46                                       VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


several years has been, among large farmers, to devote their chief attention to dairying. Some­times cows and team are all the stock kept; no young heifers growing up to take the places of failing cows. The income of a good dairy has often been from $75 to $100 per cow.

The sheep kept probably number 20,000.—Most of the large flocks are high grade merinos, a healthy, hardy sheep, well covered with excel­lent wool, yielding in fleece and lambs a satis­factory return for the shepherd's care.

To improve these flocks the best bred bucks have been obtained, at prices from $50 to $500. There are some good tine sheep in nearly every town; but there seems to have been the most attention paid to them in Coventry, where there are several large and choice flocks. Through the north-eastern towns there are many small flocks of large sheep kept for raising lambs for market, and the steadily increasing demand for these lambs has called more attention to their production, and a desire to increase their size by breeding with the choice English bucks, South Devon, Leicester and Coltswolds.

This branch of farming has proved highly remunerative, and will, doubtless, be more ex­tensively followed. A. B. Mathewson, of Bar­ton, has kept, according to report, about 100 large ewes, from which 100 lambs were pro­duced at $5 each, and a fleece at $2, making an income of $700 from the flock. Small flocks are occasionally reported that give an income of $10, $12, and even $15 to each sheep win­tered.

The surplus produce of the county is nearly all shipped at the depots in the county on the Con­necticut & Passumpsic road, although some of the eastern towns occasionally deliver produce at Island Pond, on the Grand Trunk R. R.—The main highways are usually kept in good condition, and follow streams or take the level­est route; and while all admit the value of rail­roads to the farmer, it is evident that extensive manufactories that would employ a large number of persons, who would use here what is now transported, would be of still greater advantage to the county and cause a greater degree of prosperity than has vet been attained.

There was an agricultural society in Orleans county about 1849 that held an annual fair about ten years in succession in different villages near the centre of the county. The pre­miums were paid by the help of a State appro­priation and the sale of membership tickets—the fair being held in open ground free to all. Then a fair-ground company was formed, that prepared and fenced a ground near Barton Landing, made a good track, and charged an entrance fee. From some cause it became unpop­ular, and the idea of a "horse-trot" prevailed, therefore the show was discontinued 15 years.

In 1867 a county agricultural society was formed, and held a fair at Barton Landing on the old ground. It was very successful. There were 429 articles entered, and $766.26 received, and, after premiums were paid $444.89 was left in the treasury.

The officers in 1867 and 1868 were: Mark Nutter, Barton, president; Wm, J. Hastings, Craftsbury, J. B. Wheelock, Coventry, vice presidents; Z. E. Jameson, Irasburgh, D. F. Bisbee, Newport, secretaries; and one executive committee from each town in the county.

In 1868 the fair was held on a new fair-ground near Barton village—a beautiful place, and well prepared, by a company who furnish its use free to the society for 5 years. The number of en­tries at the fair were 510, of which 110 were horses and colts. There were specimens of Dur­ham, Devon, Dutch, Ayrshire and Jersey cattle; but the first class were the most numerous, and the herd of H. C. Cleveland, of Coventry, at­tracted especial attention, also the Dutch of Thomas Baker, of Barton.

The officers for 1869 are M. M. Kelsey, Derby, president; A. M. Ripley, Coventry, Thomas Baker, Barton, vice presidents; Z. E. Jameson, Irasburg, Geo. W. True, Coventry, secretaries; $1200 offered in premiums.








The charter of this township was granted to Col. Henry E. Lutherloh and Maj. Thomas Cogswell, and their associates, viz.:


Gen. Joseph Badger, Col. Ebenezer Smith, Col. Antipas Gilman, Noah Dow, Charles Clap­ham, Richard Sinclair, Gen. John Tyler, John Tyler, John Tyler, Jr., James Lord, Nathaniel Coit, Hezekiah Lord, John Mott, Nathan Geer, Joshua Stanton, Abiel Fellows, Andrew Lester, Noah Holcomb, Ruluff Dutcher, Nehemiah Lawrence, Rachel Fellows, Elisha Sheldon, Jr., Elijah Stanton, David Whitney, Correl Merrill, Samuel B. Sheldon, Calvin Ackley, Andrew Carney, Elisha Lee, Timothy O'Brien, Joshua Porter, Jr., Nergalsharezzer Rude, James Jor­dan, Frank Moore, Authur Frink, John Wheel­er, Jacob Galusha, Samuel Moore, Jr., Ebenezer Fletcher, Jacob Vosburgh, Moses Rinesdale, Ebenezer Reed, Gabriel Dutcher, Isaac White, Andrew Frink, John Park, Samuel Hull, Gid‑





                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             47


eon Smith, Ezra Crane, Jr., James Holmes, John Fellows, Caleb Nichols, James Parks, John Russel, Joshua Fitch, Jr., Isaac Peck, John Ca­ton, Thomas Selleck and Elias Lord.

Granting to them the ancient and honorable township of Lutterloh—the same being 6 miles square—reserving live equal shares for specific purposes therein named. The outlines of the town were surveyed out, and the corners noted Sept. 23 and 24, 1788. The conditions of this charter are as follows:


—That each proprietor of the township, his heirs or assigns, shall plant or cultivate five acres of land, and build a house at least 18 feet square on the floor, or have one family settle on each respective right or share of land, with­in the term of four years from the time the out lines of said township shall be known and es­tablished, as the law directs—on penalty of the forfeiture of each respective right or share of land in said township, not so improved or settled, and the same to revert to the free­men of this State, to be by their representa­tives re-granted to such persons as shall appear to settle and cultivate the same.

In testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of the State to be affixed, this 26th day of June, A. D. Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-two, in the sixth year of our Independence.

By his Excellency's command,

Joseph Fay, Sec'y.



The provisions and conditions of the forego­ing charter were such, that but few, if any, re­ceived any lasting benefit from it. As will be seen, the outlines of the town were surveyed six years subsequent to the grant of the char­ter. Then, after four years, all that did not comply with its provisions must forfeit their respective rights. According to the tenor of this charter, the most of these shares fell back to the freemen of the State, to be by them re- granted to such as would occupy them; or, in the language of the charter, "to such freemen as shall appear to settle and cultivate the same." The liability to loss and forfeiture of rights in this town, served materially to retard its settle­ment. Disputed titles, and a partial survey, operated to drive away some that would have staid. The want of schools for their children prevented many from coming into town. The few inhabitants, and scattered locale of the few, made it impracticable to have schools at this stage of the town's history for it is a matter of history, that the centre, and almost every corner of this town were taken up about the same time, and when the population did not exceed 10 or 15 families, nearly all quarters of the township were being settled. Hayden and Jesse Rogers were in the S. W. part, on the old military road—David P. Cobb was in the N. W. corner, on the old county road—the Chamberlins, Eli and Aaron, were 3 miles N. E. from the Centre—and Silas Downer, near the S. E. corner, close to Minden line. (now Craftsbury) —while the Fairfields, Coggswells, and the Neals and Skinners, were scattered all along the centre road from Irasburgh line towards the south.

The town of Lutterloch (now Albany,) was organized March 27, 1806. The notice for this meeting was issued by Thomas Cogswell, Esq., upon the petition of Wm. Hayden, Jesse Rog­ers, Eli Chamberlin, Joseph Fairfield, Benj. Neal, Walter Neal, Jacob Fairfield and Daniel Skinner. The business of this meeting was

"1st. To choose a moderator to govern said meeting.

2d. To choose a Town Clerk for the year en­suing.

3d. To choose Selecmen, Listers, Constable or Collector, and Surveyors of highways.

4th. To see how much money the town will raise to defray town charges.

5th. To see what method the town will take for the support of schools, and to transact," &c.

At this meeting Thomas Cogswell was moderator, and Benjamin Neal "town clerk" —Si­las Downer, Eli Chamberlin and Thomas Cogswell, selectmen and listers.

Benjamin Neal constable and collector; Walter Neal, Willam Hayden and Silas Hubbard, highway surveyors.

"Forty dollars was raised to repair and make highways and bridges," and nothing for schools. Joseph Fairfield hog-constable. Officers all sworn.               

Benj. Neal, Town Clark."

At a town-meeting, held March 27, 1807, Da­vid P. Cobb was elected grand jury—the first in town—also,

"Voted, to pay a Bounty of three dollars a head for all bears that may be killed by the in­habitants of the town—said bears to be started in said town."

The first record of births was as follows:

"Cynthia Neal, daughter of Benj. and Lucy Neal, borne Feb. 18, 1804: Augusta Neal, borne May 29, 1805: Anny Neal, borne June 27, 1806.


Benj. Neal, Town Clark."


"The first Grand-List of the town of Lutter­loh, taken A. D. 1807.—the selectmen being the first listers.


Eli Chamberlin,               $58,00            Isaac Lougee,                    20,00

Aar'n Chamberlin,             75,12            Benj. Neal,                        86,75

Thos. Cogswell,               105,00            Walter Neal,                      58,00

Silas Downer,                    81,50            Daniel Skinner,                 46,50

Joseph Fairfield,                76,50            Joshua Stanton,               20,12

Henry Gale,                      39,75            Jesse Rogers,                    70,00

Wm. Hayden,                    60,00            David P. Cobb,                  46,50

                                                            Erasnius Ballard,              33,60



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This may certify that the above is a true list of the ratable property in Lutterloh, for the year 1807.

                                                                           Eli Chamberlin,                           Selectmen

                                                                           Daniel Skinner,                                         of

                                                                           Thomas Cogswell,                         Lutterloh.

                                                               A true copy,

                                           Attest, Benjamin Neal, Town Clark."


The first record of Deaths is as follows:

"Died, at Lutterloh, July 26th, 1808, Anny Neal, daughter of Benj. and Lucy Neal, aged two years and one month—and Orpha Gale, aged two years and seven months"


The first freemen's meeting in town was held the first Tuesday in September, 1807, at which time "Hon. Isaac Tichenor received one vote for Governor, and Hon. Israel Smith nine: and Hon. Paul Brigham had 9 votes for Lieut. Gov. Benj. Swan had 10 votes for Treasurer. For town representative none.

Attest,                                          Benj. Neal, Town Clark."


Up to this time the number of tax-payers in town did not exceed 15; and the freemen were probably less, as the record shows but 10 legal voters in freemen's meeting. During this year John Fairman and John Skinner came into town, and Isaac Longee and David P. Cobb had moved out.

In 1809 William Hayden, Stephen Scott and Ithiel Smith carne into town; and the next year D. P. Cobb came back to town, and James Harlow, Ebenezer Harlow, Moses Kelsy, Abijah Reed and Luther Scott, came in and settled in different parts of the town. During the next 2 years various changes were made— some taking leave, some returning, and a few new settlers came in—among the last Isaac Jen­nie and William Rowell; both of these settled in the east part of the town.

From 1811 to 1814 there seems to have been but few added to the number. Mr. Thomas Cogswell, who has figured so largely in the town affairs, appears no more on its records—for war had been in the land, and among the killed was Corp. Thomas Cogswell of Lutterloh, one of the earliest settlers in town, and first appointed justice of the peace in and for the coun­ty of Orleans, in Lutterloh. Mr. Cogswell was a man of undaunted courage—large, stout, ath­letic. It is said his skill at single combat, hand-to-hand fight was exhibited with major Hamilton, his commander. Some matter of dispute brought them to blows. The grit of both never blunted; they fought till separated by friends—neither willing to give up till parted. The whole affair was hushed up, and major and corporal were again on good terms. Mr. Cogswell fell in the skirmish near Shatagree River; he was shot in the forehead by a musket-ball. A firm friend in need, he was lamented by his comrades. It is said he was emphatically a military man, better qualified to command his regiment, perhaps, than the then commandant. Erect as he was, and imposing in appearance, his bearing was more like a Colonel than a Corporal, and would have been a fit contemporary with Ethan of old. Let his faults and foibles go down with him to his lonely grave—his virtues let us cherish and emulate. The writer of the above acknowledges his indebtedness to "unkle Sam" Russell, a comrade in arms with Mr. Cogswell, and witness of what is written. Mr. Cogswell's widow remained in town a short time, and then wents to parts to the writer un­known.

During the year 1815 two families moved out and only one came in—Mr. Fulsam Bean. The grand-list was reduced from $1567.25, in 1814, to $1536,46 in 1815. The freemen's meeting shows but 19 votes; whereas the year before there were 20.

"At the meeting of the assembly" of Ver­mont this year, the name of the town was changed from Lutterloh to Albany. It is said that there was great excitement among the in­habitants upon this matter of a name, some proposing one name and some another. In some instances the discussions warmed up to a white heat. Nearly all were for a change.— Some would call the town Adams, after the re-renowned John Q. Adams—but Albany pre­vailed, and Albany it is.

The first public document on record, dated as at Albany, was the constable's return, as made at Albany, Feb. 6, 1816, on what was then fa­miliarly known as a summons to be served on some specified person within named, to depart said town. Under this date I find the collect­or makes his return of service, of similar char­acter, upon Moses Delano—and what is a little peculiar in this summons is, that it "summons Moses Delano, now residing in Lutterloh, to depart said town, with all his family." This is put into the hands of the then youthful "Con­stable and Collector" to be served. This ser­vice was deferred from April to the 6th of February following—when, perhaps, as he was on a visit to his dulcena, "on a sly," he left the copy of the summons at the "last and usual. place of abode," &c. How soon after this official business he made known his attachment for the girl, officially, is not a matter of record. Tradition says that one day this same officer



                                                                 ALBANY                                                             49


came and arrested this captivating lass—"for that she had stolen his heart;" and for the re­covery of which, and for want thereof, he was authorized to "take the body." This was the first wedding in Albany known to the writer—there may have been some in Lutterloh.

