September 1967
My name is Carl Theodore Olds, and I was born in Toquerville, Washington County, Utah, 10 April 1905. My parents were Thomas and Eliza Jane Hunt Olds. The thing I can remember the best was going to school. We used to ride from Pintura to Toquerville on saddle horses pert near every day. Once in a while we’d stay in Toquerville. Later on we’d stay over in Toquerville during the week in a sheep wagon or rent a little room from someone in town.
I was born in a little old house southwest of town on the lower street in Toquerville. After a few years we moved to Bellvue (now Pintura). I had ten brothers and one sister. We had one set of twins in the family. We lived on a small farm, the closest town was Toquerville. There were only four families living at Pintura. We had a few cows, chickens, and pigs. Also a few ducks and I can remember mother picking the feathers off the ducks breast and making pillows and different things from the feathers. I can well remember the good times we had riding horses and sometimes a few calves. We had one cow we named Dot and we used to ride her all over, but she used to like to brush close to large trees or bushes to brush the flies off her and in brushing the flies off she would brush us off. But we would climb right back up again and ride. We liked to go down to South Ash Creek and go swimming and we used to ride Dot down there all the time.
We had an old dog that had a lot of pups and Arthur told me to take them down to the creek and kill them. I held them up by the hind legs and hit them on the back of the head with a stick then I threw them in a large bush. A couple days later I was out hunting the cows and I heard a little noise, so I started to look around and I found one of these little pups hanging in a forked limb of the bush. I took him home and raised him.
I can remember Brother Dave Spilsbury coming to Bellvue on Sunday morning to take charge of Sunday School. Perhaps the reason I can remember this is because he always had a long white beard about six inches long.
We quite enjoyed living in a sheep wagon and going to school in Toquer. There was Dewey, Arthur, and I. We didn’t keep house too well and it wasn’t the best way to live, but we enjoyed it.
I remember when we were in school we used to play ball behind the old church house. We never had any money at all and this particular day I batted the ball and the dog-goned thing fouled and knocked out a window in the church house. Of course, I was the batter and I was the guy that had to pay for the window. Mother was dead and dad was away and I didn’t have anybody to get the 40 cents out of and it took me a long time to get that money.
Mother died when I was twelve years old. She had been down to the St. George hospital for a long time and father brought her home. I was chosen to sleep by her bed at night to give her pills and drink of water. She got to feeling somewhat better for a short time, then she started to getting weaker and passed away of 21 May 1917. It was Easter time and the Sunday School had planned an outing and I was planning to go. Katie told me that I better stay home, but I didn’t realize how sick mother was, and I felt bad because I didn’t get to go on the outing. About two days later, my sis, Louie and her husband Will Duffin, came over from their place over at South Ash Creek where they were homesteading and they decided to go to Toquerville and get a hired girl or nurse to come and help take care of mother. They had only been gone about half an hour when Levi came and told me to get on my little saddle horse and go stop Louie and Will and tell them to come back, so that she could be with mother. I didn’t realize just what was going to happen or how sick mother was, but I got on my little horse and I really rode and caught Louie. We turned around and hurried back, but mother was dead when we got back. Mother died in Pintura and we took her body to Toquerville to bury her. The funeral was in the old Toquerville ward chapel. Mary Bringhurst, I believe was my school teacher and she came up and put her arm around me and tried to comfort me a little bit. I remember going down to the cemetery and we had the coffin in the grave and started to fill it over with dirt. There was a big old board there and I picked it up and Andrew, I believe it was, made me put it back down. I wanted to move this big board for some reason, at least it was a big board to me, and Andrew told me to put it back down. In them days we stayed to the cemetery until it was filled with dirt (grave) and rounded up and a little marker up and fixed up as nice as possible. I remember Gladys was feeling bad and she didn’t think that we ought to leave the cemetery as quick as we did.
After we buried mother we finally went home to Pintura. Mel and I were about the only ones home. Dewey was there sometimes. Sis used to come take care of us a little, but we more or less took care of ourselves for a long, long time. Levi and Kate lived right up through the lot from us and they used to come down every day and try to keep things straight.
