry W.                   8          I           Feb 14 65        Died June 19 65.

Clark, Aurelian M.                 4          H          Aug 30 64        Tr. to Co. E. Feb. 25, 65; must. out June 19, 1865.

Clark, Charles                        11        I           Jan. 4 64         Deserted Oct. 22, 64.

Clark, Charles M.                   1st ss   F          Sept 11 61       Discharged Jan. 10, 62.

Clark, James H.                     II          I           July 15 62       Mustered out June 24, 65.

Clifford, Isaac                          13        H          Aug 19 62        Wagoner; must, out July 21, 63.

Church, Isaiah B.                   7                      Feb 8 65          Not accounted for.

Colburn, Charles C.                13        C          Aug 29 62        Died Jan. 26, 63.

Colburn, Curtis C.                    do                  Aug 29 62        Mustered out July 21, 63.

Connor, Dorman                     13        H          Aug 19 62        Corp.; must. out July 21, 63.


Dodge, Oramel S.                    11        I           Dec 1 63          Discharged June 21, 65.

Dudley, Andrew J.                      do                  July 15 62       Pro. to sergt. Aug. 11, 63; pro. 2d lieut. Sept. 2, 64; pro. 1st lieut. Dec. 2, 64; must. out Aug. 25, 65.


Eaton, Arthur G.                     9          I           June 26 62      Died Nov. 9, 62.

Eaton, Chase H.                      2          F          July 11 63       Drafted; pro. corp.; must. out May 13, 65.

Estes, Charles O.                    13        H          Aug 19 62        Mustered out July 21, 63.


Fair, Simon C.                        2d        Bat       Nov 12 61        Sergeant; died July 23, 62.

Fair, Shubel B.                        11        I           July 21 62       Pro. corp. Dec. 26, 63; must. out June 24, 65.

Flynn, John D.                        9          I           May 30 62       Pro. corp.; serg. Sept. 16, 64; must. out June 13, 65.

Foster, Edward L.                    11        I           Aug 2 62          Pro. reg. com. sergt. May 16, 63; pro. 2d lieut. Co. I. Dec. 28, 63; pro. 1st lieut. Sept. 2, 64; must, out June 24, 65.

Foster, Sidney H.                    11        I           July 22 62       1st sergt; pro. 2d lieut. July 11, 63; 1st lieut. Dec. 28, 63; hon. disch. for disability Nov. 22, 64.


Gardner, Horace                     13        H          Sept 22 62       Sergt.; pro. 1st sergt. June 4, 63; must. out July 21, 63.

Goodell, Dexter S.                   11        I           July 21 62       Trans. to Inv. Corps, Feb. 15, 64.

Goodell, Henry M.                      do                    " 15 62           Disch. Nov. 17, 62.

Goodell, John A.                      8          E          Feb 14 65        Mustered out May 23, 65.

Goodell, LeeRoy                       11        I           Dec 5 63          Discharged.

Goodell, William M.                   do                     " 8 63             Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Goodno, Martin,                      11        I           Nov 30 63        Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; disch. July 21, 65.

Guernsey, Geo. H.                     do                  Aug 11 62        Pro. corp. Dec. 26, 63; sergt. Feb. 11, 65; must. out June 30, 65

Guernsey, Oscar W.                   do                    " 15 64           Mustered out June 24, 65.


Hale, William H.                     7          A          Feb 8 65             "        "   Feb. 8, 66.

Hall, Hiram A.                         9          I           June 24 62      Pro. to corp. Nov. 27, 64; must. out June 13, 1865.

Hall, Hiram H.                         3          H          June 1 61        Discharged Nov. 21, 62.

Hall, Robert H.                         1   A     C

Hammond, John F. C.             6          F          July 11 63       Drafted; pro. to corp.; tr. to Co. A. Oct. 16, 64; pro. to serge. Jan. 1, 65; must. out June 26, 65.

Harding, John W.                    8          E          Feb 9 65          Died March 6, 65.

Hinkson, Lyman                     13        H          Aug 19 62        Mustered out July 21, 63.

Hobart, Henry                            do                  Sept 12 62       Disch. April 25, 63; re-enlist. 11 reg. Co. I. Aug. 11, 64; must. out June 24, 65.

Hovey, James O.                     2          D          May 7 61         Re-enlist. Dec. 21, 63; disch. May 13, 65.


Jackson, Orra W.                    11        I Dec 1 63                    Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; must, out June 29, 1865.

Jackson, Samuel                    11        I           Dec 1 63          Died August 8, 64.

Jennings, Ira E.                         do                    "  4 63            Died Feb. 3, 64.

Judd, William                          2d        Bat       Nov 12 61        Sergt.; reduced to ranks: re-enlist. Jan. 2, 64; pro. corp. Sept. 1, 64; sergt. May 1, 65; must. out July 31, 65.




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           149


            Names.                         Reg.     Co.       Enlistment.       Remarks.

Kelton, Edgar A.                      13        C          Aug 29 62        Corp.; pro. sergt. Feb. 28, 63; must. out July 21, 63.


Larock, John,                          6          G          Feb 22 65        Mustered out June 26, 65.

Lawson, Truman,                   11        I           Dec 1 63          Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; disch. July 1, 65.

Leonard, Joseph W.                   do                  Aug 13 62        1st lieut.; resigned Nov. 25, 62.

Lilley, Willard,                            do                  July 15 62       Pro. corp. Nov. 14, 62; disch. June 15, 65; wounded, and lost an arm; full pension.

Lincoln, Eugene,                     8          K          Feb 20 65        Mustered out June 28, 65.

Linsey, Hubbard                      6          B          July I I 63        Drafted; tr. to Co. H. Oct. 16, 64; must. out June 26, 65.


Major, William                        13        H          Oct 3 62           Must. out July 21, 63.

Marshall, Chas, H.                  11        I           Dec 5 63          Must. out May 23, 65.

Marsh, Frank E.                         do                  Aug 11 62        Pro. Cor. Feb 11, 65; must. out June 24, 65.

Marsh, Henry O.                     4          G          Sept 3 61         Died June 6, 64, of wounds rec'd in action.

Marsh, Wm. H. H.                      do                  do                     Pro. Cor.; re-enlisted Dec 15, 63; died July 2, 64, of wounds received in action.

Martin, James,                       9          I           June 18 62      Pro. Cor. July 15, 64; must. out June 13, 65.

Martin, John A.                      11        I           Aug 11 62        Must. out June 24, 65.

Martin, John W.                         do                  Aug 13 61        Pro. to Con Dec 26, 63.; must. out June 24, 65.

Martin, Silas B.                         do                  July 25 62       Must. out June 24, 65.

Martin, William E.                     do                  Aug 11 62           do         do

McLoud, Edward T.                  11                    Dec 3 63          Died Jan. 13, 64.

McLoud, Henry H.                   4          G          Sept 4 61         Dis. Feb. 18, 63; re-en. 11 Reg. Co. I. Dec. 2, 63; tr. Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

McLoud, Morrilla G.                4          G             do                  Re-en-Dec. 63; pro. Cor. Oct. 5, 64 to Sergt. Dec. 3, 64; tr. to Co. F. Feb 25, 65; must. out July 13, 65.

McKnight, Chas. M.                13        H          Aug 19 62        Sergt; died May 24, 63.

Merrill, Isaac A. L.                  11        I           July 30 62       Must. out June 24, 65.

Mower, Albion J.                     9          I           June 30 62      Capt.; reigned July 8, 63.

Mower, Marcus M.                  11        I           July 31 62       Died July 29, 63.


Nelson, Geo. W.                       6          E          July 11 63       Drafted; tr. to Co. K. Oct. 16, 64; must. out May 13, 65.

Newton, Henry H.                   11        I           Nov 30 63        Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Nov. 25, 64.

Nourse, Calvin                        13        C          Aug 29 62        Must. out July, 21, 63.


Ormsbee, Chas. E.                  2          H          June 17 61      Re-en. Dec. 21, 63; pro. Cor.; must. out July 15, 65.

Ormsbee, DeWitt C.                11        I           Dec 3 63          Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Ormsbee, Geo. W.                   6          H          Aug 14 61        Re-en. Dec. 15, 63; must. out June 26, 65.


Peck, William V.                     13        H          Sept 23 62       Capt.; resigned Jan. 25, 63.

Persons, Joseph Jr.                11        I           Dec 5 63          Tr. to Co. A June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; pro. Cor. June 27, 65; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Pierce, Alonzo E.                     3          K          July 11 61       2d Lt.; pro. 1st Lt. Co. A. Sept. 22, 62; pro. Capt. Co. K. May 8, 63; hon. dis. Dec. 14, 63, for disability.

Pierce, Lyman J.                    8          E          Feb 14 65        Must. out July 7, 65.

Pierce, Orion A.                      3          K          July 10 61       Cor. Dis. Nov. 18, 62.

Phillips, Walter A.                   13        H          Aug 19 62        1st Sergt.; Pro. 2d Lt. June 4, 63; must. out July 21, 63.

Porter, Freeman J.                 9          I           June 4 62        Cor.; died Nov. 19, 62.

Pray, Rufus M.                        3          K          July 23 61       Pro. Sergt.; re-en. Dec. 31, 63; dis. May 27, 65.

Preston, George                      8          K          Feb 11 65        Must, out June 28, 65.


Remick, George                      8          A          Sept 27 61       Re-en. Jan. 5, 64; dis. Feb. 21, 65.

Robinson, Ed. E.                      1 ss      F          Sept 11 61       Pro. Reg. Qr. M. Sergt. Jan. 18, 62; dis. Sept. 12, 64.

Robinson, Joel E.                    13        C          Aug 29 62        Must. out July 21, 63; died July 28, 63, of disease contracted in army.

Robinson, Robert H.                7          A          Feb 8 65          Died Jan. 14, 66.

Rodney, John                          6          F          Sept 28 61       Dis. June 24, 62.

Russell, Franklin W.               11        H          Dec 1 63          Tr. to Co. B. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.


Short, Gilbert L.                      11        I           Dec 2 63          Tr. to Co. A. June 24, 65; tr. to Co. D.; must. out Aug. 25, 65.

Shaw. Dexter V.                      4          H          Feb 14 65        Must, out July 13, 65.

Slayton, Rufus H.                    2d        Bat       Aug 27 64        Died July 31, 65.

Slayton, Theodore M.              13        H          Aug 19 62        Must. out July 21, 63.




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            Names.                         Reg.     Co.       Enlistment.       Remarks.

Slayton, Thos. J. 2d.                  do                     do                  Sergt.; died Apr. 7, 63.

Smith, Amasa T.                    3          K          July 11 61       1st Lt.; pro. to Capt. Jan. 15, 63; resigned Feb. 13, 63.

Smith, Coridon D.                   2d        Bat       Dec 13 61        1st Lt.; dism. July 30, 62.

Soper, George                         2          D          May 7 61         Died Dec. 7, 61.

Stockwell, Albert S.                13        C          Aug 29 62        Must. out July 21, 63.

Stone, Judson A.                     13        H          Aug 19 62           do          do

Stone, Benjamin H.                4          G          Aug 26 61        Died Feb. 5, 62.

Stowe, Lewis A.                       2          K          Feb 20 62        Dis. Oct. 2, 62.

Stowe, William,                       2          F          May 7 61         Pro. to Cor.; killed at Wilderness, May 5, 64.

Sumner, Alonzo L.                  7          H          Feb 8 62          Re-en. Feb. 20, 64; pro. to Cor. Oct. 1, 64; must. out Mar. 14, 66.


Tewksbury, Chas. C.              1 ss      F          Sept 11 61       Dis. Oct. 4, 61; re-en. 13 Reg. Co. C. Aug. 29, 62; pro. to Cor. Jan. 12, 63; must. out July 21, 63; re-en. 11 Reg. Co. I, Aug. 30, 64; must. out June 24, 65.

Tice, Fletcher F.                     11        I           July 15 62       Must, out June 24, 65.

Tichout, Alva M.                        do                  Aug 10 64           do            do


Walling, Ransom                     6          B          July 11 63       Drafted; tr. to H. Oct. 16, 64; must. out June 26, 65.

Webber, Silas                          4          G          Aug 29 61        Re-en. Dec. 15, 63; killed at bat. Wilderness May 5, 64.

Webber, Timothy C.                13        H          Sept 17 62       Must. out July 21, 63.

Wells, William R.                    11        I           Aug 1 62          Pro. to Artificer Dec. 26,63; must. out June 24, 65.

Wheeler, Martin E.                    do                  July 24 62       Must. out May 13, 65.

Wheeler, Zimri B.                      do                     do                  Cor. Pro. Sergt. Mar, 4, 64; must. out June 24, 65.

Wheelock, Jacob E.                 1st Cav C        Sept 10 61       Dis. Oct. 29, 62.

Wheelock, Russell                  13        H          Aug 19 62        Dis. Apr. 18, 63.

White, Chas. R.                          do                     do                  Sergt.; dis. Feb. 3, 63.

White, William O.                   13        H             do                  Cor.; dis. July 21, 63; re-en. 8 Reg. Co. E. Feb. 14, 65; must. out June 28, 65.

Whiting, Amos A.                    13        C          Aug 29 62        Dis. July 21, 63; re-en. 11 Reg. Co. I. Aug. 15, 64; must. out June 24, 65.

Whitten, Curtis B.                  11        I           Aug 30 64        Must. out June 24, 65.

Witham, Aaron                       9          I           May 28 63       Must. out June 13, 65.



There were 15 re-enlistments credited to the town, as follows: Marcus Ainsworth, Henry Hobart, William Judd, William H. H. Marsh, H. H. McLoud, Alonzo L. Sumner, C. C. Tewksbury, twice, Silas Webber, Amos Whiting, Wm. O. White, not credited by name, 4.


Thirty men were drafted July 11, 1863; Of these 6 entered the service, and their names appear in the above record, and are as follows: Geo. Bigelow, Chase H. Eaton, John F. C. Hammond, Hubbard Linsey, Geo. W. Nelson and Ransom Walling.


Twenty-four paid commutation, as fol­lows: Eri Batchelder, Ira D. Cochran, Chandler Coller, Lemuel P. Goodell, Clark M. Gray, Geo. H. Gray, Geo. E. Hall, Edwin D. Haskell, John Q. Haskell, W. V. Herrick, James M. Jacobs, Ira Jen­nings, Marcus C. Kenneston, Allen Morse, Azro Nelson, Geo. S. Newton, William V. Peck, Orion Pierce, William C. Robinson, Lewis W. Voodrey, Henry P. Whee­lock, Jacob E. Wheelock, Benjamin P. White and Lewis L. Wood.





Enlisted for three years, 96; enlisted for one year, 23; enlisted for nine months, 27; drafted and entered service, 6; drafted and paid commutation, 24; total, 176. Entire quota of the town, 173; furnished in ex­cess of quota, 3.


Partial list of natives of Calais who en­listed elsewhere: Horace Bancroft, Calvin Bliss, Solomon Dodge, Gardner Fay, Willard Fay, Geo. W. Foster, Jr., James Hargin, Charles C. McKnight, Lorenzo Stowe, Marcus F. Tucker, Wm. Arlo Tucker, Calvin White; in Confederate service, Jas. M. Bliss, Melvin Dwinell.




Freeman Porter, Amasa Smith, George Lowell, Charles Fisher, A. G. Eaton, Lyman Pierce, Lester Clifford, Austin




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           151


Bennett, are buried in East Calais cem­etery; T. J. Slayton, in Short cemetery; Rufus Slayton in South cemetery; Lorenzo Stowe, Lewis Stowe, in Center cemetery; Joel Robinson, Marcus M. Mower, Ira Jen­nings, Clark C. Colburn, in Robinson cemetery.







John Melvin Gilman, son of Dr. John Gilman, and only brother of Marcus D. Gilman, was born at Calais, Sept. 7, 1824. He resided on the farm of his step-father, Hon. Nathaniel Eaton, in Calais, until about 17 years of age. He was educated at the common schools of the town and at the Washington County Grammar School at Montpelier. He read law in the office of Heaton & Reed, at Montpelier, and commenced practice at New Lisbon, Ohio, where he remained until 1857, when he moved to St. Paul, Minn., where he has become one of the most prominent mem­bers of the legal profession in the state.

