Photographs of Price

    These photographs on this page have been reduced in size to about 1 1/2 inch x 1 inch. Links to the photographs have been added. If you click on the photo a larger image will open up on a new screen. If you use Google Chrome Hover Zoom you will be able to point your mouse at the photo and see a larger size photo without the photo opening on a new page. Also try Thumbnail Zoom Plus for Foxfire. I haven't ever used the Foxfire add-on so I'm not sure how it works.

    If you see a photograph here that you would like a larger picture of e-mail Kathy Hamaker. I'd be happy to e-mail you the photo file so you can print it out on your computer. Please be sure to include the file name and file location on your e-mail. If you have any photographs in your possession that you would like to donate I'd be happy to add them to the webpage.

    Please do not ask me to send you all the photos in my collection. I would be happy to send you five or six photos. Send me the file names and location for the photos you want and I'll do my best to reply quickly. Thank you for visiting.

    Lists of more photos of Price can be found on the index pages for the 1927 Carbon High Yearbook and the 1937 Carbon High Yearbook.

    Denise Sealey Collection

    Carbon High Name: Carbon High - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/CarbonHigh

    A very clean and clear photograph of Carbon High without any outside landscaping. 1911/1912
    Groundbreaking Name: Carbon High - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/groundbreaking

    A group of men with shovels all standing in a line. It appears to be a groundbreaking ceremony for some building. The old Carbon High School is in the background.
    Larson Family
    Name: Larson Family - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/LarsonFamily

    1933 family photo: T.C. Larson & Myrtle Larson with kids. Margaret Larson, T. Curtis Larson, and Frances Larson. They purchased the Stevenson Lumber Yard in 1913. Re-naming it Price Lumber & Hardware Co.
    Stevenson Lumber Name: Stevenson Lumber - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/StevensonLumber1

    Stevenson Lumber purchased by T.C. Larson in 1913 and changed the name to Price Lumber & Hardware Co.
    Stevenson Lumber Name: Stevenson Lumber - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/StevensonLumber2

    Stevenson Lumber purchased by T.C. Larson in 1913 and changed the name to Price Lumber & Hardware Co.
    Stevenson Lumber Name: Stevenson Lumber - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/StevensonLumber3

    Stevenson Lumber purchased by T.C. Larson in 1913 and changed the name to Price Lumber & Hardware Co.
    Stevenson Lumber Name: Stevenson Lumber - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/StevensonLumber4

    Stevenson Lumber purchased by T.C. Larson in 1913 and changed the name to Price Lumber & Hardware Co.
    Price Lumber & Hardware Name: Price Lumber & Hardware - Location: Price/DeniseSealey/PriceLumber

    Business Card for T.C. Larson owner of Price Lumber and Hardware Co., the yard of quality, reasonable prices and prompt service. Everything in lumber and building material, one piece or a carload.

    Layne Miller Collection

    Name: Price Main Street - Location: Price/Miller, Layne/Pricemai

    Main Street in the very early days

    Pat Provenzano Collection

    Name: Tabernacle - Location: Price/Provenzano/tabernacle

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Tabernacle taken on a very cold and snowy 10 May 1922. The LDS church tithing office is also in the photo.
    Name: Courthouse - Location: Price/Provenzano/courthouse

    Carbon County Courthouse photo dated 9 Dec 1914

    Newspaper, Yearbook & Postcard Collections

    Name: Schools - Location: Price/newspapers/firstschool

    This sketch is of the first school house in Price, built in 1884-5. Copied from the Eastern Utah Advocate 21 Jun 1900.
    Name: School house - Location: Price/newspapers/schoolhouse

    Sketch of Price's new school building, to be erected at a cost of ten thousand dollars. - Copied from the Eastern Utah Advocate 21 Jun 1900.
    Name: Hotel - Location: Price/newspapers/Ritz Hotel

    This photo was scanned from a picture in the Sun Advocate newspaper dated 24 Oct 1991. The Ritz Hotel and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Tabernacle can be seen. On the side of the Hotel building are two signs reading: "Utah Power & Light Company" and "The Averill Hotel"
    Name: Courthouse - Location: Price/newspapers/courthouse-side

    Carbon County Courthouse - side view, scanned from the Sun Advocate newspaper
    Name: Courthouse - Location: Price/postcards/1959courthouse

    Carbon County Courthouse built in 1959 - scanned from photo post card
    Name: Church - Location: Price/newspapers/MethodistChurch

    The Community (Methodist) church of Price - copied from The Sun dated 23 Aug 1928
    Name: Hotel - Location: Price/newspapers/Carbon Hotel

    The Carbon Hotel - photo scanned from Sun Advocate Newspaper.
    Name: Hotel - Location: Price/newspapers/SavoyHotel

    The Savoy Hotel stood at the corner of 100 West and Main Street in Price - photo scanned from Sun Advocate Newspaper
    Name: Masonic Temple - Location: Price/webpage/MasonicTemple

    The Masonic Temple
    Name: Swimming Pool - Location: Price/postcards/swimmingpool

    Price Municipal swimming pool
    Crest Motel
    Name: Crest Motel - Location: Price/postcards/crestmotel

    The Crest Motel
    Main Street
    Name:Price Mainstreet - Location: Price/postcards/mainstreet

    Main Street of Price.
    First Home
    Name: Homes - Location: Price/webpage/1927firsthome

    First home built in Carbon County scanned from the 1927 yearbook.
    Name: Dormitory - Location: Price/1929yearbook/1929dormitory

    Dormitory for students that attended Carbon High from surrounding mining camps. 1929 yearbook.
    Name: Carbon High - Location: Price/1938yearbook/1938school

    Aerial view of Carbon High School, the annex and another building behind them. The building in the center at the top of the photo was the old seminary building. This building is currently used for the LDS Family History Library. 1938 yearbook
    Name: Mitchell Funeral Home - Location: Price/1941yearbook/MitchellFuneralHome

    R. T. "Dick" Mitchell Embalmer and Funeral Director, Price, Phone 300. Copied from 1941 Carbon High Yearbook.
    Name: Star Theatre - Location: Price/1924yearbook/startheatre

    The Star Theatre, photo copied from the 1924 Carbon High Yearbook
    Name: Hospital in 1927 - Location: Price/newspapers/hospital1927

    The Sun advertisement for Jan. 12, 1923 says: Price Hospital Fully equipped and Open to all Practicing Physicians. Operating room always in readiness for emergency cases. Not controlled by any one physician Mrs. Ethel S. Shepherd, Manager Miss Etta Burke, R. N. Nurse in charge. Photograph from The Sun newspaper.
    Name: Hospital in 1938 - Location: Price/webpage/PriceHospital1938

    Carbon Hospital - 1935 to 1980 about 1938
    At the time this picture was taken the hospital was solely owned by Price City. It later became the Price-Carbon Hospital. The new expansion and front was added on and in 1980, HCA, built a new hospital west of the city and this one is still empty. (Description and photo scanned from historical calendar created by Carbon County.)
    Name: Hospital Addition - Location: Price/newspapers/PriceHosptal1938

    Helper Journal - March 2, 1967
    Architects concept of the proposed new Carbon Hospital addition to be added to the front of the present structure. The addition will house 60 private and semi-private beds and other facilities.

