1847 to 1848. As his successor James Smith labors two
years, after whom comes Adna Newton. During brother N's time of labor a
parsonage house was built, and consumed by fire after the whole was completed;
and another was erected in its place under brother Newton's supervision. L. P.
Cushman followed A. Newton in 1852, and labored with zeal one year from
Guildhall to Harriford, C. E. In 1853 Alexander McMullin and Abner Howard were
appointed to this circuit, during w'nich time three-fourths of the Sabbaths
were spent in this town. In 1854 A. McMullin has the entire charge. During the
time of brother McMullin's labors a very good revival was enjoyed in this town,
and several were added to the church. Joseph Enright followed Mr. McMullin, and
labored one year. The following year Conference left the circuit to be
supplied, which was done by a Mr. Little from Concord Biblical Institute, N. H.
In 1857 the charge again is supplied by J. Adams, from
In 1858 John W. Bridge labored with very good success; his
labors were confined to this town and Lemington during this and the following
year, during which the society built their house of worship. While Mr. Bridge
was with this people the interests of Christ's kingdom were revived.
In 1860 Abner Howard was appointed to this charge, since
which time his labors have been confined to this town. His term of labor will
expire at the close of this conference year, which ends in April, 1892. In
1862 Harry R. Stevens was appointed to this charge, and labored two years with
good success. Since which time the church has been supplied by Rev. Moses
Pattee. The church, during the past five years, has greatly improved, and is
now in a very prosperous condition.
The following are those who have labored in town as
presiding elders. Mr. Savage, John Lord, Mr. Scarrit, Mr. Hoyt, C. D. Cahoon,
S. P. Williams, A. T. Bullard, J. Currier, S. Chamberlin and T. Merrill, whose
services will close with the conference year.
In 1844, or about that time, a small Calvinist Baptist
church was formed here, partly of members previously connected with a Baptist
church in Stratford, N. H. These churches were irregularly supplied for some
years by elder Abram Bedell and Rev. G. W. Butler and others. This church has a
new and commodious house of worship at North Stratford, and is supplied by Rev.
Charles Walker.†
Alonzo A. Martin, Ezra W. Martin, Alvin Martin,* Charles
Snow,* Sumner Snow, Oliver Morse.* Daniel Morse,* Nathan M. Johnson, Newell
Stevens, Nelson Noyes,† William Cooper,† Calvin Fuller, Myron C. Fuller,
Stephen Fuller,† William Robinson,† Eliphalet P. Moulton, George A. Currier,
Album A. Carrier, John W. Stevens, Isaac M. Wood, Samuel O. Shoff-21. In
addition to the above, there were six hired substitutes credited to
Bloomfield-27; and Charles B. Silver, Carlos T. Pulsifer, Frank Pulsifer,
Walter S. Johnson,† Edwin Holbrook, Enoch C. Fuller,† and Rev. Selden B.
Carrier, all residents of Bloomfield, served with honor in the war, but were
credited elsewhere.
Brighton is situated in the western part of Essex County,
in latitude 44° 45', and
longitude 5° 6'. The
township is nearly square, the four corners representing the four cardinal
points of the compass. It is bounded N. E. by Lewis' and Avery's gore, S. E. by
Ferdinand, S. W. by Newark and Westmore, and N. W. by Morgan and Charleston. It
was originally named Random, by Hon. Joseph Brown, from its being a random purchase
from an agent in Providence, R. I. The charter, signed by the Hon. Thomas
Chittenden, Governor, and Thomas Tolman, Secretary, was granted to Col. Joseph
Nightingale and 65 others, Aug. 30, 1781. The first proprietors' meeting was
held in Concord, Vt., March 29, 1804. James Whitlaw was elected moderator, and
Nathaniel Jenks, proprietors' clerk. The town was organized in March, 1832.
Joseph Melendy was chosen first town clerk; John Bishop, Wm. Washburn and John
Stevens selectmen.
The September following Timothy Corey was elected
representative, and the same year, Nov. 3d, the name of the town was
† February, 1807, this church is now supplisd by Rev. Geo.
A. Glines.
* Killed in battle.
† Died of disease.
changed to that of Brighton, that name being chosen by the
inhabitants of the town. Miss Lucy M. Kilby taught the first school in the
summer of 1829, and Miss Abigal Kilby taught the subsequent winter, the average
number of scholars being 35.
