longed to the different regiments of Vermont volunteers,
as follows:
3d Reg't, Co. B. —
Moody Evans. Co. D.— Albert H. Thomas, Lester Smith—died Jan. 17,
1863,—Henry W. Sterns—died Jan. 21, 1863,—Augustus B. Jones—died May 25, '64,
of wounds,—Chas. A. Story, Robert Suitor.— Co. I.—Benj. W. Isham—died
Dec. 15, 1862,— William Brooks. A. J. Shaw.
4th Reg't, Co. G.—Alonzo
H. Bell—died Jan. 1, 1862.—Horace B. Houston, Wesley I. Houston—died May 17,
8th Reg't, Co. K.—Charles
H. Farnham —died Sept. 4, 1862,—Melvin Wilson. H. M. Lund.
9th Reg't, Co. F.—Hollis
M. Emerson, Moses Emerson, Fredom D. Prescott.
11th Reg't, Co. A.—Ira
Lee, Orisan L. Farnham.
Vt. Artillery.—Abial
Besides these one man procured a substitute, a
non-resident, and two others paid commutation. Of this number, six have died
from sickness, and one from wounds received in battle, and have thus been
called to lay all, even life itself, upon the altar of our country, and thus
become a portion of that costly oblation which she has so willingly offered.—
They died, not on the field of battle made gory by the blood of thousands of
thousands of their fallen comrades—not amid the roar of thundering cannon as
their awful death-tones hushed, as it were, for a moment, the shrieks and
groans of the dying, only to add new horror to the scene—not amid the acclamations
of contending armies, as they rush to victory and glory, but they are none the
less honored. They have done what they could to perpetuate those liberties and
blessings, for which our fathers bled and died. They have done what they could
to defend our homes, our friends, our sacred altars, and our government—the
best upon which the sun ever shone—from tyranny and blood-stained oppression;
from a power whose poisonous fangs were seeking to sever the very life-strings
of its existence; and their graves are in southern climes—their precise
locations doubtless soon to be lost by time's onward march; yet their memories
will long be fondly cherished at home.—May, 1867.
Essex county lies east of Caledonia and Orleans, bordering
for upwards of 65 miles upon the meandering folds of the Connecticut river.
Its area is about 620 square miles, and a large share of the county is covered
with a dense growth of forest trees—mostly spruce, yet pine and hemlock,
together with the sugar maple,, birch and beech, give an ever-varying
appearance to the forests, and furnish lumber in abundance and variety. The
larger portion of the inhabitants live near the streams, and the majority live
in or near the Connecticut river valley. In Concord and Lunenburgh, however,
the towns are generally settled, yet the part lying back from the river and off
from the large brooks is little but a wilderness. For so small a section of
country there is greater difference in climate than is general in this
latitude. The direction of the wind and the lay of the land, doubtless are the
main rouses; yet difference in soil, and the amount of water in the vicinity,
of course makes sonic difference in vegetation. The proximity of the highest
portion of the White Mountain range, on which snow lies for at least nine
months out of the year, gives a coolness to the atmosphere which must have its
effect upon the climate. The valley of the Connecticut is frequently some two
or three weeks earlier than some of the interior portions, yet as a general
thing the frosts on the streams prevent the growth of anything that cannot be
raised in among the hills of the interior townships. I have however seen the
maple buds on the Connecticut bursting into loaves, when the snow in the dense
forests of spruce and hemlock, in Granby, East Haven and Ferdinand, would lie
in sufficient depth to make quite a freshet of the streams, and the buds of the
maple in those localities could hardly be said to have swollen.
Of the geology of Essex little can be said. In our recent
state survey very little was done in this county, and we find a sort of general
description to suffice in that recently published work. In the southern portion
of the county the prevailing rock is talcose slate, with granite bowlders. The
elate is, however, very irregular in stratification, being intersected with
dikes, much broken in surface and putting on many varieties of appearance. In
the southern portion of Concord there is dike of magnesian limestone, that is
traceable in a straight line nearly three miles, varying from 2 to 6 feet wide.
There is also in Concord, on the farm owned by Wm. Darling, quite a deposit of
iron and copper pyrites, also
some traces of iron ore. In the northern and middle part
of the town, there are considerable deposits of limestone; yet not
sufficiently pure for the manufacture of lime, and probably belong to this
same talcose formation. On Miles' Mountain are several caves in this rock—some
of them quite small, and some possessing considerable size. When I visited the
locality, after examining several holes which I felt hardly willing to venture
into— yet, by throwing in stones and sounding them, I presume they led to quite
sizable cavities in the mountain. I at length descended into the one most
commonly visited and found it a rough, unshapely room, varying from three to
eight feet in height, and perhaps 20 to 30 feet in diameter; neither square,
nor round, but possessing as many corners as would suit any admirer of angles.
There were small stalactites hanging from the rock overhead—some of the longest
about three inches—which by dint of perseverance I pounded off, so as to bring
away some very fair specimens. There were two or three apertures leading out of
this apartment which were hardly large enough to admit a man, yet I was told
that some one had crawled into one of them for some distance and found it to
increase in size, but I could learn nothing definite of its termination. I was
told by my guide, however, that he had explored a much larger cave higher up the
mountain, but as it was near night I could not visit it, and can give no
definite description of it; but from the locality presume it is similar to the
one described. There is also, in the northern part of Lunenburgh, a cave in the
same formation, nearly like the one I have described, only perhaps not so
large, and one much larger than either in Maidstone. The limestone in this
section has been analyzed, and I give the analysis;—Silicia, 40.5; carbonate of
lime and magnesia, 51.5; oxyd of iron and loss, 8.
The surface-stones in this county are most of them
granite, and I think the western part of Lunenburgh contains as many of them as
any section of cultivated land in the state. There are some stones occasionally
met with that form subjects of speculation to geologists, —for instance, near
Lunenburgh Corner is a surface-stone of Labrador feldspar that seems isolated
hundreds of miles from its parent mass. The northern part of the county in
general formation is granite and syenite; there are not as many surface-stones
as in the southern portion, yet the soil is no more productive. There is a
deposit of copper pyrites about three miles from Island Pond, in Brighton. It
now promises to be of value, and has been purchased with the intention of
working it. (See Hist. Brighton). There are several mineral springs, but the
only ones of any note are the springs on the bank of the Connecticut at
Brunswick. At this place there are several in the immediate vicinity of each
other, yet all possessing a slight differerence in their waters. They are
chalybeate and are considered very efficacious in curing cutaneous diseases,
and are fast rising in popularity. The temperature of the water is about 45°
and does not much vary in summer or winter, neither does it vary in wet or dry
seasons, but remains uniform in quantity and quality throughout the year. There
is probably no section better watered by springs than this county; the broken
condition of its strata and the consideration that there is little mineral
existing here that is soluble in water, renders the springs pure and cold, and
many of them preserve nearly the same annual temperature. In digging wells,
they find water at a depth of from 12 to 30 feet, and except in limestone
localities it is pure. A. Mr. Simonds, of Lunenburgh, thinking he would sink
his well deeper than usual so as to have his water surely permanent, drilled
through the talcose rock; but the water instead of coming in, run out, so that
he had to stop it up and be content with the water above the bed-rock; there
has however always been a good supply of water in his well.
As there has been few meteorological observations made in
this section except by myself—and those do not extend back quite fifteen
years—it will be impossible to give a very perfect history of our climate
during the first settlement of this section; yet it is not probable that there
was any great difference from the 15 years last past. The winds in this county
are modified by the mountains and valleys. In Concord the prevailing wind is
from the north-west, in Lunenburgh from the west; and in the other towns on the
Connecticut, the wind almost always blows up or down the river; and in those
towns that lay back from the river it appears to be northerly or north-westerly.
Perhaps it would be rea‑
sonably correct to say that the wind as above mentioned
blew as much from those points as from all others. In relation to the temperature
of the atmosphere the warmest localities in the summer are generally the
coldest in the winter. These are of course the valleys which in the summer do
not receive the breezes that strike the hills; and in the winter as our
coldest nights are still, the cold atmosphere from its natural gravity settles
into them, so it is the valleys that have the greatest extremes of temperature.
