Contributed by Trini M. Tracy

Dated: Friday, January 6, 1933
Headline: Father Dies Of Injuries To His Skull-Double Services Planned Sunday For Farmer and Son

John De Fries, aged 49, farmer of Wilson, died this morning at two o’clock in a local hospital from the effects of a skull fracture sustained just before the death of his son, John De Fries, who died on December 30. After a long watch at the bedside of his son, Mr. De Fries fainted and fell on the cement composition floor of the hospital receiving skull injuries.
He was born in Holland on December 23, 1883, a son of Alvin and Ada Koop De Fries. He came to Utah in 1908 and lived in Roy two years before moving to Wilson, where he had since made his home. He was married to Jennie Meitus in Ogden January 26, 1916. He was a member of the L.D.S. church and an elder in the Wilson ward. Surviving are the widow and four children, Henrietta, Elfonda, LaMar, and Darold De Fries; the father and three brothers and three sisters in Holland.
Double services for the father and his thirteen-year old son will be held Sunday in the Wilson ward. Time of services and arrangements will be announced later. Lindquist & Sons are in charge.

Dated: Tuesday, January 24, 1933
Headline: Dr. Terrill is Dead, Aged 59-Pneumonia Claims Citizen With Wide Reputation As Healer

Dr. G.W. Terrill, 59, 2578 Quincy avenue, died of pneumonia at his home this afternoon after an illness of two weeks.
He was born in Wilkesbarre, Pa., January 12, 1874, and came west as a young man. For many years he maintained offices in the Hotel Ogden as a scientific manipulator and numbered among his patients many important people of the west.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dora Terrill; three brothers, Charles F. Terrill, Oregon City, Oregon; Harry Terrill, Spokane, Washington; Robert R. Terrill, Golden, Colorado; two daughters, Opal Terrill and Mrs. James Roy, both of Denver, Colorado, and a son, Max Terrill, New York.
The body was taken in charge by Kirkendall-Darling mortuary and funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Dated: Monday, February 3, 1933
Headline: Temple Bureau Director Dead-Harry K. Russell of Salt Lake City Passes In Ogden Hospital

Harry K. Russell, 67, general superintendent of the Temple Index bureau of the L.D.S. church, Salt Lake City, died Sunday in an Ogden hospital of heart trouble. He had been ill for several weeks.
Mr. Russell organized the Index bureau, an adjunct of the church historian’s office, under supervision on Dr. John A. Widstoe and John Fielding Smith, with the sanction of the first presidency of the church. Under his direction the bureau has grown until it now contains 7,000,000 name cards. He was also an ordinance worker in the temple during the past several years.
Mr. Russell was born in Cheyenne, Wyo., January 27, 1869, a son of Dr. George H. and Mary Hubbard Russell. He received his education in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he spent his early life. He moved to Colorado in 1882, coming to Salt Lake City in 1913.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dolly E. McEntire Russell; three daughters, Mrs. Annie R. Anderson, of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Mary Lucille Cannenish of Provo, Mrs. Susan Edna Victor of Riverton; three sons, Dr. Ray McEntire Russell of London, England, Dr. George Oscar Russell of Columbus, Ohio, professor at Ohio University, who is married to a daughter of Dr. Edward I. Rich of this city, formerly Miss Oretel Rich; and Professor Harry James Russell of Oxford, Ohio. He is also survived by 16 grandchildren.
Larkin & Sons’ mortuary is in charge of funeral arrangements.

BELL, Alfred Lloyd
Dated: Thursday Evening, Feb. 16, 1933
Headline: DEATH RESULTS FROM INJURIES-Alfred Lloyd Bell, Aged Ogden Contractor and Builder, Succumbs

Alfred Lloyd Bell, a former bridge foreman with the Union Pacific and later a contractor and builder in Ogden, died at eleven o’clock this morning in a local hospital from injuries received January 19 when he fell and broke his leg.
Mr. Bell was born in Pennsylvania February 29, 1851, and came to Ogden in 1878. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bell. He leaves two children, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. His children are: Charles A. Bell and Mrs. W.W. Jones, both of Ogden. He had been residing with Mrs. Jones at 2634 Grant avenue.
Larkin & Sons have charge of the burial arrangements and the body was removed to their establishment.

STANDER, Julius Martin
Dated: Friday Evening, Feb. 17, 1933

BRIGHAM CITY, Feb. 17---Julius Martin Stander, 46, truck driver for the Merrell Lumber company here who collapsed on Thursday when he was attempting to extricate his truck from a snow drift, died at seven-thirty o’clock this morning at a local hospital of a diabetic condition. He was born December 13, 1887, at Brigham City, a son of the late Henry and Christina Nelson Stander. He was formerly a fruit raiser and farmer. He was a member of the L.D.S. church.
Surviving are his wife, Ethel Merrell Stander, and daughter, Mary, 15, and son Harold, 13: three brothers, Henry and Nels Stander of Brigham City, and William Stander of Promontory; one sister, Mrs. Amanda Ketchner of Ogden.

HALES, Jesse Theron
Dated: Friday Evening, Feb. 17, 1933

Jesse Theron Hales, aged 20, died at his home in Salt Lake City last Wednesday of heart trouble. Mr. Hales was the son of William H. and Sarah Hales. He was formerly of Ogden and was graduated from the Weber County High school last year. He was a member of the L.D.S. church.
Surviving are the parents, five brothers, Lorin and Melvin Hales of Los Angeles; Ernest, Wildon and Jay Hales and a sister, Fern Hales all of Salt Lake City.
Services will be held Sunday afternoon at two o’clock in the Fourteenth ward chapel, with Bishop J.M. Harbertson presiding. Friends may call at the Deseret mortuary in Ogden, Sunday prior to services. The body may be viewed at Salt Lake Deseret mortuary today and Saturday. Interment will be made in Mount Ogden memorial park.

EDWARDS, Diantha
Dated: Friday Evening, Feb. 17, 1933
Headline: PIONEER

IDAHO SPRINGS, Colo.---(UP)---Mrs. Diantha Edwards, who once apeased a band of hostile Indians as they surrounded the covered wagon in which she was riding west by offering from the family cookie jar, is dead. She was 93 years old and had spent 70 years of her life here.

HARTOG, Catherine B.
Dated: Saturday Evening, Feb. 18, 1933
Headline: Catherine B. Hartog Dead

Catherine Bune Hartog, 89, widow of Heber C. Hartog, died at eight-thirty o’clock this morning at the family residence, 2177 Jefferson avenue after a lingering illness due to old age. She was born in Est. Holland, April 30, 1844, a daughter of George and Nellie Bune. She and her husband came to America on the ship Caroline in 1866 and were married on board the ship and came to Utah to live. They first resided in Salt Lake City and at the completion of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad to Ogden they moved here, where she had since resided. Mr. Hartog died 13 years ago in Ogden.
Surviving are a son and a daughter: Miss Rose Hartog, and Colonel C.H. Hartog, of Ogden; five grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Services will be held at two o’clock Monday in the Lindquist and Sons’ chapel with the Rev. John W. Hyslop presiding. Friends may call at the chapel Sunday until nine o’clock and also on Monday until time of services. Interment will be made in the Ogden City Cemetery.

OLSEN, Gunnel Mrs.
Dated: Saturday Evening, Feb. 18, 1933
Headline: Arrangements Made For Mantua Funeral

BRIGHAM CITY, Feb. 18---Mrs. Gunnel Olsen, aged 81, widow of Ole Olsen, died Friday at her home in Mantua. Mrs. Olsen was born in Christiania, Norway, on April 27, 1851. The family came to the United States as L.D.S. converts 66 years ago and since that time had made their home in Brigham City and Mantua. Mr. Olsen died many years ago. Mrs. Olsen was an ardent worker in the L.D.S. church.
Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Mrs. O.H. Pulsipher and Ole Olsen, Jr., Avon; Albert Olsen, Brigham City; Mrs. Alvida Weaver and Mrs. Josephine Draney, Ogden; Miss Annette Olsen and Scott Olsen, Mantua. ___ grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren also survive.
Services will be held Monday afternoon at one o’clock in the Mantua ward chapel with Bishop Conrad Jeppson presiding.
The body may be viewed at the home and also Monday until services. Interment will be in the Manuta cemetery with the direction of the Deseret of Ogden.

Dated: Sunday Morning, Feb. 19, 1933
John Flygare Aged 49, Dead

Clothing Store Salesman Passes After Illness of Few Days
John L. Flygare, 49, died at his apartment at 2106 Washington avenue at eight o’clock Saturday evening. He suffered a hemorrhage of the lungs after a few days illness and was attended by Dr. Howard K. Belnap, who pronounced him dead after brief investigation. He was a son of Nels C. and Mary Johnson Flygare and was born in Ogden on October 31, 1883. He was employed by the Watson-Flygare clothing company for many years and he also worked in a clothing store in Salt Lake City. At the time of his death he was employed by the McClanahan Clothing company in Ogden.
Mr. Flygare is survived by his mother, a sister Mrs. Julia Ramey and a brother, Nels C. Flygare, Jr., of Salt Lake City, and three brothers, Chris Flygare, Joseph Flygare, and Oscar Flygare of Ogden. Time of funeral will be announced later by Lindquist & Sons.

Dated: Monday Evening, Feb. 20, 1933

Mrs. Julia Burrup, 72, of 2544 Van Buren avenue, died at seven-ten o’clock this morning after a long illness. She was born in West Weber. January 24, 1861, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Kanzler Hellowell. She was brought to Ogden by her parents when two years old and had lived here since that time. She was married to the late James Burrup, July 24, 1881. She was active in the L.D.S. work in the Second, Fifth and Twelfth wards and was a Relief society teacher for several years.
Surviving are the following children: J.T. Burrup, Idaho Falls, Ida.; Robert H. Burrup, Lloyd Burrup, Raven Burrup, all of Ogden; seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; one brother, G.E. Hellowell, of Hayburn, Idaho.
Services will be held at two o’clock Wednesday in the Twelfth ward chapel, under the direction of Bishop D.J. Wilson. The body may be viewed at the family residence Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until one-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

TURNEY, Murray
Dated: Monday Evening, Feb. 20, 1933

Murray Turney, 56, died at eleven o’clock Saturday night at the county hospital in Roy, death being due to acute uremia. He had been confined to his bed for about a month. He was born August 24, 1874, in Uniontown, Pa., a son of David and Rebecca Martin Turney. He had been a resident of Ogden for about fifteen years. Formerly he had worked for the Bundy construction interests and at one time was caretaker for the baseball park, prior to the construction of the new stadium. One brother survives, but his native whereabouts are unknown.