The old town of Random was first surveyed by Joseph
Whitlaw in 1790 and '91. Since its organization a part of Wenlock and
Caldersburg has been annexed to it, and a part of Brighton annexed to
Ferdinand. Its area now is about 33,000 acres. The first white man known to have
visited the town was a Mr. Lindsley, in the year 1784; he died a few years
since in Clifton, C. E., at a very advanced age, but up to the time of his
death retained his faculties, and would relate his excursion to this town, in
company with some St. Francis Indians, in pursuit of game, having had some
thrilling adventures and hair-breadth escapes.
The first person who settled in Brighton was Enos Bishop,
in 1820. John Stevens followed in 1821. John Cargill commenced, in that part
called Caldersburg, about the same time. John Kilby built a log cabin and moved
his family in October, 1827. Senaca Foster and family followed 9 weeks
afterwards. John Kilby built the first framed house in 1828. Phrelan Rosebrooks
moved his family into town in March, 1828, being the fifth family. Mr.
Rosebrooks built the first framed barn. He was the first justice of the peace,
having been appointed in 1828. When Mr. Bishop and Mr. Stevens came into town,
they were obliged to travel on foot 16 miles from the Connecticut river through
a dense wilderness, and for a long time had to bring their supplies from there
in the winter on hand-sleds, the snow being so deep it was impossible to use
teams, and the men could travel in no way themselves except on snow-shoes. The
early settlers in town, not mentioned above, were James Blake, James Corey, Mr.
The following are the names of the Town Clerks and
Representatives since the town was organized.
TOWN CLERKS.—Wm. Melendy, Olney Aldrich, Owen Brown, Anson
Brown, Elias Aldrich, Harris Brown, Harvey Coe, W. Cheney, E. W. Hoffman, A. J.
Downing, W. Mason, J. W. Davis.
REPRESENTATIVES.—Timothy Corey, Wm. Washburn, Elias
Aldrich, John Stevens, Isaac W. Aldrich, Harvey Coe, Anson Coe, Harris Brown,
W. R. Rosebrooks, Arba Jay, S. D. Hobson, G. G. Waterhouse, N. P. Bowman.
A post-office was first established Aug. 16, 1849.
Postmasters up to the present time: Harvey Coe, J. D. Gilkey, Henry Hopkins,
Henry M. Hoffman, E. W. Hoffman and James W. Davis.
The allotment of the first division of lands was made by
James Whitlaw, in the year 1804, each lot containing 150 acres. The second
division, by Abner Allyn and Steven Cole, of Charleston, and Miles Coe, of Newark,
76 acres to each lot. The third division was lotted by A. E. Judevine, Henry
Coe and Charles Cummings, each lot 111 acres.
The first public road was the old Magog road, which
connected Brunswick on the Connecticut river with Derby or Magog lake, and was
built by Hon. Timothy Hinman, of Derby, and was the scene of much strife
during the war of 1812, in consequence of attempts to smuggle cattle into
Canada from New Hampshire.
While Mr. Hinman was at work on the road, in the northern
part of this town, being some distance from their camp, at the close of the day
he concluded not to return to it, but built a fire, and with his men numbering
in all thirteen, lay down in a row upon the ground. During the night the wind
arose and blew down a large hemlock tree which fell between the men and the
fire, so near as to throw the embers completely over them, and had it fallen
but a few inches the other way would have instantly destroyed the whole
Sometime previous to building the road Judge Hinman
started alone upon snowshoes for Connecticut river; in the early part of the
day it was quite warm and the snow melted so as to make it very heavy traveling
and completely saturated his moccasins before night, and it became very cold,
when Mr. Hinman found both his feet were frozen, and he traveled in this
condition some distance till he arrived at the Nulhegan river, where he removed
the moccasins and sat all night with his feet in the water, being unable to
remove them on account of the severe cold. In the morning he bandaged them up,
put on his snow-shoes, and succeeded in reaching his destination in safety.
The first child born in town perished with
its mother before assistance could be rendered them by
their nearest neighbors, which were some miles distant. She was the wife of Mr.
Davis, before mentioned. The first child born, which lived, was Ezekiel Foster.
The first death was a Mr. Cargill, a brother of John Cargill. He was at work
with his brother clearing land, and in falling a tree his ax was struck and
the but of it driven into his side. He was immediately removed with the
intention of taking him to his friends in New Hampshire, but died before they
reached the Connecticut river.
