[Note from Sandra Gwilliam:
I am not sure if this was written by Karma Johnson Barton or her
Delila Barton Heaton.]
I was born 3 Sept. 1896 at Johnson, Kane Co. Utah. When I was six weeks old my parents moved to Tropic, Utah, where they purchased a vacant lot and built a home.
My parents taught me the Gospel while I was a child, but father died when I was thirteen so I worked out much of the time. All the schooling I had was finishing the eighth grade. Mother was Postmaster and I helped her all I could, at home and in the Office.
As a young girl, I was teacher in Primary, and Sunday School, Secretary in Y.L.M.I.A. and Sunday School, and I have always worked in the different Church Organizations.
On the 17 of March 1915, I was married in the Manti Temple, to Leo L. Barton, who was born July 6, 1895 at Circleville, Utah, the son of Levi L. and Amy T. Davis Barton, of Tropic.
We lived in father Barton's home for the first six months, then built a little home on the north side of town, there our first baby was born.
Delila--was born Mar. 21, 1919...
Delna--was born Oct. 3, 1917...
Joseph Lorenzo--born, Mar, 24, 1919...
Elsa--was born 14 Mar. 1920...
Garth--born Nov. 18, 1921, was blessed by his father 1 June 1922, and baptized by Bernard Johnson and confirmed by Bp. John H. Johnson, Sept 7, 1930. He spent one year in the C.C. Camp and is completing high school this year. He is in the H.H.S. League basket ball team and also a member of the Orchestra, he plays the drums and saxophone.
Junius--born May 24, 1923...
Sylvia--was born 17 Apr. 1925...
Mary Dawn--born 21 May 1927, blessed Aug, 7, 1927 by her Uncle Joseph H. Johnson and baptized by Arben Jolley and confirmed by her father, June 9, 1935. She is in Junior High and plays the Bass Drum in the school band.
Karl Gordon--born Dec. 13, 1929...
Leo Jay--Was born May, 19, 1931...
Billie--Born 6 Aug. 1935 at Tropic Utah, blessed Sep 1, 1935 by Leo L. Barton. Billie is Walter Willis Young, son of Neil and Freda Ahlstrom Young, but on account of his mother's illness, we took him into our family when he was ten days old, and he is just the same as one of our own children.
Leo has been Ward Clerk and Ward and Sunday School Chorister for many years, also has been a teacher in all of the organizations and active in Priesthood Quorums, and we have tried to live up to the principles of the Gospel and teach our children that to be good Latter-Day-Saints, and keep all the commandments of the Lord is the greatest attainment in this life, altho we have not been able to provide all of the comforts of life, we hope they will value above everything, a testimony of the Gospel."
Karma Johnson Barton died April 12, 1978 is buried in the St. George City Cemetery.
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