While residing in Ohio, Mr. Gilman was elected to the State Senate from Colum­biana County in 1849-50. He has been four times elected to the Legislature of Minnesota from St. Paul, "and has ren­dered the state valuable service in that ca­pacity." He has also been the democratic candidate for Congress and other offices in St. Paul; but his party being in the minor­ity, he was not elected. Mr. Gilman be­ing a good speaker, his services are always in demand as a campaign orator, and he generously devotes much time to the in­terests of the democratic party.

Mr. Gilman married Anna G. Cornwell, at New Lisbon, Ohio, June 25, 1857; they have had children: John Cornwell, born Jan. 23, 1859; Marcus Cornwell, born Oct. 18, 1860; Hays Cornwell, born July 29, 1862; died Aug. 12, 1863; Jessie Corn­well, born Nov. 14, 1864; Kittie Cornwell, born Jan. 7, 1868; all born at St. Paul. The two last-named only are now living. The two boys, John C. and Marcus C., were accidentally drowned by the upsetting of their boat in a storm, on a bayo of the Mississippi river near St. Paul, while out duck-shooting, Apr. 28, 1877.




of East Calais, [See Dwinell family in East Calais papers], in boyhood was the school­mate and most intimate friend of the writer. He resided on his father's farm until about 18 years of age and was ed­ucated at the common schools and at the University of Vermont, where he was grad­uated in 1843; read theology, and was graduated at the Union Theological Sem­inary, New York City, in 1848; ordained colleague pastor with Rev. Brown Em­erson, D. D., over the Third Congrega­tional church, Salem, Mass., Nov. 22, 1849; remained until his removal to Sac­ramento, California, in July, 1863, where he became pastor of the First (Congrega­tional) Church of Christ, and where he still remains, (January, 1881.)

Many sermons and articles by Dr. Dwin­ell have been published, mostly upon the­ological matters. We give a list of his principal published writings: "Claims of Religion on the State," in New Englander, Nov. 1854; "Self-Development, not Ag­gression, the true Policy of our Nation," New Englander, Nov. 1855; "Advance in the Type of Revealed Religion," Bibliotheca Sacra, April, 1857; "Spiritualism tested by Christianity," New Englander, Nov. 1857; "Baptism a Consecrating Rite," Bibliotheca Sacra, January, 1858; "Union of the Divine and the Human in the Exter­nals of Christianity," Bibliotheca Sacra, July, 1859; "Adaptation of Christianity to Home Missions," Congregational Quar­terly, October, 1859; "Hope for our Country," a sermon at Salem, Oct. 19, 1862, pp. 19; "Historical Sketch of the Pacific Theological Association," 1867, pp. 28; "Relation of the Acceptance of Supernatural Ideas to Institutions of Learning," being an oration before the Associate Alumni of California, Oakland, 1868, pub­lished in the minutes; "The Higher Reaches of the Great Continental Railway: A Highway for our God," a sermon at Sac­ramento, May 9, 1869, pp. 13; "New Era of the Spirit," Congregational Review,




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March, 1870; "Service of the Suffering," a sermon at Sacramento, April 23, 1871, pp. 13; "Religion According to Carlyle," Congregational Review, Sept. 1871; "Prot­estantism—Is it a Failure," Christian World, January, 1869; "Memorial Ser­mon" at Sacramento, June 29, 1873; "Fel­lowship of the Churches," a sermon at the National Council of Congregational Churches at New Haven, in October, 1874, published in the Minutes.

Besides the above, many sermons and addresses published in the newspapers; the popular way of publishing discourses of late. Dr. Dwinell received the hon­orary degree of Doctor of Divinity from the University of Vermont in 1864.




was born in Calais, Mar. 16, 1830. He was brought up on a farm, attended the common schools, and fitted for college at Morrisville and Bakersfield academies; graduated at the University of Vermont in 1855; at Andover Theo. Sem. 1858; was also a short time at Union Theo. Sem. New York City; was settled as pastor over the Congregational church at New Britain, Conn., 14 years; then moved to St. Louis, Mo., where he still remains as pastor of a church. He married Emily Fairbanks, daughter of ex-Governor Erastus Fair­banks, of St. Johnsbury, in 1859; they have two children,


Mr. Goodell has been abroad three times, visiting Egypt, Palestine and the East, in 1867. His publications are: "An Oration on the Fourth of July, 1849, at Calais, published by request of the cit­izens"; "A Thanksgiving Sermon on our National Affairs," 1863, which was widely circulated; "Sketch of the Life of Gov. Erastus Fairbanks," in the Congregational Quarterly, January, 1865; "Life of Rev. John Smalley, D. D., of Connecticut," 1873; "Life of Mrs. Henry C. Stephens, of New York City," published in a vol­ume in 1869; in addition, Mr. Goodell writes us, he has had of late years some 200 sermons and public addresses pub­lished in the daily press and in pamphlet form.




one of the early settlers of Calais, was a son of the first minister of Charlton, Mass., Rev. Caleb Curtis, and his wife, Charity (Combs) Curtis; Col. Curtis was born in Charlton, Mar. 12, 1770; he married first, Polly, daughter of Levi Davis, of Charlton, who was a brother of Col. Jacob Davis, one of the principal proprietors of the town­ships of Calais and Montpelier, and the first settler of the latter town.

Col. Curtis and wife moved to Calais before 1795, and settled at the head of Curtis pond, so named for him, where he continued to reside until his death, Jan. 4, 1836.

He opened an excellent farm, which he industriously cultivated, and was one of the most prominent citizens, having been chosen to most of the civil and military offices of the town and vicinity. He was thrice married, and brought up and ed­ucated a large and fine family. By his first wife, who died Jan. 4, 1801, aged 25 years, he had:


1st, Pliny, born in Calais, Nov. 14, 1795, who became a prominent citizen in town, and subsequently moved to Columbus, Ohio, where he died in Feb. 1853.


2d, Ruth, born in Calais, Jan. 11, 1799, and died in Middlesex, Vt., July 30, 1865; she married first, John Gilman, M. D., May 20, 1819, and they had two sons, Marcus Davis, the writer of this, and John Melvin. Dr. Gilman died at Calais, Feb. 10, 1825, and his widow married Nathaniel Eaton, of Calais, and they had one son, Caleb Curtis, born at Calais, May 6, 1830; [For whom see Eaton Family paper.]


Col. Curtis married, 2d, Miss Anna, daughter of Samuel Robinson, who settled in Calais from Charlton; she died April 27, 1814, aged 37; from this marriage there was, 1st, Polly, born July 6, 1804; she married Ira Kent, of Kent's Corner, Calais, where she resided until her death, Jan. 24, 1881; 2d, Stillman H., born Dec. 20, 1808, read law, and settled at Plainfield, and died unmarried, at Calais, in March, 1844; 3d, Amanda M., born July 9, 1810, married Lebeus H. Chase, a merchant of




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           153


Plainfield, where she died March 23, 1837, no children; 4th, Minerva, born April 18, 1813, married Ezekiel Kent, brother of Ira; she died in 1871, leaving a daughter Alice, who married Col. J. O. Livingston, a lawyer of Montpelier, where they now reside.


Col. Curtis married for his third wife, a widow Daggett, by whom he had, 1st, Dauphna, born Aug. 13, 1816, who mar­ried Rev. L. H. Tabor, a Universalist minister; she died at East Burke, Vt., Jan. 11, 1880; they had three children.

2d, Laura A., born Aug. 28, 1819, mar­ried J. V. R. Kent, brother to Ira; she died at Calais, Aug. 31, 1851; 3d, Fanny H., born July 24, 1822, and married Abdiel Kent, another brother of Ira; she died Dec. 24, 1854, leaving two sons and two daughters, the eldest daughter, Ella F., married Arthur B. Bacon, and they reside in Spencer, Mass., and have two children, Frederick and Laura.


Murray A., married Ruth, daughter of Sidney Bennett and wife, Ruth (Eaton); they have a son, Dorman, and reside at Kent's Corner. Van R., married Le­lia, daughter of Capt. Foster of Calais, and reside in Spencer, Mass. Laura Ann, a young lady, finely educated, is precep­tress of the High and Graded School in Spencer, Mass.


The children of Col. Caleb Curtis were nine, two sons and seven daughters; and his third wife, widow Daggett, added to the family three daughters Lucy, Catharine and Mary, by her first husband, and the twelve lived together in affection, love and harmony.


PLINY, eldest son of Col. Curtis, mar­ried Relief, daughter of Darius Boyden, one of the early settlers of East Montpelier, (who also came from Charlton); they were married at East Montpelier, Dec. 17, 1818, and settled on a farm where Sidney Bennett now lives, about a mile south of the Curtis homestead. They raised a beautiful family of eight children, all born in Calais; about 1840, the family moved to a farm near Columbus, Ohio; his wife Relief died at Peoria, Ill., Aug. 13, 1862, aged 65. Their children were:


1st, Nathaniel Bancroft, born Sept. 11, 1819; married Jane Warren, of Warren­ville, Dupage County, Ill., in 1853, and they have two daughters. Nathaniel went to Columbus, Ohio, early in life, and was very prosperous in mercantile and banking business there and at Peoria, Ill., whither he removed in 1851; and it should be re­corded that from 1840 until his death in 1872, he contributed largely to the support of his father's family, and especially to the thorough education of the younger mem­bers. From an obituary notice of Mr. Nathaniel B. Curtis, from a Peoria paper:


Mr. Curtis came to Peoria in 1851 or '52, from Ohio, and established here the first banking house in the city. The firm was known as N. B. Curtis & Co.; the bank prospered under Mr. Curtis's able manage­ment, and upon the opening of the First National bank he was made cashier, and was a director up to within about 10 months of his death, when his brain became im­paired from the constant strain upon it and it was found necessary to send him to Hartford, Conn., where he died. Mr. Curtis, both as a business man and a pri­vate gentleman, was much loved by all who knew him.


His widow died at Warrenville, Aug. 26, 1879; one of the daughters is married, and the other resides with her mother.

2d, Darius Boyden, born Sept. 17, 1821; died at Calais, November 7, 1844; never married.

3d, Caroline Amanda, born Sept. 23, 1823; married Jonas K. Hall, of Calais, in 1846, and died May 12, 1848; no children.

4th, Pliny, Jr., born March 29, 1826; was in business with his brother Nathaniel at Peoria, and married Miss Cornelia Bald­win of that place; she died about 1873 or '74, leaving four children; Mr. Curtis died at St. Louis, in 1880.

5th, Maria, married Dr. E. S. Deming of Calais, in 1846; he died leaving 2 sons, Sumner, and Henry Halford, grown up to manhood; residing with their mother in Kansas.

6th, Lucinda, married Mr. Sanger, a prominent lawyer of Peoria; died very soon without children. Mr. Sanger mar­ried her sister, (7th) Mary; he died soon after, leaving a handsome estate, and Mary




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married, 2d, a Mr. Brayton, of Peoria, and 3d, a Mr. Wilson of the same place; she died in 1876, leaving two sons, Ezra San­ger, by her first husband, and Curtis Bray­ton by her second; the sons reside in Peoria.

8th, Levon, died at 17.


Polly Curtis, b. 1804, md. Ira Kent. (See Kent family paper.)


Colonel Curtis was one of the most active and influential men of his time in the west part of the town; educational fa­cilities were early and liberally provided, and largely through his influence a spacious and handsome church edifice was erected south of Kent's Corner, which is an ornament to the town at this day; this was erected as a Union meeting-house, but the Universalist element largely pre­dominated in that part of the town at the time of its erection, and it is now entirely owned and controlled by this denomina­tion. The descendants of Col. Curtis, through the most remote branches, are of this faith, and so indeed are the descend­ants of the principal early settlers of that part of the town; and no town ever did or does contain a more intelligent, moral, in­dependent, liberal community than is pre­sented in the inhabitants of West Calais, from the first settlement to the present time.




was born in Montpelier, Jan. 31, 1800; son of Nathaniel and Lucy Perry Clark; his father, Nathaniel Clark, died in 1810. When Charles was 7 years old, his left leg was amputated by Dr. Nathan Smith, of Hanover, N. H. When 21 years of age, he commenced the practice of medicine with Dr. N. C. King, in North Montpelier. In 1823, he moved to Calais, and was the same year married to Clarissa Boyden, daughter of Darius Boyden, of Montpelier. He remained in Calais 14 years, and four of his children were born here. In 1837, he removed to Montpelier, purchasing the Boyden homestead of his wife's father, where he remained 12 years, and in 1849, removed to Montpelier village, for the better education of his children, 6 in all; 2 born in Montpelier. He died June 21, 1874, aged 74 years.




This town is peculiarly situated in some respects, it being naturally divided by two valleys, with high hills at their sides, ex­tending northerly and southerly; in these valleys are the two principal streams of the town, and they join in the south-easterly part of the same, forming a principal branch of Winooski river. The east and west parts of the town are thus isolated and independent in a measure of each other. Notwithstanding the hilly and uneven char­acter of the town, there is less of what is denominated waste land, than in any township within our knowledge.




Col. Jacob Davis, a proprietor in the grants of Montpelier and Calais, selected the name of Montpelier for that township, as uncommon and not likely to be dupli­cated; and what more probable than, hav­ing selected a name from the south of France for the more southerly township in which he was interested, than that he should have selected a name from the north of France, Calais, for the northerly township. This we think is a solution of the question, how did Calais get its name?

[See remarks of Mr. Tobey to same effect.—Ed.]


The early settlers of Calais, as well as of Vermont generally, had in view among other objects a more perfect liberty, freedom and independence, and to escape from the injustice of a taxation for the support of religions in which they did not believe, and other Puritan oppressions that prevailed in Massachusetts and Connecticut, from whence Vermont was mainly settled.




We find the following in the Freemen's Press, the first democratic newspaper es­tablished in Montpelier:


NOTICE Is hereby given that a petition will be preferred to the next legislature of Vermont at their next session in Mont­pelier, for a grant for a turnpike from the river LaMoile, in Hardwick, to Montpelier Village, through Woodbury, Calais and Montpelier.

            CALEB CURTIS.

Calais, Aug. 15, 1810.




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A singular explosion occurred in the northerly part of Calais in the spring of 1826; near the base of a side hill, a large quantity of earth and rock was thrown out, leaving a cavity 12 feet in depth, 6 rods in length and 40 feet wide. Large trees were growing on the spot, which were removed with such force as to cause them to fall with their tops up the hill, although while standing, they leaned down the hill nearly 30 degrees from a perpendicular.

The ground was frozen to the depth of nearly 2 feet; large stones, weighing from 300 to 400 pounds, were thrown 30 rods, and one, weighing nearly half a ton, as judged, was thrown 8 rods; the noise of the explosion was heard at a considerable distance. No cause was ever assigned, except that of the accumulation of water in the fissures of the rocks under the frozen surface; but this seems hardly probable.







JONATHAN GILMAN was born at Gilmanton, May 31, 1763; lived at Gilmanton, N. H., until about 1794-5; in 1796, lived at Vershire, Vt., where he continued until about 1817, when he went to live with his son, John, at East Calais, which was his home until his death, which occurred at Newburyport, Mass., Dec. 5, 1824, while he was on a visit to his sons, Daniel and Jonathan, at that place, and he was buried there. He married Susannah Dudley, (probably at Gilmanton) Nov. 9, 1783. She was born at Exeter, N. H., 1762, and died at East Calais, Dec. 20, 1817; and was buried on the East Hill in Calais, near the Aaron Lilley place.


BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF JONATHAN GILMAN;—Phineas lived in N. H.; Zebulon in Chelsea, Vt.; Joseph lived and died in Calais—his son, Lewis, settled in Hardwick; Edward, John and Nicholas lived in Strafford; Levi and Abigail, sister, lived in N. H.

The father of the above is said to have kept tavern a long while in Gilmanton.

