By Elaine Olds Hagelberg 1964
Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Uren and Many Rowe. She was born 22 August 1829 at St. Keverne, Cornwall, England. There is very little known about her childhood, other that she was the only one of four children to survive infancy. An older sister, Betsy, died before she was a year old, and a younger brother died at two months, and another baby brother, also named Thomas, died at about three months. At the age of seven, Elizabeth’s father died, leaving her 48-year-old mother and herself to care for each other.
Elizabeth was a great comfort to her widowed mother, and the bond between them was very close. Her mother, being much older, was strict with her daughter, yet she worked extremely hard to be able to supply her daily needs. Mary found work as a servant in the homes of those more fortunate and she took Elizabeth with her. Elizabeth soon learned by helping her mother how to run a home successfully and immaculately. Mary was greatly in demand as a housekeeper because she was such a hard worker and so efficient, and she never complained.
At an early age, Elizabeth also found work as a servant in the home of others and she was then able to ease the load for her mother. But, these Urens were a very proud family in spite of their moderate means, and they were meticulous women with artistic talents and a deep religious back ground.
The dearest care was put into the preparation of Elizabeth’s hope chest. She and her mother worked many, many hours embroidering fine linens and making beautiful laces, because this was one luxury they were going to afford for they loved beautiful things. As their nimble finger pulled the threads through the material they planned and dreamed of the future. Mary feared the day when her daughter would marry and leave her, yet she wanted her to marry and be happy. Mary’s own marriage had been so short, and so mixed with tragedy. In eight years she had buried three beautiful babies and her beloved husband. Now she had to face the reality that soon Elizabeth would marry. Mary was haunted by the fear that her precious Elizabeth would be forced to leave her home if she were to progress at all. These thoughts were almost unbearable, but Mary made up her mind that she would not interfere if Elizabeth did leave England, but now her heart ached at the possibility.
The young people must share their youth with the young, and Elizabeth had many friends, one in particular, by the name of Emanuel Ould. Emanuel was the son of Emanuel Ould and Jane Long. He was baptized on 23 November 1823 at Constantine, Cornwall, England. He had a younger sister, Jane, and a brother, John Long Olds. Emanuel was a tall, well built dashing young man with the talent of being a great conversationalist.
Emanuel asked Mary Uren for the hand of Elizabeth, after telling of his plans to move to South Africa. Mary turned cold all over, this thing she had been dreading for so long had finally arrived. How could she possibly part with the only one she had left to love, and South Africa was so very far away, and the means of communication were so inadequate.
Sensing the reason for her silence both Emanuel and Elizabeth assured her that it had been their intention to take her with them, but Mary quickly scoffed at this idea. They could not be burdened with a sixty-two year old widow at the start of their marriage. To even think of leaving those familiar things she had lived around for these many years was out of the question. She had been through heartache before, and her trust in God had buoyed her up and helped ease the pain, so she would get through this one someway. Also, Mary’s health had failed her, and she knew that these young people would have enough trials in adjusting to a new marriage and a new country, she could not increase their burdens. So with a smile that characterized the gentle woman that she was, she gave her consent. Kissed them both and wished them all the happiness they deserved, but refused to leave her home to travel to South Africa.
How great and dear were the dreams and plans of these young people with their future before them. Tremendous opportunities await the courageous in South Africa. To enable a stronger hold in this far away land, the English government gave each family a grant of one hundred acres of land and the privilege of growing fifty pounds, payable in three installments, as an inducement to settlers. With many tons of shipping going to and from the Union of South Africa, there was a need for experienced lighthouse keepers. Emanuel had apparently been employed in this position before, so he was eager to accept this position which he had been offered.
Babbling over with enthusiasm, it was not difficult to convince Elizabeth of his for her and of the great advantages that would be theirs in this far away land.
Elizabeth and Emanuel were married 16 May 1850 at Mawnan, Cornwall. Their marriage license list Emanuel as a 27-year-old bachelor and Elizabeth as a 21-year spinster. They were married in the Parish Church and the marriage was witnessed by John Ould and Jane Ould (Jane could not write so she made her mark). The 1851 census of Constantine, Cornwall, indicates that Jane Ould is a widow age 60 and she is a fisher woman and Jane age 25, John age were still living at home.
