had the care and superintendence of the establishment for
the last two or three years, has purchased a large tract of hard woodland in
the vicinity of the mills, and is carrying on quite extensive farming operations.
He has, in connection with his son Charles, erected a store near the mills,
being the first store in town, and a brisk trade has sprung up where a few
years since the solitude of the forest was only broken by the scream of the
owl and the roar of the waterfall. D. H. & T. G. Beattie, of Maidstone,
have recently built a large saw-mill on Paul stream, and are actively engaged
in lumbering operations.
Other mills, of less size and capacity, have been built
within a few years, on Wheeler stream, for the manufacture of lumber; and
perhaps no town in the county sends more lumber to market, in the various forms
in which it is prepared, than Brunswick.
Prior to the facilities extended to this county by the
railroad enterprise but little progress, since 1810, was made in this town in
point of wealth and population.
The broken and sterile condition of the lands not
immediately bordering on the river did not give sufficient inducement to
agricultural pursuits to cause their settlement, and the want of a ready
market for most of the products of the soil, had a tendency to laxity in its
cultivation; but, since 1852, a new order of things is seen, not only in active
mechanical operations, but also in the cultivation and improvement of farms.
The article of hay, which perhaps is as much entitled to
the appellation of king in the North as cotton in the South, has more than
doubled in price; and a ready market is found, at an advanced price of former
years, for the various productions of husbandry.
Like foam on the crest of the billow,
Which sparkles
and sinks from the sight,
Like a leaf from the wind-shaken willow,
Tho' transient,
yet beautifully bright:
Like dewdrops exhaled while they glisten,
Like perfume
which dies soon as shed,
Like melody hushed while we listen,
Is memory's
dream of the dead.
There's a calmness and beauty in evening's decline,
A joy and sweet peace that has ever been mine,
A quiet that rests on the heart like the ray
That falls in the water at closing of day.
Yon trees, in full foliage o'er the still water beading,
Seem waving their branches in quiet delight,
While the small pensile twigs to the water depending,
Seem to welcome the coolness and quiet of night.
To write the early history of a town whose first
settlement dates as far back as does that of many towns in our state, is
extremely difficult; especially so, when—as with the history of this town—the
public records afford but a meagre supply of the requisite material and data,
and the early settlers have nearly all passed away, leaving but little record
of themselves from which to gather up the scattered fragments of a town
history. Their memorial is found rather in well cultivated farms and
comfortable dwellings—in the church, the school-house, and the thriving
village, with all their accompanying evidences of a progressive, intelligent
and prosperous people, where the deep, dark forest once proclaimed that rough,
stern, rugged nature held undisputed sway. By their unwearied labors the
wilderness has been made to literally "bud and blossom as the rose."
These are their monuments—more eloquent, truthful and enduring than sculptured
marble and chiseled granite—of the deeds and characters of those who
"reared amid the wilderness
The hamlet and the town."
To us who live in these "later days," when the
savage grandeur and sternness of nature has yielded to the onward and conquering
march of labor and progress, it is hardly possible to realize the almost insurmountable
obstacles with which the first settlers had to contend.
This whole northern region was an almost unbroken
wilderness; and, in addition to the hardships experienced in the first
settlements of places lying contiguous to settled portions of country, the
inhabitants of this town had to bring all the necessaries of life from the
southern part of this state and New Hampshire, as well as from Massachusetts,
and to transport them over roads which would now be considered hardly passable
either for man or beast.,
* Now of Stratford, N. H., formerly Maria Marshall, of
Yet amid all these discouragements the early settlers
persevered, being men and women of "iron frame" and determined will,
for whom toil and privation tended but to call forth stronger effort and
greater endurance. Such were the men and women to whom Vermont to day owes
much of her sterling integrity, careful industry and prudent thrift, her
manliness and intelligence—elements which make her sons and daughters respected
both at home and abroad.
Concord lies in the southern part of Essex Co. Lat. 44° 25' north, and Long. 5° 8' east from
Washington. It contained when granted about 47 square miles, bounded
north-westerly by Kirby, north-easterly by Lunenburgh, south-easterly by
Connecticut River, south-westerly by Waterford—being larger than the average of
towns in the state; and has within a few years been increased by the annexation
of a part of Brodley's Vale. The town was granted Nov. 7, 1780, and chartered
Sept. 15, 1781, to Reuben Jones and 64 others,* with 5 other rights as usual:
the governor's, the ministerial, the school, the college and county grammar
school right.
The first meeting of the proprietors was holden at the inn
of Jehial Webb in Rockingham, Aug. 17th, 1784; at which a committee was chosen
"To view ye lands in Concord, and if they find a
convenient place for a town plot, to lay out a street or streets five rods
wide, and long enough to lay out fifty acres to each right, fronting fifty rods
on one of said streets; said plot to be as nigh ye middle of the said township,
as ye land will permit."
In pursuance of these instructions the committee did
lay out lots of 50 acres to each right. But instead of its being "as nigh
ye middle of the town, as ye land will permit," it was located near the west
part of the town, though there was a situation equally as good near the
geographical center. No explanation of this is now available.
At the third meeting of the proprietors it was:
"Voted, to give the first ten proprietors that will
settle in Concord, (provided they shall move into said town on or before May
1786) liberty to pitch 100 acres each in Form, with ye Town Lines, or so as not
to leave Gores at the next draught of land in said Town."
At a subsequent meeting it was:
"Voted, to reserve the Meadow Lands on
Passumpsic [Moose] River, [so called] in ye town of Concord from ye Privelige
of such proprietors as may pitch Lots in said Town."
At a meeting of the proprietors, Sept. 1786, it was voted
to give Joseph W. Morse a gore of land containing forty acres, "in
consideration of his extraordinary services, towards settling the town.
What the nature of those "services " was does not appear, though
they seem to have produced no immediate results, in the advancement of settlements
in town; there being no settlements made till 1788 when Joseph Ball—who came
with his family from Westboro, Mass.— made a permanent settlement. He commenced
upon the farm now owned by Mr. Alba Caswell. His son John Ball, born in 1789,
was the first child born in town, and received a grant of a lot of land from
the proprietors of the town.
Sally Lewis, daughter of Mr. Jonathan Lewis, born the same
year, was the first female child born in town.
A Mr. Noyes, who was killed by the falling of a tree has
been said to be the first person who died in town. He was buried in what
is now known as the Pike Burying Ground. This is however incorrect, as from
reliable evidence we find it to have been the wife of Mr. Joseph W. Morse, who
died in 1790.
A very intelligent lady, of remarkably tenacious memory,
who still retains a vivid recollection of the early events of the town, writes
as follows:
"According to the best of my recollection, Mr.
Joseph Ball told me that he moved into town in the spring of 1788, with his
wife; and that his first child was born June, 1789, — and also that Amasa and
Joseph Morse, and one other family, whose names I have forgotten, came in the
same year a little before him; but when winter came and the weather was severe,
all those families went over into Littleton, N, H., and
* CONCORD GRANTEES.—Joseph Wood, Ebenezer Wallbridge,
Edward Aiken, Moses Spofford, Gideon Tiffany, William Gilkey, John Smith of
Chester, John White, Walter White, John White, jr., Uriah Howe, William Wood of
Poultney, Elisha Smith, Obadiah Merrill, Josiah Willard, Prentice Willard,
Josiah White, Elisha Galusha, Noah Chittenden, Thomas Putnam, Levi Putnam,
Isaac Wyman, Edmund Hodges, Steel Smith, Moses Brigham, John Beach, Thomas
Chittenden, Abraham Ives, James E. Beach, Samuel Uffatt, Barney Beach, Jotham
Ives, Abijah Hurd, Freeman Hurd, Ephraim Carter, Benjamin Hall, Nathan Blake,
Jr. Jonathan Dwinel, Sylvester Tiffany, Jonas Prescott, Abijah Gale, Seth
Morse, Samuel Wetherbee, Susannah Wetherbee, Jason Wetherbee, Samuel Wetherbee,
jr., James Wetherbee, Azor Wetherbee, Jonathan Freeman, Otis Freeman, Joshua
Webb, Charles Webb, Nath'l Robinson, Joseph Ellis, Simon Ellis, Benjamin Ellis,
Daniel Davis, Moses Willard, Levi Lincoln, Benjamin Green, William Carter,
Nathaniel Davis, Jonathan Holton and Timothy Clark.
stayed through the coldest of the weather, and then
returned, while he and his wife staid all winter in their shanty made of
crotches stuck in the ground for posts. The wife of Joseph Morse, whose maiden
name was Annis Burnett, was the first person known to have died in town."
In a paper entitled "Early Reminiscences," the
same lady says:
"Two young men by the names of Moses Gleason. and
Daniel Gregory, of Westboro, Mass., came to Concord in the year 1789 and
commenced there a settlement. Daniel Gregory began the farm that Chauncey Hill
now lives on. He built a camp and cooked his board, with the exception of his
bread, which he had baked in Littleton, some seven miles distant, where he went
once a week, being guided only by the aid of marked trees. There were no roads,
it being truly "a howling wilderness." Mr, Jonathan Lewis settled on
a lot near his, a little before him. He chopped and cleared a few acres and
staid alone in his camp. Moses Gleason, his relative by marriage, began the
farm where Charles F. Gregory now lives, and chopped and cleared several acres.
In the fall both started to return to Massachusetts, to stay through the
winter. Young Gleason said he did not like this northern region, and he should
go South. He started with that intent, but his friends have never heard from
him from that day to this. Daniel Gregory and his father-in-law came up to
Concord and looked over both lots, and the old gentleman advised him to take
the one on the Connecticut that his son had begun. He did so, and built a small
house into which he moved his family the next year, and spent his days there.