    Name: Central School - Location: Price/postcards/CentralSchool1907

    Price Central School - This photo is scanned from a postcard. The postcard is dated 31 Oct 1907, 1:00 p.m., postmark Price, Utah with a one cent stamp. The card is addressed to Mrs. M. E. Mangrone from a C.L. Landie and says "Say, I'm waiting for that long looked for letter."
    Name: Kiwanis Field - Location: Price/postcards/KiwanisField

    Postcard photo: Kiwanis Athletic Field - Price, Utah. On the back of the photo it says, "Saw this as we stopped in a cafe nearby August 3, 1954." Mont Harmon Jr. High now sits on the same location that the Kiwanis Athletic Field was. The block C is visable on the mountain on the postcard.
    Name: Electric Plant - Location: Price/webpage/electricplant

    First Electrical Plant in Price
    Ben Mangum is shown inside the first electrical plant built in Price. This square block building is still located behind the old Pioneer Welding Shop on South Carbon Ave. (Discription and photo scanned from historical calendar created by Carbon County.)
    Name: Mecca Motel - Location: Price/webpage/MeccaMotel

    Mecca Motel/Pensione Etaliana about 1910
    This rooming house was located in Price or First South across from the old City Shops. It was built and ran by Joe Bonacci. The people in front are unidentified. It was a prime location, at that time, with the railroad depot just to the south. The building is now demolished and may be remembered as the "No Name Bar." (Discription and photo scanned from historical calendar created by Carbon County.)
    Job Corp
    Name: Job Corp - Location: Price/postcards/JobCorp

    View of Castle Valley Job Corps Conservation Center
    Located on Utah Highway 10, three miles south of Price, Utah, this award-winning Center is operated by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior and Office of Economic Opportunity. Young men from coast to coast have developed their education and job skills while training at the center. Ektachrome by Bill Fossat, postcard printed by Peczuh pringtin Company, Price, Utah.
    Name: Mainstreet - Location: Price/postcards/Mainstreet2A

    On back of card: "Main Street Looking East, located 125 miles southeast of Salt Lake City, Price is the only college town and the largest city in Eastern Utah." Card shows Redd Motor sign, Savoy Hotel on the right and Price Cafe Dining room, Office Supply, Phillips 66, Bank, Crown movie theater on the left.
    Main Street looking West
    Name: Mainstreet - Location: Price/postcards/Mainstreetlookingwest

    On back of card: "Main Street Looking East, located on U.S. Highways 50 and 6 in Eastern Utah. Price is the largest city and only college town in Eastern Utah." Card shows the sign of Mission Motel, Walton Motors, Cadillac & Pontiac on the right and a "air cooled" Cafe, Texaco on the left
    City Hall
    Name: Mainstreet - Location: Price/postcards/CityHall

    Price City Hall located on the northwest corner of Main Street and 200 East.
    Name: Price - Location: Price/postcards/Price4

    Overview of Price. It appears that the County Courthouse and the LDS Tabernacle are in the center of the photo. It is a very old photo and hard to recognize very many buildings in between the trees.

    Enid Seaton Ruoff Collection

    Name: 1941-1st grade - Location: Price/enidseatonruoff/1941-1stgrade

    1st Grade Class, Price, Utah, 1941
    Back row, 4th boy from left: Joe Seaton
    Name: 1941 - 6th grade - Location: Price/enidseatonruoff/1941-6thgrade

    6th Grade Class, Harding School, Price, Utah, 1941, Mr. Dowdle, Teacher
    Back row: Jimmy Barras, Mark Johnston, Vern ____, Jimmy Lee, Douglas Frandsen, Keith Effle, Phelan "Figs" Hanna, Tommy Bithell, Garth Waterman Reid, John Empey, John Evan Jones.
    Third row: Glen Greenwood, Lois _____, Nedra Watkins, Helene Anderson, Gwen Harmon, _______, Lillian _____, Elaine Waterman, Beulah _____, Dixon Lee, ________, ________
    Second row: Enid Frances Seaton, Athena Vatsis, Verna Marsing, Lois Hastings, ______, Jerry Shiner, Josephine Bliss, Margaret Ruth Alley, Donna Mabbut, Jolene Bryner, Despina Regas
    Front row: Clarke Neilsen, David Fausett, Russell "Sam" Williams, Nick Zumadakis, ________, Jimmy Taylor, _________, Howard Day, Jimmy Roberts.

    John Empey drowned in the Price Swimming pool about 1947
    Jimmy Lee was J. Bracken Lee's son, and became a noted lawyer.
    John Evan Jones, son of Aaron E. Jones, Tom Bithell and Dixon Lee became medical doctors.
    Enid Seaton was a gifted pianist.
    David Fausett was an artist.

    Joy Bera Collections

    Name: Wallace Mortuary - Location: Price/JoyBera/WallaceMortuary

    The building on the right has served as the second hospital in Price, the Wallace Mortuary from 1926 to 1962 and then the Smuin, Rich and Marsing Accounting Firm. It has now been refurbished and is occupied by a new business. The building is at 47 North 100 East. The old Bryner home on 68 South First East also served at one time as Wallace Mortuary and Thomas Deseret Mortuary. The building on the left is the Masonic Temple.

    Jack Zobell Collections

    Band & Courthouse
    Name: Courthouse - Location: Price/ZobellJack/JZcourthouse

    Spring Canyon band in front of the Carbon County Courthouse in Price at the annual band contest.

    Jerry & Charlotte Hamaker Collections

    Name: Price Trading - Location: Price/webpage/PTC

    Price Trading Company - The photo was found in an old railroad house.
    Name: Co-operative - Location: Price/webpage/cooperative

    Price Co-operative Mercantile Institution - The photo was found in an old railroad house.

    David Hudson Collections

    Name: Price Main Street - Location: Price/Hudson, David/PriceMain

    Price Main Street. This photo was taken while standing about 100 East and Main Street looking west. The Liberty Hotel and the Texaco Station are on the right. The two drug stores on the corners of Main Street and Carbon Avenue are visible on the left hand side. Flags and banners are hung across the Main street.

