Book Index

The following is an index of the contents page of the book "Centennial Echos from Carbon County" and an index of the names contained in the book. If you find your ancestors included on these indexes please e-mail me with the name, the name of the book and the page number and I'll let you know what it says. My e-mail address is Kathy Hamaker at

Centennial Echos from Carbon County

Compiled by Thursey Jensen Reynolds
Assistants: Daphne Hartle, A. E. Gibson, Pollie Jessen Empey, Mary F. Biddle
Published by: Daughters of Utah Pioneers of Carbon County 1948

written by
page #
Introduction   v
Acknowledgment   vi
Foreword   viii
The Pioneer Adobe Home Irene Branch Keller x
Oh Pioneer Wanda B. Harmon xii
The Symbolism of the Flag D.U.P. xvi
Organization of the D.U.P.   xiii
List of D.U.P. Presidents   xxiv
Historical Sketch of Carbon County Carbon County School Board 3
The Pioneers of Utah Written in 1930 by Ellen Crawford 6
Evening Primrose Mabel B. Peacock 11
Pioneer Story   11
Ecclesiastical Highlights C. H. Madsen 13
Coal and the Coal Industry - What It Means to Utah A. C. Watts 19
Opening First Commercial Coal Mine Described A. C. Watts 33
Industries, Other Than Coal Mine Described A. C. Watts 33
Industries, Other Than Coal, Important in Carbon County Development Arthur E. Gibson 44
The Cattle and Sheep Industry of Carbon County James Liddell 51
Sheep Industry of Carbon County Pierre Moynier, Sr. 57
History of Carbon County Agriculture Fullmer Allred 59
Briton Builds Rich Empire in Utah C. W. McCullough 63
History of Sugar Beet Industry in Carbon County Ray Branch 67
Price History compiling board 71
First Show Staged in Price Earnest S. Horsley 93
Minutes of the Pioneer Ditch Company No. 1   97
Historical Information Relative to Carbon County B. H. Young 100
History of Price, Utah Post Office William Grogan 103
Price City, Its Organization and Presiding Officers J. Bracken Lee 109
Price Fire Department Carl Empey and Nephi Gunderson 114
Lodges and Social Clubs in Carbon County A. E. Gibson 115
History of 4-H Clubs in Carbon County Theta Johnson and Edna N. Peacock 117
History of Price's Newspaper Hal G. MacKnight 124
Indian In Carbon County Harold Duke 126
History of Helper's Newspapers C. N. Memmott 128
History and Accomplishments of Price CCC Camp W. W. West 130
This Is Your College Carbon College 132
Notre Dame School Rev. Thomas F. Butler 138
History of Price City's Athletic Field Erin Leonard 140
Thirty C. H. Madsen 142
Carbon County Soldiers Who Served in First World War and Did Not Return   144
Carbon County Soldiers Who Served in Second World War and Did Not Return   145
Winter Quarters C. H. Madsen 147
Scofield C. H. Madsen 149
The Calico Road Hannah M. Mendenhall 150
The Scofield Mine Disaster Irene O'Driscoll 152
Wellington   156
Coal Processing Plant from Sun Advocate 169
Kiz Irene O'Driscoll 171
Helper C. H. Madsen 173
Spring Glen Irene O'Driscoll 178
Castle Gate C.H. Madsen 181
Early Day Payroll Robbery Story of Castle Gate Gold "Stickup" reflects Activities of Butch Cassidy Gang from Eastern Utah Advocate 185
Old Files Reveal Story of the Killing and Capture of Notorious Bandits by Posse From here in Book Cliff Region from Eastern Utah Advocate 188
Kenilworth C. H. Madsen 192
A Story and Pictures of the First People of Sunnyside Coal Camp Thursey J. Reynolds 200
Sunnyside Arthur E. Gibson 203
Clear Creek C. H. Madsen 209
Arronco Coal Mine Arthur E. Gibson 211
Hiawatha C. H. Madsen 213
Wattis C. H. Madsen 219
Coal Fields of Spring Canyon District A. E. Gibson 221
Columbia Irene O'Driscoll 236
Consumers Irene O'Driscoll 237
National C.H. Madsen 239
New Peerless C. H. Madsen 240
Brief History of Gordon Creek Coal District A. E. Gibson 241
Coal City C. H. Madsen 243
