Modern Woodmen of America

This information made available through the kind assistance of

Doris Lund of Marysvale, Utah

Marysvale, State of Utah

June 6th 1908

Pursuant to notice of Deputy Head Consul Jefferson Griffith the accepted Charter Members of a proposed new Camp, MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA, met at Marysvale State of Utah in ME Church, on the sixth day of June 1908, at 8 o'clock P.M., for permanent organization.

Called to order by Deputy Jefferson Griffith.

Names of charter members read. Ballot taken, which resulted in the election of the following to membership:

The foregoing accepted applicants were then administered the obligations of the Ritual by the Deputy.

Officers were then elected, installed, and instructed in their duties, as follows:

Benefit Certificates, after being properly signed, were delivered to those obligated, as follows:

And to Social Members, as follows:


Upon motion, the Consul appointed a Committee on By-Laws, composed of the following Neighbors:

Committee was instructed to report at next meeting of Camp.

Upon motion it was decided to hold next meeting on the 4th day of June 1908 at ME Church, the hour of 8 o'clock.

The Deputy then instructed the members in the signs, grip, password, etc.

Camp closed in Ritualistic form.


James Bertelsen, Clerk.

Fred L. Robertson, Venerable Consul
