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son, Augustus W. Lyon, Daniel Maranville, Jacob Maranville, Heber Parker, James Wil­son, (wounded in the battle of the Wilderness 5 May 1864, died 10 May,) Holbrook Wood.

4th Regiment, George P. Ainsworth, James W. Huntoon.

8th Regiment, Peter Bodett, (died 7 Aug. 1862,) Lemuel R. Foster.

9th Regiment, Sullivan R. Church, Amasa Dwyer, Daniel Dwyer, Edson L. Hamblet, Edward Hawkins, David Johnson, William H. Johnson, Simon Maranville, Wallace Mar­ranville, William Maranville, Curtis Spencer, (died 14 Oct. 1863,) Horace Spencer, Calvin Wilson.

10th Regiment, Sylvester B. Ball, Austin Betlers, John B. Betlers, John F. Betlers, Judson Spafford, Edward Warner, (died 23 Dec. 1862.) Curtis H. Waterman.

15th Regiment, Harrison C. Lyon, (died 8 Mar. 1863.)

1st Cavalry, George S. Spafford.


The town always kept in advance of its quota, and was in advance when the order to discontinue recruiting was issued in Apr. 1865. William Johnson, of the 3d Regiment, was a drummer-boy, and during the seven days re­treat of McClellan before Richmond, he was the only drummer in the brigade who brought off his drum.—For his resolution and bravery the Secretary of War honored him with a special medal. Besides the soldiers mentioned in the preceding list, a large number of citi­zens of Salem enlisted to the credit of other towns in which money was more abundant than patriotism. Very few, if any other towns in the State, furnished a larger number of soldiers in proportion to the military population.

The ecclesiastical history of Salem may be written within a brief space. No religious or­ganization has ever existed in the town. Those of the inhabitants who attend public worship do so in the neighboring towns of Charleston, Derby, and Brownington. The town has produced three ministers, two of them natives, one each of the Congregational, Baptist, and Free-Will Baptist denominations. John Wilson, the last of the three, was set apart as an evangelist, at the August term, 1840, of the Wheelock Quarterly Meeting.

CHARLES FITCH MORSE, the only native of Salem graduated at college, was a son of Joseph B. and Abigail (Thomas) Morse, and was born 28 July 1845. He fitted for college at Derby and St. Johnsbury academies, was graduated at Amherst college in 1853, and at Andover Theological Seminary in 1856. Having decided to become a missionary, he was ordained at Reading, Mass, 20 Aug. 1856. Rev. E. A. Park, D. D. of Andover preached the sermon. In January 1857, he sailed for Constantinople, and became one of the orig­inal members of the Bulgarian mission. He married 20 Aug. 1856, Eliza D. Winter, of Boylston, Mass.

Stephen Bailey Morse, brother of the above named, was born 20 Aug. 1828, and after pursuing academical studies at Derby and elsewhere a year and a half, entered the Baptist Theological Institute at Fairfax, where he was graduated in 1857.—He taught school for some time, preached 2½ years in Thompson. Ct., and, in the Summer of 1861, commenced preaching in Wilbraham, Mass. He married Mary White of Wilbraham.


                                REPRESENTATIVES OF SALEM.


Ephraim Blake, 1827; Noyes Hopkinson, 1828; Josiah Lyon, 1829—31; Nathaniel Cobb, 1832—33; Noyes Hopkinson, 1834 & 37; Samuel Blake, 1838; Josiah Lyon, 1840 —41; Samuel Blake, 1842; Josiah Lyon, 1844; Samuel Blake, 1846; Calvin S. Grow, 1848—49; Samuel Blake, 1850; Isaac C. Smith, 1851; Porter Lyon, 1852; Isaac C. Smith, 1853—54; John Wilson, 1856; Charles Blake, 1857; Porter Lyon, 1858—59; David Hopkinson, 1860—61; John G. Parlin, 1862 —63; Edson H. Lathe, 1864.


                                 MEMBERS OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION.


Noyes Hopkinson, 1828; Samuel Blake, 1836; Noyes Hopkinson, 1843 & 50.






                                                        BY SAMUEL SUMNER.


                     I.— GEOGRAPHY OF THE MISSISCO VALLEY.


The upper valley of the Missisco, comprising the towns of Troy, Westfield, Jay, Lowell. and a small portion of the Province of Canada, lies between the western range of the Green Moun­tains, and the range of highlands dividing the waters of the Missisco from those of Black River and Lake Memphremagog.

The western lines of Jay, Westfield, and Lowell, commonly extend a short distance over the summits of Green Mountain range, which divides Orleans from Franklin County; but the east lines of Troy and Lowell generally do not extend to the height of land towards Black River and Lake Memphremagog. The length of the valley in a direct line from Canada line to the south line of Lowell and the source of the Missisco river, is about 18 miles. The width of the whole valley from the summit of the moun­tains west, to the height of land on the east, is from 6 to 10 miles. The towns of Jay and Westfield are each, according to their charters, 6 miles square.

The town of Troy lies on the east of these towns, almost the entire length of them, and is oblong and irregular in its form, being 11½ miles in length from north to south, whilst the north line is about 5 miles, and its south line about 2 miles in length. The town of Lowell lies south of both Troy and Westfield, and is still more irregular in its form, being almost in the shape



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of a triangle, and contains 37000 acres. These four towns, according to their charters and orig­inal surveys, contain 106,080 acres. The general face of the country is that of two great slopes or inclined plains, extending from the summits of the two chains of mountains to their common center—the Missisco river. The height of the western or Green Mountain chain is from 1500 to 4000 feet, and of the eastern range from 300 to 1500 feet, above the river.


                                   II.—PONDS AND STREAMS.


There are no natural ponds of any size in this valley; the regular slope and steep ascent of hills preventing the accumulation and retention of water to make them. Neither are there many streams or brooks of much size. Near the con­fluence of the Missisco with the North or Pot­ton Branch, a stream of considerable size called Mud Creek, unites with the Missisco river from the east.

This stream rises in Newport, and after run­ning some distance almost parallel with Troy line, passes into Troy, and after crossing the north-eastern part of that town, runs into Potton and pays the tribute of its waters to the Missisco a short distance above its junction with the North Branch. Around the confluence of these three streams is a large basin of interval or meadow-land, extending both into Troy and Potton, which for fertility may well compare with any in the State. Above this creek there is no stream of any size running into the Missisco from the east for several miles. The first which occurs is the Beadle brook, named from an early settler, who erected his cabin in the wilderness on its banks. This stream also rises in Newport, and, running west, unites with the Missisco. On the West side of the river the first stream of any consequence is Jay branch, which is the largest of all the branches. It rises in Jay, and after receiving almost all the rivulets of that town, runs into the Missisco in Troy, about 4 miles south of the State line.

Farther south is the Coburn brook, so called. This stream rises in Westfield and unites with the Missisco a short distance from Troy village, almost opposite the mouth of the Beadle brook. About 2 miles farther south the Missisco receives a large accession to its waters from the Taft branch, which runs through Westfield village, and receives in its course almost all the smaller rivulets of Westfield. Another stream rises in Lowell, near Hazen's Notch, and running through the north-western part of that town, joins the Missisco near Westfield line.

These are all the principal branches of the Mis­sisco in the valley; but the river receives large accessions from numberless springs and smaller rivulets; though the streams mentioned are the only ones large enough for mill-sites. The val­ley is abundantly supplied with water-power the Missisco and its tributaries affording power enough to move all the cotton factories of New England.

The Missisco river, which, with the mountains, is the most prominent feature of the valley, rises in the chain of hills or highlands, southwest of the country, separating the waters of the Lam­oille from the streams running into Missisco and Lake Memphremagog.

Two streams or branches rising in this chain of hills near the line between Lowell and Eden, and on the opposite sides of Mount Norris, unite near Lowell village and form the Missisco river. The eastern branch, just before its junction with the other, runs over a series of rapids or ledges, affording many excellent mill-sites. After the union of the two streams the river runs in a northeasterly course two or three miles, in the town of Lowell, crosses the town line into West­field, and runs thence 4 miles through the southeastern part of that town and passes into Troy and flows almost the entire length of that town.

For several miles below Lowell village, the river flows with a gentle current through a val­uable body of interval, but has no falls or rapids suitable for mill-sites. The first water-fall suita­ble for mills is a about a mile below Troy village, at Phelps's Falls. Below these falls the meadows are not so continuous; high rocky bluffs occasion­ally appear intermingled with frequent tracts of fertile intervals. In passing these ledges the course of the river is commonly rapid, and the fall sufficient for mills. Four of these falls occur between the falls just mentioned and North Troy, two only of which have been improved, one where the furnace is erected, and the other at the Great Falls.

The most remarkable of these falls is about one and a half miles south of North Troy, called the Great Falls, described in Thompson's Ver­mont. The fall in this river is probably not so great as described by Mr. Thompson, but the over-hanging cliff presents a scene truly grand— almost terrific. The river here runs over a steep, rocky bottom, through a zig-zag channel, worn through a ledge of rocks. The banks rise precipitously, and on one side absolutely overhang the river to the height of from 60 to 80 feet, and



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the dizzy visitor in viewing the cataract in the time of high water, from the overhanging Cliff, is filled with awe at the wild sublimity and gran­deur of the scene.

The river then runs to the village of North Troy, where there is an excellent fall for mills, and, three-fourths of a mile below North Troy crosses the State line into Canada. After run­ning about 3 miles in Potton, it unites with another stream called the North-branch, which is about one-third less than the southern or Troy branch of the Missisco. This north branch rises some 16 or 18 miles further north, in the town of Bolton, and, passing through that township and Potton, runs through a valley very much resembling our own.

These two valleys may be compared to two vast amphitheatres, enclosed on one side by the Green Mountains, and on the other by the range of hills dividing the Missisco valley front the valley of the Memphremagog. The two rivers run in almost opposite directions—the one north and the other south, from their sources to their point of confluence; and the whole valley on these two rivers extends almost in a straight line from the defile which we pass between Lowell and Eden, about 40 or 50 miles, to a similar defile at the head of the North-branch in Bolton, affording a direct and level route which will at some future day be a great thoroughfare from the central part of this State to the heart of French settlements in the valley of the St. Lawrence.

The geography of Vermont presents one re­markable feature. Our highest chain, the Wes­tern range of the Green Mountans, is intersect­ed by our largest rivers, the Winooski, Lamoille and Missisco. But the course of the Missisco through these highlands is the most singular, and is perhaps an exception to all others.

In passing this range of mountains we might naturally expect a succession of high, precipit­ous cliffs for river-banks, and a channel abound­ing with precipices and water-falls; but instead of this the river from Troy to Richford, passing the mountains, flows through fertile and level meadows, with a sluggish current, without a rapid or water-fall, until it reaches the State at Richford.


                                                 III.— SOIL.


Through the valley the course of the river is generally lined with a succession of rich alluvi­al intervals. Much of this is overflowed by the spring freshets, and produces luxuriant crops of grass and most kinds of grain—particularly Indian corn. Ascending from these intervals, at no great height are commonly found either large plains or gently elevated hills composed of sand, clay, and gravel, or loam in which sand generally predominates; the whole often being well mixed. These plains and hills are easily tilled, and well adapted to most kinds of pro­duce.

Rising still further, and receding from the riv­er, is found a great slope or inclined plane, of easy ascent. These generally have a rich soil resting on a substratum of rock or hardpan, and are well adapted to the culture of grass, English grain, potatoes and fruit. Ascending still far­ther the soil becomes thinner, and rocks and ledges more frequent.

This land when cleared produces a good crop of grain, and then affords a rich pasture. The summits of the mountains on the west are gen­erally steep, and are composed of rock, covered with a thin soil, and a growth of stunted ever­greens.

This glade of land does not generally occupy a space of more than from half a mile to a mile in width, and is almost the only land in the val­ley which can be called worthless. The valley is of easy access from abroad, notwithstanding the chains of mountains which appear to sur­round and hem it in. The most uneven and difficult roads leading into it are from the east. On the south a defile at the head of the Missis­co affords a level and easy entrance from the valley of the Lamoille, and on the north a like defile at the head of the north branch affords like facilities for a road; so that without en­countering a hill we may pass from the valley of the Lamoille, through this valley to that of the St. Lawrence; while on the west the broad vale, through which the river passes, affords ev­ery advantage for a smooth and level road to the great valley of Lake Champlain. The gen­eral appearance of the valley is naturally pic­turesque and interesting, presenting many pros­pects of surpassing beauty and sublimity, and were it improved by cultivation, and adorned by wealth and taste, it might well compare with the celebrated vales of Italy and Greece.


                                  IV.—ROCKS AND MINERALS.


The two great chains of mountains which enclose the valley, on the east and on the west, are composed of rock similar to other parts of the Green Mountain range. Talcose slate is the prominent rock of the western range. Argillaceous slate, interstratified with the former, and with alternate slate and novaculite, consti‑



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tutes the eastern hills. Granite appears in the valley of Lake Memphremagog; but none is found in the Missisco valley, or further west, except occasional boulders, among loose stones. Near the highest parts of the mountains west, is a variety of talcose slate, much harder than usually abounds, which has sometimes been called Green Mountain gneiss. Veins of quartz abound in it. This is a gold-bearing rock, and gold has been found in it.

The most striking features of the valley are the immense ranges of sepentine and soapstone. There are two ranges of the former and two of the latter; extending from Potton on the north to Lowell in the south end of the valley. The quantity of serpentine in Lowell and Westfield is greater than in any other part of the county. The eastern range contains the veins of magnetic iron ore, which supplied the furnace at Troy. The quantity is inexhaustible; but the ore contains titanium, and is hard to smelt. The iron when manufactured is of the best quality, having great strength and hardness. It is fine­ly adapted to make wire, screws, &c. It would make the best kind of rails for railroads.— Should a railroad be constructed in the Missis­co valley, this ore will be of immense value to the County and State. It might even now be wrought with profit to the owners. It makes the most valuable hollow-ware and stoves.

In the serpentine range on the west side of the river is found chromate of iron, a mineral of great value in the arts. The largest beds of it are in the eastern part of Jay, within a mile and a half of Missisco river.

Small beds of chromate of iron have been found in the serpentine range, on the east side of the river, south of the magnetic iron ore, in both Troy and Westfield. Most beautiful spec­imens of asbestos, common and ligniform, are found in the serpentine at Lowell and Westfield. This serpentine might be wrought, and would be found of equal value to any in the State.— It contains the most beautiful veins of amianthus and bitter spar. Some varieties resemble verde antique.

The soapstone which accompanies the ser­pentine, is generally hard, but no doubt might, in many places, be wrought to great advantage.

Several mineral springs have been discovered, and they appear to be impregnated more or less with sulphur and iron, some with magnesia. Most of them are of little or no value. There is, however, one of these springs near the line between Troy and Lowell, which merits an examination, and a more perfect description than given here. The waters have never been ana­lyzed, but have been much resorted to and used. They have a strong sulphurous taste and smell, and very much resemble the taste of the High­gate and Alburgh springs. The water operates as a powerful diuretic, and is considered very efficacious for sores and humors, and has been much used in the vicinity for those and other complaints. If the waters of the spring were analyzed, and their properties made known, they would doubtless draw to them many visitors and invalids.

But the most distinguished feature in the geology of our valley, is its vast deposits of iron ore before mentioned. The principal mine of iron ore was discovered in 1833: it lies in the central part of the town of Troy, in a high hill, about three-fourths of a mile east of the river.


                         V.—CHARTERS AND GRANTS OF LAND.


The town of Troy was originally granted in two gores of nearly equal extent; the north to Samuel Avery, and the south to John Kelley, in 1792. Westfield was granted to Daniel Owen and this associates in 1780. All or nearly all the grantees of this town resided in Rhode Island. Lowell was granted in 1791 to John Kelley, from whom the town received its origi­nal name of Kelley Vale. Jay was granted two-thirds to the celebrated John Jay of New York, and John Cozyne, and the other third in the south part of the town, to Thomas Chitten­den, the first governor of this State,

It would probably be a curious piece of histo­ry, if we could know the motives which were urged, and the intrigues used to obtain these grants, and the management and speculations of the grantees if the grants were obtained. The policy of the State in making these and other grants at that time, may well be ques­tioned.

The State, probably, never realized any pecu­niary advantage from them. The reason com­monly urged for these lavish grants, was to advance the settlement of wild lands in the State. The effect was usually different from what was intended. These towns at the time they were chartered were remote from any settlement, and some of them had been granted 20 years before any settlement was made in them.

The lands in the mean time fell into the hands of speculators; and by sales, levies of executions, and vendues for taxes, titles often became con­fused and doubtful. Prices were enhanced by such speculators endeavoring to realize a fortune



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from their adventure, and whilst some speculators realized large sums from their lands, most of them, from expenses of surveys, agencies, and land-taxes, and interest of money on these advances, sustained heavy losses.

In many instances, when early settlements were attempted, the consequences were disas­trous to the settlers. A few families were pre­maturely pushed into a remote wilderness with­out roads, mills or any of the conveniences and institutions of civilized life, and were left to encounter innumerable hardships and privations, and run the hazard of themselves and their fam­ilies relapsing into barbarism.

Had the State retained these lands a few years longer, and granted them only as they were needed for actual settlers, it might have realized a handsome profit from the lands; titles would have been better, a fruitful source of speculation and knavery prevented, a vast amount of suffering and privation avoided, and the condition of the settlers and their families improved.