The first couple married was Amos Currier to Miss Clarinda
Williams, in the year 1832, by Phrelan Rosebrooks, Esq. Enos Bishop built the
first house, upon the west side of a beautiful sheet of water called Knowlton
lake, now Island Pond. The land is now owned by widow Stevens. Mrs. Bishop said
she often sat in her doorway and saw the bears with their cubs pass down to
drink in the pond, and deer and fawns playing in the water and on the beach.
The early settlers at first were obliged to go to Derby Line, a distance of 20
miles, to get their milling done; afterwards, for many years, went to
Charleston, in boats, 12 miles, taking them two days to perform the journey.
The number of organized school districts in town at this
time is 7, with 175 pupils; average time of schooling per year, 6½ months.
The first missionary who visited the town was Rev. Mr.
Heath, of the Methodist persuasion; afterwards the Rev. Simeon Parmelee, for
over 30 years pastor of the Congregational church.
Religious meetings were frequently held here by Rev. James
Allen, of Charleston, a Freewill Baptist; and the Rev. Mr. Clark, a
Congregationalist, from Morgan; but for the last five years the inhabitants,
with a little aid from the Vermont Domestic Missionary Society, have been able
to sustain preaching most of the time There is now a small church organized and
quite a large and flourishing society of the Congregational order, having
within a few years built a fine church by voluntary subscription, and for the
last two years* secured the services of Rev. Charles Clark, a graduate of the
University of Vermont, a thorough scholar and a young man of promise. There is
a large and flourishing Sabbath school numbering about 50 scholars.
In the year 1858 a Roman Catholic Mission was established,
and the year following a church edifice erected. Since which time the Rev. Mr.
Brown, of Compton, C. E., has regularly officiated once in two weeks to a
congregation numbering about 150. This society has exerted a wholesome
influence in the community by having suppressed, in some measure, intemperance,
as well as noise and disturbance upon the Sabbath.
The people contribute liberally to the different objects
of the church and society, as well as all other objects of charity, which are
very numerous, situated as they are upon the great thoroughfare, the Grand
Trunk Railway; and there cannot be found a town in the state, of equal size,
where a larger sum can be raised in a short time for benevolent purposes than
There are no very wealthy men in town, neither are there
many very poor men. All get their living by the sweat of their brow, and all
have to exercise habits of economy incident to a rigorous climate like ours.
There is a masonic lodge numbering about 35 members, and
they have a fine hall richly furnished.
The township is quite mountainous, but only a few rise so
abrupt as to prevent the cultivation of the land. It is heavily timbered—the
western portion with hard, and the eastern with soft timber; although the
lumbermen have been busy for several years, there still remains a large amount
of pine, spruce and other timber suitable for shipment, and which continually
supply two large saw-mills propelled by steam, and four by water. Most of the
lumber is shipped by railroad to Portland, and a large quantity of sugar box
shooks are manufactured and shipped to Cuba.
There are 8 ponds or lakes in this township, the largest
formerly called Knowlton lake, a name given it by Mr. Knowlton, one of the
first surveyors; but latterly called Island Pond, from having near its center
an island containing an area of 22 acres, which also gives the name to the
village and postoffice at the outlet. It is about two miles long and about one
and a half broad; it abounds in fine salmon trout weighing from
* Written in 1862.
1 to 15 pounds, the water is very clear and deep, the
whole surrounded by mountains which slope gradually, giving it the appearance
of an immense basin, covered to the shore of the pond with a mixture of hard
timber and evergreen, forming altogether one of the most beautiful landscapes
to be found in New England. The pond lies about 1250 feet above the level of
the sea, and is the hight of land between Memphremagog lake, on the west, and the
Connecticut river on the east. The waters of the pond find their way into the
lake on the west, and the principal branch of the Nulhegan takes its rise but a
few rods from the pond in the east, so near is it that an excavation of five
feet would turn the waters of the pond into the Connecticut.
There are three rivers in town, viz: the Clyde, Pherrin's
river and the Nulhegan. The Clyde, which is the outlet to Island Pond, was
named by one of the early surveyors, Mr. Whitlaw, from his partiality to a
river of that name in Scotland. Pherrin's river, which empties into the Clyde
about a mile below the outlet, frequently rises quite suddenly, swelling the
waters of the latter so as to change its current and cause it to run into the
pond with great force for 10 hours or more, until the pond is full or the water
subsides below, when it will again change and rush out.