The place is now owned by his son Charles F. Gregory, Esq. A young man by the
name of Andrew Scott, from Scotland, came into town not far from the same
time, and commenced a settlement on the farm now owned by William Buck.
adjoining Daniel Gregory's, and built himself a house by the side of an
enormous great rock which he had for the back of his chimney. He cleared up his
farm and lived alone many years. The old people all agreed in opinion, many
years ago, that he was a very good man, and benevolent; and that he had a very
thorough knowledge of the Bible.— One of the old ladies told me he knew more of
the Bible than all the other settlers put together. He was a firm Presbyterian.
As an instance of his goodness I will mention the following incident: A poor
family by the name of Hoyt, had moved into town. They were very poor
indeed—they had several children, and the hardships of the wilderness proved
too great for the mother, and she sickened. Mr. Scott took them in. She had to
be carried five or six miles, through the woods, on a bier, on men's shoulders;
and died at Mr Scott's after lingering several months. The old gentleman said,
when he told the story, "I let them have grain, potatoes, and meat, to
keep them from starving—for they had nothing—never expecting to get any pay;
nor did ever I get any." The old gentleman was unfortunate after that: I
believe he is rich, now, in heaven, where misfortune and sorrow can never
Joseph W. Morse began the place where Jackson Perry now
lives, and raised the first grain (rye) in town; by cutting some of which, as
soon as it would possibly do for use, and beating it out upon a stone, and
drying the grain in a kettle, he furnished a poor family with sustenance, and
kept them from starving.
Benjamin Streeter began the farm where John Morse now
lives—his father, Zebulon Streeter, chopping the first tree. "Mr. Amos
Underwood settled on the place where the late Aaron Tilton lived: Mr. Moses
Chase where John W. Williams now lives. A Mr. Knight began the place where the
Hon. Samuel G. Babcock now lives. Levi Ball began the place where Mr. James B.
Ball now lives. Samuel Wetherbee commenced the farm where Samuel Heywood now
lives; Jonathan Lewis on the place lately owned by the heirs of Nathan Morse;
Jonathan Woodbury the place where Nathan Pike now lives; Jesse Woodbury the
farm where Abel Stacy now resides; Benjamin Streeter, 2d, the place next above,
where Charles F. Gregory lives."
The foregoing is probably the most correct account of the
early settlement of the town which is now available.
In 1795—seven years after the fist settlement—there were
but 17 families in town; in 1798, 40.
Among the early settlers were Jonathan Lewis, Amasa and
Joseph W. Morse, Solomon Babcock, Jonathan Hutchinson, Amos Underwood, Daniel
Gregory, Benj. Streeter, Jonathan and Jesse Woodbury, Samuel Hudson and Samuel
Wetherbee. The early settlers came principally from Royalston and Westboro,
Mass., or towns in their vicinity. One portion of the town was settled by
"Woodburys" from the former place, and has ever been known by the
name of "Royalston Corner."
The first town meeting was held March 3, 1791; Joseph Ball
first town clerk. The first "freeman's meeting" was Sept. 2,
following. Elijah Spofford was chosen representative.
At a meeting of the proprietors, held in
1786, it had been voted to give two lots of land to any
one who would build a saw and grist-mill in town, and keep the same in repair
for 15 years. At a subsequent meeting it had been voted to give an additional
hundred acres to the builder of the mills. The first mills were built by Joseph
Ball, sometime prior to 1795, upon "Hall's Brook," in the S. E. part
of the town, on the site of what are now known as "Goss's mills."
That the grist-mill, at least, was a "rough specimen" compared with
those of the present day, the following anecdote, although gross exaggeration,
will serve to illustrate:
A Mr. Powers having got some grain ground there, his wife,
as he said, "tried to sift it with a meal sieve, but could not, it being
so coarse. She next tried to sift it by using the ladder for a sieve, but it
would not go through between the rounds; and it was only by taking out every
other round that the thing could be accomplished."
Still this mill was of great service to the people, for
previous to its erection, they were obliged to go to Lancaster or Haverhill, N.
H., a distance of 30 or 40 miles; and this journey must be performed either on
foot or on horseback.
It is related of a Mr. Lewis, that having bought a bushel
of corn at Lancaster, N. H., (25 miles off) he got it ground, and taking it
upon hIs back started for home; but being overtaken by night and darkness, when
he had reached the S. E. part of the town he lay down on the ground till
morning, when again resuming his journey he at length arrived at home.
But a greater difficulty than the distance to grist-mills
was oftentimes experienced by these pioneers in the great scarcity of grain, as
it sometimes could not be had at any price short of going from 50 to 100 miles
"down the river." The writer has often heard his father tell of
having, when a boy, to go to Bradford, and sometimes further down the river, in
company with others and get a "horse load of corn," which was as much
as a horse could fetch upon his back.
The following "anecdotes" related to the writer
by Dea. John Frye,* now living in town at the advanced age of 86 years, may
serve to illustrate some phases in the early history of the town; and, as such,
are worthy a place here:
Dea. Frye, who was then a youth of 19, came from
Royalston, Mass., in February, 1795. The journey occupying 11 days— which is
now made in as many hours—was performed with a team of four oxen drawing a
"big sled," in which were deposited the "goods and
chattels" of his father, together with quite a numerous family, who were
"stowed away" in the upper part of said "vehicle," which
was covered something like the western emigrant wagons of the present day.
* * * * *
At one time, getting out of grain, the father of young
Frye sent him off with about five dollars in money to try and buy some.
Traveling for sometime without succeeding in procuring any, he at length was
so fortunate as to find a young man on the road to Lyndon who had 10 bushels of
wheat to sell, which he offered for one dollar per bushel—only about one-half
the regular price. Here was a golden opportunity, but unfortunately he declined
to sell a part; but at the earnest solicitation of Frye was induced to
let him have what his money would pay for, at a dollar per bushel. It being
noised abroad among the neighbors that he had been thus successful, he was
dispatched again, the next day, with what little money they had, as a sort of
"general agent," to buy grain for them; but alas for their hopes!
After riding all day he succeeded in procuring only a single bushel, for which
he had to pay double the price of the day before.
On one occasion, needing a kettle for sugaring, he went
to St. Johnsbury (10 miles), and procuring one of the kind denominated a
five-pail kettle, he turned it bottom side up over his head, and in this way
carried it home.
Capt. John M. Darling,* now living in town, at an advanced
age, an active and hardy specimen of the past generation, drove the first wagon
into town March 6, 1806. He came with his wife from Keene, N. H.— performing
the journey in six days. Mrs. D. rode a horse without saddle or bridle the last
mile or two of the journey.
Having no churn, Mr. Darling split out some staves and
shaved and fashioned them, and made the hoops and bottom of the churn with a
piece of broken scythe and a jack-
* Deceased since the above was written.
knife. Needing some buckets in which to gather sap, he
made them of birch bark, with wood bottoms, and they did good service for many
years. Such are only samples of the expedients to which the early settlers
Almost the only means some of the settlers had of
procuring their "groceries," &c., was by cutting down
trees—usually maples—and burning them into ashes, leaching the ashes to obtain
the lye, which they boiled into "salts" and sold at St. Johnsbury for
about one cent per pound. Said an aged woman who died in town some years since,
but who formerly lived in the adjoining town of Lunenburgh,* "I have sat
up more nights to boil salts than I am years old. My husband carried them to
St. Johnsbury on his back (20 miles) to get something to eat. I was obliged to
make baskets and turn every way to keep my children from starving."
Concord is an agricultural town producing a good supply of
grass and grain, with abundance of the very best pasturage. The inhabitants
send annually to market a large number of cattle, sheep and horses. Also many
pounds of butter, wool and hops.
The following "statistics" exhibit the leading
products of the town in 1860, according to the census reports of that year:
Bushels of wheat, 2328; bushels of oats, 15330; average corn crop, 8000 bushels;
bushels of potatoes, 26100; pounds of wool, 4434; pounds of hops, 8683; pounds
of butter, 81232; orchard products, 4000 bushels.
Large quantities of sugar are yearly made. From the census
reports we also glean the following: Number of horses, 328; mulch cows, 737;
working oxen, 314; other cattle, 1135; sheep, 1244; swine, 104; value of real
estate, $432,400; personal estate, $175,231; population, 1291; over 20 years
of age who cannot read and write, 6; blind, 1 ; paupers, 5.
A large portion of the town is more or less stony and
uneven, but the soil is very strong, fertile and well calculated to resist wet
and drouth. On both the Connecticut and Moose rivers are some fine meadows.
The township is abundantly supplied with never-failing springs of pure, soft
water; and several streams furnish adequate sites for mills and machinery, some
of which are of much value, especially those at West Concord. Hall's brook,
issuing from Hall's pond, in the south-westerly part of the town; Miles'
stream, issuing from Mile's pond, in the north-easterly part; Mink brook, near
the center; Moose river, in the westerly part; and Connecticut river, on the
south-easterly side of the town, afford ample facilities for not only saw and
grist-mills, but the two latter for factories. The Connecticut river, however,
in Concord, is not yet improved for mills or factories. The width of it is such
as to render dams expensive.
Hall's pond is a beautiful sheet of water more than 1 mile
in length and from 1-4 to 1-2 mile in width. Miles' pond, in the north-east
part of the town, is considerably larger. It washes the base of Mile's
mountain, the highest elevation of land in town. From these ponds the early
inhabitants drew immense supplies of fish, and considerable quantities are
still procured from them, especially from Miles' pond.
The geology of the town is somewhat different from others
in the vicinity. The rocks are granite, mica, schist, talcose schist, silicious
limestone, argillaceous schist. A bed of coarse conglomerate and a calcareous
disk also occur. The latter is 5 or 6 feet wide, and may be traced for a mile
or more, crossing the strata at an angle of 20 or 30 degrees. No minerals of
much value have been found. Small veins of galena occur in the S. E. portion
of the town, but have never been carefully examined. Fibrolite, porphyry and
pargasite are abundant in the rolled stone. The former occurs in places on the
north end of Miles' mountain. Veins of quartz, calcite and chlorite occurs,
some of which furnish beautiful cabinet specimens. Small deposits of earthy
manganese occur in several places, and much of the rock in town is that in
which gold may be found; but so far as is known to the writer, never has been
* Rev. S. R. Hall's History of Eastern Vermont.
