Virginia genealogy history ancestry

Virginia Genealogy Resources

Frederick County


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Frederick County Virginia

James Urton
Submitted by Mary Ann Bumgarner

James Urton 1752-1836

Quote from his Revolutionary pension application:
"I was born in Frederick Co., Virginia in 1752 and I have a record of my age in my Bible. When I was called into service I was living in Loudon County, Virginia, and since then I have lived in Jefferson County, Kentucky where I now live. I was employed keeping cattle and was discharged by Capt. Simeon Hancock and Maj. Geo. West. Dates from his pension file." His will listed his children: James, Jared, Nathan, Catherine, Norman, Elizbeth, Hannah, Winfred Urton Hall, Nancy Urton Tripplett, all born in Virginia. James was born in Frederick Co., Virginia in 1752 and served in the Revolutionary War (#15690). His brother Peter Urton also served (#16561).

James Urton, age 82, of Virginia on 17 Feb 1834 appeared in Jefferson County Court of Louisville, Kentucky before Trammel Conn, Justice of Peace; for a statement of his service. His neighbors, John Grove and Stanfieield Jones testified as to his character. It is recorded in the Archives of United States in Washington D.C. His pension certificate #S15690 was issued 17 Apr 1834. It shows he was granted a pension in the amount of $20/year. He stated that he entered service in Loudon Co., Virginia as a draftee in Sept 1777 at the age of 25. He was under the command of Capt Simeon Hancock and Maj George West for 6 months as a Beef Buyer for the Union Army. They marched across Nolans Ferry on the Potomac to Frederickstown, Maryland, thence to McAlister Town and Swedes Fjord on the Schuylkill River and then he was discharged at Capt Simeon Hancock order March 1778. James stated that he was again drafted July 1781 for three months and was appointed "Prose Master" to procure BEEVES (cattle) for the Army. He was discharged by Capt. Cannon. An affidavit was entered of neighbors John Grove and Standfield Jones, they knew the soldier and his wife. He was on the pension roll at $20 per annum, certificate was issued 4/17/1834, sent to Honorable P.H. Pope, HR Section 141

James lived at Floyds Fork, Jefferson Co, Kentucky at the time of his application for his pension.

There is a plaque placed by the DAR in the Middletown Cemetery, Middletown, Kentucky on Harrods Creek Road in his honor, on road east of US 60.

Children are listed as James, Jared, Nathan, Catherine, Elizabeth, (Norman & Howard?), Winfred, Nancy.

Signed his will February 26, 1836, with an "X".

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