During the year 1816 there was an increase in population and of the grand-list. This year Josiah Coolidge bought out James Harlow, and moved into town—at whose house were held the town and freemen's meetings for a year or more. During this and the subsequent year large additions to the legal voters in town were made, and the grand-list stood $2,000. There seemed to have been an impetus given to the settlement of this town. The year following, viz. 1818, the first company of militia was or­ganized, consisting of 11 officers, 2 musicians, and 34 privates. This formidable array of mar­tial men and officers, it appears, had all of 19 guns. The first officers of this company were William Hayden, captain; Enoch Rowell, lieu­tenant, and John Fairman, ensign; Henry Skinner, 1st sergeant, Joseph Chamberlin, 2d do. Simeon Spaulding 3d do. and Frederick Delano 4th do.; William Hanson 1st corporal, Jonathan Clifford 2d, Theodore Lee 3d, and Harvey Skin­ner 4th corporal. Of this company 9 were re­turned equipped at this time. The next year the increase of legal voters in town was unprecedented in the town's history: ten were added to the number of voters, and the grand-list looms up to $2638,50.

Among those that came in this year, I no­tice some of those who are here to-day—worn, and scarred, and seared, by time—they are rel­icts of other days, and may with many others be regarded as among the fathers of the town. Among them I see the name Jonathan Norris, whose youth, manhood and old age has come and almost gone, in the history of this town. The partner of his life has but just stepped through the bridge of time, just where a plank was up—and onward he is traveling alone.

About this time our aged and respected Doctor Bill, with his family, moved in, and settled near the center of the town; and such has been the hold of the Doctor upon the at­tachments of the people, that many have tried in vain to supplant him here in his profession. Among the many others are Anson Hand, Joel Cheney, James M. Darling, Dea. David Hardy, of whose christian experience and min­istrations, and labor of love, connected with the early history of the religious interest in the place, the writer intends to speak in con­nection with some of the churches in town.—Also, at this time, I find the name of Stephan Cory, the owner of the first, and for a long time the only mill in town—a respectable cit­izen, and the father of Dr. Simeon R. Cory, now of Craftsbury. There was not only an increase in population, the whole number being 253, but there is an increase of the grand-list, which this year amounts to $2,750. There is also a general appearance of thrift since the war and the cold seasons of 1816 and 1817, individual grand-lists having nearly doubled, and the aggregate nearly quadru­pled.

During the next 2 years, large numbers were added to the number of freemen. In these years we notice the arrival of Jabez Page, from Cabot, Dea. E. Carter, from Peacham, David Saxton who, about this time, was ap­pointed the first deacon of the Congregational church, which appointment was soon followed by the appointment of a second deacon.— Ephraim Carter, late of Peacham. John Cul­ver, also, was among the new arrivals. Mr. Culver had a numerous and interesting fam­ily, having 6 children at this time between 4 and 18 years of age. Mr. Culver soon com­menced to build the first saw-mill, in the west part of the town, on the river. The location of the dam, across the stream, proved bad on one shore, and the result was that the whole thing was abandoned, or moved up stream about 100 rods—after a few years of useless endeavors to secure that dam. It was with­in the flowage of this pond, where the last family of beavers had been captured in 1808, by Capt. Hayden and a man from Craftsbury. This family, four in number, were taken during the winter of that year, for food, and were the last, known to live on Black River. This may appear out of place; nevertheless it is history.

Joseph Chamberlin also came into town this year, from Craftsbury. Their family was quite large. They reported 8 at one time, be­tween 4 and 18 years. Soon after this family came into town, they were severely afflicted by the accidental scalding, and almost imme­diate death of a little boy. The little fellow sat down into a tub of boiling suds. "Oh!" said he, "Mamma, I thought it was a chair!" were his last words, uttered even in the ago­nies of death. This Chamberlin family are all scattered away—many of this numerous



50                                       VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


family, 16 in number, have seen the ups and downs of life.

Ralph Corey, too, came in about this time. He settled upon the river, as many did about this time. Mr. Corey subsequently lost one of his limbs, his being the first case of ampu­tation, known to the writer, to have been per­formed in town.

There is still another circumstance connect­ed with this family, that at the time proved to be a singular, natural (perhaps) curiosity. It is said of Mrs. Corey, that at the age of 25 or 30 years, she was small of stature, slim and delicate, and withal, good looking. But about this time, or a little later in life, she commenced to grow—regularly she gained.— When first apprised of the fact, she would ab­stain from food till almost famished with hunger, with a view to stop it but all to no purpose. Her physicians informed her that it was useless to try to starve it down. She grew tall and large; even the nose of her face assumed huge dimensions, and her hands—no man in town had such a pair of hands as hers; and this growth continued to the end of life. She was more than 6 feet tall, and of a large frame, though thin of flesh. She lived seve­ral years in this way, laboring hard all of the time. She died about 1838, I think.

Prior to 1822 Darius Wilcox moved from Craftsbury to this town and settled upon the center road. George Youran also came here from Tunbridge; and also the Haven's, from Barnet, and settled upon the river. Joseph Hyde, Roger Willis, John Whipple, Jess. Bosworth, Samuel Russel and Levi Warren, besides many others, made their entrance here before the end of 1822.

All these additions to the numerical force and physical strength of the town, served also to change, materially, the moral and religious elements. Large additions were made by let­ter to the Congregational church, probably the only one in town, and foundations for oth­ers were being gathered together. Along with this interest generally goes a corresponding interest in education; hence, we find the town regulating their school-districts, bounding them, and for the first time, numbering them, at this time from 1 to 8 inclusive. These sev­eral districts, as per reports, numbered from 25 to 41 scholars, from 4 to 18 years of age.

About this time Cha's and Millen Seaver, then young men, proposed to present the town with a public common, located near the then center of business in town, and near the geo­graphical center of the town. This liberal proposal was finally accepted, and a town-house erected on or near the same. The build­ing of this house was put in specifications and let to the lowest bidder. It appears that John Culver took the contract to build the same, for $389.00. It also appears he did not build, or at least, finish this house, for subsequently we find the town voting as to dimensions al­tering its size from 30 by 30 feet, to 30 by 33. This last vote was taken March 13, 1823.— Jan. 13, 1824, at a meeting "called to see what the town would do in regard to accept­ing the town-house," "provided Mr. Corley will give competent bonds that the house shall be completed by the first day of June next." At this meeting it was voted "To ac­cept the house, provided Mr. Corley gets it done by the first day of June." And further, "Voted to raise one hundred and seventy-four dollars and fifty cents, in grain, and for­ty dollars in money, to pay for said house." And at the same meeting, "Voted to have the said house done by the first day of June."

We see from these proceedings that the town was willing to do what was fair with the builders of this house, if they would come to time. At a town meeting held in March following, it was "Voted to move the town meetings to the town-house." The next we hear of this matter, is a vote taken at a sub­sequent meeting, called to "See if the town would accept and pay for the town house, as they shall agree." The vote of the town on this subject, is as follows: "Voted that Cor­ley Shall Take Thirty dollars less, than was agreed, at first."

It appears from the history of this impor­tant transaction, that the town intended to have it all their own way, or else the builder had been slow as to time, of finishing up the house, and the town was willing to make him pay thirty dollars for being dilatory. This old town-house has stood the storms of many winters, and much strife, political and other­wise. It has witnessed the excited and silent breathings of expectant aspirants for office, as the chairman of the meeting calls attention to the result of their exciting ballotting, the heart droopings of the defeated, and buoyant look of the successful competitors. More than this; it has witnessed the earnest appeal of the embassador of the Mighty Ruler of the universe, who has stood there and repeated



                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             51


the words of his master, to the erring and re­bellious—"Choose you this day whom ye will serve. If the Lord be God serve him. If Baal, then serve him:" and many here have made the decision, and have chosen that part that Mary chose, "while others made a wretched choice, and rather starve than come."

This now dilapidated old house has been town-house, temperance-hall, school-room and meeting-house. But now is seldom used ex­cept for town and freemen's meetings. One or two more reports from these town meetings and I will close.

At a meeting called to be holden Aug. 27, 1825, one specified article reads as follows:

"To see if the town will let Mrs. Hadley have the old man, Samuel Hadley, to support, during his natural life, as she has proposed."

The action of the town is expressive in words following:

"Voted not to let Mr. Samuel Hadley, go, to live with his wife, agreeable to her propo­sal."

What this grew out of, or what grew out of this, the writer knows not.

During the 2 years last past, there have been several additions to the list of promi­nent men in town, both from the majority of young men resident in town, and also from immigration. Among the former may be seen the name of Luthur Delano, who has served the town so well, and so long as town clerk. Among the latter the name of Chester Ten­ney, who moved from Hanover, N. H., to this town and purchased on the river. He was a man of refined sensibility and fine sense, and his abilities were appreciated by his fellow-citizens while he was able to mingle in public gatherings. His usefulness was limited on account of ill health, and he finally passed away, in 1833, leaving a widow and three small boys, and a large concourse of friends to lament his early departure. Another of those who came in about this time was Dan­iel Lawrence, from Troy, N. H. Mr. Lawrence settled on the center road, near the "Center," on a small farm, where he lived till his death—44 years on this farm, and died, aged 87 years, leaving the wife of his youth, and a numerous family of children, grown to man and womanhood, to lament their loss.

The years 1825, '26, found many new names added to the list of business men in town, among which are the names of Wells Allen, who came from Brookfield to this town, and who filled several town offices a number of years, and was representative 2 years; and B. H. Reed, who was a carpenter and joiner of "ye olden time."

The next year still greater additions were made to the solid men, among which Rufus B. Hovey and Sila Hovey and their families, from Brookfield, Orange county. These men and several other Hoveys, that then or after­wards came here were the sons of Rufus Ho­vey, late of Brookfield. (A. more full account of this family may be found in connection with this history.) Also we find the name of Capt. Benjamin Aiken, who, for a number of years, enjoyed the confidence of the people. He was for a number of years one of the first magistrates in practice, and was a radical lead­er of the Democratic party. In financial af­fairs he was not quite equal to the emergencies of the times. An accident crippled him for life. He died last spring (1869) at an ad­vanced age, having seen much of the vicissi­tudes of life. Just before this time Jabez Page had erected mills and commenced busi­ness at wool-carding and cloth-dressing—the first of the kind in town. It appears also that John Culver had sold out his mill to J. Rogers, who started the first grist-mill in town.

Among the arrivals this year was also the Rev. Elias W. Kellog. Mr. K. at this time was a very acceptable preacher of the Congre­gational order. He was ordained January, 1827, and in March following was elected town clerk, in place of John R. Putnam, who had so long and so well fulfilled the responsibili­ties of this important office. This year was added likewise to the list, John Paine, Jr., who bought a farm upon the river, and still lives on the same farm, and is among the wealthiest farmers in town. Jonathan Fitz, who came here from Craftsbury and commenced the business of tanning at Albany Centre, and con­tinued this business, in connection with the boot and shoe business, by himself or with his sons while he lived. Soon after his death the old place was sold out, and the business of manufacturing leather in town abandoned. Mr. Fitz was for many years postmaster here.

About this time we also find the name of Simeon S. Hovey, so long the popular school­teacher in this and surrounding towns. Mr. Hovey was a practical surveyor, and lines and roads surveyed by him were called all right. Mr. Hovey was the younger brother of R. B. and Silas Hovey. He was a minor when he came to town from Brookfield, as a part or



52                                       VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


R. B. Hovey's family, together with one sister, afterwards Mrs. Phelps, and two younger brothers. Simeon married for his first wife the daughter of Eli Chamberlin, Esq., and set­tled on a farm. This wife soon after died, which so disarranged his plans that he after­wards sold his farm and went into the mer­cantile business, at Albany Centre. He lived to marry the second time and also to enjoy the confidence of the people. He represented the town 2 years, and died the February fol­lowing, very suddenly, leaving a wife and 2 small children, and a large community of friends and townsmen to lament his early death. A more extended account of this friend might be deemed appropriate to this work, but time will fail the writer to speak of all at length.

In summing up this history we find the pop­ulation of the town in 1830, 683; the grand list $3,704. But the reader must remember the grand list was not made up on the same rate per cent. then as now. With all the gain of property the present (1869) grand-list is but about $200 more than then.

From 1830 there is a noted increase of the population, very many changes among neigh­bors, and a steady appearance of thrift.— Roads had been laid out, and made, centering into the different places of business. School districts had been organized, and school houses built. Small farms, full of stumps, dotted every section of the town. Log cabins, or small houses were very common, especially on the river road. There was occasionally a good house and out-buildings, but they were few and far between. No rich old charter-man occupied a prominent position among the denizens of Lutterloh or Albany. Col. Lut­terloh, who gave the charter name to the town, was either too poor, or else unwilling to pay the charter expenses, and consequently lost his chance to monopolize the larger proportion of the proprietors' rights, and by that means control the public affairs.

Equality and independence seem to have been the general characteristics of the early Albanians. Scarcely a family came into town from the date of the organization till 1820, but what was peremptorily ordered to depart from the town with their family. Property or respectability was of no account. The se­lectmen treated all alike.

From 1830 to '33, the religious interest ap­pears to have created quite an excitement.—Additions were made to some of the then ex­isting churches. To the Congregational church 35 were added, and their prospects appeared to be bright. The building of a meeting­house was in contemplation by this church at this time. A division among the members as to location, postponed the work—schisms crept in, their minister left, and the church was very much weakened. This state of affairs with this church, offered a fine opportunity to the Methodists to start the work of build­ing them a house. This element had been very mach strengthened by immigration for several years past. These forces were now consolidated, and the result was that in 1333 they erected the first meeting-house in this town. Much dissatisfaction existed touching this matter, and many years went by before the attempt was made to build another meet­ing-house.

However, in 1841, the Congregational so­ciety erected a house of worship at the centre of the town. This house they occupied about 5 years, when it was burned down. This was an exceedingly heavy drawback to the pros­perity of the church.

