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Newspaper Extracts with comments by Larry D. Christiansen


1). “COLD SCHOOL ROOMS.” - Oct. 9, 1879

That education is desirable, no one will doubt, and that some sacrifice to obtain it is always expected; but we deem it poor policy to compel young children to endure the evils of cold, for this purpose. The unchangeable state of the weather and the great evil attending cold at this season, make it necessary to use extra precautions to prevent ill health. These precautions have not been taken in this city and we would like to ask who is to blame. If the trustees had not means to buy wood they should postpone the date of opening school. If the object is to waste no time, if fails in keeping the children back from study and sending many home sick. If school commences thus to employ the teacher, there is a third mistake, even pay half his salary and let them stay at home. In whatever way we view the question, there is no good reason for keeping school open when unprepared to supply all things needed. The teacher of our children is precious, and we ask the trustees to see that there is no repetition of a cold school room, such as has been used in the City Hall for two weeks.
--The Logan Leader, Oct. 9, 1879, p. 3.

2). “U.&N.R.R. SHOPS.” - Dec. 18, 1879

The shops of the U. & N. R. R. company, in this city are worthy the attention of all citizens of Logan, and all well-wishers of the road. Considering the inconveniences which have been labored under, the quantity, quality, and style of the work which can be turned out are simply remarkable. Machinery is there of the best patterns; although probably no quite as much as should be in the principal shops of a long railroad like the U. & N.; but still enough to enable the management to keep the rolling stock in repair, and also to build occasionally such a fine piece of machinery as the snow plow recently turned out of the shops and put in use upon the road. The buildings are of wood, we regret to say; but if it is decided by the management of the road to leave the shops permanently here, there can be little doubt of stone and iron taking the place of lighter materials. The blacksmith, machine and repair shops--all in one building, are about 166 feet in length by 37 feet in width; and there is a side addition on the east to accommodate an engine or car laid up for repairs. Even these premises, extensive though they are, can readily be seen to be none too large. Four forges occupy the space in the first named department; and in the latter there are a huge hydraulic press, for putting on and taking off car wheels; three lathes, for different kind of work; one car wheel former; a planer; a drill; and a machine for making threads on bolts and burrs--all furnished with motive power by a very fine engine of [? first number illegible]5 horse power. The men employed from the Master Mechanic to the youngest person in the shops are skilled and competent workmen; and many noticeable improvements in the machinery are the result of the thought and ingenuity of the first named gentleman--Robert Croft. In common with all citizens of Logan, we earnestly hope that the U. & N. R.R. company will consider their own interest and that of the people in the north, by making permanent their works here; and erect substantial and needed buildings at this point.
--The Logan Leader, Dec. 18, 1879, p. 3.


Background: Charles Ora Card (1839 - 1906) spent his early years on a family farm in upstate New York until his family joined the Mormon Church in 1856 and moved by wagon across country to Utah. By 1860 they moved to Logan where he and his father farmed and ran a sawmill. In addition he gained much knowledge and practical experience in road and canal building. He took time away to gain a business degree before he returned to Logan where he became very active in the community and for his church. Most notable he was the superintendent in the construction of the Logan Tabernacle and then the Logan Temple. By 1876 he had two plural wives and added two more wives, marrying a daughter of Brigham Young in 1884 and the daughter of Bishop W. F. Rigby in 1885. In May of 1884 with the dedication of the Logan Temple, Charles O. Card replaced Moses Thatcher as the Cache Stake President. With his new position and reputation, he knew he was a prized target of the law officers seeking polygamists.

First report in the newspaper on front page at Ogden:

“Latest Dispatches - ANOTHER ESCAPE.” “C. O. Card is Arrested, but Slips from the Official Clutches.”
By Special to the Herald.
Logan, Utah, July 26.--Charles O. Card, President of the Cache Valley Stake, was arrested here this morning by Deputy Ben Garr, on the usual charge. Card was taken aboard the train with the intention of being bound over at Ogden, but as the train, in pulling out of Logan reached the water-tank, he jumped from it, mounted a horses near by and escaped successfully.
-- Ogden Daily Herald - July 26, 1886, p.1.

A couple of days later at Logan -- “RAID IN LOGAN. Arrest and Escape of Cache Valley's President.”
Last Saturday [24th] Deputy Marshals Ben. Garr and Edward Exum came to Logan from the South, and put up at the Blanchard House. They attended the races, and circulated freely around town until Monday morning [25th], when they left the hotel and walked down Second Street as far as the residence of President C. O. Card. They approached the house, one of them going to the front, and the other to the back, door. Garr met his victim at the back door and the two immediately arrested him on the charge of unlawful cohabitation. He was taken to the hotel and held till train time when he was conducted on board the southbound passenger by Deputy Exum. The train moved a short distance from town when the prisoner quietly stepped from the car, and, securing a horse near by, made good his escape, while the deputy was greatly chagrined at the outcome of his trip. Deputy Garr subpoenaed Mrs. Sarah Card, Miss Sallie Birdno, Miss Fanny Paul and Beu. Ramsell, and all were taken to Ogden and placed under bonds to appear when wanted. The affair created the greatest interest in Logan and knots of men were gathered upon the streets, discussing its various features. The developments, should there be any, will be closely watched.
--The Utah Journal, July 28, 1886, p. 3. [Wed.]

Another version – Aug. 4th with dateline Ogden City, Utah / July 26, 1886:

Editor Deseret News:
A lively sensation was created on the streets of this city at an early part of the morning by the rumor that PRESIDENT CHAS. O. CARD, of the Cache Valley stake had been arrested. Many of the ‘auties’ rejoiced at this intelligence, which was shared by federal officials in and out of the court room. One large legal limb said to this writer, with much glee, that they had been on the watch for this man for some time and they had at at (sic) last turned up a big trump Card! His arrival in this city was anticipated with smiles, jokes, and visions of fees for services in the United States Commissioner BLACK’S COURT and preparations were made to receive Mr. Card with appropriate honors. But, oh! what a ‘duce’ of a ‘trump’ that ‘Card’ did turn up! Long before the arrival of the train the joy of the crusaders was turned into mourning—by the rumor that the ace had been tricked by a left bower; and later that the Card had played them a trick the devil never did, by leaving them. They were much chop-fallen when it became known that their prisoner had actually made good his escape.
--The Deseret News Weekly, Aug. 4, 1886, p. 15.

The following three postscripts came from President Card before he left the area to begin the Mormon colonies in Canada that were filled in large part by people from Logan and Cache Valley. Card’s communication in this period was through the non-friendly newspapers rather than the local press to prevent legal troubles on the home front.

July 30, 1886 - p. 3 under “Call From the Card.”
It will be remembers that Deputy Exum arrested one C. O. Card, of Logan, on Monday last, and as he was bringing him to t his city Card escaped by jumping from the train. Mr. Exum did not treat him like the common criminal that he was and Card took advantage of the Deputy's confidence and escaped. If Mr. Exum had placed the man of God in irons there would have been a terrible howl set up from the Mormon press. Yet there is not question but that he had a perfect right to do so. Yet out of consideration for his feelings he did not iron him, thinking that if he did not treat him as a common criminal he would appreciate the courtesy shown and not attempt to take advantage of it. The following letter will explain itself.

July 28th, 1886.
E. W. Exum, Esq., Deputy U. S. Marshal, Ogden, Utah:
DEAR SIR--Inclosed please find railway ticket, Logan to Ogden, which I do not care to appropriate to my own individual use. Although I have served my country many years, I have not yet rode at its expense, therefore I return to you that which you intrusted to my care. Here allow me to express my gratitude to you for your kind treatment to me in your official capacity. As an officer and gentleman, I respect you much, and if at any time in the future it lies in my power to do you a favor, I shall be only too pleased so to do.

Yours, very respectfully,
--The Salt Lake Tribune, July 30, 1886, p. 3.

July 31, 1886 – The letter addressed to Deputy Exum repeated under title “President Card Heard From.”
The following appeared in the Ogden department of the Salt Lake Tribune of Friday morning.
[Text of Exum letter.]
--The Utah Journal, July 31, 1886, p. 6.

November 16, 1886 – “Exonerating Mayor Farr.”
Marshall Exum Not Deserving of Censure.
EDITOR JOURNAL:--I am prompted on this occasion, to use my pen in defense of the innocent, and I trust I ever shall be found making my plea on that side. The JOURNAL, of October 20th, announced that Mayor A. F. Farr had been arrested for “leaving near the depot the horse which Prest. C. O. Card galloped away on some weeks ago.” If they are going to prosecute Mr. Farr for that they will punish an innocent man. When I sprang from the train I expected to depend entirely upon my own muscle, but upon a second thought I determined I would make for a group of carriages and appropriate the first one I found most convenient; but on discovering a horse on the opposite side of the street, I ran to that, mounted it, and galloped away without asking any questions, for which I am the only party responsible.

To another point, Mr. Editor. I will cite your attention; that is, there was no officer in pursuit, no officer resisted! I will here state that there were no prearrangements about this matter. If so, I would have had one of my own horses put there that was gentle and not have trusted to an unbroke animal or a broncho (sic) so self-willed as the one I refer to. Had the horse belonged to any other gentleman, it would have been all the same to me. Even if it had belonged to Marshal Exum I would have rode it away, not thinking of any evil consequences to that gentleman. I will here state, I have been informed that it was rumored that I bribed Mr. Exum. No so. No money or any other values ever passed between us. I most emphatically deny the charge. Bribing is not my style. He treated me as an officer should treat a prisoner, very kindly and gentlemanly, for which I shall ever hold him in high esteem. I am pleased to learn, through the columns of the JOURNAL that he continues to make this kind of a record. Where he searches houses, subpoenas witnesses, or makes arrest, he is exceedingly civil. This is as it should be, for many of the deputies have made asses of themselves to their everlasting shame and dishonor. I am pleased to note this honorable exception. No discrete or approbrium, in my case, should be attached to Marshal Exum for my escape, neither should Mr. Farr be punished, if he did own the horse; for I mounted it without lief or license so to do.

Now, Mr. Editor, I am in a distant clime, and have had no communication with either of these gentlemen; but what I have stated is the truth and justly due those most honorable gentlemen.

Yours very respectfully,
Nov. 2, 1886. [Date letter was written.] C. O. Card
--The Utah Journal, Nov. 16, 1886.

November 24, 1886 – “President Card was not aided in his escape.”
He Was Not Aided.--A few weeks ago the NEWS published an item concerning the arrest of Mayer Aaron F. Farr, of Logan, on charge of aiding a prisoner to escape. He is not under bond pending the action of the grand jury in the case. One of the reasons for the prosecution against him is that when President C. O. Card, of Logan, escaped from Deputy Marshal Exum, he rode away on a horse belonging to Mr. Farr, and which was tied near the railway station. In reference to this matter, the following extract is made from a letter from President Card to the Utah Journal:

“The Journal of October 20th, announces that Mayor A. F. Farr had been arrested for ‘leaving near the depot the horse which Prest. C. O. Card galloped away on some seeks ago.’ If they are going to prosecute Mr. Farr for that they will punish an innocent man. When I sprang from the train I expected to depend entirely upon my own muscle, but upon a second thought I determined I would make for this group of carriages and appropriate the first one I found most convenient, but on discovering a horse on the opposite side of the street, I ran to that, mounted it, and galloped away without any questions, for which I am the only party responsible. There was no officer in pursuit, no officer was resisted. I will here state that there were no prearrangements about this matter. If so, I would have had one of my own horses put there that was gentle and not have trusted to an unbroken animal or a broncho so self-willed as the one I refer to. Had the horse belonged to any other gentleman, it would have been all the same to me. Even if it had belonged to Marshal Exum I would have rode it away, not thinking of any evil consequences to that gentleman. I will here state, I have been informed that it was rumored that I bribed Mr. Exum. Not so. No money or other values ever passed between us. I most emphatically deny the charge. Bribing is not my style. He treated me as an officer should treat a prisoner, very kindly and gentlemanly, for which I shall ever hold him in high esteem.”
--The Deseret News, Nov. 24, 1886, p. 9 in “Local News.”

Postscript: December article from Canada on “Mormons In Canada.”
OTTAWA, (Ontario), Dec. 7.--Dr. Allen, the custom collector at For McLeod, is here to confer with the government in reference to the Mormons, who, according to him, contemplate moving in a body to Canada and setting near the fort. He says that in the past year five hundred Mormons have arrived and others are constantly coming. They make the finest settlers in the Northwest. They never seek to evade the customs law and give no trouble. They have just purchased, on one block, 20,000 acres from the Northwest Coal and Navigation Company of Lethbridge. This immense tract of thirty square miles has been bought by the church as a church, and is in addition to 320 acres occupied by each individual. This block is at St. Marys and only seven miles from Cardstone, the original settlement.

President Woodruff, the head of the Mormon church, says Dr. Allen told him that as they could not hold property as a community in Utah, they therefore proposed to invest their cash and transfer their movable property from Utah to St. Mary's. They proposed to colonize this tract of land, and Dr. Allen submitted the whole scheme to the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agriculture this afternoon. They agreed to encourage them if they would discontinue polygamy, which Dr. Allen says they agreed to. Woodruff . . . said they intend to observe the law. He himself obeyed the United States law by dispensing with several wives, retaining only one. The government insists that the Endowment house, after the recent developments in the United States, shall not be established, but a hitch occurs in this, as Woodruff claims it was necessary and that the reports about it are lies.

The head of the Canadian colony now, located at Carstone, is Card . . . and is held in much respect. He is much thought of by the government . . . . It is due to confidence in Card that the government takes faith in the promise of the Mormons. Card himself, who recently embraced their faith, defies the law against polygamy. He says Stenhouse was crazy.

During the past two days 800 head of cattle, including 100 thoroughbreds, have been shipped to Fort McLeod by the Mormons, and 300 emigrants accompanied them. Assistant Minister of Agriculture Parmlee, who has returned from a visit to the Mormon settlement in the Northwest territory, says they have turned the wilderness into a garden in two years. He saw no objection to their colonizing in large numbers the big block of land they just purchased, provided they obeyed the laws. He didn't think they would practice polygamy, because that would rob them of an asylum in America.
--The Utah Journal, Dec. 11, 1889, p. 1.