The north gore of Troy was sold by Mr. Avery to a Mr. Atkinson, an English merchant residing in Boston. It is said that Avery received $1 per acre for his lands; if so, he doubtless re­alized a handsome profit, but how Atkinson fared in the trade may be inferred from the fact that these lands have commonly been sold for $2 per acre, and that after sustaining the ex­penses of agencies, and innumerable land-taxes for more than half a century. A few of these lots remain unsold, and are still owned by his heirs and descendants.

Kelley sold his grant to Franklin & Robinson, a firm in New York. They failed, and the grant passed into the hands of a Mr. Hawxhurst of New York.

His land speculations were about as successful as Atkinson's. A few of his lots of land still remain unsold, in the hands of his son.

As for the town of Lowell, from some old con­veyances, we may infer that Kelley's interest passed as soon as obtained into the hands of cred­itors, among whom were some of the first names in New York, as Alexander Hamilton, the Livingstons and others, who condescended to spec­ulate in the wild lands of Vermont, and sold the town to one William Duer, for $4,680. The titles of most of the lands of this town have been bandied about from one speculator to an­other, through a maze of conveyances, levies of execution, and vendue-sales for taxes, and a large portion of the town is to this day held by non-resident owners.

In Jay a portion of the town granted to Gov­ernor Chittenden is still owned by his descend­ants: a part of their grant has been sold most­ly within a few years. Of the part granted to Judge Jay, a portion of it was sold by his son 20 years since; but the greater portion of this grant passed into the hands of Judge Williams of Concord, about half a century ago; and about 15 years since he gave his unsold lands, being about 50 or 60 lots, to the University of Ver­mont. But a small portion of the lands of this town were purchased and paid for by actual set­tlers, previous to the last 20 years




The military road made by Colonel Hazen during the Revolutionary war, from Peacham to Hazen's Notch in Lowell, had a tendency to extend the knowledge of the Missisco valley, and create an interest in it. The fertile mead­ows in Troy and Potton attracted attention.

Mr. Josiah Elkins of Peacham, a noted hunt­er and Indian trader, in company with Lieuten­ant Lyford, early explored the northern part of Orleans county. Their route was to follow Ha­zen's road to the head of Black River, and thence to Lake Memphremagog, where they hunted for furs, and traded with the St. Francis Indians, who then frequented the shores of that lake.

Elkins and Lyford sometimes extended their hunting excursions into the Missisco valley.—The reports they and other hunters and traders made probably induced an exploration of the valley with a view to forming a settlement.

In 1796 or '97, a party of several men from Peacham, of which Capt. Moses Elkins, a broth­er of Josiah Elkins, was one, came up and ex­plored the country. They agreed to come hith­er and settle, but none of them except Captain Elkins had the hardihood to carry this resolution into effect. He started from Peacham June 7, 1797, with his furniture in a cart drawn by a yoke of oxen and a yoke of bulls, and one cow driven by his son Mark, a boy of 9 years old and two hired men. After three days they arrived at Craftsbury, where they were joined by three men from Richford, making a party of six men and one boy. They proceeded on the old Hazen road until they crossed the river in Lowell, cutting out their road as they went. Mrs. Elkins followed them some days after, riding on horse­back with a child 3 years old, and attended by a hired man. They overtook her husband and, his party, June 16th, near the centre of Jay, where they camped for the night, and the next



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day they arrived at their home in Potton, which consisted of four crotches set in the ground, and covered with poles and bark. Captain Elkins made some improvement on his land, but on the approach of winter he went down to Richford and wintered there, and returned to his land the next spring. He was probably the first white man who settled in this valley.

In 1797, a Mr. Morrill moved into Troy, and erected a house about half a mile east of the village of North Troy, and probably was the first white man who ever wintered in the valley.

In the fall of 1798, Josiah Elkins moved his brother Curtis Elkins into Potton, and they erected a house on the place called the Bailey farm, about half a mile north of the line. The house was built of logs of course, but they cut, split, and hewed basswood logs, for their supply of boards and shingles. Cur­tis Elkins remained with his family during the winter in this house.

Josiah Elkins moved from Greensboro into Potton, Feb. 26, 1799, with his wife and three children, and moved into the house with his brother Curtis. His route was by what was called the Lake Roads

The first night in his journey lie stopped in Glover; the next in Newport, in what was called the old lake-settlement; and on the third day he arrived at his new home.

The settlement then consisted of Mr. Morrill in Troy, Capt. Moses Elkins, and Abel Skin­ner, Esq., in Potton. Mr. Jacob Garland and his son-in-law, Jonathan Heath were there at that, time, and moved in their families a short time after. In the same winter or the follow­ing spring, Mr. James Rines and Mr. Bartlett moved into Troy, and settled about a mile south of North Troy village, on the meadows below the great falls. Mr. Hoyt also moved into Troy, and setled on the meadows about half a mile north of North Troy village. Col. Ruyter also, the same winter or spring, moved into the west part of Potton, some three or four miles further down the river.

A most melancholly event occurred soon af­ter, which cast a deep gloom and sorrow over the little colony, and the sad story still lin­gers in the traditions and recollections of the oldest inhabitants.

On June 10, 1799, a great freshet occurred, and the waters of the river were swollen to an unusual height. The settlers, prompted by a transient adventurer who had visited them, had provided themselves with several large and elegant pine canoes, to supply the defi­ciency of roads and bridges and to enable them to pursue their favorite pastime of fishing and rowing on the water.

Col. Ruyter had recently established, at his reideuce down the river, a store of goods, which, according to the custom of those days, consisted principally of groceries. The col­onists, numbering 15 or 20 men, in 5 canoes, proceeded down the river to visit the Colonel and his store, and test the goodness of his groceries.

The hours passed jollily away and the day was far spent before the party was ready to return. Returning in the evening, when within a mile of their homes, the canoe in which were the three sons of Esq. Skinner, and two other men, was upset, and the men were precipitated in an instant into the rapid and swollen current. Three of the five were rescued by their companions, but the two el­dest sons of Esq, Skinner, young men about 18 and 20 years of age, were swept away by the resistless waters and perished. These young men were said to be of great promise, the main hope of their parents; and whatever may have been the condition of some of the party, they were perfectly sober. After vainly attempting to rescue these unfortunate youths, the party were compelled to give up all hopes of recovering them, and had to carry heavy tidings to the bereaved parents. The news caused a paroxysm of despair and insanity to the unhappy father. It required the exertions of several men during the night and follow­ing day, to restrain the raving father from rushing to the river and plunging into the stream to recover his sons, as he vainly thought to bring them back to life from their watery grave.

After watching the waters and searching the the river for a week, the sympathizing neigh­bors recovered the bodies of the young men. One of the settlers who was a professor of re­ligion, and was considered a pious man, offi­ciated at the funeral, a prayer was offered, and the remains of the two brightest hopes of the valley-were decently and sorrowfully con­signed to the parent dust. Three or four weeks afterwards, Judge Olds, who had settled in, Westfield, and who had formerly been a clergyman, was called upon to preach a funeral sermon, which was from the appropriate text, "Be still and know that I am God."



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Tradition relates two well authenticated circumstances, connected with this mournful event, which may be worthy the attention of the physiologist. One is that the despairing father, who was then a man of middle age, with scarce a grey hair on his head, became, in a few days, grey and his hair soon turned almost white. The other circumstance is that the mother, who was then laboring un­der an attack of the fever and ague, was re­stored by the shock the news gave her; the periodical chill was broken, and she had no more returns of her complaint that season.

Several families moved into Troy and Potton in 1799, and in the winter of 1799 and 1800, a small party of Indians, of whom the chief man was Capt. Susap, joined the colonists, built their camps on the river, and wintered near them. There Indians were represented as being in a necessitous and almost starving condition, which probably arose from the moose and deer (which formerly abounded here) being destroyed by the settlers. Their principal employment was making baskets, birch-bark cups and pails, and other Indian trinkets. They left in the spring and never returned. They appeared to have been the most numerous party, and resided the longest time of any Indians who have ever visited the valley since the commencement of the settlement.

One of these Indians, a woman called Mol­ly Orcutt, exercised her skill in a more digni­fied profession, and her introduction to the whites was rather curious.

In the Fall or beginning of the Winter in 1799, one of the settlers purchased and brought in a barrel of whiskey and two half barrels of gin and brandy. The necessities of the people for this opportune supply may be inferred from the fact the whole was drunk or sold and carried off within three days from its arrival. The arrival of a barrel of liquor in the settlement was, at that time, hailed with great demonstrations of joy, and there was a general gathering at the opening of tho casks. So it was on this occasion, a large party from Troy, Potton, and even from Richford, were assembled for the customary carousal. Their orgies were held in a new house, and were prolonged to a late hour of the night.

A transient rowdy from abroad by the name of Perkins, happened there at that time, and in the course of the night grew insolent and insulting, and a fight ensued between him and one Norris, of Potton. In the con­test Norris fell, or was knocked into a great fire that was burning in the huge Dutch-back chimney which was in the room. Norris hair and clothes were severely scorched, but the main injury he sustained was in one hand which was badly burned. The flesh in­side of the hand was burned, or torn off by the fall, so that the cords were exposed. The injury was so serious that it was feared he would lose the use of his hand. A serious difficulty now arose; there was no doctor in the settlement, no pain extractors or other patent medicines had found their way there, and no one in the valley had skill or confi­dence enough to undertake tire management of so difficult a case.

Molly Orcutt was known as an Indian doctress, and then resided some miles off, near the Lake. She was sent for, and came and built her camp near by, and undertook the case, and the hand was restored. Her medi­cine was an application of warm milk-punch. Molly's fame as a doctress was now raised. The dysentery broke out with violence that Winter, particularly among children, and Molly's services were again solicited, and she again undertook the work of mercy, and again she succeeded. But in this case Molly main­tained all the reserve and taciturnity of her race, she retained the nature of her prescrip­tion to herself, she prepared her nostrum in her own camp, and brought it in a coffee pot to her patients, and refused to divulge the in­gredients of her prescription to any one; but chance and gratitude drew it from her.

In the March following, as Mr. Josiah El­kins and his wife were returning from Peach­am, they met Molly at Arnold's mills in Der­by; she was on her way across the wilderness to the Connecticut river, where she said she had a daughter married to a white man. Mr. Elkins inquired into her means of prosecuting so long a journey through the forest and snows of Winter, and found she was but scan­tily supplied with provisions, having nothing but a little bread. With his wonted generos­ity, Mr. Elkins immediately cut a slice of pork of 5 or 6 pounds out of the barrel he was carrying home, and gave it to her. My informant remarks she never saw a more grateful creature than Molly was on receiving this gift. "Now you have been so good to me," she exclaimed, "I will tell you how I cured the folks this Winter of the dysentery,"



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and told him her receipt. It was nothing more nor less than a decoction of the inner bark of the spruce.*

The town of Troy, or as it was then called Missisco, was organized in March, 1802. Ac­cording to the town record, the inhabitants were warned to meet on March 25, 1802, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon to organize the town and choose the necessary town officers. The record also shows that they met agreeably to the warning, chose a moderator, and then voted to adjourn until the next day at 10 o'clock in the forenoon.

No reason appears on record for this ad­journment, and we can scarce suppose the af­fairs of the infant settlement were so intricate as to require a night's reflection before they could proceed to act, or that the number of their worthies was so great that they could not make a selection of officers for the town. But it appears that they did adjourn, and tra­dition says they were as drunk as lords, and could not proceed any further in the business of the meeting.

It appears, however, by the records of the town, that the good citizens did meet the next day, agreeable to adjournment, and chose the usual batch of town officers, including a tythingman, and voted £6, of lawful money to be expended on roads, and $10.00 to defray the expenses of the town for the year. From that time the town of Troy has had a regular corporate existence, notwithstanding it came so near, in the first town meeting, being strangled in its birth.

The first settlers of Troy were from Peach­am and the towns on the Connecticut river, many from New Hampshire, and several were from Lyme.

Although there were many worthy persons among them, many able, substantial men who were pioneers in the settlement, many men who had nerve and hardihood well fitted to encounter and overcome the hardships and difficulties of a new settlement, yet there were many who resorted thither who were of loose character, and but few comparatively of the first settlers or their descendants now remain among us.

They appear to have partaken much of the wild habits of the time, and to have possessed a strong love of excitement and somewhat of a relish for stimulants, mental and physical. They lacked not for enterprise, hardihood, and love of adventure, but were wanting in the staid and regular habits which distin­guished the Puritan settlers in the older States in New England, and they seem to have impressed their enthusiasm, and love of excitement on the character of the inhabit­ants of the town for a long time.

The first, settlement in Westfield was made by Mr. Jesse Olds in 1798. Mr. Olds was originally from Massachusetts, and was rather a remarkable character for a pioneer in such a settlement. He had been a minister of the gospel, and on one occasion, as before stated, he officiated as clergyman at the funeral of Esq. Skinner's sons, but it does not appear that he ever acted in that capacity in the valley on any other occasion. He is describ­ed as having been a man of some property and of liberal education, of very genteel ap­pearance and address, but of a lewd and licentious character. Some acts of miscon­duct or indiscretion had probably induced him to flee from society and seek a refuge in the wilderness. He selected and purchased a lot of land lying near the geographical center of the town, on a hill some 2 miles from the present main road. Here he built a log-house and moved his wife and family to his solitary home, and here his wife passed one Winter with him, without having another woman nearer than 20 miles. After remain­ing in Westfield several years and clearing up a considerable portion of his land, Mr. Olds removed to Craftsbury, remained there a few years, and finally removed to the State of New York. The lands which he cleared were


* Among my earliest recollections of events was the arrival of Molly at Guildhall on the Connecticut river, soon after the event before mentioned. She was almost famished, as well she might be, after such a journey; for if her statements are reliable, she was then more than 100 years old. She informed my father that her husband fell in Lovell's war, and that she then had several grandchildren. Lovell's war terminated in 1725. If Molly was then only 40 years of age, she must have been born as early as 1685. If so, she was 115 years old, when she went from Derby to Guildhall in 1800, and might have been 120 or 125. But she lived 17 years after this period. She was at last found dead on Mount White Cap, in East Andover, Maine, in 1817, where she had resided for some weeks, gathering blueberries. Her body, when found, had been partly eaten by a wild animal. I have no doubt that she was nearly 190 years old, at the time of her death. She was certainly very familiar with the events of "Lovell's fight," and the war next preceding. I saw and con­versed with her frequently, from 1812 to 1816, and have no doubt, that she was born earlier than 1685, and that her statements were generally to be credited.

                                                                                                                              REV. S. R. HALL.



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   317


abandoned, and they and the orchard which he planted were overgrown by the returning forest, until, within a few years, they have been again reclaimed for a pasture.

The next year after the settlement of Mr. Olds in Westfield, Messrs. Hobbs, Hartley, and Burgess came into that town and settled on the same range of highlands near him; and in 1802, the town of Westfield was or­ganized and Mr. Olds was chosen the first town clerk. The year before, he had been elected a Judge of Orleans County Court.

In the Spring or Summer of 1803, Mr. David Barber moved into town, and in the Fall of that year, his brother-in-law, Thomas Hitchcock, visited the town with a view to settling there, and selecting lands for himself and his father, Capt. Medad Hitchcock. Mr. Hitchcock explored the flats or intervals in the eastern part of the town, where the vil­lage of Westfield is now situated, and was much charmed with the appearance they then presented. He said he traced the lot lines from the hill north into the midst of the in­tervals. They were then covered with large wide-spreading elms, with scarcely any brush or any other kinds of timber growing among them. As he wandered among these stately elms, the interval, as he said, appeared to be boundless in extent, and to include thousands of acres.

Mr. Rodolphus Reed removed from Mon­tague, Mass., to Westfield, in the Fall of 1803. During his journey he was detained by the sickness of his wife, and arrived at Craftsbury late in November. Being impatient to com­plete his journey before Winter had made any further advances, Mr. Reed started for West­field with his wife who had an infant only 2 weeks old, and his furniture in a sleigh drawn by two horses. A deep snow had lately fallen, and he sent two men in advance to remove obstructions from the road, and to break a path through the snow. It was his expectation, when he left Craftsbury, to arrive at Judge Olds', in Westfield, that night.—soon after he commenced the day's journey, Mr. Reed was overtaken by Judge Olds, who was on horseback, returning from the session of the legislature which he had attended, as representative of Westfield. Judge Olds ex­pressed to Mr. Reed his fears that they would not be able to get through the woods that night, and passed on, promising to send them assistance when he got home. The difficulty of traveling was so great, owing to the depth of snow and the bad state of the road, that Mr. Reed and his party had advanced but a few miles when night overtook them. They halted, kindled a fire, and prepared to en­camp in the woods and snow. Their supply of provisions and forage for the horses was rather scanty, but, as the weather was mild, they passed the night without much suffering.

Next morning, at the dawn of day, they resumed their journey, but, with all the exer­tions they could make, they were unable to complete their journey and night again found them in the forest. With much difficulty, they succeeded in reaching a place about half a mile from the present site of Lowell village, where Major Caldwell, the Summer previous, had felled a few acres of trees and erected a camp, and had then retired for the Winter. This camp could hardly aspire to the 'dignity of a hovel. It consisted of logs laid up on three sides only, and was open at one end for a fire and entrance, and was covered with poles and barks. The camp, humble as it was, afforded a welcome shelter for these weary travelers. The night was cold, and, as Mr. Reed and his party were then several miles from their place of destination, and their supply of provisions and forage was almost exhausted, the prospect was rather gloomy. Early the next morning they were cheered by the arrival of men, teams, and provisions, which Judge Olds had sent to their relief. The journey was resumed, and that day, Nov. 27, 1803, Mr. Reed and his party arrived safely at Judge Olds, the place of their destination.