In 1842 the Baptists, who had heretofore occupied the town-house some, and the Meth­odist chapel some, when they were not able to supply the pulpit all the time, having received additional strength from time to time, erected a church for their use, at the place now known as the Albany Village, on the river road.— After 4 or five years, when the new house at the Centre was burned down, it was proposed to sell a part of the Baptist house to the Congregational society, which proposition was accepted, to the general satisfaction of both societies, taking the circumstances of both into the account. To be sure some on both sides were not quite satisfied. This joint own­ership and occupancy of this house contin­ued about 20 years, when the partnership was dissolved, and the Baptists took the old house, paying therefor the stipulated price. This house they thoroughly remodeled and repaired the same year.

One year later the Congregational society erected for their use their second house, in the same village, and near the Baptist house.— While these doings were being enacted in the Center and west part of the town, the peo­ple of the north and east part were not religiously idle. The " Free-willers," as they are called, commenced and erected a very pretty



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house, on the creek road, about 2½ miles from Irasburgh common. This house was built about the year 1858. Prior to this latter date, the Wesleyan Methodists, a sect that drew off from the Episcopal Methodists, in Radi­cal Anti Slavery times, began to gather into a society, in the vicinity of South Albany, a Small village in that part of the town. This society, at first small, at length succeeded in erecting a very convenient, though small house of worship, and now they have gath­ered in a working church. Their peculiar mission seems to be, to battle against sin, in all its forms, whether in cottage or in hall.— all political iniquities, all evils, social, secret, civil and religious, feel the force of the battle-axe of this religious order. But this is not all; there are also, in the east part of this town, the Catholics,—this people, so peculiar in their habits,—and they have a strong-hold upon some of the best farms in the eastern and central parts of the town; and last year they commenced to build a church. They have the house up, and the out-side finished; and the priest tells them when they pay in full for that, he will cause the inside to be completed, which will probably be accomplished this present year, 1870. A more thrifty or indus­trious class of people, perhaps, cannot be found in town: and with a few exceptions, they are "dacent" people, and most of the families take pains to send their children to school, though I am sorry to say some do not.

I have thus hastily sketched this chapter, upon the various religious elements and what they have done, and are doing, hoping to be able to connect with this history a more ex­tended and special account, statistical and oth­erwise, of each of these churches.

The reader will recollect that we left the political history of the town in the year 1830. From this time to the present there were great and permanent improvements in all the indus­trial interests pertinent to a new settlement. Population increased; new families moved in, and some moved out. New farms were taken up, and older ones improved. The little log-cabin, so useful to the early settlers in this climate, soon began to be superceded by the more tidy-looking and commodious dwellings occasionally seen, even in this day, what are called "low-wide" houses, with their fire­places and large brick-chimneys—and these, by the stately and well-proportioned dwell­ings of more modern times.

Suffice it to say that Albany is deemed to be a fine agricultural town, hard to be beat, in the neatness and arrangement of its farm-dwellings and out-buildings, especially along the Black River valley road. The prospect this valley af­fords to those who are passing over the well known "Old Centre Road," of a pleasant sum­mer's day, can seldom be equalled in the State.

Other parts of the town exhibit equal evidences of thrift and wealth. Their forests of cedar, and apple and sugar-orchards, their rich and fertile soils, their inexhaustible beds of the richest muck and shell-marl, open up to those parts of the town the means of present prof it, and future fertility and wealth. Industry and economy are the marked characteristics of the inhabitants, spiced strongly with the usual amount of generosity and hospitality of rural life; and interwoven with these may readily be detected the refinements of genuinely refined society. The rough edges of pioneer life and settlements have been rounding off, and more congenial and conciliating temperaments suc­ceed the old-fashioned, "rough and ready" style of neighborly intercourse.

There are insurmountable barriers to a con centration of business. There are three or four prominent centres of business. These points are designated by their post office name, in this history.




is situated on the river road, and contains 34 dwelling-houses, 2 churches, 2 stores, I school­house and academy, 1 hotel, 1 post-office, 2 blacksmith-shops, 1 shoe-shop, 1 tin-shop, 1 tailoress-shop, 1 millinery-establishment, I saw-mill and 1 plaining-mill, 2 carriage-makers, 5 cattle, horse and sheep-brokers, 1 horse-trainer, and other agencies and interests too numerous to mention. Two mails leave this post-office: the Northern, dialy, and the Southern, three times a week.




There is not much show of a village, as the arrangement is comparatively new. They have several dwellings, a church, a school-house, 1 store, 1 post-office, 1 saw-mill, 1 starch-factory, 3 cattle, horse and sheep, and produce-broker, and the place seems destined to increase.

About 2 miles north of this post-office is an­other mill, several dwellings, a school-house, and a church.




is situated near the S. E. corner of the town­ship, and consists of 1 school-district, contain‑



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big something over 30 families. The principal business is agriculture, some of the best farms in town lying here. The outlet of Hartwell Pond runs through this little village, upon which are mills. There is also 1 store, 1 church, 1 school-house, 1 blacksmith-shop, 1 painter and paper-hanger, besides other industrial interests. South Albany post-office is their address here.




of the town has some fine residences, 1 church, 1 school-house, 1 hotel, the town-house, &c.—This is the place of town and freemen's meetings. There is no water-power, nor other prom­inent business interest. The inhabitants are mostly interested in agricultural pursuits. The Methodist church and a fine parsonage are lo­cated here. The post-office address is Albany.




We find it recorded, that in one of the first town meetings they raised nothing for schools. The first vote on record of money raised for schools, was taken March 16, 1814. "Voted to raise one cent on the dollar, for the use of schools." Two years subsequently to this, two cents was raised on the dollar, on the grand-list, for the support of schools. The first school tax, as above, amounted to $15.67. In 1817, at the annual March meeting, M. Cheney, F. Delano, Eli Chamberlin, Jr., Wm. Rowell, Harvey Skin­ner, W. Bean and A. Bosworth were appointed a committee to divide the town into school-dis­tricts, which, it appears, they accomplished, as we find a record of their description and bound­aries, five in number. Also, at the same time, it was voted to raise two cents on the dollar, for schooling. It will be recollected that at this time the grand-list was as 2 to 20, a young man without property paying taxes on a list of $20. Agreeably to the foregoing arrangement, we find on the 9th day of April following, a list of scholars in the Centre district, total, 19 over 4 and under 18 years. Also, April 20, same year, the number of scholars in the S. E. district be­tween 4 and 18 years to be, total, 17.

In March 12, 1820, at the annual meeting of the town, it was voted to raise 2 cents on the dollar of the grand-list, for the support of schools in said town; and "That each district should lay out their proportion of money as they see fit, to school their children." At this time the population of the town was about 250, and, perhaps, got for reasons before given, we find, but 36 scholars, returned in town, those not having regular district schools, not making any returns. Subsequent to 1820 the school interest increased and the titles to land became permanently fixed. The liberal donation to colleges and public insti­tutions of learning, of many lots of land within the limits of this town, which lots could be leased for all time by paying an annual rent of from $7 to $18 a year, afforded a fine opportu­nity for adventurers of limited means to procure good farms, with a small capital—and all served to hasten the more general settlement of this town. Population rapidly increased, and from time to time, new school districts were organ­ized, and also an increased interest and enlarge­ment of the old schools, till, at the date of this writing, 1870, there are 15 school districts in town, and with the exception of one or two districts, all have first-class school-houses, and some of them have large, commodious play­grounds.

Aside from the common schools, there is a regular chartered academy, located in Albany village, in which one or more terms of school are taught in each year. This school has a small permanent fund. The school for the last two years has been under the tuition of W. W. Miles, Esq , of this town. The public money distributed among the several school districts, amounts to about $450 yearly, aside from the amount raised by direct tax in each district.




Albany, formerly called Lutterloh, is a township, near the central part of Orleans county. It is 36 miles north of Montpelier, and about 45 miles easterly from St. Albans, in Lat. 44°, 43'. It is bounded northerly by Irasburgh, easterly by Glover, south by Craftsbury, and west by Eden and Lowell. This township is watered by Black river, and some of its principal branches. The creek, as it is called, waters the eastern part, and in its course northerly affords several mill sites and falls into Black river in Irasburgh. Black river rises in the Great Hosmore and other ponds in the eastern part of Albany, and runs south-easterly about 5 or 6 miles into Craftsbury Lower Village. Soon after passing this place it takes in the outlet of the Eligo pond, partly in Craftsbury and partly in Greensboro, when turning in the north­easterly direction it flows on towards the western part of Albany. In passing through this town the river receives several considerable branches from the west. Some of these streams have falls of considerable note, and



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there is a small stream in the S. W. part of the town that plunges down a fall of nearly 200 feet, almost perpendicular.

The Rogers brook affords a succession of falls and rapids both wild and romantic. The Phelps brook also exhibits a curious commingling of water and rocks for a dis­tance of some 40 rods, falling some 150 feet. As may be inferred there are several natural ponds in this town. The principal are the Great Hosmer, Heartwell, Page, Heart and Duck ponds. The two latter are near the River road. There are no mountains in town, except in the N. W. corner, where a spur of the Green mountains is cut off from the main chain by the Phelps brook. This mountain is familiarly known as Hovey's mountain. The general surface of the town is uneven or hilly. The Black river valley is very fine and broad, almost any variety of soil from sandy loans to clay may be found in this valley. Excellent tillage, meadow or pasture land can be found in this locality. East of the river the bed rock is mostly lime stone, while on the west the rock is usually clay slate, or talcose slate and quartz. There is a vein of clay slate that were it not for the occasional appearance of small cubes of sulphate of iron, might easily be wrought into roofing. In the central and eastern part of the town there are several rich beds of muck and shell marle. Some fine ledges of granite rocks. There is also a very fine ledge of granite in slabs of almost any de­sired thickness, and if you want it thinner it can be split—very fine rock for building purposes. The timber is made up of the va­rieties usual in northern Vermont. Beech, birch, maple, pine, spruce, hemlock, cedar, tamarac, fir, butternut, white and brown ash are the principal.

The settlement of this town commenced just prior to 1800, at which time the popula­tion did not exceed 12. The first road through this town, crossed the south-westerly corner, and is nearly the same as now leads from Craftsbury to Lowell,—in its general direction. This road was opened in the sum­mer of 1779, by Gen. Hazen with a part of his regiment. It is said that the pretended object of this road was a thoroughfare from N. H. to Canada, but was in reality simply strategetical. This road crossed Black river about 200 rods north of Craftsbury line, ascended the mountain, up the Rogers brook valley, running about 3 miles in town. Some of the old road has been abandoned, but the main direction is retained and is the same as used to this day. The Center road was for many years the most important road in town. This road led from Irasburgh south to Craftsbury and other southern towns in what was then Orleans county. East of this and parallel to it is the creek road. Upon this road are several fine farms and some public buildings. On this road near Crafts­bury line was the first and only whiskey still ever operated in town. This still dried up long before my day. I think it did not run but a very few years to curse the people or the land. About 1834 or 5 the road running up and down the river in this town began to attract attention. This road had been laid out a little at a time to accommodate those who had ventured to settle in this valley, and as I was saying this road began to be looked at with a view to save some of the hills upon the center road. And the result was that this road was continued up the river through Craftsbury, and became the main thoroughfare to Burlington from the central part of Orleans Co. About the year 1806 a petition was presented to Thomas Coggswell. Esq., to call a meeting of the inhabitants of the town to meet for organization. For peti­tion, &c., see 1st page of general history.




Jesse Rogers and his wife came into this town in the Spring of 1806 from Greenfield, N. H. They had at this time two children, Robert. and Sally.

They came in on the old military road and settled in the S. W. part of the town upon the well known Rogers farm, the same as oc­cupied now by Mr. Jesse Rogers of to-day. They brought grain and some of the other necessaries of life with them; but when they got out of grain which they did before har­vest, Mr. Rogers was obliged to go to New­bury to get a supply_ The nearest mill for grinding was at Hardwick, a distance of about 18 miles. At this mill he would call on his way home and get his grain ground. In a short time, however, a mill was built in Craftsbury, just above South Craftsbury vil­lage. To this mill many of the early settlers of Albany were indebted for their grinding. But to return—Mr. Rogers bought him a cow, and in just 21 days the cow fell down a steep



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hill and broke her neck. This, to them at this time, was a great loss. To this family were added two sons and one daughter, born in town. Their advantages for school were somewhat limited. Molly Wiley opened a school just in the edge of Craftsbury, and to this school those in this part of the town sent their scholars. To the nearest neigh­bors down the river, at this time, it was about 4 or 5 miles, while towards the south there were several families not very far away. Mrs. Rogers was a remarkable woman, tough and sprightly. She says she used to go down the river meadow, nearly to Irasburgh line, for her cows, who would sometimes stray off. Her route lay through an un­broken forest of every variety of timber, from the tag-alder to the sturdy elm interwoven with the spontaneous growth of vines and weeds, perhaps higher than her head, her only guide being the certain, or uncertain, trail of her cows. Sometimes even she was overtaken by night, made hideous by the shrill and oft' repeated calls of birds and wild beasts, as they reverberated from hill to hill. Mr. Rogers was successful in his efforts to make a farm. This land was good and productive, and what was better to him, his title was all right. About 1813 smuggling was carried on in this locality to a consider­able extent. Mr. Hayden, who had been custom officer, had, for some reasons, lost his appointment, and there was no officer nearer than Irasburgh. On one occasion Robert Rogers, then a lad, had been out in the timber, where he detected a large drove of cattle on the line of what was then called Cory's smuggling road, cut through from Craftsbury under the mountain towards Lowell, coming into the Gen. Hazen road, nearly west of Albany center. Young Rogers was where he got sight of this drove of beef on the way to feed the British army in Can­ada. Robert hastened borne, and then to Irasburgh, to see Major Enos, then U. S. officer of customs. The Major, taking the boy up behind him, started in hot haste for Craftsbury, where, gathering up a posse of determined loyal men, taking the Gen. Hazen road by Rogers's, and he and Robert in company, on they went for Lowell. A herd of hungry cattle are not rapid locomoters. Our boys came up to them at Curtis's tavern near Lowell corners. The drovers were just baiting their cattle. It is said, by the way, that at this time there were lots of the men then in Lowell, that would throw up their hats as high as anybody when they were over the line. This gave confidence to the smug­glers, and when our Major politely informed the drivers of these beeves that Uncle Sam had sent him to secure this fine lot of beef, and that he was under the necessity of taking them back over the mountains for the use of our own men, they refused to let the cattle go. Two men were posted at the bars with orders to shoot down the first man that should touch one of the bars. What was to be done? The Major, or his posse, had not so much as a horse pistol, but he had men. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain and Mr. Onios Skinner, each with an ample cane in hand, uplifted high, quickly strode up to those men, and with looks and voice said, "Hold! the first man that fires a shot shall be the first in hell." At this juncture Mr. Wyram Mason of Crafts­bury, stepped up and coolly took out all the bars, laying them by, one by one. Through these bars the cattle were driven, and started back. It is said that the Major even offered to compromise the matter with the owners, proposing to all go in company to Burlington with the cattle, when he said the men should receive for their beef government contract prices. This offer they spurned, thinking to be able to rally forces enough to return the cattle that night, but their efforts proved abortive. The cattle, 110 in number, were taken to Craftsbury common, by the Hazen road, and watched by the citizens till morn­ing, when they were started for Burlington. They were met by Capt. Patridge on the route. Several skirmishes for the recovery occured on the road, the last of which was in Underhill, where, it is said, some blood was let. A suit was afterward instituted to re­cover the value of these cattle, and the Rogerses were summoned to Windsor to the trial, but the case was thrown out of court, and thus ended one of the most exciting and interesting seizures in this locality.