The following tables are reduced from observations made by
me at Lunenburgh, lat. 44° 28´ north, and Ion. 71° 41´ west, at an elevation of
1124 feet above tide water, and 324 feet above the level of the Connecticut
river against this place. I think from my locality, that the observations
obtained are nearly what would be an average for the county. This table
contains the mean height of the thermometer for 16 years, together with the
annual fall of water,—snow included,—allowing 10 inches of snow for one inch
of water, which I have found to be on an average a very correct estimate:
The following tables show the average height of the
barometer, together with the maximum and minimum height of both barometer and
thermometer, and the depth of rain and snow in inches and hundredths, for 1860,
'61, '62, and '63. It will be noticed that 1861 was a very wet season, and the
others rather dry, so we have a sample of near the extremes, and 1860 and 1861
together come near the average in many points, and will be a fair
representation of our climate:
Another very important point—though until recently much
neglected—is the amount of vapor in the atmosphere, or the amount of
saturation. I give the result of four years observations, the pressure in
fractions of an inch corresponding and the height of mercury in the barometer,
and the relative humidity by letting 100 represent as much moisture as the air
can contain, and the figures given so many parts of 100. I also add to those
tables the number of days on which snow or rain fell, and the number of clear
days—by clear I mean beautifully sunny—although very small patches of clouds
may be seen, but not enough to obscure the sun:
These tables express the state of our atmosphere much
better than I can otherwise point it out, and would be in itself sufficient to
show the general outline of our climate. In the following table I give the
amount of snow that has fallen during ten successive winters —being from 1854
to 1864. This was measured after each storm, and though it was sometimes not
as accurate as I could wish, on account of the winds making drifts of it, yet I
consider it as a whole a near approximation to the truth. Of course at no one
time was it all on the ground, yet by comparison with the other tables you can
judge that at many times it has been deep; and those that have traveled our
winter roads can testify that it was generally badly drifted.
I shall now give such remarkable changes and occurrences
in the atmospheric phenomena as have sufficiently stamped their impress on the
minds of the early settlers to be remembered, and from them may be gathered an
idea of the great changes that are liable at any time to occur, and yet do
occur but seldom:
Oct. 9th, 1804, brought with its dawn a great snow storm.
The weather had been cloudy and extremely cold for the season for a number of
days; and on the morn of this day it commenced snowing, and continued almost
without intermission until full 20 inches of snow had fallen.
The year 1807 was remarkable for the great amount of snow
and steady cold weather. There was on the last day of March a great snow storm
accompanied with a very high wind—such a wind as is seldom known. It blocked
the roads so that they were not passable for some days. On the first day of May
the snow would average in the woods 4 1/3 feet deep, and the weather cold and
forbidding—yet warm days soon came and crops came forth with great rapidity,
and it is seldom that a better harvest is gathered than in that year. In 1815
we also find a great amount of snow, and May 22d the snow fell 8 inches and was
followed by cold nights and pleasant days; and it is said that there was then
the greatest run of maple sap on record.
The year 1816 is perhaps noted throughout the county as
the coldest year, and the northern portion of Vt. was not exempt. Although
the thermometer was unknown here at that time, and no one can tell how cold it
was, yet every one remembers that it was colder than any winter before or since
experienced. On the 8th of June snow fell to the depth of 5 inches, and it
froze so hard that all the leaves in the forest were killed, and vegetation was
apparently ruined. This freeze was followed by great drouth—so much so that the
crops did not recover from the freeze, and new-sown ones perished; and it
seemed as though a famine was coming upon the land; but there was a small late
harvest, yet many suffered very much, and corn was of almost fabulous value.
In 1817— June 1st —the ground froze to the depth of one inch, and snow fell
nearly an inch deep; vegetation however recovered and there was an average
yield to the husbandman. The year 1819 was very remarkable for peculiar
phenomena. It has been styled the dark year, from the great number of dark days
during the year. The darkest day was Nov, 9th, and it was so dark that people
had to light candles to eat dinner and also to do their accustomed work about
house. During the afternoon stars were visible through the breaks in the
clouds, and the ensuing evening was so dark, that it seemed as though the
darkness could be felt,—there was no shade of light about it; and if darkness
can be total, it might be said to have been total darkness. This was doubtless
caused by thick dense clouds covering the heavens in many layers and of
peculiar density. Some have attributed it to smoke, but that must be impossible,
as stars could not then be seen; and if the testimony of creditable individuals
is to be taken, during a breakage in the clouds in the afternoon stars were
visible. Oct. 12th of this year there was a very great display of the aurora
borealis. It was very brilliant in color and intensity of light, as fine print
could be read by it, and it covered the whole heavens.
The year 1820 was a very forward spring, with a great
growth of vegetation — consequently a bountiful harvest. In 1821 there were
several hail-storms, which though limited in extent yet different storms
damaged more or less almost every locality. At Concord, June 27th, the hail cut
down vegetation generally, damaged windows, and on the whole was very severe.
Crops however somewhat recovered from its effects. In 1824, May 25th, there was
a very severe frost and freeze, but as there came on fine warm weather after it
vegetation recovered, and it did little harm only to fruit trees.
1828 will be ever remembered as a warm year. Many ponds
and rivers were not closed by ice during the ensuing winter, and in July and
August there was probably as warm days as were ever here experienced, and they
were continued and warm through the night as well as through the day. It was
rather dry, but crops were generally good. The 25th of January, 1837, is
remarkable for the greatest display of the aurora ever witnessed in this
section. It commenced early in the evening and continued through the whole
night with a brilliancy which has been unequaled by any other display. It overspread
the heavens with almost every tint of color, and with a tremulous rapid motion
changed continually. It appeared to arise from the north and pass over towards
the south, as the general expression is, and only closed as the light of the
coming day obscured it. In 1842 we have a series of storms such as perhaps
this county has never experienced in other years. About the first of July commenced
a great rain storm which swelled the
streams to a height seldom known, and great damage to
mills, roads, &c., was the consequence. There was also in this month a
tornado in the town of Victory, which was a rare thing for this section. The
wind came over a hill, or perhaps more properly a mountain, sweeping every
impediment before it. At first its path was only a few rods wide, but it
gradually increased in width and force. Its track was a forest, and it leveled
and tore up all the trees for the distance of near two miles, and a few rods to
half mile in breadth, it then came to a small river and upon its banks seemed
to lose its fury. Many of the trees were carried along with the wind and left
in piles near the river. The noise of this tornado was heard for miles around,
and some supposed it an earthquake from its peculiar sound unlike the sound of
a storm. There was also a great hail-storm in Lunenburgh this month that
entirely ruined the crops upon which it fell, but was of limited extent. Capt.
King was the greatest sufferer, as his farm was in the heaviest part of the
storm. In 1843 there was a light hay crop, and in the spring of 1844 a very
great scarcity of hay. The spring was very backward and snow deep. March 15th,
there was one of our great winter storms of snow and wind which was very
severe. April 6th, snow would average four feet deep and the spring was cold.
There was also a great amount of sickness, mostly among women, and called
erysipelas. It was very fatal. In 1856, June 30th, there was a great
hail-storm, the greatest damage being in Concord, yet more or less rain and
hail fell throughout the entire county, and the showers of rain and hail were
continued until July 3d, when the weather became cooler and the hail ceased. In
Concord the farm of Daniel Barker was in the hardest part of the storm, and
his crops entirely ruined, his fruit trees killed and his buildings much
damaged. Thousands of forest trees were also killed, and many so damaged and
bruised that the marks of the storm may be seen on them as long as they stand,
making lasting mementoes of the great size of the hail stones, and the
terriffic violence of the storm. Few were lucky enough to escape without damage
from this series of hail-storms, yet in many the damage was slight. The hail
fell in showers of a few minutes duration, and came at all hours of the day and
night. Some of the largest hail-stones fell on the night of the 2d July, in
Lunenburgh, about 2 o'clock A. M., but being unaccompanied by wind did little
damage. The winter of 1861 and '62 were remarkable for the great depth of snow.
It fell so deep that fences were entirely covered, so their situation could not
in many cases be seen, and many buildings were broken down. March 18th, the
snow lay from 5 to 6 feet on the ground, and the weather was cold for the
season. The first of April the snow would average three feet deep, and the
track on the roads was nearly as high as the tops of the fences, and traveling
was very difficult. There was snow enough for sleighing until the 18th, when
the roads in many places were bare. Ice was not out of the ponds until into
May. The oldest inhabitants do not remember so much snow in one winter.
