CHARLESTON.                                                            105


Names.                 Rank.                     Co.               Mustered in.            Remarks.

Buxton, Frank   Corp.                 F              Sept. 1, '62.        Pro. serg't; wound. at Cold Harbor, June 1, 64; com. 2d lieut., Oct., '64; must. out on acc't of wounds, and died at home, Aug., '65.

Matthews, Asa D.                      Priv.         "           "             Pro. serg't Oct. 21, '62; 2d lieut. Aug. 11, '64; made pris. June 23, '64; 1st l't Jan. 21, '64.

Beede, Jesse     "                       "                  "

Burroughs, Olin                        "               L       Jan. 10, '63. Pro. corp.; wound, in action.

Carpenter, Solon B.                    "               F       Sept. 1, '62. Dis. on account of loss of foot at C. Harbor.

Foss, Moses A.  "                       "                  "     Made prisoner June 23, '64.

Frost, Lewis H.  "                       "               Nov. 12, '63.        Died while pris. at Florence, Ala. Oct. 20, '64.

Foster, Charles  "                       "               Sept. 1, '62.        Died while pris., Sept. 20, '64, Charlestown, S.C.

Foster, Elisha    "                       "                 "     Wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., Jan. 1, '64.

Goodall, Henry L.                       "               "        Nov. 18, '63. Died while pris., Oct. 18, '64, at Florence, Ala.

Heath, George A.                       "               "        Nov. 17, '63. Killed at Cold Harbor, June 1, '64.

Pearson, William M.                    "               "        Sept. 1, '62. Discharged Dec. 8, '62,

Rice, Julius      Serg't                 "                  "     Pro. 1st lieut., Co. M, Nov. 2, '63.

Riley, Oliver      Priv.                  L              June 16, '63.       Wounded in action.

Ripley, Fred. B. "                       F              Nov. 18, '63.           "

Smith, George R.                       "               "        Sept. 1, '62. Deserted Oct. 8, '63.

Wheeler, Simon "                       "                  "     Died Dec. 4, '62.

Wilson, John A. "                       "                  "     Pro. corp.; died while pris. Jan. 15, '65, at Charleston, S. C


                                          Fifteenth Regiment.


Joslyn, Ahira O.                        Priv.         I        Oct. 22, '62.

Joslyn, Rollin O.                        "               "           "  

McEwen, Terance                      "               "           "

Ordway, Cyren B.                      "               "           "

Richmond, Charles H.                 "               "           "

Smith, Isaac C.  Serg't                 "                  "


                                          Second Battery.


Carpenter, Hiram                             Priv.







                                                      BY ALPHA ALLYN, ESQ.


This township, situated in the easterly part of Orleans County, is in lat. 44° 51', and long. 4° 53' bounded N. E. by Morgan, S. E. by Brighton, S. W. by a part of Westmore and Brownington, and N. W. by Salem; and lies 50 miles N. E. of Montpelier. It was grant­ed by Gov. Thomas Chittenden the 6th, and chartered the 8th of Nov., 1780, to Hon. Abraham Whipple, his shipmates and others; containing 23,040 acres. Commodore Whip­ple was a distinguished naval officer in the Revolutionary war, and he first named this township Navy, in honor of the American navy which he so bravely defended. The town is 8 miles 184 rods long, and 4 miles 64 rods wide. This tract was originally divided into 69 equal shares. By the terms of the charter one share was granted for the first settled minister, one for glebe, one for support of town schools, one for support of grammar school, and one for college. Gen. James Whitelaw surveyed this town into 98 lots, making each lot 196 rods in length, and 192 rods in width; and received $256 for his ser­vice. According to this first survey the town was 14 lots long and 7 lots wide—the longest way of the lots being lengthwise of the town. Afterwards, 69 of these lots were made by draft* at Providence, R. I., into first division lots, each containing 236½ acres. Abner Al­lyn surveyed the second division into 69 lots, making each just one third as large as the first division lots. The third division was surveyed by Charles Cummings into 69 lots, each containing 10 acres 30 rods. A first, second and third division lot, consisting of 325 acres and 56 rods, constituted a share or "right."

None of the original grantees ever resided in town, and but three—John L. Chandler, Elisha and Andrew Brown—were ever known to come here. The most of them lived in


* The draft of the 1st division lots was made August, 1794; the 2nd div. August, 1809; the 8d div. September, 1828, and the surveys were made previous to dates of drafts.



106                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Cranston, Providence and Johnson, R. I.—One of them, Charles Murray, lived in Lon­don, England, and never resided in, or saw America. Samuel Knight, one of the voters at the organization of the town, settled in 1806 on a part of No. 5, 1st division of the right of said Murray. Some time after, others began to settle on the same lot; upon which Murray brought a suit, and was acknowl­edged by the court the rightful owner, as original proprietor of all the lot, excepting what said Knight had gained by possession. A few of the descendants of the original grantees came here about 1831 and settled on their grandfathers' "rights." The heirs of Cyprian Sterry now own lot No. 51, 2d divis­ion, being all the claim in town pertaining to the heirs of the original proprietors.

For the benefit of the settlement of the town, 13 of the proprietors gave 50 acres of land on each of the following lots, viz.: Nos. 4, 8, 12, 14, 24, 31, 44, 46, 53, 58 and 94 of the first division, and Nos. 9 and 23 of the second division. The first three roads were located by the proprietors, according to written con­tract, for the benefit of these lots and the set­tlements thereon; the first from Brownington to Holland; the second, called the Westmore county road, passed from Burke through Westmore and the centre of Navy, (now Charleston,) on the west side of Echo pond, thence by Seymour lake and Morgan four corners, on by the farm of Eber Robinson, in Holland, to Barnston, C. E. The third road from No. 4, on the Brownington and Holland road, passed through Nos. 11, 17, 24, 31, 44, 73, 80 and 94. These three roads united the settlements of the town. In 1816, fishermen and hunters, who were accustomed to come into this town, drawn thither principally by the abundance of lunge and other fish found in Echo pond, discovered that their route might be shortened by a road from Mr. Wellman's, 2 miles north of Burke Hollow, on the Westmore road, through Charleston on the east side of Echo pond—connecting with said Westmore county road south of Z. Senter's, in said town. Through their efforts this new county road was laid, which was a great help to both East and West Charleston.

The proprietors and agents, together with the settlers on the gift land, entered into a written contract agreeing to have two sets of mills—one in the east, the other in the west part of the town. Col. Christopher Olney, of Providence, R. I., who owned 2 rights of land in this town, gave 50 acres on lot No. 9, 2d division, as an inducement for building the first grist-mill at West Charleston, pro­vided he could have for the benefit of the set­tlement of East Charleston, his pitch on No. 33, 2d division, instead of a draft—said lot containing the mill-privilege—and also have the pine lot No. 88 left out of the draft of the second division. By this means the first mills in both East and West Charleston were erect­ed, some years after.

The soil of this township is a rich loam, producing good crops. The alluvial flats along the stream of the Clyde are extensive, and many of them too low for cultivation; but improve as years pass, which strengthens the theory of a long pond, which is supposed to have discharged its waters into Memphre­magog lake before the famed Glover pond transit in 1810. In the south-east part of the township is a bog meadow, which contains 500 acres in one body. The climate in this section has ever been considered healthful.— During the first 22 years of the settlement of the town only 13 deaths occurred, and but 3 of those, adults.

Clyde river is the largest stream in town. It rises in Spectacle pond in Brighton, thence flowing through Island Pond into this town, in a north-westerly direction, nearly through its centre. On this stream are some falls of importance, particularly the Great Falls in the west part of the town, where the descent is more than 100 feet in 40 rods; but its cur­rent is generally slow. The principal tributaries of the Clyde are Ferrin's river from the north, and the waters of Suke's pond through a brook; then the waters of Coe's Copper brook, Morgan Gull brook, also, the stream from Cole's pond in Brighton; next Buck's brook from Brighton, Mad brook from West­more, and Echo pond brook at the East vil­lage; next Fenner brook from Westmore, then the Nutting brook from Boardway pond, and Toad pond brook from Toad pond. These all flow into Clyde river above Pension pond in this town. Echo pond, situated in the easter­ly part of the township, receives the waters of Seymour lake in Morgan, and through that the waters of Holland pond. Echo pond is a beautiful sheet of water one mile from the East village, whose mill-privileges are sup­plied by its waters through the brook which is its outlet. It is one mile and a half long,



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            107


and one mile wide. Gen. Whitelaw gave it the name of Echo pond from the fact that when any sound was produced in its vicinity it was reverberated in various directions, pro­ducing a succession of echoes. It has been said that seven have been distinctly counted from one sound. This was when the surround­ing terra firma was covered with an unbroken forest. Pension pond is the next in size, and was so named by Abner Allyn on account of the pension of Mr. Varnum, a Revolutionary soldier, being used to build a mill-dam and saw-mill in 1820 near the Great Falls, by his son George Varnum. Toad pond is above Pension pond near the great swamp on Brown­ington line. Boardway pond is near Morgan line.

This township was an unbroken wilderness until 1802, uninhabited by man, except we give credit to Indian testimony hereafter in­troduced. In June of this year Abner Allyn felled the first trees in town, on lot No. 4, first division, and planted potatoes the 5th of August, which he brought on his back from Barton, a distance of 12 miles. He had a good yield of large potatoes, which were well pre­served in an out-of-door cellar until the next spring, when he planted them and had early potatoes, and also sowed grain. In July, 1803, he moved his family here from Barton, where they had lived preparatory to their more pioneer life in the wilderness. During his residence in Barton, he had been an active citizen in all that pertained to the public good, and was first town clerk of that town. He moved into a log-house in Charleston, the floor of which was made of hewed logs, and the roof covered with bark. Andrew McGaffey moved his family into town from Lyndon, in the Sum­mer of 1803, a few weeks before said Allyn moved his here; but Abner Allyn being here one year previous, made the first clearing and raised the first crop. Mr. McGaffey having seen No. 11, adjoining No. 4, found an arm of the great swamp from Brownington line, on the line between No. 4 and 11, containing 25 acres of swamp. Here he took John L. Chandler, one of the original proprietors, and kept him in the swamp nearly all day, thus succeeding in making him suppose that such was the face of the greater part of the lot; and Mr. Chandler sold his whole right to Mr. McGaffey for an old $30 horse. Mr. McGaf­fey's wife was sick with consumption when they moved into town. They came over Al­lyn's road into his clearing, crossed Clyde riv­er on trees felled across the stream, which was about 100 rods from their camp on No. 7, where they lived until the death of Mrs. McGaffey, Oct. 30, 1803, being the first death in town. Rev. Luther Leland, of Derby, preach­ed the funeral sermon. The funeral was at­tended by Judge Strong, of Brownington Abner Allyn and family, and a few others.—Mrs. McGaffey was buried on No. 7, in a grave surrounded by woods. Before the snow fell that year Mr. McGaffey moved back to Lyndon, leaving Abner Allyn for the two succeeding years with no neighbor nearer than Judge Strong's, 4½ miles distant.

Joseph Seavey moved his family into town in 1804, on to No. 58, first division, 2 miles from the Westmore settlement, and 5 miles from Abner Allyn's.

In 1805 Orrin Percival moved his family on to lot No. 12, one mile from Abner Allyn's.

Robert H. Hunkins moved on to lot No. 7, in 1806. In June, this year of the great eclipse, ice froze here an inch in thickness.

The town of Navy was organized March 31, 1806, by Elijah Strong, justice of the peace from Brownington. The voters at which time were Abner Allyn, Joseph Seavey, Orrin Per­cival, Lemuel Sturtevant, Robert H. Hunkins, Samuel Morrison, Amos Huntoon, Jonathan Richards, Samuel Knights.

OFFICERS CHOSEN.—Amos Huntoon, mod­erator; Abner Allyn, town clerk; Robert H. Hunkins, Amos Huntoon, Jonathan Richards, selectmen; Robert H. Hunkins, treasurer; Abner Allyn, Orrin Percival, Lemuel Sturte­vant, listers; Orrin Percival, constable,

Town meeting was held at the dwelling-house of Robert H. Hunkins,


                                 LIST OF TOWN OF NAVY, 1806.


Abner Allyn,                                        $ 66.50            Orrin Percival,              $40.00

R. H. Hankins,                                        66.50            Jon. Richards,                46.50

Amos Huntoon,                                      26.50            Joseph Seavey,              30.00

Samuel Knights,                                    25.00            L. Sturte'nt, jr.,              46.50

Sam'l Morrison,                                      26.50                                                           

                                                            _______                                                _______

                                                             211.00                                                 163.00

Total,                                                $ 374.00.


POLLS, OXEN, COWS, 3 YEAR OLDS, &c.— 7 polls, 6 oxen, 10 cows, 2 3-yr. olds, 2 2-yr. olds, 6 horses, 1 watch.

LIST, 1807—$453.60.—9 polls, 22 acres improved land, 8 oxen, 10 cows, 2 3-yr. olds, 2 2-yr. olds, 4 horses, 2 2-yr. old colts.

In 1807 there were 10 voters, viz.: Abner Allyn, Orrin Percival, Robert H. Hunkins,



108                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE,


Amos Huntoon, Lemuel Sturtevant, Jr., Page Colby, Jeremiah Seavey, Joseph Seavey, Joel Robinson, Jonathan Richards.

In 1808 there were 11 voters, viz.: Abner Allen, Jeremiah Seavey, Wm. Merriam, Benj. Teel, Lemuel Sturtevant, Samuel Knight, Or­rin Percival, Samuel Morrison, Jonathan Richards, Philip Davis, Robert H. Hunkins. In 1809 the voters were the same, with Jonas Warren added. In 1810, Stephen Cole, Thom­as Ames, Willard Marshall, Ephraim Hartshorn, Frederick Wilkins, Phineas Underwood, making 18 voters. In 1811, Zacheus Senter, Robert Nichols and Levi Bradley were added. This year the number of voters was 17. In 1812, Ebenezer Cole, David Hutchinson, Samuel Grow, Samuel Jenness. Voters this year, 18 in number. In 1813 Samuel Hutchinson, Stephen Cole, Sen., Harvey Cole and Joel Robinson were added to the list of voters, making 22 in number. In 1814, on account of the cold season, the war, and the fear of In­dians, whom, it was reported, were coming to their settlements, half of the voters left the town of Navy not to return; and also all of the settlers in Westmore and East Browning­ton.

There were no more added to the eleven voters left in Navy until 1819, excepting Jo­nas Warren, Jr., who had become of legal age to vote. The voters in 1818 were Philip Da­vis, Abner Allyn, Phineas Underwood, Sam­uel Hutchinson, Ebenezer Cole, Elisha Parlin, Stephen Cole, Jonas Warren, Jr. This year there were 12 voters with but 11 families.— This little band, unflinching and true, endured almost every conceivable hardship and priva­tion during the war and cold seasons, rather than abandon their settlement. For about 3 years the grain crop was very light, and they were obliged to go to Bradford and Newbury for corn, and to Barnet and Ryegate for oat­meal, as a substitute for other bread. These families, all except Z. Senter, lived on the two west tiers of lots adjoining Salem line; and the road from Brownington to Holland was all on these lots. Z. Senter lived on No. 42, 2d div., on the old Westmore county road, a short distance from Dea. Jotham Cumming's in Morgan. In 1819 Joseph Huntington and Albert Gabrin moved into town, and this year Elisha Parlin, Jonas Warren and Zacheus Senter were the committee to work out the land-tax on the new county road, the east side of Echo pond. In 1820 the whole population was 100, According to check list* the voters added each year from this time to 1840, were as follows, viz.: In 1820 John Colby and Ja­besh Clough. In 1821, John Bishop, Thomas Colby, Jacob Richards and Winthrop Cole.—In 1822, Joseph Dickey, who came from N, H. in 1821, but not a voter here until 1822; Wm. Gray, Daniel Mead, Martin Pomeroy, Amos Parlin and Lewis Smith. In 1823, Hiram Harvey, Jonas Allen, Eleazer Pomeroy, Eben Bartlett, John M. Morse and John M. Saunders. In 1824, Alpha Allyn, John Foss, Stilman Allen, Jacob Fuller, Ezra Brigham, Aaron Brigham, Willard Allen, Simeon Brown, Chauncey Fuller, Enos Harvey, Joel R. Heading, Eben Bean, Simeon Stevens, John Warren, Jacob H. Lang, Zachariah Harvey, Austin Bartlett, Levi Pierce. This year whole number of inhabitants was 212.

In 1825, David Chadwick Calvin Alden, Hiram Hutchinson, Henry Sherman, Parker Chase, Ira Eaton, Christopher Hall. In 1826, Ansel Perkins, Jeremiah Hutchinson, Jesse Corliss, Henry True, Job Drown, Daniel Fuller, Joseph A. Swazey, Michael Bly, Abel Parlin, Lothrop Cole, N. G. Ladd, Ira Warren, Israel Cheney. In 1827, Alvah Stacy, Edward Balch, John Gibson, Elisha Bingham, H. H. Swazey, Thomas Stevens, Joseph Kathan, Emerson Wolcott, John Cushman. In 1828, Rufus Gaskill, Martin Barney, Timothy Hazeltine, Randall Magoon, Horace Fairbanks, David Church, James F. Adams, Benj. Kimball, Jonas Temple, Benj. Goodwin, Winslow Farr, Tyler Bingham, Loami B. Downing, Olney Hawkins, E. A. M. Swazey, Darius Goodwin, Frederick Richard­son, Wm. Melindy, John Parlin, Jr., Peter Bigelow, Curtis Cole, Francis Chase, Orrin Colburn, Mason Lyon, Phineas Allen, Nelson Bar­ney. In 1829, Amaziah D. Preston, Timothy Manchester, Nathaniel Weeks, Manley Sawyer, Benj. Nutting, Enoch Colby, J. Parker, Lewis Nye, Samuel Gaskill, Harvey Cole, George Ben­nett, John Badger. In 1830, Asa Brown, Ashbel Nye, Orvis L. Brown, James Knight, James Weeks, John Calkins, Wm. Hinman, Ira Cum­mings, Roswell Wilmot, Dennis Fuller, Daniel Streeter, Calvin W. Rugg, Richard Chaplin, Gardner Gage, Theodore L. Tripp, Rev. Royal Gage, Wm. Snow. In 1831, Erastus Hill, Michael Floyd, George R. Weeks, Lewis C. Bates, Stephen C. Cole, Jacob Parker, Wm.