Children of Jonathan Gilman and wife, Susanna Dudley: Jacob, b. Feb. 24, 1785, and had children, 9 girls, 2 boys, settled in Rochester, N. Y.

Thomas. b. Aug. 19. 1786. m. and had 3 daughters and one son, Leonard, a den­tist at St. Albans; one dau. md. and died in Underhill.

Daniel, b. Oct. 13, 1787, d. in Ohio; had sons and daughters.

John Taylor, father of Marcus D., b. at Gilmanton, N. H., July 24, 1791.

Susan, b. June 25, 1792, m. Dr. Spear, of Vershire; both died there; had one dau., also deceased.

Betsy. b. Mar. 6. 1794, m. Shadrach Weymouth, of Vershire, and died there before 1820; left one dau. and one son; the dau. Roxy Ann, m. Lyman Cole, an artist, and settled in Newburyport, Mass. The son, Warren, became a Methodist minister, and settled at West Amesbury, Mass.

Sarah, b. at Vershire, Jan. 1776, m. Jedediah Hyde in 1812, and settled on Grand Isle; had 7 sons and 4 daughters, who mostly settled on Grand Isle and Isle La Motte. She died at G. I., Feb. 4, 1863.

Roxy Ann, b. at Vershire, Oct. 16, 1798, m. Nathan Bicknell, Oct. 1825, and resides at Underhill, Vt.; had children Anne Eliza, m. to Lucius Mead, lives in Essex, Vt.; Edna and Sidney, twins; Edna not m.; Sidney, m., clerk in a clothing store at Chicago; Roxy Anne died at Burlington, Aug. 29, 1877, at the residence of her dau. A. E. Mead.

Abigail, b. at Vershire, Nov. 22, 1800, m. 1st, Sewell Spaulding, and settled in Jericho; 2d, M. Woodworth, and is still living in Underhill; no children.

Dudley, b. at Vershire, 1802, went to sea; died early in Cuba, W. I.; not mar­ried.

Jonathan, b. at Vershire, 1806; learned the printer's trade at Montpelier; m. and settled in Lowell, Mass., and died there or at Newburyport; 3 children.




born at Gilmanton, N. H., July 24, 1791, studied medicine at Dartmouth Medical College in 1814, and commenced practice in 1815 at East Calais. He married Ruth,




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daughter of Col. Caleb Curtis, May, 1819; children: Marcus Davis, John Melvin, [See Col. Curtis' paper, by Mr. Gilman, before these papers.] Dr. Gilman died at East Calais, Feb. 10, 1825. His widow married Nath. Eaton, and died at Middle­sex, 1865, and was buried in Montpelier cemetery. Dr. John Gilman was the pi­oneer physician of East Calais, and had a large field of practice quite to himself until Dr. Chas. Clark, father to the ex-Prof. N. G. Clark, of the Vermont University, moved into town, who, in order to secure his share of practice, "reduced fare," or put down the price for his professional calls to 25 cents a visit. Dr. G., the estab­lished physician, growled a little, but not the man to be beaten in that way, down went his charges to 25 cents a visit. Many are the charges we find on his old book, all at 25 cents a visit; occasionally made up to 35 cents for a little medicine sold at the time. He maintained his ground—succeeded—at his death left a handsome property for the day. He died of what was then called lung fever; at the present day, pneumonia. He had an at­tack, had but partially recovered, could not be deterred from visiting patients call­ing for him, brought on a relapse, and died in a few days after. He was simply a martyr to his profession; age, 34 years.

In looking over a package of old family letters, journals, etc., we find Jonathan Gilman was found dead in his bed; died suddenly of apoplexy. He was father of Dr. John, and grandfather to Marcus D., our historical librarian. Dr. John Gilman— as he wrote his name, dropping the T.—kept a note-book while at Dartmouth Med­ical College, in which is given the synopsis of every lecture he heard and the name of the professor who delivered it. From a sheet catalogue of the Medical College for 1814, we give for benefit of our towns who may not have in their papers the record of all their early physicians, the Vermont names therein:


Barret, Thomas T., Springfield, Vt.; Bates, Roswell, Randolph; Brown, Leon­ard, Peacham; Campbell, John, Putney; *Chamberlin, Mellen, Peacham; Elkins, Ephraim, Peacham; *Finny, Alfrid, Lud­low; Fletcher, John, Williamstown; Gil­let, Bezaleel, Hartford; Goodwin, Jacob, Bradford; Hatch, Horace, Norwich; Haz­eltine, Laban, Wardsborongh; Jennison, Charles, Hartland; * Leavett, Harvey, Hartford; Martin, Lyman, Peacham; *New­ton, Enos W., Hartford; Paddock, Wil­liam, Barre; Paddock, Wm. S., Pomfret; Page, Alfrid, Barnard; *Richardson, John P., Woodstock; Rogers, Asher A., Thet­ford; Stevens, John, Newbury; Tewks­bury, Hartland; Tracey, James 2d, Hart­ford; Wait, James, Brandon; Washburn, Hercules, Randolph; Wheeler, John, West Fairlee.

Whole number of students, 105; Ver­mont representation in Dartmouth Medical College, 1814, as above, 27.




was born at Calais, Jan. 28, 1820. He had the misfortune to lose his father—Dr. John Gilman—at 5 years of age. He lived with his mother and step-father, Mr. Eaton, on a farm in Calais until f5 years of age, when he went into Baldwin & Scott's store at Montpelier, as clerk, until 21 years of age; then was in business as merchant at Northfield, as White, Gilman Co., years; then in same business at Montpel­ier 2 years, as Ellis, Wilder & Co.

Mr. Gilman married Maria Malleville daughter of Hon. Daniel Baldwin, of Montpelier, May 10, 1843, and in 1845, moved to Chicago, Ill., where he resided for 23 years, or until 1868 as a merchant; children: John Baldwin, born at Chicago, July 5, 1847, deceased; Emily Eliza, born at Chicago, June 10, 1849, married.

Sarah Alice, born at Chicago, March 21, 1851, died at Chicago, March 19, 1853; Marcus Edward, born at Chicago, June 26, 1853, died at Chicago, Nov. 9, 1863.

The next data in given memorandum: "At this time, March, 1870, we are re­siding (temporarily it may be) at River­side, Auburndale, Mass. Removed to Montpelier, Oct. 1871." He now resides at Montpelier, where he has been librarian of the State Historical Society since 1874,


* Members of college.




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and is corresponding member of six or seven State Historical Societies, &c. Mr. Gilman has said to us that he graduated at the Washington County Grammar School at the age of 15 years, and went out into the world for himself. In business he ap­pears to have been remarkably successful, and to have sensibly retired, that he may devote himself to his historical tastes. He has a very large correspondence; his his­torical offices are a laborious business; no nominal appointments, only, mere compli­ments, in his hands, as we may judge from the weekly file of letters and communica­tions on his table. He is just the one man in the State best situated to make a biblio­theca for Vermont, and he is doing it, several chapters of which have been al­ready published, though by no means the most or the best part of it, as we are very well prepared to say, having carefully looked through the MSS, so far as finished up, and the vast amount of material to be worked up, and we shall with much interest await the appearance of the work when it may be published.




son of Marcus D., died at his father's, in Montpelier, May 18, 1873, in his 26th year. Naturally cheerful, born to a home affluent with pleasant things, fond of books in his early years, his childhood was a happy one. At 12, he was entered the Rev. Mr. Fay's excellent school for boys, at St. Albans, and fitted for college; was next at Lombard University, Ill., 3 years; at 17 years, entered Harvard for a full course; graduated in 1868; studied med­icine, the German, French and Italian lan­guages in Germany 2 years; Feb. 1870, returned to Boston, and continued his studies at the Boston Medical College. The summer following, the Franco-Prus­sian war breaking out, the opportunity for surgical experience in the military hospi­tals was irresistible, and he hastened to recross the ocean. On arriving, he was appointed by the German authorities to the post of assistant surgeon in the Prus­sian service, which position he held to the end of the war, when, retiring from the service, he was complimented by the Em­peror William with the Decoration of the Iron Cross, the first instance, so far as known, that an American surgeon has re­ceived the honor. Returning to Boston, he completed his studies there, and in the fall of 1871, commenced the practice of his profession in Topeka, Kansas, where he rapidly acquired an extensive practice. Late in the fall of 1872, small pox ap­peared in Topeka. From his experience in the military hospitals of Prussia, he felt himself especially fitted to deal with it, and entered upon the work with great in­terest. His treatment was the German mode, and attended with remarkable suc­cess, and his services were in almost con­stant requisition. He acted not only as physician, but ministered extensively as nurse, and in not a few cases as sexton. In this last office—burying the dead at midnight—he severely suffered. After the epidemic had subsided, he was stricken down with varioloid, and pneumonia, be­fore he was recovered, set in. He re­turned to his father's, in Montpelier, the last part of April, a quick consumption indelibly fixed upon him, which made rapid progress till in the midst of the beautiful month of May, in the quiet of the village Sabbath, his young, busy, earth-life went out. Says his friend, in the Boston Globe of May 20th: "Dr. Gilman was greatly beloved by his associates for his genial and unselfish disposition, as well as ad­mired for his brilliant qualities of mind, and his numerous friends will condole with his family upon a loss they feel personal to them as to his own kindred."

EMILY E., the only surviving child of Marcus D. Gilman, m. Apr. 13, 1868, Rev. Henry I. Cushman, born in Orford, N. H., graduated at Dartmouth College, read theology, and is now pastor of the first Universalist church in Providence, R. I. Children, Mary Alice, born, Boston, Apr. 27, 1869; died, Providence, R. I., June 18, 1877; Ruth, born, Newton, Mass., May 29, 1870; Robert, born, Boston, Sept. 18, 1872; Marcus Gilman, born, Montpelier, July 25, 1875; died in Providence, R. I., July 18, 1877; Earl Baldwin, born,




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Providence, R. I., May 5, 1878; died there, May 25, 1878.—ED.




EZEKIEL, 1st, b. June, 1744, m. Ruth Garey, b. Oct., 1748, lived and died in Rehoboth, Mass.; d. in May 1842, wife in Dec. 1818; 11 children, two of whom, Remember and Ezekiel, settled in Calais.

REMEMBER, 1st, son of Ezekiel 1st, b. June 11, 1775 in Rehoboth, came to Calais in 1798; m. Rachel dau. of Capt. Abdiel Bliss 1799; settled at what has since been known as Kent's Corner, where he cleared a large farm and spent the rest of his days. He filled various town offices; was suc­cessively ensign, lieutenant and captain in the militia, his first commission bearing date 1805. He died May 13, 1855, his wife Nov. 2, 1843.

Their children all born in Calais, were Remember 2d, b. June, 1799; Rachel Bliss, b. Sept. 1800, m. Aaron Tucker. Ira, b. April, 1803; Abdiel, b. Nov. 1805; Georgie, b. Sept. 1808; Ezekiel 2d, b. May, 1811; John V. R., b. Nov, 21, 1813; Samuel N., b. Nov. 1817; d. June 1835.

REMEMBER 2d, m. Jan. 1824, Delia dau. of Edward Tucker; made the first clearing on the farm where W. G. Kent now lives; has resided most of his days in Calais, working some portion of the time at his trade as a mill-wright. His wife died April, 1860, and he m. Lucy (White) widow of John Goodell. He died in Calais Feb. 19, 1881. His children, all born in Calais, were: Azro, b. May, 1825; Diana, b. March, 1830, m. 1854, Enoch H. Vin­cent, b. 1820 in Middlesex, farmer; resides in East Montpelier; children Jane K., m. William J. Somerville, Fayston, farmer; Ella D; Prentiss J; Jane, deceased at 18.

IRA, m. Polly, dau. of Col. Caleb Curtis. (See Curtis family). He has always re­sided on his father's old farm; was consta­ble in 1838, post-master some 16 years; and from 1837 to '66, he and his brother Abdiel were in partnership under the firm name of I. & A. Kent, and transacted a considerable mercantile and manufacturing business. His children all born in Calais: Ira Richardson, b. Sept. 3, 1833; Amanda C., b. Jan. 2, 1838, d. Feb. 18, 1842; Rachel Ann, b. April 26, 1839, d. May 28, 1855; Flora Emogene, b. April 17, 1841, d. Sept. 6, 1851; LeRoy Abdiel, b. Aug. 25, 1843.

ABDIEL, when 21 years of age went to Nashua, N. H., and worked on the foun­dation of the first cotton factory built there; thence to Mass and learned the mason's trade, working at his trade sum­mers and teaching school winters, until about I830, he bought in Calais where he now lives, and began manufacturing boots in a small building where the store now stands. This business was continued some 40 years, at times employing a dozen or more men, and for some 20 years harness-making was connected with it. In 1832, he enlarged his shop, and put in a small stock of staple dry goods and groceries. In 1854, the present shoe-shop and store were built, and the latter stocked with a general assortment of goods, and this business was continued by him and the firm of I. & A. Kent some 30 years.

In 1837, he built the brick house where he now lives, and kept a hotel there until 1847. In 1844, in company with others, he built the starch-factory near the centre of the town, and run it until about 1858. In 1847, put iron working machinery in the red shop at Maple Corner, where it was run by N. W. Bancroft some 4 years. He has been a large owner of real estate in this and other towns, a woolen-factory, mills and hotel at Craftsbury; built and stocked the store in Woodbury, now owned by A. W. Nelson, owned for some years the Norcross mill in Woodbury, the Ira Brown saw mill in the north-west part of Calais, and the old saw-mill at Maple Cor­ner. His brother, Ira, was a partner in all the above business limn 1837 to '66. Beside being one of its most active busi­ness men, he has held nearly all the offices in the gift of the town, and that he has served acceptably is shown by his contin­ued re-elections, (see lists of town officers.) He m. 1st June 7, 1845, Fanny H., dau. of Col. Caleb Curtis, who d. Dec. 24, 1854, 2d. Lucy A., dau. of Vial A. Bliss; chil­dren born in Calais: Murray Abdiel; Ella




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Fanny, in Arthur B. Bacon, resides in Spencer, Mass., merchant; children: Fred K., Fannie L.

GEORGE, son of Remember, m. April 24, 1835, Mehitable Hill b. Dec. 2, 1807, in Cabot; resides in Calais, a successful farmer; children: Marcus Newell, b. June, 1837, George Wallace, April, 1845. M. Newell m. May 4, 1802, Hester A. dau. of Vial A. Bliss. For several years he re­mained upon the farm with his father, afterwards engaged in the mercantile pur­suit at Worcester Corner, where he died Oct. 20, 1876; children, Dora B., Frances. G. Wallace, m. May, 1868, Justina A. dau. of Kneeland and Caroline Kelton, b. in East Montpelier, Sept. 1849, resides upon the homestead: children, Alice Glee, George, Katie M., Jessie J.

Murray, son of Abdiel, m. 1870, Ruth E., dau of P. S. Bennett, resides in Cal­ais; son Dorman B. E.; Van R.., son of m. 1874, Lelia S., dau. of S. H. Foster of Calais; is associated with J. E. Bacon of Spencer, Mass., in the manufac­ture of boots; child, Marion.

IRA RICHARDSON, son of Ira; m. 1855, Anna E., b. June, 1834, in New York city, died Aug. 3, 1856; dau. of William H. and Harriet A. Simpson; child, Nora Anna, b. July 28, 1856, d. Oct. 19, 1861. He m. Feb. 1870, Inez R., (dau. of Hon. D. W. Aiken of Hardwick,) who died June 8, '74.

"Rich. Kent" as he was familiarly known, was a person whom, never pos­sessing robust health, was enabled by his indomitable will, perseverance, and quick perceptive faculties, to accomplish while in his younger years an amount of business which might only have been expected from one of much stronger physique, and maturer years, and when 20 years of age assumed the entire management of the mercantile business of I. & A. Kent, which he continued for about 6 years, when he  engaged in buying cattle and horses and selling in the Mass. market until 1865; during which time he filled various town offices with acceptance. Dec. 1865, he en­tered into a partnership with J. E. Bacon of Spencer, Mass., in the manufacturing of boots of which they did an extensive and successful business to the time of his death, which occurred in Calais, October 9, 1875.

