Part Two
Abijah HOWARD, from Hebron, Conn., came to Thetford about 1775, soon after his marriage with a Miss CUSHMAN. He first lived on the present T. D. SANBORN farm; but about 1777 he built a saw-mill near the school-house in district No. 2, in the operation of which, and in farming, he passed his life. He was killed by falling through the floor of the mill, in 1818. Abijah, Jr., born in 1778, followed his father's occupation. He married Octavia BOSWORTH, reared a family of ten children, and died at the age of eighty-two years. His brother Salmon was captain of a company and served eight months in the War of 1812, participating in the famous battle of Plattsburgh. Truman, son of Abijah, Jr., married Sarah KINSMAN, of Orford, had one son, Roger S., and one daughter, Martha P. (Mrs. J. J. CONANT).

      Capt. William HEATON, of Swanzey, N. H., became a settler in Thetford in consummation of an exchange of farms with Rev. Clement SUMNER, whose tory proclivities forced him to seek safety in flight at the breaking out of the Revolution. Mr. HEATON was chosen selectman in 1779. He located near the present site of East Thetford, where he erected a house which was for many years kept as. a hotel, and in which town meetings and county court were often held. He married Irene KING, of Northampton, Mass., and their children were Solomon, William, Jr., Orange, King, James, Mary, Irene K., and Lucy. Edward N. HEATON, one of the present board of selectmen in Thetford, represents the only family bearing that name now in town. His father, Solomon Goodell HEATON, born in 1813, passed most of his life on a farm at Post Mills. He received a colonel's commission in the militia, and became widely known from his connection with public business and in securing pensions for Revolutionary, War Of l812, and civil war soldiers. His wife was Julia A., daughter of Dr. J. GOODWIN. Col. HEATON's father, William HEATON, Jr., engaged in trade with David BRUCE, at Post Mills, about 1815. He held the offices of sheriff and high bailiff, was a captain of militia, selectman, etc. He married Martha CHILDS, from Henniker, N. H., and they had four sons and four daughters. In 1819 he located on the farm now occupied by E. N. HEATON.

      Richard WALLACE was born in Nova Scotia, and at the age of sixteen years accompanied Col. JOHNSTON to Haverhill, N. H., in 1769, where he remained about three years and a half. He came to this town about 1774 and located on land now included in the farm of Luther M. NEWCOMB, where he cleared a few acres and built a log cabin. While in Charlestown, N. H., in 1777, he learned of the movements of Burgoyne's army, and that detachments were moving in this direction. Hastening home he spread the alarm, looked to the security of his wife and household goods, and enlisted to go in resistance of Burgoyne's progress. Shortly before his return from this expedition he and a companion performed a deed of daring which places their names among the foremost heroes of the times, an authentic account of which is as follows:

      “It will be recollected by those acquainted with the war of the Revolution, as soon as the battle was fought at Bennington, and the Americans began to hope that Burgoyne would fall into their hands, they set about retaking the forts of Ticonderoga and Mt. Independence, on the shores of Lake Champlain, which Burgoyne had left in his rear supplied with troops. Ticonderoga was taken, and Mt. Independence was besieged for some time. 




      “There was a good deal of hard fighting, and it was confidently looked for that Mt. Independence would surrender; but they did not. The British shipping had full possession of the lake. Ticonderoga was on the west side of the lake and Mt. Independence on the east side. Our troops on the west could hold no communication with those who had besieged Mt. Independence, and of course they could have no concert in action. It was, at this time when the greatest solicitude was felt by the two American commanders to know each other's minds that the commander of Ticonderoga called on his men to know if there were any two of them who would volunteer to swim the lake in the evening and carry dispatches to Gen. Lincoln near Mt. Independence. For a time none offered to undertake the hazardous enterprise; but when informed how much was probably depending upon it, WALLACE, of Thetford, stepped forward and said he would attempt it ; and then followed him Ephraim WEBSTER, of Newbury, and about sundown an officer took these men on to an eminence which overlooked the lake and pointed out the course which they must take to avoid the British shipping, and about where they would probably find the American camps.

      "At dusk the same night the same officer attended them to the margin of the lake and saw them started. They had got to swim up the lake and down in a zigzag course, in order to avoid the enemy, more than two miles before they could reach terra firma. But they rolled their despatches in their clothes, and bound their clothes on to the back of their necks, by cords passing over their foreheads, and entered the water. 'We shall never reach the shore,' said WALLACE to WEBSTER as soon as they touched the water. It was late in the season, and the water was quite cold; but this he said without any thought of relinquishing the enterprise. When about midway of the lake, the cords which bound Walleye's clothes to his neck, slipped from his forehead to his throat and cut so hard as almost to strangle him. He failed in several attempts to replace the string upon his forehead, and was on the point of giving up all for lost, when the thought of the importance of his undertaking. seemed to inspire him with new vigor, he said, anal, at length, he succeeded in replacing the string, and passed on without saying a word to dishearten WEBSTER. They passed so near the British shipping as to hear the oft repeated cry, 'All's well!' which they took pains not to correct, and buffeted the waves with stout hearts and sinewy limbs.

      "They kept in company until they came near the eastern shore of the lake, when WEBSTER seemed to fall into the rear. And just as WALLACE struck the twigs of a tree which lay extended into the lake, he heard WEBSTER say, `Help, WALLACE, I am drowning!' WALLACE sprang to the shore, caught a stick and rushed into the water, extended it to WEBSTER in the act of sinking, and drew him ashore. WEBSTER could not stand, but WALLACE rubbed him briskly and got on his clothes, and he soon recovered so as to walk. After some difficulty they reached the American camp, and delivered the despatches to the general in command."

      While WALLACE was absent his wife walked six miles to see to the crops, and finding the oats ripe mowed them herself, dried and stacked them, cut poles and built a fence about the stack, and returned to the river settlement. She afterwards cut the corn, dug the potatoes, cleared some land which had been burned over, and sowed an acre of wheat. WALLACE returned in December,



 after Burgoyne's surrender, and they passed the winter in their cabin "without chimney or floor, except a few loose boards upon which to set their pole bedstead, corded with elm bark." Mrs. WALLACE was a daughter of Jonathan RICH, an early settler in Lyme, N. H., and later a resident in Strafford. She was the mother of eleven children, of whom nine lived to maturity and reared families. Besides caring for her own family she was for forty-five years an accoucheuse, and "was present, in all, at 1,666 births, and never lost a mother of whom she had the care." She died in 1831, aged eighty-one. Her husband died in 1833, aged eighty.

      Joseph WARE, the first of this family who settled in Thetford, located in, the northeast part upon "The Bow," about 1780. He was in the Revolution, taking part in the battle of Bennington. His wife, Dolly DAVIS, was born in. Middletown, Conn., and her parents were early settlers in Piermont, N. H. Joseph WARE bought the ferry of Nathan MANN, and operated it some years. He reared four sons, -- Joseph, Jr., Thomas, George and Lyman,-and three daughters, -- Dolly, Fanny and Sarah, -- and lived to the age of sixty-five years. His sons all located near him. Joseph, Jr., served in the War of 1812. He was a farmer and brick-maker by occupation, married Sarah KEMP, and their children were Harry T., Daniel A. and Emeline. Harry T. married Martha. A. Heath, passed his life upon his father's farm, and reared three sons -- Eugene G., George H., and Willard H. Daniel A. WARE married Mary W. MARSTON, who bore him nine children. His sons Mark C. and GEORGE L. own the farm where he passed his life. Thomas WARE served in the War of 1812. He married Mary HEATH, and only one of their seven children -- Harriet P. is living.