After a while dad sold his property to Joe Sylvester, and he bought a place about three and a half miles north of Pintura, what we called Snowfield, and we lived up there in a tent for two or three years. Frank Bringhurst had the contract to haul all the school children to Toquerville to school. He had a big solid tire ton Ford truck. It was really bumpy to ride in and mighty slow, but it got us there. Then he would bring us home at night. I remember going to school from there one time and we got to Toquerville and it started snowing Thanksgiving day and I think it was about two weeks before we got back to Pintura on account of snow and drifts and wind. There was about 12 inches of snow in St. George. There was drifts 7 and 8 feet deep all under the Black Ridge and down to Pintura and down to Anderson’s ranch. Dad was away and we were stranded in Toquerville and there was no one to take care of the cows and things. Finally Arthur got in and a little calf was practically buried in the snow and couldn’t get to its mother to eat. There were drifts right over its pen, but it had made a little hole so it had enough air to breathe. We stayed with Louie who lived in Toquerville.
I remember some more things about Pintura. One night Arthur, Dewey, Mel, and myself had to walk home. We got over to South Ash Creek and there had been a flood or something and the bridge was washed out and we didn’t know how we was going to get across. There was quite a stream of water going down. Arthur and Dewey had a hard time getting across, but they finally got a big old pole and pole vaulted out in the middle of the stream and got across it. And of course, I made the jump next and I fell in the creek and got wet, but I finally got on the other side. Melvin was on the other side and we finally coaxed him and he jumped into the river and we finally got him on the other side with us. It was cold and we were all wet and when we got to Pintura the old house was pretty cold, it was late at night and dark. Arthur and Dewey went in the little pantry we had in those days and they had milk and everything stored in there. The milk was frozen solid. Arthur brought this big old pan of milk out that was frozen and Dewey found an old hard piece of bread. I think we had only one or two spoons there, the rest at the sheep wagon in Toquer, and they set them out and said, "We’ll eat this. This will be our supper." I didn’t like the idea and I bawled a little. I though they ought to give me a spoon to eat that old ice cream milk as we called it. Anyway that’s some of the experiences you have when you don’t have a mother and a home to come to that’s nice and warm.
While we were in Pintura I remember another thing that happened. It seems that dad had just come home from peddling. He always went out with dried fruit and molasses and he got home one night and I remember we had a big pile of quilts on the floor that we took out of the wagon. Melvin and I laid down on these quilts and went to sleep, and finally we missed Melvin. He had got up and wandered outside and got tangled up in a fence. He was going to the little house in the back and he missed that and followed this little trail along there and he got tangled up in this fence and got stuck with the barbed wire and it woke him up and he was really a yelling when we got out there to get him. We had a lot of experiences in our boyhood days in that little town of Pintura.
One more experience I remember quite well. Levi had been married a very short time. I don’t remember how long. He had a wagon with a big cover on it and he was going up to Cedar City to work for Ashdown on the sawmill. He had one horse that was a bronco and I remember real well cause this bronco horse was pretty wild. He had a rope on the leg right on the ankle and up through the collar and up to the wagon. I never did know for a long time why he put this rope on there and after I got older I found out that if the horse started to run or kicking, all he had to do was pull on this rope and the old horse would bump his nose and then he could handle the horse without any trouble. They got along real well and stayed at the sawmill all summer.
Years ago when I was a kid we used to have some pretty good sized floods come down North Ash Creek. A lot of time we used to go down and watch them big waves of water come down in the front of the big flood. There would be trees and trash and sometimes dead animals. A lot of times the water would be so thick that you could actually pick big old heavy clods out of the water and they weren’t even wet. The big old heavy banks would cave in and the water would push these things down in front of them and there wasn’t enough water to soak up these clods.
I remember another experience about the time I got out of school. Emil Graff gave me quite an important part to play in the program on the last day of school. Of course, I didn’t have any shoes to wear and I was really in a bad way. (We always went barefooted.) I didn’t know what to do and finally decided maybe I’d better send for me a pair of shoes. I had just enough time to send for them and I sent for a little pair of canvas shoes and I think they cost me $1.25. I put them on and I remember that night Gladys told me how good I looked in those little white canvas shoes. Anyway, at the close of this school party I said my little piece and Raymond Lamb came walking in and he had 2 or 3 words to say and he had a great big old rifle and he had a bayonet on the end of it, and he said about two words and over he went. He just blacked right out and that was the end of the school program.