Several years before any settlement here a compay of
explorers came up the Clyde from Charleston, encamping near the outlet the
first night. The next day resumed their journey, for the purpose of going round
the pond, and encamped upon the opposite side the second night, intending to
lodge at their old camp near the outlet the next. During the night a heavy rain fell and on
their arrival they found their camp all right, but a strange phenomenon had
happened during their absence. What they supposed to be an outlet proved to be
an inlet. Without understanding the cause of the change, they started for home,
and it was many years before they could make their neighbors believe such a
thing had actually occurred—and not until the cause was discovered. Large
tracts of level land border upon the Clyde, when cleared are very valuable for
agricultural purposes. Mr. Fennessy, the present station agent, succeeded in
bringing a large tract under cultivation, and it proves to be equal to any of
the rich bottoms upon the Winooski or Otter Creek. There is a fine water
privilege on this river, about two miles from the village, one upon Pherrin's
river, about one mile from the village, and directly on the line of the
railroad, also a large number on the smaller streams in different parts of the
town. The eastern and southern portion of the town is a dense wilderness
inhabited only by those engaged in the lumbering business, while the western
portion is better adapted for farming purposes and well repays the husbandman
for his toil.
There is a copper mine in the western part of the township
on land owned by Dr. Harvey Coe. It never has been worked, but some very fine
specimens have been taken from it, and eventually, no doubt, will prove a
source of profit to the worker.
The water in this township is also very pure and soft.
Near the southern boundary there is a medicinal spring, which is beginning to
be resorted to by invalids. The water very much resembles the celebrated
Clarendon Springs, and is found to be a specific for scrofulous and all kinds
of cutaneous diseases.
The Grand Trunk railroad was built through the town in
1853. The depot, a large hotel, and other buildings connected with the road,
were erected the same year. The stock of this road is owned mostly by English
capitalists, and they have spared no expense in the building of the iron
bridges and otherwise making it one of the most complete furnished roads in
America. It has not been very remunerative to the stockholders, although it has
done an immense business for the last few years and still
increasing—transporting freight from the western states to Portland, there to
be shipped coastwise or to Europe, returning laden with merchandise for the
Canadas and west, connecting at Portland with weekly steamers from Liverpool
most of the year.
The village of Island Pond, located upon the line of the
road, is the great half-way place between Portland and Montreal, and the port
of entry for all the traffic over the road, all the cars stopping here over
night makes it a place of considerable importance. The railroad company have
erected buildings here at a cost of $58,000. And money paid employees at this
point amounts to over $26,000 per annum.
The growth of this town has been almost unprecedented in
Vermont. In 1850 the number of inhabitants was 193; at the present time,* over
1000. The village alone containing about 700 inhabitants, 4 stores—some doing a
large wholesale business—3 groceries, 1 church, and 2 school-houses, 1 large
steam saw-mill, various mechanic shops, with 2 large, fine hotels—no better
conducted hotel can be found in any country town in New England—the Island Pond
House, kept by G. G. Waterhouse, and the Vermont House, by Dimond Stone.
In 1856 there was a disastrous fire in the village,
consuming a large unfinished block, owned by John A. Poor, of Portland, a
portion of which was occupied as a store by A. J. Green; from thence the fire
communicated to the Green Mountain House, a large hotel occupied by J. D.
& S. N. Gilkey, entirely consuming it, together with all the barns and
outbuildings, and an unoccupied new dwelling-house; thence to a store occupied
by Howard, Hobart & Chamberlin, destroying property amounting not far from
$30,000, which was a severe blow to a young place like this and from which it
did not entirely recover for several years. A store owned by Mr. Montferrand occupies
the site of the Poor block, and one owned by Gilkey & Denison occupies the
site of the hotel, and on the other stands a store owned by Dyer &
Bartlett, and at the present time doing a safe and increasing business.
The custom-house, kept in the depot, was established in
1853. Joseph Smith, of Berkshire, was appointed the first deputy collector,
but the business having increased to such an extent the government increased
the force until there are now four officers required to do the business. The
names of those who have held commissions in the office to the present time are
Joseph Smith, H. O. Pike, Daniel Miller, A. J. Downing, A. S. Gore, R. G.
Hopkinson, P. S. Benjamin, A. J. Davis, and the present incumbents, George N.