** Since the above was written, copper has been discovered
in various places, in town, and a company has been formed for the purpose of
mining for it, called the—Essex mining Company," whose principal office is
in New York City. From the report of the Mining Engineers we extract the
following particulars of the Essex Mine. "The Essex Mine is situated in
the town of Concord and is commonly known as the Moulton and Darling farms. The
rocks of this district are of a highly cupriferous character, consisting of the
talcose schists. There are also exposed to view parallel bands of quartzite,
though the schist seems to be the charac-
The only natural curiosity of interest in the town is a
cave on Miles' mountain. It is said to be of considerable extent, but has not
been fully explored or described.
Deer were formerly very abundant, and long after the town
was settled they were quite plenty, but now are not frequently seen, though
more or less are caught nearly every year. Bears also were seen much more
frequently in former years than at present. The following authentic bear story
is perhaps without a parallel: A bear having been caught in a large trap, two
or three men were leading him along by a rope attached to the trap; when the
muscles of his leg giving way, he was liberated at once, and turned directly
for the woods. Mrs. Morse, wife of Mr. James Morse, and one or two other women,
with several children, were following the bear, and as he turned to run for the
woods, a boy of Mrs. Morse's hit his heels against some impediment and fell
over backwards, directly before the bear, when Mrs. M., seeing his danger,
caught the trap and, with one well directed blow, laid the savage beast dead at
her feet; but in doing so, received quite a severe wound herself, under her
chin, by one of the grappling hooks at the end of the chain attached to the
Wolves were also very abundant in town some 25 years
since. An old hunter, by the name of French, caught numbers of them in the
woods around Miles' pond. The bounty for killing a wolf being $20, it was
thought that the same animal sometimes "did duty" more than once, by
which means the state was cheated into paying for him the second time. Whether
these surmises were true or not we have not the means of knowing. A wolf has
not, to our knowledge, been seen in town for quite a number of years.
Moose were formerly caught in the woods around Moose
river, in the northern part of the town. Some hunters, by the name of Hall,
having killed a number of these animals, in the north part of the town, offered
one-half of the meat to those who would bring it in. A Mr. Hunter brought in
100 pounds upon his back, and the father of the writer, 95 pounds, traveling
upon snow-shoes; it being a warmish day and the snow very light and moist, they
had to be often rapped against the trees to unload the snow from them, which
made the traveling with so heavy a load very laborious. Moose have long since
become extinct in town,
from the organization of the town to the present time:
Elijah Spafford, 1694; Jonathan Lewis, 1795 and '96; Samuel Wetherbee, 1797,
'99, 1800, '01, '02, 03, '06; John Frye, 1798; David Hibbard, 1804, '05, '07,
'18; Richardson Graves, 1809, '10, '13, 14: Robert Taggard, 1812; Cornelius
Judevine, 1815, '16; Jesse Woodbury, jr., 1817, '19; James May, 1821; David
Hibbard, Jr., 1822, '23; Dyer Hibbard, 1824, '25, '26, '27; Archibald Taggard,
1828, '29, '30, '31, '32, '33, '34, '35; Moses Hill, 1836, and '37; David Hibbard,
3d, 1838, '39, '40, '43, '44, '58, '59; Nathan J. Graves, 1841, '42; Harvey G.
Frye, 1845, '46; William B. May, 1847, '48; Jeneson Carruth, 1849, '50; Preston
May, 1851; Ebenezer Holbrook, 1852, '53; John G. Darling, 1853, '54; Chauncy
Hill, 1856, '57; L. H. Tabor, 1860, '61, '62; Levi Howe, 1863, '64; Harvey
Judivine, 1865.
Joseph Ball from 1791 to 1803; Nathan Fisher from 1803 to
1804; Benjamin May from 1804 to 1805; David Hibbard from 1805 to 1811; Robert
Taggard from 1811 to 1813; Andrew Spaulding from 1813 to 1828; Harvey G. Frye
from 1828 to '57, with the exception of the year 1830; John Scoby 1830; George
C. Frye from 1857 to present time.
David Hibbard, jr., 1813, '14, '15, '16; Dyer Hibbard,
1821; Elijah Hill, 1822; Charles Chase, 1863, '64.
David Hibbard, jr., 1813, '14, '15, '16, Oscar F. Harvey,
1860, '61.
Samuel Wetherbee, 1803, '04, '05, '06, '09; Azarias
Williams, 1811, '12; Richardson Graves, 1821, '23, '24, '31, 34; Dyer Hibbard,
1823; Brigham Pike, 1836, '37; David Hibbard, jr., 1838; Warner Brigham, 1844;
teristic rock of the district, and belongs to the lower
silurian system. Their position is as near vertical as possible, and they
contain the copper-bearing veins of the mine; these veins are composed chiefly
of iron pyrites, quartz, and feldspar, and are richly charged with the yellow
sulphurate of copper. They are conformable with the stratification, and take a
course of N. 55° E. by S. 55° W. The upturned edges of the strata which are abundantly
exposed on the property, exhibit incrustations of gozzan throughout."
This company now employ some 20 hands in the mines—but
whether it is destined to be a "paying operation" or not, is probably
Nathan J. Graves, 1847; Samuel G. Babcock, 1848; David
Hibbard, 3d, 1850, '51; Harvey G. Frye, 1852, '53; Asa Hibbard, 1857, '58.
David Hibbard, 3d, 1856.
Cornelius Judevine, 1814; Dyer Hibbard, 1822; Archibald
Taggard, 1828; Harvey G. Frye, 1836, '50; William B. May, 1843; Asa Hibbard,
1791, 49; 1800, 322; 1810, 677; 1820, 800; 1830, 1031;
1840, 1024; 1850, 1153; 1860, 1291. Families in Concord, at the present time
(January, 1866), 240; inhabitants, 1186.
The number of deaths in town, from its first settlement to
the year 1830, was 254, of which a large proportion were children under ten
years of age.
Concord has usually been a very healthy town. In 1822 the
dysentery prevailed to a great extent, and was very fatal among the children.
In 1833 the canker rash prevailed, and was quite fatal. The erysipelas was very
prevalent and fatal in 1844. During the fall of 1863 and winter of 1864 the
diphtheria and canker rash proved very fatal.
Among the remarkable instances in which diphtheria has
swept off almost entire families, may be mentioned that of Mr. Luther W.
Russell, whose entire family, consisting of his wife and four children, and
also a sister living in the family, died in the space of a few days.
a flourishing village, containing some 80 dwellings, 90
families and nearly 350 inhabtants, is situated in the westerly part of the
town, on both sides of Moose river.
It was founded by John D. Chase in 1837, who, against the
earnest solicitation of his friends, erected a dwelling-house in the autumn of
that year, and moved his family into it in June, 1838, at which time he commenced
the building of a dam and saw-mill on Moose river, on the site of the mill now
owned by the Hon. Asa Hibbard. He had but little capital for such an
enterprise, except uncommon natural mechanical skill, indomitable will, active
hands, and a fixed determination to see a village grow up around him. Having
completed his saw-mill, he soon after commenced making preparations for
erecting a grist-mill; and associating with him his nephew, Mr. Levi Howe, they
built a grist-mill, in 1840 and 41, which was then considered the best in the
The first store was built by C. S. S. Hill in 1840. Various
mechanical shops were soon after erected and occupied by people of different
A cemetery was laid out in 1843, and a neat and commodious
church edifice erected in 1844, owned by the Universalist Society, in which
preaching has been sustained the greater part of the time.
The West Concord House was built by Levi Howe in 1844.
In 1845 Messrs. J. D. Chase, Levi Howe, M. H. Hill, and W.
Joslin built a second dam and saw-mill; and the next year J. D. Chase and
others erected a foundry and machine shop near it. Mr. Chase, in connection
with his two sons, carried on an extensive business in the machine and mill
manufacturing business for several years. The following statistics of the
business of J. D. Chase & Sons are taken, by permission, from the last census
report, and will convey something of an idea of their works and business at
that time (1860):
Capital invested in mills and machinery, $28,000.
Materials consumed yearly, as follows:
100 tuns pig iron, valued
at $3,600
20 " wrought iron, " " 1,300
30 " anth. coal,
" " 465
3000 bushels charcoal, "
" 150
30 tuns molding sand, "
" 450
100,000 feet lumber, "
" 1,500
1½ tons lead and zinc, "
" 425
Other articles, "
" 1,850
Manufactured during the preceding year:
16 circular saw-mills, valued
at $5,920
12 planing-mills, "
" 6,350
1 fire-engine, "
" 1,000
5 grist-mills, "
" 5,000
3 lumber-mills, "
" 6,000
25 force-pumps, "
" 625
Other work, "
" 4,500
Value of lumber manufactured, 5,625
The financial crisis. which soon followed the breaking out
of the Rebellion, compelled
* For many of the materials of this sketch the author is
indebted to Jefferson Chase, Esq.
the Messrs. Chase to suspend their business and seek other
fields of labor.
The water power and buildings are now owned by the West
Concord Manufacturing Company, who are about converting the principal machine
buildings into a woolen factory, which is expected to give employment to some
30 or 40 operatives.
A post-office was established at West Concord, in 1849,
and Charles Chase was appointed postmaster. He was succeeded in—by D. W.
Hibbard, who gave place in—to the present incumbent, S. S. Gould.
West Concord is now the principal business center of this
as well as parts of several adjoining towns, and contains, in addition to what
has already been mentioned, 2 stores, 1 boot and shoe store, 2 millinery
stores, 1 furniture store, 1 grocery store, 1 harness maker's shop, 2 carriage
manufactories, 1 stove and tin ware store and manufactory, 1 bedstead
manufactory, and various other smaller branches of business carried on by
different mechanics and artisans.
a village situated in the south-westerly part of the town,
dates back nearly to the first settlement of the town; and was for many years
its business center and the place of a flourishing mercantile trade with this
and adjoining towns; and boasted its lawyer—its physician, and its minister,
years before many of the now adjoining villages had sprung up.
