[Desirous of obtaining from the most authentic source, a full and correct account of the organizing, officering, equipping, subsisting and sending into the field the first six Vermont regiments raised during the late administration, we made application to Gov. Fairbanks for such historic paper, who complied with the request and forwarded the following account. With his characteristic modesty, he gives his account as in the third person, and has evidently avoided speaking of the labors to which he was necessarily subjected during the last six months of his official year. It was necessary, under the law, that he should give his personal attention to the details in the formation of each regiment, and every bill and voucher in an expenditure of more than half a million, was audited by him, assisted only by his valuable secretary, Col. Merrill. (See reports of the legislative committee. In other states, such duties are divided among other boards of officers.) There was also the signing of 500,000 of state bonds, and drawing his warrants on the state treasury for accounts and bills allowed. In brief, an amount of business which could hardly have been accomplished, had he not been accustomed to active business habits; all which, however, and much more, he passes over, submitting the following valuable record, which we give verbatim. — Ed.]
Governor Fairbanks accepted the nomination for the executive office in 1860, with the distinct understanding that it should be but for a single term only. The country was at peace, and all the interests of the state were prosperous. The annual October session of the legislature was marked by no unusual features.
The governor, in his address, recommended a few important measures for the consideration of the two houses, and closed by congratulating the members upon the general prosperity of the state and country.
The result of the presidential election in November, was the signal for the development of dark schemes for the overthrow of the government and the dismemberment of the Union.
Immediately after the assembling of the 36th congress, the insolent bearing of southern senators and members — the development of treason in the cabinet — the threatening tone of the southern press, and the disloyal resolves of southern legislatures and conventions, indicated but too clearly the probable necessity of effective military preparations to protect the country and the United States government from the deep and fast maturing plans of traitors.
Vermont had no effective military organization. Her uniformed militia consisted of a few unfilled companies, in some of the principal villages, while the enrolled militia was a myth. The duty devolved upon the town listers to make returns of citizens liable to be called to do military service, but that duty had been extensively neglected, and, at best, the provision of the statute was practically inefficient. In view of the possibility, not to say probability, that a requisition for troops would be made upon Vermont by the general government, Gov. Fairbanks issued an order, dated the 25th of January, 1861, requiring the officers charged with the duty, to make returns of the enrolled militia forthwith; and at the same time a general order, Nov. 10, was issued, requiring the commanding officers of the uniformed militia companies to adopt measures for filling all vacancies, and to have their men properly drilled and uniformed. A few of the companies responded to this order, but very little was accomplished until after the requisition of the secretary of war.
On the 15th of April, a requisition was received by telegraph from the secretary of war, upon the governor of Vermont, for one regiment of infantry, being the quota for Vermont of the 75,000 troops called for by the president's proclamation of the same date.
Governor Fairbanks immediately issued his proclamation for a special session of the legislature, and gave the necessary orders for detailing ten companies from the uniformed militia, and for furnishing the regiment with its outfit. The legislature assembled at the capital April 23d, when Gov. Fairbanks delivered the following address before the joint assembly:
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives:
We are convened to day in view of events of an extraordinary and very alarming character. The element of disunion which, in a portion of the United States, for many years, vented itself in threats and menaces, has culminated in open rebellion; and an unnatural and causeless civil war has been precipitated against the general government.
Unprincipled and ambitious men have organized a despotism and an armed force, for
the purpose of overthrowing that government which the American people have formed for themselves, and of destroying that constitutional frame-work, under which we have enjoyed peace and prosperity, and from a small and feeble people, grown and expanded to a rank among the first nations of the earth.
The enormity of this rebellion is heightened by the consideration that no valid cause exists for it. The history of the civilized world does not furnish an instance where a revolution was attempted for such slight causes. No act of oppression, no attempted or threatened invasion of the rights of the revolting states, has existed, either on the part of the general government, or of the loyal states; but the principle has been recognized and observed, that, the right of each and every state to regulate its domestic institutions, should remain inviolate.
The inception and progress of this rebellion have been remarkable; and characterized, at every stage, by a total absence of any high honorable principle or motive in its leaders. Its master spirits are composed, essentially, of men who have been in high official position in the general government; and it has transpired that members of the late cabinet at Washington, while in the exercise of their official functions, were engaged in treasonable plots for seizing the public property and subverting the United States government. Conventions of delegates in the revolting states, chosen, in some instances, by a minority of the legal voters in those states, have, with indecent haste, adopted ordinances of secession, which ordinances have in no instance been submitted to the people for their ratification.
These proceedings have been followed by a convention of delegates from the several revolting states, which convention has organized a confederate government, adopted a constitution, elected its executive officers and subordinate functionaries, constituted itself into a legislative body, and enacted a code of laws — all which proceedings have been independent of any action of the people of those states.
The authorities of the revolting states, and subsequently that of their confederacy, have proceeded to acts of robbery and theft upon the property of the United States, within their limits. Forts, arsenals, arms, military stores, and other public property, have been seized and appropriated for use against the power of the general government; and custom houses and mints in southern cities, with large amounts of treasure, have been feloniously robbed.
These acts have been followed by military demonstrations and strategetical operations against the United States forts at Pensacola and Charleston, the latter of which, under its gallant commander, Maj. Anderson, after a bombardment of thirty-four hours, from beleaguering batteries of the insurgents, was evacuated on the 13th instant, and the flag of the Union withdrawn. But the crowning act of perfidy, on the part of the conspirators, is the proclamation of Jefferson Davis, styling himself the president of the southern confederacy, "inviting all those who may desire, by service in private armed vessels on the high seas, to aid his government, to make application for commissions, or letters of marque or reprisal;" thus instituting a grand scheme of piracy on the high seas, against the lives and private property of peaceful citizens.
These acts of outrage and daring rebellion have been equalled only by the forbearance of the general government. Unwilling to precipitate a conflict which must involve the country in all the calamities of civil war, the present government of the United States has exhausted every effort for peace, and every measure for bringing, back to their allegiance these disaffected and misguided states.
The duty of protecting the forts and government, property, not possessed by the insurgents, was imperative upon the administration; but further than this, no measures for coercing the revolting states into obedience to the constitution and the laws were adopted, and in the matter of the beleaguered forts, the government acted only on the defensive, until the conflict was commenced by the insurgents.
Such forbearance on the part of the government, while it has served to place the conspirators in a moral wrong, is no longer justifiable; and the country hails, with entire unanimity and with ardent enthusiasm, the decision of the president to call into requisition the whole power of the nation for suppressing the rebellion and repelling threatened aggressions.
From every part of the country, in all the loyal states, there is one united voice for sustaining the Union, the constitution, and the integrity of the United States government. All partizan differences are ignored and lost in the higher principle of patriotism.
In this patriotic enthusiasm, Vermont eminently participates. Her citizens, always loyal to the Union, will, in this hour of peril, nobly rally for the protection of the government and the constitution.
On the fifteenth instant, the president of the United States issued his proclamation, "calling forth the militia of the several states of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress treasonable combinations, and cause the laws to be duly executed."
The quota required of Vermont, for immediate service, is one regiment of seven hundred and eighty officers and privates.
On receiving the requisition from the secretary of war, for this regiment, I ordered the adjutant and inspector general to adopt the proper measures for calling into service such of the volunteer companies as are necessary to make up the complement; and the quartermaster general was directed to procure, with the least possible delay, the requisite outfit of knapsacks, overcoats, blankets,
and other equipments; which duty he has performed.
Having adopted the foregoing preliminary measures, for responding to the call of the president, I availed myself of the constitutional provision for convening the general assembly in an extra session; not doubting that you, gentlemen, representing the universally expressed patriotism of the citizens of this state, will make all necessary appropriations and provisions for defraying the expenses already incurred and carrying into execution further measures for placing our military quota at the service of the general government.
Conceiving it imminently probable that, at an early day, further calls will be made upon this state for troops, I respectfully call your attention to the importance of adopting immediate measures for a more efficient organization of the military arm of the state.
During the long interval of peace which we have enjoyed, while our citizens have been uninterrupted in their lawful industrial pursuits, the importance of a military organization and discipline has been lost sight of.
Our laws in relation to the militia have been subjected, during nearly a quarter of a century, to numerous isolated amendments and alterations, until as a code, they are disjointed, complicated, and altogether too cumbrous for the basis of a regular and effective organization. I therefore recommend that the legislature should promptly remedy these defects, and adopt such enactments as shall provide, effectively, for organizing, arming, and equipping the militia of the state, and for reasonably compensating the officers and privates, when required to meet for exercise and drill.
I desire, also, to urge upon you the duty of making contingent appropriations of money, to be expended under the direction of the executive, for the outfit of any additional military forces which may be called for by the general government.
The occasion is an extraordinary one. Intelligence reaches us, that the Virginia convention of delegates, elected under the express provision that any ordinance adopted by them, should be submitted to the people for their approval or rejection, has, in secret session, passed an ordinance of secession, and that the governor of the state has assumed to order the seizure of the United States forts, arsenal and vessels within the limits of that state.
The Federal capitol is menaced by an imposing and well armed military force, and the government itself, and the national archives, are in imminent peril.
Such is the emergency, in view of which I invoke your immediate action. The legislatures of other states have made liberal appropriations and extensive military arrangements for aiding the government, and their citizens are hastening to the rescue of our country's flag. We shall discredit our past history should we, in this crisis, suffer Vermont to be behind her sister states, in her patriotic sacrifices for the preservation of the Union and the constitution.
I feel assured, gentlemen, that you will best reflect the sentiments and wishes of your constituents, by emulating in your legislative action, the patriotism and liberality of the noble states which have already responded to the call of the government.
It is devoutly to be hoped that the mad ambition of the secession leaders may be restrained, and the impending sanguinary conflict averted. But a hesitating, half-way policy on the part of the administration of the loyal states, will not avail to produce such a result.
The United States government must be sustained and the rebellion suppressed, at whatever cost of men and treasure; and it remains to be seen whether the vigorous preparations that are being made and the immense military force called into service by the president, are not the most probable and certain measures for a speedy and successful solution of the question.
