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Oh poor man's son, scorn not thy state!

There is worse weariness than thine—

In being merely rich and great;

Work only makes the soul to shine,

And makes work fragrant and benign

A heritage, it seems to me,

Worth being poor to hold in fee.


Both heirs to come six feet of sod,

Are equal in the earth at last—

Both children of the same dear God,

Prove title to your heirship vast,

By record of a well-filled past

A heritage, it seems to me,

Well worth one to hold in fee,


[See Poems by Jus. Russell Lowell, pp. 198—201—Ed.]




              BY SUSAN E. PIERCE,


(A native of Derby residing in the West.)


I am far from my own green mountain home,

              From my loved ones far away;

And the memory of those by-gone hours

              Is with me the live-long day.

When the sunlight fades in the crimson West,

              When his last bright beam is gone,

Oh! its then, 'tis then, I fain would rest

              In my own Green Mountain home.


This Southern clime is warm and bright,

              Its flowers are rich and fair;

But better the North with its snow-clad hills

              Than the South with its balmy air,

These grand old woods, these pleasant groves,

              Are bright in their golden hue,

But give me my home with its fresh green fields,

              So rich in the sparkling dew.


Kind ones are clustered around me now,

              And friendly hearts are near,

And dearly I prize their kindly love,

              But it checks not the rising tear:

I dream of my mother,s gentle tone,

              Of the light in my father's eye,

Oh! sadly I pine for the dear ones all,

              Who in spirit are over nigh.







                        THE TOWSNSHIP AND EARLY SETTLERS.


                                             BY REV. SIDNEY K. B. PERKINS, A. M.


The town of Glover, Orleans County, Ver­mont, is a well-watered and productive sec­tion of country; and affords to the lover of nature a great variety of beautiful scenery, woodland, hill and dale, with here and there a clear streamlet or larger body of water.

It embraces 36 square miles, and is situated 40 miles N. E. from Montpelier; bounded N. by Barton, E. by Sheffield, S. by Wheelock and Greensboro and W. by Craftsbury and Albany.

In this town the Barton river has its rise, and within its limits are found branches of the Passumpsic, Lamoille and Black rivers.

The ponds—such as Stone's, Parker's and one or two others, would in some counties, where the like are not so numerous, be hon­ored with the name of lakes.

Thompson's Gazetteer of Vermont gives the name of Mountain to Black hill, which is sit­uated in the south part of the town.

Glover derives its name from Gen. John Glover, who resided in his early childhood and previous to his death in Marblehead, Mass. His birthplace was Salem, Mass., a town, (now city) adjoining. He was the son of Jonathan and Tabitha B. Glover; born in 1732 and died in 1797, aged 65 years.

His military office was that of Brigadier General and he served under Gen. Washington in the war of the Revolution, He went first as private in the volunteer service, enlisted in Marblehead, and passed through all the grades of military office up to the above men­tioned, all of which he discharged with honor and distinction. He was held in high esteem by his commander-in-chief and by all other officers civil and military, and by all ranks of men with whom he came in contact. He had the honor of conducting Burgoyne's army af­ter the defeat of that proud general, through the States, and to Boston and Charlestown. He has been honored by his descendants in his native town and a few years ago they erected a monnment over his grave, in the ancient cemetery of Marblehead. The inhab­itants of Essex county, Mass., also regard his memory as worthy of preservation. During the late civil war, they named a camp-ground "Camp Glover;" they have a regiment which has been named "Glover Guards" and have made efforts to perpetuate his name in many other ways.

The land now embraced in the town, which we have said was named for him, was granted to him by Congress, as a reward for his dis­tinguished military services. The grant was made in 1781, June 27th, and the charter was given to the General and his associates, Nov. 20th 1783.

The settlement of this township was com­menced in 1798. and advanced very slowly for several years, and in the year 1800, there were only 38 persons in town. In 1807, there were about 70 families, numbering probably in all as many as 250 individuals.

It is to be regretted that the earliest records of the town are lost, but it is our purpose so far as we may be able to give some sketches of



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the early settlers of Glover, to mark its pro­gress in wealth and educational advantages, and to show that in the trying years of the great Rebellion the sacrifices made by this town, and the willingness on the part of its young men, to peril their all in the sacred cause of liberty, were no discredit, to the name of the Revolutionary hero who gave to this section of land, the name of Glover.


                                                        MR. JAMES VANCE,


the first settler of Glover, came from London­derry, N. H., when he was 29 years old; his wife, Hannah Abbott, was from Dracut, N. H. His purchase of land in Glover embraced 160 acres for which he paid one dollar an acre. His attention was drawn to this town­ship, when he was on a journey to Canada, 5 years previous, because while the verdure of the region around was touched by the frost a portion of Glover was green and flourishing, and that very spot he afterwards adopted as his future residence.

Mr. Vance was of strong constitution, able to endure the hardships of a new settlement, and was of a cheerful turn of mind. He loved to speak of the early settlers of Glover, and to narrate amusing anecdotes in respect to them. Several times he pointed out to the writer the spot in the north part of the town, where he cut down the first tree. Mr. Vance died Nov. 26, 1864, aged 95 years and 7 months, leaving numerous descendants in Glover and surrounding towns. His funeral was attended at the Congregational church, Rev. S. K. B. Perkins preaching the sermon.


                                                       MR. RALPH PARKER,


another of the early settlers, was the first representative from Glover to the State Legislature.

Ralph Parker, Esq., and his wife, (Hannah Hoyt) removed from New Haven, Vt., to Glover, soon after Mr. James Vance had com­menced the settlement of the town, and it was not long before a piece of land was clear­ed at the southern extremity of Parker's pond, and a house built which was open to the pub­lic. Mr. Parker is described by those who knew him as a fine looking, active young man, and very pleasing in his manners as he was the agent for the sale of the land in Glover, he was one of the first to welcome the early settlers to their new home.

His wife is described as a superior woman, affable, generous, and very kind to the sick, often going three or four miles to watch with them; It is not common for one to leave a name so fragrant as it respects every good quality, as did she. Mrs. Parker died in August, 1811. The sermon at her funeral was preached by Rev. Salmon King, of Greens­boro (text, Romans viii. 18), and was the first funeral sermon known to be printed for any inhabitant of Orleans County. People came quite a distance to attend her funeral, even ladies from Derby took pains to come on horseback. We learn from the sermon that Mrs. Parker "died in the 35th year of her, age leaving a disconsolate husband, four sons and two daughters, and numerous acquain­tances to lament their loss.'' Of these sons—Daniel Penfield Parker, was the first child born in Glover. After the death of his wife, Esq., Parker removed with his family to Rochester, New York.


                                                        MR. SAMUEL COOK,


who was another of the earliest settlers, pur­chased a lot in the south part of Glover and began to clear the land for a farm, all alone, in the middle of a piece of woods 6 miles long. This was in the year 1799. The next year in March, he removed his family, the snow being 4 feet deep, and covered with a firm crust. One of the sons (Mr. Samuel F. Cook) well remembered how singular it seemed to him when their first fire was built in the mid­dle of the log-house, the smoke rising and going out of an aperture in the roof. In 1805, Mr. Samuel Cook was elected to be Captain of the first military company formed in Glover.

The following were present at the first town-meeting held in Glover: Ralph Parker, James Vance, Andrew Moore, John Conant, Asa Brown and Levi Partridge.

These men are all spoken of as energetic and lively—as good neighbors, except that some, on special occasions (as was the custom of their time), indulged too freely in the use of intoxicating drinks, something we cannot approve, yet regard as much more excusable in them, than in any of our more enlightened age.