    Don Butler Collections

    Name: Freight - Location: Price/Butler, Don/DBfreight

    Freighters in Carbon County. On the bottom of the photo is says: Freight Road Camp, Frank A Young & Sons, John A. Body(?) Ft. Duchesne 1900
    Name: Hospital - Location: Price/Butler, Don/hospital73

    Price Hospital photo taken in 1973

    Karl Kraync Collections

    Name: Courthouse - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book L/L-06

    Carbon County Courthouse located on the southeast corner of Main Street and 100 East across the street from the LDS Tabernacle
    Name: Hotels - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book L/L-05

    Carbon Hotel on First South.
    Name: Courthouse - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book L/L-04

    Carbon County Courthouse taken from the side. Building was located on Main Street and 100 East.
    Name: Savoy Hotel - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book L/L-03

    Savoy Hotel located on the south west corner of Main Street and 100 West.
    Name: LDS Tabernacle - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book L/L-09

    The LDS tabernacle on the north east corner of main street and first east. On the right hand side of the photo the Bishops Tithing house can be seen and on the left hand side of the photo the original Price Central School can be seen.

    Kathy Hamaker Collections

    Name: Carbon High - Location: Price/webpage/Carbon High

    Old Carbon High School at the top of Carbon Avenue. The school was completed in December 1912 and school began in the building in January 1913. The school had a gym, a swimming pool, an auditorium with a stage and twenty classrooms.
    Name: School Board Office - Location: Price/Kathy Hamaker/boardoffice Price/

    2003 School Board Office. Building was torn down and removed in August 2003. The building was originally built to be an annex to Carbon High School.
    Name: Carbon Avenue - Location: Price/1927yearbook/carbonave

    Looking down Carbon Avenue from the old Carbon High School. Photo scanned from the 1927 Carbon High yearbook.
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007g

    Price Central School - ...For once in their lives the children of Price were glad to go to school for on Wednesday (9 Feb 1916) morning of this week they trouped to the new $40,000. grade building for their first day of school in suitable surroundings since the old building burned on the night of Jan. 3 (1915). News Advocate - 11 Feb 1916 pg 1 This photo was taken on 25 May 2007, the day Price City hosted a ceremony honoring the history of the Price Central School.
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007b

    Price Central School - This photo was also taken on 25 May 2007, just days before it was scheduled for demolition.
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007c

    Price Central School- Photo taken 25 May 2007. Back side of school.
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/Centralschool2007d

    Price Central School- Photo taken 1 Jun 2007 - demolition day!
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007e

    Price Central School- Photo taken 1 Jun 2007 - demolition day!
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007f

    Price Central School- Photo taken 1 Jun 2007 - demolition of the final standing corner.
    Name: Central School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/centralschool2007g

    Price Central School- Photo taken 1 Jun 2007 - the end of 99 years of history.
    Senior Citizens
    Name: Senior Citizens - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/Senior Citizen

    The Senior Citizens Building was first constructed in 1911 and was opened for business in 1912 by Mark Braffet. The building was known as the Price Tavern and is now on the National Historic Register. It served as the Senior Citizens Center for many years until a new building was constructed at Fairgrounds road for the seniors. The building then housed the Carbon County Recreation department until 2015 when they moved into the new Carbon County Courthouse on 100 North. The building now houses the Boys and Girls Club.
    Name: Methodist Church - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/MethodistChurch1

    The Community (Methodist) church of Price - photo taken February 2004
    Name: First National Bank - Location: Price/Ellis, Jane/vault

    This vault is now owned by the Far West Bank. It was originally used by the First National Bank in Price in 1910.
    Name: Sheralds - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/sheralds

    Sherald's Burger Bar - Main Street in Price.
    Name: Deadman Canyon - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/deadman2

    Monument in Deadman Canyon. Plaque on the monument says: Named after body was found here by H.G. & J.H. Mathis, June 1884 built, May 19, 1934 by Price Ward Aaronic Priesthood. Photo taken 9 Oct 2009.
    Name: Deadman Canyon - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/deadman1

    Monument in Deadman Canyon. Plaque on the monument says: Named after body was found here by H.G. & J.H. Mathis, June 1884 built, May 19, 1934 by Price Ward Aaronic Priesthood. Photo taken 9 Oct 2009.
    Name: Deadman Canyon - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/deadman3

    Picture of the scenery around Deadman Canyon Monument. Photo taken 9 Oct 2009.
    Name: Deadman Canyon - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/deadman4

    Picture of the scenery around Deadman Canyon Monument. Photo taken 9 Oct 2009.
    Name: Matt Warner - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/MattWarnerHouse

    Matt Warner House
    This is a photo of the monument dedicated by Matt Warner Chapter 1900 E Clampus Vitus on July 19, 1997. The monument is on the front of the home where Matt Warner lived and gives a short history about him. It says: Matt Warner Home. Matt Warner left home in 1879 at age 15, thinking he had killed a rival in a fight over a girl. He lived his early life on the out-law trail as a bandit and rustler and was sent to prison on Sept. 21, 1896. Matt was pardoned by Governor Wells on Jan 21, 1900. He settled in Price and sent his remaining 38 years as a productive member of society: serving as Deputy Sheriff, Justice of the Peace, Detective and night policeman. In 1912 he ran for sheriff but was defeated because he ran under his real name of Willard Christiansen and nobody knew who that was. Matt lived in this house until his death on Dec. 21, 1938.
    Name: Matt Warner - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/MattWarner

    Matt Warner
    This is a photo of the monument dedicated by E Clampus Vitus Utah Outpost Mountain Charlie Charter No. 1850 July 25, 1981 The monument is on the front of the Carbon County Courthouse and gives a short history about Matt Warner. It says: Matt Warner, April 12, 1864-December 21, 1935, The Bandit who became Judge. Matt Warner was born Willard E. Christiansen in Ephraim, Utah. He left home at the age of 14 after a fight in which he thought he killed the town bully. He took the name Matt Warner, became a cattle rustler, bank robber and rode with Butch Cassidy until going to prison on trumped up charges in 1897. He was released in 1900, with a full pardon from Governor Wells. In the following years, he became one of the best Deputy Sheriffs, City Police Officers, and Justices of the peace Carbon County has ever known. As a man of the law, Warner won the love of all Carbon County, except the lawyers, and stuffed shirts. He was strictly a man of the people.
    Name: Harding School - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/HardingSchool-1

    Harding School
    This is a photo of the monument dedicated 14 July 1984 by Utah Outpost Mountain Charlie Chapter No. 1850 E Clampus Vitus. The monument reads: Harding School, 1925-1983, Harding school was named after President Warren G. Harding. Classes started August 1925 with George Fox as the first principal. It was used as an elementary school until May 1968 when Principal James L. Jensen called classes to order for the last time. Price City purchased the property and converted the school into a fire station and multi-use center in 1968. It was torn down in 1983 to make way for the Price City Public Saftey Building.
    Name: Checkerboard Grocery - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/checkerboard