Dale, N. W. Bingham, D. S. Storrs, and N. P. Barnum.
The amount of business done at this office is very large.
The imports for the year ending April 30, 1862, amounting to $2,769,212;
exports, same time, $5,038,242.
Island Pond village is about 16 miles from the boundary
line of Canada, and about the same distance from the Connecticut river, and
nearly all the distance, either way, being a. dense wilderness. An effort is
being made to obtain a charter for a railroad from St. Johnsbury to Island
Pond, through Concord, Victory and Granby, up the valley of Moose river. When
completed, it will develop the resources and open up a tract of country
consisting of an area of 100,000 acres of heavily timbered land, most of it
good for agricultural purposes; a feasible route, and altogether as fine a
section as can be found in Vermont, but now uninhabited, except by the wild
denizen of the forest. The natural market for this immense tract is down the
Connecticut valley, and a protect of this kind well deserves the candid consideration
of the legislature. In anticipation of such a connection by railroad, with the
facilities of railroad communication already existing; the steady increase of
wealth and population; the low price of land in the vicinity, with good
society, good schools, with abundant facilities for most all kinds of business
enterprise; the beautiful lake and mountain scenery; the rivers and lakes
abounding in fish; the forests with game; the healthiness of the place,
together with one of the best physicians and surgeons in the state (Dr. C. C.
Adams); in view of all this, Island Pond and vicinity holds out strong
inducements for the capitalist, the merchant, mechanic, pleasure seeker, sportsman
and the invalid.
The River Clyde from Lake Memphremagog, Island Pond, and
the Nulhegan river to the Connecticut was once the favorite route of the St.
Francis and Algonquin Indians in their travels from Canada to the southern part
of New England. A few years since an aged Algonquin stated to one of the townsmen
that in his youth there was water communication most of the year between
Island Pond and Nulhegan Pond thence to the Connecticut, that he had often
traveled the route in his bark canoe for the purposes of hunting and fishing,
and within a few years the marks upon the trees where they stretched and dried
their moose skins could be plainly seen. Some arrow-heads are often found near
the pond, and in 1856 a company of Indians came and disinterred the bones of
their ancestors and carried them away, not willing their graves should be desecrated
by the ploughshare of the pale faces.
* 1862 or '63.
De Witt Clinton once surveyed this route for a canal to
connect the waters of Lake Champlain with Casco Bay. His route lay through this
town, and the minutes, report, &c., of the survey are now on file at the
department in Washington. It was made under authority of the Government; and
although a feasible route was found to exist, the project not being matured
before the introduction of railroads it found its rest, and the iron horse of
the Grand Trunk Railroad now passes for some distance over the proposed route.
In the extreme west part of the town is a small stream
called the "Vale of Tears." At the close of the war of 1812, two
soldiers who were returning to their homes in Charleston, having traveled a
long distance through the wilderness and consumed all their provisions,
becoming weary near the close of the day sat down upon the bank of the stream
to rest and refresh themselves by partaking of the last of their whisky. One of
them accidentally dropped the bottle upon a stone and broke it. The
disappointment was so great that those brave men, who could face the red coat,
and look into the cannon's mouth without flinching, sat down and wept; since
which time the place and brook have been called the "Vale of Tears."
The oldest person deceased in town was Enos Bishop, the
oldest now living is Noah Emery, aged 76 years.
I know of none from Brighton who were in the war of 1812,
and but one (Andrew Foster) who was in the Mexican war. He has again shouldered
his gun for the defence of his government.
As the sound of the first gun at Fort Sumter came booming
through the valleys and over the hills of New England, the hardy sons of
Brighton rose en masse, called Union meetings and, without distinction
of party, pledged their money, their influence, and their lives to the
sustaining of the old Union flag. When the President called for volunteers,
they responded with alacrity. With only 128 voters in town, 98 liable to do
military duty, and a large portion engaged upon the railroad, no less than 53
enlisted for three years, nearly all of whom are yet on the tented field under
Gen. McClellan.*
The following are their names, with the companies and
regiments to which they belong:
Co. D.—William M.
Currier, Andrew Foster, Jeremiah Bishop, wounded, Chester Beesey, Arthur
Libby, William Bonney, James Doyle, H. M. Hartwell, died, Charles Partlow,
Solomon G. Heaten, William Corel, Geo. W. Currier, Jeremiah Percival, John
Larkin, Alonzo J. Currier, Orlando Stevens, killed, Isaac S. Currier, Joseph S.