After the wedding, packing their few possessions, and with just sufficient money, they set sail for Cape of Good Hope, Africa. The trip took four long, unpleasant months.
Like all young brides, Elizabeth was very happy as they sailed for their new home. Timidly, she clung to her strong husband as she realized that she would probably never see her sweet mother again. She shuddered with fear at what may await them in this strange, uncivilized land. As they stood on the deck sharing their dreams and plans, they felt comfortable in the knowledge that together they could stand any hardships that may be theirs.
Ocean travel was difficult in those time; poor food, unsanitary conditions, and cramped space undoubtedly caused a miserable honeymoon. Seasickness was a most unpleasant thing, for which there was not help.
At their arrival, Emanuel immediately began work at the lighthouse, near Newland, South Africa. A comfortable home was soon built within the sight of the lighthouse. It was necessary for Emanuel to stay at the lighthouse for days at a time if the fog was bad or it was stormy. Elizabeth prepared his food and took it to him on a tray and they would share their meals in this manner. Emanuel received a lot of comfort in being able to look out of the window of the lighthouse and see his lovely bride in her home scrubbing and cleaning. She was a spotless housekeeper and a beautiful seamstress. Elizabeth spent her long hours alone making delicate handwork so that their home might be a place of pride for her husband.
During this time, Elizabeth’s nimble fingers had been busy in other ways. A beautiful layette was all prepared when little Mary Jane arrived on 24 February 1851. Elizabeth was so pleased with her lovely, healthy daughter and she beamed with great pride when Emanuel saw his daughter for the first time. Emanuel loved children and he was especially proud of his own little daughter.
Gardens were very essential for food, as the only means of travel was by ox team and it was quite impossible to drive to a store to purchase produce. So Emanuel attempted to raise a garden, but this had its problems. Very often monkeys came in droves to make raids on the gardens, and what they didn’t carry away they destroyed. These monkey raids became so serious that the people finally began setting traps, which consisted of cutting a hole in the side of a pumpkin just large enough to get a monkey hand into it. When the monkey got his hand full of seeds, of which he was very fond, he could not get his hand out again unless he let go of the seeds. They usually would not let go of the seeds and thus were trapped. They were then exterminated.
South Africa was a new and rugged land, but it was fast becoming a prosperous land. A ready market in England took care of any produce produced and shipped there.
South Africa was not always peaceful. The Kaffir War was continually erupting and many white settlers were victims, and cattle were killed and other property destroyed. The Kaffirs are the principle race of natives inhabiting South Africa. They differ from the Negroes in the shape of the head, being more like the Europeans. They had high noses, frizzled hair, and brown complexion that become more light farther south. They are a tall muscular race, averaging nearly six feet. They raise cattle, hunt and mine. The garden and field work is done by the women. These people are usually peaceful, but in times of war they display great bravery, tactical skill and dexterity in the handling of their assigais or spears, shields and clubs. There were frequent uprisings with the British and Dutch. Tremendous skill and tact was required to quiet these displays. This tribe gradually began to accept civilization and those desiring were able to find ready employment in the homes of the white settlers.
Emanuel hired a Kaffir woman to help Elizabeth with her work and the children. She was affectionately called “The Gypsy” and she proved to be very dependable and efficient and was a real jewel with the children.
In 1853, Elizabeth left little Mary Jane (It is interesting to note that Mary Jane was named after her two grandmothers) in the care of the Gypsy and attended a meeting conducted by gentlemen known as Mormon Elders. Emanuel was at the lighthouse so much that it became lonely for Elizabeth. This loneliness is what prompted her to attend this meeting, an event that was to lead to a great change in her life. From this night on, loneliness would be a luxury she would never be able to afford.
Elizabeth was raised in the Church of England, but she had always felt insecure in this religion, so this August evening, sitting on the rough boards that had quickly been formed into benches, covered with oil cloth, her heart was filled with the message these young men were delivering. Eggs and fresh fruit being thrown at the windows and doors soon disrupted the meeting. Very abusive language was used against the Elders and “Old Joe Smith”’ and they even promised to tar and feather and whip Elder William H. Walker. Elder Walker talked to them and they finally went away.