May that Divine Being, who rules among the nations, and directs the affairs of men, interpose by His merciful Providence, and restore to us again the blessing of peace, under the ægis of our national constitution.
On the 25th, the legislature passed an act appropriating $1,000,000 for arming, &c., the militia of Vermont; and, on the 26th, certain acts were passed for organizing and paying the aforesaid regiment of the uniformed militia.
The legislature also passed "an act to provide for raising six special regiments for immediate service for defending and protecting the constitution and Union."
This last mentioned act was independent of any previous militia law; and, without naming any other officer, placed the responsibility of raising, organizing, uniforming, arming, equipping and subsisting the regiments solely in the hands of the Governor, with authority to draw his warrants on the state treasurer for all expenditures.
The legislature adjourned on the 27th, and on the same day a general order was issued by the commander-in-chief, designating the companies detailed for the first regiment, and requiring them to hold themselves in readiness to march to the place of rendezvous, to be thereafter designated, on twenty-four hours' notice.
On the 2d day of May the regiment was mustered at Rutland, under the command of Col. J. W. Phelps and Lt. Col. P. T. Washburn; and on the 9th it left its encampment, fully armed, uniformed and equipped, en route for Old Point Comfort — being only 24 days after the requisition by telegraph from the secretary of war.
This regiment did important service at Newport News, and was honorably discharged at Brattleboro after the expiration of its term of three months.
On the 7th of May, commissions were is‑
sued for recruiting the 2d and 3d regiments of volunteers, for three years' service, or during the war. The impression was common in the state, that these regiments could only be filled by drafting; but the result showed that the sons of Vermont needed no compulsory process to rally them for the defense of their country's flag. The regiments were filled with great despatch, and were mustered at Burlington and St. Johnsbury early in June.
The 2d regiment, under the command of Col. Henry Whiting and Lieut. Col. G. F. Stannard, left their encampment, for Washington city, June 24th, and soon afterwards participated in the battle of Bull Run, in the brigade under the command of Col. (now Brig. Gen.) C. C. Howard. They were in the hottest of the fight, and suffered the loss of 66 men in killed, wounded and prisoners. (See Stannard's report.)
In response, afterwards, to an address from the non-commissioned officers of the regiment, Gen. Howard remarked: "I remember you on the march before the 21st of July, at Sangster's, at Centreville, and on the memorable day at Bull Run. I often speak of your behavior on that occasion; cool and steady as regular troops, you stood on the brow of that hill and fired your 36 rounds, and retired only at the, command of your colonel."
This regiment was afterwards ordered to Fort Griffin, and forms a part of the Vermont brigade.
The 3d regiment remained in camp at St. Johnsbury until the 24th of July. During the time they were thus encamped, there were between two and three hundred cases of measles, and some fifty men were unfit for service when the troops were ordered forward. The regiment, under the command of Col. Wm. F. Smith and Lieut. Col. B. N. Hyde, arrived in Washington city July 27th, and was immediately ordered forward to Chain Bridge. Here the men performed important work in throwing up intrenchments and making rifle pits, on the Maryland side of the Potomac, and were afterwards sent across the river into Virginia, without tents, being in near proximity to the enemy, and for ten consecutive days and nights bivouacked, while constructing the abuttis and earth works at Fort Marcy. They were afterwards exposed to severe service, as skirmishers and pickets, and are now with the Vermont brigade at Camp Griffin.
At the time of the passage of the act to raise six special regiments, it was not expected that more than two regiments would he called for. The act "authorized and required the governor to raise two regiments without delay, and, at such time as in his discretion it may he necessary, four other regiments." On the 30th of July, the governor issued the following proclamation:
Executive Department,
St. Johnsbury, July 30, 1861.
By an act of the legislature, passed April 26th, 1861, the governor was "authorized and required to raise, organize and muster into service of the state, without delay, two regiments of soldiers; and at such time as in his discretion it may appear necessary, four other regiments," &c. Under this provision, two regiments — being the 2d and 3d Vermont volunteers — have been raised, uniformed, armed, equipped, and mustered into the service of the United States for the term of three years, or during the war.
The 1st Vermont regiment, having been detailed from the companies composing the uniformed militia of the state, were mustered into the service of the United States, for three months' service, on the 2d day of May last. This regiment, under the command of Col. J. W. Phelps, rendered important service at Newport News, Va., and during their term of enlistment have nobly sustained the honor of the state and the country. Their term of service will expire early in August.
The 2d regiment having been ordered to Washington, participated in the disastrous battle of the 21st. The 3d regiment has been ordered to Washington, where it still remains.
The events of the 21st instant, and the retreat of the United States army from the field near Manassas Junction, demonstrate the necessity of a greatly increased national force; and, although no formal requisition has been made upon me by the secretary of war, nor any apportionment of troops as the quota for this state communicated, yet the events referred to, indicate clearly the necessity of exercising the discretionary power conferred on me by the aforesaid act, for raising and organizing additional regiments. Orders will therefore be issued immediately, to the adjutant and inspector generals, for enlisting the 4th and 5th regiments of volunteers for three years, or during the war, to be tendered to the general government, so soon as it may be practicable to arm, equip and discipline the troops for service.
By his excellency the governor,
GEO. A. MERRILL, Private Sec'y.
Commissions were issued August 6th, for enlisting the 4th and 5th regiments, and a call having meantime been made by the secretary of war, the governor, on the 20th, issued the following proclamation:
St. Johnsbury, Aug. 20, 1861.
To the citizens of Vermont:
An emergency has arisen which demands the active and prompt coöperation of every lover of his country, in efforts to raise and organize troops for the aid and protection of the general government.
In view of imminent danger, an earnest call has been made upon the executive, by direction of the president of the United States, for the two regiments which, under my general order of the 5th inst., are being enlisted — requesting that the troops may be
forwarded to Washington with the utmost despatch.
Deeply impressed with the importance of the crisis, I earnestly call upon the citizens, and especially upon the young men of the state, to enroll their names at the several recruiting stations, for the service of their country. Vermont has never been delinquent when called to defend the honor of the national flag, and at this critical juncture, when our invaluable institutions, our dearest privileges, and our national existence even, are imperiled, let it not be said that the Green Mountain state was among the last to fly to the rescue.
and Commander-in-Chief.
This call was nobly responded to, so that before the middle of September, two full regiments of volunteers were enlisted and mustered — the 4th at Brattleboro, under Col. E. Stoughton and Lt. Col. H. N. Worthen, and the 5th at St. Albans, under Col. H. A. Smalley and Lt. Col. S. A. Grant. These regiments arrived at Washington, Sept. 24th-26th; and were assigned to the army of the Potomac, in the Vermont brigade.
A requisition having been made by the secretary of war for the 6th Vermont regiment, commissions were issued on the 17th of September for recruiting; and, in the remarkably short space of thirty days, a full regiment was raised, uniformed, armed, and equipped, under the sole direction of the governor.
This 6th regiment, under the command of Col. N. Lord, Jr., and Lt. Col. A. P. Blount, left their encampment at Montpelier, October 19th, and form a part of the Vermont brigade in the army of the Potomac.
All these regiments were armed with rifle muskets of uniform calibre — the 6th with the Springfield rifles, and the 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, with the Enfield rifle muskets.
Two companies of sharp shooters for Berdan's regiment were enlisted in August and September, and left their place of rendezvous at West Randolph for Washington city — the first under Capt. E. Weston, Jr., and the second under Capt. H. R. Stoughton.
Valedictory Address of Erastus Fairbanks, Governor of the State of Vermont, to the General Assembly, at their Annual Session, October, 1861.
The Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of Vermont:
The extraordinary events of the present year — the critical condition of the country, and the very responsible and difficult duties assigned to the executive, under the provisions of the acts of the late extra session of the legislature, furnish a sufficient reason why I should depart from the usual custom in retiring from the executive office, and communicate briefly, in an address to the general assembly, the transactions of the past few months, and especially those pertaining to the organization and equipment of troops for the service of the United States.
Immediately after the passage of the act of April 26th, providing for "the appointment of regimental and field officers," the 1st regiment was detailed from the uniformed militia for three months' service, under the requisition of the president of the United States, and on the 2d day of May, mustered at Rutland.
This regiment, under its accomplished commander, Col. Phelps, did important service at Newport News, and was honorably mustered out of the service of the United States, at Brattleboro', on the 13th of August.
On the 7th of May, orders were issued for recruiting the 2d and 3d regiments of volunteers, under the provisions of the act of the 26th of April, entitled "an act to provide for raising 6 special regiments." These were filled with great dispatch, and mustered at Burlington and St. Johnsbury, early in June.
The 2d regiment, under Col. Whiting, left Burlington for Washington city, June 24th.
The 8d regiment was ordered forward by the secretary of war, July 18th, and left St. Johnsbury, under the command of Col. (now Brig. Gen.) Smith, July 24th.
On the 6th of August, commissions were issued for raising the 4th and 5th regiments of volunteers, which were filled nearly or quite to the maximum number of 1046 men each, and mustered at Brattleboro' and St. Albans, September 12th-14th.
The 4th, under Col. Stoughton, left Brattleboro' for Washington city, September 21st, and the 5th, under Col. Smalley, left St. Albans, September 23d.
These several regiments have been uniformed, equipped, furnished with army wagons and horses, and armed with rifled muskets, at the expense of the state.
On the 17th of September, recruiting officers were appointed for raising the 6th regiment of volunteers, which was filled with great promptitude, and mustered at Montpelier, the first week in October, under the command of Col. Lord — being fully equipped and uniformed, ready to be ordered forward to the seat of war.
These five regiments are composed, principally, of the mechanics and yeomanry of the state, and under their educated and experienced commanders, will, it is believed, form a Vermont brigade.
On the 7th of August, I issued a commission to Capt. E. Weston, Jr., to raise a company of practical sharp shooters, to be or ganized upon the plan of Col. H. Berdan, as approved and authorized by the president and secretary of war. This company was recruited to the maximum number, and left West Randolph for Col. Berdan's regiment in the army of the Potomac, on the 4th of September.
On the 25th of September, I issued a commission to Capt. H. R. Stoughton, to raise a second company of sharp shooters.