Now I’ll tell you a little more about Snowfield and when we lived over there. We lived in a tent about 12 x 14 and it was not boarded up. Used the water that came down from the canyon. We had a few pigs and 2 or 3 horses and 2 cows. We had a drought one year so we had to haul water from Pintura in big barrels to use. Finally the water in Pintura began to dry up. Mel and I were home alone and we didn’t know what to do. Joe Sylvester had our old place in Pintura and it had a real good well on it that had plenty of water. Mel and I was really worried and Dewey came home and he said not to worry and he would get some water. So he got the wagon with the barrels on and we drove to our old place where this well was. We carried the water about 35 feet in buckets and filled the barrels. We didn’t even ask permission and we expected someone to get after us, but no one came near. A few days later it rained so we had water for the rest of the year.
Not only did we run out of money and water, but we ran out of food a lot too. The Dixie Power Company was putting poles for the power down through the country and they put telephone poles right across our field at Snowfield. Never came and asked permission or anything. A month or so later we got this check in the mail for about $14 from the power company to pay for using our property. Mel and I were alone and we didn’t have hardly any food in the house, if it hadn’t been for the cow so we had all the milk we wanted, I don’t know what we would have done. We opened this letter and found this check and we didn’t know what to do with it, so we went down to Pintura and asked Andrew what to do. He said we didn’t have any food so to go and cash it and get us some rice, sugar, flour, macaroni and stuff. So we went down to Toquerville and bought us some groceries.
I remember one time, I can’t remember what year or anything about it. I wasn’t very big, but Andrew, Arthur and Will came home about the 4th of July and they brought a lot of bananas, oranges, dates, apples, candy, and a couple of cases of soda pop, orange and root beer and stuff. There was all kinds of good things to eat that we had never had before. Well, us poor little old kids never had anything like that and I’ll tell you it sure did taste good.
I can remember one night Mel and I was alone as usual in our tent and an Indian came by and wanted to feed his horse, so we invited him in and he ate with us. He said he was from Cedar City. We made him a bed on the floor. Dad had a big round gold watch that he was very proud of and it was hanging up on the tent pole. The next morning when we woke up the Indian was gone and so was dad’s gold watch.
I can remember Melvin and I was home alone a lot of the time and we sure missed the loving care of a mother.
Dad finally sold out our place in Snowfield to Arch Spilsbury and bought a home in Toquerville when Arch Kleinman lives now and the two city lots where the school was build. Now they have made a chapel out of the school house.
Dad went on a peddling trip with dried fruit, nuts, dried figs and molasses and left us alone. We didn’t have much to eat only bread and milk. Melvin and I never did go in to dad’s bedroom, but Dewey came home and we didn’t have much to eat, so he said why didn’t we go in dad’s bedroom and see what we could find. Well, we found a jug of wine and Dewey and a few of his friends sure had a good time.
When I was about fifteen or so the Forest Service got a contract to build a trail from New Harmony around the mountain over to South Ash Creek. It was just a horse trail. There were ten of us guys and the boss. Nine of the guys were all college graduates from St. George and I was a little old country boy just out of the 7th grade. One time we were working down the trail and a cloud burst came and we couldn’t get back to our tents which were on the other side of the creek. One guy finally got across this creek and a lasso rope and tied it on a tree and threw it over to us. We tied dag gummed rope on trees on both sides and the men would hold on to the rope just above the water and cross. They all made it and I was the last one. I wasn’t very big and I was pretty scared, but I made it all right. Then we had to gather wood for our fires and cook our own meals. It was quite a deal for me. These guys were always talking in big words and way above my head and I couldn’t understand their educated talk and I actually got homesick. It was the first time I had really been away from all my family. After several weeks I got so homesick that the boss sent word to Andrew and he came up the road south of South Ash Creek up past Chimney Peek and up to the South Ash Creek area and then on over to our camp. Was I ever tickled to see him. He picked up my outfit and me and took me home. You can get so homesick, yet the minute you see some of your family you can get over it so fast.
I don’t know how old I was when I graduated out of the ninth grade, but I imagine about 16 or 17 years old. After getting out of school I didn’t have the money to pay for my diploma. They were building a little road over by Pintura and I got me a little job over there to earn a little money. I drove a team on a fresno and I worked there for a month or two and earned a little money and I finally did get my diploma. I think that diploma cost me one dollar.