      Col. Josiah HUBBARD came from Middletown, Conn., about 1780, and settled on the place still known as the "Hubbard place." road 33 near 41. The present brick house was built about 1798, from brick made and lumber sawed by Josiah HUBBARD; Jr. Col. Josiah HUBBARD had two sons -- Josiah, Jr., and Orange -- and two daughters. Orange was captain of the West militia company and led it to Bolton, on the way to Plattsburgh, in 1814. Josiah, Jr., was captain of the "troop" of horse, and both he and his father were active in town affairs. His wife was Cynthia, a daughter of Solomon CUMMINGS, a. soldier in the Revolution who passed his later life in Thetford. Three of the eight sons of Capt. Josiah HUBBARD are living, viz.: Solomon in Sterling, John at Rock Falls, Ill., and Carlos F. in Lowell.

      Bethuel NEWCOMER came from Lebanon, Conn., about 1782, and located near where Dea. John KINSMAN now lives, where he remained but a short time, when he returned to Lebanon. He again came to Thetford, bringing his wife and five children with an ox-team. He served in the 3d Conn. Regt., and was at the battle of Bunker Hill. He received his discharge in December, 1775, and in 1776 re-enlisted for three months. His wife was Mable THOMAS, of Lebanon, and their children were Jacob, Luna, Lucinda, Lucina, Isaiah, Lavina, Asahel, Louisa, Isaac, and Linda. Jacob married Priscilla HOWARD, and passed his life on a farm in this town, where he reared five sons and three daughters, two of whom, Simeon and Levi, born in 1802, were twins. Levi married Dradama STOWELL, of Grantham, and their children were William, Roxana (Mrs. D. WATERMAN), and Laura A. (Mrs. Arthur M. WILMOT). Simeon NEWCOMER married Louisa STOWELL and lived in this town all his life. Their children were Edwin and Albert C. Isaiah NEWCOMER, a carpenter, removed to Orford, and finally to Lisbon, N. H., where he died. His son Isaiah Monroe returned to



 Thetford in 1848 and settled where his son Luther M. now lives. His wife was Sarah GAGE, who bore him nine children, four of whom are living. He died August 10, 1886, aged seventy-two years, and his wife in December following.

      Joshua TYLER, a soldier of the Revolution, came here before 1787, from Hopkinton (?), N. H., and settled at "Swaney Bean," but in later years lived near Thetford Center. His son John lived many years on the same farm. He was captain of militia, sheriff and selectman. His wife was Anna BROWN, and they reared eleven children, of whom Mary M., widow of Truman Burr, resides at Thetford Center.

      Jonathan CHILD was born in Woodstock, Conn., in 1731, and located in Lyme, N. H., sometime before 1773, as he was selectman there that year. He served as commissary with the title of colonel, in the Revolutionary war, in which capacity such was the distress of the government that he pledged his own large property to procure food for the soldiers, and was forced to sell much of his landed estate to redeem his pledges. He had a family of eleven children, of whom Cyril, his first son, and William, his second son, also served in the struggle for independence. In 1788 William purchased the farm in Thetford on which he passed the remainder of his life, and which is still the home of his descendants. He filled acceptably many public offices in the town.

      James MOORE, from Pembroke, N. H., came at an early date (between 1792 and 1795) to Thetford, where he operated the grist-mill at the Center many years. He married a Miss TYLER, who bore him children as follows: Polly, Pamela, Samuel R., Anna, Groves, Lucena, Fanny, Truman, Caroline, James M., Eliza L., and Clarissa. Truman married Elotia WALKER, and passed his life as a wheelwright and farmer in Thetford.

      Zebediah FITCH was an early settler in Cornish, N. H., and came thence with his son Lyman to Thetford soon after 1800. Lyman FITCH became colonel of militia, and as such called out his regiment upon his own responsibility at the time of the battle of Plattsburgh in 1814, and went with all dispatch to participate in the conflict. His name appears as representative from Thetford in 1811-12 and seven subsequent years, and while serving in this capacity he secured for Thetford a Portion of the State Grammar school fund, which gave Thetford academy a place among the educational institutions of the state. He also gave the timber and much of the work for the building. He was chosen assistant judge of Orange county, and it may be justly said of him that he was ever a leader in matters which pertained to the public weal and the good of his town. His death occurred in 1843, at the age sixty-three years. His wife was Rhoda CROCKER, and their children were Lucia, Maria (Mrs. G. W. MORRISON), of Manchester, Marcia, Solon, Henry L., who is a substantial farmer, of Lyme, N. H., and John L., who was an attorney at law. Henry L. FITCH married, first, Sarah P. (CARPENTER) BROOKS, and second, Adelaide TURNER.

      Timothy WILMOT, from Tolland, Conn., came to Norwich as early as 1782, after having served three years in the Revolution. He settled at the northeast corner of Norwich, but after a few years located upon a farm near where Joseph W. now lives. He died in 1825, aged sixty-eight years. His wife was Mary COPP, and their children were Timothy, Jr., Joseph, David, Roswell, Orlando,



 Willard, and Valentine, and four, daughters. Joseph WILMOT was for seven years a sailor, before his marriage, and afterwards was for many seasons foreman for J. B. SUMNER on the lumber driving down the Connecticut. He served as selectman and justice, and in 1811 married Mary D. FREEMAN, of Norwich. Their children who arrived at adult years were Laura, Harry D., Don C., David F., Elisha F., and Joseph W. The latter married Lucina A. GRAHAM and lives in the house in which he was born in 1826. David WILMOT was a Plattsburgh volunteer in 1814. His wife was Rebecca STOWELL, and their children were Alden, Ira S., Jerome B., Arthur M., Silas, Almeda C., Rebecca, Drusilla F., and Cynthia. Valentine WILMOT married Louisa SLEEPER, of Hartford, who bore him four children. His second wife, Jerusha C. BARRETT, bore him one son, Andrew J., who married Abbie J. AVERY, of Lowell, Mass. Alden WILMOT, a farmer at North Thetford, married, first, Hannah G. JOHNSON, and has living one son, Newton I., of Lyme, N. H. He married, second, Mercy A. CHAMBERLIN, his present wife.

      David WILCOX was born in Suffield, Conn., in May, 1783, and was left an orphan at the age of eleven years. He was brought up by his uncle, William Cushman, with whom he lived upon the farm now known as the "Harris LATHAM place." When about twenty-one years of age he bought the land now comprised in the farm of his son David S., which he cleared. He married Lucinda HOSFORD, and reared six children, viz.: William C., of Orford; Lucinda, who married Daniel DODGE; Laura (deceased); Brias D.; David S.; and Lemira (deceased). He was one of the Plattsburgh volunteers, and was known by his militia title of captain. He was for some time in the clover-seed business with Henry GILLETT and Eliphalet DODGE, and died in January, 1855. David S. WILCOX married Mary A. LADD, and they have one son and three daughters.