Mr. Rogers and his sons put in the first grist-mill in town. This mill was situated where the mills now stand near the village. Mr. Rogers kept a hotel for some time about 1830, and after a few years Robert Rogers, the eldest of the family, went to New York, where he amassed a fortune, and has since lived in Burlington, Vt., and now lives in New Jersey. James, with his numerous fam‑



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ily, 15 in number, went West, where he died some years since. Jesse, his father's name-sake and Mrs. Beede, still live in this local­ity. Mr. Rogers died in 1838. Mrs. Rogers lived to a good old age, retaining her faculties to the fast. In her youthful days she was somewhat poetical, and her patriotic or smuggling songs were both pointed and cut­ting, but I have no specimens. She died about 1865, nearly one hundred years old.




The Congregational Church in the town was organized Aug. 16, 1818, by Rev. James Hob­ert of Berlin, and Rev. James Parker of Enosburgh, at the dwelling house of Moses Delano; and consisted of Aaron Chamberlin, Mo­ses Chamberlin, Theodore S. Lee and Mrs. Hannah Skinner, David Sexton was appointed the (first) deacon, in March, 1822—Jabez Page in June, 1823; Ephraim Carter in November following; Joseph B. Chamberlin Dec. 6, 1830; Dea. Durkee, Sen., about 1836; Moses Pearson in March, 1841; Orin Austin in 1842, and Nathan Skinner and Wells A. Hyde in December, 1869. Of the above deacons J. B. Chamberlin died in town, and all the rest moved away, except deacons Page, Skinner and Hyde, who still remain here.

This church did not enjoy stated preaching for a number of years. Rev. Mr. Hobert, and the Rev. Mr. Chapin, and several others, sup­plied here occasionally till April, 1826, when Elias W. Kellog commenced to preach for them statedly. In January, 1827, he was or­dained over this branch of Zion. Up to this time about 40 members had been added to the church. During the ministrations of the Rev. E. W. Kellog, which continued up to 1834, there were added to this church 69 members: 36 of these were added in the noted revival year 1831.

From 1834 to '39 the church was supplied par­tially by Revs. Lyman Case, Reuben Mason and Moses P. Clark. During this time 18 were added to its membership. At this time Elias R. Kilbey began to supply, and was ordained in March of the next year. In 1841 the Con­gregationalists erected a house of worship at the center of the town. This house was burned in February, 1846, as before stated in the general history. In April following this church and society purchased one half of the Baptist meeting-house, on the river-road, the Rev. Mr. Kilbey preaching the one half of the time until the day of hio death, in February, 1851. During his ministry 39 were added to the church. After Mr. Kilbey's death the church was sup­plied by Mr. Lyman Case and the Rev. Mr. Kidder for about one year—after which the Rev. Phinehas Baily supplied them, commenc­ing in December, 1852—continuing 5 years. The total number added during this time was 13.

In August, 1858, the Rev. A. R. Gray be­came acting pastor, and continued this service until January, 1866, and 8 were added to the church. During this year the copartnership that had so long existed between this church and the Baptist, in the ownership of the meet­ing-house was dissolved, and the following year the new Congregational meeting-house was erected and dedicated March 5, 1868. During this year the church was supplied by theologic­al students and others—and 4 were added to their number. In January, 1869, the Rev. John P. Demeritt began to supply, and has con­tinued so to do to this date, (February, 1870,) and 16 have been added to the church.

This church has passed through severe trials and disappointments. At the time of their greatest apparent prosperity, they have been compelled to adopt the language of the Psalm­ist and say: "Thou hast lifted me up and cast me down." Their numbers have been reduced very low by emigration and death. Still "The Lord will provide," has ever been illustrated in their history.

The writer acknowledges his indebtedness to the Rev. J. P. Demeritt and Hon. L. P. Ten­ney and his lady for the minutes of the history of this church.




The Baptist element began to develop itself quite early in the history of this town. Dea­con David Hardy and his wife, widow Lydia Delano, Josiah Slack and his wife, had been in town for a number of years. Delano's house was open for meetings of all Christian denom­inations. Deacon Hardy used to exhort the people, and his labors have not been lost.—Those primitive meetings had their influence. By them the rough edges of pioneer life were rounded off, and a regard for religion was culti­vated. Elder Marvin Glow of Greensboro, preached in town some, performing missionary work, by trying to guide the moral and religious sensibilities of this then new place.

Up to 1832 there had been no organized body of Baptists. This year a church was formed, consisting of the following parsons, viz. Dea-



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David Hardy, Rebecca Hardy, (his wife) Polly Hovey, Polly B. Hovey, Habitable Havens, Chastina Allen, Hiram Chafey, Aseneth Chafey and Horace N. Hovey. The ministers present to organize this church were Elders John Ide, Coventry, Marvin Grow, Greensboro, Edward Mitchell and N. H. Downs of Troy. There were also delegates present from Craftsbury, Coventry and Irasburgh. The church was re­cognized Sept. 13. 1832. H. N. Hovey (now Rev.) was the first church clerk. In 1834 Dea. M. Darling moved into town from Groton—was united to this church by letter, and was ap­pointed the first deacon the same year, which office he has held to this day of writing (1870).

During the early history of this church there were added to its numbers as follows: From 1832 to '35, 14; during the year 1835, 30; to 1843, 11; during '43, 39; from '43 to '49, 6; and from '49 to '70, 35.

The records show but few expulsions from the church. But the last few years have drawn heavily from their numbers by death and emi­gration.




during the first 8 years were Revs. Prosper Pow­ell, Moses Flint, Amos Dodge, I. D. Newell, D. Burroughs and S. B. Rider. In 1841 Still­man Fisher, a graduate of Oberlin (0.) College, was ordained to the work of the ministry over this church. In about 2 years Isaac Waldron was here ordained as pastor, and continued his labors nearly 2 years. During the year 1845 Rev. H. N. Hovey was by this church ordained to the ministry, and was pastor of the church about 6 years—when desiring to travel he was let go, and Rev. H. I. Campbell was preacher for them about 1 year, when Rev. Mr. Hovey returned and again assumed the pastorate, ex­cept at short intervals, up to November, 1864. From this time James Furguson was with them nearly 3 years—after which Rev. A. Nor­cross ministered to this people till Jan. 1, 1870.




have been Deacons M. Darling, R. B. Hovey, Silas Hovey, Hiram Chafey and Clark O. Lam­phere. Of these deacons the 2 Dea. Hoveys are dead: the others are still with the church.

Two members of this church are in the min­istry. Among those who are or were members are whole households: Dea. R. B. Hovey and Polly his wife, with all their children, 7 boys and 3 girls, are or were members, and all living now except the Deacon, who died in 1844.— Five of this numerous family are settled in the West—mostly in Iowa.

This church has had times of prosperity and adversity; and the record says, "we are praying, watching and believing, that the Lord will do and defer not."

Our contributions abroad are not large, on account of home-work. $187 have been raised for various purposes outside of the chursh, with. in the year.

The writer is indebted to D. F. Marckris, clerk, for much of this sketch of the B. church.




Of the earliest class of Methodists in town I cannot write from personal knowledge. I only know of them, that early in the settlement of the town, the Methodist element was well repre­sented. Some of the Chamberlins, most of the Rowells, the Hydes, some of the Seavers, the Wilcoxes, Blaisdels, the Mileses, Paines, Hay­dens and others were among the number. I have no date of the time of the first class, but it was prior to 1830; though not till 1833 were they thought to be strong enough to build a house of worship, which year the chapel was erected at Albany Center. Up to this time they had held their meetings in school houses, dwell­ing-houses and barns, also in the town-house, after its erection. In 1834 Brother Liscom preached to the people,—since this time a suc­cession of ministers, some years all the time, and some years only one half of the time. Usually at such times the other denominations supplied the pulpit the balance of the time.

Among the ministers who have preached hero are the Revs. George Putnam, G. C. Clark Brother Clark, Blake, Smith, Brother Aspinwall, Elder Ball, Hopkins, Hadley, Spinney and Fales, besides many others. Some of the prin­cipal stewards of this church were Eli Chamber­lin, John Paine, Jona. P. Blaisdel, Ezra Wilcox and Stephen Vance. In connection with the chapel is a fine parsonage, convenient to their meeting-house, together with a small farm.—This church, like most churches, have had troubles, trials and dissensions. Like Paul of old, they have had trials among ministers, and trials among false brethren: but "out of all the Lord will deliver his people," &c., "while they look not on things temporal, but upon things eternal."

[Written from recollection. It was intend­ed to have this history furnished by Rev. Mr. Fales, present incumbent, but could not get a word from him.—N. M. D.)


Sometime, down in the early ages, there came two brothers to this region of hills and timber, by the name of Chamberlin, Eli and Aaron.—



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Long before the town was organized they lived here. These two men figured largely in the or­ganization, and helped materially to form the business affairs of the youthful town. Mr. Eli Chamberlin was one of the first of the select­men and representatives, in 1812. He had one son and four daughters, and died about 1830.— His son, Eli, succeeded to his farm, and lives there to this day. Eli, Jr., was early the con­stable and collector of the town, and has filled almost all of the important offices. His family consisted of 6 boys and 2 girls—Ellen and Violet. The former married John B. Hovey, and Violet married Dr. Scott, of Lyndon. Of the boys, William, Wilber, Heman and John are respectable farmers living in town. Schuyler is a mechanic, in Nashua, N. H., and the young­est, Charles, studied medicine, and is now in practise in Barre.

Mr. Aaron Chamberlin's family numbered 10 boys and 3 girls: of these boys 7 have died in the prime of life, and 3 still live, 3 of them on the old farm, and 1, Samuel B., is in Massachu­setts. Of the girls, 2 are living, and 1 is dead.

Soon after this family moved here, Mrs. C. planted a sap-trough of earth with apple-seeds, saying as she did it, that she did not expect to eat of the fruit. She told me in after life that she had lived to eat of the fruit of that orchard for more than 30 years.

Soon after this family came here there was a terrible tornado passed over the place where they lived. Such was the force of the storm of wind, that whole sections of timber were uprooted or broken down. This gale came down from the west, and bore all before it.— Mr. Chamberlin's cows were in the woods, and were hemmed in, but fortunately were not in­jured, though such was the destruction of tim­ber around them, it was several days before they could be released from imprisonment among the fallen trees.

Among the sons of this family who have died are Dr. Moses Chamberlin, late of Jamai­ca, Vt., and Dea. Joseph B. Chamberlin, late of this place. Mr. Aaron lived to a good old age. He was one of the four to compose the Congregational church at its organization — He was town clerk for a number of years.— It is said that once in "ye olden time" when John Skinner, Esq., was tything man, that Mr. C.'s potatoes were frozen into the ground by an untimely freeze; that upon a Sunday the frost came out of the ground. Now said Skinner knew that his neighbor's potatoes were in the ground, so up he comes to see what was Chamberlin at, and lo, and behold, there he was digging potatoes. Says Mr. Of­ficer, "Is this the way you keep the Sabbath?" "Yes," says Chamberlin, "and if you had been at home reading your Bible, where you ought to be, it would be better for you, and as well for me,"—and raising his hoe, says he, "vacate my fields,"—and he vacated.

This little innovation ruined the neighborly feeling between these men. Mr. Chamberlin died about 25 years ago. Mrs. Chamberlin survived him about 16 years, and died very old.