* In some exceptional cases, the check-list does not show the exact year when a man came to town, on account of his absence from town-meeting.



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            109


Wilder, Robert P. Porter, Stephen E. Sargent, Joseph Willey, Nathaniel Braun, Samuel Hop­kins, John Mastin, Solomon Manchester, Dan­iel Cloud, Hezekiah Cole, Eben S. Allyn, An­drew Spaulding, David Royce, Wm. Sawyer, Harvey Cloud. In 1832, Ira Brackett, John Miles, Wm. Mansur, Benj. Streeter, Reuben Hazen, Jeremiah Magoon, James G. Barnard, Wm. P. Bates, David Moody, Hilton Brackett. In 1833, Isaac F. Freeman, Abram H. Weeks, J. B. Swazey, Moses Norris, Calvin Gray, Brad­ley Farmer, Daniel W. Palmer, Freeman Moul­ton, Norman Harvey, Jonathan Davis, Wilson Buck, Hiram W. Merrill, Sylvester Bates, Royce Hinman, Samuel Porter, John Bishop, David Colby, Elisha Bingham, Jr., Calvin Dunton.— In 1834, J. P. Tyler, Comfort Carpenter, Elijah Robinson, Samuel Hopkins, Benj. F. Robinson, Hiram W. Kathan, Albro Robinson, John San­born, Ira Parker, George W. Wheeler, Silas Gil­key, Earl Barney, Solomon Wolcott, Benj. Ful­ler, Lemuel H. Nye, Luther Cole, Paschal P. Allyn. In 1835, Arad Wells, Norman Nye, Asa Lee, Levi Williams, Samuel Brackett, Hor­ace Brooks, Erastus Hill, John Harvey, Osman Hastings, Walter Spaulding, Albert Lawrence, S. Drown, Aaron Drown, J. T. Huntington, J. M. Robinson, Jason Babcock, Jer. Brackett. In 1836, John Cole, Benj. Fuller, Jr., Uriah Colby, Boswell Davis, Jacob Richards. In 1837, Na­than Chase, Horace Kathan, Jonathan Briggs. In 1838, John McCurdy, Richard D. Goodwin, Andrew Bean, Mason Barney, G. W. Chase, Timothy Woods, Anson Messer, Quartus Snell, Eben Cloud, Harrison Sawyer, John Sherburne, Sullivan Stevens, Jasper Robinson, Durkee Cole, Aaron Badger, Seneca B. Cooley, Lewis Moffit, Ebenezer Scribner, Jr., O. Brackett, Eliphalet Prescott, James Melvin, Moses Bly, Benj. Ful­ler, J. Bailey, Samuel M. Cobb, Joseph Bur­roughs. In 1839, Elisha W. Parlin, Wm. H. Calkins, Rufus Tripp, Moses Melvin, Edson Lyon, Joseph Locke, Samuel Willard, Volna Raymond, E. G. Smith, N. S. Gilman, Rufus Handy, Loren W. Young, Samuel Worthen, Willard Moss. In 1840, Barney D. Balch, L. W. Clarke, David Locklin, J. S. Pomeroy, Zenas Cole, J. W. H. Monroe, J. A. Philbrick, George W. Pierce, John M. Beebe, Simeon J. Fletcher, Lemuel Wheeler, Asa Cole, Truman Fairchilds, D. Moffit, Earl Cate, A. Pearson.

At the time of the first settlement of West Charleston, the nearest saw-mill, grist-mill and store was in Barton, 12 miles distant. The nearest post-office was in Brownington. The road was unworked— the trees and under­brush cut away; but being hemmed in on both sides by thick forests, rains did not soon either evaporate, drain off, or settle into the ground; so that travel was of necessity almost impossi­ble. The writer has heard Abner Allyn say, that he has traveled back and forth on horse­back, carrying to and from home the necessa­ries for existence when his horse's legs sank so deep in the mud, that his own feet touched the ground, and that so heavy was the mud as to cause suction strong enough to actually draw the shoe from the horse's foot. He said at one time he alighted, took off his coat, raised his sleeve to his shoulder, thrust in his hand and arm above his elbow, grasped the horse-shoe, drew it up and carried it to be re-set at the nearest blacksmith-shop. He related that at another time there was a heavy rain which beat into his log-house and put out all their fire. As the flint was their only way to strike fire, he often resorted to that; but unfortunately he had lent his gun to some hunters to be gone for days; so there was no other alternative than to leave his family in bed to keep from freezing, while he went to his neighbor, Judge Strong's, 4½ miles away to borrow fire. He did not like to tell of his calamity, so he asked to borrow the Judge's gun—returned with it, and struck fire, by which time wife and children were glad enough to rise. At one time this family awoke in the night and found their house on fire. They had no modern fire-department, or even neigh­bors to call; so they managed as best they could. They carried a bed out of doors, put the children snugly into it, tucking up the bed-clothes well, to prevent them from getting out into the deep snow—then they went to work and took the entire roof off from the house; thus saving the rest of the house and its contents. Mr. Allyn was then obliged to take his team and go through the deep snows 12 miles to Barton, to draw boards with which to cover his house.

Great must have been the courage and brave­ry of those lone settlers thus to surrender their best days, enduring almost every conceivable hardship and deprivation, not merely for their own pecuniary benefit, but to lay the founda­tion for the future good of this section of our country. Though not properly belonging to Charleston history, yet as I see no mention of it in the history of Brighton, I will relate an incident which may convey to the reader some idea of the hardships and privations endured by the early settlers of this and adjacent towns.



110                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


In 1924, while the writer was at Random (now Brighton) with his father, helping make the survey of the 2d division lots of said town, Mr. Enos Bishop's cow ran away a distance of 20 miles to Connecticut river, from which place he had moved a short time before. Mr. Bishop was obliged to go after her a-foot; thus travel­ing 40 miles to secure his lost cow. In the ear­ly settlement the inhabitants bad to pasture their cows in the woods. They endeavored to make enclosures by laying slash fences; but such was the risk of losing cattle, that the people did not have the calves weaned until fail. The calves being enclosed near the barn, prompted by hunger, would bring the mothers home by their incessant bleating.

The early settlers in the east part of the town endured like hardships with those of the west. They went to Burke, 14 miles distant, for all their supplies, except milling —crossing a moun­tainous ridge, the rise and fall being several miles. It was called the ten-miles woods; and when some bold adventurer had dared to make a pitch there, and fall a few acres of trees, it really seemed to shorten the distance —an oasis in the wilderness.

Joseph Dickey was the first to settle on the new County road in East Charleston, on the east side of Echo pond. Ozias Hartwell had made, the first purchase of lot No, 64, 2d Div., in 1820, but the same summer sold to said Dick­ey his bill of sale and betterments for a French watch, and Dickey moved there the next win­ter. lie also purchased lot No. 63, 2d division, and deeded both lots to his son John Dickey. Alpha Allyn afterwards made a legal purchase of lot No. 64, 2d division, for $15,00, and sold it to Jolla Dickey for the same. This farm has since been owned many years by Solomon 'Wol­cott, Esq. Dickey was an honest, upright man—the first tailor in town. His son Solon lost his life by the fall of a tree, Jan. 9, 1825, and was buried in the first grave-yard, in East Charleston, on lot No. 38, 2d division. His fa­ther erected a suitable memorial-stone over his grave ; but as he had moved out of town be­fore the people laid out a, new burial-ground, and exhumed most of their dead, a man from another county purchased the farm, and plowed the grave-yard. About this time the stone with the name of Solon Dickey disappeared. There­fore the exact resting-place of his mortal dust is unknown.

The next to make beginnings its East Charles­ton, was John Foss, on No. 76, ash Simeon Stevens, on No. 75, both lots being in the 1st division.

The latter part, of the winter of i823 Jonas Allen moved his family from Waterford to East Charleston. There being no settlement for the last l0 miles, he with a few others, broke their own roads through the threats to their destination on the banks of the Clyde river, on No. 82, 1st div., near where the long bridge now stands.

His nearest neighbor was Joseph Dickey, 3 miles north —there being at that time no fami­lies on the farms begun by John Foss and Sim­eon Stevens. It was 7 miles from Jonas Allen's to Cole's mills, by direct route; but in the early settlement of East Charleston there was no road down the river, and the settlers were obliged to go round by Morgan Four Corners, a distance of about 12 miles, to get to Cole's mills in West Charleston, the only grist-mill in town, excepting they went down the met in boats, as they sometimes did ; in which case they could only- go to the Great Falls, one mile from the mill—then unload and transport, their grain and meal back and forth upon their hacks.

'There was no inhabitant up the river nearer than Enos Bishop's, on the shore of Island pond, 7 miles distant, and no road. Jonas Al­len and others were obliged to go to Morgan, the nearest sawmill, 8 miles distant, to draw their boards for building purposes. In the fall of 1823, through the instrumentality of Abner Allyn a road was made from East, to West Charleston, greatly remedying these inconven­iences.

In 1824 Jonas Allyn purchased lot No. 33, where the East village now stands, at $1,60 per acre, where he erected a saw-mill. From this time the settlement progressed more rapid­ly. Settlers came in for the benefit of the heavily timbered pine lot, No. 88, for which each, by paying the owner of the undivided share the sum of $5.00 had a right to draw all the timber he chose from the lot. They drew the sawed lumber to Burke and St. Johns­bury, by which means they obtained provisions for their families, and were also enabled to make clearings and other improvements on their Land.

In 1826 a county road was laid from Derby to brighten, past East and West Charleston, Land-tax was laid out on this road in 1827.— This made a comfortable road from Derby to St, Johnsbury.

Bears have in the early years of the settlement of this town infested the forests, and often been



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bold enough to appear upon the cleared land for the ostensible purpose of satiating their hunger. Prior to the year 1810, while Capt. Page, son of Gov. Page of Lancaster, N. H., was visiting the family of Abner Allyn, a bear killed a sheep in said Allyn's flock. Capt. Page having had great experience in all that pertained to new settlements, kindly offered his skill in the erec­tion of a log bear-trap; when he, with Philip Davis and A. Allyn, proceeded at once to the work, and the next night the bear was caught, and on the following morning drawn out of the woods into Allyn's door-yard.—Though they feasted not on bear's-meat, it was a festive occasion—since this was the first bear killed in town, and there seemed a chance of saving their sheep.

One night in 1817 Abner Allyn hearing a noise at his barn like the splitting of boards, arose, went out, and found two places where the boards had been drawn off, and two bears had entered, killing one sheep and frightening the rest, which had done their best to make es­cape. Mr. Allyn by the aid of his dog drove off the bears, gathered the sheep back into the barn, nailed on the boards, and remained senti­nel till morning, to prevent further invasion.—The next night two neighbors with their guns watched with him for sheep-visitors—nothing daunted by their previous night's failure they came, and one of them fell a victim to his cour­age, being slaughtered and nicely dressed fit for seething-pot or gridiron. During the rest of that year the sheep remained unmolested by bears. Mr. Ebenezer Bean moved his family into town in 1823, into a log-house without door or floor. The fireplace was in the east, the door near the south, and the bed in the west cor­ner of the house. Mrs. Bean had thrown in­side of her door a pile of chips and bark with which to make her morning fire; also for her husband to burn on his return from abroad, to enable him to see his supper, which she had prepared and put into a large iron kettle, and set near the fire to keep warm. To secure it from any depredation of cat or dog, she had placed her water-pail upon it. Having got all things arranged she retired to rest with her in­fant child. Some time after she heard footsteps, and, supposing it was her husband, was undismayed until she discovered that the path was over the chips, and that it seemed to be some quadruped larger than any dog. About that time a stick of wood upon the fire, well charred, broke in two—the two ends kindled up so as to give light, by which she discovered a large, heavy black bear walking majestically about, tracing with its olfactories her savory food. He just placed his huge paw upon the pail of water, upset it, helped himself to all the food in the kettle, lapped his jaws and walked away without making acquaintance with his hostess and darling little one, who might have fallen a prey to his appetite, had he not found the master's supper upon which to feast. Thus God saved the mother and little one in the time of peril.

At another time the wife of Phinehas Allen had an unwelcome visit from a bear; but she did not turn her back upon him, notwithstand­ing he showed more signs of attention to her hog in his pen than to her. As Mr. Allen was away, she saw the necessity, and was deter­mined to assume his prerogative to rule. So, saying, "the hear shall not have my hog, un­less he has me too," (though the bear had got possession of the pen) she made so much noise that be retreated a little. She mounted the top of the pen. Bruin stood in abeyance during the whole of the night, at a short distance, waiting his chance; but Mrs. A. kept up vigilant resistance until the morning light, when the unwelcome visitor retreated to the dense forests not far distant.

Lemuel Sturtevant and Stephen Cole built the first grist-mill at West Charleston, in the year 1810. Stephen Cole also built the first framed house at West Charleston in 1811. The first saw-mill at East Charleston was erected by Jonas Allen in 1824, just above the present site of the dwelling-house of L. N. Melvin.—Stephen Cole put a small run of stone in the lower part of this saw-mill in 1827, which ground corn and provender. John Cushman built a good grist-mill here in 1834, where the present one, owned by C. H. Chase, now stands.

The first saw-mill at West Charleston was by Jonas Warren in 1809. The first hotel at West Charleston was erected and kept by Ira Richards in 1822. The first hotel at the east part of the town was built and kept by John Cushman in 1827. The first carding-machine and clothing-works in town were erected at East Charleston in 1831, by Harvey Holbrook, and run by Harvey H. Cloud, both of Water­ford, Vt.

Ira, son of Jonathan Richards, was the first merchant in town in 1822. Lewis C. Bates was the first merchant at the east part of the town in 1831. The first physician in West Charleston was Ezra Cushing in 1822. The



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first physiciean in East Charleston was Cephas G. Adams in 1855. The first lawyer was F. C. Harrington, who was also editor of the North Union—first yearly newspaper printed in town. The first military company was formed in 1822, and Ira Richards (now in Wisconsin) first cap­tain. Timothy Hazeltine, who moved to East Charleston in 1828, was the first blacksmith in town. The first shoemaker in town was Chaun­cey Fuller, who moved from Waterford to West Charleston, in 1824.

The first two marriages in this town were Ebenezer Bartlett and Eunice Cole—Elisha Par­lin and Elizabeth Warren—married Feb. 3, 1815, by Ira Leavens, justice of the peace, of Morgan.

There was no school-house in town before the year 1822, but the children had a few advan­tages from private schools supported by the scholar. The first two schools were kept in Orrin Percival's barn, on lot 12, in the 1st division. The first school-house was erected where the West village now stands, near the present site of the Clyde River Hotel. The first teachers were Sally Hopkins, of Salem, Zilphia Cory, of Derby, Sally Buckman, of Lancaster, N. H., and Eunice Cole, of Charleston. Miss Cory married Lemuel Sturtevant, one of the first set­tlers of this town. Miss Cole married Ebenezer Bartlett, one of the early settlers of Morgan.—She was sister of Ebenezer and Stephen Cole, early settlers of Charleston—all three of whom raised large families who have been enterprising citizens in these towns. Many of them are still living. Miss Buckman married Peleg Hicks, of Burke. She was grand-daughter of the re­markable pioneer, known from his bravery as Gov. Page, who penetrated the forests of Lan­caster, N. H,, and Lunenburg, Vt., making the first settlements there; and who also did much for the success of Guildhall as a new settlement.

Gov. Page being thus connected with Ver­mont history, also grandfather of the wife of Abner Allyn, first settler of Charleston, we beg indulgence in reference to family reminiscences as we have heard them related in our childhood. His father was a pioneer, having been the first settler of Lunenburg, Mass., from which his son, the Governor, named his new settlement, on the Vermont side of the Connecticut river. He and his company started from Petersham, Mass., cut their road 50 miles through the forests, made their pitch, and determined upon a settlement there, nothing daunted by savages or wild beasts. The Governor had two sons and 13 daughters. His sons, and all save one of daughters, (Mehitable, who had married Benj. Melvin, of Winchester, N. H., and whose old­est daughter became the wife of Abner Allyn,) accompanied him into the forests. Though Me­hitable did not become a pioneer to suffer in Coos Co., N. H., her daughter became one in Orleans Co., Vt.

The story has been handed down to grand, and to great-grandchildren, that grandfather Page (called Governor) had the forethought to hire 12 active, smart, young men, to penetrate the forests with himself and family, to fell the trees and do the work of making a new settle­ment. Whether the old gentleman took this job into his own hands in the old Patriarchal style of adding sons to his family, or whether the daughters were privy to the selection, tradi­tion does not tell, but it expressly says the 12 daughters married the twelve young men and settled all around the father.

The writer has listened in early life to many adventurous tales of those settlements, both of wild beasts and Indians.

