Damages from Hatchtown Dam Collapse

Click here to read about the dam collapse and flood itself

To the following persons for damages sustained on account of the Hatchtown flood, as per claims filed and approved by the State board of examiners, to be paid from the reservoir land grant fund; provided, that each claimant shall first sign an agreement that the amount received shall be in full liquidation of all claims for damages growing out of the breaking of said dam and exonerating the State from further liability:

M.D. Allen 4.00

R.A. Allen 68.00

R. Albern Allen 15.00

C.P. Barnson 457.00

J.H. Barton 194.00

S.J. Barnhurst 1,051.00

John Barnson 50.00

C.P. Barnson 600.00

J.C. Barnhurst 832.00

Mary E. Bay 172.00

J.O. Beckstrom 115.00

George M. Beebe 274.00

James B. Burrows 174.00

Cameron Brothers 21.00

David Cameron 268.00

John H. Clark 162.00

M.H. Clark estate 223.00

A.A. Church 148.00

Charles R. Dalton 235.00

C.R. and Wiley Dalton 2190.40

James H. Dalley 452.00

M.P. Dalton 118.00

LeRoy Dalton 70.00

Charles A. Dalton 54.00

Fred W. Day 22.00

Mamie F. Dodds 700.00

T.M. Dobson 476.00

Jos. A. Elder 99.00

East Field Road committee 125.00

M.W. Evans 55.00

D.W. Evans 32.00

Henry G. Excell 65.00

Henry Excell 154.00

Martin W. Foy 35.00

Lorn [sic] Fullmer 45.00

T.E. Fullmer 130.00

James W. Gass 107.00

Garfield Co., Tel & Tel. Co. 400.00

J.E. Goff 240.00

Jacob Gottfredson 4.00

Alonzo Hancock 89.00

M.A. Hancock 1,828.00

Thomas Haycock 45.00

J.O. Harris 90.00

Parmelia Hatch 99.00

J.A. Hales 352.00

M.A. Hatch 278.00

D.L. Haywood 1,296.00

I.W. Hatch 400.00

S.O. Henrie 629.00

Edgar A. Henrie 1,291.00

Gedeske Henrie 615.00

Heap Brothers 180.00

James B. Haywood 1,100.00

J.E. Haywood 101.00

John W. Houston 48.00

Joseph Houston, superintendent 50.00

Joseph Houston 107.00

Thomas Houston 182.00

James Houston 293.00

James Houston 302.00

George B. Horton 302.00

I.K. Ipson 35.00

H.P. Jensen 185.00

L.L. Johnson 50.00

James H. Johnson 507.00

W.L. Johnson 30.00

E.W. Evans 22.00

Richard Judd 1,150.00

Simeon Kesler 15.00

D.A. Lamoreaux 67.00

John H. LeFevre 416.00

D.J. LeFevre 108.00

Fanny Lefevre estate 46.00

Luke D. Lefevre 103.00

Wm. Lefevre 63.00

Bart Lewis 55.00

Ernest & Lorin Lewis 15.00

W.D. Lefevre 105.00

Wm. H. Luke 43.00

Elizabeth Lynn 19.00

Pret Mansor 89.00

James Marshall 211.20

Allen Miller 562.00

H. Miller 438.00

John C. Miller 52.00

Mrs. Joseph E. Meeks 70.00

J. Dennis Morgan 412.00

J.H. Morgan 226.00

John Morrill 56.00

Dennis Munson 293.00

John E. Myers 119.00

Walter I. McDonough 194.00

Marion Henrie 4,000.00

J.D. Norton 46.00

J.R. Norton 292.00

Lawrence Orton 73.00

Wm. O. Orton 235.00

Panguitch Equitable Association 80.00

James J. Page 270.00

Max Parker 524.00

A.C. Peterson 73.00

J.J. Peterson 258.00

E.W. Price 1,032.00

Scott Price 120.00

J.W. Reynolds 489.00

A.J. Reggs 792.00

S.B. Reggs 75.00

W.R. Reggs 542.00

Timothy Robertson 847.00

J.V. Samuelson 58.00

Maria L. Sargent 106.00

J.L. Sevy 130.00

Thomas Sevy 1,360.00

J.B. Showalter 1,250.00

J.W. Simpkins 322.00

Albert S. Smith 160.00

Joseph H. Snow 2.00

M.M. Steele & Sons Co. 102.00

D.B. Sudweeks 29.00

Henry Sudweeks 104.00

Fred C. Syrett 2,949.20

Thomas H. Talbot 273.00

Mr. and Mrs. W. Warren Taylor 220.95

A.C. Tebbs 91.00

H.C. Tebbs 18.00

H.C. and S.B. Tebbs 588.00

Wm. H. Tebbs 48.00

Wm. H. Tebbs 344.00

E.A. Thompson 1,200.00

Homer C. Thompson 83.00

E. Elroy Thurston 104.00

Veater Brothers 292.00

James M. Veater 548.00

John Westwood 18.00

John R. Westwood 115.00

George H. Wilson 37.00

Whitaker & Steele 86.00

Whitaker Brothers' farm, by J.R. Norton 337.00

Arthur Whitaker 418.00

Taylor Whitaker 343.00

Geo. Wiltshire 45.00

Geo. H. Wilson 108.00

Geo. H. Wilson, Jr. 95.00

Geo. H. Wilson 392.00

T.J. Winn 184.00

John T. Wilson 1,130.00

Seth Wilson 347.00

David I. Wilson 414.00

J.J. Wilcock 351.00

Arthur Wooley` 50.00

Frank Wooley 83.20

Bear Creek Canal Co. 265.98

Circleville Irrigation Co. 384.00

East Panguitch Irrigation Co. 590.94

Junction Irrigation Co. 25.00

Junction Middle Ditch Co. 48.00

Lefevre, Burton & Tebbs Ditch Co. 311.00

Long Canal Co. 1,193.57

Loss Creek Irrigation Co. 300.00

Marshall Canal Co. 47.00

McEwan Canal Co. 500.00

Wm. H. Marshall, secretary 227.00