Royal C. H. Madsen 244
Heiner C. H. Madsen 246
Dragerton C. H. Madsen 248
Horse Canyon C. H. Madsen 251
Atomic Energy in Emery County E. A. Gibson 259
History of Carbon County Railway Co. Harry Malaby 260
Kaiser Mine, Sunnyside A. E. Gibson 261
Mine Dummy Plant Operating Here; Planing Mill is Built from Sun Advocate 263
Complete List of Coal Mines Operating in Carbon County at the Time This Publication Goes to Press   265
When They're Gone Do Not Forget Them Jane Doxford May and E. Austin Keith 267
Summary Mrs. J. Bracken Lee 268

Index of Names

Abrams, Addie....... 25
Adams....... 224
Adams, Leonard E........ 222,226
Albrechtsen, Clifford....... 215
Alger, Afton....... 15
Alger, Frank....... 54, 55
Alger, Julia....... 205
Alger, Mr........ 202
Alger, S. N........ 204
Alix, Sister....... 138
Allen, Andrew....... 45
Allison, Samuel....... 15, 16
Allred, A. Fullmer....... 15, 122
Allred, C.W........ 188, 190
Allred, Emily....... 24
Allred, Green....... 78, 83
Allred, Martin....... 159
Allred, Rosaltha....... 76
Allred, Sidney....... 158
Alvey, Laverne....... 24
Anderson, Elda....... 218
Anderson, Elizabeth....... 204
Anderson, Eugene....... 130
Anderson, LaVon....... 114
Anderson, Matilda....... 22, 24, 25, 83, 117
Anderson, Mrs. Alma....... 119
Anderson, Mrs. Gunda....... 118
Anderson, Mrs. James....... 81
Anderson, Pete....... 45, 78, 201, 188, 189, 191
Anderson, Ras....... 45, 78
Anderson, Rosebella B........ 83
Anderson, Sheldon L........ 133
Andrini, Eugene....... 243
Angus, William.......
Amodt, John T........ 184
Arronco, John....... 212
Asbury, Wm........ 125, 216
Asher, Lou....... 202
Ashley, William....... 181
Ashman, Albert J........ 134
Averett, Wm........ 157, 158
Averill, Frank....... 114
Aubert, Edward....... 243
Aubert, Noe....... 243
Austin, Gib....... 68
Austin, Web....... 68
Bagley, Jim....... 36
Bailey, Ephraim......202
Baker, Geo. B........ 128
Ballinger, Alpha....... 109, 104
Ballinger, Glen....... 176
Ballinger, J. W........ 78
Ballingers....... 9, 16
Barboglio, Joseph....... 176
Barnes, Albert....... 202
Barnes, Hannah....... xxv
Barton, Al....... 93, 95
Bean, Arnold....... 114
Bean, Willis....... 114
Beard, Phil....... 33
Behunin, Mary....... 218
Bench, D. A........ 130
Benfer, W. C........ 124
Bennett, Bill....... 202
Bennett, Frank T........ 225
Bennett, William....... 119, 121
Bentley, William O........ 134
Bernardi, Nick....... 114
Bertola, Nettie....... 118
Bertolino, Charley....... 176
Biddle, A. D........ 114
Biddle, Mary....... 25
Biglow, John....... 179
Birch, Thurza....... 82
Bird, Chas. M........ 150
Bird, Leroy....... 151
Bird, J. D........ 15
Bird, Martin....... 151
Birk, J. M........ 16
Blackhams, Mrs........ 120
Bonacci, Rep........ 132
Borkenhagen, E. T........ 176
Borrell, Stanley....... 117
Brace, Jack....... 202
Bracken, Dr........ 54
Branch, Ella....... 78
Branch, Eugene E........ 68, 78, 58, 70
Branch, Ezra....... 56
Branch, Irvin....... 56
Branch, Jane....... 81
Branch, Ray....... 56, 57, 58, 70
Branch, William H........ 78, 86, 93
Branches....... 9
Brandon, DeLoss E........ 128
Brandon, Watt C........ 128
Brimhall, omer....... 178
Broadbent, Cecil....... 15, 176
Broadbent, Lynn....... 176
Brock, William....... 53
Broker, W. C........ 176
Brooks, William H........ 197
Brownlee, S. H........ 124
Bryner, Albert....... 13, 14, 78, 80, 93, 108
Bryner, Frank....... 14
Bryner, Henry G........ 93
Bryner, Holly....... 117
Bryner, Isabell....... 93, 79, 80
Bryner, June....... 117
Bryner, Margret....... 78
Bryner, Martha S........ 83
Bryner, muriah P........ 80
Bryner, Rulon....... 114
Bryner, Ted....... 117
Bryner, Ulrich....... 78, 97
Bryners....... 9
Bunce, Joseph....... 45
Burch, Joe....... 45
Burches....... 9
Burdick, Millie....... 205
Burress, Leland ....... 128