A few years later I had left Toquerville and went to work herding sheep and on construction jobs and so on and so forth. This particular year I had been out herding sheep about four months and I decided I’d better go home. I went home about Thanksgiving time and when I got to Toquerville I had a couple hundred dollars in my pocket and I thought I had enough money to last forever. There were two or three people in Toquerville that always wanted to play poker, so we went up on the side hill and we was playing poker and I had never played much before and I was a real green hand at it.
We started and they kept wanting to make it a little bit sweeter. It started to rain and some of them left, but I stayed with them. We was playing draw poker at $5 a throw. When the game was over I had about a hundred dollars of those boys money and boy they never did get over that. They kept after me and kept after me and wanted me to come back and play poker, but I never did get back in the game.
Will Duffin and I were up on Cedar Mountain working on he road from Cedar Mountain over to Long Valley for Ed Higbee. Ed Higbee got a lot of contracts to build roads and he usually gave us Toquerville guys first chance for jobs if we wanted them. I was nineteen years old, and we got word that dad was dead. Will had a little old model T. Ford, and we started up over Cedar Mountain to get home as quick as we could. Everyone told us not to try it, but we did. We sure had a hard time, there was mud all the way and we was about out of gas. The roads were so bad and there was big ruts in them and it was awful slow going. Will kept saying we were going to run out of gas, but just as we got at the top of Cedar Mountain we run across a car that had run into a ditch and we managed to get a gallon or two of gas out of it and that took us up across Cedar Mountain and down into Cedar City. We got some more gas and went on home. When we stopped in Pintura everyone was over to Toquerville, so we went on over there. Dad died 26 May 1924 and they buried him the day after we arrived. Melvin was 16 and I was 19 and we were left without any parents at all now.
Well, all of us got together and decided to sell dad’s property. He had already sold the two lots and the school had been built on them. We sold what little he had and paid off all his debts and the little bit that was left we gave to Melvin. I went back on the mountain to work.
I worked around Cedar City and for John Brown for about a year and a half then I decided to go to California. Some of the guys from Toquerville were down there. I told Melvin to come down and I’d give him my job working for John Brown and I went to Atasadero, California, It was a little town and I took care of baby chickens for nearly two years. I took care of twenty one thousand baby chickens. We would raise the chickens until they were about five weeks old than separate the cockerels from the pullets. At one time they had fifty thousand cockerels to sell at five cents a piece and they couldn’t sell them. So they kept them a little longer they sold them for eating. I had a good time in this little town. I went roller skating nearly every night and dancing. I got pretty well acquainted with a cop in this little town and at the dance one night he told me to go ask some of the girls to dance. I went and asked one very sweet little girl and she turned me down, so I asked another one and she turned me down. Well, this cop said, "Heck, come on Carl, I’ll take you for a ride." When we went for a ride around two or three blocks and had a couple of highballs and when we came back he introduced me to his wife and the other girls and we sure had a big time that night.
I had been in California not quite two years when the boss came and told me that he had sold his place, so I was out of a job. I decided to go back to Utah. I raked up all the money I had and got down to San Francisco and on down to Los Angeles and then on to Las Vegas where I had a brother, George. I got me a hotel room and breakfast then I went out to find him with about thirty cents in my pocket. I found where he lived, but he had left a couple or three days before, so there I was in a big city with no money in the middle of the depression. I got pretty hungry in Las Vegas. I was pretty down hearted and I didn’t know what I was going to do. I couldn’t even get a job washing dishes and I slept in a cardboard box. I saw this milk man go by, so I dashed out and borrowed a little bottle of milk and one of cream, so I got filled up pretty good that morning. I finally found a Mormon Bishop that was running a coal yard and he gave me a job unloading a carload of coal. He gave me $4 for the job. About the next day I was walking down the street and a cowboy by the name of Kirley Kirk was standing on the street corner and said, "Hello kid, how are you?" I told him not so well and he wanted to know if I was hungry and I told him I wasn’t starving to death, but I hadn’t eaten very well for some time. So, he took me over to a little cafe and he gave me a nice breakfast then we went to his little room and we began to talk. He told me that a month ago he was up in Cedar City. We decided to go back to Cedar. He had about $8 and I didn’t have any, so I sent word to Melvin that I needed money to come home on so he sent it to me, and we got on the bus and came home.