Before they arrived, the settlement in West­field consisted of the four families of Messrs. Olds, Hobbs, Hartley, and Burgess, and a mulatto man by the name of Prophet, who lived with Judge Olds; and these constituted the community which Judge Olds had been to represent in the legislature of Vermont.

In 1804, Capt. Medad Hitchcock with his three sons moved into Westfield, and three or four sons-in-law, and several other relatives soon followed him. This colony of settlers was from Brimfield and other adjoining towns in Massachusetts. They avoided the error of Judge Olds, in settling on the high mount­ain side, and settled on the flat or low lands in the eastern part of the town, where the village of Westfield is now located. The first settlers of Westfield appear generally to have



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differed somewhat from their neighbors in Troy, being of a more sober and sedate char­acter, less impulsive, and perhaps less ener­getic and less liberal than the first settlers of the adjoining town.

The first settler in Lowell was Major Wm. Caldwell, who commenced making improve­ments on his land in 1803, but did not move his family into the town until a year or two after. A few families followed him one or two years afterwards, but the town was not organized until the year 1812.

Mr. Caldwell was from Barre, Mass., and belonged to a class of men who constituted a portion of the early settlers of Vermont. He had seen better days, had been a man of property and standing in Massachusetts, and had held the office of sheriff in Worcester County. He is described as having been a man of a liberal and generous disposition, which seems to have caused his ruin. He became involved in debt by being bondsman for his friends, lost all his property and fled to the wilds of Vermont.

In Jay the first settler was Mr. Baxter, who came into town in 1809. A few families joined him previous to the war of 1812, but, upon the declaration of war, they all abandoned the settlement and left him alone. In despite of the war and the cold seasons that followed, he maintained his post like a veteran, and, like a skillful commander, deeming a numer­ous garrison essential to maintain his position, contrived to rear a family of 20 children on the highlands of Jay. The old gentleman survived to the age of nearly ninety.

The early settlers of the valley had many and great hardships and disadvantages to encounter; the Loads were few, ill-wrought, and badly located, there were but few me­chanics, and no regular merchants, and the transient traders who sometimes located for a few months among them commonly had, for the main article in their stores, that which is the least valuable of all commodities—spirituous liquors. It was an event of frequent occurrence for the traveler to be lost or belated in the woods, and compelled to re­main there through the night. In December, 1807, a Mr. Howard, of Westfield, from such an exposure, and from exhaustion in crossing the mountain from Craftsbury to Lowell, on foot, in a deep snow, lost his life; and a Mr. Eaton, on the same road, and in the same month, was so badly frozen that he became a cripple for life. To give some instances of what were then considered almost common hardships, a Mr. Reed purchased a common sized plough in Craftsbury, and traveling on snow-shoes, carried it on his back to his home in Westfield, a distance of about 20 miles; another man carried a heavy mill-saw from Danville to Lowell in the same way.

The want of mills was a serious evil to which the early settlers were exposed. They had no mills among them for several years, and to get their grain ground they had to resort to Craftsbury, Derby, Richford, and other places. The mode of journeying to these mills was as various as the places to which they resorted. When they went to Richford they commonly used the canoe and paddled down the river: to go to the other places, they commonly used horses on exces­sively bad roads, and some even carried their grain on their backs to remote towns to be ground, so that they could supply themselves and families with bread; whilst some hollow­ed not the stump of a tree or a log into a rude mortar, and by the aid of a huge pestle attached to a springing sapling pounded their grain into meal. Besides these difficulties under which the first settlers labored in com­mon with many other of the early settlers of Vermont, there were other disadvantages which seem to have been in some measure peculiar to themselves. None of our first settlers were possessed of much property. With perhaps one or two exceptions none had any thing more than enough to pay for the first pur­chase of their lands, and supply themselves with provisions for a year, and the necessary team and tools to commence a settlement. A few only possessed property to that extent. A majority had to purchase their lands on credit, and rely upon their own industry to pay for their lands and support themselves and fami­lies. The ax and the firebrand were the only aids which most of the first settlers had in reclaiming the forest and providing for the sustenance of themselves and their families. The difficulties in making purchases, and procuring titles to land embarrassed the oper­ations and impeded the progress of the first settlers. The lands of the valley were owned by non-residents, and the agents who had the care of the lands generally resided abroad. This led to a species of speculation called "making pitches," which enhanced the price of land and diverted the time and attention



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of individuals from more regular and indus­trious pursuits, and it is remarkable that the abuse should have been tolerated at all. The mode of operation was this: An individual would, to use the current phrase, "Pitch a lot" that is, he would select a lot and take possession of it by felling a few trees, and then apply to the distant agent for the lot. Even this ceremony of making any sort of communication with the agent was not always observed. By thus making his "Pitch" the individual, by a sort of common law of the valley, or usage which was recognized among the settlers, acquired a pre-emption right to the lot, so that no person who really desired to purchase and settle on it could do so without first buying the "pitcher's" or squatter's claim. By this ridiculous species of speculation a kind of monopoly was crea­ted, the best lots were occupied and prices were enhanced. One of the oldest settlers, Dea. Hovey, asserts, that when he came into the valley, in 1803, he found all the best lots, those he wished to purchase were "pitched," or covered by these sham claims. To en­courage settlers, Mr. Hauxhurst had previ­ously reduced the price of five lots in his gore to 50 cents per acre, these were "pitched" of course and Dea. Hovey says that he select­ed and purchased one of these lots for which he paid $200 of which sum $50 only were paid to Mr. Hauxhurst's agent and $150 were pocketed by the speculator or man who made the pitch. Another early settler states that the price of the lot he purchased was advanced one-third by this same ingenious device.

Another cause which tended to retard the prosperity and improvement of the valley was its proximity to the province of Canada. The interruption in the trade and business between the several communities bordering on the line, by the duties imposed by the two governments has been an inconvenience which they have felt at all times, and a strong temptation to resort to illicit and con­traband traffic. And the protection which a foreign government affords, tended to allure many fugitives from justice into the border­ing towns in Canada, and many of them frequently lingered on this side of the line. The effect of the residence of these outlaws was pernicious, and particularly so to a new settlement which had hardly acquired the stamina of an organized community. The presence and society of these wretches served to contaminate and poison the moral atmos­phere, to introduce immoral habits and prac­tices, and from their influence a feeling was created, among the first settlers, which long remained, and led them to connive at crime and breaches of the law, and to harbor and protect some who had better have been ex­piating their crimes within the walls of the State prisons.

Other sources of discontent and unhappi­ness existed, which, as they did not depend upon physical causes, could not be so easily removed. A venerable lady, one of the first settlers of Westfield, says that, during the first year of her residence in that town, her feelings of homesickness, arising from the loneliness of her situation, and loss of the society of her early friends and relatives, was almost insupportable. Others, doubtless, felt the same bereavement. Some missed the in­stitutions of religion, and many parents felt the need of better and more convenient schools for their children than the rude settlement could then afford. But, although the early settlers had to encounter many hardships, and were surrounded with many difficulties and discouragements, their situation was not without its comforts and enjoyments, and their lot was not all gloom, discontent, and suffering. They had many comforts, and even luxuries which are often denied to those in more affluent circumstances. Their lands were fertile, the seasons for many years were propitious, and their crops abundant. The forests afforded some deer and moose; the river and streams abounded with delicious trout, and a few hours spent in the enjoyment of their favorite pastime of hunting or fish­ing, would oftentimes furnish the settler with a meal which would excite the envy of our city epicures.

The sugar maple was a rich blessing to the early settlers of Vermont. Those beautiful groves yielded an abundant supply of sugar, affording to the indigent settler a necessary and luxury of life which the wealthy in older countries could scarce afford, whilst the cheer­ful fires of this wood, which, in our infancy, we saw blazing in the old stone-backed chim­neys, call up recollections of an enjoyment we cannot now find in the dull invisible warmth of an air-tight stove, and the ashes of this generous tree, when manufactured into potash or pearlash, furnished an article for



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exportation, and almost the only one which would warrant the expense in transporting it to the then distant markets.

One great solace the first settlers of this State enjoyed, which it is doubtful if it ever has been or can be sufficiently appreciated, that is, the harmony, friendliness, and good will which almost universally prevailed. All were exposed to hardships, all felt the need of each other's assistance, and, in the general mediocrity of fortune, feelings of envy, or of proud superiority, were rare. This feeling of friendliness and sociability universally pre­vailed in the valley. Although this social feeling might, in some instances, explode in scenes of boisterous and drunken mirth, yet it often appeared in another form which in­dicated better manners and better morals. It was manifested in kind unbought services at the sick-bed, in relieving destitution and want, in a readiness to assist in a heavy job of work, at the raising and logging-bee, and at the neighborly visit, when the ox-sled was often put in requisition to transport the wife and children to the evening visit, where the whole neighborhood were assembled. One of the earlier settlers—Judge Stebbins—and his wife, for some years after they moved into Westfield, made it a rule to visit every family in their town, at least, once each year. An­other of the early settlers of the same town, a lady, in speaking of the old times, men­tioned this feeling of harmony, which pre­vailed among her old neighbors, and said that the first note of discord which was heard in the town originated in the political strifes and contests which preceded the declaration of war in 1812. Previous to that time, all had been peace and concord.

Notwithstanding the difficulties and dis­couragements which surrounded the infant settlement, the prospects of the valley were improving. From the fragment of an old tax bill, dated Feb. 28, 1807, it appears that the town of Troy in that year contained 30 tax payers. By the census of 1810, it ap­pears that Troy then contained 281 inhabit­ants, and Westfield 149. Not only were their numbers increasing, but the prosperity of the valley was otherwise advancing: clear­ings and improvements were made, houses and other buildings were erected, and many of the worst difficulties attending a new set­tlement were overcome. The deficiency of mills, which seems so inconsistent with the existence of civilized life, was soon supplied. In 1804, Mr. Josiah Elkins erected a mill in Troy. Deacon Hovey had a grist ground there in October of that year—the first grist that ever was ground in Troy. The next year Capt. Hitchcock built a mill in Westfield. The attention of the public had begun to be more and more directed to the valley, new settlers were arriving and forming new set­tlements, and the value and extent of the farms and improvements were yearly increas­ing, when all these flattering appearances were crushed to the earth by the war of 1812,


                                THE WAR OF EIGHTEEN HUNDRED AND TWELVE


was particularly disastrous in its effects to the Northern part of Vermont and exhibits an instance of the ruinous effects of war on a country, even when it does not suffer from the invasions of the enemy. Few sections of the State suffered more than this valley. Ly­ing on the frontier and separated by moun­tains and forests from other parts of the State, the people supposed they would be the first victims of an attack. The settlers of Troy seem at first to have regarded the ap­proach of war with their usual spirit and daring. Many spirited meetings were held at that time, and many patriotic resolutions were adopted*


* The following extract from the records in the town clerk's office in Troy, gives some idea of the state of

feeling in the valley at the commencement of the war in 1812:—

"The inhabitants of Troy are hereby notified and warned to meet at the dwelling-house of John Bell, in said Troy, on Monday the fourth day of May next, at ten o'clock A. M., to act on the following business, viz.

1. To choose a moderator to govern said meeting.

2. To see what method the town will take in the present important crisis of times to furnish the Militia of this town with arms and ammunition as is required by law.

3. To transact any other business thought proper when met. Given under our hands at Troy, this 23d day of April, A. D. 1812.


THOMAS WELLS,    }   Selectmen of Troy.



At a town meeting legally warned and holden at the dwelling-house of John Bell in Troy, on the fourth day of May, A. D. 1812—

Voted, Jona. Simpson, Esq., moderator.

Voted, that the town take means to equip the militia.

Voted, that the Selectmen of this town be instructed to borrow twenty muskets and bayonets on the credit of the town for such times as they shall think necessary.

Voted, that the town purchase twenty-five pounds of powder and one hundred weight of lead if it can be purchased on six months credit.



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   321


A fort also was, about this time, built in Troy, and another in Westfield. These forts, as they were called, were rude palisades, con­sisting, of logs about a foot in diameter, and 12, or 15 feet in height, placed perpendicu­larly, one end being inserted in a deep trench dug into the earth. The ruins of the Troy fort remained for 20 years, a monument of the courage and military skill of the early settlers.

But however resolute our people might have been when danger was only anticipated, yet when it was known that war was actu­ally declared, the courage of many appears to have quailed under the supposed danger. The nursery tales of Indian havoc and war­fare were rehearsed, the people seem to have been seized with a sort of panic, and supposed that hordes of Canadian Indians would be let loose upon them. The consequence was that a great part of the people abandoned their farms and homes, some only for a short time, but many never to return. Mrs. Elkins states that of the families which passed her house on one day, moving out of the settlement, she counted 19 females who had been her neighbors. The effects of this removal were disastrous both to those who left and those who remained. Many of those who left made ruinous sacrifices of their property, abandoned farms where they had expended years of hard labor, and where a few more years of like exertion would have rendered them independent and wealthy, to return again to poverty and begin the world anew. Nor were they the only sufferers; those who remained experienced a loss in being depriv­ed of the society and assistance of their neigh­bors and friends, and in a sparse settlement scarcely numerous enough to maintain the institutions of civilized life, this loss must have been severely felt. Several of the citi­zens enlisted into the army, and the time and attention of those who remained in the set­tlement were very much diverted from the regular business and employments of life. The labors of the husbandman for a season were generally interrupted, few felt much confidence to till the earth when the prospect of remaining to the time of harvest was deemed so uncertain. All improvements in clearing farms and erecting buildings were of course discontinued. Speculation and smuggling soon followed, and diverted the time and at­tention of the people from more profitable and honorable pursuits. In the Winter of 1812—13, a small detachment of troops was stationed at North Troy. It is probable that the desire of quieting the fears of the people, and preventing smuggling and driving cattle into Canada, was the object of the govern­ment in stationing this body of troops in Troy rather than the apprehension of an invasion from that quarter.


                                                             HARD TIMES.


But the calamities of the valley did not end with the war. A succession of cold and un­productive seasons followed. The cold sea­son of 1816, with its snow storm in June will long be remembered in Vermont. After the war, a general depression in business was ex­perienced through the country. Almost secluded from the rest of the world by bad roads through forests and over mountains, the evils experienced from the failure of crops and the revulsion in trade were felt here in the greatest severity. The settlers were but poorly prepared to meet and overcome the dif­ficulties which surrounded them, arising from the failure of crops, and the change from the lavish expenditures of the war to the contrac­tion and revulsion in business which followed its termination, with numbers reduced by emi­gration, farms neglected, and habits of idle­ness, speculation, and dissipation engendered by the war, the cold seasons of 1815 and 1816 produced a scarcity and dearness of provis­ions, in some instances almost approaching to famine. Provisions were then scarce through­out the State. Bad and almost impassable roads rendered it more difficult to procure here a supply from abroad, and the price of bread-stuffs rose to an unusual hight. Indian corn, in the Summer of 1816, was sold from $3.00 to $3.50 per bushel. One of the early settlers gave six days work in haying in that season for 2 bushels of rye; and in one instance in Lowell a family were for several days driven to the necessity of feeding on boiled leeks and clover heads to sustain life,

At that time the inhabitants of the valley produced little or nothing for sale from the ordinary productions of husbandry, and their


Voted, that there be appointed a committee to inquire if there be any danger of invasion, and give infor­mation.

Voted, that Ezekiel Currier, Cha's Conant, Jona. Simpson, Esq., David Hazeltine, and Pyam Keith be the aforesaid committee.

Voted, that the meeting be dissolved.

                                                 DAVID HAZELTINE, Town Clerk."



322                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


almost only resource to procure money for their pressing necessities, was by the slow and laborious process of making ashes, from which the laborer could hardly realize more than from 25 to 30 cents for his day's work. There were then but few mechanics and no stores or merchants in the valley. In 1818, Terry Hodgkins, Esq., commenced trade with a store of goods in Westfield. At that time there was no store nearer than Craftsbury, except one with a small stock of goods in Potton, and the people were compelled to dispense almost entirely with those articles deemed necessary for their dress or tables, or to purchase a few scanty articles at ruinous prices, enhanced by expensive freight and extravagant profits. The decline of the set­tlement is indicated by the census. In 1810 the town of Troy contained 284 inhabitants; in 1820 their numbers were diminished to 227, and had the census been taken in 1817, or 1818, their numbers would doubtless have been much less.

From the accounts which have been trans­mitted to us of these times, we have reason to believe that the moral and social condition of the people of the valley was but little in advance of their physical condition. Their means of moral and mental improvement were very limited. Almost cut off from the world by mountains and bad roads, they had few books or newspapers, few schools, and those with difficulty supported by the sparse popu­lation, with little intercourse with society calculated to benefit or improve, and a few religious meetings and those irregularly main­tained. It appears that a low state of morals existed, that intemperance and other profli­gate habits prevailed; and had it not been for the renovating influence of Christianity, and the progressive spirit of the age, the set­tlement must have relapsed into barbarism.

But there appears to be a point—both of depression and of prosperity—in the fortunes of communities, as well as of individuals, to which they seem destined to go, and beyond which they cannot pass; and, having reached this point, the current of events begins to flow in an opposite direction. The people of the Missisco valley reached this point of de­pression about the year 1817; and from that period the condition and circumstances of the people, with many interruptions and un­toward events, seem, on the whole, to have been gradually improving. Many causes doubtless contributed to this beneficial change. It could not be expected that a region pos­sessing so many natural advantages could long remain waste and unimproved in New England. Some valuable settlers came in soon after, and the necessities of life would naturally tend to revive industry and intro­duce some order and improvement into the depressed and discordant state of things which then existed. But, among the many causes of improvement, perhaps none was more effi­cacious, even for the temporal prosperity of the people, than the great religious revival which occurred in the valley in 1818.