ART, Paul
Dated: Tuesday Evening, February 21, 1933
Headline: Deaths

Paul Art, laborer, died at the Weber county hospital at Roy this morning. He was born in Bavaria 83 years ago and had been a resident of Weber county since 1925. Lindquist and Sons are in charge of funeral arrangements.

Dated: Friday Evening, Feb. 20, 1933

Burial Rites For Zachariah Ballantyne Will Be Held Monday
Zachariah Ballantyne, 76, pioneer Ogden resident died Thursday at Riby, Idaho, following a year’s illness, according to word received by relatives here.
Four of Mr. Ballanytne;s 18 surviving children reside in Ogden, these being Mrs. Cluade V. Zinn, Mrs. James L. Stephens, Mrs. Frank Lake and David B. Ballantyne. Two brothers, Jed and James Ballantyne and two sisters, Annie D. Moench and Mrs. Marcus Farr, also residing here.
Mr. Ballantyne was extremely active in civic and L.D.S. church affairs here until he moved to Idaho in 1889.
Born in Salt Lake, October 13, 1856, he was brought by his parents Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ballantyne, to Ogden in 1860. His father operated a general merchandise store on the present site of the W.H. Wright and Sons company store.
In 1863 the family moved to Eden returning to Ogden in 1876 when Mr. Ballantyne and his father published the Ogden Junction, a newspaper.

Mr. Ballantyne later became editor of the Amateur, the publication of the organization which now has become the Mutual Improvement association of the L.D.S. church.
In 1877 Mr. Ballantyne married Martha Jane Ferrin of Eden, in the endowment house at Salt Lake City.
He was associated with his father as a railroad contractor in the building of the Granger and Huntington branches of the Union Pacific in 1881 and 1882 and later was a partner and branch manager of the Grant, Odell and company firm which was succeeded by the Consolidated Wagon and Machine company.
Mr. Ballantyne was elected assessor and collector of Ogden city in 1884 while a member of the People’s party.

In his memoirs he recalls that up to 1887 Ogden city had no bonded debt but that with the building of the present city hall an issue of $50,000 of bonds was sold. Until 1889 he recalls, $14,600 was the highest yearly tax ever collected in the city.
The Liberal party gained control, his diary relates, and in five years the yearly tax had increased to $105,000 and the city’s bonded debt was $400,000.
From 1888 to 1892 Mr. Ballantyne served as bishop of the West Weber Ward. With his father he helped build the Central canal in Riverdale.
He was manager of the Ballantyne lumber yard from 1889 to 1892.
On February 26, 1886, Mr. Ballantyne married a plural wife, Rachel Burton of Ogden, in the endowment house, Salt Lake City.
Eighteen of Mr. Ballantyne’s 20 children survive him in addition to 57 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.
In addition to his brothers and sisters residing in Ogden, the following also survive: Joseph, Long Beach; Heber, Baker, Oregon; Mrs. Willard Farr, St. John, Arizona; Mrs. Edward H. Anderson, Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Jessie Stratford, Pocatello, Idaho.
Funeral services will be held at one o’clock Monday afternoon in Rigby. At the time of his death Mr. Ballantyne was a member of the high council of the L.D.S. church Rigby stake.

READ, William Dale
Dated: Friday, March 10, 1933
Headline: Young Gospel Preacher Dies-Wm. Dale Read Succumbs While On Mission In Europe

Word has been received of the death of William Dale Read, aged 20 son of Lewis J. and Mattie Rushton Read, in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday evening after operations for mastoid while he was on a mission for the L.D.S. church. He had been ill for several months.
Mr. Read was born in Ogden on June 2, 1912. He received his education in Ogden. He was president of the North Junior High school student body, captain in the R.O.T.C. band and a member of the Union Pacific band. He was graduated from Weber college in 1932, and left on June 22, 1932, to serve in the German-Austria mission field.
Mr. Read was interested in military affairs and served as drum major of the 222nd field artillery band. He had been decorated with the five-year medal for honest faithful service with the national guard of Utah.
He was also active in the church and served as secretary of the Y.M.M.I.A. of the Twenty-first ward prior to his departure.
Surviving are the parents who reside at 1124 Washington avenue, two brothers, L. Grant Read and Robert Read, and two sisters, Athleen and Marian Read of Ogden.
The father is vice president of J.G. Read & Bros. Co. Arrangement to return the body to Ogden were being made today with L.D.S. church officials in Salt Lake City.

HILL, William John
Dated: Tuesday, March 14, 1933
Headline: Death today claimed William J. Hill, 95, at his home in North Ogden.-W.J. Hill Dies At Age Of 95-Pioneer of 1853 Succumbs At His Home In North Ogden

William John Hill, 95, pioneer of Utah, died at seven o’clock this morning at the family residence in North Ogden.
Mr. Hill was born in Manchester, England, on January 17, 1838, a son of James and Mary Yarwood Hill, L.D.S. converts. In 1841 he and his mother, with about 600 other L.D.S. converts, came to America. After landing at New Orleans they came to the Mississippi river to Nauvoo, Ill., and after a short time moved to Montrose, Iowa, and then to Augusta, Iowa. At the death of the Mormon prophet, Joseph Smith, they with others were called back to Nauvoo, and lived there until 1853. Then they, with about twenty others, left with ox teams for Utah, arriving the same year. In 1860 he went back to the central states with teams to bring emigrants to Utah.
He was married May 3, 1863, to Elizabeth Humphreys who died in North Ogden, February 22, 1898.
Mr. Hill assisted in building the first road in Ogden, and the first bridge over Ogden river. He had been active in the community service of constructing canals and buildings and other public activities, and in services connected with development of North Ogden. He had also been active in the L.D.S. church work, and was a high priest in Ogden Stake and a ward teacher. He was personally acquainted with the Prophet Joseph Smith, and was confirmed a member by the prophet’s father, Joseph Smith, Sr.
Mr. Hill was one of the oldest citizens in this county. He is survived by the following children: Edwin Hill, George Hill, Lorenzo, Idaho; Edmund Hill, Liberty, Utah; Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Los Angeles; Joseph and Hyrum Hill, North Ogden; also by 61 grandchildren, 69 great grandchildren, and two great-great grandchildren.
Lindquist & Sons are in charge of funeral arrangements.

MOYES, Hattie Ratcliffe
Dated: Tuesday, March 21, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Robert A. Moyes Expires-Heart Affliction Is Fatal After Illness of Several Years

Mrs. Hattie Ratcliffe Moyes, 63, wife of Robert A. Moyes, former banker and city recorder, died at the family home, 2563 Jefferson avenue, at one-fifty a.m. today, death being due to heart affliction. She had been in poor health for several years. Mrs. Moyes was born October 16, 1869, at Waupaca, Wis., a daughter of James and Sina Parks Ratcliffe. In her young womanhood she taught school in Wisconsin and later moved with the family to Verdi, Minnesota. She operated a hotel in Dawson, Yukon territory for a period of three years and on her return from there she entered the employ of the Red Wing Advertising company, Red Wing, Minn., having charge of its western territory. She remained with this firm for 21 years. She and Mr. Moyes were married in Denver, Colo., November 21, 1925, and since that time Ogden had been her home. Surviving are the husband, her mother, Mrs. Sina Ratcliffe, two sisters, and two brothers, Mrs. Carrie A. Baker, Mrs. Roy Ware, Ray and Frank Ratcliffe, all of Verdi, Minn., another sister, Mrs. Emma Murray Saucre, Alhambra, Calif., and a sister, Fannie Wooten, St. Paul, Minn. Funeral arrangements will be made later by the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary.

GRIFFIN, Eliza Sorensen
Dated: Tuesday, March 21, 1933
Headline: Eliza Griffin Of Taylor Dies-Pneumonia Takes Life; Services Will Be Held Thursday

Eliza Sorensen Griffin, 56, of Taylor, died at four o’clock this morning in an Ogden hospital, following an illness of pneumonia. She was born in Newton, Cache Valley, April 14, 1877, a daughter of Hans and Annie Larson Sorenson. She was married September 12, 1896, to the Walter Griffin, and spent the early part of her life in Cache valley and in Indian valley, southwestern Idaho. In 1912 she moved to Taylor where, she had since resided. Her husband died in 1927. She was active in the L.D.S. church and Relief society worker.
Mrs. Griffin was the mother of 12 children, of whom the following survive: W. Tenneyas, Ellis B., Lloyd R., Lillian Griffin, of Taylor; A. Legrande, Mrs. Leslie Fowers, of Hooper, Mrs. Norma Child, Lowell O. and Raymond W. Griffin, of Ogden; 13 grandchildren.
Service will be held Thursday at two o’clock in the L.D.S. Taylor ward chapel under the direction of Biship J.J. Gibson. The body may be viewed at Lindquist & Sons’ chapel from eleven until two o’clock Wednesday, and at the family home in Taylor for the remainder of the day and evening and on Thursday until one-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the West Weber cemetery.

HIGGS, Elizabeth Flitton
Dated: Monday, March 27, 1933
Headline: Elizabeth Flitton Higgs Dead, Aged 78

Mrs. Elizabeth Flitton Higgs, aged 78, died at nine-forty o’clock this morning at her home in Layton. She was born in England on March 25, 1855, the daughter of Joseph and Hannah Austae Flitton. She came to Utah with her parents when a child and had lived in Davis county most of her life. She was married to Moses Higgs on June 23, 1873. Mr. Higgs died thirteen years ago.
Mrs. Higgs was the mother of five children, three of whom survive: William and George Higgs, Kaysville, and Mrs. Rosie Hamblin of Clearfield. Thirty-four grandchildren also survive and the following brothers and sisters:
Mrs. Susan Mumford, Ogden; Albert Flitton, Idaho Falls; Mrs. Julia Davis, West Point; Mrs. Jane Young and George Flitton of Ogden, and Thomas Flitton of Clearfiled.
Larkin & Sons are in charge of funeral arrangements.

Dated: Monday, April 3, 1933
Headline: Services For W.W. Rawson On Wednesday-Hospital Superintendent Long Active In Business and Church

W.W. Rawson, aged 51, superintendent of the Thomas D. Dee memorial hospital, died Sunday evening at ten o’clock from the effects of a bullet wound to the left breast, said to have been self-inflicted. The shooting occurred Saturday morning in the engine room of the hospital.
Services will be held Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock in the Eighth ward chapel with Bishop Rulon T. Peterson presiding. The body may be viewed at the home, 436 Chester street, Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until twelve-fifteen o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery under the direction of Lindquist and Sons.
Mr. Rawson was born in Farr West on September 1, 1881, the son of Daniel B. and Mary Melvina Taylor Rawson and was educated in the public schools of Weber county and Ogden city.
When a young man he was employed by the Studebaker Brothers company of Idaho Falls, Idaho, and also later in Ogden. For a time he was in the coal business in Ogden.

