Virginia genealogy history ancestry

Virginia Genealogy Resources

Frederick County


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Frederick County Virginia

Rogers - Thompson Land Survey
Submitted by Charolette “Chocy” Brown

“Frederick County, Virginia Survey Book


Jno ROGERS 75 ac Lying on the South End of the Sadole Mountain Beginning at 2 red oaks & a hickory running thence S42 E62 poles to 2Chesnut Oaks & hickory thence S70 E60 poles to a Chesnut red Oak & hickory thence S26 E60 poles to a maple Hiccory & chestnut on a branch of James River thence N3 E100 poles to a Chesnut & 2 Chesnut Oaks thence N42 W52 poles to 2 Chesnut Oak thence N73W 140 poles to 2 Chesnuts thence S31 E22 poles to a white oak thence S34 E66 poles to the Beginning.


William THOMPSON 400 Lying in the Fork of Shenando Between the Middle River & the North Branch of Shenando Beginning at 2 white Oaks and a Dog Wood on the North Side of the Middle River running thence S88 W104 Poles to 2 white oaks on the So Side of Littles Creek thence N21 W142 poles to 2 large Pines on the Side of a Ridge thence N59 E314 Poles to 2 Pines thence S79 E126 poles to a Stake on a high Bank of the River thence S24 W100 poles to 3 pine thence S79 E126 poles to a Stake on a high Bank of the River thence S24 W100 poles to 3 pines thence S47 W130 poles to a white Oak thence S26 W68 poles to a Spanish Oak thence S68 W68 poles to Beginning.


William THOMPSON 400 Lying on both Sides of the Middle River of Shenando Beginning at an Elm on the So Side of the Middle River Opposite to the mouth of the North Branch of Shenando running thence S55 E22 Poles to a white Oak thence S6 W299 poles to 2 white Oakes near the head of a hallow thence N48 W290 Poles to 3 Pines thence N6 W108 poles to a white Oak on the West side of a branch of Buffalo Run thence N48 E176 Poles near a hickory Saplin on the So Side of the North Branch of Shenando then Down the River to the Beginning.

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