                                     REFORMATION OF 1818.


The history of no community, whether great or small, can be complete without some rela­tion of its morals and religious character.—Some account of the religious and ecclesias­tical history of the valley seems to be required. The moral character of tho people has already been referred to. No religious teacher at this time had ever been permanently settled there, nor had any church or ecclesiastical society ever been organized in the valley, and but few of the settlers had ever made any public profession of religious faith. The settlement had been occasionally visited by a few devoted missionaries, particularly by the Rev. James Parker, who had occasionally labored there for a short time. A small society of Method­ists was in Potton, the Rev. Mr. Bowen was located there, and had occasionally preached in Troy. Public worship on the Sabbath had been but irregularly maintained, and, in many districts, for long periods of time, could hardly have been said to exist. The consequences of this deficiency of religious instruction were felt on the moral character, and finally on the temporal prosperity, of the people. A low state of moral feeling prevailed, and many instances of irregular conduct were connived at, which should not have been tolerated by any civilized or well-regulated community.

The reformation which followed can scarce­ly be accounted for, on any cause or principle which the world would call philosophical. Early in the Winter of 1817 and 1818, an unusual solemnity seems to have rested on the minds of many of the people, an indefinite feeling of man's accountability, that all was not well with them, that a state of retribution hereafter was to follow the trials and temp­tations of this probationary scene. But no



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   323


particular cause for this state of feeling can be assigned; no particular affliction, sickness, or death, or what is called common casualty, had occurred.

It is said that Asher Chamberlin, Esq., who, previous to his removal to Troy, had made a profession of religion and united with the church in Peacham, had attempted, in the Fall of 1817, to maintain some religious meet­ings in his house, by reading a sermon and other exercises on the Sabbath, and by con­ference and prayer meetings at other times. At the close of one of these meetings, he pro­posed to the audience that there should be an expression of their wishes, whether these meetings should be continued or not; and, unexpectedly to all, there was a unanimous expression of the desire of the assembly that the meetings should be continued. They were therefore continued with as much, or increas­ing interest.

About this time an inhabitant of Troy, on a journey to New Hampshire, found at Hardwick the Rev. Levi Parsons, a missionary employed by the Vermont Missionary Society, and who af­terwards finished his labors in Palestine, who was then preaching in that place, and invited him to visit Troy. He accepted the invitation, and arrived at Troy about the beginning of the year 1818. The first discourses of Mr. Parsons ex­cited a deep interest on the already moved minds of the people of the valley. But the story of his labors and of the reformation which followed, can best be told in his own words which are extracted from his memoirs published soon after his decease :—


"In Troy and the adjoining towns I spent 11 weeks. The revival commenced upon the first of January and continues still with great power.

Three church es have been organized; two of the Congregational and one of the Baptist denomination. Troy contains 35 families. Pre­vious to the revival only one individual was known as a professor of religion, and only one family in which were offered morning and eve­ning sacrifices. From information, I have been led to believe that, in scarce any place did the sins of Sabbath breaking, swearing, and intox­ication prevail to a more alarming excess. Es­pecially for a few months previous to this everything seemed to be ripening for the judgment of heaven. But He who is rich in mercy looked down in compassion.      *      *      *      *

At my first meeting I perceived an unusual at­tention. Every ear was opened to receive in­struction, and many expressed by their counte­nances and actions the keen distress of a woun­ded conscience. The ensuing week convictions and conversions were multiplied. At some of the religious conferences more than twenty re­quested the prayers of their Christian friends. On Thursday the fifth of February, assisted the Rev. Mr. Leland of Derby, in organizing a church consisting of 12 members all of whom gave evidence of renewing grace. At the close of the exercises the sacrament of the Lord's supper was administered for the first time in Troy.

The season will ever be remembered with peculiar gratitude.      *      *      *

In vain was the virulence of the moralist, or the sneers of the infidel. Nothing was able to oppose, with success, the influences of the spirit.

No heart was too hard to be melted; no will too stubborn to be bowed; no sinner too aban­doned to be reclaimed. The Sabbath-breaker, the swearer, the drunkard, were humbled at the footstool of mercy. Every house for a distance of more than 20 miles was opened for instruction.

The church was soon enlarged to 45 mem­bers, and many more were the evident subjects of grace. The neighbouring towns were blessed with the same outpourings of the Holy Ghost.

In Westfield I assisted in the organization of a church of 10 members. Considerable addi­tions have since been made and many are now inquiring "What shall we do to be saved?"

There hare been a few instances of hopeful conversion in Potton and Sutton in the province of Canada.      *      *      *      *      All ages and classes have shared in the work. Among the number who have united with the church is the youth of fourteen, and the aged sinner of three score and ten."


The statements of living witnesses confirm all there is recorded by Mr. Parsons in his journal respecting the state of society in the valley pre­vious to the reformation occasioned by his labors there. The impression made by the prea­ching of Mr. Parsons is represented by all to have been profound, and a general spirit of in­quiry upon the subject of religion seems to have been awakened. It does not appear that Mr. Parsons, although a man of respectable abilities and learning, was possessed of any remarkable powers of oratory, but a deep feeling of love, sincerity, and earnestness, seemed to pervade his discourses, which appeared to come from the heart and to reach and melt the hearts of his hearers. It is not pretended that all sin and unbelief were banished from the valley by this reformation. Some were but slightly affected or were wholly unmoved, and some who then appeared to reform, and even covenanted to break off from their sins, returned to their evil habits, and in their after lives offered feeble evidence that their repentance was "unto life." Yet it is admitted by all that a favorable change was wrought in the morals and habits of the people, and that with very many individuals there was not only a renunciation of heaven-daring sins but a change in habits and conduct which told on the temporal prosperity and peace of families



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and the community. Most of our religious so­cieties date their origin from that period. A Congregational church was organized in Troy and another in Westfield in 1818. A Baptist church was formed in those two towns in the same year. A Christian church was formed in Westfield in 1819.

A little event occurred at Troy in August of 1819, which well illustrates the incidents of a settler's life, and shows the resolution and pres­ence of mind of the wife of one of the early set­tlers. At this time Mr. Jonah Titus resided on the farm now owned by Capt. Kennedy, about a mile east of Troy village. This farm, which is now on one of the main roads through the county, and is surrounded by a large and flour­ishing settlement, at that time presented a very different appearance. A few acres only were partially cleared, the only buildings were a small log-house, and a hovel used as a sub­stitute for a barn. These were surrounded by a dense forest. No road led directly to Troy village; the only means of communication with the other settlements was by a path or sled road to the bridge at Phelps' Falls. No neigh­bor lived on that side of the river, except one, and he lived at the distance of more than a half mile.

At this time Mr. Titus was laboring for Mr. Oliver Chamberlain on the farm which is now the present site of Troy village, at the distance of 2 miles, as the road then was, leaving his wife with three small children in this secluded home. Early one morning Mrs. Titus was aroused by a loud squeal of the hog which was roaming in a raspberry patch near the house. Going to the door she saw the hog wounded and bleeding, running towards the house, pursued by a large she bear attended by two cubs. Mrs. Titus promptly interfered, and with the help of a small dog arrested the pursuit of the bear.

The hog fled to the hovel, and the two cubs, alarmed by the barking of the dog, ran up a tree near the house. Mrs. Titus then took a tin horn and began sounding it in the hope of arresting the attention of her distant neighbors.

By her resolute bearing, the noise of the horn and the barking of the dog, she kept the cubs up the tree and prevented the old bear from making an attack on herself. Determined if possible to bring these unwelcome invaders to their deserts, she resolutely maintained her post.

The uncommon noise of the horn at length attracted the attention of her husband and distant neighbors, who suspecting trouble, hastened to her relief with guns and other means of defense. A shot from one of the guns brought down the old bear, the cubs also were soon slaughtered, and Mrs. Titus had the pleas­ure of seeing these unwelcome assailants atone with their lives for their invasion of her prem­ises, and their skins were the trophies of her courage and presence of mind.


                                  PROGRESS OF THE VALLEY.


During the 10 years following, the fortunes of the Missico valley were advancing, and society seems to have been improving. Farms were improved, new lots were purchased and settled; and the census, taken in 1830, shows that the population of Troy had almost trebled in 10 years, increasing from 227 in 1820, to 608 in 1830. In the same period Westfield had ad­vanced from 225 to 353; Jay from 52 to 196.

Some new branches of mechanical business had been commenced, and the people had made a considerable advance in the comforts and con­veniences of life. Yet they were far from being a wealthy community, or their situation a de­sirable one for an intelligent and prosperous people. Few of the farmers produced more than was needed for the use of their own fami­lies, and for the supply of the mechanics and laborers in the immediate vicinity. None of the great staple articles were then extensively cul­tivated; and only one farmer in the valley had any surplus produce to send to a distant market.

Money was loaned at a rate of interest from 12 to 25 per cent. The laborious process of making ashes and selling them to the merchants, or to some owner of an establishment for man­ufacturing pearlashes, was almost the sole re­source of many to obtain small sums of money, or to purchase those necessaries of life which were procured from abroad.

Two merchants traded at that time in the valley. The largest establishment was kept at the place now known as Troy village. The stock of goods commonly consisted of a hogshead of whisky and another of molasses, and a barrel or two of rum or other spirits. The assort­ment of cloths a stout man might carry on his shoulders, and the crockery and hardware might be packed in a handcart or wheelbarrow. At North Troy another store was kept on a rather smaller scale.

The roads into the valley were ill wrought and in the worst locations, and over almost im­passible mountains. The most traveled route was the old Hazen road crossing the two chains of Lowell mountains from Craftsbury to Mont‑



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gomery, a route which has of later years been pretty much deserted by man and surrendered to the beasts of the forest.

A mail from Craftsbury to St. Albans passed and returned on this road once a week, and a branch or local mail from Troy connected with this route in Lowell.

No house for public worship had been erec­ted in the valley until the year, 1829, when, by the liberality of Dea. Page and a few individuals in Westfield, a meeting house was erected in that town. No clergyman had settled and offi­ciated in that capacity in the valley for any number of years, and in the year 1828 one soli­tary physician was the only professional man who had permanently settled in these towns.

About this time several changes for the bet­ter occurred. In 1828 the Burlington and Derby road as it was called, was surveyed and par­tially made, entering the valley on the south through a natural ravine, from Eden, and pass­ing through the towns of Lowell and Westfield to Troy village, thence turning east through Troy and Newport to the "narrows" of the lake.

By this route a remarkably easy and level road was made into the valley front the south and a much more feasible and level route to the east than had ever before been enjoyed. The valley no longer remained in the inaccesible and iso­lated state it had previously been in. A large share of the travel and business from Burlington and Lake Champlain to this County passed over this road. Intersecting the principal roads, and crossing the valley at Troy village, business and travel was concentrated there. Another merchant established himself there in 1829, several mechanics settled there, and Troy, or South Troy village, became an important loca­tion in the county. Lowell also was greatly benefited by this road. A large tract of land in the S. part of that town, which had previous appeared to be destined to remain for a long time a wilderness, was now made accessible to settlers and was soon occupied, and the popu­lation and wealth of that town was very much advanced. The Temperance reformation which was much needed here, as well as in other parts of the State, was, about this time, extended into the valley, with very salutary effect to many individuals and families. This reformation, how­ever, was strenuously opposed by a large por­tion of the people, who insisted on maintaining their free agency without pledge or control.

In 1831, the subject of religion again en­grossed the attention of the people of the valley. This revival spread through four towns in this County and extensively prevailed in the adjoining town of Potton. This reformation was not as general nor its fruits as valuable as the former one in 1818. It was carried on with much of the zeal and enthusiasm which commonly characterizes the acts of the people of the valley, both good and bad. Large ad­ditions were made to the churches, particularly to the Baptist and Methodist societies. Many of the converts of that time have adorned the profession which they then made by a life cor­responding to their sacred vows, and though some have proved to be like the seed sown on stony ground, yet the moral atmosphere was purified for a time, and the cause of religion and temperance was much advanced.


                                         IRON MINE IN TROY.


The year 1833, was distinguished by an event from which much was at the time anticipated and from which important consequences will sometime be realized—the discovery of the iron mine in Troy. Some years previous, specimens of the ore had been found in detached rocks or boulders which had attracted attention, and had been pronounced by some scientific men to be iron, and the existence of it in large veins or quantities in the vicinity had been conject­ured. But the discovery of the mine was made in 1833 by Mr. John Gale. Mr. Gale was a blacksmith, and had resided in Troy for a few years previous to the war of 1812. Whilst he resided in Troy, he discoverd a rock which from its color and weight attracted his attention and led him to suspect it might be iron. After he left Troy, he resided some years in the iron region west of Lake Champlain, and, from the knowledge he there acquired of ore, was con­firmed in the belief that the ledge he saw in Troy contained iron. Returning to this vicin­ity on a visit, he, with Harvey Scott, Esq., of Crafstbury, commenced search for this ore, in which he was joined by Thomas Stoughton, Esq. of Westfield. After searching some days, Mr. Gale discovered the vein of ore lying, as he thought, at or near the spot where he had dis­covered it more than 20 years before. He broke off some specimens of the rock and tested their value by melting them down in a black­smith's forge and hammering them into horse-nails.

The discovery of this ore occasioned a great excitement in the vicinity, and extravagant ex­pectations were formed of the value of the mine. The ore was first discovered on lot No. 90, in



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the south gore in Troy. The owner of' that lot, Mr. Fletcher Putnam, gave a deed of one half of the ore to the discoverers, according to the promise he had made them when they commenc­ed their researches. These fractional interests were magnified, by the eager hopes and imaginations of the owner, into immense fortunes which they but partially realized.

Mr. Putnam had a short time before bought this lot of land for $500. Soon after the discov­ery of the ore he sold the land and his half of the ore for $3,000. Mr. Stoughton, after keeping his interest in the ore for several years, sold for $2,000. Mr. Gale realized but little from his ore, and Mr. Scott nothing at all. This ore has been discovered, in large quantities, on lot 89, south of that on which it was first discovered, and it has also been traced on the lot north, No. 91. A forge was erected at Phelps' Falls, in 1834, by several individuals in Troy, and the manufacturing of the ore commenced. The own­ers of this forge were soon discouraged, and, in the winter following, they sold their forge, ores and machinery, to Messrs. Binney, Lewis & Co., of Boston. These gentlemen obtained an act of incorporation from the Legislature of the State, and commenced making wrought-iron, but with little success, and they soon discon­tinued the business. The forge has been aban­doned, and has fallen into a heap of ruins. In 1835, another company was formed and incor­porated by the Legislature, and in the name of the Boston and Troy Iron Company. This company purchased three-fourths of the ores, and 20 acres of land where the ores were sit­uated on lot 91, for which they gave $8,000, also about 1200 acres of other land, commenc­ed operations, and built a furnace, a large boarding-house and other buildings, in 1837. After expending large sums of money, without realizing much profit, this company failed in 1841, and the lands, ores and buildings passed, by mortgage, into the hands of Mr. Francis Fisher, of Boston.

In 1844, Mr. Fisher put the furnace again in blast, and commenced the manufacture of iron, with the prospect of making it a permanent and profitable business, but these expectations were destroyed by the alteration of the Tariff in 1846, and like many other iron estalishments in the United States, the operations of this furnace were then suspended, and have not since been resumed.

Thus far the iron mines of Troy have not answered the expectations which were formed from them, nor justified the outlay which has been made in the manufacture. As yet it has proved an injury rather than a benefit to the people in the vicinity, and a heavy loss to all who have engaged in them anufacture. But the richness of the ore is undoubted* and from the abundant supply of charcoal and excellence of the water-power the facilities for manufac­turing are great, and the iron produced from this ore, for durability, toughness, and strength, is not exceeded by any in America. The causes of the past failures are to he at­tributed to the difficulty of melting and flux­ing the ore, the want of experience in the workmen, the fluctuations in the tariff, the remoteness of the location from water or rail­road communication, and the difficulty of finding access to markets. Let us hope that these difficulties will eventually be surmount­ed by science and the progress of improve­ment, and that the time is not far distant when the Troy iron will prove a rich mine to the owners, and be manufactured not only to supply the County but a large portion of the State with that most valuable of all metals.

The season in 1833, was uncommonly bad and unproductive, the Summer was wet and cold, crops were light, and Indian corn was almost a total failure. The scarcity of bread-stuffs which followed, and the improvement which had been made in the roads, occasioned in the next year the introduction of a new branch of trade in the valley, the importa­tion of Western flour in barrels. Previous to that time flour had never been brought into the valley, but since the year 1834 Western flour has constituted a large portion of the


* The following analysis of the Troy ore was made by Dr. Charles T. Jackson:

"The ore is a granular magnesite variety, the frac­tured grains having a bright shining appearance. This granular appearance is owing to imperfect chrystalization of the ore. There may be observed a silicious matter between some of the chrystals or grains. The specific gravity of this ore, tried on two specimens, was from 4.69 to 4.70. The ore yields on analysis :—

Per-Oxyd of Iron,                                                            90   per cent.

Titanate of Iron,                                                                8  "    "

Silica,                                                                             2  "    "



90 grains of Per-Oxyd of Iron contain 62.4 pure Iron, 8 grains Titanate of Iron contain 5 grains Titanic Arid and 8 grains of Protoxyd of Iron. I have no doubt that 60 per cent, of excelleut cast Iron may be obtained by smelting this ore. It is a very rich and valuable ore and will make the very best kinds of Iron and steel. It may be reduced directly to malleable iron in the blooming forge by the usual process."