About three days after I arrived in Cedar I got a job working for Mr. Higbee. I took about twenty mules on the train from Cedar to Vegas. Then I worked on the construction job driving four mules on a fresno. When that job was finished, I brought the mules from Las Vegas to Santa Clara and I found Andrew working on a construction job there. We worked there for about eight months.
I went to work for Will Jones in Cedar City herding sheep. Kirley and I kept the same room at the Cedars Hotel for a long, long time. Whenever we were in town we would stay there. The next spring when I came into town I stayed at my room in the Cedars Hotel and that’s when I met my wonderful sweetheart Charlotte Colvin and we were married 1 December 1930 in Kanab, Utah.
(Charlotte now tells of how they met.) I was working in the Cedars Hotel and one morning I saw this dude come down the steps with a long cigarette holder in his mouth with an Old Gold cigarette in it and he was really dolled up, and he came down to the end of the counter where I was waiting on people. I was waiting on tables then. He sets down and pulls out this wad of money, and I thought, "Gee, that guy is real rich," He ate and I just thought he was one of those dudes that come in the hotel all the time. The next night we went to the dance and this same guy came up and asked me to dance. That night he took me home from the dance and he had the swankiest car they had in Cedar and he drove up to the gas station and told them to fill it up and then he drove off without paying for it. I thought this guy sure is rich. I found out later he had rented the car. I didn’t have any idea what he was doing cause I was from out in the sticks and I didn’t know much about city life. I had never seen anybody smoke or drink or anything. I told him I didn’t like guys that smoke and I wouldn’t go with him. He told me he didn’t smoke, he just carried it around to look smart. He’d carry it around in his hand all the time and I hardly ever saw him put it in his mouth.
I want to tell one thing about my husband that happened right after we were married. It was during the depression and we hadn’t been married very long. We had gone out to Short Creek to stay with my mother. We were really hard up and Carl had lost what money he had when the banks in Cedar went broke. We had saved up and got a real nice sheep and we were going to have some nice meat. So he killed it and hung it up in one of the trees. I kept telling him not to leave it out there cause the dogs would get it. He said he had been raised around dogs all his life and never lost any beat before. I did all but cry that night to get him to bring that meat in, but he didn’t. Mother even tried to get him to bring it in. But, no he wouldn’t bring it in and kept saying it was safe out there. The next morning when we got up and went out, guess how much was left? Just the hoofs where it was hung. Carl says he thinks those dogs went and stood on each others backs cause there was just the two hind hoofs left.
(Back to Carl's narrative)
On 31 December 1931 we were married in the St. George Temple. The first
of our married life we were up to Dan Dunton’s saw mill on Cedar
Then we went back to Short Creek. Charlotte was ill and we lived with
mother most of the time. I guess the next two or three years we went
on Buckskin Mountain and saw- milled, kinda halfway worked for myself,
the last year worked for Glen Johnson. I worked long hours. Many a day
would cut logs, saw lumber and plain lumber until 3 a.m., then early
next morning we would be back to work again.
In January 1933, Charlotte was operated on in the Cedar City hospital. She was very ill. In fact, she spent about ten years practically bedfast. It was the 12 of March, 1933 that I brought a beautiful little girl home for Charlotte. We named her Ramona and she was three days old when I brought her home. We were certainly thrilled to have that little baby.
One winter I loaded a truck with lumber and was all ready to come down off the mountain. The next morning I couldn’t start the truck and I was all alone with Charlotte and the baby. I finally got two old mules and pulled the truck and started it, and when it started it sounded like the whole motor was going to fly all apart. I finally got the oil pan off and one of the bearings was burned out. I filed the bearings down and tightened it up and got the oil warmed up and started the truck and got to Fredonia about dark. How thankful we were to get out of that snow.
I had decided I didn’t want any more saw milling, so I stayed around and tried to do a little farming. I finally got seven head of cattle and a little two-roomed house and I got a job working for a man by the name of John Spencer on his farm and in a little store for the large sum of $15 a month.