Among the earliest settlers of this town was Mr. David Cobb. He made his first pitch on a lot in the south-west corner of the town, just south of the Gen. Hazen road. This place was soon abandoned, and a ministerial lot in the N. W. corner of the town taken up. This lot lay on or near the old county road leading through Albany Centre to Westfield and Troy, in the Missisco valley. To this man was born Fanny Cobb, the first femal child born in this town. Their family consist­ed of 4 sons and one daughter. These people lived to make several new settlements in dif­ferent parts of the town, and so, perhaps, proved themselves to be among the most val­uable of pioneer settlers. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb lived to a good old age, and went to their graves in peace, having endured hardships and affliction that seemed to ripen them for the harvest of death.




was among the early settlers of Albany. He was a native of Braintree, Mass. He moved from Braintree to Covington, in the same State, and from there to Albany, Vt., in the year 1801. He commenced on that same lot now included in what is known as the Wm. Hayden farm. Mr. Hayden married in 1798, Silence Dale, of Bridgewater, Mass. In 1804 he sold out his betterments, as the saying then was, and began on Lot No, 4. On this farm he lived for nearly 30 years. Mr. Hayden, as appears, was a men of wealth and influence, noted for his shrewdness and success in busi­ness. He opened and kept the first public house licensed in town; was the first military captain, having been elected at the organiza­tion of the militia company in this place. He was the only man ever appointed collector of customs here. He also erected the first cloth‑



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manufacturing establishment, having engaged largely for the times in the manufacture of cloth, employing several women and girls in spinning and weaving—and his was the first store within the limits of this town. Success attended all his efforts to amass wealth, and but for his willingness to help others, he might have retained his business and home.

By signing as surety he lost heavily, and was at last obliged to leave his farm and fam­ily, go to jail, and "swear out," which term, once so common, is now almost obsolete, and perhaps needs explanation.

From Albany Mr. Hayden went to Potton, P. Q., in 1830, hoping to better his condition, with varying success. He staid there until the rebellion in Canada, known as the Radi­cal Rebellion of 1837, or '38. In this war he favored the party opposed to the crown. His early characteristics displaying themselves, he soon became obnoxious to the friends of royalty, was threatened, and left Canada and took up his abode in Troy, Vt. Trusting some of his old Canadian friends, he was one day decoyed back to Potton on pretense of impor­tant business, arrested, and started for Mont­real jail, but failed to get there for reasons never fully divulged. At all events, he came back to Troy, over the mountain from Richford the fourth day after his arrest.— In this affair he lost a fine farm and other property. From Troy he removed to Farns­hoile, N. Y., where he died in 1846, aged 69 years.

Mr. Hayden's widow still lives, and at this date, 1870, 92 years old and very smart.— Their family consisted of 5 sons and 4 daugh­ters. Two of the children died in infancy.— Wm. Hayden, Jr., the eldest, married Azuba, daughter of John Culver, and is now living on the farm first taken up by his father. This farm is situated in the south-west part of the town on the river road, and is the largest and most valuable farm in town, containing 700 acres of valuable land. This is one of the few farms in town that have not changed hands or gone out of the original family name. Mr. Wm. Hayden, the present owner, is now about 70, and, excepting that he has nearly lost his sight, retains much of that in­domitable spirit that actuated him in the prime of life, and by which he has succeeded in laying up quite a competence. His history as a R. R. contractor, both in the States and Can­adas, has never been tarnished by any act of meanness or injustice to those who have la­bored for him; even now the essence of hu­man kindness may be drawn from him, but it cannot be done with a blister. His family consisted of 5 children, one son and four daughters. The second daughter died while quite young. The rest of the children all lived to grow up,—were married and settled in this town, except the youngest, who resides in an adjoining town; and are all heads of fami­lies of children, more or less numerous.




came into town from Plainfield, N. H., about the year 1813. They settled on the farm pre­viously occupied by Silas Downer. On this farm was the whiskey still—first and last in town. Mr. Rowell contracted to pay so many gallons of potatoe whiskey towards the farm. This still was run until the contract was up, and then stopped. Mr. Rowell was a farmer of the old school—a firm, substantial, reliable man; was not easily excited, nor easy to for­get injuries. He held responsible offices in town while he lived, and was respected by his neighbors. He had four brothers who soon followed him here.

WILLIAM came in very soon after his elder brother, and settled on a farm adjoining his. William's family of children were not so nu­merous as Enoch's. He succeeded in laying up money, and soon had some to let. In this matter he was very accomodating, and seldom lost.

ELIPHALET came soon after William and bought a farm near South Albany, upon which he still lives enjoying the fruits of his labor.

Uncle DANIEL ROWELL, (as he was familiar­ly called,) another of these brothers, bought a farm on what is called Chamberlin Hill, and lived there many years. His judgment was deemed to be good, and his honesty unques­tionable. He was extensively employed in buying cattle and other farm stock, and in other important agencies. He was taken away in the midst of his usefulness.

CONVERSE, the younger of these brothers, who used to keep school winters, in his young­er days, married Orpha, daughter of Aaron Chamberlin. They lived for a short time on the farm with his brother Daniel, but after­wards bought a farm on the Creek road. Mr. Rowell and his wife, still on their farm, are surrounded with the needful in abundance.

From these five brothers has grown up the



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largest family circle that has been raised in town.




came into town from Peacham about the year 1821, and settled on the then only road lead­ing from Irasburgh, south, to Craftsbury and other southern towns in Orleans County.—Being what were called good livers, and hav­ing a commodious house for the times and place, they soon began to entertain travelers; and in 1828 raised the sign so well known on that road.

Warren's hotel was remarkable for three things: the first, a good table; second, a good stable; and third, a social host. It is difficult to tell which of these peculiarities brought them the most custom, for the eccentricities of the host exceed the power of my pen to describe.

Mr. Warren kept this house about 20 years, and then passed away; and the old house, like its former owner, has out-lived its use­fulness, and stands to-day, but a wreck of its former greatness, unoccupied.

Mr. Warren's family of children consisted of 5 sons and one daughter:

LEVI, JR., was a cloth-dresser by trade—at that time an important business—and owned, in company with Nathan Beede, Esq., the wool-carding and cloth-dressing mills, near the present site of Albany Village, on Black River, the first and only establishment of the kind within the limits of the town, and occu­pied the present site of the circular-saw-mill. In this mill, Levi, Jr., sold out his interest and moved to Craftsbury, on to a farm, where he died of cancer several years ago.

ORIN W., the second son, studied medicine with Dr. Holman, (botanical,) of Portsmouth, N. H. Dr. O. Warren went to Pittsfield, N. H., and practiced in that vicinity, where he was, it is said, very successful, and very oth­erwise. During the last 15 or 20 years he has been in California, where he went for repairs, and rumor says he has made "his pile" out there.

BENJAMIN F. WARREN, the fourth son, was a brilliant young man. He obtained a thor­ough education at the schools, (for he would be satisfied with nothing less,) studied medi­cine and surgery after the most approved style, obtained celebrity as a physician and surgeon, and is a respected citizen and physi­cian at the present time in Concord, N. H.

KNIGHTS W. left home when young, went to Portsmouth, N. H., where he has since resid­ed, doing a trafficing business, with varying success.

WILLIAM W., the youngest of the family, is now a respectable farmer, resident in this town.

The daughter married, lost her husband, and in a few years returned to her father's house, a childless widow, and lived to soothe the declining years of her aged parents for some time, till called to her eternal home.—She, together with her parents, were worthy and excellent members of the Congregational church.




moved here from Barnet about 1823. His wife was Laura Livingston, of Peacham.— Their children were Emily, born in 1821; Dennis, Mary Jane, Alice, Lydia, James, John, William B., Wallaoo and Amorette.

I cannot write particularly of all the child­ren of this most interesting family. When Mr. Hight came into town the place was new and population sparse. He bought a small farm near the centre of the town, and for a time succeeded in securing a livelihood for his family, but as his family increased, his farm was too small. Hoping to better his con­dition, he disposed of his farm, and removed to the east part of the town. This exchange proved disastrous. Circumstances beyond his control compelled him to go in debt; and debts must be paid. The cold seasons, and the terribly hard times during Van Buren's administration, from 1836 to '40, so deranged his financial affairs, that in spite of his uncon­querable spirit and indefatigable efforts, poverty stared them in the face. His crops were cut down by untimely frosts; creditors could not, or would not wait, and in the general crash he went down.

His farm and property was gone, his credit limited, and his family large, and most of them too young to help much; and but for his un­conquerable spirit, his history would have ended here. However, he moved his family into a shanty near the south part of the town, on the center road, and by working out for a few years managed to sustain his family and keep them together. To do this he was com­pelled to be absent most of the time from his family, which was not quite congenial to a man of his social temperament.



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An opportunity offering, he concluded to buy a lot of timber-land and try and make him another farm. This farm lays in the west part of this town, on the well known Gen. Hazen road. A small opening was made and a house erected. I well recollect that one corner of this house stood upon a stump. Into this house the family was moved. The eldest boy, Dennis, was now about 16 or 17 years of age, and proved to he a great help to his father in clearing up his new farm. They would chop and clear from 5 to 10 acres a year without a team, besides working for their support and to meet their payments for their land. Success attended their efforts.—His other children began to be some help, and prosperity and plenty came in at their doors,

During the years of his adversity, such was his integrity, that he was as appointed to offices of profit and trust, and, to the honor of the man, and to the honor of the town, he served as justice of the peace, selectman, and was elected representative of the town two years. In politics, Mr. Hight was a whig of the old school, and a Republican of the new—in loy­alty he excelled.

About this time Dennis came to his majority, and soon made arrangements to leave for the West. He started for Sante Fe, New Mexico, engaging to drive an ox-team from Independence, Mo., across the plains. The train consisted of about 40 men, and from 2 to 300 head of cattle, mostly freighted with whisky, coffee and sugar. They were overtaken by a terrible storm of rain and snow some time in November; and so severe was the storm and cold, that 150 of their oxen perished before morning, inclosed as they were in the kraal made with their wagons.— They were 500 miles from the habitations of men, with the snow a foot and a half deep; the cold intense; their cattle all dead or dy­ing, of starvation. A council was called, and it was decided that a part should remain by the wagons, and the rest should start for the States. Among those whose lot it was to stay were Dennis, and W. H. Johnston, his broth­er-in-law, and four other boys from this town, two brothers, sons of Orange Hovey, and Da­vid and Luther Bailey.

Such a winter of suffering, from cold, starv­ation and thirst; after the snow was gone, of constant watching for fear of Indians, who hung around them almost constantly, and who burned the grass up to their kraal, seldom falls to the lot of man to endure.—and what, with the wolf-meat they were compelled to eat, and the whisky, which answered the double purpose of fuel and drink, so changed their natures as almost to make demons of them:


"Of earth, Heaven or hell, they recked not,

Nor yet of friends, or home, thought they;

But simply thought of me."


The middle of April came at last, and with it men and oxen, to take their wagons to their destinations. Before the next winter Dennis and Johnston returned to this town, After stopping at home a few months, Dennis started for California, and for a number of years no reliable news reached his friends from him.

MARY JANE, the 2d daughter, was one whose smiling face and labors of love will long be remembered by a large circle of friends. She died very suddenly of small pox, in Febru­ary, 1864.

ALICE married John Merrill of Craftsbury, and went directly West to Columbus City, Iowa. Just before the wedding, Mrs. Laura Hight, the mother, died, leaving her family en­tire. She departed this life in peace, having a hope that entered to that within the vail. The loss of the mother to this family was that, and more—for, with her went home and home-scenes. The father soon broke up house-keeping, sold his farm, and the family being mostly grown up, soon began to scatter away. The heart-feeling, under these circumstances, are better illustrated by B. Wallace Hight's beautiful production, entitled, "My Childhood Home," than by any thing I can write




My childhood's Home! that blest retreat,

     My happy home of yore;

O, how I love thy precincts sweet,

Where oft I've roved with careless feet—

Bright thoughts of thee with joy I'll greet,

     Till life's short dream is o'er.


My childhood's home! my heart still clings

     With pleasure dear to thee—

Fond memory, recollection brings

Of early days and many things

That o'er thy scenes of beauty, flings

     A charm that's dear to me.


My childhood's home! I love it well—

     The dearest spot on earth

Is home—the place where dear friends dwell

Be it on mount, or in the dell—

The place where fondest bosoms swell,

     Is by the fire-side hearth.



                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             63


O, how my memory loves to turn

     And view the past once more :

The fires may glow on friendship's urn

As long as life's faint embers burn;

But days once pased can ne'er return,

     As they once came, of yore.


     ———   ———   ———   ———


My early youth and dreams have flown

     A-down oblivion's stream;

And now life's storms I brave alone—

A home no longer is my own—

The past to me has lessons shown,

     Which seemeth like a dream.


As once again I cast my eyes

     The scenes of childhood o'er,

A thousand sorrowing thoughts arise—

That home's the place I dearly prize;

The dearest spot beneath the skies,

     Can be my home no more,


In future days, when age bath come,

     And sorrow marred my brow,

Perhaps again my feet may roam

Around my pleasant childhood's home;

But with time sad'ning change will come

     To all I cherish now.


Of many things I may not speak—

     I've thoughts that ne'er can die;

Enough to make the strong heart weak,

And life's broad way seem drear and bleak,

That bring a paleness to the cheek,

     And tears unto the eye.


                            B. WALLACE HIGHT, Albany.


This production of the pen of B. W. Hight was written when very young, and is the only specimen I have of his poetic effusions. Had I more of them I could at least select. This young man commenced his academical course at the Albany academy, then under the direc­tion of Dr. A. J. Hyde, and pursued and com­pleted his course at Morrisville, Vt.; entered Burlington College in 1859. When the Rebel­lion broke out he enlisted in the 2d Vt. Reg't, and served faithfully to the close of the war.—He was in the first battle of Bull-Run—had his face blistered by the too near approach of a solid shot, and the fragment of a shell partial­ly disabled his arm for the time, He was pro­moted to the lieutenancy, an office which he held when mustered out. On account of inju­ries received in his eyes, he did not re-enter College. He studied law in Burlington, and is now in the practice in Wisconsin.

