Marysvale's Unique Girl Scout Troop

(Richfield Reaper, 24 May 1951)

Marysvale's Unique Girl Scout Troop Begins Cookie Sale to Raise Funds

for Summer Camp activities in July

One of the most unique youth organizations in southern Utah, the Marysvale Girl Scouts, will embark on their most important project on Monday when 18 young girls, ranging in age from 11 to 14, begin an area-wide cookie sale campaign. Following a year of activity in which they have made good their motto -- "Help Others," these ambitious youngsters will journey to various southern Utah towns with their wares in an effort to raise funds which will enable them to attend a week of Girl Scout summer camp near Provo.

Only group of its kind between Provo and Arizona, the Marysvale Girl Scouts were formed 4 years ago as a "lone troop," that is, without benefit of district membership, but have thrived under the outstanding leadership of such Marysvale women as Mrs. Verne Tarne, their leader; Miss Grace Wasem, minister of the Marysvale community church, Mrs. Rulon Brox and Mrs. Chas. Cherry. The girl scout camp will begin its summer program for the Marysvale troop some time in July, providing the youngsters raise the necessary money thru their cookie sales.

Photo caption: Displaying the attractively boxed Girl Scout cookies which they will sell to residents in many Southern Utah towns beginning on Monday, the enthusiastic Marysvale Girl Scout Troop, only such organization in Southern Utah, has its eyes set on a week of scout activities at summer camp in Provo. Somewhere in the picture (The Reaper photographer found it difficult to keep track of those energetic girls) are Joye Nielson, Ione Madsen, Charie Tate, Mary Atherly, Margaret Atherly, Alice Sessions, Kaye Carson, Shauna Bay, Rosalie Munson, Sharon Cutler, Ann Montgomery, Emma Rae Keller, Lorraine Cropper, Colleen Christiansen, and Kathryn Ollerton. JoAnne James and Earline Brox (not pictured) are also members of this unique girls' organization. They'll be knocking on your door soon with a good quality product, funds from which may help them to realize their summer camp ambition.