      Leonard, Jonathan and Joseph Fletcher, brothers, came from Dunstable, Mass., and located in this town, Leonard and Jonathan in the last decade of the 18th century, and Joseph in 1804. A granddaughter of Jonathan, Mrs. Mary E. BURR, is still in possession of the old homestead. Jonathan died in 1804, Leonard in 1813, and Joseph in 1860. Jonathan E. FLETCHER, eldest son of Joseph, born in 1806, removed to Western New York in 1832, and to Ohio in 1833. In 1835 he was appointed by Governor LUCAS, of Ohio, with others, to re-mark the boundary between Ohio and Michigan. In 1838 he went to Muscatine, Iowa, and became a major-general of militia. He was a member of the convention which drafted the state constitution of Iowa, was elected state senator, and was twice appointed United States agent to the Winnebago Indians, serving twelve years. He died in 1872. Samuel FLETCHER, son of Joseph, was born in 1813, and has passed his life in Thetford where he has served as selectman and in other public capacities. He married Harriet, daughter of Dr. David PALMER, and their children are Dr. Fred, of Bradford, Katharine, a teacher in Clarke Institution, at Northampton, Mass, Margaret and Julia.

      Mary, widow of Jonathan EMERSON (who was a Revolutionary soldier), came to Thetford from Dunstable, Mass., and bought the farm now occupied by her great-grandson, Charles C. EMERSON. She had four daughters and two sons. Three daughters, Rachel (Mrs. Joseph FLETCHER), Lucinda (Mrs. Jeptha STEVENS), and Betsey, also lived in Thetford. Allen removed to Pennsylvania and Jonathan, coming in 1811, passed his after life as a farmer in Thetford, where he served several years as selectman. He was married in Londonderry, Vt., to Mary HOWE, and they



 had eight children, all born in Thetford, of whom six lived to adult years, viz.: Erasmus D., Mary (Mrs. Varnum WOODS), of Groton, Mass., Merceline (Mrs. J. T. MUCHMORE), of Lebanon, N. H., Cyrel M., of Thetford, Clarissa and Oramel, deceased. Jonathan EMERSON died in 1871, aged eighty-six years. Erasmus Darwin EMERSON married, in 1852, Abigail WALLACE, of Littleton, N. H., and they had four children, two of whom, George E. and Jonathan F., are living. He purchased the farm now owned by his son J. F., in 1854, where he died August 27, 1883, at the age of seventy-two years. Cyrel M. EMERSON was born and has always lived upon the paternal homestead. He has engaged in agricultural pursuits successfully, and has filled various town offices, including that of representative to the legislature in 1878-79. He has been three times married, first to Harriet HOSFORD, who had one son, Charles C., and two children deceased; second to Almira COBURN; and third to Jerusha (KNIGHT), widow of Leonard BASSETT.

      Josiah TAYLOR came from Dunstable, Mass., with his wife, Lydia CUMMINGS, soon after their marriage January 22, 1807. They located on a farm on road 28, which they bought of Moses CALDWELL. They reared a family of five children, viz.: Simeon C., Caroline, Almira, Jeduthun and Mary. He served his town as selectman, and died here in 1823, aged forty-two years. Jeduthun, the only child of Josiah now living, is a farmer, and leas spent his life in this town, where he has also served as selectman. He married Abigail Q. CURRIER, of Norwich, and has one son, Josiah, and one daughter, Rachael D. (Mrs. GEORGE A. WEBSTER), of Cass county, Iowa.

      Samuel SLAFTER, of Mansfield, Conn., was one of the original proprietors of Norwich, Windsor county. John SLAFTER, his son, the ninth child, was born May 26, 1739, served in the "Old French war," beginning at the age of sixteen years, under Capt. Israel PUTNAM, and continuing until its close in 1760. In 1762, at his father's request, John made the journey to Norwich to inspect the territory. The following year, 1763, his father transferred his title as a proprietor in the town of Norwich to him, and in company with Jacob FENTON, his uncle, and Ebenezer SMITH, he came on and began clearing, first just below the Hanover bridge, but immediately after changed to a location just below the mouth of Ompompanoosuc river. In 1770 he, with four others, was voted special privilege of pitching certain rights of land for having been the first settler. He married, in 1767, Mary, daughter of Edmund HOVEY, of Mansfield, Conn., and brought his bride to their pioneer home during that spring. He spent his life in Norwich, and the proprietary and town records show that for a period of more than forty years he was associated in some responsible position by the suffrages of his. townsmen, with nearly every important measure relating to education, religion, or prudential affairs. He removed, in 1784, to a large new house at the “four corners," which is the same now known as the Peter JOHNSON place. He served at the battle of Bennington and was present at Burgoyne's surrender. He died on Friday, October 8, 18i9, aged eighty years.

      John SLAFTER was twice married, his wives being half sisters. Elizabeth, his first wife, was the mother of his seven sons and one daughter. Three of their sons died in infancy. Edmund F. married and died in Norwich, and Elijah removed to Michigan. Sylvester, born June 30, 1780, died May 9, 1850. He married, first, Mary ARMSTRONG JOHNSON, and second, Anna WHITE. In early youth he studied medicine, but soon abandoned it for agricultural pursuits, which were better suited to his



 tastes. He resided for many years on a farm near Thetford Center, but later bought the "old parsonage farm," first settled by Rev. Asa BURTON, on which his grandson, Carlos, now lives. His first wife bore him ten children, viz,: Thomas J., Christiana S., Sarah A., Mary, Sylvester, Marcus, Edmund F., Christiana S., 2d, Lyman and Carlos. Thomas J. removed to Allegany county, N. Y., where he died. Sylvester removed to Lindenwood, Ill., and died there. Edmund F. fitted for college at Thetford academy, graduated from Dartmouth college in 1840, received the. degree of A. M. in 1865, studied at Andover Theological seminary, became a clergyman of the Episcopal church, officiated as rector of St. Peter's church, Cambridgeport, in 1844-46, and of St. John's church, Jamaica Plain, in 1846-53. He was financial agent of the American Bible society for the Protestant Episcopal church for twenty years. He has published numerous sermons, and the "SLAFTER Memorial," and has been deeply interested in historical matters, and a contributor to the periodical press many years. He is now engaged in the settlement of estates, and resides at 249 Berkeley street, Boston. Lyman, son of Sylvester, married, first, Mary TAYLOR, and their children are Charles S., of Hyde Park, Mass., and Carlos, of Thetford. He has served as selectman and is now a justice of the peace. Carlos, son of Sylvester, married Rebecca BULLARD, of Dedham, Mass. He attended Thetford academy, entered Dartmouth college in 1845, graduating in 1849. He received the degree of A. M. from Trinity college, Hartford, Conn., in 1867, and has been principal of the Latin High school in Dedham, Mass., since 1859. He was ordained deacon of the Protestant Episcopal church in 1862, and has officiated from time to time as his other duties would permit. His children are Theodore S., whose productions in the art of landscape painting are bringing him renown, and Anna R., a teacher of painting and drawing.