James Hight went West several years before the war of 1861-5. He enlisted into one of the Iowa regiments—was in several engage­ments with the rebels, and finally wounded badly in the battle of Shilo, and taken prison­er. After suffering in several prisons for want of proper care, he was so far reduced that he died a few days after he was exchanged, at An­napolis, Md.

He was a young man of brilliant intellect—studious and industrious, and yet of modest and retiring habits. He also had some talent at poetry.




In the realms of thought

He swept a seraph's wing, and on the heights

Of contemplation, where the gems of truth

Lie bright and sparkling as the jeweled sands

Of rich Golconda—here he loved to roam,

And felt that knowledge, too, was with him. Truth

And knowledge had a kindred birth and walked

The fields of light in sisterly embrace.

He loved the breathings high of Poesy,

And o'er the page of genius poured its glance;

He hung in deep enchantment. Genius grand

Received perpetual incense, and his soul

Blended its offerings with the muses' tribute.


Of the remaining children of this family, one daughter is in Massachusetts, and the rest are in Iowa.

JOHN is a lawyer, and has been celebrated as an impromptu speaker and advocate.

Having thus hastily touched upon scenes and characters of interest connected with this, one of the most interesting families raised in this town, the writer will only further add, that the father, after the death of his wife, before referred to, spent most of his time with his children, either in Albany, or in the West, and was found dead in bed in the morning, while stopping with his son-in-law, John Mer­rill, of Columbus City, Iowa, in the fall of 1867, aged about 75 years.




came into this town from Peacham in the year 1826, and settled on a farm on the river, west of the Center. He lived on this farm until 1834, when he sold out to Dea. M. Darling, of Groton, Vt., and bought a farm where a part of Albany Village now stands. He soon sold out this place, and has since owned sev­eral of the best farms, in different parts of the town.

In 1837 the most sad calamity happened to this family that it falls to our lot to record, in connection with the the history of this town. At this time the family consisted of Mr. P., his wife, 4 children, and a niece of about 12 years. The house they occupied was small, having but one room below, and one out-side door, which was covered by a temporary shed. The family retired to rest at night as usual —The two eldest boys, from 6 to 9 years of age,



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slept up stairs, as also did the girl; and the two younger children in the trundle-bed in the same room with their parents. In the midst of the night Mr. P. was awakened by the crackling of fire and smell of smoke. He sprang from the bed and rushed for the door leading to the shed, which, with its surroundings, were all on fire,—rushing out through. He hoped to be able to extinguish the flames, which up to this time were all out-side of the house. The intense heat through which he passed made it impossible for him to close the door after him, or to return by that way to his room. Once inside of the door, the fire seemed to have been aided by demons. Mrs. P. in the mean time had left her bed, and babes below, and gone to the chamber, to awaken the children, and in the hurry and fright of the moment, failed to shut the cham­ber-door after her. She, as appears, succeed­ed in awakening the girl, but before she could arouse the little boys, the forked flames had so far advanced as to cut off her retreat down stairs; and, terrible as was the alternative, she was driven to leave the children in bed, to perish, and seek her own safety by flight, or perish in her vain attempts to arouse them. Nearly suffocated with smoke and scorched with fire, she threw herself from the chamber-window to the ground. The lit­tle girl attempted to follow her, but failed to get to the window before the destroying ele­ment had her, and she perished just under the window. The little boys, as afterwards appeared, never awoke so as to leave the bed.

While this awful scene was being enacted up stairs, Mr. P. was active below. When all hopes to extinguish the flames were fled, his thoughts went after the security of his fami­ly; and springing to a window that lighted his room, he smashed it in, and seized the two younger children, together with some of their bedding, and threw them out of the window, and quickly followed them; putting them be­yond the reach of the fire, he began to look for the fate of the balance of his family. He found his wife beneath the window where she had fallen, stunned and bruised, unable to move without help. But his little boys and the girl! where were they? Not a sound was heard—choked and smothered in the smoke, or else, locked fast in sleep, they passed away. Neighbors and friends began to gather around, the living were cared for, and in the morning the ashes of the dead were gathered up and buried,—the sympathies of the people were aroused, and displayed themselves in substantial aid. The fall from the chamber window, and the terrible anguish of the mother at the loss of her beautiful boys, nearly crushed Mrs. Pearle for a long time. Long weeks of pain and sorrow followed before she could resume the care of her fragment of a family.

The eldest of the two surviving children graduated at Burlington, and is no other than Silas H. Pearle, the well known and popular teacher of the State Normal School, at John­son, Vt. Mrs. Pearle died about 2 years ago, leaving two sons and two daughters. Mr. P. still lives, with his son-in-law, George H. Keniston, and is a hale, hearty-looking, well-to‑do farmer, an exemplary christian, and has filled several responsible offices in town.




were the sons of Rufus C. Hovey, of Brook­field. His wife was Polly Kendall. They came to this town about the year 1827, and with them came several of his younger broth­ers, and others soon followed. Among them were Silas, Simeon S., Asahel K., Laura, and Horace N., the youngest. These brothers bought farms on the river-road, which were by them cultivated for a longer or shorter time. The two oldest of these brothers were appointed deacons of the Baptist church, and the three youngest were school-masters in their day, and, as pedagogues, were popular. The youngest, H. N. Hovey, took his academical course at Derby, and entered the ministry in Albany about 1844 or '45.

Several years subsequent to the arrival of the brothers, as above, another of these broth­ers came and settled here. From these broth­ers have arisen a large concourse of descend­ants, the most of whom have left their native town and Settled East, South and West.

This family held important offices in town affairs while they resided here. Of them all, not one is left in town, except the widow of R. B. Hovey, and five of their children.




Connected with this history of the town is the record of the names of some of her sons, who are now in active life in the various pro­fessions, in different parts of our country.

The first I will mention is Dr. Orin Warren, and his younger brother, Dr. Benj. F. War­ren, brothers, already mentioned in the ac­count of Levi Warren.



                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             65


Dr. A. B. Hovey, son of Dea. Silas Hovey, of this town, went into the practice of medi­cine in the West, and has attained great ce­lebrity as a physician, and especially as surgeon. He is now in Tiffin, Ohio.

Dr. Philo. Fairman, of Wolcott, Vt., is the only surviving member of his family, except a half-sister. His father was the only son of John Fairman, Esq., who was among the ear­liest settlers, and lived to a good old age.

Dr. Curtis Bill, son of Dr. Dyer Bill, studied medicine, and went into practice in Tennessee, some few years ago. When the Rebellion broke out, he, in common with many other northern men, was driven away from his property and business; but as soon as circumstances would allow, went back, and still remains in practice in that State.

Dr. G. B. Bullard is the only son of Jona­than Bullard, a respectable, retired farmer of this village. Dr. Bullard pursued a thorough course of studies at Newbury Seminary; stud­ied medicine at St, Johnsbury, and finally settled there.

Dr. A. J. Hyde, son of P. Hyde, Esq., connmenced his academical course at Derby, and finished at Johnson; attended medical lectures M Burlington, Vt., and in New York City. He went into practice in Hardwick.

Dr. Charles Chamberlin, son of Eli C., Esq., commenced and pursued his academical course at Newbury; studied medicine with Dr. Scott, of Lyndon, and went into business in Barre, Vermont.

Dr. Daniel Dustin Hanson was the third son of his mother, and she a widow. Of his rise and progress, I only know rumor gives him great celebrity.

This, I think, makes up the list of M. Ds. that are now living and in active life, and, I am not writing their biographies, yet, I leave them to finish the record of their lives, histo­ry, hoping that like Abou Ben Adhem, it may be recorded of them, "that they loved their fellow-men."

Among those who chose the legal profession perhaps the name of Willard Rowell, Esq., on of Converse Rowell, should stand at the head. Mr. Rowell was educated at Newbury, and some 18 or 20 years ago went to Califor­nia. He has been engaged in pioneer life most of the time, under the patronage of the government. He is now at home for the first time for 18 years.

John Hight commenced his academical course at the West Albany Academy, then under the tuition of Dr. A. J. Hyde; pursued his studies in various places, and finally went West, studied law, and went into practice in Iowa.

B. Wallace Hight, brother to John, studied law in Burlington and went West. [See Hight family.]

Josiah Livingston, son of Wheaton Living­ston, is one of 15 children. He studied the sciences and law at Morrisville, and has gone into practice of the legal profession at West Topsham.

Hiram Blaisdell, son of Jonathan Blais­dell, was educated at Newbury; studied law with Hon. T. P. Redfield, of Montpelier, and Heath, of Plainfield, where he now is.




son of Aaron Chamberlin was one of the earli­est settlers in this town. When his father came into town, Moses was a small boy, and of course, was subjected to the deprivations incident to the settlement of a new place. Bat­tling against surrounding circumstances, and improving the golden opportunities that pre­sented themselves, he finally mastered a prac­tical education; afterward graduated at Mid­dlebury College, and entered the practice of medicine in Jamaica, Vt. Dr. Chamberlin studied medicine with Dr. Atchinson, of Sax­ton River Vill, Vt., and entered the practice, &c. Dr. M. Chamberlin died in 1845, aged about 45 years.




son of Stephen Cory, who was among the early business men in town, commenced his aca­demical studies at Derby. about the year 1841 or '42. He was remarkable as a young man, for steady habits, industrious, studious, made great proficiency in the sciences, and finally mastered the study of medicine, and entered its practice in East Craftsbury and vicinity, where, it is said, the Doctor has constantly increased his hold upon the affections of his friends, and has added many to the list. He has secured the confidence of the town politically, I think, for I see he has had the honor of representing that ancient and honorable town for two successive terms. The Doctor is now nearly 45. May he long live, a blessing to those who are ready to perish.




was the second son of Chester and Pamelia Tenney, born about 1823. He obtained a



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thorough common-school education, at the old red school-house. His father died when he was about 11 years of age. When out of school, he labored very hard with his elder brother, now Hon. L. P. Tenney. Being of a slender constitution, it was soon apparent that he was not designed to labor on a farm. To complete his education seemed to be the highest ambition of his life. Arrangements were accordingly made, and he commenced and pursued his academical course at Derby, with the intention of entering college at Dartmouth; but failing health prevented.—A short voyage at sea was recommended, and resorted to with good results. His friends ad­vised him to give up his college course and proceed to the study of medicine, which he studied with Dr. Nelson, of Bellingham, Mass. He contracted disease while in the dissecting-room, at the lectures in New York, and died there very suddenly, Nov. 23, 1847, aged about 24 years, beloved and respected by all who knew him.




The following persons have died in town at the advanced age of 85 years or over. Those whose age is supposed to be known, are marked:

Widow Jesse Rogers, 93; Joseph Chamber­lin, 91; Mrs. Eunice Kendall, 93; Mr. Isaac Jenney, over 90; Widow Hand, over 90; Mrs. Joseph Pierce, about 90; Widow Bickford, over 90; David P. Cobb, Mrs. D. P. Cobb, Joshua Johnson, nearly 90; Widow Daniel Skinner, 85; Mr. and Mrs. True, Widow Han­son, Dea. David Hardy, Mrs. D. Hardy, Mrs. Delano, 87; Daniel Lawrence, 87; Widow Enoch Rowell, 85; Widow Aaron Chamber­lin, over 85; Widow Eli Chamberlin, nearly 90, and William Farwell, 87, whose mother died at the advanced age of 112 years, but not in this town.

There are several very aged people still liv­ing in town, remarkable for their vigor of body and mind: Mr. Roger Willis and his wife, both smart. I think Mr. Willis walked about two miles to the store and purchased a dress for his wife, on his 92d birth-day.

Mrs. Lucy Davis, now 86 years old, has planned and woven more rag carpets, proba­bly, this year past, than any other woman of her age in Vermont. Then there is Mrs. John Fairman, and Aunt Miriam Rowell, her twin sister, now about 86 years old, and yet quite smart the Widow Lawrence and Widow Wilcox, as neat and tidy as girls,—besides perhaps, others, to the writer unknown; and yet others, whose labors and infirmities have brought them to their second childhood this side their graves. From the contemplation of scenes of the past, brought up by recalling those old familiar names, we pass to notice the




of the town at this date, (1870:) Albany post master, Martin B. Chafey. Merchants—H. W. & M. B. Chafey, Hamilton & Wheeler. Farm stock brokers—Wm. & Wm. H. Hayden, John C. Dow, Albert C. Dow, Alfred Dow, Alexander Frasier and Joshua B. Rowell. Butter lumber, and produce dealer—Isaac H. McClary. Hotel and livery—A. B. Shepard. Dealer in stoves, hollow-ware, and manufacturer of tin-ware, J. B. Darling.

East Albany: post-master, Guy E. Rowell; Acting postmaster, Byron Moore. Merchant— B. Moore. Butter broker—J. B. Freeman. Farm stock brokers—Enoch Rowell, Freeman & Rowell and E. C. Rowell—manufacturer starch, Burbank & Co.

South Albany: post master, K. W. Rowell. Merchant—K. W. Rowell. Painter, glazier, and paper hanger—Tyler Rowell, Ira Smith, Daniel Cobb—manufacturer lumber, W. W. Williams.




Dr. Moses Chamberlin now deceased, grad­uated at Middlebury College; Silas Pearle, of Johnson, of the University of Vermont; Sam'l Shonyo, of Barnston, P. Q., University of Vermont: Col. Solon Sanborn, residence unknown, of Dartmouth; Prof. Albert San­born, Waterbury, college unknown; Arthur J. Hovey, Newton, Mass., of Brown Uni­versity; Edson Davis, residence unknown, of a college in Conn.




Dr. Moses Chamberlin, son of Aaron C.; Dr. S. R. Cory, now in Craftsbury, was the son of Stephen Cory, educated at Derby. Dr. John T. Emery, son of Chellis Emery, was a surgeon in the Army from N. H.—of the eclectic school. Dr. Marcus Lord, son of E. Lord, now in the West. Dr. Lord studied medicine in Montpelier, attended lectures in Philadelphia, Pa.— is of the homeopathic school his present residence unknown.



