1883 Ogden City and Weber County Directory




The Ladies' Relief Societies in this County were organized in December, 1867, the one at Ogden City having been effected under the direction of Bishop Chauncey W. West and his counselors, on the 16th of December, 1867. The officers elected at this time for the Ogden Society were Mrs. Mary West, President; Mrs. Harriet C. Brown and Mrs. Nancy Farr, Counselors; Mrs. Mary Ann West, Treasurer; Mrs. Louise M. Hopkins, Secretary.

In 1869, a Co-operative Mercantile Institution was begun by the Society, with Mrs. Naney West as President; Mrs. Harriet C. Brown, Vice-President; and Miss Rosalthe Canfield, Secretary and Treasurer. The institution is still in existence, although no longer engaged in mercantile business. The profits derived from its property and investments are used by the Relief Society in its noble work.

In August, 1870, the honored President of the Society, Mrs. Mary West, was stricken by death. A new organization was soon after effected, with Mrs. Harriet G. Brown, President; Mrs. Martha Bingham and Mrs. Sarah Herrick, Counselors; Miss Rosalthe Canfield, Treasurer; Mrs. Amelia M. Frodsham, Secretary.

In 1872, Mrs. Brown tendered her resignation. Her wish was respected, and Mrs. Jane S. Richards was elected President, with Mrs. Harriet C. Brown and Sarah Herrick, Counselors.

On the 19th day of July, 1877, a general County or-ganization was effected, under the presidency of the officers above named. This is still in force.

In addition there is a Society in each of the Ecclesiastical Wards of the County. The names of the various societies and of the Presidents are as follows:

Martha A. Critchlow Ogden (1st Ward.)
Mary A. Ellis Ogden (2nd Ward.)
Lucretia B. Farr Ogden (3rd Ward.)
Marianna Stratford Ogden (4th Ward.)
Margaret Mc Bride Eden.
Eliza A. Tracy Huntsville.
Almira Raymond Plain City.
Mary Chadwick North Ogden.
Mrs. Maycock Pleasant View.
Mary Hegstead Harrisville (West end.)
Melissa Shurtliff Harrisville (East end)
Mary Bird Lynne.
Annie Taylor Mound Fort.
Ann Fields Slaterville.
Ann Bickington Marriott.
Mrs. Adeline Belnap Hooper.
Mary Douglass West Weber.
Jeannette Bingham Wilson's Lane.
Rhoda Dye Uintah.
Martha A. Bingham Riverdale.

An out-growth of the Relief Society of this County are the associations for young People. Several years ago, before there were any such organizations as now for Mutual Improvement, Apostle Richards and Mrs. Jane S. Richards inaugurated a series of meetings for the young gentlemen and ladies of the community which were so beneficial in their results, that they have been continued until the present time—though now under the names which follow in the two succeeding titles:

THE Y. L. M. I. A.

The Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association was organized May 10, 1879.

The officers for the County are, Mrs. Sarah A. Herrick, President; Mrs. Emily S. Richards and Mrs. Josephine R.. West, Counselors; Miss Rosalthe Canfield, Secretary and Treasurer.

There are seventeen branch associations, the Presidents of which are named as follows:

Elizabeth N. Hill Ogden (1st Ward.)
Emily S. Richards Ogden (2nd Ward.)
Elizabeth Y. Stanford Ogden (3rd Ward.)
Ruthinda Monch Ogden (4th Ward.)
Hannah M. Russell Riverdale.
Julia Dabelle East Harrisville.
Sarah Mc Entire West Harrisville.
Mary Slater Slaterville.
Sarah A. Hart West Weber.
Sarah J. Stuart Plain City.
Mary A. Crane Lynne.
Annie E. Madsen Marriott.
Sarah Belnap Hooper City.
Mary M. Halls Huntsville.
Elizabeth Montgomery North Ogden.
Jane Ellis Pleasant View.
Eliza D. Martin Wilson.

THE Y. M. M. I. A.

The organization of this Association was effected on the 15th day of June, 1877. The following were the officers of the Ogden City Society: Jos. A West, President; David Kay, First Counselor; Moroni Poulter, Sec ond Conselor [sic]; E. T. Myers, Recording Secretary; R. P. Harris, Corresponding Secretary; Willard Farr, Treas-urer; Willard James, Librarian. Previous to that time an association existed in Ogden City, which met once a week in the old City Hall. This organization was under the charge of Apostle Franklin D. Richards, and was organized on the 20th day of April, 1873.