We can hardly imagine the hardships and privations which our father's suffered in this then new country. One difficulty arose from the want of good roads. A lady who moved to this town from Northfield, in 1804, (Mrs. Ruby Lyman) says that after a long journey they finally came to a place in Glover where the road was impassable, and that she had



                                                                 GLOVER.                                                                 197


just composed herself to sleep in the wagon and in the open air, while the way towards their future home might he prepared, when Esq. Parker came with his horse. This she mounted and at length came to Mr. Parker's house where every needed attention was paid to her. Another difficulty which was in­creased by the want or bad condition of roads, was the distance many had to go for provis­ions for their families —some having to go to neighboring towns, and to bring the grain or meal upon their backs.

The wild animals that infested the country doubtless occasioned much fear in the families of the early settlers. It was not an uncom­mon occurrence for a bear to be seen near their houses, and in several instances a steer or cow was taken from their herds by this un­gainly visitor. Many times the men have formed circles and enclosed the animal, to his great discomfiture. Four of these are remem­bered in particular, one was taken in the north part of Glover, which was of the larg­est size. Wolves were not very common near the dwellings of men, but frequented the re­gion south of what is now called Stone's pond. Foxes were as mischievous as they now are, and only a little more common. It was on account of their vicinity to bears and wolves, that mothers used to gaze long after their children when they sent them to do an errand at a neighbor's, or to attend school, and breathed more freely when they saw them return in safety, and misses who made excursions on horse-back, used to hasten to return by daylight.

These fathers and mothers have now almost all passed away, and in some instances the houses they occupied are removed and no sign of them left. It is a touching instance of the change wrought by time, that although the sons of Ralph Parker, Esq., during a re­cent visit to Clover could find the spring of water, at which they used to drink when they were boys, yet they could find no trace of their father's house, and left for their distant homes, without seeing (to their knowledge) the plat at their father's door where they used to play in childhood. Thus it is that the impressions we make on material objects are soon effaced, but those which we make on mind are lasting. How desirable that we influence all, as we may be able, to choose the true, the pure, and what will refine and may broaden their views of a manly life.


                                  MR. SAMUEL BEAN AND MR. JONAS PHILLIPS


both were among the earliest settlers of Glover, and cleared land in this town before the year 1800. Respected by their descend­ants, they should have honorable mention in these sketches.

Mr. Phillips was from Athol, Mass., and his wife (Mrs. Dorothy) with her brother Mr. Samuel Bean was from Sutton, N. H. Being without families for a time, these men had to go to Barton, a distance of 6 miles to have their provisions prepared for them, and a part of the time they found a home in the family of Mr. James Vance. Mrs. Phillips is now living at the advanced age of 87 years—a mature christian, beloved by all who know her, and an ornament to the Methodist church of which she is a member. As early as 1815, religious meetings were held at her house, and afterwards in the barn as affording more room. This used to be filled with earnest listeners, when such men as Rev. Messrs. Kil­burn and Hoyt preached, the service of song being led by Mr. Phillips. In 1849, July 12th, Mr. Phillips was called to his rest above, leaving 7 sons and 5 daughters, all of whom lived to man or womanhood.


                                        DEACONS, STEPHEN AND ZIBA BLISS.


Mr. Ziba Bliss removed to Glover from Lebanon, N. H. in 1804, and in 1807, was fol­lowed by his father, Mr. Stephen Bliss. Both these men were of sterling worth and were very infinential in the religious affairs of the town, pillars in the Congregational church and society.

Dea. Stephen Bliss resided in the west part of the town, where he held prayer-meetings, visited the families, conversed with old and young on the subject of religion, and really served as their minister in the gospel. He offered the prayer at the first funeral in Glover. He attained the age of 78 years, and to the close of life enjoyed the respect of all his fellow-citizens. The same may be said of Dea. Ziba Bliss, who held the office of Deacon 29 years, and who died at his residence near Glover village, aged 79 years.


                                                      MR. CHARLES HARDY


was born in Deering, N. H., Aug. 8, 1782. He was a son of Paul Hardy, a native of Massachusetts, who served in the war of the American Revolution, was engaged in the battle of Bunker Hill, and was wounded slightly. The father removed from Deering to Weathersfield, Vt., in December, 1789, and



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settled in the wilderness; in June, 1794, he died; his son Charles at that time was nearly 12 years of age and continued to reside in Weathersfield until he was 17 years old, when he came to Windsor, Vt. In 1806, he came to Glover and bought a piece of land; in 1807, he commenced clearing off the trees, and worked on the land part of the time until Feb. 14, 1810, at which time he removed his family to Glover, and had to share with others the inconveniences of settling a new country, far away from market, and of which we at this time know but little. When he was a youth the opportunity for acquiring an education was meager, and he had the privilege of attending a district school but a few terms in the town of Weathersfield; yet he improved his time faithfully and was thus prepared for much usefulness in after life. In 1816, he was elected to the office of town clerk for the town of Glover, and for 20 years served in that capacity. As a justice of the peace he united in marriage about 50 couples. Esq. Hardy, now a venerable man aged 86 years, now resides with Charles C. Hardy, Esq.,—his son—in Glover.


                                                        ESQ. JOHN CRANE,


Born in Tolland, Ct., in 1766; came to Glover in 1809, and commenced to clear a piece of land. He built a log-house on the farm now owned by Charles C. Hardy, Esq. The next year he removed his family. He was at the letting out of the Runaway pond, but was opposed to the proceedings, fearing it might result in evil, and forbade a young man who was bound to him till he was of age, to assist in the work. Mr. Crane was a man of kind and benevolent feelings, and could not see another in trouble, without trying to help him, which he often did to his own disad­vantage. He was a man of small means but punctual to fulfill all his engagements, there­fore he had the confidence of his townsmen that he would ever do as he agreed.

"He was one of the first advocates of Uni­versalism in this section of the country, and with Esq. Hardy did more to build up that society in town than any others, and it be­came the most numerous society in Glover and so continued until diversities of views as to Spiritualism divided it."

When temperance began to attract the attention of the people, he was one of the first to enlist in the great reform and ever after a firm advocate of total abstinence from all alcoholic drinks and of temperance in all things. He held many offices in town in his day and was for many years justice of the peace. Esq. Crane died in 1843, aged 77 years. His wife survived him and died Sept. 2, 1862, aged 87 years.


                                                    MR. SAMUEL COOK, JR.,


whom it is appropriate next to refer to, came to Glover in 1800, when he was only 7 years of age. Few have known so much of the changes in this town as he, for he witnessed them almost all. Mr. Cook became interest­ed in religion early, and with Dea. Stephen Bliss and Dea. Loring Frost, (now of Coven­try), was active in establishing the Congrega­tional church in Glover, of which he was always a liberal supporter.

For his integrity, his purity and his punc­tuality to attend all the meetings for the wel­fare of religion and morals, for his uniformly consistent life for more than half a century, and for his many good deeds, he deserves a remembrance in the history of his town. His death (which was lamented by all), occurred at Greensboro, (where he was passing a day), very suddenly, Dec. 16, 1867. His age was 74 years. His wife (Mrs. Lydia), died May 5 1864, aged 66 years.

Among those who did much towards building up Glover Village, should be mentioned


                                                   MR. AND MRS. DAN GRAY,


who came to this town in 1817. Mr. Gray, for several years kept the hotel and served the town as first constable, and in other offices. Mrs. Gray's maiden name was Mary Fisk. Both are living at an advanced age.

In the west part of Glover we hear of John Boardman, Esq. and his wife, Timothy Lyman, Sen. and wife, Nathan Cutler and wife, Elihu Wright and wife as exerting an influence for good in the section which they settled and where they spent many years.