We have not been able to ascertain who made the first
settlement here. Among the earlier ones may be named the Hon. Samuel
Wetherbee, and Joseph Frye, Esq; also Mr. Andrew Hardy, who kept the first tavern.
The Hon. Azarias Williams was a merchant here, probably as early as 1798; and
Reuben Grout flourished as a lawyer, only a few years later.
"Concord Academy and Essex County Grammar
School" was a very flourishing institution and added much to the life of
the place in former years. Of late years mercantile and mechanical business
has become withdrawn to other localities, till, at present, there is little
carried on here. In days of yore the people met at the "Corner" on
all "public days," and full many an anecdote of the sayings and
doings of 50 years ago might be recounted, which tho' amusing and interesting
as matters of local history are not worth a place in a work like this.
We might tell, however, how a certain lawyer by the name
of Richardson becoming obnoxious to the people, was rode out of town upon a
blacksmith's bellows; as how on another occasion when the "ardent"
had flowed pretty freely, "old Oliver Perry" an eccentric and
"roystering" "old bath," washed landlady Hardy's cap in the
swill-pail and dried it on the gridiron—or how a certain justice had his
"official dignity" somewhat "damaged" by having the contents
of the landlord's swill-pail poured upon his head while the pail was placed
upon it as he was crowned "King of the Swine."
All these, and many others, behold, are they not written
in the legends" of "long ago," and we will not recount them
During several years it has been supposed that the first
Sabbath-School in Vermont was established at Greensboro, during the year 1814.
But it will clearly appear by the subjoined testimony which is itself reliable,
and is confirmed by others, that a school was commenced at Concord at least two
years-earlier. The writer of the following statements had complete means of
showing her entire accuracy. She says;
"The first Sabbath-School established in Concord
commenced in the autumn of 1811 or '12. I think it was in 1811, but I am not
positive, but am certain it was in operation in the year 1812. It was
established on this plan. The Rev. Samuel Goddard, that eminent servant of
Christ, was minister of the Congregational church in Concord. He gave notice at
the close of meeting on the Sabbath that he would meet with the young people,
one evening that week for biblical instruction, and requested us to bring our
Bibles, which we did. He made a prayer. We then all read some in our Bibles. He
then made an address, stating the object of the "Bible-School," as he
called it, and requested us to commit portions of Scripture and Hymns to
memory and recite them to him Sabbath intermissions, which we accordingly did
for several months. He then adopted a different mode and gave us a question,
and we looked up passages of Scripture, to answer it.
We could write down our answers as we chose. The first
question he gave out was "What is the character of God?" The second
"What is the character of Christ?" The next "What is the
character of man?" and so on. I remember perfectly well that he said those
schools were first started in England, where there was a multitude of
very poor, ragged children, that had no means of
instruction, and some pious people felt pained and anxious to do something for
their good, and in other places they had followed their example with the best
results. Although the church has nearly run down, that Sabbath-School has kept
along to the present time. We had no Sabbath-School books, except the Bible and
hymn hooks, for some years; though we had the help of the catechism if we
chose. The school was composed of scholars from 10 to 20 years of age. But
where are they now? Mostly dead—but very few remain, and they are old people
full of infirmities. I feel the purest pleasure in thinking over those ancient
times, and the faithfulness of that servant of Christ, who was never behind the
time in any good work for the spiritual good of his fellowmen."
Many of the early inhabitants had emigrated from places
where they enjoyed the ordinances of the gospel; and hence were not long
contented to be deprived of them.
A Congregational church was organized Jan. 7th, 1807,
consisting of 17 members, over which the Rev. Samuel Goddard was ordained
pastor Sept. 7th, 1809. The ordination services were held in the open air, near
the residence of Hon. Samuel Wetherbee, at the Corner; and were attended by a
very large number of people from this and the adjoining towns, and by most of
the Congregational preachers in neighboring towns; The ordination sermon was
preached by the Rev. Joseph Lee, of Royalston, Mass., from Jer. iii. 15.
A house of worship was erected for the church in 1816, at
a cost of some $3000, it being a very large and—for the times—costly edifice.
It was modeled after a church in New York City, in accordance with the wishes
of Mrs. Williams, who made liberal contributions towards its erection. It was
furnished with a very excellent bell, "the first in all the region
The Rev. Samuel Goddard continued his labor with the
church till June 6,1821; and, from its formation in 1807 to June, 1821, the
additions to the church were about 80, or an average of about 6 yearly, making
the total number of membership then 97.
In June, 1822, Mr. Samuel R. Hall, a licentiate of
Worcester County Association, Massachusetts, visited the place, at the request
of the Preceding pastor, and was induced to remain and accept a call to become
their pastor. He was ordained March 4, 1823. As a condition of settlement he
was to be allowed to establish and maintain a seminary, with special reference
to the training of teachers for the schools, and furnishing the young with
greater facilities for education; but, the parish being large and the school
numerous, he found the labor too exhausting to be continued many years.
During his ministry of 8 years, 48 were added to the
church, and a number of hopeful conversions occurred in the seminary, of those
from neighboring towns, one of whom has long been an able missionary in Turkey;
and several others who entered the work of the ministry at home. One became the
succeeding pastor of the church. Two, of great promise, died before completing
their preparatory studies. The number of conversions in the school probably
exceeded those which occurred in the parish. Mr. Hall gained and maintained
great influence over the young and was enabled successfully to inaugurate
several plans for their improvement. Having accepted an appointment as
principal of a seminary for educating teachers at Andover, Mass., Mr. Hall was
dismissed in August. 1830, and Mr. Solon Martin, who had been connected with
the school at Concord, and also assistant teacher, was ordained pastor of the church
June 7, 1835, and continued as such till Oct, 8, 1838. He had labored with the
church and people more than a year previous to his ordination, with eminent
usefulness, and was greatly endeared to both parish and seminary. A revival of
great interest occurred during his ministry, and 30 were added to the church.
Mr. Martin found the field too laborious for his state of health, and was
constrained to request a dismissal, greatly to the regret of all.
After his dismission, several different parties supplied
the pulpit from time to time. The Rev. John Wooster and the Rev. Josiah Morse
each laboring some three years.—Since which time there has been no stated
preaching, and no additions to the church.
which was gathered by Elder Daniel Quimby, was organized
Nov. 10, 1821, and consisted of 11 members; Abner Haywood being the
* We are indebted to Rev. S. R. Hall for valuable aid in
the preparation of this, as well as other portions of the history of Concord.
first deacon. There are no definite records of the earlier
ministers who labored with this church.
In 1840 the Rev. J. M. Russell was ordained over it, and
continued his labors for some 16 years, since which a number of different
preachers have been employed for short periods of time.
Previous to 1813 they held their meetings in private
dwellings and school-houses. In this year they erected a comfortable house,
which they have since occupied. This church has always been few in numbers and
of small means, consequently have never been able to give their ministers a
very able support.
For the past few years the Methodists and
Congregationalists have united in sustaining meetings at Concord Corner a
portion of the time. At present, Methodist preaching is sustained at North
Concord (formerly "Bradley's Vale"), where there is a small society
and a neat and commodious church edifice—built a few years since.
During the past year meetings have been discontinued at
the Corner, and a society formed at West Concord, under the pastoral charge of
Rev. Mr. Buswell. A church has been formed which now numbers sixty members,
and a Sabbath-School of some seventy- five scholars, with a well selected
library. The society at present worship in the townhall, which has been
conveniently fitted up for its use,—March, 1867.
February, 1835, Daniel Pike, 2d, Senaca Sargent, David
Moulton, and others, met at Joseph Frye's and organized the first Universalist
Society in Concord, by choosing Daniel Pike, 2d, moderator, and Senaca Sargent,
secretary, pro tem.
After adopting a constitution by which to be governed,
they then chose the following persons as officers for the ensuing year: Daniel
Pike, 2d, David Moulton, Archibald Taggard, committee; Senaca Sargent, secretary;
Elmore Chase, treasurer.
For several years, having no settled minister in town,
they sustained preaching by securing the services of different individuals.
Rev. Moses Ballou, Merrit Sanford, and B. M. Tillotson
ministered unto them successively. Their meetings for a time were held in the
old academy, then located at Concord Corner, except as they were permitted
occasionally to worship in the Congregational meeting-house.
About the year 1840 a little village began to be built up
in the west part of the town, now known as West Concord. Here, in 1843, the
society made arrangements for building a house of worship, which was completed
and dedicated Dec. 25, 1844. The next object of the society was to secure the
services of a preacher to reside in their midst. In this they succeeded, March,
1845, when Rev. C. C. Clark accepted an invitation to become their pastor, and
labored with the society three years.
Rev. P. Hersey supplied the desk for the next six months,
when Rev. R. S. Sanborn, having accepted an invitation to become their pastor,
commenced his labors October, 1848. He was succeeded, in August, 1850, by Rev.
Wm. Livingston, who remained with the society until 1855. Rev. J. Britton, jr.,
next ministered to the society for one year, and in March, 1857, the Rev. L. H.
Tabor succeeded him, who is their present pastor. As the village increased in
size, and as there was no other meeting in the place, it became necessary to
enlarge their house of worship, which they did in 1859, by adding 20 pews. The
house now numbers 68 slips. In March, 1859, 19 members of the society and
congregation entered into church covenant with each other, "That they
might mutually help each other to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the
Savior of the world," and several others have been added to the church
since the organization.
Connected with the society is a Sabbath school of 80
members, and a library of 300 volumes. The following is the number of habitual
attendants upon public worship, in Concord, according to the report of the Rev.
N. W. Aspinwall, agent of the Essex County Bible Society: With Universalists,
170; with Methodists, 111; with Freewill Baptists, 38; with Congregationalists,
8; miscellaneous, 33; Total, 360. This, with a population of 1186, shows that
less than one-third of the people are regular attendants upon public worship.
