Boone Property – on Boone Rd S.W. (SR 786), Willis, Floyd Co., VA

Original Source: Cemeteries Floyd (Montgomery) County, VA Burks Fork District Volume II Compiled by Phyllis Goad Phillips And Genevieve Cochran Starkey 56th of 109 Cemeteries pg 4. Added with permission of Genevieve Cochran Starkey May 2021.

Find A Grave Name:

Annotations – added May 2021 by Barb Camery Reininger

Annotations in Red – correction to original text by Barb Camery Reininger

+ indicates on same tombstone

& indicates a relationship


2 stones found in ground while mowing field – mostly illegible.


1 stone – could only read date of 1836.


1 stone – could only read initials H. H.