In the south-west part of the town have settled several families from Scotland, as the Andersons and Pattersons, many of whom have been good and useful citizens.

Of those whose homesteads still remain in the possession of the early settlers or their descendants, may be mentioned Ebenezer Frost, Samuel Bean, Silas French, Timothy Lyman, Nathan Cutler, Noah Leonard and James Vance.

We add only a brief sketch of the Clarks, whose descendants constitute quite a portion of the inhabitants of Glover:



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                                                             SILAS CLARK


moved to this town about the year 1805, and settled on the hill which is in an easterly direction from Glover village. He came from Keene, N. H., and as several other families from that town soon took farms near his own, the section was called Keene Corner. Mr. Clark was one of the party who was at the letting off of Runaway pond. He died in 1836, leaving 3 sons and 2 daughters.


                                                           CEPHAS CLARK


moved to Glover from Keene, N. H., in March, 1817, the snow at that time being from 4 to 5 feet deep. Previously he had served in the war of 1812, and had been an inhabitant of Rutland. At the latter place he suffered much as to his pecuniary affairs from a freshet which flooded the valley in which his land was situated, and which des­troyed all his crops (it being just before hay­ing). The water rose so high that he was compelled to leave his house, while those of some of his neighbors were actually swept away. The attendant loss of property was great. Mr. Cephas Clark died in 1858, aged 74 years, leaving 7 sons and 4 daughters who had lived to man and womanhood.

Mr. Samuel Clark moved to Glover about the year 1818, and settled in the west part of the town. He attained well nigh the age of 80 years, and died in 1859. His second wife (Betsey Fisk), died in Glover in 1862, aged 75 years. His family numbered 10 children, 9 of whom lived to mature age.


                                            THE TOWN OFFICERS OF GLOVER.


We give a list of those who have served as town clerks—have represented town or coun­ty in the State Legislature, of the first board of selectmen, and of those who held that office during the late Rebellion, at that time a peculiarly responsible office, and in some respects an arduous one.




Andrew Moor, 1799 to 1802.

John Conant, 1802 to 1805.

Ralph Parker, 1805 to 1812.

Charles Hardy, 1812.

Ralph Parker, 1813.

John Conant, 1814 to 1816.

Charles Hardy, 1816 to 1840.

James Simonds, 1840 to 1841.

Joseph H. Dwinell, 1841 to 1855.

James Simonds, 1855.

Joseph H. Dwinell, 1856.

James Simonds, 1856 to 1869.




Enoch B. Simonds, 1845 and 1846.




Ralph Barker, 1802 to 1814.

John Boardman, 1814 to 1815.

Charles Hardy, 1815 to 1822.

John Boardman, 1822.

Charles Hardy, 1822 to 1826.

John Boardman, 1826 to 1828.

Charles Hardy, 1828 to 1833.

John Crane, 1833.

Charles Hardy, 1833 to 1836.

Joseph H. Dwinell, 1836.

Charles Hardy, 1837.

Willard Leonard, 1838.

Joseph H. Dwinell, 1839.

Willard Leonard, 1840.

William H. Martin, 1841.

James Simonds, 1842.

Amos P. Bean, 1843.

Isaac B. Smith, 1844.

No choice, 1845 to 1847.

Lindoll French, 1847 to 1849.

No choice, 1849.

Willard Leonard, 1850.

Joseph H. Dwinell, 1850 to 1854.

Charles C. Hardy, 1854 to 1856.

No choice, 1856 to 1858.

Amos P. Bean, 1858 to 1860.

James Simonds, 1860 to 1862.

Emery Cook, 1862 to 1864.

Duron Whittlesey, 1864 to 1866.

Frederick P. Cheney, 1866 to 1868.

George Severance, 1868.




1805, Samuel Cook, Samuel Bean, John Conant.




1861, Solomon Dwinell, Hiram Phillips, Elias O. Randall.

1862, Solomon Dwinell, Elias O. Randall, Nathan A. Blanchard.

1863, Charles C. Hardy, Hiram McLellan, Royal Page.

1864, Charles C Hardy, Hiram McLellan, John Clark.

1865, Hiram McLellan, Elias O. Randall, Handel S. Chaplin.

1866, Hiram McLellan, Elias O. Randall, Nathan A. Blanchard.


                                 GLOVER, AS TO ITS EDUCATIONAL INTERESTS.


The settlers of this town were not slow in appreciating the value of a good education, and they have demonstrated their regard for it in what they have done in its behalf. Long ago the log school-house—which their circumstances compelled them to erect at first,—gave place to the decent, if not com­modious school-houses, in various parts of the town, and the cause of education has from year to year made good progress, till to-day the general standard of scholarship is considerable higher than it is in some older towns in the south part of the State, whence some of the forefathers came. If for nothing



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else, Glover has had occasion to congratulate itself on account of its schools.

Among the first teachers in this town.


                                   MISS HARRIET ELLSWORTH


is remembered with special interest, and for her excellent example and Christian charac­ter is revered as another Harriet Newell. Mrs. Laura S. Bean was also one of the first and most successful teachers in our public schools. Others have been Mrs. Sally Crane, Mrs. Loring Frost, Anna Bliss, Sophia Cutler, Silence and Judith Woods, Charlotte Bean and Mrs. Mary H. Strong who taught 8 terms. Still later has been Mrs. Abbie R. Hinkley who taught 27 terms. Of the masters are remembered Rev. N. W. Scott and his broth­er Eliezer Scott, Cromwell P. Bean, Elihu Wright, jr., &c.

Teachers of select schools have been Mr. L. O. Stevens, Luther L. Greenleaf, I. N. Cushman, Esq., Rev. E. Harvey Blanchard, A. B., Mr. C. A. J. Marsh and Prof. John Graham.

The good general condition of the schools in Glover may be attributed, first, to there having been elected (in the main), to the office of town superintendent, men who had had practical experience as teachers,—who were interested in the welfare of the schools—and who, although the pecuniary remunera­tion was small, felt compensated in helping to advance the education of the young—second, to special effort put forth in the years 1860 and 1861, by George W. Todd, Esq., Rev. Geo. Severance, Rev. S. K. B. Perkins and others, to awaken a deeper interest in the cause of education. For this purpose lectures were delivered during two winters, in every school district in which a school was taught, and appropriate questions were discussed after each lecture,—third, to the select schools sustained by the liberality of the cit­izens, in which teachers have been trained up, and to the academy of which we now add a history. This is called according to its cor­porate name, the


                               "ORLEANS LIBERAL INSTITUTE."


Messrs. Rev. T. J. Tenney, H. S. Bickford, H. McLellan, C. Bemis, J. Crane, C. C. Hardy, J. M. Smith and L. Dennison, together with their associates and successors, were declared a body corporate Nov. 5, 1852, under the aforementioned name.

The first principal was Perkins Bass, who remained one year; the second, Isaac A. Par­ker, who remained 6 years. During this time the school was well supplied with charts, maps, globes, specimens and philosophical and astronomical apparatus. In 1857–'58 (Mr. Parker's last year), the aggregate of attendance, the 3 terms, was 193.

The Institute was next under the charge of Geo. W. Todd, Esq. By this time acade­mies had increased from 3 when this school was founded to 9 in Orleans County, besides several high schools; yet in 1865, the num­ber of pupils was but slightly diminished.

The fourth principal was Mr. A. C. Bur­bank, afterwards a teacher of the freedmen in Virginia.

The present principal (1867) is Mr. E. W. Clark, who has secured the esteem and pat­ronage of the public to a good degree.

The academy building, which belongs to the Institute and to district No. 3, unitedly, has recently been put in thorough repair.

