Originally submitted to the Floyd Co., VA New List Web Page maintained by Barbara Stanley.


        Edgar Lee Vest - Of  Floyd County VA

Born on March 29, 1927 on Mattocks Mountain in The Locust Grove District of Floyd County.

Using “Mattocks” for the proper way of spelling is taken from one Survey for James and Wm. McNeil 494 acres, 26th August 1851. This survey make statement that this surveyed land connects with my Ancestor “Littleberry Vest”.

I was the tenth and last child born to James Noah Vest and Lottie Ellen Light who were married February 22, 1899 in Floyd County VA.

There are a few things that happened in 1930 that I can remember a few details pertaining to such events. One was being in Town of Floyd with my parents, when a motorcycle came by our 1929 Chevrolet 2dr car and the motorcycle noise scared me very much. Another was when we visited my brother-in-law Ollie Hall and sister Calma living in Glenvar, Roanoke County VA. (Have a copy of the family group made that day).

We lived about a half mile from the nearest neighbor, Jesse Jones, his wife Doris Collins and three sons. Most all the mountain and small “hollows” valleys were used to raise food  for the people, their domestic animals and fowls. Some owned horses, while others owned  oxen. There were mules in Floyd County, but to my knowledge, not on Mattocks Mountain.

Life was quite simple the way we lived. Not always ample food supplies, but very good spring water. As my dad said, our spring was freestone water and that was the best kind. The house we lived in was a weatherboard siding (unpainted), but inside the walls were  tongue
and grooved wood boards that were papered. Paper used was newspapers or catalogs received from Sears and Roebuck, Montgomery Ward, National Bella Hess or whatever for wallpaper. Oh, maybe the kitchen was painted and the front room or as more wealthy  families, called it a parlor. The floors were some of the finest oak that was cut for timber. When moped, it was white looking. Yes it did produce some mean splinters for feet and fingernails  After removing these splinters with needles or maybe a pocketknife, the area
was saturated with turpentine or kerosene. It usually did the job of killing the germs, even if it was painful.

Everyone had chores to do. Sometimes being ill with a stomachache, bad cold and etc. made someone else take your jobs. In return it usually got the sick person a good dose of  castor oil, mustered plaster or some available remedy. The treatment could be as bad as the illness.

We had apple trees, Ben Davis, Early June, Yankee Sweet, Smokehouse, Stark and etc. Cherry trees, red sweet and sour, plus black heart and a few neighbors had other types that we didn’t have. Also, wild strawberries, plums, peaches, huckleberries, teaberries, black-berries, raspberries, dewberries and the like. There were black walnuts, white walnuts, hickory nuts and etc. The sassafras tree bark and roots for tea, wild cherry bark, spice wood  and other bark and roots from various plants  were used as medicine tonic or for flavoring.
Some leaves of plants was used for food or medicine purpose for human and animals. Most of the food was raised that we used for humans and animals. Scraps from the table was fed dogs, cats and helped feed the hogs. Fat from cooking was saved to make lye soap
as my mother used wood ashes mixed with the fat or sometimes we could afford Red Devil Lye from the store to mix with the fat and boil the mixture and then cool and cut it in blocks of soap for washing clothing. White clothes were  boiled to make them white in the big cast iron pot that the lye soap was made in. This pot was located near the spring and we had a springhouse that the spring water ran through a race that held back water for sitting crocks of milk, butter and etc. to keep cool in warm  weather and from freezing in real cold times. Apples, potatoes, cabbage and etc. was buried  in straw underground to store through very cold times. We took eggs, butter, chickens, corn, wheat, oats, apples and etc. to barter at country stores and mills. If products were sold the merchant usually gave you a due bill “IOU” after buying coffee, sugar and the likes.  If there was several bushels of grain taken to mill, then the flour or corn meal was returned home for use and the miller took a toll for his pay. There was very little money used.

My mother has a small spinning wheel and did some spinning of yarn as we did have a few sheep in my very young years. She sewed or darned socks, made some of our clothing on a treadle sewing machine, if it was working and by hand using a needle. Also rag knitted rugs was very useful and about the only way to get rugs for the house.