4). “THE GREAT AM I.” – June 1892.

June 8, 1892 - “The Great I Am.” - “The Lord of Logan.”
A certain resident of this city, we are informed, a day or so ago noticed some one working away at the culvert in front of his house. He wished to know what was going on and for what purpose and so he made inquiries relative thereto. The person working upon said culvert arose and remarked that he was trying to “clean it out.” It was then suggested that probably the better way to secure the desired result would be to take it up, clean it out, and put it back. This however did not suit the supposed culvert cleaner, for he replied that he would leave it up if he took it up and that he did’nt [sic didn’t] have to clean if out anyhow. “Very well,” was the answer “then leave it alone. It is my culvert--I put it there and when I want it cleaned I will attended to it.” “You will do it now” insisted the one who had been previously working at the job himself. “You shall clean out that culvert.” “Not until I feel so disposed,” mildly answered the “certain resident of this city.” At this the other arose on his tiptoes and with a frown that would lay Jove’s in the shade he said in a voice of attempted thunder: “Mr. So-and-so, I command you to take that culvert up and clean it out.”

“Who are you?” asked the astonished citizen, in wonderment.

“I AM THE WATERMASTER of Logan,” said the other. The citizen took off his hat and apologized for his rudeness. He said he only thought it was some ordinary king or prince at first; but he had no idea of being honored by the presence of the Lord of Logan. “However,” added the citizen, “I shall leave the culvert where it is nevertheless.” And thus they parted. “Tis said that the citizen received an apology next day, after the law had been investigated.”
--The Journal, June 8, 1892, p.8.

A watermaster was a very important position in Utah's distinctive communal appropriation system. In regard to irrigation water, they exercised authority over water distribution by a system of rotation of water usage according to shares, requiring a delivery at a set time for certain length of time. They oversaw ditch and culvert repair by requesting labor from the water users. They arbitrated water disputes which were frequent and sometimes involved physical fights between users often with the watermaster in the unenviable unavoidable middle. These conflicts over water increased in number, size and intensity until in 1880 the Utah Territorial legislature abandoned the communal appropriation system and adopted a prior appropriation for the resource which was too little to satisfy wants and needs. In some ways it functioned very similar with watermasters still a key player, but instead of the church or community functioning as final arbitrator, the system operated through constitutional provisions and statutes with court decisions being the final word with provisions for monetary fines and penalties for violators. Among the latter of the were some that had a particular dislike for the watermasters.

5). RECKLESS DRIVING – examples from issues of the local newspaper in July and August of 1892.

July 9, 1892 - “Run Over.”
On Thursday afternoon, a little girl of about nine years of age, the daughter of Mr. Neils Pearson, while crossing the street near the Post Office, was knocked down and run over by a surrey driven by the son of Mr. Cy. Napper. The child was knocked senseless, but recovered consciousness while being carried across the street. She heard some talk of carrying her to a doctor's and not wishing to go, she slipped out of the arms of the young man carrying her, bathed her mouth in the ditch and started for home. Young Napper got the little girl into the carriage and took her home, and her mother afterwards took her to Dr. Ormsby’s. The doctor found that several of her teeth were knocked out, that her face was badly bruised and scratched, and that her side and back were injured. He could not tell until the swelling subsided, whether any ribs were broken, and to wait for further developments to ascertain if there were any internal injuries.
--The Journal, July 9, 1892.

July 13, 1892 - “Local Points.”
A collision occurred on F street nearly opposite Mr. Amussens house, on Friday afternoon. A man from Lewiston was driving in one direction, and the boy that drives Farley's delivery wagon was coming from the other. They came together with such force that Farleys wagon was tipped over, a wheel was broken and some other damage done to it. The Lewiston man had a neck yoke broken, and his horses were thrown from their feet. Very fortunately, neither of the drivers were hurt.
--The Journal, July 13, 1892.

July 23, 1892 – “Runaway.”
Mr. Hans Peterson had business at the Deseret Mill on Thursday evening and went inside leaving his team untied. He had tied the lines back to the brake and thought that the team would be secure. He had scarcely stepped inside the mill before the horses started. They ran up the hill, crossed the bridge, and went flying down Second street. When they reached Main street they made a short turn to go north that the wagon was overturned and the box thrown off. As the lines were firmly tied to the brake iron, when the wagon box was on the ground the horses found it too hard to pull by the bits, and soon came to s stand still. Very little damage was done.
--The Journal, July 23, 1892.

Aug. 6, 1892 – “Runaway.”
A horse ran away with two small boys on Wednesday afternoon near Earls' residence on Third St. Soon after it started to run the boys were thrown off. One of them, a son of J. P. Smith, jumped to his feet and ran up stairs into his father’s office, but it was some time before he realized where he was. He was pretty badly hurt. The other little fellow, a son of J. H. Grehm, the owner of the horse and cart, escaped with a shaking. The horse ran to Main St., turned south and in front of Riter Bro’s. drug store ran against a carriage that was tied there, breaking one of the axles of the carriage. The horse attached to the cart was thrown violently to the ground and injured so badly that he will probably have to be killed.
--The Journal, Aug. 6, 1892.

Aug. 10, 1892 – A series of accidents noted in one issue of the paper - “Reckless Driving.”
Jas. Kelley was fined $5 by Justice Brangham on Saturday last for reckless driving. He ran over a little boy named Peterson, and did not stop to see whether he was badly hurt. This is getting entirely too common an occurrence in Logan. In every city pedestrians have the right of way, but a person would judge from the way they have to dodge occasionally that the reverse was the case in Logan. People turn the corners so rapidly sometimes as to endanger the lives of people on foot. Many narrow escapes may be witnessed on almost any evening. It is time that the strong arm of the law was invoked to put a stop to reckless driving, and a few examples will have a healthy moral effect.

* * * * - “Run Over.”
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones got into their buggy to drive up town on Saturday evening. Just as they were about to start Mrs. Jones reached over to draw one of the lines from beneath the horse’s back-band, when it suddenly sprang forward. Mrs. Jones was thrown out and run over, one wheel passing over her shoulder and another one over her face. Fortunately it is a light buggy or Mrs. Jones would have been killed. As it is her injuries are quite severe.

* * * * - “Runaway.”
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were driving northward on Main street between Second and Third streets, when for some unknown cause the horse they were driving started running and kicking. When near the Co-op, Mr. Campbell thought he could stop the horse by running him up against the gates leading into the Co-op yard. Just before reaching the gates the horse suddenly swerved, ran on the platform and tried to jump through the window, which was broken into atoms. "Mr. and Mrs. Campbell escaped serious injury, the only damage either of them sustained being a bruise on one of Mrs. Campbell's limbs. The horse was cut in several places, and one of the shafts of the buggy was broken.
--The Journal, Aug. 10, 1892, p. 8.

Dec. 24, 1892 – To close out the year a “Runaway” near the newspaper office.
Mesdames Fullmer and Hatch were driving up Main Street in a one horse cutter on Wednesday morning, when the horse they were driving took fright at the noise made by a tree that had just been felled by the side of Ricks building. The horse wheeled sharply round, directly in front of The JOURNAL office, and the ladies were thrown violently to the ground. Mrs. Hatch was thrown, and struck sidewise on a ridge of frozen dirt that had been place over some pipes leading to Toombs’ stable, and Mrs. Fullmer was thrown on top of her. Mrs. Hatch was assisted into THE JOURNAL officer; but Mrs. Fullmer was able to walk. In a short time the horse was driven back by a small brother of Mrs. Fullmer’s, and Mr. Hatch was just about to get into the sleigh for the purpose of driving his wife home, [Mrs. Fullmer had gone home to look for her horse] when the horse got frightened once more, and ran away with the little boy. The little fellow, however, had the good sense to steer a straight course, and obtained the mastery over the animal by the time he reached the depot, and turning round, returned once more to THE JOURNAL office. By this time Mr. Hatch had concluded that the animal was unsafe, and he obtained another conveyance and drove his wife home. The lady did not appear to be badly injured at the time, but it has since been found that she was very badly bruised, and her nervous system shocked. Fortunately Mrs. Fullmer was not injured.
--The Journal, Dec. 24, 1892, p. 8.


Sometimes party politics was more influential than church status, common sense or the actual facts for and an intense Democratic newspaper fearing the contemptible Republicans were gaining ground in Logan.

Nov. 10, 1894 “Local Points” article in an outspoken Democratic paper:
The Nation is a bloody Sheet. . . .
The Nation says that Jos. A. Smith “ably conducted” the Cache county campaign for republicans. What sarcasm! What withering irony! Such a cut from such a source is like the stab Brutus gave Caesar. The contemptible republican sheet thinks Hon. Jos. F. Smith abused every time his name appears in anything but the Tribune. Mr. Smith did secret and underhanded political work in this campaign. The people of this county rebuked him for it and THE JOURNAL intends to speak of it. We have no objection to the Church historian making republican speeches while in the employ of the whole people, 3/4 of whom are Democrats, but we are ready to call a halt when the genteman [sic gentleman] gets intoxicated and vomits all over a saloon as Andrew Jensen did in this city Thurday [sic Thursday] night.
--The Utah Journal, Nov. 10, 1894, p. 8.

Nov. 14, 1894 – Response from Andrew Jensen - “CARD FROM ANDREW JENSEN.”
The Gentleman Denies Having Been in Logan on the Date in Question.

Salt Lake City, Nov. 12, 1893 [sic correct year should be 1894].

EDITOR JOURNAL:--In your issue of the 10th inst. I find the following under the caption of “Local Points.”
“We have no objection to the Church historian making republican speeches while in the employ of the whole people, 3/4 of whom are Democrats; but we are ready to call a halt when the gentleman gets intoxicated and vomits all over a saloon as Andrew Jensen did in this city Thursday night.”

Permit me to make a few observations in regard to the above statement:
1st. I am not the Church historian: that distinction belongs to Apostle Franklin D. Richards; I am simply an assistant to the Church historian.

2nd. I never entered a saloon in Logan on Thursday night nor at any other period of my life.

3rd. I never was intoxicated in my life and defy the world to prove anything of the kind.

4th. I don't drink intoxicating liquors of any kind, not ever beer and it has always been one of the rules of my life never to enter a saloon of an description, for any purpose whatever, if I can possibly avoid it.

5th. On the Thursday night mentioned, the 1st inst., I addressed a republican meeting in Mendon, after which I traveled in company with Bishop Thomas X. Smith and Joseph C. Knowles, both residents of Cache valley, to Logan, and went with them to a Scandinavian social party held in a large hall on Main street, where I spent about three hours in pleasant association with my friends until about 2 o'clock in the night, when the dance was dismissed and I walked, accompanied by my friend C. D. Fjeldeted and others, to my lodging place at the residence of Alfred Swinyard, Esq., on the so-called Logan island. There I slept till about 6 o'clock in the morning, when I, in company with a lady friend walked to the depot, and boarded the train, returning to Salt Lake City.

With the above “slight” corrections the personal reference to me in your issue of the 10th inst. might pass.

Yours respectfully,

[THE JOURNAL printed the item above referred to upon information of parties who were in the saloon and say they saw Mr. Jensen, but we cheerfully publish his denial of the charge.]
{The above comment with brackets in newspaper.} --The Journal, Nov. 14, 1894, p.8.

Nov. 17, 1894 – The newspapers weak and sorry excuse - “A Card of Apology.”
THE JOURNAL very much regrets the item which recently appeared in its columns concerning Andrew Jensen. We now believe the report about his being intoxicated to be utterly false though not without foundation. A man who very much resembled him and who claimed to be Andrew Jensen spewed all over the floor of a certain saloon in this city on the night in question. He staggered out of the place and fell in the alley in a stupor. Parties who went to verify the report thought it must be him. But after all we believe it to have been a case of mistaken identity. And as Mr. Jensen has already stated his case to the public through the columns of THE JOURNAL we make him this further apology and put him on his guard that there is somewhere in this country a man who wears glasses and otherwise resembles him in appearance, but who drinks and while intoxicated takes advantage of the resemblance.”
--The Journal, Nov. 17, 1894, p.8.

No humble pie for this newspaper which couldn’t quite face the errors straight forward, and used the impersonation caution to weasel out of direct responsibility. This sorry excuse was as sincere as its “cheerfully” publishing Jensen’s denial. American author James Fenimore Cooper wrote: “The press, like fire, is an excellent servant, but a terrible master.” Add politics to the mixture and the “terrible master” comes to the fore frequently.


July 15, 1903 - “The City Cow Man.”

Logan City, July 11, ‘03 [1903].


I wish to write a line regarding Logan City's cow man. As I understand his duties, they are to keep the thoroughfares free from stock. This branch of the city’s government is not expected particularly to maintain itself or make money for the city. There appears to be a disposition to catch and corral every cow possible. One would think that the man’s job depended on the number of cows he impounded. This should not be the case. It should make no difference whether the man makes one dollar per month or one hundred, as long as the cows are kept off the street. Early of mornings and late of evenings appears to be his time best to catch his prey. It shuold (sic) be remembered at this hour of the day small children may have cows in their charge, whose parents are perhaps poor. Reasonable allowances should be made at these hours of the day. And further, it has been noticed that when cows are taken into custody by this man, they are driven in a great rush. People who depend largely upon their cows for the support of their families do not care to see the life driven out of them by a man, even if he is the city’s cow man.
--The Logan Republican, July 15, 1903, p. 1.

July 18, 1903 - “A Citizen On His Ear.”
Gets Wrathy at the Council, Cow Man, Officials generally. No-Account Dogs.


One would judge from some of our city ordinances and the measures taken for their endorsement that the council had determined to make our little city a pattern for metropolitan cities. Heretofore when driving up town we have tied our horse at a convenient hitching post while we have slipped into the store to make a few purchases, but now we are confronted everywhere by this placard “Tie no teams here, by order of the City Council.”Inquiry elicits the fact that we are expected to hunt up the tie year now and leave our horses there while we step around to the store for a box of matches. Again, most of us own cows. At this season we are compelled to find pasturage for them in the fields adjoining town and of necessity have to drive them along the streets, and this necessity had brought us to know the city cow man and our acquaintance with him is not always the most pleasant and we feel sometimes that his acts are more of the nature of persecutions than the situation warrants. . . . [The citizen’s tirade continued on city officials restricting where bicycles could go and an attack on worthless dogs, and concluded with the following]: The purpose of a city government as we understand it is to benefit its citizens and not to persecute or tyrannize over them. Every merchant in town wants to see our country friends come to town; it looks good to see the streets lined with their teams. It means business. And why shouldn't they be permitted to tie up there? It is right also to keep animals from roaming at large on the streets but we should not try to get above our condition, and the city cow man should be made to understand that cows too have some rights. CITIZENS.
--The Logan Republican, July 18, 1903, p. 1.

