EXPLANATIONS:—The numbered streets commence in the northern portion of the
city, First Street running east from the Iron Works to the bench; Second Street
comes next on the south; then comes respectively Third, Fourth, and so on up to
Eighth. North from First Street we have Park, Bluff, and North Streets
successively, going east and west. The streets running north and south are
respectively, (commencing at the Depot) Wall Franklin, Young, Main, Spring,
Smith, Pearl, Green, and East.
Advertisers are marked with an asterisk, *
The following are the names of the employees of the Farr Woolen Mill,
residing at or near that establishment:
Bowman Isaac, wool sorter.
Bowman Jacob, weaver.
Cowall James, wool washer.
Curtiss George, wool
Dawson Isaac, spinner.
Dean J. E., carder.
Ramsden John, Sr.,
spinner and weaver,
Ramsden John, Jr., spinner.
Walkne William, weaver.
Wilson Richard, wool sorter.