These companies have been or are to be armed, uniformed and equipped by the general government.
A regiment of cavalry has been raised by voluntary enlistment, under a commission of the secretary of war to Col. L. B. Platt.
I have authorized Capt. L. H. Sayles of Leicester, to raise a squadron of cavalry, to form a part of a regiment apportioned to the several New England states, to be organized, uniformed, and equipped, by Gov. Sprague of Rhode Island, and denominated the New England regiment of cavalry. This order is subject to the direction of the legislature.
These several corps are composed of intelligent, independent citizens — volunteers — enlisted for three years, or during the war; and the alacrity with which they have volunteered and entered into the service of the country, is a remarkable and gratifying expression of the devoted patriotism of our citizens, and an unmistakable pledge of the loyalty of Vermont to the government or the United States and the cause of the Union. I should do injustice to my own feelings, as well as to the officers and men in service, should I fail to mention the uniform testimony which has been communicated to me, of the excellent conduct of our troops. Those of them who have been in active service, have been under excellent discipline, and have, when in posts of danger and fatigue, displayed a coolness, courage and endurance, not excelled by soldiers in the regular army while their moral bearing and exemplary deportment has won for them the confidence and approbation of their superior officers. I doubt not that the regiments which have recently joined them, as well as the one soon to follow, will do themselves equal credit, and prove an honor to the state and the country.
It will be recollected that the acts of the extra session, authorizing the raising of these special regiments, is independent of any previous military organization or statute. The responsibility of raising, organizing, uniforming, arming and equipping them, is made the sole duty of the governor. In the absence of any existing military organization or authorized code, this duty has been embarrassing and laborious; and not unfrequently responsibilities were assumed foe which no specific authority existed. But in all cases, care has been taken to conform to the obvious intent and meaning of the act aforesaid.
By the provisions of this act, the term of service is limited to two years; and each non-commissioned officer, musician and private, is entitled to receive from the state of Vermont, $7 per month, in addition to the compensation paid by the United States.
The requisition of the president of the United states for troops for three years, or during the war, made it expedient and necessary to adopt a form of contract in accordance thereto, while at the same time it was made to conform to the provisions of the act aforesaid, as follows: "We enlist and agree to serve for the first two years under and by virtue of the provisions of the act of the legislature of this state, entitled an act to provide for raising six special regiments, for immediate service, for protecting and defending the constitution and the Union, approved April 26, 1861, and are to receive the compensation therein provided, and for the third year, under the laws, rules and regulations relating to the army of the United States, and such further compensation, if any, as the legislature of the state of Vermont may hereafter provide." It will be seen, therefore, that should the term of service be extended to the third year, the soldiers thus serving will not be entitled to the $7 per month extra pay, without further legislative provisions.
Every consideration of equity and justice demands that provisions should be made for placing the several corps of citizen soldiers upon the same footing in this regard.
Owing to circumstances beyond my control, it has, until the present time, been impossible to obtain all the vouchers necessary for preparing properly the abstracts to be presented to the treasury department, for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the state.
An estimate, certified by me to be within the amount actually expended for the first, second and third regiments, was forwarded to Washington by J. W. Stewart, Esq., inspector of finance, early in September, upon which estimate 40 per cent, or $123,000 has been refunded and placed in the state treasury.
The amount of warrants drawn by me upon the Treasurer, up to and including the 4th of October, is $512,362.59; which amount has been disbursed upon proper vouchers for the six regiments aforesaid, under appropriate heads, to be submitted hereafter. Of this amount, $123,000 has been reimbursed by the secretary of the treasury, as above stated.
A few bills for expenses of the 4th and 5th regiments are yet unsettled as also the recruiting service, transportation, subsistence and incidental expenses of the 7th. There is also a class of claims, which I have not felt authorized to allow, which will probably be presented.
By the act of congress of July 27th, it is provided as follows: "That the secretary of the treasury be, and he is hereby directed, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, to pay to the governor of any state, or his duly authorized agents, the costs, charges, and expenses properly incurred by such state, for enrolling, subsisting, clothing, supplying, arming, equipping, paying and transporting its troops employed in aiding to suppress the present insurrection against the United States, to be settled upon proper vouchers, to be filed and passed upon by the proper accounting officers of the treasury."
I respectfully request the appointment by the legislature, of a commission to examine the accounts for disbursements already made
by me for the above purposes, to adjust and settle all outstanding bills, to arrange the vouchers and prepare the necessary abstracts of expenses, to be presented to the secretary of' the treasury for allowance under the act aforesaid.
Early in June, I received a letter from T. W. Park, Esq., of San Francisco, Cal., covering, a check for $1000, as a patriotic coutribution to his native state, "towards defraying the expense of fitting out her sons for the service of the country," which amount I placed in the hands of the state treasurer.
Under the provisions of the act of November 27th, 1860, entitled "an act for the better protection of the treasury," I appointed John W. Stewart, Esq., of Middlebury, inspector of finance, which office he has accepted.
In common with the executives of the other loyal states, whose legislatures were not then in session, I appointed commissioners to the peace convention, so called, which assembled in Washington in February last. The question of providing for reimbursing the expense of this commission is respectfully submitted for the consideration of the legislature.
In accordance with general order No. 25, of the war department, I appointed a board of medical examiners, for the examination of candidates for the office of surgeons of regiments, consisting of Samuel W. Thayer, Jr., M. D., Burlington, Edward E. Phelps, M. D., Windsor, Selim Newell, M. D., St. Johnsbury, who have attended to the duties of their appointment, and the expenses of the board are included in those of the volunteer militia.
I have appointed the Hon. Joseph Poland of Montpelier, a special financial agent to visit and remain with the Vermont regiments at the seat of war, for the purpose of being a medium of communication between the soldiers and their friends and consignees at home, giving information to the men, and receiving and transmitting such portion of their pay as they may desire to send home for investment and safe keeping, or for the use of their families or friends.
Mr. Poland has been constituted by me a trustee of the soldiers aforesaid, for the above service, and has executed a bond, with ample sureties, for the faithful execution of the trust.
The importance of this appointment, both to the officers and men of the regiments and to the state, can hardly be over-estimated; but, as it is not provided for by law, I commend it to the favorable consideration of the legislature.
The multiform and onerous duties relating to the raising, organizing and furnishing the several regiments, the auditing of bills and accounts, the disbursement of funds, &c., imposed upon the executive by the acts of the extra session, rendered it impossible that I should attend to the appointment and correspondence of town agents for the support of families of citizen soldiers; and at my request, the lieutenant governor kindly consented to take charge of that department of the public service.
By his report, which is herewith submitted, it will be seen that the amount drawn from the treasury prior to October 1st, is $1,778.22.
I submit herewith a copy of instructions, prepared by me for the observance of the several town agents, but the experience of the lieutenant governor has shown the importance of a more perfect system, and I respectfully commend the suggestions contained in his report to the consideration of the general assembly.
Under my directions, the quartermaster general has sold a quantity of Windsor rifles belonging to the state, at $13.50 each. These rifles are a good arm, but being without bayonets, and not adapted to the use of our soldiers, they have long remained practically useless to the state.
It has been my purpose to confine this communication to the history of the past, earnestly hoping that the governor elect, who is detained by illness, will, at an early day, be able to lay before you the appropriate business for the session. I therefore omit to call your attention to measures which, under other circumstances, I might deem important.
Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Representatives:
In retiring from the arduous duties of the political year now closing, I desire to express, through you, to the citizens of Vermont, my high appreciation of their confidence and patrotic cooperation in carrying into execution the important measures required by the acts of the special session, and to assure you that I shall carry with me into private life a sacred devotion to the interests of the state and to the cause of our common country,
You, gentlemen, are called to deliberate upon measures more important and vital to the interests of the state and the country, than any which have ever before occupied the attention of the general assembly; requiring your patient, careful and dispassionate deliberation. May an all-wise Providence guide you; and may our Heavenly Father interpose to deliver our beloved country from its present calamity and from the perils which threaten it, and restore to it again the blessings of peace, union and prosperity.
[Careful historians will be engaged to furnish historical papers for this department, which will continue to give an accurate summary of our legislative acts pertaining to the war, and also an account of the part taken by the Vermont soldiers in every engagement in which they have or may be called to participate, so soon as the facts can be gleaned and established for a reliable history — lists of the killed or wounded will also be gives by counties, or companies, and anecdotes of the soldiers. — Ed.]
— (First 8 Regiments).
First Regiment.
Colonel, J. Wolcott Phelps.
Lieutenant Colonel, Peter T. Washburn.
Major, Harry N. Worthen.
Chaplain, Rev. Levi H. Stone.
Co. A. — Captain, Lawrence D. Clark; 1st Lieut., Albert B. Jewett; 2d Lieut., John D. Sheridan.
Co. B. — Captain, William W. Felton : 1st Lieut., Andrew J. Dike; 2d Lieut., Solomon E. Woodward.
Co. C. — Captain, Charles G. Chandler; 1st Lieut., Hiram E. Perkins; 2d Lieut., Freeborn E. Bell.
Co. D. — Dudley K. Andros; 1st Lieut., John B. Pickett, Jr.; 2d Lieut., Roswell Farnham.
Co. E. — Captain, Oscar S. Tuttle; 1st Lieut., Asaph Clark; 2d Lieut., Salmon Dutton.
Co. F. — Captain, William H. Boynton; 1st Lieut., Charles C. Webb; 2d Lieut., Francis B. Gove.
Co. G. — Captain, Joseph Bush; 1st Lieut., William Cronan; 2d Lieut., Ebenezer J. Ormsbee.
Co. H. — Captain. David B. Peck; 1st Lieut., Oscar G. Mower , 2d Lieut., George J. Hager.
Co. I. — Captain, Eben S. Hayward; 1st Lieut., Charles W. Rose; 2d Lieut., Orville W. Heath.
Co. K. — Captain, William Y. W. Ripley; 1st Lieut., George T. Roberts; 2d Lieut., Levi G. Kingsley.
Second Regiment.
Colonel, Henry Whiting.
Lieutenant Colonel, George J. Stannard.