Whenever the opportunity permitted Elizabeth attended these Mormon meetings; she invited the Elders to her home, which was a dangerous thing to do at that time. When it became known that you befriended the missionaries you soon became the victim of much abuse. In spite of this danger, Elizabeth felt compelled to learn all she could of this new fascinating religion. Eagerly she would tell Emanuel of the things she had learned. She knew without a doubt that she wanted to be baptized, but she also wanted Emanuel to share this desire. Emanuel was not interested, and he felt it was wasting precious time to listen to them.
In September 1853, a branch was organized in Newland, where there were about fifty members who had been baptized. For 18 months Elizabeth learned and partook of the spirit of these Latter Day Saints, pleading and begging Emanuel to at least listen to them himself. But Emanuel was not interested.
During this time a new arrival joined the Ould Family. My grandfather, Thomas Ould, was born 28 December 1854. A beautiful man child, who became very dear to Emanuel. Emanuel was a big man of great strength, but so tender in his association with little Tommy. As soon as he was old enough he would spend long visits with his father at the lighthouse, listening to the stories that Emanuel told so well. Many of the stories were about back home in England and about the sea and above all what an important part the lighthouse played in navigation.
Elizabeth became quite impatient with Emanuel. She wanted baptism so badly, but Emanuel was just not interested. Often he told her to go ahead, but she waited, hoping. Finally on 27 May 1855, Elizabeth entered the water of baptism under the guidance of Elder Nicholas Paul. Elder Jesse Haven had taught and prepared her well, and what a glorious feeling filled her body as she came up out of the water into a strange new life. Emanuel, not believing, could not understand her great joy and happiness; so it was with the members of the branch who had experienced this same feeling, that Elizabeth shared this important event in her life.
The microfilm records at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City show that on June 3, 1855, Elder Thomas Weatherhead, assisted by Elder Nicholas Paul blessed Thomas Ould. Father not in church. Mother’s name, Elizabeth Ould. Thomas age 5 months.
Mary Jane Ould, 4 years 4 months, blessed 3 June 1855, but Elder Nicholas Paul, mouth, and Elder Thomas Weatherhead. Father not in church. Mother, Elizabeth Ould.
Susan Ould, 1 month, blessed 10 May 1859 by Elder Nicholas Paul.
Eliza Ould, 14 days old, blessed 15 May 1859 by Elder Thomas Weatherhead. Died 11 July 1859.
Further records indicate: Amount of tithing received in the Cape Conference from the 13th of November 1857 to the week ending 11 June 1859. Ould, Elizabeth L7 7 1.
Susan was born 14 April 1856, and Elizabeth felt she had been truly blessed with three lovely, healthy children and a devoted husband. But her happiness was short lived, for on 29 April 1858, little Eliza was born prematurely. This tiny delicate child lived only about two months. She died 11 July 1859, and was laid to rest in a place called Mulbury near Cape Town.
During the two short months of Eliza’s life she required a good deal of attention and care. Elizabeth and the Gypsy did everything humanly possible to strengthen the tiny body, but their labors proved fruitless. Emanuel seemed especially devoted to tiny Eliza; his huge masculine hands held her so tenderly, if only he could transfer some of his strength to her frail body. Her loss he could not accept.
Satan was working hard in South Africa to destroy the progress being made in the church. Under this evil influence and still brooding over the loss of his beautiful and precious daughter, Emanuel acquired a drinking problem. Elizabeth and the children tried to help him, and for over a year they struggled to keep the family together, but it just seemed a hopeless undertaking. Finally, Elizabeth sought advice from Elder Nicholas Paul, the Branch President and other church authorities. She was advised to leave Emanuel and journey with the saints to Utah.
Elizabeth began selling her beautiful handiwork; her jewelry and all possessions that she felt were hers, so that she might obtain passage money to make the trip. With mixed emotions she made these preparations. How eager she was to join with the saints in far away Utah, yet, by doing so she was bringing an end to ten years of marriage. She would leave behind the man she loved very dearly, the father of her children. Elizabeth felt Satan’s influence, and many times she felt she would just forget the whole thing and remain in Newland with her loved ones and forget about the church.
The most important things in our lives are usually the things which we have made sacrifices for, and through fasting and prayer Elizabeth realized that this was so, Thus her preparations continued.