                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             67




First Town Meeting, March 27, 1806.


TOWN CLERKS.                                        REPRESENTATIVES.


1806, Benjamin Neal,                                 At a freeman's meeting

'07,       "                                                  held at Lutterloh, on the

'08,       "                                                  first Tuesday of Sept. 1808,

'09,  Thos. Cogswell,                                  Thos. Cogswell was chosen

'10,  Benjamin Neal,                                   first Rep. to the assembly

'11,       "                                                  "this Fall" as the record stands.

'12,       "                                                  Eli Chamberlin,

'13,  James Harlow,                                   None.

'14,       "                                                  John Skinner,

'15,       "                                                        "

'16        "                                                  Daniel Skinner,

'17,       "                                                  William Rowell,

'18,  A. Chamberlin,                                   No record.

'19,       "                                                  Simeon Spaulding,

'20,       "                                                  William Rowell,

'21,       "                                                        "

'22,  Parley Carley,                                     Eli Chamberlin, Jr.

'23,       "                                                  No record.

'24,       "                                                  Eli Chamberlin, Jr.

'25,  John R. Putman,                                Joseph B. Chamberlin,

'26,       "                                                        "

'27,       "

'28,  E. W. Kellog,                                      Dyer Bill,

'29,       "                                                        "

'30,       "                                                  John Fairman,

'31,       "                                                  No record.

'32,       "                                                  Jabez Page,

'33,  Luther Delano,                                          "

'34,       "                                                  John N. Knight,

'35,       "                                                  Rufus B. Hovey,

'36,       "                                                  John N. Knight,

'37,       "                                                  Rufus B. Hovey,

'38,       "                                                  Wells Allen.

'39,       "                                                        "

'40,       "                                                  Simeon S. Hovey,

'41,       "                                                        "

'42,       "                                                  William Rowell,

'43,       "                                                        "

'44,       "                                                  William A. Boyce,

'45,       "                                                  No record.

'46,       "                                                        "

'47,       "                                                        "

'48,       "                                                  George Putnam,

49,        "                                                        "

'50,       "                                                  William Rowell,

'51,       "                                                  Hiram Moore,

'52,       "                                                  No record of election.

'53,       "                                                  No choice.

'54,       "                                                  Eli Chamberlin,

'55,  Parley Hyde,                                             "

'56,  Luther Delano,                                   J. C. Rowell,

'57,       "                                                        "

'58,       "                                                  None.

'59,       "                                                  M. C. Chamberlin,

'60,       "                                                        "

'61,       "                                                  L. P. Tenney,

'62,       "                                                        "

'63,       "                                                  Charles Waterman,

'64,       "                                                  Byron A. Moore,

'65,       "                                                        "

'66,       "                                                  Dyer Bill,

'67,       "                                                        "

'68,       "                                                  T. C. Miles,

'69,       "                                                         "





1806, Eli Chamberlin, Silas Downer, Thomas Cogswell; 1807, Eli Chamberlin, Daniel Skinner, Thomas Cogswell; 1808, Walter Neale, Wm. Hayden, Daniel Skinner; 1809, Daniel Skinner, Eli Chamberlin, Thomas Cogswell; 1810, Daniel Skinner, Thomas Cogswell, Jesse Rogers; 1811, Benj. Neale, Eli Chamberlin, John Fairman; 1812, the same; 1813, Wm. Howell, John Fairman, Stephen Scott; 1814, Wm. Rowell, Aaron Chamberlin, Stephen Scott; 1815, Daniel Skinner, Aaron Chamberlin, John Fairman.




1810, Aaron Chamberlin, Moses Delano, Enoch Rowell; 1817, Enoch Rowell, John Fairman, Aaron Chamberlin; 1818, the same; 1819, Enoch Rowell, Aaron Chamberlin, John Skinner; 1820, Aaron Chamberlin, Enoch Rowell, John Fairman; 1821, Walter Neale, Harvey Skinner, Eli Chamberlin; 1822, Wm. Rowell, Eli Chamberlin, Stephen Scott; 1823, the same; 1824, Stephen Cory, Daniel Row­ell, Jabez Page; 1825, Stephen Cory, Samuel English, Theodore S. Lee; 1826, Wm. Rowell, Samuel English, Wm. Hidden; 1827, the same; 1828, Wm. Rowell, Joseph B. Cham­berlin, John N. Hight; 1829, John N. Hight, Rufus B. Hovey, Ira Grow; 1830, Rufus B. Hovey, Wells Allen, Chester Tenney; 1831, Wells Allen, Chester Tenney, Luke Story; 1832, Wells Allen, Luke Story, Luther Dela­no; 1833, Rufus B. Hovey, John Fairman, Horace Durkee; 1834, the same; 1835, Par­ley Hyde, Converse Rowell, John N. Hight; 1836, Parley Hyde, Converse Rowell, Daniel Rowell; 1837, Samuel C. Allen, Silas Hovey, John B. Maxfield; 1838, Rufus B. Hovey, Wm. Rowell, Enoch Rowell; 1839, Wm. Row­ell, T. C. Miles, Eli Chamberlin; 1840, Par­ley Hyde, Nathan Beede, Zuar Rowell; 1841. the same; 1842, Parley Hyde, Eli Chamber­lin, Erastus Fairman; 1843, the same; 1844, Erastus Fairman; Ezra Wilcox, John Paine; 1845, Edward Flint, Seth Phelps, Wm. B. Gates; 1846, Wm. Rowell, Isaac H. McClary, Shubal Church; 1847, Wm. Rowell, Chester Hyde, Eli Chamberlin; 1848, Luke Story, Isaac H. McClary, Jabez Page; 1849, Guy E. Rowell, Silas Hovey, John Sanborn; 1850, Guy E. Rowell, Silas Hovey, Charles Water­man; 1851, Charles Waterman, Joshua C. Rowell, Orson R. McClary; 1852, the same 1853, Nathan Beede, Luke Story, Orange



68                                       VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


Hovey; 1854, Nathan Beede, John N. Hight, Chester Hyde; 1855, Chester Hyde, John Paine, Luke Story; 1856, Nathan Beede, John Paine, Ezra Wilcox; 1857, Ezra Wilcox, Guy E. Rowell, Stephen Roberts; 1858, Ste­phen Roberts, Luther Delano, Daniel Law­rence; 1859, Luther Delano, John Walbridge, Zuar Rowell; 1860, John Walbridge, Zuar Rowell, H. S. Cooledge; 1861, H. S, Cooledge, L. P. Tenney, Byron Moore; 1862, L. P. Tenney, Byron Moore, Daniel Lawrence; 1863, L. P. Tenney, Wm. Chamberlin, Levi Rowell; 1864, Nathan Beede, John C. Dow, Guy E. Rowell: 1865, Guy E. Rowell. John C. Dow, O. V. Percival; 1866, John C. Dow, Daniel Lawrence, jr., John Bean; 1867, Dan­iel Lawrence, jr , Enoch Rowell, John B. Hovey; 1868, Enoch Rowell, John B. Hovey, A. G. Cheney; 1869, John B. Hovey, A. G, Cheney, J. B. Freeman.




        Names.                       Reg.       Co.       Age.        Mustered in.      Remarks

Aiken, Benjamin O.    1st V.C.    I       24         Nov. 19, '61.    Trans. to Co. F; must. out Aug. 9, '65.

Ames, Azro                   15        I       19         Sept. 22, '62.   Re-en. Feb. 9, '64, Co. G, 17th Reg; died

                                                                                       Nov. 10, '65, at Annapolis, Md. from

                                                                                       wounds rec'd in battle of Wilderness.

Annis, George H.            "          "       21         Aug. 5, '62.     Mustered out July 3, '63.

Annis, William. K.           "          "       18         Oct. 22, '62.          "           Aug. 5, '63,

Bumps, Seth                  6         D      52         Oct. 15, '61.    Died Dec. 21, '61.

Bumps, John S.             "          ''       18                  "           Died Dec. 21, '63.

Brewer, Charles W.         "          "       18                  "           Died Jan. 18, '62.

Bee, Louis                     "          "       24                  "           Deserted Aug. 23, '63.

Brooks, Reuben E.     1st V.C.    I       20         Nov. 19, '61.    Mustered out Nov. 18, '64.

Bumps. Alden O.           11        F       18         Dec. '63.         Taken pris. Jan. 23, '64; died Sept. 20,

                                                                                             '64, at Florence, S. C.

Bartlet, Thomas              "          "       45         Dec. 3, '63.     Died in hospital Aug. 26, '64.

Badger, Chas. M.            "         A       24         Dec. 16, '63.   Trans. to Co. D; must. out Aug. 25, '65.

Blaisdell, George             4         G      28         Aug. 27, '61.   Died Nov. 29, '61.

Beede, Jesse                11        F       34         Aug. 6, '62.     Mustered out Aug. '65.

Baro, Charles                15        I       18         Oct. 22, '62-          "           Oct. 5, 63.

Cutler, Aaron P.             3         E       21         July 16, '61.          "           July 27, '64.

Clifford, Joseph             11        L       18         July 11, '63.    Trans. to Co. 0, must. out Jan. 24, '65.

Crowley, Divine              "         F       18         Dec. 16 '62.    Taken pris. June 23, '63; died at Ander‑

                                                                                                         sonville Aug. 25, '65.

Crowley, John                "          "       21         Aug. 30, '64    Mustered out June 24, '64.

Cobb, Carlos M.              "          "       25         Dec. 16, '63.   Died March 12, '65.

Chandler, Wilber F.        15        I       22         Oct. 22, '62.    Mustered out Aug. 5, '63.

Clough, David A.            "         D      18                  "           Died Aug. 6, '63, at Burlington, Vt.

Cobb, Daniel R.              "          I       25                  "           Mustered out Aug. 5, '63.

Critchett, Martin C.         "          "       18                  "                 "           "

Critchett, Wm. B.            "          "       25                  "                 "           "

Colburn, Henry H.          3         B       21         June 1, '61.    Wounded severely at battle of Wilderness.

Chafey, Russel              11        D      29         Aug. 10, '62.   Died Dec. 10, '63.

Dix, Mahlon C.               9         E       20         Aug. 13, '64.   Must. out June 13, '65.

Dewey, George W.         11        F       29         Dec. 16, '63,   Taken pris. June 23, '64; died of ill treat‑

                                                                                             ment at Annapolis, Md. Dec. 3, '64,

Dix, Samuel N.              15        I       23         Oct. 22, '62.    Dis. June 16, '63, for disability.

Dix, Mahlon                   "        18      "                    "           Must. out Aug. 5, '63; re-en. as above.

Durkee, Joseph C.        11        F       23         July 16, '62.    Died March 21, '63, in camp.

Estus, Richard O.           "         C       36         July 18, '62.    Wolcott.

Estus, George R.            8         A       18         Dec. 19, '63.

Estus, Lewis                  8         A                            "           Killed at Cedar Creek Oct. 19, '64.

Farr, Albert L.               11        F       18         Dec. 12, '63.   Discharged April 15, '64.

Freeman, Chas. W.         9         E       20         July 9, '62.     Taken pris. at Harper's Ferry; must. out

                                                                                       June 13, '65.

Green, David                11        E       45         July 28, 64.    Wounded at Cedar Creek, Va.

Hight, Bradbury W.        2                 22         June 20, '61.   Pro. to Serg't Major March 17, '63; pro.

                                                                                       to 2d Lieut., must. out June 20, '64,

                                                                                       having served 3 yrs. 9 mos. 9 days.

Hood, Charles                          C       44         Aug. 17, '64.   Mustered out June 19, '65.

Hunter Hiram W.            6        D      23         Oct. 15, '61.    Severely wounded before Richmond in

                                                                                       '62; discharged Mar. 27, '63.


                                                                 ALBANY.                                                             69


        Names.                       Reg.       Co.       Age.        Mustered in.              Remarks.

Haladay, Wilber E.          8         B       18         Feb. 12, '62.    Re-en, Jan. 5, '64; pro. Serg't July 1, '64;

                                                                                             must. out June 28, '65, served 3 yrs.

                                                                                             7 mos. and 5 days.

Higgins, Milo                  8         E       28         Feb. 18, '65.    Must. out June 13, '65; served 3 mos.

                                                                                             25 da.

Haines, Thomas B.         11        F       18         Dec. 16, '63.   Died March 22, '64.

Hunt, Willard                15        I       33         Sept. 5, '62.    Discharged.

Johnson, Oscar R.          4         D      22         Sept. 20, '61.   Dis. for disability June 4, '62.

Johnstone, Wm. H.        15        I       44         Sept. 3, '62.    Rec'd his com. as Capt. Sept. 26, '62;

                                                                                              resigned and came home Jan. 12, '63.

Kizer, Hiram S.               8         C       34         Feb. 18, '62.    Died, time unknown.

Kelley, John D.               "          I       18         Feb. 10, '65.    Mustered out June 28, '65.

Kirk, John                     "          "       19                  "                 "           "

Kizer, Charles               11        M      21         Oct. 7, '63.      Deserted Feb. 20, '65.

King, Chester                 "         L       18         July 11, '63.    Died Feb. 13. '64.

Kendall, Henry L.          15        I       26         Oct. 22, '62.    Pro. to orderly Nov. 14, '62; must. out

                                                                                             Aug. 5, '63.

Lounge, Carlos               3         E       22         July 16, '61.    Taken pris. July 27, '63; confined at An‑

                                                                                             dersonville &c. 20 mos.; came to Vt.

                                                                                             on parole, and died Jan. 13, '65.

Livingston, Wm. S.          6         D      24         Oct. 15, '61.    Pro. to Serg't Mar., '64; killed in battle

                                                                                             of Wilderness, May 5, '65.

