compiled by Sandra Gwilliam - her notes are in the brackets [ ]
I, Cloyd Garth Barton was born on 18th Nov. 1921 at home in Tropic, Garfield County, Utah. There was no doctor present at my birth. Sis. Adeliah Riding was our midwife & helped bring me into the new world. I was some 7 1/2 pounds & 20" long. A happy, smiling "cotton-top" boy. Mother was quite sickly so she had her hands full. Under a loving mother's care, I grew & continued to be loved & spoiled by the family members. Mother was there always to care for my every need and still struggling to keep us in those things we needed. Also, this was the year of my father's great spiritual experience that changed his whole life around. That story is told in his life story. Bless mother and dad for their care & dedication. I was greatly loved. I was blessed on 1 Jun 1922 by Leo L. Barton in the Tropic Ward.
President Harding was the President of this Great Nation of the U.S. of A. Let us thank God for all our freedoms. God bless America.
I was the 5th of 10 & 1 [foster child] raised from 2 weeks old. My father was Leo Lorenzo Barton. My mother was Karma Johnson. I had 5 sisters and 5 brothers: Delilah born 21 Mar. 1916, Delna, born 3 Oct. 1917, Joseph Lorenzo born 24 Mar. 1919, Elsa born 14 Mar. 1920, Cloyd Garth, born 18 Nov. 1921, Junius K. born 24 May 1923, Sylvia, born 17 April 1925, Mary Dawn born 21 May 1927, Karl Gordon born 13 Dec. 1929, Leo Jay born 19 May 1931. This making 5 boys & 5 girls. Still this was not enough for mother. Most of Mother's life she was in poor health, but she still needed to reach out and give love and comfort to another. A boy named Willis Walter Young was born 6th Aug 1935. He lived in our home from 2 weeks old, because his life was threatened by his mother because of a complete breakdown. [Bill] was welcomed into our home.
My first two or three years, I'm sure were spent in learning the fundamentals of life-how to move, laugh, touch, walk and trust.
1925. I do not remember too much that happened in my fifth year. Mother had great patience & worked continually with me in the beginning and learning stages. I guess I was real busy in school, church etc., doing my little thing. I suppose I was a rough and ready little fellow as least I remember my Dad getting after me many times which I needed, I am sure. I remember Venna Ott & I spent hours playing house at her place and making mud pies. Venna & I continue to still be great friends.
I almost put my sister Elsa's eye out by hitting her with a rock when I was 12 years old. I was very much concerned. I remember when my brother Jay fell out of the upstairs door. He was very fortunate not to be hurt very badly.
Many times we would get our Sat. bath in a No. 3 tub, then back up to the wood stove to get warm. We slept 2 & 3 in a bed. Sometimes there were 4 in the bed together.
How we loved to play at Grandma Johnson's. She always had plenty of bread and Jam for us kids.
We always had chores to take care of, such as: milk cows, feed pigs, get in wood, weed garden, feed chickens, etc. I delivered the Deseret News for years.
At home, at night, after the chores were done, we had to do home study by a kerosene lamp by the kitchen stove. Winters were usually cold, with plenty of snow, which gave us children many early morning & late evenings of cold & frosted hands & feet. We even had to run out to the little out house & use the Sears Catalogue. We did have enough good warm clothing--limited, but sufficient for our needs.
During the Depression years, father had to seek employment to keep his large family in things they needed. He worked at the Bingham Canyon Mines, and did some farming, and carpentry work. He and his father threshed grain during those years, also.
We also had our ups and downs good and bad. Dad & mother worked real hard to provide the necessities for our large family. Our home was blessed with much love & tolerance for each other. Large families are great.
Dad & mother started early to teach us the importance of the Gospel in our lives etc. With the aid of books & stories, we felt the love that the Savior must have had to be so kind to us. As told by my mother, I was then impressed in my own way, always looking forward to story time, etc.
Father and mother made us aware of the importance of being faithful to our commitments & covenants. I was baptized on 7 Sep 1930, by Bernard Johnson in the ward chapel font which we had in the basement of the Tropic chapel. I was confirmed on 7 Sep 1930 by John H. Johnson. Having been taught the importance of baptism & confirmation of the Holy Ghost, I was thrilled at the prospect of "me a little cotton headed boy" to receive such a blessing.
Some primary memories are: We were always making new things-- Kites, ____, poems, etc. A few times in my life I was grateful for all my teachers who put up with me.
Some Sunday School memories are: As I remember, I was very faithful-- with a little coaxing from Dad, as a Deacon passing the Sacrament, and Priest administering the Sacrament at S. S. every week. We were like most kids of this age, I guess. Sometimes we became a problem to our teachers (little devils, trying to leave class, etc.) I suppose our teachers had to have a great deal of patience, but we learned little by little. Leon & I was at Church nearly every Sunday to perform our duties.
Our Christmas's were always looked forward to with great anticipation. They were always made to be a spiritual experience as well as our looking forward to the toys and presents we would get. Usually they were homemade toys.
Dad & mother taught us well about the principles of the gospel--especially why we had a Christmas day. For many years as I remember, our family put on a Cantata for the Tropic ward-- being blessed with much talent in singing, playing & dancing. All of this gave us children an opportunity to perform before people which was good. We overcame some of our fear of people and these became the highlight of the Christmas season & also a spiritual experience for others in Tropic who listened.
As children we were given many opportunities to grow in the gospel as we were taught it in our home and we were always encouraged to attend our church meetings etc. One special Christmas comes to mind as I think of years gone by, one of the special treats for the young people growing up in Tropic was going to the top of the hill south of town & using our sleds to sail to the bottom. We spent hours doing this.
One Christmas Dad bought us boys a new store boughten sled. It was a beaut! Two could ride on it. How we enjoyed it. When dad bought it, he hid it in the hay out in the barn so we would be surprised. However, June & I were playing in the hay one day and found it. The surprise that dad had hoped for was now gone but oh how we hated to wait until Christmas morning to get that sleigh.
Oh the fun we used to have. In those days we had to make our own fun and entertainment: Playing marbles was my main joy in my early years. I was good at winning when playing for keeps. We spent hours after school playing bump up, eye drop, purg, cinch, and the circle game [he also drew diagrams of how the marbles were set up in rectangles and circles], etc.
Hours were spent walking on stilts that we would have to set on the shed or some high place to put them on. Its a wonder we didn't kill ourselves on those high stilts. Other games we played were Ginie Peg (using a two-pointed stick and knocking it as far as we could). Hop, skip & jump, Old Saul (Knocking a can in a hole using a long broom handle or stick to push the can into old Saul's hole). Using carbide we would blow cans in the air by digging a small hole in the ground, fill it with water & put carbide in, put can snugly over hole--as it bubbled we would strike a match & poof--it would send the can way up in the air. [it creates acetylene gas--a dangerous game!]
We also used a small wheel or ring of iron and we would push it around with a stick. We had loads of fun playing "lady with a stick & a staff" [a person leaning on a stick, walks towards another making faces and saying in a weird voice: "Here comes an Old Lady with a stick and a staff, now don't you dare smile and don't you dare laugh, but say right out 'I will'". The other person has to keep a straight face as they answer, "I Will" because they lose if they smile or laugh.]
We also had fun rolling a ball in holes against a fence or solid object, each one of us had a hole & if the ball fell in our hole we could grab the ball out of the hole & throw it at the other players trying to hit them and put them out of the game.
Night games were a rule for us--we built a big bonfire most nights. We played Run my sheepy run, Hide and seek, Dare base, Wolf over the river, Blank Blank the bladder [Aunt Mary says it was a form of Hide & Go Seek], Red Rover, etc.
Our Fourth and twenty-fourth of July were special occasions-- we danced most of the night. We enjoyed games, parades, races and plenty of food in the day.
Our yearly Family Reunion was looked forward to from all of us. What fun they were. The Johnson Family reunion was held each July at Pine Lake, Tropic Reservoir, Merrill Ranch, etc. There was plenty of food, games, fun & renewing family acquaintance. There were all important singing around the campfire, programs & talent shows. Competitive sports, volley ball, soft ball, horse shoes, etc. all had their place at the family reunion--both Johnson & Barton get togethers. I have memories of so many. Other memories: Corn shucking bees, Taffy candy pulls, and the ward Ice Cream parties made by jacking up the hind wheel on a car & putting the belt from the wheel to turn a 5 gallon freezer. How good they were.
One incident that I will always remember is the first slot machine that came into the little store across the street from where I lived. I became a dedicated player of it until it eventually got me into trouble.
Now these machines paid 25 cents each time you won a game. I was pretty good at winning so I became hooked and went so far as to start sealing money to feed the machines.
My Aunt Leona Jolley was Postmaster of the little Post Office across the street from where I lived. I soon learned to open one of the little boxes and reach around and open the door and helped myself to the change she kept there.
I thought I was real smart--not knowing that Aunt Leone knew money was missing. She marked a fifty cent piece with red paint, and I, not suspecting anything--I stole that fifty cent piece along with other change. The store keeper had been informed to watch for that piece of money and I was caught red-handed as they say.
I was made to pay back what I had taken-- and worse still, I was called with my parents to face the juvenile judge. I was scared to death. I am so glad they caught me--it could have gotten worse. This was a good lesson learned here.
Now let me say a little about Schools, special friends, teachers, etc. I started school at 6 years of age at Tropic Kindergarten & first Grade in a one room Little Red Schoolhouse. Some of my special friends in this school were: Leon Barton [his cousin who died], Woodruff Pollock, Dwight Shakespeare & Leon's sister Floriene.
My favorite teacher was Ella Wilson. Some outstanding things I remember were: playing in the sand box, learning A.B.C's, times tables, coloring books & especially recess where we played Kick ball, hop scotch, jump the rope, marbles, etc.
My home was just a block from the school & I would make my mother so mad at me for not wearing a coat or jacket, even in winter weather. Time & again she got after me because of her concern for my well-being.
My special teachers were: 1934-37 Horace Bigler, Garn Olsen (Band), J. Oral Christensen, Edith Jolley, Ella Adair, and of course Mr. Schepell who when we were noisey or out of line, he would grab us by the hair on the back of our head & pull. Oh, Oh, how it would hurt.
Following are some of the memories: Geography class & visiting points of interest in area--the coal mine in Lossee Valley. The mule used to bring coal out of mine on a cart. Visits to Bryce Canyon, Camels Canyon, Pine Lake etc. Hours spent in Tropic Gym practicing Basket Ball. The old Pot Bellied stoves to keep warm in winter.
As for myself, my early teenage years--1935 thru 1938, were full and eventful. Summers and winters being spent in Tropic, Bryce Canyon where Dad had bought a saw-mill. We spent many interesting weeks there.
Some MIA memories are: AH; AH; Drama, Gold & Green Balls, Dance festivals, etc. I was always interested in sports. Basketball was one of my favorite indoor games as a Scout--also many outdoor activities--Baseball, Track, Soccer, etc. all had their place at this time of our lives.
While at Tropic High School, I attended two years of Seminary, there we studied the New & Old Testament. This gave me more understanding of why I believe as I do. I learned how important study of Scriptures can be in our lives. I know that in time, my testimony will grow until I have a very strong testimony of God's part in this life.
Scouting, a great learning experience. We played lots of basketball, the indoor & outdoor programs & activities, knot tying, first aid, tent making, signaling, backpacking etc. Garn Olsen was our scoutmaster. Thanks Mr. Olsen for many memories. One esp. I remember is a skit we put on at MIA. We were on stage & passed a large butcher knife across stage to each scout in troop. Repeating as each took knife, "Has blood on it" Always ending with a quick exit.
I remember a Camp out at Merrill's Ranch-- a Spoiled can of condensed milk I put on my cornflakes, the snow on my sleeping bag when I awoke the following morning--my fourteen mile hike to Cannonville, where I stayed overnite in an old cabin nearby, We had a Boy Scout trip to Salt Lake City. While in the big city, we visited Hogle Zoo, Sweets Candy Co., the samples we were given there, The visit to Temple Square, & the Wax Museum, the ride on the old Bamberger line to Saltaire, a resort at the Great Salt Lake, there we enjoyed the swim in the lake, the ride on the roller coaster. What a trip this was. Just what memories are made of.
Another year, & another Boy Scout Activity. We organized a trip to Mexico, but because of a severe earache, I had to stay home & miss this trip. My younger brother went in my place. It was a great activity. I was so glad my Bro. June could have this experience.
Dear Scouter Barton:
The following is a list of the Merit Badges we have recorded: They were all passed in Troop 679, Tropic Utah:
Athletics, Safety, First Aid, Personal Health, Bird Study, Agriculture, Farm Home and It's Planning, Farm Mechanics, Fruit Culture, Farm Layout and Building Arrangement, Firemanship, First Aid to Animals, Pathfinding 3-35, Personal Health 2-35, Safety 5-35, Soil Management 1-36, Corn Farming 1-36
[part of another letter:]
Record Garth Barton Tropic, Troop 79:
Star Scout 3-18-36
We do not have a record of the other three [merit badges], Civics, Conservation, or Public Health
As a scout we hated girls, we hated dances, but as we got older (13 years etc.), this was most important to us kids. I thought we learned very fast and soon Leon, My cousin, and I never missed a dance. I thought after a while that I was a pretty good dancer. Ha. Ha. We had been turned down so many times by our older sister & her friends while we were learning, so, to get a little revenge, when we did learn & became fair dancers, we refused to ask them to dance anymore. How upset they would get at us. At the weekly dances, Leon & I were usually the first on the floor. I remember the special Floor show dances we learned. These were the Hilight of my MIA years, as we were priviliged to dance in "Green & Gold Balls" & looked forward to dance festivals in Provo & at home.
