St. George is a small township lying 8 miles S. E. from
The towns of Charlotte and Hinesburgh were granted in
1762, and their boundaries marked. The year following the towns of
The name of the town is said to have been given in honor
of the then reigning king of
When it was finally ascertained to what an extent the town
was reduced, by an actual survey, the proprietors—none of whom resided on
their grant—determined to make the best of their misfortune; accordingly, they
had the town laid out into 30-acre lots, each proprietor having one lot, or 30
acres, instead of 360, as they would have had if it had proved a 6 mile
township; but as their charter was for a full-sized town, and the number of
grantees 64, it was very easy for any one unacquainted with the facts to compute
the number of acres in a "right" to be 360; therefore, their
"rights" sold in the market for the same price as those of other
A single instance, as related to me by an intelligent old
gentleman, who was himself a witness of the circumstance, will suffice to
illustrate the matter. A gentleman
* ST. GEORGE GRANTEES.—Jesse Hallock, Samuel Farmer,
Christian Farmer, John Farmer, Christian Farmer, Robert Farmer, Peter Farmer,
Jeremiah Leming, Thos. Ellison, William Ellison, Simon Ransom, Shem Ransom, Isaac
Sears, Jasper Drake, Joseph Sacket, Joseph Sacket Doctor, Francis Sacket,
William Butler, John Mann, Thomas Mann, William Mann, Ermes Graham, John
Jeffrys, Isaac Underhill, Benj. Underhill, Henry Frankling, Jona. Courtland,
Uriah Wolman, Amos Underhill, Richard Willik, Sam'l Willik, Jacob Watson, Benj.
Ferris, Daniel Prindle, Joshua Watson, Benj. Leaman, Edmund Leaman, Richard
Leaman, Richard Titus, Isaac Mann, Isaac Mann, Jr., Peter Vanderwort, Wm.
Hayris, Magnes Gurrat, Robert Ling, John Dervicos Murphy, Edward Ferrol Murphy,
Jno. Deveeanose Murphy, Jr., Thomas Wright, Caleb Wright, John Wright, Tim.
Whitmore, Benj. Clap, Benj. Clap, Jr., Henry Clap, Daniel Quimby, Jona. Wake,
Jona. Quimby, The Hon. John Temple, Esq., Theo. Atkinson, Esq., Wm. Hunk, I.
Wentworth, Esq., John Fisher, Esq. [From the papers of Mr. Henry Stevens.—Ed]
from the city of Now York purchased come
"rights" in St. George, and, with a view of ascertaining the value of
the same, came to see his newly acquired estate, and calling at the house of
one of the settlers, began to inquire what the quality of the township was,
&c., adding that he owned a thousand acres of land in the town. His host
replied that some of the land was very good, some not so good, and asked the
gentleman how many "rights" he owned, and the names of the
proprietors. He replied that he owned three "rights." "Then you
own but ninety acres," was the reply. "In those days," adds my
informant, "I never heard a man swear so. He cursed the 'Yankees' most
furiously, and, without stopping to make any further inquiries about his lands,
returned home, probably to find another buyer as easily duped as himself."
The settlement of the town commenced in the spring of
1784, by Joshua Isham and wife, from
Jehial Isham, one of the early settlers above named, was a
man of great activity and physical endurance. He was actively engaged in the
war of
The first child born in town was Martha Isham, now Martha
Bliss, widow of the late Moses Bliss, of Shelburne, and daughter of Joshua
Isham. The first male child was Lewis Higbee, both of whom are still living.
The first death is supposed to have been that of Heman
Higbee, infant son of Wheeler Higbee, who died Sept. 17, 1791; first adult,
Rebecca, Gilman, died June 22, 1797.
The first marriage was that of Jacob Hinsdill to Hannah
The first school-house was built soon after the settlement
commenced. It was made of rude logs, with a huge Dutch-back fireplace built of
stones, and with greased paper as a substitute for window glass; and, for a
time, there were no other text books in school than Dillworth's spelling-book.
Amos Callender, of Shelburne, is believed to have taught the first school.