Aug. 8, 1903 - “City Attorney Resigns.”
At Council Meeting Wednesday Evening. Mrs. Jacobsen Wants to be Cow-catcher.
The city council meeting Wednesday evening was fully as interesting as the recent big pugilistic bout at Salt Lake and from reports of that affair we are led to believe that there was a great deal more sparring in the council room than at the Grand. The local affair was a free-for-all in which practically every councilman attempted to deliver a solar plexus, and even the city treasurer delivered at least one knock-out to the tune of $75. Mrs. Jacobson (sic) fought like a professional and was aggressive as Sharkey. . . .

Mrs. Hannah Jacobsen asked for an allowance of $75 for extra work performed by Miss Eunice Jacobson (sic). The matter brought forth considerable discussion. A motion to grant her that amount had an amendment tacked to it granting her half the amount. A vote on the amendment resulted in its defeat by a score of 5 to 4. The original motion also lost by a vote of 5 to 4, Mr. Burris voting no on each proposition. This brought the matter back to its original place, and Mayor Hansen suggested that a vote be again taken granting Mrs. Jacobsen $37.50, but the matter was passed up until later in the game. When the matter came up again the treasurer showed fight and made the statement that if the council didn't grant her the $75 they would have to appoint her as cow catcher or accept her resignation. This was a stumper for the bunch. Quayle moved to give her $37.50, Benson made an amendment to give her $75 and the vote stood 5 to 4 in favor of the amendment. As a result we will have no female cow catcher. . . .
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 8, 1903, p. 1.

Aug. 22, 1903 - “Our City Lawmakers.”
The City Council . . . . Mr. N. M. Hansen moved that the cow catcher be employed by the day rather than by the month as at present, and giving the marshal the privilege of calling on him when he sees fit. This suggestion was adopted.
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 22, 1903, p. 1.

8). TROUBLE AMOUNG THE BRETHREN — Front page news in Logan and Salt Lake City but only for a week.

Dec. 5, 1906 - “Stake President Gets Whipping.”
Seth Langton Punches Sacred Face of Isaac Smith at Logan.
Stories of Encounter.
Smith Traduced Him, Langton Charges.
Logan, Dec. 4.--A personal encounter took place today between Seth A. Langton, manager of the Consolidated Wagon & Machine company branch here and one of Logan's most prominent business men, and Isaac Smith, president of the Cache stake, and a man widely known in this section.

Believing Smith had traduced his character Langton called Smith into his private office and, to use an English term, severely punched his head. Smith at once swore to a complaint in police court charging Langton with battery. Langton appeared at 2 p.m. today and took the statutory time in which to plead.

The accounts of the principals differ somewhat as to the circumstances of the row, Langton claiming that Smith struck the first blow, while Smith says Langton first assaulted him.

Smith’s Face Frescoed.
Anyway, Smith got decidedly the worst of the encounter. His face is severely bruised as a result of coming in frequent contact with Langton’s fist, while here and there patches of skin are missing. Langton has a deep cut on the right side of his face, but otherwise is uninjured. Langton is much the smaller man of the two. He is a Democrat, while Smith is a Republican. Both are Mormons.
Mr. Langton gives his version of the affair: “Some time ago I learned that Isaac Smith had made statements derogatory to my character. I called him into my office this morning and asked him why he went about secretly assailing my reputation, and why, if he aught to say against me, he did not say it to my face and thus live up to the precepts of the religion of which he is supposed to be an examplar (<i>sic</i>). He pretended not to have made such statement.”

Then the Row Started.
“As a result of this some hot words passed between us. He arose to leave, but I leaped to my feet and insisted that he should remain to hear me out. As I sought to detain him he struck me. I returned the blow, and then we mixed things until he called for help and the office employees rushed in and parted us.”

Smith’s statement is as follows: “I went to collect some rent from an employee of the company when Mr. Langton called me into his private office. I went in and sat down and then Langton asked me what I had been attacking him for? I said to him ‘Why, what do you mean? What have I said about you?’ and he replied. ‘Oh, you know very well; there is no need of my repeating it.’ Then he began abusing me and seeing no advantage to either of us in further argument, I started to leave. Langton then jumped up ands struck me, knocking me against the door, where he struck me again. I gathered myself and defended myself as best I could. Langton jumped at me again, saying with an oath that he would kill me, then I called for help and the men came in and parted us. I got the worst of it, I suppose, but I was taken at a disadvantage.”

Affair Causes Sensation.
The whole affair, as before stated, has created a profound sensation here on account of the prominence of the men. Mr. Smith is the most distinguished ecclesiast in the county, having been connected with the Cache stake presidency for many years. Langton is a former trustee of the Agricultural college, an ex-member of the legislature, and a man universally regarded as being upright and honorable in every way. He is the son-in-law of Moses Thatcher and the head of a family. His opponent has the advantage of him in this respect, being the head of two families. There is no probability of Mr. Langton pleading guilty and the case will have to go before a jury unless it is withdrawn, a thing which some say will be done, as busy tongues are already wagging over ugly rumors that some years ago were connected with Mr. Smith’s name.
--Salt Lake Herald, Dec. 5, 1906, p.1.

Dec. 5, 1906 – From a Logan newspaper it was the “SMITH-LANGTON AFFRAY.”
An Altercation Between President Isaac Smith and Manager Seth A. Langton Which Ends in a Mix-up.
President Isaac Smith and Seth A. Langton, manager of the C. W. & M. Co. of this city, engaged in a conversation yesterday morning which led to blows. A complaint was afterwards sworn to by Mr. Smith in Justice Pedersen’s court. We refrain from commenting upon the affair while it is pending but merely give a statement from each gentlemen engaged in the case. The complaint charges Seth A. Langton with the crime of “battery,” by “beating, striking and bruising the said Isaac Smith.”

The defendant, Seth A. Langton was given until 2 p.m. on Thursday to plead.

Mr. Smith’s Statement.
“On the day in question I entered the business place of Mr. Langton to collect rent that was due from Mr. Tysom, the bookkeeper. When leaving I was called by Mr. Langton into his office. When inside, Mr.Langton began to accuse me of defaming his character, and injuring him in various ways. Upon my request as to the nature of the injury or injuries done, Mr. Langton was not explicit in his answers but kept on saying that he had been injured, and at the same using vile and offensive language.

“Seeing the condition of affairs I took my overcoat and began preparation to leave, when Mr. Langton began to assault me. In the melee, Mr. Langton began seige [?seized] me by the throat, exclaiming, ‘I will kill you.’ I seized his hands and called to the men who were in the shop, when he was released.”

No definite reason can be given by Mr. Smith as to the exact nature of the cause of the assault.

Mr. Langton’s Statement.
From one of Mr. Langton’s friends we gathered the following information, which was approved by Mr. Langton, that some trouble had been brewing between President Smith and Mr. Langton for some time past, and while the former was in the Consolidated Wagon & Machine company’s building transacting some business with an employee of the company, Mr.Langton requested him to come into the private office. He no sooner did so than Mr. Langton called his attention to certain intermeddling on the part of Mr. Smith in Mr. Langton’s private affairs. Mr. Langton then stated that he also knew something about President Smith’s affairs, and he proposed to tell him when he knew about it. At this Mr. Smith turned to leave the room, saying that he would not talk to Mr.Langton and Mr. Langton took hold of his arm and requested him not to do so until he, Mr. Langton, had had his say. Thereupon Mr. Smith turned and struck Mr. Langton a blow in the face, and a general scrimmage followed, in which Mr. Smith was considerable worsted, and finally called for help.

Employes (sic) entered the room and separated the belligerents. Mr. Smith then swore out a complaint, charging Mr. Langton with battery, and at 2 o’clock Mr. Langton and his attorney, Frank K. Nebeker, appeared in the justice court and obtained an order extending time in which to plead until 2 o’clock on Thursday, the 6th instant. Mr. Langton has announced the determination to fight the case, as he believes that he was justified in all that he did.
--The Logan Republican, Dec. 5, 1906, p. 1.

Dec. 8, 1906 – a short update under “Locals:”
The case of the State of Utah vs. Seth A. Langton, charged with battery upon Isaac Smith on Tuesday, the 4th instant, was called in Justice Pederson’s court at 2 p.m. Thursday. The defendant pleaded not guilty. The attorneys will agree later on day for trial.
--The Logan Republican, Dec. 8, 1906, p. 8.

Logan, Dec. 10.--The assault case brought by Isaac Smith, against Seth Langton, and which created somewhat a sensation here last week, was dismissed yesterday afternoon without prejudice, both principals agreeing to it.
--Deseret Evening News, Dec. 11, 1906, p. 7. {The only time the Church newspaper mentioned the incident.}

Dec. 11, 1906 – The particular view from Salt Lake City - “CASE DISMISSED.”
Logan Assault Trouble Adjusted Without Any Prejudice on Either Side.

Dec. 11, 1906 – A more open view from Salt Lake City - “Langton Suit Withdrawn.”
President of Cache Stake Won’t Prosecute Man Who Whipped Him.
Logan, Utah, Dec. 10.--The charge of battery filed against Seth A. Langton by President Isaac Smith of Cache stake in the local police court a few days ago as a result of a fight in Langton’s office, was withdrawn today and the following card sent to the papers:

“To the Public: The regrettable difficulty between us recently mentioned in the newspapers has been satisfactorily settle. Signed, Seth A. Langton and Isaac Smith.”
The settlement came as the result of several meetings of the principals and their friends, and yesterday afternoon Smith’s two counselors and some others succeeded in bringing the two together and inducing them to shake hands. There were explanations and mutual apologies and the two agreed to be brothers once more. Notwithstanding the settlement, however, there are many who assert that Langton will lose his head as manager of the local branch of the Consolidated Wagon & Machine company.
--Salt Lake Herald, Dec. 11, 1906, p. 1.

Dec. 12, 1906 in the briefest newspaper note from the front page of a Logan paper:
To the Public.
The regretable difficulty between us recently mentioned in the newspapers has been satisfactorily settled.
--The Logan Republican, Dec. 12, 1906, p. 1.

The extremely short notice in the Logan newspaper perhaps indicated the seriousness of this incident as both men were prominent in the area to the point and that too much information was seen as dangerous and consequences might follow, and probably did. However and whatever took place the excitement and sensation at Logan in late 1906 came to a quick conclusion. Friends and other members of the stake presidency persuaded the two opponents that more could be lost than gained by seeking legal address. Looking at the situation from Salt Lake City were the leaders of the Mormon Church anxious to get over a series of troubled times at Logan, and whether directly or indirectly the faith probably exerted the greatest pressure to end the trouble.

9). A MONSTER ON WHEELS COMES TO LOGAN— a “vehihicle,” “automobilious” or the Automobile:

Probably the first automobile owned by a Logan resident came in 1902 was either Robert Murdock, the postmaster, or C. C. Amussen, “the latest patron of the automobile . . . a splendid looking vehicle . . . . the latest machine, having the up-to-date frills.” Other car owners included businessman Geo. Robinson with his automobile listed in his will with a value of $400, as “Uncle Sam’s automobilious” that frequently traveled the road between the post office and the railroad depot.
--The Logan Republican, Sept, 10, 1902, Jan. 20, 1903 and June 29, 1904.

July 26, 1905 – An ad for Barnum and Bailey Greatest Show on Earth scheduled for Logan August 5th at B.Y. College Grounds:
Presenting for the first time in America “Dip of Death" wherein . . . . Startling and stupendous Parisian sensational somersault surprise. A lady looping the loop in an automobile. . . .45 seconds topsy turvy auto ride.
--The Logan Republican, July 26, 1905.

June 16, 1906 – an automobile trip from Logan to Provo:
Robt. Murdock Jr. left on an automobile trip to Provo Sunday evening. Before he got out of Cache Valley two tires were put out of business. The remainder of the trip was made without serious difficulty. The Murdock “vehihicle” is but a seven horse car yet made the trip very satisfactorily.
--The Logan Republican, June 16, 1906.

July 18, 1906 – The “Story of a Cache Mud Puddle.”
As an illustration of the extraordinary condition of Cache roads in some places, a story told by one of Logan’s enthusiastic automobilists is a peach. The said E.A. started out on a trip the other day, having a bunch of charming ladies and another male personage as companions. They went down the Benson ward road full tilt until they reached a point just beyond the big pond. Here it was with fear and trembling that they spied an overflow from an irrigation ditch, but experience had taught these automobilists that the only thing to do was to hit ‘er hard with the hope of pulling through. The speed of the vehicle was increased to about 250 in the shade and whizz went the water. Despite the fact that the car sank to the hubs, the bunch got through o.k., but the wheels balked or slipped at the opposite side. There was nothing to do but ‘pile out’ and so in search of some old reliable farm animals. A Mr. So-and-so, living near, was hailed and agreed to get the automobile out of its predicament. One of “the boys” said: “Well, what’ll you charge?”

“My REGULAR charge for pulling horses and wagons out of that hole is 25¢,” said the farmer, “and I’ll not charge you any more.” This brought a laugh, and inquiry was made as to whether the farmer had many jobs of the kind. “Oh, business in this line’s pretty fair,” he said in reply. “I pulled three out this morning, and six the day before. I pick up a right smart bit this way.” By this time the auto was out, and in a trip to Ogden and return no other difficulty of any kind was encountered. The boys thought this story too good to keep, and tell it not without the hope that the point contained therein may be so impressive as to cause the proper people to take action.
--The Logan Republican, July 18, 1906, p. 1.

August 11, 1906 – Legal “NOTICE.”
Notice is hereby given that any person riding a bicycle, tricycle, velocipede, or any other riding machine, or apparatus, between sunset and sunrise, without a gong and lighted lantern will be dealt with according to the Revised ordinances of Logan City.
NIELS C. PETERSEN, / City Marshal.
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 11, 1906, p. 5.