The winter of 1863 and '64 was very mild. There was a
limited amount of snow, yet sleighing was very good all winter, The ice cleared
out of the Connecticut on the 2d of April.
For convenience of reference I will take the towns in
alphabetical order in the description of their waters.
Averill, though wild and broken in scenery, and a forest,
contains embedded in its valleys some of the most beautiful ponds in the
county. Great Averill Pond, so called, is situated in the extreme north corner
of the town, and a small part of the pond extends over into Norton. It is about
1˝ miles long, and from three-fourths to one mile in width. Its waters are
clear and cold. Little Averill Pond is about 1˝ miles due south of the former,
is nearly round—perhaps three-fourths of a mile in diameter. It is the main
head of Averill stream which runs north through Great Averill Pond, thence
north-west into Canada. Little Leach Pond is also in this town, but is hardly
deserving of notice.
Bloomfield is watered by East Branch and Nulhegan rivers.
Black Branch also runs through the western part. Their course is due south. A
small stream called Mill Brook also flows from this town into the Connecticut;
and Clough's Brook runs through its north-eastern corner. There are no ponds
worthy of notice.
Brunswick contains three small ponds known as Cranberry
Pond, North Pond and South Pond. The Nulhegan passes through
the northern part into Bloomfield, where it runs nearly
parallel with the state line to the Connecticut. This town also has the usual
amount of small streams.
Brighton,—this town is more generally known under the name
of Island Pond, as the village takes its name from a pond by that name situated
near the center of the town. This pond is so called from its containing a
beautiful island situated about half a mile from, its north-eastern shore. This
pond is about 2˝ miles long by 1 or 1˝ miles wide; in many places it has low
sandy shores and is perhaps the most beautiful in scenery and location of any
pond in the county. There are also three other small ponds in town, viz:
Spectacle, Nulhegan and Mud Ponds. Nulhegan Pond is situated in the south-eastern
part, from which the Nulhegan River flows. The small streams that form the
Clyde are several of them wholly within this town.
Concord contains many brooks, and Moose River runs through
the western part. There are also two ponds of note. Hall's Pond, which is near
the Corners, is a beautiful sheet of water about one mile long by half a mile
wide. Its shores are low and sandy, and it is fed mostly by springs, one of
which is so large as to toss a boat about in a still day, although there is
quite a depth of water. Its waters are uncommonly cold. Several tomahawks and
arrow points have been found upon its shores, showing that it used to be a
fishing ground for the aborigines. I have some specimens of them that equal any
I ever saw for finish and quality. Hall's Brook rises in this pond and empties
into the Connecticut. Miles' Pond, situated a little north of the center of the
town, is about two miles long by three-fourths of a mile wide. It has generally
abrupt shores and is probably very deep. Miles' Stream flows from this pond to
the Connecticut. There are also several large sized brooks in this town.
Canaan contains a part of Big Leach Pond, but the larger
portion of it is in Canada. Numerous brooks flow into the Connecticut, but no
streams of large size.
East Haven is a mountainous township, but contains no
sizable ponds. Moose River takes its rise in this town.
Ferdinand is little known in its interior. There are three
or four reported ponds, but the largest as best known is New Discovered Pond,
so called, near its south-western border. It is about one mile long by one-half
mile broad. Great quantities of trout are taken from this pond, which make
fishing excursions to this wilderness place quite frequent. The Nulhegan
passes through the northern part. There is the usual number of small streams.
Granby contains three small ponds—Cow Mountain and Mud Pond,
and a small nameless pond in the northern part. Several of the tributaries of
Moose River rise in this town.
Guildhall is destitute of ponds; although numerous small
brooks thread through the town there are none hardly large enough for mill
Lunenburgh contains Neal's Pond which is situated about
one mile north of the village, being about one mile long by half a mile wide.
It is shallow and very rocky, and its shores low and in some places sandy.
There are also several streams in town, some of which are large enough for mill
Lemington contains no ponds, but the usual number of
brooks, which flow through its valleys to the Connecticut,
Lewis is as yet a wilderness. It contains a sizable pond
in its northern part, and several small streams, but little is known of them.
Norton contains the larger part of Norton Pond, but a
portion of it lies in Warren's Gore. It is also joined by Middle Pond, and
further south by Round Pond, both in Warren's Gore. A small stream rises in
those ponds and runs north into Canada.
Victory is watered by Moose River and its branches, and
contains no ponds of note.
It can be seen from the foregoing that Essex County is
well watered, and can boast as great purity in its ponds and streams as any
section of the state.
As regards the mountains of Essex, though numerous, they
are not on the magnificent scale which many portions of our state exhibit;
though ragged and steep, many times, they do not tower to a great height. Miles
mountain, in Concord, is perhaps as high as any in the county, and measures but
2650 feet above tide water The county, though generally hilly, does not possess
the immense precipices or precipitous ravines of many sections of our state. It
is true its strata is bent and broken so as to cause an infinite
number of springs, most of which are pure and cold, yet
little of the land is unfit for pastures of the best quality, as the soil is
strong and productive. Island Pond is the most elevated village, and Lunenburgh
Corners the next. I add a list of such places as the height above tide water
has been taken with any degree of accuracy: Island Pond, 1250 feet; Lunenburgh
Corners, 1144 feet; Concord Corners, 1095 feet; head of 15-mile falls, at
Lunenburgh, 890 feet; Guildhall Falls, 893 feet; mouth of the Nulhegan, 962
The following are the names of the quadrupeds of Essex
county, given in the order of their description, which, though not minute, is
composed of such mention of their habits or peculiarities as I have thought
Ruminating Animals.—Moose
or elk, deer.
Carniverous Animals.—Black
bear, fox, lynx, skunk, martin or sable, bat, wolf, raccoon, otter, mink,
weasel, moles.
Gnawing Animals.—Beaver,
hedgehog, squirrels, Norway rat, woodchuck, rabbit, muskrat, mouse.
The elk, in this county called moose, from the Indian name
"moosoa," is occasionally seen in our forests. Its head is large and
long, having the muzzle and under lip covered with short hairs which are very
projecting and flexible, and serve to direct to the mouth the shoots and twigs
which are its food. The eyes are small and inexpressive; the ears are large and
open; the neck is short and powerful, surmounted with a coarse mane; the body
is stout; the legs disproportionally long, and his steps straggling and
awkward. The horns are of an enormous size, sometimes weighing 80 pounds. Its
general color is fawn-brown, and they shed their horns about the month of February
in each year. The moose advances in a shuffling kind of trot, while his hoofs,
striking against each other, make a noise which can be heard at some distance.
In the winter it lives in the most densely wooded sections of highland, and in
the summer frequents the swamps and lowland. Being timid, it is seldom seen.
The last one killed was on the railroad in Brighton—being run upon by a train
of cars in 1858 (see Hist. Brighton). The heft of the moose varies according to
its age. It is supposed not to reach its growth in less than 15 years. Some
have been killed, if reports are correct, weighing 1400 pounds. This animal is
easily tamed, becomes docile and even affectionate towards its keeper; but
possesses a wariness and distrust of strangers not easily overcome.
This creature, if we regard the elegance of his form, the
flexibility of his limbs, his branching horns and the lightness of his motions,
is superior to any other animal in our forests. It is very timid and shy, and,
possessing a keen sense of hearing and smelling, it is difficult to get within
gun shot of them. In years past there has been several curious instances of
their capture or death, among which are the following:
In 1843 Dr. Sargent, of Lunenburgh, while riding one night
about one-half mile from the village, heard a noise at the side of the road,
and getting out of his carriage to see what it was, he found a deer entangled
between some rails in the fence, in trying to get through it, where he was held
fast. The Doctor had no weapon but his lancet, and finally bled him to death
with that,
In 1855 a youngster, while bathing in the Connecticut
above Guildhall Falls, saw a young deer trying to swim away from some dogs. The
young man finally caught him, and he was so tired that he conducted him home
without difficulty, where he kept him for a time and then sold him to the
manager of a menagerie. Several others have been killed in a singular manner,
and the hunting of them is considered rare sport. They are fast decreasing in
This animal is still quite common in some localities,
doing some damage; yet it has frequently to bear blame that should rest on
dogs. Its color is a shining black; the hair long, but not curled, gives him a
peculiar shaggy appearance. His feet are large and long and possessed of great
strength. Unlike other animals of this section, it has the power to arise upon
its hind feet and even to walk upon them alone, though clumsily. The bear is
naturally timid, yet when thoroughly aroused will fight to the last. Of late,
when a bear is seen, the people generally turn out
* in their classification, &c., I have followed Thompson,
whose classification is a good one.
in large numbers, and frequently are successful in his
capture. Numerous bear-hunts are within the memory of all. I will only mention
one or two of them:
In 1815 a bear was caught in Concord, in a steel trap, and
in trying to drive him to the house he pulled his foot out of the trap and
jumped directly over one David Morse, knocking him down. Quick as thought Mrs.