DANCE CARD from the Panguitch Stake Gold And Green Ball Friday, March 21, 1941: Dances: 1. Katie, 2. Katie, 3. Katie, 4. Florene, 5. Katie, 6. LaFaun, 7. blank, 8. Katie, Floor Show, 9. Dora Mae, 10. Ida, 11. Anae, 12. Katie
As I grew older, drama became important in my life. The experiences I had in drama were limited but fun. The Lord has blessed me with many talents, and now it is up to me to cultivate and make application in my life, and take advantage of all the opportunities given me. Christmas & Halloween plays gave me a chance to develop a foundation in drama. That led later to my having opportunities to be in several 3 & 1 act plays. Also High School brought a chance to perform in two operas.
Some of the plays: "Jumping Jewels", "The Christus", "Where's Grandma", "Everybody's Crazy Now". Operas: "Belle of Barcelona", "The Chimes of Normandy".
I played saxophone and drums for the band and also in orchestra. We played for many community dances, etc. Great memories and great times. I became interested in just about everything, so was involved also in school chorus and Miss Adair directed us in several dramas and dance experiences. These were special classes for me, gave me some wonderful experiences in these fields.
I love sports and was a starter on the varsity team. I was on the varsity basketball team named the Blue Jays. We won a few games but lost many. Mr. Wright was very patient with us and I am greatful for his and Mr. Wintchs help. Our league comprised of several teams, namely Panguitch, Escalante, Marysvale, Circleville, practice games with Valley (Orderville), Kanab, Fredonia and St. George.
On our basketball trips we traveled in the back of Mel Alstrom's pickup on which he had put a metal cover (not a very good one). I remember getting sick more than once by the gas fumes [probably mixed with Carbon Monoxide], but we survived and played our games. They were some happy memories.
[These experiences have been] a good foundation to build on. I hope over the years I can Improve. President Heber J. Grant once said: "That which we persist in doing, becomes easy. Not because the nature of the thing has changed, but our will to do has increased."
Back to the last years of high school, one more experience that I remember. I was chosen to represent Tropic High School in a Pentathlon in Tropic in which I took third place, from there I was chosen to go to Richfield to the Region Pentathlon and run the mile race for our school. I thought I was well trained and ready and made a great start at this track meet.
I ran way ahead of the field of runners and had them beaten by one lap of the track, feeling I had things my own way, when near the last lap, the bottom dropped out for me. I developed a severe side ache almost doubled me over. I gave it my best but try as I might, the pain got so severe that I finally had to give up a short distance from the finish line. I remember how embarrassed I was. A lesson to me the hard way. It's not to the swift, but to he that endures to the end.
I remember a choice experience in Tropic at Grandmother Johnson's house when I was about 13 years of age, the doctor from Panguitch came over to Tropic on a special trip to remove tonsils from a number of people who needed them out. As I remember, most of our family was involved in this operation.
The doctor laid us out one at a time on the front room table that was used as an operating table. Our first experience with ether was administered in a large cotton ball to the nose and we were put to sleep and had our tonsils removed.
This was my first experience with ether, and I'll never forget the feeling of going around and around and down a funnel like tube until I finally found myself passing out, this was the last that I remembered until I came to some hours later in the small back bedroom of Grandmother's house. My ears were aching, my head was aching, oh how sick I was. I think mostly of the result of ether rather than the operation itself, but we all did survive and thank the Lord for another experience behind us.
For my 14th birthday, I had a very happy surprise, as my Uncle Loram Pollock gave me a small new-born colt. Boy, what a treasure, for my very own, and oh, how proud I was of him, and of this responsibility. He was sorrel in color with a white strip down his face and four white stockinged feet. I thought he was beautiful. The next three and a half years, I spent so much time with him that I did neglect some of my other duties.
I had broken him so that I could ride him, but he was so spirited, I should have had him castrated, so he would have become more calm. After three years he was almost more than I could handle. [I remember him telling of a time when he was riding Skippy, and dad wanted to jump a fence and Skippy didn't. Skippy stopped at the fence, and dad didn't.] I have broken three good lariats on him already, trying to catch him. Early in his fourth year, he got away from me and I lost him for a while. Then word came from one of the men at Willis Creek that they had found my colt. He had got in the quicksand and couldn't get out. He died of starvation. I felt so badly but life must go on. I finally got so busy in High School, CCC Camp, etc. that I forgot about "Skippy".
In the winters was school again and I spent many hours practicing basket ball in the gym. I made the varsity team. I loved it. We didn't win lots of games in our little school, but we did have fun and many friendships were made.
How could I forget the yearly town parties of dutch-oven dinners of mutton and sour dough biscuits, corn on the cob, cooked and headed up by Uncle Loram Pollock and crew. The old mossy cave and the good time there, the grist mill grinding the grains, for the town's flour needs. Yes, this is Tropic, Utah.
I might mention that some of my first jobs in Tropic where I earned a little money was weeding gardens at 50 cents a day, picking up potatoes for 50 cents a day, herding cows, and of course our regular chores and paper deliveries.
I mentioned my father buying a saw-mill which he set up on the Northeast of Bryce Canyon. I learned many things while there like falling trees correctly, loading and hauling logs on an old Studebaker truck Dad owned. I learned about the double bit axes, long two-man saws, cant hooks, roller chains, and riding the cariot as we sawed the logs into lumber into different sizes, planing lumber, etc.
Our saw for the mill was driven by a large steam engine which had to be watched very closely, or the steam would blow. In the shed also was a deep cool well next to the steam engine where we obtained our water for the saw-mill, also where we kept our milk and butter and perishibles to keep them cool. Oh, how good that cool water was to drink.
Other memories of the saw-mill: the hikes, to Tropic Reservoir to fish, Blue-fly and the Buck Pasture, Podunk and Kanab Creek etc. The pump pasture where we caught fish with our hands. Hiking the Bryce Canyon Trails, white man's bench and the water troughs where we ate many a picnic.
Uncle Lorum and his sheep-herd and the day the horse I was riding ran away with me all the way back to camp. The week-end left alone at the saw-mill when Woody Pollock and I were about 14 years old, getting into the cocoa and sugar and getting it all over our face and hands and clothes. Also at night the red weazel in the log pile nearby the cabin about scared us to death with its noise and moving about outside. We thought many things-- that perhaps it was a big ferocious animal of some kind. I remember Porky--a baby porcupine. I brot' him home one day to keep as a pet for sometime. A couple of summers, June, my brother, and I were paid 25 cents a piece we could find in the pump pasture. We killed some 60 or 70 porcupines at that time. What memories.
As a junior in 1937, I quit high school and enlisted in the
CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS, then called the CCC. I worked for the government for a total of 14 months, sharing duties in Bryce Canyon, cutting and burning bug infested trees, making trails, erosion control, trails and bridges. In the winter months we moved to Zions National Park where we worked on the slopes of the switchbacks of the canyon so the rocks would not litter roads and make it dangerous for travelers. We also built trails, bridges, and erosion control while in Zion. I took the job of officer's orderly, which I made $5.00 a month more. Other men made $30.00 a month. I now made $35.00 and no outside work. My duties were to shine the officer's shoes, get their meals, make their beds, and make them comfy and cozy. Thereby they called me the "Dog Robber" & "Brown noser".
I had some great times in the CCC Camp, plenty of movies, played pool in my off hours, hiked the canyon trails and I didn't have to go on K.P. anymore, or latrine patrol. I remember one weekend, the keys of the camp were handed over to me and I was told to take care of everything for I would be the only one that would be sober over the weekend. This came to pass--everyone was drunk. What a waste. I was grateful for their trust in me.
We organized an orchestra and played for several dances in the area, I especially remember going to Kingston, Utah, to play in at "Purple Haze Resort", a dance Pavilion where we earned a little extra money.
I got out of the CCC's and returned to high school and spent the next two years going to school, graduating in 1940. I went the extra year at first just to play basketball, but I think I gained more education in that last year than all four of the years before. I guess I was more serious about what I wanted in life.
Now as I close my school memories, there are a few things I remember: the great school dances, the junior and senior proms, Sadie Hawkins Day Dance, Halloween all so much fun, our class assemblies, work shops and outdoor get-togethers, all leave a wonderful feeling in my heart. Those were great days.
The highlight of this year [1940] was our junior and senior trip to California.
[In the "Tropican" High School newspaper, is an article:] A TRIP--IT IS!! We, the Sophomore and Junior classes decided to go to California on a trip instead of buying rings. We "pooled" the money we made last year, and are selling at every school function we can in hopes of getting enough money to go on our trip next year. We have, altogether, $50.87, including the money made at the Sophomore Skid. $200.00 is the goal set for us. If we can make this much, we are sure we will be able to take a good trip.
[Parts of an article written by one of the teachers:] Thirty five people went on the 9 day trip, taking 2 CCC trunks of food and clothing for each 5 people. They went to Boulder Dam, Las Vegas (but they didn't learn about gambling), Forest Lawn Cemetery, and an orange grove--where they gorged themselves, Hollywood, Curtis Wright Air Field--where they took an airplane ride, then they toured San Francisco, Treasure Island of World Fair fame, etc.
"You may wonder how we could finance such an extended trip, well-here is the secret. For several months the school had been budgeting the students and the NYA workers, and had succeeded in paying the transportation, $5.00 each, from school activities, also each student was required to deposit with Mr. Christensen $9.00, which was sufficient to meet all expenses. Each morning he gave every student a one dollar bill, which was to last through the day. By careful management and obtaining group tickets and concessions for the school, and choosing free entertainments, the allotment was plenty for all needs, however some took shopping money from home, but it was a very enjoyable and educational trip, and one that will be long remembered, by the united group.
[Most of this information I have taken from a two-page description of the trip, which I have not included in full, but it is available if anyone wants to read it. Fun reading!]
[The 1940 Tropic High School Bryceonian Yearbook is interesting. It contains real photos pasted on the pages.]
Mr. J. Christensen wrote: "Garth, you are a real asset to the school. I enjoy working with you & wish you a happy summer and success in the future.
Katie Chynoweth wrote on the front page: Dear Garth, Here's to memories I hope you will never forget. Remember the first day we met. I'm glad that day came. Always remember the Halloween Party the second time I wxxx_________ you [she wrote it this way]. Don't forget that horrible but good night at Cannonville, at the carnival. Wasn't I crazy. Remem [that sentence ends here and dad has inserted "Remember at the church house.]
I hope you'll never forget that night we went to Panguitch. It sure was a lot of fun. Remember the last Easter (The water fight-the hike, the dinner, pitching horseshoes, & the ball game. Wasn't it fun. Hope we will have that much fun next year.
Best of all remember that hike to the coal mine. Don't never forget it and what we said. Remember those two songs (Ha-Ha.) Funny wasn't it. I'm certainly glad you're coming to school next year. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun. Here's hoping you success and much happiness in your future.
When the sun goes down and the shadows fall. Remember I love you more than all. Love Katie Chynoweth [She also wrote another part further in the book.]
After graduation, my summer was spent in Logan, Utah, where Leon Barton and I represented our school in attending the U ___ Trade School for six week as a special assignment from Tropic High School. The school was a trade building activity in the summer and was a great learning experience in the building field, as we spent our time six to eight hours a day working on a trades building center--building it from scratch. It was interesting, but felt that we would have been better off in agriculture or some other field.
Our evenings were spent at our favorite social spots in the city, the roller skating rink, and the Dance Ante. The skating rink was unique in that it had music wired into it. Something that we had never heard about in our little town. We spent hours there and became very good skaters. The dances were good, but we did not spend as much time there as we did at the skating rink.
We ate our meals at the College cafeteria and slept in the dormitory. We enjoyed our short stay there very much. Greatful for this opportunity.
After my return from Logan, I had to settle down and find a job so I could earn a little money to help pay for my up-coming mission and pay my own way. I soon found a job at Bryce Canyon as a night watchman and spent the summer and winter months there.
My job as a night watchman, I drove an old Studebaker Limosine around the Bryce area to punch in clocks at certain times and different areas to make sure that all was well at these different places. By punching these clocks, they knew I had been in these areas and done my job. I also had to mop the kitchen floor at the lodge and sometimes do the dishes. I had the keys to the kitchen, to the freezers, so I always had all the goodies that I wanted to eat.
There is one special memory while on this job that I will always remember. One night in July someone had come into the men's dormitory and stole a purse and a watch of one of the workers that lived there. Naturally I was the number one suspect and was accused because my job brought me to the dormitory at night to punch in the clock that was located there.
Finally the FBI was called in, and if ever I ever had a third degree going over, it was on this occasion. They swore it must have been me, but after much grilling and going over and over, they could not prove that I was the one that took the purse and watch. I was told I would be contacted later. I never heard. I never knew whether they ever found the guilty party or not. I was never informed of it if they did.
On weekends while working in Bryce, I would run down the trails to Tropic, about seven miles from Bryce, and visit with my family, then hitch hike back to Bryce for work the next week.
In the fall of 1941, I quit my job at Bryce & moved to St. George where my folks had just moved in April of this year. I wanted to be with them a short while before I was to leave for the mission field.
While there I found a job of all things working for Parley Lang who had the contract to haul all trash from city of St. George. I drove an old dump truck around & picked up boxes & trash from stores etc. Also Hauling raw garbage from grocery stores etc. & fed it to pigs that Mr. Lang had back of the black hill. A dirty & stinky job. But it did bring in a little money.