    Checkerboard Grocery - built in 1946 it was originally part of the Price Commission Store. Owned and operated by Guido Rachiele for nearly 50 years. The store closed on January 31, 2007 at 5:30 p.m.
    Price Trading
    Name: Price Trading - Location: Price/Hamaker,Kathy/Price City Mural/Price Trading

    This is a view of the Price Trading Company Building that is in the mural painted on the walls of the Price City Hall. The artist's mother, Josephine Bryner Fausett, is seen wearing a white apron standing in the doorway.
    Price City MuralName: Price City Mural - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/fausett2

    Photo depicts the organizing of the Mormon church in Price. There are many other scenes to this mural including: Lynn Fausett leading his blind grandfather into the valley. The construction of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad through the area, freighters, and a store and post office building built by Fred Grames. This mural can be seen by visiting the Price Municipal Building, 200 East Main Street, Price, Utah.
    Price City Mural Name: Price City Mural - Location: Price/Hamaker, Kathy/faucett3

    In 1938 a local artist Lynn Fausett was commissioned by the Works Progress Association (WPA) to paint a mural in the Price Municipal Building. It took him until November of 1941 to complete the project. The mural depicts an accurate chronology of the populating and industrializing of Carbon County. On the left is the scene depicting Caleb Rhoades and Abraham Powell coming into the valley in 1877.

    Michael Francis Collections

    Name: Doughboy Statue - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/doughboy

    The doughboy statue in the Peace Gardens in front of the College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum. The doughboy statue was originally erected in Hiawatha but was moved to Price when the town closed up.
    Name: Greek Orthodox Church - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/greekchurch

    Greek Orthodox Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Price, Utah
    Name: Carbon High Band - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/twirller2s

    1938 Carbon High Band, twirller on left - George Mavrakis, on right - Joe Santi, Drum Major - Lynn Goetsman. Photos donated by George and Thelma Mavrakis.
    Name: George Mavrakis - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/Twirller1s

    George Mavrakis in full uniform. Taken after winning state contest. Photos donated by George and Thelma Mavrakis.

    Name: Frangadakis Wedding - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/wedding1916s

    1916 wedding photo of Kanakis and Katrina Frangadakis, the first Greek wedding at the new Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Price, 1916. The priest is Markos Petrakis. Photograph courtesy of Helen Frangadakis Francis.
    Name: Kanakis Frangadakis - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/Frangadakis

    Kanakis Frangadakis and his sons George and Manos, circa 1919. Kanakis Frangadakis owned the City Cafe on Main Street in Price from the 1920's to the mid 30's. Photograph courtesy of Helen Frangadakis Francis.

    Name: Greek Church Choir - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/greekchoir

    Greek Orthodox Choir from the Assumption Church

    Photo is courtesy of George and Thelma Mavrakis. This photo is the Greek Orthodox Choir from the Assumption Church in Price Utah. Nick Mavrakis started the choir in 1934, and it was the first Greek choir west of the Mississippi. There were no Greek choir books at the time and he arranged the music for the choir himself. This picture, taken in front of the church, is from circa 1940.

    First row, left to right: Bessie Sampino, Helen Pigatis, Mary Leonakis, Thelma Kasselas, Angelina Kontgas, Father Panagiotis Frentzos, Sophia Mahaleris, Athena Georgedes and Argie Logakis.
    Second row: Goldie Kasdaris, Annie Flematakis, Stella Logakis, Jenny Mackris, Vera Nikas, Argie Kotzabakis, Irene Daskaols, Annie Pappsaharris, Elaine Duimenti, Bessie Nikas, and Choir Director, Nick Mavrakis.
    Third row: Olive Pappas, Katherine Jouflas, Annie Sooklaris, Peggy Vergakis and Helen Doulas.
    Top row:Dea Mahalaris, Mary Pappas and Liberty Mavrakis

    Name: Children - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/children1933

    Photograph of the children of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Price, circa 1933. In the picture, the priest is Father Miranopolus, Helen Frangadakis is the 2nd girl to the left of the priest, and Beth Frangadakis is in the 2nd row, 4th from the right. Kanakis Frangadakis is in the back row, far right, holding hat. Photo courtesy of Helen Frangadakis Francis.
    Name: Greek Funeral - Location: Price/Francis, Michael/funeral1

    Late 1930's - Funeral of Greek child taken in front of the Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. Pavlos Rutzakis, Sheriff of Rains, is standing in the middle of the back row next to the priest. Photo courtesy of Marge Rutzakis Cougiamtzakis.

    Boyack family Collections

    Name: Boyacks Clothing Store - Location: Price/Boyack, Kent/boyacks

    Boyack's Clothing Store and Main Street of Price - photo donated by Boyack family.

    Malcolm Howard Collection

    Visit Malcolm Howard Photography for more of his photos.

    Name: Price - Location: Price/Howard, Malcolm/Price3

    This sign is on the west entrance to the Town of Price and welcomes everyone to our town.

    Rodney Jackson Collection

    Name: Farmers Insurance - Location: Price/Jackson, Rodney/FarmersInsurance

    This photograph is of a metal license plate attachment that says, "Protected by Farmers Automobile Inter-insurance Exchange". It is probably used in the 1920's or 30's.

    Joanne Houghton Hyatt Collection

    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Hyatt, Joanne/BertMartin-5

    Float in a parade in Price. The float is in front of the Star Hotel. Sign on the float reads: Moose Haven, the home for the Aged and Disabled. Moose Lodge #1659 of Helper. Riding on the float are Joe Marshall and Aunty Mae Martin.

    Frances Cunningham Collection

    Name: - Location: Price/Cunningham, Frances/

    Town Hall in 1909. Town Hall was located at the north west corner of 6th street and I street. In later years I street became Main Street and 6th street became 200 east. In the early days of Price the street now known as Carbon Avenue was 8th street, 100 east was 7th street, 200 east was 6th street etc. 100 South was H street, Main Street was I street and 100 North was J street etc.
    Name: Wilcox - Location: Price/Cunningham, Frances/SheriffWilcox

    Sheriff Hyrum Wilcox
    Name: Bank - Location: Price/Cunningham, Frances/FirstNationalBank

    The First National Bank Building and a Pretty Street
    Papa Joe's
    Name: Downtown - Location: Price/Cunningham, Frances/PapaJoes

    This photo shows Papa Joe's Bar on 100 South in Price and a large building that looks like a garage or warehouse. Currently in this location is a parking lot. If anyone knows the name of this building please e-mail Kathy Hamaker. Thank you.
    Bryner Home
    Name: Homes - Location: Price/Cunningham, Frances/BrynerHome

    This was the first brick home built in Price by James Ulrich Bryner. During its years it has been a home, a Bed and Breakfast, a mortuary, a credit union and is currently being made into the Bryner Museum. It is located on the northwest corner of 100 South and 100 East.