Major, Charles H. Joyce.
Chaplain, Rev. C. B. Smith of Brandon.
Co. A. — Captain, James H. Walbridge; 1st Lieut., Newton Stone; 2d Lieut., William H. Cady.
Co. B. — Captain, Samuel Hope; 1st. Lieut., John Howe; 2d Lieut., Enoch Johnson.
Co. C. — Captain, Edward A. Todd; 1st Lieut., John S. Tyler; 2d Lieut., Henry C. Campbell.
Co. D. — Captain, Charles Dillingham; 1st Lieut., William W. Henry; 2d Lieut , Charles C. Gregg.
Co. E. — Captain, Richard Smith; 1st Lieut. Lucius C. Whitney; 2d Lieut., Orville Bixby.
Co. F. — Captain, Francis V. Randall; 1st Lieut., Walter A. Phillips; 2d Lieut., Horace F. Grossman.
Co. G. — Captain, John T. Drew; 1st Lieut., David L. Sharpley; 2d Lieut., Anson H. Weed.
Co. H. — Captain, William T. Burnham; 1st Lieut., Jerome B. Case; 2d Lieut. Chester K. Leach.
Co. I. — Captain, Volney S. Fullam; 1st Lieut., Sherman W. Parkhurst; 2d Lieut., Isaac N. Wadleigh.
Co. K. — Captain, Solon Eaton; 1st Lieut., Amasa S Tracy; 2d Lieut., Jonathan M. Hoyt.
Third Regiment.
Colonel, William F. Smith.
Lieutenant Colonel, Breed N. Hyde.
Major, Walter W. Cochran.
Chaplain, Rev. M. K. Parmalee of Underhill
(resigned). Rev. Mr. Mack succeeded.
Co. A. — Captain, Wheelock G. Vearey; 1st Lieut., Frederick Crain; 2d Lieut., Horace W. Floyd.
Co. B. — Captain, Augustine C. West; 1st Lieut., Enoch H. Bartlett; 2d Lieut., John H. Coburn.
Co. C. — Captain, David T. Corbin; 1st Lieut., Danford C. Haviland; 2d Lieut., Edwin M. Noyes.
Co. D. — Captain, Fernando C. Harrington; 1st Lieut., Daniel J. Kenneson; 2d Lieut., Charles Bishop.
Co. E. — Captain, Andrew J. Blanchard; 1st Lieut., Robert D. Whittemore; 2d Lieut., Burr J. Austin.
Co. F. — Captain, Thomas O. Seaver; 1st Lieut., Samuel E. Pingree; 2d Lieut., Edward A. Chandler.
Co. G. — Captain, Lorenzo D. Allen; 1st Lieut., John H. Hutchinson; 2d Lieut., Moses F. Brown.
Co. H. — Captain, Thomas F. House; 1st Lieut. Waterman F. Corey; 2d Lieut., Romeo H. Start.
Co. I. — Captain, Thomas Nelson; 1st Lieut., James Powers; 2d Lieut., Alexander W. Beattie.
Co. K. — Capt. Elon O. Hammond; 1st Lieut., Amasa T. Smith; 2d Lieut., Alonzo E. Pierce.
Fourth Regiment.
Colonel, Edwin H. Stoughton.
Lieutenant Colonel, Harry N. Worthen.
Major, John C. Tyler.
Chaplain, Rev. S. M. Plymton.
Co. A. — John E. Pratt; 1st Lieut., Albert K. Parsons; 2d Lieut., Gideon H. Benton.
Co. B. — Captain, James H. Platt Jr.; 1st Lieut., Alfred K. Nichols; 2d Lieut., Samuel H. Chamberlin.
Co. C. — Captain, Henry B. Atherton; 1st Lieut., George B. French; 2d Lieut., Daniel D. Wheeler.
Co. D. — Captain, George Tucker; 1st Lieut., George W. Quimby; 24 Lieut., John H. Bishop.
Co. E. — Captain, Henry L. Terry; 1st Lieut., Stephen M. Pingree; 2d Lieut., Daniel Lillie.
Co. F. — Captain, Addison Brown, Jr.; 1st Lieut., William C. Holbrook; 2d Lieut., Dennie W. Farr.
Co. G. — Captain, George P. Foster; 1st Lieut., Henry H. Hill; 2d Lieut., Joseph W. D. Carpenter.
Co. H. — Captain, Robert W. Laird; 1st Lieut., Abial W. Fisher; 2d Lieut., J. Byron Brooks.
Co. I. — Captain, Leonard A. Stearns; 1st Lieut., Levi M. Tucker; 2d Lieut., Albert A. Allard.
Co. K. — Captain, Frank B. Gove; 1st Lieut., Charles W. Bontin; 2d Lieut., Wm. C. Tracy.
Fifth Regiment.
Colonel, Henry A. Smalley.
Lieutenant Colonel, Nathan Lord, Jr.
Major, Lewis A. Grant.
Chaplain, Rev. V. M. Simons.
Co. A. — Captain, Charles G. Chandler; 1st Lieut., Alonzo R. Hurlburt; 2d Lieut., Louis M. D. Smith.
Co. B. — Captain, Charles W. Rose; 1st Lieut., Wilson D. Wright; 2d Lieut., Olney A. Comstock.
Co. C. — Captain, John D. Sheridan; 1st Lieut., Friend H. Barney; 2d Lieut., Jesse A. Jewett.
Co. D. — Captain, Reuben C. Benton; 1st Lieut., James W. Stiles; 2d Lieut., Samuel Sumner, Jr.
Co. E. — Captain, Charles P. Dudley; 1st Lieut., William H. H. Peck; 2d Lieut., Samuel E. Burnham.
Co. F. — Captain, Edwin S. Stowell; 1st Lieut., Cyrus R. Crane; 2d Lieut., Eugene A. Hamilton.
Co. G. — Captain, Benjamin R. Jenne; 1st Lieut., Charles T. Allchine; 2d Lieut., Martin J. McManus.
Co. H. — Captain, Charles W. Seagar; 1st Lieut , Cornelius H. Forbes; 2d Lieut., Charles J. Ormsbee.
Co. I. — Captain, John R. Lewis; 1st Lieut., William P. Spalding; 2d Lieut., Henry Ballard.
Co. K. — Captain, Frederick F. Gleason; 1st Lieut., William Symons; 2d Lieut., George J. Hatch.
Sixth Regiment.
Colonel, Nathan Lord, Jr.
Lieutenant Colonel, Asa P. Blunt.
Major, Oscar S. Tuttle.
Chaplain, Rev. S. H. Stone.
Co. A. — Captain, George Parker, Jr.; 1st Lieut., Riley O. Bird; 2d Lieut., Frank G. Butterfield.
Co. B. — Captain, Alonzo B. Hutchinson; 1st Lieut., La Marquis Tubbs; 2d Lieut., Barnard D. Fabyan.
Co. C. — Captain, Jesse C. Spaulding; 1st Lieut., George C. Randall; 2d Lieut. , Hiram A. Kimball.
Co. D. — Captain, Oscar A. Hale; 1st Lieut., George H. Phelps; 2d Lieut., Carlos W. Dwinnell.
Co. E. — Captain. Edward W. Barker; 1st Lieut., Thomas R. Clark; 2d Lieut., Frank B. Bradbury.
Co. F. — Captain, Edwin F. Reynolds; 1st Lieut., Elijah Whitney; 2d Lieut., Dennison A. Raxford.
Co. G. — Captain, William H. H. Hall; 1st Lieut., Alfred M. Nevins; 2d Lieut., Edwin C. Lewis.
Co. H. — Captain, David B. Davenport; 1st Lieut., Robinson Templeton; 2d Lieut., Luther Ainsworth.
Co. I. — Captain, Wesley Harelton; 1st Lieut., William B. Reynolds; 2d Lieut., Edwin R. Kinney.
Co. K. — Captain, Elisha L. Barney; 1st Lieut., Lucius Green; 2d Lieut., Alfred H. Keith.
Seventh Regiment.
Colonel, George T. Roberts.
Lieutenant Colonel, Volney S. Fullam.
Major, William C. Holbrook.
Co. A. — Captain, David B. Peck; 1st Lieut., Heman Austin; 2d Lieut., Hiram B. Fish.
Co. B. — Captain, William Cronan; 1st Lieut., Darwin A. Smalley; 2d Lieut., Jackson V. Parker.
Co. C. — Captain, Henry M. Porter; 1st Lieut., Erwin V. N. Hitchcock; 2d Lieut., John G. Dickinson.
Co. D. — Captain, John B. Kilburn; 1st Lieut., William B. Thrall; 2d Lieut., George E. Cross.
Co. E. — Captain, Daniel Landon; 1st Lieut., George W. Sheldon; 2d Lieut., Richard T. Cull.
Co. F. — Captain, Lorenzo D. Brooks; 1st Lieut., Edgar N. Ballard; 2d Lieut., Rodney C. Gates.
Co. G. — Captain, Salmon Dutton; 1st Lieut., George M. R. Howard; 2d Lieut., Leonard P. Bingham.
Co. H. — Captain, Mahlon M. Young; 1st Lieut., Henry H. French; 2d Lieut., George H. Kelley.
Co. I. — Captain, Charles C. Ruggles; 1st Lieut., Charles Clark; 2d Lieut., Austin E. Woodman.
Co. K. — Captain. David P. Barber; 1st Lieut., John L. Moseley; 2d Lieut., Allen Spalding.
Eighth Regiment.
Colonel, Stephen Thomas.
Lieutenant Colonel, Edward M. Brown.
Major, Charles Dillingham.
Co. A. — Captain, Luman M. Grant; 1st Lieut.., Moses McFarland; 2d Lieut., Gilman S. Rand.
Co. B. — Captain, Charles B. Child; 1st Lieut., Stephen T. Spalding; 2d Lieut., Frederick D. Butterfield.
Co. C. — Captain, Henry E. Foster; 1st Lieut., Edward B. Weight; 2d Lieut.; Frederick J. Fuller.
Co. D. — Captain, Cyrus B. Leach; 1st Lieut., Alfred E. Getchell; 2d Lieut., Darius G. Child.