Nov. 21, 1906 – a fast trip or “An Automobile Stunt.”
Preston People Make Great Time in Famous “Rambler”--To Logan in 1:30.
The Cache Valley News of Preston says: “C. M. White, district foreman Independent Telephone company, located at Preston, Idaho, and local manager Chatterton, of the C.W.& M. Co., at the same place made a flying trip to Logan on November 12th in the Rambler purchased by him from the C.W. & M. Co. The distance from Logan to Preston is about thirty miles by wagon road, same being covered by above Rambler in one hour and twenty-five minutes going, one hour and seventeen minutes returning. The gentlemen say they heard people in Smithfield say as they were passing though, “what is it?” On the trip several dogs passed under the machine, one cow was knocked out of the road, three canals forded, still the machine returned safe and sound. Mr. White is certainly an expert chaffeur (sic) and dodges between teams without the least trouble at the rate of forty miles per hour. The people flocked around the machine by the dozens when it stopped in front of the C.W. & M. Co.’s building, asking all sorts of questions. “It this the machine we just saw coming into town along Main street?” “Well, sir, that was the fastest run we have ever seen on the streets of Logan; there are several autos in town but we have seen none go like that did!” Both gentlemen feel confident the run from Preston to Logan can be made with the same machine in one hour. Before trying it, however, a special notice will be sent the farmers along the line, to chain their dogs and stake their cows, or they may be in danger from this speed engine.
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 21, 1906, p. 3.

May 11, 1907 – Talk of races in Logan.
If possible there will be a horse race or two on the main street.
A race of automobiles from Main to the O.S.L. station and return is under contemplation.
--The Logan Republican, May 11, 1907, p. 1.

May 22, 1907 – A race scheduled for “Wednesday, May 22, Today.”
The auto race between the Emeis-Thatcher and Langton-Nebeker machines will be pulled off on Center street at 12 o'clock.
–The Logan Republican, May 22, 1907.

May 25, 1907 – The scheduled race prevented – “May 22nd A Day of Sport.”
The automobile race was inveighed against by the city council and Marshal Peterson instructed to prevent it.
--The Logan Republican, May 25, 1907, p. 1.

July 24, 1907 - “Fast Driving” in Logan.
Few people are aware of the fact that the practice of racing between teams traveling a public highway is Utah, so common in this section, is made a misdemeanor by the state laws, and that any person caught doing it is liable to a fine or imprisonment or both. The section covering the point reads as follows:
“Every person operating, running, managing, controlling or driving any vehicle, conveyance or car over or upon any public road, street, public square or schoolground, who wilfully (sic)causes or permits such vehicles, conveyance or car to run at a speed sufficient to endanger human life or bodily safely, or to cause destruction of property, or causes or permits such vehicle, conveyance or car to run at a dangerous speed in attempting to pass another vehicle, conveyance or car, or to prevent such other vehicle, conveyance or car from passing his own; and any person who rides or drives any animal or animals over or upon any public road, street, highway, public square or school ground at a speed sufficient to endanger human life or bodily safety, or to cause destruction or property, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.”
--The Logan Republican, July 24, 1907, p. 4.

Sept. 18, 1907 – “City and County.”
H. G. Hayball and William Watson went down to the river the other day to catch fish, but when within a block of the desired place were themselves caught. The Hayball automobile struck a bog and went out of sight. By hard climbing the two occupants kept their heads above the mud, and in the course of five hours’ hard work rescue their “vehihicle” By this time their arms and backs were so sore they couldn't have landed a six-inch minnow, so they turned ‘round and came home, using the telephone wires as a roadway across the bog.
--The Logan Rep., Sept. 18, 1907. p. 5.

Nov. 16, 1907 – A common experience in Logan:
Baker Smith's delivery horse got frightened at an auto Thursday afternoon and thrashed a light buggy around at a terrible rate. After pirouetting about the street for a time, the animal was stopped, no harm having been done.
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 16, 1907, p. 5.

Jan. 1, 1908 - Lucky “No. 2266."
is the Lucky number. The person holding that number can get the “auto” given away at Edward’s Furniture & Carpet House. We are not giving away calendars this year but automobiles. Honk! Honk!
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 1, 1908, p.1.

May 2, 1908 - “Concerning People and Events” in early Logan:
Wallace K. Burnham, of Richmond, met with a slight accident in Logan yesterday morning. As he was driving along Main street, H. G. Hayball’s automobile scared the animal he was driving and the horse proceeded to cut-up considerably, finally running into a pole near the Cache Valley bank. Mr. Burnham was thrown from the vehicle and jarred up considerably but not seriously injured. At the first sign of difficulty with the animal Mr. Hayball stopped his machine and when the accident happened rendered what assistance he could, so no blame is to be placed on him.
--The Logan Republican, May 2, 1908, p. 1.

June 17, 1908 - Bad “‘Auto’ Driving.”
The reckless driving of some automobile owners which is becoming so prevalent in Logan is sure to terminate in something serious if steps are not taken to quell it. The officers go blindly about their business while chauffeurs, without any regard whatever to speed limit, go bounding around street corners where people are constantly on the move and also go jamming up so close as possible to nervous animals. Lives are not only in jeopardy on the streets but many persons from the county with animals which are frightened at these teamless vehicles are in constant dread of meeting them. May chauffeurs pay not attention at all to these fractious horses, so accustomed do they become to seeing them in a fit of fright. It is said that persons have equipped themselves for the purpose of puncturing the tires of these machines if it becomes necessary. Acts so rash need not be resorted to. The exercise of good common sense teaches a person that the class of driving often seen on Main street is not in good taste. With those who become so reckless one public example should suffice.
--The Logan Republican, June 17, 1908, p.4.

June 27, 1908 – “City and County.”
Former Mayor Lorenzo Hansen recently purchased a large Buick automobile in Salt Lake. He drove the machine from the capital in six hours and twenty minutes. The auto is an elegant one and adds very much to the dignity of the already large variety of machines in town.”
--The Logan Republican, June 27, 1908, p. 5.

July 11, 1908 – “City and County.”
Seth Langton, wife and son George drove from the Wilson corner in Salt Lake to the machine shop at Logan Monday in an auto in four hours and five minutes.
--The Logan Republican, July 11, 1908, p. 5.

Sept. 8, 1908 – “Boosters Visit City of North.”
Hundreds of Visitors Throng Logan and Partake of Cache Hospitality.
. . . Another committee was sent by the Cache Valley Commercial club to meet the “boosters” at Brigham City. They arrived at the city of peaches just in time to see the excursion train pull out. Immediately securing automobiles, they made haste back towards Logan, and were met half way by Horace Nebeker in his automobile. Mr. Nebeker having been sent to rescue the committee in time for luncheon. . . . The “boosters” at Logan found vehicles at the depot waiting to take them out to the state agricultural college. . . . At the College the ladies of Logan served luncheon. . . .Then driving and automobiling parties were formed, and several hours were spent in seeing Logan and its surroundings. . . .
--Salt Lake Herald, Sept. 8, 1908, p. 12.

June 10, 1909- p. 6 under "New Automobile Law Is To Be Enforced."
The law requiring owners of automobiles and chauffeurs to take out licenses, becomes effective tomorrow, and it provisions will be rigidly enforced. The police have been instructed to arrest every owner whose machine does not bear a number showing that the license had been paid, and every chauffeur who does not carry a license.
--Salt Lake Telegram, June 10, 1909.

NOTE: “Early Automobile Registrations, Owners, etc.” can be found on the Cache Co. Utah Genealogy site -


-- The Logan Republican showing Thatcher Opera House and Bank Building in Flames.” Issue of April 20, 1912.

Photo of the Thatcher Bank Building on the day after the flames were extinguished with the Logan Fire De-
partment horse drawn fire equipment parked near the entrance to the Opera House (framed in white stone).
Note the person on the upper far left ?repairing phone or electrical wires? near the burned out shell of the building.
-- Photo courtesy of the Logan City Library.

The activities and news in Logan in mid-April of 1912 was a potpourri that ranged from the successes of the Utah Agricultural College’s (U.A.C.) debate team to the booming athletics at Brigham Young College and included an exhibit of fine stallions with a big horse sale in Logan on Friday and Saturday involving the exchange of $10,000 with a smattering on politics, the sugar trust, tariffs and the coming presidential election in the fall. In the last three issues of the local newspaper the editor chose the topics to expound upon as follows: April 11th – an editorial on gun safety; April 13th – comments on the M.I.A Library or reading room in the Preston building; and April 16th a two fold editorial on salary schedules of old and new official debated and Logan needed to promote a cleanup campaign to protect the citizens health. The potentially most important news on the 16th gave the first printed news of the White Star ocean liner had struck an iceberg two days earlier causing a flurry of actions hoping to rescue the passengers.

On a lighter note there were advertisements of U.A.C.’s Opera company presenting two performances of the Gilbert and Sullivan light opera “The Mikado” in the Thatcher Opera House with the first on April 16th for the college students and on Wednesday night April 17th there would be the one for the public. The first show on Tuesday the 16th was to an appreciative audience and the newspaper revue praised the musical department of the college and concluded: “The orchestra was great, the opera was great, the gang were all there so what the __ do we care.” The theatrical revue was published on Friday April 18th, but probably received little attention as two tragic pieces of news dominated the front page of the newspaper. The ocean liner, Titanic, that hit an iceberg had sunk with loss of over of over 1,500 persons going down with the supposedly unsinkable ship, and the other sad event was Logan experienced her worse fire in history. The newspaper accounts of the fire follows:

April 18, 1912 – front page - “GREATEST FIRE IN HISTORY OF CACHE VALLEY.”
Thatcher Bank Building and Opera House Completely wiped out. Fanned by Breeze, Blaze Threatens Entire Business District of Logan. Calls for Help Sent to Salt Lake and Ogden. Total Loss Will Reach $125,000. Splendid Work Done by Citizen Volunteers. Flames Finally Overcome.

Four bare walls standing charred and eloquently pathetic in the morning sunlight, and the interior a mass of twisted iron and smoking debris, the Thatcher Bank Building and Opera House, stands this morning a sorrowful heap of smoldering ruins.

The Golden Rule Store, the City Marshall's (sic) office, The offices of the Crockett Abstract company, Promontory Land company, Farmers' Loan association, Thatcher Brothers Bank and the Thatcher Opera House, with the entire equipment of the whole estimated at approximately $125,000 has been completely wiped out of existence.

Never in the history of Cache Valley has there been such a terrific blaze which for a time threatened the safety of the entire business district of Logan, and which was not finally subdued until the night was far advanced.

Hurry calls for assistance were telephoned to Salt Lake and Ogden, and the response from these cities was admirably prompt. Subsequently, however, they were notified that their services would not be needed, just as they were on the point of entraining, as it was found that the local equipment under the heroic efforts being put forth would be sufficient to cope with the danger.

Where the Blaze Started
The fire had its origin in the basement belonging to the Golden Rule Store, and was not discovered until after the flames had got sufficient headway to assure the doom of the entire building. The department responded quickly to the call, and under the direction of Chief Smith, a force of volunteers were quickly placed in charge of the four lines of hose available, and every effort made to hold the flames in check. Meantime other volunteer citiezns (sic citizens) with buckets and small hose played upon the buildings adjoining, while still others assisted in removing the contents from the threatened buildings. Never was a better demonstration of loyal and helpful citizenship ever given than upon this occasion; for men of every rank and calling--business men, professional men, common laborers, farmers, and men of all classes mingled freely and willingly in the good work.

Considerable time was lost in the very beginning in a futile attempt to locate the source of the fire. As the call had come from the Golden Rule store and the report had it that it was in the basement an attempt was made to get under the store proper. Subsequently it developed that what was called the basement of the Golden Rule was, in fact, under the office building adjoining, and this was found to be so completely blocked with boxes and empty dry goods that it was well nigh impossible to get the water from the hose into effective action.

Slight Breeze Fans Flames.
It was about 4:45 o’clock in the afternoon when the fire was discovered by one of the employees of the Golden Rule. Having occasion to go into the basement he was sent reeling by the dense burst of smoke that came belching up the stairway and immediately sent in the alarm. A moderate stiff breeze was blowing at the time and in a few moments flames were bursting in vivid tongues from the windows on the ground floor. Another element that for a time threatened serious damage to the buildings in the vicinity was the flaming particles of matter that carried by the breeze were wafted onto the roofs surrounding. Volunteers with buckets, were stationed at intervals, and as quickly as a burning mass descended it was promptly extinguished. The street leading in from the south was lined with the crated vehicles and implements from the Studebaker company and pianos, organs, and other wares of the Thatcher Music company, and throngs of spectators stood for hours watching the progress of the flames as they crept onward from room to room and from floor to floor. Altogether it made up a scene never to be forgotten.

To Save Big Vault.
Thousands of dollars in cash and other securities were locked up in the big vaults of the Thatcher Bros. Bank, and every effort was put forth to protect this repository from the flames. Tons upon tons of burning timbers, melted girders, and heated brick rained down upon it as the floors above crashed in under the influence of the terrific heat, but the immense stream of water kept constantly playing upon it by the fire laddies eventually won the day and from present appearances the contents will be found intact.

Building Entire Loss.
The building was completely gutted and is now but a desolate wreck. Tentative arrangements have already been made to accommodate the various firms made homeless by the disaster. The Thatcher Brothers Bank will open for business in the Co-op Drug Store, in the Commercial Block, this morning, and the other firms affected will shortly be quartered.

The Thatcher Bank building was the largest commercial building in Cache Valley. It was built 22 years ago under the personal supervision of Hon. George W. Thatcher, now deceased, and the remarkable fact that the outside walls are still standing in spite of the terrific strain placed upon them, is a tribute to the character of the man responsible of [continued on page 8] their erection.

The building was valued at $70,000 and was insured for $30,000. The interior furnishings carried $4,000 insurance. President H. E. Hatch states that the loss will not effect the stock of the company as the building has been gradually charged off to deterioration until the entire cost has been eliminated.