      William ILSLEY came from Boscawen, N. H., about 1797, and settled on the farm now occupied by his grandson, Frank W. He reared six sons and six daughters. William ILSLEY, Jr., passed his life upon the farm his father settled and it is now ninety years since it came into the possession of the ILSLEY family.

      Bartholomew FULLINGTON came about 1800, at the age of twenty-seven He married Polly POWERS, in 1801, and located on a farm which joins that now owned by his grandson, Eber M., where they passed their lives. Their children were Martha, Mary; Eliza, Sarah, Orange, Almira and William. Orange was a farmer and bought the farm where Eber M. now lives about 1858. His first wife, Philona (NEWTON), of Norwich, had three sons -- Oscar, Dennis and Eber M. The latter is a farmer and breeder of registered Merino sheep, and has served upon the board of selectmen for the past three years. His wife is a daughter of Joel YARRINGTON.

      Jeremiah DODGE came from South Danvers (now Peabody), Mass., in the spring of 1802, and bought of Aaron POST 150 acres of land upon which a good part of Post Mills village now stands. With him came his son, Eliphalet S., with his wife, Mary COX. Jeremiah was a mason and farmer. Eliphalet S. manufactured lumber, erected buildings, operated a clover-seed mill and a large farm. Both he and his father served as selectmen. He died in 1854, aged seventy-eight. Of his family of seven sons and six daughters all were born at Post Mills. George now lives at Lyndonville, aged eighty-five; Charles removed to New York; Mary (Mrs. David SLACK) resides in Dorchester, Mass.; Daniel, formerly a clothier, farmer and town officer, is deceased; Sophronia resides in this town; Jeremiah, a farmer, drover, town officer and sheriff of Orange county, died in 1864; William, a



 physician and graduate of Dartmouth Medical college, died in 1867; Albert E. removed to Charlestown, Mass.; Adaline, 2d, married B. D. WILCOX; Harvey, a farmer, live stock dealer, town representative, justice, sheriff and assistant judge, resides in this town; Amanda lives in Boston; and two died in infancy.

      Nathaniel KILBURN, from Boscawen, N. H., settled in the southwest part of Thetford about 1793. He was captain of militia and served in various town offices, dying in 1840, aged seventy-two years. His wife was Lois SEVERANCE, and their children were eight daughters and four sons. Jedediah KILBORN, the only one of these now living, resides in Strafford at the age of eighty years. His wife, who died March 25, 1887, was born the same year, month and day as himself. They had five children, viz.: Nathaniel, Harriet, Gilbert, Sarah A., and Lucy J.

      Captain Loved GAREY located at Thetford hill in 1800, coming from Lebanon, Conn. Here he kept a country store, but later bought and occupied the present Josiah TAYLOR farm. He was noted as a breeder of pure Saxony sheep, then a popular breed. His family of children numbered eight, viz.: Oliver, Almira, Lucius, George, Sabrina, Mary G., Quincy W. and Sophronia. Loved GAREY and his sons served in some of the public offices of the town. He died at the age of seventy-six years.

      Ezra, Eleazer and Jeremiah CUMMINGS, from Dunstable, Mass., were early settlers here. Ezra, as shown by papers now in possession of his grandson, Harry P. CUMMINGS, owned the same farm in 1193 which Harry P. now occupies. Ezra married Esther ABBOTT, and their first child, Ezra A., was born here in February, 1797, and passed his life of nearly eighty-seven years upon the same farm. While serving in the War of 1812 Ezra was taken with fever, of which he died soon after reaching home. Ezra A. married Phebe WATERMAN, and their youngest son, Harry P., now owns the farm which has been in the family ninety-five years. Of Eleazer CUMMINGS's sons, James served in the War of 1812, and afterwards settled in Illinois; David reared eight children, all of whom have removed from this place; Warren was a CARPENTER at Thetford Center; Asa married Harriet CAMPBELL and settled upon the farm where his son James C. now lives, where they had born to them eight children, of whom four reached adult years. Deacon Henry A., one of their sons, owns the farm on which the first church in town was built, and where the first physician, Augustus Burgoyne, lived.

      Jeremiah CUMMINGS first purchased the Dr. Burgoyne farm, but after a few years bought the land including a large part of the site of North Thetford, originally settled by John CHAPEL. His oldest son, Eben, bought the farm and passed his life in its cultivation and keeping a public house. He was largely instrumental in the building up of the village, and was one of the original investors in the Passumpsic railroad. His wife, Betsey, daughter of Moses JAQUITH, bore him one son and three daughters. Harlan P., the son, lives upon the original farm. He has served many years in the offices of lister, justice and notary, and two years as representative.

      James CROCKER, from Lebanon, Conn., came to Thetford about 1798, having married Mary, a sister of Hon. J. P. BUCKINGHAM. He settled where A. O. TURNER now lives.  James D.



 CROCKER, his son, married Achsah LADD, and they had seven children, three of whom are living, viz.: Jane P. (Mrs. J. A. MORRILL), and Charles and Henry C., of Brookfield.

      Oliver BARRETT, from Sunderland, Mass., settled on road 47 about the year 1800, when his only son, Chester, was about twenty years of age. Chester married Achsah NICHOLS and passed his life in Thetford, rearing three sons and four daughters, of whom one son and three daughters survive.

      Benjamin ROBBINS, from Dunstable, Mass., settled on road 36, about 1792. He married Lois GAY, of Dunstable, soon after coming here, with whom he passed over fifty years of wedded life upon the farm they first settled, where they had born to them seventeen children, of whom eight lived to mature years. He died at the age of about eighty years. Two of their daughters, Mrs. Sarah RUSSELL and Mrs. Lucinda S. BUTLER, reside in Thetford. Captain Daniel S. BUTLER, husband of the latter, was born in Hallowell, Me., and was captain of a company of state militia, a farmer by occupation. He died in September, 1878, aged sixty-five years.

      Nathaniel and Samuel TURNER, brothers, from Leominster, Conn., settled in the northwest part of Norwich, Windsor county, near the beginning off this century. Samuel afterwards removed to Duxbury. Edward B., son Nathaniel, resides in Norwich. Daniel B., another son, settled in Union Village in 1867, where he now lives. His life has been devoted to farming, house building and general carpentering, though for some years he has accommodated travelers as host of the Union Village Hotel. His wife was Sophia L. YARRINGTON, and their children were Lucy A. (Mrs. H. L. CARTER), of Hanover, N. H.; Allen O., the well known drover, and two daughters and one son now deceased.

      Greshom, Seth, Silas and Job MORSE, brothers, from Wareham, Conn., located in Norwich and Thetford, job in the southwest part of this town. He served in the Revolution. His wife was Lydia SWIFT, and their children were Bethuel, Elijah, Zelotes, Oramel, Abigail, Content, Gedida and Lydia. Sidney, son of Freeman W. and Janette (RICHARDSON) MORSE, and grandson of Elijah, resides at Union Village.