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bread-stuffs used in the Missisco valley, and has caused a considerable change in the system of agriculture. Since that time the farm­ers have realized less on the raising of grain, and have applied their labor and capital more to their flocks and dairies.


                                          THE PATRIOT WAR.


The dispute between the Liberal and the Government parties in Canada, which for several years agitated that Province, resulted, in the year 1837, in an open rebellion against the British government. The inducing causes and the principal events of this insurrection, belonged to the history of the Province, rather than to this narrative, but its effects were felt even here, and constitute quite an era in the annals of the Missisco valley. This attempt to establish the independence of the Province occasioned a great excitement in the valley, as well as in other places on the frontier of this State. The sympathy of the people was very strongly in favor of those who were con­sidered as asserting the cause of liberty and independence in the province. This feeling was increased by the reports, (some of them no doubt much exaggerated,) of the atrocities committed by the troops and adherents of the government in the Province, after the first outbreak at St. Charles had been suppressed. Many who were connected with the Radical or Revolutionary party fled from the adjoin­ing towns in Canada and took refuge in Troy. The presence of these exiles and the story of their wrongs increased the feeling of a people naturally excitable and enthusiastic. Meet­ings were called, and sometimes attended by three or four hundred people; contributions were raised for the relief of the exiles, and measures were taken for their protection. The sympathy of the people of this State for the Canadian Revolutionists would have been sufficiently strong without any prompting; but this feeling which was perfectly natural, and would have been commendable, had it been restrained within the bounds of pru­dence and the duty of American citizens, was soon tainted by demagogueism, the bane and curse of popular excitements and American politics. The opportunity to gain a cheap popularity by a boisterous zeal for liberty, was too tempting to be lost by some who as­pired to notoriety and popular favor. Violent addresses were made to the excited people, intemperate resolutions, sympathizing with the Radicals, condemning the tyranny of the British, and the cold neutrality of our govern­ment, were introduced into the popular meet­ings and passed by acclamation. Such was the excitement of the time that many were (or professed to be,) ready to arm and march to the assistance of the Canadian Patriots, and aid them in subverting the rule of a for­eign government.

In the month of February, 1838, the lead­en of the Radical party, many of whom had taken refuge in Franklin and Chittenden Counties in this State, concerted a plan for a general insurrection in Canada. A provisional government was organized, and Robert Nelson was appointed President. A consid­erable force was collected on the borders of Franklin County. A proclamation was is­sued by provisional President Nelson, abol­ishing many of the grievances complained of, declaring the independence of Canada, and calling upon the people of Canada to arm and join his forces to establish an independent government. The design of the revolutionary leaders was to concentrate their forces at Napierville, and then march upon and take St. Johns and Montreal. To faciltate this enter­prise, dispatches were sent by Nelson to his partizans in this vicinity, calling upon them to take up arms and make an inroad into Potton, and another into Stanstead, to distract the attention of the Provincial authori­ties and aid him in his attempt on St. Johns and Montreal. At this time a military force consisting of militia and volunteers was or­ganized and armed in Potton by the British government. This company was frequently called together for inspection and drill, and when needed, to do duty as a guard, and to resist any attempt at invasion or insurrection, and when not on duty were dispersed at their several houses through the town. This company was of rather an irregular character, had but little of the order and discipline of veterans, and some of them exhibited but lit­tle courtesy towards the Radicals in the Prov­ince, or towards the citizens of this State who were supposed to favor the cause of Canadian independence. A plan was formed to disarm these troops, at the same time the invasion was made by Nelson from Franklin County. For this purpose, on the evening of February 27, 1838, a party collected at North Troy, consisting of about 30 men, of whom ten or twelve were citizens of Troy and Jay, and the remainder were exiles from Canada or



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inhabitants of Potton. Their plan was to pro­ceed to the houses of the members of this corps enrolled by the government, called "The Potton Guard," demand and take their guns and equipments, and proceed from house to house, until the whole company were disarmed, and secure or overawe the most in­fluential and zealous of the Tory or govern­ment party, but it was not the intention to take life or destroy property.

Before they started on their expedition these invaders chose a citizen of Troy for their commander, and provided themselves amply with arms and amunition, and from the character of the men, their personal courage and enthusiasm, had they been engaged in a lawful and well considered enter­prise, it would not have been very safe to oppose them. This company, about 10 o'clock P. M., crossed the line of the State, called at two houses and demanded their arms. Not finding any in those two places they pro­ceeded to the house of Mr. Salmon Elkins who resided about 2 miles from North Troy. They arrived there abont 11 o'clock. Mr. Elkins was a zealous adherent of the govern­ment or Tory party, and two of his sons and one grandson had enlisted into this govern­ment corps called the "Potton Guard." This family had a short time previous been noti­fied of this attempt, and had made prepara­tions to resist if the attack should be made. The three Elkinses who belonged to the "Guard," had loaded their guns and retired to their chamber. The invading company halted near the house, four of their number were selected to go into the house and de­mand their guns. They entered the house. Mr. Salmon Elkins and his wife had not re­tired for the night, and appeared to be the only persons in the lower part of the house. The guns were demanded, and they were told they should not be harmed, but the guns must be delivered. Mr. Elkins told them they had no guns there, the company insisted that they had. Hazen Hadlock, one of their number, took a candle and with one or two others attempted to go up stairs to search for arms. The instant Hadlock appeared on the stairs two of the Elkinses fired from above; one shot took effect on Hadlock, a ball pierced his heart, he staggered back ex­claiming "I am a dead man," and fell dead in the midst of his comrades. The band were infuriated at the horrid sight. Two or three guns were instantly raised and leveled at Mr. Salmon Elkins, and had it not been for the prompt intervention of Capt. Ira A. Bailey of Troy, he would have been shot in an in­stant by his own fireside. Some of the party proposed to fire volleys into the chamber windows, and some proposed to set fire to the house and burn it and its inmates to ashes. Bailey interfered again; he commanded the Elkinses in the chamber above, to surrender their arms immediately and their lives should be spared. The guns were immediately given up. Finding that their purpose of a surprise was frustrated, that the intelligence of their design had been communicated to the govern­ment party, and the houses in the vicinity were lighted up, the invading company placed the dead body of their companion in one of their sleighs, and sorrowfully returned to North Troy. The wretched result of this ill-judged invasion was that six stand of arms were taken from the "Potton Guard," and one unhappy man was untimely hurried into eternity.

The intelligence of this invasion spread with much exaggeration throughout the ad­jacent parts of the Province and the State. Several companies of troops were sent into Potton by the provincial authorities, from the towns of Shefford and Broome and other parts of the Province. 70 or 80 stand of arms were also collected from different towns in Orleans county and secretly delivered to tho Potton Radicals. Threats of vengeance and reprisal were made by individuals on both sides of the line, and everything seemed to threaten a destructive border war.

These disturbances which had occurred on the Canadian frontier, and the remonstrances of the British government, drew the attention of the government at Washington to the sub­ject. Proclamations for maintaining the laws of a neutral government were issued, govern­ment agents and officials were dispatched to inquire into the difficulties, and United States troops were stationed at different places on the frontier to enforce our laws of neutral­ity. Troy received a share of the attention of the general government and a company of United States troops, under the command of Capt. Van Ness (a nephew of Hon. C. P. Van Ness, a former Governor of this State) was sent there in the Fall of 1838, and Troy again had the distinction of being a garrisoned town. This company remained in Troy until



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the Spring following. The prudent and ju­dicious conduct of Capt. Van Ness tended to repress and allay the excitement on the fron­tier. His courteous and gentlemanly deport­ment towards the citizens won their confi­dence and regard, whilst his kind attentions to his soldiers, and the strict discipline he maintained over his company, composed of almost all nations, proved him an officer of merit.

But the decline of the Revolutionary cause in Canada, and the good sense of the people, began to react and to restore peace and tran­quility on our frontier. The opinion was now generally adopted by the citizens, that the cause of liberty could not be advanced by irregular forays and incendiarism; that the Canadians, for the present, at least, had better be left to themselves; that, unless they could exhibit more unity of conduct than they had done, they could never hope to establish or maintain an independent republic; and that it was vain for a few individuals in this State to conquer it for them.


"Hereditary bondmen, know ye not

Who would be free themselves must strike the blow,

By their right arms the conquest must be wrought?"


The exasperation and difficulties arising from this Canada war did not wholly termi­nate in the Missisco valley. A few remained, especially among the exiled radicals, who were still disposed to keep up a useless ex­citement and perpetrate acts of mischief and violence. The last outbreak which occurred in the vicinity happened on the night follow­ing the first Tuesday of June, 1810. On that night, the house, barn and out-buildings be­longing to Mrs. Susannah Elkins, of Potton, were set on fire and burnt. This barbarous deed was done, as with good reason was sup­posed, by four or five fugitive radicals from Canada, who had resided in Troy, though there was some reason to fear that their design was known, if not approved, by others. This fire was seen at a late hour in the night by a neighbor, who ran and gave the alarm. Mrs. Elkins and her two sons, Leander Oilman and John T. Oilman, were the only occupants of the house. They were aroused from their sleep by the alarm given, and had barely time to escape with their lives from the de­vouring flames. Had the intelligence been delayed a few minutes, they must all have inevitably perished. The house and other buildings, and all the property in them, in­cluding a horse and cow confined in the barn, were consumed to ashes. Mrs. Elkins (for­merly Mrs. Gilman) was an elderly lady and much esteemed by a large circle of acquaint­ances, but was strongly attached to the gov­ernment cause, her sons and other relatives had been active in that party, and the houses she owned, used for the quarters of the government troops when they were stationed in Potton. These were the probable reasons why she was made the victim of such singular and barbarous vengeance. This atrocious act closed the events of the Canadian rebellion in the Missisco valley. Sympathy for suffer­ing and exiled patriots could not justify an act like this. Public sentiment was aroused, and the universal condemnation of the act prevented the repetition; though the actors escaped the hands of justice.


                               PROGRESS FROM 1854 TO 1864.


Since 1854, the seasons have generally been favorable and crops good to the present time, and the wealth and business of the town has been steadily advancing; and if our progress has not been as great as might have been expected from the advantages we possessed, yet perhaps it has been as great as we find on comparison with other communities. The farmers have turned their attention more to cultivating their farms, to increasing and improving their stock of cattle and sheep, and producing the great sta­ple articles of beef butter and wool. The ex­tension of the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rail­road in 1864 to the head of Lake Memprhemagog in Newport, a point within 8 or 10 miles of us has been an important era in the history of this section, and has entirely changed the state of things and course of business in this part of the State. Our people find that they can now sell their surplus produce, and buy the foreign articles they may need much more advantage­ously than before the road was constructed.

Many articles, such as lumber, hemlock bark &c., which formerly were almost valueless, as having only a local and limited demand, can now be carried to the rail-road, and sold for remunerating prices. This has facilitated the clearing of our wild or forest lands, and has greatly enhanced their value. But still greater and more lasting advantage has been derived from the rail-road by the ready sale and im­proved prices which our farmers can get for their produce, particularly in the article of butter. Our farmers can now churn their butter, carry it in the night following to the depot, and in the



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next day it may be carried to the market, and in the morning following, even in the hottest part of our summer, may be placed on the breakfast-tables of our city friends in Massachusetts, as fresh and as nice as when taken from the dairy-room where it was manufactured.—Stimulated by these advantages, our farmers have increased the number of their cows, and thus increased the quantity and improved the quality of the product of their dairies, and better tilled and fenced their farms, and rendered them more productive. With this increase of their incomes, houses and buildings have been made more comfortable and convenient, and labor, stimulated to greater exertions, has been remuner­ated by advanced wages. With this increased wealth, there has been an evident increase of the comforts of life among the mass of the people. They are better fed and clothed, and with less labor than formerly; their houses and furniture prove that they made an advance in prosperity and refinement. If the moral and mental improvement of the community has kept pace with its pecuniary prosperity, the desires of the most sanguine philanthropist would seem to be satisfied.


                                        RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS.


The organization of the Congregational and Baptist churches, consequent upon the great reformation in 1818, has already been related. Those churches have maintained their organ­ization to the present time, but have not had that growth and prosperity which the friends of religion could have desired. The causes of this depression have been various. A con­tinual emigration has been constantly drawing off many of the most active and influential mem­bers. The losses by deaths and removals have most years exceeded the additions made by new professors. The constant introduction of new doctrines and new themes of religion have ever tended to distract and divert the attention of the people.

The ministry has been in an unstable and fluctuating state. The weakness of the several societies has prevented them from providing regular and adequate salaries for the support of the clergy. The changes in the ministry have been frequent, most of them remaining but a few years with their churches. Rev. George Stone and Rev. C. W. Piper have remained for the longest periods with the Congregational, and Elder N. H. Downs with the Baptist society. Periods of destitution have been re­lieved by occasional supplies and by students from our theological seminaries.

In 1842, a Baptist meeting-house was erected in Troy village, principally by the exertions and influence of Elder Downs, who then officiated as the Pastor of the Baptist church. In 1845 the Congregational Church in Troy was divided, and a second church of that order was organized, consisting of members residing in Troy village and in the south part of the town, who held their meetings alternately with the Baptists, in the house at South Troy. A meeting-house was erected in 1848, at North Troy, under the control of the Baptists, though designed for and used by both the Congregational and Baptist societies. In 1863, the Con­gregational society erected a house for public worship at South Troy and in 1864 a house was built by the Congregational society at North Troy.

The Methodists, as has already been related, at an early day introduced their doctrines and organization into this valley and have always had a preacher stationed on this circuit. Al­though they have ever had many worthy members in their ranks, yet they could not be said to have a very important or controling in nonce on the religious interests of this section.

In 1832, two disciples or missionaries of Mormonism visited this vicinity. They held their meetings in various sections in this valley, wrought a miracle of healing in Jay, and organ­ized a church there, principally composed of con­verts from that town. But this proved rather a transient affair. The patient they miraculous­ly restored soon relapsed into her former ail­ments and the church soon lost its organization: a few of the more zealous removed to Nauvoo which was then the head-quarters of their faith. Scarce a relic of their faith now remains among us, and should Brigham Young himself with all his miraculous power come among us, he prob­ably would not find more than a single believer with whom he could fellowship.

From an early period many individuals in this vicinity have professed a belief in the doctrine of Universal Salvation. Although many indi­viduals of property and influence have professed this faith yet they never have formed any church organizations nor erected any house for public worship here, nor maintained any clergyman, ex­cept at irregular times, and with long intervals of entire destitution of preaching and religious services.

During the prevalence of the excitement caus­ed by the preaching of Mr. Miller and others, on the Second Advent, many here embraced



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   331


this new sentiment, chiefly from the Baptist So­ciety, which resulted in the almost total disor­ganization of the Baptist church and the estab­lishment, of a new society, of those who enter­tained this belief, and of those come-outers, who had rejected all the previously existing forms of Christian faith, aud organization.

A schism was afterwards created in this last society by the introduction of the sabbatarian or seventh day doctrine, which sentiment being embraced by their pastor and some of the mem­bers, led to a new division in ecclesiastical affairs.

There are also some families of Irish and French Canadians who have settled among us, who are Roman Catholics. They have but rarely any religious services, but reject all union or con­nection with other sects or forms of worship.

The Spiritualists too have appeared amongst us. The peculiar sentiments of the sect have their belief, and their unbelief and are supposed to be common with others of the same name and practice in this and other States. They are said to hold their meetings or circles and have the same round of ceremonies, spirit-rappings, table-tippings revelations from the dead, trance-mediums, aud healing mediums much the same as are reported in other places.

The numbers who entertan these sentiments here, is not known to the writer, but they are so numerous they should not be omitted in an ar­ticle which professes to enumerate the different sects or modes of belief which exist here. This sect appeared here some 10 or 12 years since their sentiments were said to be adopted, and in some measure advocated, by the clergy­man who had officiated here for the Univers­alist society. This sentiment has mostly been embraced by persons of that persuasion, and by others who had no particular religious belief. It has not yet pervaded the whole society of Universalists, but by so far, as to create anoth­er division, of which we had already too many.


                                         POLITICAL AFFAIRS.


The contests and strifes of political parties also have had too marked an influence on so­ciety to be omitted in any article claiming to give the history of Troy. Party spirit has usually been violent here, and often more violent than was consistent either with a candid inquiry for the truth, or the peace and har­mony of the town. Soon after the organiza­tion of the town in 1802, an election was held for a member of Congress and the Hon. William Chamberlin had the honor of receiving the unanimous vote of the citizens of Troy. 9 votes were cast for him, and none for any other candidate. This is probably the only unanimous political vote ever taken in the town of Troy. The great political parties which divided the nation previous to, and during the war of 1812, had their adherents here, and party spirit ran as high as it well could in so sparse a settlement where every man was so much dependent on the assistance and good will of his neighbors.

These dividing names were kept up here long after the causes of the division had ceased, and the old party names were pretty much forgotten every where else.

These party names were however chiefly used as rallying cries in town elections; but in the presidential elections of 1824 and 1828, the citizens of Troy were, it is believed, unan­imously in favor of the election of Mr. Adams.

This unanimity of sentiment was soon lost after the election of Gen. Jackson. His ad­herents assuming the popular name of Dem­ocrats, and enjoying the patronage of the Federal Government, for several years held a majority in the town, though they were earnestly opposed by the party called Repub­licans and Whigs. The great questions of Tar­iffs, banks, &c., which then distracted the nation were warmly debated, if not well understood by the contending parties of the town.