Plan for a modern office building and possibly a hotel, to take the place of the burned structure are already being considered, but it is practically conceded that some years will elapse before the city will again be able to boast an opera house, as the one destroyed has never been a paying proposition.

College Opera Company Has Close Call.
The Agricultural College Opera company rendered the "Mikado" to a packed house in the building Tuesday night, and the performance was to have been repeated last night. Every seat had been sold and what the result would have been if the fire had broken out three hours later is appalling to consider.

The Golden Rule Store is perhaps the heaviest loss outside of the building proper. They carried a stock estimated at $20,000, and this was partly covered by $11,000 insurance. Part of the east wall succumbed to the terrific heat and came down with a crash about 9 o'clock last night, and preparations to raze the remaining walls will be made at once.

Too much cannot be said in praise of the efforts of the local fire laddies, and the men who so willingly struggled for hours to render any service of which they were capable. Altogether it was an effort worthy of true men and speaks well for the citizenship of our community.
--The Logan Republican, April 18, 1912, p. 1.

April 20, 1912 – front page article - “THE GREAT FIRE IS NOW A MEMORY.”
{With the front page article were two photographs of the fire: First, “Photo by Torgenson” with caption “Thatcher Opera House and Bank Building in Flames.” It showed the structure largely hidden by smoke with a large number of spectators watching from across the street on Tabernacle Square with three tall electric light poles in the scene. One fire hose was spraying water at the main entrance of the bank building with two additional hoses spraying their water along the Center Street side of the building. The second picture was a “Photo by Rabe” with the caption “View of Thatcher Bank Building during Wednesday’s Fire.” There was much less smoke and steam with possibly some flames in this picture coming from the upper floors from its eastern side. The firemen with hoses were spraying water on the east and north sides of the building.}

Various Firms Find New Locations. Walls to be Razed at Once. College Boys Do Good Work.
With the exception of the Golden Rule store which suffered the loss of its entire stock of goods including fixtures and furniture, the various firm which previously had been housed in the ill-fated Thatcher Bank building had all secured quarters by Thursday morning, and save for the slight inconvenience associated with such tentative arrangements were all doing business as usual before 12 o’clock noon.

The Thatcher Bros. bank had secured the ground floor in the west half of the Commercial Block and promptly at 10 o’clock Assistant Cashier John Bankhead opened the day's business by receiving a deposit from one of the bank's patrons . . . .

Many Offers of Assistance.
As an evidence of the esteem in which Thatcher Bros. bank is held by similar institutions throughout the country, a constant series of telegrams offering assistance in any amount, have been coming in to President H. E. Hatch since early Thursday morning. The very first to offer assistance were the two local banks, the Cache Valley and First National. They placed their reserve funds at the disposal of their unfortunate sister institution, and similar offers were soon forthcoming from the various banks throughout the valley. . . .[others from Salt Lake City, Ogden and even one from San Francisco did the same] . . . .

Bank in Splendid Condition.
Fortunately the bank has never before been in such good condition as at present. A trial balance struck out Thursday morning shows reserves at $973,000, just $28,000 short of a million. Available reserves aggregate 27.8 per cent are on hand at present with sufficient more available to insure ability to withstand two or three such catastrophes as that of Wednesday. In fact, Thatcher Bros. bank is shown by this report to be one of the safest in the country.

Echoes of the Fire.
Now, that the excitement of the fire has passed the calmer retrospective is bringing many admirable features to light. One that has elicited the highest praise from all quarters is the splendid work done by the boys of the Agricultural college in protecting the adjoining building from the ravages of the flames. The college responded to the call with a hose cart manned by a set of sturdy college boys, and their vigorous efforts were responsible for saving the Studebaker building and the other buildings on the south, including the city light office, Thatcher Music store and Crystal theatre. Many deeds of personal heroism characterized the even and too much cannot be said of the brave fire laddies who worked so faithfully far into the night.

May Build Skyscraper.
What manner of building will replace the one destroyed has not yet been decided. It is possible that a modern steel office building may be erected on the spot, although nothing definite is forthcoming at present. The site has been fenced to protect pedestrians from possible injury and arrangements for razing the fire-cracked walls are now being made.
--The Logan Republican, April 20, 1912.

April 20, 1912 - "Mayor Hayball Extends Thanks."
Mayor Hayball called at The Republican office yesterday and requested that this paper extend thanks, on behalf of the commissioners, to all citizens who assisted in fighting the fire which recently destroyed the Thatcher Bank building. They mayor was extremely lavish in his praise of the citizens in general, the good behavior of the crowd, and feels that the community ought to congratulated that the fire was confined to the bank building. He especially desired that we commend the work of the boys from the Agricultural college, who saved the Studebaker building and otherwise did heroic work. We are glad to voice the sentiments of the mayor, and in doing so we feel like dropping a word of commendation for him. He it was who practically assumed charge, and now that the things is over his work stands out prominently as the work of a calm, cool, deliberate man. They mayor, with the rest of the good people, did their work well, and are entitled to the congratulation and commendations of all.
--The Logan Republican, April 20, 1912, p. 1.

April 20, 1912 - page 4 editorial on “The Big Fire.”
That was certainly some fire, and it took with it everything that could be burned. The building was left a total wreck, and within a short time the work of removing the debris will begin, and before another snow the finest structure that ever was built in Logan, the great business block that has stood since 1889 as a monument to those splendid men whose name it bore--George W. and Moses Thatcher--will be wiped out of existence, and from its ruins will arise another structure that will be as far ahead of anything in Logan today as the building just burned was ahead of those in its day. Just what the plans are we are not prepared to say, but it requires no prophet to predict that the future of that historic corner will be no less prominent, less promising and less successful than its past. Ever since Logan was a city all roads have led to that corner. Its name has been on every lip, all comers have look at it and admired it. It has been the Mecca of the laborer, the business man, the millionaire, and all classes have flocked to it for an evening's enjoyment. Is past has been a strenuous one. The men who built it possessed the brain and brawn to make things go. They were successful and of the class of which empires are made, and unto their successors they transmitted these characteristics as an eternal legacy forever. Its future destiny is as plain as the noonday sun, and this generation will take pleasure and pride in gazing upon a structure on that matchless corner that will be a credit to Logan and Cache county. What a blessing it was that the fire did not occur a few hours before when the opera house was full of people witnessing the A.C.U. opera, or a few hours later when it would have been filled again? The entire loss is one of dollars and cents which can be replaced, and which will be replaced in short order, and the great blessing is that all lives connected with the affair were saved. Conditions are such that the losers can face the future with hope, for they have everything at their command necessary to insure progress and success.
--The Logan Republican, April 20, 1912, p. 4.

April 23, 1912 - "Bank Directors Meet and Take Steps to Erect New Building."
The directors of the Thatcher Bros.' Banking company held their firs meeting yesterday since the big fire and took action on preliminaries for new building. Directors David Eccles of Ogden and James Mack of Ogden, together with the local directors, were present. President H. E. Hatch immediately brought the condition of the company to the attention of the directors and a statement of an architect who had examined the burned building was submitted to the effect that it should be razed to the ground before rebuilding. A committee . . . as appointed to confer with architects and builders as to plans and Specification of different buildings, to make estimates of rentals and incomes from various sources, also to consider the plan of selling the property to a company that would build a modern structure, and to make recommendation in general. It was the consensus of opinions that the bank should not erect more than a two-story building. Pending the report of the committee the president was authorized to proceed at once to raze the building down to a point of safety, to perhaps the first story, and this work will go on without delay. The opinion of the directors that the bank should not build more than two stories is based on actual returns from the building of the past, and estimated returns from the building of the future. In other words this matter was considered for purely business standpoint shorn completely of every vestige of sentiment. The building of the past has not been a success as far as the opera house part of it was concerned, and this feature was therefore not considered as even one of the possibilities in the erection of the new building. With the space not needed by the bank in all probability one floor of officers will be all that conditions will warrant, as rents are not high in Logan, and even now a great many offices are untenanted.

In saying that the opera house part of the building was not a success we mean financially. Socially and educationally it was a complete success and will be greatly missed. And in saying it was not a success financially no reflection is cast upon the wisdom and foresight of the honored men who built it. Messrs. George W. and Moses Thatcher knew just as well the day they approved the plans for the structure that the opera house would not pay, as they knew it did not pay after five years of operation. They were public spirited men; they were leaders in the business and social world, and felt in time that the city and county would need and demand just such a playhouse, and that in time it would pay a small return on the investment. As the time went on, and the city and county grew their plans and expectation began to be realized. It was then that the matter of insurance began eating up the profits. Insurance rates were so high on playhouses of this kind that for a time the house was uninsured, but such conditions could not maintain long, as too much valuable property was a stake to go uninsured. It then developed that to close the house and remove the scenery, etc., in order that the building might be insured at lower rates would be to the advantage of the company, but the house was built for the social and educational welfare of the community in which its founders had spent their lives, and although it has been a hard struggle for the owners to break even, they have maintained it in the line for which it was built, and now that the flames have destroyed the structure, the Thatcher opera house has fulfilled its mission, and the future theatres will be built and operated under different conditions.

That it was the best in the state in cities of the size of Logan goes without saying. That it was better than any in the great majority of cities larger than Logan throughout the intermountain country is true. "When, oh when, will we have such another?" When conditions are such that men can sit down around a table and figure out a return on the investment. When that time arrives Logan will have another opera house.
--The Logan Republican, April 23, 1912, p. 1.

* * * *

A brief review of the fire at the Thatcher Bank Building with supplemental information from other sources will hopefully give additional information and a better perspective of the situation. The focus will be primarily from the point of view of the structure and fighting the fire. The rectangular building was built in 1889 and 1890, finished for complete use in the fall of 1890. It measured fifty feet wide (running east and west) and one hundred feet in length (north and south) extending along Main Street. The building’s exterior was three stories in height and constructed of red brick trimmed with white stone with its more decorative features around windows and entrances along its double-front bordering its Main Street or eastern side and the north side that paralleled the east-west street (originally Second Street but renamed Center Street). There were public entrances to the structure on both its eastern and northern sides. In the interior the building was heated by steam and its opening was delayed so the electric lights system could be installed, thus, a network of steam and water pipes and electric wires coursed through the structure. The two upper stories were devoted to the Thatcher Opera House that had a seating capacity of 800. The main entrance to the opera house was at the southeastern portion of the structure off Main Street where a large stairway led to the second floor and the large theater auditorium with a sloping floor, balcony, special seating boxes and associated rooms for dressing, scenery storage, etc. The first floor was devoted to the Thatcher Brothers Bank and areas designated for rental. The bank occupied around half of the available space with two areas of special notice, a sizeable board of directors room and the vault situated at the rear or south end of the bank. Initially in 1890 two sizeable areas had been leased to stores—a 25 x 60 feet space and a 25 x 45 feet area—were specified.

Under the first floor was a “large and airy basement” that had some of this lower area to be used as “a bath room and barber shop,” along with providing space for storage, the heating equipment and access to the steam and water pipes and electrical wiring, etc. An 1890 newspaper article described the building by saying: “The whole building is lighted by the Thompson-Houston incandescent lighting system. It is heated by steam and has water all through it, together with hose connections in every part of the house in case of fire, though by reason of the use of electricity alone, there is hardly any possible danger of fire.” The newspaper bragged about the opera house’s acoustics and in details described the extensive use of wood in structural and decorative components of the building’s interior which if ever on fire would burn with intensity. (The Logan Journal, Sept. 20, 1890).

Twenty-two years later in 1912, the bank was still in operation on the first floor but only one store operated in the building—The Golden Rule Mercantile, that would change its name in 1913 to J. C. Penney. It hasn’t been ascertained whether this store had the larger or smaller store area, but apparently the other initial store space had been subdivided into offices for the Logan City marshal, the Crockett Abstract Company, the Promontory-Curlew Land Company, the Farmers’ Utah Loan Association, the H. S. Hatch Real Estate Company and the Thatcher Opera House. The basement had also changed with no bathing or barbering facilities, but some of the basement space was used for an extensive inventory of goods sold by the Golden Rule store. On Tuesday, April 16, 1912, the bank and businesses operating within the Thatcher Bank Building operated as normal while in the evening of that day the Utah Agricultural College opera company, or better music department, gave performance of a Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera to a packed house of college students with a second performance scheduled for Wednesday evening for the general public. On Wednesday afternoon an employee of the Golden Rule store went into the basement and discovered much smoke in the entire basement and a quick search for the source saw only a smoldering flame in a “pile of rubbish,” which the newspaper accounts thought wasted time before reporting the fire. The fire was reported to the fire department that consisted of a single full-time paid member, and after the alarm bell was rung, the firemen volunteers assembled and rushed with their equipment to the bank building. While some of the firemen connected fire hoses to the fire hydrants, others went to search out the fire in the Golden Rule’s storage area in the basement. The first sign of a fire was found in the smoke that filled the basement, but repeated tries to discover the source of the fire was prevented by the immense amount of smoke and heat denied access to the basement. Either from the oral report of the Golden Rule employee who discovered the fire and/or subsequently learned in piecing together the fire scene later, the fire’s origin had come in a restricted area of the storage area that was “so completely blocked with boxes and empty dry goods,” possibly empty dry good boxes, that it was “nigh impossible” to get water from the fire hoses to effectively fight the fire. According the newspaper report “considerable time” was lost in the search for the source of the fire and its burning pathway.