Leonard, Willie R.           8         K       18         Fob, 18, '82.    Re-en. solved 4 ys, 1 mo. 23 days; must

                                                                                             out Jan. 28, '65.

Livingston, W. Jr.           "         B       28         Feb. 12, '62.    Re-en. Jan. 5, '64; pro. 1st Lieut. Aug.

                                                                                             21, '64; must. out Jan. 28, '65.

Lounge, Joseph             11        L       18         July 11, '63.    Wounded at Coal Harbor June 1, '64;

                                                                                             died July 2, '64, of his wounds.

Lord, Marcus M.             "         F       20         Dec. 16, '63.   Mustered out May 13, '65.

Lounge, Isaac               15        I       19         Oct. 22, '62.          "           Aug. 5, '63.

Lounge, James               "          "       24         Sept. 3, '62.    Re-en. Aug. 23, '64 in Co. E 9th Vt.

Mason, Charles H.          3         B       18         Apr. 12, '62.    Re-en. March 29, '64; des. May 8, '64;

                                                                                             taken pris.; confined at City Point;

                                                                                             broke jail, joined his Reg.; fought and

                                                                                             bled at Shenandoah; must. out July

                                                                                                         11, '65.

Miles, Lorenzo D.            "         E       22         July 16, '62.    Must. July 27, '64; in all battles of army

                                                                                             of the Poto's except the 7 days fight.

Martin, John S.              "         C       18         Apr. 12, '62.    Wound. July 3, '63, at Gettysburg in ankle;

                                                                                             re-en. in V. R. C. May 10, '64; killed

                                                                                             on N. Y. and Erie R.R. trans. reb. pris.

McClary, Ira D.              6         D      20         Oct. 15, '61.    Pro. to 2d Lt. Dec. 29, '61; dis. for disa‑

                                                                                             bility Apr. 11, '63; appointed 2d Lt.

                                                                                             V. R. C. Dec. 8,'63; must. out Dec.'67.

McGuire, Henry H.         "          "       21                  "           Discharged Sept. 30, '64; pro. to V. R. C.

Miles, Ephraim L.      Vt. Cav.     I       28         Nov. 19, '61.    Wounded in arm; must out Nov. 18, '64.

Mitchel, Simeon              "          "       21         Sept. 28, '62.   Re-en. Jan. 5,'64; taken pris. Jan. 29,'64.

Martin, Nelson                8         B       18         Feb. 18, '65.    Mustered out June 28, '65.

McGuire, James H          9         E       21         Aug. 16, '64.         "           June 15, '65.

Marckriss, E. M.           11        F       19         Sept. 12, '63.   Killed at Coal Harbor Jan. 1, '64.

Mosley, Charles              "          "       28         Sept. 1, '62.    Mustered out May 13, '65.

Martin, Joseph               "         K       18         Dec. 1, '63.           "           Apr. 16, '64.

Magoon, James N.         17        H      18         May 19, '64.    Deserted June 13, '64.

Nowel, Francis C.           9         A       39         July 9, '63.     Trans. to some other Co. June 13, '65.

Niles, Asa                      "         E       22                  "           Deserted his Reg. at Chicago on parole

                                                                                             Jan. 27, '63; gave himself up to Vt.

                                                                                             State officers, Apr. 17, 63, was im-

                                                                                             prisoned for a time and entered the

                                                                                             2d Reg.; must. out Sept. 12, '65.

Norris, Ward J.              "          "       19         Aug. 22. '64.   Trans. to 2d Reg. Co. C, Jan. 20, '65;

                                                                                             must. out June 19, '65.

Norris, Almond E.          15        I       26         Oct. 22, '62.    Mustered out .Aug. 5, '65.

Phelps, George H.           6         D      22         Sept., '61.       Lieut.; died at Camp Griffin Jan. 2, '62.

Perkins, Seth T.              "          "       23         Oct. 15, '61.    Re-en. Dec. 16, '63 ; killed at Spottsylva‑

                                                                                             nia, Va. May 12, '64. In 16 battles.

Powers, Frederick A. 1st V. C.    "       18         Sept. 16, '62.   Taken pris. Mar. 1, '64; died in reb. pris.

                                                                                             same year.

Putnam,  Oramel H.        8         D      20         Feb. 18, '63.    Mustered out June 4, '64.

Phipps, Josephas            "         E       32         Feb. 18. '65.          "           June 28, '65,



70                                       VERMONT HISTORICAL MAGAZINE.


        Names.                       Reg.       Co.       Age.       Mustered in       Remarks

Powers, Lewellyn            "          I       19         Feb. 10, '65.    Mustered out June 17, '65.

Paine, Henry H.              9         E       23         Aug. 13, '64.         "           June 13, '65.

Redding, Dennis             3         I       19         July 16, '61.          "           July 27, '64.

Reed, John               1st V.C.    "       44         Oct. 19, '61.    Killed April 1,'63 with Capt. Flint.

Rowell, Charles S.          11        F       28         Dec. 16, '63.   Trans. to Co. D, Jan. 24,'64, to Co. C June

                                                                                              24, '65; wound. at Petersburg; must.

                                                                                             out Aug, 25, '65.

Shonyo, Merrill               3         B       21         July 16, '61.    Wounded in foot at battle of Wilderness;

                                                                                             must. out July 27, '64.

Shonyo, Frank                "          "       24                  "                   "         "

Sweetland, Samuel          "         D      28         July 30, '61.    Killed at Lee's Mills Apr. 16, '62; he was

                                                                                             the 1st Albany man killed.

Stiles, Benjamin W.         6         "       19         Oct. 15, '61.    Died May 21, '62.

Stiles, Oliver T.               "          "       22                  "           Pro. Serg't Dec. 15, '63; re-en. Dec. '63;

                                                                                             pro. to 2d Lieut. May 15, '64; to 1st

                                                                                             Lieut. Co. B, 6th Reg. '64; wounded

                                                                                             severely in battle of 'Wilderness; dis.

                                                                                             Oct. 12, '65.


Stiles, Franklin C.           "          "       23                  "           Died April 17, '62.

Stiles, Wilbur A.             "          "       19                  "           Discharged Oct. 28, '64.

Skinner, George E.     1st V.C.    I       "          Nov. 19, '61.    Mustered out Nov. 4, '64.

Shaw, Lowell                  9         E       20         Aug. 17, '64.   Re-enlisted; mustered out June 13, '65.

Spinner, Felix                11        M      18         Oct. 7, '63.      Sick in General Hospital Aug. 31, '64;

                                                                                             discharged Nov. 12, '64.

Spennard, Benjamin        "         G      21         Dec. 16, '63.   Trans. to Co. A June 27, '65; he had one

                                                                                             leg shot off in battle of Coal Harbor.

Stiles, Milo B.                 "         F       28                  "           In Gen. Hos. from Aug. 31, '64 to June

                                                                                             24, '65, when he was discharged.

Shaw, Lowell                 15        I       19         Sept. 22, '62.   Must. out Aug. 5, '63; re-en. Aug. 17, '64

Somers, Andrew             "          "       19         Oct. 22, '62.    Mustered out Aug. 6, '63.

Scott, Leander               17        G      18         Apr. 12, '64.          "           July 14, '65.

Story, Warren                 "          "       23                  "                 "              "

Tucker, Willard              9         E       27         July 9, '62.     Was surrendered with his Reg., pr'sr of

                                                                                       war at Harper's Ferry; must. out

                                                                                       June 13, '65.

Wright, Truman W.         3         B       21         Dec. 22, '61.   Died May 10, '62.

White, Hanson R.           4         H      28         Aug. 15, '64.   Trans. to Co. C, Feb. 25,'65; dis. July 5,'65.

Watson, Calvin S.       lst V.C.    B       29         Sept. 26, '62.   Discharged June 3, '63.

Williams, Thomas           11        F       19         Sept. 1, '62.    Died Sept. 28, '62.

Willson, Samuel              "          I       45         Dec. 10, '63.   Sick in Gen. Hospital Aug. 31,'64; trans.

                                                                                             to Co. A , June 24, '65, to Co. D, Aug.

                                                                                             10, '65; must. out Aug. 25, '65, and

                                                                                             died in 10 days; in service was de-

                                                                                             tailed to many places of trust.

Williams, William                               21         July 27, '61.    Enlisted on board U. S. Ship Fear-Not,

                                                                                             was at the taking of N. Orleans and

                                                                                             forts below; must. out at N. Orleans

                                                                                                         Aug. 26, '62.

Williams, William           11        F       22         Dec. 16, '63.   Re-en. and was must. Dec. 16, '63; taken

                                                                                             pr'sr at the Weldon R. R.; was in

                                                                                             almost all the rebel prisons 6 mos.

                                                                                             trans. to Co. C, June 24, '65; pro.

                                                                                             July 16, '65; must, out Aug. 25, '65.

Walcott, Asahel               "          "       45                  "           Discharged April 15, '64.

Whitcher, Orange C.   1st V.C.    I       22         Dec. 14, '63.         "           with his Regiment.

Way, Horace                 11        D      17         Nov. 9, '63.     Mustered out May 16, '65.


The following men were drafted and paid commutation, or procured substitutes as per record :


Bill, George A.    Paid commutation           $300         Page, Chester M.                "                        300

Davis, Edson W.             "                        300         Spaulding, Alonzo J.           "                        300

Harvey, John C.             "                        300         Wilcox, Schhyler C.             "                        300

Moore, Byron                 "                        300         Rogers, Cornelius E.   Procured sub. at         325




Total no. of men furnished by Albany,         117         That had tried prison life in rebel prisons,          7

Died of disease in Camp and Hospital,           13         Deserted,                                                      5

Died in rebel prisons,                                   4         Whole no, that had rec'd town bounty,             51

Killed in battle,                                            6         The town p'd in town bounties about        $12,200



                                                                 BARTON.                                                             71




son of Seth and Laura (Hovey) Phelps, was born in 1840. He early gave evidence of su­perior intellectual ability. His lessons at school were mastered with a will and always ready at the time, and he entered upon his Academical course, at the West Albany Acad­emy, then under the direction of Dr. A. J. Hyde, in 1855. This Fall term seemed to arouse new energies, and the next Spring finds him pursuing the student's course at Morris­ville Academy, studying and teaching alter­nately. He became popular as a scholar and teacher. From Morrisville, he went to Newbury Seminary where he fitted for college and entered Dartmouth a year in advance.—During his Collegiate year, he enlisted in the 6th Vt. Reg., Co. D. Mr. Phelps was elected lieutenant of his company, and served during life. He died in camp near Washington D.C. of typhoid fever, Jan. 2, 1862, aged 22 years, and his remains now rest, with the evergreen sprig, in the beautiful cemetery near his na­tive village. Lieut. Phelps, as an officer, was respected and beloved by his men. He was a scholar and a gentleman. The news of his early death sent a thrill through the whole loyal community. Multitudes gathered at his funeral, and his memory will stay long with those who knew him.






      BY ANDREW T. HYDE, M. D.


"EVE," synonym of beauty, grace,

      Of form and love,

Of which the muse may richly speak,

From these the surest subject take

      To passions move;

And yet his hands, by marble wrought

Can deeper passions move, untaught.


"GREEK SLAVE!" an image sweet of those

      In bondage bound;

Philanthropists may tempt to move

The chains that bind to aid through love

      And free the bound;

His genius hands with stone can deeper start

The chords of pity in the heart.


"THE FISHER BOY!" A rural sign

      Of happiness,

A fancied thought, can picture joy,

Or romance may her skill employ

      To speak of bliss;

His artist hands can mould a fairer joy

And give the truer fisher boy.


"AMERICA!" An emblem of

      Our native land,

No tongue may tempt, though great its fame

To thus idealize our name—

      Our power—command;

His mind comes forth on marble cold

In statuary, all to mould:

It—genius—comes from nature pure

      Yes, from our Powers;

From him it comes in shades of gold,

In order, beauty, half—untold—

      All native—ours;

The pearls and diamonds in the sea,

Reflecting scenes and beauties free,


Not like the many does he live,

      Not like the rest;

Who lives so near the muse's heart,

Who lives a master of his art.

      Lives not unblest,

Who lives and reigns with genius free

Half-way 'tween man and Deity.








Barton, bounded N. by Brownington, E. by Westmore and Sheffield, S. by Glover, W. by Irasburgh and Albany containing 36 square miles, was granted Oct. 20, 1781, to William Barton and his associates, Colton Gilson, John Murray, Ira Allen, Daniel Owen, Elka­nah Watson, Charles Handy, Henry Rice, Pe­ter Philips, Wm. Griswold, Benjamin Gorton, John Gorton, Joseph Whitmarsh, Elisha Bart­let, Richard Steer, Enoch Sprague, John Hol­brook, Benjamin Handy, John Mumford, Benjamin Bowen, Michael Holbrook, Asa Kimball, Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Joseph Gor­ton, Elijah Bean, Joshua Bleven, David Bar­ton, Paul Jones, Elijah Gore, and five shares to be appropriated for public uses, as follows: one for colleges, one for the first settled min­ister, one for grammar schools, one for com­mon schools and one for the support of the ministry. The town is lotted in 160 acres, two lots to one right.

The settlement of Barton was commenced by Asa Kimball, in the Spring of 1795. While clearing his land and raising his grain he lived in a cabin, constructed of poles and bark. The first grain that was raised was harrowed in with a cow and a steer. One of his steers failed for work when he got his land ready to sow and he yoked his cow with the other steer and harrowed in his grain. There was a family by the name of Eddy, who lived in Barton the Winter of 1795, '96, but left in the Spring of '96.

David Pilsbury and John Ames moved their families into Barton about the 10th of March, 1796: Asa Kimball and James May moved their families in the first day of April, 1795. Jonathan Allyn, Jonathan Robinson, David Abbot, Samuel Lord, James Redmond and Daniel Young also moved their families