      Hezekiah and Henry PORTER came to Thetford about 1806, and Amos, Isaac, and William followed later. Hezekiah, a clothier by trade, was located where C. W. SAYER's shop now is. He and Samuel FARNSWORTH built a grist-mill over seventy years ago where the present one now stands. Before that Charles HOPKINS had a mill there. Hezekiah PORTER married Mary, daughter of Abijah HOWARD, by whom he had ten children, viz.: Amaziah, Eleazer H., Mary, Sarah A., Laura, Amos P., Harriet, Chastina, Caroline and Arad. Eleazer H. PORTER was for twenty years engaged in freighting to and from Boston; but of late years has been engaged in farming. He married Susan NEWTON, and their children were Laura A. (Mrs. S. J. COOMBS); Solon F., who died while serving in the 2d N. H. Vols.; Adelaide (Mrs. WILLOUGHBY); Adaline (Mrs. R. E. TEWKSBURY); Albert H., Charles E., Adna B., Ella F.  (Mrs. C. W. SAYER), and Belle C.




      Thomas COLBY came to this town from Warner, N. H., about 1809 or 1810 and soon bought the farm now owned by H. W. HEWINS, built the brick house upon it, and there resided until his death. He was a Plattsburgh volunteer, and was married three times, first to Mary BARROWS, who was the mother of his nine children. He married, second, widow Martha CLARK, and third, widow Olive Elkins. Three of his children, Ruth, Thomas and Joel, are still living. Joel married, first, Susan CILLEY, by whom he has two sons and two daughters, and second, Lucy N. (WATERMAN) WILMOT.

      Bulkley HOLTON, Sr., located in Thetford in January, 1817, coming from Concord, Essex county. He bought of Moses FARNSWORTH the farm where his son Bulkley lately died, and reared a family of eight children, four of whom are now living, viz.: Almira (Mrs. Joseph IDE), of Waterford, Caledonia county; Mary (Mrs. Jesse BISHOP), of Mclndoe's Falls, Caledonia county; Clarissa (Mrs. Elijah BAILEY), of Waitsfield, Washington county; and Rosaline (Mrs. Samuel WARD), of Danville, Caledonia county. Mr. HOLTON died in Lyme, N. H., in 1858, aged seventy-nine years. His son Bulkley, Jr., married Catharine JEUDEVINE, of Charlestown, N. H., and they had five children, two sons and three daughters, of whom two are now living-Charles H. and Caroline (Mrs. Charles BEDEL), of Lyme, N. H. Bulkley HOLTON, Jr., died August 9, 1887, aged seventy-three years.

      Ebenezer and Elizabeth (DORCHESTER) BURR came to America and located in Connecticut, where their oldest son, Seymour, was born in 1772. They subsequently located in Grantham, N. H., where they reared six sons and two daughters. Two of the sons, Seymour and Oliver, settled in Thetford, and Arba in West Fairlee. Oliver came to Thetford in 1817, and one rear later bought the farm now occupied by his son Warren, where he died in 1844, aged sixty-three years. His wife was Celinda STOWELL, of Grantham. They had children as follows: Harvey, Tryphena, Truman, Bradley, Warren, Oliver, Celinda, Lucena, Lucinda, Eben, Pamelia, and two who died in infancy. Truman BURR, born December 14, 1809, engaged in the business of milling at Thetford Center, Strafford and Post Mills. He was selectman in Thetford five years. He died at Thetford Center, October 8, 1883, where his widow now lives. Warren BURR has lived all his life upon the homestead purchased by his father. He married Sarah EASTMAN, and has two sons and one daughter. Arba BURR, youngest son of Ebenezer, settled in West Fairlee about 1830. He was married four times, and by the first three wives reared ten children, of whom seven survive. He did considerable public business. His first wife was Ruth LAMBERTON, who died in 1832, aged thirty-one. Their eldest child, Harvey V., now lives at "Swaney Bean," where he located in 1845, on the farm settled by J. TYLER in 1796. Arba BURR died in 1866, aged sixty-eight years.

      Thomas SARGENT, from Hill, N. H., carne to Thetford and settled after a few years in Norwich, near Thetford line, about 1817, on the place now owned by his son Phineas. Five children of Thomas SARGENT, Jr., who at the age of eighty-one still lives in Norwich, are residents of Thetford, viz.: Mary A. (Mrs. P. SLACK), William, H., Mirabah (Mrs. E. NEWCOMB), Betsey (Mrs. C. JUDD), and Charles A.




      Thomas WORTHEN came from Bradford to Thetford in 1819, and bought of Abner BARTHOLOMEW a farm on road 6. He was born in Bradford, to which place his father, Thomas, Sr., immigrated from Londonderry, N. H. Thomas WORTHEN passed his life upon the farm he had purchased, and died there in August, 1860. He reared four sons and three daughters, all but one of whom are living, and Joseph H. WORTHEN is the only one remaining in Thetford. Joseph H. married Elizabeth G. Chase, of Bradford. Of their children, Thomas W. D. is a professor in Dartmouth college; Joseph H., Jr., is a lawyer and judge of the municipal count in Kansas City, Mo.; John, A. is civil engineer at Nebraska City, Neb.; George N. is a speculator, at Los Angeles; Cal.; Hattie E. (Mrs. W. C. DAVIS) resides in Concord, N. H.; Jennie P. F. (Mrs. Milan E. DAVIS) resides in Canaan, N. H.

      Horace E. BROWN, son of Wait and Sarah (CASWELL) BROWN, was born in Thetford in 1824. Being obliged to shift for himself, at an early age he learned the lesson of self dependence, working his way through school, and at the age of twenty years went to Boston, where he worked at the mason's trade. He afterwards went to Worcester, where he engaged in business as a contractor, in which he continued until 1860, doing many large jobs in various places, several in Manchester, N. H., and Rutland, Vt. In 1861 he returned to Thetford to live. In 1862 he enlisted as captain of Co. A, 15th Vt. Vols., serving one year, when he returned and took part in recruiting a company for the 17th Regt. In 1865 he engaged in the manufacture of straw-board, in company with S. M. GLEASON and J. B. CRAM, continuing until 1870, when he bought and fitted up a factory for the manufacture of shoes. After three years this was burned, and he has since devoted his time to his farming interests. His first wife was Harriet A., daughter of Joseph MATSON, by whom he had four children-Flora (Mrs. T. D. FRANCIS), Hattie A. (WEBBER), Nellie A. (Mrs. C. LUCAS), and Norman J., who died in 1873. Mrs. BROWN died May 31, 1877, and December 24, 1878, he married Julia A., daughter of Dr. Enoch CHASE, of Milwaukee, Wis.