We finally came up to Pleasant Grove and got a job on a sawmill for a short time and my pay was groceries. That didn’t last long and my wife was very sick and we had no money. We had a old mattress that we would lay on the ground at night to sleep and we lived in that old car. I finally got a ride to Salt Lake and got a job selling blankets for Temple Blanket and Robe Company in the last of June. It was a wonderful line of blankets. I had a few gallons of gas and no money and the first day no sales. I was really down-hearted and blue and so discouraged and worried about my family. Next day every home I went into Charlotte and Ramona would say a prayer for me and about 4 PM I sold two blankets and a set of silverware, and the next four or five homes I made about the same sales and several appointment for Sunday morning. I made several sales on Sunday and I had more money in my pocket that I had had for five years.
We continued on down until we arrived at Cedar City and I sold my cows and with what few dollars I had we bought an old house in Cedar City in 1939. My wife had been sick, but moving around and having the little girl got her mind off from herself and she was felling pretty good now.
Our wonderful son was born in the Cedar City hospital 23 April 1940. I washed practically the whole hospital down with soap and a rag to pay the bill at the hospital.
Then I started selling Fuller Brushes. I worked all of Leeds and sold just one tooth brush, so I pulled under a shade tree and began to read all the information I had on Fuller Brushes so I would know what I was selling. The next three homes I got large orders and I was real thrilled. I went on to St. George and I got a big order in a basement apartment, then went upstairs and this old gal said, "I don’t want any of those so and so Fuller Brushes," and slammed the door in my face. This was the first time I had the door slammed in my face and I was crushed. About three months later I went back to that same house and the same woman answered the door and she said, "The Fuller Brush man never has called on me before." I just smiled and sold brushes. I never did have any trouble selling brushes after this and did real well.
In 1948 we sold our home in Cedar City and moved to Nampa, Idaho where I continued to sell Fuller Brushes. We had some wonderful friends in Nampa and we enjoyed living up there very much.
In 1950 Will sold me on the idea of getting rich real fast. Will knew of this mine south of Kanarraville where there was an abundance of fireclay. Jones Williams (Will’s brother-in-law) had had it assayed and it proved so good that Will was sure that we could walk right down there and find it and really be in the money. He sold us on the idea and we went down to find it. When we got to the north end of Salt Lake, Charlotte was driving and the roads were snow covered and icy. The snow plow had been scraping them and had gouged a hole and left it. Well as our car hit this hole it went out of control in spite of the fact Charlotte was driving very slow, and we skidded over in the other lane and hit another car. It was no ones fault, just one of those accidents. The car was totaled out. Carl LaMar had a broken leg just below the knee and cuts on the back of his head. Ramona was asleep and only scratched. Charlotte had broken ribs and sprained ligaments in her arm. Carl was shook up and in shock and Will got a broken collar bone. They took us to St. Marks hospital and we were all released but Carl LaMar and Will.
Will and I finally went on down to Cedar and borrowed Mel’s car and went down and looked all over the mountain in the snow and never did find any kind of a mine so we came back to Nampa on the bus.
We got back to Nampa and no car. We had many friends and one little old lady come over and gave me a little old Plymouth sedan with curtains all around the sides and told me to use it until I could get one of my own. Then the people in the ward passed the hat around and collected $200 and brought over to us. Those were real friends in Idaho.
In 1951 I started working at Hill Air Force Base. We bought two home in Ogden, but the neighbors chased us out. So we sold out and moved to Layton and took care of an elderly man (80) who had just lost his wife and lived in his home for caring for him. Then we bought a lovely home in Layton out on Park Street. Now, we have a beautiful mobile home at Layton and it is really deluxe living.
-May 1968
Carl was blessed 2 July 1905 by William W. Hammond at Toquerville. He was baptized 14 June 1914 and re-baptized 20 June 1947. The first baptism was performed by Walter H. Slack and he was confirmed the same day by Riley Savage. Ordained a teacher Feb. 1922 by Albert Anderson and ordained a priest 30 April 1923 by Albert Anderson. Walter H. Slack ordained him a deacon 7 Sept 1919.
One time when Melvin and Carl were young and single they were staying at Will’s home in Cedar City and they decided one evening to go out and find them some girls. They got all prettied up and went out for the evening. The next day when Beth was taking care of their clothes she found a little mouse in one of Carl’s pockets. Beth always tried to get them to confess what kind of girls they had been out with, but they never did.
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