LEROY A. KENT, son of Ira, m. Feb. 22, 1875, Blanche S., dau. of S. D. Hollister of Marshfield, b. May 11, 1852; son I. Rich. b. Oct. 28, 1876, engaged in mercantile pursuit at Craftsbury, 1868 to '70; 1873 succeeded B. P. White in the same business at Kent's Corner, where he still remains; received appointment of post-master in 1873, present incumbent.

AZRO, son of Remember 2d, m. Nov. 1840, Hannah S., dau. of Edward and Susan Eastman b. in Salisbury, N. H., May, 1832. Learned the machinist trade at Northfield, and has been employed in the Central Vt. R. R. Co. shops since 1849; since 1863, has been master me­chanic and general foreman in their shop at St. Albans: children: Edward T., b. July 20, 1853, d. May 30, 1859; Ele Mar­tha, b. July 20, 1859, d. Aug. 31, 1859; Edward B., b. July, '66, now in Universty at Burlington. Azro Ceil, Aug. 1869.

PRENTISS J., son of Remember 2d, m. Sept. 1864, Elizabeth M., dau. of Am­brose and Sally Atwater of Burlington; worked at the trade of machinist and teaching school till 1857; graduated from the medical Dept. U. V. M., 1860; went to Michigan and engaged in drug business in connection with the practice of medi­cine. In 1862, was appointed assistant surgeon in the 174th Regt. N. Y. Vols.; was in active service till spring of 1864, when by reason of the consolidation of 174th and 162d regiments he was honora­bly discharged; after which he resumed the practice of medicine at Winooski Falls. In 1869, health failing, he went to Worcester, mass., and invented the "Kent & Bancroft self-operating spinning-mule," and was engaged for a time in its manu­facture and sale but returned to Burling­ton in 1874, and resumed his profession, where he now resides; children: Osborn Atwater, b. in Winooski Falls, Oct. 24, 1868, d. July 15, 1869; William Henry, b. in Woonsocket, R. I., July 2, 1871, d. in Burlington July, 1872; Arthur Atwater, b. in Smithfield, R. I., Dec. 1873.




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J. V. R. KENT, son of Remember 1st, b. Nov. 1844, m. Laura A., dau. of Col. Caleb Curtis, who died Auk. 31, 1851; Dec. 26, 1856, m. Mrs. Catherine A. Morse, dau. of Alpheus J . Bliss; child, Charles V., b. Dec. 1857. Mr. Kent re­mained on the old homestead to the age of 20 years, when he learned the boot and shoe trade with his brothers, I. & A. Kent, where he worked about 15 years. For the last 12 years he has resided at Maple Cor­ner on the farm purchased of Alonzo Tay­lor of New York; has filled nearly every office in the gift of the town, many of which he held continuously tor many years.

EZEKIEL, 3d, m. Nov. 13. 1836, Minerva Anna, dau. of Col. Caleb Curtis; a suc­cessful farmer; resided in Calais until 1872, when he moved to Montpelier, where he now resides; has held town offices before and since his removal; daughter, Alice May, b. Mar. 1, 1841. m. Nov. 1866, Capt. J. O. Livingston, enlisted May, 1862, and mustered out July, 1865 as Capt. of Co. G. 9th Regt. Vt. Vols.; was admitted to the Lamoille County Bar, May term 1862, and now practicing his profession in Montpelier.






Jacob Eaton, Sr., settled in the South­east part of Calais, on Kingsbury's branch, in 1816, with a family of 4 children, Isaac, (who 2 years after was killed by the kick of a horse), Jacob, Mary Ann and Syl­vester C., of whom 2 survive, Jacob and Sylvester, the former living on the old homestead farm. In 1827, Nathaniel, an older son, and Jacob, Jr., bought the farm of their father, and they lived together until the death of the latter, Feb. 1843, aged 77 years. Nathaniel moved to Mid­dlesex, Vt., in March, 1864, where he died Feb. 6, 1878, aged 87 years; 37 years of his life having been spent in the town of Calais, whither he moved from Hardwick at the age of 37 years. While living in Calais he was elected State Senator in 1840 and '41; Assistant Judge of County Court, 1857, '58; justice of the peace continuously for 24 years, and was often called upon to settle estates; also, as commissioner to locate, alter and establish new roads, and as referee, and to make contracts and legal papers. He was a useful man in the community in which he lived, fearless and outspoken in his views, had decided opinions of his own, and the ability to maintain them. He was twice married; first, to Ruth Bridgman, in Hard­wick, in 1812, by whom he had two chil­dren, Dorman Bridgman and Ruth; the latter died in 1849, at the birth of her first child. Dorman B. is an eminent lawyer in the city of New York, where he located in 1850. He has taken an active and in­fluential part in reformatory measures in in that city, and is one of the leaders in favor of civil service reform in this coun­try; has written an exhaustive work upon that subject, entitled, "Civil Service in Great Britain"; also, a work entitled. "The Spoils System, and Civil Service Reform in the Custom House and Post-office in New York City"; and numerous other works of which I am not able to give the titles; one written during the last Presidential campaign entitled, "From the Independent Republicans of New York, by Junius." He is a graduate of the Vt. University; also of Harvard Law School; educated himself, and came out free from debt. He was chairman of the Civil Ser­vice Commission, when Geo. Wm. Curtis resigned, during Grant's administration.

Nathaniel Eaton married, 2d, Mrs. Ruth (Curtis,) widow of Dr. John Gilman, by whom he had one son, Caleb C., born in Calais, where he resided till he was 34 years of age, when he moved to Middlesex, living there 16 years; represented that town in the Legislature in 1876, '77; was justice of the peace 4 years; lister 3 years, and appointed to take the census for that town in 1880; in May. 1880, removed to Montpelier, where he now resides.

He married Susan, daughter of Larned Coburn, one of the early settlers of East Montpelier; children, 4; all daughters; 2 died in infancy; Flora Coburn, born in Calais, preceptress in Goddard Seminary, Barre, m. Prof. Henry Priest, Principal of that institution, Aug. 11, 1881; Emily Louisa lives with her parents.




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located at an early day in East Calais, and came in possession of the water-power and a large tract of land around. He put up a saw-mill and a grist-mill where the saw-mill now stands, and about 1805, built a two-story house on his hill farm, now owned and occupied by Levi G. Dwinell. Capt. Lilley entered into speculations of various kinds, among which was the mer­cantile, in which he was unsuccessful and had to retrench. In 1812, he sold his hill farm to Israel Dwinell, and about the same time his mills and other landed property passed into the hands of Maj. Nathaniel Davis, of Montpelier.

Maj. Davis, availing himself of the water­power facilities, erected various mills, among which one for carding wool and dressing cloth, a trip-hammer shop, where were made scythes and hoes, and a shop or manufacturing cut-nails.

One of the inducements for starting a nail factory was the supposition that there was iron ore in the ledges a short distance west of the village, all of which was true, but in the prospecting made, it was not found rich enough to pay for working. Nails were manufactured about 2 years, when it was found freights were too much to make the business profitable, and it went down, and other business was started, cabinet work, clover-mill, potash, etc. The business development called workmen and residents into the place, and the Major put in a store.




son of Bowers Wheeler, of Montpelier, (now East Montpelier), married Elsey Davis, daughter of Maj. Nathaniel, about 1814, and in 1816, they moved to East Calais, and occupied a two-story house erected by the Major, near where the saw-mill now stands. He was a lawyer, the first and only one who ever resided in town for any length of time. For several years he occupied a leading position in the af­fairs of the town and County, representing the town several times, and was clerk of the County Court for several years. He was interested in farming to some extent, and was partner for some years with Sam­uel Rich in mill property, deeded to them by Maj. Davis.

Judge Wheeler was a man of high at­tainments, largely endowed by nature, yet his love of social pastime was at the ex­pense of his financial interests. About 1860, he went West to make his home with his eldest daughter, Emily, the last one living of his 8 children—wife of Levi W. Wright, formerly of this town, now of Merrimac, Wis.




born in N. Montpelier, Oct. 22, 1797, married Dolly Davis, dau. of Maj. Nathaniel; came to E. Calais in March, 1824, and owned the saw and grist-mills, together with 350 acres of land. In 1836, he built the two-story house now occupied by his son-in-law, Albert Dwinell. In 1840, he rebuilt the grist-mill now owned by Simeon Webb.

In 1850, he sold the mills and his lands to Albert Dwinell, at which time he gave up active business. Mr. Rich died June 12, 1856; Mrs. Rich, Aug. 15, 1841. Capt. Rich improved his limited opportunities for schooling, and had the advantage of one or two terms at the academy. He took up the study of surveying, and was for many years a practical surveyor. He was a man of superior mental endowments; strong memory; well versed in history and in politics; always a staunch whig. He had 3 children. The son, Samuel D., has been an invalid from his youth; the eldest daughter, Irene D., was married to Albert Dwinell, Apr. 10, 1845; Dolly A., the second daughter, married Joseph W. Leonard, and resides on the Leonard farm.







ISRAEL DWINELL, one of the early set­tlers of Calais, born in Croydon, N. H., Oct. 8, 1785; Apr. 1, 1813, married Phila Gilman, of Marshfield, and on the same day moved to Calais, to a farm on the East Hill, where he resided until his death,




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Feb. 20, 1874. His wife, born in Hart­ford, Ct., Sept. 17, 1793, died June 1, 1864. They had 10 children, all born in the same house into which they moved the day they were married. In the midst of hardships which they had in common with all early settlers, they found means and disposition to give their children ad­vantages which few of their day enjoyed, two of their sons obtaining a collegiate education; the others enjoying advantages above the most. Shortly after settling in life they made a profession of religion, and were for many years connected with the church known as "the Marshfield and Calais Church." In later years they were connected with the Christian Church of the town, they "dying as they had lived, strong in the faith of the Gospel," as said Rev. Mr. Sherburn in the funeral sermon of Mr. Dwinell.

ALCANDER DWINELL, son of Israel, was born Feb. 2, 1814, married Sarah Cheney, Jan. 31, 1849, in Lowell, Mass., where he lived a few years, and removed to Brooklyn, N. Y., where he now resides. He has one son, William Alcander, who married Julia Jaquith, of Brooklyn, and lives with his father.

IRA S. DWINELL, son of Israel, born Jan. 27, 1816, married Clarina H. Pearce, Oct. 11, 1842, settled and still lives in East Calais. They have had 2 sons; the first died in infancy; the second, Byron Lee, graduated at Goddard Sem., Barre; graduated at Tufts College, class of 1876, and at Boston University School of Med­icine at the age of 28; married Ada Bar­ron, settled in Taunton, Mass., practicing medicine.

Solon, son of Israel, b. 1818, d. at 2½ years, the first grave in the East Calais cemetery.

ISRAEL EDSON DWINELL, son of Israel, born Oct. 24,1820, "began to fit for college in the Academy at Randolph Center, Sept. 1836; taught school in Calais, winter of 1837; in Calais or Montpelier each winter but one till graduated from college; fin­ished for college at Montpelier Academy, 1837, '8 and '9; entered the University of Vt., Burlington, 1839; graduated in 1843; taught in Martin Academy, East Ten­nessee, 1843-5, 20 months; entered Union Theo. Sem., N. Y. City, 1845; graduated from Un. Theo. Sem., 1848; married Re­becca Eliza Allen Maxwell, in Jonesboro, East Tennessee, Sept. 12, 1848; was home missionary, under the A. H. M. Society in Rock Island, Ill., 7 ms., 1848-9; began to preach in Salem. Mass., the spring of 1849; was ordained as colleague pastor with Rev. Brown Emerson, D. D., Nov. 22, 1849; dismissed, May, 1863; began preaching in Sacramento, Cal., July 1, 1863; installed pastor of the First Congregational Church of Christ, Sacramento, Cal., July 10, 1864, where I now am.

I. E. P."

ALBERT DWINELL, b. Jan. 15, 1823, m. Irene D. Rich, Apr. 10, 1845, and settled in Moscow, East Calais, owning a large farm, and has also been in the mercantile business; has been elected to both branches of the State Legislature; has 3 sons: 1st FRANK ALBERT, graduated at Barre Acad­amy; m. Harriet A. Hammett; settled in Plainfield in the mercantile business; has been a member of the State Legislature from that town. 2d, CLARENCE RICH, graduated at Barre Academy; m. Ella H. Hammond, and is in the mercantile bus­iness at East Calais. 3d, Dell Burton, 14 years of age.

MELVIN DWINELL, son of Israel, b. July 9, 1825, gives the following: ''Fitted for college mostly at Montpelier Academy; entered the University of Vermont in 1845; graduated Aug. 1849; was principal of People's Academy, Morrisville, 2 years; came to Georgia in the fall of 1851; taught in Hamilton, Ga., 1 year; taught 2 years in Macon Co., Ala.; Jan. 1, 1853, bought half in the Rome (Ga.) Courier; a year after, bought the other half; have pub­lished the Rome Courier continuously from Jan. I, 1855, to this time (1881) except from May 18, 1864, to Sept. 1, 1865. May 18, 1864, the Federal troops took posses­sion of Rome, and I left. They used my material and stock on hand, and when they left, utterly destroyed everything in my office except one job-press, which they carried off. I was mustered into the Con‑




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federate army at Richmond, Va., Mar. 28, 1861, as 2d lieut. for the war; was promoted to 1st lieut. in March, 1862; was in the first and second battle of Manassas; actually engaged two days of the seven in the fights around Richmond, from June 28 to July 25, 1862; was in the first battle of Fredericksburg and the Gettysburg, be­sides 20 or 30 smaller engagements and skirmishes. The only wound received was a gun-shot wound in the upper left arm at the battle of Gettysburg. From this wound I was disabled some 2 months. After I returned to my command, in Nov. 1863, I was elected one of the two representatives from my (Floyd) county to the State Legislature, which exempted me from military duty, and I resigned my commission, and that ended my military service, except that I served as adjutant, with the rank of captain, for a short time in the spring of 1864, under Gen. A. R. Wright, in com­mand of State troops. After the close of the war, I returned to Rome, Ga., arriving here May 25, 1865, and found that my en­tire assets consisted of $22.50 in gold in my pocket, and the debris of a printing establishment, once worth $10,000, esti­mated at $300; but I went to work getting up from the ruins, and soon got type enough to print small circulars, hand-bills. etc., using a planer and mallet for lack of a press. I soon hired a small press, and Sept. 1, got out a small weekly paper. I was soon on my feet again, and have since done a fair business. In the summer of 1875, I went to California, visited on the trip, Salt Lake City, the Va. City gold and silver mines, the valley of Yosemite, etc. In 1876, I made a trip to the East, visit­ing London, Paris, Brussels, Venice, Rome, Herculaneum, Pompeii; ascended Vesu­vius; lit my cigar in the crater; saw Alex­andria, Cairo, the Red Sea, Jerusalem, Damascus, etc. I have recently published a volume descriptive of my travels, en­titled, 'Common Sense Views of Foreign Lands.' "

LEVI GILMAN, son of Israel, b. Nov. 3, 1827, m. Louise M. Kennan, Sept. 3, 1857, dau. of P. Kennan, adopted by A. Alden; settled on the old homestead, in East Calais, where I now live; have 3 children; Julia Louise, m. Nov. 12, 1879, to Charles P. Hollister, of East Montpelier, where they now live; Maurice Kennan entered Boston University School of Medicine, Oct. 1880; Mary Avis, 14 years of age.


JANE PHILA, daughter of Israel and Phila Dwinell, b. May 8, 1830, m. John Gardner Hale, at East Calais, Sept. 28, 1852, Rev. W. T. Herrick and Rev. I. S. Dwinell officiating; children of Jane P., Harriet Amelia, Jennie Norton, b. in Grass Valley, Cal.; Edson Dwinell, b. in Lyndon, Vt.; Mary Gilman, Ellen Fran­ces, b. in East Poultney.