Co. E. — Captain, Edward Hall; 1st Lieut,
Kilburn Day; 2d Lieut., Truman Kellogg.
Co. F. — Captain, Hiram E. Perkins; 1st Lieut., Daniel S. Foster; 2d Lieut., Carter H. Nason.
Co. G. — Captain, Samuel G. P. Craig; 1st Lieut., Job W. Green; 2d Lieut., John B. Mead.
Co. H. — Captain, Henry F. Button; 1st Lieut., Alvin B. Franklin; 2d Lieut., William H. H. Holton.
Co. I. — Captain, William W. Lynde; 1st Lieut., George N. Holland; 2d Lieut., Joshua C. Morse.
Co. K. — Captain, John S. Clark; 1st Lieut., Adoniram J. Howard; 2d Lieut., George F. French.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Colonel, Lemuel B. Platt.
Lieutenant Colonel, Geo. B. Kellogg.
Major, William D. Collins.
Major, John D. Bartlett.
Co. A. — Captain, Frank A. Platt; 1st Lieut., Joel B. Erhardt; 2d Lieut., Ellis B. Edwards.
Co. B. — Captain, George B. Conger; 1st Lieut., William M. Beaman; 2d Lieut., Jed. P. Clark.
Co. C. — Captain, William Wells; 1st Lieut., Henry M. Paige; 2d. Lieut., Eli Holden.
Co. D. — Captain, Addison W. Preston; 1st Lieut., John W. Bennett; 2d. Lieut., William G. Cummings.
Co. E. — Captain, Samuel P. Rundlett; 1st Lieut., Andrew J. Grover; 2d Lieut., John C. Holmes.
Co. F. — Captain, Josiah Hall; 1st Lieut., Robert Schofield, Jr.; 2d Lieut.,
Nathaniel E. Hayward.
Co. G. — Captain, James A. Sheldon; 1st Lieut., George H. Bean; 2d Lieut., Dennis Blackwer.
Co. H. — Captain, Selah G. Perkins; 1st Lieut., Franklin T. Huntoon; 2d Lieut., Charles A. Adams.
Co. I. — Captain, Edward B. Sawyer; 1st Lieut., Henry C. Flint; 2d Lieut., Josiah Grout, Jr.
Co. K. — Captain, Franklin Moore; 1st Lieut., John S. Ward; 2d Lieut., John Williamson.
Sharp Shooters.
1st Co. — Captain, Edmund Weston, Jr.; 1st Lieut., Charles W. Seaton; 2d Lieut., Martin V. Bronson.
2d Co. — Captain, Homer R. Stoughton; 1st Lieut., Frederick Spalding; 2d Lieut., Henry M. Hall.
3d Co. — Captain, Gilbert Hart; 1st Lieut., Henry Herbert; 2d Lieut., Albert Baxton.
Light Artillery.
1st Battery. — Captain, George W. Duncan; Lieutenants — 1st, George T. Hebard, Edward Rice, Jr.; 2d, Henry N. Colburn, Saimon B. Hebard.
2d Battery. — Captain, Lensie R. Sayles; Lieutenants — 1st, Benjamin N. Dyer, Coridon D. Smith; 2d, John A. Quilty, John W. Chase.
With their residence, to what regiment and company attached, and their respective ages.
Third Regiment.
Co. C. — Wm. H. Ash; Henry Brock, 30; Jacob C. Goodale, 25; David Somers, 28.
Co. G. — Henry Farewell, 45; Benj. Farewell; Henry C. Thompson, 20; Charles E. Peabody.
Co. I. — Nelson Blodget, 23; John Sulivan, 23; John A. Sutherland, 24; Reynolds A. Kenady.
Fourth, Regiment.
George N. Harvey (com. sergt.); Francis Page, 17; Horace Page, 23; Wm. Page, 21; Henry Gilchrist, 20; John Welch.
Sixth Regiment.
Co. B. — Archibald Hariman, 34.
Co. E. — James Gray, 45; Nelson T. Scott; John McGill, 40.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. C. — A. P. Hawley; Geo. Goodale, 23 Eben Goodale; Charles Newman, 20; Robert Morse, 19; Geo. H. Hazeltine, 19; Nathaniel Annis.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Co. D. — Josiah H. Moor; Henry A. Moor; Elijah Page; Byron Morrill; Horace Ide, 22; Loren Brigham, 21; Jas. Davies, 21; James Asden, 19; Wm. Cummings; Bartlett Beard, 50; Charles Beard; Oscar Beard, 20; Henry H. Beard, 24; John Beard; Guy E. Clement.
Berdan's Sharp Shooters.
Augustus Page.
New Hampshire Regiments.
Henry H. Dewey, 22; Wm. Morgan; Geo. Morgan; James Morgan; Azro Morgan.
Massachusetts Regiments.
Albert Hardy; 15th, Benj. P. House.
Robert Cowen, 22; John Farewell, 19; Geo. Ryan, 21; Loren Winslow, 23; Henry Matthews, 22; Edwin Peabody, 20; Joseph Clark; G. C. Clement (corp. cav.); Thomas Guthrie, 20; James Ramsey; Carlos F. McNab, 19.
[From Peter Lindsay, 1st Selectman.]
First Regiment.
Co. D. — Russel B. Page, 43 (cavalry) .
Third Regiment.
Co. E. — Charles W. Wells, 16; Charles
Eggleston, 20; Myron Eggleston, 23; Joseph Eggleston, 24; Franklin J. Thomas, 16.
Co. G. — Albert H. Jenkins, 24; Porter Morse, 30; Henry Bruce, 32.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. B. — R. G. Hayward (corp.).
Co. D. — Henry C. Carleton, 22.
Co. G. — James R. Page, 19; Albert Carpenter, 18; Charles C. Clogston, 16.
Seventh Regiment.
Co. H. — Ephraim Orcutt, 18.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. K. — Oramel Parker, 23; Perry Porter, 20; Kingsley Stoddard, 20; Henry Woodruff, 19; Franklin Cheney, 18; Alanson White, 26; Charles C. Burt, 26; Joseph Crotean, 21; Willis Jenkins, 34; Harrison Hunter, 24; Azro H. Henison, 17; Warren S. Norris, 19.
[From A. Burington.]
Third Regiment.
Co. G. — Franklin L. Badger, 30; John Gorman, 34; Harvey D. Judkins, 20; Alvin B. Danforth, 25; Charles Danforth, 19; Charles Northrop, 18; Franklin B. Caswell, 19; John Doney, 40; Edward Dana, 21; Nathan Davenport, 35; John Cook, 30.
Wells River Co. — 1st Lieut., Danforth C. Haviland.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. H. — Capt., Robert W. Laird, 35; 1st Lieut., Abial W. Fisher, 28; 2d Lieut., Franklin Bradbury, 24; 1st Sergt., Lewis W. Fisher, 24; 2d Sergt., E. H. Stewart, 26; 1st Corp., Silas H. Stone, 25; 5th Corp., Charles P. Hatch, 28. Privates. — Wm. S. Allen, 19; Charles Cook, 18; William Ellis, 34; Jacob Forrest, 30; John B. Harris, 19; Hiram Hawkins, 24; Geo. A. Hawkins, 22; Payson S. Hawkins, 23; J. Lundry, 30; John McMillan, 22; A. S. McDonald, 26; H. B. Morse, 22; George Parker, 32; Wm. Picket, 34; Horace E. Rowe, 26; Edward Taylor, 36; J. F. Vincent, 18; Ezra B. Weeks, 40; W. Armstrong, 19; Amos C. Barber, 26; Franklin Harris, 25; Calvin J. B. Harris, 25; B. F. Faylor, 34; Morris Aaron, 22; Charles Adams, 24; Wm. J. Sly, 19; Abram Sulham, 30; Edw'd Sulham, 28; Simon Russell, 23; Charles Cowdery, 35.
Allen Guards. — Oliver M. Badger, 18; Charles M. Badger, 22; H. D. Morrill, 18; Daniel Adams, 20; Ward Rollins, 20; John Rollins;** James Morrill, 24.††
First Cavalry Regiment.
Capt., Addison W. Preston, 30; 4th Sergt., Martin V. B. Sargent, 28; 2d Corp., John B. Chace, 33. Privates — Benjamin F. Clefford, 28; Harvey J. Bickford, 26; Charles Bickford, 22; Kyron Morrill, 20; Austin A. Bailey, 28; Benjamin F. Carr, 26 (deceased); Amos B. Chace, 35; Edwin Hall, 32.
Butler's Regiment.
Eleazer Morrill, 40; Trefrew Paquien, 22; William W. Bacon, 36 (artillery); Henry A. Crane, 20.
[From M. T. Alexander and Wm. B. Palmer]
Third Regiment.
Co. C. — Geo. Stebbins, 24; Leveret Page, 24;† Morris Vance,† 23; Charles Burnham, 20;† Charles Burbank, 17;† Charles Jones, 26;† Gardner Orr, 21.†
Co. H. — Moses Page, Jr., 20;† Charles Emery, 23.†.
Co. K. — William Scott, 22.†
Fourth Regiment.
Co. B. — George Philbrick, 35.*
Sixth Regiment.
Co. B. — Charles Brock, 20.†
Co. E. — Everett Ricker, 25;† Robt. Taisey, 25.†
Co. K. — George Scott, 2d, 20.†
Eighth Regiment.
Asa Emery, 21;† Charles Emery, 2d, 19.†
Sixth Massachusetts Regiment.
Co. E. — Frederic Glover, 25.*
Seventeenth New York Regiment.
Benjamin Emery, 25.
Forty-Fifth Illinois Regiment.
John Brown, 20.†
[From Rev. O. G. Clark.]
Second Regiment.
George T. Brown, 17;† Wyman C. Allen, 21;† Benjamin F. Stuart;† Abial Foy, 21;‡ Isaac Bowen, 28;‡ George Bridgman, 21;† Wm. F. Norris, 20;† Daniel George, 22;† Charles E. Remick, 20;† Charles Canmy.†
Third Regiment.