We used wood for cookstove and heating. Cut trees and used our horse named Mollie to drag the logs to the woodpile. A two-man crosscut saw and the ax was used to cut and split firewood.

There were no mattresses, only straw tic or feather tic and homemade quilts, sheets, pillows and etc. were found. It was quite a chore to fill the tic with new straw each year. Wheat was preferred over, oats, buckwheat or rye straw. After the threshing was done, most
of the straw was stacked around a pole like we stacked the hay. Stacks of wheat, oats and other grain was cut mostly by hand cradle and shocked. Then also stacked until it was threshed. When cutting grain, a watchful eye was kept on the nests of quail, as my dad liked to hear them call out their “Bob White” sound, more than eating them. But in hunting grouse, that was a different story, as he loved to hunt grouse and if he ever went fishing and thought an eel was taking his bait, he stayed as long as possible trying to catch that eel.

There are so many things that seems worthy to write and yet it would be about impossible to put it all in writing. The chestnut trees had been killed by a blight and the huge dead trees made rails for fencing, lumber and firewood. Oh the rich pine used for kindling was stumps from the original yellow pine trees in this area. An ax or hatchet was used to chop pieces from the stump and just strike a match to it and it burned as if it was oil. Fat from cattle and sheep was used to make candles and as a lubricant to use on leather shoes, harness and etc.

When about seven years old I became ill with spinal meningitis and was so ill I could not be turned by being touched by anyone. Was turned by them pulling my sheet. The doctor said if there was no change, he was going to have taken to a hospital. This was about impossible as the rough ride would have killed me. So I was looking out the front of the room sometime later and saw an angel in white, standing next to the corncrib. Later as I started to improve it made me realize that being in the balance and the Lord chose for me to live my allotted time. Will follow-up more on what this has done in my lifetime.

Life in the mountain was a way of understanding  the simple or more natural than being in more populated places where others lived. Some will say that’s not correct! But this is still the way I believe it was. On the mountain there was the closeness of the sounds of
birds, animals and the voices of people even across the hills and valleys of neighbors. The distant voice sounds of parents and children may not have been audible to being understood, they were being realized by your mind of what was taking place. Some calls were
needing help to do chores around the house, to fetch firewood, water to drink, find a younger member of the family and etc. While some would be the gee or haw in talking to a horse or oxen while plowing. Gee was to the right and haw was to the left. The dog or dogs
would bark with the children playing or to scare away any seen or unseen they thought should not be around their place. Birds calling or singing, and around the house and barnyard was the presence of chickens or other fowls. There may have been more than one
rooster in the flock, but there had almost always been one that showed he was ruler by fighting and overcoming the others. The setting hens and their hatched little chicks out feeding bugs, grasshoppers and the like. If hawk, buzzard or any large object was in the air near the fowls a sound went out from roosters and some of the others to take cover. This also applied if they sighted a snake crawling or the like. They also watched for table scraps or feed to be thrown to them. So even the creatures had to utilize their time as did the people.  Even the crows had to keep a look-out posted while the others searched for food. One place the crow look-out could be found was on a high dead tree standing on a hill and most of the trees were blighted chestnuts. As dark approached the chickens went to roost in the chicken house, barn or tree. The birds to a safe barn loft or in a thick pine or other covered leaf spot. People tried to get the outside work done and the women and children felt a bit unsafe outside in the dark. The hoot owls, screech owls and the like could  be
heard at night. Barking dogs made you wonder if there was a huge bear approaching, most likely it was a fox, neighbor’s dog or even wanting someone to come out and talk to it. Cats were around most every house. They usually had plenty of mice and even rats if they would hunt or watch for them. Feeding the pigs, cattle and other stock was at least twice a day. Milking the cow or cows was also twice a day. The milk had to be taken to the spring house and the soured milk was saved until it clabbered and then churned for butter and the buttermilk.