Currier, Jerome Bishop, Mike Smith, Charles Dinsmore, Peter Danforth, killed,
Russell Stevens, Calvin Stevens. George Robinson, Co. —
Co. F.—Charles D.
Winslow, R. H. Rowell, wounded.
Co I.—James Wells, D.
S. Hastings, Wm. Toothacher, Miles Stone.
Co. D.—J. N. Whitman,
J. D. Rowell, J. Mahuron.
Co. K.—A. J. Howard, B.
P. Howard, Geo. Gilman, William Petrie, John Petrie, Hooper D. Straut, John E.
Woodsman, Edward Price, Lyman F. Perham, Geo. Morse, Arthur M. Raymond, Charles
Hartwell. Charles Horr, Co. —
Co. A.—Joseph F. Tyler,
Charles W. Mason, Joseph Brown, Joseph Maxfield, Isaac Crooker, Thomas
Richardson, James Hickie.
A large portion were in Co. D, of the 3d Vermont Regiment,
which so gallantly crossed the river at Lee's Mills and, with two other
companies of the same regiment, drove two regiments of the rebels from their
works and maintained their position for some time against ten times their
number, and when ordered to fall back across the river maintained their order
and contested the ground inch by inch. In the language of their General,
"Vermont has well sustained her reputation for bravery, and her sons have
shown themselves worthy of being the descendants of Ethan Allen."
In that battle Jeremiah Bishop and R. H. Rowell were
severely wounded, Peter Danforth and Orlando Stevens killed, the only ones
injured who went from Brighton. Young Stevens was the eldest son of widow
Stevens, who deserves a passing notice. Mrs. Stevens was left a widow nine
years ago with five children, three sons and two daughters—the eldest eleven
and the youngest
* At the time this was written.
three years of age. All the estate left them was a few
acres of land under good cultivation, on which was a comfortable house and
barn. She managed to cultivate her little patch of ground, the avails of which,
together with what she could earn by working out a part of the time nursing
the sick, cooking for hotels, &c., was sufficient to clothe her children,
and send them to school until the oldest boy could be spared a portion of the
time to work out in summer and attend school in winter. Thus they managed to
live until the rebellion broke out. That seemed to rouse up in her the same
patriotic spirit which was so often manifested by the matrons of 1776. Mrs.
Stevens seemed to take a deep interest in the movement of the armies from the
first; and late in autumn when the roads were muddy, she would walk two miles
twice a week to meet with the other patriotic ladies of the village, to contribute
her mite towards furnishing socks and under-clothing for the soldiers of the 3d
Vt., for which many a "God bless you," went out from the hearts of
those brave boys when permitted to change their clothing after a hard day's
work in the mud and wet of the sacred soil of old Virginia. All this Mrs.
Stevens did before her own boys had thought of volunteering.
Soon a recruiting officer made his appearance asking for
volunteers, and her two oldest sons—one 20 and the other 18 years of
age—signified their wish to obey their country's call. Though hard to part with
her main supports in her declining years, yet Spartan like she bid them go, and
immediately set about getting them ready, accompanied them on foot to the
village at l2 o'clock at night through the untrodden snow, saw them sign their
names; received the loving kiss; bid them good bye, with an injunction to
remember they were "Green Mountain Boys," left them to take the early
train for the seat of war, returning to her home now made lonely for the sake
of her country. A few weeks afterward the recruiting officer again returned,
when her only remaining son, then 16 years old, asked permission of his mother
to follow his brothers. She felt she could not spare him; she could not at
first bear the thought of one so young and so frail going to the field of
strife, to endure the toil and privations of camp life, but the pleadings of
the boy and the love of Country finally overcame the mother's desire to keep
him near her, and she consented. Soon he was ready, and though little was said,
the tearful eye and quivering lip spoke louder than words of the mother's anguish
and sister's sorrow as they pronounced the last good bye.
Would to heaven we could stop here; but alas, No! The
telegraph announces that a battle is raging at Lee's Mills, and that Co. D, of
the Vermont 3d, is badly cut up.
*"Onward they pressed for God and the right,
Not a man among
them quailing;
Onward they pressed through the waves breast high,
The bullets
around them hailing.
"Steadily on, cheer following cheer,
And many a brave
word spoken,
Steadily on till they gain the shore,
Though their
ranks are thinned and broken.