Political parties are inevitable under a free government, and if the paramount obligations to the country, over party ties are admitted, they cannot be considered an evil. When party dissensions are carried on with due re­gard to truth and candor, the spirit of inquiry is excited, and the intelligence of the people is increased. Parties are a check upon each other, they often prevent the adoption of bad measures and the election, or retention of bad or incompetent men in office. But if the ex­istence of two parties is beneficial in the com­munity, the existence of three or more parties at the same time seems to be attended with confusion and mischief.

This has long been the misfortune of Troy; our citizens most of the time for the last 40 years could not be content with the existence of but two political parties in the town. Al­most every political sentiment which has dis­tracted the United States has had its adherents here. Anti-masons, Abolitionists, Free-Soilers and Know Nothings, have had organized par­ties in Troy, causing divisions among our



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people and increasing the perplexities of candidates for office.

The troubles in Kansas and the Southern rebellion have caused a nearer approach to unanimity in political sentiment than we have had in Troy for many years, a large majority of our citizens have cordially supported the constitution and government of the Union. Many have enlisted under the different calls for volunteers. The number of soldiers actual­ly furnished by Troy for the war, it would be somewhat difficult to ascertain some who have enlisted here and been reckoned as furnished by Troy had but a slight connection with us; some of them had but a short and casual res­idence here; and many of our young men have enlisted to supply the drafts made on other towns. Most of the soldiers furnished by Troy proved their devotion to their country by faithful service in the army, and many families in the town deplore the loss of a loved and worthy son and brother who has fallen on the field of battle. It has been the sad lot of the writer of this article to know how deep is this affliction, in the loss of a noble son who fell while bravely leading his Company in one of "the seven days" battle on the Penin­sula in 1862.


                                EDUCATION AND LITERATURE.


The inhabitants of the Missisco valley have never been distinguished by any very great attainments in science and literature. Though many Instances may be cited of more than or­dinary natural talents, and the general intelli­gence of the people is admitted, yet it must be confessed that the intellectual powers have not been cultivated and improved to that point which elevates society and humanity to their highest state of refinement and improvement. The cause of this state of things, it is, perhaps, useless to investigate, and the consequences which have followed this neglect of mental cul­ture, it may be offensive to point out. No schools or seminaries of learning above the common district-school have been maintained in the valley, until within a few years past.

In 1855 an academy was incorporated at North Troy, and in 1857 another was incorpor­ated in Westfield. These institutions are but the commencement, as is to be hoped, of great­er good. Schools have as yet been maintained in them only for portions of the year.

No young man, born and reared in the valley, has ever received a collegiate education, except Rev. W. W. Livingston, son of Dea. Livingston of Potton; and but few of the young men have studied the learned professions, or entered into the higher ranks of literary or scientific life, though several young men who have gone abroad have, by their character and industry, attained to a respectable rank in society.

There are no public libraries in Troy, except for sabbath schools, and but few private libra­ries of much value. Newspapers and periodi­cals are our principal reading matter.

I give a list of periodicals and newspapers taken at the Troy post-office—there are probably as many more taken at North Troy:


Boston Journal, weekly, 15; do., daily, 1; New York Tribune, weekly, 3; New England Farmer, do., 10; The Congregationalist, do., 3; New York Ledger, do., 10; Frontier Sentinel, do., 4; Agriculturist, monthly, 3; Peterson's Magazine, do., 4; Boston Post, daily, 2—do., weekly. 6; The Pilot, do., 1; Vt. Watchman and State Journal, do., 1; World's Crisis, do., 5; Watchman and Reflector, do., 8; Advent Herald, do., 4; The Independent, do., 1; Vt. Christian Messenger, do., 2; Evening Post, do., 2; The Caledonian, do., 2 ; Independent Stand­ard, do., 39; Argus and Patriot, do., 20; Vt. Union, do., 8; New York World, do., 3; Vt. Chronicle, weekly, 1; Boston Cultivator, do , 6; North Star, do., 2; Herald of Gospel Liberty, do., 1; Woonsocket Patriot, do., 1; New York Weekly, 1; Burlington Times, weekly, 1; Youth's Visitor, do, 2; Advent Review, do., 1; Banner of Light, do., 4; Youth's Companion, do., 2; Springfield Republican, do., 1; Christ­ian Era, do., 1; The Virginian, do.. 1; New­port Express, do., 42; Christian Repository, do., 4; Youth's Pilgrim, semi-monthly, 1; The Household, do., 5; Herald of the future King­dom, do., 1; Macedonian and Record, monthly, 1; New York World, campaign, weekly, 20




No case of murder is known to have occur­red or been suspected in the valley. There have been two or three instances of suicide, and several melancholly instances of accidental death, mostly by drowning. There has scarce­ly been an instance of a conviction for a felony of any resident in the valley. Some instances of prosecutions for minor offences have of course happened: and there may have been some oth­er cases which have escaped, which deserves the notice and animadversions of the law




The introduction of the manufacture of iron into Troy occasioned a very considerable in.



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   333


crease in the business and population of the town. The decline and final suspension of the business in 1846 caused a temporary decrease in the business of the place, and most of those attracted there by this manufactnre left soon after its suspension. But the course of im­provement, though fluctuating, was still pro­gressive: farms were extended and improved, some new settlements were commenced, and other improvements made. The introduction of the manufacture of starch, in the year 1846, brought much new land into cultivation, reliev­ed many from embarrassments, and raised some to easy and independent circumstances; and on the whole, there was a very perceptible accumulation of capital, and an amelioration of the circumstances of the people. The popula­tion of the four towns of the valley advanced from 1965, in 1840, to 2518, in 1850.

The general improvement throughout the State, particularly in the extension of railroads, began also to affect the Missisco valley. The rap­id advance made in the agricultural interest in the adjoining county of Franklin, arising in a great measure from the improvement in dairy­ing husbandry, and the great increase in the production of butter and cheese in that county, very much affected the adjoining sections of Or­leans county. Many of the more enterprising and successful dairy farmers in Franklin county were both able and disposed to buy the farms of their less wealthy neighbors, and these, after selling their farms, instead of going to the far West were inclined to settle in a nearer region. Some enterprising farmers, also, in Franklin county, wishing to enlarge their farming and dairying operations, sold out there, and made very advantageous purchases of large tracts here, with equal if not superior advantages.—The combination of these circumstances caused quite a migration from Franklin to this part of Orleans county, and of course an advance of the price of lands here. From these and other causes the price of real estate in the Missisco valley has probably doubled since 1850, and seems to be still on the increase.

If the valley could have received this acces­sion to its population and business without any corresponding loss, it would have attained to a higher state of improvement than it now enjoys. Among the causes which have tended to retard the advance of the Missisco valley for the last ten years, the great emigration, and the withdrawal of capital to the West, may be noticed as the first. Within the last ten years it would be safe to calculate that from seventy-five to one hundred thousand dollars had been carried from a small circle around Troy village, and invested in the West. In addition to this amount of money, the Missisco valley has paid a further contribution to the West in several worthy and enterpris­ing men, who have gone there with it.

The season of 1854 was remarkably dry and unproductive; scarcely any rain fell dur­ing the three summer months. In consequence of this drought, the hay crop, the main reliance of the farmer, was lighter than was ever known before. Hardly half the usual crop of hay was secured that year, and English grain and potatoes suffered much. The effects of this drought were peculiarly disastrous to the farm­ers of the Missisco valley. Tempted by the great profits of dairying and stock-growing, they had engaged largely in that business. By this disastrous season they were deprived of the usual means of wintering the large stocks of cattle they had about them, and were compelled to dispose of them at the lowest prices. Taking it altogether it was perhaps one of the most unfavorable seasons ever known in Vermont. It blighted the prospects of many a flourishing farmer, and it required the labors of several years to recov­er from its effects.


                                  DEACON SAMUEL H. HOVEY.


A brief notice of several persons who once resided in the Missisco valley seems to be required by respect for their memories, and the influence they exercised upon society.

Dea. Samuel H. Hovey, one of the early settlers of Troy, was born of poor parents in Lyme, N. H. When he had arrived at an age when his labor was of some value, his father bound him out to a wealthy farmer in that vicinity, and received a yoke of cattle as compensation for his son's services. In consequence Mr. Hovey began his career in life penniless, and with but the limited educa­tion which the district schools of that day afforded. He had, however, the advantages of a hale constitution, a stout muscular frame, and was well trained in habits of industry and thrift.

Mr. Hovey married Miss Anna Grant of Lyme, moved to Troy, purchased a lot of 100 acres of land, on what is called the East Hill, and commenced clearing it. He made after­wards additions to his farm and was for a long time the largest and most successful farmer



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in the valley. He united with the Congre­gational church in 1818, was elected a deacon, and retained that office until his death. Dea. Hovey was for many years agent for almost all the non-resident owners of lands in Troy and Jay, took an active part in the affairs of the town, and was generally and favorably known throughout the county. His house was long the resort, and his hospitality was freely bestowed on the ministers of the Gospel and other strangers who visited that, then re­mote and secluded valley. Becoming some­what involved by endorsing for a friend, he took for his security an assignment of a large part of the mine of iron ore, soon after it was first discovered in 1833. He afterwards sold his interest in the ore and the farm where he had resided to the Boston and Troy Iron Company for $13,000; and in 1837, he removed to another farm which he owned, about half a mile from Troy village, where he resided for the remainder of his life. To effect this sale, and to advance the manufacturing interest in his town, he subscribed largely for the stock of this Iron Company, all of which he lost by its failure in 1841, and also lost much by en­dorsing for, and endeavoring to sustain this Company. He also sustained many other losses by his generous but mistaken confidence in others. For many years in the early history of Troy, Dea. Hovey's name was an al­most indispensable requisite on any note sent from the vicinity to any bank for discount, and almost the only man that a sheriff from abroad would receive to back a writ, or receipt property on an attachment. This of course ru­ined his fortunes. He died in December, 1856, at the age of 81, childless, and in reduced circumstances. His wife survived him about one year. Mrs. Hovey was a most efficient helpmeet for her husband, a very active, in­telligent, and worthy lady, and was much esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.


                                            EZRA JOHNSON.


Ezra Johnson, Esq., was born in Phillipston, (then Gerry.) Massachusetts. His father re­moved to Westminister in this State, and then to Bath, New Hampshire. Mr. Johnson mar­ried early in life, settled in Waterford, Vt., remained there one season only, sold out very advantageously the land he had purchased, and returned to Bath. He then engaged one year in lumbering and rafting on the river St. Lawrence, purchased a farm in Westfield, and removed to that town in December 1811, lived there several years, and returned to Bath. He resided in that town 3 years, and again return­ed to the Missisco valley, and purchased an ex­cellent tract of land lying on the river about a mile south of North Troy village.

In 1837, he rented his farm and purchased a tavern-stand in Troy village, moved there and kept a public house for several years, very much to the satisfaction of the public and with profit to himself. At this time he was in very easy and independent circumstances, which resulted quite as much from his judg­ment and sagacity in the several purchases and sales he had made, as from his personal industry.

In 1846, he had a son-in-law who had taken a large job in constructing the Vermont Cen­tral Railroad but had not means to perform his contract. The job was supposed to be an advantageous one if it could be completed, Esq. Johnson, in hope of rescuing his son-in-law, ventured into the perilous undertaking, and with two others assumed the contract and undertook to complete the job. The conse­quence was that he and his associates were irretrievably ruined. To raise funds for this undertaking Esq. Johnson had mortgaged his farm and his tavern-stand and contracted other debts. His property was swept away, and in 1848, he was a poor man, with large debts still impending over him. He obtained, in 1849, an appointment in the custom house department as collector at Troy, which afford­ed him an ample salary with but few official duties to discharge, giving him an abundant leisure, which was productive of no advantage to him. In June 1850, after a violent sickness of a few days only, be died at the age of 62 years.

Esq. Johnson was perhaps by nature the most liberally endowed of any man that has ever resided in the Missisco valley. Though he made some mistakes and committed many errors, yet his judgment was sound and saga­cious. His information derived both from books and observation was extensive. His wit was keen and sarcastic. He long held the office of justice of peace, and his decisions were remarkable, not only for a sound dis­crimination of law and facts, but for indepen­dence and impartiality of judgment. Had he been properly trained and directed in early life he might have avoided some errors, and risen to a more prominent and useful station



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   335


in society. But after all his life was not pro­ductive of the benefit which might have been expected from his abilities, and the many good qualities which he really possessed.

When he resided in Westfield he made a profession of religion, and united with the Christian society in that town. This doubt­less exercised a salutary influence on him and repressed for a time the germs of evil. But in after life his faith seemed to fade away, and to be succeeded by a general doubt and skep­ticism. As a cause, or as a consequence of this declension, his morals ceased to be as exem­plary as might be expected. By temperament he was naturally indolent. With an active mental organization and an aversion to labor, he was predisposed to love of excitement and especially games of chance, as a relief from the irksomeness of indolence. This introduced him to company and practices which his friends regretted, and his example and influence in his latter years were not favorable to the best interests of society.


                                        DR. DAVID H. BEARD.


Dr. David H. Beard, another noted and somewhat eccentric citizen of Troy, was born in Shelburn Vt. in 1803, In childhood he lost both parents, and without any means of support was left to the charities of the world, and passed through the usual vicissitudes of the life of an orphan boy. He early mani­fested a love of knowledge and a capacity to acquire it, and when quite young commenced the study of medicine. By dint of his exer­tions, he acquired such a knowledge of his profession that he commenced practice in Fairfield, Vt. before he had attained to the age of 21, and married soon after he com­menced business. He resided in Fairfield 4 or 5 years and united with the Congregational church in that place. In 1828, he removed to North Troy and in 1833, removed to Troy village.

Dr. Beard ever had many difficulties and discouragements to encounter, and his life was a life of toil. Commencing without the aid of friends or fortune, he had to rely on his earnings or his credit to support himself and acquire his education, and as he was of a free and generous disposition and never was distinguished for money-saving, he long re­mained in embarrassed circumstances. His constitution was feeble and inclined to pul­monary diseases, and his practice, especially in the winter, subjected him to much bodily suffering. His restless and aspiring disposi­tion was ever leading him to attempt things difficult to obtain, or entirely beyond his reach. Yet he accomplished much. His tal­ents were respectable, and he was animated by an aspiring ambition, aided by an uncon­querable will, and application to study, and was sustained by a most undoubting confi­dence in himself. He possessed many elements of a good physician; he was fond of his pro­fession, of a sympathizing disposition, and was assiduous in his care and attention to his patients, Although he devoted more time to his professional studies than most physicians in the vicinity, yet his busy mind could not be limited to one object of pursuit. He en­gaged in all the topics of the day, theology, politics, temperance, the Canadian rebellion phrenology, and homoeopathy, all in their turn, with many other subjects shared in his attention. In regard to all these disputed points he ever had the most perfect confi­dence in the correctness of his own opinions and sometimes had but little charity for those obtuse mortals who could not take the same view of a subject he did himself. His reputation and success in his profession was respectable. In the commencement of his professional career he had been somewhat no­ted as an advocate of an active treatment of diseases, and the free use of the lancet and po­tent remedies, but in the later years of his life he very much changed his views, and be­came an advocate of the homoeopathic system, almost embracing the opinion that in most cases the less the physician interferes with the recuperative powers of nature, the better it is for the patient.

In the last years of his life afflictions seemed to gather thick around him. He sus­tained is severe bereavement in the loss of two children, one of them a beloved and only son. His health continued to decline, and he became convinced it impossible for him to live and remain exposed to the severe winters of Vermont. In the fall of 1847, his only surviving child, a promising daughter, had an offer of a place as a teacher in a seminary in Georgia. Supposing this to be a favorable opportunity for him to prepare for removal to the South, the father and the daughter con­sented to separate for a time, and she went to the South with the expectation that her father would follow her there the next year. In the following summer Dr. Beard left a sick.



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bed to go to Georgia, in the almost hopeless prospect of recovering his health in a milder climate. He proceeded to a town in the vi­cinity of New York, and whilst visiting with some relatives, and waiting for a packet, his disease increased, and he expired, Oct. 18, 1843. His daughter, whilst in daily expect­ation of again meeting with her father, was shocked by the intelligence of the death of her fond parent. She rather indiscreetly left the South at the commencement of the winter and returned home to her afflicted mother in Troy. But the constitution of the daughter, which was naturally slender, seemed to sus­tain too violent a shock from her afflictions and sudden removals, and changes of climate. Her health was impaired, and late in the Fall she had a violent attack of a fever, and died in December, 1849, leaving her mother a childless and disconsolate widow, the sole survivor of the family.








Oh how I love the hills of Troy,

Her fertile valleys full of joy,

         Her mountains rich in ore,

And gentle river gliding on

Through meadows fair to look upon,

Then leaping o'er the rocks anon,

         Makes deafening roar.


And well I love her sons so bold,

Her daughters fair, the young and old

         And infant at my knee,

And old grey-headed men that here

In early day have chased the deer

Or angled in the waters clear

         To keep from hunger free.


And think not, though so isolate,

They may not well with others mate,

         Without their narrow valley,

In all that smooths life's rugged way

Or helps to cheer dark sorrow's day,

Or prompts to act for those who may

         Need aid or sympathy.


Of such kind acts both hill and dell

A story true could easy tell,

         And such my purpose now;

To call to mind one April morn

When son and sire with staff and horn

And hurried step and look forlorn

         Had met on Hovey hill.


And why have old grey-headed men,

And beardless boys scarce turned of ten

         With those in prime of life,

All gathered there 'mid falling snow

And winds that ever rudely blow

Along the high exposed brow

         Of Troy's famed Eastern hill?