The wife of Gov. Page, too, has been favora­bly reported. No such twelve daughters ever came upon the stage of life who had not had a mother of sterling qualities, She was reported as a woman of corpulency of body as well as mind; and on this account it was very difficult for her to make the journey at first by a path of spotted trees; and that she had one favored son on whom she principally relied for help—that he walked by her side and held her upon the horse; that on account of her weight a very large, valuable horse was appropriated for her use, and that like most other pioneers they did not survey around hills in laying their roads, but went over rigid precipices that at the present day are shunned. In ascending, or descending one of these, the horse lost its foothold, and with its precious burden, was unable to regain standing, but rolled down the hill, broke its neck, or was otherwise so injured as to lose its life.—The faithful son succeeded in rescuing his mother from like fate. Having given a little account of the ancestry of Anna, wife of Abner Allyn, the reader may judge somewhat of her cour­age and perseverance. She was emphatically an industrious woman, possessed of great energy of character both mental and physical. —Whatever her hands found to do she did with her might. With all the inconveniences of frontier life she had enough to do, and she did it with cheerfulness. She became the mother of eight



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children—five sons and three daughters. Four sons died in early life, the oldest of whom (Al­bro Allyn) was the first child born in town, July 16, 1804: died at St. Johnsbury, July 30, 1806. The third son, Abner Allyn, Jr., who died March 28, 1810, (second death in town,) was the first person buried on College hill, lot No. 3, the first burial-ground in Charleston.— One son still survives, and is the compiler of these historical events. One daughter (Olive Allyn) was the first female child born in town, June 14, 1806: —died at Charleston, Aug. 10, 1833. The youngest daughter married and set­tled in Newbury. She departed this life April, 1861, leaving three children. The other daugh­ter was sent abroad to be reared and educated. She commenced teaching in quite early life, but by force of combined circumstances was brought much into the sick-room, and for nearly 12 years was a practical nurse, ministering to the suffering of nearly all classes, and became so famil­iar with different diseases, her patrons urged her to go still farther with her humanitarian views and acts. A medical college was contem­plated for women, and she was urged to become one of its first class. This she declined, not de­siring notoriety. Medical books were loaned her unasked; some even presented by regular phy­sicians as tokens of their appreciation of her services to their patients. After a considerable reading of initiatory works, and finding a love for them, she entered the New England Female Medical College, and after having nearly com­pleted the required course of study there, she conceived the idea that she should be better pre­pared to meet all the wants, trials and responsi­bilities of the medical profession if she received instruction in common with gentlemen students and graduated with them on the same examination. Therefore she with six other ladies of her class entered a medical college open to both sex­es, and she with three of the others graduated in 1857 at the close of a 4 months' extra term. Sixteen gentlemen took the degree of M. D. with them at the same place and time, since which time she has been in successful practice in Mas­sachusetts, feeling more and more as time ad­vances, that the medical profession is one of woman's highest missions on earth for good to the world.

The mother, Anna Allyn, died at Charleston, Feb. 5, 1849-73 years of age. In speaking first of Abner Allyn's wife and family, the writer has no thought of presenting him last, as least in consequence in his family or commu­nity. On the contrary, the town owes its ori­gin to his indefatigable labors. He was a well educated man, fitted for business life. A man of strong purposes, not daunted by ordinary discouragements. Though a kind husband and indulgent father, he was emphatically the prop­erty of the public. He had a large heart of benevolence, to make others happy and comfort­able, and to this end was always ready to sac­rifice his own comforts. "The string to the latch of his door was always out." The stranger was sure to find shelter there and a cordial wel­come to share with himself and family the best the house afforded. In the cold seasons, in times of general scarcity, his larder was sometimes scantily filled; yet he was not disheartened un­til he actually broke down with disease, and was obliged to leave his loved home in the forests for a while to recuperate under more favorable circumstances. He was the first town clerk and the first representative of his town to the Legisla­ture of the State in 1807, also in 1808, and then again, after his return, in 1811 and '12. He was in every way in his power a public benefactor; always a strong friend to education and the poor; always fought against supporting schools on the scholar, or even boarding teachers upon that plan. He regarded children as the poor man's blessing, whose rights to all the privileges and immunities of life were equal to those of the rich, and that they alike were destined to act in life's great drama, the one as likely to succeed as the other in blessing the world by upright, useful lives. He was always concerting plans for public good, even up to his very last sick­ness.—His last work was urging the claims of the projected road from Guildhall to Irasburgh, through Brigham. He was born at Rehoboth, Mass., Aug. 5, 1772; was a descendant of Thos. Allyn, who came from Wales, in company with his uncle, to Cape Cod, Mass. The uncle set­tled in New Windsor, Ct. Thomas Allyn settled in Rehoboth, Mass.—married Deborah Cushing, of Hingham, Mass., Dec. 29, 1720, — had 13 children. Their son Abner Allyn, born at Re­hoboth, Mass., Aug. 5, 1731, married Sarah Hedding, Nov. 25, 1750. They had 4 children, viz,: Jacob, born Aug. 25, 1757; Jonathan, born Sept. 25, 1759; Rachel, born May 9, 1764. Abner, the youngest, was well educated at Massachusetts under the charge of Christian parents, with a view to the ministry, but early evincing a tact for business life,—after finishing his studies he accepted an agency for the care and sale of wild lands in Charleston and vicini­ty, and came with his brother (Dr. Jonathan Allyn) to Barton, Vt., prior to 1798. He was



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married Feb. 14, 1802, to Anna Melvin, of Win­chester, N. H., and moved his wife to Barton, Vt., and from there to Charleston, where his oldest son, Alpha Allyn, (born at Barton, Nov 30, 1802,) and his family of seven children now reside.

Abner Allyn first came to this town in 1798, accompanied by Lemuel Sturtevant, of Barton, to look out locations for settlements and situations for mills. Equipped with a knapsack of provisions on his back, (enough to last four days,) compass under his arm, and a plan of Navy in his pocket, he proceeded along the path from Barton to Derby as far as the Salem and Brown­ington line; then took that line and went to the west corner of Navy, (now Charleston.) thence on the line between Salem and Navy on Clyde river, which they followed up past the Falls to what is now Penson pond; then returned to the bridge near the present site of Webster's store, and commencing at that place surveyed and marked a straight line 6 miles, past the west corner of Navy, to hit the path from Barton to Derby. This afterwards served as a guide to get to the mill-privileges in Navy, and made way for the settlement of the town in 1802.

He taught school winters during the first years after he came to Vermont, and ever ren­dered himself a useful member of society. At one time he became greatly interested in the then absorbing question of canals, and was ap­pointed and served as delegate to conventions in different parts of the country to discuss the feasibility of the enterprise, and concert plans for the same. He came to his death before the era of telegraphs and railroads in this country, yet he saw that great improvements were forth­coming. During his last sickness he often al­luded to the subject and had especial interviews with men of influence relative to improvement. He was converted while a member of the Legis­lature at Montpelier. At one time he said to his daughter with whom he was conversing upon his coming change. "I have a strong love of life. I fear not to be dead, for I have strong confidence in God; I rely upon Him.— He is my helper." "Somehow," said he, "I think with some dread of the pangs of dying." Then he remarked upon the probability, or improba­bility of the spirits of the departed having cog­nizance of what is transpiring on earth. Of this he felt quite uncertain, but added with a sort of pleasantry, I feel now that if it be possible for disembodied spirits to revisit the earth that I may be allowed that mission at the expiration of fifty years, that I may know of the great internal improvements, for I am assured they will be great. He died May 17, 1834. Thirty five years have seen telegraph lines all over the country and across the Atlantic, and railroads everywhere, stretching even from the Atlantic to the Pacific; and myriads of improvements in agricultural implements, and all the arts and sciences. Should time continue 15 years long­er, the contrast of 1834 and 1884 must be over­whelming to human intelligence. There is consolation in the faith that his soul has not lain dormant.

November 16, 1825, the name of Navy was changed to Charleston. In 1831 Abner Allyn made out a petition which he sent to Congress for a mail route from Lyndon to Derby. The route was granted and post-masters appointed. This was the first U. S. mail route through Charleston. Truman Newell. Esq., of Burke, was mail carrier for the first 4 years. The post­masters up to the present time commencing with the first are as follows, viz.: In East Charles­ton, Ira Parker, Alpha Allyn, N. S. Gilman, E. D. Goodwin, Alpha Allyn, Moses Melvin, Jonas Carruth, George Cade, Earl Cate, C. G. Cate.—In West Charleston, Ebenezer S. Allyn, Sam­uel M. Cobb, Daniel Webster, Elijah Robinson, George Robinson, Charles Carpenter.




1807, '08, Abner Allyn; '09, '10, R. H. Hunkins; '11, '12, Abner Allyn; '13, '14, Ebenezer Cole; '15, none; '16—'18, Jonas Warren; '19—'24, none; '25—'27, Jonas Allen; '28, '29, Elisha Bingham; '30, '31, Tyler Bingham; '32, '33, Silas Gaskill; '34, '35, Ebenezer Cole; '36, '37, Elisha Bing­ham; '38, Silas Gilkey; '39, Stephen Cole; '40, Ebenezer Cole; '41, Stephen Cole; '42, Ira Brackett; '43, '44, Amos Parlin; '45, Gardner Gage; '46, '47, Winthrop Cole; '48, '49, Ira Warren; '50, '51, L. W. Clarke; '52, '53, W. B. Cole; '54, 55, W. E. Clarke; '56—'58, Zenas C. Cole; '59, '60, J. E. Dick­erman; '61, '62, Jonas Carruth; '63, Edson Lyon; '64, '65, Daniel Webster; '66, Edson Lyon; '67, Albert Lawrence; 68, 69, B. F. D. Carpenter.


                                             TOWN CLERKS.


1 806—'14, Abner Allyn; '15, Jonas Warren; '16—'18, Ira Richards; '19, '20, Abner Allyn; '21, '22, Jonas Warren; '23—'23, Ira Richards; '27—'30, Jonas Allen; '31, '32, Amos Parlin; '33, Lewis C. Bates; '34, Amos Parlin; '35—'38, Ebenezer S. Allyn; '39—'41, Ira Brackett.



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1806, Robert H. Hunkins, Amos Huntoon, Jonathan Richards; '07, Page Colby, Jere­miah Seavey, Joel Robinson; '08, Robert H. Hunkins, Jonathan Richards, Lemuel Stur­tevant; '09, R. H. Hunkins, L. Sturtevant, jr., B. G. Teel; '10, R. H. Hunkins, Jonathan Richards, Jeremiah Seavey; '11, Abner Al­lyn, Philip Davis. Jeremiah Seavey; '12, Abner Allyn, Stephen Cole, Jeremiah Seavey; '13, Abner Allyn, David Hutchinson, Eben­ezer Cole; '14, Abner Allyn, Jonas Warren, Jonathan Richards; '15, Abner Allyn, Jonas Warren, Samuel Hutchinson; '16, Phineas Underwood, Jonas Warren, Zacheus Senter; '17, '18, Jonathan Richards, Jonas Warren, Ebenezer Cole; '19, Abner Allen, Jonas War­ren, Phineas Underwood; '20, Abner Allyn, Jonas Warren, Jonathan Richards; '21, Phin­ehas Underwood, Jonas Warren, Stephen Cole; '22, Abner Allyn, Jonathan Richards, Ste­phen Cole; '23, Ebenezer Cole, Jonathan Richards, Zacheus Senter; '24, Jonas Allen, Abner Allyn, Stephen Cole; '25, Jonas Allen, David Preston, Ebenezer Cole; '26, Jo­nas Allen, Phinehas Underwood, Zacheus Senter; '27, Jonas Allen, Phinchas Under­wood, Ezra Brigham; '28, Elisha Bingham, Winthrop Cole, Chauncey Fuller; '29, Elisha Bingham, Tyler Bingham, Michael Bly; '30, Amos Parlin, Daniel Mead, Phinehas Under­wood; '31, Chauncey Fuller, Ira Brackett, Winslow Farr; '32, Chauncey Fuller, Hilton Brackett, Samuel Gaskill; '33, Lewis C. Bates, Hilton Brackett, Royal Gage; '34, Chauncey Fuller, Hilton Brackett, David Locklin; '35, Amos Parlin, Ebenezer Cole, Andrew Spaulding; '36, Chauncey Fuller, John M. Robinson, Sullivan Gilkey; '37, Jerry E. Brackett, John M. Robinson, Anson Sanborn; '38, Jerry E. Brackett, S. Gilkey, Amos Parlin; '39, Ebenezer Cole, Phinehas Underwood, Ansel Huntley; '40, Elisha Parlin, Benj. Goodwin, A. Lawrence; '41, Ira Brackett, Willard Chase, A. Lawrence.




1806, '07, Samuel Morrison; '08, Jeremiah Seavey; '09, '10, Lemuel Sturtevant; '11, Ebenezer Seavey; '12, Phinehas Underwood; '13, David Hutchinson; '14, Ebenezer Cole; '15, Jonathan Richards; '16, '17, Jonas War­ren; '18, Ira Richards; '19, Elisha Parlin; '20, Jonas Warren; '21, Elisha Parlin; Jonas Warren; '23, John Bishop; '24, Ezra Cushing; '25—'28, Elisha Parlin; '29, '30, Ezra Brigham; '31, '32, William Snow; '33, Wm. P. Bates; '34, Ebenezer Gaskill; '35, Alvah Stacy; '36, Jason Babcock; '37, Asa Lee; '38, Hiram W. Merrill; '39, Ozro Brackett; '40, Hiram W. Merrill.




1808, Samuel Morrison; '07, Robert H. Hunkins; '08, Abner Allyn; '09, Jonathan Richards; '10, Robert H. Hunkins; '11, Stephen Cole, jr.; '12, Ebenezer Cole; '13—'16, Stephen Cole, jr.; '17, Phinehas Under­wood; '18, Jonas Warren; '19 —'21, Jona­than Richards; '22 — '25, Ebenezer Cole; '26, '27, Phinehas Underwood; '28—'30, Levi Pierce; '31—'40,


                                        CHURCH STATISTICS.


The first church edifice in town—stone house now standing—was erected at West Charleston, in the year 1843. The first church erected at East Charleston was in 1855. The first sermon preached in town was by Rev. Luther Leland, Congregationalist, from Der­by, at Mrs. McGaffey's funeral. From that time until 1806, meetings were held occasion ally by the Congregationalist and Calvinist Baptists at the dwelling-house of Abner Allyn. About the year 1806, Methodist meetings commenced—the circuit embracing nearly the whole county. From this time until 1812, methodist meetings were held at the dwelling-houses of Abner Allyn and Rob­ert H. Hunkins, with the exception of the time of the first reformation in 1810, when the meetings were held at the dwelling-houses of Stephen Cole and Jona. Richards. This reformation was under the preaching of the Methodists and a denomination called Christ­ians. The larger part of the people who at­tended these meetings were from Morgan and most of the converts since from that town. The names of the converts from Charleston were Joseph Kellam, John Bishop and Ira Rich­ards. Joseph Kellam and Jonathan Rich­ards united with the Methodists; the former of whom has since been one of the greatest ref­ormation preachers in New England. The first persons baptized in town were Stephen Cole and wife and Sam'l Hutchinson, in 1818, by Rev. Moses Norris. In 1823, Jonas Allen, first ordained minister in town, moved here from Waterford and preached 7 years in both East and West Charleston. This with Rev. Royal Gage—local Methodist preacher—and the circuit preaching concluded the religious worship up to 1832, with the exception of



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Baptist preaching given in another place. In 1834 Jonas Allen removed to Madison, Ohio, where he died 2 years since. Orson Pratt and Lyman E. Johnson, Mormon priests, came to town in 1832, formed a large church from East Charleston and Brighton; but in a few short years this whole church with the exception of one who renounced the faith, gathered up their effects and removed to Missouri their "Promised Land." This sect professed to work miracles, heal the sick and performed all to the satisfaction of their followers. Their numbers were greatly in­creased through the faith of the people in the healing of a Mrs. Farr who on account of sickness had been unable to leave her bed for 3 years. After a season of prayer, the Mor­mon priests commanded her to "rise and walk"; upon which she immediately obeyed the injunction, declared herself healed, and the next day was baptized in the waters of the Clyde. After which she engaged in the busy avocations of active life during the re­maining 3 or 4 years of her stay in Charleston. From 1832 to 1843, the writer thinks had Methodist preaching in East Charleston once in about 4 weeks, with occasionally some Congregational, Calvinist and Free-will Baptist preaching. The first Methodist class, was formed at East Charleston in 1833. The first Sabbath school formed at East Charles­ton, was in 1837, and Anson Sanborn first superintendent. In 1843, this year of the Advents, Charleston had its full share; and they continued their stay several years, hold­ing meetings regularly during the whole pe­riod. Besides this the principal preaching in East Charleston from 1843 to 1861, was Free­will Baptist and Methodist. From that time until the present year, 1869, Methodist and Freewill Baptist preaching have each been sustained one half the time.


                                 FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH.


                                      BY REV. E. C. SMALLEY.


It appears by the record that the F. W. Baptist church was the first one organized in town, and the organization took place Feb. 11, 1830, by a council composed of Revs. J. Wood­man, Daniel Quimby and Abel Bugbee. Joel R. Hidden was the first clerk. Jonas Allen was a member of the church, but whether he was pastor or not does not appear on the record. 16 members composed the church at first, and for a number of years it was, in a measure prosperous, and enjoyed some good revivals. As the town became more settled other de­nominations came in, and the Baptist church for a time had no stated preaching. After a lapse of some years the interest again revived, and two churches were organized called East and West Charleston churches; and both are now trying to sustain the Gospel in their borders. The pastors at the West church have been, Revs. T. P. Moulton, D. Water­man, J. Whittemore and C. H. Smith. The church now reports only 24 members. The East church in 1862, secured the labors of Rev. E. C. Heath who labored until May 1865. During his ministry the church enjoyed some prosperity and received additions in num­bers and influence. In May 1865, the writer became pastor of this church, and has contin­ued until the present season to labor here a share of the time. Present No. of members, 44. The West church own a house of wor­ship. The East church worship in a Union house with E. Methodists and Universalists.