Emanuel realized that Elizabeth was making plans to leave him. His pleading was wasted on deaf ears. He loved his wife and children. His only son was very dear to him. He had always been very firm in training his children, but nevertheless, had spoiled them dreadfully.
Frantically fighting for his own, Emanuel sneaked Tom away from his mother and took him about seven miles away to the home of an elderly black woman. He left Tom in the care of this kindly old woman and returned to his work at the lighthouse.
Elizabeth was terribly upset. The time was getting very near when their ship was to leave and she couldn’t go and leave her five-year-old son. For six days she searched and pleaded for knowledge of Tom’s whereabouts, but Emanuel, thinking this was they way he could keep his family with him had been especially clever and no one could help her. On the seventh day the Gypsy informed Elizabeth that Tom was at the home of this elderly person. She told Elizabeth that he was safe and being well cared for and if she went to this cabin at a certain time the woman would be out obtaining food, Tom would be alone for a very short time, but she may be able to steal him away.
In the innocence of childhood, Tom was not aware of the differences between his parents. Delighted at the sight of his mother, he willingly went with her, not realizing he would never see his father again.
The ship was ready, so Elizabeth and her children boarded it immediately. She arranged for the Gipsy to remain in the house and keep a light burning for two or three days, so that when Emanuel looked from the lighthouse he would not know they had left.
Elizabeth had arranged to work as a helper for the family of Elder Nicholas Paul. They had a large family and his wife was expecting another. This was her passage was made possible. On 7 March 1860 they set sail in a fore and aft schooner.
It is interesting to note that bitterness toward the saints in South Africa was so strong that often they were denied passage on ships. A Brother Charles Roper, who was extremely wealthy, remarked that if passage was denied him that he would buy the ship. And that is exactly what he did in October 1854. This was a stumper to everyone, that those so-styles, ignorant Mormon Elders, in less than two years after their arrival in this country, without money or friends, had succeeded in exercising such a powerful influence over all classes of people, especially some of the most wealthy and respectable citizens and have grown to such a power as to purchase a ship. It was something that did not dome within the scope of their understanding.
It is also interesting to note that this same Brother Roper began to make arrangements to sell all his property so he could go to Zion. When he came to make a calculation with regard to how much tithing he would have to pay, it was so great that he backed down on the selling and going to Zion. He still remained in the church until he died, but he remained in South Africa.
An interesting report was received by President Richards in England concerning activity in South Africa. It was as follows: The Fort Beaufort Conference, 37 baptized and 6 excommunicated. Port Elizabeth Conference, 17 baptized and 12 excommunicated. Money in my possession for the Perpetual Emigrating Company, 14 pounds, 3 shillings, 7d. Book money, 18 shillings. For Elder Haven, 4 pounds.
Thirty year old Elizabeth Uren Ould, leaving home and husband behind, with three small children, Mary Jane nine years old, Tom five years old, and Susan not yet four, and a glorious new religion, was on her way to a place called Utah. A beautiful Salt Lake Valley, that just thirteen years before had been a most desolate uninhabited place on the American continent. I feel sure that this had been an emotion filled trip for Elizabeth. No husband to turn to for comfort and advice. The fact that she had sailed before was a big help in caring for three lively youngsters. The sickness that accompanied ocean trips was terrible, yet she had a job to perform each day regardless of how ill she felt or how much she would have liked to stay with her own seasick children. Undoubtedly, she wondered why she was doing this, but when time permitted, her prayers with her Father in Heaven gave her the strength she needed and the doubts were quickly tossed aside.
We have tried to discover what happened to Emanuel after he learned that his family had gone. We are told that he suffered great grief and after a short time moved from Newland, and we have been unable to find any record of him since, but we will someday. There must have been bitterness in his heart, but we who have embraced this divine gospel can only pray that someday, someway he will know and understand why Elizabeth make the choice she made.
After two weeks at sea, the schooner put in at the Island of St. Helena. As you near the island, you can sail along under a mountain, which is nearly perpendicular, sometimes as close as a stone’s throw. Looking from the deck you can see a town lying in a canyon not more than one-eight mile wide, between two high mountains. This island though mountainous is very fertile. Napoleon’s tomb is about seven or many people visit eight miles back on the plateau, and it.
While the schooner was replenishing its supply of fresh water and food the group visited Napoleon’s tomb and Jacob’s ladder, which is said to have over a hundred steps.