There is, at present, but one entire school district in town, although there
are two fractions, composed, in part, of territory from neighboring towns.
There has never been any organized church in town, although there was in 1836 a
class of Methodists organized, numbering some 10 or 12 members—Sherman Beach,
class leader —which continued to meet regularly for about 10 years; but since
that time they have had no leader, and their numbers having been somewhat
reduced by deaths and other causes, they at present have no existence as a
class. There are also several who recently joined by baptism the Baptist church
in Hinesburgh, and others who are members of the Congregational church in that
town. Preaching is enjoyed a portion of the time.
The town was organized in March, 1813, at a meeting called
for the purpose, and presided over by Lemuel Bostwick, Esq., of Hinesburgh.
Jared Higbee was first town clerk. Reuben Lockwood, Lewis Higbee and Levi
Higbee, first selectmen; and Sherman Beach, first constable.
The surface of the town is uneven; but the soil is
generally good, and is composed, for the most part, of gravel and loam, with
a margin of clay along the western boundary. It is well
adapted to cultivation, although attention is chiefly given to dairying.
Perhaps no town in the county, if indeed in the state, can boast a larger
number of cows, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, than St. George.
There are no streams of consequence in the town, and
consequently no mills or mill privileges, but this evil is not without some
advantages; for the people are subjected to no expense for bridges, nor loss by
The taxes are very light, never having raised a town
tax—with but two or three exceptions—since it was organized.
was born in St. George in 1788. He was the first
representative to the Legislature, and re-elected to that office several times.
He was possessed of no more than an ordinary degree of profundity; yet he had
an inexhaustible fountain of wit and sarcasm, which made him somewhat
conspicuous. Being without the advantages of education, and having no particular
taste for refinement, his manners were peculiarly rough and unpolished;
nevertheless, he seemed to possess the power of turning his very rudeness to
the best account, which many times gave point to his wit and repartee. An
anecdote is related of him in connection with the Hon. Henry Clay, which goes
to illustrate this characteristic.
Some years ago, while in the zenith of Mr. Clay's popularity,
it was announced that he would be in Burlington on a certain day and address
the people there. Thousands were assembled on and near the wharf, anxiously
awaiting his arrival. Mr. Higbee had secured a commanding position on a high
pile of boards, near the carriage which stood awaiting to convey Mr. Clay to
the hotel. One of the marshals seeing him there, requested when he heard the
sound of the bugle—which was to he the signal of Mr. Clay's arrival—to
"Shout hurrah, so that they can hear you to the Empire State, and when we
hear you we will join the chorus." At length the boat neared the wharf,
and Mr. Clay stepped forward and mounted the carriage, when Mr.
Higbee—recognizing him by his tall and manly form—instantly resolved to shake
hands with the honored statesman, without waiting for the formality of an
introduction. So stretching himself at full length from his precarious footing,
to reach the hand of Mr. Clay, lost his balance, and was about plunging
headlong, when Mr. Clay, seeing his danger, sprang forward, seized the hand of
Mr. Higbee and righted him on his feet; whereupon, quick as thought, without
waiting for the sound of the bugle, Higbee cried out, at the top of his sharp
tenor voice: "Henry Clay from Kentucky; thrice he saved his country, and once
Lewis Higbee—hurrah for Henry Clay!" It is needless to add that the
air was rent with the deafening applause of the vast multitude. It is said that
Mr. Clay acknowledged the compliment with great glee, and often referred to it
whenever he saw a Vermont man afterwards.
was a resident of St. George for nearly 60 years. He was
possessed of a well-balanced mind and sound judgment. Being scrupulously
honest and exact in all his dealings, he had the undivided confidence of all his
neighbors, while his quiet and unobtrusive manners secured the friendship and
respect of all who knew him. No man perhaps ever did more for the town or was
actuated by a more unselfish motive. The town was prompt in acknowledging his
virtues, for they often bestowed upon him all the honorable positions which
were within the gift of the town. He represented the town at the age of 28, and
was subsequently reelected 9 times; held the office of lister 25 years, and
that of selectman 29 years. Was elected town clerk in 1833, and continued in
that office 22 years; and in 1842 received the appointment of postmaster,
which he resigned in 1846. He removed from town in 1856, and has since resided
in Irasburgh in this state.