Dad & Mom lived on back Diagonal in a very small home at that time, so it was a little crowded. Dad later built a nice home on 170 N. 200 W. where they lived the remainder of their lives building homes, campers, cabinets in his workshop. Also, for a while he made organs from scratch for LDS Church. O how he injoyed his work (more to be told in his life history).
During my short stay with folks, I also worked at odd jobs with dad. One job I'll never forget. We were to put a sewer line from Main street line to Parley Langs' home & as we dug the trench to his house in the soft sand, the sand would cave in as fast as we dug. So we had to make a board wall on each side, put in a length of pipe, move walls, as we inched our way to Parley's home. As I remember it took us almost two weeks to complete this one little job. Normal conditions, we could have completed it in two days. A lot of good sweat was lost on this job, but a job well done.
The time is at hand for my mission. I was called to the East Central states, then comprising Tennessee, KY, West VA, & North Carolina. Our mission headquarters at Louisville, KY. I had previously been interviewed & set apart by Apostle Harold B. Lee. He was so kind & understanding. I held farewell testimonial at Tropic ward. My Bishop & father gave me a wonderful sendoff. Bishop Christensen gave me encouragement when he said, quote: "You have been called by our Father in Heaven, & he wants you to call upon him often & become very close to him & your work of saving souls. Depend on the Spirit to guide you." unquote.
My Father's counsel I will always remember. He said, quote: "Garth, the first thing that you will have to do as a successful missionary is to make friends with those you teach, by first teaching them the things they already know & understand. Not to contend with them because of what they believe, be a good listener, & then the opportunity will come to give your message in the natural way. Teach Jesus & him crucified--The need for faith, repentance, Baptism, & the Holy Ghost in our lives. Then tell of the great restoration message in the latter days with all the conviction of your soul. The Lord will do the rest. Seek his counsel & be wise in the use of your time.
With this send off, I can't help but be successful.
In Nov. of 1941, I went with my family to the St. George Temple & received my own endowments. And altho a first experience, it was a wonderful evening for me & I tryed very hard to understand what I was hearing, seeing, & doing. As we made our way through the Temple experience.
I now hope to be able to go back many, many times to more fully understand what the Lord wants me to do & be.
I entered the mission home in Salt Lake City on 1st Jan. 1942. What a wonderful experience while there. Busy every minute, study classes, lectures by General Authorities. Missionary Instruction classes, etc. I remember especially Bro. Wm. Berrett, one of our main Instructors. How well he presented that which he was to give us.
We slept and ate our meals in the mission home. About the only time outside of home was special occasions such as sessions in the Salt Lake Temple, my walk over to the Church Office Bldg. to obtain my Patriarchal blessing, given on the 12th Jan 1942, by Bro. George F. Richards, then acting Patriarch of the Church. He gave me a wonderful blessing--one I have read often since. [You may read it in the Appendix]. There were very few other reasons to leave during our six-week training period.
MISSIONARY HOME 31 North State Street Salt Lake City, Utah
Keep this program and study it every morning
Note: The first assignment given to a newly-called missionary is to enroll for a training course at the Missionary home...
Register in classroom between 9:00 - 10 a.m. All personal affairs at home, missionary farewells, parties, showers, etc., should have been attended to before entering upon this assignment, and missionaries should not expect to be excused for such affairs during this training period. Missionaries are provided with comfortable well-furnished rooms at the Home without charge. Meals can be had at the Lion House Cafeteria at a very nominal cost. All medical and dental treatment, as well as vaccination for small-pox and inoculation for typhoid, should have been attended to before entering the Missionary Home.
Missionaries should come prepared to give their entire time and energy to this training. There must be no outside appointments or assignments from Monday morning at seven o'clock until Wednesday noon of the second wee, except missionaries will be free from Saturday noon until Sunday night.
Visiting hours at the Missionary Home are 12:15 to 1:30 and 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Make appointments to meet friends during these hours.
Privileges of the office telephone are granted during visiting hours only. Calls should be brief and then only for necessary matters. Toll charges must be paid by missionaries unless charges are reversed. [Following these instructions is a list of classes for the First and Second weeks, on various subjects--Scripture topics, music leadership [2 classes], Social Demeanor, Medical talk, one class on "Foreign Missionaries - Language class - Prof. Jas. L. Barker", Gym for men - Study period, "New Missionary Methods - Gordon B. Hinkley", etc. Also there are excursions to: "Temple Block - Educational Pilgrimage (meet at Bureau of Information)", Meeting in Temple - one of the General Authorities, 2 Temple Excursions, ...
Saturday instructions: Sight Seeing Trip around Salt Lake City Courtesy Grey Lines Motor Company 8:15 to 9:45, Temple Excursion 9:45 to 11:30, 11:30 to 10:30 Sunday Night - Open Period. Missionaries may go home if living close enough to return Sunday night.
Wed of the Second Week: At the Church Office Building missionaries will be set apart and instructed by the General Authorities. Relatives and friends will be welcome. Afternoon Preparation for departure of missionaries. See posted schedule of trains for time of departure.
I boarded a bus and arrived in Mission home at Louisville, KY in January where I was met by Bro. & Sis. James E. Jensen, my first mission president. I met other missionaries who were working in the mission home.
My first assignment as a "Greenie", new missionary was in West Tenn. District, the City of Memphis, Tenn. My first companion Elder J. K. Werner. Soon he was transferred & Elder Joseph F. Patrick led me by the hand. In the back country of Tenn., near Memphis--a wonderful experience.
My missionary journal goes in detail on all the time spent while in the field. To get the full story, read them. [part of one journal was water damaged, but the other one is in the appendix].
My 3rd companion was Elder Kenneth R. Tobler. In Memphis & Dyersburg areas--4th companion Elder Floyd H. Black & a transfer to Nashville, Tenn. Then to Maysville, KY. Our district President at this time was E. Wesley Hughes of Mesquite, Nev. Elder Don G. Summers was my 5th Companion. Later in my mission, I was transferred to West North Carolina District & injoyed the work with one more great companion, Elder Foster from Idaho. I got along so well with all of my companions & thank God for the privilege of getting to know them all so well. True friends. Forever.
A few months after I entered the mission field, Pres. & Sis. Jensen were released from the mission & Pres. & Sis. Graham H. Doxey replaced them. We'll surely miss the Jensens, but I'm sure we will love & be ready to serve Pres. & Sis. Doxey.
"NOTICE Because of existing conditions due to the war effort, it is sometimes impossible to give the prompt attention to your commissary orders that you have been receiving in the past. Your orders will be filled as soon as possible, and if you fail to receive your order, it is being held in the Office and will be filled as soon as we get it. This applies to books and materials ordered from the Deseret Book Company as well."
Perhaps I could leave my feeling for these people in this short poem: [This poem was originally one he had typed in his missionary quote book--he had hundreds of poems and quotes that he had typed while on his mission in a little book. This one he had taken out and stapled to this page of his history.]
You all don't know how good it seems To get back in the West,
The South is fine, I love the South, but I reckon home's the best. Down South the folks are right smart pert, their burdens they do heft.
One man said he raised a heap, sold a sight, and had a right smart left.
I like the people a powerful heap, down yonder in old (KY. TENN. N.C.). Some are tolerable, some bad off, and some got the misery. But at collards, grits, and corn bread, I mean they know their stuff. If you'uns knew them folds like we'uns do, You'd love'em sure nuff.
I received my Honorable release from the mission on 20th Jan 1944 & returned home to new adventures ahead.
Once again, I returned to St. George and spent two months at home visiting with family and tried to go to the Temple as often as possible before I was called into the service for my country.
I recieved my letter to report to Fort Douglas on the 15th April 1944 and was sworn in as a member of the United States Army. Leaving there the next morning for San Francisco, California to receive necessary papers, shots, etc. at Fort Ord Station. Spent two days there then was sent south to the Camp Roberts Training base near Los Angeles, California for my six week basic training. Tom McArthur and I were sworn in and travelled all the distance together, both of us ending up at Camp Roberts. He is in the Field Artillary and I in the Infantry Training Division. Spent six hard weeks of training there then was sent over seas to serve in the European Theatre of War.
I left Camp Roberts by way of Chicago, Michigan, Maryland, Washington, D.C. and New Jersey. Stayed for a week in Camp Kilmer in New Jersey, then travelled on to New York. All this done on a train. Then I took an English ship called the "New Amsterdam", across the Pacific [Atlantic?] to Edinburgh, Scotland. It took us 13 days to make this trip.
For me the trip was not very pleasant. I spent most of my time on my bunk as I got sea-sick very easily.
From Edinburgh, we traveled across country in open box cars on the train thru' Scotland into England to Plymouth, then across the English Channel, landing at Omaha Beach. From there we made our way thru' France into Antwerp, Belgium. We made a bivowak Camp for three days, then onto Brussels, Belgium. From there we headed for the front lines in the war zone area, at that time located in Luxemburg. We were sent as replacements for those now serving there.
We moved to the front lines. I was carrying a BAR, browning automatic weapon and for the next three weeks, got a taste of hell on the firing lines. While there I was sent on two scouting patrols. Very, very, scary experiences, but got back to our headquarters area safely both times. I guess the Lord was watching over us.
In my anxiety a week before, I had stepped on my glasses and broke them to smithereens. I also lost my backpack and all my belongings. We were relieved after the third week and as we were returning to the rear lines, Germans had zeroed in the mortars on the road we were traveling, and we were caught in the midst of a barrage of mortar shells exploding on the way. Many of the G.I's received wounds from flying shrapnel. Some lives were taken. Some were severely wounded. Others had light wounds from flying shrapnel. I received shrapnel in my right arm, and a piece of flying steel lodged above my right eye, causing severe damage to my eye. We were given the necessary drugs and sent back to the first aid station.
Before returning to the First Aid station, whether I was in shock or what, I don't know. I forgot, or didn't realize I was wounded, and spent my time rushing around trying to see who I could help. They practically had to drag me to the jeep to get me to go to the First-Aid station. We were rushed by ambulance to the nearest air base, and we were flown in a cargo plane to the 61st General Medical Hospital located a few miles outside of Paris, France.
I spent a month, laying flat on my back with nothing but a peep hole to see out of. It seemed that they were sticking needles in me every five minutes while I was there. In fact, I had to lay so quiet, so long, that I developed kidney stones and had to have it removed. I believe that it was more painful than the other.
[In an interview with dad in May 1967, he told me that the day before he was hit by shrapnel, he broke his glasses, and the doctors told him that had he been wearing glasses, they would have never been able to save his eye.]
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAM 819 PM DEC 5 1944 (filing time)
NUMBER 31 ) * * * * * *
Under the provisions of AR 600-45, the PURPLE HEART is awarded the following Enlisted Man:
Cloyd G. Barton 39928559 Pvt Infantry
for wounds received as a result of enemy action in the European Theater of Operations.
By order of the Commanding Officer:
After I was released from the hospital, I did get to go to Paris before leaving for England where I was transferred to work at Taunton, England, in the 717th Railway Operating Battalion where I was a brake-man, general clerk and a pipe-fitter repairing water tanks and installing new pipes from water tanks into new engines. I also cleared clogged water pipes on locomotives.
I spent 10 months there. While at Taunton, I was fortunate enough to go to Bristol, a few miles away and found we had a small branch of the Church there, so was able to make contact with the Church again, having not been able to for some time. I think I made three trips to Bristol to attend Church.
From England, I was sent back to serve in the 537 Anti-Air-Craft Division (Military Police) in Bebra, Germany--a small railroad town some 50 miles from Frankfurt, Germany. Our job there was to ride the supply trains and guard them so that the seals would not be broken on the box cars and goodies taken from the train,... The caboose was our home on the trips and we rode from Bebra to Frankfurt; Frankfurt to Anaheim; Anaheim to Homburg. Spent some six months there in Germany.
Two or three special events that I remember happened while I was in Germany. One weekend, two or three of us from the detachment decided we would go deer hunting on the weekend. So, taking our Carbines, we headed for the hills. From where we lived, this was a daring thing to do, because it was not hunting season, but the Germans did not dare to stop us, as they had just been defeated in a World War.
The thing that made it interesting, was, we took along with us each a box of tracer shells which were quite dangerous when shooting in open country. They, being made of Phosperous, they could easily start a fire, but that made it a lot of fun. We would load in three or four carbine shells, then a tracer, etc. As we fired, you could tell by the tracers where we were hitting. We did come back with two of their little red deer for camp meat at our detachment. Had it every so often there after.
I also traded all of my cigarette and beer rations for candy and saved enough cigarette and cognac to buy a nice big radio from my roommate, George Fisher, and used it there all the time while in Germany. He was to send it to me after I returned home, but never heard from him again, so I do not know what happened to the radio.
While in Frankfurt, I went into the PX and bought me a new wrist watch that I wore for years. It finally quit, but I still have the watch. I had an opportunity to get some leave and go to Switzerland, but at about the same time, I received word that I could go home, so I chose the latter. And after spending some 6 months in Germany, I started home riding the trains back thru' France to Portsmouth, and there boarded a little American Ship and started the journey toward home, taking 11 days, this was a much better trip for me. The ocean was calm, and the trip was great. Landed in New York Harbor and took the train back to Utah.
Was discharged on 1 June 1946. [Certificate of an Honorable Discharge to Cloyd G Barton 39 928 559 Private First Class 537th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion] at Fort Douglas at Salt Lake City, Utah. Took a Greyhound Bus from there to St. George.