There was a financial world depression in the last 1920’s and early 1930’s. My dad was not like many head of households. He didn’t run to the welfare people for assistance. He was of the belief that there were good times and there were lean times. He had maybe $300 in the Bank of Check and of course the bank failed and he lost all the money. The election of FDR and VP Garner was the beginning of a very sad part of history from 1933 to the present. The dollar was devalued  and a so called Federal Reserve System took the place of gold and silver. The tax and spend of a political party in control for almost seventy years has a debt of trillions of dollars with no end in sight. But they disillusioned the people and was in power at the same level as any dictator government for several years and the depression was still on. Then to copy other dictators in other parts of the world, they launched a large military build-up. A project called the CCC or three C’s was put together in the pretense of doing conservation type work. In reality it was a military program. Sure, they built some roads and bridges. But this training was needed for military training for the upcoming conflicts of war. I can remember my mother cried and said both of her boys would be in the war. Well, she never lived to see this happen, but my brother was drafted in the army and I enlisted at my coming to age seventeen. My brother was in the CCC’s when she died and was buried on my thirteenth birthday. The Lord took care of both of us and we were overseas and made it back home from WWII.

I was given the opportunity to contact some people to get involved and interested in the true plan of salvation from the only true God. Now I knew a little about religions. My parents went on a few occasions each year to the Primitive Baptist gatherings and I also went to a few Sunday Schools meetings at Methodist churches. One of my sisters was a member of a Holiness Church group at Piedmont, in Montgomery County VA. This was a group that had bush arbor and a saw dust camp meeting place. They were a very noisy happy singing, shouting and loud preaching group. While the Baptist and Methodist seemed to be a quieter and more routine in their singing and preaching. We are compelled to worship in Spirit and Truth: See John 4:23-24, 14:17, 15:26, 16:13, Ephesians 5:9, 2 Thessalonians. 2:13, 1John 4:6 But in later years as I found how most every church group that contact was made with, just went back to the belief of a form of baptism that was made the official Roman Catholic church religion in about AD 325. The most of them call themselves as being
Protestant or not of the Catholic or Orthodox church. Well as in earnest searching, the Lord revealed that his church was established in the first chapters of the Book of Acts and that the Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and etc. churches had never been in His Church and never will be. The correct and only mode of baptism is using immersing a person in water in The Name of Jesus Christ as stated in Acts chapter two and verse thirty-eight. So, there is no other way the first members of the New Testament Church baptized and there will
never be a change made in this world to this mode.

Now to consider the research of my Ancestors and Descendants. The reason I feel some comfort in the time spent on this project is because the Holy Bible gives us the Generations of the Lord Jesus Christ in the first chapter of the book of Matthew. So the gathering of my family line of information might help to enlighten some of where we came from and help them set their sights on where they are going.

One of the first books I got concerning my family tree came from a cousin Saunders Vest. He was a son of Uncle Lem Vest and published in 1968 and titled Floyd VEST Family. Saunders is buried at Iddings Cemetery FCVA. Information he recorded not only was our Grandfather Floyd Vest, but went back into history to about 900’s AD. Some information covered where Ancestors were located as Surnames began to be used and also a copy of Coat of Arms was listed for our Vest family tree. According to the provided information, they “Ancestors” were Descendants of the Burgundians, a former Teutonic tribe and in later years were settled in Basel Switzerland and were considered German Descendants.

After noting my accumulated history of the “VEST’S”, it is apparent that we became aligned with the Romans in early years and to the present day the effects are still obvious. Most of the Vest generations in the United States of America are of the so called Protestant faith or some are still members of the Roman Catholic church.