There are now in Weber County twenty-one associations with an enrollment of about 800 members. All the associations are presided over by a Central Board consisting of a superintendent, two counselors, two secre taries, and a treasurer. Each society has a president, two counselors, a secretary, a treasurer, and in societies where a library is found, a librarian. The first Central Board was organized in April 1878, and consisted of the following:

Joseph A. West, Superintendent; A. C. Brown, L. A. Herrick, Counselors; Washington Jenkins, Recording Secretary; C. C. Richards, Corresponding Secretary. Z. Ballantyne, Treasurer. The present Central Board, which was organized in January 1882, consists of Edward H. Anderson, Superintendent; L. A. Herrick, Zechariah Ballantyne, Counselors; A. D. Chambers, Recording Secretary; Angus T. Wright, Corresponding Secretary; W. S. Harris, Treasurer. The latter was appointed treasurer in January 1883, instead of John L. Wilson who had held that position until then. In the County there are ten libraries belonging to the associations, consisting of about five hundred volumes of valuable works. The Central Board visit among the associations from time to time and various methods are adopted to make the meetings interesting and instructive. The exercises are of a varied nature, consisting of lectures from the Bible, and other Mormon works, science, biography, history, and answering questions. There are fifteen manuscript papers published in the County among the associations, which contain from time to time interesting sketches no [sic] miscellaneous subjects by members of the associations. Every three months, a conference of all the associations is held in the Ogden Tabernacle.

Following are the names of the Presidents of the various branches of the Y. M. M. I. A. in Weber Stake of Zion:

Wm. Jackson 1st Ward Ogden.
Wm. Purdy 2nd Ward Ogden.
Jos. T. Johnson 3rd Ward Ogden.
M. Poulter 4th Ward Ogden.
John Priest Uintah.
Jos. Fife Riverdale.
Ole Olson East Hooper.
Eli Spaulding West Hooper.
Alma Hardy West Weber.
Jas. Wilson Wilson.
W. L. Stewart Plain City.
H. Bartholomew Slaterville.
Jacob Thomas West Harrisville.
James Storey North Ogden.
James M. Wade Pleasant View.
Noah L. Shurtliff East Harrisville.
John L. Wilson Mound Fort.
Hans Madsen Marriotts.
Heber R. McBride Eden.
W. W. Crane Lynne.


The idea of organizing an association for the instruction of those of tender years originated with the Relief Society. These associations have for their object the in-struction of the children of the Latter-day Saints in religious, moral, and mental principles.

The Central Board of the Primary Associations of Weber Stake was organized June 18, 1880. The officers for the County are: Mrs. Josephine R. West, President; Mrs Elizabeth Y. Stanford and Miss Rosalthe Canfield, Counselors; Mrs Elizabeth N. Hill, Secretary; and Miss Emily J Newman, Treasurer.

There are twenty branch associations, the Presidents of which are named as follows:

Charlotte Rudd 1st Ward, Ogden.
Lettie L. Richards 2nd Ward, Ogden.
Ann Odell 3rd Ward, Ogden.
Martha H. Brown 4th Ward, Ogden.
Martha A. Bingham Riverdale.
Martha Read Hooperville.
Mary A. Collins West Weber.
Alice E. Stephens Wilson.
Elizabeth Marriot Marriotsville.
Jeannette Parry Lynne.
Ann Holley Slatersville.
Mary E. Taylor Harrisville East.
Harriet Dabelle Harrisville West.
Susannah Robinson Plain City.
Mary A. Wallace North Ogden.
Moiselle Halls Huntsville.
Christina Thompson Eden.
Harriet Waldron Uintah.
A. M.Taylor Mound Fort.

A. F. & A. M.

The Weber Lodge, A. F. & A. M., held its first meeting under a dispensation, on the 2d of January, 1874, in a room over the present Bank Exchange building, and immediately after removed to a hall over W. G. Child's store. The first officers were C. S. Nellis, W. M.; A. D. Shakespeare, S. W.; Henry Bruce, J. W.; J. S. Lewis, Treasurer; Ed. H. Tallman, Secretary; H. M. Cameron, S. D.; W. B. Ogden, J. D.; Wm. Newton, Tyler.