Burrows, William....... 149
Butler, Thomas F........ 17, 139
Caldwell, Thomas....... 59, 77
Cameron, F. N........ 42
Cameron, Frank....... 244, 246
Campbell, Wm........ 133
Carania, John....... 246
Carnie, Mark....... 201
Carter, Byron....... 176
Carter, Kate B........ 17
Case, Susan Roper....... 159
Cash, Haywood....... 105
Castle, Joseph....... 149
Catterall, James....... 215
Ceteria, John....... 246
Chadwick, Mrs........ 119
Chantry, Catherine....... 121, 122
Chantry, Laura Liddell....... 25
Chapman, Juanita....... 119, 120
Chapman, W. D........ 119
Chidester, E. N........ 133, 229
Child, Warren D........ 33
Childs, Blanch....... 20
Chittenden, Hyram....... 167
Christens, C. L........ 218
Christensen, B. E........ 215
Christensen, Christine....... 218
Christensen, Erma....... 118
Christensen, Francis....... 21, 25
Christensen, Walt....... 114
Christophersen, Mrs........ 168
Chronidis....... 18
Clayton, Don C........ 14
Cloward, Dr........ 91
Cluff, Cyral B........ 108
Coates, Ione....... 238
Conner, C. L........ 128
Constance, Rev. T. M........ 18
Cook, Myrtle....... 25
Cook, Violet....... 218
Cooper, Grace A........ 125, 126
Cooper, Harry W........ 125
Corey, Miss....... 176
Corn, Isaac....... 16
Cornicheo, Margaret....... 121
Cottrell, Helen....... 121
Couly, Jack....... 151
Cowles, Val H........ 125
Cowley, Andrew....... 202
Cowley, Bird....... 202
Cowley, Claud....... 202
Cowley, Ray....... 202
Cowley, Sam....... 202
Cowley, Zina....... 238
Cowleys....... 224
Cox, Samuel....... 93, 95, 78
Cox, Sarah G........ 79, 80, 92, 95
Cox, Sarah M........ 93
Coxes....... 9
Crandell, Milan....... 33, 34
Crandell, Myron....... 34
Crawford, A. J........ 246
Crawford, Brothers....... 202
Crawford, John....... 246, 204
Critchelow, J. D........ 56
Crocket, R. W........ 125
Cunningham, John....... 209
Curtis, Estella....... 218
Curtis, Lyman....... 60, 77
Curtis, Will....... 45
Dahlsrud, H. A........ 215
Dalton, B. W........ 112
Dalton, Stella....... 23
Darling, Levi....... 183
Darling, Joe....... 167
Daugherty, W........
Davis, Edward....... 179, 202
Davis, Efe....... 201
Davis, J. W........ 5, 59, 77
Davis, leroy....... 215
Davis, Mary Elizabeth....... 82
Davis, Tommy....... 241
Day Brothers....... 189
Day, James D........ 268
Dempsey, Jack....... 243
Dilly, Tom....... 52, 202, 152
Dimick, Alice....... 165
Dimick Brothers....... 202
Dimick, Ephraim....... 171
Dimick, Francis....... 171
Dimick, Kiziah....... 171, 172
Dimick, Orson....... 171
Donants, Sheriff....... 187
Dorius, Joseph R........ 204
Dowd, R........ 91, 52, 202
Dowd, Dr. J. E........ 213
Downard, George....... 78, 83
Downard, John....... 54
Downard, Manuel....... 54
Downard, William........ 78
Downey, D. K........ 176
Draper, Asa l........ 168
Draper, Lindora....... 218
Dugmore, Sam....... 202
Duke, Lucy....... 218
Duncan, Nellie....... 121, 123
Dupin, Tony....... 114
Durrant, C. E........ 134
Durrant, L. E........ 183
Dusserre....... 57, 58
Easton, George A........ 134
Eccles, David....... 149
Eccles, Stewart....... 149
Eccles, Stewart & John....... 270
Edmond, Wm........ 183
Edwards, Edward....... 183
Edwards, Stanley....... 215
Ekins, Earnest....... 165
Eldridge, A. Jane....... 164
Eldridge, George W........ 162
Eldridge, Wm. G........ 165
Eldridges....... 78
Ellens, Frank....... 167
Elliot, L. A. Scott....... 52, 58, 63, 203
Ellis, David....... 167
Ellis, H. R........ 184
Ellis, John....... 160, 167
Ellis, Margaret....... 24
Empey, C. H........ 77, 97
Empey, Carl W........ 105
Empey, Henry....... 95, 93
Empey, Keziah....... 80, 92
Empey, Pollie....... 25
Enunsclaw, Wash....... 125
Erickson, Claud....... 215
Erkila, John....... 209
Eselle, August....... 57
Etcheborne, Gratine....... 171
Evans, Al....... 176
Evans, Morgan D........ 184