No startling tale of war's alarms

And savage Indians all in arms

         Led on by Tory's son,

Had called for block-house on that hill

With sturdy hearts to man it well,

Else share the fate that late befell

         The town of Royalton.


Nor had they come (else come amiss)

In storm of snow and sleet like this

         To raise the heavy frame

Nor had they come to play the ball

Nor in the ring to gather all

And cheer the wrestler in his fall

         And shout the victor's name.


Nor had they gathered from afar

With active limbs to pitch the bar—

         Our customs thus to keep—

Nor had they come to hunt the bear

Or drive the she-wolf from her lair

That from the fold was wont to bear

         The farmer's fleecy sheep,


Nor had they all at friendship's call

Came out to solemn funeral;

         As they had often come,

But simply this; a little maid

Had from her elder brother strayed

And lost herself in forest shade

         Just as the night came on—


And though a few had ranged the wood

And made such search as well they could,

         Then ranged it o'er again,

And often raised the loud halloo

And oft the horn they stoutly blew,

Tried all the arts that woodmen knew

         But tried them all in vain


Meantime the word had swiftly flown

To every house throughout the town

         That "Martin's child was lost"!

And ere the faintest streak of dawn

Was seen to shine Jay-Peak upon,

Off stated all both son and sire;

         Nor did they count the cost;


For well the hardy woods-men knew

Much must be done, and promptly too,

         To save, the wanderer;

How children's fear lent fearful speed

To those in woods bewildered;

And she, poor child, by fancy led

         Might wander very far.


In Newport woods as broad and long

An Trojan hearts are brave and strong

         And ere full search was made

Throughout the woods of ever-green

Another night might intervene

And cold and hunger close the scene

         With poor lost Mary Ann.


Poor Mary Ann! How thick and fast

Rushed on the memories of the past

         Through thy bewildered mind

As thy exhausted limbs gave way

And long had gone the light of day

And thou in that lone forest lay,

         Listening to the moaning wind.



                     TROY.                                      337


Did fancies thickly gathering come

Of cheerful fire and cottage home

         And porringer of milk

And kindly Aunt that oft had led

Thy weary limbs to trundle-bed

And bade thee, when thy prayers were said

         To gently fall asleep?


Or did thy memory bear along

Remembrance of some childish wrong

         To little brother done?

Or did'st thou there in sorrow grieve

For angry wind to relative

Whose guardian care had bade thee come

         And share with her a home?


Or didst thou grieve no father's care

Would roam the land and reach thee there

         With promises of gold

And no one to thy rescue come

To guide thy wandering footsteps home

And thou left there a fearful doom—

         To perish in the cold,


Poor child could'st thou have known

What deep warm feeling stirred the town

         And kindly sympathy

Twould cheer thy heart as there thou lay

And waited for the break of day

To guide thee on thy stormy way

         And help to set thee free.


Turn now to where amid the storm

The extended line the woods-men form

         And to the forest turn,

Now carefully and swift they trace

Each mark the snow could not efface

And part the boughs that interlace

And form a sort of hiding-place

         And shelter from the storm;


Now close they mark each water course

And trace each brooklet to its source

         Fearful lest they should find

With midnight darkness all around

Misled by water's murmuring sound

A watery grave the child had found—

         Sad thought to feeling mind!


But higher rides the clouded sun

And now 'tis past meridian,

         Yet still the search goes on:

Not one of all that gen'rous band

For cold or hunger stays his hand

Nor will they cease to search the land

         Till night or chill is found.


Now the night comes on apace

And sorrow sits on every face

         And some let fall a tear;

Yet still the line they form anew

And still they range the forest through

And hope ere night the child to view

         And happy homewood bear;


Now faintly on the wind is borne

The distant peal of merry horn

         And then a louder tone,

And the gun's deep booming sound

Announces that the child is found

And soon the word went wide around

         To gladden many a one.


And now all press around the child

With joy so frantic and so wild

         As scarce could be restrained,

Nor could one eye of all that train

That marked the spot where she had lain

From tears of gladness then refrain

         And that's their rich reward.


And how all cheered the happy one

That chanced the child to light upon

         Amid that forest lone

And how he soothed the rising fear

And smiling tried her hopes to cheer

And gently chid the rising tear,

         Though all unchecked his own.


And stripped his coat to keep her warm

And shield her from the beating storm

         'Till he could bear her home,

Nor would he suffer any there

To help him home his burden bear

That chance had thrown upon his care—

         So selfish oft in joy we are—

         But bore her all alone.


And though long years have past and gone

Since all these things in Troy were done

         I've often heard him say,

While leaning on his bellows-pole—

Adown his cheek the tear would roll—

         "He would not barter now away

         The joy he felt upon that day

For all the gold that selfish man

Has treasured up since time began."



                              SOLDIERS OF THE WAR OF 1861.


                                                        BY COL. O. N. ELKINS,


Formerly Aide De Campe to His Excellency J. G. Smith, Governor and Commander In Chief.


Names.   Rank.                     Co.      Reg.          Date of enlist. Date of muster.             Remarks.

Hale, Oscar A.                Capt. D    6th   Oct. 8, '61.    Oct. 15, '61.             Must. out Oct. 28, '64, Lt. Col.*


* Col. Oscar A. Hale, only son of Raymond and Sarah A. Hale, was born in Troy, Orleans County Vt. July 20, 1837. His mother died while he was yet an infant, and his father some time afterwards moved to the town of Chelsea, where he made his residence for several years. Oscar, meanwhile, was attending school, and ere he had attained his majority stepped forth an honored graduate from Dartmouth College. Soon after finishing his studies, he went to Washington, D. C., and for some time was employed in the post-office department, and was one of the first to enlist in defence of our national capital, when first threatened with danger from the rebel horde of the South. In the Fall of 1861, he returned to Troy, soon after enlisted in a company then being recruited to form a part of the 6th Regiment. He took a lively interest in the recruiting and organization of the company, and, possessing a kind and amiable disposition, endearing him to all who made his acquaintance, his company very



338                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


                Names.   Rank.                 Co.          Reg.            Date of enlist     Date of muster. Remarks.

Bailey, Charles F.                     1st S'gt D    6th     Sept. 25, '61.   Oct. 15, '61.    Died at Fortress Monroe, Va. of w'nds rec'd at Lee's Mills May 1, '62; 2d lt.*

Leach, Wilbur     S'gt                "           "     Sept. 23, '61.               "           Deserted Aug. 28, '62.

Courser, Jesse   Corp.              "           "     Sept. 26, '61.               "              "  May 12, '62.

Chesmore, Wm. I.                       "        "     "        Aug. 29, '61.      "              "  Oct. 5, '64; serg't; re-en. Dec. 16, '63.

Abbot, Moses         "                 "           "     Sept. 4, '61.                "           Killed at Freakstown July 10, '63'; serg't.

Parkhurst, Henry B.                 Wag'r     "     "           "                    "           Mustered out Oct. 28, '64.

Joslyn, Daniel     Priv.               "           "     Sept. 27, '61.               "              "     "

Page, Stephen H.    "                 "           "     Aug. 29, '61.               "             "     "

Courser, Peter P.                        "        "     "        Sept. 4, '61.       "           Dis. Dec. 3, '62; re-en. in
Bat. E, 5th U. S. Artil­lery; pro. to corp.; dis. Sept. 4, '64.

Aldrich, Liberty      "                 "           "     Oct. 4, '61.                  "           Discharged May 20, '62.

Luxford, Joseph W.                     "        "     "        Oct. 1, '61.         "           Died Feb. 27, '62.

Nason, John          "                 "           "     Sept. 24, '61.               "           Re-en. Dec. 16, '63; dis. Oct. 15, '64.

Bailey, Harry J.      "                 "           "     Sept. 27, '61.               "           Discharged Nov. 14, '62.

Currier, Benjamin O.                   "        "     "        Aug. 29, '61.      "           Must. out Oct. 28, '64.

Collins, Robert H.                        "        "     "        Sept. 27, '61.      "           Trans. to V. R. C. Mar. 15, '64; dis. Oct. 17, '64.

Colburn, Chandler E.                   "        "     "        Oct. 3, '61.         "           K'd at Lee's Mills Apr 16, '62.

O'Connell, Lawrence                    "        "     "        Sept. 30, '61.      "           Died July 1, '62, of w'nds rec'd at Savage Station.

Collins, James S.    "                 "           "     Aug. 29, '61.               "           Tr. to V.R.C.; dis. Oct. 17, '64.

Bickford, George W.                    "        "     "        Oct. 3, '61.         "           Re-en. Mar. 21, '64 to credit of St. Johnsbury; must. out as sg't June 26, '65.

Libby, Joseph        "                 "           "     Aug. 29, '61.               "           Died Dec. 15, '61, of disease.

Richardson, Eben'r                      "        D    5th     Feb. 24, '62.    Apr. 12, '62.    Discharged Dec. 22, '62.

Abbott, Timothy D.                      "        "     "        Aug. 24, '61.   Sept. 16, '61.   Must. out Sept. 15, '64.

Stanhope, Gilbert H.                    "        "     "        Mar. 13, '62.   Apr. 12, '62.    Discharged Jan. 22, '63.

Clement, Alvah       "                 "           "     Aug 17. '61              Sept. 16, '61    Deserted July 3, '63.

Conner, John N.     "                 "           "     Aug. 13, '61.               "           Re-en. Dec. 15, '63; must. out June 29, '65; Capt.

Burns, Joseph       "                 "           "     Aug. 19, '61.               "           Discharged May 27, '62.

Devoir, Henry        "                 "           "     Mar. 17, '62.            Apr. 12, '62.       "  Oct. 21, '62.

Goodwin, Henry H.                      "        "     "        Aug. 30, '61.   Sept. 16, '61.      "  Oct. 10, '62.

Brown, Alonzo        "                 "           "     Sept. 4, '61.                "           Must. out Sept. 15, '64.

Sartwell, William E.                      "        B    3d      June 1, '61.    July 16, '61.    Dis. Nov. 3, '62; re-en. in 11th Reg., Co. L, Jan. 19, '64; trans. to Co. C June 24, '65; pris. 12 mos. must. out July 6, '65.†



naturally selected him as their captain, and he was accordingly mustered in as Capt. of Co. D, 6th Reg., Oct, 15, 1861. During his military career, be evinced much courage and personal bravery, and was several times wounded In combat with the enemy. At the close of the rebellion, he went with Gen. Dana, of Maine, and others, to en­gage in business in South America. He died of cholera at Arroyo de Pavon, Province of Sante Fe, Buenos Ayres Dec. 28, 1867. His friend, Capt. P. D. McMillan, formerly of the 15th Reg., who was with him at the time of his death, in a letter to Col. Elkins, speaks of him as follows. "His last engagement was his hardest, and he met the monster Death, in the form of pestilence, without fear. He died after a sickness of five hours. Upon the Pampas of South America, near the banks of the Parana, beside other friends who had fallen with him, wrapt in his army blankets, the same that had covered him so many times on the tented field, he was buried as became a soldier; not with martial music and muffled drums, but with a terrible silence, with the footsteps of the destroying angel still around swiftly at work. With a heart bursting with grief, assisted by two surviving friends, whom chance had thrown together from different parts of the globe, we buried him who was worthy a better burial." His remains have since been removed to the Protestant Cemetery at Rosario, and arrangements have been made for their transportation to the United States, to be placed among the green hills of his native land, beside loved friends.


* He was a brave soldier, and much esteemed by his fellow comrades and all who knew him. His body was returned and buried in the cemetery at North Troy, Vt., wiih military honors.

† By the rebels June 23, '64, near the Weldon R. R., and endured inhuman incarceration in the rebel prisons of Andersonville, Florence and Charleston.



                                                                   TROY.                                                                   339


                      Names.                   Rank.   Co.          Reg.                  Date of enlist.    Date of muster.                Remarks.

Livingstone, L. B.                 Priv.    B   3d    June 1, '61.   July 16, '61.    Re-en. Dec. 21, '63, to cr. of Derby; must. out July 11, '65; serg't.

Moore, Harvey                     "          "    "          "                   "                 Discharged Dec. 4, '62.

Dodge, Charles C                 "          F   2d    May 7, '61.    June 20, '61.   Trans. to V. R. C. Jan. 15, '64; dis. June 20, '64.

Sumner, Samuel Jr.             2d Lt. D 5th   Sept. 16, '61.                         "       K'd at Sav. Sta. June 29, '62.

Porter, Gilbert H.                 Corp.   "    "       Aug. 12, '61.     "                 K'd at Wilderness May 5, '64.

McLaughlin, Lucius             Priv.    "    "       Aug. 14, '61.     "                 Re-en. Dec. 15, '63; must. out June 29, '65; sg't.

Batchelder, Chas. N.            "          "    "       Aug. 13, '61.     "                 Discharged Mar 3, '62

Davis, Hiram A.                   Corp.   "    "       Aug. 12, '61.     "                 K'd at Sav. Sta. June 29, '65.

Edwards, Lott                     Priv.    "    "       Aug. 13, '61.     "                 Re-en. Dec. 15, '63; must out June 29, '65.

Smith, Alfred W.                  "          A   5th   Aug. 30, '61.     "                 Discharged Nov. 7, '62.

Warner, Lafayette                "          D "       Aug. 10, '61.     "                    "       July 31, '62.

Miller, John                        "          C   8th   Nov. 29, '61. Feb. 18, '62.    Re-en. Jan, 5, '64; must. out June 28, '65.

Upton, John T.                    "          "    "       Dec. 6, '61.       "                 Discharged July 16, '62.

Smith, Almon S.                   "          I    8th   Jan. 1, '62.       "                 Re-en. March 5, '64; must. out June 28, '65.

Hammond, Orange C.           Priv.    C   "       Dec. 2, '61.       "                 Dis. July 16, '62; re-en. Dec. 9,'63; pris. over 5 mos. 2d.; must. out June 12, '65. *

Bailey, George W.                "          "    "       Dec. 14, '61.     "                 Died July 22, '62, of disease.

Brill, David N.                     Corp.   "    "       Dec. 4, '61.       "                 Died Aug. 28, '63 of disease.

George, David M.                 Priv.    "    "       Dec. 2, '61.       "                 K'd at P. Hudson May 27, '63.

Fuller, Fred I.                     2d Lt. "    "          "                   "                 Dismissed the ser. June 2,'63

Keith, Andrew J.                 Priv.    "    "       Nov. 29, '61.     "                 Mustered out June. 22, '64.

Hill, William                        "          "    "       Dec. 18, '61.     "                 D'd Aug. 17, '62 of disease.

Elkins, Riley A.                    "          "    "          "                   "                 Mustered out June 22, '64.

Hardy, Charles E.                "          "    "       Dec. 4, '61.       "

Clough, Joel                        "          "    "       Nov. 28, '61.     "                 Died. July 23, '62 of disease.

Pettengill, Hollis F.               "          B   "       Dec. 7, '61.       "                 Discharged June 14, '63.

Sabin, David P.                    E         "

Colcott, Joseph                    Priv.    C   "       Dec. 7, '61.    Feb. 18, '61.    Absent sick June 22, '64; last seen at Cairo, Ill., sup­posed to be dead.

McFarland Wm. H.               "          "    "       Feb 14, '62       "                 Discharged June 22, '64

Page, Henry K.                    "          "    "       Dec. 16, '61.     "                 Mustered out June 22, '64.

Williams, R. W.                    "          "    "       Dec. 4, '61.       "                    "          "

Clapper, George                   "          "    "          "                   "                 Died Sept. 21, '62, of w'nds rec. at Bayou Des Alle­mande, La.

Kennedy, Horace W.             "          "    "       Jan. 28, '62.     "                 Pro. 2d lt. La. vols. Feb. 28, '63.

LaMarsh, Frank                   "          "    "       Nov. 28, '61.     "                 Re-en. Jan. 5, '64; must. out June 28, '65.

Wing, George G.                  "          K   7th   Jan. 31, '62. Feb. 12, '62.    Died Oct. 14, '62, of disease.

Pettengill, Harry B.               "          I    Cav. Aug. 12, '62. Sept. 26, '62.   Mustered out June 21, '65.

Luxford, Henry                    "          "    "       Aug. 11, '62.     "                    "          "

Blake, Joseph                     Corp.   E   9th   June 18, '62.                      July 9, '62. Dis. Jan. 16, '63, for enlistment in Regular Army.

Hibbard, Curtis A.               2d Lt. "    "       June 25, '62.    "                 Resigned May 16, '63.

Wing, Reuben B.                 D'mer   "    "       June 23, '62.    "                 Dis. Apr. 29, '63, for disability.

Adams. Alvin W.                  Priv.    "    "       June 14, '62     "                 Mustered out June 13, '65.

Batchelder, Chas. M.            "          "    "       May 31, '62.      "                 Dis. Feb. 4,'63, for disability.

Brown, Horace W.                "          "    "       June 9, '62.      "                 Dis. Oct. 21, '62, for disa. corp.

Barry, Charles A.                 "          "    "       June 14, '62.    "                 Mustered out June 11, '65.

Stowe, Sidney                      "          "    "       June 5, '62.      "                 Died Sept. 27, '63.

Connal, James                     "          "    "       June 7, '62.      "                 Dis. Jan. 14, '63, for enlistment in Regular Army.

Hunt, Marchil                      Corp.   K   10th                     Aug. 1, '62.     Sept. 1, '62. Must. out June 22, '65, sg't.