In October 1905, Mr. Rawson was married to Miss Eugenia Lofgren of Ogden, who died in this city in June 1931. In May, 1932, Mr. Rawson Married Miss Erma Madsen, who at the time was superintendent of nurses at the Dee Hospital.
Mr. Rawson had been superintendent of the hospital for 18 years.
He was president of the state hospital association and had been sine its organization and a member of the board of editors of Modern hospital magazine.

He was also active in church circles. He was bishop of the Eighth ward of the L.D.S. church for 12 years up to the time of his release in 1925. He was a member of the high council of Ogden stake. He was active in civic work and was a past president of the Kiwanis club and at the time of his death a member of the Rotary club.
In addition to the second wife and his mother, Mr. Rawson is survived by three sons, Rulon, a student at the medical school of Northwestern university at Evanston, Ill., who arrived in Ogden Sunday morning by airplane; Milton L. Rawson of Ogden, and F. Vernon Rawson, who is serving a mission in England.
Brothers and sisters surviving are Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Higginbotham, of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Charlotte Richardson, Los Angeles; Mrs. Samantha Bean Rose, Logan; Daniel B. Rawson and S.D. Rawson, Berkeley, Calif.

Eli Holton, office manager of the hospital, was appointed temporary superintendent today by the board of directors.
The directors will meet again on Thursday noon, April 13.

CORDINGLY, Martha Mae Jones
Dated: Monday, April 10, 1933
Headline: Heart Trouble Causes Death

Martha Mae Cordingly, 45, wife of Seymour D. Cordingly, 2010 Monroe avenue, died at three o’clock this morning in a local hospital of heart trouble. She was born in Huntington, Utah, September 19, 1887, a daughter of Elisha W. and Jean Pierce Jones. She had lived in Grouse Creek, Huntington and Mohrland, Utah, after her marriage in Marysvale, Idaho, in 1905. She came to Ogden in 1924. She was an L.D.S. church member and active in the Relief society of Twentieth ward.
Surviving are her husband and four children: Mrs. Carl Loper, Carl Cordingly, Elisie Cordingly and Jean Cordingly, all of Ogden, two grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: W.T. Jones, Marysville, Utah; John Jones of Wells, Nevada; Joseph Jones, of Los Angeles; Mrs. W.W. Grange of Huntington; Mrs. Q.S. Caplin of Oakley, Idaho; Mrs. C.W. Kimber, of Ogden; Mrs. Joseph Buhler, of Salt Lake City.
Service will be held at two o’clock Wednesday in the L.D.S. Twentieth ward chapel with Bishop A.G. Belnap officiating. Friends may call at the family residence Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until one-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

BACHMAN, Rebecca Wheelwright
Dated: Friday, April 14, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Casper Bachman Dies-Occurs Soon After Return From Winter Stay In California

Mrs. Rebecca Wheelwright Bachman, 63, wife of Casper Bachman, 2535 Quincy avenue, died in a local hospital this morning at eight forty-five o’clock. Mrs. Bachman was born in Ogden on June 6, 1869, and had lived here all her life. She was an active member of the L.D.S. church and had worked in organizations of the Twelfth and Fifth wards.
Mr. and Mrs. Bachman had spent the winter in California with their daughters and returned home last Sunday. On Thursday Mrs. Bachman was taken seriously ill and was removed to the hospital.
Surviving are the husband and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Clarence N. Nelson, El Monte, Calif.; Milton K. Bachman, Clarence W. Bachman, Walter C. Bachman, Cloyd H. Bachman, Lorin Bachman, Eugene Bachman, Carter and Ruth Bachman, all of Ogden; Mrs. Norman J. Paulsen of Orange, Calif., and fifteen grandchildren.
The Deseret mortuary is in charge of funeral arrangements.

FOWERS, Anna Maud Sumner
Dated: Monday, April 17, 1933
Headline: Services Wednesday For Mrs. Anna Fowers

Mrs. Anna Maud Sumner Fowers, 44, wife of George C. Fowers, of Roy, died at seven-five o’clock Sunday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. L.E. Lorance, 2969 Porter avenue, after a long illness of heart trouble.
Mrs. Fowers was born in Scotia, Nebr., on November 11, 1888, daughter of A.A. and Maud Thayer Sumner. When nine months of age she was brought to Ogden by her parents and lived here until a few years ago, when she moved to Hooper and then to Roy. She was married on July 29, 1908. She was a member of Sego Lily circle No. 174, Women of Woodcraft.
Surviving are the husband; the father; two sons and one daughter, Austin, George Fowers, Henrietta Fowers and Darrell Sumner Fowers all of Roy; and her two sisters, Mrs. Lorance and Mrs. A.L. Lanterman of Ogden.
Services will be held Wednesday afternoon at four o’clock in Lindquist & Sons’ chapel, with the Rev. H.M. Waldron of the First Christian church officiating. The body may be viewed at the home of Mrs. Lorance on Tuesday evening and Wednesday until eleven-thirty o’clock. Friends may then call from eleven-thirty until hour of services at the chapel.
Interment will be made in Mountain View cemetery. Members of Sego Lily Circle will attend in a body and take charge of the flowers.

THOMPSON, Mansel Hardy
Dated: Tuesday, April 18, 1933
Headline: Mansel Hardy Thompson Dies-Services Will Take Place Thursday In Roy Chapel

Mansel Hardy Thompson, aged 75, of 562 Canyon Road, died in an Ogden hospital Monday of ailments incident to age.
Mr. Thompson, a brother of the late Ezra Thompson, former mayor of Salt Lake City, was born in Salt Lake City August 17, 1857. He was twice married. His first wife, Sarah Ann Thompson Thompson, died many years ago. Surviving are the second wife, Mrs. Clara Jane White Thompson and the following sons and daughters: Joel Ezra Thompson, Mesa, Ariz.; Edmund Wilburn Thompson, Luna, N.M.; Cardon H. Thompson, Magna; Milton Thompson, Pleasant View; Mrs. Rachel Skidmore, Delta; Mrs. Ida Wright, Murray; Mrs. Clara Lewis, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Eliza McClieve, Garfield; Etta May and Fred B. Thompson, and Mrs. Frances Lewis, grandchildren, one brother, H.H. Thompson of Roy, and two half-brothers, Milton and Willis Goodrich, Midvale.
Mr. Thomson resided in Salt Lake City until about 25 years ago, when he moved to Luna, New Mexico, to do missionary work for the L.D.S. church, and served as bishop for fifteen years. He came to Ogden about three years ago.
Services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o’clock in the L.D.S. Roy chapel. Friends may call at the Deseret mortuary, this afternoon and evening, Wednesday all day, and Thursday until one o’clock.
Interment will be made in the Roy cemetery.

EHMANN, Rosie C.
Dated: Thursday, August 24, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Rosie C. Ehmann Dies-Rosie C. Ehmann

Mrs. Rosie C. Ehmann, 69, wife of Gust Ehmann, 2762 Quincy avenue, died Sunday, following a long illness of pneumonia.
Mrs. Ehmann was born January 30, 1868, in Germany. She came to the United States in 1885 and had lived in Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas before coming to Ogden in 1923. She was married to Mr. Ehmann in Illinois, May 20, 1886. She was a member of the Lutheran church.
She is survived by her husband, two sons and a daughter: Charles H. Ehmann, and Mrs. John G. Landvatter, Ogden, and Walter G. Ehmann, Miami, Texas; two brothers and a sister, Mrs. Freda Mark, Ogden; William Stiegle, California; eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted Thursday at two o’clock in the Lutheran church by the Rev. Roy Carlson. Friends may call at the family home all day Wednesday and also Thursday until time of services. Interment will be made in Ogden City cemetery under direction of Lindquist & Sons.

FRANCIS, Elizabeth Mulcahy
Dated: Friday, April 28, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Elizabeth Francis Dead-Services For Mother of Former Mayor will Be Held Saturday

Mrs. Elizabeth Francis, aged 84, widow of A.J. Francis and mother of former Mayor Frank Francis died at her apartment in the Plaza hotel Thursday evening at eight o’clock.
Mrs. Francis was born in Waterford, Ireland, in 1849, a daughter of Patrick L. and Love West Mulcahy. She came to America when a young girl and settled in Nevada.
She was married to Mr. Francis in Austin, Nev., in 1867. Mr. Francis died in 1882. Mrs. Francis had been a resident of Ogden for many years.
Surviving are three sons, Frank Francis of Ogden; George and Walter Francis of Austin, Nevada, and a daughter, Mrs. Walter Lord of Gold Hill, Utah.
Services will be held Saturday morning at eleven o’clock in St. Joseph’s Catholic church with the Rev. Patrick F. Kennedy celebrating mass.
Friends may call to view the body at Lindquist & Sons chapel this evening until nine o’clock and after services on Saturday. The rosary will be recited at the chapel Saturday evening at seven-thirty o’clock, after which the body will be taken by train to Battle Mountain, Nev., for interment at the side of the husband in the Austin cemetery.
The family requests that no flowers be sent.