Evans, Richard E........ 210
Evans, Thomas H........ 16
Evans, Wm. M........ 184
Ewell....... 268
Ewell, F. M........ 178
Ewell, Sarah....... 178
Faddis, Nellie....... 218
Farnsworth, Dave....... 45
Fausett, Charles A........ 107
Fausett, Dean & Linn....... 272
Fausett, Dora....... 20
Fausett, Elva....... 24
Fausett, James F........ 106
Fausett, James W........ 14
Fausett, Mr. and Mrs........ 167
Fausett, Orlin S........ 106
Fennimore, Dr........ 91
Ferris, James E........ 16
Fillmore, Valera....... 223
Finlayson, Dr........ 91
Fish, Bradford....... 16
Fisk, Dr. F. F........ 89, 55
Fitch, J. Tom....... 176, 175
Fitt, Anna Maria....... 81, 82
Flaim, Batiste....... 175
Fleming, Dr. J. R........ 213
Fletchers....... 224
Forrester, John....... 229
Forrester, Robert....... 204, 182
Forrester, Wm........ 184
Forsyth, Sterling....... 15
Fowley....... 202
Francis, Pete....... 53
Frandsen, Annie....... 57
Frandsen, Elizabeth....... 24, 216
Frandsen, George....... 5, 13, 14, 57, 78, 93
Frandsen, Hyrum....... 57
Frandsen, Karen....... 78
Frandsen, Lars....... 57
Frandsen, Lilly B........ 83
Frandsen, Pete....... 57
Frandsen, Ras....... 57
Frandsens....... 9
Frangos....... 18
Franham, A. W........ 59
Freeman, Mae....... 120
Fuller, Edwin....... 179
Gale, Henry....... 167
Gale, Joseph....... 167
Gale, Tom....... 161, 167
Galloway, Nathan....... 157
Garamanis....... 18
Garavaglia, George....... 246
Garlic, ward....... 114
Gay, James....... 59, 77
Gay, J. G........ 178
Gentry, Frank....... 229
Gentry, Jack....... 202, 188, 191
Gentry, Wesley....... 243
Gerber, Aurilla....... 20, 25
Gerber, Ervin....... 54
Gerber, Dan....... 215
Gerber, Grant....... 168
Gianotti, Steve....... 176
Gibson, A. E....... . 204, 223, 234
Gibson, Della Cowley....... 14, 24, 144, 205
Gibson, Emery Roy....... 204
Gilson, Sam....... 46
Giovanni, Alfred F........ 17, 176
Giovannoni, A. F........ 139
Gissel, Tom....... 185
Glasior Brothers....... 202
Goetzman, Mrs. H. B........ 119
Golding, S. J........ 168
Good, John....... 175
Goodwin, Frank....... 48
Gordon, David....... 209
Gove, D. W....... 117
Gow, J. A....... 183
Grames, Albert and Wife...... 77, 78, 79, 103, 243
Grames, Charles W........ 59, 73, 75
Grames, Emley....... 73
Grames, Frederick....... 59, 73, 74, 77, 85, 103
Grames, Marie....... 73
Grames, Martha Ellen....... 75
Grange, Nina....... 120
Grange, Vernessa....... 119
Grant, Heber J........ 161
Green, Ephraim....... 167
Green, D. D....... 149
Green, Dr........ 91
Gridley, F. P........ 5
Grogan, L. F........ 215
Grogan, Sarah....... 118
Grogan, Wm.......106
Grundvig, Severin......160, 168
Guiwitz, Chas. A.......104
Gunderson, Carlos......110
Gunderson, Harry......117
Gunderson, Nephi......114, 140
Gunderson, Rex......117
Gurr, E.......45
Guyman, Orson H.......14, 132, 134
Guythers, William......55
Hadley, Mr.......202
Halbert, Richard E.......16
Halverson, Chris......78
Hamelright, Ray......123
Hamilton, W. T.......176
Hammond, Fletcher B.......14
Hanks, Neal......54, 55
Hansen, Fred......160, 168
Hansen, Maroni......168
Hansen, Mary......119, 164
Hanson, Jans......178
Hanson, Joe D.......216
Hanson, Mrs. Frank......119, 120
Hanson, Myra L.......218
Hanson, Wm. J.......130
Harkness, S. J.......149
Harmon, Anna......83
Harmon, Brig F.......106
Harmon, Sara......20
Harrison, James A.......204, 205
Harrison, J. H.......176
Hartle, Daphne......123
Hartzeler, C. C.......16
Hassell, Robert L.......122
Hastings, Evelyn......22, 23
Hastings, Stella and Golden......23
Haymond, Ed......151
Haymond, Geo. E.......213
Heiner, Maroni......218
Henderson, D. W.......134
Herring, John......190, 191
Higgens, Amy......118
Higgenson, John H.......165, 171
Hill, Emma......164
Hill, George......202
Hill, Henrietta......163
Hill, J. W.......168
Hill, Lucy Ann......159
