Virginia genealogy history ancestors

Virginia Genealogy Records

Lancaster County


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Lancaster County Virginia

Peter Mason, Revolutionary War Pension Application, File S32394. Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files 1800-1900. National Archives Microfilm, Microcopy M804, Roll 1647.

Any comments or questions should be forwarded to the transcriber, Marc Wheat The descendants of Peter Mason are listed on Marc Wheat's web page.

State of Kentucky }
County of Campbell } On this 26th day of August 1833, personally appeared, in open court before the court of Cambell County now sitting Peter Mason, a resident of the aforsaid state and county, aged sixty nine years, the 22nd day of the present month, this is the information of his Father, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declarations, in order to attain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed on the 7th June 1832.__ That he entered the service of the United States in the year 1778, as a volunteer, and in the 14th year of his age, to the best of my recollection it was on the 24th day of October of the year 1778 that I entered the army and I continued till some time after Cornwallis surrendered to Washington making three years at least, -- I am not certain of the exact time I served but am certain that it was three years, and some more. I was young and cared but little about being particular about dates. After peace was concluded I went to sea, and continued at sea for about seven years, and then returned to the state of Virginia. The names of the officers under whom I served were as follows, Colo. Henry Towls, Capt. William Tuning, Lieut. Edwward Blackmore, Ensg. Wiliam Bisco but he soon became Lietenant, and there were many changes that I cannot precisely state, and while I was in the service I was employed in guarding the shores of the Rivers Rappahanock [Rappahannock] and Cwirituming [?], in the state of Virginia. He states that he was in no battles while in the service. That he knows of no person that he can prove his service by, but remembers that he drew his musket at the house of Colo. Towles, and that James Ewall was the Majr. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the Agency, of any state in the union. Sworn to and subscribed, the day and year aforesaid.
[sig.] Peter Mason

We John Stephens, a clergyman, residing in the county of Cambell, and Joseph Jarvis [?] a respectable person residing in the aforesaid county and neighborhood of the said Peter Mason certify that he is reputed and believed to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and we believe him to be of the age of sixty nine years, and we concur in that opinion -- Sworn to ans
subsscribed the day and year aforesaid.

{ [sig.] John Stephens
[sig.] Joseph Co Jarvis [?]

Where and in what year were you born?
answer. I was born in Lancaster county in the sstate of Virginia, on the 22nd day of August 1764. this is the information of my parents as I have no documentary evidence of my age.

Where were you living when called into service, where have you lived since the Revoltionary war, and where do you now live? Ans. I lived when called into service in the county of Lancaster in the state of Virginia, from there I went to sea, and after my return from sea I live in the aforesaid state for many years, the precise number I do not recollect, and from there I came to the state of Kentucky near twenty years ago, and now live in the same state and county of Campbell.

How were you called into service
Ans. I was a Volunteer all the time, and never received a copper for my pay. The names of the Officer [sic] mentioned in the body of my declaration are all that I remember distinctly ------

And the court do hereby declare their opinion, after the investigation of the matter, and after putting the interogatives prescribed by the war Department, that the above named Applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states And the court further certifies, that it appears to them
John Stephens who has signed the preceding certificate is a clergyman Joseph Jarvis [?] is a person of credibiliby and respectability, and that they both live in the same neighborhood of the said Peter Mason and their statement is entitled to credit.

[sig.] Wm A. Pendleton, DC

Campbell County, to wit:
I William A. Pendleton, Deputy Clerk of the County aforesaid, in the state of Kentucky, do hereby certify, that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said court in the matter of thhe application of Peter Mason for a pension.

In Testimony whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and the seal
of Office, this 27th day of August, 1833.
[sig.] Wm. A. Pendleton, DCCC

Personally appeared before me the undersigned a [... text unclear] for the county of Cambell, and state of Kentucky Peter Mason who being duly sworn [text unclear] that by reason of old age, amd more particultr loss of memory, he cannot swear, positively, as to the precise length of service, but according to the limit of his recollection, his service was not less than the period mentioned below. For three years and one month I served as a private and for such service I claim a pension.

[sig.] Peter Mason

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 7th day of Octr. 1833.
[sig.] Samuel Baker J.P. CCKy.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Copies of this file may be made for personal research use by individuals as long as this notice appears on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other presentation without the written permission of Marc Wheat.

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