FOWLER, Jane Elizabeth Messervy
Dated: Saturday, May 20, 1933
Headline: Early Ogden Resident Dies

Mrs. Jane Elizabeth Fowler, aged 75, wife of Samuel Fowler, died at the family home, 2957 Childs avenue, at seven-fifteen o’clock Friday evening, following a stroke. She had resided in Ogden since 1881 and had been a prominent worker in the L.D.S. Relief society and Genealogical society.
Mrs. Fowler was born on December 16, 1858, in Santaquin, a daughter of Joshua and JHane Cautance Messervy. She came to Hooper in 1873 with her family and was married on January 16, 1877.
She is survived by the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Richard D. Pincock, Ogden; Mrs. Castle H. Murphy, Honolulu; Mrs. Hagbert Anderso, Mrs. Reta Smith Erwin and George N. Fowler, Ogden; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler, Ogden; George Messervy, Provo; Philip Messervy, Reno; Mrs. Clara Williams, San Diego, Calif.; 19 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Services will be held Monday afternoon at two o’clock in the L.D.S. Eleventh ward chapel, with Bishop James H. Riley presiding.
Friends may call at the home all day Sunday and Monday until one-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

Dated: Sunday, May 28, 1933
Headline: Ogden Police Recover Body-Remains of John R. George, 52, Taken From Ogden River

The body of John R. George, 52, who had been residing in the Lincoln apartments on Twenty-third street, near Kiesel avenue, was removed from the Ogden river near the Washington avenue bridge at six o’clock Saturday night.
Following reports to the police five hours earlier that a body had been seen by persons at the bridge, a squad of police had made systematic search of the stream west of the bridge.
Finally the searchers decided to center their efforts near the spot where the body had been seen. On the south bank near the bridge a tree leaned into the water, causing an eddy. Police dragged back the tree with a tractor and as the tree was raised, the body floated into view.
Police Officers Hylton and Allred drew the body ashore and had it removed to the Malan funeral home.
Mr. George’s coat and hat and a letter containing the name George were found near the bank of the river back of the stadium at Lorin Farr park. Footprints left from the coat and hat to the river.
Mr. George was born in Mendon, Utah, January 16, 1881, and had lived in Ogden for a number of years.
He married Elizabeth Richards April 1, 1903, and she died in January, 1924. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. T.A. Taylor of Rexburg, Idaho; three sons, Ursel and Clifton George of Ogden, and Lester George of Rexburg; two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Holland and Mrs. Pat Lundburg of Tremonton, and three brothers, Arthur George of Tremonton, Joseph George of Montpelier, Idaho, and John George who resides in Florida.
Mr. George was out of employment. He had formerly worked as a grain elevator companies in Ogden and its vicinity. It was said that he had been ill for some time. Funeral arrangements will be made when word had been received from the daughter in Rexburg.

BELL, Hendrik
Dated: Monday, May 29, 1933
Headline: Hendrik Bell Dies At Age of 84

Hendrik Bell, aged 84, of 921 Twentieth street died at one-twenty o’clock today at his home after a short illness. Mr. Bell was born in Holland on May 27, 1849. He came to Utah in 1890 and had made his home here since that time. He and his wife celebrated their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary two weeks ago.
Mr. Bell was an ardent member of the L.D.S. church and had served two missions in Holland, one in 1900 and one in 1920. He was associated with the Bell Brothers’ feed properties for a number of years.
Surviving are the widow and five sons: Herman, Hendrik, Albert W., Cornelius and George Bell, all of Ogden, and a sister in Holland.

GRAY, Harriet Grix
Dated: Tuesday, May 30, 1933
Headline: Harriet Grix Gray Expires-Owner of Millinery Shop Falls Down Steps At Home

Harriet Grix Gray, 76, owner, of Gray’s millinery store, 2319 Washington avenue, died at the family home, 2831 Liberty avenue, at nine-forty o’clock this morning. She suffered a stroke while going down the front steps at the home. In the fall down the steps she suffered a fractured skull and died forty minutes afterward.
Mrs. Gray was one of the first women merchants of Ogden. She was a member of the Latter-day Saints church in the Seventeenth ward. She was born in England July 1, 1857, daughter of Robert and Anne Turrell Grix. She is survived by one son, Ernest Gray, at whose home she resided, five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Larkin and Sons have charge of the funeral arrangements.

Dated: Wednesday, May 31, 1933
Headline: Electric Train Crushes Child-Dashes Onto Bamberger Rails As Father Watching Game

SALT LAKE CITY, May 31---(AP)—Ronald J. Burningham, five, was crushed beneath the wheels of a Bamberger electric railroad train in front of his home while his father, Albert J. Burningham, and a crowd attending a baseball game at the Bountiful City park looked on yesterday afternoon.
Authorities reported that they learned the child was standing with his father and some neighbors in front of the Burningham home across the street from the park said that suddenly the boy ran onto the tracks which parallel the sidewalk. Motorman Lester Paine of Ogden said he was unable to stop the train in time to avoid striking the child, although he jammed on his brakes.
The child is survived by his parents and a sister.
Please Note: This is a donated obituary and it was unknown if it came from the Ogden Standard Examiner or the Salt Lake Tribune Newspaper

Dated: Monday, June 5, 1933
Headline: Mrs. J.M. Vlaanderen Succumbs At Age 66

Mrs. Janet Vlaanderen, aged 66, wife of John M. Vlaanderen, died at the family home, 2824 Madison avenue, Sunday, following a three months’illness. Mrs. Vlaanderen was born in Holland on Feb. 1, 1867, a daughter of William and Margaret Ras Ver Baarschot. She joined the L.D.S. church in her native land in 1895 and came to Ogden to reside in 1925. She was an active member of the Seventeenth ward L.D.S. church.
The husband and ten sons and daughters survive: William H. Vlaanderen, Paterson, N.J.; Mrs. Theodore De Vries and Mrs. Henry Klomp, Wilson Lane; Mrs. Henry Goodman, Uintah; John M. Cornelius, Gerald, Henry W., Minnie and Peter Vlaanderen, all of Ogden; eight grandchildren, and one brother, Albert Ver Baarshot, of Holland.
Larkin & Sons’ are in charge of funeral arrangements.

Dated: Thursday, June 8, 1933
Headline: None

Services for Mrs. Emma Tracy were held in the Marriott L.D.S. ward Chapel Wednesday afternoon, with Bishop C. Lawrence Slater presiding. Musical numbers were given by Gladys Van Drimmelen, Erma Van Den Akker, Vernetta Naylor, Elijah Clawson, June Ballantyne,
and Harvey Butler. The invocation was given by Bishop Thomas Powell and the benediction by Orson Allred. The speakers were President Frank W. Stratford, Lawrence Ritchie, Mary M. Butler, and President A.W. Tracy. Interment was made in the Ogden City Cemetery and the grave dedicated by Washington Thompson. Grandsons were pallbearers and granddaughters took charge of the flowers.

RALEIGH, Catherine Lee
Dated: Monday, June 19, 1933
Headline: Death Summons Ogden Resident-Catherine L. Raleigh

Mrs. Catherine Lee Raleigh, aged 67, widow of Franklin Raleigh, died at her summer home in Pineview, Ogden Canyon, Sunday following an illness of two years.
Mrs. Raleigh was born in Salt Lake City April 15, 1868, a daughter of Ezekiel and Fannie Fisher Lee.
She was married to Mr. Raleigh in the Salt Lake L.D.S. temple on June 23, 1898, and made her home in Salt Lake until 1913, when she moved to Ogden. The family home is at 377 Eighteenth street.
Mrs. Raleigh was an active member of the L.D.S. church, having served as president of the Relief society of the Sixteenth ward from 1916 to 1920 and later worked in the Relief society of the Tenth ward. Mr. Raleigh died in Ogden on December 22, 1929.
Surviving are three sons and a daughter, Frank H., LeRoy H., Clarence E., and Katherine Raleigh, all of Ogden; four grandchildren, five brothers and sisters: Mrs. Frank Peirce, Lorenzo, Idaho; Mrs. Parley P. Parker, and John F. Lee, Rexburg, Idaho, Mrs. Irene Nichols and Mrs. Adele Brown, Salt Lake City.
Services will be held Wednesday evening at six o’clock in the Tenth ward chapel with Bishop A.G. Pledger presiding.
The body may be viewed at the Malan funeral home this afternoon and evening and on Tuesday until five o’clock, then it may be viewed at the home Tuesday evening and Wednesday until hour of services. Interment will be made in Mount Ogden memorial park.

GALL, Mrs. Vesta Selstra
Dated: Saturday, July 1, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Wessel Gall of Wilson Expires

Mrs. Vesta Selstra Gall of Wilson lane died in an Ogden hospital Friday night at eleven-fifteen p.m. She was born in Holland, January 14, 1877, a daughter of Bert and Anna Van Der Slause Selstra. She was married to Wessel William Gall in Holland. They came to the United States in 1904, later moving to Wilson lane where she had resided for the past 26 years. She was a member of the L.D.S. church. She is survived by her husband and ten children as follows: Mrs. Monbroe Sill of Farmington; Mrs. Ann Kruitmoes, Miss Edna Call, William, Bert, Herman, Martin, John, Kenneth and Milton of Ogden and also nine grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Monday at two p.m. in the Wilson ward chapel with Bishop C.F. Greaves presiding. Interment will be made in the Mount Ogden Memorial park under the direction of the Mount Ogden mortuary.

FARR, Rachael Ann Witten
Dated: Monday, July 3, 1933
Headline: Death Calls Mrs. John Farr-Native of Virginia Dies At Residence After A Long Illness

Rachael Ann Farr, wife of John Farr, coal dealer, died at the family residence, 501 Canyon road, Sunday, after a lengthy illness. She was born in Tazwell county, Virginia, September 23, 1863, a daughter of Samuel and Martha Witten. She was brought to Ogden from Missouri when a girl and five years later returned to Missouri. Ten years afterward she moved to Ogden and has lived here since that time. She was married to Mr. Farr, December 20, 1882, in Salt Lake City. She was a member of the L.D.S. church and the Child Culture club of Ogden.
Surviving are her husband and the following children: J. Glenn Farr, Grace Farr, Kenneth Farr and Mrs. T.J. Ellsworth all of Ogden; Mrs. Fern Moss and Mrs. Mack Bussanich, Long Beach, Calif; Mrs. O.H. Lester, San Pedro, Calif.; and Mrs. W.D. MacLean, of Salt Lake City, ten grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. J.T. McIntire, Riverdale; Robert A. Witten and Henry Witten, Ogden; Mrs. J.J. Armstrong, Phoenix, Ariz., and Mrs. Albert Bryant Glendale, Calif.
The body was removed to Lindquist & Son’s mortuary.
Services for Mrs. Farr will be held at one o’clock Thursday in the L.D.S. Seventh ward chapel with Bishop Albert E. Reed in charge.
Friends may call at the residence on Canyon road Wednesday afternoon and evening and Thursday until twelve-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery under the direction of Lindquist & Sons undertaking parlors.

BARLOW, Walker
Dated: Monday, July 3, 1933
Headline: Pioneer Dies During Sleep-Walker Barlow Services Will Be Conducted Wednesday

Walker Barlow, 82, died early Sunday evening during a nap at the family home, 708 Twelfth street. He had been in good health and attended the old folks’ outing last week.
He was born June 9, 1851, at Blakely, Lancashire, England, a son of Thomas and Anne Hulme Barlow.
He arrived in Utah September 13, 1861, having walked from the Missouri river in the company of Captain Horne. He was married in the Salt Lake endowment house to Clarissa Barker in March, 1876. Mrs. Barlow died January 19, 1926.
Mr. Barlow had lived at the Twelfth street address for 52 years.
He was a member of the high priest quorum of the Ogden stake and was active in the Twenty-first ward of the L.D.S. church. For many years he operated the Mound Fort dairy and lately had been engaged in truck gardening.
Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Mrs. E.J. Watkins, Ogden; George W. Barlow, Salt Lake; former City Judge Simon Barlow and J. Fred Barlow, Ogden; Joseph Willard Barlow, Santa Ana, Calif.; Ezra T. Barlow, Salt Lake and Ellis E. Barlow, Los Angeles; 24 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
Services will be held at two o’clock Wednesday in the L.D.S. Seventh ward chapel with Bishop T.L. Richards of the Twenty-first ward presiding.
Friends may call at Larkin and Sons chapel Tuesday afternoon and evening, then at the home of Simon Barlow, 700 Twelfth street from ten until one o’clock Wednesday. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery.