The officers of the Institute are of the de­nomination of Universalists, but have ever welcomed to the school those of any religious faith, and given to them the fullest scope of religious belief, without question, persecution or hindrance.

The Academy has existed long enough to send forth men and women, both honorable as citizens and as teachers, and who are highly esteemed wherever they have found a home. We mention a few of them: Gen. Wm. W. Grout, Major Josiah Grout, Major Riley E. Wright, Lewis H. Bisbee, Esq., the minister from the U. S. to Bremen, Gen, G. S. Dodge, Dr. N. Cheney, A. Martin Crane, Major George B. Hibbard, E. W. Clark. N. B. Davis, who has taught for the past 9 years in Glover, &c., Miss Lorane M. Smith, Miss Celestia Cheney, Miss Phebe B. French, Mrs. Dana Bickford, Miss Adelaide Dwinell, &c.

There have been 2 lyceums or debating clubs, maintained during the past 20 years, one at Glover village and the other in the west part of the town.

A library of general reading was establish­ed in 1855, and is now in good condition; N. A. Blanchard, president of the Library Association; Rev. S. K. B. Perkins, secretary; Lyman Dwinell, librarian.


                                          THE WAR OF 1812.


Not long after this war with Great Britain was declared, Congress authorized the Presi­dent to enlist 25,000 regulars and 50,000 volunteers. For this purpose the Governors



                                                                 GLOVER.                                                                 201


of the States were called upon through proper officers to see that the men were supplied, and hence it came to pass that the willing­ness of the early settlers of Glover to serve their country was put to the test. In this town the number of volunteers was readily made up, and the men went to the several places to which they were assigned.

Most of the soldiers from Glover were employed in the execution of the law in respect to trade and intercourse with Canada. The whole number known to have volun­teered was 16. Of these Barzilla French, Richard Goodwin, Silas Wheeler, Silas French, Zillia Joy, Loring Frost and Elihu Wright were stationed at Derby. Silas French, being renowned as a teacher in public schools, his services were sought for that purpose, and Josiah French took his place at Derby. However, his patriotism would not allow him to engage in this quiet pursuit for any length of time, and we soon hear of him as a soldier at Plattsburgh.

The Derby company passed through scenes exciting enough to break up the tedious monotony sometimes endured by soldiers, had excellent fare, the best of beef &c., and succeeded in taking a lot of goods and not a few cattle. Mr, Wheeler used to speak of this as a very pleasant portion of his life. The most of these men served from September, 1812 to March, 1813.

Capt. Daniel Frost and Bial Crane were stationed at Troy. Spencer Chamberlin was engaged as a soldier in the battle of Platts­burgh, and a father and four sons by the name of Call were also engaged in the same battle, who, after they had served their time, settled on land at the West, received as a bounty.

There are residing in Glover at the pres­ent time, two men who enlisted during the War of 1812, from other towns. Mr. Samuel Hoyt (very aged) and Mr. Noah Spaulding, both of whom received honorable discharges. Mr. Spaulding is well known as a teacher in Orleans County, having taught school in Craftsbury 13 Winters, in Barton 1, in Wol­cott 1, in Greensboro 6, in all, what would be equal to 7 whole years; he has also held the office of justice of the peace for 15 years in succession.

Besides N. Spaulding and Sam'l Hoyt, there are now living among us of the soldiers of this period, Barzilla French and Elihu Wright.


                                             GLOVER DURING THE CIVIL WAR.


We do not claim that the people of Glover were more patriotic than those of neighbor­ing towns, or than the people of Vermont generally, during the recent Rebellion, but we think it evident that they performed the part required of them honorably and cheer­fully. As soon as there was open opposition to our government on the part of the South, public meetings were held and the grounds of complaint were fully discussed by the clergymen of Glover, and addresses patriotic and stirring were made by other men inter­ested in the general welfare, such as Geo. W. Todd, Esq., Emery Cook, Esq., &c.

When there was a call for soldiers the young men of Glover nobly responded, nor did they do this without encouragement from parents and friends.

Among the first to be credited to this town, we find the names of Almon J. Colburn, Henry H. Colburn, Ireneus F. Gage and Loren J. Flood. All these were young men of about 20 years of age, and they enlisted together on June 1, 1861, in company B, of the Third Regiment. Only two survived to see the noble cause they espoused triumphant, viz., Henry H. Colburn who was severely wounded, and Ireneus P. Gage. Of the others, Almon J. Colburn died in hospital in Vermont, Feb. 18, 1864, and Loren J. Flood was killed in connection with the battles of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864.

The next company from Glover was mus­tered in Oct. 15, 1861, and consisted of the following men,—most of them young men: Alexander W. Davis, Isaac Drew, Carlos W. Dwinell, Orville T. Fisk, Samuel D. Gray, John E. Holloway, Fred M. Kimball, Dan Mason, John R. Moodie, Elbert H. Nye, Charles Paine, George M. Partridge, Stephen Shaw, Charles J. Ufford, Edward Ufford, Orange S. Williams.

Afterwards the following joined them as recruits at various times: Stephen W. Baxter, William Brunning, Dana Cook, Carlos L. Drew, Rufus L. Drew, Carlos B. Gilman, Edwin S. Gray, Ira Gray, Thomas B. King, Elijah Stone. Benj. K Squires and George D. Telfor. All these were in Company D, Sixth Regiment, one that distinguished itself in many a hard-fought battle.

There joined other regiments, cavalry or infantry, the following: James N. Abbott, Martin Abbott, Luther J. Adams, John Arthur,



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Freeman F. Bean, Stephen Berry, Charles W. Bickford, George D. Bickford, Henry Bickford, Henry H. Bickford, Chas. A. Bod­well, Edwin B. Bodwell, Chester Bogue, Oscar Bogue, William Burroughs, William B. Carr, Frederick P. Cheney, Joel Christie, Ezra L. Clark, Frederick H. Clark, Portus B. Clark, Calvin E. Cook, Charles W. Cook, Dennison Cook, Elias S. Coomer, A. Martin Crane, Geo. W. Day, Martin Day, Stephen E. Drown, Caleb Flanders, Wm. P. Flood, Sam'l French, Zenas H. French, Geo. H. Gilman, Sylvester D. Graves, Quartus Graves, Sherlock V. Gray, Calvin Hood, Benj. H. Hubbard, Horace Hubbard, Richard W. Hubbard. Reu­ben Jones, Willard E. Lemard, Simeon Met­calf, John Mitchell, Wm. Mitchell, J. D. S. Olmstead, Chas. W. Paige, Henry H. Paine, Spencer C. Phillips, John Preston, Fernando Randall, Geo. H. Randall, Jos. N. Randall, Frank A. Robinson, Eliphalet Rollins, Eras­tus F. Slack, John Tate, John S. Thompson, Jas. W. Walker, Robert B. Walker, Freeman White, W. Wood. Of these, in addition to the 2 already spoken of—Almon J. Colburn and Loren J. Flood—17 lost their lives, either by wounds or by sickness contracted in the camp, or in rebel prisons. The record is as follows:

Luther J. Adams, lost;

Chas. A. Bodwell, died of sickness, March 6, '63, at Fort Stevens near Washington, D. C.

Chester and Oscar Bogue died at the South, —one of them on his way home, they having gone there as members of the Seventh Regi­ment;

Dennison Cook, lost;

Carlos L. Drew, died in hospital in Vir­ginia, of sickness, Nov. 24, '63.

Carlos W. Dwinell, died of wounds received in battle near Charlestown, Va. Aug. 24, '64.