Orson Marsh, 30;† Albert J. Hoyt, 20;† Andrew J. Dutton, 33;‡ Marshall T. Hatch, 22.†
Fourth Regiment.
Co. D. — Lyman Kibbee, 21;† Charles W. Cade, 24;† Thomas W. Griffin, 28;‡ Wm. Cunningham, 23;† John Bedel, 24;‡ Oscar E. Johnson, 21;† Joseph Houston, 20;† Isaac W. Clifford, 80;‡ Wm. G. Scribner.
Sixth Regiment.
Charles Paine, 21;† Joseph Wakefield, 22;† Chester Smith, 21;† Giles Smith, 21.†
Seventh Regiment.
Co. C. — William H. Ward, 22;† Chas. W. Ward, 19.†
Eighth Regiment.
Oscar E. Rice, 35; ‡ Leonard O. Sanborn,
* Married. † Single. ‡ Family.
** Of Danville, is serving in an Illinois regiment in Missouri.
†† Served in the 5th Massachusetts regiment, and was in the battle Bull Run.
20;† Charles W. Ransom, 20;† Charles F. Goodwin, 24;† Samuel Davison, 18;† Willis Lowell, 19;† Joel T. Houston, 28;‡ Geo. Root, 19;† Philip Root, 17;† Augustus Remick, 17;† George Barrett, 32;† Levi W. Barrett, 28;† Charles Barrett, 24;† Pardon Allen, 18.†
[From Miss A. Stevens.]
Ninth Regiment.
Chas. Warren,† John Gray,† Frank Page†
First Cavalry Regiment.
Bernard E. Walker, 30.‡
Second Regiment.
Co. G. — Ephraim Harrington, 28.†
Third Regiment.
Co. I. — Julius Duplissa;* George W. Newhall, 25.†
Third Regiment.
Co. G. — Charles W. Allen, 20;† John Aldrich, 19; William Aldrich, 17;† Warren Bradley, 24;† George F. Brown, 23;† Beniah S. Carpenter, 20;† Haynes Carpenter, 23;† Jacob Chapman, Jr., 20;† Orrin Farnsworth, 30;† Russell U. Farnsworth, 22;† George N. Harriman, 29;† William H. Hubbard, 28†; (1st sergt.); Albert H. Jenkins, 21;† Edward Mattocks, M. D., 45 (sergt. maj.);* Edward N. Mattocks, 19;† Felix A. Merchant, 25; Abel B. Quimby, 19;† George J. Quimby, 24 (corp.);† Romanzo V. Quimby,† 21; Aaron W. Quimby, 56;* Francis B. Root, 32;† Albert F. Scruton, 23;† John W. Whipple, 20;† Chas. W. Hill, 19;† William H. Hunter, 22.†
Co. D. — Edson I. Harriman, 18.†
Fourth Regiment.
Geo. Henry Fisher,† 18; Chas. Burt,† 22.
Seventh Regiment.
Dr. Enoch Blanchard, 33 (asst. surgeon);* Leonard Balch, 40;* Charles Balch, 18;† Robert McVicar, 42;* Charles A. Ward, 20.†
Additional Volunteers.
Albert Baker, Austin Miles, Charles Butterfield, Alex. McVicar, Henry Pierce, Henry Deos.
Wm. A. Baker, 34;* Abram Hicks, 27.*
[From I. W. Sanburn.]
Third Regiment.
Co. G. — Levi West (died in hospital); Lawrence Ryan (discharged).
Co. K. — Wesley P. Carroll.
Fourth Regiment.
John Ryan.
Sixth Regiment.
Co. E. — B. T. French, Asa B. French, Henry F. Sheldon.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. K. — James W. Smith, Rufus D. Smith, Demming D. Fairbanks, John G. Gordon, Charles R. Carroll, William Bunker, Daniel Cole, Wm. A. Hart, Wm. C. Hudson.
First Vermont Cavalry.
Co. D. — Joseph W. Gordon.
[From H. Bugbee, P. M.]
Third Regiment.
Alvin Jones;* Francis E. Sargeant;† Joseph N. Sargeant;† Charles Inman;† Charles Dubois;† Nathaniel Heath;† Lucius O. Morse;† John Glass;† Carlos Parker.†
Fourth Regiment.
E. D. Palmer;* Charles Gilbert;* Francis Field;† William Armstrong;† Nelson West;* Isaac Mann;† David Mann;† Horace E. Rowe.†
Sixth Regiment.
Willard T. Brown;* John Somers;* Wm. F. Jones;* Archibald Gillis;* David Merrill. †
Cavalry Regiment.
Jacob Trussell;† Harvey A. Marckres;† Geo. P. Blair;* Lorrin Chase;* John Gracy, Jr.;† John P. More;* Mark Wheeler;* Dennis White.†
[From Miss M. L. K. Pearson.]
W. J. Henderson (Capt.);* Thomas Nelson (Capt.), 48;* Alex. Beattie (1st Lieut.), 32;† Henry C. Miller (corporal), 22.† Privates — Charles Lamb, 18;† Samuel Scott, 21;† David Scott, 20;† Henry Gibson, 22;† David Wright, 49;† James Wright, 19;† Henry C. Wright, 17;† Archibald McCall, 21;† Henry McColl, 19;† Henry Neilson, 17;† James A. Chamberlin, 19;† Henry M. Currier, 20;† Albert Langmail, 22;† Horace Page, 22;† Francis Page, 18;† H. W. Gardner, 28;* Thomas Guthrie, 18;† Archibald Guthrie, 17;† James Guthrie, 23;† John R. Holmes, 21;† George W. Hayward,* John Whitcher,* J. T. H. McLure, 27;* ——— Wheeler,† John S. Cameron, 21;† Elmore Vance.†
[From Rev, James M. Beattie.]
Third Regiment.
Co. C. — C. R. Kellum, David E. Harriman, Geo. W. Bonnett, Thomas Howard, William Norris, Alonzo H. Nute, Daniel S. Lee, John W. Ramsey (2d Lieut.), Thomas Bishop, John S. Kilby, Hiram Hanscom, William L. Jackson (hospital steward), John A. Paddock, Ephraim P. Howard, Henry N. Crossman (principal musician), A. O. Kidder, Curtis R. Crossman (clerk to brigade surgeon), Amos H. Robinson, William H. Hawes, Wm. Tuohy, Chas. Hodgdon, D. C. Haviland (1st Lieut., dis.), Franklin Belknapp.
*Married. † Single. ‡ Family.
Co. D. — Hugh Montague, James Doyle, Thomas Whalen, Joseph Gartland.
Co. G. — John H. Hutchinson (1st Lieut.), James Dickerman, Moses F. Brown (2d Lieut.), Michael Poly, John McDonnell.
Co. H. — Edward Bailey, Chas McCarthy.
Co. I. — Justus Duplesee.
Co. K. — Charles Kennedy.
Band. — Arthur E. Worthen, Oliver W. Hoyer, W. H. Herrick, Charles L. Paddock, Fred. E. Carpenter, Leonard Miles.
Teamster. — W. H. Stevens.
Fourth Regiment.
William Howard.
Co. A. — Oscar F. Guy.
Co. B. — John C. Shay.
Co. G. — J. W. D. Carpenter (2d Lieut.), Stephen H. Brockway.
Co. K. — Charles N. Blake.
Fifth Regiment.
Band. — Edward P. Carpenter (dis.).
Sixth Regiment.
Lieutenant Colonel, Asa P. Blunt.
Co. C. — John F. Murdock, Walter E. Murdock, Dennis Townsend, Daniel W. Cutler.
Co. E. — Elmore W. Pierce, Rensselaer Bickford, George W. Bickford, A. F. Carpenter, Edwin W. Barker.
Seventh Regiment.
Co. C. — Dwight Knapp.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. C. — John Gilman, Orange F. Lyme, Charles F. Dunton, O. F. Haywood, Geo. Hannet, Geo. Howard, John A. Ripley.
Co. C. — Henry V. Severance, Lewis Clark, W. I. Heyer (dis.), George Knapp, Turrill E. Harriman, Nathan P. Jay, Harvey G. Perigo, Michael Carr, Asahel M. F. Dean, Amos Belknapp, Martin H. Wilcox, Francis Cushman, ——— Annis.
Co. K. — Edgar Blake.
Cavalry Regiment.
Co. C. — Martin G. Davis.
Co. D. — Darwin J. Wright, John W. Woodbury, Charles Knapp, Joseph Hutchinson (prisoner).
Co. I. — John P. Eddy.
Thirteenth Massachusetts Regiment.
Co. B. — F. O. Baker, John B. Curtis.
Alexander Livingston, Charles West, Orville Hutchinson, R. C. Vaughn, George McCurdy, Lewis Merchant, Enos Webber, Lyndon Arnold, William Helmet (died in service), William Pierce, —— Leavit, Orville W. Hutchinson, Hiram Gorham, Benjamin F. Cummings, George G. McCurdy, Charles H. West, Alexander Livingston, Calvin J. Humphrey, Roswell C. Vaughan, Benj. D. West.
[From Dr. I. D. Kilbourne.]
Warren Bradley, Asa C. Brown, Joseph Barber, Elmere Berry, Edwin Berry, Stephen Berry, Stephen E. Drown, John Elkins, Leon Gorman, Silas E. Gray, William Gray, Sanford Gray, Azro Gray, Jerry Gray, Hiram Gray, William Green, Cyrus Root, James Sympson (deceased), Jacob Miles, Alanson Switzer, Albert Serriton, Aaron Sympson, Charles Sandborn, Alonzo Taytroc, George Walcott. [From Dr. A. M. Ward.]
Perry C. Dean, 24;† Hugh Crow, 25.:† A. R. Stone, 28;† Charles Hodgdon, 23;† S. W. Cobleigh, 21;† Silas Cobleigh, 23;† Luther B. Harris, 16;† A. P. Blake, 17;† L. P. Clark, 21;† Amos Ham, 26;† Loren Ayers, 26;† David Ratery, 28;† Lawrence Ryan, 22;† Perry Porter, 21;† B. L. Caswell, 20;† L. W. Young, 58.*
[From Rev. L. T. Harris.]