    Donald Prater Collection

    Name: Price - Location: Price/Practor, Donald/PriceAtNight

    Main Street of Price at night. Late 40's or early 50's.

    Jamie Powell and Phil Leonard Collection

    Name: Price - Location: Price/Powell,Jamie/monument

    Monument says: About 1000 ft. west of this spot is: The Site of the First Cabin Built In this valley In The summer of 1877, 80 Abraham Powell. This marker erected by Explorer Troop #284, Nov 1936 - Wm. Campbell, SM. Click here to read more about the monument.

    Jamie Powell Collection

    Name: Price - Location: Price/Powell, Jamie/HighSchoolTeachers

    This photo is titled, "High School Teachers" and shows seven women on horseback.

    Henry Trauntvein Family Collection

    Name: Band - Location: Price/Trauntvein, Henry/CChighschoolband

    The Carbon County High School Band

    Allen Rizzi

    Eugene Rizzi & Orchestra
    Name: Orchestra - Location: Price/Rizzi,Allen/PriceOrchestra1922

    Price Orchestra 1922
    Eugene Rizzi is seated second from the left. The man in the center is either Professor Alvin Duke or Mr. Eugene Hansen (both of Price). A larger version of this image can be found here.

    Eldon Miller Family Collection

    The following photos have been donated by Eldon Miller to the Carbon County Historical Society and the Carbon County UTGenWeb webpage. These photographs have been donated to Eldon Miller by many different sources. If you donated them to Eldon and would like your name to accompany the photograph please e-mail Kathy Hamaker and I'll add it. Special thanks goes to Michael Francis for scanning the photographs so they could be added to the webpage.

    Name: School - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-01

    Carbon County Junior High School - Price, Utah, photo scanned from an old postcard.
    Name: school - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-02

    Carbon Junior College in Price later became the College of Eastern Utah. School was opened in 1939.
    Name: School - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-19

    Another photograph of the Carbon County High School.
    Name: School - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-27

    Another photograph of the Carbon County High School in the wintertime.
    Name: Band - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-28

    Gordon Creek School band. (Banner says: Blue Blaze Coal)
    Name: Coach - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-29

    Dr. A. E. Jones, Carbon College President and Coach Preston Summerhays standing in front of Carbon College.
    Name: School - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-36

    Very young students in front of school in Price.
    Name: Band - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-37 and book O/O-13

    Carbon High Band marching down Main Street in Price. Old Carbon county Courthouse, Superior Service and J.C. Penney can be seen in background.
    Name: Band - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-38

    Carbon High Band marching down Main Street in Price.
    Name: Class Photo - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-41

    Price seminary building in Price. Photo is of the class of '49 and was taken in the 1946-1947 school year.
    Name: Airport - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book J/J-05

    Building at the Price airport. On the front of the building it says: Aviation Gas, Stanavo, Lund Air Service, Waco Airplanes, Student Training, Price Airport, Passenger flights, Vico Motor oil, pep 88
    Name: Google Image - Location: Price/google/100WestMain

    This photo is a Google image taken in October of 2012. It shows the buildings on the North side of Main Street between 100 West and Carbon Avenue. They buildings have been numbered 1-10 and will be referenced on the following photo images. 1-American West Bank, 2-Price Insurance, 3-Doctors office of Dr. VanVloton MD, 4-Don Marcos Salon, nails & tanning, 5- Cracked (phone repair shop), 6-Sunset Glow Tanning, 7-Price Floral, 8-Silver Steakhouse, 9-Silver Dollar, 10-Crown movie theatre, 11-J.D. Banasky Insurance
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-01

    Price Main Street - photo shows Price Floral Inc., an office equipment store, Silver Dollar and half of the Crown Theatre (These buildings are #7,8,9,10 on Google image.)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-02

    Price Main Street - photo shows Far West Bank & Roberts Floral & Gift's (These buildings are #1 & 2 on Google image.)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-03

    Price Main Street - photo shows Price Insurance Agency & Price Floral Inc. (These buildings are #5 &7 on Google image.)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-19

    On the left is the First Federal Savings & Loan Association and the Western Union store, in the center is the coffee shop and fountain drink store and on the right is the Price Trading with a Price Taxi parked in front. (These buildings are #5, 6, 7 on Google image. Building 5 is a new building, #6 had a facelift)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-04

    Price Main Street - photo shows Desert Dreams and The Silver Coyote (Building #4 on Google Image.)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-15

    The Ken Slusser Co. 5 and 10 store, $1.00 and up, it is between a dry cleaners and a Shoe Shop. These stores were on the north side of Main Street where the J.D. Banasky Insurance Company is now.
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-16

    Gardner Barber Shop & Beauty Salon, Quality Dry Cleaners next to the Ken Slusser Co., Utah movie theatre is next to the Barber shop. These stores were on the north side of Main Street where the J.D. Banasky Insurance Company is now. The Utah movie theatre is now the Crown. (Utah move Theatre is #10 on the Google Image)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-17

    Utah Theatre on Price Main Street. The movie Buster Crabbe in "Stage Coach Outlaws" is on the marque. Gardner Barber Shop is on the right. The Utah Theatre is now the Crown. (Building #9 & 10 on Google Image)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-18

    This photo shows Price Trading Company now Price Floral, Carbon Emery Bank later to become Jewkes (?) Office Supply and currently Silver Steakhouse. The Silver Dollar shown in the photo is still the Silver Dollar today. (Buildings #7, 8, & 9 on Google image)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-20

    On the left is a lawyers office, center is a Sheet Metal Works store specializing in plumbing, furnices and stokers. On the right is the First Federal Savings and Loan Association. (Buildings #3, 4, 5 on Google Image. Building 5 was replaced with a new building)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-21

    On the left is the Sun Advocate Newspaper, in the center is the offices of Jensen & Frandsen Lawyers & Dr. I. Kofford Dentist (upstairs) and the Typewriter Company, on the right is the Sheet Metal Works store. (Buildings #2, 3, 4 on the Google Image)
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-05

    Old photo of the Price Main Street. Businesses in the photo are: Tire & Battery Supplies, Vulcanizing, Auto Collison Works Auto Painting and Welding, Mutual Lumber Hardware, Johnsons Shell, Redd's Chevron & Oldsmobile, US tires, Savoy Hotel,
    Name: Victory Dance - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-06

    Greek citizens in their own folk dance on the streets in Price on V. J. (Victory over Japan) celebration, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 1945. People are dancing in front of a building: Jesse M. Chase Fine Used Cars, Utah Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Wyoming & Oregon
    Name: Victory Dance - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-07

    Greek citizens in their own folk dance on the streets in Price on V. J. (Victory over Japan) celebration, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 1945. People are in front of Jesse M. Chase Used Autos, a dress shop and Moss Jewelry Co.
    Name: Victory Dance - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-08