Caleb Flanders, died Aug. 2, '62, at the South;

Edwin S. Gray, died of wounds received in battle near Winchester, Va., Sept. 20, '64, (he was wounded Sept. 13, '64 );

Horace Hubbard, died Nov. 23, '62;

Willard E. Leonard died in Rebel prison at Andersonville;

Dan Mason died of sickness near Browns­ville, Texas, Nov. 20, '65;

Simeon Metcalf died in field hospital, near fort Scott, of sickness, Dec. 23, '62;

Charles W. Paige, died at the South, Oct. 13, '62;

George M. Partridge, killed in battle in Maryland, July 10, '63.

Spencer C. Phillips, died of sickness in hospital at Alexandria, Va., April 25, '63;

Orange S. Williams died of sickness in hos­pital in Newark, N. J., Aug. 30, '62.

All these we honor as having sacrificed their lives in a most noble cause.

The following, received promotion, for bravery and military skill, from their supe­riors in rank,—

Capt. A. Martin Crane—from private, (at first ), Co. I, First Cavalry Regiment.

Capt. Alexander W. Davis—from corporal, Co. D, Sixth Regiment.

Major Carlos Dwinell, from 2d Lieut., Co. D, 6th Regiment.

Capt. Fred. M. Kimball, from sergeant Co. D, 6th Regiment.

Capt. Dan Mason, from corporal, Co. D, 6th Regiment.

First Lieut. Elbert H. Nye, from corporal, Co. D, 6th Regiment.

Capt. Fernando A. Randall, from sergeant, Co. H, 7th Regiment.

Capt. John S. Thompson, from corporal, Co. B, 3d Regiment.


The expense to the town of procuring men all along, at the proper time, was $19,875, to which add $3,300.00 paid by 11 men for commutation, and the whole equals $23,175.00, all of which was promptly paid, and the close of the conflict found Glover with her war debt fully cancelled.

It is evident from what has been stated, that most of the young men who went to the war from this town were in Company D, 6th Regiment, Vt. Vols. Therefore we are most interested in the experiences of that company, and although some of our men were in other companies, yet they were not so, in num­bers large enough, to render it desirable to follow the fortunes of those companies. In Company D were many young men from Albany and Troy, and it is just to say that great harmony characterized this union, and friendships which will last as long as life were formed between them.

There was a strong religious element in this company and prayer-meetings and other religious meetings were sustained by the soldiers when it was practicable. No company was favored with officers more strictly tem­perate as a body, and the whole company was frequently complimented for their neat



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and otherwise commendable appearance by regimental commanders and brigade officers. Their military life was no idle one, for they were engaged in no less than 30 battles or skirmishes, that is, all or a part of the com­pany.

1802—April 16th, We find them having part in the battle near Lee's Mills, Virginia, in which they manifested much bravery, but not being properly supported were obliged to retreat. In this engagement they had to make their way across a creek, and while they were struggling through it, the enemy opened upon them a galling fire of rifles and musketry.

"They still went forward unfalteringly, and their ranks were rapidly thinning, when they were recalled. Not more than haif their number had crossed the stream. They reluct­antly obeyed, but soon it became more diffi­cult to return than it had been to advance. The enemy suddenly opened a sluice-way above, and almost overwhelmed them with a flow of water which reached their arm-pits. They maintained their order firmly, however, and in a short time the several companies engaged extricated themselves, bringing away all their dead and wounded exeept 6. The casualties exceeded 150.

May 5th—They were engaged in the battle of Williamsburgh, in which the Union troops manifested great courage and valor. In June, they were in the seven days fight before Richmond. On the 30th of this month, Capt. Alexander W. Davis was taken prisoner at Savage Station, after having been wounded. He was not long after exchanged, however.

Sept. 14th—This company distinguished themselves at the battle of South Mountain, Maryland. Sept. 17th and 18th, they were under heavy fire of cannon for two days, during the battle of Antietam. Dec. 12th, they took active part in the battle of Fred­ericksburgh.

1863, May 3d—In connection with the 6th army corps at the battle of Chancellorsville they helped to take St. Mary's heights. May 4th—The regiment in which they were saved the 6th Corps from disaster, and they took more prisoners than they had men able to do service.

July 2d, 3d and 4th—They were in the battle of Gettysburgh, which resulted so fa­vorably for the Union cause as to render it forever memorable.

1864—This company was in the terrible engagements connected with the campaign in the Wilderness and at Petersburgh and at the first taking of the Weldon railroad.

Afterwards they were transferred to a sta­tion near Washington, D. C., to help defend that city and to repel the advances of the rebel General Early.

This year also at Winchester they had part in the hardest fighting in which they en­gaged, and their comrades, not a few fell in the arms of death. Here Sept. 13th, Edwin S. Gray received his mortal wound.

At Charlestown, Va., Aug. 24th, they lost one who had been with them from the first—their much beloved Major Carlos W. Dwinell.

It may be worth while to add that Capts. Dan Mason and Alex. W. Davis, after their promotion, were with their companies at the attack on Petersburgh, when the experiment of exploding a mine was tried, and that Capt. Davis came near losing his life at that time; also that Capt. Davis and his company en­gaged in the successful assault on Fort Fisher.

Of those who belonged to Company D, 6th Regiment, Capt. Fred. M. Kimball and pri­vate Wm. Brunning will long bear evidence of the honorable service in which they en­gaged, by the injuries resulting from the wounds they received, and Frederick P. Che­ney, Esq. merits the sympathy of every pat­riot on account of the painful and severe wound by which he suffers every day, and which he received when connected with the Eleventh Regiment, Company K, in the bat­tle of Cold Harbor.

Capt. Kimball still continues (1868) in the military department of the government sta­tioned at Lawrenceville, Va.

Glover has been affected through the Rebel­lion, not only because some of her choicest sons laid down their lives on the altar of their country, but because others traveling, have made new acquaintances and have estab­lished themselves in business, far from their native town.




1810—An event occurred which led to the settlement of the north-eastern part of Glover. There was a pond about 5 miles from what is now called Glover Village, which was a mile and a half long and half a mile wide, and which discharged its waters to the south, forming one of the head branches of the



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river Lamoille. Its northern shore consisted of a narrow belt of sand and a bank of light sandy earth; here had been formed a deposit spoken of as resembling frozen gravel, 2 or 3 inches in thickness and extending into the pond for 5 or 6 rods from the northern shore. This deposit formed the only solid barrier* to the waters, preventing them from descending into Mud pond which was a little distance off in a northerly direction. From Mud pond flowed a small stream on which were built several grist and saw-mills. This was sometimes in a dry season insufficient to carry the mills to the satisfaction of those who wished them used for their benefit. Therefore it was proposed to cut a channel from the larger pond to the smaller, and thus increase the stream. On the 6th of June quite a company of persons assembled on the northern bank of the pond and proceeded to accomplish this object. To the surprise of the workmen the water did not follow the channel they had dug, but descended into the sand beneath.

It appears that they had not observed that there was beneath the gravel or hard pan, a species of quicksand. In a short time so much sand was carried away, thereby weak­ening the hard pan, that the pressure of the water widened the channel into a deep gulf, down which the waters rushed to the other pond. The workmen had to hurry away to save their lives, as they were in danger of being swallowed up in the raging torrent. In a few moments the whole pond had disappear­ed from its bed. Rushing down through Mud pond, tearing away part of its barrier and gaining additional strength from its tributary waters, prostrating the mill of Mr. Aaron Wilson, the torrent swept down the channel of Barton river, and made a rapid descent on the meadow lands of Barton; thence to Lake Memphremagog. Through all this dis­tance it tore up the forest trees and bore them onward, while huge stones were removed from their places and carried a considerable distance, even after a course of 17 miles, a large rock, estimated at a hundred tons weight, was moved several rods from its bed. It was a grand and majestic sight on its way, sometimes 60 feet high, and 20 rods wide, boil­ing and raging as it moved along. Some people who could hear the noise made by the torrent, but could not see the cause, imagined that the day of judgment was close at hand.