When first noticed and reported around 4:45 p.m. the fire was well on it way, but it wasn’t until the flames burst through the first floor of the building that the firemen could begin to direct the water from their fire hoses on the fire. The progress of the fire was now graphically visible in the windows of the ground floor and would all too soon move from floor to floor to roof. By this time the firemen had laid four lines of hoses from the city’s fire hydrants; however, it became quickly apparent that the bank building could not be saved and possibly a large portion of the business district could be swept by the blaze. Soon after the firemen and their equipment arrived at the building, a crowd of spectators formed to watch the fire with a significant number of citizens volunteering to assist however they could. This created a three pronged effort besides the fire department’s four fire hoses which continuously sprayed water on the blazing flames. Perhaps the first and earliest effort was by people working in the bank building assisted by concerned citizens in removing whatever they could from the bank and most of the offices and piling it outside. Eventually this was extended to the adjacent buildings threatened by the blaze. Next were hurried calls for assistance with the fire, telephone calls were placed to the fire departments at Salt Lake City and Ogden. Nothing other than advice came from the biggest city farther away, but Ogden responded with positive prompt action. Having the biggest railroad center in the state the Ogden fire department arranged for a special train made up on a single coach and a flat car. One of their steamer pumps was loaded on the flat car and tied down along with 2000 feet of hose. Five firemen boarded the coach to set up and operate their fire apparatus. The special train left Ogden at 7 p.m.; however, when they arrived at Brigham City they received word that the large fire was under control and they could forego the trip to Logan and returned home.( The Evening Standard (Ogden, Ut.), April 18, 1912). The last element was actions taken to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings. Three adjacent buildings, the Thatcher Music Store and the Studebaker building to the south and the Co-operative Drug store to the west, were in the closest and greatest danger. Whether responding to a call for help or volunteering on their own the U.A.C. students came with their own hose cart and some willing students and attached their hose to a fire hydrant not being used and worked tirelessly spraying water on the two buildings south of the burning edifice. A number of volunteer citizens used buckets to carry water and small garden hoses to keep the drug store from catching fire. Others watched for any flaming particles wafting by the breeze from the huge fire onto nearby roofs and ensured they were extinguished.

This coordinated cooperative effort contained the contagion to the bank building and prevented its spreading to other buildings. By 7:30 p.m. the terrible fire seemed to Logan officials to be contained within the brick walls of the structure to the point that Ogden was notified that their assistance with battling the fire was not needed. From the outside the firemen almost continuously sprayed water on the building and into it through the windows and doorway in an effort to possibly prevent a great burst of sparks and burning materials to float over to other buildings. The flames consumed the content of the first floor and moved through the ceiling into the second floor into the spacious theater comprising the second and third stories. The relentless flames reached the roof of the structure and when consumed, made a massive open chimney for what was in essence a huge brick furnace. Around 9 p.m. the terrific heat within the walls of the bank building, along with the loss of burned structural components, caused part of the eastern wall to fall. Bit by bit the burning remains of the first floor caved into the accumulated heap at the lower level followed by the ceiling-floor above and then the roof depositing tons of fiery timbers, flooring, melted girders, hot bricks, etc., to pile up at the lower tier of the furnace-like structure contained within four brick walls. Presumably the concentration of the burning material with the immense heat accelerated the burning. With no clock time given only that “at a late hour” the fire was completely extinguished, ending the great fire that was discovered around 4:45 p.m. and burned away for another eight hours. With the coming of daylight the haunting brick walls of the burned out structure stood out as useless and dangerous.

As soon as the interior could be penetrated, firemen and others concerned went inside the walls and made their way to the bank’s vault area and cleaned the debris away preparatory to opening the vault. From close visual observation it appeared the vault had withstood the fire but there remained the fear that the terrific heat for such a long time could have damaged the contents. Time was allowed for the vault to cool down until around 11 a.m. when the vault was opened with great interest and “the bank’s treasure was found to be intact.” All the money, notes, securities, papers and some items such as adding machines, typewriters and other items stored inside the vault were undamaged.
(--The Evening Telegram (Salt Lake City, Ut.), April 18, 1912; The Preston Booster (Preston, Idaho), Apr. 18, 1912.)

In the immediate aftermath of the great loss from the fire, a writer of one of Logan’s newspapers wrote about “Echoes of the Fire,” concentrating on how fortunate the community was in the admirable volunteer efforts of the many who responded to assist in keeping the fire from spreading and the tireless efforts of the local fire department. Although the above writer didn’t expand his coverage of the “echoes” to include another aspect, his editor did writing about the big fire and what kind of building should replace the one destroyed, and it would be well-worth reading his editorial of April 20, 1912, included in the opening of this article. The editor heaped praise and honors on the Thatcher family that had given the area so much more than just a bank. Declaring they had started something that couldn’t just pass away, for unto this family successors had been transmitted the same “characteristics as an eternal legacy forever.” Hence the future destiny was “as plain as the noonday sun” that on that same “matchless corner” would arise another structure that would be more than a bottom line bank. Those more-than-bottom-line dreams and hopes were dashed three days later when the bank directors took their initial steps planning of a new building determined to see returns on investment as the guiding force, (the article on the bank directors was also included at the opening of this article). The new Thatcher Bank building, constructed on the site of the burned building, was opened in 1915 with additional construction of a second story for a hotel finished in 1917. The Thatcher Brothers Banking Company continued but the Thatcher family interest and money were no longer in control. With Moses Thatcher’s church troubles and his death in 1906, the Thatchers had withdrawn most of their moneys. However, the Thatcher family spirit remained strong as the family built the Lyric Theater, a Victorian-style structure, in 1913 on the Thatcher block that seated 388 and was billed “the showplace of Northern Utah.” A decade later they had the Capital Theater constructed.

Perhaps the strongest echo of the big 1912 fire related to Logan’s future and fate with much focus on the situation of fires that produced a bold movement to improve the local fire department with better equipment and nudged the community toward making firemen full time paid professionals.


To set the stage for the next big step in the improvement of fire equipment in Logan possibly a few items should be considered. By this time Logan’s population was about 8,000 and with the increase in size, the dangers of fire also increased requiring better protection. Into this mix on Sunday night of June 11, 1911, came a fire fed by gasoline that swept through the Schaub Garage destroying six automobiles and causing a thousand dollars of damage to the building for a total property loss of $11,000. A fire alarm to the fire department located just across the street brought the usual scurrying of volunteers to the fire station with resultant confusion as they attempted to rush to the fire. The firemen brought out their hose cart and started to pull it by hand to the scene of the fire but suddenly ran into a pile of gravel in the street that had been dumped but not spread out in a thin layer that turned their cart “topsy turvy.” It was twenty minutes before the first water from the firemen’s hose could be directed to fight the flames. Fortunately none of the gasoline tanks exploded.
(-- The Logan Republican, June 13, 1912).

By 1907 the first internal combustion engine fire apparatus was built in the United States, and within five years newspapers and the grapevine spread the news of the superiority of motor-truck transport over that of horses. This included the motor driven fire engines being introduced in the bigger cities. The Logan Republican newspaper had such an article on October 12, 1911. The Salt Lake newspapers told of the move by the Salt Lake City Fire Department to obtain an “automobile combination engine, truck, chemical and hose wagon,” to be used in fighting fires, citing the experience of a recent fire in January of 1911. The fire was three and a half miles from the nearest fire station and the early morning run was made in good time, leaving “badly winded” horses. After the fire equipment was in use for an hour and a half, it traveled the same distance back to the station. While a motorized fire engine could have cut the time drastically. By the summer of 1911 Salt Lake City had their first motor addition to their fire department with plans for more and by 1912 they were numbering their motorized equipment. For the most part there was little complaint about the performance of the motorized fire engines, although one stalled out en route to a fire in Salt Lake City. It was later discovered the engine had been used in a race car in Florida, then refitted as a fire engine for a New York City fire department, but when rejected was then sold to Salt Lake City. However, that was a minor problem with the biggest and longer ruckus over the mayor’s involvement in the purchase, and who received the windfall commission profit paid by the city. By New Year’s Day of 1912 most Cache County people would have had some knowledge of the above.
(-- The Evening Telegram (Salt Lake City, Ut.), Jan. 20, 1911, Sept. 25, 1912, Oct. 17, 1912. The Salt Lake Herald-Republican, Oct. 11, 1911, Oct. 15, 1911).

When the great Thatcher Bank Building fire occurred in mid-April of 1912, many people feared that the whole business district of Logan could have been wiped out. The large fire and attendant worries formed a significant backdrop to any and all thoughts of fire protection in Logan. Two or three days after this fire Logan’s Mayor H. G. Hayball addressed a letter to the Mayor of Ogden expressing many thanks and appreciation for their willingness and prompt action to respond to Logan’s call for help when they felt they would be unable to control the fire with the fire equipment at Logan. Mayor Hayball stated, “but luck seemed to favor us along the lines that there was no wind and through the valuable assistance of the citizens helping us to protect other buildings adjoining” the burning bank building. Hayball offered to pay Ogden’s expenses in preparation for that assistance before Logan advised them it was no longer needed. Ogden Mayor A. G. Fell responded with a letter assuring Logan that if such an emergency arose again they would render whatever assistance they could. Fell then wrote: “There is no charge against your city.” Surely these two favors deserved some remembrance and reciprocity. (The Logan Republican, April 27, 1912).

The Thatcher Bank Building fire gave the city leaders deep concern to improve the situation in their community. They did some small things immediate like approving the extension of the water works main line into the northeast section of the city. In addition they called the community’s attention to excessive use of city water even after the sounding of a fire alarm and reminded the citizens of the city ordinance that ordered all hydrants and taps be turned off promptly after a fire alarm was sounded so as to not reduce the water pressure available for fire fighting. (The Logan Republican, May 9, 1912, June 29, 1912).

However, the city leaders knew that something more should be done and they focused on the fire equipment the city possessed or the lack thereof. They believe their city needed some modern equipment, and they were astute enough to avoid the troubles experienced in Salt Lake City in 1911or the year long controversy that beset Logan in early 1890s when the city bought their chemical fire engine. The leaders forged ahead seeking information but ensured they had plenty of support before making their final decision. One of their advantages happened in 1912 when Logan City replaced its many member city council, with a three member board of commissioners who were elected in a non-partisan election. Their actions can be traced to a large degree in the local newspaper as follows:

* * * * *

July 27, 1912 - “Bids Wanted,” for a new “motor drive apparatus.”

Sealed bids will be received at the office of the city recorder of Logan City, Utah, up to and including August 20, 1912, for the furnishing of one 70 horse power, 4 cylinder, combination pumping engine, hose car, chemical engine, and hook and ladder motor drive apparatus complete. Said bids to be accompanied by full specifications. The Board of Commissioners of Logan City reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
HENRY G. HAYBALL, Superintendent of Public Safety of Logan City, Utah.
--The Logan Republican, July 27, 1912, p. 3.

Aug. 22, 1912 - “Business Men To Have Voice.”
According to a ruling by the city fathers at their regular session held Tuesday evening the business men of Logan will be given a voice on the purchase of the Motor Fire and Hose Car now under consideration. Bids were furnishing the designed apparatus were opened at the last meeting of the Commissioners and were recorded on the minute book as follows:

The Ahrens Fox Fire Engine company of Cincinnatti (sic Cincinnati), Ohio, $10,600; Studebaker Bros. company of Logan $9000;
American La France Fire Engine company of Elmira, N.Y., $8000; (sic .)

Feeling the importance of the car for the proper protection of the city but realizing keenly the present financial embarrassment of the city, the Commissioners by unanimous consent decided to ask the advice of the business men of Logan before placing the order. A motion therefore framed as follows passed the board:

"Moved that the matter of further consideration of the bids be deferred until the first Tuesday in October 1912; and that the recorder be instructed to write President H. E. Hatch of the Commercial Boosters club [forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce] asking him to call a special meeting of the business men of Logan City for the first Wednesday in September to get an expression from them relative to the purchase of the proposed fire apparatus.”
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 22, 1912, p.1.

Aug. 24, 1912 – an editorial on “What is there In Common.”
Mayor and Democratic County Chairman Hayball took Bull Moose John A. Sneddon and others of the Moose following over to Hyrum Thursday evening in his auto to listen to the Hon. William Glasmann on the principles of Bull Mooseism. Many are wondering what there is in common between the Mayor and County Chairman and Sneddon et al. Is it in hopes of something in the future of [? or] just an effort to settle for services rendered in the past?
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 24, 1912.

Sept. 7, 1912 - “Boosters Favor Fire Apparatus.” And think Logan has “poorest equipment.”
Heartily Approve Plans of City Commissioners. Suggest Purchase of Motor Fire Equipment. Mayor Hayball To Attend Fire Engineers Convention in Denver.

The City Commissioners met in a special meeting called by the President of the Commercial-Boosters Club to consider the advisability of purchasing a fire equipment for Logan City. A large crowd of citiezns (sic) and business men were present. After much discussions a vote was taken which was almost unanimous in favor of buying the equipment which the commissioners recommended. During the discussion the following facts were brought out: that Logan at the present time has the poorest equipment of any city of its size in the West, consequently the fire insurance rates are much higher; that as soon as the new fire equipment is installed we were guaranteed that the fire insurance rates would be ten per cent less, which would make a saving of over $1200.00 a year, besides giving better protection to all uninsured property, the value of which cannot be estimated. This saving of $1200.00 would in a few years pay for the equipment.
It was the sense of the meeting that Mayor Hayball or a representative of the city attend the International Fire Engineers Convention at Denver Sept 16 to 20, and witness the demonstrations of all the up-to-date fire fighting apparatus, particularly the one to be purchased by Logan City.
The one thing that pleased the real roosters at the meeting on Wednesday night was that the City Commissioners brought this matter to the Club, and every citizen and business man in Logan, whether a club member or not, was invited to attend the meeting. What we need the most in Logan is a strong Commercial club, and city officials who will bring public questions to the Club just as the Commissioners did in this case. If a mistake is then made we shall all have to shoulder the blame, and not be finding fault with our city officials.
We can always find a few who will find fault with everything that is done in a public way, but the doors of the Commercial-Boosters Club have always been open to the citizens of Logan to discuss public questions, and will should be willing to stand by the decisions of the majority.
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 7, 1912, p. 1.

Sept. 12, 1912 - “Lower Rates Are Promised.” – for fire insurance.
Insurance Board Promises Material Reduction in Rates Provide New Fire Apparatus Is Installed

If Logan City will make the effort for a reasonable means of fire protection the Board of Fire Underwriters will proceed immediately to reduce rates to such an extent that the total cost of the new equipment will be wiped out in a few years.
This, while not being the exact statement, is the sense behind the promise of the Underwriters as given recently in the address of Mr. Lawry before the meeting of the business men of the community held at the Booster club rooms. At that time Mr.Lawry stated that a material reduction in insurance rates would be sure to follow any movement looking to better protection of property against the danger of fire. Since then many comments as to the exact meaning of the gentleman's words have been indulged some claiming that his statement was not accepted as meaning that definite action would be taken by the Board of Fire Underwriters but the following letter received by President Hatch recently places the matter beyond all controversy. The letter follows:

Salt Lake City, Sept. 7, 1912
Mr. H E. Hatch, President
Commercial-Booster Club, Logan Utah.