      Hiram Bronson SLOAN was the first wheelwright who did business at Thetford Center. He was born in Lyme, N. H., in 1805. His mother dying while he was a child he was brought up by an aunt in Connecticut. When twenty-one years of age, having learned the wheelwright’s trade, he came to Thetford Center and, established a shop where C. W. SAYER's shop now is, about 1826. Here he continued in business until 1852 when he removed to Manchester, N. H., where he now lives. He married, first, Anna G. TYLER, who was the mother of six children. After his removal to Manchester he married Lucretia J. (HUNT), a sister of his first wife, who bore him three sons, Mrs. Frances HOLMES, and Hiram Franklin SLOAN, the eldest son, still reside in Thetford. Henry A. and GEORGE S. are in business in Chicago. Edgar C. and Charles E., sons of the second wife, are in their employ. Hiram Franklin SLOAN, the oldest son of Hiram Bronson SLOAN, was born at Thetford Center, in December, 1833, and has been most of his life in this town. He served eleven months in Co. A, 15th Vt. Vols. He married Lucy A. SHEPARD, of Manchester, N. H., and they have three sons.

      Captain William Harris LATHAM, son of Arthur and Mary (POST) LATHAM, was born in Lyme, N. H., in 1788, where he married Azubah JENKS, October 18, 1809. His life was passed



 principally in Thetford, where he was engaged in farming and merchandising, and was eminently successful. His store was located upon his farm, where W. L. Murfey now lives. He served in various town offices, and in early life was captain of militia. His father, who was born in Bridgewater, Mass., removed to Lyme, N. H., in 1780, and about 1790 established the first store at Lyme Plain, where he continued in business from forty to fifty years. Capt. LATHAM had a family of seventeen children, viz.: Lucy H. (Mrs. Thomas M. KELLEY), of Cleveland; Azubah; William H., a physician in Indianapolis, Ind.; Arthur, deceased, was a merchant; Azubah, 2d, (Mrs. D. N. BARNEY), deceased; Nehemiah, deceased; Julia A. (Mrs. Gardner B. MURFEY), of Cleveland, Ohio; Sarah A. and Mary A., twins, widows respectively of N. H. STOCKWELL and John BAKER; Charles F., deceased, who was connected with the Wells, Fargo & Co. Express; Marcia A. and Gracia I., deceased; Henry M., of Lancaster, Mass.; Lavina J., deceased; Edward P., a merchant at Wasseca, Minn.; James K. S., deceased, who was a banker in San Francisco; and one son who died in infancy. The descendants of Capt. William H. LATHAM have donated to Thetford academy, the First Congregational society, and to establish LATHAM Memorial library, about $20,000.

      Capt. John KINSMAN was born in Nova Scotia, whence he removed to Orford, N. H., where he remained a few years and married Sarah HOLTON. He came to this town in 1830 and bought the farm settled by Joel STRONG. He was a farmer, reared a family of eight children, and lived to be eighty-two years old. Dea. John KINSMAN, his son, still lives upon the old farm. He has served as selectman, and deacon of the Congregational church at North Thetford since its organization in 1878. He married Julia A. HEATH, of Lebanon, N. H., and has had born to him seven children, six of whom are living. Of his three sons, GEORGE O. is a lawyer in Oxford, Mich.; Charles C. is at Olcott, and John, Jr., resides at Thetford.

      Richard Mills GLEASON settled in Thetford in 1833. His father, Samuel, came from Connecticut, stopping for a time in Lempster, N. H., where Richard M. was born, in March, 1798, and making his final settlement at what is known as "GLEASON's Flats," in Norwich, where he erected mills and dealt largely in lumber, which he manufactured and rafted to Hartford, Conn. His wife was Azubah WRIGHT, and they had two sons, Richard M. and Sewell, and two daughters. The sons removed to New York, but Richard returned to Union Village, where he afterwards lived, and engaged in farming. He served as justice, town agent and selectman (1852-54). His wife, Harriet, is a daughter of Isaac MOXLEY, who emigrated to Randolph from Scotland. She still resides at Union Village, aged eighty-one. Their children were Elizabeth C., deceased, Arabella (Mrs. DANA), Harriet N., Addie L. (Mrs. Rev. E. E. MILLER), Samuel M., and Edgar W., who died while in Dartmouth college, class of '62.

      John HUNTINGTON came into Thetford in 1834, from Plainfield, Vt. He was born in Marshfield, in May, in 1802, to which place his father, Gideon, had come from Francestown, N. H. Gideon married, in Marshfield, Margaret HOLMES, of Scotch parentage. John HUNTINGTON, their son, married Hannah AYERS, a native of Goshen, N. H., who became the mother of five sons and two daughters: Hazen K., of West Fairlee; John H.; Alvah A., of Cedartown, Ga.; two sons who died in childhood; Harriet N. (NOYES), of Cedartown, Ga.; and Ann A. (BRIMBLECOM), of Woosung, Ill. John HUNTINGTON, .a farmer by occupation, bought the place now owned by his



 son John H., in 1848, upon which he continued until his death, in January, 1885. His wife -died in February, 1884. They had passed sixty-one years of wedded life together. Two sons were soldiers in the civil war, Alvah A. as lieutenant in the 8th Georgia Regt., and Hazen K. in the 1st, Vt. Cav: John H. HUNTINGTON married, first, Ellen FISKE; and second, Mary I., widow of Henry DAVIS, and daughter of Ira STOWELL, an early settler in Thetford, but who removed to Hyde Park about 1835.

      Harvey QUIMBY came to Thetford from Enfield, N. H., in 1838, and has since lived here, engaged in farming. His children are S. Janette (Mrs. CLAPP), Caroline J. (Mrs. I. W. MOORE), Laura A. (Mrs Royal GEORGE), Wareham M., of Boston, Mass., and Luman V., who served in the late war, dying in 1884.

      Richard and Mitchell WELCH, natives of County Waterford, Ireland, came when young men to Thetford to work in the lead mine. Richard engaged in farming soon after his marriage to Rose A. BOYLE, settling upon the farm where his widow and younger sons still live. He died July 22, 1868, aged fifty-one years.

      Joseph C. TEWKSBURY, born in Grafton, N. H., in 1821, came at the age of seventeen years to Thetford. For fifteen years he has owned and operated the saw-mill a mile northwest of the Center, and aside from that has been a. farmer. He served two years as assistant town clerk. His wife is Lucia E., daughter of Capt. Josiah HUBBARD, and granddaughter of Col. Josiah HUBBARD, one of Thetford's pioneers.

      Joseph ALLEN MORRILL came from Danville, Caledonia county, when about six years of age, and resided with King HEATON. He was the youngest in the family, and was left an orphan. At the age of eighteen he went to Boston and learned the mason's trade, which he has since followed as contractor's foreman and contractor. He served in the late war in Co. A, 15th Vt. Vols. He married Jane P., daughter of James D. CROCKER, of Thetford, and has one son, James A., and two daughters, Nellie J. (Mrs. H. B. PALMER) and M. Belle (Mrs. Dana A. WATSON), of Lowell, Mass.