    Greek citizens in their own folk dance on the streets in Price on V. J. (Victory over Japan) celebration, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 1945.
    Name: Victory Dance - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-09

    Greek citizens in their own folk dance on the streets in Price on V. J. (Victory over Japan) celebration, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 1945. Signs read: (Fla Bille) Dress Shop, Moss Jewelry Co., Price Hotel, Fine Used Cars, Jesse M. Chase, Electric, Auto Supplies
    Name: City Hall - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-10

    The old Price City Hall - on the front of the building it says: Price Municipal Hall 1885(?) Building is on the north west corner of Main Street and 200 East.
    Name: City Hall - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-11

    The new Price City Hall that replaced the City Hall in the previous photo. It is still on the northwest corner of Main Street and 200 East
    Name: Parade - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-12

    The Carbon High band marching in a parade in front of the old Carbon County Courthouse, Superior Service and J.C. Penney
    Name: Band - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-14a

    The Carbon High School band in front of the Carnegie Library. Photo is titled "State Intermountain & National Champions
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-22

    Price Main Street showing the Star Bowling Alley, Trail Hotel, Price Theatre, Utah Electric
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-23

    Price Main Street showing the Sunrise Cafe, Rio Hotel, and a drug store
    Name: Tabernacle - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-24

    The LDS tabernacle on Price Main Street and 100 East
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-25

    Price Main Street in 1935 showing Utah Power & Light Company, The Averill Hotel, the Ritz Hotel and the Price Tabernacle
    Name: Sun Advocate - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-26

    Sun Advocate Newpaper office in Price
    Name: Swimming - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-27

    Price City swimming pool
    Name: Swimming - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-28

    Price City swimming pool
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-29

    Price Main Street in the very early days showing Price Co-Operative Mercantile Institution
    Name: Price - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-30

    Evergreen Park, old fairgrounds and the CCC camp in Price, Utah
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-31

    Old photo of a Price street showing the Smoot-Nixon Lumber Co. & a store dealing with Sash, Doors and Lime
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-33

    Old photo of a Price street showing the First National Bank, Becker's, Price Trading Co., Price Hotel, Success Markets, Grill Cafe, Central Hotel & Restaurant. Photo is taken from the intersection of 100 West and Main Street looking east.
    Name: People - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-35

    A couple standing on the sidewalk in front of a set of stairs
    Name: Service Station - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-36

    Johnson Service, clean rest rooms, free ice water, one stop service, lubrications & tire repairing
    Name: Service Station - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-37

    Johnson Service, clean rest rooms, free ice water, one stop service, lubrications & tire repairing
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-38

    Price Main Street showing Savoy Hotel & Phillips 66. Photo taken from about 200 West Main Street looking east.
    Name: Blue Cut - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-41

    The Blue Cut near Price, UT
    Name: Class Photo - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-42

    The Price LDS third ward baseball team. Included in the photo is Jim Pokeroni (Procaroni), Marx, Boyd Bearnesen (Bearnson), Murray Shorts, Dean Wengren
    Name: Group - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-43

    A group of business men seated around a table
    Name: Entertainment - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-4

    Entertainment Guide for Price Theatre, Price, Utah for the month of March. Some of the movies being advertised are: "Undercurrent" with Katharine Hepburn and Robert Taylor, "Two Smart People" with Lucille Ball and John Hodiak, "The Show-Off" with Red Skelton and Marilyn Maxwell and "Plainsman and the Lady" with William Elliott and Vera Ralston. (Undercurrent was filmed in 1946)
    Name: Entertainment - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-46

    Entertainment Guide for Price Theatre, Price, Utah for the month of March.
    Name: Blacksmith - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-27

    Downard & Dooley, Blacksmithing & Horseshoeing, general repairing
    Name: Town - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-31

    An overview of Price, Utah
    Name: Savoy - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-34

    A horse drawn carriage in front of the Savoy Hotel in Price.
    Name: People - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-37

    Bryan Olsen, Ervin Fausett and Butch Barlow on Main Street in Price in the early 20th century.
    Name: People - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-38

    Two young women in old car.
    Name: People - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book N/N-53

    Large group of men at the tracks near the Price Railroad depot.
    Name: Oliveto's - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book K/K-03

    Oliveto's Store delivery truck, Price, Utah good sold - washers, radios, & refrigerators
    Name: Oliveto's - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book K/K-04

    Oliveto's Store window with Apex wringer washing machines for sale
    Name: Oliveto's - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book K/K-05

    Oliveto's Store with a group of people watching a washing machine demostration.
    Name: Oliveto's - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book K/K-07

    Oliveto's Store Grand Opening - Octoer 12, 1935
    Name: Oliveto's - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book K/K-08

    Oliveto Store Grand Opening, October 12, 1935, Louis & Elena Oliveto
    Name: Carbon College - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-06

    Carbon Junior College in Price later became the College of Eastern Utah. School was opened in 1939. The photo was scanned from postcard.
    Name: Smoot Lumber - Location: Price/Eldon Miller/smootlumber

    Smoot-Nixon Lumber Co. with thirteen employees or customers lined up in front of the store.
    Name: Drill team - Location: Price/Eldon Miller/drillteam

    Carbon High School drill team.
    Name: Tabernacle - Location: Price/Eldon Miller/tabernacle2

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Tabernacle on Main Street in Price
    Name: Price - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/Price

    Over looking homes in Price
    Name: Price - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/Price1

    Price Co-Operative Mercantile Institution
    Name: Price - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/Price2

    Looking down Main Street of Price. On the left hand side of the street is a furniture store, Price theatre and a hotel. On the right hand side is the Star Bowling alley, Trail Hotel
    Name: Greek Church - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/greekchurch

    Greek Orthodox Church
    Name: Dupin Store - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/dupin1

    A. Dupin General Merchandise store with people standing in front. People in the photo are identified as: salesman, Antonio Dupin, ___ Davis, Anne, Mary Dupin, Joe Fassio, Jim Rolando. There are others in the photo that aren't identified.
    Name: Dupin Store - Location: Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/dupin2

    A. Dupin General Merchandise store with people standing in front.
    Name: School - Location: Price/Miller, Eldon/PriceCentralSchool

    Old Price Central School, built in 1901 and later had four rooms added on the north side in 1911. The building burned in 1915 and the new Price Central Elementary was built on the same spot. This photo has the four room addition so the photo was taken between 1911 and 1915.
    Name: School - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-07

    The old Carbon High School at the top of Carbon Avenue. The school was completed in December 1912 and school began in the building in January 1913. The school had a gym, a swimming pool, an auditorium with a stage and twenty classrooms.
    Name: Overview - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-08

    Aerial view of Price, showing the old Carbon High, the annex building, the old institute building (which is now a Family History Library) and the old CCC's buildings can be seen in the upper right hand corner.
    Name: Class Photo - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book C/C-55