James Morse, of Concord, struck the bear on the head with the trap, killing him
at one blow.
In 1843 there was a bear-hunt in Lunenburgh, and after
the ring was nearly closed up the bear tried to escape by breaking through it,
and Newell Howe, to stop him, caught hold of or jumped upon him, and the bear
turned, catching Hoye by the leg, inflicting a severe wound. Mr. H. would
doubtless have fared hard, but help was at hand and the bear was soon killed.
The wolf—formerly numerous—is now very scarce, and perhaps
at this time there are none within the limits of the county. In 1837 and 1838
wolves seem to have been very plenty, and hardly an owner of sheep or young
cattle escaped their partial destruction by this hated enemy. The last year
named, a hunter, by the name of French, killed and captured a great number, and
since that time they have not been so notorious in their boldness, and have
gradually disappeared.
The color of this animal, in its most usual state, is a
dull reddish fawn, of various degrees of intensity. In some it has a strong
tendency to black, and, in fine, some are nearly jet-black, but they are rare,
and supposed by many to be a different species, yet, I believe, have been seen
in this county. The female, on whom devolves the entire care of the young,
breeds in April. The young are frequently taken alive, but cannot well be
tamed. I have tried to tame them, and though they recognize the hand that feeds
and caresses, they will never show the affection of a dog or tolerate caresses
from a stranger; and as they possess deep cunning and treachery, you will
frequently, when least expecting it, be rewarded by a bite. A full grown fox,
when made captive, exhibits the utmost impatience of restraint, tries every
means to regain his freedom; and, if he does not succeed, becomes dejected and
spiritless, and soon dies. The fox, when contented, lies down twisted in a
curve with his tail coiled around his nose, and sleeps profoundly. Their senses
are acute; they are sly and cautious, exceedingly cunning and patient, cleanly
and retired. While young, they are full of vivacity and playfulness; when
older, they are apt and cunning beyond comparison. Their liberty is dearer than
life or limb, and they have been known to gnaw off a foot caught in a trap to
escape, and to refuse food and die in captivity rather than submit to
The raccoon possesses somewhat the looks of the fox, but
the habits of the bear. Its color is a dusky grey, with a row of black and
dirty-white alternate, but more strongly marked on the tail. It is said that it
is extremely fond of sweetened liquor—more especially brandy —and will get so
drunk that it cannot escape, and can be easily killed.
They are very fond of green corn, and frequently
congregate in great numbers in a cornfield, and are also destructive to
poultry, and sometimes destroy vegetables in gardens. They are frequently
captured alive, and when young can be somewhat domesticated; but there is such
an amount of treachery in their natures that they cannot be depended upon. They
leave one thing peculiar, and that is they will frequently dip their food in
water while eating—sometimes between every mouthful. They also drink by
lapping, or like a horse in swallows.
The Lynx is now very scarce, yet a few are usually caught
every winter. I know little of its habits, only that it is very timid and is
seldom seen unless caught in a trap.
This reddish, glossy-brown animal is much prized for its
fur. Voracious, subtle, active and bold, it is notorious for its devastations
among the fish, in our ponds and streams,— like them he is perfectly at home in
the water, swimming at any depth with the utmost velocity. When it descrys its
victim it never loses sight of him until he is devoured.
"Where rages not oppression? where, alas;
Is innocence secure? Rapine and spoil
Haunt even the lowest deeps,—seas have their sharks;
Rivers and ponds inclose the ravenous pike,—
He in his turn becomes a prey; on him
The amphibious otter feasts."
The last one I know of having been taken in the county,
was caught at Maidstone lake on the first of Jan. 1863. Some fishermen set
their hooks in about 12 feet of water for longe, and when they took them up
found an otter had swallowed their baits and was fast caught by the hooks. He
of course made a valuable prize. Otters have sometimes been tamed so as to
catch fish and bring them out to their owners; and when so domesticated have
sold in England for almost fabulous prices.
The skunk is too well known to need any description, as it
lives among us in reality —frequently selecting villages for its place of
residence, and too often making itself prominent by its odor. They are
destructive to eggs and young fowls, yet render important service in gardens by
freeing them from bugs and insects that are even more troublesome than himself,
but less disagreeable.
This little animal is quite common in this county. They
live upon the banks of streams, and their food is frogs, small fishes, and fish
spawns;—since their fur has become so valuable they have been sought after by
almost every one, yet it has become so wary of the hunter that they do not
render it extinct. It is so active in water that it will dive at the flash of a
gun, which renders it almost impossible to shoot it in the water. It is easily
tamed and fond of caresses, yet, like a cat, its good nature is not always to
be depended upon. A good mink skin is now worth from four to five and one half
This animal is fast decreasing in numbers, yet some are
still annually taken. Its food is the young of birds and mice and sometimes
even hares and partridges. It will ascend trees in search of birds' nests or to
escape when pursued It is a quick-motioned sprightly animal, not easily tamed,
but capable of some docility.
you hardly see him before he is gone. They feed on young
rats and mice, also eat eggs and sometimes kill fowls. They are easily tamed,
full of fun and frolic, and anxious to examine everything that is new to them.
The weasel is brown or black in summer, and white in
winter; he is a spry fellow, and
This small creature—flying into houses by night, and a
constant accompaniment of all pleasant summer evenings out doors—seldom seen by
day, lies torpid through the winter suspended by one foot from some cavern or a
cleft of rock, and seems to hold in its habits a stillness and ancient
superstition which we can hardly divest ourselves of. In past ages they have
seldom been mentioned unless in connection with some magic spell. In Macbeth
the witches put in their boiling cauldron—
"Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake,
Egg of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog."
But it is for us to divest them of all superstition and
believe them what they are—a winged mouse, in appearance at least. Their
structure is peculiar,—their teeth are like those of a dog; their wings are so
peculiar in shape and texture that they must be examined to be understood; and
no one ever examines one without having a vivid impression of their appearance
through life.
We here step upon a curiosity so small as to be almost
spurned, yet so busy as to show themselves much in advance of their size. Their
habits are partially unknown. The common mole constructs long and intricate
galleries in the ground through which it traverses in search of food, and is
seldom seen on the surface. Of all this family the star-nosed mole is the most
peculiar. Its habits are supposed to be similar to the other, yet not so much
is known of them. They are usually found upon meadow-land around old logs or
fences and old houses. Their color is a little darker than the other kinds, and
their fur is of the finest quality. Their nose is long and tapering, being
ended by a wheel-shaped protuberance which has twenty points. The use of this
appendage is unknown, but it is supposed to aid in some way its passage
through the soil. They are seldom seen, as they venture forth only in the
This peculiar animal, varying in color from from a
beautiful white in winter to its summer dress of reddish brown, is here very
numerous in low swampy lands and second growth skirting-clearings, and was
formerly so throughout the state. But as the country becomes more thickly
settled, its numerous enemies, increased by men and dogs, prey to such an
extent upon them that they fast diminish They are destroyed in great numbers
by eagles, hawks and owls, as well as by all the carnivorous beasts of the
forest. When pursued by dogs, at first they seem to pay no great attention to
it as they are so fleet as to easily keep out of their way; but after becoming
wearied and doubling many times upon their tracks they will crawl into some
hole in a stone wall or hollow log where they frequently become an easy prey.