After two weeks of seasickness and confinement it was good to be able to walk on dry land again and the children were delighted to be able to skip and run about.
Sailing on they make another stop at St. Thomas to again replenish their supplies. Apparently this group came by route 2, as shown by the accompanying map.
Three months is a long time to gaze at nothing but ocean. A storm at sea is a dreadful thing, but at that time it was sure death for these faithful saints in their small schooner. Everyone joined in fasting and prayers, and thus they were spared. Research indicates that they probably were on the vessel Alacrity. These small ships lacked many conveniences. The tanks were not large enough to supply all the fresh water needed and so barrels were put on deck to catch rainwater for cleaning and washing. You would have to obtain permission in order to be able to use enough water to wash clothes. Wasting water was so serious that you risked being thrown into the ocean by doing so. In order for the saints to bathe, another barrel was placed in a convenient place on deck. They bailed water from the ocean for this purpose.
A fish dinner always resulted after a run in with a school of flying fish, because hundreds of them would fall upon the deck. At times the sea would be so calm that for days they did not seem to be moving at all.
In June 1860, these ocean weary saints landed in New York harbor. The lack of proper diet and the rough trip on so small a vessel made a very hectic group of travelers who walked down the plank to put their feet on solid ground once more. The knowledge that this would be their last ocean voyage would have made them very happy at that time.
New York was an exciting place and rather different from the cities in South Africa. Seeing the sights helped ease the homesickness that was very prevalent. It was two weeks before Elizabeth and her children boarded a train to carry them to St. Louis.
Now came the true test of one’s faith. Elizabeth had used nearly all of her finances, and yet she must provide some kind of transportation to carry her and her children to Utah. Oxen and wagons were very expensive and very difficult to handle. Strongmen run into a lot of trouble in handling oxen, so it was out of the question for a small woman to attempt it alone. To hire a driver was even more expensive.
Elizabeth had one choice. With a determination that could move mountains, she put her few possessions and four year old Susan in a handcart, and with the help of the other two children they started on their trip to Utah, just three weeks after their arrival in St. Louis.
At Council Bluffs they met with trouble and delay before finally being assigned to Captain Oscar O. Stoddard’s company which left on 6 July 1860. This company consisted of 126 souls, and six wagons and the rest handcarts. But then it was only 1200 miles to the Great Salt Lake Valley.
In Captain Stoddard’s diary, he states that the Ould family from South Africa joined his company on their third day out, which indicates she may have traveled these three days alone.
In a council meeting before they departed on this eventful journey, the saints were told that if they were humble, prayerful and faithful, they would all survive the journey and arrive safely in Salt Lake Valley. This prophecy was fulfilled.
It is not hard to imagine the worry and responsibility that was Elizabeth’s. She must have had outstanding courage to be able to trudge on day after day, almost beyond human ability. How frightening to be confronted by a river that must be crossed. Calmly she would tie ropes around her children’s waists and then about her own, then plunge into the water.
Elizabeth was a gentlewoman, used to comfortable surroundings. How exhausting this traveling must have been for her. Captain Stoddard states in his diary that this company never once camped in the same place twice during the entire journey. They must have moved at a steady pace continually, because this trip required just 72 days of walking. They averaged 15 to 20 miles each day, and this is a very long way to walk, and it is even longer to pull a cart full of your clothing, bedding, and food, and it is even longer when you have three small youngsters who must be encourage even after their little legs were so tired they could hardly move. But they could not stop, time was so important or they might be caught in the cold of winter.
In this modern age of so many luxuries, we have often contemplated whether Elizabeth regretted leaving a comfortable home in South Africa for a bed on a snake-infested desert. Surely as she laid her weary body upon a thin blanket under the open sky, she would think of home and wonder about this decision she had made. However, her children and grandchildren tell me that she never once regretted coming to Utah.
The journey had many hazards. The Civil War was brewing; hostile Indians often created problems; guerrilla warfare was being waged, particularly in the west; the bones of white men and women, scalped by Indians, were often found bleaching in the sun. Scarcity of water; a never ending supply of dust; cloudbursts and nowhere to go for protection; and the endless sticky, impassable mud.