Mahoney, William                 "          E   "       June 9, '62.      "                 K'd in act'n Oct. 19, '64, sg't

Ashley, William B.                Priv.    H "       Aug. 12, '62.     "                 Must. out June 22, '65.

Burt, Daniel Jr.                   "          D 11th                     Aug. 11, '62.      "          " June 24, '65, sg't.



* By the rebels near Mt. Jackson, Va. Oct. 7, '64, and endured the privations incident to Libby prison.



340                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


                                Names.         Rank.   Co.    Reg.          Date of enlist. Date of muster.   Remarks.

Webster, C. G.    Priv.          F         11th               July 14, '62. Sept. 1, '62.      Taken prisoner June 23, '61; died at Charleston, Sept. 19, '64.

Tatro, Frank       "                "          "       Aug. 8, '62.                    "                   Mustered out June 24, '65.

Elkins, Moses M. "                "          "       Aug. 9, '62.                    "                   Taken prisoner June 23, '64; died at Charleston Jan. 20, '65; corp.

Elkins, Matthew W.              "          "       "                "                   "                   Must, out June 24, '65; corp.

Mason, Ambros A.               "          "       "                "                   "                   Died Dec. 24, '64, of disease.

Stoughton, Lemuel               "          "       "                "                   "                   Mustered out June 24, '65.

Niles, David        "                M        Cav. Oct. 22, '62.                Dec 30, '62.      Died July 18, '64, pris. of war.

Scribner, William "                L         11th               May 28, '63.   June 27, '63.    Des. Aug. 27, '63; reporter May 10, '65, and dishonorably dis. May 11, '65.

Worby, George C.                "          "       "             May 16, '63.      "                   Deserted Jan. 23, '65.

Powers, Harrison R.             S'gt      "       "             May 6, '63.    June 10, '63.    Taken prisoner June 23, '64.

Worby, Henry J.                  Priv.    L      11th       May 11, '63.   June 27, '63.    Dis. Aug, 14, '65, for disa

Sartwell, Henry E.                "          "       "             May 6, '63.    June 10, '63.    Mustered out June 22, '65.

Davis, Gardner   "                "          "                                         Dis. at Montpelier Jan. 3, 65, for w'nds rec'd at Cold Harbor June 1, '64.

Sweatland, Samuel               "          D     3d          July 30, '61.     "                   K'd at Lee's Mills Apr. 16, '62.

McCrillis, John    "                E         7th   Feb. 1, '62.                 Feb. 12, '62.     Deserted March 3, '62.

Savia, Frank       "                K         "       Feb. 5, '62.                    "                   Re-en. Feb. 15, 64, to cr. of Northfield and des. Sept. '64.

Lazue, Moses      "                A         8th   Nov. 13, '61.                Feb. 18, '62.     Re-en. Jan. 5, 64, must. out June 28, 65.

Turner, Charles W.              "          B      "             Dec. 7, '61.       "                   Died July 25, '62, of disease.

Bailey, George E. "                C         "       Dec. 21, '61.                  "                   Trans. to La. Cavalry, Feb 28, '63.

Drette, Moses     "                "          "       Nov. 28, '61.                   "                   Mustered out June 22, '64.

Green, Byron      "                M        11th               Sept. 18, '63.                        Oct. 7, '63. Dis. at Brattleboro, Sept 4, '65.

Leavitt, Bradbury G.            "          "       "                "                   "                   Mustered out Aug, 25, '65.

Jones, George W.                "          L      "             July 7, '63.    July 11, '63.     Deserted June 6, '64.

Taylor, Lewis B.  "                "          "       June 1, '63.                July 7 '63            "   Aug 1 '63

Aldrich, Azro L.   "                H        15th               Sept. 18, '62.                        Oct. 22, '62. Died Dec. 22, '62.

Ordway, Edward J.              "          "       "                "                   "                      "   April 13, '63.

Pratt, George      "                "          "          "             "                Must. out Aug. 5, '63, corp.


Bailey, Harry J.   "                D        11th               Oct. 1, '63.    Nov. 9, '63.       Dis. June 14, '65, for wounds rec'd Sept. 19, '64, at Winchester, Va., corp.*

Eastman, Charles M.            "          "       "             Oct. 20, '63.     "                   Must, out Aug. 25, '65, corp.

Manuel, Lorenzo  "                "          "       Oct. 29, '63.                   "                      "

Titus, James      "                E         "       Nov. 7, '63.                 Dec. 1, '63.       Dis. Apr. 15, '64, for disa.

Hovey, Chester   "                D        "       Nov. 5, '63.                    "                   Trans. to vet. res corps., Nov. 22, '64, dis. July 29, '65.

Dwydd, Truman  "                "          "       Nov. 16, '63.                   "                   Died at Washington Mar. 14, '65, of disease.

Rowell, William R.                1st S'gt        3d Bat.    Nov. 23, '63. Jan. 1, '64.       Must. out June 15,'65; 1st lt.

Sartwell, William E.              Priv.    L      11th       Jan. 19, '64. Jan. 19, '64.     Mustered out July 6, '65.

Warner, Lafayette                "          C      17th       Nov. 25, '63. Mar. 2, '62.       Must. out July 14,'65, hosp. steward.

Smith, Alfred W. "                          V.R.C.            Aug. 26, '63.                        Discharged March 24, '66.

Ramsdell, William                 Priv.    D     6th         Sept. 26, '61.                        Oct. 15, '61. Re-en. Jan. 1, '64, must, out June 26, '65.

Ward, Joseph     "                E         9th   Dec. 19, '63.               Dec. 30, '63.     Must. out with reg. and died on his way home.

LaMarsh, John    "                D        6th   Dec. 16, '63.                  "                   K'd at Wilderness, May 5, '64.

Elkins, William R.                "          "       "             Dec. 22, '63. Dec. 22, '63.     Pro. corp Co. I, June 19, 65. Must. out June 26, '65,

Elkins, Josiah Jr.                "          "       "             "                      "                   Mustered out June 26, '65.

Elkins, Wm. G. 2d               "          I       57th Ms.                     Mar. 23, '64.     Apr. 15, '64. Discharged Dec. 14, '64.

Elkins, David A.  "                D        6th Vt.            Dec. 22, '63. Dec. 22, '63.     Mustered out June 26, '65.

Elkins, Henry H. "                D        13th N.H.        Aug. 12, '63.     "                   Discharged May 15, '65.


* The wound was from a musket shot which passed from side to side, through his body.



               TROY.                 341


                    Names.                     Rank.     Co. Reg.              Date of enlist. Date of muster.       Remarks.

Elkins, Thomas W.               Priv.      E    2R.U.S.s.s. Dec. 26, '63. Dec. 29, '63. Trans. from 2d reg. U. S. S. S., to Co. G, 4th Vt. reg. must. out, June 24, '65.

Wheeler, Chester C.             "           D    6thVt.        Dec. 18, '63. Dec. 30, '63. Must. out July 17, '65.

West, Henry G.                   "           "     "                Dec. 9, '63.    Dec. 25, '63. Must. out June 26, '65.

Leach, Nelson J.                  "           E    2R.U.S.s.s. Dec. 18, '63. Dec. 29, '63. Died May 14, '64, of wounds rec. in act. May 6, '64.

Leach, Lawrence W.             "           K    17th          Sept. 12, '64.                   Sept. 22, '64. Must. out July 25, '65.

Gibson, J. C.                      "                 "                   "                   "              Deserted June 13, '65.

Pettengill, Harry B.               "           D    6th            Sept. 4, '61.   Oct. 15, '61. Pro. corp. May 1, '62, do. sg't; re-en. Dec. 16, '63, pro. to 2d lt, Co. C, Nov. 12, '64, pro. 1st Pt Apr. 22, '65, must. out July 6, '65

Hardy, George                     "           "     13 N.H.      Aug. 12, '62. Aug. 12, '62. Died of typhoid fever at Falmouth Va., Feb. 7, '63.

Gallup, C. Lovel                   "           "     6th Vt.       Aug. 21, '63. Aug, 21, '63. Enlisted as sub., must. out June 26, '65.

Sartwell, George E.              "           "     "                Dec. 22, '63. Dec. 22, '63. Discharged May 31, '65.

Tilden, Henry                      "           "     "                   "                   "              K'd in battle of Wilderness May 5, '64.

Skinner, Hayden B.              "           "     "                   "                Dec. 25, '63. Discharged Sept. 5, '64.

Estelle, Vercel L.                 "           E    9th            Dec. 14, '63. Jan. 2, '64. Must. out with his reg. '65.

Cronk, Chauncey                 "           "     "                Dec. 26, '63. Dec. 29, '63.     "     "

Huntley, Stephen S.             "           D    6th            Dec. 22, '63. Dec. 22, '63. w'nded in right arm at Wil­derness by a rebel shot, rendering amputation necessary May 5, '64; dis. Aug. 25, '64.

French, Daniel B.                 "           "     "                Jan. 1, '64.    Jan. 1, '64. Died Aug. 4, '64.

Gardner, Oscar                   "           "     "                Dec. 30, '63. Dec. 30, '63. Mustered out June 26, '65.

Upton, John                        "           "     "                Dee. 21, '63. Jan 2, '64.   Trans to vet res corps, Dec. 20, '64, dis. June 22, '65.

Sargent, Roger                     "           "     "                Dec. 22, '63. Dec. 22, '63. Trans. to V.R. C. Mar.16,'64.

Whitcomb, Luke                  "           "     13 N.H.      Nov. 30, '61. Nov. 30, '61. Died at Arlington Heights
Nov. 20, '62.

Dorman, Julius S.               Q.m.s'gt L    11 Vt.        June 6, '63.   Oct. 7, '63.   Must. out as 2d l't Co. G June 24, '65.

Clough, George E.                Priv.      G    3d             Dec. 18, '63. Dec. 30, '63. Trans, to Co. I July 25, '64; pro. to corp., must. out July 11,'65.

Clough, Horace E.                "           I     "                Dec. 9, '63.    Dec. 24, '63. Trans to V.R,C. Dec. 20,'64.

Adams, Hoalsey H. "             F          12   Mc.            Nov. 30, '61. Nov. 30. '61. Discharged Dec. 7, '64.

Wing, Stephen B.                 "           E    9th Vt.       Jan. 5, '64.    Jan. 5, '64. Died Oct. 27, '64.

Gardner, Wm. H.                 "           "     "                Jan. 2, '64.    Jan. 2, '61. Trans. to Co. B June 13, '64, deserted Mar. 5, '65.

Sargent. Horace                   "           D    6th            Dec. 22. '63. Dec. 22, '63. Deserted Nov. 22, '64.

Scott, Nathan W.                  "           C    8th            Dec. 6, '61.    Feb. 18, '62. Re-en. Jan. 5, 64, deserted May 18, '64.

Skinner, Levi W.                  "           "     "                Dec. 26, '61.     "              Re-en Jan, 5, '64, must. out June 28, '65

St. Johns, Henry                 "           G    7th            Feb. 3, '62.    Feb. 12 '62. Re-en. Feb. 22, '64.

Burns, Joseph                    "           H    4th            July 30, '63. July 18,'62. Trans to Co. E Feb 25, '65, dis. Mar. 10, '65; drafted.

Drew, Joseph                      "           "     "                   "                   "              Drafted; pro. to corp. Co. E Feb. 25, '65, must, out July 13, '65.

Farman, Willard                   "           E    6th               "                   "              Drafted. Tr.Co.E Oct. 16, '64; must. out June 26, '65.

Mason, Russell Z.                "           D    4th               "                   "              Drafted. Must. out July 13, '65.

Powers, Ira                         "           F    3d                "                   "              Drafted. Dis. Jan. 7, '64.

Sherlow, Ira                        "           D    "                   "                   "              Drafted. Trans. to Co. E July 25, '64, dis. Jan. 13, '65.

Sisco, Edmund R.                "           H    4th               "                   "              Drafted. Must. out of V. R. C. Aug. 9, '65.

Brown, Byron D.                  "           E    9th            June 25, '62. July 9, '62.  Pro. to corp. Feb. 11, '65, must. out June 13, '65.



342                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


                Names.                   Rank.         Co.      Reg.                    Date of enlist.    Date of muster.            Remarks.

Lawrence, Joseph           Priv.   E    9th     June 12, 62.   July 9,'62.      Died July 26, '62, (fell from cars while in motion and was killed.)

Fuller, Dana "                 "        "     Dec. 18, '63.            Dec. 30, '63.   Mustered out with reg. '65.

Colburn, Almon J.           "        B    3d      June 1, '61.    July 16, '61.    Died Feb. 18, '64.

Rollins, William H.           "        "     9th     Dec. 31, '63.   Dec. 31, '63.   Mustered out July 7, '65,

Brockway, Martin            "        "     3d      July 23, '61.    July 28, '61.    Music., re en. Dec. 21, '63, must, out July 28, '65.

Burbank, Jerome M.        "        C    "        Mar. 13. 65.    Mar. 13, '65.   Mustered out July 11, '65.

Brown, Stillman A.           "        E    9th     Feb. 28, '65.    Feb. 28, '65.    Must, out with reg.; dis. Oct. 24, '65.

Brown, William H.           "        K    3d      Jan. 2, '64.     Jan. 2, '61.     Drum'r; must. out July 11,'65

Franklin, Elisha D.          "        D    9th     Sept. 9, '64.    Sept. 9, '64.    Must. out Dec. 1, '65.

Rockwell, Wm. T.            "        E    "        Mar. 13. '65.   Mar. 13, '65.      "           "

Lathe, Robert R.              "        "     "        June 7, '62.    July 9, '62.     Must. out June 13, '65.

Coburn, George A.          "        F    "        Jan. 5, '64.     Jan. 5, '64.     Pro. corp. Aug., '64, serg't Apr. 27, '65; must, out with Reg.

Button, W. H.                 Sergt.       A       5th                 Sept. 5, '61.    Sept. 16, '61. K'd Bank's Ford May 4, '63.

Smith, Henry L.              Priv.   C    8th     Dec. 18, 61.    Feb. 18, '62.    Pro. corp.; pro. serg't Apr. 24, '64; must. out June 22, '64.

Kiser, Hiram S.               "        "     "        Dec. 24, '61.      "                 Died.

Hunt, Marcellus              "        D    3d      Apr. 22, '61.    July 16, '61.    Pro. corp.; re-en. Dec. 21, '63; pro. serg't Co. D. July 25, '64; dis. May 16, '65.

Hatch, Henry                  "

Terrill, Jesse G.              "        G    7th     Dec. 9, '63.     Dec. 9, '63.     Died at Brattleb'o, Feb. 6,'63.

Mott, Langdon                 "        E    9th     June 23, '62.   July 9, '62.     Discharged Jan. 15, '63.

Burgess, Seth                 "        B    "        Aug. 17, '64.   Aug. 17, '64.   Proper name Seth B. Wing; must. out Dec. 1, '65.

Kelsey, Morrill                 "        K    "        Sept, 1, '64.    Sept, 1, '64.    Discharged July 9, '65.

Caples, Thomas               "        F    "        Aug. 18, '64.   Aug. 18, '64.   Died Nov. 1, '64.

Buck, William                 "        K    "        Jan. 5, '64.     Jan. 5, '64.     Died Feb. 4, '65.

Sherlow, Miles                "        "     "        Aug. 18, '64.   Aug. 18, '64.   Mustered out June 13, '65.

Huse, Timothy                "        2 N.Y. Cav.

Edwards Austin              "        K    6th Vt. Mar. 4, 65.    Mar. 4, '65.     Must. out June 26, '65.

Phipps, Josephus            "        E    8th     Feb. 18, '65.    Feb. 18, '65.       "        June 28, '65.

Kenney, George M.          "        K    17th   Apr. 10, '65.    Apr. 10, '65.       "        July 14, '65.

Clifford, F. E. J.              "        G    5th     Jan. 5, '64.     Jan. 5, '64.        "        June 29, '65.

Kizer, John E.                 "        H    15th   Sept. 18, '62.   Oct. 22, '62.       "        Aug. 5, '63.

Higgins, Milo "                                Feb. 18, '65.             Feb. 18, '65.       "        June 13, '65, as an unassigned recruit,

Pratt, John   "                 K       17th         Apr. 10, '65,    Apr. 10, '65.    Must. out July 14, '65.

House, Charles D.           "        B    8th     Jan. 6, '62.     Feb. 12, '62.       "        June 22, '64.

Gale, Allen A.                 "        C    3d      Aug. 20, '63.   Aug. 20, '63.   Sub.; pro. corp.; pro. serg't; must. out July 11, '65.

Ordway, Lewis                "        54th Ms.                                             Must. out with Reg; died at Troy Dec. 14, '69.

Wilson, Silas "                 39th Ms.                                 Must. out with Reg.

Rollins, Horace                "        I     6th Vt.  Dec. 21, '63.                      Dec. 30, '63.                       "      of V. R. C. July 10, '65.




Geo. E. Bradley, William Buggy, Robert B. Chandler, (money refunded by goverment by reason of disability. Geo. A. Cutting, F. C. Davis, William Donagan, Charles C. Manuel, Ira F. Manuel, Jerry Powers, Holland Temple, W. D. Wilson, Luther S Woodworth.






                                                        BY DON A. WINSLOW.

contains 23,040 acres. It lies in lat. 44°, 52' N., 4° 30' E. from Washington. The Missis­quoi river flows through the eastern part, forming fertile and beautiful meadows nearly the entire length of the town. The western part rises higher, running up the slope of the

Westfield is situated near the N. W. part of the County of Orleans, bounded, N. by Jay, E. by Troy, S. by Lowell and W. by Mont­gomery. It was laid out 6 miles square and