                             EAST CHARLESTON, April 21, 1869.


                                 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.


In October, 1842, Rev. J. T. Howard, by invitation of the Orleans County Association, came into the county to labor as a missionary in the towns of Charleston and Holland.

As soon as arrangements could be made with other societies, he divided his labors be­tween West Charleston and Holland, preach­ing in both places on alternate Sabbaths, holding meetings in school-houses, there be­ing no meeting-house in either town. In June 1843, the Stone church called a Union house was finished and dedicated, Rev. Proc­tor Moulton, Freewill Baptist, preached the sermon. This house was occupied nearly half the time by the Congregationalists until June 1859, when their house of worship was completed and dedicated. Rev. Thomas Bayne of Irasburgh preached the dedication sermon.

When Mr. Howard commenced his labors in West Charleston, there was but one Congre­gational professor, (Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, wife of Maj. J. M. Robinson,) in the village or immediate vicinity. In 1844, May 14, the Orthodox Congregational church in West Charleston, was organized by an ecclesiastical council, of which Rev. J. S. Clark was moder­ator, and Dr. George A. Hinman, was scribe.

Rev. R. V. Hall preached the sermon from the words—"Fear not little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the



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kingdom." The church in its organization was composed of 9 members, viz.: Marcus A. Grow and his wife, Elizabeth Grow, Horace Holt, Charles F. Morse, Mrs. Abigail Morse, (wife of Col. Joseph Morse,) Mrs. Maria Sen­ter by letters from the Congregational church in Derby, and Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, by letter from Congregatinal church in Brown­ington; also Mr. James G. Barnard and his wife, Lavina Barnard, united in the organization of the church, by profession. Mr. Barnard was a faithful and efficient member of the church, and served in the office of deacon until his death.

Though few and feeble, the church in 1854 undertook to build a house of worship, and after a severe struggle of 5 years, and receiv­ing a considerable assistance from individu­als and churches abroad, it was completed at a cost of $2,500.

In 1857, Mr. Howard's health failed so that he was obliged to desist from his public labors as a minister. For nearly 3 years, 1857—'60, preaching was maintained only by temporary supplies. In 1859—'60, Rev. Phineas Bailey preached 6 months, and sev­eral by letter were added to the church.

In May 1860, Rev. Charles Duren became acting pastor and continued his labors 2 years and a half, dividing the time with Holland. Rev. Levi Loring succeeded Mr. Duren and labored 3½ years; the first year he divided his time with Holland. He was ordained and in­stalled as pastor July, 1863, and dismissed in June 1866. Soon after, Rev. Timothy E. Ranney became acting pastor and remained one year. Rev. R. V. Hall then supplied the pulpit about 4 months. In October, 1867, Mr. N. W. Grover began to serve as acting pastor and continued 6 months. He was fol­lowed by Rev. A. R. Gray, who preached sev­eral Sabbaths, until November, 1868, when Rev. A. C. Childs, formerly of Wenham, Mass. was invited as a condidate for settlement. On the 23d of the same month by a unani­mous vote of the church he received an invi­tation to become the minister of the parish with the hope and expectation of soon being installed as the permanent pastor. To the credit of the church it may be observed, that during the intervals when the church has been without the services of the ministry, it has regularly held meetings on the Sabbath, conducted by one of the members.


                             INDIAN HISTORY OF "LONG POND."


According to Indian testimony there was once a long pond in this town, extending along the course of Clyde river from the Great Falls in Charleston, up into Brighton. There are broad meadows along the course of the river, swamps and deep muck-beds. Though the soil is deep in most of the meadows, yet in some places there is no soil to speak of—hardpan, close to the surface. At the time of the first settlement of the town, many of the bog meadows could not be crossed in safety. I had often heard the inhabitants allude to these, with other peculiarities, as indicative of great changes which had been effected by some means, since the original creation. From them I learned that the story in re­gard to the matter was of Indian origin, made known to them through the St. Francis tribe, who were accustomed to migrate through the town, sometimes twice a year, stop and pitch their tents on lot No. 33, where the East vil­lage now stands, staying a longer or shorter time as best suited them—hunting etc. In 1824, after Jonas Allen had settled on this lot I chanced to be at his house, and was in­formed of the Indian encampment on their lot at that time. The men being out on a hunting excursion, I stopped until their re­turn on purpose to ferret out if possible more of this Indian tradition. When they came in, they brought a large deer of which I purchased a part to carry to my home in West Charleston. Fortunately this company consisted of some old as well as young men. From the former I gleaned, what seemed to me a plausible story taken in connection with the actual phenomena of our bogs and swamps. They said it had been fifty years since they with their fathers, had made a permanent home at that place; at which time they remained 9 consecutive years; and dur­ing the whole of that period there was a long pond there, 10 miles in length, with two outlets; one by a stream into Willoughby river, thence to Mempremagog lake. The other outlet through Clyde river into Salem pond, thence to Memphremagog lake. They also said that the waters of this Long pond ran away to Memphremagog before those of Glo­ver pond, and that they were knowing to the facts of both at the time of the events. The reason they assigned for making this place their home at that time, was because of a division among their own tribe, they being in



118                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


favor of the English, and the rest in favor of the French at the time of the French and Indian war. They remained—according to the testimony given—until after peace was concluded between the French and English in 1763, then returned to Canada. They showed where they camped, where they put their furs and potatoes, and also showed old marks on maple trees where they had been tapped 9 years in succession. This sugar lot, which was one of their camping-grounds, was situated on both sides of the town line be­tween Charleston and Brighton; on lot No. 37, 1st div. in Brighton and lot No. 95, 1st division in Charleston. They related each circumstace so clearly from time to time, and gave the several proofs with so much correctness, that no one doubted the truthful­ness of their assertions. And as years have passed from that interview to the present, the changes observed in the meadow lands, cor­roborate their testimony. The bog meadows that a man could not cross in safety in 1803, had so much increased in density, that in 1824, hay was cut and carried out by hand, for the reason that a team could not safely cross. Now both people and teams pass over them secure from danger, only in some exceptional cases.


ADDITIONAL PROOFS.—A very large mill­dam was constructed by George L. Varnum in the summer of 1820—a very dry season—in the highest place suitable for a dam be­tween the Great Falls and Pension pond, which had the effect to throw back the waters of this pond, and Clyde river—whose current is through the length of said pond, into Brownington swamp, near Beaver brook to which it was fast approaching. Beaver brook flows into Willoughby river, thence to Mem­phremagog lake by the way of Barton river. To prevent threatened law-suits with the owners of the mills at Charleston Hollow and Derby, on account of the water being thus taken from them, said Varnum was obliged to remove his dam and build a small­er one lower down the stream. The land from Beaver brook to Clyde river, a distance of 1¼ miles, is low and swampy. These cir­cumstances go to prove the correctness of the Indian story, in regard to two outlets to Long pond.

In the fall of 1868, while Wm. Sawyer, Jr., of East Charleston, was digging muck on his meadow, a common fishing-pole was found 4 feet 10 inches from the surface—supposed to have been dropped into this Long pond before it broke away from its former boundary. One end of this fishing-rod had the appearance of being broken off, the other end of it was cut off in a slanting direction, with an ax or some other sharp edged tool. Above this pole a little nearer the surface, was the top of an old pine tree, the larger end of which had by some means been broken off, and measured nearly, a foot and a half in diameter.



List giving the numbers, names of the original proprietors, first settlers, with dates of settlement, and present owners or occupants of each lot in the town of Charleston, as sur­veyed by Gen. Whitelaw.


Original Proprietors.                             First Settlers.                               Present Occupants.

Nehemiah Knight,           No. 1      Philip Davis,       1808                         Simeon Gay,

                                         "      Alpha Allyn,        1827                     Thomas Waybo,

                                         "      John Martin,       1831                         John Martin,

John Murray,                      2      Enoch Colby,                              Enoch Colby,

                                         "      David Hildreth,                        David Hildreth,

College Lot,                         3      Amos Huntoon,   1806                        Levi Garland,

                                         "      Samuel Morrison,               "                                David Driver,

                                         "      Jonathan Smith,  1823                   Joseph Bathrow,

John Beverly,                      4      Abner Allyn,       1802            David Driver, A. Norris,

                                         "      John Campbell,                        John Campbell,

                                         "      Simeon Brown,    1823                        ——— Norris,

                                         "      Cromwell Leonard,            1824                             John Campbell,

Charles Murray,                  5      Samuel Knight,   1806                     Jonathan Page,

                                         "      Levi Pierce,        1825                    Daniel Webster,

                                         "      Paschal Allyn,     1834                        Peter Gilman,

Andrew Brown,                   6      Ebenezer S. Allyn,            1831                             Jasper Cummings,

                                         "      Barney Balch,     1830            L. D. Parran, J. Lunt, A. Lyon, L. Nye,

Pitch lot                             7      Andrew McGaffey,            1803                             Lauren Sleeper,

                                         "      Jonathan Richards,            1806                             Edson Lyon,

                                         "      Enos Harvey,



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            119


Original Proprietors.                             First Setters.                                Present Occupants.

Abram Whipple,             No. 8      Philip Davis,                   1807      Simeon Gay,

                                         "      Jonathan Davis,              1829      Gideon Gay,

George Rounds,                  9      Dr. Samuel Worthen,             Dr. Samuel Worthen,

                                         "      David Moody,

Ralph Murray,                   10      Hubbard Lathe,                      Hubbard Lathe,

                                         "      Seneca B. Cooley,                                                Philetus Morey,

John W. Chandler              11      Page Colby,                        Henderson Gallup,

                                         "      Orrin Percival,                1809                             "

                                         "      Royal Gage,                             John C. Oliver,

                                         "      Phinehas Underwood,            1812 Henderson Gallup,

Jeremiah Field,                  12      Orrin Percival,                1804 Jonathan Page,

                                         "      Jonathan Smith,              1822   James Dudley,

                                         "      Harvey Cole,                      "        Newell Smith,

John Harris,                     13      Ebenezer Cole,                1812 Jonathan Page,

                                         "      Elisha Parlin,                  1818    George Parlin,

                                         "      Stephen Cole,                 1812 Elisha W. Parlin,

William Harris                   14      J. Warren,                     1808 Alonzo Bates, Wilson Buck,

                                         "      Stephen Cole,                 1809 Egbert Robinson,

                                         "      Thomas Ames,                1810 Charles Cummings,

Abner Williams                  15      Daniel W. Palmer,                                   1833      Daniel W. Palmer & Son,

                                         "      David Palmer,            before 1818

                                         "      Anson Messer,                1838                             "

                                         "      —— Roby,                         "                                "

Charles Harris,                  16      David Moody,                  1843     David Moody,

                                         "      Robert Allen,                  1844  Philetus Morey,

                                         "      Nathan Allyn,                    Elias & Edwin Huse,

Glebe Lot,                         17      Eleazer Pomeroy,             1833 George Hamilton,

                                         "      Benjamin Kimball,                                   1828      Daniel Webster,

                                         "      Robert Allen,                           Philetus Morey,

Jeremiah Rounds,              18      John Saunderson,             about 1840 George Hamilton,

                                         "      Jacob Richards,                       John C. Oliver,

                                         "      Ebenezer Richards,                                                            "

Benjamin Ingraham,           19      George L. Varnum,                                   1820      Pascal Allyn, J. Cook, A. Nye,

                                         "      Martin Pomeroy,              1821    ——— Moran,

                                         "      Lewis Smith,                   1822 Amos Parlin, Ashbel Nye,

Pitch Lot,                          20      Abner Allyn,            before 1806 Hiram Hutchinson,

                                         "      Daniel Mead,                  1822

                                         "      Dr. Jona. Allyn,             before 1806 Horace Riter,

                                         "      Amos Parlin,                   1822

John H. Whipple.               21      Samuel Hutchinson,            1824     Nathan Allen,

                                         "      Jonas Warren, jr.,                                   1823      Rufus Barnard

                                         "      John Warren,                 1824     Moses Fuller,

William Field,                    22      Unsettled,

John Matherson,                23      Charles Royce,                1813      Clark Royce,

                                         "      Martin Philbrick,                     Henry Hosmore,

                                         "      Seneca B. Cooley,                                                Hoswell Moody,

Nicholas Powers,                24      Levi Bradley,                  1811     James Lewis,

                                         "      David Moody,                  1831     Royal Moody,

                                         "      H. M. Swazey,                 1823     James Lewis,

                                         "      Asa Philbrick,                    "       Parker Chase,

Cotton Guilson,                 25      Christopher Hall,             1825 Henry Sweatland,

                                         "      Martin Pomeroy,              1823   —— Dearborn,

                                         "      H. M, Swazey,

                                         "      Olney Hawkins,               1824

Pitch Lot,                          26      John M Morse,                1823    Loren Sawyer,

                                         "      Ira Eaton,                       1825      Amos Parlin,

                                         "      Eleazer Pomeroy,             1823   Gibb Eastman,

                                         "      Edward Balch,                1826                      "

                                         "      Hilton Brackett,               1832    Loren Sawyer,

Andrew Harris,                  27      Ira Brackett,                      "           Elias Lunt,

                                         "      Joseph Huntington,            1819

                                         "      Jonas Warren, jr.,                                                Jonas Warren, Jr.

                                         "      Jerry Brackett,

Cyprian Sterry,                  28      J. T. Huntington,                                   1832      Nathan Allen,

                                         "      J. M. Saunders,                 "        Philip Ledue,

                                         "      Hezekiah Cole,                1833  Jonathan Page,



120                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Original Proprietors.                                First Settlers.                                      Present Occupants.

Peter Stone, 3d,                     No. 29        John Moody,                           1836           John Moody,

                                                      "        John Saunderson,                    1837         John Winslow,

Grammar-School Lot                   30        Samuel Hopkins,                     1831     David S. Moody,

                                                      "        Seneca B. Cooley,                    1838

                                                      "        Daniel Mead,                           1831             Jason Niles,

                                                      "        Orlando Peck,                             "            Calvin Sawyer,

Jonathan Pitcher,                          31        Ephraim Hartshorn,                 1810         William Baker.

                                                      "        Olney Hawkins,                       1828      Henry Hazeltine,

                                                      "        H. M. Swazey,                         1824

                                                      "        Daniel Meade,                          1824

                                                      "        David Lochlin,                         1831              Silas Clark,

                                                      "        Amos Parlin,                            1839      Henry Hazeltine,

                                                    32        Randall Magoon,                      1828           George Perry,

                                                      "        David Royce,                           1831        Daniel Chaplin,

                                                      "        Edward Balch,                         1823      Richard Chaplin,

                                                      "        Jonathan Davis,                                         Edgar Merrill,

                                                      "        Stephen Cole,

John King, jr.,                              33        Hilton Brackett,                        1832 Henderson Gallup, Wm. Wilson, Gibbs Eastman,

Benjamin Ingraham,                     34        Jonathan Mead,                        1827

                                                      "        Winthrop Cole,                                        Hilton Brackett,

                                                      "        Seneca B. Cooley,                    — Sylvester, Warren Parlin,

                                                    35        J. F. Huntington,                 before 1832 Henry Calkins,

                                                      "        Lewis Moffatt,                         1831 Charles Sutton, J. Erase, John Patrick,

Abner Field,                                 36        John Saunderson,                    1837         John Winslow,

                                                      "        Joseph Gray,                                        Charles Royce, Jr.

                                                      "        Silas Richards,

Made into 3d div. lots,                 37        S. C. Cole, E. Hill,                    1831          William Clark,

            "                           38                        "                              Fernando Cole, Herbert Morse,

                                                    39        Benjamin Nutting,                    1825       Warren Mansur,

                                                      "        Jeremiah Hutchinson,                                                1825        E. D. Goodwin,

                                                      "        Stephen C. Cole,                      1829          Edgar Merrill.

Timothy Carpenter,                      40        John Saunderson,                    1832 Chas. Worthen, Edgar Merrill,

William Waterman,                      41        Unsettled.

                                                    42        Zacheus Senter,                       1811     Comfort Chaffee,

Thomas Smart,                            43        John Miles,                              1832     Moses R. Stokes,

                                                      "        Jacob Lochlin,

William Wall,                               44        Wm. Merriam,                         1808     Columbus Davis,

                                                      "        Willard Marshall,                     1810        Lucas Wheeler,

                                                      "        Albert Lawrence,                     1834     Albert Lawrence,

                                                    45        Alpha Allyn,                            1829         Alfred Brooks,

                                                      "        Albert Lawrence,                                  Albert Lawrence,

                                                      "        S. C. Cole.                                1829

Richard Eddy,                              46        Lemuel Sturtevant,                   1806                 John Bly,

                                                                Alpha Allyn,                            1826               John Bean,

                                                                Henry True,                             1830              Moses Bly,

                                                                Alpha Allyn,                            1829       Abner Moulton,

Town School Lot,                        47        David Preston,                         1824          William Hand,


                                                      "        Ezra Brigham,                          1824          Nathan Chase,

                                                      "        Joseph Kathan,                        1827

                                                      "        Henry True,                             1826          Lewis Moffitt,

Ephraim Roberts,                         48        Calvin Alden,                           1828      Thomas Dolloff,

                                                      "        James F. Adams,                          "         Richard Powers,

                                                      "        Peter Bigelow,                              "

Nathan Willians,                          49        Michael Bly,                            1826             Abner Lord,

                                                      "        Zecheus Senter,                       1811     Comfort Chaffee,

William Corliss,                           50        Jesse Corliss,                           1826          Charles Allen,

                                                      "        Phineas Allen,                          1828                                        "

                                                      "        Parker L. Chase,                      1841     Moses R. Stokes,

Thomas Jenkins,                          51        Jeremiah Magoon,                    1832           Vasco Davis,

                                                      "        Joseph Burroughs,                   1838           Henry Albee,

                                                    52        B. G. Teel, D. Preston,                 1826          Samuel Davis,

                                                      "        Richard Chaplin,                      1830           David Morse,

Benjamin Brown,                         53        Lemuel Sturtevant,                   1806                 John Bly,

                                                      "        Ebenezer Bean,                        1823



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            121


Original Proprietors.                             First Settlers.                               Present Occupants.