Hill, Newton......159, 167, 168
Hill, W. J.......158, 159, 160, 165, 167
Hill, Mrs. L. A.......119, 120
Hogh, Joe......175
Holdaway, Dean W.......104
Holden, John W.......133
Holly, John......202, 204
Hopkinson, Bishop......202
Horsley, Albert......114
Horsley, Amanda......83
Horsley, Arthur W.......15, 69, 95, 110
Horsley, Ernest S.......14, 72, 76, 85, 95, 99, 105
Horsley, Herman B.......78, 93, 95
Horsley, Lola and Erma......119
Horsley, Margaret Ann......81
Horsley, Mercy......83
Housekeeper, Theo......54, 55
Howard, Robert......240
Howard, William......161
Hubbard, Dr. J. C.......91, 120
Hunter, John......154
Huntington, Don......151
Huntsman, Elsie......172
Hurskinen, Mr.......209
Hussey, Mrs. J. W.......120
Hutchinsons......202, 104
Hyde, Barney......176
Igleheart, Wm. T.......125, 128
Inglefield, Jim......188, 191
Ingles, John E.......149
Iverson, Gustave A.......15
Jameson, Carl......249
Jarris, Howard A.......128
Jeanselme, Pete......58
Jenkins, Donald E.......237
Jensen, Chris......68
Jensen, C. K.......209
Jensen, John......57
Jensen, Lee......45, 161, 162, 167, 201
Jensen, Nels......57
Jenson, Andrew......157
Jessen, Jesse......202
Johnson, B. Frank......68
Johnson, Chas. P.......78
Johnson, Don......45, 213
Johnson, Gertrude......218
Johnson, J. Freelen......16
Johnson, Nels......202
Johnson, Parley P.......107
Johnson, Theta......122
Johnson, T. A.......215
Johnston, Charles......175
Jones, Alice......xxi, xxv
Jones, D. C.......130
Jones, Dr. Aaron E.......137
Jones, E. A.......167
Jones, Ed......175
Jones, E. E.......184
Jones, Martha S.......77, 83
Jones, Mary......xxv, 61
Jones, Pauline......160
Jones, Ralph C.......16
Jones, S. S.......179
Jones, T. J.......160
Jones, T. R.......183
Jones, Wm.......182
Jones, W. W.......111
Jorgensen, George E.......14, 15, 106
Judd, Stanley......179
Juicia, Ernest......246
Kaiser, Henry J.......261, 208
Keel, Fred N.......107
Kelly, Hazel......119
Kilfoyle, Fred......263
Kimball, O. G.......149, 209
King, Gladys......120
King, Morgan......114
King, S. K.......124
Kirkham, James......150
Kissell, Ruby......24
Knight, Jessie......223
Kofford, Jake......78
Krebs, Fanny Norton......24
Labori, Tony......175
Lace, John J.......16
Ladd, Geo.......175
Lamothe, Francis R.......175
Lamp, Wm. T.......184
Lang, Frank......45
Lange, Ercola......175
Langton, James A.......134
Larsen, Bishop......210
Larsen, Chas.......58, 117
Larsen, Christian......161
Larsen, Leonard......183
Larsen, Varlos......214
Larsen, Wm. A.......104
Lavigene, Joe......58
Leatham, Donald C.......107
Leautaud, J. H. L.......58
Ledger, Charles......229
Lee, Arthur J.......110
Lee, E. C.......5, 54, 55
Lee, J. Bracken......105, 133, 140
Lee, L. A.......128
Leigh (Outlaw)......188
Leigh, John D.......13, 77, 86, 93, 97
Leonard, Charles......201
Leonard, Erin......140
Leonard, Leo......201
Leroy, Amon A.......204
Lewis, Henry E.......213
Lewis, T. W.......186
Liddell, Abraham......167
Liddell, Frank......56
Liddell, J. W.......119
Liddell, Katie......xxv
Liddell, Peter......167, 168
Liddell, Ruth......205
Lindsey, Jeanette......218
Lindsey, Rupert......218
Lindstrom, Senator......132
Linn, E. C.......16
Littlejohn, Wm.......184
Livingston, A.......202
Livingston, Mona......117
Lockrie, P.......124
Long, John V.......124
Loofbourrow, J. W.......111
Lowenstein, Louis......176
Lowenstein, Same......175
Lowery, Wallace......58, 197,192
Lund, James......105
Mack, A. W.......140
MacKnight, Hal G.......125, 128
MacKnight, J. F.......105
MacKnight, Katherine......xvii, xx, xxv
Madsen, C. H.......92, 111
Madsen, Dr.......91
Madsen, Mrs. Orson......118
Madsen, Orson......117
Mancuzi, Jim......209
Mangum, Joe......45
Marchette, S. N.......229
Marcusen, Carl R.......117
Marsh, Tom......210