Dear Sir: I beg to confirm oral statement made by the writers at last Wednesday's special meeting of the Commercial-Boosters club of your city as follows:
If the city purchases the motor driven combination chemical hose wagon, pumping engine and ladder truck contemplated and adds at least one more full paid member to the fire department making three full paid men in all, [emphasis added] this office will reduce the fire insurance rates of the business section of the town approximately 10 per cent.
Yours truly/ GEO. V. LAWRY. District Secretary.
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 12, 1912, p. 8.

NOTE: There was a stipulation to add one more paid employee to the previous two man fire department in Logan.

Sept. 24, 1912 - p. 1 under “Mayor Hayball Returns Home.”
Mayor H. G. Hayball who attended the convention of the International association of Firemen held at Denver, September 16-20, returned home Saturday evening. He reports a busy week and returns fully convinced that Logan will do well to invest in motor fire fighting equipment. More than six hundred fire chiefs were present at the convention and witnessed demonstrations from every type and model of motor fire engines in the United States. According to the Mayor, not one piece of horse drawn equipment was shown by any company. Sometime within the next few weeks Mayor Hayball will issue his written report on his findings together with his recommendations to the people of Logan."
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 24, 1912, p. 1.

Oct. 17, 1912 - “City Purchases Motor Fire Engine.”
American La France Company Receives Order For $9,000 Car. Letter of Thanks To Business Men Mayor Hayball's Report.
Logan is to have the latest improved fire fighting equipment. Such was the decision of the city commissioners at a meeting held yesterday morning at which bids of many companies were received and the merits of various motor cars revealed by company representatives. Following a report by Mayor Hayball on his finding at the International exhibit of fire fighting equipment held at Denver last month a motion that the city purchase the American La France motor fire engine at an approximate cost of $9,000 was passed unanimously by the board. A representative of the company was in the city, hence the order was at once placed delivery to be made April 1, 1913.

We print herewith the Mayor’s letter of thanks to the Commercial Boosters through their president, also the Mayor’s request to the Board of City Commissioners:
Logan, Utah, Oct. 14, 1912.
Mr. H. E. Hatch,
Prest. Coml. Boosters Club.,

Dear Sir:
Herewith find attached a copy of the report submitted to the City Commission of my findings of the various fire fighting equipments that were shown at Denver during my recent visit there and I wish at this time to thank you and the Commercial Boosters club and the citizens of Logan for their interest shown in this matter as I feel that in matters of expenditure of the city’s funds for the betterment of the conditions of the citizens of Logan that the Logan City Commission cannot afford to take hold of matters necessitating the expenditure of large sums of money, which in their judgment would be for the good of the community, without first submitting the same for the approval or rejection of a class of citizens such as is represented by the Commercial Boosters Club and heavy tax payers of Logan City.

I am yours respectfully,
Supt. of Public Safety, / Mayor of Logan City.

Logan, Utah, Oct. 14, 1912.
Board of City Commission,
Gentlemen: As Chairman on Public safety, I herewith submit the following report of my findings on fire fighting machinery exhibited at Denver during the Convention of the International [p.8] Association of Fire Engineers at their 40th annual convention . . . . Will say that all fire fighting equipments shown . . . were motor driven. . . . The following manufacturing companies were represented: Robinson Fire Apparatus Manufacturing Co., American La France Fire Engine Co., The Web Co., The Gordon-Seagrave Co., The Ahrens-Fox Co. These engines were all tested out at the municipal repair shop at Denver. The suction hose being about ten feet below the sidewalk drawing water from a cistern that was furnish with water from the city mains.

I am not at this time in possession of the actual efficiency of the different pumps but the committee in charge will have these various tests all compiled within the next few days and the same will be published in the fire and engineering journals. But I will say that with the aid of Chief Bywater of Salt Lake City and Chief Canfield of Ogden, I made a very careful study and investigation of all the apparatus shown on the floor, and feel to recommend to the Logan City Commission and also to the citizens of Logan, the purchase of a six cylinder combination car of about 100 horse power, this will consist of a pump of about 700 gallons pumping capacity per minutes, a chemical tank holding about 40 gallons of chemicals with 250 feet of hose for same, with room in the body of the machine for carrying 1000 feet of 2 1/2 inch hose, also two ladders besides all tools and other equipment too numerous to mention in this report. Will further recommend in order that Logan City may get the very best price possible to be obtained that they pay cash, after the car has been delivered and some one been taught and given full instructions how to manage same, and Logan City has made final acceptance of the car. These terms Logan City will be able to comply with as the car will not be delivered and finally accepted before May 1, 1913, as all manufactures demand from three to four months in filling contracts. I wish to again say that I believe Logan City cannot spend money that will be of more direct benefit to citizens and heavy taxpayers of the city. In protecting their property from fire and in materially reducing the insurance of the business section of the city, as we have already been assured by the secretary of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific coast that there will be at least 10 per cent reduction as soon as the equipment has been installed. This alone will make a considerable saving besides the additional security we have in the protection of property. I wish at this time in behalf of Logan City, to thank Chief Bywater of Salt Lake City, and Chief Canfield of Ogden for the generous help they gave me while at the convention.

I am yours respectfully,
Supt. of Public Safety, / Mayor of Logan City.
-- Logan Republican, October 17, 1912, pp. 1, 8.

Nov. 16, 1912 - p. 5 under "Local News."
While in Denver, recently investigating fire engines, Mayor H. G. Hayball took occasionto examine various fire fighting apparatus which he could find. Among other things he brought home a new nozzle for basement fires, which the commissioners will have until the first of the year on approval. They are now on display in the window of the Hay ball Mercantile Company. These nozzles are among the latest fire fighting patents and had this city been in possession of such equipment last spring no such fire as the Thatcher Bank building fire would have been possible.

* * *

The city fathers have just had printed a card giving the phone number of the city fire department and one of these cards will be placed in every home in the city during the next few days. Persons who have telephones are requested to have these cards placed over their telephones for ready use in case of fire. There probably is not a person in the city who does not know that the fire department phone number is No. 10 at the present time, but when a fire is started one’s memory seems to fail him and so this precaution is taken by the Mayor as a means of protecting property.
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 16, 1912, p.5.

Nov. 19, 1912 – front page notice of a fire with a piece of fire department equipment mentioned.
The fire department was called out yesterday morning, a fire having been started at the residence of L. S. Smart on South First West street. Before the arrival of the department wagon [emphasis added] however, the flames had been extinguished with but little damage. The fire started from a defective chimney.
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 19, 1912, p. 1.

Jan. 9, 1913 - “Explosion At Crockett Home.”
The freezing of water pipes in the home of Fred W. Crockett caused a terrific explosion yesterday morning just as the family were preparing to sit down to the breakfast table. Fortunately no one was hurt. The stove was blown to splinters, parts thrown through the doors, petition [sic partition] walls and out of the window. A scuttle of coal was pitched through the window. A wreck of the kitchen was made. The cause of the explosion as was stated was due to freezing of water pipes and lighting of a fire in the stove. Considerable time had elapsed after the fire was started before the explosion occurred. Breakfast had been cooked and the family had retired to the dining room to eat. The fire department made a hurried run to the scene but no fire developed from the explosion.
--The Logan Republican, Jan. 9, 1913, p.1.

March 18, 1913 - p. 1 under “Contemplate Hotel Building.”
Thatcher Brothers Banking Company Plan Modern Structure To Adorn Property Where Fire Ruined Opera House Stood.
If the present plans of the Thatcher Brothers Banking company shape themselves into constructive form, there will be erected this summer over the ruins of the Thatcher Opera House building a modern hostelry of upwards of eighty rooms . . . . if the hotel building, as now contemplated, is not erected, the vacant property, made so by the big fire of a year ago, will be adorned by a modern building of some kind before the summer is over.
--The Logan Republican, March 18, 1913, p. 1.

March 20, 1913 – “Local News.”
The Logan City fire engine which is to be delivered according to contract about April 1, is expected to be shipped the latter part of the week.
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 20, 1913, p. 5.

March 22, 1913 - “Local News.”
Fire Chief Canfield of the Ogden department has expressed a desire to be in this city [Logan] upon the arrival of our new fire engine which is expected here any day. Ogden City is now negotiating for a similar engine to the one purchased by this city.
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 22, 1913, p. 6.

March 25, 1913 - “Local News.”
Mayor H. G. Hayball has been definitely assured that the new fire engine will be shipped April 7. The motor and fire equipment will be loaded on the car at Elmira, New York and should arrive here not later than May 1.
--The Logan Republican, Mar. 25, 1913, p. 5.

April 8, 1913 - “Local News.”
A fire of unknown origin broke out in a small house at the corner of Fourth West and Second South on Saturday and before the flames were entirely extinguished the roof of the building was pretty well burned off. The house was saturated with water and left in a forsaken condition. Before the fire department arrived on the scene the employees of the Borden Condense Milk Factory where using their hose to good advantage in abating the flames. The residence belonged to man living in Bear Lake, but was occupied b y a Worley family at the time of the fire.
--The Logan Republican, April 8, 1913, p. 5.

April 17, 1913 - p. 5 under “Local News.”
The fire department was given a hurry up call yesterday morning to the Third ward where the roof of Herman Spence’s house had taken fire through a stove pipe starting a blaze. There was a damage of five dollars.
--The Logan Republican, April 17, 1913, p. 5.

April 29, 1913 - “Electric Wires Start a Fire.”
Home Occupied by Children. Mother in Chicago On Visit. Kitchen Roof Destroyed.
Originating from defective electric wiring, a fire started about 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon in the Melvin J. Ballard home on West First North street and before the flames were extinguished by the fire department the roof of the kitchen had almost burned off. The home is occupied at the present time by the family of Mrs. Barbara Amussen, Mrs. Amussen now being in Chicago on a visit. The furniture was all removed from the house, the latter being left drenched with water and otherwise torn up though the lath and plaster falling in the rooms next to the room burning. Mayor H. G. Hayball was at the scene and organized the men into a carrying brigade which assisted the children in charge of the home in placing the furniture into the rooms which were not damaged by the fire or water.
--The Logan Republican, April 29, 1913, p. 1.

May 31, 1913 - “New Fire Fighting Equipment Has Been Unloaded at Ogden.”
Should Arrive in Logan Sunday. Demonstration Will be Given in Ogden Today. Has Appearance of Being a Powerful Machine. Reduction in Fire Insurance Premiums Is Said to Follow. Will Test Motor at A.C. on Monday.

Mayor H. G. Hayball has returned from Ogden where he has been on business connected with the new fire engine which was unloaded there on Thursday and the Mayor says it has the outward appearance of being a powerful machine. Fireman Smith has gone to Ogden to be present at the demonstration which will be given today and the engine will be bought to this city Sunday. On Monday it will be taken to the Agricultural College for a tryout. The Mayor is well pleased with its general appearance and says it has a number of improvements over the machine he saw in operation at Denver. . . . After much persuasion, Mayor Hayball of Logan granted Chief Canfield the privilege of demonstrating the engine in Ogden on Saturday. After the exhibition it will be sent to Logan.

To show what can be done in pumping water from a pond or cistern in case there are no hydrants, two lines of hose will be turned into the fountain in the Central park and the auto engine will be put to work pumping out the water and forcing it thru the hose. As a second test, the engine will be connected with the hydrant at the Reed Hotel corner and a stream of water will be directed to the roof of the hotel. . . .[many on hand to see the demonstration ] The pumping apparatus of the engine is operated by the same engine that propels the machine and is capable of pumping 800 gallon per minute. Connected to a city hydrant, it will raise the pressure of the stream thrown from the hose from 75 pounds to 160 pounds. The pump can throw twice as much water upon a fire as can a hose leading from an Ogden hydrant. The engine is equipped with a motor capable of developing 105 horse power.

The big auto was unloaded this after noon and will be given a tryout through the streets of Ogden by the demonstrator, G. A. Raynes who is accompanying the machine from the factory.
--The Logan Republican, May 31, 1913, p. 1.


1). After the demonstration in Ogden, the new fire engine was loaded on a railroad car of the Utah Northern Railroad and headed northward passing through Brigham City then into Cache County. The news of the fire engine on the train brought observers to see the sight. An article in the Box Elder newspaper later recorded this sentiment: “A look at the magnificent fire motor belonging to Logan City, which passed thru Brigham on Sunday a week ago, was sufficient to create a feeling of envy. Wish Brigham had one too.”
(-- The Box Elder News, June 12, 1913).

The information concerning Logan purchasing an expensive fire engine was known there for many months with the Brigham City Fire Department telling their city they wanted a fire engine powered by a gasoline engine, citing the facts that Logan had ordered a $9,000 machine, Ogden had also ordered one and wanted another one and Salt Lake City had one giving perfect satisfaction plus stating insurance rates would also improve. The city leaders basically wanted the new fire equipment but money was scarce. So in mid-August of 1913 their city leaders unanimously decided to purchase from the Brigham Auto Supply Company a truck for $1,600 and have it fitted or modified with the apparatus for fire fighting by local blacksmiths and mechanics. By Christmas of 1913 the Brigham City Fire Department had their automotive fire engine in operation.
(-- The Box Elder News, Feb. 6, 1913, Aug. 14, Dec. 25, 1913.)

2). The American LaFrance Fire Engine Company became a premier fire equipment company and the roots of its business go well back into the nineteenth century. They built hand pumpers, horse-drawn steamers, hose wagons, hook and ladder apparatus, chemical fire engines, water towers and combinations. They continued to grow and take-over smaller companies (they bought out the Holloway Chemical Fire Engine Co., who made the chemical engine bought by Logan in 1892). In 1903 the LaFrance Engine Company joined the American Fire Engine Company to become the American LaFrance Fire Engine Company. When fire departments nationwide began asking for self-propelled machines to replace horse-drawn fire equipment, the company began to experiment with new designs utilizing gasoline instead of steam to provide all power. By the 1912-1913 period the American LaFrance Company was like every other company being in a learning mode with the new power engines and the various combination apparatus.