1811.—Glover did not escape a visit from the spotted fever, which appeared first in Medfield, Mass., in March. 1806, and a year later in the Connecticut valley and along the Hoosic and Green Mountain ranges, and was most fatal in the years 1812 and '13. It ap­peared in Glover during 1811, much to the alarm of the people. Of the small number of inhabitants in town then, 20 died of this disease.

1815.—On the first day of January, an accident occurred in the family of John Crane, Esq., worthy of notice. As it was the custom in those days to take ardent spir­its of some kind before eating, Esq. Crane, having a number of men at work for him, gave them as much as they wished and set what remained on the shelf. A little daugh­ter of his, about 5 years old, reached up and took the vessel containing the spirit and drank from it. Some of the family spoke to her and she stepped back, but soon fell down and died in a short time. Her grave was the first one made in the east burying-ground. As we have already stated, Esq. Crane, when the temperance cause was started in Ver­mont, became one of the first and firmest advocates of total abstinence.

1816.—June 7th, 8th and 9th, the growing crops were covered with snow. As a conse­quence of the cold and snow, the leaves on the trees were killed, but new ones after­wards started out. The birds perished from cold, by hundreds. The harvest was so light that corn rose in price, from $1.00 to $2.00 per bushel, and wheat from $1.00 to about $3.00 per bushel.


* This barrier was no doubt the work of an ancient glacier, or one of the results of the drifts, the marks of which, are everywhere traced. The sand of which it was composed is similar to that found on the banks of large rivers flowing through granitic regions, called "river-sand."

In both Long pond and Mud pond were large quantities of peat or muck which became mingled with the soil and sand deposited along the course of the flood, in many places greatly benefitting the soil, though at first it was supposed the meadows were ruined. No better meadows are anywhere found, than these have proved under cultivation.

June 6, 1860, half a century after the event, the Orleans County Historical Society appointed a special meeting at Glover, to celebrate the event, and several of the men who were engaged with others, in draining Long pond, 50 years before, were present to hear the account of the event, prepared by Rev. Pliny H. White. The meeting was one of great interest and will long be remembered by those who were present.—S. R. Hall.



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1834, May 18th. A brilliant aerolite, giv­ing a light more intense than that of the sun, was seen about 3 o'clock A. M., in a norther­ly direction. It descended rapidly in an easterly direction. In a few moments a shock ensued like that of an earthquake, shaking windows, the ware in houses, &c. with con­siderable violence.

1843.—Glover suffered severely from the prevalence of the erysipelas. A large por­tion of the people were called to watch with the sick or dying. Few circles of friends escaped bereavement, and the new-made graves numbered about 20. Dr. Sandford Atherton died a martyr to his faithfulness as an attending physician.

1847.—March town meeting. This will be long remembered as the smallest in number of voters present, known for many years. It was so on account of a severe snow storm attended with high winds which blocked up the roads with deep snow-hanks, rendering travel almost impossible. There were at Glover town meeting about 30 individuals.




Population in 1800—36; 1807—300; 1840—1119; 1850—1137; 1860—1244.

Grand List, 1847—$2302.28; 1867—$4122.­66. Number of children of school age in 1867—304. Amount expended in public schools the same year (1807)—$2945.45. Number of teachers employed—22.

Number of tons of butter made each year, estimated to be 150 tons.

Saw-mills in town 6—estimated number of feet of lumber sawed, of various kinds, one million feet.

These facts indicate what have been, and what probably will be the principal kinds of business in Glover in time to come.




The first church formed in Glover was the Congregational, and its history is as follows. In 1807, Stephen Bliss, a man of decided and earnest piety, moved into Glover, and for several years was the only active Christian there. He did much to interest and to unite the peo­ple in religious matters. In 1817, he was reinforced by Loren Frost, a young and ardent Christian, who zealously engaged in direct efforts for the salvation of souls, and with so good success, that a powerful work of grace ensued, and many persons were hope­fully converted. By these means the mate­rials for a church were provided.


                                             THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH


was organized, July 12, 1817, by the Rev. Samuel Goddard, of Concord, and the Rev. Luther Leland, of Derby, and consisted of 16 persons—4 males only. Stephen Bliss was elected deacon. Before the close of the year, the number was increased to 42.

For several years the church was destitute of stated preaching, but maintained the insti­tutions of religion by "rending meetings," and received frequent additions to its mem­bership. In the Spring of 1826, the Rev. Reuben Mason was installed in the pastorate, and continued in that relation 10 years. During that period, a powerful revival took place and 47 members were added to the church, of whom 30 were received at one time. In 1830, a house of worship was built in the village, in which this church had the right of occupancy one fourth of the time. In 1832, another union house was built in the west part of the town and is occupied by this church, jointly with others. After the close of Mr. Mason's ministry, the pulpit was sup­plied for a time by the Rev. Noah Cressey.

The Rev. Ora Pearson commenced preaching here late in 1839, was soon installed pastor and so remained 4 years. On the first Sab­bath in July, 1845, the Rev. Levi H. Stone commenced labors as acting pastor for half the time, and so continued 4 years and 2 months. He then became acting pastor for the whole time, and remained to the end of the year 1854. Through his influence and active agency, the church was induced to abandon its interest in the union house in the village and to build a house for itself. This was not accomplished without much sacrifice and self denial, and some assistance from benevolent persons and societies, and at last a debt of several hundreds of dollars remained. The house was completed in January, 1853. So much discouragement was felt that for 2 years after the close of Mr. Stone's ministry, no attempt to sustain preaching was made. In March, 1857, the Vermont Missionary Society sent one of its itinerant missionaries to Glover, who labored with good success for a time. He was followed by several others each of whom preached for a few months, to the great encouragement of the church, and the conversion of 9 persons.



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Aug. 13, 1858, the Rev. Sidney K. B. Per­kins commenced supplying the pulpit. He was ordained to the pastorate in January 1860, and has remained to the present time, (Oct. 1870—) having the longest ministry of the clergymen now preaching in Orleans County. During his pastorate, the meeting-­house debt has been paid, a bequest of $1000.00 has been received by the church, and 58 additions to the church, by profession and by letter, have taken place.

In the first half century of the existence of this church, it received 179 members, of whom 50 have died, 50 have been dismissed to other churches, and 14 have been excommunicated; in all, from the first, 202. The present num­ber of members is 80 of whom 25 are males. Recently both houses of worship have been repaired and improved.




1. The Rev. Reuben Mason, son of Perez and Martha (Barney) Mason, was born in Lebanon, N. H. July 3, 1778. He was brought up a carpenter, but having united with the Congregational church—in January 1817, he commenced the study of theology under the direction of Rev. Samuel Goddard, of Concord. In September 1818, he was or­dained pastor in Waterford. The Rev. Leon­ard Worcestor, of Peacham preached the ser­mon. His ministry in Waterford was very successful and many were added to the church. His next settlement was in Glover, where he was installed March 18, 1826. The Rev. Drury Fairbanks, of Littleton, N. H., preach­ed the sermon. He was dismissed in 1836 and was installed in Westfield, Sept. 26, 1837. The Rev. Chester Wright, of Hardwick preached the sermon. He was dismissed in 1842, Oct. 3; he then preached awhile in New­port, and died June 30, 1849. He married March 2, 1803, Mary Hibbard, of Lebanon, N. H., by whom he had 2 sons and 8 daugh­ters.