Marshall, A. Z.......168
Marshall, Joe and Jim......202
Marshbanks, Ted......151
Martell, Jim......175
Martin, Bert......210
Martin, Maud......121
Mathis, E. I.......9
Mathis, Elwood J.......106
Mathis, Emma......80
Mathis, George M.......105
Mathis, Henry G.......15, 78, 81, 93, 101
Mathis, James......55
Mathis, John......56, 77
Mathis, John H.......97
Mathis, Mary A.......83
Mathis, Mary F.......238
Mathis, Sarah A.......81
Matsen, Mr.......202
Matson, George B.......33, 34
Maw, Herbert B.......132
McAllister, B. W.......15
McCoombs, James......175
McCune, Jim......175
McDonald, J. A.......183
McGee, L. A.......111
McGowan, Terry......238
McGraw, R. M.......184
McGuire, Billy......188, 191
McIntire, Alice......93
McIntire, Anna B.......81
McIntire, Barbara Ann......81
McIntire, B. O.......78
McIntire, Erastus W.......14
McIntire, John......78, 94, 95
McIntire, W. E.......133
McIntire, Zelma......xxi, xxiv, xxv
McKecheney, H.......148
McKendrick, Betsy......83
McKendrick, Nellie......83
McKim, James......216
McLaughlin, Dr.......91
McMullin, Albert......45, 210, 161, 162, 164, 168
McMullin, Bert......202
McMullin, Estella......165
McMullin, Mary......164
McPherson, Alexander......53
McPherson, Jim......53
McPhie, James......218
McPhie, Josephine......218
McQueen, Isaac......15, 114
McRill, J. H.......16
Mead, Charles L.......16
Mead, George......171
Measell, Carl......18
Mecham, LeRoy......215
Memmot, Clifton N.......129
Mendenhall, Richard L.......150
Merkel, Henry M.......15, 16
Messinger, Jennie......121
Metcalf, J. W.......149
Metz, Ruth......128
Mezek, Mary......119
Migliore, Joe......202
Milano, Pete ......246
Mildred, Sister......138
Miles, Billy......54, 55
Miles, Francis......106
Millburn, John B.......211
Miller, Bros.......52
Miller, J. N.......243
Miller, R. G.......57, 110, 214
Miller, Rex J.......15
Milner, Emma......164
Milner, George......xxiii, 168
Milner, LaDeanne......xxii, xxiii
Miner, Ernest l.......246
Mininie, Andrew......246
Mitatakis, Arch......18
Mitty, John J.......138
Monotti, David......204
Montus, Joe......163, 167
Moorehead, Wm.......184
Moran, Pete......35, 36
Morely, Lena H.......107
Morgan, George......14
Morrison, Mary W.......83
Mortensen, Elsie......xxv
Moss, Ben......176
Moss, Lucille......138
Moynier, Honori......57
Moynier, Pierre......57
Mullins, Frank......176
Murray, D. P.......117, 120
Murphy, Geo. A.......225
Nailor, Sam and Joe......202
Nash, Clarence......124
Naylor, J. M.......134
Naylor, Sam......205
Nehr, Dr. E. M.......183
Neilson, Joe......45
Nelson, H. A.......15, 182
Nelson, John......33, 34
Nelson, Nels......202, 204
Nelson, Orson......14
Nelson, R. F.......6
Neugier, Joe......57
Newton, Alfred......148
Newton, Illa......119
Nichols, R. P.......16
Nielson, P. K.......125
Norton, Hulda......xxv
Norton, Mr.......171
Norton, Vivian......172
Nounuier, Joe......243
Nutter, Preston......53
Nyman, Carl......239
O'Brian, Eugenia......118, 119
O'Driscoll, Irene......92
Oliphant, Seymour......218
Oliver, Ethel......xiii
Oliver, William......xxiii
Oliver, Wilma......xxii, xxiii
Oliveto, Louis......202
Olsen, Barton......130
Olsen, C. P.......168
Olsen, Dale......123
Olsen, Emily......83
Olsen, Emily F.......93
Olsen, Erastus......77, 93
Olsen, Evelyn......105
Olsen, Henning......54
Olsen, L. M.......5, 104
Olsen, Peter......77, 93, 97, 98
Olsen, Sally Ann......xviii, 79, 82, 86, 93
Olsen, Soren......61, 78, 95
Olsen, W. F.......105
Oman, Andrew......101
Oman, Celestia......xxi, xxiii
Oviatt, Ira......218
Oviatt, Ruth Hansen......xxv, 218
Pace Brothers......55
Pace, John H.......15, 45, 78, 83
Pace, Leon......106
Pace, Mae......117
Pace, Pauline......79, 92, 93
Pace, Reid......105
Packard, M. O.......33, 34, 150
Palmer family......167
Papadopoulos, John......18