3). A few of the details of the new fire engine’s arrival in Logan come from a Hayball family story. In early June of 1913 the train with the fire engine went to Logan and was unloaded on 6th West Street. When the one hundred horsepower internal combustion engine was started it made such a loud noise that people gathered to see what the raucous was all about. Observers at the depot area wondered it the noise could be heard all the way on College Hill. Mayor Hayball climbed up on the fire engine as a passenger and rode it up Center Street to the main business area and then north to the fire department building. This grand entrance gave many more of the city’s residents their first view of the new piece of fire fighting equipment and primed their interest in the forthcoming demonstrations. Whether the citizens realized it at the time, Logan was the second community in the State of Utah to have such vehicle, coming after Salt Lake City’s purchase of one in the summer of 1911.

June 3, 1913 - “New Engine Has Arrived.”
Came in From Ogden On Sunday. Water Squirted About the Streets Yesterday.
At U.A.C. Today. The new $10,000 motor fire engine recently purchased from the American LaFrance Fire Engine company of Elmira, New York, arrived in the city Sunday from Ogden where it was given a test on Saturday forenoon the demonstrators for the company, including N. P. Cornell, representing the sales department gave a few simple tests of what could be done with the engine by pumping water from the canal and from hydrants. From the Thatcher Mill race, the engine pumped water through 650 feet of hose and delivered 70 pounds of pressure at the end of an inch and half nozzle. From the hydrants at the corner of First North and Main, over 840 gallons per minute were forced through the hose and a stream delivered fully twenty feet higher than the First National Bank building. The machine is very attractive and a large crowd gathered to see it in operation. Mayor Hayball had charge of the exhibition yesterday. A demonstration will be given at the U.A.C. today. It was not learned yesterday who will be given charge of the motor for the city, but in all probability some experience mechanic will be imported as it is a very intricate piece of machinery.
--The Logan Republican, June 3, 1913, p. 1.

June 5, 1913 - An editorial under “The Fire Engine.”
The new engine otherwise known as the Ten Thousand Dollar Beauty, has arrived and has been racing, puffing, snorting and squirting around the streets for the past few days. The machine apparently measures up to specification in looks, power and equipment. She is a wonder to throw the water and handles lots of it. In fact during the demonstrations so much water has been used that certain parts of the residence district have been without water, and the A. C. was short of the colorless fluid at the time of holding the Alumni Banquet on Tuesday.

The question is being asked w hat good is the engine without water, and is apparently in order. Inquisitors should get too hasty however as we understand Commissioner Lindqist (sic) has in mind a $97,000 improvement in the water system this fall. Why not get the water first is asked by another? Well perhaps that would have been better, but “quit your kickin” and give Engineer Fred Smith a chance to put the machine to use. Perhaps Fred can devise a way to make the machine throw fire powder, or extinguishing dust and thus prove a great boon to the city. At least let us hope the money will be well spent.
--The Logan Republican, June 5, 1913, p. 4.

June 7, 1913 - p. 5 under “Local News.”
Fire Groom Resigns--George Shelton, assistant to the fire chief, who has been taking care of the city fire team, has resigned his position to accept a position with the government. He will remain with the city, however, until an adjustment is made by the Mayor, when he will take up his duties as janitor at the local post office.
--The Logan Republican, June 7, 1913, p. 5.

June 10, 1913 - Another editorial “Where There’s a Will There’s a Way.”
The above is respectfully referred to the city commissioners, more particularly in the consideration of the water question. We note that the city attorney says that the bond capacity of the city is within $13,000 of the limit which holds out but little hope for assistance from this source. There is left, however, the tax method and sale of city property, and from the fact that sale of bonds will not give any material assistance the commissioners should not rest from their labors and allow this important matter to languish.

Sometime ago the commissioners conceived the idea of buying an auto fire engine. Did the city have the money to pay for it? No. Was the city in debt? Yes, the city was in debt on bonds, notes and overdraft. Was the city’s water supply sufficient as to justify the purchase of this engine? A great many say no. Perhaps as many say yes, but when the engine was being demonstrated certain parts of the city was without water. Under such conditions what benefit would the engine be to such localities? Without water it goes without saying that aside from being nice to look at it would be of no value. With sufficient water the engine no doubt would be a very valuable addition to the fire department and something that should receive the commendation of all, but without water it can only serve as an expensive toy [emphasis added].

Again we say did the city have the money to buy this engine? And again we say no. But the commissioners made up their minds to buy it. They had the “will” to do so and “where there’s a will there’s a way.” The engine was purchased and the city will pay for it. And this water question must be considered in the same way. If the commissioners have the “will” there will be the “way”. . . .

We are not criticising [sic criticizing] the work of the commissioners. We approve the steps they have taken to date on the water question, and propose to stand by them in the furtherance of this work. We think this question the paramount issue in Logan City, and trust the present commission will not let its administration close without taking definite action in the matter. We approve the purchase of a fire engine and such other fire apparatus consistent with the financial condition of the city and we are not opposed to borrowing money for such purposes, providing our water supply and necessary accessories are adequate, but we do not approve the expenditure of large sums of money for machinery and apparatus the successful operation of which depends upon water, as long as our water system is totally inadequate.
--The Logan Republican, June 10, 1913, p.4.

NOTES: First, possibly George Shelton resigning as groom for the fire department’s team was just reading the writing on the wall due to the new self-propelled fire engine, and cleaning the post office seemed a more secure employment. However, not long after this Logan City signed an agreement with the county to provide fire service to the county. The fire department’s team remained for some time in a backup capacity in case the new fire engine had been called out elsewhere.

Second, the editor of the Logan Republican had little to say, pro or con, during the period when both the city leaders and the Commercial-Boosters’ Club promoted a drive to gather support of buying the new fire engine. On June 5th and 10th the editor spoke his piece on the new fire engine. The editor’s main contention was the city was premature in purchasing the expensive fire engine when the more important need of extending the city’s water works was still inadequate. In regard to public health the editor made a good point, but from his desk he turned the city’s new fire engine into a “toy” when no water was available from the city’s water works. There were few times or places in Logan in 1913 when water from some source couldn’t be reached by the fire departments hoses. The firemen had become quite ingenious in finding sources for water.

Furthermore, maybe the editor needed to leave his office and make a few fire runs to find what the firemen faced. A very common fire call had to do with some accident, inappropriate lighting or use of stoves, improper stove pipe installation, misuse of new electrical appliances. In many of these situations the crucial factor was the speed in addressing the problem by the firemen, whether with or without the chemical engine component of the new fire engine, were able to turn an minor incident from becoming a major fire. In using the “toy” factor the editor was all wet.

July 3, 1913 - p. 5 under “Local News.”
Commissioners Hold Meeting. At the regular monthly meeting of the city Commissioners Tuesday evening, the fire chief made his quarterly report which showed a total of five fires with a gross damage of $1,300.
--The Logan Republican, July 3, 1913, p. 5.

July 22, 1913 - “Local News.”
Additional Fire Equipment--The new fire engine has been equipped with full electric lighting and with a new radiator. These attachments were missing when the motor was first installed. The mayor, however, took the matter up with the manufacturers and had them supplied.
--The Logan Republican, July 22, 1913, p. 5.

Aug. 28, 1913 - “Local News.”
Providence Fire--A fire was started in Providence Monday at midnight by lightning striking the barn belonging to Hyrum Fuhriman . . . . The Logan fire engine responded to the call for assistance on the part of Providence town, the local fire fighters together with five of the employees of the Schaub Machine Company. The Providence people have nothing but praise for the efficient service rendered, the house probably would have been consumed without this assistance.
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 28, 1913, p. 5.

Sept. 6, 1913 - “Fire Engine Did Good Service.”
The town clerk of Providence has written a letter to Logan City thanking Mayor Hayball and all . . . who so quickly responded to the call for assistance at the fire at Hyrum Fuhriman’s barn. The neighboring town appreciates the fact that Logan has such a splendid motor fire engine and to know that its officials are willing to rending assistance in case of fire, as they did the night in question. . . .
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 6, 1913, p. 1.

Sept. 25, 1913 - “Wednesday at County Fair.”
. . . One of the big features of this afternoon’s events will be a demonstration with Logan’s motor fire engine, at 2 o’clock, there having been so many requests from out of the town that Mayor H. G. Hayball consented to have a demonstration of its efficiency given.
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 25, 1913, p. 1.

Sept. 25, 1913 – “Local News.”
Insurance Premium Reduction--Inquiries have come to this office of late regarding the reduction in fire insurance premiums. The state board of fire underwriters promised a material reduction in their rates when Logan secured a new fire engine and when the city had at least three steadily employed firemen. Logan City has met all the requirements imposed by the underwriters and the question is now being asked why we are not getting the reduction as promised. This would be a good field for local agencies to get busy in.
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 25, 1913, p. 5.

Sept. 30, 1913 – “County Fair A Great Success.”
The Logan merchants and some in the county closed their stores and attended the fair. The Schaub Machine company furnished an automobile and two men who assisted during the fair in taking care of the people who desired hotel accommodations. The entire force at the garage left their work and under the direction of the Logan fire chief gave a demonstration of the wonderful fire engine at the fair grounds.
--The Logan Republican, Sept. 30, 1913, p. 1.

Oct. 4, 1913 – “Fire At Fred Jacobs Home.”
Quick Response by Fire Department. Building Was Saved From Total Ruin.
A fire alarm was turned in from the Fred Jacob's home in the Fifth ward yesterday morning and the fire department made a quick response, arriving in time to save the building from being totally consumed. The entire roof was a blaze but the heavy stream from the fire hose stripped the roof of the fire as well as the shingles. Before the water was turned on the furniture and household effects had been removed by neighbors. There was a sick child in the house when the fire started, but it was removed to one of the neighbors. Mrs. Jacobs was all broken up over the loss.
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 4, 1913, p. 1.

Oct. 16, 1913 – “Local News.”
Fire Yesterday Morning--The fire gong was sounded yesterday morning about 7:45. The department engine made a quick run to the Frank home on South Main street where paper had taken fire from an over heated stove pipe. No particular damage was done.
--The Logan Republican, Oct. 16, 1913, p. 5.

May 28, 1914 - p. 1 under "Fire Fighters Put Out Blaze."
Alarm Turned in by Alf Mitchell Yesterday Morning. Electric Iron Starts Fire.
What threatened to be a damaging fire was averted yesterday morning at $:10 a.m. by the city fire department when an alarm was turned in by Alf Mitchell. The fire was in the Keister Tailoring College apartments on North Main street, and it is said was started by an electric iron which burned down through a table and into the floor. The noise of the cracking of the timbers awakened Mr. Mitchell who has his apartment near the College.

Chief Fred Smith with five men from the Logan Garage and Supply Company made a quick run to the scene by means of hand chemicals extinguished the flames. When the fire bell began to ring, the citizens throughout the business district responded about as quick as the fire department, all anxious to assist. It is a source of congratulation to know that we have a prompt and efficient fire department under Mayor Thatcher's administration. The business men fell (sic feel) secure when they retire at nights to know that this department is so ably organized that it responds with the sounding of the alarm.

This fire should be a warning to many of electric irons as they are one of the greatest dangers we have if they are permitted to burn all night. The voltage is high at night and nine times out of ten serious results follow leaving the current on all night with an iron. The damage in this instance is about $100 to the building and about $50 to the personal property damaged.
--The Logan Republican, May 28, 1914, p. 1.

June 20, 1914 – “Hyrum Scene of Big Fire.”
Hyrum Opera House Burns Down. Loss Not Covered by Insurance $15.000. The Logan Fire Department Saves Town From Flames.
At 2 o'clock Thursday morning fire was seen to burst through the roof of the two story opera house in Hyrum. Within five minutes the fire had appeared in a dozen places on the roof and flames were spouting from every window. . . . The Hyrum fire fighters turned out in record time, but little could be done, the pressure from the gravity water system not being great enough to do much good. It was only a few minutes until the flames had spread to the Studebaker Bros. building on the east. A brisk wind was blowing and the entire business section of the town seemed doomed.

Logan Fire Department Called.
It was at this junction that someone remembered the new automobile fire engine of Logan and an alarm was turn in at once. Mayor Thatcher ordered the machine out immediately and within eight minutes after the call was turned in the Logan boys were in Hyrum connecting up their hose. Fifteen minutes later the fire was under control. The machine was in perfect order and threw its stream of water with such force that fence posts were broken off and driven half across the block. . . . . Too much credit can not be given Mayor Thatcher for the presence of mind which he displayed on this occasion. Called out of bed at 2:30 a.m. he immediately dispatched the new engine to Hyrum. Then, in order that Logan might not be left without protection, he as once secured a new crew for the old engine and held it in readiness for instant use until the new machine was back in the barn. . . .

Boquets For Fire Department
Nothing but praise can be heard in Hyrum for the prompt and effective work of the Logan fire fighters. The entrance of the machine into Hyrum was awe inspired. The electric current had been shut off for fear of live wires, and the approach of the huge engine with it bright lights travelling (sic) at the rate of 70 miles an hour--the noise of the machinery and the unearthly shrieks of the siren were terrifying in the darkness.
--The Logan Republican, June 20, 1914, p. 1.

Aug. 22, 1914 – “Providence Store Burns.”
. . . The Logan fire department was called into service as it has been on three former occasions in the county. Had they not responded promptly, the store would have been completely destroyed and perhaps other neighboring buildings as well.
--The Logan Republican, Aug. 22, 1914, p. 1.

Feb. 2, 1915 – “Smith Store Burns Down at Smithfield.”
Logan Fire Department Called Upon to Assist in Control of Flames. . . . The fire broke out at 3 a.m. but had gotten well under way before a call was made on the Logan fire department which responded and did valuable work in saving nearby residences. It was too late, however to do anything for the store. . . .
--The Logan Republican, Feb. 2, 1915, p. 2.

Nov. 20, 1915 – “Logan Fire Department Called Out.”
Two Fires Thursday evening. One at Paris Millinery and One at B. Y. College.
--The Logan Republican, Nov. 20, 1915, p. 1.

NOTE: The Logan City fire department continued fire service to all of Cache County until 1965. The city worked to move from three full time firemen in 1913 to have enough firemen at hand to man the fire equipment at a moment’s notice and trained them into professional firemen.