Mr. Mason was a man of strong mind, clear judgment, and a good and useful minister.

2. The Rev. Ora Pearson was born in Chittenden, Vt., Oct. 6, 1797, and was gradu­ated at Middlebury, in 1820, and at Ando­ver in 1824. He preached in various places in New York for a year or more, and then commenced preaching in Kingston, N. H. where he was ordained March 7, 1827. Rev. Ira Ingraham, of Bradford, Mass., preached the sermon. In connection with his ministry in Kingston, a powerful revival occurred in 1831—2, which brought more than 60 persons into the church. He was dismissed Jan. 3, 1834, but continued to supply the pulpit till the following March. He then commenced preaching in Barton, and there continued a year and some months, after which he labor­ed several years in Canada East, as a mission­ary of N. H. Missionary Society. He was installed June 1, 1840, pastor of the churches in Barton and Glover. The Rev. James Robertson, of Sherbrooke, P. Q. preached the sermon. He was dismissed Nov. 19, 1844, and was a colporteur of the American Tract Society for 5 or 6 years, when the loss of his sight compelled him to retire from active life. He died at Peacham, July 5, 1858. He was distinguished for amiability, humility, consci­entiousness, fervency and power in prayer, and accurate knowledge of the Scriptures. So familiar was he with the language of the Bible, that when he had become entirely blind, he was in the habit of reciting whole chapters in connection with his pulpit serv­ices, and so exactly that his hearers supposed he was reading from the printed page. His last sickness was long and severe, but he gave such striking proofs of the reality and strength of his faith and the love of Christ to his peo­ple in their hours of trial, that perhaps the best work of his life was done on his death­bed. His hope strengthened and his joys brightened, as the end drew near, and he achieved a signal victory over death. He married, June 15, 1827, Mary Kimball, of Barton. His only publication was, "an ad­dress to professing heads of families, on the subject of family worship," a pamphlet of 12 pages prepared and published in 1831, by re­quest of the Piscataqua Conference.

3. The Rev. Sidney Keith Bond Perkins, a son of the Rev. Jonas and Rhoda (Keith) Perkins and a descendant, in the fifth genera­tion, from Rev. James Keith who came to this country in 1662, and was the first pastor in Bridgewater, Mass., was born in Braintree, Mass., April 14, 1830. He graduated at Am­herst college in 1851; taught the Hollis Insti­tute at South Braintree 2 years—graduated at Bangor Theological Seniinary in 1857—1858, preached at White River Village—from which place he went to Glover—was ordained Jan. 11, 1860, his father preaching the sermon. The sermon he preached at the funeral of Mr. George W. Todd, Esq., and the one at



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the funeral of Cap. Dan Mason, and his Semicentennial sermon at Glover, have been pub­lished. He married, May 15, 1862, Laura L. Brocklebank, of Meriden, N. H.


                                                         NATIVE MINISTER.


The Rev. Elias W. Hatch, son of Edwin and Silence (Woods) Hatch, was born Oct. 12, 1836, and at the age of 22 united with the Baptist church; but upon careful study of the Bible became a Congregationalist, and having pursued theological studies privately, was li­censed by the Orleans Association at Charles­ton, Jan 16, 1866. He soon commenced preaching at Berkshire, and was there or­dained pastor, September, 1866. The Rev. Pliny H. White preached the sermon. He was married Nov, 25, 1858, to Francis O. Hatch, a native of Hardwick.

The writer acknowledges his indebtedness to Rev. Pliny H. White, for a portion of these facts found in the Vermont Chronicle,


                                                THE UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY.


The doctrine of Universalism had believ­ers in this town at an early day. In 1810, Mr. John Crane, a very earliest and zealous believer, moved here from Williamstown, and became the pioneer thereof. Through his in­fluence the early preachers of the denomina­tion in the State, visited Glover, and preach­ed their doctrines, making the house of Mr. Crane their home while they remained.

The first Universalist sermon was preached by Rev. William Farwell. He with Rev. Messrs. Babbit, Loveland, Palmer and Wat­son, occasionally supplied in Glover, during a number of years, and through their labors believers were increased.

The Universalist society was organized in 1833. Messrs. John Crane, Silas Wheeler, Lyndoll French and others, being leaders in the enterprise, and through the harmony that ruled therein for many years, it met with a good degree of prosperity.

In 1862, two ministers were employed, rep­resenting different phases of belief, viz. Rev. A. Scott and Rev. George Severance. Of these Rev. George Severance remained till 1869.

In 1857, the meeting-house occupied by this denomination was remodeled, making a very neat and commodious house of worship.

Since the organization of the society, they have employed the following clergymen, for a longer or shorter time; Rev. Messrs. C. E. Hewes, Benj. Page, L. H. Tabor, J. W. Ford, S. W. Squires, T. J. Tenny, and all these ex­cept Messrs. Page and Tabor have resided in Glover.

Revs. J. W. Ford and T. J. Tenny have gone from their earthly labors, the latter while residing with the society "and have left behind them memories precious in the hearts of many."


                                             THE REV. GEORGE SEVERANCE,


was born in Lempster, N. H. Feb. 12, 1820. The names of his parents are Dea. Abijah and Hannah Severance. In early life Mr. Sever­ance was trained to agricultural pursuits, but his mind inclining to theological studies, he availed himself of academical facilities, and in process of time, entered upon studies pre­paratory for the ministry. One year was spent under the tuition of the late Rev. S. C. Loveland, of Vermont. After itinerating for a while, he was ordained, Oct. 4, 1848, at the annual session of the Sullivan County Uni­versalist Association, in Washington, N. H., Rev. S. C. Loveland preaching the ordination sermon.

In May 30, 1850, Mr. Severance was united in marriage with Miss H. J. Stone, then of Lowell, Mass., but formerly of Cabot, Vt. Immediately after, Mr. Severance took charge of the Universalist Society in Duxbury, Mass. in which relation he continued for 2 years. In the Spring of 1855, he moved to Glover, and took charge of the Universalist Society in this place, continuing his labors to 1869—making a 14 years pastorate in Glover.


                                                FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH.


In the year 1832, a Freewill Baptist church was formed in Glover. They have had preaching more or less constantly and have been blessed with several seasons of spiritual refreshing. Their ministers have labored mostly in the south part of the town.

Native Minister—Rev. Sidney D. Frost, formerly of Richmond, Vt., and preacher in other places.


                                            WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH.


In 1857, a Wesleyan Methodist church was organized at South Glover. It has never be­come very large, or strong, but still has been the means of accomplishing much good. Sev­eral of the members resided in the town of Sheffield, and when a church was organized there, they helped to form it, leaving the church in Glover much reduced as to num­bers and resources. At the present time they have no minister in Glover.



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                                         THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH


had laborers early in the field, and they are spoken of as on the ground as far back as 1815. For most of the time the Methodist professors in Glover have been connected with the Barton charge.

Of the first ministers there are remembered, Rev. Messrs. R. Hoyt and Kilburn—of those more recent — Revs. Samuel Norris, John G. Dow, G. W. Fairbanks, A. Holway, Roswell and George Putnam, N. W. Aspinwall, D. S. Dexter and N. W. Scott.


                                                     THE REV. N. W. SCOTT


was born in Hartford, Vt., Nov. 4, 1801; his parents were Luther and Esther Scott. In 1803, his father settled in Greensboro, where, during his minority, Mr. Scott assisted in clearing the land of its heavy growth of tim­ber. In his 20th year began his connection with the M. E. church. In 1824, he was li­censed to preach at Bethel, and entered the traveling connection as an itinerant in 1825.