      Philip C. CAMBRIDGE, a woolen manufacturer, born in Rindge, N. H., bought the woolen-mill at Union Village in 1845, and continued to operate it until it was destroyed by the freshet of 1869. His father, John CAMBRIDGE, was in the Revolution, serving in the Quebec expedition and with Washington in New Jersey, and it is said that the father of John CAMBRIDGE made the first broadcloth produced in America. Philip C. CAMBRIDGE was from youth a woolen manufacturer, located for ten years at Lebanon, N. H. He died in 1880, aged eighty-eight years. He was three times married, and the father of eight children, of whom three are living, one of them, Amasa C., at Union Village. John CAMBRIDGE, brother of Philip C., owned the woolen mills in Rockingham at the village called in his honor "Cambridgeport."

      Benjamin BERRY, a shoemaker and tailor by trade, came from Dover, N. H., to Vershire, where he married Sarah KINNEY, about 1817. He died in 1831, at the early age of thirty-five years. George W. BERRY, his son, located, in 1849, upon his present farm in Thetford. He married, in 1851, Irene, daughter of Levi D. PARKER, and has one son, Lucius A., and one daughter, Ida (Mrs. Edgar




      Josiah B. HEATH was born in Groton, N. H., in 1817, and came to Thetford in 1849, where he has since been engaged in farming, and has served as selectman, etc. He married Lucetta, daughter of Rev. Daniel PULSIFER, a Congregational clergyman who preached some years in Thetford and Fairlee. They have had children as follows: Harlan A. and Charles H., deceased; Francena L. (Mrs. Frank N. WARE), and Georgia A. (Mrs. Charles H. CONVERSE). Mr. HEATH's firm is the one originally settled by Nathan MANN about 1780, where was established the first ferry in this section across the Connecticut.

      Fred S. SLACK, son of Henry, was born in Sharon, Windsor county, in. June, 1821, and brought up at Wells River. He located at East Thetford in 1860, and engaged in the hotel business in his present house. He served as postmaster without interruption fore twenty-six and one-half years (1861 to 1887). His first wife, Angeline (GOODENOUGH), became the mother of three children -- Imogene (Mrs. WEST), Wilbur F., who has been station agent at East Thetford sixteen years, and Lillie D., deceased. His present wife, Abigail, is a sister of his first wife.

      Thomas H. CHUBB was born in Charlestown, Mass., and at the age of' four years removed with his parents to the Colorado Valley, in Texas, where he spent his early life. He belonged to a regiment of militia before the war, and when that broke out was appointed captain of the Dodge, a Unites States revenue cutter, which was captured in Galveston harbor when the state seceded. From the outset to the close of the Rebellion he fought in the Confederate navy. To use his own language: "The negroes were slaves, and I did my best to keep them so; but it is a blessing to us that they became free." He located in Thetford in 1869 and engaged in the manufacture of fishing rods. Thetford sent him to the legislature in 1882, and he was a candidate for senator in 1884 He has been postmaster at Post Mills since January 1, 1887.

      John BRAGG is a descendant of one of the early Vershire or Strafford families, but his early life was passed in Waterbury, Washington county. He located in Thetford in 1851, and in 1880 removed to Vershire, where he still lives. He sold the farm in Thetford to his son Dana, who is one of the most extensive and successful dairy farmers in the town.

      Jonathan Josiah CONANT, one of the substantial farmers of Thetford, was born in Lyme, N. H., in 1823. He had a good common school education with a few terms at an academy. In early life he was put to learn his father's trade as a carpenter and joiner, and followed this calling for a few years. Numerous churches, hotels, factories, and dwellings in all the region round about attest his and his father's skill and industry. He bought his present farm situated in Thetford on Connecticut river between the two depots in 1853, and has carried on farming there since. In all the affairs of his town, and of the church, of which he has been an earnest supporter, he has taken a lively interest, as a right minded public spirited citizen. In 1872 he was elected as a Republican -to the legislature, and served two years with credit. He has also served as a justice of the peace. He has been married twice, first to Octavia B., youngest daughter of Abijah HOWARD, of North Thetford. She died in 1854 and



 left two children, Samuel D., a successful lawyer at Greenfield, Mass., and Octavia B., who married Charles L. JONES, an enterprising business man in Hastings, Nebraska. His second wife is Martha P., daughter of I. T. HOWARD, of North Thetford, whom he married in 1859, .and has three children, of whom the eldest, Sarah, graduated in 1887 from Wellesley college (Mass.); a son, David S., and a daughter, Mary C., are both under twenty-one years of age. Mr. CONANT traces his ancestry back to Mary CHILTON, one of the Pilgrim "mothers," and to Roger CONANT, one of the most eminent of the early settlers of New England. Roger CONANT was born in Devon, England, April 9, 1593, came to Plymouth with a family in 1623, and settled at Salem, Mass., where he built the first house, and was appointed the first governor of that infant colony. He served till 1628, when Governor ENDICOTT, sent out from England, superseded him. He was the delegate from Salem to the first General Court held at Boston in 1634. For his public services he had a grant of 400 acres of land in what is now Beverly, Mass. He died in 1679, aged eighty-six years. Of his four sons, Lot CONANT was the father of ten children, the youngest of whom was William, who was the father of the Rev. William, CONANT, the first minister of Lyme, N. H., where he remained twenty-six years until his death in 1810. Jonathan CONANT was an elder brother to the Rev. William. He married Jane LATHAM, of Bridgewater, Mass., in 1760, and about 1773 came to Lyme and settled at “Lyme Plain." Where the meeting-house now stands was his corn field, and he built his house on the spot where the "Latham House," occupied by D. C. CHURCHILL, Esq., now stands. His wife, Jane LATHAM, was the great-granddaughter of Mary CHILTON, the girl of eighteen who was the first person to step ashore at Plymouth Rock at the landing of the Pilgrims in 1620. Mary CHILTON married John WINSLOW before 1627. Their daughter Susanna married Robert LATHAM in 1649, and Robert was the grandfather of Mrs. Jane Latham CONANT, the wife of Jonathan. Through their energy and influence the LATHAMs and the Rev. William CONANT came to Lyme to settle. Jonathan CONANT early enlisted in the Revolutionary war and served seven years. He was at Valley Forge and Yorktown, and many other important battles. He died in 1826, at the age of ninety-five years. He was small in stature, very nervous and quick in his motions, and of great energy. He was disabled in the war and received a pension. His son Josiah CONANT, born in 1768, was killed in Orange, Vt., by a falling tree in 1801. He left a widow, Betsey SLOAN, and six small children. One of the elder sons was Jonathan CONANT, the father of the subject of this sketch. He was born in June, 1793, lived all his life at Lyme village, a worthy, industrious man. He served a short time in the War of 1812, was a lieutenant-colonel in the militia, an officer of his town, and as a builder noted far and wide for his skill and energy. He died in 1863, aged seventy years. He married Clarissa DIMICK and had eight children. One of his sons, Dr. David S. CONANT, achieved great celebrity in the medical  profession, especially as an anatomist and surgeon, in New York city. He died in 1865, at the age of forty, greatly lamented by all who knew him. Another son, Chester C. CONANT, a graduate of Dartmouth college and Albany Law school, is judge of probate and insolvency at Greenfield, Mass., and has a large and successful practice as a lawyer. He is a member of the bar of the United States supreme court, and was a delegate to the National Republican convention at Chicago in 1884. Dr. Abel B. CONANT, the youngest son, was an army surgeon during the late war. He served three years in the West, was at the siege of Vicksburg, and in many engagements in Kentucky and Tennessee. He died of diphtheria in 1864.