Paradice, S. I.......124
Parmley, T. J.......37, 42, 148, 153
Parrott, Miss......176
Parry, John L.......148
Paternoster, Fred......204
Peacock, Maurine......118
Peay, Ruby......218
Perkins, Nephi......171
Perkins, Ruth......121
Perry, Hyrum B.......151
Pesetto, Jack......202
Peterson, Mrs. Carl......119
Peterson, C. F.......183
Peterson, C. W.......134
Peterson, Wanda......120, 121
Petillo, Antonio......17
Petrakis, Mark......17
Petterson, Chris......78
Petterson, Gilbert......78
Petterson, Jans......78
Pettit, John E.......246
Piacitalli, Mildred......138
Pierce, Margurette......117
Pierce, Sarah......xxv
Pinegar, Harvey......202
Plat, John......182
Porter, Frank R.......176
Potter, John......204
Powell, Abraham......72
Powell, Beulah......120
Powell, John A.......59, 75, 76, 77, 97
Powell, Martha Ellen......75
Powell, Rachel Jean......75, 77
Powell Robt. A.......59, 75, 76, 77, 97
Powell, Sarah Jane......xxviii, xix, 67, 76, 77, 78
Pratt, Teamcum......61, 178, 179, 174
Price, William......71
Prichard, Guy......114
Prince, Beth......118
Prince, Edith......83
Prince, John......55
Prichett, Frank......33
Provost, Elienne......181
Raddits, Mr.......238
Rambrand, Victor......57, 243
Rand, Leah......83
Rangis, Emille......57
Rasmussen, L. W.......121
Rasmussen, Oliver......54, 55
Rathmill, Alice......118
Records, Elmer H.......168
Redd, Alice H......134
Redd, John......107
Redd, Wm.......167
Reeder, Wm. H.......134
Reese, Glen D.......182
Reese, J. G. Jr.......215
Reese, Thomas......182
Reeves, Ester......118
Reeves, T. J.......132
Reichert, Malno......120
Reynolds, June......118
Reynolds, Maggie......204
Reynolds, Maggie......204
Reynolds, Thursey......xxiv, 117
Rhead, Parley H.......15, 106
Rhead, Parthenia......120
Rhodes, Caleb B.......13, 14, 59, 72, 73, 97
Rhodes, John Y.......77
Rhodes, Sidsie......72, 80
Rhodes, Thomas......179, 174
Ricardi, Joe......246
Rich, Rulon......56
Rich, Therold......107
Richards, George......202
Richards, Joe......42
Richards, Leo H.......204
Richards, Susie......81, xx
Robb, Caroline......80, 93
Robb, George......55, 77, 93
Robbins, Harry......107
Roberts, Amanda......236
Roberts, Bliss......168
Roberts, Deseret......82
Roberts, Ike......160, 167
Robertson, Lee......117
Robertson, R. S.......182
Robinson, Gladys......224
Robinson, Orinda......xxiv, 83
Rolap, Henry H.......244
Romjue Family......167
Rooney, Jim......175
Ross, J. W.......168
Rowland, Mrs. Tom......118
Rowley, John T.......179
Rowley, Selma......121
Rowley, William......17
Ruggeri, Dr.......91
Ruggeri, John......202
Sanberg, Nils......209
Santchi, Eugene Sr.......5
Sarvis, J. H.......124
Sawyer, George......222
Scarpeno, Mr.......202
Schultz, George A.......228
Schultz (Outlaw)......190, 191
Seamount, Bill......54
Seamount, Don......54
Seeley, Wellington J.......164
Sessions, Dr. Eldon B.......137
Severina, Sister......138
Sewell, Mr.......204
Sharp, David......121
Sharp, J. R.......52, 204
Sharp, W. C.......38
Shea, Bros.......222
Shelly, George H.......210
Shepick, Edith......83
Sheppard, Julius......174
Sherman, S. H.......215
Shimmon, Vera......xviii
Shiner, Jack L.......106
Shipley, Fern......120, 123
Shores, Doc......190
Shroad, Mr.......151
Shurtz, Juanita......121
Simmons, A. T.......179
Simmons, Levi......59, 77, 97
Simmons, Mat......77, 79, 97, 167
Simms, James......42
Simone, James P.......107
Skidmore, Charles H.......134
Slaugh, F. S.......117
Smiley, r.......81
Smith, Ben......167
Smith, Dexter......124
Smith, Elizabeth......83
Smith, Evan......199
Smith, Harry C.......104
Smith, J. D.......104
Smith, J. Fewson......33
Smith, Jedediah......181, 216
Smith, Joseph F.......225
Smith, Milo P.......48
Smith, Pete......175
Smith, Violet......xxv
Smyrnopoulos, Arch D.......18
Sneddon, Charles ......209