*For the materials of this sketch we are indebted to Rev.
L. H. Tabor.
Scarcely had the early settlers cleared a spot
sufficiently large upon which to erect a log cabin, ere we find them snaking
provisions for the preached gospel and the common school—those objects so
dear to a free people.
From the early records we learn, May, 1794, it was
"Voted, to raise thirty bushels of wheat for the use of schools."
Also, "to build three school-houses;" and this, too, when there were
less than 20 families in town.
At a subsequent meeting it was "Voted, to build only
one school-house, and to cover that with barks."
Education has ever received a commendable share of the
attention of our people. Concord Academy and Essex County Grammar School—an
account of which is given—was the first chartered institution in this vicinity,
and aided very materially in elevating the common schools of the town, by
furnishing teachers much better qualified for their vocation than they could
otherwise have been.
Common schools have multiplied till now there are in town
15 school districts, and schools which are in session from 4 to 6 months
yearly, at an annual expense for teachers' wages, board, fuel, &c., of some
$1400, besides large sums expended for scholars attending select schools and
Soon after the settlement of the Rev. S. R. Hall, he
established a seminary with special reference to the elevation of common
schools, by improving the character of teachers. The first term was commenced
in his own house; but was, soon after, removed to a convenient hall, over one
of the stores in the village. More ample accommodations being soon after demanded
by the great increase of scholars in the seminary, an academy building was
erected on the same site where the present school-house now stands. The school
was commenced in March, 1823, and incorporated at the session of the
legislature the succeeding autumn. In 1825, by an act of the legislature, it
was made a County Grammar School, so far as to receive the rents arising from
the grammar-school lands in Concord; and has since been known as the Essex
County Grammar School.
A course of study was arranged, and teachers' classes
formed during the first year; but during the second, a regular normal school
course was instituted. Lectures on school keeping were given during the spring
and autumn of each year, intended to illustrate improved modes of both teaching
and governing schools. A small volume of these lectures was prepared for
publication in 1828, and published in 1829, being the first attempt of the kind
on the western continent, if not in the world. This volume was received with
great favor. Several editions were issued and sold. One edition of 10,000
copies was purchased by the state of New York, and a copy placed in each school
district of the state.
The editor of the Congregational Quarterly (January,
1861) says: "To Mr. Hall undoubtedly belongs the credit of being the
father of normal schools in America." "Here," says the Hon.
Henry Barnard, "in an obscure corner of New England, under the hand of one
who was, to a remarkable degree, self-taught, self-prompted, and alone in planning
it, was an institution with all the essential characteristics of a normal
school, 18 years before the Massachusetts movement had reached that point of
development which secured the establishment of the normal school at
Space cannot be allowed in this place for an extended
notice of this first Normal School in America, and for giving the
details of the course of study, modes of teaching, &c. The little germ
planted here, in the wilderness, has sent forth its fibers, leaves and fruits
to every part of the land. Methods of teaching, first adopted in this town,
are now common in every state, and in almost every school. Men filling many important
places of trust and usefulness, here received the bias which has resulted in
their becoming an honor to the town and a blessing to the world. Rev. Daniel
Ladd, missionary in Turkey; Rev. Solon Martin Rev. Wm. Peck; Rev. Mr. Orton;
Rev. Mr. Benton, now in California; Hon. Harry Hibbard, late member of
Congress; Hon. Wm. Heywood; Hon. Reuben C. Benton (senior); Prof. James Dascomb,
M. D.; Mark R. Woodbury, M. D.; Hon. David Hibbard, and many others, were
members of the school during the period wich Mr. Hall was principal, many of
whom have become eminently
successful as teachers, or in the common walks of life.
is now in a prosperous and flourishing condition, under
its present justly popular and efficient teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Chase,
2d, and affords excellent facilities for the people of this and adjoining
localities to educate their children at a much less expense than at many other
more expensive, but far less thorough and practical schools.
We have to regret, very much, that want of adequate
information has prevented our giving sketches of the lives of only a very few
of the early settlers of the town. Among those of whom we have been able to
obtain very brief records may be mentioned the
one of the early settlers and a large landed proprietor,
who came from Charlestown, N. H. His wife, whose maiden name was Susannah
Johnson, was taken captive by the Indians, in company with her father's family,
and carried to Montreal, Canada, where she was bought by a French family, and
lived several years with three maiden sisters by the name of
Mr. and Mrs. Wetherbee were the parents of a large family
of children, who lived to the period of manhood, and many of them to old age.
came to Concord in February, 1792, there being then only 6
families in town. He came from Barre, Mass., bringing a pack upon his back
weighing 91½ pounds. He was a man of strong, hardy endurance, great memory and
untiring energy. He filled many offices of trust in the early history of the
was a native of Royalston, Mass., where he and a brother
engaged in mercantile pursuits before he studied for the ministry. He was a man
of deep and ardent piety, and exerted a salutary influence upon the community
in which he dwelt.
was born in Sheffield, York County, England, A. D. 1765.
He came to the United States in 1786, landing at New York city. He married Miss
Sarah F. Warner, of that city, in 1789, and came to Concord in 1796. He was the
first postmaster in this town, and subsequently one of the Associate Judges of
Essex County Court; also, for a time, a merchant in town.
Erecting a splendid mansion on his farm, about a mile from
the Corner, he lived in a style far above any other family in town, and, with
his truly amiable wife, dispensed hospitality with a profuse and lavish liberality
to all. His mansion, together with much valuable furniture and household goods,
was burned in 1825; after which, Mrs. Williams resided in New York, in the
former home of her parents, which was left her by her father, who died the same
year. In 1839 Judge Williams, in consideration of the payment of certain debts
and an annual annuity of $400, deeded to the corporation of the University of
Vermont his lands in this state, amounting to some 1500 acres, and estimated to
be worth $25,000. Mrs Williams died in the city of New York, in 1848, and Mr.
Williams in Concord in 1849, being in his 84th year.
The corporation of the University of Vermont erected a
beautiful and appropriate monument over his remains, "As a tribute of
respect to one who in his life devoted his fortune for the promotion of liberal
learning in his adopted state."
Judge Williams was a most excellent penman and correct
accountant, adding two and three columns of figures as accurately
and rapidly as ordinary business men could one.
came to Concord from Barre, Mass., in 1798, and commenced
a farm about three-fourths of a mile from the Corner, where he lived till his
death in 1852. He was a man of uncommon activity, of a strong constitution and
great endurance. He took a decided and prominent part in not only the early,
but subsequent history of the town, and held various offices both in town and
county. He cleared up and cultivated a large and valuable farm, and accumulated
a handsome property now owned by his only son, Hon. N. J. Graves.
was born in Windham, Conn., Dec. 2, 1755, and was married
to Eunice Talcott, Nov. 11, 1779, living for a number of years in Cov.
* For the materials for this sketch of the life of Judge
Williams we are indebted to Col. J. G. Darling, of Boston, Mass., a former
resident of Concord.
entry, in that state. They were the parents of 13
children, all but one of whom lived to manhood. In 1782 or '83 he moved to
Norwich, Vt., where he resided till 1799, when he came to Concord, where he
lived till his death, which took place Feb. 18, 1844, in his 90th year. From an
obituary published soon after his decease, we make the following extract, as
being peculiarly to the point as a truthful account of his life:
"He became of age in December, after the celebration
of Independence, and engaged with ardor in the struggle that resulted in its
acknowledgment by Great Britain. Soon after the Revolution was closed he
married and removed to Norwich in this state. After a residence in Norwich of a
number of years, he came to Concord in A. D. 1799, with his family. This was
but a few years after the settlement of the town commenced. Previous to his
coming to Concord he made a public, confession of religion by uniting with the
Congregational church in Norwich.
When he came to Concord there was no religious society in
town; but be did not consider this circumstance as releasing him from his
covenant vows. On the contrary, he considered it an indication of Providence
that he should enter into the vineyard of the Lord and labor. He accordingly
assembled the few scattered inhabitants of the neighborhood in devotional
service upon the Sabbath. He led their minds to the throne of grace in prayer.
He read to them from the word of God, and gave them illustrations of truth in
the sermons of others. And this he continued to do from year to year, till God
sent them a pastor, the Rev. Samuel Goddard, recently deceased in Norwich.
Thus he was emphatically, as remarked by a friend on the
day of interment, the father of the religious society in the town. In 1807 the
Congregational church was organized, and he was appointed the first deacon,
which office he held until his death, and the duties of which he discharged
with the strictest fidelity. He also held various important and responsible
offices in town and county. In short, was a man greatly respected by all
acquainted with him for the strength of his mind, the soundness of his judgment
and the integrity of his life. In all places his labors were untiring; his
example worthy; and his memory blessed."
son of David and Eunice Hibbard, was born at Coventry,
Ct., Dec. 23, 1780, and was the eldest of 13 children. He came to this town
with his father's family in 1798, being then some 18 years of age. His means
for acquiring an education were limited; but his superior natural abilities
compensated in a great degree for this deficiency. He pursued the occupation of
a farmer till considerably past the period of manhood, and then turned his
attention to the law as a profession. He was emphatically what is termed a
self-made lawyer. Though not possessed of brilliant oratorical powers, he was
an excellent judge of law, having a strong mind and remarkably retentive
memory; and, best of all, he was a man of unbending integrity, and one who most
thoroughly despised duplicity or dishonesty in others. He was honored with many
important offices of trust both in town and county. It was frequently remarked,
after his decease, that community had lost an honest lawyer. He died
March 21, 1852, having suffered much in body and mind for several years from
the effects of a severe attack of paralysis in 1845.
son of David Hibbard, Jr., was born in Concord, being the
eldest of three children. Like his father, he is a man of strong mind and large
and varied information, a most thorough hater of oppression and lover of
liberty and freedom, He has usefully and honorably filled many important
offices in the town and county; but the space for biography in this work is
intended rather for the dead and absent sons of Vermont than for the living and
resident, however they may be an honor unto and beloved by town or county.
second son of David Hibbard, Jr., born in Concord, June 1,
1816, is also a man of decided talent, a lawyer by profession, residing at
Bath, N. H. Entering college at the early age of 16, he passed rapidly through
his collegiate and professional studies and commenced the practice of law at a
very early age, and rose rapidly to the head of his profession. He has held
many responsible offices in his adopted state, being twice elected Speaker of
the House of Representatives, and twice President of the state Senate. He
served 6 years as member of Congress from the third district in N. H. In 1845
he was a candidate for the United States Senate, but was defeated by John P.