On the 17th of November, 1874, having received a charter as Weber Lodge No. 6 A. F. & A.M., from the Grand Lodge of Utah, the following brothers were installed:

A. D. Shakespeare, W. M.; James Forbes, S. W.; S. S. Schram, J. W.; J. S. Lewis, Treasurer; W. S. Holbrook, Secretary; L. W. B. Long, Chaplain; E. H. Reed, S. D.; J. J. Clayton, J. D.; S. P. Warden, S. St.; G. W. Murphy, Tyler.

At this writing the lodge numbers 57 members, holding their regular communications on the first and third Thursdays of every month, (July and August excepted) and the following are the present officers: Henry T. Snyder, W. M.; John D. Carnahan, S. W.; Abbott R. Heywood, J. W.; Jesse M. Langsdorf, Treasurer; Herbert W. O. Margary, Acting Secretary; Rev. Samuel Unsworth, Chaplain; Alvin C. Emerson, S. D.; Freeman H. Curtiss, J. D.; John Lewis, S. St.; Julius Kiesel, J. St.; George Thompson, Tyler.

Since 1874, only two brothers, members of this Lodge, have died in Ogden. Brother E. H. Tallman on July 11th, 1875, and Brother V. E. Boessel in 1881. Situated as Ogden is, at the junction of five railroads, this Lodge has been called on largely for the exercise of that most truly Masonic virtue—charity; and it has been given with no niggard hand. This fund has been drawn on largely every year, and the calls increase with the opening up of the Great West.


was instituted October 14th, 1874, with the following charter members: V E Boessel T E Brown, William Cook, J. B. Goodfellow, George Thompson, G Moritz, and C. Schmalz, and has at present a membership of 40 with the following officers: Joseph B Sewell, N. G.; H C Wardleigh, V. G.; Henry Woolner, Secretary; M J O'Neil, Treasurer. The Lodge meets in Odd Fellows Hall, over the Postoffice, on Fourth Street, every Friday evening. Visiting brethren in good standing are invited to attend this, as well as the other Lodge.


was instituted, January 23, 1878, with the following charter members: D Alexander, V E Boessell, George Thompson, J Webster, M Biel, L Newman, John Erik son, and Julius Kiesel. The present membership num bers 30, and the officers are as follows: Charles Bornstein, N. G.; W M Thompson, V. G.; James Lentz, Secretary; Julius Kiesel, Treasurer. Meetings are held every Wednesday in the Knights of Pythias' Castle Hall, in the Peery block on Main Street. The Lodge is in a flourishing financial condition.

James Horrocks, of the other Lodge, is District Deputy Grand Master.


This benevolent order was organized on March 24, 1882, with James Horrocks, Prophet; Percival J Barratt, Sachem; J R Crandall, Senior Sagamore; M J O'Neil, Junior Sagamore; Joseph Hawkins, Chief of Records; Henry Woolner, Keeper of Wampum. The Tribe now numbers about 30 members and the present Chiefs elect ed are: Joseph B Sewell, Prophet; J W Browning, Sachem; J T Browning, S. S.; H W O Margary, J. S.; W S Beebee, C. of R.; T J Allen, K of W. Since the organization of Wasatch Tribe they have lost one member by death, Brother W R Reynolds, December, 1882, his funeral services having been quite a feature as the first public display of the kind ever seen in Ogden.

G. A. R.

On February 10, 1881, John A Dix Post No. 3, Grand Army of the Republic, was instituted in Ogden City by the Commander of the Department of Nebraska, Paul Vander Voort. Charter members were: L B Stephens, Post Commander; V M C Silva, John E Hud son, H M Bond, Samuel Warden, J E Mitchell, W M Richards, C A Barrows, H J Powers, George Thompson, J A Roof, A S Condon. The present officers are: Jay R Crandall, Post Commander; L McCarty S. V. C.; A C Smith, J. V. C.; H C Wardleigh, Adjutant; H M Bond, Q. M.; G A Barrows, Officer of the Day; Ransford Smith, Chaplain. The Post, which numbers 55 members, meets the first and third Mondays of each month.