Mr Scott's fields of labor have been Dorchester, Mass., Sandwich, Landaff, N. H., Newbury, Sutton, Guildhall, Chelsea, Barre, Burke, Greensboro, Glover, Hardwick, Wal­den, Cabot, Williamstown, Lyndon, North Danville, Barton Landing, Coventry and Waitsfield, Vt., but about one fourth of the whole time has been spent in Glover. Dur­ing his last ministry of 8 years, the charge became separated from that of Barton and the church now numbers about 50 members.

Mr. Scott married in Glover, Dorothy, the daughter of Mr. Jonas and Mrs. Dorothy B. Phillips.

It should be added that quite a portion of the inhabitants in the south-west part of Glover (Scotch) have been accustomed to worship with the Presbyterian church in Craftsbury, and have helped to sustain preach­ing in that town.


                                   THE PHYSICIANS AND LAWYERS OF GLOVER.


The history of Glover would be by no means complete without some reference to the phy­sicians and lawyers who have resided in this town, and who have served the people in their respective professions.



In early years, Dr. Frederick W. Adams of Barton, practiced to a considerable extent in Glover.

The first resident doctors so far as the wri­ter can learn, were Bela Bowman and Jonas Boardman. Next—Dr. Daniel Bates, now in practice in Northfield.


In 1835, Dr. Sandford Atherton came to this town. He died from poison imbibed in connection with a post mortem examination, in 1843. He was followed by Dr. Frederick A. Garfield, who died in 1848. These men were both public spirited and were highly gifted in debate. They did much to sustain the lyceum at Glover village. Then Dr. George Damon who died in 1862; Dr. J. V. Smith; Dr. Frank Bugbee; Dr. F. W. Good­all ; Dr. C. L. French; Dr. Tyler Mason, of West Glover. Many of these have been ac­counted sound in learning and skillful in practice, and all of them have favored the allopathic mode.

In addition there have been Drs. Martin Scott, C. B. Davis, homeopathic; J. S. Sias, botanic, and W. F. Templeton, eclectic—the last of whom commenced to practice in Glover after service as surgeon in the army, in the winter of 1864.


NATIVE PHYSICIANS,—Nelson Cheney, Hen­ry Bickford, David Baker, Charles L. French.




It is perhaps to the credit of Glover, that its citizens have never been disposed to a very great extent, to engage in lawsuits, one against another, hence, although they have re­garded lawyers with respect according to their merits, as a class, yet they have never given them any great encouragment, to tarry with them.

The record of the names of the principal ones is as follows:


William H. Martin, who represented the town in the legislature for one year, viz. 1841. Josiah A. Fletcher, Isaac N. Cushman, well known at Irasburgh and throughout the county. Albert M. Holbrook, who died in Glover in the year 1853, and George W. Todd, Esq.—also principal of the academy.

Marcellus Beach, a promising young man from Glover, died in 1857, at Charleston, S. C., where he had just been admitted to the bar.

Jefferson Clark, a graduate of Amherst college, class of 1867, and the first college graduate from this town, has since pursued the study of law in New York city.



                                                            GREENSBORO.                                                            209


                        TO THE OLD CHURCH IN WEST GLOVER.


                                      BY FREDERICK P. CHENEY, ESQ., OF GLOVER.


Seated within thy venerable walls,

How many bye-gone days the scene recalls.

The seats once filled by friends in manhood's pride

Now vacant, or by others occupied.

Here the elder and the younger Bliss belonged,

Accustomed both to prayer, the last to song,

Baker, Lyman, Woods and others whom we knew

Come fresh to mind, the face and voice and pew.

Here Mason taught the doctrines of the "Prince of Peace;"

"Inasmuch as to the least of these ye have done good,

Ye did it unto me in giving shelter, rest and food.

If on God's humble poor ye still will heap

Oppression, wrong and outrage, foul, and deep,

Will He His promises forget to keep?

Not He— God's wrath will not forever sleep,

Prophetic words! unyielding champion of right,

Who striving long in an unequal fight,

Desired the freedom of a race, but died without the sight.

Here, too, did Cressey with convincing mode

Lead men to seek the straight and narrow road.

Stone, for rhetoric and dignity renowned.

Here spoke and prayed in periods full and round.

Here the gifted Hough in burning eloquence

Poured forth religion's strong defence.

Here has the serious, philosophic Scott

By precept, and what's more, by practice taught

Lessons of perseverance, patience, thought.

And Windsor, Woodruff, Richardson, and Hatch,

Who, I trow, finds not for serisusness

In every youthful clergy, a match.

Perkins, too, whom Dr. Thayer refused to pass

As fit for duty in the army; lest alas!

He could not read his text, should he lose his convex glass;

Long may he live and preach, and practice long,

Profound in learning and in logic strong.

Here with friends and neighbors we have met in pass­ing years,

In times of sorrow, when choking sighs and blinding tears.

Told the deep grief in stricken hearts that mourn

For missing ones, by death from home's dear circle torn.

Thou dear old sanctuary, built by our frugal sires in early time,

When wearing homespun dress to church was not counted crime

When people had more love, friendship and religion and less pride;

Ere gents with polished "dickies" were from paper mills supplied;

Ere woman was by fashion's fiat doomed to wear

Uncouth, unwieldly waterfalls instead of comely well combed hair;

And ere New York and cruel Paris had presumed to dare

Bid her encounter chilling winter's blast with head—shalt I say bare?

Thine architecture somewhat ancient is no doubt,

And might by facing pews and people "right about"

More nearly ape the modern and fashionable style,

By letting down your preachers,—pshaw! you must not smile,

No levity is meant,—by letting down your preacher somewhat lower,

When he; instead of climbing up aloft, might walk across the floor.

But give one the same old style, a seat where I may sit and gaze

Upon the lips of Israel's sweet singers, as they raise

The solemn, sweet, inspiring song of praise.

                                                        Glover, Dec. 10, 1866.


                                           BAPTISMAL HYMN


[Sung at the baptism of a child of Mr. B. Thomas and

Mrs. Celestia C. Stevens of Glover, and written for the

occasion by the mother.]


O Thou, the cov'nant-keeping God, we come

To dedicate to Thee our little one,

In love Thou gavest him to us, and we

In heart and faith would give him back to Thee.


We ask not for him honor, wealth, or power,—

Bubbles of earth that perish in an hour;

We ask not for him length of days on earth,

But O, we pray Thee, grant him the new birth.


Keep him from sinful pleasures' fatal lure

And plant his feet upon foundation sure,

E'en on the "Rock of ages" cleft for sin,

Such the petitions we would crave for him.


If Thou dost grant him here, with us, to stay,

Help us to lead him in the narrow way,

Or if Thou takest him while life is young,

Thy praise, in grief, be yet upon our tongue.

                                                               May 9, 1869.






                                                     BY REV. JAMES P. STONE.


This beautiful township of 6 miles square, lies in the southern extremity of Orleans, County.

Its altitude is considerably above that of the neighboring towns. Indeed, it has been said that in Greensboro, was the highest cul­tivated land in the State. Owing probably to its altitude, its winters are usually some 2 weeks longer than in some of the neighboring towns. But its soil is strong and productive, and its farms, in general, excellent. Few towns exhibit so many indications of thrift, especially among farmers, at Greensboro. Its population, at the present time, is probably between 1000 and 1100. Its lakes and ponds are several and important, the most admired of which is the Caspian, some­times also called "Lake Beautiful," nearly 3 miles in length and about half that in breadth. The waters of Greensboro flow both north and south. Black river, which flows north­ward to the Memphremagog, and also the Lamoille, both have their rise in Greensboro.