DEE, Hannah
Dated: Thursday, August 3, 1933
Headline: Miss Hannah Dee Succumbs-Services Being Held On Coast For Former Store Operator

Miss Hannah Dee, aged 64, for many years a resident of Ogden, died at the home of a sister, Mrs. L.D. Ensign, Torrence, Calif., Wednesday, after a protracted illness.
Miss Dee was born in Ogden August 10, 1868, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dee.
For a number of years she and her sister, Miss Sylvia Dee, were proprietors of an art shop here and after they retired from business resided part of the time in California.
They had spent last winter on the coast.
Miss Dee was a member o the Christian Science church.
Surviving are three sisters, Sylvia Dee; Mrs. Ensign, Torrence; and Mrs. J.C. Armstrong, Los Angeles.
Services were held in Torrence today and interment made there.

NELSON, Leonora Bartlett
Dated: Thursday, August 24, 1933
Headline: Mrs. William Nelson Dead

Mrs. Lenora Bartlett Nelson, aged 33, wife of William J. Nelson, died at the family home, 3732 Ogden avenue, Wednesday evening of a heart attack.
Mrs. Nelson was born in Ogden on April 16, 1900, a daughter of Thomas and Louise Eastman Bartlett.
She was graduated from the Ogden High school and was married on June 14, 1919, in Salt Lake City.
She was an active member of the L.D.S. Fourteenth ward.
Surviving are the husband, the mother, a son, William Nelson, Jr.; a daughter, Donna Louise Nelson, all of Ogden; five brothers, Elmer, Albert and Fred Bartlett, Salt Lake City; Leno and Ephraim Bartlett, Ogden, and a sister, Mrs. May Wall, Ogden.
Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Mount Ogden mortuary.

BARTLETT, Minnie Katherine
Dated: Saturday, August 26, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Bartlett Succumbs To Skull Injury-Result Of Fall At Home; Services Arranged For Monday

Minnie Katherine Bartlett, 68, wife of George H. Bartlett, 714 Twenty-third street, died in an Ogden hospital this morning at five-forty-five of a fracture of the skull, suffered Thursday in a fall down cellar steps at the home.
Mrs. Bartlett was born at Marion, Iowa, February 28, 1865, a daughter of John L. and Louise Schwartz Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett were married at Marion, Iowa, July 31, 1884, and would have celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary next July. Following their marriage they lived for a time at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Omaha, Nebraska, coming to Ogden about 43 years ago. Mrs. Bartlett was a member of the Presbyterian church, of Queen Esther chapter No. 4, Order of the Eastern Star, and of the Seth Parker sewing club.
Surviving are the husband, three sons and two daughters, Dr. Frank K. Bartlett, Dr. George O. Bartlett and Jay W. Bartlett, all of Ogden; Mrs. F.B. Winger, Butte, Montana, and Miss Helen Bartlett, Ogden; three sisters and two brothers: Mrs. Will Speakman, Bakersfield, California; Mrs. Frank Charles and Mrs. George Hutton, both of Marion, Iowa, and eight grandchildren. The body was removed to the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary.
Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon at two o’clock at the First Presbyterian church with Dr. John Edward Carver, pastor, officiating. Friends may call at the family home, 714 Twenty-third street, Sunday evening after seven o’clock and Monday until noon.

WILSON, George Leslie
Dated: Tuesday, September 5, 1933
Headline: Deaths

George Leslie Wilson, infant son of Eliot and Ida May Fowler Wilson, of Roy, died at a local hospital Monday afternoon. The child was born and died the same day. Survivors are the parents.
Private services were being held this afternoon in Lindquist & Sons’ chapel, with interment in the Ogden city cemetery.

BINGHAM, Vernal Walter
Dated: Thursday, September 7, 1933
Headline: V.W. Bingham, Riverdale, Dies

Vernal Walter Bingham, aged 26, died in a local hospital at two forty-five o’clock this morning after a two week’s illness of heart and kidney trouble.
Mr. Bingham was born in Riverdale on Dec. 15, 1906, a son of Mrs. Adele Child Bingham and Andrew Bingham.
Surviving are one daughters, Dorothy Ann; the parents; and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Philo T. Farnsworth, of Salt lake City; Hazel Bingham, Mrs. Jenness Rollow, Margaret, Jane, Francis, Earl and Carl Bingham of Ogden.
Last May Mr. Bingham left for Palmdale, Calif., to run a service station. He was taken ill there and returned home two weeks ago. Previous to going to the coast Mr. Bingham was a switchman in the Ogden Union Railway and Depot company yards. He had also followed farming.
Larkin & Sons are in charge.

CHRISTIANSEN, Chris Christiansen
Dated: Tuesday, September 26, 1933
Headline: Death calls Roy Resident

Chris Charles Christiansen, aged 36, of Roy, died Monday evening at the home of his brother, Levi Christiansen, 2916 Grant avenue. He had been working on a community employment project until two o’clock Monday afternoon when he became ill and went to his brother’s home.
Mr. Christiansen was born August 13, 1897, in Tremonton, a son of James and Mary Poulsen Christiansen, and in 1923 was married to Ethel Starkey of Roy. Surviving are the widow; his parents; four sons and daughters: Clarence Leroy, Thelma and Verlene Christiansen, Roy; seven brothers and sisters, Henry and Meldon Christiansen, Salem, Ore; Aaron Christiansen and Mrs. D. Earl Adams, Tremonton; Levi Christiansen, Ogden and Mrs. Harry Sainsbury, Salt Lake City.
Services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o’clock in the Roy L.D.S. chapel with Bishop O.T. Berrett presiding. The body may be viewed at the home of Mrs. Francis Starkey in Roy, Wednesday afternoon and evening and Thursday until hour of services. Interment will be made in the Roy cemetery under the direction of the Mount Ogden mortuary.

READ, Oscar I.
Dated: Saturday, Oct. 21, 1933
Headline: Oscar I. Read Succumbs To Heart Attack-Company Firm President Fatally Stricken At Place Of Business

Apparently in good health when stricken, Oscar I. Read, aged 67, president of the J.G. Read & Bros. company, died of a heart attack at his place of business, 336 Twenty-fourth street, Friday afternoon at four-thirty o’clock.
Mr. Read had been engaged in conversation with his son, O. Leland Read, a few minutes before he died.
Dr. L.R. Jenkins, who was summoned, administered heart stimulants, but Mr. Read died before he could be removed from his office to a hospital.

Mr. Read was born here on Feb. 19, 1866, a son of William Smith and Elizabeth Simmons Read. He received his education at the Ogden public schools. He was one of the organizers of the J.G. Read & Bros. company, a pioneer saddle and harness manufacturing company in the intermountain country. He was the first salesman of the company and for many years covered his territory with a horse and buggy, often being on the road three months at a time.
He was elected a director of the corporation and later was elected vice president, which position, he held until the death of his brother, J.G. Read, president of the company, on December 27, 1932. Oscar Read was chosen to succeed his brother as president in January 1933.
Mr. Read was also one of the organizers of the Federal Building & Loan association of Ogden and served as a director until 1928 when he disposed of his interest.

Mr. Read was a great lover of horses and in early days owned and rode some of the fastest mounts in the western country. He took part in many races held in California, Nevada and Utah. During recent years he had spent much of his time on his ranch near Rozell, Utah.
He married Miss Elizabeth Treseder of Ogden in the Logan L.D.S. temple on Oct. 16, 1890. Mr. Read had been a member of the L.D.S. Fifth ward here from the time of its organization until five years ago, when he moved into the Second ward. At the time of his death he was a high priest in Weber stake and was secretary of the high priests’ class of the Second ward. He was a charter member of Weber camp, Woodmen of the World.
Surviving are the widow, a son, O. Leland Read; a daughter, Marian T. Read, and a brother, William S. Read, all of Ogden; The home is in the Peery apartments.

Funeral services will be held at two o’clock Monday in the L.D.S. Second ward chapel, conducted by Bishop Frank E. Simmons. The body may be viewed at the home of O. Leland Read, 2244 Van Buren avenue, Sunday afternoon and evening and Monday until one o’clock.
Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery under the direction of Larkin & Sons.

Dated: Thursday, October 26, 1933
Headline: Sietse Alberts Dead, Aged 76-Services To Be Held Sunday Afternoon At Two O’clock

Sietse Alberts, aged 76, died on Wednesday evening at nine o’clock at the home of the son, Peter Alberts, 3473 Grant avenue, after a short illness of pneumonia. For the past sixteen years Mr. Alberts had been in poor health. He was born in Holland on September 1, 1857, the son of Albert and Aatje Veenstra Alberts. He joined the L.D.S. church in 1894 in Holland and came to Utah in 1909. His wife died in January, 1911.
Mr. Alberts was a member of the high priests’ quorum of the First ward, L.D.S. church. Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Ira J. Smith, Mrs. Jacob Kapp, Jr., Mrs. Harry Sandman, Albert Alberts, Mrs. Heino Kapp, Peter Alberts, John Alberts, Mrs. Walter Weston, Mrs. Bert Friese, all of Ogden, and Mrs. Fred Stonebreaker of San Diego, Calif.; 39 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Services will be held Sunday afternoon at two o’clock in the First ward chapel, with Bishop H.E. Garner presiding. The body may be viewed at the home of Peter Alberts on Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday until hour of services.
Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery under the direction of the Mount Ogden Mortuary.

BURNETT, Betty Jean
Dated: Monday, October 30, 1933
Headline: Services Tuesday In Roy For Infant

Betty Jean Burnett, infant daughter of Percy and Velma Barton Burnett, died at nine-thirty o’clock today, at the family home in Roy. She was born in Roy on October 25, 1933.
Surviving are the parents and the grandparents, Mrs. Annie Barton of Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Burnett of Clinton.
Private services will be held on Tuesday afternoon at the family home and interment made in the Roy cemetery under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

HUBER, Philip, Jr.
Dated: Friday, November 10, 1933
Headline: Child of Four Dead; From Mountain Green

Philip Huber, Jr., aged four years died at the local hospital this morning at six o’clock. He was born on January 24, 1929, the son of Philip and Lily Spendlove Huber of Mountain Green.
Surviving are the father, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Spendlove, of Littleton; Conrad Huber, of Otter Rock, Ore., and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Harriet Clawson of Stoddard. The Deseret mortuary is in charge.