Hale, whose political views were more in accordance with the public sentiment
in New Hampshire than his. For a number of years past he has devoted himself
entirely to his profession, and ranks with the most able advocates in his
whose portrait appears in this number.
One of the most noticeable farms in the excellent grazing
town of Concord is "Maple Grove," the residence of Capt. John M.
Darling, one of the early settlers of that town. The fine orchards and
magnificent groves of maple trees he early planted have long been admired and
have attracted the attention of every one visiting that locality. The worthy
Captain, now in his 81st year, still lives* to enjoy the fruits of his labor,
and though thus advanced in age retains to a remarkable degree the intellect,
strength and ambition of his early manhood. His noble wife died in the full
belief and hope in Christ, May 14, 1862, after living with him in Concord over
56 years. As I believe a brief sketch of his life will not be without interest,
and is appropriate to this work, I will narrate a few facts, such as have come
under the notice of all his large circle of friends, and will also glean some
dates and items of his early life from his manuscript autobiography, written
when in his 78th year, for and at the request of his son, Geo. B. Darling, of
John M. Darling was born in Surry, N. H., Nov. 8,1782. For
his education and thorough knowledge of military science he was greatly
indebted to his father, Rev. David Darling, a graduate of Rhode Island College,
at Providence, now called Brown University. At the age of early manhood, being
ambitious and wishing to carve out a home and name for himself, he formed his
plans to go to the far North, as it was then called. He left Keene, N. H., in
the spring of 1805, with the intention of purchasing land for a permanent
residence in the North. He arrived at Concord, on his land-hunting expedition,
the 6th of June, and put up with Oliver Cutting, who was from Athol, Mass., and
had before purchased and was already settled in his new home. After looking
about for a short time he purchased about a mile from Mr. Cutting's, and
commenced chopping on his land immediately. Of his first day's experience he
says: "I commenced work alone, yet not alone, as I had hardly cut a bush
before millions of midgets, black flies and musquitos were there to keep me
company. Being unused to them, it seemed for a time that they would devour me.
I however steadily worked on, but not unmindful of their presence." In
about three weeks he had fallen 7 acres, and engaging Mr. Cutting to set fire
to his chopping when dry, he returned to Keene. In the autumn of the same year
he made another journey to Concord, cleared off his land and built a log house
ready to accommodate his future family. He now having a house, farm and pair
of steers, went back to his native town for a wife. He was married Feb. 12,
1806, to Salome Reed, a daughter of Hines Reed, a Revolutionary hero, and
grand-daughter of Gen. James Reed of Fitchburg, Mass. He soon started for his
new home, bringing his goods on a wagon, which was the first one that ever came
into the town of Concord. For the want of roads he could only get within about
four miles of his farm, the remaining distance being by marked trees.
On the 10th of March, 1806, he reached his new home and
began life in earnest, considerably in debt, 125 miles from his old home and
friends,—and in a wilderness is certainly a life in earnest. Of his own account
of his first day's housekeeping he says: "After building a good fire in
one corner of our house upon some flat stones, placed there for the purpose,
and pouting about for a while we aroused ourselves and went to work putting our
things in order, and before night our cabin looked like a little parlor."
We now pass over an interval of years of struggle with hard times and cold,
backward seasons, and look again upon his farm bearing a more cultivated
aspect, and with his children arising around him, which arouses new
aspirations and new wants. Schools are needed and a nucleus of society must be
formed, and his energies are devoted to that purpose. After the usual amount of
talk with neighbors, they have a bee and a log school-house rises out of the
primeval forest, and the few children of the neighborhood gather there for
instruction. But his energies do not end here; a town must have a
meeting-house, and in 1816 the large church that stands now as a memento of
times past, at the corner was built; and, although not in affluent
circumstances, we find the name of John M. Darling with those of Hon. Azarias
Williams, Cornelius Judevine, and one or two others as instigators and
perfecters of
* This paper was written in 1864. Capt. Darling died after
a few days illness, Feb. 28, 1866.
the project, and that Capt. Darling contributes liberally
and does everything in his power to further the design and interests of the
society of which he and his wife were members. Soon comes the need of a more
thorough system of education than the district school, and we find him also
with a few others, energetic like himself, projecting the plan of an academy;
and in this then great and important enterprise we find the Captain engaged
with his whole energy, contributing his means and labor in the most liberal manner.
The result was the completing, in 1823, of the brick academy afterwards known
as the "Essex County Grammar School;" and under the instruction of
Rev. Samuel R. Hall, became very popular, and did more to build up and populate
the town than perhaps any other thing, and the good emanating from that once
flourishing institution is felt through all this section, and many of our most
able men date their educational starting point from it; and at the present
time, looking back through the history of that institution, we see the moving,
guardian spirit to be that energetic, persevering man John M. Darling.
He was also the founder of the Sabbath-School in Concord,
and was superintendent of the same for more than 25 years, and during that time
maintained an interest which was surprising and very beneficial to the church
and congregation.
In 1842 a small Baptist society in town wished much to
build a church, and laid the plan before him for assistance and advice. Quietly
as ever he advises them to build, giving them the land for church and common
and contributing largely towards the building. Though, as ever, a
Congregational professor, he showed by his liberal spirit that he was willing
to aid in all religious and benevolent enterprises. But of the predominant
traits of his character one is peculiar: he was no office seeker. He would
accept no civil offices, but as he fully understood military affairs, he could
not well reject a commission, yet always wore it lightly, and though he was
very energetic and did much for the military of Vermont, he never sought its
offices and emoluments. He accepted a Captain's commission, which he held
several years, during which time he brought the militia of Concord up to a
high degree of proficiency.
Through his long career of business and usefulness, his
many contracts and building mills and machinery, he never had a law suit, and,
as far as I know, never a quarrel or arbitration. He was always a friend to the
poor and needy, and frequently gave away so much and assisted the poor to such
an extent that he gained the censure of a portion of the vicinity, who would
appear to think that he assisted them so much that they did not try to help
themselves. But, on the other hand, ask the poor who was ready to lend a
helping hand and to whom they poured out their troubles and gained substantial
aid and sympathy? Ask them further whom they loved to see at their lowly homes
and who received remembrance in their prayers, and who they believed was a
noble man and a true Christian, and their answer would be quickly given.
He always in his leisure moments improved his mind by
reading, and accumulated a respectable library and quite a museum of rare and
interesting curiosities, and was always ready to lend a helping hand to those
trying to obtain an education.
In life he was not unmindful of death, and his family lot
in the burying ground is laid out and prepared with a taste not inferior to
that displayed in the best cemeteries in the country, upon which he has erected
an elegant and appropriate monument. We will add, in acknowledgment of the
assistance gained from him, especially in writing the natural history of the
County, that he always kept a diary, writing a description of all interesting
We might speak more of him, but suffice it to say that he
and his worthy wife, now gone, have a large circle of friends, as people of
their character and standing must have; and it is through their earnest
solicitations and his very reluctant consent that his portrait appears at the
front of this number, and I speak thus much of him.
We have no great political characters in Essex County, and
for our book must select one of our men that has been influential in good
works, and though we hope and trust we have had and still have many worthy men,
yet we may have none better; none that stands higher in the scale of honor;
none that have raised a more energetic family, or none that have done more for
the public good. I will venture to express his senti‑
ments in the following lines, as he would naturally
express them in defending his generosity, if assailed:
Who would scorn his humble fellow
For the coat he
For the poverty he suffers?
For his daily
Who would pass him in the footway
With averted
Would you ever? No, you would not.
If you would,
not I.
Who when vice or crime repenteth,
With a grief
Asked for pardon would refuse it—
More than
Heaven severe?
Who to erring woman's sorrow
Would with
taunts reply?
Would you ever? No, you would not.
If you would,
not I.
Who would give a cause his efforts
When that cause
is strong?
But desert it on its failure,
Whether right
or wrong?
Ever siding with the upmost,
downmost lie?
Would you evert? No, you would not
If you would,
not I.
Who would lend his arm to strengthen
Warfare with
the right?
Who reonld give his pen to blacken
Freedom's page
of light ?
Who would lend his tongue to utter
Praise of
Tyranny ?
Would you over? No, you would not
If you would,
Who would give as his opinion
What he knew
was wrong?
Ever siding with his patron,
Making error
Who would give his words to stregthen
Humbug or a
Would you ever? No you would not.
If you would,
not I.
Of his family, Eliza R. the oldest daughter married
Stephen C. Cutting, and has always lived in Concord. She is a kind wife, a
noble mother, and a respected member of society.
Fanny, his second daughter, was an intelligent,
interesting child, died May 1, 1828, in her 15th year. John G., his oldest son,
carried on the mercantile business at Concord Corner over 27 years, during
which time he was postmaster 20 years, and held commissions in the militia of
Vermont from 1830 to 1860 in almost every capacity from a Lieutenant to Colonel
commandant of the 16th Regiment, being the Caledonia. County Regiment, one of
the largest, finest and best in the state. During this time he collected a
library of about 1200 volumes, and the largest museum of curiosities, shells,
&c., in this part of the state. He is now a merchant in Boston, also being
a partner in the firm of J. G. Darling & Co. of Lunenburgh, Vt. As he is a
man of perseverance, sterling integrity and fine business capabilities, his
removal was greatly regretted by many in the county. James P. his second son,
has most of the time resided in Concord. He kept a hotel at Concord Corner,
where he now lives, for several, years, but as he is the owner of an extensive
farm he has devoted his time mostly to agricultural pursuits. Hines R., his
third son, was engaged in the mercantile business at Guildhall for several
years, and now resides in Boston, where he is engaged in mercantile pursuits.