The political history of the town is somewhat remarkable
for the unanimity of sentiment that has always prevailed. It was organized at
the time of that political whirlwind which agitated the country at the period
of the last war with Great Britain. And the people fully partook of the spirit of
the times. Yet we find that at the first election for governor, held in 1813,
Martin Chittenden, the Federal candidate, received the entire vote, save one.
But that solitary democratic vote—cast by Sherman Beach, Esq.— continued to be
recorded against the otherwise unanimous Federal or Whig vote of thee
town for several years. And, indeed, the relative vote for
state officers has always been nearly the same, until the presidential election
of 1556, when Col. Fremont—the Republican candidate, received the entire vote
of the town.
ST. GEORGE, Oct., 1865.
An Extract from an unpublished Poem.
[I send this as being somewhat appropriate in sentiment
to the noble work you have in hand in saving for their children the ennobling
memories of our Vermont fathers.—E. E. H.]
The bugle's blast upon the hill,
From peak to peak is echoing still;
And sweeter does the ling'ring strain
Move back from rock to rock again,
And softer does the wavering tone
Through whispering leaves go murmuring on;
Although the hunter's left the trail,
And hurried far beyond the vale,—
So all things leave some mark behind them,
Enabling memory to find them,
Some parting light, some lingering strain,
To sweetly call them back again.
The past is present in the soul,
While years in quick succession roll,
And eyes, tho' dimmed by age, can trace
Many an old familiar face,
Whose answering smiles will e'en illume
The shadowy portals of the tomb.
The happiest hours of happiest days,
Like sweetest lines of sweetest lays,
Go with us wheresoe'er we go,
And treasured long the dearer grow.
Age spreads o'er youth more glorious hues
Than sunset o'er the gathering dews;
And brighter do old memories rise
Than rosy morn through dappling skies.
Then strike the harp for by-gone years—
Strike ev'ry string,
And let the spring
Of memory gush with joyful tears.
Can up the old familiar forms
We then did love,
And let them move
The trembling chords which passion warms.
Wake up old tones, amid the strain,
And let them speak
Until they break
The silence of those scenes again.
* A son of Lewis Higbee, a native of St. George, now
pastor of a church in the State of New York.—Ed.
Our ancient records are brief and indefinite, and much of
interest, undoubtedly, is beyond the reach of any now living. I have endeavored
to embody as many of the local facts and incidents of the town as can be
ascertained in the limited and brief records which were made and have been
preserved. I copy the original Charter of the town. It is a curious document as
to phraseology and conditions, showing the manner, style and literature of 100
years past:
Province of New Hampshire:
the 3d, by the Grace of God, of Great Brittain France and Ireland, King,
Defender of the faith, &c., To all persons to whom these presents shall
come,— Greeting:—Know ye, that we of our special grace, certain knowledge and
mere motion, for the due encouragement of setling a new plantation within our
said province, by and with the advice of our truly and well-beloved Bening
Wentworth, Esq., our Governor and commander in chief of our said province of
New Hampshire, in New England, and of our council of the said province, have
upon the conditions and revelations hereinafter, made, given and granted and by
these presents, for us, our heirs, and successors, do give and grant in equal
shares, unto our loving subjects, inhabitants of our said province of New
Hampshire and our other governments, and to those heirs assigns forever, whose
names are entered on this grant, to be divided to and amongst them into
seventy equal shares, all that tract and parcel of land. situate, lying and
being within our said province of New Hampshire, containing by admeasurement
23,500 acres, which tract is to contain something more than six miles square
and no more, out of which an allowance is to be made for highways and unimprovable
lands, by rocks, ponds, mountains and rivers, one thousand and forty acres free
according to a plan and survey thereof made by our said governor's order and
returned into the secretary's office and hereunto annexed, butted end bounded
as follows, viz: beginning at a stake and stones, standing on the easterly
shore of Lake Champlain, which is the northwesterly corner bounds of Charlotte,
a Township lately granted in this