Dated: Monday, November 27, 1933
Headline: Heart Attack Causes Death-Andrew Bingham Expires At Home; Prominent In Livestock Trade

Andrew Bingham, manager of the Ogden Horse and Mule Commission company, died at the family home, 750 Washington avenue Sunday afternoon, from a heart attack brought on by nasal hemorrhages.
Mr. Bingham returned Thursday from a business trip into Nevada and Thursday night suffered a nasal hemorrhage which recurred intermittently until Sunday afternoon. He had been given treatments for the hemorrhages and was believed to be improved when he was seized with the heart attack and died instantly.
He was born Jan. 19, 1879, in Riverdale, a son of Sanford and Agnes Ann Fife Bingham. He was one of the first members of the Ogden Stockyards exchange.
Mr. Bingham is survived by his widow, the former Kathryn Myers, and four sons, and five daughters by a former marriage. They are: Oscar Bingham, Ogden; Francis, Earl and Carl Bingham, Riverdale; Miss Hazel Bingham, Miss Jane Bingham, and Mrs. Jenness Rollow, Riverdale; Mrs. Philo Farnsworth, Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Durrell Evans, Ogden; 11 grandchildren, and the following brothers and sisters: Bishop A.A. Bingham, Enoch Bingham and Norman F. Bingham, Ogden; S. James Bingham, Riverdale; Elisha Bingham, Garland; William Bingham, Logan; Mrs. Mary Cook, South Weber; Mrs. Joseph K. Wright, Ogden; Mrs. Maria Campbell, Black Pine, Idaho; Mrs. George Pincock, Sugar City, Idaho; Mrs. Jane Hansen, Trenton.
Services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in the First Presbyterian church, with the Rev. John Edward Carver officiating.
Friends may call at Larkin & Sons’ chapel Tuesday afternoon from two o’clock until nine and then at the home Wednesday from eleven o’clock until one. Interment will be made in the Mountain View cemetery.

WALKER, Nora Dalton
Dated: Thursday, December 7, 1933
Headline: Mrs. Robert A. Walker Dead

Mrs. Nora Walker, aged 40, wife of Robert A. Walker, died Wednesday evening at seven o’clock in a local hospital following a two days’ illness. Mrs. Walker was born here March 29, 1893, a daughter of Don C. and Hannah Bitton Dalton. She was married here November 20, 1920.
The family formerly resided at 2358 Van Buren avenue and had moved to Sunset only a few weeks ago.
Mrs. Walker was a member of the Ogden tabernacle choir, a worker in the genealogical society of the L.D.S. Thirteenth ward and a member of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers.
Surviving are the husband, two sons, Don H. and Robert A. Walker, Jr.; the mother, Mrs. Hannah Child, a brother and three sisters; Don Dalton and Mrs. S.E. Ingebretsen, Ogden; Mrs. J.Q. Davis, San Francisco; and Mrs. S.S. Blair, Pocatello, Idaho.
Services will be held Saturday afternoon at one o’clock in the Thirteenth ward chapel, with Bishop E.H. Chambers presiding.
Friends may call at the Colonial Room of the Deseret mortuary Friday after ten o’clock and Saturday until hour of services. Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery.

CONDON, Elizabeth Slater
Dated: Tuesday, December 19, 1933
Headline: Burial Rites For Mrs. Condon Will Be Held Thursday-Elizabeth Condon

Mrs. Elizabeth Slater Condon, aged 82, widow of Dr. A.S. Condon, prominent Ogden physician, died Sunday in Burley, Idaho, at the home of a niece, Mrs. Lola Mathes, of ailments due to age.
Mrs. Condon was born in Slaterville, a daughter of Richard and Anne Slater, and spent the greater part of her life in Ogden. She moved to Los Angeles 14 years ago soon after the death of her husband. Last April she went to Burley and made her home there with her niece Mrs. Mathes.
Mrs. Condon took an active part in social and charitable activities during her residence in Ogden and was a member of the Martha society for many years.
The body will be brought to Ogden Wednesday and will be taken to Larkin & Sons’ mortuary, where services will be held Thursday afternoon at two o’clock. The Rev. John Edward Carver and Bishop Lawrence Slater will be the speakers. Friends may call at the Larkin drawing room Thursday from nine a.m. until time of services. Burial will be made in Ogden City cemetery.
Surviving are a brother, James Slater, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Slater Bybee, Menan, Idaho. Mrs. Condon was the aunt of Mrs. Ezra Richardson of Ogden.

WESTERGARD, James Christian
Dated: Thursday, December 21, 1933
Headline: Member of Last Ox Train Party Dies At Age of 88-James C. Westergard

James Christian Westergard, aged 88, died at two-thirty o’clock this morning at the family home, 1950 Jackson avenue, following a seven weeks illness. He was born in Denmark, May 14, 1845, a son of Christian and Anna Jensen Westergard. He came to America with his mother in 1868 and crossed the plains with the last of the ox-team trains. He arrived in Ogden in the fall of 1868 and went to work for the U.P. railroad, working between here and Omaha. He married Mary Holst in Omaha in 1871 and she died in 1885.
Mr. Westergard worked for the railroad for many years and then moved to Farr West, where he was a farmer and blacksmith until 1911, when he came to Ogden to make his home.
In 1919 he was married to Mary Lewis, who survives him. Mr. Westergard was a member of the L.D.S. church and a high priest of the Ogden stake.
Surviving are the widow and the following sons and daughters: Mrs. Heber Holland, Garfield, Idaho; Peter Westergard, Iona, Idaho; Mrs. Homer Randall, Bybee, Idaho; James W. Westergard, Jr., Idaho Falls, Idaho; Arthur Westergard, Roberts, Idaho; John Westergard, Salt Lake City; Mrs. H.C. Westergard, Farr West; 36 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.
Services will be held Sunday afternoon at one-thirty o’clock in the L.D.S. Twentieth ward chapel, with Bishop A.G. Belnap presiding.
Friends may call at the home Saturday, and also Sunday until one-fifteen o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery, under direction of Lindquist & Sons.

NELSON, Leonora Bartlett
Dated: Thursday, August 24, 1933
Headline: Mrs. William Nelson Dead

Mrs. Lenora Bartlett Nelson, aged 33, wife of William J. Nelson, died at the family home, 3732 Ogden avenue, Wednesday evening of a heart attack.
Mrs. Nelson was born in Ogden on April 16, 1900, a daughter of Thomas and Louise Eastman Bartlett.
She was graduated from the Ogden High school and was married on June 14, 1919, in Salt Lake City.
She was an active member of the L.D.S. Fourteenth ward.
Surviving are the husband, the mother, a son, William Nelson, Jr.; a daughter, Donna Louise Nelson, all of Ogden; five brothers, Elmer, Albert and Fred Bartlett, Salt Lake City; Leno and Ephraim Bartlett, Ogden, and a sister, Mrs. May Wall, Ogden.
Funeral arrangements are in charge of the Mount Ogden mortuary.

Dated: Monday Evening, January 1, 1934
Headline: Early Western Figure Passes-Worked With Humorist, Bill Nye, On Noted Laramie Boomerang-John T.M. Kingsford, 83, who died Sunday, was present in the young and vigorous days of the western country.

John T.M. Kingsford, aged 83, died early Sunday morning of a heart attack at the family home, 2641 Kiesel avenue.
Mr. Kingsford was born in St. Margarets, England, on January 8, 1852, a son of Henry John and Jane Moore Kingsford. He came to America in the early ‘60’s, living first in Wyoming, Ill., and years later moving to Laramie, Wyo. There he was married to Estella Rogers. They moved to Rawlins, Wyo., in 1890 and afterwards moved to Granger. In 1906 they came to Ogden, where Mr. Kingsford was employed by the Union Pacific freight station as assistant cashier. In 1922 he was retired on a pension, but in 1923 he took a position as custodian of the safe deposit boxes at the Ogden State bank and worked there until the closing of the bank in 1931.
In an interview a few years ago, Mr. Kingsford told some of his experiences:
“As I came west in the early 1870’s to Laramie, Wyo., I was impressed with the conditions similar to those we have seen in recent years---men wearing parts of their army uniforms, for the Civil war was just past.
“Western Iowa and all of Nebraska was a wilderness except for a little strip of settlements along the railroads. Most of the railroad stations were signified by only two buildings, one marked ‘post office’ and the other ‘land office’.
“We saw great herds of buffalo and other animals on the plains.
“Wyoming was a wild place in those days, with plenty of wild white men and Indians and animals. There were lots of deer, bear, elk and antelope.
“The towns were wide open, with saloons and gambling halls operating full blast, and many a time there was a man hanging on a telegraph pole before breakfast. Shootings were common.

“In 1881, I went to work setting type on the famous Laramie Boomerang and was well acquainted with Bill Nye, editor, who became famous as a humorist. Another man living in Ogden, Harlan Marsh, retired railroad man, of 2780 Van Buren avenue, was employed as a printer on the Boomerang, which won national recognition. But at that time we did not consider Bill Nye was such a wonderful humorist. It is the old story of a ‘prophet’ is not without honor save in his own country.”
Mr. Kingsford was a member of the Jehovah’s Witness church.
Mr. Kingsford was a member of the International Bible Students association.
He is survived by the widow, two sons, J. Moore Kingsford of San Francisco; Arthur D. Kingsford of Ogden; two daughters, Mrs. Paul Bailer, Chicago, and Mrs. John J. McHugh of San Mateo, Cal.; seven grandchildren and two sisters, who live in England.

Services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in Lindquist & Sons’ chapel, with Leroy D. Swingle of Salt Lake officiating, assisted by a group of Ogden Jehovah’s witnesses.
The body may be viewed at the chapel Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until hour of services. Interment will be made in the Ogden City Cemetery.