Early in the morning Elizabeth would awaken; it was not necessary to dress because they slept with their clothes on, and prepares breakfast. The food was rationed and it must be cooked over a buffalo chip campfire. The children would scurry around and collect the buffalo chips as soon as camp was made in the evening. A noon meal must be prepared in much the same manner and again in the evening, Elizabeth would drag her tired body to prepare sleeping places for them, then cook the same tasteless meal on an inconvenient campfire. Extra work was involved when a stream or river was near, because clothes must be washed, children must be bathed and containers filled to be carried along for use when water was not available.
Messages were written with charcoal on bleached buffalo skulls so that those following would know what to expect.
Elizabeth is know to have said that whenever she felt she couldn’t go another step, she would start to tell her children they would have to dropout; but the look of trust and faith in their eyes gave her the extra strength to trudge on. She had taken the children from their father, so now she could not let them down.
Food was never plentiful, even though wagons were sent out from the valley with flour to increase their low supplies.
Many faith promoting incidents happened to the little company as they trudged there way over hundreds of miles of untamed country. Illness hit nearly every member of the company. Elizabeth’s children became very ill, so she pulled them in the cart, but when the night stop was made she was so ill herself that she could hardly drag to make the necessary preparations for the night. Panic struck her, and the fear that she might have to be left behind. She sent Thomas to find someone holding the priesthood to come to administer to her. True to her faith, she was made well, and the next morning she was pulling her handcart and her children were walking by her side.
What a glorious sight met the eyes of these footsore pioneers as they viewed Salt Lake Valley from Little Mountain! It had taken seven months of continuous travel by numerous vehicles to find this haven of rest. Elizabeth had completely worn out two pair of heavy shoes and was not barefoot. Her children had been barefoot for most of the journey. Now home at last were the weary travelers.
Many people came to meet them as they came into the city. There was much shouting and embracing as loved ones met again. Elizabeth was met by a few people she had known in South Africa. However, when word spread that some people from South Africa were arriving, many came hurrying expecting to see Negroes, thinking that only Negroes came from South Africa.
On the 24th of September 1860, they arrived at the 8th Ward Square in Salt Lake City, and they were very well received. Under the direction of the Bishopric, vegetables, molasses and other provisions were distributed among the members as needed. One dear sweet sister came running into the Square carrying a large loaf of freshly baked bread. How good it did taste, and it was gobbled up immediately.
Once again Elizabeth was faced with the problem of supporting her children. Applying for a position as housekeeper, she was sent to the home of William Theobald, a widower with seven children. Elizabeth was given the job and of course, was permitted to keep her children with her in the home. If it had been her intention of resting when she arrived in the valley, this didn’t materialize, because she now had ten youngsters to cook and care for.
After two months it was decided that in as much as pioneers had to be practical people; that Elizabeth needed a father for her children, and William Theobald needed a mother for his seven children, they would get married. They were married in the Council House on 24 Nov 1860, and were sealed in the President’s Office by President Brigham Young.
A recent check tells us that Thomas was sealed to William Theobald. However, there are some of us who do not give up so easily, and we feel obligated to our direct bloodline and a certain kinship to Emanuel Ould. If we are faithful and diligent, I feel sure that we who are his direct descendants will have the privilege of knowing and loving him.
William had been a ship's carpenter in England, and he had purchased some land in the 1st Ward in Salt Lake City for three hundred dollars, and he was working as a policeman now. Money was scarce, so often his pay was in produce or livestock.
Elizabeth’s days were busy and full with ten lively youngsters to care for. Sadness entered their home on 14 August 1861, when Elizabeth delivered a stillborn baby that was given the name of Charlotte.
Shortly after this, William received a call to go to Duncan’s Retreat on the Rio Virgin River, along with six other families. Duncan’s Retreat had been settled by Chapman Duncan who was discouraged and driven away by the treacherous Rio Virgin River.
The trip to Duncan’s Retreat was made in covered wagons. William had two wagons, which contained all their worldly possessions, plus ten children and Elizabeth was expecting again.
For Elizabeth travel in a covered wagon was real luxury compared to a handcart, but nevertheless, there were plenty of problems to contend with in this three hundred-mile trek in 1861.