Benjamin Bourn,          No. 53      William Brooks,

                                         "      Benjamin Goodwin,            1827 Rich'd Darius, E. D. Goodwin,

                                         "      Job Drown,                    1826

                                         "      Elisha Bingham,              1827          John Bly,

John Fenner,                    54      Joseph Kathan,                          William Hand,

                                         "      Nathan Chase,                          Nathan Chase,

                                         "      Benjamin Goodwin,                     E. D. Goodwin,

                                         "      Joseph Gray,                             Charles Gray,

                                       55      James F. Adams,                                                Thomas Dolloff,

                                       56      Solomon Wolcott,             1831

                                         "      Joseph & John Dickey,  1821   Hiram Wolcott,

Israel Gerton,                    57      Joseph Sevey,            before 1814 ——— Bennett,

                                         "      Earl Cate,

                                         "      Aaron Drown,                 1827 ——— Labounty,

                                         "      Michael Floyd,                 1828

Pardon Field,                     58      Joseph Seavy & Sons,

                                                near Westmore,               1804    Andrew Bean,

                                         "      William Gray,                  1822      John Fuller,

                                       59      Dr. Alanson Gibson,            Winthrop Cole, Lucas Wheeler,

                                         "      James Gray,                                    John Bly,

                                       60      Wm. Gray, J. Cushman,                                  Charles Stevens, John Bly,

First settled Minister's        61      Leased out by the town


                                         "      J. P. Tyler, Wm. Fisher,   Dan'l Moulton, Chas. Stevens

                                       62      All Echo pond except a

                                                            few 3d div. lots.

William Potter,                   63      William Barney,                        William Barney,

Anthony Randall,               64      Unsettled,                      Owned by Alfred Brooks,

Daniel Bucklin,                  65      Harrison Wheeler,                                   1848      Clark Ladd, Jonas Carruth.

                                         "      George Goodwin,             1847 Lawrence Stoddard,

                                         "      Joseph Stoddard,                                                Alonzo Stoddard,

                                       66      Moses Melvin,                            Moses Melvin,

                                         "      Alpha Allyn,                           Nathaniel Morse,

                                         "      Sullivan Stevens, before 1838      R. P. Stevens,

                                       67      Jonas Allen,                   1824 East Village, James,

                                         "      William Melinda,              1828 Moses & Luther Melvin,

                                         "      Moses Melvin,                 1837 Amos M. Clement, Stephen C. Cole, Esq., Jas. P. Tyler,

                                         "      Alpha Allyn,                    1832 Earl Cate, R. Hunt,

                                         "      Ebenezer Gaskill,                                                Hervey Wolcott, P. Balch.

James H. Olney,                68      P. Tyler, H. & E. Whee-    Benj. Campbell, Porter

                                                ler, Geo. Cloud,                                                  Tyler, John Fuller,

                                         "      Jos. Gray, L. Melvin, C.                  Mrs. J. Dolloff,


                                       69      Emerson Wolcott,                                   1827      George Pierce,

                                         "      — Stasey & son Alvah,                "

                                         "      Daniel Cloud,                  1831   Andrew Cloud,

Edward Fenner,                 70      Emerson Wolcott,                                   1727      William Morse,

                                         "      David Allard,                  1841   Alonzo Barney,

Nathan Burlingame,            71      Alpha Allyn,                    1832 Alpha Allyn, A. Stoddard,

Arthur Fenner,                  72      D. Streeter, W. Spaulding, 1848 A. Pierce, L. Stoddard, R. P. Stevens, E. Miles,

Benjamin Jenkins              73      Tyler Bingham,                1827    R. P. Stevens,

                                         "      Perry Porter,                   1828       Amos Piper,

                                       74      Alpha Allyn,                    1853       Alpha Allyn,

                                         "      William Malinda,              1828 James F. Adams,

                                         "      Andrew Spaulding,                                   1831      Joseph Stoddard,

Charles Jenkins,                75      Simeon Stevens,              1823   Calvin Dunton,

                                         "      Frederick Richardson,            1827 Carlton & Bennett,

John Thurston,                 76      John Foss,                     1823     Alfred Pierce,

                                         "      Timothy Manchester,            1829

Daniel F. Wall,                   77      Theodore L. Tripp.                                   1830      Benjamin Tripp,

Seth Jenkins,                    78      Elisha Bingham, jr.,            1854       Orson Cate,

                                         "      Richard W. Chaplin,            1860  Solomon Petrie,

John C. Green,                  79      John Harvey,                  1825       Alpha Allyn.

                                         "      Walter Spaulding,                                         "      John Willard,

                                         "      Daniel Streeter,               1830     Ezekiel Miles,



122                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Original Proprietors                                              First Settlers.                                 Present Occupants.

John C. Green,                        No. 79      Alpha Allyn,        1854                  Alpha Allyn,

Seth Whittemore,                           80      William Sawyer,   1828                  Cornell Stevens,

                        "      Stephen Sargent,      1831     Jerry Applebee,

                        "        Daniel Streeter,      1830     John Piper,

                        "           L. W. Young,      1831     Cornell Stevens,

                        81          Jacob Lang,      1823     William Sawyer, Jr.

                        "             Alpha Allyn,      1830     Alpha Allyn, D. O. Parlin

Edward Knights,                            82      Jonas Allen,       1823                  William Sawyer, Jr.

                        "          Winslow Farr,          "       John W. Beede,

                        "          William Snow,      1830

Josiah Gifford,                              83      John Beebe,       1843                  Selden Hopkins,

Christopher Olney,                         84      Lorenzo Davis,                      Lorenzo Davis,

Andrew Brown,                             85      George W. Harvey,                  1858       Daniel O. Parlin,

                        "              Hugh Rob,      1865           "

Nehemiah Field,                             86      Myron Buck,                              "

                        "      Homer H. Lewis,                        "

Thomas Field,                                87      J. Lord, Dav. Church,                  1828           Myron Buck,

Made into 3d div. lots,                    88      Simeon Stevens,  1826                  Walter Buck,

                        89    Henry Sherman,      1820     George Lang,

                              "  Jacob H. Lang,      1828     Andrew J. Lang

                              "  Manley Sawyer,      1829     Willard Sawyer,

                              90     A. J. Lang.                  A. J. Lang.

                        91          Daniel Hart,      1854     Cyprian Sterry,

                        "             Alpha Allyn,                  N. P. Bowman,

                        "        E. D. Goodwin,                        "

William Wall,       92             Unsettled.                  Harvey Coe, Agent,

Arthur Fenner,                              93            "                 R. H. Allyn, M. D.

Andrew Harris,                              94      George Bennett,  1829                  Charles Lowell,

                        "     Isaac F. Freeman,      1833           "

                        "         Joseph Henry,         "              "

Cotton Guilson,                             95      Wilson Buck,         "                  Walter Buck,

                        "        William Sawyer,      1831     George Albee,

                        "      Jonathan Briggs,      1837     Samuel McDaniels,

                        96      Jacob H. Lang,      1828     A. J. Lang,

                        "           John Badger,      1837     William Sawyer,

                        "      Sam'l McDaniels,                  Samuel McDaniels,

                        97       Amasa Walter,                  Amasa Walter,

                        "         George Foster,      1834     A. J. Lang,

                        "             Alpha Allyn,                  Franklin Sawyer,

                        98      William Cargill,                  George Walter,

                        "            Edgar Davis,                  Daniel Webster,

                        "        E. D. Goodwin,                  N. P. Bowman,




Charleston contains two villages, 6 miles apart. Its market facilities are good, the East Village being situated 7 miles from the depot at Island Pond on the Grand Trunk railroad, and the West Village—the larger of the two—situated about 10 miles from New­port on the Connecticut and Passumpsic rail­road. The east part of the town contains a post office, 1 church, 2 stores, 2 hotels. 2 starch-factories, 1 grist-mill, 3 lumber-mills, planing and clapboard-machine, 1 shop for the manufacture of butter firkins, 3 black­smith shops, 1 shingle and 1 carriage-manu­factory. The west part of the town contains a post-office, 2 churches, an academy, 5 stores. 1 hotel, 1 grist-mill, 2 lumber-mills, 2 card­ing-machine, 1 starch-factory, 1 cabinet shop, 3 blacksmith shops, 2 harness shops, 1 tannery, 1 emery shop and 1 carriage manufactory.

It also contains a Freemason's Lodge, con­sisting of 100 members, The East Village has a Good Templar's Lodge with about the same number of members. The town is divided into 13 school districts and contained, in 1860, —1,160 inhabitants. Grand list is $3272.32.

The oldest persons deceased in town were Benjamin Nash, formerly of Montpelier, and Elizabeth Lord, (relict of Samuel Lord, one of the early settlers of Barton,) both nearly 100 years of age. The oldest persons now living in this town, are Philip Davis,* who came to town in 1807, and Mrs. Susan Goodwin, (relict of Benj. Goodwin,) both 90 years of age; and the only families in town who have resided over 40 years on the farms upon which they first commenced, with the exception of Stephen Cole and family who remained on the same farm over fifty years.


*Since deceased.



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            123




            Compiled mainly from the Reports of the Adjutant-General of Vt. for 1864 and '65.


            Volunteers for three years, credited previous to call for 300.000 Vols. of Oct. 17, 1863.


Names.                                   Age.        Enlisted.                Reg.                Co.                 Remarks.

Allen, Alonzo                     21      Aug. 4, '62.        10            K      Died May 3, '63.

Allen, Daniel W.                 18      July 18, '62.       "            " Mustered out June 22, '65.

Allen, Ira H.                      18      Apr. 22, '61.       3            D Re-en. Dec. 10, '62; killed at Wilderness.

Allen, James                     28      July 15, '62.       11            F Mustered out June 24, '65.

Bancroft, John W.              22      July 24, '62.       10            K                                  "           May 22. '65.

Barnard, Francis P.            19      Dec. 3, '61.        8            B    Died May 22, '63.

Barnard, Jabez H.              20      June 22, '63.      11            L Pro. Q. M. Serg't. Aug. 31, '63; dis. for promotion in col. reg., Aug. 3, '64.

Barnard, William                22      June 6, '62.       9            E   Died Aug. 12, '63.

Bishop, Charles                                                   3            D               No record

Black, Jotham A.               21      Aug. 11, '62.      10            K Pro. corp. Nov. 26, '62; must. out June 22, '62.

Blanchard, Joseph             21      Apr. 22, '61.       3            D Re-en. Dec. 21, 63 ; des. Feb. 13, '64.

Bowen, Benj. F.                 47      Aug. 12, 62.       10            K Killed at Cedar Creek Oct. 19, '64.

Boynton, Edmund              18      Jan. 18, '62.       7            H     Died Nov. 6, '62.

Brainard, L. A.                  18      Aug. 12, '62.      10            K Mustered out June 22, '65.

Briggs, Horace                   30      Apr. 22, '61.       3            D   Died Aug. 20, '62.

Briggs, Lucius E.               19                  "           "            " Killed at Lee's Mills, April 16, '62.

Brown, Harvey                  24      June 24, '63.      11            L Mustered out June 2, '65.

Buck, Erastus                   31      Apr. 24, '61.       3            D Pro. capt, Co. I, Nov. 1. '63; died May 23, '64 of wounds rec'd in action.

Calkins, F. C.                    20      Apr. 22, '61.       "            " Discharged Sept. 30, '62.

Calkins, Wm. H.                23      Aug. 11, '62.      10            K Mustered out June 22, '65.

Cate, Orson                      24      Aug. 8, '62.        "            "                                   "

Chaplin, Richard W.           38                  "           "            " Trans. to Invalid Corps May 15, '64; dis.

Clark, Brooks B.                23                  "           "            " Died Nov. 2, '64 of wounds rec'd in action.

Cookman, James               26      May 1, '61.         3            D Killed at Lee's Mills, April 16, '62.

Cunningham, Wm.             18      Nov. 30, '61.       8            B Mustered out June 28. '65.

Dapry, Francis                  39      Jan. 10, '62.       8            K Discharged Feb. 28, '63.

Davis, Wesley                    22      Apr. 22, '61.       3            D Mustered out July 27, '64.

Drown, Calvin                   24      July 21, '62.       10            K                                  "           June 22, '65.

Dwire, David                     41      July 29, '62.       "            " Killed at Petersburg, April 2, '65.

Fletcher, John W.              22      May 1, '61.         3            D Deserted Sept. 16, '62.

Gartlan, Daniel                  22                  "           "            " Discharged Nov. 24, '62.

Gates, Hadley B.                32      July 11, '61.       "            E Mustered out July 27, '64.

Gilbraith, Wm.                   38      Apr. 22, '61.       "            D Discharged Oct. 13, '61.

Goodwin. Ivora S.              21      July 24, '62        10            K Pro. corp.; musterd out July 1, '65.

Gray, Charles H.                21      July 18, '62.       "            " Pro. serg't; mustered out June 22, '65.

Gray, Myron                      18      Dec. 17, '61.      8            I Re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64; des. May 24, '64.

Gray, William H.                21      Apr. 22, '61.       3            D Discharged Aug. 6, '62.

Grow, Charles H.               19      Nov. 30, '61.       8             K     Died Aug. 5. '62.

Grow, Edward A.               27      Apr. 22,'61.        3             D Mustered out July 27, '64.

Grow, Joseph B.                22      May 1, '61.         "            " Pro. corp, Died Jan, 21, '65.

Grow, Samuel A.               24      Apr. 24, '61.       "            " Pro. serg't; mustered out July 27, '64.

Hamblet, Edson L.             24                  "           "            " Deserted July 21, '61.

Harriman, Edson J.            18      May 30, '61.       "             " Mustered out July 11, '65.

Harrington, F.                                                     "            " Discharged. No record.

Harvey, Samuel E.             24      Aug. 6, '62.        10             K   Died Nov, 19, '63.

Hazeltine, H. W.                21      July 21, '63.       "            " Mustered out June 22. '65.

Hagan, Francis                  19      Dec. 5, '61.        8             B                                  "  28, '65.

Hutchinson, Alonzo            26      Apr. 24, '61.       3             D Died April 18, '62 of wounds rec'd at Lee's Mills, April 16, '62.

Johnson, John E.              19      Aug. 13, '62.      "            " Pro. corp.; mustered out June 19, '65.

Jones, Henry                    23      July 24, '62.       Cav.             G Mustered out June 21, '65.      

Lawrence, Albert G.           26      Aug. 5, '62.        10             K     Died Jan. 8, '64.

Lawrence, Geo. H.             21      July 18, '62,       "            " Died Jan 21, '84 of wounds rec'd in action.

Lunt, Benj. P.                   20      Dec. 2, '61.        8             B   Died July 23, '62,

Mansur, Zophar M.            19      Aug. 11, '62.      10             K Discharged Aug, 31, '65.

McCoy, John A.                 21      Aug. 1, '62.        "             " Mustered out July 9, '65.

McCoy, Joshua B.              18      Aug. 4, '62.        "            "                                   "           June 22, '65.

Mansur, Jacob C.              25      Aug. 11, '62.      "             " Discharged May 30, '65.

Taylor, Alfred                    25      Apr. 22, '61.       3             D Mustered out July 27, '64.

Torrence, Moses                21                  "           "             " Discharged Oct. 21, '62.

Wadleigh, John R.              22      Aug. 24, '64.      11             M Died June 22,'64, of wounds rec'd in action.



124                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Names.   Age.                 Enlisted.        Reg.        Co.                Remarks.

Warboys, Chas. N.             23      June 16, '62.      9            E Mustered out June 13, '65.

Warboys, Henry                 21      June 6, '62.       "            " Pro. corp.; must. out June 13, '65.

Warren, Myron P.              18      Dec. 16, '61.      8            B Pro. corp.; died Nov. 11, '64 of wounds rec'd at Cedar Creek.

Wells, Henry                     28      June 7, '61.       3            D              No record.

Wheeler, Jason P.              23      Apr. 22, '61.       "            " Mustered out July 11, '65.


Vols. for three years, credits under call of Oct. 17, 1863, for 300,000 Vols. and subsequent calls.


Allyn, Paschal W.               18      Nov. 11, '63.       8            B   Died Dec. 24. '64.

Campbell, Henry                24      Dec, 9, '63.        3             I Discharged June 12, '65.

Clough, Horace E.              20      "                       "             " Trans. to V. R. C., Dec. 20, '64.

Cobb, Curtis C.                 37      Dec. 14, '63.      "            " Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, '64.

Croft, George F.                 22      Dec. 10, '63.      "             " Mustered out July 11, '65.

Lawson, Frederick             27      Nov. 21, '63.       "             "                            "      "

Morse, Lauren                   41      Dec. 11, '63.      "             " Killed at Wilderness May 5, '64.

Taylor, Farmer                   21      Oct. 20, '63.       3             D Mustered out July 11, 65.

Wilder, Charles                  42      Dec. 1, '63.        10             K Discharged May 12, '65.


          Volunteers Re-enlisted.