There are two species however, one being much more liable to take the apparent
advantage of a hiding place than the other; though in many respects they are
much alike. Their young are the most timid and defenceless of all quadrupeds;
being at an early age compelled to take care of themselves, they are
frequently met with in fields so young as to be easily caught. In fine, their
principal defense is the mercy of their enemies. They subsist upon clover and
succulent herbs in summer, and upon bark and buds in the winter. When pursued
they will frequently leap 20 feet at a time, thus confusing the dog that is
unused to them, and showing their great agility. They, although now quite
plenty, are on the decrease.
This sprightly denizen of the forest is full of fun and
frolic, and almost as quick in motion as a bird. They possess an agility in
leaping and climbing which excels all other animals Although the different
kinds are similar in their food and many of their habits, yet their disposition
widely differs. The gray squirrel, though the largest, is possessed of more
timidity than others; they delight in the highest trees, and it is rather
difficult to get a fair shot at them with a gun, as they are always on the
opposite side. The red squirrel is the next in size, and possesses a great
amount of daring, which we might call spunk. I have taken many of them and kept
them alive for the Zoological Gardens of J. A. Cutting, of Boston, and have
therefore had a chance to study their character. There is a great variety of
disposition among them, some being very pleasant and almost tame from the
first, and others being the most revengeful and quarrelsome possible. At one
time I put 12 in a cage together, and the next morning there was but one
alive—they having fought until the most wily and revengeful had won the day. I
found it would seldom do to put more than two together, and then they would
often fight. They fought very much like dogs, and generally killed each other
by a bite in the throat.
The striped squirrel or chipmunk, as he is generally
called, is more often seen, and exists in greater numbers than all others. He
is timid, spry, and will often dodge a stone or stick when one really believes
it quite impossible. They burrow in the ground, and when they dig their burrows
they carry off the dirt in their cheek-pouches, dropping it some distance from
the hole—never allowing any in their immediate vicinity. These burrows are
often intricate, and frequently connect with each other, and almost always have
two or more openings. They lay up their store of nuts and seeds, and, retiring
to their burrows in winter, are seldom seen from the 15th of November to the
1st of April.
The flying squirrel is frequently met with, yet is much
more seldom seen than any other species. As its habits are nocturnal, it seldom
leaves its nest in the day-time. Though called a flying squirrel, in reality it
cannot fly, but has the power of spreading its body out in such a manner, as it
were, to form a parachute, which enables them to sail along, having to gain
their impulse from a leap. They will ascend high on one tree and then leaping
from that will sail towards another tree at a considerable distance, which they
will reach before striking the ground, although they generally alight low on
the trunk—this they ascend and perform the like feat again, usually being able
to escape pursuit. I have frequently kept them in cages, and they soon become
very tame—are mild in disposition, easily reared, yet timid with strangers. As
they are approached, if afraid they will roll their tails over their faces, and
seem to think they are hid from view. They are not so wild by nature and are
more easily tamed than the other species. When tame they are
very docile, and although not fond of being handled are
willing to have their backs stroked carefully, and seem to enjoy being noticed.
They sleep during the day; but when night comes they begin their frolics, which
only end with daylight, I raised at one time four young, and found them very
playful—turning somersaults by the half hour at a time so fast as to look like
a wheel. They are not quarrelsome, but generally very kind and docile. They,
like the gray and red squirrel, live in hollow trees, while the striped burrow
in the ground.
The muskrat, so called from their strong musky odor, are
very plenty on our streams, sometimes doing serious injury to mill-dams. Like
the beaver they are excellent swimmers, and build dwellings of mud; but they
lay up no food for winter—living upon roots and grasses that grow on the edge
of the stream.
This, which is the common rat in and about our buildings,
was an original native of India, from whence it was brought to Europe, and from
Norway it passed in lumber ships to England, and from thence to the United
States at the commencement of the revolution, and gradually extended itself
over the continent.
The common mouse of the country, like the rat, did not
exist here at the first settlement of the county, but was brought from Europe
in vessels of merchandise. They are beautiful little creatures, yet regarded by
every one with disgust. The jumping mouse may be met with in almost every grain
field; they are very active, sometimes clearing five or six feet at a jump. In
structure it resembles the kangaroo. They lie dormant during the winter, and
are seldom out in the spring before the 1st of July.
The meadow-mouse is the common remise of the fields, and
lives in the winter on grassroots, and is many times very destructive to the
coming grass crop. They are not so active as the other kinds, neither are they
so well proportioned in shape. They are occasionally nearly all destroyed by a
cold, icy winter; and are never very troublesome, unless we have three or four
mild winters in succession, with a great depth of snow and the ground not much
This animal is well known in all parts of the state, and
in dry and sandy localities is often very plenty; and, from its great love of
clover, beans, &c., is an annoyance to farmers —sometimes to full half the
value of their bean and clover crop. Their holes are usually under a stump, log
or stone, and frequently are extensive and contain six or eight members in a
family. They are easily trapped, but it is difficult to fully overcome their
depredations. During the winter they stop up their hole to exclude the cold air
and remain like a bear in a sleeping or dormant state. They are easily
domesticated, and as such are cleanly, playful and fond of attentions from
those with whom they are acquainted, but wary of strangers.
This intelligent animal is nearly extinct, yet the last
one heard of was taken in Essex Co. a few years since. Their work is on all our
streams, and so extensive that it shows they were once very numerous. Many of
their dams still exist, showing their excelleni. construction. Their location
is always the best possible. In some sections the remains of their habitations
are still visible.
This peculiar creature is still quite plenty in this
county. They are solitary and sluggish. Their principal defense being in the
sharp spines or quills which grow among their hair in all parts of their body,
but much more plentiful on their back. When attacked they will put their head
between their legs and, rolled up in a ball, are a formidable foe to a dog or
fox, and it requires heavy blows to dispatch them. They are easily tamed, and
though not an agreeable pet, love to be petted. Some suppose they have the
power to throw their quills, but such is not the case. They bristle them up,
and when the points enter the lips of a dog or any other substance they are
more easily disengaged from the hedgehog than from that substance, owing to the
point being barbed with little indentures—all tending to prevent its
extraction. Their food is entirely vegetable.
Birds of this order have powerful claws and hooked bills.
They pursue and destroy small quadrupeds and all other birds. Some
in the following list are not very plenty, yet all are
seen in this county: Bald eagle, golden eagle, fish hawk, large-footed hawk,
broad-winged hawk, slate-colored hawk, goshawk, marsh hawk, coopers hawk,
red-tailed hawk, pigeon hawk, screech owl, hawk owl, snowy owl, great-horned
owl, short-eared owl, cinereous owl, barred owl, saw-whet, barn owl.
In this class their food is mostly insects and carrion,
yet they will many of them eat grain and fruits when hard pressed by hunger.
They have generally a robust, medium-sized bill—sharp on the edges—upper
mandible more or less convex, and notched at the point; feet with four
toes—three before and one behind; wings of medium length, quill feathers
terminating in a point. They live, for the most part, in companies or flocks,
and are monogamous. The greater part of them build their nests on trees, but
some of the species build upon the ground or upon rocks. Some of the following
list are seldom seen, yet sometimes visit our county. Many of them are very
numerous: Meadow lark, Baltimore oriole, red-winged blackbird, cow blackbird,
bob-o-link, crow blackbird, rusty blackbird, common crow, raven, blue jay,
Canada jay, chickadee, Hudson Bay titmouse, cedar bird.
This class lives on insects alone in the summer, and on
berries mostly in the winter. The bill is either short or of moderate length.
It is straight, rounded or awl-shaped. The upper mandible is curved and notched
towards the point, most commonly having at the base some stiff hairs directed
forward. The feet have three toes before and one behind, all on the same level.
The outer toe is partially united to the middle one. Their voices are generally
melodious, yet some make but few sounds. They may be enumerated as follows:
Butcher bird, kingbird, phoebee, wood pewee, summer warbler, spotted warbler,
Nashville warbler, black-throated green warbler, small pewee, spotted
flycatcher, yellow-throated vireo, white-eyed vireo, red- eyed vireo, solitary
vireo, brown thrush, cat bird, robin, Wilson's thrush, New York thrush,
golden-crowned thrush, hermit thrush, yellow-crowned warbler, yellow-red poll
warbler, pine-creeping warbler, cerulean warbler, blackburn warbler,
chestnut-sided warbler, black-throated warbler, Maryland yellow- throat
warbler, worm-eating warbler, black and white creeper, ruby-crowned wren,
fiery-crowned wren, house wren, winter wren, wood wren, blue-bird, brown lark.