Upon their arrival, William immediately put in crops and planted fruit trees. The family continued to live in the wagons until such time as a home could be built from the adobe clay. Existence was a continual struggle to keep the terrible floods, which came down so often, from washing them all away. One by one, the other families moved and after ten years of backbreaking, useless work, and realizing that most of their farms and orchards were being washed away with each flood, and their home was in a constant danger, they were advised to move to Toquerville, Washington County, Utah.
Four children were born to William and Elizabeth during there staying Duncan’s Retreat. Anna, Mary, Amelia, and Charles, who was born on 4 August 1870, but after three short weeks his tiny body was put to rest in the red soil of Duncan’s Retreat.
In 1871, the family moved to Toquerville, where William build another small home on some property located on Main Street. Once again he began raising crops and planting fruit trees, so that food might be supplied for his large brood.
On page 37 in Under the Dixie Sun it says, “With the grape and the peach came the liquor industry. In 1866 the County Court granted to William Theobald the right to distill grapes and peaches with the proviso that the license should be revoked if the distilling should prove subversive to pubic morals. A year later John C. Naegle and Ulrich Bryner were granted the right to distill. Naegle was an immigrant from the winemaking section of Germany and brought to this country his expert knowledge of this industry. But it turned out that winemaking did not pay and the industry was eventually abandoned.
Elizabeth was a small woman, about five feet tall, and she was very quick in her actions. She never gave up her tea; had to have a cup twice a day. She always wore a dark skirt and a white middy or shirtwaist. She had long dark hair, which she wore in braids around her head.
In 1872, after William had his family settled, he had to return to England on business and he was anxious to see old friends and family again. Making Elizabeth as comfortable as possible under the circumstances, William boarded the train in Ogden for his trip back home. Elizabeth now had the responsibility of 14 children, however several of the older ones were more or less on their own, and in a few months the obvious prophecy of their 15th child would be fulfilled.
Once again Elizabeth had the responsibility of supplying food for her family, which, with the help of the older children she managed to do. She helped take care of the crops and animals right up to the day her baby was born. Lenora Caroline was born 12 August 1872.
A short time later, William returned from England and together they raised their children in a home full of spiritual environment and harmony. Elizabeth was an active church worker and she never forgot the many sacrifices she had to make so that she might partake of this gospel of Jesus Christ and she cherished it very much. She was always a friend of the needy and seemed to know where to find people who needed help and she never seemed to grow tired. She always seemed to be able to whip up clothes out of nothing and to provide enough food for any extra mouths that happened to be in need. She was an excellent seamstress and cook. Elizabeth was greatly loved and respected by her own children and her stepchildren as well.
William passed away on the 28th of February 1895 at the age of 83. Elizabeth was 17 years younger than he was, and she lived for 17 more years in her little home in Toquerville. Her death was a great loss to the little community of Toquerville on 17 July 1912. For 83 years she had served well and now at last her body was laid to rest in the Toquerville cemetery. Her live had been one of hardship and hard work, but she led the way and made it possible for us to enjoy many blessings. We should all strive to make our lives so righteous that our dear sweet courageous Elizabeth will be able to say with pride: “There goes one of my children”.
Elaine Olds Hagelberg 1964
The name of Oulds was changed to Olds about 1891. We are told that it was pronounced as Olds all the time, so the silent letter of u was dropped.
Note: It is not my intention to create an image to my liking. It has been my desire to report these facts as accurately and consistently as possible, yet to bring these facts to light that those of us, who did not have the privilege of knowing this dear sweet woman, may have the opportunity through this history. Many wonderful events in her life have been omitted because of lack of sufficient evidence or lack of knowledge. For this I apologize, because I sincerely tried to search every source, so that I might make this history as complete as possible. My regret is that I was not able to find more information. As you read this bear in mind that without intending to do so, I undoubtedly have included my interpretation of certain events. For this I also apologize.
Elaine Olds Hagelberg 1964
Great Granddaughter of Elizabeth and Emanuel Ould.
Granddaughter of Thomas Ould and
Daughter of Levi Emanuel Olds
Sources of Information: History written by William Theobald, genealogical records recently received from a researcher in England, microfilm records of the South African Mission, diaries of Elders serving in South Africa, diary of Captain Stoddard, Utah, the Story of Her People by Milton R. Hunter, pioneer records of the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, personal interviews with grandchildren of Elizabeth Uren, and church records
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