Ira H. Allen, 3d reg., co. D; Hollis H. Cass, 8th reg., co. B; Joseph B. Grow, 3d reg., co. D; Francis Hogan, 8th reg., co. B; Edson J. Harriman, 3d reg., co. D; Patrick Frank­lin, 8th reg., co. B; Wm. A. Powers, 3d reg., co. D; Henry Talbert, 3d reg., co. D; Myron P. Warren, 8th reg., co. B; Jason P. Wheeler, 3d reg., co. D.


Mickman, John                  20      June 9, '62.       9             E Killed at Chapin's Farm, Va. Sept. 29, '64.

Montague, Hugh                22      July 9, '61.        3             D Discharged. No record.

Moody, Charles                  20      Sept. 25, '61.      "            "    Died April 20, '63.

Moody, David S.                21      Apr. 22, '61.       "             " Discharged May 23, '62.

Moody, Harvey                  23      July 10, '61.       "             K Dropped Jan. 24, '63.

Moody, Joseph                  18      Apr. 22, '61.       "             D   Died Oct. 15, '62.

Moody, Samuel                  19      July 25, '62.       "             " Discharged April 22, '63.

Morse, Nixon                     21      June 1, '61.       "            "                            "      Oct. 21, '61.

Moulton, Ira A.                  19      Aug. 8, 62.        10             K Mustered out June 22, '65.

Moulton, John G.               27                  "           "            "             Discharged.

Moulton, Wm. S.                21                  "           "            " Mustered out June 22, '65.

Neal, John                        18      June 1, '61.       3             D Killed at Lee's Mills, April 16, '62.

Niles Jason D.                   23      Apr. 22, '61.       "             " Pro. corp.; mustered out July 27, '64.

Norris, Alex. T.                  33      July 29, '62.       10             K                           "      sick in Gen. Hos. Aug. 31, '64.

Patrick, Benj. F.                25      Nov. 30, '61.       8             B Mustered out June 28, '65.

Piper, John 2d,                 40      July 28, '62.       10             K   Died April 22, '64.

Piper, Lucian C.                18      Aug. 6, '62.        "            " Pro. corp.; killed at Cold Harbor June 1, '64,

Plunkett, James                21      May 1, '61.         3             D Tr. to 1st N. Y. Battery, Dec. 21, '62.

Parlin, Abel A.                   32      Dec. 4, '61.        8             B Died June 13, '63.

Powers, Wm. A.                 33      Sept. 25, '61.      3             D Deserted July 13, '64.

Quimby, Elisha M.                                               9             E Prom. capt. Dec, 22, '63; resigned May 11,'65

Royce, Clark                     21      Apr. 22, '61.       3             D Pro. corp.; mustered out July 27, '64.

Shannon, Patrick               22      June 13, '62.      9             E Died Sept. 14, '63.

Stanton, John                    20      Apr. 22, '61.       3             D Killed at Antietam, Sept. 17, '62.

Stebbins, Calvin                 18      July 13, '61.       "            " Discharged Oct, 30, '62.

Stevens, Chester S.            23      Aug. 8, '62.        10             K   Died Dec. 21, '62.

Stoddard, Albert H.            23                  "           "            " Mustered out June 22, '65.

Switzer, Harrison               21                  "           "            "      Died Dec. 5, '62.


Miscellaneous—not credited by name, 8 men. Vols. for 9 months.


Barney, Alonzo                  21      Sept. 18, '62.      15             H Mustered out Aug, 5, '63.

Bingham, George               18                  "           "             "    Died Feb. 27, '63.

Cargell, George. C.             18      Sept. 15, '62.      "             E Mustered out Aug. 5, '63.

Gray, Hiram A.                  19      Sept. 18, '62.      "             H                           "      "

Gray, Robert B.                 45                  "           "            "                            "      "

Griffin Wm. N.                   21                  "           "            "                            "      "

Hall, Ransom                     21                  "           "             "                            "      "

Hamilton, Benj. F.              29                  "           "            I.                           "      "

Lyon, Joseph P.                 25                  "           "             " Discharged Feb. 9, '63.

Prescott, Chas. W.             34                  "           "             " Mustered out Aug. 5, '63.

West, Lafayette                  19                  "           "            "

Wolcott, Hiram A.              34      Sept. 21, '62.      "             E Pro. corp. Jan. 16.'63; must. out Aug. 5.'63

Worthen, Chas. F.              25      Sept. 18, '62.      "             H Pro. corp. Oct. 30, '62; must. out Aug. 5, '63

Worthen, Geo. W.              18                  "           "            " Mustered out Aug. 5, '63.



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            125


                                  FURNISHED UNDER DRAFT.


                                                          Paid Commutation,


Charles Allen, Wm. P. Bartlett, Charley Carpenter, Christopher C. Davis, Mortimer C. Davis, Edson Dunton, Lorenzo D. Farr, F. C. Harrington, Dennison T. Hildreth. Procured Substitute—Rinaldo L. Moffitt, Amos E. Piper.


        Entered Service,


Names.                                           Age.        Enlisted.                Reg.                                                          Co.        Remarks.

Clark, William                          22      July 31, '63,       2                                               E      Killed at Spottsylvania, May 12, '64.

Goodwin, Edmund                   20                  "           "                                               "          "                                  "

Stoke, Alvin R.                        21                  "           "                                              K      On furlough, July 15, '65.

Switzer, James C.                    22      Aug. 31, '63,      "                                               "      Died Nov, 3, '64 of wounds rec'd in action.

Warren, Alby J.                       29                  "           "                                              M      Discharged May 22, '65.


                                REVOLUTIONARY PENSIONERS


who have resided in Charleston, viz. William Sawyer, David Streeter, Samuel Spaulding, Martin Barney. Mexican Pensioner, Parker Langmayd.


                                            STEPHEN COLE.


Stephen, Ebenezer, Harvey and Hezekiah Cole, pioneer settlers of Navy, now Charleston, were descendants of Hezekiah Cole, who had four sons and three daughters. The names of his sons were Daniel, Ebenezer, Stephen and Hezekiah. The third son, Stephen, (the father of the afore-mentioned pioneer settters of Navy.) and Hezekiah, his brother, had to supply the Revolutionary army with one soldier, which was done between them alternately; and by agreement Hezekiah went the first year, and before the year was out died with what was called camp distemper. Stephen married Persis Durkee, of Pomfret, Ct., and moved his family from Woodstock, Ct., to Waterford, Vt., about the year 1796, when the town was being settled very fast, and the wagon which they moved in was the first one ever driven into that town.— His family consisted of 14 children. All but 3 of them lived to marry and raise families. The names of the daughters were Betsey, who mar­ried Leveritt Clark, and had 11 children. Polly, married Josiah Lyon, of Salem, Vt., had twelve children. Sally married Orrin Colburn of Brighton, Vt., had 12 children. Persis, mar­ried Riley Chapin. Eunice, married Ebenezer Bartlett, of Morgan, Vt. Lucy, married John Bishop, son of Enos Bishop, one of the first settlers of Brighton and Morgan. Of the boys, married Martha West, had 10 children. Three of his sons, Ebenezer, Luther and John, settled in Wisconsin, and have become immensely rich. The other two sons, William B. and Zenas, have for many years been merchants is this town. William represented the town in 1852, '53, and Zenas 1856—'58. Lucy married Jacob Richards, of Charleston, son of Jonathan Richards, one of the selectmen at the organization of the town. Harvey Cole,* brother of Ebenezer,† married Nancy Hutchinson, had 4 children. His two sons were killed in the war. Hezekiah, son of Stephen Cole Sen., married Polly Carpenter and moved to the West some years ago. Stephen Cole, the writer, and oldest son of Stephen Cole, Sen., was born the 9th of Sept., l789, and married Abigail Ames, who was born at Natick, Mass., 1781. Her mother's maiden name was Molly Carver, daughter of Jonathan Carver, who had several daughters, but no son. His grandfather was the first governor of the Colony of Massachusetts.

Stephen Cole, Jr., has had 10 children all but one of whom are at the present time living; and all have had families of children in this town; but they now are widely scattered; three children are in Massachusetts, one of whom (Durkee) has been judge of Orleans county court. Three are in the West, one. of whom (Hezekiah) has been town clerk of this town many years. The others are in this State. Winthrop‡ the oldest son, born Nov, 28, 1800, resides in town. He has filled many offices of trust, and served different years as selectman and representative.

Stephen Cole, Jr., moved from Waterford into the town of Navy the last day of March, 1810. His family at that time, consisted of himself, wife and five sons—the eldest ten years of age, the youngest 13 months.

We got through the six miles woods from Brownington Saturday evening, and stopped with a neighbor, a mile from the mill-privilege, until Monday morning, when we started for our shanty. The snow was between three and four feet deep, and some of the barks were gone from


* Now residing in Burke, Vt.

† Deceased since this was commenced.

‡ The oldest of those now living, who have thus far spent their lives in town, are Winthrop Cole, Alpha Allyn, Boswell Davis and Hiram Hutchinson.



126                                     VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


the roof, and the dove-holes had no boards put up to keep out the snow; so it was filled more than half way up to the beam over the door but was slanting and hard so Mrs. Cole slid down into the shanty, and we handed her the baby, and went to work clearing away the snow and building a fire,—and were thankful for the comforts we enjoyed. Mrs. Cole did not visit our neighbors until snow was gone, but was neither lonesome nor homesick until the flies, gnats and mosquitoes came to gorge themselves with the blood of our children.

I had exchanged land I owned in Waterford with Jonas Warren for his interest in the mill-privileges on No. 14, in West Navy. Jonas Warren had erected a saw-mill there and Lem­uel Sturtevant (from whom said Warren pur­chased his interest) had put up a suitable frame for a grist-mill, which I was to finish, and re­ceive the land according to Christopher Olney's contract; consequently my energies were directed to that object, and in June following the mill was in running order. It would grind all kinds of grain well, but had no bolt,—but then there was no grain to grind, and I was raising none for another year. I was obliged to live in the shanty the next year, with a little addition. I had got into debt for more than I could sell the mills for, when I found that the owner at Prov­idence, R. I., was not ready to deed the land and water-privilege to me—he having only leased it for a term of years to Lemuel Sturte­vant, whose right had been conveyed to me through Mr Warren. This state of affairs in relation to the land and mill-privileges existed until 1831, when Alpha Allyn, at my request purchased 200 acres of land, inclosing the mill-privilege. Then I, in company with my second son, Lothrop, rebuilt the mill, mill-dam and flume in the most thorough manner; put in 4 run of stone, and 3 bolts, one for wheat, one for barley, and one for India wheat. Prior to this while I was in suspense about the title of the mill-privilege, and the old mill was hardly worth tending, the east part of the town began to be settled, and to want a mill. Jonas Allyn built a log-house about a mile from a mill-privilege at the east part of the town, which was on a stream flowing from Seymour lake into Clyde river: and invited me to take a share with himself and son, and build a saw-mill there, which I agreed to do. At a set time we took each of us an ax and reconnoitered the stream and agreed,— "There is the place for the dam," and "There is the place for the mill," which was then all covered with trees both small and great. And knowing that our success depended upon the blessing of God there, we bowed ourselves be­fore an ever present Saviour and implored His blessing upon our labor; and we went to work with cheerful hearts and strong hands, which I well remember to this day; and a substantial mill was built.

In 1811 I built the first framed-house in town at West Navy, and moved into it in the fall of 1812. In 1813 the memorable cold season be­gan. There was very little raised in the vicini­ty of Navy. The wheat, rye and barley were so frost bitten that it was worth but little, and scarce at that. At the height of the scarcity my children and others that I knew, went to the woods and dug up leeks and ground-nuts and cooked them to eat, yet never to my knowledge cried for bread, but were healthy and happy.—At the time I came to Navy, Clyde river was well stocked with trout, also Echo pond—a mile above—which we called our meat barrel; and the partridge were plenty in the woods.—When the scarcest time came there was no grain to be bought in any of the adjoining towns: so I started with my horse and empty bags to go south until I could find some grain to buy. I took my way through Westmore. The first 3 miles I had looked out and marked the trees for a road, and cut out the logs and small trees. My way for the next 3 or 4 miles was not much better, but coming to a house where a family was living I found little better roads. The in­habitants of Westmore were mostly gone. Pass­ing by the deserted settlements to mill brook then I had 6 miles more of woods to travel over Willoughby mountains to Newark, then through Burke to Lyndon, where I began to enquire for grain. I found where I could get some poor wheat. I went to Waterford, but could do no better, so I returned, took 2 bushels and start­ed early, hoping to reach home before dark, tak­ing the same route back. I counseled with myself. I knew my folks were expecting me, I looked at the sun, which it seemed would be a good while before setting. My anxiety said "go on." I had 6 miles to go, over the worst part of the road, which proved too long for me, for, before I had traveled half the distance home, the sun was down, and I must stop. At dark, I arrived at a small opening and took the bags and saddle off, teddered my horse and lay down upon the bags to rest, but the swarms of flies, mosquitoes and gnats were almost enough to take one's life. I wanted the flint and punk which I used to carry with me hunting and fish­ing. To save myself I had to untie the bags



                                                            CHARLESTON.                                                            127


and put my head into one and my hands into the other; but I did not sleep much that night, and as soon as it was light enough to guide my horse by the trees, I started and got within about a mile of home when I met a man coming to find me; and I never remember of being so glad to reach home as at that time.

Perhaps the reader would like to know some­thing of the muscular strength and endurance of body of the only remaining settler who came to town previous to 1811. I am now writing this, being 89 years of age, and what I have writted is truth.

                                                                                                                           STEPHEN COLE.


The above was written in a fair, plain hand, by one of the men who "tamed the wilderness," and who has ever been a respected, enterpris­ing citizen, possessing a strong mind and sound judgment. He has filled various offices of trust, and ever worked for the best interests of the town; has been a man of exemplary piety, particularly distinguished for his liberality to the poor. He possesses a remarkable memory, re­lating with great correctness past events in the history of the town. His wife, a most estima­ble woman, still survives at the age of 88.

                                                                                                                                      A. ALLYN.


                                            ELISHA PARLIN*


was born at Winchester, N. H., June 14, 1787, and was the 2d son of John and Mercy Parlin, who moved with their family to Barton, Vt., about 1806. Elisha staid in Barton two or three years, then went to Salem, this county, and, with his brother (Abel), bought two lots of land, and commenced clearing up a farm.—When the war of 1812 broke out, he enlisted from Barton, and was stationed in the towns of Derby and Holland, to guard the line and pre­vent smuggling, of which at that time and all subsequent times there has been considerable done.

I will mention only one incident in connec­tion with smuggling, out of the many in which Mr. Parlin took a prominent part. While he was stationed at Holland, he, with two others, went on snow-shoes about 15 miles through the woods to Island pond (so called from there be­ing an island in the centre of the pond,) where they overtook and captured a man by the name of Elliott, who had started with a load of goods to go through the woods to the head of Con­necticut River—there being a road cut through the woods from Canada line to Connecticut River for the purpose of smuggling, or principally for that purpose. The snow being very deep, they had a very severe time getting back the woods to camp, where they took the team. When they had got part way back, the other two men and team tired out, and Mr. Parlin had to go back to camp and get help to go af­ter the team and men. He was gone from camp about 7 hours. In consequence of the hard­ships at that time endured, government, gave them the whole prize, amounting to $110 each.

When he was discharged he came back to Salem, and Feb. 3, 1815, was married to Elizabeth Warren, daughter of Jonas Warren, of Charleston, by whom he had 10 children—8 of whom survive him. In 1818, he removed to Charleston and bought a farm, a part of which is where the west village now stands.—He was one of the first deputy sheriff's in this town, and served as sheriff 10 years. But a good many, taking advantage of his kindness, absconded. However, by economy, he managed to save a sufficiency, and left his widow, who still survives him, a fair property.

His decease occurred Dec. 12, 1864—77 years of age. He died as he had lived, an honest, upright man.


                                            JONAS WARREN


was born at Littleton, Mass., Feb. 4, 1764, and married Elizabeth Baker Sept 14, 1788. She was born at Medfield, Mass., Nov. 1, 1760, and died March 6, 1794. Soon after his marriage he moved into the wilderness in Bethlehem, N. H. He, with one or two others, made their way into the forests 20 miles, with only spot­ted trees to mark the path, carrying their effects on foot and horseback. With much hardship he built a log-house and the first framed barn in that town. He was obliged to go 20 miles for men to raise his barn, and carried a sheep on his back the same distance for the dinner of the raisers. His oldest son, Otis, was the first child born in that town, Oct. 26, 1790. The other children were Elizabeth, born Aug. 18, 1792 who married Elisha Parlin of Charleston; Jonas W., born April 28, 1798, married Roxy, daughter of Samuel Hutchinson of Charleston; Annah, born Feb. 2, 1797, married Ira, son of Jonathan Richards, and died in Wisconsin, of cancer, Sept. 24, 1849; Hepsibeth, born Feb. 2, 1797, died July, 1798. Mr. Warren was af­terward married to Betsey Russell, Nov. 30, 1797, who was born at Winchester, Mass., June 13, 1775, and died Sept. 30, 1816. The chil­dren by the second marriage were Hepsibeth,


* For the biographical sketches of Elisha Parlin and Jonas Warren the writer is indebted to George Par­lin and the Warren family.



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who was born July 24, 1801, married Chauncey Fuller and died at Charleston Sept. 14, 1852; Ira Warren born July 4, 1803, died April 23,1805; Ira Warren, born October 5, died at Charles­ton March 26, 1855; Oliver Warren born Aug. 23, 1807; Sally born Oct. 9, 1809, married Hi­ram W. Merrill of Charleston, died Sept. 24, 1864; Pliny, born March 4, 1812; Harriet Vail, born June, 1814; Eunice Lincoln, born Sept. 9, 1816.