      Rev. Harry BRICKETT, son of John BRICKETT and Elizabeth PUTNAM, his wife, was born February 1, 1818. He graduated at Dartmouth college in 1840, studied medicine at Hanover two



 years, and then engaged in teaching; following that occupation thirteen consecutive years, and also in the meantime lecturing in teachers' institutes in New Hampshire and Maine, having been employed in that work, in part -during vacations, one hundred weeks. He taught the Francestown (N. H.) academy during seven consecutive years from 1844 to 1851; the Brown High (Latin) school on the Mall in Newburyport two years, ending in May, 1853; and during four years following was principal of the Merrimack Normal Institute at Reed's Ferry, N. H., ably assisted by Mrs. BRICKETT a large part of the time. From that place, in the spring of 1857, he was called to thee pastorate of the Congregational church at Hillsborough Bridge, N. H., and was ordained January 28, 1858. In 1865 he was called to be pastor of the Congregational church in Geneseo, Ill., to which place the family removed. Here they remained for seven years. In the autumn of 1872, having resigned his charge in Geneseo, he accepted the pastorate of a Union Evangelical church then recently established at East Lake George, in the town of Queensbury, Warren county, N. Y. In January, 1876, the family returned to Hillsborough Bridge, N. H., and Mr. BRICKETT, by invitation, to the charge of the Congregational church at that place, the place of his first settlement in the ministry. He remained six years, in all over that church fourteen years,and having resigned accepted an invitation to fill the pulpit in Thetford a short time. He was afterwards formally invited to remain as acting pastor, in which capacity he is now serving.

      Charles D. LUCAS was born in Boston, Mass., and came to Thetford over thirty years ago, where he followed farming until 1871, when he engaged in trade at the Center. Since 1881 he has made a specialty of breeding short-horn cattle of the purest stock, also carrying on the mercantile business. His wife is Emeline F. (TYLER), and their children are one daughter, Helen (Mrs. Henry WEST), and one son. Henry WEST has served as postmaster at Thetford Center, and town clerk since 1871.

      Don C. WHEELER, born in Plainfield, N. H., in 1822, came with his parents to Norwich when seven years of age. He settled on his present farm in the southwest corner of Thetford in 1858.

      GEORGE W. WISE, son of Jonathan, who removed to Lyme, N. H., with his family about 1837, was born in Groton, N. H., in 1818. He married Harriet M., daughter of William GARDNER, of Lyme, and has three sons and one daughter -- George G., Theodore W., Willie F. and Charlotte B. He settled on his present farm about 1857.

      The First Congregational church of Thetford. -- As early as 1768 Thetford and Lyme, N. H., united in supporting preaching; but it was not until 1773 that Thetford had a settled pastor. At this date Rev. Clement SUMNER was settled here, and the "minister's right" of land provided by the charter was voted to him. This when laid out included the place now occupied by the railroad depot at East Thetford. During the Revolution, Mr. SUMNER being a tory, found it convenient to depart, going to Swanzey, N. H., where he exchanged his right in Thetford for the farm of William HEATON, who came to this town and settled. The second pastor was Rev. Asa BURTON, D. D., born at Stonington, Conn., August 25, 1752, and with his father located in Norwich, Windsor county, in 1766. He graduated from Dartmouth college in 1777, was called to the church in this town



 November 18, 1778, and ordained January 20, 1779, continuing as its pastor until old age disabled him for the duties of a pastorate. He died here May 1, 1836, in the fifty-sixth year of his ministry. He was a noted theological writer and instructor, having trained over sixty students for the ministry. The third pastor was Rev. Charles WHITE, son of Dr. BURTON's third wife. He was a graduate of Dartmouth college, and January 5, 1825, settled here as a colleague of Rev. Dr. BURTON, being dismissed March 24, 1829. He subsequently became president of Wabash college, Indiana. The fourth pastor was Rev. E. G. BABCOCK, who was installed February 10, 1831, and died September 20, 1848. Mr. BABCOCK was succeeded by Rev. Timothy F. CLARY, who was ordained December 12, 1849, and dismissed December 18, 1855. Rev. Leonard TENNEY was installed October 21, 1857, dismissed August 1, 1866, supplied until December, 1867. Rev. Richard T. Searle, the seventh min ister, was installed June 2, 1868, and dismissed December 15, 1873. The eighth pastor, Rev. Charles F. MORSE, was installed June 25, 1875. The present pastor is Rev. Harry BRICKETT. Their first house of worship was built of logs, in 1781, on the farm now occupied by H. A. CUMMINGS.  The present wooden building was erected in 1787; by the town, on the west side of the common, and sold to the society and moved to its present site in 1830.

      The Congregational church of North Thetford was organized October 8, 1878, by a council of delegates, with forty-one members. They have had no settled pastor, but have been supplied by students and professors from Dartmouth college. Their church building, a union house, was erected of wood in 1860, and is occupied by the Congregationalists and Methodists on alternate Sundays. The building cost about $2,000. The society now has forty-five members, and are preached to by E. B. BLANCHARD, a Dartmouth college student. Rev. J. T. CLASSON preached here from the spring of 1877 to the summer of 1880, at this place and Fairlee, residing here. Rev. R. B. Fay preached here from April, 1883, to April, 1885, residing at Post Mills. The nucleus of a church fund has been given to this church, Rev. Isaac HOSFORD donating $500, Oramel EMERSON $250, and John W. ANDRESS $250.

      The Congregational church of Post Mills was organized February 26, 1839, by a council of delegates, with twenty-six members from the churches of Thetford, West Fairlee, Vershire and Strafford. Their house of worship, the present wooden structure, was erected about 1814, has recently been repaired at a cost of $1,000, and will comfortably seat 275 persons. The present membership is seventy-eight, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Leland E. TUPPER.

      The Methodist Episcopal church at North Thetford, a branch of the M. E. church at Thetford Center, occupies the union meeting-house on alternate Sabbaths with the Congregationalists. Their first house of worship, the present wooden structure, was erected in 1860, will comfortably seat 250 persons, and originally cost about $1,800. The present number of members is forty-seven, with C. F. PARTRIDGE, pastor. The Sunday-school has nine teachers and eighty scholars.

      The Methodist Episcopal church at Thetford Center was organized in 1836; by Rev. E. I. SCOTT, presiding elder from Montpelier, and consisted of thirty-five members. Rev. James CAMPBELL was the first pastor. Their first house: of worship, the present brick structure, was erected in 1836, will comfortably seat 250 persons, cost $1,400, and is now valued at $2,000. The present pastor is Rev. E. E. REYNOLDS. 



Gazetteer Of Orange County, Vt. 1762-1888.
Compiled And Published by Hamilton Child,
The Syracuse Journal Company, Printers and Binders. 
Syracuse, N. Y., 1888.
Page 419-451.

Transcribed by Karima Allison ~ 2004