Marshal Montgomery, Austin Bailey, Amos Cushion, E. D. Dutton,* C. O. Gibson,* Geo. Lowell,* David W. Stevens, Wm. H. Hunt, Alonzo Woodard, Dudley Bixby, Jas. Bailey, Nathan Chamberlin, Geo. P. Foster (Capt.), John Hibbard,* James J. Snow,* Moses S. Clefford, Louis B. Paquet, Levi B. Richardson, John N. Smith, Alanson C. Kitteredge,* Thomas Ferrin,* Freeman Capron,* H. W. Capron, Wm. Smith.
[From Hon. James D. Bell.]
Third Regiment.
Co. I. — Samuel C. Chaplin, Samuel S. Stoddard, Jacob Goodell, Ebenezer Goodell, Nelson Blodgett, Joseph S. Bean, Carleton Felch, Alfred Prouty, jr.
[From L. S. Freeman.]
Samuel Fletcher, 27;† Jerome Fletcher, 25;† Dan Rowell, 22;† Ronold Kennedy, 27;† John McDonald, 25;† Geo. Hoag, 20;† John Lee, 26;* Geo. Bonett, 23.†
[From T. A. Cutler.]
[Ages between 21 and 30 years; all single men.]
Third Regiment.
Co. G. — Bial Jones, Henry Folsom.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. G. — Amos Cushion.
Co. H. — Augustus Londry.
Sixth Regiment.
Co. E. — Patrick King, Charles Hill, Austin Copsan,§ Wm. Judd, Joseph Barber, George Wolcott, Frederick Whitney, Harrison S. Way, Osias D. Matthewson, Daniel S. Jones, Stephen M. Jones, Isaiah Piper, Sanford Gray, David Allard, Roswell L. Copsan, Jas. Riglesby, Frederick Shanty.
[From Hon. T. J. Cree.]
* Married. † Single. ‡ Family.
§ Died at Camp Griffin, Nov. 29, 1861.
Tenth Regiment.
Recruits. — Lemuel Shaw, B. H. Fuller, Walter Harvey, Jr., Peter M. Abbott, Hiram B. Somer, Thos. J. Miller, Warren W. Somer.
Co. A. — H. H. Dewey, Calvin Dewey, M. F. Gerald, William Cady, Atkins Moore, Wm. Wallace, Lyman Bemis.
Eleventh Regiment.
Recruits. — Oliver H. Woods, Austin Goodell, Arthur Wright, William Brierly, Samuel C. Stevens, John A. Collins, Nath, Batchelder, Chester Orr, Waller D. Brock, Peter M. Wilson.
Co. A. — John C. Stevens, Wm. A. Aiken, Henry Lackie, Samuel Brock, Thomas Gilkerson, Stephen P. Carter, Norman D. Goss.
Fifteenth Regiment.
Co. F. — J. C. C. Stevens (Capt.); Moses Lyman, Jr. (2d Lieut. ); A. Scott Laughlin, Henry A. Gilfillan, John Sulivan, Magnus D. Brock, Olin H. Harvey, Henry Smilie, William H. Johnston, William S. Brock, Jr., Leonard W. Brock, Peter M. Buchanan, John Conway, Thomas W. Gibson, Alexander P. Gilchrist, James Gilchrist, 2d, Charles Johnson, Joseph Lester, Samuel McLeram, Wm. J. McMullan, Joseph A. Mercer, Arch. J. Miller, Bart. G. Somers, Lewis M. Gibson, George B. Somers, Robert Stevenson, James B. Stuart, Virgil Townshend, David Vance, John S. T. Wallace, Peter Chompeow, George L. Williams, Robert M. Brock, Frank Bedell, Thomas Gilfillan, Robert S. Kelly, Wm. Somers, Henry M. Townshend, Oscar F. Rankin, Daniel W. Phelps, Henry O. Peck, William S. Gilchrist, Thomas Gilkerson, 2d.
Recruits for Company. — George Galbraith, Stillman Nutting, Benjamin Gadley.
[From Peter Lindsay, first selectman.]
Third Regiment.
Co. C. — John Carrington.
Recruits for Company. — James F. Gray, George W. Gates, Halsey H. Packer.
Co. G. — Aaron Q. Ladd, Porter Morse, Virgil Ladd, George Decamp (recruit).
Co. H. — Alva P. Bell.
Co. I. — Harlow W. Jones.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. G. — Alonzo H. Bell.*
Eighth Regiment.
Co. C. — James McHubbard, Phelix Merchant.
Co. H. — George Gates (substitute); Daniel Cole.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — John Bertheaume, Samuel Merriam, Charles Woodruff, Edward Duval, James Shields, Frank W. Hudson, George Walter.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Co. D. — Warren S. Norris, Azro H. Kenison.
Twelfth Regiment.
Co. H. — Sylvester Hall, Elbridge Hall.
Fifteenth Regiment.
Co. E. — Joseph S. Hall, John Andrews, Albert Hendrick, Elbridge C. Freeto, Henry Dudley, True B. Walter, Emery C. Buell, Joseph W. Martin, George W. Humphrey, Willard S. Smith, Sumner Page, Obadiah Moultrix, Jonathan S. Lougee, David W. King, Felix Purhey, Charles Philips, Solomon Petrie, Abram P. Brown.
Horace B. Houston, Marcelles Colby, Geo. Latham, Benj. F. Jenkins, Hiram Farmer.
[From D. W. Cushing, selectman.]
Third Regiment.
Co. C. — Edward J. Deane, W. Armstrong.
Co. H. — William H. H. Stevens.
Co. I. — John F. Cook (corp.); Alvin B. Danforth.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. G. — Chas. F. Badger (corp.); Samuel D. Rollins.
Co. H. — Lewis S. Fisher (1st sergt.); Silas H. Stone (sergt.); Nathan B. Stone (corp.); Solon M. Haddock, John F. Colby,
Sixth Regiment.
Co. E. — Brigham D. Ames.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. C. — Silas Houghton, Erza Bedard, John Adams, Josiah Brown.
Co. I. — Eleazer D. Morrill.
Ninth Regiment.
Co. E. — John Bolton.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — Trefly Paquin, Allen J. Morrill.
Eleventh Regiment.
Co. A. — Francis S. Chase, James Ranson, Orwell R. Kelsey, George N. Frost, Peter M. Wilson, Oliver M. Morse, Martin S. Sanbourn, Charles H. Sanbourn, H. D. Bolton, John W. Hooker, L. J. Weeks, Orra S. Chase, Samuel H. Scales, Andrew Bryan, Morris F. Hunt, Calvin E. Bruce, William H. Nunn, William D. West, James Stuart, Clarke W. Powers, William Salter, Albert C. Scales, Noah Lane, Albert Sulham.
First Vermont Cavalry.
Co. D. — William Cummings (2d Lieut.); Hiram Danforth, Michell Brown, Thomas Murray, J. Page, Frank H. Caswell.
* Dead.
Fifteenth Regiment.
Co. B. — Capt., James M. Ayre; 1st Sergt., Charles D. Brainard; George E. Sias; 2d Corp., Joel C. Goodwin; 5th Corp., W. H. H. Wilhey; 8th Corp., N. H. Page; Drummer, Walter Sulham. Privates — Elicom C. Bascom, Charles Burdick, Noah Burdick, Albert Carr, Alonzo Carr, Ethan Carr, Jas. W. Carr, Cyrus B. Clark, Samuel E. Davis, John Dana, Wm. P. French, George H. Galbraith, Rodolphus Goodale, John L. Goodall, Oliver M. Green, Wm. H. H. Haviland, Gardner L. Heath, George W. Howe, Edmund C. Little, Joseph Martin, Samuel P. Martin, Robert Meader, Abner W. Miner, Augustus Morrill, Alden W. Morse, Oliver L. Morse, Henry C. Nute, Stillman N. Nutting, Nathan P. Parker, Edwin L. Reed, Henry M. Roberts, Wm. H. H. Rollins, Lyman Russell, Wm. W. Sias, Fred. G. Stanton, John P. Tilton, Wm. Wallace, Isaac P. Woodward, Putnam D. McMillan, Quartermaster; George Varney, Wagoner.
[From Miss A. F. Preston, copied from the records of the town, Nov. 23, 1862.]
Third Regiment.
Co. F. — Charles Dow, Aaron Darling, Wm. Hays, Morris Page, Alva Page, Horace Wood, William Annis.
Co. H. — Jerrie Emery, Reuben Goodwin, Timothy Emery, Isaiah Frost, Rufus Lund.
Sixth. Regiment.
Co. B. — John Scott.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Marshall Darling, John Whitehill, Sylvanus Lund.
Twelfth Regiment.
Co. B. — Scott Darling, Isaac Ricker, Charles Lamphire, Isaiah D. Ricker, David Miller, Silas B. Morrison, Lafayette Carpenter, Andrew Jackson Carpenter, Augustus M. Heath, Thaddeus Millville, Isaac Goodwin, Willis Vance, Nathan Usher, Daniel Wormwood.
[From Rev. O. G. Clark.]
Milo Scribner, Albert J. Burnham, John (illegible), Wm. H Allen, C. O. Gibson, Wesley Alexander, Joseph H. Lane, Prentiss Scribner, D. G. Whitcher, J. G. Parker, M. Chandler, Levi Henis, Charles B. Sewall, Jr., Philip Cameron, Harry P. Philbrook, Oliver W. Cross, John Cass, Geo. W. Stevens, Orra. C. Cole, Wm. J. Utley, George R. Beach, Pardon W. Allen, Joseph A. Houston, Charles A. Ward, Brainard E. Walker, Saml. B. Davison, Joel G. Houston, Oscar F. Rice, Orison Marsh, Benj. F. Page, Wm. C. Norris.
[These last ten names are probably the same corrected as on pp. 445-46. — Ed.]
Fifteenth Regiment.