    Harding Elementary school, 6th grade -
    Starting from top row: Colleen Grogen, Judy Williams, Sandra Biard, Carol Ann Beninson, Paul Platis, Donal Glen Powell, Myrna O'Neil, Clauda Peirce, Juanitta Golding, Kay Johnston, Clauda Christensen, Vona ____, Margaret Brown, Robert Fergerson, Vernen Wilson, Tony Lasser, Jimmy Olsen, Billy Simms, Allen Winter, Joe Morgan, Milchol Meoco, Billy Halmadaris, Pete Witcherlley, David ? (moved to SLC), Mack ?, Jimmy Herdman, Arthur Sandeheat, Doris Chritchlow, Kurt Jensen, Wayne Harmon, Paulette Platis, Comemilla ?, Margie Spigerrellie, LouAnn ?
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-39

    Price Main Street looking west from the top of Nickerson Hill showing Sheralds Drive Inn, Chevron, Conoco, Cooks Dairy Freeze and Price Motel, the sign of the Mission Auto Court Motel. The banner across the street says, "Visit Free Pre-Historic Exhibit at Price City Hall"
    Name: Main Street - Location: Eldon Miller Collection/book O/O-40

    Price Main Street looking east showing Texaco, Crown Theatre (playing: Butch and Sundance, The Early Days rated PG), Price Theatre, Dan's Pharmacy, Regis Hotel, Woolworths

    Walt Borla

    Name: Football - Location: Price/Borla,Walt/1944footballA

    1944 Carbon College/Carbon High Football team playing ball with Topaz in their second game
    Name: Football - Location: Price/Borla,Walt/1944football

    1944 Carbon College/Carbon High Football team. Names are on the photograph but they are hard to read the readable ones are: Aramaki (possible the coach), W. Borla, Milovich, Juliano, Rukavina
    Name: Football - Location: Price/Borla,Walt/1944footballB

    1944 Carbon College football players at Topaz internment Camp. The identified players are: Harrison, Migliaccio, Borla, jacking, Ruskivino, Kanderis, Mahleles, Jones.

    Lyle Bryner

    Name: Tabernacle - Location: Price/Bryner, Lyle/LBtabernacle

    Photo was taken during the construction of the LDS tabernacle. Workers can be seen constructing the roof and working on other parts of the building.

    Lena Mabbutt

    Name: School Class - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/MabbuttClass

    Carbon High School Class around 1932-1935. Marvin Mabbutt is the first student on the left front row. If anyone knows the names of the students please e-mail Kathy Hamaker
    Name: School Class - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/class

    School class. If anyone knows the names of the students please e-mail Kathy Hamaker
    Name: Homes - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/home1

    One of the two homes purchased at West Hiawatha and brought to Price for the Mabbutt family to live in.
    Name: Homes - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/home2

    One of the two homes purchased at West Hiawatha and brought to Price for the Mabbutt family to live in.
    Name: - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/home3

    One of the two homes purchased at West Hiawatha and brought to Price for the Mabbutt family to live in. Home moved by A & M House Movers, Salt Lake City, Davies & Meocham
    Name: School class - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/2ndgradeclass

    "Jimmies" 2nd grade class at South Side Elementary school.
    Name: Mabbutts - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/Mabbutt

    Marvin & Lena Mabbutt in Price Canyon near Colton. Lena is inside the car hoping it doesn't tip over into the river while Marvin digs the car out of the mud.
    Name: Store - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/mabbuttstore

    Inside the Mabbutt store and gas station located at 300 South and Carbon Avenue.
    Name: Service Station - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/mabbuttstation

    Mabbutt's Service Station and groceries specializing in Standard oil products. Station was located at 300 South and Carbon Avenue.
    Name: Service Station - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/stationatnight

    Mabbutt's Service Station and groceries at nighttime.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/parade2

    Parade of horses in Price in front of the LDS Tabernacle.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/Parade1

    Parade in Price. The Bishops Tithing House can be seen behind the parade.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/parade3

    Parade in Price. The library, new City Hall and the Civic Auditorium can be seen in the back round.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/parade4

    Parade in Price. The library, new City Hall and the Civic Auditorium can be seen in the back round.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/parade5

    Parade in Price. The Tithing House, the Library, new City Hall and the Civic Auditorium can be seen in the back round.
    Name: Savoy Hotel - Location: Price/Mabbutt, Lena/savoy

    Savoy Hotel on the Northwest corner of 100 West and Main Street

    Debbie Pavlos

    Name: people - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/SamPavlos139-41

    Sam Pavlos and a school buddy at the Carbon College in abt 1939-1941.
    Name: Band - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/band1

    Carbon High School band in possibly 1939-1941.
    Name: Sports - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/basketball2

    Carbon college basketball game in abt 1939-1941
    Name: Senate - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/senate1

    Members of the Carbon College Senate in front of school at the "rock" in abt 1939-1941.
    Name: Senate - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/senate2

    Members of the Carbon College Senate in front of school at the "rock" in abt 1941.
    Name: Senate - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/senate3

    Members of the Carbon College Senate in front of school at the "rock" in abt 1939-1941.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-1

    Floats from a parade in 1941 possibly parked at the City Park.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-2

    Band playing in a the 1941 parade in Price. Business shown behind the band include: Carbon Emery Bank, General Dept Store, The Lyric, Chapmans, and Liberty Hotel.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-3

    Band performing during parade in front of Johnson Service Station.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-4

    A drill team marching in the parade in front of Johnson Service Station.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-7

    Three young women on float in parade. Possibly homecoming queens or royalty for county.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-8

    Three young women on float in parade. Possibly homecoming queens or royalty for county.
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-9

    Float in 1941 parade created by the Carbon College Senate organization.
    Name: Football - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/CCfootball

    Carbon College football team.
    Name: Teacher - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/unknownstudent1

    Unknown Carbon College teacher.
    Name: Teacher - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/unknownstudent2

    Unknown Carbon College teacher.
    V. Heinlein
    Name: Teacher - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/unknownstudent3

    V. Heinlein, English teacher at Carbon College.
    Name: - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-5

    South Emery High School Band performing during parade in front of Johnson Service Station..
    Name: Parade - Location: Price/Pavlos, Debbie/parade-6

    Sunnyside Band performing in parade on Main street and 100 west in Price. The old Sun Advocate building can be seen in background with the bank on the corner with other unidentified buildings. Johnson Service Station is across the street from the bank and cannot be seen in this photo.

    MacLean Family Photos

    The following photos have been donated by the MacLean Family and Kristy Terry. The people in the photographs have not been identified. If anyone and any information about the people, the events or the places please contact Kathy Hamaker. Thank you.