Combat badge European-African-Middle Eastern Service ribbon
infantry badge Good conduct medal A R 600-68
Marksmanship MI Wounded Nord De Guerre France 18 Nov 1944
Marksmanship BAR Purple Heart Medal
G O 31 61st Gen. Hospital 5 Dec 1944
German Occupation Medal
Victory Medal
After my discharge from the Army, I remained in the Enlisted Reserve Corps. I settled down in Utah's Dixie & found work with Whitehead Dairy as a milk man. I delivered milk over the St. George area for about 2 years, getting up at 3:00 AM & working until 11:30 AM. I also washed milk bottles etc., there on the job.
Then in late 1945 [1946?], I received an opportunity to work at the U.S. Post Office in St. George. So I made out my application & with the help of Mr. Wm. Brooks, the Post Master, he helped me get an appointment for Civil Service Exam & I did Pass with flying Colors. With the aid of 10% Veteran Benefit, I received 95%, so I was one selected for the job.
On April 1, 1947, we started door to door delivery in the City of St. George. What a job preparing people for obtaining the right kind of Boxes, etc. Numbering streets, fixing sorting boxes for Routes, etc.
We started with four full-time routes & one parcel Post Rt. The first carriers were: Mark Crandall (business section), Orlo Hall (South, East), Stafford Snow (West), Garth Barton Parcel Post Route & Relays, & Spence Esplin (Clerk). Other Postal Clerks were: Linze Sullivan, Byron Taylor, and Phil Foremaster. Mark Crandall was until he took the carrier job. Custodians were: Ronald Cottom & Bill Empey. Soon after, Carl Condie & Don Leavitt were hired as Carriers, also.
During my years at the Post Office, we used several modes of transportation: walking routes, bicycle routes, the came the day of the jeep.
We were one big, happy family, after we got things organized. We injoyed the work immensely. A great bunch of Guys to work with. We got together at least once a month for a special activity. There may have been a few months we missed. Let me list some of them: super parties, dutch oven cook outs, deer hunts, sight seeing trips & fishing trips, horse Back trips, Back country trips. You name it. We injoyed them all. I took slides of most of these activities so we can refer to them once in a while to remind us how great it was. I am putting down some of the activities & dates. This is not a complete list, but will give you an Idea:
As I remember the first time all employees got together for a special get-to-gether was held at the Postmaster "Will Brooks" home. Sort of a get acquainted Dinner & program held sometime in June 1947. I have slides of all of our super parties so have over 1000 to be seen. As you look at them, you can see how times change.
Our first big outdoor trip was to Toroweep Valley on the Arizona Strip in year of 1953. Leaving Thursday, we spent a weekend injoying this one. Leaving St. George, made our way over the strip road to Wolf Hole, down what they call Main Street Mt. Trumbull, then on to Mt. Nixon. At Nixon Springs we stayed over night, they having a nice cool springs there, cooking a dutch oven dinner. Target practicing with 22's. Left next morning for Toroweep Valley and made a stop at the Ranger station getting a little information on the rest of our trip. Camped over nite at small campground at the edge of the Colorado river. Cooked another dutch oven dinner and drank plenty of Pepsi Cola. Took pictures next morning of river, stayed most of Sat. then went north up Toroweep Valley to Phil Foremaster's ranch near Colorado City. Visited & hunted on his property. I lucked out and killed a nice big Bob Cat. We put it on the front bumper of the pickup and took it home with us.
Returned to St. George via Colorado City. Stopped in Hurricane for milk shakes, then on home. There were 10 of us on this trip. Great fun. Next I can mention the deer hunts on East Zion "sands" in Oct. 1956-1957 in my Jeep pickup. It was excellent hunting in those years. We camped out on the sands. We loaded our pickups those years with a large 4 point buck. Just what memories are made of.
Let me mention two humorous stories that happened. The first year out we thot we were running out of oil for the jeep. It was not showing on the dip stick, so we hurried to get on the road where perhaps some one would come along with extra oil.
And sure enough, we did not have to wait long as three great big bucks came along right over the ridge in front of us. Bang. Bang. Bang, and here came two men in jeeps right on their trail. We yelled to see if they had extra oil. Next thing we knew, they grabbed two cans without stopping, threw them in the air. We had to hunt for the oil in the sage brush. Never did find out who the hunters were. Then when we got the jeep on level ground, it did not need oil after all.
Another hunt, we were riding on the rear end of the pickup on our way to where we was going to hunt that day. In back of us was a jeep carrying Lew Black, Jim Jiminiz & his son. As we crossed over a cattle guard, there was a large rock in the road & we hit it. Carl Condie lost his balance & fell flat on his face in the sand.
Lew came up behind him and yelled, "Hey, Carl, did you see 'em deer?" This brought a big laugh from all of us. This is going to take too much to tell all of happenings so will have to just mention a number of the High Adventure ones & dates.
Labor Day trip on the Arizona strip & back of Phil Foremaster's truck. Labor Day 1955, Wolf Hole, Mt. Trumbull, Spence Esplin's home, all torn down now. Slim Warren Ranch, Wally Mathis Ranch, Dillinbaul & Colorado River to see Bat mine across the river on the Nevada side, etc. Returned the same way except spent some time at Black Rock, then home.
Pine Lake trip fishing for science. (We catch them, put a bubble on them, then turn them loose.) This was in August 1955. [Another version of their fishing trip to Pine lake:] "Post Office Gang made another fishing trip to Pine Lake...this time fishing was great. We caught our limits, then in interest of "science", we caught & turned loose all that we caught. A day to remember.] And oh, yes, the dutch oven dinners every month nearly--1954, 55, 56, 57, and 58, at Santa Clara Wash, Woods Ranch, Snow's Canyon, Red Hill, and anywhere we could find a place to get away. Several horse back trips in 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67, & 70. These were at Bloomington, Snow's Canyon, Pine Valley, the Red Hill and where ever we could find a trail.
It was a lovely day at Zion's. Don Leavitt, Stafford Snow and I had planned for some time to go there and hike the old West Trail which is about a 13 mile hike each way. At the end of the trail, we were able to see part of St. George over the top of Kolob Mt. We spent an hour or so there on the trip encountering mud, snow and dry trails. We had quite an experience. We ended this adventure by climbing up on Angels Landing and Don and I carved our initials there. This was in June 1961.
In 1968 we had a super trip by pick-up thru: Enterprise and thru to Barkely-- an old railroad town. We stopped at the Eldon Hafen Ranch and visited and talked about the old times and history of the place. Made our way on south in Nevada to the old Matthew Ranch. They made us feel right at home. She had just cooked hot bread so we filled up on hot bread and butter and honey. Yum, yum, they treated us so good there. Then we came by Caliente, Nevada and then on home, another great experience.
One more trip to the Arizona Strip I forgot to tell. This was in September 1968. About 12 of us with Frosty Bundy went to Bundyville and there he guided us to Pas Pocets where it is possible to hike down to the Colorado River by a trail that was made by the Bundy's so that they could carry fuel to the boats that came down the Colorado River. It was a beautiful experience, had a swim in the Colorado River, then had a dutch oven dinner waiting for us when we got out of the Canyon. Don had taken a nice roast, put it in a dutch oven and seasoned it as only Don can do--dug a hole and he had put rocks in the hole and put a fire on it, set the dutch oven down in this hole and covered it over with burlap and dirt and left it for the rest of the day to cook. When we got back to the camping spot that we had left, the meal was ready, and did it taste good after our long day. Returned the next day to St. George.
Let me mention one more horseback trip to Bloomington. This was probably about September 1965. We rode our horses from St. George to Bloomington and had thought that one of the fellows would take a pick-up and drop off our food for the dutch oven dinner down near the Virgin River. We went on our merry way thinking all was well. Arriving in Bloomington, we picked out our site where we wanted to have our supper.
In those days there was not much left of the little town of Bloomington except a few broken down walls and basements with the exception of one little adobe cabin which was then owned by Phil Foremaster where we had previously had a great steak dinner. Back to this story, we looked for our food that was to have been brought down in the pick-up. Lo and behold, we couldn't find it anywhere, so after a frantic search, we found it had been left on the other side of the river where I-15 now comes thru'. We then decided if the food didn't come to us, we would go to the food, so we got on our horses, started back thru' Bloomington to the River. At that time of the year, the water was quite high and two or three of us started out into the river on our horses. A little ways out, we hit some soft spots--possibly quick sand, so doing all we could, we turned our horses back toward shore and had to consider another way of getting our food over to Bloomington. We finally talked to one of the farmers there--George Larson, to take his pickup and get our food for us, but talk as we would, he would not go. So we talked him into letting us use his pickup if we would invite him to the meal we were having. So, finally, things worked out and we had a scrumptious time, a great meal and a great experience and we went home satisfied.
We held a number of dinner parties at the homes of the employees. They were just great. I have pictures of all of them, also the dates on most of them. I don't think it is necessary to put them here now. All I can say is that life for 33 years at the St. George Post Office was a wonderful experience and I am grateful for the security that it offered. So, after the 33 years plus 2 years of sick leave I built up, totaled 35 years, I decided to retire from the Post Office. The old Post Office and crew just aint' the same anymore.
Barton to retire from the Post Office after 33 years
St. George--Ending 33 years of mail delivery to St. George addresses, Garth Barton stepped out of his mail delivery truck for the last time Friday afternoon. Barton, who was one of the original three mailmen to start door-to-door postal service in St. George in 1947, was as wistful as most men are when they leave something that's been a part of their life for more than three decades. "I've enjoyed it, I've made a lot of good friends, I just hope I keep track of them," he said. Making friends along the routes was the best part of the job, the post office veteran said--making friends and helping people. "I'll miss all those people, I hope I have been of service to some."
As might be expected the mail carrier job has changed in the years since the service was first started. For about ten years the city was covered by three mail carriers who walked the entire route. As the city grew, the mailmen switched to bicycles, one of which logged more than 48,000 miles. In the mid-60's the mail service purchased the jeeps which are used by the seven carriers who now deliver throughout St. George. Barton said that he often had opportunities to work in the post office building as a clerk and to advance to other positions, but had always turned them down because "the outdoors was the place for me." Although he no longer knows everyone in town as he did a few years ago, the mailman said that people in St. George are still the same as they have always been. "Most everybody's been real good throughout the years." Even the dogs have been friendly--Barton has only been bitten once in his career. And what does a retired mailman do? "I think I'll fish, hunt, and travel a little, maybe get a part-time job," said the Tropic, Utah native. "But I'll sure miss the people."
Perhaps I should tell just a little bit about true Romance, Courtship and marriage in my life.
In the eleventh grade I became interested in a certain girl--name of Katie Chynoweth. We had some great times together--sort of became inseparable. Is this love or is it Puppy love? I did have one competitor in Doyle Clark who was also interested in Katie. We had our ups and downs.
Up until this time I had never dated just one girl. We always ran around in a group--boys and girls together. Maybe once in awhile taking one of the girls home after a dance or party, but never just one girl. This is what you call growing up. Before I graduated from high school I had sort of proposed to Katie and she had accepted.
As I mentioned--as I left high school, I found the girl that I thought I wanted to marry. I also told of after some 6 months in the mission field, I received my "Dear John" letter. Katie had found someone else & was married some time in 1943.
I grieved for a while, but made up my mind that wasn't supposed to be, so I sorta forgot girls & marriage & turned my attention to preaching the Gospel.
Near the end of my mission I did meet a girl in Maysville, KY that made my heart flutter a little, but it was hands off. Her name was Phyllis Gill.
After my mission, I did think very seriously about renewing old friendships, but things just did not work out. I went into the service of my country two or three weeks after returning from the mission, so once again I had to put marriage in the background.
When I was in the service, I began to correspond with a girl I had known in high school years before. Her name was Utanna Graff. Through these letters, we said things that kinda brought us in a close relationship & I even proposed marriage, but again it wasn't to be.
I returned home & went with several girls, but none moved me as far as marriage was concerned. Some of these young ladies were Virginia Ayre, Glenna Maxwell, Geraldine Judd, Geraldine_______, Jessee Jane Gibbons, & Marian Christensen. And I was now beginning to wonder if ever I would find the one. I was now some 27 years young.
Then it happened. Mona Cox as a young 18 year old had met a service boy and marriage came more from infatuation than love. Later, finding out she had made a mistake and after 3 years of marriage and one child she named Sandra, she filed for divorce and it was near the end of the 6 month waiting period that I met her.
I am going to let Mona tell her own story. Quote.
In sixth grade, I quite liked Melvin Terry. He lived next door to us. One time when we were studying together, I gave him the mumps.
In high school, I developed a crush on Edward, Helen [Carter's] brother, but she told me he was awfully mean, so I got over that. But when we got chasing around together, I was always paired off with him. One time we were out in Wayne's car, about twelve or fourteen of us, we swerved to miss a cow, but it turned and ran into us and gouged its side. We kept pretty quiet about it.
When I was 16, I started to work at the Big Hand Cafe. Lots of servicemen came in and one, Robert C. Smith came in. He was a Marine, and his folks lived here for a few years. I married him in Spokane, Washington [May 26, 1944] & lived there 10 months, [then she lived in Los Angeles for awhile]. We were married three years and separated after Sandra was six weeks old. [June 1947]
[Another paper with more comments about her marriage to Robert:]
When I was seventeen, I [she wrote forgot, then crossed it out] decided to marry out of the church, thinking it wasn't so important. How wrong I was and soon I found out that the Gospel means everything in our lives.
Even more so when after three years of marriage, I had a daughter and knew that I wanted her raised in a different environment and to have the teachings of the Gospel.