The birds in this order live on seeds; have a strong,
short, thick, and more or less conic bill which extends back upon the front
part of the head. The ridge upon the upper inaudible is usually somewhat
flattened, and both portions of the bill are usually without the notches before
described. The feet have three toes before and one behind. The birds spend the
summer in pairs, but in autumn they assemble in large flocks and migrate southerly.
The names are: Snow bunting, bay-winged bunting, Savannah bunting, song
sparrow, snow-bird, pine linnet, ferruginous finch, white-throat finch,
white-crown finch, arctic ground finch, tree sparrow, chipping sparrow, field
sparrow, swamp sparrow, goldfinch, towhe ground finch, purple linnet, pine
crossbeak, common croosbill, white-winged croosbill.
This order, called " Zygodactyli," or
yoked-toed, have always two toes in front and two behind, yet one of the back
toes is many times reversible. The form of the bill is various, but in general
more or less arched and hooked. Their named are as follows: Yellow-bill cuckoo,
black-bill cuckoo, gold-wing woodpecker, red-headed woodpecker, hairy
woodpecker, downy woodpecker, arctic three-toed woodpecker.
This class of birds have a long, slender, somewhat arched
and awl-shaped bill —generally wedge-shaped at the end. The feet have four
toes—three before and one behind; the back toe always longer than the front
ones; the nails are long and curved, and for that reason they can run on the
side of trees, and act somewhat like woodpeckers, and from their resemblance
are sometimes called so. There is another peculiarity about them: when caught
they feign death (especially the humming bird) until a chance for their escape
presents, when they are up and gone. The following are their names, though some
are rare: White-breast nuthatch, brown creeper,
ITEMS. 1065
red-bellied nuthatch, ruby-throat humming bird.
We have but one bird of this order, and that is the belted
kingfisher. He has a sharp- pointed bill, short legs and small feet. The female
and male are nearly the same in color, being black above and white beneath.
They build their nests like bank-swallows.
The birds belonging to this tribe have short bills, curved
downwards slightly; long legs; three toes before and one behind, which is often
reversible; nails hooked and wings long. They feed on insects which they catch
on the wing. They all migrate to warmer countries during the winter, and never
bury themselves, as some suppose, in the mud. What gave rise to that foolish
idea I am at a loss to determine. Their names are as follows: Purple martin,
barn swallow, cliff swallow, white-bellied swallow, bank swallow, chimney
swallow, whip-poor-will, night-hawk.
Of the pigeon tribe we have but one variety, and that is
the passenger pigeon. Some years this bird is very plenty, and then again few
will be seen. They generally keep in flocks, yet sometimes a few will seem to
make a locality their home and raise their young in seclusion. They are fast
diminishing in numbers.
This class of birds contribute more to man than any other.
They have a short, convex bill, and the female is always less brilliant in
plumage than the male. Their feet and legs are stout, and their wings small in
proportion to their bodies. To this class our domestic fowls belong. Their
names are: Quail, partridge, spruce partridge.
In this order the bill varies in form, but is usually long
and frequently straight. The legs are long and generally destitute of feathers
for quite a distance above the knees. Their toes are long and slender, and they
are more or less nocturnal in their habits. They live along the shores of
lakes, ponds and rivers, and feed upon fish , reptiles and insects. They may be
enumerated as follows; Plover, crane, great blue heron, green heron, common
snipe, coot, night-heron, solitary tattler, spotted tattler, woodcock.
This order consists wholly of water-birds. The toes of
this species are more or less connected by a web, and they are seldom seen at
a great distance from the water unless upon the wing. Their names are as
follows: Gull, Canadian goose, wood duck, mallard, dusky duck, blue-winged
teal, loon,
Of this class of animal existence Essex County cannot
boast. We have a usual supply of frogs and two or three kinds of harmless
serpents, but they are few in number and small in size. These animals have cold
red blood, with a dry skin, either naked or covered with scales, and in many
species periodically renewed. The temperature of the body is usually the same
as the medium in which they move, but they become torpid, and apparently
without life, when the temperature is below freezing. We have one of the
tortoise tribe, generally known as the painted tortoise, but they are not very
Fishes we have in abundance, yet we have not so large a
variety as in some sections. The pickerel, longe, perch and brook trout are the
most numerous, and, although somewhat decreasing in numbers, may yet be
considered quite plenteous. We have almost all the varieties usual in the
state, yet some are rare and seldom seen.
MISS HEMENWAY:—In accordance with your request and my
promise, I have scribbled off the foregoing historical sketch of Major
Whitcomb. It is substantially as he related it to me in watching with him in
his last sickness, and may be relied upon as strictly true. I have not been
able to learn his first name. If yon deem it of great importance. I think
Cummings Whitcomb, a relative of his, residing at Island Pond, Vt. could
furnish you his name, &c. You of course will make use of just so much or
little of it as you please.
St. Johnsbury East, Feb. 11, 1863.
Major Whitcomb was the most prominent pioneer trapper and
hunter of Essex county, often spending months at a time in the wilderness,
subsisting upon game, and falling in frequently with Indians and camping and
hunting with them, always taking pains to conciliate them and secure their
friendship. At one time he found an Indian in early winter alone, nearly
starved, his gun-lock
having broken, and took him to his camp and fed him and
kept him there three weeks, and trapped with him and divided furs, and gave him
food to last him home.
Whitcomb served under Putnam in the old French war, was in
several fights, and taken prisoner by the Indians and carried to Quebec. He
often wrestled, ran and shot at a mark with the Indians; but always managed to
let them beat him, as it would have given great offence to beat them. After
Ticonderoga was taken by Allen, Whitcomb hastened there and served as a scout.
The commander of the fort received a circular from Gen. Washington, saying
that he wished to retaliate upon the British officers for the wanton butcheries
and massacres of women and children by the British Indians; and, to accomplish
it, offered any American soldier who would go into Canada and waylay and shoot
a British general, a major's commission and pay in the American army, and a
captain's commission for a colonel, &c., &c. Whitcomb and two others
volunteered to go and try. One man deserted before reaching the line. Whitcomb
and his companion pursued their way to near Three Rivers, and ascertained that
a brigade of British soldiers and some Indians were about to move towards the
line in a few days, and the route they would go. Whitcomb selected a place of
ambush, and made all ready. The night before the British were to move
Whitcomb's companion, alarmed by their dangerous position, deserted and went
over to the enemy and informed them of Whitcomb's plans and intentions Whitcomb
was greatly annoyed and vexed, but had no thought of losing his major's commission.
He moved nearer to the British camp, fixing upon a new place for his ambuscade
where a small river made a turn and came near the road—a deep, narrow ravine
running back from the river some distance. His position was at the root of a
large tree blown down, the top reaching into the ravine, and the root affording
cover and port-holes to fire through. This was about 15 rods from the road on
the right side, and the river on the left side, and commanded a good view of
the road in the direction the enemy would come. The ground to the river was
covered with a thick growth of small trees, and briers and alders in the
ravine. About 2 o'clock P. M. the British column came in sight and slowly
passed. Several mounted officers passed, but none whom grade seemed high
enough. Then came in sight an officer mounted upon a splendid white steed,
richly dressed, with a broad red silk sash around his waist, and a long white
plume in his hat, with several staff officers near by and Indian scouts in the
road, Whitcomb thought he would do, and when he came within 50 rods took
deliberate aim and fired. He saw the officer throw his hands up and reel back,
and quickly hid tinder the root. The Indians in the road near by saw the smoke
of his gun and dashed into the woods after him, and supposing he would run
back did not stop to look for him there, but hurried on and crossed the log
within 20 feet of him. As soon as they had passed, Whitcomb crawled rapidly
along side of the log into the ravine, and down that under the bridge into the
river and up it in the water under the thick alders, accasionally coming upon
the land for a rod or two, and crossing over and back. He had got about half a
mile when he heard the blood hounds boo on his track; but all his arrangements
had been made to baffle and elude them, and he succeeded in delaying them so
much that he gained upon them until dark, when he took a smaller stream,
running out of his direct route, and waded in that a mile, then left it and
traveled all night and the next day without stopping, keeping in the woods.