    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page13-4

    A group of four boys in the front of the Carbon High School. One boy has his back to the camera. Other students are standing on the stairs and on the window edges.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page13-1

    Possibly a football game? In the center of the photo there are several boys holding another one down on the ground. Girls are lined up in a straight row watching the boys. Students are also sitting on the ledges of the school in front of the windows.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page13-2

    A large group of people in front of the Carbon High School.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page13-1

    This photo shows some kind of activity or sporting event at the football field at the Carbon High School. Boys have other boys pinned to the ground in several locations on the field while other boys are running and wrestling each other.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page13-5

    Men in suits and top hats watching a large collection of boys possibly wrestling or fighting.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page14-1

    Men in suits and top hats watching a large collection of boys possibly wrestling or fighting.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page14-4

    Men in suits and top hats watching a large collection of boys possibly wrestling or fighting.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page14-3

    Large group of students huddled together in front of high school.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page14-5

    Spectators hanging out the windows, sitting on the ledges and lined up in front of the school watching an event.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page14-6

    Participants in the event at the high School.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page15-2

    A man and a woman coming out the front door of the High School.
    Carbon High
    Name: School - Location: Price/MacLean/page15-3

    Two women standing on the stairs in front of Carbon High.

    John Taylor

    The following collection of photos was donated by John Taylor. John Taylor is an avid postcard collector and has many postcards in his collection from Carbon County. He has scanned and donated photo files of those that are relevent to Carbon County.Thank you, John Taylor, for your donation. If you would like copies of these photos please e-mail Kathy Hamaker. Additional photos from this collection can be found in the Spring Canyon, Castle Gate, Mohrland, Kenilworth, and Hiawatha collections.

    John Taylor collection

    Name: Main Street - Location: Price/John Taylor/PriceMainStreet

    Stage coach on Price Main Street in front of the Price Trading Merchantile Store

    Photographs of Wellington

    These photographs on this page have been reduced in size to about 1 1/2 inch x 1 inch. Links to the photographs have been added. If you click on the photo a larger image will open up on a new screen. If you use Google Chrome Hover Zoom you will be able to point your mouse at the photo and see a larger size photo without the photo opening on a new page. Also try Thumbnail Zoom Plus for Foxfire. I haven't ever used the Foxfire add-on so I'm not sure how it works.

    If you see a photograph here that you would like a larger picture of e-mail Kathy Hamaker. I'd be happy to e-mail you the photo file so you can print it out on your computer. Please be sure to include the file name and file location on your e-mail. If you have any photographs in your possession that you would like to donate I'd be happy to add them to the webpage.

    Please do not ask me to send you all the photos in my collection. I would be happy to send you five or six photos. Send me the file names and location for the photos you want and I'll do my best to reply quickly. Thank you for visiting.

    Don Butler Collection

    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBhunters

    Hunters from Wellington
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBsledding

    Residents of Wellington sledding
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBsledding2

    Residents of Wellington sledding
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBschool

    Wellington School
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBLDSchurch

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wellington
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/Don Butler/DBteam

    Team of horses in Wellington

    Jamie Powell Collection

    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/LDSchurch

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1959 when it was to be dedicated. For more information about the dedication read here.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/Wellingtonschool

    The log cabin built in 1884 and used for a public school. The names of the students can be found here.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/settlers

    Early settlers of Wellington. See names of individuals here.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/shearing1

    The Tidwells facility used for sheep shearing in Wellington.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/shearing2

    The Tidwells facility used for sheep shearing in Wellington.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/PierceJamesWiley

    James Wiley Pierce married Sarah Clarissa Tidwell.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa

    Caption on photo reads: "Sarah Clarissia Tidwell. I was (Miss) Utah on the 24th of July 1911. Maid Vera Thayn and Susie Sullvan. Emma Clara Tidwell made the dress and flowers and took this picture. We rode in the parade and sat on the stage during the program."
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa2

    Sarah Clarissa Tidwell - sign in the photo reads: "1911 Not Evening but Dawn."
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa3

    The older girl in this photo is Sarah Clarissa Tidwell.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa4

    Sarah Clarissa Tidwell
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa6

    The old cabin is located in the Wellington City Park. Sarah Clarissa Tidwell appears in the photo taken in the early 50's.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/TidwellSarahClarissa5

    The old cabin is located in the Wellington City Park. Sarah Clarissa Tidwell appears in the photo taken in the early 50's.
    Name: Wellington - Location: Wellington/JamiePowell/Pierce

    Murry Wiley and Sarah Gee Pierce family in 1918. First row: Jennie Milvina, Sarah gee Pierce, Murry Wiley, Albert Boyd. Second row: George Clifford, Murry Elton, Willard Laver, James Wiley

    Melody Schmitt Collection

    I do not have larger files of these photos. Either contact Melody Schmitt or visit for photos of these individuals. Thank you.

    The Seely Family
    Front Row: Orange Seely, Sarah Seely Tidwell, Don Carlos Seely, Hyrum Seely
    Back Row: Justus Wellington Seely, William Hazard Seely, John Henry Seely, Miranda Seely Peel, Joseph Seely, Steward Randolph Seely.
    Hyrum Leo Tidwell & Inez Oviatt Tidwell
    Hyrum Leo Tidwell and his wife Inez Oviatt. Photo taken on their wedding day.
    Back Row, left to right: Richard Palmer, Catherine Alfina Palmer, Frank Palmer
    Front Row, left to right: Josephine Palmer, Hulda Catherine Hill Palmer, Mary Palmer
    Palmer Family2
    Back row: David Palmer, Clifford Palmer
    Middle row: Hulda Hill Palmer, Emma Elizabeth Kennison Palmer, Frank Palmer
    Front row: baby Henry Palmer, Arthur Palmer, Annie Palmer
    Brigham Franklin Pickett
    Brigham Franklin Pickett
    Severin Francis Grundvig
    Severin Francis Grundvig
    Abraham Whitney Palmer
    Abraham Whitney Palmer
    William Charles Mellor
    William Charles Mellor

    Eldon Miller Collection

    The following photos have been donated by Eldon Miller to the Carbon County Historical Society and the Carbon County UTGenWeb webpage. These photographs have been donated to Eldon Miller by many different sources. If you donated them to Eldon and would like your name to accompany the photograph please e-mail Kathy Hamaker and I'll add it. Special thanks goes to Michael Francis for scanning the photographs so they could be added to the webpage.

    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/C-03

    First school at Wellington - Geo. Hill, Jes Jessen, Bill Liddell shown in photo along with all the students.
    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/P-02

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wellington
    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/P-03

    George Tidwell and Jane Hill in Clarks Valley
    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/P-07

    A photo of the old school in Wellington many, many years later.
    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/P-08

    Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Wellington.
    Name: Wellington - Location: EldonMiller/BookP/P-10

    Ice house in Wellington

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