We were divorced and a year later I was married for time & eternity in the Temple.
[Mom's & Dad's version of meeting dad, with dad commenting and editing:]
Some time in December Mary Dawn invited me [Garth] to come to supper. I came and brought with me Jesse Jane Gibbons. [The next sentence is Mom's comment crossed out and then tried to be erased by dad] (Sylvia's friend, He said he never remembers going with her, but I know that Sylvia was hoping Garth would marry Jessee.) Meanwhile Norman invited me to the same meal and get together. I don't remember too much about anything except later that night Garth came over to my place with me. (I don't remember what happened to Jessee, whether Garth took her home and came back and he can't remember either.) Anyway we talked for a long, long time and I told him somewhat of my marriage and why the breakup occurred and of course about my baby Sandra.
We started to go together sort of most evenings. He was rather shy about going with a divorced woman (I wasn't really divorced, the proceedings had started but had to wait 6 months for it to be final) so sometimes when I was walking he would pass me in the milk truck going the opposite direction and tell me he was heading for the ice plant to get some ice cream or such.
I was pretty diligent in practicing the organ at the chapel at that time as I had to pass his house coming from work at the Arrowhead.
One time Garth had the flu and was really sick for several days and with trepidation I went to visit him and see how he was. Back in those days girls just didn't go visit boys. Also I felt that his folks didn't approve of me because I in reality was still married. I think they didn't want him to be hurt as he had with Katie, then he had met a girl in the mission that he got interested in and when he went into the service she married someone else, then they said he had got quite serious about a girl named Utahnna. So how would they know that I wouldn't lead him on and then maybe go back to my former husband.
But I knew what a wonderful guy he was and I wasn't going to let him go if I could possibly help it. It was several months before he would tell me that he loved me, but I was sure he did.
In March he took me to Bryce to show me the Canyon and the trails he used to run up. It was a warm day here in St. George one of those simply beautiful days. (I had told him I'd only seen Bryce once briefly.) When we got there it was snow bound and we couldn't get near there, so we went down the dump to Tropic to visit his sister Elsa. She lived in a little house across the creek a few miles before you got to Tropic.
Understandably she was surprised to see us. She was bathing Karma, just a tiny baby and I thought she was going to freeze her as I thought it was very cold. Elsa just laughed and said that Karma was used to it.
About April Garth asked me to marry him [this next part is crossed out] but my divorce wasn't final. [the next sentence was inserted instead] We decided on a date in May so he said we better not say anything yet.
When we finally did, the next day he received an anonymous letter asking him if he had thot it over (I kept it for a long, long time then lost it-which is probably just as well for it upset me every time I read it)
I remember when he received it he brought it over to the Arrowhead where I was working and handed it to me and asked me what I thot of it. As I read it I was conscious that he was watching me and I was wondering what and how he thot I should react and wondered if I didn't react as he thot I should, if he would drop me.
We never did find out who wrote the note. Anyway, they had his best interests in heart cause they didn't think I would remain faithful and would interfere with his chance of getting to the Celestial Kingdom (maybe I have). I'm glad we never found out who wrote it..
Another experience he had when we announced our engagement was one day while he was delivering mail he went into a Beauty shop to deliver the mail and the owner there said "how come you're marrying her--she's already been married and besides I have a nice girl picked out for you that hasn't been married." Garth said he was so embarrassed as she said it quite loud in front of everybody.
[The next sentence is crossed out:] We were married 3 days after my divorce was final. We were married in the St. George Temple, 20 May 1948. We were married in the evening and as it was the first time thru' the Temple and a pretty exciting day, I was going to remember everything and everybody that was there. I came out not remembering much of anything and having a splitting headache from trying to concentrate, and remember everything.
After the ceremony we left for Orderville, Utah, in a green Studabaker Pickup and stayed that night in Grandma Hoyt's place (she was down here in St. George) We went to Chamberlains store and bought some lunch meat, bread etc. for a light lunch. The lunch meat (bologna), I guess or the excitement made Garth sick so the experience for him wasn't very pleasant.
The next morning Garth felt much better and we went on to Bryce Canyon and enjoyed a wonderful day visiting the points of interest that were so familiar to Garth there. We hiked two or three of the trails, Wall Street and Sunset Point Trail.
[The rest is in dad's handwriting--written on the back of Mom's typewritten one--in light pencil--very difficult to read. A few words were impossible to decipher.]
Some memories of my wedding are: preparation for wedding. Special Day at Temple. We honeymooned at Orderville & Bryce Canyon for 3 days. I was sick at Orderville the first night. O I was mad. The next morning I felt much better & we went on to Bryce Canyon & there injoyed a wonderful day visiting points of interest that were so familiar with me. I suppose I reminisced for some time, as we set there and fed the chipmunks, and looked over the beauty of nature. Mona was a good listener. The trip to Bryce was great. Very exciting Honey moon Huh!
We returned & spent some time at Zion Canyon National Park before returning home to our jobs & other responsibilities.
This weekend started off to be a starter for many Happy Years to come. As I write this, (16 June 1980) it has been 36 very nice & Happy years for Mona & I & family of 9 & 20 grandchildren. The main thing we were together & now would soon make great plans for a future together.
I might mention that when I returned from service I thot it a good Idea to start building a home of my own if I was to get married. This I did & had it completed & partly furnished when Mona and I made our vows. It was located at 160 North 200 West in St. George. It was real nice with a full basement & we went to building our lives & plans right away together in our brand new home with our 13 month old baby.
[I found a Promissory note dated December 18, 1946 for $4,000 with 7% interest, payable in installments of $53.55 from the 18th day of January, 1947 until the 18th of December, 1954 for a New Home. I also found a release of mortgage to the home. He took out the mortgage on 12-18-1946: Cloyd Garth Barton, a single man, Real estate mortgage, filing number 68533 file date 1-3-47, Washington County, Utah; filed in Book A-17 page 14 A. Release of Mortgage through the Bank of St. George on the 13th day of July 1948 before W. W. McArthur. Release filed in Book A-18 page 293 by Helen Bleak Washington County recorder.]
[There is also a booklet with the costs of that home--it's really interesting. He bought the old upright radio/record player then which I loved as a child.]
There was a few things that Mona did not really like about my choice of plans of house, but I think she injoyed it very much here. I think a home with a full basement was more than she had bargained for. As yet the furnace was not working properly so was difficult to heat the home as we would have liked. We are grateful for what we have.
Here I was with a ready built house & start in a family. Sandra spent first few weeks with Grandma Cox, as both of us were working. I pray everything works out well in all our experiences.
Kept busy working at Post Office getting used to having others to be looked after. Worked in Church Presidency 1st Ward Mia, also chairman of our Explorer Post 403--I also try to spend time helping new scouts learn his duties so I am busy in Lords work.
July attended Johnson family reunion at Pine Lake. We so look forward to this family gathering. Injoyed many activities etc. there. This year we celebrated Thanksgiving with a famous Barton "Thanksgiving Dinner" I refer you to special slides of these occasions of our feasts. Christmas for the Garth Barton family--we injoyed it very much
1949 & we are lucky & grateful together. Sandra walking now. She is at Grandma Cox's most of the time. She hates to give her up. Our new home has been very nice, Mona does not like a full basement to much. I was hoping she would. I love it.
Hey, a great event happened in our family. A new daughter born to Mona & I in Feb. of this year. She came a little early but is in great health & a beautiful baby--a baby girl we named Geraldine--named after 2 or 3 old girl friends by that name.
I changed my Job at Post Office from Parcel Post route to the Business section delivery on May 1st. I think I'm going to like the change. We held some good activities. Party at Snow Canyon. Dutch Oven dinners. Parties at Spence Esplin's. Plenty to eat & talk about. This year was put in as Scoutmaster in our ward. We are busy earning money to buy uniforms for boys. I have 28 of them. I hope the costs work out for me. [?] Has been kind of a cold winter & for anyone. We did not have a furnace hooked up so used stove these cold months. Hope to get furnace going soon.
[A loose page which only contains this paragraph:]
The month have gone so fast. July & reunion time again. Making plans for yearly Johnson Reunion to be held at Pine Lake again this year. Thanksgiving dinner at Norman & Mary's. Christmas a Joyful time at our home this year. 1950 here already & what an eventful year.
page 2. [his page number on another loose page]
Grandma Johnson lived with my folks for the last 5 years of her life. She died this year. Jan. 22nd 1950. We will miss her.
We did get our furnace fixed finely. We are now very comfortable & the girls are growing so fast. Keeps Mona busy attending their many needs. I am finding plenty to keep me busy also, along with post office work, church responsibilities etc. My Church Job as Scoutmaster is Keeping me active, also meetings, & weekend hikes, etc.
We are trying to earn money to buy uniforms for all. This is quite an amount as I have 23 boys in the troop. We hope to go to Camp Maple Dell, the Council Camp in Payson Canyon this July or Aug. I hope we can make all these commitments.
Mona & I have committed some time for the Temple also. So our time is quite full.
I'm teaching Elders Quorum etc. We are trying to get to the Temple once in a while, so our time is full. The last of July brought another great event to the BARTON family home. We were blessed with our (Guess what!) fourth [he miscounted!] daughter. Diana was born July 28, 1950. She was named and blessed by myself, giving her the name of "Diana". A lovely child. We are so grateful for this healthy, beautiful, sweet girl in our family.
The yearly Johnson Reunion at Pine Lake was great fun again. It was injoyed by all.
I guess there is no rest for the sinners. For in early August I recieved a letter from the Active Reserve Board wanting me to report to the city of Flagstaff Arizona for a Physical exam for re-induction back into active duty. A surprise call to report back into service in the [Korean] War. I really did not think they would call me--I had only one eye, was married & had 4 dependents and I was 29 years old. Never-the-less, I was accepted & had to report to Fort Ord, SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. on the 1st of Sept. 1950. I made arrangements and got leave from the Post Office until I could return.
[Norman remembers dad telling him, "When I went for my physical, they didn't check my eyes, they only counted them, and I had two eyes, so they took me."]
After 3 days at Fort Ord, I was sent back to "Camp Roberts", Calif. where I spent my days in Basic Training in 1944. I did not have to go to Korea, but was made a security Guard in the 374th M.P. Company.
In the next week or two, I moved my family to California with baby Diana only two months old, etc. We lived in a very small cabin--one room (too small for a family of six [five] with cracks in the sides in Pasa Robles for 3 or 4 weeks. [I, Sandra, remember that cabin. It was in the woods with lots of pine trees. We had a tin tub that mom washed clothes with a scrub board, and we used it for our baths in the kitchen. I imagine they had to haul water. There were two other children there who became my friends. It must have been pretty rugged, but I loved it.]
We soon moved again to Atascadaro, some 13 miles from base , where we lived for a month. We rented a small home. Was a nice change from the small cabin. I was called as part of the Branch Presidency--the First Counselor, in Pasa Robles. I injoyed it very much. [We also lived in San Miguel.] We had quite an experience while in California. "more in other history" [I don't know that he ever wrote the "other histories" that he talks about.]
[Sandra again: I was sick a lot in California and St. George with inner ear infections and tonsillitis. Mom and dad would have to take me to the big long white building which was the Army hospital. Even as a young child, I was worried that they would want to leave me in California because they got so tired of me being sick. But they didn't!]
While living in Atascadaro, we received word that those in the service with four dependents were asked to fill out forms, papers, etc. & take them to Fort Ord, San Francisco. Orders came thru to us that all servicemen with 4 dependents or more were now eligible for Discharge. Several of us were waiting for this word. We felt as though we were free men. We made our way to Fort Ord & filling out the papers needed, we waited two or three days then were told we could go home. It was a good experience I will always remember. So within 24 hours, 5 of us packed ourselves out of the service & I moved my family back to St. George in Dec. 1950. We were discharged from the service the 10th of Nov. 1950. I was so happy to move my family back home again. It's good to get back to the Post Office & my work again.
After spending Christmas in our home, we got a chance to sell it. Mona has been dissatisfied with it. I am considering selling & building again. Ellen Cannon Nielson bought it. I think she paid us $8000 for it. Mona's parents gave us a lot near her folks at 545 W. 600 N. & we put the money back into a new home. There my Father & brothers helped build it. So we built a nice home for less than I sold our old one for.
I do appreciate Dad & my brothers for their help. We couldn't have done it without them. There are a few things in the home not finished, but it is very comfortable. We are living at Mona's folks until the house is ready--approx. 6 weeks. It was a give & take experience that became a little crowded & on end, if you know what I mean. Thanks a million Grandpa and Grandma Cox. We did make it through with flying colors. We moved in late Dec. The new home was not completed at this time, but we felt that we had to move in anyway. There is much of the finishing work yet to be done. It is very comfortable & smells so new and clean. We are injoying it very much. My list of materials etc. is in my photo history Book.
This is the beginning of the new year of 1951. I still enjoy my work at the Post Office and outings with the group. We had a great dutch oven dinner at Snow Canyon this month.
My scouting as Scoutmaster is a great experience, but continues to press me for more time. I am still holding plenty of weekend outings & meetings and money drives. To get money for our uniforms, the troop invested in a Pronto Pup Stand. We are going to sell Hot Dogs, Pronto Pups and soft drinks at the Little League Baseball park. Hope it works out for us. Time will tell. [How I loved those fresh corn dogs!!] I am still Elder's Quorum instructor. I injoy it very much. Perhaps I gain more than those I teach. The Gospel in our lives is a great blessing for all of us.