While in Vermont he held commissions in the militia from Lieutenant to Lieutenant
Colonel, and was Deputy Sheriff in the county of Essex, most of the time while
at Guildhall. George B., his fourth son, went to Boston to live when a youth,
is now a respectable merchant in that city, William H., his fifth and youngest
son, resides on the old homestead at "Maple Grove;" is an extensive,
persevering farmer and active man.
Vermont—"The star that never sets"—
Thy genial rays seem brighter yet;
Though distant from my native hills,
Thy fertile vales and murmuring rills;
Though many years have o'er me flown,
Since I could call thy joys my own,
Yet my fond heart will ne'er forget
The hallowed "star that never sets."
Thy wintry scenes have charms for me,
When joyous hearts in concert free,
The social evening hours beguile,
And friendship wears her happiest smile;
Or, when from some propitious height,
Alone at moonlit hour of night;
The scene sublime I'll ne'er forget—
Thou hallowed "star that never sets."
The voice of thy returning Spring
Bids every heart with rapture sing,.
When earliest bluebird skims along,
And redbreast chants his sunset song;
Flocks long pent up now skip with pride
Again upon the mountain side;
No sombre cloud obscures thee yet—
Thou hallowed "star that never sets."
* A native, and for many years a resident of Concord.
The lowing herds—the wild bee's hum—
Thy far-famed mountain's dappled dome—
The timid cuckoo's plaintive song—
The dasied fields and firefly throng—
Thy sylvan shades and crystal spring,
Bright Summer's cheerful offering—
Cling fondly 'round my memory yet,
Thou hallowed "star that never sets."
Thy sisters never, never shall—
Not e'en Pacific sister Cal—
Eclipse thy radiant, golden beams,
When Autumn nature's pledge redeems;
Thy harvest moon—thy landscape views,
With mellow light and varied hues—
Those rural scenes I'll ne'er forget,
Thou hallowed "star that never sets."
On thy green hills fair Freedom dwells—
No bondman's tears her flame shall quell—
No haughty Southron ever dare
Pursue a panting chattel there—
No hireling of a tyrant's power
The hearts of thy free sons shall cower;
A halo bright surrounds thee yet—
Thou faithful "star that never sets."
NEWTON, MASS., April, 1851.
For the defense of our country, and the suppression of the
slaveholders' rebellion, showing the age of each, the time of enlistment, and
subsequent history as far as known. Compiled mainly from the reports of the
Adjutant General of Vermont, for the years 1864 and 1865.
NAMES. Age. Enlistment. Reg't. Co. HISTORY.
Adams, Dan 23 Oct. 28,'61. Cav. D Re-enlisted
Dec. 31, '63; pro. Corp.; do. Serj.; must'd out of service June 21, '65.
Aldrich, Harvey B. 19 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, 64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 20, '64.
Aldrich, Hosea B. 19 Dec. 27, '61. 8 K Mustered
out of service June 22, '64.
Aldrich, John Hoyt 18 Dec. 21, '61. 8 K Died
March 18, '63.
Babcock, Frelon J. 19 June 1, '61. 3 I Disch'd
sick Oct. 22, '62; re-enlisted Aug. 6, '63; pro. Corp; disch'd for promotion in
Col'd troops; pro. to Lieut. of 41st U. S. Col'd Reg't.; pro. to Adj.; pro.
Capt. Mustered out of service Sept. '65.
Barker, Freeman C. 26 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 7, '64.
Barker, Thomas F. 28 Nov. 13, '63. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; prisoner at Andersonville, Macon, &c., for five
mos.; mustered out of service at close of war.
Berry, Chauncy R. 20 June 1, '61. 3 I Corp'l;
Discharged Jan. 25, '63.
Blancher, George T. 29 July 21, '62. 10 A Died
in service.
Brown, Jacob 31 July 10, '61. 3 K Discharged
Jan. 8, '62.
Brown, Lorenzo 22 Oct. 26, '61. Cav. D Discharged
May 19, '62.
Brown, Joseph B. 33 Dec. 16, '63. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Oct. 16, '64.
Burbank, William R. 24 June 1, '61. 3
I Deserted July 22, '61.
Carbee, James B. 28 July 1, '63. 11
L Pro. corp.; must'd out Aug. 25, '65.
Carr, Alonzo P. 18 Jan. 24, '62. 10 A Died
Nov. 5, '62.
Carr, Benjamin P. 45 do. 10 A Transferred to Vet. Res. Corps Apr. 17,
'64; mustered out of service July 5, '65.
Carr, William B. 23 Oct. 2, '61. 6 D Discharged
May 28, '62.
Carter, Charles H. 21 June 1, '61. 3 I Re-enlisted
Dec. 21, '63; pro. 1st serj; Tr. to Vet. R. Corps; disch'd Dec 31, '64.
Carter, George H. 38 do. 3 I Died June 18, '62.
Conant, Henry C. 24 do. 3 I Corp'l ; Discharged Nov. 19, '62.
Cook, Geo. W. 48 Aug. 6, '62. Cav. D Saddler;
transferred to Vet. R. Corps; mustered out of service July 14, '65.
Crane, William B. 45 Aug. 15, '62. 11 A Musician;
disch'd Feb. 27, '65; re-enlisted Mar. 23, '64; mustered out of service July
14, '65.
Congdon, Henry E. 21 Nov. 21, '63. 1st Bat Transferred
to 2d Bat.; mustered out of service July 31, '65.
Currier, Geo. A. 19 Dec. 19, '63. 2d
S. S. H Killed
at Wilderness May 6, '64.
Dow, Frank E. 27 Aug. 8. '62. 11 A Disch'd
for pro. in Col'd troops Feb. 24, 64.
Drown, George W. 24 Jan. 20, '62. 8 K Mustered
out of service June 23, '64.
Dunton, Henry H. 22 Aug, 22, '62. 4 G Killed
at Wilderness May 5, 64.
NAMES. Age. Enlistment. Regt. Co. HISTORY.
Durlam, Consider. F. 19 Oct. 28, '61. Cav. D Died
a prisoner at Belle Island Sept. 5, '62.
Durlam, Jonathan S. 38 Dec. 23, '61. 8 K
Drown, Noah jr. 21 Aug. 6, '64. 8 K Mustered
out June 29, '65.
Eastman, Alfred W. 31 Jan. 4, '62. 8 K Mustered
out June 22, '64.
Frye, David M. 22 Dec. 8, '63. 2d
S. S. 11 Trans.
to Co. 11, 4th Reg't; mustered out July 13, '65.
Gee, Charles 18 Nov. 12, '61. 3 I Discharged
Oct. 13, '64.
Grant, Frank C. 27 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; confined at Andersonville, Macon and other rebel prisons
for five months; pro. Corp.; mustered out of service June 24, '65.
Grant, John W. 31 July 29, '62. 11 A Musician;
pro. artificer Sept. 21, '64; mustered out June 24, '65.
Grant, Ira jr. 18 Nov. 7, '63. 11 A Tr.
to Co. D mustered out Aug. 25, '64.
Hale, Charles A. 18 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Nov. 17, '64.
Hall, William 15 July 11, '62. 10 A Musician;
mustered out June 22, '65.
Hendrick, O. Scott 18 Sept. 24, '62. Cav. D Mustered
out of service Nov. 18, '64.
Hendrick, William W. 26 June 1, '61. 3 I Re-enlisted
Dec. 21, '63; pro. Serj.; mustered out of service in fall of '65.
Hill, Albert 32 Dec. 19, '61. Discharged
July 5, '62.
Howard, William E. 20 Mar. 29, '64. 17 G Died
a prisoner at Danville, Va., Apr. 6, '65
Ingraham, William C. 29 Dec. 9, '63. Cav. F Missing
in action June 29, '64; died a prisoner at Andersonville Oct. 1, '64.
Kennedy, Ronald A. 24 Jan. 1, '61. 3 I Serj.;
Pro. 2d Lt. Co. D Sept. 22, '62; pro. 1st Lt. Oct. 13, '62; pro. Capt. Co. K
Jan. 8, '64; pro. Lt. Col. of 5th Vt. Vols. Feb. 20, '65.
Lewis, John D. 18 Aug. 5, '64. 8 K Died
Nov. 16, '64, of wounds received in action Oct. 19, '64.
Lewis, Sumner W. 32 Dec. 4, '61. 8 C Serj.;
reduced; discharged Sept 16, '63.
Longee, Henry H. 21 Mar. 31, '64. 17 G Pro.
Corp. Nov. 13, '64; mustered out July 14, '65.
Morse, Hiram 53 Dec. 22, '63. 10 K Died
in service June 10, '64.
Mooney, Otis C. 18 Dec. 9, '61. 8 K Re-enlisted
Jan 5, '64; deserted May 18, '64.
Moulton, Edward W. 21 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23. '64; a prisoner for five months at Andersonville, Milton,
&c.; mustered out June 24, '64.
Parker, Moses A. 22 June 1, '61. 3 C Discharged
Sept. 24, '62; re-enlisted in 2d Reg't, Co. H, U. S. S. Aug. 31, '64;
transferred to Co. H, 4th Vt. Vols. Feb. 25, '65; mustered out June 19, '65.
Parker, Stephen M. 24 June 1, '61. 3 C Died
Jan. 9, '62, being the first "martyr" from Concord.
Persons, Milo P. 31 Dec. 8, '63. Cav. D Pro.
Corp. Dec. 7, '64; pro. Q. M. Serj. May 24, '65; mustered out Aug. 9, 65.
Quimby, Charles 19 June 1, '61. 3 C Died
Nov. 2, '62.
Reed, Lucius S. F. 19 Oct. 3, '61. Cav. D Re-enlisted
Dec 31, '63; mustered out of service June 26, '65.