Jonas Warren, Sen., was again married Nov. 13, 1818, to Lurviah Anderson, (a widow) who was born at Stonington, Ct. Dec. 15, 1776.—He lived in Bethlehem 10 or 12 years, bearing the trials and privations of pioneer life, proving himself one of the trust-worthy of that day—then removed to Littleton, N. H.—thence to Waterford, Vt.,—then, in 1809, came to Navy, now Charleston, and erected the first saw­mill in town, which he sold, the same year, to Stephen Cole.

In those early days, while they were building the mill, old Joe Indian often came with a string of trout, as many as he could lift—was friendly, and received a sip of "fire-water," sometimes, as a reward. After Mr. Warren sold his mill he returned to his family in Water­ford. Vt., where be remained until 1812, then moved to Navy and purchased the McGaffey farm. He was a stirring, enterprising man, al­ways ready to enlist in any enterprise for the improvement of the town—kept the school when there were not more than a dozen schol­ars in town. He was chosen representative in 1816, '17 and '18—also town clerk in 1815, 1821 and '22—collector in 1816, '17 and 1820 treasurer in 1818, and selectman from 1814 to 1822. Oliver Warren, his fifth son, in March, 1823, at the age of 15 years, moved with his father's family to Royalton, Vermont. He and a younger brother started from Charleston with a yoke of oxen-load of goods—also driving two cows—taking about 5 days to complete the journey of 100 miles. After having resided in Windsor county 19 years, he returned with wife and one child. The father, Jonas Warren, Sen., also returned to Charleston, where he liv­ed until his death.

Oliver Warren served in 1850 and 1852 as constable and sheriff—built a hotel in 1843 at West Charleston, and kept tavern about seven years. In May, 1853, he moved to Morgan; was chosen representative of that town in 1862, '63. In December, 1864, returned to Charleston and served the town as first constable, justice of peace and overseer, 1867—'69; bought and rebuilt the saw-mill with boards, shingle and clap­boards, saws, circulars, &c. He now lives in town, being one of those persevering men who never put hand to the plough end turn back.

Ira, son of Jonas Warren, moved from Roy­alton to Charleston in 1839. He was chosen captain of the militia company, and for a num­ber of years served this town as selectman and justice of the peace; was foremost in erecting the Universalist church—proved a true and honest citizen, and died in Charleston at the age of 52 years, mourned by the community.

Pliny was an enterprising business man; mar­ried and settled in Bethel, Vt., where he died Sept. 30, 1859, after a distressing operation of having a cancer removed from his face. John resides in Hardwick, Vt.—raised a large fami­ly, and is a hard working man. Otis started business at Rock Island. C. E.—built a carding-machine, did quite a business in the clothing-works, and at one time went into the manufac­ture of hay-scales. He moved from Rock Island to Montreal, where he buried 4 of his children with cholera; and remained there until the time of his death. Sept. 30, 1862.

Jonas Warren, Jr., has lived in town since 1812, and is now doing the work of a small farm. In 1813, when a boy of 15, he met a smuggling party, who belonged in the town of Holland, taking oxen designed for the British army on a back path from Navy to Canada, when, (being a boy of strong Democratic princi­ples,) quick as thought, he started, rushed with great rapidity several miles across the woods to Holland, to inform the custom house officers—They quickly returned with the boy and man­aged to head the smugglers, who, seeing that their fate was sealed, immediately recognized the noble lad and exclaimed with great indig­nation, "That's the little devil we met!" The officers, well pleased with his valiant conduct, gave him $2.50 as a reward for his journey and patriotic manifestations. His youngest son in­herited the same spirit, and lost his life in the late war. At the time of the death of Jonas Warren, Sen., he had 12 living children. He died in Charleston Sept. 18, 1843.




In 1828, Alexander Farrington came into town with the Oliver Phelps titles of what had been called the Brooks lands, and sold quite a number of lots; but, as both he and Brooks claimed under the Phelps claim, the question was which had the Oliver Phelps claim. Brooks tried his title, and he held



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the Phelps title. The proof was, Brooks pur­chased of Noah & Israel Smith, who had pur­chased these 18 rights of deficient men, who claimed under the Col. Frye Bailey vendue sale to pay the half penny tax, laid by the State of Vermont to pay New York the $30,000 claim, and the John Bailey sale and the John Rankin sale; and, as these three vendue sales were decided against by the Supreme Court, some of these original claims to these lands finally helped them without sale.

[In the proprietors' book, Charleston town clerk's office, there is a long letter to the leg­islature, dated October, 1780, sequestering this grant of land, and Nov. 6, 1780, the descrip­tion of the grant, being No. 32, containing 2340 acres, No. 31 was Salem.]


                                    CAPTAIN ERASTUS BUCK.


                                                        BY REV. P. H. WHITE.


Among the many brave Vermonters who laid down their lives for their country during the battles in the Wilderness, there was none braver than Capt. Erastus Buck of the 3d Regiment, who died of his wounds in Georgetown, May 25, 1864.

He was a native of Charleston, Vt., and dur­ing the whole of his early life, had a desperate struggle with poverty. Upon coming of age he went to California, and in that land of gold he procured enough of the precious metal to lay the foundation of a comfortable fortune. He was living upon a well tilled and well stocked farm of his own in his native town, when the war broke out and as soon as he could adjust his concerns he enlisted in Company D, of the 3d Regiment. He was male sergeant when the Company was organized, was promoted to the 2d lieutenancy Nov. 19, 1861, to the 1st lieu­tenancy Sept. 16, 1862, and to the captaincy last winter.

As an officer he had some peculiarities which while they exposed him to the criticism of martinets, gave him all the more influence with his own men. The rules of military service do not allow a commissioned officer to soil his hands with manual labor. But if there were trees to be felled or trenches to be dug by Company I, Captain Buck not only gave orders to that ef­fect, but set such an example as few of his men could fully imitate. In the attempt to do this, however, they accomplished more work than almost any other Company in the regiment, or even in the brigade. He was exceedingly careless about form of speech and of command, or­dering his company now like a gang of poor laborers then like soldiers. But they admired him for his undaunted bravery, loved him for the freedom and frankness of his intercourse with them, and promptly went wherever he or­dered; or, rather, followed wherever he led, for he was not the man to send others where he could not go himself.

He had a robust constitution, enjoyed almost perfect health, was hardly off duty a single day, nor did he receive a single wound in the many engagements in which he shared, till the fatal one which terminated his life. His remains were conveyed to Charleston, and buried with Masonic honors, in the presence of more than a thousand people who assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the gallant soldier.

                                                    Coventry, June 21, 1864.


                                          REV. ROYAL GAGE.


                                                      BY FRANKLIN B. GAGE.


Royal Gage was born in Walpole, N. H., Dec. 15, 1789. His father's name was Asa Gage.—His mother's maiden name was Betsey Kit­tridge. When he was 12 years old his father moved to St. Johnsbury, and settled near where the east village now is, where he resided until his death. Royal was one of a family of 21 children, nearly all of whom lived to years of maturity. He had but very little schooling, but what few advantages he had in those early times he improved. In June, 1811, he married Annie Tyler, youngest daughter of David Ty­ler of Piermont, N. H. His father was a be­liever in the Universalist doctrine, and he em­braced the same faith, and early commenced preaching. Investigation, however, led him to change his belief; and he left the Universalists and joined the Methodists. He continued to live in St. Johnsbury, preaching as opportunity offered. In 1826 he was sent to the Hardwick circuit. Here he had 9 towns to visit and preach to the inhabitants. On his faithful sorrel mare, with his saddlebags behind him, he traveled the circuit and preached, believing that


To bring lost sheep back to the Lord

Was sure to bring its own reward.


His reward was not to be of a temporal na­ture, however, as he received only $100 for a year of such service. But true to his charge, summer and winter, he was out preaching in school-houses, barns, and in the open air, as was most convenient. Hardship was the lot of all pioneer ministers, and his was no exception to



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that rule. In 1827 he was placed on the Bar­ton circuit. He staid at Barton 2 years, and then purchased and moved on to a farm, where a part of the village of West Charleston now is. There he moved into a small log-house with only a single room in it. The country around it was mostly wilderness, there being but 4 or 5 houses between there and Brownington, 8 miles. He cleared up the farm, erected a com­fortable house and barn, and put up a shop and carried on the manufacture of rakes and scythe-snaths, of which he furnished Orleans, Caledo­nia and Essex counties for nearly 10 years. — During this time he still continued to preach, where he thought he was most needed, and nearly every body in those regions knew "Elder Gage" as he was then generally called, and as he is now called by some of the old settlers.—From Charleston he moved, in 1839, back to his native town, Walpole, N. H. Two years after, he moved to Westminster, Vt., where he re­mained until his death. He had 8 children, two of whom died in infancy; the others lived to riper years. He died at Westminster Sept. 23, 1856; his wife dying nearly six years earlier.

In 1848, he published a well-written book, entitled "Resistance and Non-Resistance," in which he took the ground that all war is con­trary to the spirit of Christianity, and that no true follower of Christ would ever engage in it. He was always earnest in his belief and Christ­ian life. He was straitforward and upright in all his dealings, and he was never idle. He believed that every thing should be done in sea­son, and that


Toil is wedded to wisdom,

   None but toil ever won her—

Then dream not that labor

   Is born of dishonor.


What e'er thy vocation,

   Be it lofty or lowly,

All labor is noble,

  All labor is holy;—


Then shrink not from labor,

   And fear not nor falter;

'Tis the mother of virtue,

   'Tis the only exalter!



                                     FREDERIC ADAMS GAGE.


                                                             BY B. F. GAGE.


was born in Barton, Vt. Oct 19, 1828. He was the youngest son of Royal and Anna Gage. He was named after Dr. Frederic Adams, then residing in Barton, but who died some years since at Montpelier, where he had removed. The first year of Frederic's life was passed in Barton. The next year his father moved to Charleston, Vt. where he lived and passed his childhood until 11 years old. From Charleston he went to Westmins­ter, Vt , where he attended district school three or four winters, which was all the schooling he had. He had a great thirst for knowledge, and read standard works during his leisure hours, and thought upon what he read while at work. He had a decided taste for mathematics, and early mastered arith­metic and algebra, almost without a teacher. He commenced writing for the newspaper press when about 18 years of age. At the age of 22 he contributed a series of papers to the Windham County Democrat, published at Brattleboro, entitled Welnott's Forest Tales.

In the autumn of 1850, he went to Flor­ida, where he engaged in teaching, remain­ing there and in Georgia nearly 3 years, when he returned to Vt., where he remained until his death, which occurred May 22, 1854. He possessed a brilliant and well balanced mind, and his prose writings would do credit to any author. He was a quiet, but elo­quent speaker, never failing to rivet the at­tention of his audience. He wrote but little poetry as he did not think himself a "born poet." Enough however has been preserved to show that he was capable of writing poetry of no ordinary merit, as the following poem will testify.


                                           THE RED VAPOR.


                                                   BY FREDERIC ADAMS GAGE.


A Legend of the massacre at Fort William Henry.


The mists of the valley had fled on the gale,

And the gay beams of morning enlivened the vale,

When forth from the battlements, ragged and torn,

Came a band of stern warriors, still weary and worn.


Still weary with fighting and warm in the strife,

They gave to the foeman the care of each life,

For the spotless white banner of peace floated free

In the soft balmy air, that rolled up from the sea.


A horde of dark savages hovered around,

Like vultures that watch where the prey may be found,

Still nearer they hovered;—a wild shout arose—

'Twas the death knell of vanquished and weaponless foes.


Then the streams that ran down to the Hudson grew red,

For many a gallant lay down with the dead;

Then a flashing red vapor was seen to arise—

A flashing red vapor encircled the skies.


With hatchet uplifted and scalping knife raised,

The fierce warriors trembled and heavenward gazed;

They saw the red vapor careen in the skies;

One moment it flashed, then suddenly dies.


The knife end the hatchet were loosed in the hand,

The death-dealing weapon fell down on the sand.

Full a moment they gazed on the sky's ruddy breast

Full a moment they gazed, but the sky was at rest;



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Then the death-yell arose, then the blood flowed anew

And a broad crimson torrent the valley ran through:

The blood-thirsty warriors knelt down by its side

And drank long and deeply from out the red tide


*          *          *          *          *          *          *


The pride of the red man shall triumph no more,)

For the wigwams are desolate on the lake's shore;

A thousand bold warriors in anguish have died*

For the angel of Death laid his hand on the tide.


[ The following poems are from the pen of F. B. Gage, the son of Rev. Royal Gage whose boyhood and youth were largely spent in this town and who has ever seemed to have a most dear and tender remembrance of Orleans County—says Mr. Gage: Ed.]


"The following poem, 'Hang Old John Brown,' was written on first receiving intelli­gence of John Brown's raid into Virginia, and sent to the New York Tribune for publi­cation. The Tribune however did not care to publish so much 'unwholesome truth,' probably thinking it might not be pleasant to its readers, and it was returned to its author.

Now, since the prophesy contained in the last two verses has been so signally fulfilled, and since the authority of Jehovah has been, through the war of the Rebellion, so terribly vindicated in the face of the astonished na­tions of earth, it may not be unwise to re­view the past, to enable us to do better in the future."


                                    HANG OLD JOHN BROWN.


                                                        BY FRANKLIN B. GAGE


Hang the fearless old man, he deserves it

   For doing what Christ might have done:

There is peril in being a Christian,

   When a nation containeth but one


'Tis treason to practice the doctrine:—

   You should treat every man as a brother

Even Christ was once hung as a traitor—

   Hang this fearless Old Brown as an other.


Has God been a betting this treason?

   God is great! but our Nation is greater:—

If tried by the laws of Virginia

   Even God would be hung as a traitor.


For He was the first one to publish

   The doctrine that all should be free ;—

Tis recorded,—"Do thou unto others

   As thou wouldest have others to thee."


Hang the fearless old man, without mercy,

   He will willingly suffer the sting,

That out of his ashes, the Freedom

   Of America's millions may spring.


Tho' the Nation but wink when you hang him,

   Tho' the Church but indulge in a frown—

Please remember:—John Brown's insurrection

   Will never be hung—with John Brown.


Go! feast on his blood like the vulture,

   And pray to the gods ye have made:—

But beware !—there's a living Jehovah

   Whose vengeance is only delayed !



                                     "TEN THOUSAND SLAIN?"


A thousand mingled voices shout—

   "The victory has been won!

Our brave boys put the foe to rout

   Long ere the day was done;

Our horsemen, by the wood concealed,

  Rode through their ranks amain,

And left upon that battle-field,

   Ten thousand slain!"


Ah many a scalding tear awakes,

   And many a bitter sigh,

And many a heart with anguish breaks

   While yet the tidings fly ;

O'er many a happy home shall sweep

   The blast of grief and pain:

And twice ten thousand wildly weep,

   "Ten thousand slain !"


There is a God who dwells above

   Whose home is in the sky,

Whose nature is all truth and love,

   That God is ever nigh;

He loves the people of all lands,

   By every stream and plain :—

Lo! on His judgment Record stands

   "Ten thousand slain;"



                                                THE CLYDE.


                                                       BY FRANKLIN B. GAGE.


Respectfully dedicated to "Jane Brackett—" (Mrs. Luther Cole, Watertown, Wisconsin.)


Towards its great home, the far off sea,

   The Clyde still flows as bright as ever;—

And when the grave hides you and me,

   The Clyde will still flow on for ever, Jane Brackett,

The Clyde will still flow on for ever.


Ah forty years have run their race,

   How strangely forty years estranges;—

But still the Clyde flows in its place,

   Unchanged though all around it changes, Jane Brackett,

Unchanged though all around it changes.


To day I tread the village street,

   But miss the old familiar places;

And here to-day I only meet

   With cold and unfamiliar faces, Jane Brackett,

With cold and unfamiliar faces.


And as I gaze upon the Clyde,

   Sad tears across my cheeks are creeping;—

For strangers on its banks abide,

   Our loved ones in its graves are sleeping, Jane Brackett,

Our loved ones in its graves are sleeping.


One quiet grave yard by the Clyde,

   How peaceful in the hush of even ;—

I pass the graves on every side,

   The graves of George, and Charles, and Steven, Jane Brackett,

The graves of George, and Charles, and Steven.



* History records that more than a thousand warriors died of the small-pox, communicated to them by drinking the blood of their victims.



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Here other loved one, have been

   A list too sadly long to number;

Here many a youth, and many a maid;

   Here some grown gray and aged slumber, Jane Brackett,

Here some grown gray and aged slumber.


What matters it when death shall call ?

   Whether in youth or not till later ?

For long made graves await for all,

   From frozen pole to hot equator, Jane Brackett,

From frozen pole to hot equator.


Yet He who heeds the sparrow's fall,

   By whom our every hair is numbered,

From all earth's graves shall yet recall,

   The myriads that have lain and slumbered, Jane Brackett,

The myriads that have lain and slumbered.


Ah! you and I must go ere long,

   To our appointed graves to slumber,

To join that vast and silent throng

   Whom only God himself can number, Jane Brackett.

Whom only God himself can number.


Yet towards its home the far off sea,

   The Clyde still flows as bright as ever;—

And when the grave hides you and me,

   The Clyde will still flow on for ever, Jane Brackett,

Unchanged will still flow on for ever.




                                             MARY'S GRAVE.


                                                        BY F. C. HARRINGTON,


The sea pulse beats, where Mary sleeps,

   Along the whitened sand;

And o'er her grave the woodbine creeps,

   Trained by a spirit-hand,

The sighing willow sadly weaves

   A curtain o'er her head,

And oft the dark magnolia's leaves

   Weep 'round her lowly bed


The white rose blooms upon her grave,

   Bathed by an angel's tear;

And orange blossoms sweetly wave

   Above that form so dear;

But when the blast from northern land

   Sweep cold across the main,

Sweet tears thall water, sighs shall fan

   The bud to bloom again.