July again & Fourth & 24th Celebrations were fun. It's hot in St. George, so we went to Alton to visit my Sister Delila and join them for the Fourth & injoyed an old time celebration.
The Johnson Reunion time again was at Pine Lake. All the fun renewing old acquaintances & family gathering, boats on lake, etc. All great.
Am I going at this all wrong, or What is going on. It is Sept. 4th, 1951, & my wife Mona, is at the hospital having our fourth baby. Here I am at the hospital, waiting, thinking of the big fishing trip I was missing which I so much wanted to go on, and which I had planned for some time. Not in a very good mood at best & the nurse finely comes out & Shouts, guess what, you are now the proud father of another beautiful, baby girl. My fourth. Really, I was happy about this birth--knowing both Mother and daughter were well and happy. We named her "Allison". She was late. I suppose the sacrifice was worth it. Allison was a "blue baby", having the cord wrapped around her neck twice. We are so grateful for her and feel very fortunate in her behalf. She is such a beautiful baby, as are all the others.
Family Thanksgiving dinner was at our place. What a treat. So much food etc. and so much to be thankful for. It is so much fun to have all families together on Easter, Thanksgiving, & Christmas. You'll have to peek at the slides to appreciate our blessings.
Well here it is the year of our Lord--1952 & how times flies. The girls are growing. They are such a blessing in our home. Grandma Cox keeps them in such pretty clothes. We appreciate her. We appreciate all of our inlaws so much. Our children are God sent. We love them so much. We feel of the importance of the Gospel in their lives. With the aid of home evening & our teaching the Gospel fundamentals etc., we do hope our children will grow up to appreciate these principles in their lives.
Mona and I are finding we are having some differences in making some of our important decisions that have to be made. But with a little give & take and getting on our knees for answers, the problems that arise seem to take care of them selves.
I am still very happy with my work at the Post office. Mona is being kept very busy with the little family. She is spending a lot of time teaching the girls to sing together. To me they sound like Angels. They do love to sing. Perhaps they can be of some service, with their singing.
The girls have got this thing about parades. Almost every evening they & the neighborhood kids get out their dress-up clothes, paint their faces, get out the balloons, etc. and with the little wagons & trikes, the parade begins up & down our street. They have so much fun.
I might mention that the post office crew went on a horse back trip over the Pine Valley Mountain in June of this year. It was a wonderful trip, however I thought that it was too much riding in one day. What a sore bunch of St. George letter carriers.
It is July, & reunion time again. What a beautiful time of year. Pine Lake was the place & fun was the game. It was injoyed very much.
Assistant Scoutmaster Lothair Mangum & I took the Scout troop up to Camp Maple Dale in Payson Canyon for summer camp activities. We had a wonderful experience. While at the camp, I & two of the boys were inducted into the Order of the Arrow. The ordeal, camping alone etc. was a great new experience for me. We are now members of the T________ Lodge. I recieved a ten year pin for service in Scouting. I hope to have many more years.
We held our Thanksgiving dinner at Norman & Mary's home. Another lovely day with the family. So much to eat. So much to be thankful for.
Christmas was another joyful occasion.
Let us welcome in the new year 1953. The females in the Barton family kinda run things as they wish. But gee, I kinda like it that way. I do get to put in my two-cents worth.
Each year in Feb., the Boy Scouts celebrate National Scout Week, so we are busy with extra activities. Window displays, learning and perticipating in Scout skills, & service at Fathers & Sons banquet & skilleree.
Mona has a birthday on Feb. 12th. Once in a while we try to get away by ourselves. This year we went to Dick's Cafe & had a marvelous birthday meal. It was a lovely evening. My wife has been such a wonderful mother & has so much to do. I love her very much.
My life, as you can see, has been very church oriented, so much time spent away from home & family. Mona has never complained. My work at the post office is still a very happy experience. Hard work, but meeting so many new friends daily, working with great people, making it all very worth-while.
The days & months go by so fast. It seems we have some big event every month. A birthday, a family dinner, a church dinner, or activity, family reunions, post office outings, etc. O, yes, Church & Scouting activities. With all this going on, how could anyone find time to be unhappy?
My plans are to attend the National Jamboree at Irvine Ranch, California in July. I'm sure it will be a great experience.
Sandra starts kindergarten this year. Mrs. Gibbons is to be her teacher. I'm sure it will be a great experience for her.
My employment at the Post office is still going very well. I seem to be able to stand the heat very well. Time will tell.
We are planning a nice dinner at Staff Snow's home. I'm sure it will be injoyed by all.
I have been playing for Church soft ball and City League. I injoy this very much. I pitch for our ward and also city league (firemen). I also do some umpiring and coaching for ward boys and girls also. I have been asked to coach a little league team (Barlocker Farms) this summer but my plans on attending National Boy Scout Jamboree will not allow me to accept this year. Perhaps next year.
I did receive my letter from the Boy Scout Council asking if I would act as an Assistant Scoutmaster at the Jamboree. Bro. Charles Green is Scoutmaster and Areo Martineau is ASM. I'm raring to go. But first I have found out that my good wife is expecting another child the first part of July [added later: born 8 July 1953], so will wait & see how this turns out.
Another bundle of joy was delivered to the Barton home on July 8th 1953. We were blessed with guess what a beautiful blue eyed Girl. Ah, it's Great. Mother, Baby & family all doing well. We have chosen the name of Elaine for this baby. She is a sweet one, blue-eyed and blonde. How grateful we are that all went so well. Mona is an angel. Mona has been through so much these last years.
Maybe that Boy someday, huh.
This is late July, Mona & baby are doing very well, so what do I do again? I leave her with all the children & responsibility at home and head for California with the Boy Scout troop from this area for the National Jamboree at Irvine Ranch, near Los Angeles, Calif. There is much to tell about it. A great experience, but most of all we rubbed shoulders with 50,000 other Boys & Leaders. A tent city was set up in just a few hours. A well-organized program was followed for the next couple of weeks. I took many slides of camps etc. so to get complete story how great it was--I would have to go thru the slides with you and re-live the experiences. I spent some two weeks in California besides our bussing trip from Provo, Reno, Lake Tahoe, Los Angeles, etc. I have also newspapers etc of programs etc. A beautiful experience for me.
On my return home all was well with my little family. It's good to be back with them and get better acquainted with Elaine, our new member of the family.
As a Lover of the Great out of doors, I look forward each year to the Big Game hunts, etc. This year was no exception. Tom McArthur, his boys and I made our first attempt at Bow and arrow hunting. I found it to be very challenging and fascinating. I injoyed it very much. Tom shot a big doe thru neck but I was not as well seasoned with the bow and arrow so all of my chances were misses. but it was fun.
During regular season I shot a nice 2 point with my rifle--so I felt all was not wasted.
The holidays again were great. It's fun to have small eager children around to injoy everything they do and see. The girls were great-- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, would it ever end?
Thanksgiving and family gathering was held at the Garth Barton home with most of the family present. What a fun time for us all.
Christmas as always will be remembered as another great memory for us all. How grateful we are for the Savior's birth and his life of compassion & love. We thank him for all he gave, which was his all.
Another great year for the young Barton family. Oh, we had our share of small illnesses, etc. My wife has her work cut out for her. And I suppose I can rejoice in the fact that I am part of this forever family.
The year 1953 was a year I suppose you could say the family had a chance to learn & grow together. I hope in our day to day togetherness we passed a few rays of love and hope and concern for each other. The Lord has been good to us and provided us with all we need to have that which is necessary to make our dreams and aspirations come true. Have I ever mentioned to you how much this great land in which we live means to a family like ours? The many freedoms we take for granted! The possibilities of it being taken away from us because of the way we choose to live. Our Father in Heaven has said: This land will be a choice land and a free land as long as we serve him and obey his commandments, but if we refuse things of this world, then he could no longer guarantee the blessing & promises this great land has to offer his chosen people.
The Savior said: "I am bound when ye do what I say, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." D&C. Think about these words family, and enjoy the blessings our loving Father has to give.
If you are called to defend this freedom, go willingly--your cause is just.
Had another great year in the Scouting program. We are still selling pronto pups, at the ball park. Our uniforms are payed for & now we are saving for future activities. As Scoutmaster we can spend much time in serving others. What greater opportunity than to have a group of young men to guide and teach correct principles.
May our whole life and lives be dedicated to serving others in whatever we are called to do. Your reward will be great even in helping one soul.
At the Post office I feel we are growing as a close unit, working together beautifully & enjoying each other as co-workers. The city is growing and the mail service load increases also. We are all happy with our work.
Birthdays come now about every month in the family. It becomes a little difficult remembering which is which, but how important it is to at least stop in our busy lives & say "Happy Birthday" in person or card. It is important. The small things in life are important. More than perhaps we will ever know. If only we would take time to spend special time with our family--a camping trip, a baseball game, soccer game, deer hunt, fishing trips, etc. Super activities such as a trip to Disneyland, San Diego, Salt Lake City, etc. Just take time to get away, relax, enjoy. This is what our short stay here is all about. Find Joy and happiness in all you do.
Well, another hot summer has come and gone. Fall is upon us. With our thots turning to the fall deer hunts, etc.. Hunted deer with Father and Brothers in the Motoqua area. Had very good success and wonderful camping experience with those I love so much. Dad injoys getting out so much. We all enjoy each other's company. The Bow and arrow hunt was successful also, as I was lucky in getting my first deer with the bow from about 20 yards. A small buck dropped in its tracks as it came down the mountain side. I had a neck shot. Very lucky, but proud. A fun experience. We were hunting on Coolie Flat area above Enterprise Reservoir. The Johnson family reunion held at Pine lake was great. How we enjoy them.
The holidays were grand as usual. Thanksgiving Dinner with the family was held at Norman and Mary's. The tables were loaded with goodies. A great time to visit family. Another Christmas to remember. We cut our own tree and made decorations. We had a traditional Joseph & Mary and Jesus story, etc. We try each year to decorate not only the tree but the whole of the front room. It looks great. Christmas morning toys & clothes etc. for everyone. We always have plenty and some to spare at the Barton home on Christmas morn. The girls are always pleased especially over the toy balloons that stand around the tree. [We did love those tall balloons with Santa and Snowmen etc. drawn on them and they had feet! I also loved the stuff Dad got out of the surprise packages from the mail-order catalogues. It drove Mom crazy, because they weren't the best-made things, but we all seemed to like that stuff and it made dad happy to give it.] The ward had a lovely Christmas program & party with Santa in person thrilling the children.
Another year & our love grows. What a great feeling & priviledge to have the experience of raising a young family. The responsibility is great, but the rewards are greater.
1955 is upon us all ready. How time flies. The years pass so rapidly. Where do they go? The winter months in St. George are great--some cold weather, but as we see others in the north, etc., we count our blessings here in good old Dixie.
The children are busy in school & other activities. Mona has them singing beautifully in different wards & activities. They sound so good. We are pleased with the talents the Lord has blessed us with. The church is still keeping us busy teaching music, lessons, scouts. For this I continue to be grateful. St. George continues to grow & my work as Letter carrier changes to new parts of the city. We plan on having bicycles to carry the mail in the near future. I hope they work out O.K. I'm sure they will.
(inserted: Margene June 27th.)
With the space we have in back of the house, we have a nice chicken run & coop, where we have 15 to 20 chickens which keep us in eggs. [Later when some of the kids would gather the eggs, they would leave some that the hens were sitting on, and since we also had a rooster, oh, how we detested cracking open the egg and finding a partially developed chick! Several of us don't like eggs to this day!] I also have a Jersey Cow, that I have to milk night and morning, & keeps us in all the milk and cream we need. It's an extra responsibility, but I don't mind too much. Sure helps on the food budget.
I don't think I have mentioned it before, but our families get together for an Easter outing each year. This year we had a great time at the sand dunes in Warner Valley [past Zion]. We injoy them so much.
Those who read this history--I hope YOU can injoy life, & living as you can see that I do. My blessings are so many.
The Johnson Family Reunion was held at Pine Lake, again this year. Gee but it is good to keep the families close, & injoy the fun times together. Talents, genealogy, Lake, Sing alongs, Playing games, these all help in the making of the forever Family. Friendships that will last forever.
Sorry, but I was thinking of reunion time & almost forgot to put in the Most important event of this year. It seems that whenever I plan a fishing trip, My wife comes through with the big event; Yes, born on the month of June 27th 1955, our sixth daughter came to our home. We are still so grateful for this new addition to our family. The name chosen for this one was (Margene) Barton. Mother and daughter are doing fine.
We are now riding the new bikes at the Post office, I think they are going to work out very well. & we have such a great bunch of guys to work with. I hope it lasts for years and years.
Thanksgiving dinner at Mel's [Grandpa Cox] this year. So much yummie food to eat, with much to be thankful for. Just before Thanksgiving, I went off the deep end & bought of all things, from Phil Foremaster, one of his old gentle horses, (12 years old) for $45. Oh, how I have longed to have another horse of my very Own. Prince was perfect. The children and all just love him and enjoy him so much. Mona is on extra duty putting neighborhood kids on & off for their turn for short rides. Come by our home morning or evening & Mona or I had a line up of children wanting their turn to ride Prince. I feel that the horse will be a good stabilizer for the family. Esp. Geraldine & I are in Second heaven. [Prince would not cross the road if a small child was on him--How we all loved him!]
What happy months they were. Geraldine and her love of horses, almost as bad as her father.
Thanksgiving dinner at my home this year. What a feast & how thankful we should be for our many bounties & necessities. The Lord has been so good to our families. Hope we can be Obedient in return--thinking of others etc.