Reed, Nathaniel G. 22 June 1, '61. 3 I Corporal;
reduced to ranks; mustered out of service July 27, '64_
Richards, Lester S. Aug.
12, '62. 11 A 2d Lt.; pro.
1st Lt. Nov. 2, '63; taken prisoner June 23, '64; confined in diferent rebel
prisons for five months; resigned May 16, '65.
Rickard, John 18 Nov. 30, '63. 11 A Mustered
out June 23, '65.
Royce, Masson L. 34 Aug. 8, '62. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, 64; died in rebel hospital about Dec. 15, '64.
Shehea, Bryon E. 33 Jan. 1, '61. 3 I Deserted
Jan. 20, '63.
Smith, Dan 19 July 7, '63. 11
M Pro. Corp.; mustered out Aug. 25, '65.
Southworth, Edwin W. Cav.
D Pro.
Corp.; re-enlisted Dec. 30, '63; pro. Serj; mustered out Aug. 9, '65.
Spencer, Loren H. 19 Dec. 13, '61. 8
C Pro. Corp.; re-enlisted Jan. 5, '64; pro. Serj.; mustered out
June 28, '65.
NAMES. Age. Enlistment. Regt. Co. HISTORY.
Stacy, Curtis L. 20 Oct. 26, '61. Cav. D Mustered
out Nov. 18, '64.
Streeter, Charles 23 July 5, '61. 3 I Discharged
Sept. 12, '61.
Somers, Harvey C. 21 Aug. 2, '64. 17 K Discharged
Jan. 16, '65.
Thomas J. Wellington 18 Jan. 1, '62. 8 K Discharged
July 5. '62.
Tabor John A. 20 June 1, '61. 3 I Corporal;
reduced to ranks re-enlisted Dec. 21,
'63; killed at the battle of the Wilderness May 5, '64.
Whipple, Daniel E. 22 do. 3 I Deserted July 7, '63; returned to army,
March, '65, under proclamation of President.
Whipple, Hiram S. 19 Dec. 9, '61. 8 C Pro.
2d Lt. La. Vols. Feb. 28, '63.
Whipple, Bradford G. 23 Dec. 8, '63, Cav. D Died
March 3, '64.
Willey, Chester S. 25 Nov. 7, '63. 11 A Taken
prisoner June 23, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Nov. 25, '64.
Williams, Jacob 31 Dec. 4, '63. 2d
S. S. H Trans.
to Co. H., 4th Vt. Vols., Feb. 25, '65; must'd out of service June 24, '65,
Williams, Hosea B. 18 June 1, '61. 3 C Pro.
Corp; re-enlisted Dec. 21, '63; killed at Spottsylvania May 12, '64.
Woodbury, Charles H. 20 do. 3 I Pro. Serj. Feb. 20, '64; re-enlisted Feb.
20, '64; pro. 1st Serj. Apr. 1, '65 ; pro. 2d Lt. May 10, '65; mustered out
July 11, '65.
Woodbury, Isaac P. 44 Oct. 30, '61. Cav. D Discharged
Apr. 6, '62.
Woodbury, John W. 18 Oct. 22, '61. Cav. D Pro.
Serj.; re-enlisted Dec. 31, '63; died June 24, '64, of wounds received in an
engagement at Nottoway Court House, Va., June 23, '64.
Barker, John C. 40 Aug. 31, '64. 17 K Mustered
out June 2, '65.
Brooks William 35 Sept. 3, '64. 3 A Discharged
June 12, '65.
Carbee, Edward 21 Aug. 20, '64. 11 L Mustered
out June 24, '65.
Chase, Henry M. 19 do, 11 A Pro. Corp.; mustered out June 24, '65,
Cutting, Oliver B. 26 do. 11 A Mustered out May 22, '65.
Gale, James R. 26 Aug. 29, '64. 11 A Discharged
Aug. 4, '65.
Griffin, William H. 21 Aug. 24, '64. 11 A Discharged
May 27, '65.
Harroun, Geo. F. Cav. Killed Nov. 12, '64.
Hibbard Silas H. 25 Aug. 20, '64. 11 A Mustered
out June 24, '65.
Morse Hiram L. 33 Aug. 3, '64. 2d
S. S. H Tr.
to Co. H, 4th Vt. Vols.; mustered out June 19, '65.
Parker, Moses A. 25 Aug. 31, '64. 2d
S. S. H Mustered
out June 19, '65,
Pike, Alphonso 21 do. 2d Bat Mustered out June 2, '65.
Quimby, Geo. W. 21 do. 17 K Mustered out June 2, '65.
Richardson Wm. A. 17 K Discharged
before reaching the army.
Thompson, Stephen 30 do. 3 A Mustered out June 19, '65.
Williamson Leslie G. 21 do. 2d Bat Mustered out July 31, 65.
Woodbury Benj. F. 28 do. 3 A Mustered out June 19, '65.
Co. D.—Charles W. Cowen, Warner V. Hardy, Thomas H.
Noland, deserted; Thomas Leonard, deserted; Myron Boys.
Co. K.— John C. Barker, Silas H. Gaskell, Harvey S. Gates,
William E. Howard, Sam'l H. Kellogg, Michael Laughrey, Horace Matthews,
Alexander McQueen, Milo P. Persons, Henry R. Pratt, William C. Pratt, Geo. W.
Quimby, Francis F. Story, Nelson G. Wallace, William Williams, Benjamin F.
None of the nine months men were killed in battle or died
of disease.
Willard Chase, Curtis Gates, Horace Hastings, Valentine
C. Hastings, George I. Riggings, Wm. W. McGregor, Daniel W. Parker, Daniel
Pike, James B. Wallace, Hiram Williams.
Of the three years men the town paid bounties to twenty-one,
while the remaining severity received no bounty from the town. The
twenty-three one year's men received bounties longing from $500 to $800 each,
as will appear by the accompanying account.
The town paid to volunteers in bounties $20,830, as
HAVEN. 985
John C. Barker, Alexander McQueen, Charles W. Cowen,
Samuel H. Kellogg, Geo. W. Quimby, Wm. C. Pratt, Myron Roys, Nelson G. Wallace,
Michael Laughrey, Wm. E. Howard, Harvey S. Gates, Warner V. Hardy, Henry R.
Pratt, Horace P. Matthews, Francis F. Story, Thomas Leonard, $50 each.
Benjamin F. Woodbury, Wm. Williams, Silas H. Gaskell, $60
Oliver B. Cutting, Henry M. Chase, Silas H. Hibbard,
Edward Carbee, Benjamin F. Woodbury, James R. Gale, Alphonso Bowman, John M.
Scales, Peter Trainer, $500 each.
Hiram S. Morse, Stephen Thompson, Geo. F. Harroun, Lester
G. Williamson, Alphonso D. Pike, George W. Quimby, Wm. Brooks, $700 each.
Moses A. Parker, Wm. H. Griffin, Holoman Damon, O. Scott
Hendrick, $600 each.
John C. Barker, $800.
Elisha May, Edward Potter, frontier cavalrymen, $100
Henry E. Congdon, Wm. C. Ingraham, Jacob Williams,
Bradford G. Whipple, David M. Frye, Milo P. Persons, Joseph B. Brown, Geo. H.
Currier, Hiram Morse, Horace W. Cutting, Chester S. Willey, Thomas F. Barker,
Ira Grant, jr., Thomas Rickard, Wm. B. Crane, Henry H. Longee, Wm. E. Howard,
$300 each.
Harvey C. Somers, Noah Drown, jr., John D. Lewis, $500
A southern recruit, $400.
Of the volunteers from Concord, 91 were three years men,
23 one year men, and 20 nine months men. No one who was drafted entered the
service, but ten paid commutation. Eleven of the three years men were
re-enlisted veterans, and three others who were discharged for disability,
subsequently recovered and re-enlisted. Six of the Concord volunteers
were killed in action, and eighteen died while in the service—nine of whom
while in rebel prisons.
East Haven, lying in the west part of Essex County, is
rather an uneven township, but is well adapted for arable purposes. The Passumpsic
river runs through the west part, and there is a high ridge of land through the
center of the town, extending from the north to the south line, and the Moose
river, which heads on the east side of said ridge, runs south through the east
part of the town. Both of the above named rivers are famous for trout, and the
vicinity of the Moose river, in years gone by, was famous for hunting the moose
and deer and other wild game common in northern Vermont.
The town was chartered by Gov. Chittenden, Oct. 22, 1790.
Of the grantees none ever lived in town. A request having been made to Joseph
Heath, of Groton, one of the justices of the peace within and for the County of
Caledonia, by the owners of more than one-sixteenth part of the lots of land in
the township of East Haven, a proprietors' meeting was called by him Aug. 31,
1810, to be holden in Newark, at the dwelling-house of James Ball, Nov. 15,
1810. At the meeting held on that day and the following days, Norris Walter
was appointed moderator, and James Whitelaw, proprietors' clerk. Appointed
Andrew Lockie a committee to lay out the town into lots of 106 acres each, to
be divided into 1st, 2d, and 3d division lots, an equal number to each.
Aug. 6, 1811, the proprietors of East Haven met agreeably
to notice and voted to accept of the returns and survey of their committee, and
appointed James Ball to draw out the number of lots for each proprietor as the
names were called by the clerk, and chose Humes French, collector. At this time
there appears to have been but few settlers in town. The first settler was
John Walter, Jr. He moved into town May 1, 1804; he was born in Winchester,
Conn.; came to Vermont 1799, and built the first house in the township, of
logs. He married Uneca Blakesley, and they had 14 children, 10 of whom lived to
be men and women, and is now living on the same farm where he first commenced.
John Walter's wife died March 5, 1848.
The next settler was Norris Walter, brother of John. He
moved into town March, 1805. His children's names were as follows: Harriet,
Elam, Merrit, Clarissa S.,—she was the first child born in town—Harlow B.,
Samuel, Emiline and Ann, the most part of whom settled in town. The next
settlers were Blake, Casey and Coalfax, but they did not stop long.