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Fold3 image viewer

Take a quick look at how you can make most out of the image viewer.

Image Toolbar

  • Bookmark your image for quick access.
  • Annotate or leave a comment.
  • Save to your Ancestry Tree.
  • See additional tools by selecting this icon.
    • Download a portion or entire image.
    • Print a portion or entire image.
    • Add to a Memorial page on Fold3.
    • Share this page via email or social media.

Pro tip: Speed things up with keyboard shortcuts. Type ? to see shortcuts.

Image controls

View the image how you want to with these controls:

  • /Zoom in and out
  • Fit the image to width or height of your display
  • Adjust Brightness and Contrast
  • Rotate the image
  • View the image in Fullscreen

Pro tip: No need to adjust settings for each image. The zoom level and brightness/contast settings will stick from image to image.

Toggle info panel, filmstrip and paging

Access the record information panel, view a filmstrip of image documents and page to the next or previous image.

Information Panel

Access more information about the image here. Including the following:

  • Source information
  • Annotations & comments
  • Image index (if applicable)
  • Report an image for correction or abuse.

Pro tip: Dock this panel to the bottom or side.

Image title and browse location

Open browse to easily navigate to other images by selecting this oval "image location box" at the top of the Viewer.

We'd love your Feedback

Please leave your feedback or comments. Just select this button here anytime. Find more in-depth help by visiting the Fold3 Training Center.

Navigate images within this publication. Use the tab or tab+shift keys to navigate. Use enter key to select an image or to go to the next page.

Dulany, Sexton E (21)

Dulch, J W

Duly, A W

Duly, H W

Duncan, James C

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Duncan, Sol

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