Christmas was another very special Occasion. The children helped decorate the whole front room, & tree. Looks so pretty. Plenty of gifts, & goodies for all. The children were pleased and I hope remembered the Savior's part in this great holiday. This has been another Wonderful year for the Barton Family. The Lord has been on our side.
The year 1956 begins with us making many New Year's resolutions. Many plans for the coming year. I suppose we can look forward to a very busy, learning months ahead here in good old Dixie.
The first big event on the Ward level is to finalize plans for an Aaronic Priesthood trip to Calif. Our plans are to leave early morning of January 7th, 1956. So at 5:00 AM, five cars loaded up with boys & leaders left for Disneyland, Knottsberry Farm, & Marineland of the Pacific. We tryed to stay in a caravan together, but found with all the traffic, this was impossible, so we made up some time schedules, each is on his own. Was suprising how well we done. Very little waiting, none got lost, for long. All had a wonderful time at Disneyland, Knottsberry Farm, then to Marineland where we took the boat trip along the shore line. We perticipated in many other activities. You will have to see my slides for the whole story. We had a wonderful trip & returned home safely.
Scout week in Feb., busy with window displays, Sparavan [the fore-runner of the Scout Olympics], fathers & sons banquet, & religious program. A lot of work, but I suppose all is worth it. [Another version of the same story says: A lot of planning and work-- be well worth it.]
I am still pitching for the city softball Fireman's team. Win some lose some, but we have a lot of fun.
In May of this year, we took the Aaronic Priesthood on Super Activity to the Hoover Dam. Had a tour down into the Dam. All injoyed it very much. We also stayed the day & watched Speed Boat Racing on the Lake. This also was a treat for all of us. Came home with many sunburned bodies, & sore backs & legs.
After school was out this year, the family took a vacation trip to Salt Lake City, while there we visited family members, also visited the Hogle Zoo, and other places of interest. Made a visit to the Lagoon Resort where the children had so much fun. After three days in the Salt Lake area we returned to St. George.
The Fourth of July was celebrated in Alton, Utah, this year, another good old-fashioned day of fun, races, games, singing, good eats, etc. We all had a great fun time together. I bought the family a new car this year, was a 1956 Plymouth Station Wagon. We love it.
Well here it is 1957, the beginning of another year of family expectations.... [there is nothing more on this page--just a little paper with notes:]
Grass Valley Fishing Stout Canyon Color
P.O. Kolob trip to Reservoir. Deer hunt Sands Tom, Don, Phil, Staff.
Snow 2 inches. Street parade Leon born Dec. 4th
Scoutmaster Thanksgiving
Leon Born Dec. 4th, 1957 [I think he didn't want to forget to write about that event]
[I just found the page of the history of 1957, but I think I won't delete the notes above--I think they are fun to see.]
Well here it is, the year of 1957, the beginning of another great year, of family & personal expectations. The family is steadily growing & becoming a bigger challenge each & every week. There are so many exciting things happening. The children are very responsive to all that is asked of them, so helpful in every way. Each doing her small part, in the home, church and community. Six (6) young girls can add so many pluses & pleasures, to our young marriage. How could we be happier. The girls are all injoying there school days, & learning much about life, things in general.
To add to our joy we recieved some six inches of snow in St. George. A great thrill for us all. What fun rolling the snow balls, & making a snowman on the front lawn. What a change from our usual weather. Once in a while it is good to feel the cold hands, feet, & noses. To taste the bitter so we can injoy the sweet more. Life usually brings a bundle of suprises.
My Post Office job is still very enjoyable. Hard work but very satisfying. I work with such great people, & the great patrons we serve.
I am still very busy in the scouting program. Scout month coming up, & with window displays to make, scout skills to practice, prepare for Skillaree coming soon, court of Honor & Banquet--a very busy month for scouting.
Mona and Geraldine both have birthdays this month. We wish them many more. Mona is injoying all her activities, & the girls. They are a challenge in every way. Thank the Good Lord for such a Great Wife and Mother. She is Super. Our Sunday visits to the Porter Rest Home each week helps to give us some fine moments of service we can do together. (The music & home evenings programs) Togetherness we injoy so much.
The Easter season & a family gathering at the Garth Barton home, then from here we went on our annual picnic to the red sands near the Washington Dam where we injoyed all kinds of food [he isn't kidding about the food--there was always LOTS!!], games & sand. An unforgettable afternoon. Had a lovely program at Church on Sunday. Also a great dinner at my place. How fortunate we are to remember the Savior & the "Great Day of the Resurrection" as a family. I hope we never forget the real purpose of the Easter Holiday.
The St. George Little League gets under way the last part of May. I am still injoying time spent at the park. It's great working with the young men & adults we have in the program. I am now coaching the Barlocker Farms Team, also doing a lot of umpiring...takes a lot of time & effort, but it's fun.
I had a happy experience the last of June, taking the girls on a fishing trip to Grass Valley, North of Pine Valley. Spent the day fishing, & getting to know my girls better. A very successful day, all catching some fish, feeling good about our wonderful family. I sure had to bait a lot of hooks. It was a fun day for me. [and us!!]
The Johnson family reunion was another great family get-to-gether at our favorite spot in Pine Lake. Around 200 perticipated in the fun fest. A fabulous time was had by all.
The girls are having so much fun in their young lives, dressing up, street parades, fun games [we loved those times--we played "No Bears are Out Tonight" almost all summer it seems--at least until the bats came out and scared us into the house!]. I am so happy they are finding plenty to keep them busy.
In October I made a trip to Cedar Mountain to get a load of wood, taking Allison & Geraldine with me. It was such a fun trip, the mountain was so beautiful this time of year, a wonderland of color, to see, the golds, reds, greens, browns, patches of snow. I came home with a good load of wood and some of the greatest pictures. I will treasure for a long time. You must see the slides to believe how Great.
The hunting season is upon us. We do look forward to this time of year. To rough it in the hills & telling of our deer stories This year the post office gang drove out on the sands for the opening day of the hunt. This is north & East of Colorado City & Kane Beds. A beautiful place for finding the big buck. We had a good weekend together, and brought home some meat for the freezer. Another unforgettable experience.
Late November, Carl Condie, Don Leavitt, Staff Snow, Spence Esplin, & I had a late visit to Panguitch Lake to catch some fish. To our suprise, the fishing was great. Many large trout were caught--twenty to twenty-five inches in length. The same day we were to leave, a big storm came thru the area. We barely made it back over the mountain, having to push cars in some areas. What a great experience this was.
We held our Thanksgiving dinner at Mel's. This year so much food, & great family company. How grateful we all should be for all our bounties & Blessings.
I suppose our greatest thrill this month of December 4th, 1957 was the arrival of our LONG AWAITED BOY for our family. We gave him the name of Leon Garth Barton. "IT'S A BOY" How happy this has been after waiting & hopeing for so long. Mona has come through once more. I am a very proud father.
Christmas, as usual at our home was fantastic. Plenty of gifts, special dolls, rocking horse for Leon, trike, baby basket, The love we have in our family we owe all to the Savior, Jesus Christ, for our lives & this Christmas season. Let us Praise & Adore Him forever more.
[Little notes he took--probably while watching slides for these years:]
Family trip to Los Angeles, Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, Marine Land, beaches etc.
[We had a minor accident with another car. It threw us around a bit, so we didn't finish our trip--the people tried to sue Dad, claiming medical problems. I have no idea what happened with the law suit.]
Panguitch Lake
Trip to Dillenfall, Grass Valley
Thanksgiving at Mel's
Reunion at Merrill Ranch
Eagle Award
Grand wash. Dan, Bill, etc.
Easter-Snow Canyon Sands
Scouting Neighborhood Commissioner
Ren & Lola, Mona & I to California
1960 - 62
Utah State Survival & Gun Safety Program
Explorer trip to San Diego Ship etc. Navel academy
PO trip to West Zion
Trip to Pine Valley mountain Scout leaders & Don
Deer Hunt on Sands Spence, June, Don, Lorraine Avery & son in LWW RV
Barton Reunion Duck Creek
Family outing by Washington Dam.
Family outing in Zion N. Park
Asst District Commissioner
September & October Utah State Department of Fish And Game Survival Training and Hunter Safety Class [one student listed was Thomas D. McArthur age 12, 794 East 300 South, phone 3-2194]
BSA 20 Year Veteran Award
National Boy Scout Jamboree Colorado Springs, Colorado in August [He brought me back a necklace which I still have]
Deer count Grand Wash--over Ariz strip way. Dan, Bill & I met Ambrose Cannon etc. Holt Cabin. Our [out?] House
Easter on Sands, Warner Valley
PO Dutch Oven supper Wash this side of Snow Canyon in Black Rocks
Ward trip to Snow Canyon, Hay Rack ride
PO trip to ToWeep Valley
Leon stung by wasp
Had my Honda 50
Roundup Parade
Asst. Dist. Commissioner
Deer count 1963 - 68
Mona class reunion
OPS Little League team
Warner Valley Sands
Group date Geri & James Force,& Sandra & Bob
Otter Creek Reservoir Bob & Verda
Deer hunt on sands
Scouts etc. snow [circled]
Party at Don's
PO trip to Nev.
Parade--Sandra on float
Bowling team--Frank, Keith, Mel, Lavon & I Mels Bakery
Advisor Post 7403
Confiscated from: Garth Barton Address 545 West 600 North St. George
Violation: Killing deer on another persons license
Date: November 7, 1964 Fine: $50.00 suspended $40.00
and: U.S. Model Remington 1903. Caliber 30-06 with herters 4x32 R-34 Scope. Seriel # 3228919
Justice of the Peace: Maiben B. Ashby
The above named equipment has been received at the office of the Utah Fish and Game Department on this 9th day of November 1964
[I was going to go hunting with dad, but had my appendix taken out the week before, and the doctor would not allow me to hunt. dad shot a deer that someone had shot before. It had been shot before and it had infection, so Dad thought he would use my tags (which he had bought when he thought I could go with him) and get himself another deer and not waste the money he had spent... The Judge said he really didn't blame him, because the deer was in bad shape, but he had to take his gun.]
Reunion at Merrill Ranch
Ramp at Baker Dam PO group
PO dutch oven dinner at old Bloomington
Advisor Post 7403
Apr. 22nd at Marriott
[Newspaper article:]
PROVO-- The Utah National Parks Council, Boy Scouts of America, Monday awarded the Silver Beaver Award, its highest council honor, on 14 scouters in the council. Named recipients were: ...Cloyd G. Barton, St. George... The Silver Beaver Award is made by the council for contributions and service to boyhood through the scouting program. The National Parks Council extends from Lehi in Utah County south to the Utah border and into parts of Arizona.
Fellowship Banquet
May 1971 Snow in St. George 3 inches
October 1972 BSA 30 Year Veteran Award
May 1974 Snow in St. George 6 inches
Jan 27, 1977 Scouter's Training Award & Commissioner Arrowhead
SPECTRUM Sunday February 27, 1977: a photo of Dad teaching Scout leaders in a classroom with this article:
ST. GEORGE "Scouting has always been special in Color Country and one of the things which helps to keep it living and growing here is the Merit Badge Roundup each spring sponsored by Dixie College and Virgin River District. Many older scouts and scouters remember meetings and training courses at the old college campus. The Merit Badge Roundup has grown into an important southern Utah institution for Scouts and Scouters, who come from as far away as Page, Ariz., Northern Nevada, and Central Utah to attend."
A previous week's photo teaching leaders outdoors Caption:
"500 Scouts attend Pow-Wow--Over 500 scouts from the Virgin River District are attending Merit badge workshops at Dixie College, their leaders are receiving special training from district scouting officials..."
January 26, 1978 BSA Scouter's Key
Called to work at Genealogy Library as librarian
Certified on Feb. 22nd 1979--still a member of this group
Nov. 1978--called as a veil worker in St. George Temple
Released from Cooper's Old Folks Home
[part of a letter dated October 20, 1981:]
Dear Brother and Sister Barton,
May I express the deep appreciation...for your long-time devoted service to the patients and staff of Cooper's Rest Home...more than twenty rendered this service on behalf of your Heavenly Father, you will find much personal joy and lifted the hearts of those confined, and brought moments of sunshine into their lives...
Called as Confirmer at St. George Temple Baptistry
Personal & Family Training in Survival Certificate April 7, 1967
Spectrum Wednesday May 28, 1986
Dixie Diary by Mary Phoenix
Memorial Day, 1986, presented the usual spectacular display of floral tribute at the St. George Cemetery as old St. George families decorated the graves of their dead, visited with their friends and neighbors below the red, white and blue waving flags of the veteran dead, and listened to Howard Putnam sing and Garth Barton orate at the American Legion program at 9:30 a.m.
June 30, 1943 Lascassas, Tenn.
Dear Bro. June:
Perhaps you will be little suprised to hear from me, but I feel it my duty to write a few lines now that you are one of the boys in uniform. I think of you often, and I pray that you are enjoying your work in the Navy. Just what branch are you in? Hope it is one you like. We all hate to leave our homes and jobs to be inducted into the armed services of our country, knowing that our job there will sooner or later be towards the obliterating of our fellowmen, but when necessity calls we must always be ready to join the army against unrighteousness, and we do feel that in this struggle we are justified to go out and defend the righteous principles upon which the foundation of this great land of America have been laid, namely the "Constitution of the United States of America". The Prophet Joseph Smith once said in regards to the Constitution, that, "The Constitution of the United States is a glorious standard; It is founded in the wisdom of God. It is a Heavenly banner; it is, to all those who are privileged with the sweets of Liberty, like the cooling shades and refreshing waters of a great rock in a weary and thirsty land. It is like a great tree under whose branches men from every clime can be shielded from the burning rays of the sun."