"With muskets set for a bayonet charge
They rush on the
rebel foe,
They reel, they waver, they break and run,
Borne down by
the crushing blow!
"For God and the rIght our boys will strike,
And never an arm
will falter;
Though each household mourns a sire or son,
On our bleeding
country's altar.
"For God and the right! it nerves the heart,
And kindles the
tearful eye!
And the proud soul thrills that our brave boys
In this holy
cause may die.
"Oh true Vermont! for our freedom's cause
You have given
your sons this day;
And your name shall stand on the scroll of time,
Until time shall
pass away."
Then those having friends in that company began to realize
the horrors of war; then, for a few hours, the fear and anxiety was plainly
written on the faces of many, their looks tell they have friends there, At last
the terrible suspense is broken. A telegram announces that Orlando Stevens is
among the killed. A messenger is dispatched to the widow's cottage with the
melancholy intelligence that her eldest son was killed by a rebel bullet. The
depth of anguish of that mother and those sisters cannot be known except by
those who have experienced a similar loss. But there is an addition to the
message which seems to give a little relief, it said "He died bravely
fighting the enemy." The bravery and devotion then exhibited will make the
Green Mountain State proud
* By N. W. Bingham, one of the scholarly board of custom
house officers at Island Pond.—Ed.
of her sons. The widow said: "It is hard to bear, but
I am glad to hear he was doing his duty. I suppose hundreds of mothers in the
land are mourning to-day as I am; it is necessary for some to die to save the
Mrs. Stevens found many sympathizing friends, and efforts
were at once made by the citizens to procure the remains of her son, that they
might repose by the side of his kindred upon the banks of that beautiful lake
he had so often visited in his childish sports; but, unfortunately, they could
not be identified.
Alas! like him, how many more
Lie cold upon Potomac's shore!
How many green, unnoted graves
Are bordered by these placid waves!
An extract from a letter written by the youngest son to
the mother, soon after the battle, manifests the same heroic fortitude; he
says: "Brother Orlando was shot in the breast and died instantly, but
while he lived he fought like a tiger; and, thank God, he died in a noble
cause. Let this be a comfort to you, mother; keep up good courage, we will
soon whip the rebels and be at home again." The widow bears the affliction
with heroic fortitude, and were it an isolated case it would not seem so bad;
but hundreds of just such mothers are scattered through the state, and their
memory deserves a place in the heart of every true lover of his country.
R. H. Rowell and Jeremiah Bishop, who were wounded in the
same fight, have returned home, intending to return to the field as soon as
they are able. The above are all that have been injured from this town to this
date, June 10, 1862.
When the call of the President was made for 600,000 more
men, although Brighton had already raised more than her quota, the call touched
the patriotism of her people, and a public meeting was called, at which sixty
came forward and pledged all who should volunteer a bounty of $50 each, also
guaranteeing the state pay of $7 per month. The following liberal donations
were made: by J. Piper, $100; S. N. Gilkey, $100; Elias Denison, $50; G. C.
Waterhouse, $40; to be divided in sums of $10 and paid to each volunteer who
should first enlist to fill up a company. 20 citizens came forward and
enlisted, many of them leaving lucrative positions, which formed a nucleus
around which a company was soon formed from adjoining towns, and organized by
the election of the following commissioned officers: Warren Noyes, captain;
Joseph S. Hall, 1st lieutenant; Robert P. Noyes, 2d lieutenant.
The following are the names of other volunteers from
Co. K.—Charles Mortley.
Frank Hastings.
Co. A.—Wm. A. Doying,
James Joyce, John Garagon, John Ward.
Co. E.—Warren Noyes,
Robert P. Noyes, J. Wallace Nason, A. C. Farmer, S. A Haynes, F. D. Nason,
Marshal Dyer, Leander P. Currier, James D. Percival, L. A. Woodbury, D. M.
Wescott, Claud Somers, G. G. Lasell, Charles Neiler, H. E. Nason, John C.
Dalloff, Hiram Farmer, Elijah N. Davis, Henry Atkins, Don C. Foss.
Lemuel Chase, Michael Labounty.