This is a sad undesirable choice compared to my belief in the right or true religion for salvation of our souls. The KJV “King James Version of the WORD of GOD or Bible is what I consider the scriptures to be infallible to study and live by. While the Protestant and Catholic teach there are three persons that make up GOD, I only find “ONE” and many manifestations in appearing at different times and places. Many are confused about the verse of Matthew 28:19. This verse is speaking about titles compared to the real name of GOD that Peter spoke about in verse Acts 2:38. There is nothing hid except to the lost. This is what Paul is saying in 2Corithians 4:3. I dare not boast, but give praise and thanks to Jesus Christ and by his name only, that there was an opening of understanding to the TRUTH. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed, John 8:36 states this.  So, others that seek another to set them free are not able to be saved. The title Son has to be Jesus Christ and if we then go and trace the title Father it leads us to Jesus Christ as does the Holy Ghost. I can only wonder what people think the Messiah, Saviour, Redeemer, and other Titles used to describe who and how the final plan to save the human race would be. Certainly, it would not be by a compromise with Satan or the Devil to be able to continue sinning and live the detested life lost in Eden by Eve and Adam that caused them to be driven out of Paradise. No any common sense helps us to realize that GOD manifested in the flesh and lived here about thirty-three years in perfection was distinct proof for us. People just can’t ignore the fact that this was an example to Christian living and is a must for assurance of soul saving. There is also a simple fact that unbelief will cut you off from GOD as well as believing in his commandants will save your soul. As James 1:23 says we must be a doer and not only a hearer.

Signed: Edgar Lee Vest



           Edgar Lee Vest - Of Floyd County VA

                               Part - 2

The first part was about my surname Vest and will continue with the paternal side going back to my grandmother Mary Jane Angle.
Mary Jane Angle born October 26, 1854 and was born in FCVA. The 1850 Floyd County, Virginia Census - Western District No. 15 - July 25, 1850 #311 -#311
Samuel Angle     23  Farmer  Pittsylvania
Elizabeth             22                Floyd

Since no children was listed, there is another record showing they were married December 21, 1847 in FCVA.
The 1860 Census on June 16, 1860, Page 33 - #234 - #217 showed four children and Mary J.  was listed as the second and was 5.
The 1870 Census - October 4, 1870, Page 50 - #391 - # 374  showed Samuel not listed and Elizabeth was 44 and is assumed she is head-of-household. There were seven children listed and Mary J. was listed as the fourth listed as compared to 1860. In 1860 Jacob R. was 9 and in 1870 Jacob Riley was 19. There was listed after Jacob a Elizabeth and was 25 and then a Lydia M. and she was 14, then Mary J. was listed as 15, John H. as 10, Virginia K. as 8 and last Sara E. was 5. “Note” the 1860 showed Lydy M. as being 3. As compared to 1870, it seems a small difference between the age of Mary J. and her sister Lydy or Lydia.
The 1890 Census showing John H. Angle household as he was 30 and wife Octavia was 32 and the had three children and also listed was Elizabeth and she was 64. The 1900 Census did not show Elizabeth in John’s household.

Maybe more details will help clarify parts of the 1850, 1860, 1870, 1890 and 1900 Census Reports.

 Mary Jane Angle married Floyd Vest b. April 14, 1853, d. October 28, 1937.
Mary Jane d. April 23, 1939 and both Floyd and Mary Jane are buried at the Iddings Cemetery at Terry’s Fork FCVA.

To return to the time period of 1860 and 1870 where we find Samuel Angle in the 1860 Census and not listed in the 1870 Census. Now this Samuel Angle was one of my parental paternal great-grandfathers, being my paternal grandmother’s parent. So, in searching records it seemed that Samuel Angle was the ending as a search for his parents produced no Angle connection. Why? There had to be a reason for this abrupt ending to our ancestry of the Angle Family Tree! So the answer was found by another researcher that I found had done the task of placing together the missing links that seemed to stop at Samuel Angle. I was like so many relatives, friends and acquaintances in our family thought we were from the same Angles of Franklin County VA and/or other counties that so many Angle families were found.

Since this research was made by someone else I will try to be as brief as possible to let them have the credit of all this information. Certainly they, not I deserve this.