This is the reason the Church feels it is justifiable to take up arms against the aggressors, because we believe in the God given right of free agency, which intails the rights of: Life, Peace, and the persuit of happiness." We want for our children a place where they can find peace, happiness, and the right to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. The pioneers of the early days also had the same thing in mind when they left their homes, and possessions to travel the weary journey across the hot desert lands into a desolate, barren wilderness, they lived and died that their children and childrens' children might find peace to worship God without unnecessary agitation from their enemy, we are carrying on that work which they started, the faith that they had burns in the hearts of the Latter Day Saints today. They were a people with high ideals, fighting for that which they believed to be right. You and I are partakers of that same faith, we possess the power of the Priesthood of Almighty God. Let us not fail to magnify it in righteousness, I am in the mission field you are in the Armed Forces of our country, you as well as I, can do your part in the Lords' work. In your camp you will find thousands of loyal Americans, seeking for something that seems out of their power to reach. They become discouraged, disheartened, because of the stale life they are forced to live within the boundries of the Armys strict restrictions. The reason for their discouragement, and sad countenance is because of their ignorance of the Great Plan of Salvation which God has ordained for the benifit of man.
June, you have this answer in your Church, and it is our divinely imposed duty to give it unto our fellowmen who are now wandering in spiritual darkness. So, June, remember you are also a missionary. You can preach the Gospel by "Living It". Keep yourself unspotted from the sins and iniquities of man, they will in the end only lead you to your own condemnation before God. I am warning you about this because I know you are in a place where everything is throwed in your face. I have experienced some of it myself. Mother and Father are proud of you, within every letter I have recieved from Mother she has never failed to mention what a swell boy you are, keeping yourself clean from the pollutions of the world. It's great to have a brother with such ideals, don't let the ways of the world tear them down. Lets you and I make Mother and Dad proud of us, we owe them much, too much in fact, to ever repay them in full, but I know that all they would want in return for their sacrifices, is children who will live according to the teachings of the "Gospel of Jesus Christ: surely we can do that for them. June, take your Bible and Book of Mormon and read a little each day. You will never regret it. You know not how interesting they really are until you read into them a while. How about it? This all comes from the heart and I do hope you will remember this counsel. I'm praying for your well being and happiness, Mother and Father would want the same. May the blessing of the Heavenly Father be yours, and His Holy Spirit be your constant companion.
[includes censor's stamp]
April 2, 1945
Dear Sis:
Just a few lines to let you know that I think of you often. Perhaps I do not write as often as I should, never the less I mean well. You should know what kind of writers "We" Bartons are. At least you should.
I was very happy to recieve your letters. You don't know what it means to hear from loved ones at home. Up until the present I received such a small amount of mail that I can now hardly wait from one letter to the next, now that they are coming thru all right. Keep up the good work...
As for myself, I am having a great time here, however it looks as if I will be moved to some other part of England in the very near future. I'm hoping that I will be as contented there, as I have been here. Gee, it has been swell. You know how I love Dancing, to. Well, we have had two and three a week here. These English girls are fun. Very good at dancing, to. I have had several dates. Had Grand time.
How is every one in Alton? Sorta drained of its population isn't it? Anyway most places are. How are you getting along in Church work? do you get to Temple often? It is one thing I do miss very much. I'll be glad when I can injoy some good service at home among my own people. Will be good I hope you can make something out of this letter. God bless you. Love, Garth
St. George, Utah Nov. 9, 1945
Dearest Garth,
We, here at home are just wondering & wishing you soon could be getting home, we all hate writing but how we would love to have you nearer home. Christmas is so near, again. Seem's ages since you were here with us before you left for your mission. June writes hoping you could get home he has a 7 day pass, & should get day or so home. Says he may get here on the 21st and go back Christmas morning. He asks about you every letter but hasn't your last address. He wishes you would write and tell him about this romance of yours. He says things don't look so interesting for him, wishes you would write. We rec a greeting from Ren, in Korea, he is being released to come home in Jan. Delna is looking for Bob any day now. Bob Riding expects to be home also. So we should have a good Christmas. but we all are thinking of you and hope you won't be too long.
We'll be happy when you and Phylis can be here to go throu Temple with us. Mary just started to school this week. She will graduate this year. She's also doing fine in her singing lessons. She says there's sure a group of boys released now who are starting this quarter. Government gives them $75 a month for going. Grant Johnson is going 1/2 day and building him a home also. Sure hope Ren will soon get home to build. Lola's folks are leaving, so she may want to come. Delna just got moved last night to her self & we sure do miss her & baby.
Well Garth, this is just a note, but we send all our love & best wishes. Dad is so anxious for you boys to get back & work with him, so we send our prayers in your behalf that you may soon find the joy & happiness of home life and companionship of a good companion. We wish you the joy and Christmas spirit, all that is possible for you to have. We are a blessed people, wherever we may be. May God Bless you with an abundance of his spirit. We Pray.
Worlds of love, Mother & all
TO: MRS. LEO L. BARTON March, 14, 1945
Dearest Folks,
Spring has come to England at last, or at least for a day or two. We sure have had some wonderful weather the past four or five days. I don't know whether to call it "moral [morale] booster" or not. Believe that would be the name for it because it sure makes one feel good.
Well again in the line of "gossip", I am not so very well Posted, however I will manage to fill in the limited space that this V mail offers. In a way I'm glad that there isn't so much room to write. I'm afraid I would be at a loss for words. Silly isn't it. Please bear with me.
I am still working behind the desk & to my surprise it's not so bad. I recieve little head ache once in a while when I get into reports, but with some patience & a lot of work, I manage. I make it sound bad, don't I? I am mostly blowing steam.
Delna, I recieved your pictures yesterday. See! They're swell. "Sheila" is sure cute. Your not so bad yourself, if I do say so. For a sis you're great. Just wait until I get back home. I'll assure you that I can spoil the little on in but a very short time. What do you think?
Dad, hows for a letter once in a while. I sure would injoy it. I do hope & pray that all is well for you at home. I have been blessed more than I feel I am worthy of. I do appreciate it to. I only wish I could be at the Temple a few days. Well all is good & write soon. God bless you all. Love, Garth
TO: MRS. LEO L. BARTON April 6, 1945
Dearest Folks,
Give all my love "Little ______ top"
Here I go again making more excuses. I am sure getting good at it, aren't I? I often wonder why it should be such a difficult task for me to write a letter. Gosh! it seems such a great job. There is so much I would like to say, yet when I sit down to write, my mind becomes blank, & then I find myself lost.
However mom, I do think of you at home often. Hoping & praying that you are all well & happy. I'll assure you that I couldn't feel better. Unless I was at home with you folks. I do miss you. Just think, I haven't been in St. George over three months in the past four years. Am I your son or not! ha, ha, No one could have better parents, I know.
I believe in my last letter, I mentioned about my being moved to another Depot, well, that has happened. However, not a great distance from place just left. I am sure that I am going to injoy it here. I don't know how long i will be here, that's for Uncle Sam to decide. I'm just waiting for the time when I can return home.
Mom, I do want a "lot", if you can arrange it. I am doing my best to see what has happened to money. I can't figure out what has happened. Please try and get a camera if possible. Best of wishes. God Bless you all. Love, Garth
April 9, 1945
Dearest Folks,
Greetings! Hows everyone at home? Yours Trully still finds everything fine here in England. I am beginning to be quite an Englishman myself. However I shall be happy when I can live my own life again & I have the privilege of spending a few days with you at home. Another two or three days & I will have completed one years service with Uncle Sam. Seems almost impossible. How true, "time waits for no one." I wish that I could spend it in a more favorable way. I'll assure you it is a dull life when living for some one else as does the boys of the Army. I will be so happy when I can think & do for myself, live my own way. Esp. do I miss my church work. I yearn for the chance to go to a good Latterday Saint Church, also get back in the Temple again. I do love it so.
I find it so difficult to settle down to anything any more. My mind seems to just remain bland. Then, when you take into consideration the at______ one has to live, at times you feel depressed. I'm thankful for the Testamony of this Gospel & daily hope & pray that I don't weaken. Is many things to take your mind pondering. No wonder we have war. Yet we are all human, & subject to some human weakness. I hope and pray that we can stand this day of testing. God will lead & direct us if we put our trust in him. Best wishes & all the best. Love Garth
April 15, 1945
Dearest Folks,
[written across top and around edge, some of the words are illegible:] [please forgive me, but I don't________ ________ about talking about my previous experiences in front.
One year ago today, I raised my right hand & was sworn in as "one" of the many belonging to Uncle Sam's Armed Forces. One year of varied experiences. Some good, some not so good. The past two or three months have been the most injoyable of them all. I do hope they either continue as at present or I get sent back to good old U.S.A. The present out look on war activities look very favorable.
I am injoying my work ever so much. I am now back at my old time job as "Brake man". I am much more satisfied with it than I was while overseeing the privilege behind the desk. I definetly am not an "Eager Beaver" type. I love the out doors.
Spring has come to merry old England, making everything beautiful. Trees are in bloom, flowers are out, grass green & several inches high. As a matter of fact I believe I could injoy staying here for some time. The people are so nice & hospitable.
How is everyone at home? I'll bet everything is pretty in St. George. I often wish I could spend more time there. Think of it, I haven't spent a summer at home for four long years. I sorta wonder if I will ever settle down. You know me.
Delna, how is my new niece these days. I'll bet she is cute now. How I would like to see her. I hope soon. If this darn war would ever come to a climax, will be a great day. By the way, I suppose I have a new Brother in Law by the time you get my letter [probably Norman and Mary]. Seems most impossible. But I wish them the best. Let me hear from you all. God bless you. Love, Garth.
April 27, 1945
Dearest Folks,
Mom, I hope you don't think that I have forgotten you completely. I am terrible. Perhaps you have all the right in the world to think this of me, because I realize that I should be a little more prompt. You know me. "Sh_____ Barton. I'm afraid I shall never develop the "like" for letter writing.
How is every one at home? I would sure injoy hearing more from you. I haven't recieved letters in five days. For a while I thought everything was swell, then for some unknown reason they have let me down. You don't know what a help they are to me. I'm telling you, in there lives some reason all the strength he can muster [I'm not sure I have this sentence right]
I shall be so happy when I can return home & see you all again. Getting back int the church would be all I could ask for. I miss it so. I'm afraid I am growing old to rapidly. I have nothing to show for it. I wish I could find the right girl ________ & have a home for myself. It would be such a great help to me. But this is war & we have to give or quit. Sacrifice that _____ for the qualifying of unrighteousness.
I admit that it is a heart sickening job. I'm afraid that some of the experiences which have been my lot this past four months will be hard to digest for some time. I just can't seem to settle down to anything anymore. I try to study, but can't seem to ________ anything sink in. Cannot absorb it. but I will be so happy when things become normal again.
Mom, I have been going to write ________ a letter for some time. I've started several, but didn't get them finished. Writ him by best ________. I mite try and write him ________. I haven't heard from ________ since ________ getting any______. I'm ________that I will be able to contact on of my small ________ ________ a little more time off. God bless you all. Love, Garth
Dec. 16, 1945
Dearest Folks,
Here's "wishing you a merry Xmas & a happy New Year". I regret that I was unable to pick up a few gifts in one of the nearby Cities. But I have been flat on my back for past three months & have a few more days to be in bed. As a matter of fact, I should now be in bed instead of sitting here writing. I had to let you know that I feel fine & well taken care of.
I don't know how long I will be here, not as yet. I haven't minded it so much. Little tiresome, but I'll get by. You may not hear from me very often for a while. Please don't worry.
Here's hoping you are all well & injoy a lovely Xmas. I think we shall here. Please excise writing. have [?] many excuse & only have one eye, as yet. God bless you all. Love, Garth
I think you will overlook the imperfections in Mom's and Dad's grammar and spelling and my organization and be able to see an overview of just who Mom and Dad are and perhaps some insights as to why they responded to life as they did.
Writing this book has given me a greater appreciation of their mission on this earth. I believe that all things happened as they were supposed to--that we are becoming the people we are supposed to and that we will continue to learn and grow because of who we are.
Unfortunately Dad and Mom didn't live to finish this history, or else the rest of the papers have been lost, but Melody and Nannette can guess what Dad would tell about their births, and what Mom and Dad would tell about all the other weddings, grandchildren, deaths, divorces, trials, etc.!!! All the things that caused Mom and Dad grief and joy...
...all the experiences that "carved our canyons". The following is in my collection of quotes, but Mom and Dad would have loved it because they loved Bryce Canyon and quotes!:
From TO LIVE UNTIL WE SAY GOODBYE by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
"To love means not to impose your own powers on your fellowman, but offer him your help. And if he refuses it, to be proud that he can do it on his own strength.
"To love means to live without fear and anxieties about tomorrow.
"To love means never to be afraid of the windstorms of life: Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms, you would never see the true beauty of their carvings.
"I hope this book encourages people to expose themselves to these windstorms, so that at the end of their days, they will be proud to look in the mirror and be pleased with the carvings of their own canyon."
I found that although Mom and Dad weren't perfect--they always loved us and each other. They may have sometimes said and done the wrong things, but often, they were right-- we all learned about life and adapting from those experiences. I truly believe that we each have accomplished much in our lives because of (and in spite of) being part of the Barton family.
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