There is a little incident in connection with the early
history of the Stevens family which may not be uninteresting in that
connection. Mr. John Stevens, the second settler in town, had a little son
called Edwin, aged 5 years, who went into the woods near the house, in the afternoon
of May 2, 1825, in search of a flower called lady's slipper, accompanied by
their faithful dog Painter. Not returning, the mother supposed he had gone to
his father, who was at work about half a mile from the house, chopping. On the
arrival of Mr. Stevens at night without the boy, they at once became alarmed,
and fired the alarm-gun to bring the neighbors, who lived on the opposite side
of the pond, and with torches immediately commenced the search. Getting no
tidings from him during the night, a messenger was dispatched to Morgan and
Holland for assistance; and a large number of people searched until the fourth
day before making any discovery, when the noble dog Painter came in nearly
famished. They fed him, and he, with a few men, immediately took the back
track, which was easily followed in consequence of a light
* Received in time for insertion, but since the foregoing
was written.—Ed.
snow which fell during the night, and traveled nearly five
miles when the dog stopped near the roots of a large tree which had blown down,
where they found the dead body of the child, with its little hands crossed over
its eyes, and covered over with leaves and mosses by its faithful protector,
who stayed with his little charge as long as he could without starving. For
years afterwards let any of the family say to him, "Painter, where is
Edwin?" and he would instantly drop on the floor and seemed to manifest as
keen sorrow as a dumb beast could for the absence of the little one.
Mr. Stevens' family was again afflicted, in 1831, by the
death of a little daughter two years old, who went to a spring near the house
with her little cup for some drink, when she slipped in and before discovered
was drowned.
It is said there are many interesting incidents connected
with the early history of the town, such as hair-breadth escapes, perilous
adventures, great endurance, &c., among the early settlers; but the older
inhabitants, who were the subjects and witnesses of them, had all died or removed
from town before the writer became one of its citizens.
The Fosters, Blakes and Morses are among the principal
hunters who have become familiar with the wilderness in all northern Vermont.
The latter are usually engaged as guides to the stranger who wishes to spend a
few days in hunting and fishing. Bears, deer and moose are often captured. The
latter, which was formerly very plenty, has taken a dislike to the steam
whistle and do not now approach very near to the abodes of civilization. In the
year 1858 a large moose came upon the railroad, a few miles north of the
village, and was discovered by the engineer, who was running a train of empty
platform cars. He immediately let on steam and gave chase, the moose keeping
the railroad track for about one mile, when the engine getting rather too near,
the moose wheeled to double his track and succeeded in getting around the
engine, but came so close as to come in contact of the second car, which struck
him with such force as to instantly kill him and at the same time threw two
empty cars from the track. It was a very large one, weighing between 600 and
700 pounds. Many of his leaps measured over 20 feet.
In the winter of 1842 and '43 an epidemic prevailed in
this part of Vermont, which baffled the skill of the best physicians for a long
time, and proved very fatal. In Brighton many were attacked, but Dr. Harvey
Coe, then practicing physician, having been fortunate enough to hit upon the
right treatment, lost only one patient. Other physicians soon adopted his
theory and many lives were saved.
[The writer is under obligations to Dr. Coe and E. W.
Hoffman, Esq., for much information relating to the early history of this
The town of Brunswick is bounded S. by Maidstone, E. by
Connecticut river, N. by Bloomfield, and W. by Ferdinand, formerly Wenlock.
Most of the meadow land bordering on the Connecticut river is annually inundated
by its waters, increasing the fertility of the soil, by the alluvial deposit
left upon the land when the water subsides. With the exception of the land
bordering on the river, the town is broken, hilly and stony, and poorly adapted
to purposes of agriculture. The town was chartered in the usual manner, by
Benning Wentworth in 1761, to Stephen Noble and 63 others, and embraces a
little more than 15,000 acres. There is quite a discrepancy in the charter of
Brunswick, which can only be accounted for on the supposition that the course
of the Connecticut river was not correctly understood. The charter says,
"containing by admeasurement about twenty-five thousand acres, which tract
is to contain something more than six miles square and no more;" then
after some preliminary remarks, proceeds to describe the tract by courses and
distances, and says, "butted and bounded as follows, viz : at the most
easterly corner of Maidstone, from thence northwesterly up Connecticut river so
far as to make six miles upon a straight line, thence from said river N. W. six
miles and one half mile, from thence southwesterly on a parallel line with
that on the river to the northerly corner of Maidstone aforesaid; from thence
S. E. by Maidstone aforesaid to Connecticut river, to the bounds first above
mentioned." If the course of the river had been