Harriet A., educated at Mrs. Worcester's, Burlington, Tilden Sem., N. H., and graduated at Carlyle Petersilea's Music School, in Boston; has taught music at Tilden Seminary, the People's Academy, Morrisville, and elsewhere. Jennie N. graduated at Mt. Holyoke Female Sem. in 1876. Edson D., prepared at St. Johnsbury Academy in 1878, has entered Amherst College.

Wait Byron, son of Israel, b. May, 1839, d. June, 1848; Edgar, son of Israel, b. Feb. 1837, d. June, 1837.






ASA ALDEN, born in Natick, Mass., in 1794, came to Vermont, 1817; married Avis Snow, of Montpelier. He and his wife were among the first who came to East Calais, and settled in Moscow in 1819. He was the village blacksmith about 30 years, in which occupation he had the misfortune to lose one eye. For 20 years he was the first hotel-keeper at this place, and held the post-office 27 years, and other offices of public trust. Reared under Congregational discipline, his sympathies were ever in that direction, and while there was no such organized church in town, he yet lived to all appearance the life of a quiet and exemplary Christian. We well remember him at the earlier church services and singing-schools, held in the school-house, he being the only one who discoursed bass on a big viol for miles around. He died here, May 2, 1880, aged 86.




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His widow survives, in her 81st year, (1881) living with their youngest and only surviving daughter, Lydia Ann, in the same house they at first occupied, and which is now the oldest dwelling in the village; built by Capt. Caleb Putnam about 1818.

ISAAC ALDEN, nailor and merchant, came to East Calais in 1815, married for his 2d wife, Hannah Snow, of Montpelier. GEO. ALDEN, nailor, came in 1816; both brothers of Asa Alden.

On the west side of the stream, next door neighbor to Mr. Alden, lived



shoemaker, an honest, temperate, industrious man, and his wife, Drusilla Cole, who deserves mention among the early settlers, living in Moscow, East Calais, from about 1825 till 1847, when they moved to Cabot. Mrs. Herrick died in 1880. For some years Mr. Herrick took the lead in singing here, and his two oldest children, Lucius and Caroline, were among the best spellers in Moscow.




DR. SAMUEL DANFORTH, the first phy­sician of Calais, came to this town in 1800. He lived here most of the time until his death, in 1811 or 1812.

DR. STEPHEN COREY came in 1812; was in town but a short time.

Dr. Jonathan Eaton came in 1812, and remained 3 years.

Dr. Nathaniel B. Spaulding came about 1819, and was here in 1832.

Dr. John Gilman came in 1815, a man of marked abilities in his profession. [See Gilman Family.]

Dr. Charles Clark came in 1825; re­moved to Montpelier in 1840.

Dr. Asa George came in March, 1825, and died in Aug. 1880, a man of marked character and ability, and a leading man in his profession.

Dr. William S. Carpenter came in 1841, and left in 1842.

Dr. E. S. Deming came to Calais from Cornish, N. H., in 1843, located at Kent's Corner, and married Maria, dau. of Pliny, son of Colonel Curtis; afterwards lived where Dr. Harris now lives; was repre­sentative one year; was a man of sterling integrity and a successful physician; moved to Cambridge in 1854.

Dr. M. Ide came in 1854, and removed to Stowe in 1875. He was town clerk many successive years, and held other town offices.

Dr. G. H. Gray came in 1868, and still resides in town.

Dr. Harris came about 1880.

Drs. Gleason, Tilton, Tobey and others here for indefinite times.




I. E. Dwinell, M. Dwinell, D. B. Eaton, Calvin Short, C. L. Goodell, University of Vt.; Dr. B. L. Dwinell, Harley N. Pearce, Tufts College, Mass.; A. N. Bliss, University of Michigan; Miss Laura A. Kent, Miss Ellen Cox, Miss Eva Darling, Antioch, Ohio. F. B. Fay entered Harvard in 1879; W. Cate entered Tufts in 1876; C. L. Wood, a lawyer in Chicago.


Mrs. Hartshorn celebrated her hun­dredth birthday in Calais.






Sept. 5, 1873, 12 o'clock P. M., 20 min­utes, the little village of East Calais was aroused by alarm of fire. The basement of the building of W. H. Ridout, used on the first floor as a tin-shop by Wing & Ridout, was in flames, to subdue which was unavailing. The fire had so burned through the floor above, it was impossible to remove the stock of goods and tools. The second floor was occupied by the families of W. H. Ridout and Alonzo Batchelder, who were able to save but little of furniture and clothing.

The fire spread to P. F. Whitcher's barn, the next building south, which with its contents was completely destroyed; thence to the boot and shoe store of D. B. Fay, whose stock was partly removed; next to the hotel property of Phineas Wheeler, which was entirely consumed; a good hotel building, which had been re­cently much enlarged and improved; two large barns, sheds and out-buildings;




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thence to the shop of A. N. Goodell, a quick victim to the flames.

Only by the untiring efforts of the cit­izens, the fire was kept from crossing to the east side of the street, and to the new dwelling of Z. G. Pierce, just south of the hotel. This fire was a severe loss to the village. It has not yet fully recovered from its effects, and the hotel has not been replaced.






In the year 1866, the months of Aug. and Sept. were marked for the unusual amount of rain which fell "in these parts," which, culminating about the 21st of Sept., we were disposed to call it the line storm. The falling torrents had raised the tributary streams and Kingsbury branch to a flood of rushing waters. Rev. Mr. Liscombe, a Methodist minister, who with his family sojourned with us 6 months, preaching occasionally (as opportunity allowed) the morning of the 22d, was standing on the center of the foot-bridge at the head of Moscow falls, viewing the great rush of water, when the upper dam partially gave way, and the bridge started. He gave one leap up stream, and bridge and man went over the falls, a distance of 300 feet—75 feet perpendicular—over three dams; and for a wonder to everybody, he came out alive, bearing cuts and bruises, but not seriously injured; ruining, how­ever, his overcoat and losing his hat.


Oct. 28, he preached his farewell sermon here, and the Monday following, started with his family for Wisconsin; not without getting a new hat and coat and about $50 as a parting gift. His daughter, who came here a widow of seventeen, was mar­ried Sept. 28 to Henry Goodell, one of our young townsmen.

East Calais boasts of a young man, a graduate of Tufts College in 1880, who taught our district school, in the winter of 1881; Harley Nelson Pearce, who at the time of his birth, March, 1855, had twelve living grand-parents, six on his father's, and six on his mother's side. The latest surviving grand-parent was Judge Alonzo Pearce, who died July 25, 1879, aged 80½ years.






Persons deceased in town who were 70 years of age and over:


Darius Slayton, aged 90 years; Amasa Tucker, 90; Reuben D. Waters, 91; Welcome Ainsworth, 91; Luther Ainsworth, 88; Lyman Daggett, 95; Howe Wheeler, 92; George Ide, 93; Gideon Hicks, Jr., 95; James Nelson, 93; Reuben Wilbur, 94; Stephen Hall, 92; Barnabas Doty, 92; Squire Jennings, 77; Jared Wheelock, 87; Pardon Janes, 82; John White, 89; Asahel Pearce, 87; Alonzo Pearce, 80; Benjamin Gray, 82; Jonathan Tucker, 83; Asa George, 82; Thomas Stanton, 83; Ezekiel Sloan, 88; John Martin, Jr., 86; Aaron Bailey, over 80; Edmond Willis, over 80; Daniel Young, 86; Bachus Pearce, 87; Samuel Fay, 83; Samuel Mackus, 88; Thomas Cole, 85; Gideon Hicks, Sr., 75; Israel Dwinell, 88; Abijah Wheelock, 82; Asahel Pearce, 87; Nathan Bancroft, 82; Samuel Robinson, 85; Jabez Mower, 84; Jonathan Pray, 81; Ebenezer Cox, 81; Mason Wheeler, 81; Joseph Brown, 82; Remember Kent, 80; Remember Kent, Jr., 81; Luther Morse, 82; Calvin Callier, 82; Welcome Wheelock. 80; Thos. Hath­away, 84; Samuel Fuller, 84; Joshua Bliss, 2d, 84; John Martin, 84; Jonathan Dudley, 84; Luther Ainsworth, 88; Joshua Lilley, 88; Gideon Wheelock, 80; Jason Marsh, 80; Abram Hawkins, 83; Bucklin Slayton, 80; Willard Rideout, 86; Elijah Nye, 87; Sabin Ainsworth, 76; Edmund Willis, 86; Moses Ainsworth; —— Jacob Ainsworth, 85; Mercy Ainsworth, 86; Jason Marsh, 80; Amos Jennings, 82; Daniel Young, 86; David Thayer, 80; David Daggett, 80; Sylvester Jennings, 82; Edia Fair, 80; Beniah Short, 73; John Eddy, 76; Elias Smith, 70; Aaron Lamb, 75; Nathan Parker, 71; John White, Jr., 78; Geo. W. Foster, 70; Chas. Dudley, 76; John Em­erson, 75; Willard Bugbee, 79; John Dick­erson, 70; Noah Pearce, 74; Jacob Eaton, Sr., 77; Chas. Slayton, 71; Chancy Spaulding, 70; Jessa Slayton, 78; Simeon Slay‑




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ton, 77; Seth Done, 71; Shubael Short, 79; Phineas Goodnough, 74; Bucklin Slay­ton, 80; John Cochran, 74; Britian Whee­lock, 72; Silas Wheelock, 70; Rev. V. G. Wheelock, 71; Stephen Pearce, 74; Noah Clark, 75; Nehemiah Merritt, 73; Aaron Lilley, 74; Thomas Foster, 76; Frederick Bliss, 77; Jeremiah Cummings, 76; Perez Wheelock, 76; Asa Wheelock, 75; David Fair, 79; Squire Jennings, 78; Aaron Wheeler, 78; Adams White, 71; Reuben Pray, 72; Thomas Pray, 75; Jesse White, 74; Horace Ainsworth, 70; Hosea Ellis, 77; Nathaniel Hersey, 78; R. W. Tobey, 73; Caleb Bliss, 79; Sabin Ainsworth; Jonas Hall, 73; Isaac Wells, 73; Stephen Martin, 76; Ezekiel Kent, 73; Lewis Wood, 77; Ezekiel Burnham; William Bruce; Joshua Bliss; Peter Nelson; Wm. Abbott; Benj. Bancroft; Salem Wheelock; Amos Wheelock; Vial A. Bliss, 75; John J. Willard; Caleb Mitchell; Lemuel Perry, 77; Jed'ah Fay; Sally Lamb, 95; Rachel Bliss, 93; Esther Kendall, 93; Sarah Os­good, 93; Sarah Wood, 91; Amy M. A. Wheeler, 91; Mrs. Jas. Nelson, 91; Nancy Wright, 93; Mercy Willis, 94; Polly Janes, 80; Margaret Ainsworth, 93; Julia Johnson, 90; Polly Wheelock, 85; Hannah Haskell, 80; Grace Jennings, 79; Polly Kent, 76; Elvira White, 74; Alfrida White, 73; Mary Curtis, 73; Almira Bliss, 73; Catherine Robinson, 74; Charity Mower; Mary Jarvis, 72; Polly Marsh; Sally Wheelock, 77; Nancy Hall, 73; Car­oline Wright, 77; Phebe Bancroft, 74; Mrs. Joseph Brown; Mrs. Rufus Green; Sally Marsh, 77; Eliza Nye, 77; Sarah Mitchell; Lucy Ainsworth, 75; Polly Fay, 72; Elanor Doane; Rachel Robinson, 78; Polly Janes, 79; Jane Hathaway, 74; Sally White, 73; Hannah Guernsey, 79; Polly Haskell, 79; Relief Eddy, 72; Emeline Cole, 71; Lydia Gray, 78; Betsey Stan­ton, 70; Catherine White, 71; Rowena Wheelock, 70; Polly Dudley, 78; Joanna Smith, 79; Jerusha Emerson, 72; Jerusha Sloan, 78; Lydia Eaton, 75; Amy Parker, 77; Deborah Slayton, 75; Betsey Slayton, 72; Cynthia Wheelock, over 70; Eleanor Done; Hannah Jennings, over 70; Mary Short, 79; Roba Pierce, over 70; Sally Cochran, 77; Cyrena McKnight, 73; Rachel Reed, 76; Hannah Turner, 71; Rebecca Mackus, 77; Mercy Cole, 78; Sally Hicks, 74; Phila Dwinell, 71; Polly Gilman, 73; Mrs. Johnson, over 80; Widow Brown; Mrs. Samuel Robinson, 84; Lucy Ains­worth, 72; Alfrida Leonard, 80; Lydia Eaton, 70; Hannah Bliss, over 70; Azubah Tucker, 87; Hannah Ainsworth Perry, over 80; Sally Tucker, over 70; Phila Hathaway, 82.

Mrs. Esther Kendall and Mrs. Sarah Osgood, aged 93, were twin sisters, and died within about two months of each other.




now living, over 70 years of age, July, 1881 Salem Goodnough, 82; Aaron Tucker, 86; Hosea Brown, 81; Joseph Whiting, 82; Kelso Gray; Elijah S. Jennings, 81; Henry Sumner, 80; Jacob Eaton, 80; E. C. M'Loud; John Robinson; Rachel Tucker, 81; Rispah Cox, 81; Lucy Kent, 81; Mary Abbott, 86; Sarah Ormsbee, 83; Polly Foster; Avis Alden, 80; Ira Ellis, Ardin Martin, Ira Kent, Abdiel Kent, George Kent, Harvey Ainsworth, Orin Davis, Willard Nourse, Joseph Persons, James S. Daggett; Amasa Tucker, 75; Caleb Bliss, Jerra Slayton, Isaac Davis, Chas. B. Marsh, Alonzo Stowe, Thos. J. Ormsbee, Thos. J. Porter, Jacob White, Jonas G. Ormsbee, Mason W. Wright; Lemuel Perry, 75; Henry Fay, Quincy A. Wood, Benjamin King; Sally Fuller, 87; Betsey Webster, 81; Mary Morse, 81; Millicent Parker, 87; Sarah Mann; Rhoda Goodell, 83; Deborah D. Little, Mehitable Kent, Sarah Bancroft, Louisa Bliss, Ruth Mer­ritt, Chloe Guernsey; Mary Cochran, 74; Sarafina Fay, Polly Martin, Polly Pierce, Susan Wells, Polly Sumner, Fanny Thayer, Harriet Bruce, Caroline Wright, Eliza Stowe, Rowe, P. S., S. F. Jones, Berthana Hockett, Lydia Brown; Lucy Hammond, 73; Lydia Slayton, 70; Betsey Martin, 72; Marilla Perry, 73.


Sixteen persons have committed suicide in town, and 6 persons out of the town who formerly lived here.

There have been 14 saw-mills in town,




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8 grist-mills, 2 potasheries, 7 distilleries and 10 cider-mills.


[The town of Calais and State of Ver­mont are indebted to our aged contributor, Mr. Tucker, for the longest longevity list, both of the dead and living, received from any town yet in the State.—Ed.]






Joel Marsh was drowned in 1856, at the time he was helping to roll a lot of logs into Wheelock pond, getting entangled in them. 1839, Nathaniel Bancroft was drowned at Montpelier, during the great freshet of that year. S. Gaius Ainsworth was killed by a colt he was breaking; the animal reared, and falling on him, so injured him that he died, 1858 or '9; Nelson Mower was killed about 1855, while drawing rails on a lumber wagon, one of them slipping from the axles, striking one end into the ground, and cast back so as to fall upon his head, with fatal results.


June 15, 1873, Lafayette Teachout and wife and their little daughter, Dell, about 6 years old, Mrs. Amasa MacKnight and Miss Anna Tobey were drowned in Wheelock pond. They, in company with 18 others, were out for a boat-ride, when the boat sprung a sudden leak, and filled and sank. By the exertions of a few persons who witnessed the terrible accident, 18 out of the 23 were rescued from what seemed certain death for all.


1879, a son of Otis Gray was killed by the caving in of a sand-bank, under which he was playing with some schoolmates. He was about 8 years old. James Jennings was frozen to death in 1794, [See record by Mr. Tobey] and 9 have died in town by suicide.