The officer shot was General Gordon, and he died in half
an hour. At the time Whitcomb shot him all his provision consisted of about
half a pint of parched corn, and that was all the food he had for four days. On
the fifth day he crossed the line into Vermont, nearly starved and his shoes
entirely worn out. In all this time he had not kindled a fire or dared to shoot
game, lest the smoke and report of his gun should indicate his whereabouts to
the pursuing Indians; but necessity, which knows no law, compelled him to act.
He did not dare go to any house, fearing tories; but finding a yoke of oxen
feeding in a pasture, he shot one through the head and quickly cut out as much
steak as he needed, and skin enough for a pair of moccasins and run into a deep
swamp, kindled a fire, half roasted some steak and eat it upon the run, again
fearing the smoke would betray him. The next morning he had gone about a mile
only when he came upon an Indian camp, where several had
ITEMS. 1067
stopped over night, the fire not being out. He turned and
traveled east half a day and then turned south and hurried on until he arrived
at Royalton, Vt., where he went into a house and asked for food and rest.
The British had offered a thousand crowns for his head,
and two thousand crowns for him delivered at any British post alive, and the
Indians pursued and hunted for him along the lake to the very walls of
Ticonderoga. After some little time had elapsed, Whitcomb joined a small
frontier guard stationed at Lancaster, N. H., in a block-house; feeling secure,
he occasionally went out hunting. One day, when out alone, he was suddenly
seized from behind, disarmed and bound by five Indians, and hurried off into
Canada and down the St. Francis river. Night came on dark; when within 20 miles
of a Britsh post, at the mouth of the river, where the Indians were to give him
up and take the reward, they camped upon an island. Whitcomb's feet and hands
were securely tied to a stake and otherwise bound, and in addition he was bound
to two Indians, one sleeping each side close to him; escape seemed impossible.
Whitcomb recognised in one of his captors the Indian whom he had years before
found alone nearly famished and fed and supplied with food, and had by look
and gesture tried to make the Indian know him, but entirely failed to gain any
sign of recognition. Death seemed inevitable and hope departed, but yet he
slept. About 2 o'clock A. M., Whitcomb was awakened by gentle taps on the mouth
to indicate silence, and then the fingers passed to his eyes and found them
open. His bonds were all carefully cut. He was directed, by motion of the hand,
to arise and follow, which he cautiously did to the river. The Indian whom he
had formerly aided when starving, turned to him and handed him his gun, powder
horn, ball-pouch, knife and a bag of parched corn, reminding Whitcomb of his
former kindness to him, said, "I now pay you—go, go." Whitcomb
slipped into a canoe and cast it off and pushed out into the river. The Indian
gave him the farewell salute, by motion, and turned back to the camp. Whitcomb
quickly pushed hack to the shore and cut a hole in the bottom of each
remaining canoe and pushed them off into the stream, resumed his own canoe and
crossed immediately to the shore, then cut a hole in his canoe and pushed it
off and ran for life. About 4 o'clock he heard the Indians' distant whoop of
alarm, and soon after the whoop of disappointment and anger when they found all
their canoes gone. Whitcomb pushed on with all his energy, day and night, until
safe—not stopping until he reached Massachusetts, the home of early childhood,
where he remained during the war. In due time he received his major's
commission and pay, and in his old age received a major's pension. His good
friend, the Indian, he never saw or heard of after their night parting on the
This is the most north-easterly town in Essex county, and
in Vermont. Its latitude is 41° 57´, and longitude 5° 22´, and it contains
over 29 square miles, or about 18,700 acres. It is bounded north by Hereford in
Canada, east by Connecticut river and southwest by Lemington and Averill. It
lies opposite Stewartstown, N. H. It has two post offices, Canaan and South
Canaan. It was chartered by Vermont to John Wheeler and others, Feb. 25, 1782,
but had previously been granted to Jonathan and Arad Hunt and William Williams.
The town of Norfolk, which was chartered to Beaaleel Woodward Feb. 27, 1782,
has been annexed to Canaan, both being small townships leave Canaan still
smaller than most towns in the state, as above shown. It was first settled by
Silas Sargent, John Hugh and Hubbard Spencer, who moved their families into
Canaan in 1785. As a frontier town it was subject to considerable disturbance
in the war of 1812 with Great Britain. It was in this town that one Beach was
shot by John Dennett, an officer of customs. And much feeling was shown in the
different broils attendant on the collection of revenue, and the prevention of
contraband articles of war being smuggled to the enemy. (See County Chapter.)
The religious denominations are Congregationalists, Baptists and Methodists.
This town is watered by Leech's stream, Willard's brook, &c., which afford
good mill privileges. The former is about two rods wide at its junction with
the Connecticut, and flows from Leed's pond, which is partly in Canada. There
are some fine meadows on the Connecticut, and much good land in other portions
of the town. Its population in 1860
was 408. The first justice was Elias Gates, chosen in
The most remarkable fact however about this town is, that
no one in town can be induced to write its history—which accounts for this
short sketch.
[We visited the town at the same time that we visited the
other towns in the county generally, and engaged writers for the respective
towns. At this time we engaged George W. Hartshorn, of the same town, to write
the history. He made no objection, but consented apparently with pleasure. We
have repeatedly notified him when we would want the paper, which, without any
given reason or excuse, he has failed to send in to us up to this date—April,
1867—and, for this reason, we have referred Canaan to the end of the county.—Ed.]
Names. Age. Enlistment. Co. Regt. Remarks.
Beach, Mortimer Unaccounted
Colby, Thomas 23 Dec, 10, 1862. F 3 Dropped Jan. 26, 1863.
Farron, Thomas 18 Aug. 10, 1861. E 3 Discharged Sept. 30, 1862.
Gamsby, George W. 22 July 3, '61. H 3 Musician; discharged Dec. 28, 1862.
Harriman, William W. 27 Aug. 15, '62. D 3 Trans. to Invalid Corps Sept. 1, 1863.
Kemp, Stephen L. 27 Aug. 15, '62. E 3 Died June 4, 1864.
Lemphere, Edward 25 Nov. 10, '61. do. Died May 20, 1864.
Laughton, James 41 Dec. 10, '61. do. Dropped Jan. 20, 1863.
Laughton, Lewis 24 Jan. 7, '62. do. Discharged Feb. 16, 1863.
Pierce, Abel 25 Aug. 22, '62. do. Died Dec. 23, 1864.
Robinson, John 22 Feb. 16, '65. 17 Mustered
out June 28, 1865.
Rosseau, Joseph 26 Sept. 1, '62. E 3 Not accounted for.
Stuart, William C. 20 July 5, '61. do. Mustered out July 27, 1864.
Weeks, John 22 June 1, '61. do. Killed at Wilderness, May 5, 1864.
Willard, Lucius H. 19 Feb. 16, '65. 17 Mustered
out June 28, 1865.
Baker, Francis 20 Dec. 7, '63. I 3 Died June 7, 1864, of wounds received
Barrett, C. W. 19 Dec. 8, '63. do. Mustered out June 24, 1865.
Cable, Samuel 18 Dec. 12, '63. do. Mustered out July 11, 1865.
Ingalls, Nathaniel G. 34 Dec, 10, '63, H Cav. Not accounted for.
Lathrop, Allison 18 Dec. 14, '63. G 3 Transferred to Co. I July 5, 1865;
to Co. G July 20, 1864;
Sept. 13, 1864.
Danforth, Eugene M. Cav'y. Volunteer
for one year.
Gamsby, James M. 31 Nov. 21, '61. B 3 Re-enlisted Dec. 21, 1863; transferred
Co. B to Co. E.
Chamberlain, Ruel Cav'y.
Clark, George W. 37 Oct. 1, 1864. F 7 Mustered out July 14, 1865.
Alexander, William, 18
Sept. 15, '62. E 15 Died Dec. 17, 1862.
Baker, Warren H. 22
do. do. Mustered
out Aug. 5, 1863.
Barnet, William W. 42
do. do. Sergeant;
mustered out Aug. 5, 1863.
Bishop, Hersey M. 18
do. do. Died
Jan. 29, 1863.
Cranmore, Joseph E. 44
do. do. Mustered
out Aug. 5, 1863,
Dillon, William 34
do. do. do.
Lamphere, Albion 18
do. do. do.
Owen, Hiram T. 27
do. do, do.