William A. Morse, Dean J. Woodbury, Sylvanus Crandall, G. H. Walton, Joseph S. Walton, Corrie W. Sanborn, Josiah Chum, Nathan Field, Wm. W. Gifford, Wm. Kenaston, Wm. H. Stuart, E. T. Howard, Zenas A. Badger, Lucius S. Gissey, Archibald D. Nelson, Charles S. Wakefield, Geo. H. Drew, E. M. Woodbury, B. F. Smith, Joseph H. Magoon, Orrin B. Hall, John Cunningham, Charles E. Cheever, Geo. M. Stevens, Geo. P. Sanborn, Norman J. Kingsbury, Asael Hall, V. M. Currin, Pyam Hovey, John M. Giffin, E. T. Howard.
[From S. R. Goodrich. L. W. Delano, J. W. Blanchard, selectmen of Hardwick.]
Third Regiment.
Recruits. — Reuben Pease, Jr., Loran Page, Chas. A. Hoadley, Homer S. Young, Wm. Merchant, Bazalael Archer, Benj. C. Wood.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. C. — John S. Russell.
Co. G. — Orvil D. Cobleigh.
Eighth Regiment.
Co C. — Oscar Haywood.
Co. K. — Willard Wood.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — Henry Brown, Merritt Parker, Henry Bailey, George Bailey.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Recruit. — Franklin G. B. Ennet.
Co. I. — Josiah Grout.
Fifteenth Regiment.
Co. G. — Sewell H. Bonett, Ransom Smerage, Edson H. Ranney.
Co. K. — Ira Quimby, Franklin E. Cobleigh, Henry A. Joslin, Robert Gunston, Ezra Copp, Jr., Joseph Chasteney, John A. Moore.
[From Charles H. Graves, Esq.]
George C. Latham, 25; Orville J. Magoon, 21; James Courrell, 18; Silas Farnsworth, 2d, 21; Samuel B. Hadgdon, 19; Hobart S. Homer, 29; James A. Perry, 18; Hiram Taylor, 45; David Connell, 20; James S. Simpson, 19; John Harrigan, 30; Samuel Winchester, 32; Daniel J. Weed, 45; Jonas G. McLoud, 43; George L. Sawtell, 18; Hubbard O. Stockwell, 25; Willard P. Chaffee, 22.
Stephen R. McGaffe (Capt.); Henry E. Graves (1st sergt.); Charles E. Hammond (3d
sergt.); Francis A. Fletcher (4th sergt.); Curtis G. Mooney, Austin M. Bean, Nicholas Ryan, Samuel G. McGaffee, Edwin C. Russell, Porter Williams, Frank Valcoure, Chas. Sidney, John Williams, Jr., Harvey J. Flanders, Arthur McLaughlin, Charles H. Fisher, Mark P. Goodell, Hugh O'Donnell, Moses Miles, Dennis Duhigy, James N. Capron, Joseph Lefo, Sewell H. Bonett, Silas E. Dunton, Hubbard Gaskell, Leon Valle, Frank Hill, Don C. Ayer, Raben W. Ayer, Joseph C. Stevens; Zeno Willey (Corp.) Joseph Aldrich, Edwin Dickerman, and two foreigners, names unknown.
[From Wm. Harvey.]
Sixth Regiment.
Co. E. — Joseph French, David H. Hudson.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — Thomas J. Drew, James Gordon, Ira B. Cole.
Eleventh Regiment.
Co. A. — Augustus B. Fullerton.
Fifteenth Regiment..
Co. E. — Geo L. Hudson, Russell T. Sleeper, Rufus G. Allard, James B. Ball, Denison F. Corliss, Desany Gould, John P. Smith.
[From D. F. Johnson, John A. Smith, M. W. Stoddard, Selectmen ]
Second Regiment
Recruits. — Hazen Hooker, Benjamin H. Merrill.
Eighth Regiment.
Recruit. — Oscar Daniels.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — Arthur McLaughlin, Jr., Robert Haskell, Jerry Fields, Martin Hardy, Wm. Wallace, Charles Lyford, Samuel Mann, Geo. M. D. Dowse.
Eleventh Regiment.
Co. A. — Newell Blanchard, Newcomb Martin, Austin Wheeler, William Mattocks.*
Co. I. — Tisdale Eddy.
Fifteenth Regiment.
John C. Blanchard (1st Lieut.); Leigh R. Pearson (1st sergt.); Harvey Hand, B. John Hand, James Cassady, Wm. Cassady, Chas. P. Varnum, Jonas G. Varnum, Alvin Harriman, Henry N. Clarke, Albert Gould, Stephen Heath, Elijah W, Sargent, Ira H. Waldo, Chas. B. Bickford, Edw. C. Palmer, John Ray, John S. Hight, Enoch G. Barker, George F. Nute, Nelson Bailey. John C. Hendry, Asa Sargent, 2d, Hiram C. Varnum, Samuel M. Farrow.
First Battery. Recruit. — Alexander Ferguson
John Allen, Henry M. Ayer, Roseme E. Bacon, Milo A. Barbour, Silas M. Beede, James R. Beede, Horace E. Brockway, Oscar C. Bickford, Oliver A. Brown, Gates B. Bullard, William A. Chapman, Daniel P. Celley, Albert M. Cook, Nelson Cary, Charles C. Chapman, Charles E. Davis, Nathaniel P. Dean, Jr., Henry G. Ely, Albert F. Felch, Ezra B. Gates, George E. Goodall, Nathan P. Harrington, Samuel W. Hall, Albert Harris, Ira A. Harvey, Alfred Howard, Hoyt Dunbar, George H. Ide, Edward M. Ide, James B. Jones, William Lamb, Charles Little, Josiah McGaffy, Elbert W. Miles, Joseph Mudgett, Win. D. C. Nichols, Hiram T. Page, Edward Potter, Horatio N. Roberts, Chas. H. Ramsey, Edward D. Redington, Franklin Roberts, Solan S. Roberts. Benjamin Rogers, Henry P. Sawyer, Charles F. Spalding, Cyrus Sargent, Theron W. Sernton, George Shorey, Henry Shorey, William H. Sherman, James T. Steele, George A. Stickney, John R. Thompson, Harrison W. Varney, George B. Woodward, Edward P. Warner, Albert F. Wheeler, James D. White, Charles H. Walter, Chauncey L. Welch, Oscar L. Whitelaw, Chas. W. Witcomb, Leslie G. Williamson, Edgar W. Young, Henry S. Young, Carleton P. Frost.
[From Dr. I. D. Kilborne].
Third Regiment.
Co. G. — Henry Bruce, Mark W. Gray
Fourth Regiment.
Co. D. — William H. Goodwin, Martin H. Bartlett, Marcellus L. Colby, George H. Ball, William F. Stoddard, Charles H. Ball, John Blake, Joel Ball, N. R. Moulton.
Seventh Regiment.
Co. H. — Alvah Elmer.
Ninth Regiment.
Co. H. — Freeman Haswell, Ambrose Allard, Chauncey Allard.
Eleventh Regiment.
Co. D. — Nathan Smith.
Co. H. — Ambrose Allard.
Co. K. — Reuben C. Moulton.
Fifteenth Regiment.
Co. G. — George H. Blake, William C. Gliddon, Lewis W. Gordon, Lucius J. Campbell, Otis Ham, Alvin Jewell, Charles Bundy, Daniel R. Densmore, Sargent J. Whipple, George Bundy, Thomas C. Green, Calvin R. Stone, John B. Webster, Freeman Hyde.
Co. I. — Charles Flint, Aaron Willey.
First Cavalry Regiment.
Co. D. — William Daniels, John N. Frost, Alonzo Wilson; William R Roundy, Ira S. Bryant.
Third Regiment.
Recruit. — Austin H. Hall.
Co. C. — Alonzo C. Armington, Moses A. Parker, Charles Prouty, Lorenzo Hutton.
Co. G. — Charles W. Hall, John McDonald
Co. H. — Gordon Smith.
Co. I. — Valentine N. Blodgett, Wm. Crawford, Frank Hadley, Oliver Sanborn, George Green, Baxsted Bowman, Hiram Davis, Edward C. Morrell.
Fourth Regiment.
Co. G. — Joseph Moreau.
Eighth Regiment.
Co. C. — Eben C. Goodell, Lorin P. Winslow, Harvey Perigo, James K. Bonett, Hiram L. Whipple, Nathan P. Jay.
Tenth Regiment.
Co. A. — Isaac L. Powers, Geo. H. Conley, Charles A. Conley, Charles R. Hoagg, John A. P. Gammel, Jefferson Packard
Eleventh Regiment.
Co. A. — John C. Burnham. Dennis S. Hurd, Charles Ross, A. Harlan, P. Ross, Edward. P. Lee, Ellery H. Carter, Warren Phillips, Jas. N. Joslin, Luther C. Bonett, Joseph W. Hutchinson, Marshal J. Packard.
Derrick Bodett, Ira B. Bennett (U. S. A.); Alanson Priest (N. H. regt).
Cavalry Regiment.
Recruits.—Charles A. Cory, Loren Packard, Thomas Brigham, Chas. W. Brigham.
Co. D. — Elisha C. Page, Geo. B. Davison, Loren Richardson.
John Bowman, S. F. Aldrich, E. R. Clark, Emery L. Hovey, Edwin E. Hovey, Samuel Fletcher, Charles J. Stoddard, Jas. C. Lewis, F. J. Dalton, Edgar O. Matthews, J. W. Curtis, Charles W. Davis, Asa L. Hurlburt, Daniel P. Rowell, George B. Rowell, Calvin Green, Lander C. Ormsby, Allen Carpenter, Joseph Valley.
[From Lorenzo Green, Jonathan Farr, Dennis May, selectmen].
Asa Allard, Clark Willey, Oscar Bogue, William H. Jones, John F. Kelly, William J. Ranney, John Wines, Asa Miles, Robert Alston, Artimas C. Whitney, James Highly, Edwin C. Clement, Chester A. ——, Stephen O. Elkins, Levi A. Smith, Stephen S. Cree, Walter W. Chase, Isaac K. Gray, Spencer Drake, Jr., S. R. Willey, Hiram M. Thomas, William L. Ayer, John Sheldon, Norman W. Caswell, John Gadley, Milo Blodgett, Reuben Kelley.
[From Hon. T. Cree.]