MURDERS.—Rial Martin, a half-foolish, half-crazy person, shot and killed Jenner­son Wheelock and Lucius Ainsworth, July 16, 1858, for which crime he was tried the following year, and sentenced to be hung; but on account of his mental conditions, his sentence was changed to imprisonment at hard labor for life. He died at Wind­sor about 2 years after his sentence. Royal S. Carr, murdered a half-breed Indian, William Murcommock, Dec. 11, 1878, for which he was tried, found guilty, and sen­tenced to be hung the last Friday in April, 1881, and suffered in accordance with his sentence. These, it is believed are all the violent deaths that have occurred in Calais.




In one family, died, Aug. 26, Truman Doty, aged 17 years, 10 months and 17 days. Aug. 31, Mortimer D. Doty, aged 12 years, 8 months and 13 days. Aug. 31, Rinaldo C. Doty, aged 47 years and 5 days. Sept. 4th, Millard F. Doty, aged 9 years, 1 month and 10 days; four members of one family in ten days, a father and three sons carried to the grave almost in one week; and the mother sick at the time of their death. Other instances very sad might be given, but this will suffice to mark, we have felt this scourge, in com­mon with so many towns in the State, dur­ing the last 20 years.




May 5th, 1864, William H. Stowe, of Calais, aged 25 years. This young man was the first in town to respond to his country's call for three years' men, and en­listed into the Second Vermont Regiment, of which he continued a brave and hon­ored member, beloved and respected by all his comrades. His term of service having nearly expired, he was fondly an­ticipating a speedy return home. But instead of his welcome presence, came the sad intelligence he was shot in battle in the afternoon of the first day's terrible fighting in the Wilderness. His funeral was attended in Calais, on Sunday, June 5th. A large congregation assembled to testify their respect to his memory.




In Jan. 1787, Francis West, of Rochester, Mass., bought the entire right of Ebenezer Allen, one of the proprietors of Calais, and the next March began clearing his 2d div. lot, now owned by Aro P. Slay­ton. In the summer of 1788, he built upon it, and March, 1789, moved there, and made it his home while he remained in town. A deed, dated Sept. 1796, gives his residence as Montpelier, and in July,




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1797, he disposed of the last of his land in Calais.


His children born in Calais were: Free­man, b. Oct. 1789, the first child born in town, died young, and was buried in the burying-ground east of Caleb Bliss'; Sarah, b. 1791, married Smith Bennett, who worked at tanning in Calais from 1830 until his death, in 1859. His wife died in 1842, and he afterward married Maria, daughter of Alexander and Polly (Tobey) White; his children: Catherine Bennett, b. 1818, m. Forbes Jones, resided in Calais; Philip Sidney Bennett, b. 1820, m. 1st, Ruth, daughter of Nathaniel and Ruth Eaton, and 2d, Sarah A Cochran; resides in Calais, a successful farmer. His daugh­ter Ruth m. Murray A. Kent.

Mary W. Bennett, b. 1828; L. Austin Bennett, b. 1833, enlisted July 21, 1862; died Feb. 19, 1863.




In 1788, Nehemiah Stone, of Charlton, Mass., one of the proprietors of Calais, deeded his 2d div. lot (No. 28) to his son, Moses Stone. The next spring Moses came to Calais with Abijah and Peter Wheelock, and built upon his lot, now the J. W. E. Bliss farm. He returned to Charlton in the fall, and the next spring, 1789, came back with Abijah Wheelock, Samuel Twiss, and families. In Jan. 1794, lot No. 28 was deeded to Jonas Comings, and soon after Stone left town.




Samuel Twiss and wife came to Calais in the spring of 1789, and probably occu­pied the house built by Moses Stone the previous year. In company with Col. Davis, he built the mills near the center of the town in 1793, and became quite a land­holder in town, but in 1794 or '5 removed to Coit's Gore, now Waterville, Vt.




Capt. Samuel, son of Josiah and Anna (Barton), b. July 24, 1742, in Spencer, Mass., m. Molly Hammond, and settled in Charlton, Mass.; was one of the propri­etors of the town of Calais, and a member of the committee that surveyed the town in 1783 and '6, but did not reside here until 1808, when he built the house where Capt. A. J. Mower now lives, and resided there until his death, Oct. 29, 1827; children: Joel, b. 1772; Anna, b. 1776, m. Col. Caleb Curtis; Samuel, b. 1779, died un­married; Lydia, b. 1783, taught school the summer of 1801, in Remember Kent's barn, m. Jacob Wilson, and settled in Spencer, Mass., where they reared a large family. Their son Hazary resided some 20 years in Calais; William, b. 1785; Polly, b. 1787, m. Nathaniel Bancroft; James, b. 1790, d. 1814; Cynthia and Sally, b. 1793; Cynthia d. 1814, and was the first person buried in the Robinson burying-ground; Sally m. Sherman Gilman.

Joel, son of Capt. Samuel, m. Rachel Stevens. He came to Calais in 1795, and the next year bought the 160-acre lot N. of Kent's Corner, at tax sale for 15 s., made it his home and died there, 1832. His wife died, 1854; children: Lydia, b. 1797, m. Dwight Marsh; Eri, b. 1799, died 1803; John, b. 1801; Levi, b. 1803; Elon, b. 1809; Hiram, b. 1812.

Isaac, son of Capt. Samuel, m. Julia Harwood, in 1808, and soon after settled on the lot north of his brother Joel's, where he died July, 1826; children: Julia M., b. 1809, m. Luke Stratton; Harriet H., b. 1811, m. Oliver Mower; Emeline, b. 1815, died young; Samuel O., b. 18I6, m. Harriet (Arnold) Simpson. He learned harness-making, worked in Montpelier, Albany and Troy, N. Y., and in Boston; in 1872, bought the mills near the center of Calais, and has been town clerk and treasurer since 1876.

D. Azro A. Buck, b. 1823, m. Josephine Burnett; settled in Columbus, O., engaged in mercantile pursuits. His son, Edward Lyon, b. 1857, is a gradeate of New Haven, Conn. Law School.

William, son of Capt. Samuel, m. Eunice Blashfield, came to Calais 1808, began on Maple Corner lot, and afterward lived with his father. His wife died 1836 and about 1840 he removed to Charlton, Mass. Children: Adeline A., b. 1818, m. a Mr. White of Charlton Mass.; Chester B., b. 1825, d. 1839; William H., b. 1827, died young.




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John, son of Joel, m. 1828, Hannah Taylor, and bought soon after the farm where W. G. Kent now lives. In 1848, exchanged for a farm at Maple Corner, and the same year built the "Red Shop" which he and his sons owned until 1876. His wife died 1851, and he m. Mrs. Lucy (Hodgkins) Crosier. His children: Emily E., b. 1829, m. William H. Safford; they taught school some years in Calais, Mont­pelier and Strafford; in 1854 and 5, he published the ''Star of Vermont" at Northfield; was in the printing house of Houghton & Co. at Cambridge, Mass., some six years, and since 1866 has been connected with the publishing house, now Houghton & Mifflin, Boston. Their children are: Mary Alida, b. 1848, m. Dr. W. J. Clark of Milford, Mass. Agnes E., b. 1852, m. Charles E. White of Adams Express Co. Boston. William Leslie, b. 1854, d. 1866. Lillian M., b. 1871.


Edwin E., b. 1835, served 3 years in 1st Reg't. Vt. Sharp-shooters; was quarter­master sergeant of the reg't.; since 1864 has engaged in mechanical and mercantile pursuits in Worcester, Mass., Lapeer, Mich., and since 1877, in Calais; William C., b. 1838, m. Coralinn E. Bliss; resided in Calais; died, 1875; daughter, Ina Lucy, b. 1868.


Levi, son of Joel, m. 1832, Catherine Daggett. He bought, 1830, the farm now owned by his son, Julius S., where he re­sided until his death, Sept. 1863; his widow d. May, 1881; children: Joel E., b. 1834; served in the 13th Reg't. Vt. Vols., mustered out July 21, 1863, died July 28, 1863, of disease contracted in the service; Julius S., b. 1836, m. Mary A. Pierce, who died 1872, and he m. Harriet L. (Norris) Persons; resides on his father's old farm; children: Irvin G., b. 1864; Ilda G., b. 1865; Inda M., b. 1867; Lucy C., b. 1878; Otis V., b. 1838, d. 1863; Mary C., b. 1845, m. James K. Tobey.


Elon, son of Joel, m. 1833, Patience Taylor, who died 1853, and he m. Rachel A. Bliss. He lived upon his father's old homestead until his death, in 1863; children: Lenora G., b. 1835, m. Martin Goodnough; Algernon E., b. 1843, d. 1863; three other children died young.

Hiram, son of Joel, m. Julia Ainsworth, who died 1860, and he m. Mrs. Lovisa Hodgden; resided in Calais, in Read­ing, Vt., and the last few years of his life in Northern Vt. and Canada; d. 1876. His daughter, Minerva J., b. 1837, m. Sol­omon K. Hapgood, and resides in Read­ing.



b. Sept. 15, 1764, m. Sarah West, b. July 7, 1770, and settled first in New Bedford, Mass.; removed to Wardsboro, Vt., about 1792. In 1799, he bought the farm in Calais now (1881) owned by C. O. Adams, built upon it, and in 1805, sold it, and removed to Eastern New York. In 1810, he re­turned, and began clearing what is now known as the Dr. George farm, where he died Mar. 16, 1812. The farm remained in the bands of his heirs until 1818, when it was sold to Dr. John Gilman. His widow m. 1st, Peter Wheelock, and 2d, John Gray, both of Calais. His children were:

Elizabeth, b. 1791, m. 1814, David Dag­gett, b. 1778, in Charlton, Mass., lived in Calais and Montpelier. He d. 1861; she in 1862; children: Eli, b. 1815, died young; Polly W., b. 1818, m. Isaac Chap­man; Maria K., b. 1820, m. Thomas B. Muldoon; Lyman, b. 1822, m. Mary E. Belding; Avery T., b. 1824, m. Mary J. Corwin; David J., b. 1827, m. Kate Roddy; Delia F., b. 1831, m. John R. Cooley; Lizzie, b. 1833, m. John M. Gunnison.

Mary and Keziah b. 1793; Mary died young; Keziah m. Isaac Raise, resided in Somerset, Niagara Co., N. Y.; in 1865, removed to Delaware, where she died.

Avery, b. 1796, m. Sally Norton, and settled at Russellville, Crawford Co., Ill., had seven children, of whom only one, Sewell, the youngest, is living.

Polly, b. 1798, m. 1820, Alexander White, by whom she had two daughters, Sarah Maria, b. 1822, Amanda R., b. 1827, d. 1866. Mr. White d. 1828, and his widow m. Jeremiah Comins, b. 1787, in Charlton, Mass. She d. 1855, and he in 1863.





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Richard West, b. 1800, m. 1822, Lydia, dau. of Edward Tucker, b. 1803. She d. 1844, and he m. Hannah C. (Dodge) Kelton. His children were: Delia Irena, b. 1823, m. Thomas Bell, reside at Hills Grove, R. I.; children: Abbie b. 1856, and Arthur T., b. 1864; William El­liott, b. 1825, m, 1853, Martha F. Martin; she d. 1878; he now resides in Calais; children: Anna C., b. 1856, was drowned in Wheelock pond, June, 1873; Lydia M., b. 1859; Phebe Roxana, b. 1828, m. 1854, Amos W. Eddy, of Walden, Vt., where they have since resided; children: Emma L., b. 1855, d. 1875; Marcia M., b. 1857; Nellie M., b. 1862; Edmund W., b. 1870; Orvis S., b. 1832, m. 1859, Nancy M. Hargin, resides in Hammond, St. Croix Co., Wis.; children: Jennie B., b. 1863; Alpa A., b. 1866; Lena J., b. 1867; James K., b. 1845, m. 1870, Mary C. Rob­inson, lives in Calais; children: Lelia M., b. 1873; Laura C., b. 1875; Clara Leone, b. 1879. Richard W. was a farmer, hotel-keeper, and mill-owner in Calais, East Montpelier, and Walden, Vt., Royalton, N. Y., and Absecon, N. J. He died in Calais, May, 1874. Zoeth 2d, b. 1803, died young; Allen, b. 1805, m. Elvira Ellis. He was a successful farmer, and resided in Calais, d. 1875 children: bridge A., b. 1847; Martin D., b. 1853; Elbridge A. m. Kate Doty, by whom he had a son, Allen. His wife died 1879, and he is now practicing medicine in Warren, N. H. Martin E. owns the old homestead.






The proprietors of Calais, June, 1792, to "encourage the building of a corn-mill and saw-mill "offered 200 acres of land to any person who would build the same within a specified time, and in "Octo­ber, 1793, met and accepted" both mills which had been been built by Col. Jacob Davis, and Samuel Twigs, near the center of the town, the saw-mill on the same spot where the one owned by S. O. Robinson now stands, and the grist-mill just below it. These first mills in town, were bought about 1800, by Jason Marsh, and run by him, and his son, Jason, more than 68 years. They passed into the hands of William White, who owned them a brief time; sold to E. N. Morse, who sold to S. O. Robinson, in 1872, present owner. The situation of these mills is good, and had the water-power been as good, no mills in town would have done as much busi­ness; but in dry times they are without sufficient water, still they have always done a remunerative business, and are in repair.

The demand for lumber, soon caused other saw-mills to be built; one about 1800, by Col. Jacob Davis at the outlet of what is now known as the Wheelock pond, where an excellent water-power was easily obtained. Jason Marsh, who seem­ed to have a penchant for mill-property, which he transmitted to his descendants, bought this mill about 1820, and put a run of stone in a part of the saw-mill; running it a few years, he sold to Gideon Wheelock, who owned it some years, since which it has passed through several hands; owned since 1874, by H. O. Marsh, who has added a shop for the manufacture of coffins and caskets, in which he does a small business. The saw-mill is one of the best in town. Soon after the 2d mill the 3d, by Peter Wheelock, on the present C. Bliss farm, poor water-power, soon abandoned. 1803, Joel Robinson built a saw-mill at Kent's Corner, which did fair business for a time; now in good repair; does a small business. 1811, Joseph Brown built a saw-mill in the Brown dis­trict; owned and run by the Browns about 30 years; abandoned. 1828, Isaac Davis built the saw-mill, Pekin; run about 25 years; 1834, Charles Slayton built one; not a success. 1824, Dea. Joshua Bliss built the one, Jesse White rebuilt, about 1840 at the outlet of Martin pond, now owned by William Dailey. 1856, John Robinson built one at Maple Corner. It tapered to nothing in about 15 years.


GRIST MILLS About 1820, Jason Marsh built one at No. 10, that he run several years; sold to Gideon Wheelock, who run it 10 or 12 years and sold to John Rich, who run it about as long, when it changed




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owners often till 1874, when E. D. Has­kell bought, enlarged, and added machinery for manufacturing woolen goods, and carding wool; employed about 6 hands; run about 3 years; failed; since it has done but little. 1817, Col. Curtis built a small grist-mill on Curtis Pond; abandoned as a mill in about 10 years. 1847, John Rob­inson built the red shop, machine shop, etc., grist-mill; the grist-mill part was of small account; the machine-shop part was run by Nathan Bancroft until 1852; since used as a general repair shop, etc., for the manufacture of horse-rakes, etc., owned by L. A. Kent.


WOOL-CARDING: Holbrook & Waters began here first on A. Haskell's present farm, about 1802 or '3; and continued the business for a few years. 1820, Jason Marsh put a carding-machine into his grist­mill that was in operation 8 or 10 years. 1827, E. C. and Ira McLoud commenced here and carried on cloth-dressing at No. 10 till 1844. They charged from $1,000 to $1100 a year; that shows the looms of our mothers were not idle; they sold to G. J. Slayton and Joseph Andrews, who continued the business some 10 or 12 years, adding in time the carding of wool; the building has since been used for making and repairing carriages; is now occupied by Peter St. Rock. Holbrook & Waters also manufactured wooden clocks, and cast bells up to 200 pound's weight; at the same time they carded wool, but their business was small.