Rowell, Ransom 29
do. do. Discharged
April 8, 1863.
Young, Winthrop 44
do. do. Mustered
out Aug. 5, 1863.
Colby, John Gould, Reuben H. Gould, Albert Luther.
ITEMS. 1069
There were but very few settlements here during
Revolutionary times, but there have been several residents of the town who were
RevolutIonary pensioners; and others who would have been, had they lived until
the time when pensions were granted. During the war of 1812, Seth Cushman was
an officer, and stationed on the frontier of Canada, and three men were
drafted from Guildhall, viz: Henry Cheney, —— Phelps and John Dodge. Mr. D.
procured a substitute, in the person of a Mr. Frazier.
Of the best and most active militia officers, resident in
Guildhall, were Adjutant, afterward Brigadier Gen., Seth Cushman; Capt.—subsequently
Colonel—Henry Hall; Capt.—then Major—Caleb Amy; and Capt. William Amy.
In 1844 when the Militia of the State were disbanded,
Milton Cutler was Capt. of the Guildhall company, and B. B. Waid 1st Lieut.
There were no enlistments from this town for the Mexican War.
The following is a list of those who have enlisted in the
army of the Union to put down the Rebellion of 186: James M. Cutler, Aaron R.
Wheeler, Joseph W. Sanderson, Geo. D. Bates, Chas. Stone, Chas. W. Bartlett,
J. Benway, Timothy Grannis, Chas. Beaton, Geo. A. Ford, Nelson Palmer, Henry
Sanderson, Edward Grannis, Chas. W. Joy, Abner Bailey, John Cook, Simon Stone,
Geo. Gage, James R. Simmes, William Drew, James E. Webb, Wilbur F. Ball, Joseph
T. Bemis, Samuel Hannox, Benjamin F Hicks. John Beaton, and Ashbel C. Meacham,
Sept. 1862.
Wesley P. Carrol;* Hollis Coe, deserter; Eli R. Horeford,*
shot; A. W. Hudson; J. M. Hudson,* died at Andersonville; L. N. Hudson;* S. S.
Hudson; Henry McMiller; Robert Murray; Wm. Murray; N. S. Powers; Alanson
White;* Elam White, shot; Wm. Dawland; Charles E. Morgan, deserted; John L.
Horsford, lost a leg; Lewis B. Cook, shot.
Charles Canfield, Wm. A. Eggleston, Chas. Moultraup, Geo.
W. Humphrey, Eli R. Horsford.
M. Smith.
O. T.
Re-enlisted are marked thus *. There was not any bounty
paid to a man from East Haven. We furnished ten men for other towns.
Respectfully yours, L. C. HUDSON.
Lient. Geo. O. Ford re-enlisted Jan. 4, 1864, at New
Orleans; received a Captain's commission the same month—was furloughed and
came to Vermont during the winter; returned to his regiment, and in July, 1864,
was transferred to the Department of Virginia; participated in defensive and
offensive operations about Washington in the Shenandoah Valley, &c.; was
in the battle of Winchester, Sept. 19, '64,—Fisher's Hill, Sept. 22—Cedar
Creek, Oct. 19; was shot through both legs in the early part of the fight, retreated
with his regiment rather than be prisoner a second time; was furloughed, and
during the winter of 1864 and '65 was honorably discharged.
Ethan P. Shores re-enlisted Jan. 4, '64; was furloughed
and came to Vermont with Capt. Ford; was transferred with his regiment to
Virginia; promoted to Sergeant September, 1864; was in all the marches and
battles of his regiment, including Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek;
was in the thickest of the fight at Cedar Creek, twice rescued the company
colors when the color-bearers were shot down, and bore the colors during the
afternoon, bringing them off the field of carnage unhurt; discharged with his
company, June 28, '65.
Paschal P. Shores re-enlisted with his brother Ethan;
came to Vermont with him; was not uniformly healthy; was always prompt to obey
orders, whether to march or fight, when able. On the morning of Oct. 19, 1864,
when the rebels surprised and drove Gen. Wright's army, he was shot through the
left lung; after the rebels were driven back he was found on the battle-field,
about nine in the evening, but lived only two or three hours.
Joseph W. Gleason enlisted Nov. 30, 1863, Battery B, 11th
Vt.; health soon failed him was in the hospital and furloughed most of the time
until his discharge for permanent disability, May 29, 1865. Has not regained
his health.
Benjamin C. Gleason, Nov. 27, 1863, Battery B, 11th
regiment; always ready for any service; was a soldier of all work; was
discharged Aug. 29, 1865, unharmed, except the "shakes."
Henry O. Matthews enlisted for one year Aug. 23, 1864, Co.
A, 11th regiment; fought with company through thick and thin; helped pursue
Lee's retreating army; came out of the service mind and well; discharged about
July 7, 1865.
Wm. H. Griffin enlisted Sept. 1, 1864, for one year, Co.
A, 11th Vt; did not reach his company, for want of transportation, until about
the 1st of October; was wounded at the battle of Cedar Creek in left arm and
right side; arm taken off between elbow and wrist; was in the hospital at
Winchester, W. Va., Baltimore, Md., and Montpelier, Vt., most of the fall and
winter; discharged disabled for life.
Edmond Hix enlisted Jan. 1, 1864, in 2d Vt. Battery; was
at Port Hudson, La., during the remaining part of the war; entered the service
strong and healthy; was discharged with the Battery, Aug. 1865, sick and
emaciated; lingered along with fever, chills and resultant diseases, and died
April 25, 1866.
Of those who went into the U. S. service on Granby's quota
were B. McDaniel, Geo. O. (1st and 2d enlistment) and Alonzo L. Ford, George
W., Ethan P. and Paschal P. Shores, Otis E. Griffin, Solon D. Buzzell, R. I..
Boyce (1st enlistment), John W. Boyce, H. C. Matthews (town bounty of $600),
Perrie Plackett colored cook for Co. K, 8th Vt., and David R. Bruce (of Burke,
enlisted under the rule of first in diligence first in right) for $350.00
bounty—a surplus of one over all calls. Matthews and Bruce only had town
bounties from Granby. J. W. and B. C, Gleason, E. P. and P. P. Shores (2d
enlistment) for St. Johnsbury; R. T. Boyce (3d enlistment) and J. W. Buzzell
(9 months) for Lyndon; J. M. Boyce, Barre; Wm. H. Griffin, Concord, and E. Hix
for Pawlett. Granby had neither runaways or deserters— all "true
Page 628, column 1, line 37—for prompted, read promoted.
659 " 2 " 15 " isle
La Mothe, read Isle La Mott.
660 " 1 " 17 " a
yacht or sail-vessel, read he found a yacht.
681 " 1 " 43 " and
them took its place, read another took its place.
682 " 2 " 35 " until
1821, read in 1821.
684 " 2 " 49 " New
York Canal Line, read New York Canada Line.
688 " 2 " 17 " by
giving to them, read by receiving from them.
692 " 1 " 42 " to
sink the engine, read to use the engine.
693 " 1 " 53 " 1849,
read 1859.
696 " 2 " 47 " to
arrest, read to await.
699 " 1 " 21 insert President after elected.
701 " 1 " 48 for L. W. Tupper, read L. H. Tupper.
703 " 2 " 6 " Lucuzthm,
read Lumsden.
703 " 2 " 7 " Glascow,
read Glasgow.
806 " 1 " 33 " unbounded,
read undoubted.
807 " 2 " 26 " 86,
read 90.
1015 " 1 " 7 insert the following names: Edgar
Stoddard, Harvey Chamberlin, Addison Harris, H. M. Harvey, Toussaint Brunell,
Wm. Willey, Irving Davis.
NOTE.—We have moreover on file several historical papers
of considerable information for the counties embraced in this volume, and
others engaged which it is deemed expedient to reserve for a more general and
complete Appendix for the entire work, among which we may mention a paper on
the First Settler of Middlebury; Gen. Whitelaw, the first General Surveyor of
the State, by Rev. Thomas Goodwillie; Antiquarian Relics, from Henry Stevens,
of Barnet; Military Records, from the counties published before the late
rebellion or its conclusion; and Additional Biographies—especially of deceased
historians and contributors— among which will appear Governor Fairbanks, Rev.
Lyman Matthews, ——— ——— ————, etc., etc.—Ed.