Snow, J. C.......183
Snyder, Rayal......168
Snyder, Robert A.......158, 159, 167
Snyder, Sarah L.......163
Somone, Joe......175
Sorenson, Mrs......xviii
Spence, W. C.......6
Stapley, Wm. B.......184
Star Bro.......57
State Board of Education......134
Stevens, Arvel R.......15
Stevens, Florence......121, 123
Stewart, Hank......55
Stewart, May......83
Stoockey, Dr.......81
Stowell, Clarence......195
Stowell, Heber J.......192, 195
Stowell, H. J.......178, 179
Strawbridge, T. J.......15
Stringham, B. H.......223
Strong, Lon......114
Strong, Samuel......162
Stroup, Thomas......184
Sumsion, Bill......151
Sweet, F. A.......213, 226, 239
Sweet, Fred......217, 241, 193
Swenson, John C.......134
Talbott, Dr. J. J.......16
Tanner, Donald T.......120
Taylor, Abron......34
Taylor, C. H.......56
Taylor, Elton L.......14, 15
Taylor, Ethel......xxi
Taylor, F. M.......54, 55
Taylor, Henry E.......217, 218
Thacker, Fay E.......184
Thayne, Alvin......159, 168
Thayne, Edgar......168
Thayne, John J.......160, 161, 167, 168
Thayne, Sidney Boyer......160
Thayne, W. A.......168
Thomas, Arthur L.......161
Thomas, Benjamin......184
Thomas, Cad......175
Thomas, Gomer......154
Thomas, Harvey C.......236
Thomas, T. H.......149
Thomas, Zeph......184
Thompson, A. Z.......56
Thompson, Bros.......240
Thompson, Dick......167
Thompson, John......33
Thompson, Lark......33
Thompson (Outlaw)......188
Thorne, Richard......151
Thorp, James......184
Thorpe, Alford......183
Tidwell Bro.......55
Tidwell, Jefferson......55, 60, 200, 268, 156, 158, 160, 163, 167
Truman, Mike......45
Tucker, Myron F.......210
Tuft, Calvin......218
Turner, John......202
Turner, Taylor......134
Tuttle, Sheriff......189, 190
Vacher, Joe......243
Van Dyke, Henry......142
Van Netta, Henry......175
Van Wagoner, Dell......202
Vance, Fanney E.......163
Vance, John C.......161, 167
Vane, Joseph......150
Vincent, Sister......138
Vlohovich, John......125
Wade, James......114, 193
Walker, Eva......218
Walker, Joe......188, 189
Wallace, Mary Hobbs ......xxiv, xxv
Walters, Ray......105
Ward, Glen......179
Ward, Jack......202
Ward, Sheriff......190
Warf, J. W.......188, 190
Warren, Clifford......107
Warren, Moriah E.......83
Warren, Parley......78, 211
Warren, Sarah Blain......81, 82
Warren, Sarah Jane......78, 82
Warren, William G.......97
Warren, William Z.......59, 77, 78, 243
Watrous, Fred L.......124
Watson, Jack......188
Watson, Robert......150, 167
Wattis, W. H.......220
Web, J. M.......183
Webb, Miss......176
Welby, A. E.......173
Wells, Ella......120
Wells, (Governor)......189
Wells, Vina......xxv
West, Mrs. Rolla......117, 118
West, Rollo......112
Wetzel, W. N.......184
Wheeler, Forest......105
Wheeler, Isabelle......120
Whiting, Dr.......91
Whitmore, J. M.......78, 103, 188, 189
Whitmores......52, 55, 66, 248
Whitmyer, E.......105
Wilcox, Budge......54
Wild, Ora......218
Williams, David......38, 148
Williams, D. C.......103
Williams E. M.......89
Williams, Lee......119
Williams, Robert......183, 184
Williams, W. S.......130
Williamson, Mr.......239
Wilson, George A. Sr.......167
Wilson, Harold......118, 120, 105
Wilson, Juanita......118
Wilson, Sheriff......190
Wilson, Taylor......174
Winters, Rebecca......67
Wood, Vida......117
Woodruff, A. O.......6
Wooton, George A.......14, 111
Wooton, J. Tracy......237
Workman, Lew......172
Workman, Mrs.......201
World, Harry......182
Worley, Anna......xxv
Worley, Mrs. Collier......120
Yalger, George......167
Yates, Vivian......123
Young, Andrew......183
Young, Brigham......156
Young, George......167
Young, Helen......120
Young, John......182
Young, Lake......108
Young, L. W.......108
Zundle, Josephine......163
Zundle, Thomas......158, 167
Zupon, Rosie......119

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