Description of Alunite Town, 1918

Beautifying the Mill Town

(Piute Chieftain, 9 May 1918) 

Imbued with the spirit of cleanliness and improvement the good citizens of Alunite are forging ahead and the spring clean-up is now the order of the day. A visit to the mill town recently displayed decided change in the village and all owners of residences were busy cleaning yards, planting gardens and making useful and attractive improvements about their respective places.

Not alone are the many employes living at the mill town back of the movement, but the Mineral Products company is daily at something to make the camp more attractive and healthful and convenient. Among the latest improvements by the company is the men's quarters. This two-story structure is now nearing completion and when the final touches are added it will be second to none in the state. The men's quarters will be modern in every particular. It is a frame building, but the interior is the embodiment of all conveniences that could be asked for. There are some thirty rooms and each room will have an outside window. Each room will be furnished completely for the occupant with bed, chairs and commode. On the lower floor, as well as the upper floor, will be found hot and cold water baths, a shower bath, several porcelain wash basins connected with hot and cold water and lavatories. On the east side of the building will be located the reception room. This room is large and will accommodate the larger portion of the occupants of the building.

The school house, a gift to the county by the Mineral Products company, is to be thoroughly renovated. The interior of the building will be cleaned and repainted and several minor improvements are to be made for the convenience of the classes. The outside of the structure is to have a new coat of paint and when school opens during the coming fall the building will be in fine shape for the reception of the faculty and pupils. President Chappell has ordered special furniture for the Red Cross Society of Alunite and when it arrives it will be stationed in the north room of the school building, and this room will be used until the school starts, by the newly organized Red Cross society of the mill town.

Postmaster-Secretary of the Red Cross - Chief-Chemist-Deputy Sheriff G.E. Cohen, is also a busy man. To provide more room for the patrons at the postoffice and to have more convenience in the office, Mr. Cohen has enlarged the Federal building and caused a different arrangement, that now it affords pleasure and convenience to all. Provision has been made for the installation of more lock boxes and when the boxes arrive and are installed, the office at Alunite will be up-to-date in every particular.

Not alone has the active movement in cleaning and improving the town been a feature, but the management of the mill is adding many new parts and experimental plants are being added and altogether the town is taking on an air of great activity.