SWANSON, Gertrude Storey
Dated: Monday, January 15, 1934
Headline: Death Summons Resident Of Roy; Rites Wednesday-Mrs. Roy W. Swanson

Gertrude Storey Swanson, wife of Roy W. Swanson of Roy, died Sunday in an Ogden hospital following a short illness and an operation.
Mrs. Swanson was born in Riverdale December 28, 1898, a daughter of Clarence E. and Altha Harrison Storey. On February 14, 1923, she was married to Mr. Swanson. Until four years ago they lived at Harrisville.
Mrs. Swanson was a member of the Lutheran church and was active in the Weber county farm bureau.
Surviving are the parents who live in Harrisville; the husband, two daughters, Janice and Beverly, and the following sisters: Mrs. Hattie Hill, Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Pauline Steffin, Twin Falls, Idaho; Mrs. James Martin, Ogden and Miss Charlotte Storey, Harrisville.
Services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in the First Presbyterian church with the Rev. Roy Carlson of the Lutheran church officiating.
Friends may call at the home at Roy on Tuesday afternoon and evening and then at Lindquist and Sons chapel in Ogden Wednesday until one-thirty o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery.

GARNER, Chancy J.
Dated: Tuesday, February 6, 1934
Headline: Death Calls Roy Resident-Chancy J. Garner Served For Many Years In Bishopric

Chancy James Garner, 68 years of age, prominent farmer of Roy, died at three-thirty p.m. Monday in an Ogden hospital, following an operation.
He was born in Slaterville, September 14, 1865, a son of William and Mary Fields Garner. He was married to Julia Baker on March 6, 1884, and had been for the past 50 years a resident of Roy. He was a member of the first bishopric of the Roy L.D.S. ward as first counselor to Bishop Thomas Hollands, remaining an active member in the church and a member of the bishopric for 25 years. He was recently released because of ill health. He also completed a mission to the western states in 1917 and upon his return was again made a member of the bishopric under Bishop Martin P. Brown. He was a member of the high priests’ quorum until his death.
He is survived by his widow; his mother; the following children: Mrs. Arthur G. Jones, Mrs. Annie Barton, Vern G. Garner, Dewey L. Garner, all of Roy; Mrs. James H. Platt, of Wilson; W. Charles Garner, Elmer Ray Garner and Bishop David I. Garner, all of Rupert, Idaho Delbert L. Garner of Taylor; and E. True Garner of Declo, Idaho and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. John H. Haynes of Tabor, Alberta, Canada; William Garner, Ephrem Garner and Jostin H. Garner all of Hooper; John Garner, Small, Idaho; Mrs. Ernest Grover of Moreland, Idaho; 57 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held on Thursday afternoon at two o’clock in the Roy L.D.S. chapel with Bishop O.T. Barrett presiding. Friends may call at the Lindquist & Sons’ chapel this evening until nine o’clock and at the family residence in Roy on Wednesday and also Thursday until time of services. Interment will be made in the Roy cemetery.

HARDY, Mary Jane Higley
Dated: Thursday, February 22, 1934
Headline: Mrs. Mary Jane Hardy Dead, 87-She Crossed Plains With Family In 1852 By Ox Team

Mrs. Mary Jane Hardy, aged 87, widow of Nephi Hardy, Weber county pioneer, died at one o’clock this morning at the home of a daughter Mrs. Frank Egginton, 2046 Quincy avenue from ailments incident to age.
She was born on the Des Moines river in Iowa on Feb. 13, 1847, a daughter of Myron and Priscilla Ebberson Higley. In 1852 the family left Nauvoo, Ill., to cross the plains to Utah by ox-team. They lived in Uintah and later in Mountain Green, then moving to Hooper where they were among the first settlers.
Mrs. Hardy was married in Salt Lake City in 1856 and lived in Morgan, moving later to Roy and then to Hooper where the family made its permanent home. Mrs. Hardy was an active worker in the L.D.S. church organizations.
Surviving are the following sons and daughter: Mrs. Eliza Fowles, George Hardy and Mrs. Frank Egginton, Ogden; Lewis M. Hardy, Taylor; Mrs. Thomas Ross, Hooper; Mrs. Cynthia Stoddard, West Point; Mrs. Walter Wilson, Hulsted, Kan.; Hyrum Hardy, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Annis Green, Compton, Calif.; Arnold Hardy, Roy; Clarence Hardy, Phoenix, Ariz.; 100 grandchildren and 111 great-grandchildren; 5 great-great-grandchildren.
Lindquist & Sons’ are in charge of funeral arrangements.

ATKINSON, Ida May Venable
Dated: Monday, March 12, 1934
Headline: Mrs. Grant T. Atkinson Dies

Ida May Venable Atkinson, wife of Grant Thomas Atkinson, died at the family home, 3161 Grant avenue, at eight-ten o’clock this morning after a two weeks illness.
She was born in Kaysville, July 12, 1912, a daughter of Charles R. and Eliza Higgs Venable. Surviving are the husband, the father and step-mother and the following brothers and sisters: Lollie Venable, Marvin A., Ray Parley and Charles J. Venable and the grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Venable of Ogden.
Larkin & Sons are in charge of funeral arrangements.

CORDINGLY, Seymour Carl
Dated: Tuesday, March 20, 1934
Headline: Employe Dies of Pneumonia

Seymour Carl Cordingly, aged 25, died this morning at six o’clock following a five-day illness of pneumonia. He was born in Hayden, Idaho, March 11, 1909, son of Seymour D. and Martha Jones Cordingly.
In 1924, he came with his family to Ogden and had lived here since that time. He was married to Sylvia Hurst in 1929. For the past seven years Mr. Cordingly had been an employe of the Globe mills. He was an active worker in the L.D.S. church and a member of the elders quorum.
Surviving are the widow and two children, Nadine and Donald, the father, and three sisters: Mrs. Alta Loper, Mrs. Elsie Jones and Jean Cordingly, of Ogden.
Services will be held Friday afternoon at two o’clock in the L.D.S. Twentieth ward chapel, with Bishop A.G. Belnap presiding. Friends may call at the home of the father, 3010 Monroe avenue, Thursday and Friday until hour of services. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery, under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

HILEMAN, Cora Maude
Dated: Friday, May 18, 1934
Headline: Mrs. Cora M. Hileman Dead

Mrs. Cora Maude Hileman died at midnight Wednesday at the home of a sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles McClure, 1519 Roosevelt avenue, Salt Lake City. She was born May 2, 1880 in Bingham county, Idaho, a daughter of Stephen and Sarah Chestnut Malan, and on May 14, 1906, married Eugene S. Hileman in Ogden. She had lived in Salt Lake City since that time, Mr. Hileman died in 1931.
Mrs. Hileman is survived by one brother, W.A. Malan and a half-brother, J.C. Slade, of Ogden.
Funeral arrangements will be announced later by the Deseret mortuary.

CHILD, Carrie Buck
Dated: Monday, May 21, 1934
Headline: Mrs. John M. Child Expires-Wife of Former Official Will Be Buried Wednesday

Mrs. Carrie Buck Child, 57, wife of John M. Child, former Weber county commissioner, of 424 Second street, died Sunday in the local hospital. Mrs. Child underwent an operation Saturday for intestinal trouble.
Mrs. Child was born in Denmark February 28, 1877, a daughter of Andrew and Marie Buck. She emigrated to the United States 52 years ago with her parents, coming direct to Utah. She had made her home in Ogden for the last 29 years. She was a member of the L.D.S. church, an active worker in the Relief society and a member of the Sego Lily circle No. 174, Neighbors of Woodcraft.
Surviving are the husband and seven sons and daughters, Mrs. Lee L. Clausse, Mrs. Harold Mack, L. Roscoe, J. Marvin, H.M., Clara and Billy Child all of Ogden; eight grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. D.S. Maxfield, Harrisville; Mrs. Willard Anderson, Salt Lake City and Mrs. Nick Allermand, Seattle, Washington.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday at two o’clock in the L.D.S. Eighth ward chapel, with Bishop Rulon P. Peterson officiating.
Friends may call at the family home Tuesday from three until nine o’clock and Wednesday from ten until one o’clock. Interment will be made in the Ogden city cemetery under the direction of Larkin & Sons.

KIESEL, Julia Schanzenbach
Dated: Monday Evening, May 21, 1934
Headline: Death Calls Mrs. Kiesel At Age of 83-Widow of Business Leader Was Second President of Martha Society-Early Citizen-Mrs. Fred J. Kiesel who died Sunday night, had resided in Ogden since 1879

Mrs. Julia Schanzenbach Kiesel, 83, widow of Fred J. Kiesel, who was an Ogden mayor and prominent business man, died Sunday evening at seven o’clock after an illness of several months from ailments incident to age. She had been confined to her bed for a month.
Mrs. Kiesel resided for many years in the old family home at Twenty-fifth street and Adams avenue, site of the new forest service building.
When the property was sold to the government, Mrs. Kiesel took an apartment in the Hotel Ben Lomond and about a year ago she moved to the home of a daughter, Mrs. W.H. Shearman, 2532 Eccles avenue, where she resided until her death.
When the Martha society, a charity organization was founded, Mrs. Kiesel was made vice president upon the death of Mrs. Frank Cannon, the first president after whom the society was named. The Kiesel home was often the scene of brilliant social gatherings.
Mr. Kiesel, for many years a leader in Ogden’s commercial activities died in Ogden, April 22, 1919.

Mrs. Kiesel was born in Ludwigsburg, Germany, November 10, 1850, a daughter of Christopher and Wilhelmina Schanzenbach. She was married to Fred J. Kiesel on April 22, 1873, in Germany, and a short time afterward the couple came to America, settling in Corinne. They moved to Ogden in 1879.
Corinne was an important trading center with stage and freight lines running into Idaho and Montana. It was in Corinne that Mr. Kiesel founded the great wholesale business which he moved to Ogden when the construction of the railroad into Idaho and Montana brought Ogden into prominence as a shipping point and left Corinne to become a great part a ghost city.
Mrs. Kiesel is survived by a son and a daughter: Fred W. Kiesel of Sacramento, Calif.; and Mrs. Shearman of Ogden; four grandchildren, Robert Kiesel, University of California sprinter; Corinne Kiesel, Phyllis Kiesel and Ogden Kiesel; and three great-grandchildren.

Following funeral services in Ogden, arrangements for which are in charge of the Kirkendall-Darling mortuary, the body will be taken to Sacramento for cremation and her ashes placed beside those of her husband.

FARLEY, Arthur E.
Dated: Thursday, July 12, 1934
Headline: Arthur Farley Dead At Age 25-Arthur Farley-Pneumonia Fatal To Son Of Former Ogden City Auditor

Arthur E. Farley, 25, 2738 Grammercy avenue, died at nine o’clock this morning at a local hospital of pneumonia, following a two week’s illness. He was born in Ogden, February 19, 1909, a son of Lafayette and Mary E. Greenwell Farley, and was employed as the auditor for the FERA. He was a member of the L.D.S. church and a member of the elders’ quorum of the Seventeenth ward. He was also a ward teacher.
Surviving are his mother, former city auditor, and the following sisters: Mrs. Herbert Snyder and Mrs. LeRoy V. Peart, both of Ogden, and Mrs. Watt Lloyd of Bellview, Washington.
The body was taken in charge by Lindquist & Sons’ undertakers and services will be announced later.

