Virginia genealogy history ancestors

Virginia Genealogy Records

Lancaster County


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Lancaster County Virginia

Graciously donated by Leigh Viertel

Will of Henry B. Boatman
Dated 25 October 1721
Filed 11 April 1722
I give to my loving wife all the land and plantation whereon I now live during her life. After her death I give the same to my son Richard.

I give to my son Henry all the land plantation adjoining _________ Mill.

I give to my grandson Henry one heifer.

I give to my son Henry seventy shilling.

I give to my dtr Ann Pasquot six hundred pounds of tobacco.

My loving wife shall have use of my negro and all my other possession during her widowhood and after death or marriage same shall be divided among my sons Richard, John, and Robert.

I nominate and appoint my wife and my son Richard executors of of this last will, etc.

Witness; William ?????*, Elizabeth ?????*, Winifred ?????*

(??????* - This last name may be Olpert / Alpert / Albert / Alfort / or Olfort)

[ Henry b. Boatman was born ca 1650-1658 in Norwich, England. He is first listed in Lancaster Co. records in 1678.

Henry died ca 1721-1722 in Christ Church Parish, Lancaster County, VA ]

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Virginia genealogy history ancestors