Well, we see in the 1870 Census that Samuel Angle’s wife Elizabeth had assumed the head-of-household status. So, in history we know the Civil War had taken place and many men had been involved by taking part. Some FCVA men were fighting with the South and some were with the North. As it turns out my great-grandfather Samuel Angle was in “I” Company of 54th Virginia Regiment Infantry as he enlisted in Lynchburg VA.  Seems he was 41 years old, five feet and six inches tall, light complexion, blue eyes, light hair unruly and listed his occupation as farmer and stated he was born in Pittsylvania county VA. Enlisted as a private on March 14th 1862 to serve 3 years. Was issued a discharge February 11th 1862 at Dalton GA because of death. He died at Gilmore Hospital Marietta GA of disease November 4th 1863. He is buried in Confederate Cemetery in Cobb County GA in plot ID 16685 under name ANGLE, Sam.

This seems to account where Samuel Angle lived his last months and where he died and is buried. However, I have read in another book where Samuel and Elizabeth Walters Angle are buried in a cemetery on their old home place that was owned by Herman Walters in 1994. Since the book states there are no stone markers it allows the doubt that Samuel is buried there. But this is speculation only by me. For there may be many family and other people also buried on this location.

To set the links from my side of the Vest and Angle back into history take us to Pittsylvania Court Records, Court Order Book 33 Page 186 19 Sept 1836.
This states that: “  It is ord: that the overseers of the poor do bind, Samuel Anglin son of Dan’l Anglin, to James Bozwell acdg to law.”
(Note: It is believed that Daniel and Edey Abbott Anglin was so poor and had so many children that the court binded Samuel to James Bozwell to help in the upkeep of the Daniel Anglin family.)
As the 1850 FCVA Census lists  Samuel Angle age 23, and James Boswell age 53 with son Bird Boswell age 20, who was born in Pittsylvania County VA.
Now Samuel Angle married  Elizabeth Walters December 21, 1848 and Elizabeth’s sister, Christien Walters married Byrd Boswell a son of James Boswell.
If Samuel is not indeed really Samuel Anglin who was bound out to James Boswell in Pittsylvania County in 1836, then how could their lives become so intertwined?
I also noted in a document where my grandmother Mary Jane’s sister married a Eli Lovern 19 and she listed her name as Lydia Anglin age 15.
So it appears my great-grandfather Samuel Anglin changed his surname from Anglin to Angle about time he came to FCVA. Also note that the Bozwells spelling was changed to Boswell about this same time.
Then we find Daniel Anglin b. 1787 - 1793? Pittsylvania County VA and married Edey Abbott April 22, 1813 and Edey was also born in Pittsylvania County VA date unknown.
Daniel was a son of John Anglin born July 30, 1734 where unknown? Died 1796 and wife Elizabeth UMN
John was a son of Adrian/Adrion Anglin born 1693 in France and Immigrated bef. 1723 to VA and died April 25, 1777 in Buckingham County VA and wife was Elizabeth W.



           Edgar Lee Vest - Of Floyd County VA

                              Part - 2 - 2

The second part was about my paternal grandmother
Mary Jane Angle back to great-grandfather Samuel Angle/Anglin, great-great-grandfather Daniel Anglin, great-great-great-grandfather John Anglin and great- great-great-great-grandfather Adrin/Adrion Anglin that was born in 1693.
Part - 2 - 2 takes up with great-grandmother Elizabeth “Betsy” Walters was born in Montgomery County VA abt 1828 and is believed to be the second child born to
my great-great-grandfather Jacob S. Walters born abt 1804 in MCVA and died abt 1886 in FCVA and great-great-grandmother Hannah Iddings born 1805 in FCVA
and died of Dropsy, on November 10, 1858, 56 yrs 9mos old.
Jacob S. Walters second marriage January 20, 1859 to Elizabeth Aliff born bet. 1802-1805 in FCVA and died November 10, 1858. Jacob S. Walters was son of great- great-great-grandfather William C. Walter and great-great-great-grandmother Mary Martin. William C. Walter is believed to be son of great-great-great-great-grandfather Rev. Martin Walter born 1776 Shenandoah County VA and died 1834 and married 1796 great-great-great-great-grandmother Christina Clem/Kelmm born 1775.
Christina Clem/Klemm was daughter of great-great-great-great-great-grandfather Teter Klemm.
Christina was living in FCVA 1860 Census with Moses Blackwell Family, Christina’s daughter Rebecca married Moses Blackwell, Jr.