RICHARDS, Franklin S.
Dated: Saturday, September 8, 1934
Headline: Franklin S. Richards

Franklin S. Richards, prominent member of the Utah bar for 60 years and L.D.S. leader, was suddenly stricken on Friday.
He was most active in the early history of Utah and served Weber county from 1870 to 1884.
He was recognized as a man of great ability in his chosen profession and a leader in church affairs.
His death takes from Utah another of the strong men who made lasting contributions to building out of pioneer experiences a commonwealth worth while.
Franklin S. Richards was a high type gentleman and a brilliant lawyer. He was a lovable character.

URE, Murl Stephen
Dated: Saturday, September 8, 1934
Headline: Hooper Rodeo Victim Dead-Murl Stephen Ure Dies On Injuries Received On Labor Day

Murl Stephen Ure of Roy, died this morning at one o’clock at the local hospital following injuries he received when the bleachers collapsed at the rodeo which was held at Hooper on Labor day.
Mr. Stephens was born at Woods Cross, Utah, September 15, 1891, the son of Stephen and Alice Fisher Ure. He was married to Mamie Sidwell in Ogden, September 25, 1916.
He lived in Woods Cross previous to his moving to Roy twenty years ago. He was a farmer and a member of the L.D.S. church.
He is survived by his father, his wife, and the following sons and daughters: Lucille, Rex and Lois of Roy, Utah. He is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Lorin Ure of Farmington; Ira Ure, Roy; Carl Ure, Salt Lake City; Marvin Ure, Roy; Bert Ure, Roy; Mrs. Clarence Underwood, Los Angeles; Mrs. Robert Wolfers, Los Angeles; Larene Ure, Roy and Iretta Ure also of Roy.
Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at two o’clock in the Roy L.D.S. chapel with Bishop Orson Berrett officiating. Friends may call this afternoon and evening until nine o’clock at the Lindquist & Sons chapel and at the home in Roy, Sunday afternoon and evening and Monday until time of services.
Interment will be made in the Roy cemetery, under the direction of Lindquist & Sons.

ALLEN, Matilda Halverson Farr
Dated: Thursday, October 11, 1934
Headline: Death Calls Weber Pioneer-Heart Attack Is Fatal To Matilda Halverson Farr Allen

Mrs. Matilda Halverson Farr Allen, 77, sister of James E. Halverson, Brigham City banker, and a half-sister of Charles A. Halverson, Weber county commissioner, died at her home, 2032 Ogden avenue, Wednesday. Death was due to a heart attack.
Mrs. Allen was born in Marriott, July 4, 1857, a daughter of Simon and Tober Frederickson Halverson.
She had lived in Weber county all her life. In 1880 she married Winslow Farr, who died in 1911. In 1928 she married Albern Allen, who died in 1929. She was active in the L.D.S. church.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Lettie Farr Manning, Ogden; Mrs. Lella Winter and Mrs. Josephine Berg of Los Angeles; a son, W. Hal Farr, of Salt Lake City; four brothers, Samuel Halverson, Ogden; James E. Halverson, Brigham City; George Halverson, Los Angeles, and Walter Halverson, Long Beach; two sisters, Mrs. John Owens, Brigham City, and Mrs. Bertha Sinward, of Logan; three half-brothers, Charles A. Halverson, Weber county commissioner, and Arthur Halverson, Ogden and Frank Halverson, Blackfoot, Idaho; and two half-sisters, Mrs. R.M. Wright, Ogden; and Mrs. Etta Hawkins, La Grande, Oregon; six grandchildren; one great-grandchild, and a step-mother, Ingeborg Halverson, of Ogden who lived with Bishop Arthur Halverson, Ogden.
Arrangements for services are in charge of Lindquist & Sons’.
Services for Mrs. Allen will be held at two o’clock Friday in the L.D.S. Fourth ward chapel, with Bishop E.T. Saunders presiding.
Friends may call at the Lindquist chapel until one forty-five on Friday.
Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery.

HENDRICKS, Emily Jarvis
Dated: Monday, October 15, 1934
Headline: Pioneer Utah Resident Dies-Emily J. Hendricks

Mrs. Emily J. Hendricks, 77, prominent L.D.S. church worker and one of the first school teachers of northern Utah, died at her home, 926 Binford avenue, Sunday night at ten-thirty o’clock of pneumonia.
Mrs. Hendricks was born February 24, 1857, in Salt Lake City, a daughter of John Henry and Betsy Mason Jarvis. Two months later the family moved to Burlington, Iowa. Mrs. Hendricks returned to Salt Lake City in 1862 with her mother, a member of the Captain McCallister’s company. They moved to Richmond, Cache valley, in 1868, and resided there until 1904

Mrs. Hendricks was an organizer of the Primary association of the Richmond L.D.S. ward and also served as assistant secretary of the First Relief society of the ward. She was active in Relief society affairs for 57 years. It was said she was the first woman to go into an independent business in northern Cache valley, being the owner and operator of a millinery store at the age of twenty-five.
On March 5, 1884, she was married to John N. Hendricks, who died March 20, 1904. Mrs. Hendricks moved to Logan shortly afterwards and in 1921 came to Ogden to make her permanent home.
She is survived by two sons, John A. Hendricks of Ogden, Weber county attorney, and Felix M. Hendricks, director of the federal emergency relief administration in Pocatello, Idaho; two daughters, Miss Nellie Hendricks of Ogden; supervisor of elementary grades of the Weber county school district, and Miss Vida Z. Hendricks, president of the Ogden Business and Professional Women’s club and an employe of the Eccles Investment company. She is also survived by five grandchildren and two half-brothers, James M. Brower of Freedom, Wyo., and Walter J. Jarvis of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.

Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at one o’clock in the Twelfth ward L.D.S. chapel, with Bishop David J. Wilson officiating. Friends may call at the family home Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until twelve-thirty o’clock. Burial will take place at the Richmond City cemetery under direction of Larkin & Sons.

HOWES, Donna Lavelle
Dated: Monday, November 19, 1934

Donna Lavelle Howes three-month old daughter of Kenneth B. and Vera Ross Howes, died at the family home in Roy this morning at eleven-thirty o’clock.
She was born in Ogden August 9, 1934, and is survived by her parents, one brother, Ross and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Howes of Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ross of Hooper.
Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Mount Ogden mortuary.

NIELSON, Gustave Anderson
Dated: Monday, November 19, 1934
Headline: Game Warden’s Mother Dead-Gustave A. Nielson

Mrs. Gustave Anderson Nielson, 92, died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Howard A. Dabb, in Farr West Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Nielson was born in Wester, Vola, Sweden, May 10, 1842, a daughter of Lars and Anna Nielson Anderson. She came to Salt Lake City in 1870 and moved to Slaterville shortly afterward. In November, 1870, she was married to Swen Anderson in Salt Lake City. He died October 6, 1882. In 1885 she married Peter Nielson. He died in January, 1913. She was a worker in the L.D.S. church, having been a member of the Relief society in Harrisville ward.
She is survived by a son, William H. Anderson, Ogden, Weber county game warden; two daughters, Mrs. Dabb and Mrs. David Jensen, Farr West; twelve grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services will be held in the Farr West L.D.S. chapel Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock under the direction of Bishop Lorenzo Taylor. Friends may call at Lindquist & Sons’ mortuary this evening from six until nine o’clock and Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until one-thirty o’clock.
Interment will be made in the Ogden City cemetery.

GROVER, William E.
Dated: Monday, December 3, 1934
Headline: Wm. E. Grover Services Set-Riverdale Native Will Be Interred In Blackfoot Cemetery

William E. Grover, 67, died Saturday in Salt Lake City at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Sarah E. DeHaan.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in the Larkin chapel, 216 East South Temple street, Salt Lake City. A second service will be held Thursday in Blackfoot, Idaho, with interment in Blackfoot cemetery.
Mr. Grover was born June 19, 1867, in Riverdale, Weber county, a son of Justin and Sarah R. Cole Grover. He was married April 24, 1889 to Sarah L. Hussey. He was a member of the L.D.S. church, being in the high priests quorum. He also filled a mission to the southern states.
Mr. Grover is survived by his wife, and the following sons and daughters: William E. Grover, Jr., Ashton, Idaho; Sarah E. DeHaan, Salt Lake City; Mrs. Teressa Haycock, Burley, Idaho; Mrs. Laura Theuson, Hammond, Idaho, and 25 grandchildren. He is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: Joseph T. Grover, Kirkland, Wash.; E.A. Grover, Blackfoot, Idaho, and Mrs. Nellie Parrish, Bountiful.

HALVERSON, Ingebor Gurina
Dated: Monday, December 10, 1934
Headline: Mrs. Halverson Dies At Age 96-Ingebor G. Halverson

Mrs. Ingebor Gurina Halverson, 96, mother of Charles A. Halverson, Weber county commissioner, and James Halverson, Brigham City banker, died Sunday evening at six twenty-five o’clock at the home of a son, Bishop Arthur Halverson of the L.D.S. Sixth ward, 789 Twenty-third street.
Mrs. Halverson was born in Riesor, Norway, May 18, 1838, a daughter of Knude and Anna Garson Fredericksen. She joined the L.D.S. church when but a girl and she came to America in 1860, crossing the plains in a handcart company, she aiding in pulling a handcart which an invalid immigrant was riding. She settled in Salt Lake City where she married to Simon Frederick Halverson in the L.D.S. Endowment house in 1864. They moved to Marriott shortly afterwards, where she was active in the L.D.S. ward and Relief society affairs.
Mrs. Halverson is survived by the following sons and daughters: Charles A., Arthur and Samuel Halverson and Mrs. Reuben M. Wright, Ogden; Bishop Frank Halverson of Riverside, Idaho; Attorney George Halverson, Los Angeles; James Halverson and Mrs. J.W. Owen Brigham City; Dr. Owen W. Halverson, Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. William Hawkins, Le Grande, Ore., and Mrs. William Swineyard, Logan. She is also survived by 2o grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock in the Sixth ward chapel, with Bishop Lawrence Ritchie of Marriott ward in charge. Friends may call at the home of Bishop Arthur Halverson, Tuesday afternoon and evening and Wednesday until one-thirty p.m. Interment will be made in Ogden City cemetery under direction of Larkin & Sons.