West Charleston, May 1, 1858,


P. S. I am a Vermonter by birth and residence.





In proceeding to the narative of the inci­dent, it may be well to continue a brief sketch of the early life of Alpha Allyn, who is the subject of the incident. He was the oldest child of Abner and Anna Allyn. He was born in Barton, Nov. 30, 1802.

He was, with his parents removed to Navy in the month of July, 1803. Only one other family was then in town, and that one moved out before the snow came that fall; conse­quently Alpha has always lived in town, never having given up residence here, or been away except for brief periods. Though not the oldest man in town, he is the oldest inhabitant of the town. Living alone with his father and mother, his veneration and love for them became very strong. As other little ones were added to their circle, his young heart bounded with joy, greatly expanding with love for the little buds of promise. Albro, born July 10, 1804, was taken from them by death July 30, 1806. Here was Alpha's first grief. His young heart was torn with an­guish, only assuaged by judicious instruction from his pious mother, from which he was able to comprehend the existence of God, and his sovreign right to take again to Himself what He had given. Here commenced his ideas of a religious life.

In 1808, he was sent to the first school kept in town. It was a mile away through woods, no inhabitant between his father's house and the school-house—the latter a barn. Five children comprised this school beside himself, viz.: Erastus and Olney Per­cival, sons of Orrin Percival, Elvira Sargent, and Robert Hunkins, children of Robert H. Hunkins, who lived on the north side of Clyde river, more than a mile the other way from the school. The Percival children lived on a cross road which came into the main road about a half mile below Mr. Allyn's, so that the children usually managed to join Alpha at the corner of the roads. One of Alpha's parents went out with and came for him the first half mile, for fear of wild beasts. In this way he attended school the summers of 1808 and 1809. The spring of 1810, his father had business to Providence, R. I. a. distance of 260 miles, which journey in those days must he on horseback. To gratify the wishes of grand-parents in St. Johnsbury, he took this son of 6 years with him as far as that—35 miles. He had saddle-bags upon his sad­dle, his overcoat lashed back of the saddle, his boy upon the horse behind, holding him­self steady by grasping the coat. They went as far as Barton the first day, the second to Wheelock, the third to St. Johnsbury. Here the boy stayed while his father was gone, and walked 2 miles, and back each day to school



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in company with his cousin of 4 years, of whom he took special care. He had recently been again bereft of another little brother, born Dec. 27, 1808, who died March 28, 1810. This may have made him doubly careful of children younger than himself. The recently bereaved family left at home, consisted of the mother and two little daughters, one only 2 months old. Alpha attended school after this season 2 more summers in the barn. To the original number were added children from the families of Stephen and Ebenezer Cole. Af­ter this a school-house was built—(the first school-house in town, 1822,) a mile farther from his father's, which made it impracticable for him to go, but as his father was a man of literary culture he instructed his son at home. When nearly man grown, he attended school at the school-house one winter, and walked 4 miles a day.

The memorable cold season came on, what grains that were raised were so sadly frost bitten as to be unpalatable and innutritious; potatoes wore poor, and exceedingly bitter. Many families removed from the new settle­mets in the north part of Vermont, to avoid suffering and perhaps starvation. In 1811, Mr. Allyn's health failed and though loth to go, having the agency of much of the lands in town, yet he felt compelled to, for a time. This was in 1815. His family was somewhat dispersed. Alpha went to Rhode Island and resided a while with Dr. Hosea, Humphry, who married his father's sister. In 1817, he came home in company with Joseph Owen, Esq., of Glover. The family was again gath­ered upon their Navy land. A share of their mowing land had been turned into pasturing, and was need for the forage of sheep belong­ing to different persons. Bears were abun­dant, and very troublesome—they were ex­tremely bold, so that it became necessary in the fall of the year to gather and shelter the cattle and sheep at night. Mr. Allyn was County surveyor, consequently away from home on this business more or less of the time about in different towns. During one of these trips away, in Nov. 1818. Alpha having worked upon the farm as usual during the day of Saturday the 7th, came in from his work, and as he found it later than he expected—it being a dull rainy day, he did not wait for supper, but went out at once for the sheep, with his wet clothes on. These clothes were made of cloth called roping—manufactured in Dr. Humphry's cotton-factory. Not find­ing the sheep in the open field, he followed their trail into the woods: soon, a thick fog set down upon the horizon, shutting out the day-light, he lost the point of compass; not aware of the fact, and desirous to get home he kept upon a full run all night, when morn­ing came it was still cloudy. The sun not appearing, he had no means to set his course by, and he was not sure he was lost. He came to a brook whose source he thought he knew. He felt pretty sure he was in the great swamp, known as Brownington swamp, which was then supposed to cover a greater area than it actually does. He did not choose to follow the brook either way, he tried to shape his course, as he thought, in a direct line towards home, but to his surprise he found himself repeatedly back to the same points on that brook. He did not allow himself rest but kept on the full run all day. He found nothing for food; once in the day he gathered spruce gum enough to chew for a little while. A little before night he had the pleasure of seeing the sun shine out, which appeared to him to be in the east, but he followed it till un­fortunately it went down. Here for the first time he allowed himself to sit down for rest. This was not long, he resumed his run until entirely overcome by exhaustion, he dropped down upon a log in a half-sitting and half-lying posture, thinking only to rest a few mo­ments. His physical powers were exhausted. In all probability he lay in the same posture the entire night without consciousness. The weather was cold, his clothes were saturated with water and profuse perspiration, which when he became quiet actually froze upon his limbs. Thus, he was chilled through.

It will be recollected that he left home Saturday afternoon on the 7th and that he was out all that night and all of the next day the 8th and during that night. Here I leave him, to narrate other events connected. His father was at Barton. His mother and oldest sister were at home alone. As it became dark on the eve of the 7th, they became very anx­ious for the return of the boy, and called as loud as possible to try to make him hear, that he might follow their voices and thus find his way home. Then they sounded the tin horn again and again, getting no response; before morning one went to the neighbors for assist­ance while the other continued to blow the horn. The response from the neighbors was



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that he had probably got through to Philip Davis' 2 miles away, where he was resting for the night and would be home; early in the morning, but not coming in the morning, Hiram Hutchinson went to Mr. Davis, with a request that if the boy was not there he would take his horse and go as soon as possi­ble to Barton after Mr. Allyn, which he did. In the mean time the neighbors at home circulated the painful intelligence in town. The religious people were assembled at Mr. Stephen Cole's house at the Hollow, which was 2 miles from Mr. Allyns, for their usual Sabbath religious services. The news was proclaimed in the meeting with a call for men to hunt. There was a ready response. The tender sympathy of all hearts was touched and ready for valiant service. The men formed in company and entered the woods in search. The women were not less sympathet­ic. There were but eleven families in town. Ten of these mothers made their way during the day, and evening, and the following morning to Mr. Allyn's to express their great solicitude and do all in their power to aid in the alleviation of suffering. Mothers from Sa­lem and Morgan gore were also there. Death had twice entered this family in the removal of sons. They had sickened and died at home where fond parents and kind, anxious friends had ministered to their necessities. Their pillows of death had been smoothed by loving hands. Alas! in this case, the oldest son was in the deep forest, perhaps torn by wild beasts and if alive suffering with cold, hunger, and excessive fatigue, for well they knew he would not rest while able to move. This awful suspense was worse than death under ordinary circumstances. No traces were found of the boy this day. As the men came in Sabbath night to wait until another morning the anguish of the family was such as language entirely fails to portray. News of death would have been a partial relief. There could be no rest in that home; visions of the dark forests, mire of the swamp, howling of ferocious wild beasts, a famished stomach, freezing limbs, and aching body of their loved one floated constantly before their minds. I recently asked Mrs. Cole, aged 89 years, (who was there), how my mother appeared. She said, "Almost beside herself with grief."

Mr. Allyn came home as soon as he got the sad news, and joined the search. When, at eight, the men came in without finding the boy, Mr. Elisha Parlin was dispatched for more men, rallying the inhabitants of Brown­ington and Salem. When he reached Barton with the news, the people rallied; Luther Merriam went to Glover for help, another messenger was dispatched to Irasburgh.— The people of Brownington also rallied. Mr. Allyn aided them in arrangements for the search,—knowing more of Brownington and Charleston woods than any others. I would here say, though all these people would prob­ably—being prompted by common humane feelings—have turned out to hunt for any human being, even though a stranger, I think there was more intense feeling in Barton, than if this afflicted family had been stran­gers to them.

Mr. and Mrs. Allyn first settled in Barton. He was their first town clerk. Alpha was born there. Mrs. Allyn had greatly endeared herself to the people there. In the instance of a great panic in town, by the appearance of small-pox there, which spread so that it became necessary to have a pest-house, and remove the infected persons there, one of this number was Mrs. May, wife of James May, Esq., who had a babe. The medical adviser decided that all hope for them was that some healthy nursing woman should be innoculated, and enter the pest-house with them, to care for the woman, and nurse the child at her own breast. Mrs. Allyn responded—act­uated by philanthropic feelings. It was a trial to her to leave her own babe to be cared for by others; but she did, and was thereby made the instrument of saving the life of the infected babe, who grew up to be a blessing to others. He was the late William May of Barton. The lad lost, was the babe that was left to be cared for while his mother per­formed her errand of mercy in the pest-house. After their removal to Navy, they had been obliged to go to Barton to mill, and get their general supplies there, so that a familiar ac­quaintance was kept up.

The men from the towns south of Brown­ington Swamp met at Brownington, made preliminary arrangements, then entered the unbroken forest—headed by Dr. Jonathan Allyn of Barton. They chanced to go through west of where the boy was. Two Charles­ton, Salem, Morgan and Holland men entered the woods on the north side, going south to come out at Brownington. These chanced to go too far east of where the boy was.



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One of these companies from the north was headed by Stephen Cole, and with him was his son, Winthrop; though older, he was an intimate friend of Alpha. They came to a brook, where tracks were discovered in the sand, which Winthrop felt sure were made by the lost boy: the men dissented, attribut­ing them to some animal, and continued their course as previously arranged; but Mr. Cole was led by his boy's persistency, and thought ridiculed for it, followed his son. A Mr. Buswell and Mr. Ingraham joined—turning their course considerably. They sounded a horn to bring others in that direction; the report of which reached the ears of the lost boy, and roused him for a moment from the death-like lethargy in which he had lain all the previous night and day thus far. He gave a screech—his voice having become unnatural; this the men heard, but were wholly at a loss to know whether it was from fowl, quadruped, or from the boy. Winthrop said "It is Alpha." They sounded again and again, but no more response; yet kept on, in the direction of the strange noise, until they found him on the log where he lay down the previous night to rest. With difficulty they aroused him, by rubbing and warming him, as well as they could, by fires which they kindled, and getting him to take a little food and other stimulant.

The unnatural sound which the men heard, was made by the boy, but with no conscious­ness that any one was in pursuit of him. He was in a sort of reverie, was very cold, and thought he was in sight of Mr. Underwood's house, and that he saw his mother and sister standing in the door-way. The noise was an effort to call to his sister to bring him his mittens.

Agreement had been made that no gun should be discharged in the woods, except as a signal that the boy was found. Guns were now discharged several times to call the com­panies from farther search. In a short time many of them were around him. They were untiring for about two hours in efforts to re­suscitate him; then they commenced, past the meridian of the day, to remove him towards home. This they must do upon their backs, which was a bad task for the men, and more so for the boy, he having been so terri­bly chilled, and then so hard rubbed to bring up a reaction, that when he came to feeling he was conscious of unendurable soreness of his flesh. They alternated often from one to another, perhaps oftener by his entreaties to be set down to rest—movement so hurt him.

There was no sun to be seen, and the men were a little doubtful about their course, but fortunately came out to a clearing, of which most of them knew nothing. This was lot No. 15, in Charleston, since known as the Palmer place. From this they found their way by tracks of the workmen, who had come in, and brought materials for camping.

They carried him on their backs to Philip Davis' house. Here they ministered to his wants. When first found, and partially aroused, he did not seem to feel the demands of appetite, rather refused cold victuals, say­ing he was going home, where he should have a warm supper,—seeming to have lost the time intervening the first night, or the fact that he had been lost; but, after having had a little nourishment upon his stomach, he began to feel the demands of hunger, and to solicit food. He refused stimulants in the form of ardent spirit, as he always had an aversion for it; but was bought in, to take some, now and then, by promise of giving him more food. This the men thought neces­sary to revive him. From Mr. Davis' house they took him on horseback. When they reached his father's, the door-yard was full of men, who had got in sooner—after hearing the report of guns, and of women and chil­dren, who were waiting in anxious suspense. Every one was eager to give the boy a hearty shake of the hand. A warm bed was in readiness for him. From frost in his clothes, and from soreness of his body, it was impos­sibible to remove them but by cutting them off.

To attempt a description of the scene of the long lost son, and brother, restored to them alive, would be useless. It was a grate­ful rejoicing, but with fear and trembling lest he might not rally from the shock. He had the best advice from Dr. Newcomb of Derby, their family physician, as also the best of nursing; thus by the blessing of God, he rallied to tolerable health, though never fully recovered from the effects of the shock. His limbs have never been agile as before, nor his step as elastic. For full 40 years he was obliged to have tight bandages kept upon his wrists in order to be able to use his hands for any heavy work: this, and the celebrated "Kittridge bone-ointment" has greatly



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strengthened them. His life has been one of usefulness as a citizen, especially as a towns­man, being alive to all its interests. Togeth­er with his father he has been largely engaged in the interests of wild lands, having been agents for land proprietors, and more or less for their own. He married Miss Adelaide Nash of Montpelier, a most estimable woman, with whom he has lived in this town and reared 8 children, 6 of whom are living; two promising young lady daughters have passed away from earth, as beacons to draw them to the better world, to which they are jour­neying.


                                        EAST CHARLESTON, VT. May 26, 1870.

As I learned that the history of this town had been submitted for publication, in Miss Hemenway's history of the State, without an account of the above narrated event, I felt that it was not right, as that was certainly one of the most startling events ever expe­rienced here. That I have failed to make it as interesting to the reader as some other per­son might, I doubt not. I have done it be­cause no other person has to my knowledge. This therefore is a tribute to the memory of my only surviving brother. My sisters are all deceased.

Respectfully submitted by

                                                    RACHEL H. ALLYN, M. D.

                                                     Lowell, Massachusetts.






                                                  BY THE REV. PLINY H. WHITE.


Coventry, situated in latitude 44° 53´ N. and in longitude 4° 54´ E., is an irregular quadrangle, no two sides being of equal length: and is bounded N. E. (6¼ miles) by Newport and Salem, S. E. (4¾ miles) by Brownington, S. W. (5¾ miles) by Irasburgh, and N. W. (4½ miles) by Newport.

The charter was granted Nov. 4, 1780, to Maj. Elias Buel and 59 others. Its bounda­ries as defined by the charter, were as follows "beginning at a beech tree, marked Iras­burgh corner, Sept. 26, 1778,' being the north­westerly corner of Irasburgh, and running north 36° east, six miles and 63 chains, to Lake Memphremagog; then south-easterly on the shore of said lake, about 27 chains to a hemlock tree, marked 'Salem Line, 1778; ' then south 45° west, two miles and two chains, to a great hemlock tree, marked, 'Salem West Corner, Sept. 30, 1778;' then south 45° east, six miles and 24 chains, in the southerly line of Salem, to a stake five links north-west from a cedar tree, marked 'Coventry Corner;' then south 36° west, four miles and four chains, to the North line of Irasburgh; then north 54° west, five miles and 60 chains, to the bounds begun at." Within these limits were supposed to be contained 16,767 acres, or about 26 1-5 square miles. To make up the six square miles usually included in a township, there were granted 2,000 acres di­rectly south of Newport, called Coventry Gore, and 4,273 acres in Chittenden County, east of Starksboro, called Buel's Gore. The north part of Buel's Gore was annexed to Huntington in 1794. That part of the town which bordered on Lake Memphremagog, being in the form of a slip, 108 rods wide on the Lake, and 2 miles, 4 rods long, was called Coventry Leg, somewhat inappropriately, as it was narrowest where it joined the body of the town, and widened as it extended north. In 1816 it was annexed to Newport. Five rights were reserved by the charter, one for the benefit of a college in this State, one for the benefit of a county grammar school, one for the benefit of schools in town, one for the first settled minister, and one for the support of the ministry as the inhabitants should di­rect. Buel, the principal agent in procuring the charter, was a native and resident of Cov­entry, Ct., and, in honor of his birth place, the same name was given to the new town­ship.* †


* Concerning Elias Buel, the founder and principal original proprietor of Coventry, it is suitable to put on record a few facts. He was a son of Captain Peter Buel, one of the first settlers of Coventry. Ct., at which place he was born 8 Oct. 1737. He married, 6 Aug. 1758, Sarah Turner, by whom be had Anna, born 2 Jan. 1759; Solomon, born 12 Apr. 1760; Elias Jr., born about 1770, studied law with Nathaniel Chipman, admitted to the Rutland County Bar in 1793, died in Waterbury, Vt., about 1810; Jesse, born 4 Jan. 1778, established and edited the Cultilator at Albany, N. Y., died at Dan­bury, Conn. 6 Oct. 1839; Samuel, a custom-house officer at Burlingron about 1809; also John, Eunice, Abigail, Peter, and two Sallies. Not all of those names are given in the order of birth.

He was a major in the Revolutionary army, and a brother of the Rev. Samuel Buel, D. D., an eminent minister on Long Island. "He was a man of dignified deportment, and possessing a highly cultivated mind, full of anecdote, and a most agreeable and instructive companion. Major Buel was an ardent politician, but never sought an office; and a frequent contributor of