There are in the Weber Stake of Zion one Apostle, 8 Patriarchs, 347 Seventies, 155 High Priests, 862 Elders, 98 Priests, 151 Teachers, 207 Deacons, 4,542 members, making a total of 6,371 officers and members. There are 2,622 children under eight years of age, which makes the total of souls 8,993. This number of souls is divided into 1,765 families who live in nineteen ecclesiastical Wards, comprising all the settlements in the County and four Wards of Ogden City. These Wards are presided over by a Bishop and his two Counselors. The Stake is presided over by a President and his two Counselors, Lewis W. Shurtliff, President; Charles F. Middlton, First, and N. C. Flygare, Second Counselor, being the present incumbents.
The following are the members of the High Council: Israel Canfield, I. N. Goodale, Richard Ballantyne, David M. Stuart, John Barker, F. A. Brown, W. W. Burton, D. B. Rawson, Joseph Stanford, Franklin S. Richards, Joseph Parry, and Orson Badger; with Miles H. Jones, Joseph Hall, and James Owen, Alternates, and James Taylor, Clerk of the Council.
Following are the names of the Wards with the Bishops and Counselors of each, also the population:
1st Ward, Ogden—B. C. Critchlow, Bishop; James Burch, Fred. Garner, Counselors. Population 495.
2d Ward, Ogden—Robert McQuarrie, Bishop; Samuel Eggleston, Thomas Doxey, Counselors. Population 742.
3d Ward, Ogden—Winslow Farr, Bishop; Barnard White, John Hastings, Counselors. Population 544.Uintah—Samuel Dye, Robert Gale, Presiding Elders. Population 66.
The Historian of the Stake is Joseph Stanford, the Reporter James Taylor, the Chorister Wm. Pearce, the Clerk Edward H. Anderson.
The Presbyterian Society was organized on September 29th, 1868, under the pastorship of the Rev. G. W. Gallagher, who gathered together a little band of twenty in what was known as P eery's Hall, on Fourth Street. In that building the members met, and the pastor and his wife resided until the year 1878, when the place of worship was changed to what was then Union Hall on the corner of Fifth and Young Streets, where they remained until January, 1880, when the present church edifice on the corner of Fourth and Franklin Streets was completed and dedicated and the congregation moved in to that place for the purpose of worship. The Church has been in the charge of but two pastors, since its organization; the Rev. M. Gallagher who remained here until February, 1880, when he left to accept a call in Elko, Nevada, and the present pastor, the Rev. J. F. Knowles, who came here in March of the same year. The Church membership is estimated at sixty-two and the attendance at the Sabbath School at about 200. The building occupied by the society is also used as a day school.
The organization of the Episcopal Church in Ogden was effected on July 17th, 1870, under the leadership of the Rev. J. L. Gillogly, who, with his wife, took up their residence in a freight car, near the depot. There were but two communicants in the city at that time, and the services were held in the depot building. The Sunday School was opened in July, 1870. Owing to the discour aging aspect of church affairs, it was recommended by a committee of the diocese, that work here should be suspended for a time, but Mr. Gillogly determined to stay and obtained the consent of the Bishop, to remain for at least a year. In 1871 the site of the present church was purchased, and services were held in an old tannery, on the lot, until 1874, when Mr. J. W. Hammersly, of New York, built the present beautiful little church, in mem ory of his daughter, Mrs. Livingstone. Mr. Gillogly died in February, 1881, and the present incumbent, the Rev. Samuel S. Unsworth, became the rector. The number of the communicants of the church is at present 95, and the average attendance at the Sunday school is 125.ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, in Ogden, situated on Fifth Street, between Young and Franklin Streets, was, through efforts of the Very Rev. L. Scanlan, V. F., built in the year 1873, and the members of the parish have, since that time, met for the celebration of public worship in that edifice. After Father Scanlan, the first priest in charge was Father Kieny, and following him, Father Smith, after whom came the present incumbent, Father Cushnahan.
Before the church was built, the members of the Catholic communion were using an old building on Fourth Street, above Main, for a place of worship, but since 1875, have occupied their present building continuously. The average attendance is about 400.
The Methodist Church was organized in 1870, and services were first held in an old building that stood on the site of the present church. Though the early membership was weak, yet the church flourished, and has now a membership of about forty, there being thirty-four full members and nine probation members. In 1872 the present church edifice was erected, and since that time worship has been continuously held there. The first pastor was the Rev. Mr. Teele, and following him have been Messrs. Strong, Long, Howison, Skewes, Hyde, and the present incumbent, Rev. A. W. Adkinson, who took the pastoral charge on April 1st, 1881. The Sabbath School connected with the church has a membership of about 100 with an average attendance of about sixty. The average attendance at the church is about seventy-five.
This society was organized in July, 1881, under the charge of the Rev. Dwight Spencer, with thirteen members and in November, 1881, the Rev. Richard Hartley assumed the pastorate and together with Mr. Spencer worked the affairs of the church to a prosperous condition. Services were held in the Odd Fellows Hall for a year or more until December 1882, the congregation moved into the pretty church on Young Street which they now occupy. This edifice cost about $8,000, part of which was raised through the efforts of Mr. Spencer, in the East, and part in Ogden. The present membership is about seventy and the Sabbath School has an average attendance of about 100, which is fast increasing.
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