This active temperance organization was first instituted on May 15, 1881, under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Nevada, in the Methodist E. Church, with the following charter members: W W Pritchett, J W Ramey, A W Adkinson, Mrs K L Adkinson, Miss M A Jennings, W J Pugh, Charles P Jennings, H W Eldridge, D Fisher, Miss May Goodwin, S L Goodwin, T W Lincoln. The first board of officers was constituted as follows: W. C. T., W W Pritchett; W. V. T., Miss M A Jennings; W. C., A W Adkinson; W. S., J W Ramey; W. T. S., C P Jennings; W. T., Miss K L Ad kinson; W. M., D Fisher; W. I. G., Miss May Goodwin, W. O. G.; W J Pugh. The present officers, in the same rotation arc: A W Adkin son, C P Jennings, Miss S A Thomas, Miss B Vest, Miss Adelia West, John L Dunn, Miss M A West, S J Griffin, Mrs A D Smith, Matt Borland, Miss Ida Girdlestone, Miss Vesta Bridges, A C Anderson, Theo A Smith. This Lodge has recently been transferred to and is now working under the jurisdiction of the R. W. G. L. of North America. The present membership is 40.


This society devoted to friendship and charity was organized on May 23rd, 1881, under the title of Ogden Lodge No. 2, K. of P. The original charter members were: R W Cross, S M Preshaw, John Corkish, W S Beebee, A J Pattison, A B Richardson, W M Thompson, C A Mohrhardt, J H Shea, G M Merryfield, A G Kegler, J S Corlew, F C Grannis, P J Barratt, Ed Ulrich,

O D Banks, C A Eklund, I E Brown, H R Thompson E C Keeler, W M Chapman, A Schansenbach, E A Littlefield, H D Lewis, Julius Kiesel, C H Wright, W S Fowler, W W Preshaw, J T Cummings. The present membership is 44 and the present officers are as follows:

J S Corlew, P. C.; A Schansenbach, C. C.; E A McDaniel, V. C.; J F Knowles, P.; R W Cross, K. of R. and S.; W H Turner, M. of E.; C J Bornstein, M ofF.; W S Beebee, M at A.; Henry Ben, I C.; Thomas Warwick, R W Cross, C A Eklund, J S Corlew, Trustees. The Lodge has the Endow ment Rank whereby members can secure to their families $3,000 at death of member; at a cost of about $30 a year. Thc Supreme Lodge of this order has paid in thc past five years about $2,000,000 to families of deceased members. It is the duty of the Lodge to visit sick brethren, provide nurses for them, help the widow, and educate thc children of deceased members, if they require it.

The Uniform Rank is a semi-military degree of this order, and in this Lodge here is called Lincoln Division No. 2., R W Cross is Sir Knight Commander, and S M Preshaw is Sir Kt. Lt. Commander.

Ogden Lodge No. 2 meet every Monday night in their Castle Hall in Peery's block on Main Street, which they have fitted up at an expense of over $200, being one of the best lodge rooms in the Territory. The membership comprises some of our best citizens.



John Scowcroft. - - - - - - - - Proprietor.




Orders From the Country Receive Prompt Attention.

WRITE FOR PRICES.                P. O. BOX 182.


Dealer in and Shipper of

Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Produce, Butter & Eggs

Also keeps the BEST LIME on hand, for sale by Carloads and small lots.


1870         THE         PIONEER.             1883

The             California             Bakery.


H. T. KIESEL. - - - - - - - - - - - - PROPRIETOR.


Good Pure White Bread, Graham Bread, Rye Bread, Fresh Cakes, Pies, Etc., Etc.

Free City Delivery for Orders for anything in my line.
I carry a full line of Canned Goods, Candles, Tobaccos and Cigars, Smokers' Articles, etc.

Eagle Roller Mills

Stevens & Stone, Proprietors.

—Manufacturers of—

Patent Roller Flour

—and Dealers in—

All kinds of Grain and Mill Stuff


Free Delivery to any Part of the City.

Ogden, Utah.               P.O. Box 371


Located between Ogden City and Mound Fort, can be
found a Full Line of

Dry Goods, Groceries,


At the very Lowest Prices.

Come one, come all, and bring the products of your farms and dairies.


JOHN CORKISH, Proprietor.

Importer and Shipper of all the STANDARD

Jobbers and Dealers in the Northern Country and Mining Camps will consult their best interest by ordering direct from us.


Direct from the Cleveland Refineries.


Write quotations before ordering elsewhere.