DISTILLERIES appeared in 1812, and in a short time increased to seven, and did an active business for several years, but as the temperance element developed they gradually went out of existence, and for the last half century there has not been any liquor distilled in town, and there probably less liquor drank in this town at present, than in any other town in the county.

Lemuel Perry manufactured potash, op­posite the Christian church, as early it is believed as 1800, for some 10 years, and then moved just below the Marsh mills, where he continued the business about 15 years.

Jonas Hall made axes and scythes in a small way for a number of years, and built a two-story brick house for which he made the brick; the house is well preserved; owned now by J. P. Laird. Mr. Hall owned and improved the saw-mill near his place; his manufactures commenced about 1812.


BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, 1829, I. & A. Kent commenced this manufacture here, which continues to the present (1881—See Kent record.) In the early years of this business they employed a dozen workmen, and run a two-horse team from here to Canada disposing of their goods. Of late years the business has declined, probably owing very much to the pressure of other business, but it has been of material ben­efit to this town, especially in its earlier days.


STARCH-MAKING, 1844.—The Kent firm above, in Company with L. Bancroft, built a starch factory, which they run till 1860, making some years 80 tons. Soon after Moses Sheldon began to make starch about 2 miles below the first company, but soon gave up the business.


CARRIAGE-MAKING was begun here in 1840, at No. 10, by Rial Ainsworth, who made carriages of 40 different kinds in a year. His business is much smaller now.


SILK CULTURE excited some attention here, and several parties about 1830, en­gaged in it. It soon died out. This vi­cinity, or those engaged in the business, were not adapted to that industry; but some silk cloth has been manufactured in Calais, handkerchiefs, etc.

There is one literary society in the town, called the Calais Circulating Library, formed in 1832, with 33 members; additions have been made nearly every year; the library numbers now nearly 800 vols. There was also another library, started at East Calais, 10 or 15 years ago. It is much smaller, but the books arc excellent.




BY L. A. KENT, P. M.


The first post-office was established in town about 1828, Gideon Wheelock first postmaster, living at the Center, where H. Bancroft now lives; Jonas Hall was the




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next P. M.; the office was kept at the brick house where James Laird now lives, from 1830 to '49, when Ira Kent was made P. M., and the office moved to Kent's Corners, where it has since remained, except from '65 to '68, A. Goodnough held the office at his house, where B. Wheeler now lives. B. P. White was postmaster from '68 to '73, when L. A. Kent succeeded him, and still holds the appointment. An office was created at East Calais about 1830, Asa Alden postmaster till '57; then Z. G. Pierce about 3 years, J. H. Cole 3 years, A. D. Pearce 8 years, F. A. Dwinell 4 years, to 1874, since which time C. R. Dwinell has held the office. In 1880, another office was established at North Calais, with S. B. Fair postmaster. Of the publications received at the Calais of­fice there are 65 weeklies, 21 monthlies, daily, 2 semi-weeklies.




sent to me 23 years ago, inclosing a po­etical contribution from his wife—Ed.:]


Mrs. Churchill was born in Calais, Nov. 29, 1818; her maiden name was Marsh. She was married to Stillman Churchill, Esq., in 1841. She is musical as well as poetical; her father (Perry Marsh), was at one time a manufacturer of the piano (in Calais.) She is a lover of music and a skillful practitioner. Mr C. removed to Stowe, his native town, in 1845, and went to farming, she having the care of a large dairy, and making butter and cheese with her own hands. Her husband in 1850 and '51, built the Mansfield House and fur­nished it at an expense of $10,000, and cut a road to the top of Mansfield. Mrs. C. was the first lady who ever rode on to the summit of the same, when she wrote the lines headed, Mansfield Mountain. She now resides again in Montpelier. A short sketch, which you may alter as you please.

                                                    STILLMAN CHURCHILL.

            Montpelier, June 21, 1858.





A song for the mountains, the storm-brewing moun­tains,

      Ascending the heavens, the vaulted expanse;

Their notches and gorges the anthem prolong,

                 Their valleys and woodlands enhance.


Then join the high chorus, O, man! 'tis for thee

            That up from wild nature such pæans arise;

Drink deep of its spirit, pure, fearless and free,

           And let thy glad numbers ascend to the skies.

With thought and with purpose as firm, bold, and strong

As rocks piled to mountains, send upward thy song.





Mr. and Mrs. Howe Wheeler, 72 years; Mr. and Mrs. Salem Goodenough, 62 years; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Tucker, 60 years; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Morse, 59 years; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wheeler, 59 years; Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Cox, 57 years; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, 55 years; Mr. and Mrs. David Fair, 56 years; T. J. Porter, 51; Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Israel Dwinell, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Alden, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Asa George, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Gray.




TREASURERS.—Samuel Fay 95, Peter Wheelock 96 to 98, Abdiel Bliss 99 to 1801, Oliver Palmer 1802 to 3, Joshua Bliss, 2d, 1804 to 6, 19 to 21, Jedediah Fay 1807 to 9, Samuel Danforth 10, 11, Lemuel Perry 12, 13, 15, 18, Levi Wright 14, Preserved Wright 16, 17, Caleb Curtis 22 to 25, Gid­eon Hicks 26 to 47, Nelson A. Chase 48 to 64, Alonzo D. Pearce 65, William White, 66 to 69, Marcus Ide 70 to 75, Jonas G. Ormsbee, June 1875 to Mar. 76, Samuel O. Robinson 76 to 81.


MODERATORS.—Joshua Bliss 95, 9, 1800, 2, 3, 4, 12, Jonas Comins 96, 7, Jonathan Eddy 98, Gershom Palmer 1801, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Caleb Curtis 5, 6, 13, 15 to 24, Abijah Wheelock 14, Caleb Putnam 25, 6, Shubael Wheeler 27, Lovel Kelton 28, Pliny Curtis 29, 30, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 40 to 46, Nathaniel Eaton 32, 5, 56, Asa George 36, 9, 47, 55, 8 to 64, 6, 7, J. Harvey Cole 48 to 52, Abdiel Kent 53, 4, Rufus P. Moses 57, Albert Dwinell 65, 9, 70, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 80, 81, Benjamin P. White 68, James K. Tobey 73, 5, 9.


CONSTABLES.—Jonas Comins 95 to 97, Caleb Curtis 98, Aaron Bliss 99, Samuel Fay 1800, Jason Marsh 1801; Joshua Bliss, 2d, 1802, Shubael Shortt 1803, Abijah Wheelock 4 to 6, Gideon Wheelock 7, 8, Medad Wright 9, J. R. Densmore 10, 11, Ona Kelton 12, 13, Remember Kent 13, Jedediah Fay 15 to 17, Nathan Kelton 18 to 22, James Morse 23, 25 to 28, Shubael




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           173


Wheeler 24, Perry Marsh 29, 30, Alonzo Pearce 31 to 33, Ira McLoud 34 to 37, Ira Kent 38, Chas. B. Marsh 39 to 41, Enoch C. McLoud 42 to 46, David B. Fay 47 to 50, Luther Morse 51 to 53, J. V. R. Kent 54, 55, 65, 66, Alonzo D. Pearce 56, 57, 67 to 69, Walter P. Slayton 58 to 63, 70 to 74, Lee H. Bliss 64, Benjamin P. White, 75 to 81.


COLLECTORS.—Alonzo C. Slayton 68, Smilie Bancroft 71.


SELECTMEN.—Joshua Bliss 95, 96, 98 to 1804, 12, Edward Tucker 95, Jonas Comins 95, 97, Asa Wheelock 96, Abijah Wheelock 96, 97, 1812, Oliver Palmer 97, Jonathan Eddy 98, Shubael Shortt 98 to 1801, Abdiel Bliss 99, Gersham Palmer 1800 to 4, 7 to 9, Peter Wheelock 2 to 4, Caleb Curtis 5, 6, 15 to 20, Gideon Hicks 5 to 9, 13, 15 to 20, Samuel Danforth 6, Lemuel Perry 7 to 9, 13, 14, 19, 22, Rufus Green 10, 11, Ebenezer Goodenough 10, 11, Levi Wright 10, 11, Gideon Wheelock 12, 21, Isaac Kendall 13, 15, Samuel Fay 14, Jera Wheelock 14, Jedediah Fay 16, 17, Aaron Lamb 18, Preserved Wright 20, 21, David G. Sheple 21, Joshua Bliss, 2d, 22, Caleb Putnam 22 to 26, Lovel Kelton 23, 36, Medad Wright 23, 24, Pardon Janes 24, 25, 27, Welcome Wheelock 25, 26, 37, 38, Shubael Wheeler 26, 27, Jonas Hall 27, 28, 30, Alonzo Pearce 28 to 30, William Robinson 28, 29, Oliver Merritt 29, Jesse White 30, 32, 33, 49, 50, Pliny Curtis 31, 32, Nelson A. Chase 31, 32, 42, 43, 45 to 47, Charles Sibley 31, Joseph Blanchard 33, 34, 48, Asa Alden 33, 34, 47, 49, 50, Charles Dudley 34, 35, 43, 44, Richard W. Tobey 35, 36, 39, Alonzo Pearce 35, Samuel Rich 36, Joseph Lance 37, 38, 39, Israel Dwin­ell 37, 38, John White 39, 40, J. Harvey Cole 40, 41, 53, 54, Lewis Wood 40, 41, 47, 48, 61, 62, 68, 69, Abdiel Kent 41, 42, 44 to 46, 66, 67, Chester Bugbee 42, 43, 48, 49, 55, 56, 57, 73, Stephen Pearce 44 to 46, Rufus P. Moses 50, 51, Mason W. Wright 51, 52, Alfred P. Hicks 51, 52, 55, 56, 64, 65, 67, 70, 71, 72, Jonas G. Orms­bee 52, 53, Allen Tobey 53, 54, John V. R. Kent 54, 55, 58, 59, 65, John Morse 56, John Rich 57, William S. Orcutt 57, 59, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, Charles B. Marsh 58, Sidney H. Foster 58, 59, 60, Zephaniah G. Pierce 60, 61, 62, 77, 78, 9, Alonzo M. Foster 62, 63, Ezekiel Kent 63, 64, Ira S. Dwinell 63, William White 64, 68, 69, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, Albert Dwinell 65, Benja­min P. White 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, Walter P. Slayton 70 to 74, 77, 80, J. Warren Leonard 73, 75, 76, 80, 81, Andrew Has­kell, 74, Samuel O. Robinson 75, James K. Tobey 76, 81, Lemuel M. Cate 76, 81, Orson Putnam 77, 78, 9.


LISTERS.—Jedediah Fay 95, 98, 99, 1813, Abijah Wheelock 95, 1805, 11, Aaron Bliss 95, 1805, Samuel Fay 96, 99, 1801, 2, 3, 13, 15, 19, Jonas Comins 96, 1803, Goddard Wheelock 96, Gersham Palmer 97, 1806, Gideon Wheelock 97, 1802, 15, 16, Jonathan Tucker 97, 1809, Simon Davis 98, Levi Wright 98, 1801, 12, 44, 45, Phin­eas Davis 99, 1801, 5, Joshua Lilley 1800, Elnathan Hathaway 1800, 2, 3, Peter Wheelock iSoo, Jonathan Eddy1800, Caleb Curtis 1800, 2, 8, 9, 10, 18, 21, 22, 24, 25, 32, Daniel Carpenter 1801, James Gin­nings 1801, 3, Edward Tucker 1802, Rufus Green 1803, Lemuel Perry 1803, 4, 19, Ebenezer Goodnough 1804, Alpheus Bliss 1804, Remember Kent 6, 7, Noah C. Clark 6, 7, Oliver Palmer 7, Joshua Bliss 8, 11, Samuel Danforth 8, Isaac Kendall 9, John R. Densmore 10, 12, 13, 15, Gideon Hicks 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 23, 27, 32, 33, 37, Aaron Lamb 1812, Ephraim Ladd 14, Joel Robinson 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, Joshua Bliss, 2d, 16, Caleb B. Mitchell 17, Pre­served Wright 18, Nathan B. Spaulding 19, Benjamin Page 20, Caleb Putnam 21, Isaac Davis 21, 23, Israel Dwinell 22, 24, Oliver Shipley 22, Lovel Kelton 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, Shubael Wheeler 25, 28, 29, 30, David G. Shipley 26, Lemuel Bliss 26, Welcome Wheelock 27, 30, Jabez Mower 28, Nelson A. Chase 29, 30, 34, 65, Pliny Curtis 29. 39, 40, Oliver Mower 31, Pardon Janes 31, Abdiel Kent 33, 34, 37, 42, 43, 47, Nathaniel Eaton 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 52, Lewis Wood 35, 36, 38, 44, 45, Enoch C. McLoud 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, Charles Sibley 36, Alonzo Pearce 37, 52, John Walbridge 38, 39, Silas Wheelock 40, 56, Charles Dudley 41, 46, 47, 50, 51.




            174                         VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Alfred P. Hicks 41, 43, 50, Richard. W. Tobey 41, Joseph Lance 42, Elias Smith 45, 46, 64, 73, 76, Ezekiel Kent 46, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 70, 71, J. Harvey Cole 47, 59, 60, J. W. E. Bliss 48, Charles Stevens 48, 49, John Rich 48, 49, 53, 54, Allen Tobey 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 66, 74, Joseph W. Pierce 51, 57, 58, J. V. R. Kent 53, Ira S. Dwinell 53, 54, 55, J. Q. A. Allen 54, Jesse White 55, 56, Levi G. Dwinell 56, William White 57, 59, Loam Hathaway 58, Jacob Eaton 58, Chester Bugbee 60 to 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, J. Warren Leonard 61 to 63, I. Rich Kent 63 to 65, Lemuel M. Cate 64, 67, Charles French 66, 67, Lewis Bancroft 66, 67, 68, John Morse 68, Alfred P. Wheelock 69, Walter P. Slay­ton 69, John Q. Haskell 69, Charles B. Marsh 70, 71, James K. Tobey 72, 73, Andrew Haskell 72, 75, 76, 81, Alonzo C. Slayton 72, J. P. Carnes 73, 74, 78, 81, Albert Dwinell 74, 75, 78, Alpheus S. Bliss 73, 76, 9, Henry C. Wells 77, 81, Jerome N. Bliss 77, 80, Harry A. Morse 77, 78, 80, Albert C. George 79, Isaac Davis 79, Willard Bugbee 80.


SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS.—Nathaniel Eaton 46, Nelson A. Chase 46, 7, 50, 6, 7, 60, Lester Warren 46, 9, 51, Henry Slayton 48, Asa George 52, Silas Wheelock 53, Sidney H. Foster 54, 5, Benjamin P. White 58, 9, 61, 2, Lee H. Bliss 63, 4, J. Henry McLoud 65, 6, 8, Marcus Ide 67, Frank A. Dwinell 69, M. S. Hathaway 70, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 81, Geo. B. Gray 73, 8, W. W. Ainsworth 79, 80.


DELEGATES TO CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS.—Samuel Fay 14, Benjamin Page 22, Thomas Cole 28, Shubael Wheeler 36, Nelson A. Chase 43, 50.


JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.—Peter Whee­lock 95 to 1805, Gersham Palmer 1800 to 11, Gideon Hicks 8 to 49, Lemuel Perry 8 to 18, 22, 30 to 38, Samuel Fay 14, Gid­eon Wheelock 17 to 30, Nathan Kelton 18, Caleb Curtis 18, 20 to 35, Isaac Davis 21, 2, Lovell Kelton 22, 24 to 37, Nathaniel Eaton 30 to 49, 51, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 60, 63, Medad Wright 31 to 34, Oliver Mower 31 to 36, Shubael Wheeler 31 to 49, Jacob Tewksbury 33, 4, 7, 8, 9, 40, Pliny Curtis 33, 34, 39 to 45, Nelson A. Chase 33, 34, 41 to 55, Asa George 33 to 49, 78, 9, Ja­bez Mower 33, 34, 37 to 49, Jos. Hatch 34, Wm. Robinson 35 to 39, Jedediah Fay 36, Shubael Shortt 36, Abijah Whee­lock 36, Jason Marsh 36, Alonzo Pearce 37 to 53, 55, 56, 58 to 60, 62 to 75, H. W. W. Miller 38, E. C. McLoud 38 to 49, Abdiel Kent 38 to 54, 62, Luther Morse 38 to 50, Joseph Lance 38 to 44, Richard W. Tobey 40 to 47, Herman Bliss 40, J. Harvey Cole 42, 46 to 49, 54, 57, Joshua M. Dana 42, Welcome Wheelock 42 to 49, Charles Dudley 42 to 49, Lewis Wood 46 to 49, 55 to 57, 61, Joseph Blanchard 46 to 49, Alfred P. Hicks 47 to 50, 53, 4, 8, 9, 60, David B. Fay 48, 9, Bennett Palmer 48, 9, Rufus P. Moses 49 to 57, Jonas Hall 49, A. S. Nelson 49, John Morse 49, 62 to 67, Tilnus Hathaway 49, 52 to 61, Jonas G. Ormsbee 49, Ira S. Dwinell 49, 76, 77, 80, 81, James S. Gray 49, Lemuel Perry Jr., 49, John Rich 50 to 54, F. A. Hathaway 51, H. K. Slayton 55 to 62, Charles B. Marsh 56, 7, Sidney H. Foster 56, 72, 3, J. V. R. Kent 57 to 69, 76, 7, Charles S. Bennett 58 to 60, 62 to 73, Chester Bugbee 61, William White 61, 2, Lee H. Bliss 62, Alonzo M. Foster 63 to 65, J. Warren Leonard 63 to 69, George J. Slay­ton 64, 5, Walter P. Slayton 66 to 77, 80, 81, Edwin D. Haskell 66, 67, 69 to 71, S. S. Macomber 68 to 77, Otis Slayton 68, Benjamin P. White 70 to 73, Elias Smith 70, 71, 78, 9, Benjamin Wheeler 72, 3, S. O. Robinson 74, 5, James K. Tobey 74, 75, 78, 9, Orson Putnam 74 to 77, 80, 81, M. S. Hathaway 74, 75, 78, 9, Shubael B. Fair 76, 7, 80, 81, Henry C. Wells 76, 7, J. P. Carnes 78, 9, Alpheus S. Bliss, 78, 9, Herman O. Marsh 78, 9, W. W. Ains­worth 80, 81, Harry A. Morse 80, 81, Chas. French 80, 81.


REPRESENTATIVES.—Peter Wheelock 95 to 99, Abdiel Miss 1800, 1, Joshua Bliss 2, Gersham Palmer 3, 5 to 10, Lemuel Perry 4, Gideon Wheelock 12, 13, 17, 21, Sam'l Fay 14, Benjamin Page 15, 16, 22, Caleb Curtis 18 to 20, Lovel Kelton 23 to 25, 27, David G. Shipley 26, Pardon Janes 28 to 31, Shubael Wheeler 33, 34, 47, Pliny




                                                                 CALAIS.                                                           175


Curtis 35, 36, Joseph Lance 37, 38, Alonzo Pearce 39, 40, Abdiel Kent 41, 42, Chas. Dudley 43, 44, Nelson A. Chase 45, 46, Enoch C. McLoud 48, 49, David B. Fay 50, Rufus P. Moses 51, 52, Ebenezer S. Demming 53, Asa George, 54, 55, Lester Warren 56, 57, Hiram K. Slayton 58, 59, Albert Dwinell 60, 61, John V. R. Kent, 62, 63, Alonzo M. Foster 64, 65, Sidney H. Foster 66, 67, Ira A. Morse 68, 69, Walter P. Slayton 72, 73, James K. Tobey 74, 75, Erasmus L. Burnap 76, 77, Benja­min P. White 78, 79, J. Warren Leonard 80, 81,


STATE SENATORS.—Nathaniel Eaton 40, 41, Albert Dwinell 78, 79, 80, 81.


ASSISTANT JUDGES OF COUNTY COURT.—Shubael Wheeler 27 to 30, Pliny Curtis 37, 8, Alonzo Pearce.


JUDGE OF PROBATE.—Gersham Palmer 10, Nelson A. Chase 68, 69.


SHERIFF.—Alonzo D. Pearce 70.


CLERK OF COUNTY COURT.—Shubael Wheeler 45 to 8, 50 to —




The list for the year 1795 was £501, 10s; 1796. £788 10s. The first general list under the act of March 20, 1797, is recorded: 61 polls at $20, $1220; 174½ acres improved land at $1.75 per acre, $305.37; other property and assessments, $1670.38, total, $3195.75. 1798, 67 polls, 191 acres, $2142.73, personal, total, 53,­816.72; 1799, 72 polls, 312 acres, $2702.06, personal, total, $4689.37; 1800, 80 polls, 400 acres, $39.50 houses, $2750.50, person­al, total, $5090.00.

For valuations, etc., upon which these and the following list are based, see sum­mary of list for 1812.




The first complete list now on file. The date next the name signifies the year of settlement, or near as can be ascertained:

a. signifies acre or acres of improved land;

b. and figures following, appraisal of the buildings; cash figures alone, the whole amount of list:

1800, 1 a., $28.25, Sabin, 1797, 4 a., $3.50 Alvord, Isaac 1801, $26.50, Stephen, 1797, 6 a., $57; Bliss, Aaron 1795, 6 a., b. $250, $62, Abdiel, 1798, 30 a., b. $400, $148.50, Alpheus, 1799, 1800, b. $300, $72.50, Caleb, 1800, $58, David, 1797, 7 a., b. $150, $88.25, Frederick, 1795, 10 a., $90.50, Joshua, 1795, 15 a., $115.75; Joshua 2d., 1798, 17 a., $124.75, Noah, 1798, 4 a., $70; Beckwith, Joshua 1800, $40; Carpenter, Daniel 1800, b. $300, $59; Clark, Noah L. 1797, 5 a., b. $100, $63.75; Comings, Jonas 1795, 5 a., b. $200, $65.75; Curtis, Caleb 1798, 3 a., b. $250, $76.75; Daggett, David 1778, $26.50; Danforth, Samuel 1800, $40; Davis, Silas I801, $20, Simeon, 1795, 8 a., $54, Phineas, 1797, 8 a., b. $250, $73.50; Dickenson, John 1798, $20; Doane, Elisha 1797, $33; Eddy, Edmund 1800, b. $100. $27, Jonathan, 1797, $31.50; Emerson, John 1797, 3 a., $63.25; Fay, Jedediah 1795, 5 a., $65.25, Samuel, 1795, 6 a. $79.59; Ginnings, Amos 1795, 7 a., $83.75, James, 1795, 5 a., $75.25; Goodell, David 1795, 4 a., $53.25; Goodenough, Ebenezer 1797, 9 a., $116.75; Green, Rufus 1797, 1 a., $49.75; Haskell, Moses 1795, 2 a., $56.50; Hatha­way, Asa 1800, 10 a., $37.50, Elnathan, 1796, 5 a., $75.25, Silas, 1797, 5 a., b. $150, $43.25, Thomas, 1797, 2 a., $55; Hicks, Gideon, 1800, 3 a., $38.75, John, 1801, $26.50; Howland, Polly, widow of Abraham, 1795, 3 a., $11.75; Janes, Solo­mon 1796, 6 a„ $48.50; Kendall, Isaac 1798 or 1800, 5 a., $86.75; Kent, Remember, 1798, 8 a., $60; Kinney, Stephen 1801, $26.50; Lamb, Aaron 1789, b. $125, $55.50, Jacob, 1801, $33.40; Lebaron, Francis 1795, 2 a., $30; Lilley, Joshua 1797, 10 a., $145.50; Merritt, Job 1800, $53, Nehemiah, 1800, b. $150, $29.50, Oliver, 1801, $20; Marsh, Jason 1800, $38.50; Mitchel, Caleb B. 1798, 10 a., $40; Nichols, Ezra 1801, $20; Ormsbee, Nathaniel 1800, $20; Palmer, Gershom, 1797, 6 a,, $103, Oliver, 1796, 10 a., $97; Pearce, Asahel 1795, 6 a., $81.50, Backus, 1795, 4 a., $75.50, Noah, 1795, $51.50, Stephen, 1801, $20; Perry, Lemuel 1800, $57.50; Pope, Winslow 1797, $26.50; Rich, Samuel 10 a., $17.50; Robinson, Joel 1794,

Wm. Abbott, 1799 or 1800, $20; Ains­worth, Moses 1797, $6.50; Reuben, 1799,




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5 a., $61.75; Shortt, Shubael, 1795, 10 a., $95.50; Slayton, Jesse 1796, 5 a., $68.25, Simeon, 1795, 4 a., b. $100, $60; Steward, Ethel 1797, $26.50; Thayer, David 1798, $36.50, David, Jr., 1798, $20; Tisdale, Seth 1801, 4 a., $7; Tobey, Zoath 1799, $53; Tucker, Amasa 1797, 6 a., $73.50, David, 1800, $20, Edward, 1795, 25 a., b. $340, $153.25, Jonathan, 1797, 10 a., $150, $102; Wheelock, Abijah 1795, 10 a., $98.50, Asa, 1795, 9 a., $65.25; Gideon, 1797, 6 a., b. $400, $78, Goddard, 1795, 9 a., $103.75, Jennison, 1795, 8 a., $93.50, Peter, Esq., 1795, $76.50, Salem, 1797, $38; White, Elijah 1797, 3 a., $61.75, Samuel, 1797, 3 a., $64.75; Wilber, Hol­den, 1795, 18 a., $104; Willis, Edmund 1797, $6.50; Wright, Levi 1797, 8 a., $60.50, Preserved, 1800, 7 a., $53.75; Young, Duncan 1796, 4 a., $53.50.

Names on previous lists not on list of 1801: Lyman Daggett, Salmon Davis, John Crane, Stephen Fay, David Fuller, Bemis Hamilton, James Sprague, Leonard Wheelock.

New names appear in the list from year to year, 1802, Amasa, Parley, Wareham, and Welcome Ainsworth, Hannah Butter­field, Joseph Ginnings, Thomas Haskell, Nathan Janes, Uriah Johnson, George and James Kelton, Calvin Pearce, Joseph Perry, William Thayer, Isaac Wells, Medad Wright. 1803, Ezra Bliss, James Dawson, William Drown, John Eddy, Artemas Fos­ter, Joseph W. Gilman, John Martin, John Ware. 1804, Benjamin Andrews, Chester Clark, Isaac Davis, Eliphalet Huntington, Enoch Kelton, Nathaniel Ladd, James Short. 1805, Luther Ainsworth, Amasa and John Bancroft, Squire Bullock, Ethan Powers, Prince Sears, Oliver Shipley, Bucklin Slayton, Amos Wheelock, Reubin Wither, Philip Vincent. 1806, Jacob Ains­worth, Benjamin Bancroft, Amos Barnes, George Blown, John Goodale, Phineas Goodenough, Ebenezer Goodenough, Jr., George Ide, Ephraim Ladd, Richard Pitts, Jonathan Pray, Cyrenus Shortt. 1807, Vial Allen, Thomas Anderson, Charles Bliss, Stephen Bates, Henry Fish, David Fuller, Jr., Martin Gilbert, Jessa Holmes, Pardon Janes, Elijah Nye, Stephen Olmstead, Samuel Pratt, Phineas Slayton, Uriah Simons, Reubin D. Waters, Nathan Wheeler, Jared Wheelock, Suel White, Daniel and John Young. 1808, Thomas Andrews, Galen and Charles Bliss, Moses Blanchard, William Crosby, Thomas Fos­ter, Abraham Hawkins, William Lougee, John McKenzie, Samuel, Isaac and William Robinson, John Waugh, Almond Wilber. 1809, Nathaniel Bancroft, John R. Densmore, Jonathan Green, Jonas Hall, Isaac Hawkins, Barnabas and Ebenezer Kelton, John Martin, Jr., Daniel Nealey, Peleg Redway, Oliver Shipley, Jr., Lem­uel Tobey, Isaac Vincent, Welcome Whee­lock.

The lists for 1810 and '11 are not pre­served. 1812, Smith Ainsworth, George and Ira Brown, Isaac Corey, Jabez Carver, John Cate, John Chapman, Salvin D. Col­lins, Israel Dwinell, Gload Dugar, Na­thaniel Davis, Jonathan Eaton, Luther Farnum, Luke Fletcher, Benjamin Gray, Simeon Guernsey, Seth Gary, Salathiel Hammond, George Holbrook. Ona Kelton, William LeBarron, William LeBarron, Jr., Andrew Nealey, Beniah Shortt, Henry Stone, David G. Shipley.




From 1801 there was a steady increase in valuation 80 polls at $20, $1600; 1679 acres of improved land at $1.75, 2938; houses assessed in the whole at $182; 112 oxen at $10, $1120; 405 cows and other cattle of 3-years old at $6.50, 2632.50; 178 cattle of 2-years old at $5, $890; 101 horses of 3-years old, and upwards, at $13.50, $1363.50; 10 of 2-years old at $6.50, $65; 16 of 1-year old at $3.50, $56; 7 house clocks at $10, $70; 3 gold watches at $10, $30; 12 common do. at $5, $60; 2750 dollars of money on hand and debts due, at 6 per cent., $165; 1 practitioner assessed at $25; mechanics and owners of mills and machines assessed in the whole at $143; total, $11340. Deduct for 5 minors subject to military duty and equip­ped by parents at $20, $100; deduct 54 militia polls at $20, $1080; deduct 5 horses of cavalry at $13.50, $67.50; leaving list for State taxes, $10092.50

At that time the law required that all




                                                                  Calais.                                                            177


dwellings, stores and shops (log-houses excepted) should be assessed at two per cent. of their value, if in the judgment of the listers their value did not exceed $1000. And if valued at more than $1000, at three per cent. The law also specified how per­sonal property should be set in the list, as above. Wooden clocks were not taxed. Attorneys, physicians, merchants, mechan­ics, etc., were assessed in proportion to their gains.

1820: 86 polls at $20, $1720; 1990 acres of improved land at .08 of appraised value, $1366.42; 103 houses and lots at .04 appraised value, $247.06; 9 mills, stores, etc., at .o6 appraised value, $48.60; 140 oxen at $10, $1400; 429 cows and three-year olds at $6, $2574; 169 cattle, two-year olds at $5, $845; 132 horses, three years old and upwards, at $14, $1848; 26 two-years old at $7, $182; 22 one-year old at $4, $88; 1 stallion at $50, $50; 5 brass clocks at $10, $50; 1 gold watch at $10, $10; 20 common do. at $5, $100; $1100 money at .06, $66; total, $11295.08; 34 militia polls and 9 cavalry horses were ex­empt from State taxes.

1830: 252 polls at $10, $2520; 3690 acres of land at .06, $1558.60; 541 houses and lots at .04, $1401.40; 14 mills, stores, etc., at .06, $62.40; 281 oxen at $2, $562; 712 cows and other cattle of three years old, at $1.25, $890; 254 cattle of two years old at .75 each, $190.50; 25 horses and mules, three years old, appraised at less than $25, at $1, $25; 180 over $25 and less than $75, at $3, $540; 6 at $75, at .06, $36; 43 two years, at $2, $86; 33 one year, at $1.25, $41.25; 2797 sheep at .10 each, $279.70; 7 carriages at .06 of ap­praised value, $6.30; 8 brass clocks at $3, $24; 20 watches at $1, $20; $3350 money on hand, etc., at .06, $201; $90 bank stock at .03, $2.70; 2 practitioners of medicine assessed, $35; 1 merchant and trader, do., $30; total, $8511.85; 148 militia polls and 6 cavalry horses, exempt.

In 1840, the list amounted to $10373.54. Later lists were assessed nearly as at pres­ent, and are as follows:


                            Polls.                Real.         Personal.           Gd. List.

            1850          266         $281,774           $32,023             $3,675

            1870          312           304,473             46,547               4,134

            1870          340           374,573             71,936               4,848

            1878          326           296,652             67,807               4,269


